Estimating the Near-Membrane Concentration of Phosphodiesterase in HEK-293 Cells Jonathan McLachlan1, Tom Rich2, Silas Leavesley3, and Audi Byrne4. of Chemistry, Spring Hill College, Mobile, AL; 2Department of Pharmacology, University of South Alabama, Mobile, AL; 3Department of Chemical Engineering, University of South Alabama, Mobile, AL; 4Department of Mathematics, University of South Alabama; Abstract Cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP) is an important, ubiquitous second messenger in cells. Phosphodiesterase (PDE) is the critical family of enzymes that hydrolyze cAMP in order to modulate cAMP signaling. cAMP concentrations are thought to be compartmentalized, that is, unique at different locations throughout a cell. Because PDE reacts with specific local concentrations of cAMP within each compartment, it may be possible to estimate the concentration of a known type of PDE in a specific area of the cell. This project is focused on determining the concentration of PDE in the near plasma membrane via cAMP measurements using cyclic nucleotide-gated CNG ion channels and computer modeling techniques. The activity of CNG channels was used to estimate cAMP levels near the plasma membrane. Modeling techniques were implemented in order to estimate subcellular PDE concentrations based upon the time course and amplitude of measured cAMP signals. Results indicate that that PDE levels near the plasma membrane are substantially lower than in the rest of the cell. These results will help us to better understand how signaling specificity is achieved within the cAMP pathway. Introduction cAMP signals are known to regulate several cellular processes including gene transcription, proliferation, and regulation of endothelial barrier permeability[4]. PDE is one of the many enzymes which reacts with cAMP. Because PDE concentrations and types vary in a human cell, the rate of cAMP changes at a different rate based upon time and location in a cell; suggesting compartmentalization of cAMP. We will model this rate and determine the concentration PDE in the near plasma membrane with varying initial conditions. •Simulation Method: •A 3-D cell is modeled containing two separate compartments (bulk and near plasma membrane). •cAMP is introduced by pipette and allowed to diffuse; •Both diffusion and reaction occur at each time step •By matching the model’s outcome to the experimental data, [PDE] can be determined within a margin of error. Results -4 The Effect of DcAMP on Flux Conclusions • Mathematical models are useful when attempting to discern useful 4 information, confirm experimental results, and plan future experimentation. 3.5 •PDE concentrations in the near plasma membrane can be estimated with both experimental methods and mathematical models 3 •Near-membrane PDE values are very low, with a concentration of around.03µM from simulations 2.5 2 1.5 1 Future Directions 0.5 0 0 100 200 300 • Study effects of PDE inhibitors (rolipram/IBMX) and fit the model to data • Utilize optical biosensors to detect near-membrane cAMP levels • Full validation of mathematical model for different values of cAMP initially distributed 400 DcAMP(M2/s) Figure 1: The relationship between the cAMP diffusion coefficient (D) in the cytosol and the flux between the near plasma membrane and the bulk cytosol. PDE concentration was held constant at 0.03 µM. Materials & Methods The Effect of Varying DcAMP On Estimated Value of [PDE,PM] 0.045 [PDE] in Near Plasma Membrane (µM) •Experimental Method: •CNG channels were used to monitor cAMP levels in HEK-293 cells. •Spread of cAMP was shown by changes in voltage on the surface of the cells. •Known relations to diffusion rates and PDE/cAMP interactions result in an experimental PDE value in the near membrane. x 10 4.5 Flux Between Bulk and Near Plasma Membrane 1Department . 0.04 0.035 0.03 0.025 Literature Cited Lehninger, Albert L, David L. Nelson, and Michael M. Cox. Lehninger Principles of Biochemistry. New York: W.H. Freeman, 2005. Murray, Fiona. " The interplay of multiple molecular and cellular components is necessary for compartmentalization of cAMP. Focus on “Assessment of cellular mechanisms contributing to cAMP compartmentalization in pulmonarymicrovascular endothelial cells.” Am J Physiol Cell Physiol 302:C837-C838, 2012. Web. 30 May 2013. 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Simulations indicate that the PDE concentration is approximately 0.03 µM. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS We would like to thank the National Science Foundation f or funding this work and the University of South Alabama REU program.