60=E RN BErI8MRIC 14MDIONAL CICULATION ;; tiVRIN'O EME ICY JOSEPH Uvzs vwerc RdEs Catholique do LOUtMd Licencle en Sciences* UnlweeIt (loe) $U~Es?1tLD IN PARTAL J JLFILLW--W OF TiU, IMQIRENUS FM TZ 1*6EE Or LIAWER Or at the OF TEMY INUIITUTE NAMAE$AWS July 2002' Signature of Author . t w - w w qe 0 W a0 w wwIw 0t0 of Meteorology, Jtily 20, 192 Certified Theasi Accepted by . 0. a a* Supervls'w * * 0 # , , ,* * * 0 6 0 * 0 . , . , .0 Chaiman, DepaWtmental Ccittee on Graduate Studente mthrnf.ula neric MeridinalM Caemlat ion by Joseph Louis Victor FPrere Submitted to the Department of Meteorology on July 20, 1962 in partial fultillment of the requirement for the Degree of Master of cience ABSTRACT Tabulations of daily observational values of the wind were made for eight leels (860e o00 800. 400, 800, 200, 100 and 50 ab) frm 142 stations for the sitamonthe period from April to September 1958. tndividual station and levels the seridional componente of For ea the daily values of the wind were coeputed, together with their mean value and their standard deviation. Maps of theme mean value and standard deviations were analysed to obtain grid point values for the nuerical approKimations of their sonal means. The values obtained for the man neridional wind as a ftention of latitude and height show a three cellular pattern for the seridlonal circulation. A strvag direct cell is found In the equatorial region, a strong indirect cell occurs in the middle latitudes while in high direct cirolation. latitudes there Is agaln Thesis Supervisors Victor P. Starr Profesor of Meteorology Title il ACKWIEDGWE1N The author Is indebted to Proftesm Victor P. Star for his advice and eneruaeat throughout the course of this study, The author is also grateful to Mr. G. O Patrickt 8.oM, for his assistance and tor the large amount of data he has tabulated. Acknowledgement is made to Mrs. Barbara Goodwina and the eneputlng staff of the M1I.T. Planetary Circulation Project for pertoratg the calcultions upon which this woris work is based the drafting of the maps and to thesis. to Miss Isabel ole for ,Mrs Jane McNabb for typing the iv, TABMZ0 O OMMMi1 11 3 DIGCA III11CBIDOK WIND GT4IIiCO IM INDIVIMJAL ci' IN NEaioiinw0" IV i'm HS311uiuc DIWTIIC WIN) WiE'fics V IIST1C8 AS A IUNCICW Ci' MBRIDCKAL WIM AND I=I ~LU VI DI8D18810W C' ViI MS MEULTS CCUIt 6 12 19 Vill suOf#IOus Fm IWTR E120 IX APPENDIX 21 X DID6LIOI3AMB 27 TAWULM'D WA 28 PSRIDIOKAL CROS NCtIOCK RJLES I. INTROXCTION Sme attempts to determine thhe mean eridlional wind as a function of latitude and height have been made in the Northern Hmaaphere by Starr and White (1954)(], Buch (1084) (2) and Tacker (1980) [3). Such an attempt was never made in the Sothern Heamisphere because of a lack of sufficiently reprsentative observational data. This situation was changed thanks to the extensive amount of observations made during the International Geophysical Tear (19 ). The object of the present work isoto extend to the Southern Hemisphere the analysis previously done in the Northern Hemisphere. The analysis covers the entire Southern Hestaphere for the six months period trm April to September 198. The calculations involved tabulations of daily valas of winds and computations of their merdional components for all the statione throughout the Southern Heaisphere and the Northern Heamspherlc Stations in the vicinity of the equator. The basic material was obtained prinipally froma the World Metewoological Organisation and also trom the IGT Meteorological Data on tMicocards supplied by the National Academy of Sciences and National Research Council, Washington, D. C. The tabulated material was used to cmpute the mean meridional wind 2. with its standard deviation for the six months period (April-Septesber) Such coptations were made at each of th 1988. at the presusre levels 8680 700. 600. 400,. bmikpherie distributions of these quantitie lines drwn on oirm polar 142 stations considered. 00. 200. 100 and 80 ab. The are represented by iso- aps. From these maps one can easily evaluate sonally averaged values of the meridional wind with the standard deviations by Integration along the latitude circles. However, the Isoliae configrations are by necessity aoerotain over lage regions of the hemisphere because of lack of suffieent data Such sparsity of data in certain regions would undebtedly coverage. reduce the objectivity of the present study. important because the tma present study period to restricted to six months. But the ay serve as an Indication of what can be obtained from the direct observed wiad data available* amputations of the mean meridional strophl Statistical errors awe also It sbould be noticed here that the i1rculation cannot be based on geo- swinds obtained trm the observed or extrapolated presesre and temperature distribution in the atmaophre; because the Sonal averages of the meridional component of the geostrophie wind is then always aro. In uoch a case the planetary oellle+ circulation is automatically ellinated. II. DANA Table I contains a list of 142 stations tfro used in this staudy which wind data were Of these statins 22 are actually not Southern BemOqpherie stations but are situated slightly north of the Equator. They wete used in order to allow for a better analysis in the equatorial ergionl thus pesmittlg the identifiottion of lateation with the Northern etamiOpbe. All wind reports used were observed in the period extending from the first of April 1988 until the thirtieth of September of the mae This corespoads to the winter season in this bealsphoewe year. The tame of observation except in the at that time 12002, ases wher s geneally 00002 for all the tations the observations wee missing or ietufticlent other observations were then used instmad, geneslmly at A few Africalon stations had only the 08002 report while the stations in South AMerica reported at 1800. swae of The mean values and standard devistions oalculated for the individual stations mar Supposed to be representative of the wind conditlons throughout the winter. This required, however, that the selection of data involved in the calulations be a randm. sample i.ee pletely aeoldental. that the method of selcting the data s cami Data based on observations at regular time intervals 4, are not exactly r ndea samplese but for a large number of observations they may be considered as such, unless the period of observation (one day) ooaneides with a period in the tluctuations of the wind. For tunately the daily variations of the ~tropopherio motions eae In general Sextwaely mall exmept close to the ground. Data were empiled tr=o radowadin and pilot-balloon observations. Data aompiled tfm pilot belloon observatlons are genems lly subject to bias for two major reasons: a) In cloudy weather the sounding balloon disappears into the clouds and may be lost already at a low elevation. circulation on ppe-aIr lear days Is in general substantially difterent fro that on cloudy days, and hence the realts observations, aW be b) The saeemn obtained ftra pilot balloon sghly erroneous (Mintz and Dean, 1952) (4]. Daring strofg wind conditions through a deep layer the balloon soon dlsappears in the distance. vations available fo x The data compiled from the wind obsew the higher levels are therefore libely to be selective in favor of light wind conditions in the tropoaphee. Strong windse an also seriously atfect the epiesentativenees of radlo-wind data aItho0gh probably to a lesser extent than for pilotballoon observations. The data available for the higher levels must therefore be suspected of being highly selective it a large fraction of the 183 possible wind reports is massiaw . Of the 142 stations ased in this study, 96 we radio*wind Most of them have fairly emplete set tations., of data, except for the stra- toaphere where the ammber of reports deteriorated, Unfortunately, these relatively good stations are very mnequally distributed over the hemisphere. A dense network is found over Australia and New Zealand, the Antarctic Continents and the west coast of South America, A reliable analysis say be expected over these regions, although the degree of reliability in likely to decrease upward in the atmosphere. Fairly reliable analysis are expected also over Africa, Madagascarp and the equatorial region In the Northern Ocean. ieFsphere except the North Pacific In the South Pacific Oceans no data are available for a large region (0 o - 600 S, 900 - 1400 W) wbhle in other oceanic regions there are a few Island reportiag stations. III. IERIDIONAL WIND SrB IICS FOB INDIVIDUAL S~tJIONr The horisontal wind vector ema meridional and onral components. omponent of the wind by be resolved at any point into Let Us deslgnate the south-Borth v. As mentioned in the introduction, the basei tabulations of daily values v 1 of the material conslsted of aeridional wind component for each Individual station and for eght standard pseesure levels in the free ataosphere (the 850. 700, 500, 400, 800, 20. 100 and 80 mb levels). The six months mean value of v for an individual station may be estimated byt V = N where N is the nmber of observations throughout the six sonthe period. A bar over the different statstical variables will here always denote averaged values with respect to time. The standard deviation d (v) of v may be esttimated by SviV) N-1 7. The standard deviation is convenient measure of the variations of the individual values about their mean. Buch (1954) [2] made a closer Investigation of the distribution of v throbWhout a year in a single cae, namely, for the 347 wind reports available for the 800 ab surface at Aldergrove. England. It was found that v was noaally distributed about its mean value to a high degree of approlimation. Whenever this is the ease, the distributions are oepletely deteamined by mean values and standard deviations. Assminag random amspling, the statistical unoertainty in the deter minations of msan valtes may be estmasted from their standard errors, which for a ample of large siae N mWabe estimated by a (v) / j It was found in this work that for fairly complete sets of data (N k 144), the standard error of the mean values of v never exceeds 1a/sac at the 880 and 700 mb levelg it reaches or eoceeds 1. am/sec only in lim1ted regions of the upper troposphere. Of course, for maller values of N, the standard error ts much larger. In some ass where N was malls, even at low levels, all the ob- servations were concentrated in two or three months in themseas sampling might have been biased. the IV. TM EMISERIC DISflIBUTION lWRIDIOW C TI WIND WCIrICs The values of v and d (v) for eaeh individual station and for the eight levels in the atmophere wee plotted on bhmispherio maps. The analysis of the asps was based on these values. of observations, frs Also the ntuber which each statistical quantity was evaluated, was taken into account, because it allowe a direct estimate of the reliability of each individual quantity. The naps were analysed over the entire hemisphere. lack of data in the region (Oo - 606o8 900 - Because of the 140ow) the configuration of the isolines are these only a more or less plausible gueass On the maps presented herein, the isolines are dremn in dashed-dotted lines in that egilon. In the analysis of the neridional component of the wind presents a oingularity. the pole Theoretieel considerstiens permit us to make the analysis in the polar region. They ae derived in the appendix. The hemiepheroi diltribution of the mean soutbhto-novth component v of the wind are hfown in Plates 1 - 8. intervals. -1 Isolinos are drawn at 1 a see The hemispheric distributions of the standard deviation 0 (v) are shown In Plates 9 - 16 are abown in Platea 9 - 18. Isolines aee drawn at I s sec Isolinea are dawn at 1 a see interval1 intervals. 94 V. NERIDIONAL WIND f4TIrfICS AS A FUNCTION 0F L&ITUIE AND REIGH Zonally averaged values of v ad C~v) were evaluated frem the maps by using a systse of gridpolnts tor every 50 of latitude and 100 of longitude. The monal average of v and 0 (v) are estimated by Iv] 0)a a 36 Since te e 36 aps in any case cannot be expected to detewaine the monally averaged values with any great accuracy, it seems frtless to apply a more elaborate idtegration process for deteining these mean values. Let us mention that brackets will here alwaqs denote sonally averaged values. The sonal standard deviation values of (, o (v) of v was also competed. [o (v)] sad C(v) ae preented in Tables II, The standard errr of [;] is eqpal or less than 0.36 The IV and V. /see except in limited regions of the upper atmophere, especially in high latitudes. The mesan mas we should have flow across a latitude circle being vanishingly small 10. (assumed in this analysi where po is the pressure at the Outfae to be 1000 ab). The vertically averaged values of [C] is given by f * ANNU and they should in actuality be very They were computed ( dp small aseesuming that the meridional wind was barotrople in the layer 80 to 1000 ab. This was a good assnmption since the data indicated that the winds were generally blowing in approximately the same direction and were of the ame order of magnitude at 8850 and 1000 ab. The sae asumptions were made in the layer 50 ab to the top of the atmosphere. The values of {1) were then detemined as weighted means between the values representing the Individual pressure levels. The weighting fattors applied were 225, 1", 150. 1000100, 100, 75 and 78 for the 850, 700, 500, 400, 3W0. 200. 100 and 50 ab pressure levels, respectively. The results are ahowa at the bottom of Table II. expected they are not all. As might be Ihis indicates that unfortunately the methods used here do not allow any precise deteraination of the strength of the sean meridional cells. 11, In order to tp to eliminate this error, partially at least, (v} was subtracted from the values of I at each level, so that p wbe rJ' o S The values of ( ' (Jimm B are presented in Table Il1. Merldional orose sections shoiag conditions averaged over all longitudes were construted from the values presented in Tables III and IV (Figures I and 2). In Fle 1 te th isolines are drawn at 40 a see intervals. Posi- tive values are tour south winds, lhile negative values are for north winds. Above the 80 mb level and below the 850 ab level the ioolines are drawn in dased lines. They are vertical in these layers asooording to our barotropic assumptions. -1 intervals. In Figure 2 the isolines are drawn at 2 a seo 12. VI, DISCUSSION OF TE RESULTS Let us first exomine the shown on Plate 1. ric v maps, Between Oo and 20o 68, a strong center north of Madagas Theehes 850 mb level is is generally equatorward with (10 a/see). This must represent the equatorward component of the trade wind., In thse latitudes there are, however, some centers of poleward winds, the strongest of whiah beina on the South American continents around 1800 W in the Pacific Ocean and over Java. Between 200 8 and 400 5 the wind blows southward over the continents and northwards over the oceans. At the ground level these centers of north and south wind would according to the trend at the upper levels, probably be displaced slightly towards the east. This should correspond with the interrupton over the continents of the continuous belt of high pressures between 200 8 and 40o 8* At ?00 ab (Plate 2), the isolines pattern Is very similar to that of the 880 ab level. The main differences are a weakenlg of the souther- lies at low latitudes and a displacement towards the west of the centers of north and south winds in the 200 8 to 400o belt. At the 800 ab level (Plate 3) the belt of seutherlies has disappeared at low latitudes, the merldional components of the wind being very asall 13. in that region. In the intermediate region the centers of north and south winds are again pushed towards the wests by cmparison with the 700 mb level. South of 850 8 the winds are generally southward except over the Antarctic continent whose circulation we ahall discuss later. At 400 mb (Plate 4) a belt of northerlies appears between Oo and 200 S. the winds being northward only over Africa and South America in these latitudes. Between 200 8 and 50o S there Is a belt of southerlies. Farther to the south there is again a belt of northerlies. Nowever. this belt is not centered at the pole but is displaced towards Australia. At 300 mb (Plate 5) we have eveywhere an Intensification of the circulation described at 400 ab except that the center of southerlies has disappeared over Arica at low latitudes. At 200 mb (Plate 6) we have the same pattern but the eIrclation is here at a maxaus strong northerlies (maxima 418 a/seo) from 00 to 200 So strong southerlies (maxia east part of South America. 7-10 a/gee) frm 200 8 to 600 8 end over the The high latitude northerly belt is however weakened at this level. At 100 ab (Plate 7) the circulation is the ease again, but is such weaker than at 200 ab excoept for the high latitude northerlies which are stronger. The 50 ab analysis (Plate 8) is not very reliable becase of the lack 14. of sufftolent data, the general ciroulation seems however to be the same as at the lower levels, but is Let as no. ezamlnr noeh weaker. the ciroalation over the Antartilo continent. At the Pole in the upper troposphe s tfe mean vector wind is very strong (fies 6 to 3 is approuJatsely onustant The mean wind has then t each level0 00 ab up to 900 ab. the /seo) i.e., tfre and its direction 800 1 touead 1000 Eo in the po1m leglon, a northward comronent along the 1000 E mariditan sad a southward oesponent on the other side of the pole. At all these levels, the polo is also in the region of slnmum standard deviationg this suggests a relative wind in that reglonR Acoording to the lf great stability of the General Report Series Number 4 [e]. there Is a persistent depoession over the Rose Bea. This should be the reason fo the strong mean wind at the Pole in the tro- posphere (TO0 ab presurme level is below the ground level at the Pole, so that we have no wind data below 800 rb). In the stratosphre howevere the mean voetor wind blows in the opposite direction and is quite strlea standard deviation is still at 50 ab (3.08 a I not too large (?.8 a sml). ) and the This mean wind is assoolated, aooerding to the Rt Report [(J with a vortex whose center is located In the vioinity of 840 5 and 30o So The analysis made by Such [2] toe the winter soths of the year 190 18. over the northern hemisphere at the 880. 700. 800o 300. 200 and 100 ab levels hos that the oirculation pattern is much more complex in that hemslphere, with many scattered enters of northerlies and soatherlies. So does also the analysise ade b the marahast (1982) [e0 at the 100, 50 and 30 ab levels tfor the three saonthe period October to December 1987i in the northern hamisphbse. The scnally aweeged values of v are shown in Table II with the vertical wighted oesges at the botto . value of 1.87 at 400 8. This Indicates that thelr Althoeh the oerwer in our reslts. These averages bhae a eaximum each level, we oonsiderod the vertical are actualy probably ditterent at averages to be in the nature of mean errors and applied them as acorotions. Table III and in Figuw are unavoidable errors The results ae absown in 38 Figure 1 shows at lee latitudesp strong southerlies at lee levels (1 a see at 860mb) and northerlies alot (2 a se indicates the exostence of a streaf direct oir mlation. at 200 ab); this The southorn limit of the southerlies is 2So 8 at 880 Ab, and the limlt of the northerlies is 200 at 200 abo hemsphere. mowever, this cell is not limited to the southern Inatead, the meridional sinds are at a maximma in the vicinity of the equator. According to the reslts obtained by Booh [2](Jigure 3) and Tuoker [8) (tgasre 4) tor the gamer season in the northen hemisphere, 16. the southerltes extend to 200 N at 850 mb and the northerlies at 200 ab perhaps to 12o N. (auoh studied both msmer and winter seasons over the entire northera hbeisphese durina the year 1980. Tooker studied also both smmer and winter seasons but only over the 15o N - TON 1600 W - 0 * 400 E legion and for a two-ear period from Otober 1949 to September 1981.) The sametrical lo latitude circulation during the winter season of the northera hemiphebre would have a northern 11iit at about 190N according to udch and at about 250o N according to Tuoker (270 N at 850 ab, 24o N at 200 ab) (Figures and 6). The Intensity of the olre eulation is sensibly the se. Returning to Figure riddle latitudes. With winds bloving equatorward at high levels, and poleward at lou levels. B to 190o indirect 1, we en observe an iadirect circulation in The upper southerlies region extends t ar and the lover northerlies region from irculationa 540 8 to 240 8. bas, according to our results, the as the low-latitude direct circulation (maximas 1.95 a se 1.1 R see -1 at 850 ab). 600 This aseo intensity "l at 200 rb, The indirect circulation of the Riddle latitudes was generally not expected to be so strong. cussed, the results eight still Hoower, as previously die- oontain some important statistical errors, and our methods most likely do not allow any precise detemination of the 17. strength of the mean meridional cellso except for order of aeagnitude. According to Buch and Tucker, the indirect circulation is not so strong in the Northern Hemisphere. Buch reported a aximum value of 1.36 a -1 at 200 ab and 0.6 at 850 ab$ while the cell extended free see N to 54oN aloft and ftram 1 170 N to 460 N at 880 ab. Tucker reported velocities loes than 0.7 m/see for both northerlies (25o N 850 N) aloft and Iouterlies (270 N - 50o N) at 800 Ob. Another direct oirculation talMs place at high latitudes. not extend above 230 ab. -2 *1 see . It does The maimum winds are ot the order of 0.8 a Duch and Tubier obtained emparsble results, with, however, intensities of the order of 0.8 a se Let us nma are, in groes . esmne the 0 (v) maps (Plates 9 - 1)., The isolines concentrie around the pole with a belt of maximum values in middle latitudes In the tropophee. In the upper troposphe e, this maximue belt is situated approximately between the south wind belt in msiddle latitudes and the north wind belt in the high latitudes. precisely, the centers of sexiuma (v) occur Just to the south of the centers of masimum intensity of the middle latitude southerlies. lower troposphere the emalmu More belt is found around 40o - 60 In the latitude. These maiema of stadard deviation corsepond to the perturbations duoe to the polar fronts. Nigher values ae found in the upper troposphere 18. whibh huWIests that they may be due to the displacement o the RosAby waves. In the stratophere, the belt of mana,slants towards the pole. The y (v) maps drawn by ueah and MIrakml possent the sme pattern Nmisaprse. In the Northera Figure 2 presents a meridionl oarose deviations, (). The maximum values occur at 800 region and at 200 ab ear the equator. is at 800 ab and 00o8. in the Northern Southern b in the polar The largest value (18 a sec ) Buh (Figae ?) obtalued a cmprarble pattern misphere with however values about I at seeo at latitudes lower than that latitude. otion of the standard O60 8 and about I a eeo -1 larger naller sathward of This aigests that the meridional oirculation In the ei sephee Io a little sore stable at low and middle latitudes and less stable at high latitudese 19, VII. COPCIUSION The IGY obs rmtionl data peasitted us to stady, for the first in the Bouthern time, the meridional circulatio eailphere. The analysis was made for the period extending from April 1st 1988 to leptember 30th 1988. It was found that our methods did not allow a precise determination of the meridional cIrculation, but pemitted us to dete3miae at least the order of magnltude of the intensity of the eirculation. The results Abowed that like In the Northermn oulation in the Southern Hemisphe emisphere the ci- presents a three cellular pattern, i.e., a direct cell at low latitudese an Indirect cell at middle latitudes and again a direct cell at high latitudes. The circulation in the indirect cell was found to be slightly more intense tha in the correspoandin indireet cell in the Northern Beisphese. The analysis of the standard deviation 0 (v) ndicated that the meridional oirculation, was smre stable in the Southern Heaisphere than in the Northera Btmisphere at middle and low latitulesl while at high latitudes this situation Is reversed. j 20. ll VIII. FURTIER WRK BrWTIONS IO It would be of interest to ooaplete the analysis of the f0W data, for southern misphare by exteading this study to the ammer season end the yearly seas circlation. This work is presently undertsaen at Institute of Tedoa#legy Insahmaustts the the direotioe of Professr V. P. Starr study of the gemesl eiralatioe ni a more precise by Mr. G. 0. Patrvik, under as a part of a more extensive the .outhems HieteSpee. However. detemination of the seridional circulation would necessl- tate fairly good observational data, extended over many years in order to reduoe the statistical errors and also to obtain estimates of the seasonal and yearly oirtwlations for several years instead of the values for one particular year. This would require the maintesne 10G, of the stations Initiated for plus extending the coverage of euthern Hemisphere observations by establidhin astations on sma ew of the isolated islands and by developing a system of weather ships similar to that in the Northern esmisphere. 21, IX. APPENDIX In this work we have resolved the horisontal wind in meridional and zonal cemponents in order to study the nerldional ciroulation. However, both the north pole and the south pole constitute singularitlee where the meridional and sonal components of the horizontal wind are not uniquely defined. Barnes (192) I] has studied the configuration of the isolines eridional and sonal components of the wind over a sall neighbor- of the hood centered at a pole Let us apply his study to a mall neighbowbood centered at the south pole. It we take this neighboehood mall enough, then the hor- aontal wind velooity may be considered as constant. If one assmes also that the neighborhood is amll enogh so that the spherioal surface may be considered flat, the horizontal wind velocity in the neighborhood of the south pole ean be defined in the following manner. First redefine the longitudes so that 0o west longitude becomes (S60 - 0o) east loegitude. Then the horisontal wind is uniquely defined by the non-negative quantity C. the wind speed, and 0 * the meridian from which the wind is blowing towards the south pole. Let us now consider the map of the v coaponent of the wind in this 22. neighborhood. This component is given by v u -C cos (a - g) at any point, except the pole, along a meridian 9. It in this neasighborhood, we approach the pole along the meridians (c + 900) and (0 " 900)0 we find the value of v to be aero No matter bow close we come to the pole along these lines, v will be aero. In the same sanner, v is maximm and equal to C along the meridian 9 + 180o and tainum and equal to -C along the meridian 9. A map *all be said to be a Mttern 1 nma can be expressed it by -C cos ( - 9 ) for a > 0 (whee ~ is the distance from the pole), in the neighborhood of the pole. The asp of the * onal C cos ((- o90o) omponent a is given by -C sin (- , aJ .o it is also a pattern 1 msp. ) Thus the a asp is Just the v ap rotated about the pole 90O to the west. This means that the aero isopleths for a and v IMould be at right eagles to each other in the neighborhood of the pole. In the following discussion we all be concerned only with the neighbohood of the pole and not with the value at the pole itselt. Ae stated before a pattera 1 map is represented by -C cos ( - e f ) for athematically > 0 where C and 9o are constants but is undefined for s a 0, bhere a is the distance trom the pole. We now wiAh to show that the maep v and v9* v - v and consequently 23. a and u' m u - u am pattern 1 sp. of the o The sun of two saps is defined as the of the values Adding two pattern 1 maps we obtain, for at the individual poinate s>0 .CCt os ( - t) + C'cos ( - -[C, (oes d oo* Al + sinsi -[oo8s (C 0s M na 1 ,3)] = ) + ca(eose cos a2 + sna 0 sin a2 )] + Ca cos g) + sin (CI sain 0 + C8 stn g2 )] If we now let CS coG OB a C sin s a C, sin bl+ C, + C2 a"*6a o" 0, c sinm then we have + oC 0 aao ~{C* sin 0 sin 8 ] or .ca cos( - ) for e > 0 Thus pattern 1 is ooservod under addition. The negation operation is defined by multiplying all point values of the map by minus one. giving -C cos (( - 180 o ) - This Is equivalent to replacing o) for e > 0. by (1800 + Thus pattern 1 is conserved ) 24. under negation. It diould be noted that the orientation is not unique unless C is always taken as non-nsgative. Subtraction of map A trm sp 8 is per emed by the subtration of the point values of A from the point values of 8. This is equlvalent to the additio of map B and the negative of ap A, so pattern I is conserved under the operation of subtraction. the point seas. A saen map is obtained by taki map of a finite Sines Bease the man maber of pattern 1 saps is also a pattern I asp. v' a v - e v' is a pattern map. Tor our analysis we had wind eports frm the Amundein-Sott station, situated exactly at the soath pole. pute the man wind vector at the pole. map at the nelghbaJhood of the pole This peramitted us to com- It was then easy, to dram the v knowing C and , assumed constant, in this anighboshood. In the ame manner and with the sne assemptions and conventions, we made a study of the coaiguration of the 0 (v) and 0 (a) isolines over a mall nelghbbohood centered at the south pole. The standard deviation 0 (v) is estimated by () / N-I Maps of a Cv) will have positive values everywhere in the aesghborhood 25. £ > 0. It has been adown that the v' sap has the pattern -C coe (j enc the value at in The map of point of the asp v ' 16 C coos (C - wOuld have the value (v') C' cos( - ) /2 C + 3/2 jCa cow 2(0 - Now A) + Cga coo 8( - 0s) C, cos 2(0 - h 2 sinta C1 (oos 2 cos 2 ca2 (eos aWA + sin 20 tna a 2 ) a co sina + C88 coo * coo 2 (Cla a (C,0a + sin in 2J1 ) coo 2e ) + Cs2 sin s) If we elL ca 2 cos 2k a C,' cos C8 2 sin 20 a C1 a sion a 20 + C 2 cos 2 , + Cs sin 2a2 we have + C8 a sin V sin 296 ca8 coo 20 coo a2 or Cg2 coo 2 (m- ) Mo) o) ). 26. C Cos 2 d bence 1/2 1/2 K2 co ) anm be written 2( - ON) This tero is always inferior or equal to 2/2 L CR X a along the eridians 0. and (Ol + 1800o) (OX + 900) ad )s W ca + EP- > 0 in conolwsion, In a mall neilhb e > 0, a (v) is maxim minimum along the meridians that the a to -42 along the mseridans and (0 + 800)O (OX - 600) Along theseridians (O + 900) a for Is equal to *90), Along the meridians 0 L And it hood centered at the pole, but along the meridlsans ( E 490 ) ad ( O ) and and C( + 180 900) It osn easily be (a) map is just the 0 (v) map rotated about the pole 900 1to the west. For our analysis, the standard deviation of two componeant of the wind at the pole, namely in the 00 and 900 E directions were computed. Taking acont of the consderations bhere above about the pattorn of the 0 (v) map near the pole analysis of that region. it was then possible to make a fa-rly good 27. X. BIBLIOMRAPB 1 [2] Buoh (1954)t Md.I.T, Res. Pap., Cmbride, MPAs., No. 35, GeopMy. BtWr and White (19804) Dept. Mt.o, Gen. rclation ProJect Final Rep., Part 2, No. AT 19(122)1688. [3] Tclers (190) Quarterly Journal of the Royal UMteorlogieal Sootety, Vol. 5, No. 361. Geop~s. Rea. Pap, Crbridge, [4] Mtnts and Dean (1982)s [5] Alt, Astapenko,Iopart (199)s: eas. , No. 17. IM! General Report Series No. 4, Waohiston, Do C. [6] Iarahml (192)s MIT Dept. Mlt., General Ciraulation Project, Report No. 6, Part I, [7] Barnes (192) No. *(801l) 2241 and AI9(0o4)-5228. Phb.D. Tbhesi, MIT, Dept. Met. 28. Table 1., Lit atations (Stations are listed according to 340 index the letter W Indicates numbers. Under B Sandicates Radio Winds. Pibsal; ad ttia e stad Lftlade 23 49-.71 43-369 43t486 Trivmdra Minicoy Colambo 0B 29 N 08 18 N 06 64 N 76 t 2 73 00 E 5982 R W R 484694 61-832 Stagapeo Conakry 01 18 N 09 3 N 103 58 E 13 37 W R R 6e31 Sl. Tme 00 238 06 43 E 01-9 7 61-474 Diego GOavea 07 14 5 10 3s 8 72 26 E 56 48 E W 28 41 6 26 8 18 a 0 N 0 8 18 48 8 08 N SON 19 6 38 8 5 S33 E 88 27 E 67 40 E 57 30 E S8 44 E 32 32 E 36 49 E 30 12 18 17 E 30 13 E 15 18 E 27 32 E W W R W W R R W R W R R 08 48 E 18 342 R 42 3 20 E 56 1 12 E 18e 32 E R R R R R R 1e-988 681-988 61-993 61-495 638430 83-708 63-741 63-94 64-005 684-076 64-210 64-300 Agalega st. Btnadon Rodrlgts Pample Moumss acos Addli Ababa Entebbe Nairobi DSPerm4 laa Coqulahatville Bunai Leopoldwille ElIabethrille 64-601 64-860 Port-Gentil Bans 00 42 8 04 22 N 64-910 201 65-878 86-160 867-00 67-086 Dosala Lagos Abidjan Loanda Diego-gnsws Tananiarre 04 06 05 068 12 18 67-197 Ft. Dauphin 25 02 8 46 48 E 867-41 07-198 67-587 87-63S Mlgpme N'lle asterdim 25 O 3750 13 e 14 28 8 8 32 34 E TI? 4 E W R 8 33 45 E R 8 28 21 E R Lilonlgu Bromn Hill 16 19 20 20 09e 00 01 06 00 01 04 11 01 35 18 0 IT 4 N N N 8 8 8 00 03 03 13 49 47 29. fiLattu EIdIe IIM LonIltatdS 4 07-774 Sallsbeuj (Obervatory) 17 50 8 31 01 E R 8-100 8-032 68-262 406 66-442 68-588 66-816 68-906 688-994 78-806 81-405 82-400 82-798 83-781 84-129 84-377 84-390 84-452 84-6831 84-691 85-406 85-442 86-487 65-543 8-879 88-801 87-187 87-344 87-576 87-598 87-715 87-748 87-774 87-860 87-938 88-890 88-952 88-968 fBawkopend MaUn Pretoria leander Bay28 Bloestontein Drlban Capetown Gough Island Rio Gallegos Albrook Cayenne ernando Noronha Monteiro See Paulo aquil O Iquitos Talara Chiciavo Lita Piso Arica Antofagasta Valleima Quinter Los Cerrillos Puerto Montt M.A. Resistencia Meteo Aero Corbuba LEefa Punta Indlo Neuqen Base Aerea Command Epoa Maquinehao Coaodoro Rivesdvia Ushula Port Stanley Arentin. Island Orcadas 22 41 8 19 5o 8 25 46 8 8 29 8 07 29 29 80 8 33 88 8 40 08 8 46 81 8 08 a8 N 04 50 N 03 50 8 07 53 S 2 s33 02 10 03 45 04 34 8 06 47 8 12 04 8 13 45 6 18 22 8 23 28 S 28 36 8 32 47 8 33 30 41 27 8 27 28 8 31 19 6 84 80 8 35 22 6 8 ST 6 38 44 8 41 15 8 45 47 8 84 48 8 51 42 6 65 15 8 60 44 14 31 E 23 26 L 28 14 E E 26 11 E 31 02 E 18 36 . 09 58 W 37 52 E 79 34 W 52 22 W 32 28 W 37 07 W 46 38 W 79 52 W 73 11 W 81 15 W 79 50 W 77 02 W 76 14 W 70 21 W 70 26 W 70 47 W 71 32 W 70T42 W 72 50 W 58 59 W 64 13 W 32 W 57 27 W 68 09 W 62 10 W 68 44 W 67 30 W 68 19 W 57 52 W 64 16 W 44 44 W R R R R W R R w R R R R R R I W W R W W R w R W R R R R W R W w R W R R R 30. Inex Stat 1a re latitat LIItiIde I 89-001 89-009 89-022 89-043 89-125 Base Nor mundseen-Soott Station alley SW Ellsworth Station Bywd Station TO70 20 s 90 00 8 02 00 W 7681 9 77 43 8 80 00 8 '268 S W 41 07 W 120 00 W R R R R R 89-162 89-522 Little america V Base Belge 78 14 8 71 00 8 161 55 W 23 00 E R R 89-592 89-601 89-606 89-811 89-864 89-871 91-334 01-348 91-366 91-376 91-408 91-413 91-680 91-517 91-489 91-700 91-830 91-843 91-938 91-958 93-112 93-291 93-401 93-434 93-780 93-844 94-027 94-035 94-120 94-203 94-234 94-287 Mirz Oazis Bootok Wilkes ZG0 Station Williams Facility Adare Station Truk Ponape wavJalein Majuro Koror Yap Nandi Honiara Chrlstmas Island Canton Island AItuataki Rarotonga Tahiti Repa Whemnupal GOsborne Ghbesa Wellington Birewood Inverauill Laee Port Moreab Darwin Broome Daly Waters Cairns 8 6 78 66 T77 72 07 068 08 07 07 09 17 09 02 02 18 21 17 27 36 3S 40 41 41 46 06 09 12 17 16 18 s66 8 168 6 15 8 0 28 8 28 N 8 N 43 N 05 N 20 N 29 N 48 8 25 8 00 N 49 s 52 8 12 8 82 8 90 8 47 8 40 8 12 8 17 8 29 8 28 8 43 8 26 S 26 8 S7 8 16 8 55 8 93 100 107 110 166 170 151 188 167 171 134 138 177 159 157 171 159 150 149 144 174 177 175 174 172 168 147 147 130 122 133 145 00 E 44 E E 35 E 36 E 58 E 51 E 1S E 44 E 23 E 29 E 08 E 27 E 58 E 23 W 43 W 46 W 46 W 35 W 31 W 38 E 59 E 23 E 46 E 32 E 19 E 00 E 13 I 52 E 13 E 23 E 46 E R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R W W R W R W R R R R R R R R W W 31. LgI 18sta0.on Latitude kame Lo.Itih Z 94-294 Townsville 19 15 8 146 46 E R 94-299 Willis Island 16 18 8 149 59 E W 94-800 94-312 94-326 94-338 94-374 94-403 94-461 94-510 94-810 94-637 94-693 94-776 94-791 94-821 94-865 94-907 94-910 94-926 94-968 94-974 94-986 94-995 94-996 95-502 96-413 96-933 97-602 97-580 97-690 97-980 Carnarvon Port Dedland Alice Spring Cloncury Rockhampton 'Geraldton Giles Cherleville Guildford Kalgoorlie Mlldura Williawtown Cofts Harbour Mt. Gambier e lbourne rast Sale Wogga Canberra Western Junction obaert MOason Lord lowel Island Norfolk Island Dtmont d'Urville Kuching Surabaja Jefaan Biak Seatani Hollandia erauke 24 20 23 20 23 28 25 26 31 30 34 32 30 37 37 38 S5 S5 43 42 67 31 29 66 01 07 00 01 02 08 113 39 L 118 7 E 133 83 E 140 s0 E 180 29 E 114 42 E 128 18 E 146 17 E 115 57 1 121 27 E 142 10 E 151 50 E 153 08 E 140 46 E 144 48 E 147 08 E 147 28 E 149 12 E 147 13 E 147 28 L 62 83 E 189 04 E 167 86 E 140 01 E 110 20 E 112 43 E 131 07 E 136 00 E 140 29 E 140 23 E W R R R W W R R R W W R W W R W W W W R R R R R W R W W W W 53 8 23 S 48 8 40 8 23 S 48 8 02 8 25 8 56 8 46 8 12 8 49 8 18 8 49 8 52 8 06 8 08 8 18 £ 33 8 O 86 36 S 31 8 03 8 40 8 29 N 13 8 658 108 30 8 28 8 32, Table 80 50 100 200 300 400 500 700 850 mean -0.389 -0.058 -0.478 -0.661 -0.528 0.106 0.744 -0.40 o0.256 ,*0.796 0.594 -0.683 0.142 0.706 0.140 -0.128 -0.159 35" 30 '1v m..c 65% 70" -0.403 -0.650 -%.656 0.228 0.436 =0.036 0.064 -0.136 -0.358 0.997 l. 25" 20CY 60 , 0.611 -0.403 -0.489 "0.225 .-0680 -0.283 '-0.494 0.486 0.828 -0.389 0.267 -0.183 -.033 -0.244 0.500 0.811 -0.001 0,179 50 55 45 40 0.586 0.511 1.742 1.067 1.036 0.561 0.292 0.172 1.186 1.236 2.919 1.944 1.556 1.058 0.603 0.103 1.272 2.036 3.331 2.386 1.289 0.756 0.250 0.358 0.641 1.111 1.368 0.061 0.050 0.969 0.425 0.442 0.153 0.267 0.428 15" 50 100 200 300 400 500 700 850 0.908 0.742 2.167 1.581 2.986 2.550 1.961 1.608 1.406 1.097 1.0106 0.456 0.450 0.503 0.475 0.472 0.469 0.867 1.850 1.164 0.533 0.242 0.317 0.556 0.172 0.139 .656 0.339 0.014 0.111 0.419 0.647 -0.028 -0.272 -0.486 0.347 -0.203 mean 1.202 0.962 0.672 0.360 5f -0.136 -0.481 -1.4l28 0 a0.231 *0.114 0.478 0.372 0.786 1.083 0.236 -0.578 -1.975 -0.906 -0.114 -0.097 0.450 0.967 -0.281 ,0.611 -2.214 -.0.919 0.067 -0.044 0.392 0.703 0.130 -0.079 -0.153 -0.739 -0.0131 0.006 1.664 S3. Table III. 80" 75'- 70r 50 10r 20 30 400 -0.543 -0.522 -0.497 -0.368 -.0.261 0.241 0.296 0.070 .0.o97 -. 176 -0.350 *0.597 -. 0n76 -0.533 -0.435 500 -0.276 700 850 -0.498 0.857 35' 50 100 200 300 400 500 700 850 0.400 t0.524 30" 250 0.022 0.872 0.301 0.865 65N fv)' a/see 60( 0.610 -0.488 -0.224 0.649 0.282 -0.582 0.528 0.088 0.362 *0.212 -.0.494 -0.423 0.487 0.828 20 -30.294 0.235 -0.203 0.188 .965 0.604 0.195 ,0.221 1.784 1.573 1.178 0.296 0.759 0.931 0.492 *0.021 0.204 0.120 -C.139 -0.346 -0.196 -0.521 -0.430 -0.249 -n.752 -0.474 -0.355 0.059 0.727 -0.505 -0.116 0.287 551 50r -0.297 0.055 -0.308 -0.130 0.611 1.101 0.067 0.426 0.084 0.395 0.205 -0C.080 0.321 -0.091 -03.349 0.632 0.069 -0.469 15" '-0.158 .0.402 -0.616 -0.477 -0.333 -.0.161 0.348 0.656 10" -0.142 -0.487 -1.434 0.745 0.237 -0.120 0.366 1.077 45 0.075 -0.096 0.125 1.808 1.963 0.833 1.018 0.445 0.296 -. 053 -0.079 0.508 -i.612 -.1.008 -1.118 5' -0.157 -0.499 -1.896 -0.827 -0.035 .0.018 0.529 1.046 40" -0.138 0.458 w2.061 .0.766 0.220 .109 0.545 0.856 s3. Table IV, 80" 50 100 200 300 40n 500 700 850 65" 60" 55" 50 7.56 7.46 7.39 7.26 6.31 7.00 7.56 8.07 8.87. 9.58 10.37 11.28 11.95 12.67 13.18 13.99 10.71 11.31 11.92 12.96 10.64 9.43 9.79 10.9 7.81 7.88 7.81 7.86 6.21 6.88 6.53 6.14 6.92 8.42 11.99 15.03 13.59 11.20 8.05 6.63 6.52 6.10 350 50 100 200 300 400 500 700 850 75m 300 70" [o()j */sec 250 4.61 4.11 3.82 7.66 7.28 6.92 13.09 12.57 11.81 13.66 12.46 11.11 11.08 9.78 8.60 9.49 8,09 7.00 7.21 6.43 5.56 6.13 5.58 4.80 45" 40" 5.67 8.51 12.49 12.78 13.04 15.83 16.10 15.62 13.88 13.76 13.12 11.50 11.54 11.24 8.26 8.14 6.88. 7.03 7.03 5.12 8.09 13.22 14.70 12.21 10.62 7.88 6.65 8.73 150 10 3.73 6.46 10.30 9.82 3.69 5.97 8.97 8.23 6.13 4.82 3.81 5.29 4.24 3.41 3.73 5.58 7.79 6.87 5.27 4,45 3.77 3.20 200 7.50 6.29 8.76 50 00 3.81 5.23 6.80 5.76 4.34 3.81 3.35 3.84 4.88 6.13 4.78 3.77 3.50 3.25 3.01 2.89 35, 50 100 200 300 400 500 7ro 850 50 100 200 300 400 500 700 850 Table V. 0S (v) /see 50" - 45' 80" 75" 70 65 60' 55- 3,62 3.25 2.64 2.60 2.49 2.25 1.56 1.89 3.50 3.15 2.77 2.47 2.35 1.97 1.46 2.01 3.03 2.61 2.09 2.05 1.75 1.45 1.18 1.71 2.62 2.57 2.05 1.97 1.70 1.56 1.87 1.70 2.21 2.46 2.05 1.91 1,76 1.66 2.25 1.77 1.70 2.04 1.92 1.77 1.60 1.54 2.35 1.73 1.33 1.54 1.73 1.66 1.41 1.46 2.21 1.65 1.51 1.60 2.09 1.79 1.43 1.44 1.90 1.57 35" 30r 25" 20^ 150 10 5' On 0.78 1.81 2.03 1.94 1.49 1.30 2.05 1.47 0.93 1.66 2.54 1.95 1.38 1.64 1.66 1.68 0.93 1.63 2.67 1.80 1.42 1.44 1.68 1.60 0.75 1.44 2.48 1.83 1.62 1.39 1.40 1.446 0.58 1.13 0.45 0.31 0.73 1.57 1.37 1.04 0.24 0.72 1.31 1.31 O.87 0.65 0.63 1.14 1.96 0.97 1.45 2.08 1.57 1.50 1.20 1.24 1.68 0.93 1.75 1.40 1.29 0,90 1.26 2.28 40n 1.46 2.26 2.37 2.03 1.36 1.34 1.73 1.51 70 Fig. I. 60 VJ decimeter 50 sec " 40 Apr - Sept 30 1958 70 Fig. 2. jj-(V] 60 m/sec 50 Apr- 40 Sept 20 1958 10 I_1PD-s~~--llil----XiY~ii*~~~IIII1.1IDI^-11 111~-s_~ 0 30 0 0 700 -44 850 70 60 50 40 20 30 I Lotitude (ON) Fig.3. EV] dm sec - ' Buch Summer N.H. ossumed decreose to zero of p= o z200 oo- 1-0 S4000 0 cQ. \ -.25.. /0 25 Latitude (!N) Fig. 4. EV. m/sec Tucker Summer N.H. XI 300 - 500- 0 S-4 700 -9 850 70 60 50 30 40 Latitude Fig. 5. EVJ dm sec- 20 10 (O N) l Buch Winter N.H. assumed decrease to zero at p= 0 200 .25 600 S8 25 0 I800- 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 Latitude (ON) Fig.6. C V m/sec Tucker Winter N.H. ~~CIIUTX--_-IIII~ 700- 8 70 4 60 Fig,7.C,LO"V) 50 30 40 Latitude (oN) m/sec Buch 20 Winter IC N.H. -- o~ 6. _oo 2e -IN o 4 1391. +P Sm/se$ 6- Apr -Sept 1958 850 mb ~- crno~-r .W3 .Po o 433ft o 433" o 433" o 433?1 ess, 0 N .022 o e * B \ I.... ao 3 .45 .3 743\ ., oo II 3 o o NO S 6oo Isp .4mse ~lo;---~ M41o r- L i_-- i- "+ Set15 2o 200o o 0 .33" 0 433n OL .a." 020,, 0 44 1 \ I.N so \.. IOWIN -00 mJi lk,, o \ 'Apr -Sept 1958 b. 1 soo~ me B - Apo.-Sp o o. 0 o 433" oL 0 -3m 0 .M 0& o we de at. \0 OM 5 ** m 5 JI n ' .. \1K 4 sr og o 65 44 .t--~ + sOmm .4 00 6 oi " 10 oe 1 ,.7 54 *L ,.oAp 195 Apr-Sept 4 -ep. 10 m + sYo I ' I 3. 10 t 113 o9 00m ko 95 0 .33" 4&