(c) crown copyright Catalogue Reference:cab/66/26/46 Image Reference:0001 THIS DOCUMENT IS T H E PROPERTY OF H I S BRITANNIC MAJESTY'S GOVERNMENT MOST S E C R E T Copy No. W . P . (42) 316. July 25, 1942 TO BE K E P T UNDER LQCK AND KEY It is requested that special care may be taken to ensure the secrecy of this document WAR CABINET S T A T I S S T H I I C P S P R I N E G Offices of the War Cabinet, Great George Street, S.W. 1, July 25, 1942 24149 L A T I N S I T U G A T T I O O N T H E SUMMARY Construction for t h e United N a t i o n s and losses of merchant ships 1,600 gross t o n s and over Million TABLE A Tliuuuuml gross tons Non-tankers 1942 1st Quarter 2nd Quarter Forecast— 3rd Quarter 4th Quarter Tankers 2 CompletionsC) Losses( ) CompletionsC) Losses( ) 0-61 1-25 0-19 0-69 1-45 1-51 0-20 0-68 1-93 0-31 2-02 0-34 2-55 0-33 3-44 0-51 3-52 0-42 3-59 0-51 ! - 1943 1st Quarter 2nd Quarter 3rd Quarter 4th Quarter (1) Completions in the United Kingdom, in the United States and in Canada. ( ) British, Allied and Neutral. 2 Source : Admiralty, War Production Board, and Central Statistical Office Imports into t h e U n i t e d Kingdom TABLE B (excluding i m p o r t s from E i r e ) (') Petroleum products, molasses, whale oil (unrefined) and industrial alcohol. Million tons Source: Ministry of War Transport I—EMPLOYMENT OF SHIPPING Vessels, o t h e r than tankers, on the British Register o r on t i m e charter t o t h e United Kingdom 1,600 gross tons a n d over TABLE 1 Thousand tons January 1942 February 1942 March 1942 ; April 1942 i G.T. Allocated Allocated t o Figntin Figntingg Service Servicess Trading Tradin g Abroad Abroad— — Cros Crosss Trades(' Trades(')) Loca Locall Tradin Tradingg Importing Importin g t o Unite Unitedd Kingdo Kingdom m Easter Easternn Theatres^ Theatres^)) fro from m Coasting—Uniteill Kingdo Coasting—Unitei Kingdom m Importing Importin g t o Unite Unitedd Kingdo Kingdom m Atlanticc Area Atlanti Areass ( )( ) 3 4 fro from m Vessels Vessels repairing repairing,, &c &c.. 1 D.W. 'G.T. D.W. G.T. D.W. 4,656 mamt 4,791 4,733 4,828 4,761 4,520 4,144 1,318 1,244 4,532 2,015 1,657 1,537 1,111 2,382 1,477 1,734 1,080 2,700 1,446 1,958 1,163 3,199 1*429 2,730 4,020 2,561 3,772 2,398 3,558 2,319 3,440 383 530 355 485 322 438 310 .428. 3,481 5,478 3,431 3,504 5,443 3,530 5,462 3,166 2,275 3,124 2,073 2,806 1,994 2,790 21,398 16,061 21,319 15,939 21,152 15,794 20,892 2,314 :. 16,126 TOTA TOTAL L G.T. D.W. Sgut ] ( ) Including vessels operating between North and South America and Eastern theatres (which amounted to 1-1 million gross tons at the end of April) and vessels operating between the Middle East and India, Africa and Australasia (which amounted to 552,000 gross tons at the end of April). ( ) Trading between United Kingdom and Eastern Mediter­ ranean, India, &c, Far East, Australia and New Zealand, South and East Africa. (') Trading between United Kingdom and Faroe Islands, Iceland, Greenland and Archangel, Spain, Portugal, Spanish Morocco, Azores and Canary Islands, West Africa, North and South America and the West Indies and Gulf. '4) Including a small tonnage importing from the Pacific Coast " ' of North America. Source: Ministry of. War Transport ... ,. . . 2 Tankers on the British Register and on t i m e charter t o t h e United Kingdom 1,600 gross t o n s and over TABLE 2 Thousand tons Fleet attendance Importing services of the U.K. G.T. D.W. G.T. 443 637 February March Repairing or damaged D.W. G.T. D.W. " 1,748 2,622 940 1,415 478 692 1,539 2,316 988 1,468 424 614 1,385 2,063 933 1,394 April 484 704 1,323 1,966 883 1,328 May ... .451 - 657 1,393 2,080 826 June 434 633 1,321 1,971 841 1942 January (') Vessels itrading between countries other than the United Kingdom and Eire, vessels engaged in the coasting trade of the United Kingdom and Eire, and storage ships. Qtheif) G.T. 1,472 D.W. i 1 1,555 2,175 2,309 : TOTAL G.T. D.W. 4,603 6,849' 4,560 6,785 4,291 ,. 6,386 1,549 1 2,315 1,477 2,201 4,167 6,199 1,233 ., 1,428 1 1 2,127 . 4,098. 6,097 1,255 1 2,181 4,063 6,040 1,467 Source: Ministry of War Transport I-EMPLOYMENT OF SHIPPING Vessels, o t h e r than tankers, on t h e British Register or on t i m e charter t o t h e U n i t e d Kingdom 1,600 gross t o n s a n d over TABLE 1 Thousand tons January 1942 February 1942 . G.T. Allocated Allocated t o Fightin Fightingg Service Servicess .. .... Trading Tradin g Abroad Abroad— — Crosss Trades Cros TradesO O Loca Locall Tradin Tradingg Importin Importingg t o Unite Unitedd Kingdo Kingdom m Easternn Theatres( ) Easter 2 fro from m Coasting—Unitedd Kingdo Coasting—Unite Kingdom m Importin Importingg to Unite Unitedd Kingdo Kingdom m Atlanticc Area Atlanti Areass (')C) ')C) fro from m D.W. - - March 1942 ­ G.T. D.W. "G.T. April 1942 D.W. G.T. D.W. 4,656 4,532 4,791 4,733 4,828 4,761 4,520 4,144 1,318 1,244 2,015 1,657 1,537 1,111 2,382 1,477 1,734 1,080 2,700 1,446 1,958 1,163 3,199 1*429 2,730 4,020 2,561 3,772 2,398 3,558 2,319 3,440 383 530 355 485 322 438 310 .-. 428. 3,504 5,443 3,530 5,462 1,994 2,790 S3ui 3,481 5,478 3,431 Vessels Vessels repairing repairing,, &c &c.. 2,314 ' 3,166 2,275 3,124 2,073 2,806 TOTA TOTAL L :. 16,126 21,398 16,061 21,319 15,939 21,152 : ; i (') Including vessels operating between North and South America and Eastern theatres (which amounted to 1-1 million gross tons at the end of April) and vessels operating between the Middle East and India, Africa and Australasia (which amounted to 552,000 gross tons at the end of April). ( ) Trading between United Kingdom and Eastern Mediter­ ranean, India, &c, Ear East, Australia and New Zealand, South and East Africa. ( ) Trading between United Kingdom and Faroe Islands, Iceland, Greenland and Archangel, Spain, Portugal, Spanish Morocco, Azores and Canary Islands, West Africa, North and South America and the West Indies and Gulf. '4) Including a small tonnage importing from the Pacific Coast " ' of North America. 15,794' 20,892 Source: Ministry of. War Transport ,. . .. ;. . ., 2 3 Tankers on t h e British Register and on t i m e charter t o t h e U n i t e d Kingdom 1,600 gross t o n s and over TABLE 2 Thousand tons Fleet attendance G.T. 1,74 1,7488 2,622 2,622 69 6922 1,539 1,539 424 424 61 6144 April 484 484 704 704 May ... .45 .4511 - 65 6577 June 434 434 63 6333 D.W D.W.. 4433 44 63 6377 February 478 478 March G.T. G.T. Repairing or damaged D.W. D.W. G.T.. G.T 1942 January l Importing services of the U.K. OtherO -TOTAL G.T. 940 1,415 1,472 2,175 -1,603 6,849 2,31 2,3166 988 1,468 1,555 2,309 4,560 6,785 1,385 1,385 2,0633 2,06 933 1,394 1,549 2,315 4,291 .. 6,386 1,323 1,323 1,96 1,9666 883 1,328 1,477 2,201 4,167 6,199 1,393 1,393:: 2,080 2,080 826 1,233 . 1,428 2,127 . 4,098 6,097 1,321 1,321 1,971 1,971 841 1,255 1,467 2,181 4,063 6,040 i ) Vessels (trading between countries other than the United Kingdom and Eire, vessels engaged in the coasting trade of the United Kingdom and Eire, and storage ships. .Q.T. D.W. D.W. 1 D.W. ; Source: Ministry of War Transport II-IMPORTS INTO THE UNITED KINGDOM x Imports and loadings under Departmental programmes( ) ( e x c l u d i n g tanker i m p o r t s and i m p o r t s from Eii-e) TABLE 3 - . ' Ministry of Food 3 194 19411 Year( ) 1942 1942 Januar Januaryy - .. .... Ministry of Supply and Board of Trade TOTAL Loadings Imports Loadings Imports Loadings Imports 15-32 14-65 15-64 15-82 30-96 30-48 1-08 0-988 0-9 0-97 1-02 2-05 2-01 0-78 0-9 0-966 0-87 0-91 1-66 1-87 1-02 1-02 1-03 0-93 2-08 1-94 1-10 1-10 1-12 1-on 2-30 2-10 2-26 2-21 2-24 2-09 12-58 12-19 Februar Februaryy .. .... March March .. .... .. .... 1-05 Apri Aprill .. .... .. .... 1-18 May May .. .... .. .... - June Jun e .. ..;; Million tons - 1-11 1-16 1-16 1-16 1-05 0-92 1-0 1-05 5 1-32 1-0-1 - 2 Tota Totall Januar Januaryy t o June( ).. ).... Forecast— . . July. July... .. .... Augustt .. Augus .... Septembe Septemberr 6-11 7 - - 6-26 6-26 6-47 5-93 0-93 1-00 1-38 1-20 0-95 0-90 1-35 1-30 0-90 .. .... 1-30 2-30 2-20 - 2-20 2-30 2-20 2-20-2-30 - - October October 2-10-2-30 l ( ) The figures given for individual months represent the estimated weights of the commodities included in the Trade and Navigation Accounts for each month and are unadjusted for small revisions subsequently made in the cumulative totals given in the Accounts for later months. ( ) Adjusted for revisions. Source: Ministry of War Transport 2 Arrivals of Tanker-borne Petroleum Products TABLE 4 Thousand tons AdmiraltyC) Weekly average 13,501-9 259-7 167-8- 878-2 219-5 756-3 189-1 1,008-0 252-0 21-1 627-4 125-5 733-1 - 146-6 106-6 26-7 758-9 189-7 865-5 216-4 59-1 14-8 417-8 104-4 476-9 119-2 111-8 22.4 722-5 144-5 834-3 1G6-9 841-8 32-4 3,954-2 152-1 4,796-0 184-5 204-0 51-0 783-7 195-9 987-7 246-9 August*... 321-0 64-2 927-5 185-5 1,248-5 249-7 September 249-0 62-2 679-5 169-9 928-5 232-1 Weekly average Imports I 2,852-7 54-9 10,649-2 ; ... 206-9 51-7 671-3 . ... 251-7 62-9 Marph* ... 105-7 April 1942 January... February . . . . . ... MayJune * ... Total January to June Forecast— July 3 ! 204-8 1 :-­ ( ) Including imports into Iceland and Murmansk. ( )-After deduction of £ per cent, for ocean leakage. ( ) The above figures relate to arrivals and not to Trade and Navigation Account imports. * Average of five weeks 2 TOTAL Imports Imports 1941 Year l Petroleum Board(-')' Source: Ministry of War Transport and Ministry of Fuel and Power (Petroleum Division)- Ill-STOCKS Stocks of food, animal feeding stuffs, raw materials and pecroleu -n products in t h e United Kingdom ("j TABLE 5 Million tons Food (excluding potatoesX ) End of month Petroleum products Raw materials 1 Wheat and Other Total flour foods (as flour) Animal feeding stuffs Steel and Other Admiralty steelraw Total Total making oil fuel materials materials Other petroleum products 1941—March June... September December. 3-25 i 3-76 : S-iTfc.fl 5-56 j 53 94 -46 67 1-72 1-82 2-SK*4 2-89 1-35 0-99 4-63 3-24 12-83 12-90 13-45 13-75 5-51 6-34 6-90 7-24 7-32 6-56 6-55 6-51 4-58 4-71 6-03 7-04 1-79 1-83 2-05 2-22 2-79 2-88 3-98. 4-82 1942—January February March 6-13 I 4-95 4-67 -30 -18 -88 2-83 2-77 2-79 2-69 1-97 1-50 13-39 13'05 12-69 7-12 6-98 6-92 6-27 6-07 5-77 7-05 7-14 6-66 2-24 2-29 2-14 4-81 4-85 .4-52 4-62 4-58 4-54 1-87 1-98 2-04 2-75 2-60 2-50 1-22 1-07 1-01 12-43 12-36 12-35 6-94 6-99 7-07 5-49 5-37 5-28 6-62 6-17 5-89 04 87 74 4-58 4-30 4-15 4-23 6-85 6-54 1-87 3-64 3-39 2-36 3-21 3-15 0-93 5-10 4-87 12-25 12-44 12-53 6-95 7-01 7-06 5-30 5-43 5-47 5-93 5-95 5-84 1-72 1-76 1-79 4-21 4-19 4-05 April May June Forecast— July August SeptejnberC) Source : Ministry of Food, Ministry of Supply (Raw Materials Depart­ ment), and Ministry of Fuel and Power (!) Bulk stocks and stocks on farms. ( ) For petroleum products, the forecast for the end of September follows the lines adopted in reports to the Lord Presidents . Committee. Later information points to a less favourable position. 2 IV—MERCHANT SHIPBUILDING Merchant ships c o m p l e t e d 1,600 gross t o n s and over TABLE 6 Thousand gross tons United KingdomC) Total 3 United States of America^X ) Canadaf) Vessels other Vessels Vessels than tankers other other Tankers! Total Tankers than than British tankers tankers Total interest TOTAL Total Vessels other Tankers than tankers Actual Production 1943 January February March 1st Quarter n 87 64 113 61 48 113 26 16 130 193 194 61 152 155 20 27 27 69 41 39 7 7 7 224 264 314 129 207 275 95 57 39" 264 222 42 517 368 74 149 21 802 611 191 ' April May June 118 123 84 82 91 66 36 32 18 267 428 493 236 400 442 41 65 50 31 28 51 43 36 57 428 587 634 361 527 565 60 69 2nd Quarter ... 325 239 86 1,188 1,078 156 110 136 1,649 1,453 196 3rd Quarter ... 330 241 89 1,690 218 213 2,233 1,926 307 4th Quarter ... 297 220 77 1,920 61 265 143 2 360 2,018 342 Estimated Production r .'/;. I I 1,472 1,655 1943 1st Quarter ... 299 258 41 2,3-53 2,060 293 232 2,884 2,550 334 2nd Quarter ... 327 261 66 3,407 2,964 443 214 3,948 3,439 509 n c l u d e s S J, merchant-type vessels building for the Services. - ^ ^ S S e s for estimated production are converted from ( ) Estimated. J on l e n T 3 ur Source: Admiralty, War Production Board, and Central Statistical Office British, Allied and Neutral Josses of merchant ships by e n e m y action and other causes(') (Occurrence basis) TABLE ;7 Thousand gross tons British and British controlled American and American controlled TOTAL . All other Other Other j All All than Tankers! ships than Tankers ships ships tankers tankers Other All than Tankers ships tankers 1941 1st Quarter 1,430 -1,101 329 2nd Quarter 1,662 1,430 232 : 3rd Quarter 647 ' 575 72 4th Quarter 886 772 114 149 248 296 1942 January February March '. 249 '' 263 294 118 I 116 149 202 169 227 ;85 117 124 31 85 103 42 48 .152 .525 662 842 376 414 546 806 ' 433 545 326' 219 242 2,029 1,336 693 245 298 390 '. ' 933 127 180 284 . 118 118 106 689 736 811 443 511 604 246 225' 207 591 342 2,236 1,558 367 412 463. ... 1st Quarter 1^42 April May..,. June... 424 427 380 296 320 287 1,231 903 : 2nd Quarter : I 128 107 ! 93 -:: I 328 ' ! -* 20 . 11 '41 '72 (1) Vessels of ajl. tonnages lost by enemy action and vessels 'o.f 100 gross tons and over lost by marine risk, excluding '' merchant vessels commissioned for naval service and Fleet Auxiliaries. ; 678 ; Source: Admiralty : British, Allied and Neutral losses of merchant ships by e n e m y according t o area( ) action 1 (Occurrence basis) TABLE 8 Thousand gross tons N.W. Western Ap(including proaches Atlaritic Barents Sea) 1941 1st Quarter. 521 2nd Quarter. 523 3rd Quarter... 125 4th Quarter... 137 1942 January February March , .. 69 19 108 104 25 143 *91 419 April May .... ' June ... 2nd Quarter.. 237 853 r g ]f &c. 72 330 179 29 37 130 223 316 334 25 48 247 25 35 5 121 75 40 73 23 J 57 7 19 20 i r 44 i OA 1st (Quarter .. A 78 3 10 41 84 62 7 7 25 99 1,374 153 32 l 57 1 342 512 520 58 Mediter­ ranean FreeIndian (irielud­ town and ing Else­ Suez- Ocean South ((including where TOTAL Canal Atlantic and Black Bed Sea) ' Sea) Viv^-'" 29 21 30 80 ( ) Total losses by enemy action of merchant vessels of all . tonnages,,,including tankers, but excluding merchant vessels commissioried for naval service and Royal Fleet Auxiliary tankers. : I 1,237 1,559 26 530 284 730 29 26 28 80 141 183 397 692 779 46 S3 404 1,768 12 21 54 148 15 7 12 14 622 708 757 87 229 I 6 33 Source: Admiralty m British, A l l i e d and N e u t r a l losses of m e r c h a n t ships by e n e m y action and o t h e r causes(') (Occurrence b a s i s ) TABLE 7 Thousand gross tops American and American controlled British and British controlled TOTAL All other Other Other All ! than Tankers ships All than Tankers ships ships tankers tankers All ships Other than Tankers tankers 1,430 -1,101 329 2nd Quarter 1,662 1,430 232 3rd Quarter 647 575 72 4th Quarter 886 772 114 .525 662 842 . 376 414 546 149 248 296 1941 1st Quarter i 1942 January February March ... ... 1st Quarter April May ... June... ... . 2nd Quarter 85 117 124 31 85 103 42 48 152 326 219 .242 2,029 1,336 693 245 298 390 127 180 284 . 118 118 106 20 .11 41 689 736 .811 443 511 604 246 225 207 933 591 342 '72 2,236 1,558 67b 249 ' 263 294 118 149 169 116 202 227 1,242 806 435 545 424 427 380 296 320 287 128 107 93 1,231 903 328 ' 367 412 463 : , (1) -Vessels of a]l tonnages lost by enemy action and vessels of 100 gross tons and over lost by marine risk, excluding ' merchant vessels commissioned for naval service and Fleet Auxiliaries. : ;Source: -'' Admiralty British, A l l i e d and N e u t r a l losses of m e r c h a n t ships by e n e m y action according t o area( ) x (Occurrence basis) TABLE 8 Thousand gross tons * Mediter Mediter-ranean ranea n North FreeChannel, Indian (includ (includ-N.W. Sea town and Irish Ocean Else­ Western ing in g Suez Suez' ' Ap(including Sea, South (including where TOTAL proaches Atlantic Barents Cana Canal l &c. Atlantic and Sea) an d Blac Blackk Red Sea) Sea Sea)) i 1941 1st Quarter... 521 69 72 330 179 29 37 1,237 ' 316 334 25 1,559 25 35 5 40 73 i 2nd Quarter... 523 3rd Quarter... 125 4th Quarter... 137 1942 J a n u a r y February March 8 19 130 j 223 48 j 247 121 j 75 26 530 284 730 29 26 28 80 141 183 397 fi92 779 83 404 1,768 7: 622 708 757 108 104 25 143 i91 419 44 1 .3 57 - 237 853 78 1 10 57 : 20 46 April May .... June 58 41 342 512 520 84 62 7 j 7 25 29 21 30 12 21 54 148 15 66 12 14 2nd Quarter... 99 1,374 32 80 87 229 33 1st Quarter... 23". 153 .7 ; ll 1 ( ) Total losses by enemy action of merchant vessels of all tonnages, including tankers, but excluding merchant vessels Commissioned for naval service and Royal Fleet Auxiliary -tankers. I ' , , ; ....... Source: i., ., 8 ^ * Admiralty