Document 11237842

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i ~ , ~ - f~ ei d~ "he
~ j Ei:iikk &s u ~ ~ r c cTechrloiogy
s (EivfS) W!S a syr-t,c~piic
vie%\iof large areas taken in four sepsrzie wave&ernds
from more than 550 miles in space. BWTS k-11agery
p ~ ~ ~ ?he
~ dland
e s maaag.i;r 21up-to-date plxoto iyap
of an 95,000-acre 2rea ai diflsreet ldmes (seasons) of
i..ile year. ~ e ! ~ e r 'reporeed that "''e n i a imagery ~ f i r s
promise in forest rr.,a,~ag--ment
inveatory work
over extensi~~ziy
forested areas, althou&
to date are experklentai and n o t yeady k: im1ne&atr:
A his expedmental satellite was launched or.1 $.sly
23, 1972, by the 'U.S, Natioi%a] Aeronautic. and
Space AdarzmstratEor: {NASA). B"crecrj& scerle in.
1-,j, . i . .i.banr
-:'2-r a. mu'itispectra! f.-anrer and
ieiays ei.;r;lionic signals to gronna. ;acili'&s.
Ai;bszr~:t: jL11:~Cnod I;gc, beer1 6s::ised
liig;-l-qkalit:; b~eck-l.,;x~-wrhi.,G
;-,egat*-s QnjcE,; ail< 1-1..
ficiencly koj:? dense .t;anspaancie~ o?;ransti:?g
Earth Resources lechnolog!i Sate%", imager)?. Trcns-qrp..~e:E eiia:cateeall a stand arc^ light sour.ce ic
erposu::e and processing information
r;eded ior 111akng negaii1.e~.A "2:istenn baSA Eatinn"
was develop&. b;i &stir.$ si6 selecting combinclbo:?~
3f 31j39light S O ; J ~ ~a>-,,
S ~ devi.,louj:. chal:,p
in Cjb9~.
. .
r.fc,.,,,-- ..;
density and c ~ ~ ~ ; ,S. . ~.lligc3bv~
L liiijg iri
e?f:c:s are. CCI;~L.SILG~jy ~ a ] c ~ l a t i t2djustm3nt~
in exdeveic~nren", .?'i;e metbod desc$oed czn
be used in: ~ e i a i i a e l ysnag da;lcrooms withmi sipens>re eqrripm:r.r. Iis ns.,'F . i ~'-,---,
r . s ciernoms:ralec in a
Ngh-al'liludc plvoio mission s.i-;r ehe Black Hi&
:ii;tiomal Faresil S~T.J,"~I Eakata.
signxis are cn:?x:erf.ed
coauentio2si; photographic
liI"itr~imagss in -the brim of positive 78-rrnz-1, iranspzrencies by an electrsi~b s z iecorder.
-n5m:u.r y i C a ---,,
illad$ from the archhe%ty~~n~par@:?ciei
be ,oiaLned horn IdASB in the for:-:~ o[ thirdgenertitioa "I-~III.~?.
pesitives and
fiega"t;irs. 1~i~;;cst
of the positives
been of good
q d i t y , but the negatives h8,!7$ bean exrrejlleiw deese.
'Clonsequectly, the negat':rss have a high f o g le.;rei, a
reduced B i l ~ . ~ range
b t ~ 6:'the g a y scde, an8 a loss of
image contrast. T?.ie gray scale
on eacll ' T ~ - ; I I ~ .
irar?spa:e~:;?cy i~n_zs
$9 steps, but ~ ~ seven
l yor eip&t car;
be diccri.ninate& on -the i e m e negatphies.
TIl l r c remot,$ sensing reeesrch 5nit of th; Pacigc
Forest acd Range B::perime;c.t Statio;~ie
. --.
using bRTS &~24~..gery
to stad)/ foract fespjrces. The
u~~l'i'sph-otographic sta-ff hzs f o ~ it~ &~.~cIL;&,
~ d
j i ! i ~ f a ~ t o5$&ig~m,$n:i
'.,ASA-prodzced ;legzt&es for ze]d and
Long exposure is needed to rtilake enlargen~ents
from the dense nega";ves. A 4X enlargement, for example, requires an exposure of 10 to 15 Klinutes.
Even hi&er magnification requires unreasonably long
exposure-and this can have adverse effects on the
finished print, such as loss of critical detail.
I have developed a teclznique for producing highquality black-and-white negatives from ERTS transparencies. This method insures that the same quality
is mainbined frorn one pass (orbit) to the next as
well as frorn season to season. It can also be used to
make negatives from any transparencies-black and
white or color. The method can be followed in a
small darkroom without any large investment of
Each ERTS transparency is evaluated on a light
source to determine the correct exposure and processing information. I use either channel 5 (0.6 to 0.7
pm) or channel 7 (0.8 to 1.1 pm) for making copy
negatives. Through a series of tests, a "System ASA
Rating" was derived for a particular filrn emulsion.
This was done in conjunction with both the illumination provided by the evaluating light source as well as
the exposing light source. Once these light sources
have been established they should remain as standards. Changes in film density and contrast, due to
the reciprocity characteristics of the emulsion, are
controlled by use of the Reciprocity Effect Compensation Table (table I). Use of the table helps eliminate all preliminary testing.
Any light meter can be used to read the over-all
density (light value) of the tes"cransparency. The
light source used to evaluate the test transparency is
the standard to which all transparencies will be compared in the future. This standard can be a light table,
transparency illuminator or viewer, contact printer,
or even a homemade light box consisting of a lamp
and a diffusion screen. But the standard must remain
An enlarger was used as a source of illumination to
contact expose the negative image from the ERTS
transparency. The selection of an enlarger over other
printing equipment was due to its versatility. Desirable features of an enlarger permit variations in exposure time, aperture opening (f stop), distance
between lamphousing and easel, and the use of neutral density filters. Neutral density filtration of 100
(color compensating filters-cyan, magenta, and
yellow) was used to control exposure time. The .un-
Table 1-Steps l o be used for compeasati~~g
for reciprocity eeffect zo'
processing fln2
l ~ o u r c e :film data sheet for Kodak Ektapan Film-4162, March 1969.
' ~ p p lthe
~ percent adjustment to correct the developing time selected
in fable 2.
exposed film and the positive transparency are placed
on the enlarger base and held Rat with a piece of
optically flat glass.
Processing the exposed sheet
can be handled
in either a tray or a tank, depending on the number
of sheets to be liandled at one time.
Fgms, Developers
Several films and developers were tested for use in
making negatives from ERTS transparencies. I found
that Kodak Ektapan Film (Type 4 1 6 2 ) ~was the best
for this task. Ektapan film is a medium-speed (ASA
loo), very fine grain, extremely stable (Estar base),
panchromatic film. A hi&-quality negative was produced by processing Ektapan film in Kodak MicrodolX filrn developer. Microdol-X Developer has the
characteristics of low graininess coupled with maximum sharpness and renders a low fog level.
""Sstem ASA Rating"
To use the light meter, a light standard, an enlarger
elluminator), Ektapan filrn, and Microdol-X
Developer in the right combination, I had to first find
a usable ASA rating. This was done by a series of test
exposures. The film exposure time was kept constant
and the enlarger lens aperture bf stop) setting changed
(e.g., 10 sec @ f.8, 10 sec @ f.11, 10 sec @ f.16). Tl??
test film sheets were notch-coded for identification,
and all exposure variables were recorded. They included: exposure time and f stop; lens used; distance
from lens to base (easel); diameter of light beam on
easel (focus control); variable enlarger settings; and
neutral density filtration-if used.
Before developing the test exposures, it is necessary to compensate for reciprocity effect. Reciprocity
Table 2-Developitzg hime,!? h s e d on I / P O Osecond Ektapan
Si'ieet FiIm and hficrodol-X Film Developer, QY solution
The tecl~niqareclassified here is unique in that it is
composed o f specific pieces of equipment and one
particular film type. Others using it must go through
this procedure with their own equipment to arrive at
their own stem" rating. A different ""$stem ASA
Rating" was established for mahng enlarged negatives
. ERTS transparencies.
l ~ u s tadjust for reciprocity effect by using adjustment
figures in fable I, column 4.
2 ~ o d a Ektapan
Film-4162 data sheet, March 1969.
3 ~ o s often
used temperature.
failure can occur at exposure times exceeding 1/10
second because of the characteristics of the emulsion.
To compensate for changes in density and con"crat,
use fable I and table 2. Table 1 shows that the 10second test exposures required 35 percent less development. The tray method (temperature of developer
- 6 8 " ~ ) requires a developing time of 10 minutes
f&ble 2). Because of the long exposure, however, the
adjusted developing time for the test exposures
processed under these conditions was 6% minutes
(i.e., 35 percent of 10 minutes = 3.5 minutes; therefore, 10 minutes less 3.5 minutes = 6.5 minutes).
After the film was processed and dried, the negatives were examined for over-all density, contrast,
gray scale, fog level, and detail. Contact prints were
also made from the test negatives and evaluated. A
negative was selected that. had a good range of gray
levels, a minimum fog level, and "ce sharpes"Eeta8.
After the test and the evaluation were completed,
these h o w n values were used to deterrmine the
"*stem ASA Rating": (a) exposure time (seconds);
( 6 ) aperture setting (f stop); (c) lens aperture adjustment (column 2 of table 2 ) ; and (d) light vdue of
"Iansparency (obtained with meter, transparency, and
standard light source). By using a li&t meter, we can
calculate the "@stem ASA Rating." For example,
the best test negative selected was exposed at f.8 for
10 seconds. Since table 1 showed a lens aperture adjustment of 2 stops more, the calculated exposure
used in wor&ng backwards to arrive at a Tim speed
computes to be f.16 for 10 seconds. Wi-tln the light
mekr set on a light value of 9 (measured from the
transparency on the standard light source), the &al
was rohted until f.16 was aligned with 10 seconds.
The number that appeared in the ASA window of the
computer was the new ""P;stem ASA Rating." ASA 2
was the rating arrived at for this particular system.
With the new ""$s"tem ASA Ra"cngWknow~i,a
fast, efficient method is available for producing negatives from ERTS transparencies by f o l l o ~ n gthese
1. Obtain a light meter reading for the transparency on a standard li&t source.
2. Find an exposure setting (f stop and time) with
the light value and ""%s"Eem ASA Rating.'9
3. Use table d for adjusting exposure for Reciprocity Compensation-adjtkst aperture or time, but
not both.
4. Set enlarger in the same configuration as the
one used when test exposures were made,
5. Expose negatives according to the adjusted exposure settings (from step 3).
6. Set up for processing by either tank or tray
method and prepare chemicds (developer, stop bath,
and fixer).
7. Just be-fore processing, take temperature reading of developer and find developing time in table 2.
8. Reduce "ce developing time (table 2) by the
percent development adjustment called for in table 1.
9. Process the fPlm accordhg "E the inskuctions
received in the film package, except for adjusted
developing time.
If extreme enlargements are required, portions of
the EWTS transparency can be enlarged onto Ektapan
film. This metllod wdl permit larger b l o w p s over
thahattainaMle with a contac"cega"cve. T l ~ eadvantage
of an enlarged negative (2X or 3 X ) over a contact
negative is a reduction in the noticeaue granularity
(the graininess of developed image) in the find enlarged print. A different ""Sstem ASA Rating" will
need "6 be determined for making the enlarged negatives.
Figure I-Prints made f r o m a Forest Sewice-produced negative: A, contact p r i n t
(1 : I ) ; B, 10X enlargement; C, 20X enlargement; D, 30X enlargement. The negative was made f r o m an E RTS "cansparency (ID 1291-18182-5) t h a t shows t h e San
Francisco Bay area. Scan lines become more noticeable as magnification increases.
Imagery is f r o m Multispectral Scanner band 5 (red, 0.6 t o 0.7 ,Urn), May 10,1973.
Figure 2-Top: conventional photography a t a scale o f 1 : 110,000
over t h e Black H i l l s N a t i o n a l Forest, S o u t h Dakota. Bottom:
E R T S image ( I D 1172-17123-7) enlarged a b o u t 30X f o r comparison; E R T S image is channel 4 (0.8 t o 1.1 pm), January 11, 1973.
Enlargemenb can be made on variable contrast
photo paper and the over-all contrast controlled by
means of filters. Polyconkrat Paper or Polycontrast
Rapid Paper developed in Dektol Developer is a good
With a good negative, prints can be made ranging
in size from contact (1 :1) to 30X or even beyond
I). iir;@re 2 2lustrates 30X enlargement made
from a negative produced by the method described
and shows how it compares with conventional
photography taken by high-flying aircraft. A variety
of scales can be achieved by enlarging the negative to
match existing maps, aeronau"ccal charts, or highaltitude aerial photography. The particular scale
desired can be produced by superimposing the negative image (in enlarger) onto the mag, chart, or aerial
photo placed on t l ~ eeasel.
A practical use of prints made from the negatives
produced by this method was demonstrated on a
recent high-altitude photo mission over the Black
Hills National Fores"cin South Dakota. Existing
Forest Service maps at a scale of % inch = 1 mae
(1 : 126,700) lack the type of detail and information
that is helpful for photo navigation. An ERTS image
was enlarged and scaled to the National Forest map
and flight lines transl'erred to the photos. The photo
crew found these photos to be far superior to the
maps that had been used in the past.
I ~ e l l e r ,Robert C. ERTS imagery-problems and promises
for foresters. 1973. (Paper presented at Meeting of Remote
Sensing Subject Group, Intern. Union of Forest Research
Organizations, Freiburg, West Germany, Sept. 19, 1973.)
2 ~ . National
~ .
Aeronautics and Space Administration. Processing methods for ER TS negatives. ERTS Investigators'
Bull. A(13): 1-4. 1973.
3 ~ r a d enames and commercial products and enterprises are
mentioned solely for information. No endorsement by the
U.S. Department of Agriculture is implied.
The Author
RICHARD J. MYHRE is assigned t o the Station's remote sensing research
unit headquartered in Berkeley, Calif. He operates the unit's photo laboratory and also serves as its aerial photographer. Native of Tacoma, Wash., he
joined the Station in 1965 after 3 years at the U.S. Forest Service's Forest
Insect Laboratory, Beltsville, Md.