Document Type Signature Authority

Document Type
Signature Authority
a/o 8/26/2015
Art Exhibition and Loan Agreements
Contracts with other colleges and universities for intercollegiate events
Auxiliary Business Units
Management Agreements (Dining, Bookstore, Beverages, Rec Center)
Management Agreements - Housing / Property Manager
Banking, Investments, Financial Transactions
Contracts for investment advisors, investments, custodial agreements, and
distributions from trusts. Includes authority to sign checks, arrange for wire or
ACH transfers and sign other similar financial instruments to meet the usual and
customary banking needs of the University. Authority to open and close bank
accounts is reserved to the Vice President for Business Affairs & Finance.
Director of Art Gallery
Director of Intercollegiate Athletics
Vice President, Business Affairs & Finance
Vice President, Business Affairs & Finance
Vice President, Business Affairs & Finance
Financing matters, such as sale of bonds
Budget Transfers
Operating funds all (unrestricted)
Capital Improvement Projects / Design & Construction contracts
Facilities Rental Agreements
Gifts and endowments
Solitictations and acceptance of gifts, all others
Residence Life - Housing & Dining Services
Residential Housing agreement
Dining / Meal Plan agreement
Legal documents
Vice President, Business Affairs & Finance
Settlement documents approved by the Ohio AG
Routine settlement documents and releases pertaining to litigation or threatened
litigation, including worker's compensation, unemployment compensation,
collection matters, labor contracts, intellectual property, bond documents and
supporting opinions.
Licensing Agreements
All other rights including authority to waive royalties and permission to use
University’s name /logos to promote products/services
Personal Services - Based on dollar amount
(e.g., Independent Contractor Agreements)
Personnel Actions
Student Employment Authorization
General Counsel
Director, Budget & Financial Analysis
Vice President, Business Affairs & Finance
Director of Conference Services
See Naming Gift Opportunities policy -- Vice President for University Advancement
Management Company
Management Company
General Counsel
Associate Vice President for Enrollment Services & Marketing
Dean or Division Vice President
Departmental Student Employment Designee
Document Type
Signature Authority
a/o 8/26/2015
Graduate Student Agreements
Classified employee actions, all
Letter of appointment employees - full-time, all
Dean and Senior Vice Provost for Academic Affairs
Chief Human Resources Officer
Dean or Division Vice President
Letter of appointment employees - part-time non-temporary
Letter of appointment employees - part-time, temporary, teaching & admin
Dean or Division Vice President
Letter of appointment employees - part-time, temporary, non-teaching
Records of hours worked/sick leave & vacation
Purchasing Goods and Services
Less than $2,500
Greater than $2,501
Real estate:
Leasing transactions -- 6 months or less
-- > 6 months
Agreements for purchase or sale of real estate
Agreements for gifts of real estate
Sponsored Program and Research
Dean or Division Vice President
See purchasing policy
Department Chair / Head
Dean or Division Vice President
Externally Funded Grants and Sponsored Contracts for Research up to $499,999
Associate Vice President for Research
Externally Funded Grants and Sponsored Contracts for Research > $500,000
Grants and sponsored program sub-contracts
Budget Transfers -- Grants, sponsored programs all (restricted)
Tax Filings and Returns
Travel expense authorizations
Agreements for payment of services of performing artists
Agreements for clinical affiliation, standard and non-standard
Agreements related to Student Affairs Sponsored Events
Agreements/contracts -- any / all other commitments of University funds
Academic Affiliation agreements
Services agreements - University is vendor
Vice President for Research
Director of Sponsored Programs & Research Services
Director of Sponsored Programs & Research Services
Department Head
Vice President, Business Affairs & Finance
Vice President, Business Affairs & Finance
Vice President, Business Affairs & Finance
See Naming Gift Opportunities policy -- Vice President for University Advancement
Dean or Division Vice President
Vice President for Student Affairs
Vice President, Business Affairs & Finance
Dean or Division Vice President