JUNE 1939 STATION BULLETIN 363 Controlling Seed-Borne Stinking Smut of Wheat by Disinfectants RoDEeIcx SPRAGUE Oregon State System of Higher Education Agricultural Experiment Station Oregon State College Corvallis TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Introduction Plan of Studies and General Method of Procedure Influence of Spore Load on the Relative Effectiveness of Certain Treatments Influence of the Date of Seeding on the Relative Effectiveness of Certain Seed Treatments Influence of Soil-Borne Spores on Relative Effectiveness of Certain Seed Treatments Influence of the Length of Storage Period of Treated Grain on the Relative Efficacy of Certain Seed Treatments Influence of Soil Type on the Relative Effectiveness of Certain Seed Treatments Influence of Unbroken Smut Balls on the Relative Effectiveness of Certain Seed Treatments Relative Effectiveness of Various Copper Dusts in Controlling Stinking Smut Relative Effectiveness of Miscellaneous Dusts in Controlling Seed-Borne Stinking Smut Relative Effectiveness of Certain Seed Treatments for SpringSown Wheat Relative Effectiveness of Certain Seed Treatments in Controlling Stinking Smut in Ridit (A Resistant Variety) and the Influence of These Treatments on Yield Influence of the Seed Treatments on the Stand of Grain General Discussion and Recommendations 6 7 9 11 13 19 20 22 25 26 28 29 29 SUMMARY Most farm seed wheat in Oregon can be made free from smut by using New Improved Ceresan, to ounce per bushel, or 52 per cent copper carbonate, 50 per cent basic copper sulphate, or 26 per cent copper fungicide at 3 ounces per bushel in winter wheat and 2 ounces in spring wheat. A number of factors that influence the effectiveness of the treatments were studied in the field from 1934 to 1938. The later wheat is seeded in the fall the greater the chances for optimum smut development in the plants sprouting in the increasingly cold and moist soil. The 18 to 20 per cent carbonates were ineffective under these late-fall conditions and even the 52 per cent copper carbonates were somewhat ineffective, although to a lesser degree than the more dilute copper carbonates. New Improved Ceresan was effective at increased rates, to 1 ounce, and basic copper sulphates were fairly effective under late-fall conditions. Control of soil-borne smut is difficult and if the spore load is heavy, control is virtually impossible. Fortunately, soil-borne smut is much less prevalent than during the days before the com- bine harvester. The copper dusts at 3 or, better, 4 ounces per bushel will give some control of soil-borne smut as also will New Improved Ceresan at 1 ounce per bushel applied just before seeding. The length of the storage period between treating and seeding had no effect on the efficacy of the copper dusts, ut New Improved Ceresan gave increased stands over untreated seed, if the grain was seeded a few days after treating at the f to -ouncè rate per bushel. After six weeks there was only slight loss in stand with this treatment, but after a year in storage grain so treated needed to be seeded about 10 per cent thicker than normal. Wheat treated at 1 ounce per bushel should be seeded within a week to prevent reduction in stand but it can be held for several weeks to a year with comparatively small loss. Any of the better soils for growing wheat in Oregon are about equally capable of permitting heavy smut infection. Acid I SUMMARYContinued soils reduce the amount of smut and correspondingly simplify control. Treatments that weaken germination should be avoided when the grain is to be seeded in heavy soil. The presence of unbroken smut balls in seed wheat increases the difficulty of smut control even if the balls pass through the drill unbroken. New Improved Ceresan at ounce is not always effective against large numbers of smut balls, but 1 ounce per bushel is effective. Under farm practice, from to - ounce will effectively treat most smut-ball-infested wheat, but where the seed contains moderate to excess quantities of balls, which is uncommon, from to 1 ounce should be used. Control with copper dusts was uncertain but fairly effective at 3 ounces per bushel in samples containing moderate quantities of smut balls. Wet or dip treatments, particularly formaldehyde, gave good control if the balls were soaked through, while bluestone in 25 per cent 0. S. Vatsol, a wetter, gave nearly perfect control. The wet treatments, however, endangered germination. In separate tests with a large number of copper dusts, the 50-per-cent basic copper sulphates and the 52-per-cent copper carbonates gave the best control, with 26-per-cent copper dusts nearly as effective. A number of the copper dusts were about as effective as these but were too expensive or had other faults. Certain arsenical compounds gave good control of seed-borne smut but are not considered feasible because of their arsenic content and the attendant hazard to operators. Ridit and other wheats resistant to seed-borne races of smut should be treated to reduce loss from smut and winter injury attributed to latent smut infection. Treating seed wheat with the recommended seed disinfectants gave increased stands in from 50 to 90 per cent of the cases. Smut in spring wheat, which is more easily controlled than in fall-sown wheat, should be carefully treated in Eastern Oregon, particularly if it is to be sown early. Recommendations for Eastern and Western Oregon are given separately. Controlling Seed-Borne Stinking Smut of Wheat by Disinfectants* RODER ICE SPSAGUEt INTRODUCTION STINKING smut of wheat, which is caused by two closely related fungi, Tillelia tritici and T. levis, is not as serious in Oregon as it was a generation ago. This fact has been pointed out recently by Whitlock. Decrease in stink- ing smut of wheat is due to more universal use of seed treatments, a better knowledge of the Smut and how to avoid it, and an increasing use of varieties that are resistant to at least Some of the twenty-odd races of stinking smut now recognized. When the first varieties of wheat resistant to stinking smut were introduced to Oregon farmers, the prospects were excellent for early elimination of the problem. Consequently, the interest in seed-treatment research lagged. It soon became apparent, however, that new races of stinking smut were attacking wheat varieties that formerly had been thought to be highly resistant and hence that careful seed disinfection of all wheat varieties would be necessary. Dissatisfaction of Oregon growers with current seed-treatment practices was responsible for the initiation of these studies. The studies presented in this bulletin were started in the fall of 1934 at Corvallis and at the branch stations at Mores and Pendleton. The standard treatment at that time was copper carbonate dust. Both the standard grades, with 50 to 54 per cent copper by weight, and the dilute with 18 to 20 per cent copper were used. The latter were used in particularly heavy dosages with resultant fogging and irritation to the worker. Some growers were returning to the old wet formaldehyde and bluestone treatments with frequent injury to the seed. More recently, New Improved Ceresan has passed from the trial stage into extensive use in certain sections in Oregon, particularly in the Willamette Valley and Central Oregon. Other copper dusts have been introduced by manufacturers so that at present the farmer has the choice of several reliable dust disinfectants. Most of the more recently introduced copper-containing dusts being sold in Oregon are basic copper sulphates. The list of copper dusts being sold for seedtreating purposes in Oregon in November 1938 included the following 1.Copper carbonate containing 52 per cent copper. 2. Copper carbonate containing 18-20 per cent copper. Cooperative investigations by the Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station and the Division of Cereal Crops and Diseases, Bureau of Plant Industry, U. S. Department of Agriculture. Associate pathologist, Division of Cereal Crops and Diseases, Bureau of Plant In. dustry, U. S. Department of Agriculture. Whitlock, Bert W., Smut1- Wheat Receipts Continue Decline. U. S. Department of Agricultural Ext. Path. Serial No. 35 4-6. Jan. 1939. (Mimeographed) S AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION BULLETIN 363 6 Basic copper sulphate containing approximately 50 per cent copper, sold tinder such trade names as Acme Smutreat (also a 25 per cent copper grade), Acme Kopper King, Lucas Coppatone, Mountain basic copper sulphate, Basi-Cop and Basul, and Tennessee tn-basic copper sulphate. Basic copper sulphate containing 34 per cent copper, listed as '34' copper fungicide. Copper x bas.ic chemical containing about 26 per cent copper. Such prod- ucts as "Copper Hydro-40," "26 per cent copper fungicide," and socalled copper hydroxides are classed in this group. Ground bluestonc or copper sulphate is sometimes sold for seed-treating purposes. Red copper oxide is sold in Oregon for treating small seeds but is not used to any extent for treating wheat. This bulletin presents data on the relative effectiveness, under a variety of conditions, of all the standard seed treatments sold th Oregon and of a large number of experimental chemicals, including some that might later be offered for sale. PLAN OF STUDIES AND GENERAL METHOD OF PROCEDURE In order to effect better control of stinking smut of wheat by seed treatment, it is necessary to determine the factors that bring about in- effective control. This study consisted, therefore, of similarly planned experiments designed in each case to determine the influence of some particular climatic or environmental factor on control. The tests included a study of the effects of the following factors on control: Spore load on the seed. Date of seeding. Soil-borne spores. Length of storage after treatment. Unbroken smut balls in seed. Treatment, with respect to stand and yield. Most of the studies were made with artificially smutted wheat of the susceptible variety Hybrid 128 seeded in the fall. The seed was evenly smutted with a mixture of races of Yule/ia Iritici and T. levis furnished by C. S. Holton. The smut was added at the rate of one part, by weight, of finely ground and sifted smut to 200 parts, by weight, of wheat grain. During the first year the rate was 1 to 100, but this proved unnecessary as a very heavy infection was obtained by the 1 to 200 rate. Nonvolatile chemicals, such as the copper dusts, were added by weight to 500-gram samples of seed and evenly mixed in 2-liter flasks. The treated seed was measured into 6-gram lots and packed in small brown-paper envelopes for seeding later in 8-foot rows. Wheat that had been treated with New Improved Ceresan or other volatile or semigaseous products was not packeted immediately, but the wheat grain was held for several days in open glass or glazed crockery containers. As it was found that the paper packets absorbed the fumes of CONTROLLING SEED-BORNE STINKING SMUT 7 the New Improved Ceresan, the wheat grain so treated was left in clean nonabsorbent containers for several days, or until near seeding time. It was found necessary to keep wheat grain that had been treated with New Improved Ceresan free from possible recontamination. Such wheat seed after treatment was removed to distant rooms virtually free from smut. The formaldehyde dip was used at the standard rate of one part of formaldehyde (commercial 40 per cent) to 320 parts of water, in which the wheat grain was immersed for 10 minutes in 1934 and for 3 minutes in later years. Bluestone was used at the rate of 1 pound of copper sulphate to 5 gallons of water, plus 1 pound of salt. This was followed by a lime bath. The wheat grain was seeded directly from the packets into furrows made with a wheel hoe and was covered by raking the soil back into the furrows. All necessary care was used in seeding to avoid contamination of the wheat grain by tools, wind, or hands. At harvest time, counts of the percentage of smutted heads in the rows were made. The rows had from 60 to 450 heads per row with the majority having from 160 to 220 heads per row. INFLUENCE OF SPORE LOAD ON THE RELATIVE EFFECTIVENESS OF CERTAIN TREATMENTS A majority of the studies discussed in this bulletin deal with heavily smutted seed (1 part, by weight, of smut spores to 200 parts, by weight, of wheat grain) because it is only by using such seed that the relative merits of the fungicide are determined. Such wheat, however, is much more heavily smutted than is wheat grain found under farm conditions. Therefore, trials were also made with wheat more nearly approaching the degree of contamination found in farm seed wheat. Method of procedure. Clean field-run Hybrid 128 seed was smutted with spores of stinking smut at three different rates, by weight; viz., 1-1,800, 1-600, and 1-200. In addition, field-run check rows were added in which only traces of smut were present. All four lots of seed were handled separately to avoid contamination of the lighter-smutted lots with the heavier ones. Each treatment was grown in four rows. Results and discussion. The data are presented in Table 1. Winter injury reduced the amount of smut in the trials at both Moro and Pendleton in 1936-37, particularly in the grain smutted at the rate of 1 to 200. While it is common to obtain 95 per cent smut infection from untreated smutted wheat seed at Pendleton, the same methods produced only 48.6 per cent at this station during 1936-37. The progeny from heavily smutted seed had thinner stands and less smut than that from lightly smutted seed wheat. This indicates that winter injury was more severe in the smutted plants than in the nonsmutted ones. The amount of smut that developed in the wheat grain from lightly smutted wheat seed was somewhat greater than is usually developed in wheat grain from relativelyclean wheat seed (see check), but was no greater than is encountered at times in wheat grain from smutty wheat seed on wheat farms where ineffective treatment has been practiced for several seasons. The control experienced on the lightly smutted grain (1 to Table 1. Tn RELATIVE EFFECTIVENESS OF CERTAIN SEED TREATMENTS ON HYBRID 128 WHEAT SMUTTED AT THE RATES OF 1-200, 1-600, AND 1-1,800, BY WRIGHT, WITH SIFTED SMUT SFOSLS OF Tilletia tritici AND T. levis. Treatment used Smutted lteads grown from wheat grain inoculated with Cop- per Con- tent Name Per Cent Smutted, untreated New Improved co New Improved Ceresan New Improved Ceresan Copper carbonate Copper carbonate Copper carbonate Copper carbonate Basic copper sulphate Basic copper sulphate Copper 1-Iydro-40 Copper Hydro-40 Field run, untreated Ounces Moro Pendleton Cor- valljs 1936-37 1936-37 1937-38 Per cent Per cent Per cent Average Per cent Moro Pendleton 1936-37 1936-37 Per cent Per cent Cor- Average vallis 1937-38 Per cent I Per ccItt 56.8 Pendleton Moro 1936-37 1936-37 Per cent I Per cent cent Heads 172 0.8 2.8 5-5 0.9 3.1 183 0.0 0.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 162 0.0 0.0 0.3 0.3 1.0 0.0 3.6 0.0 8.0 7.3 0.0 2.2 0.2 6.1 3-3 0.0 4.6 2.9 20.0 10.6 162 161 191 182 183 19.6 2.8 8.4 184 5.5 17.3 5.2 7.2 0.4 4.1 3.1 192 172 193 164 44.6 78.6 47.3 0 0,2 0.4 0.0 0,2 0.0 1.8 0.5 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.5 0.0 0.2 0.0 0.0 2.7 1.3 2,3 0,5 3-4 1.5 7.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 0,0 0,7 0.3 0.0 0.0 0.2 1.1 0.0 0.7 0.0 5.0 0,0 0,3 0.0 18 18 2 2 4 2 4 6.2 0.0 0.0 0.5 3.6 2.6 12.0 6.5 41.9 21.9 50 2 0.0 5,1 0.6 1,9 2,3 9.1 0.0 3.8 2.7 50 1.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.5 1.3 5-4 0.3 0.0 0.8 7.5 0.0 0.3 0.0 0.0 3.3 9.4 0 0,4 0,2 0,2 1.7 2,8 0 0,0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.4 26 26 4 2 4 1.0 Per cent 52.6 31.9 52 52 Per 1-1,800 dosage 56.1 17.4 0 Average 48.6 45,1 0 Cor- vallIs 193 7-38 Average stand per row at Moro from 53.2 33.1 0 Ceresari Rate per bushel -200 spore dosage 1-600 spore dosage 1-1,800 spore dosage I 1.1 I 0,5 0.6 5.1 0.0 2.4 0.4 2.5 4-4 1.3 0.8 0.3 t 0.3 3.5 2.9 CONTROLLING SEED-BORNE STINKING SMUT 9 1,800) approximates that obtained on some lots of commercially smutty grain. All of the standard treatments in this series gave satisfactory to perfect control at the i-to-1,800 rate of spore dosage except the 18-per-cent copper carbonate in all plots, and the basic copper sulphate in one instance, at Pendlton. At the 4-ounce rate per bushel, all treatments tested gave good control. When the smutting was increased to ito 600 and to Ito 200, the 18-per-cent copper carbonate showed decided inability to control the smut. While the 1-to-200 rate of spore dosage is abnormally heavy, there are localized portions of otherwise clean grain that sometimes carry as much smut. There is a strong chance that this portion of the seed will produce smutty progeny unless it is carefully treated. The presence of 41.9 per cent smut (smutted 1 to 200) from seed treated with 18-per-cent copper carbonate used at the 2-ounce rate at Pendleton and about half that at the 4-ounce rate was not exceptional but near the average expectation for these conditions as based on all the trials during recent years. Seeding in the dust as in 1936 appeared to favor copper carbonate over basic copper sulphate. In other years when moisture was more plentiful at seeding time, basic copper sulphate averaged slightly superior to the copper carbonate in controlling seed-borne stinking smut. It is noted that smut is more easily controlled at Corvallis than in the interior of Oregon. The data in Table I indicate that New Improved Ceresan at the I-ounce rate or any of the copper dusts at the 2-ounce rate would be effective at Corvallis. While New Improved Ceresan, which is effective on all small cereal grains, has proved the best all-round dust disinfectant for the Willamette Valley, such inexpensive copper dusts as the 26per-cent copper fungicides can be used on wheat in this region with success. INFLUENCE OF THE DATE OF SEEDING ON THE RELATIVE EFFECTIVENESS OF CERTAIN SEED TREATMENTS In the region of The Dalles, fall seeding starts in early September and in the Columbia Basin is continued from then until November. In general, smut is a more serious problem in areas where late seeding is necessary than where early September seeding is the most practical. This is mainly due to the fact that a higher percentage of infection occurs under the cool and moist conditions that are more likely to prevail at the time of later seeding. The present portion of the study was to determine whether there were any observable differences in the relative effectiveness of a number of treatments under these different climatic conditions. Method of procedure. Seedings were made on several dates at Pendleton in 1934. Each treatment was grown in five rows on each date. In addition, data that are not included in this report were obtained for four years in Klickitat County, Washington, which is adjacent to the wheat lands of Oregon. For two years, 1934 and 1935, cooperative studies of a similar nature were conducted at Pullman, Washington. Treating and seeding techniques were the same as given in the general procedure. Results and discussion. The data from Pendleton, given in Table 2, were obtained from seed smutted at a l-to-l00-spore dosage, and indicate Table 2. RELATIVE EFFECTIVENESS OF CERTAIN SEED TREATMENTS IN CONTROLLING STINKING SFIIJT IN HYBRID 128 WHEAT SMUTTED 1 TO 100 AND SEEDED ON FOUR DATES AT PENDLETON EXPESIMENT STATION IN 1934. Smutted heads grown from seed sown Treatment Copper content Per cent Smutted, untreated New Improved Ceresan Formaldehyde dip (10 minutes in 1-320) Bluestone dip Copper carbonate Copper carbonate Basic copper sulphate Basic copper sulphate Field-run seed (not treated) Average of all treated rows Rate per bushel Ounces September 25 Per cent 57.9 6.2 0.2 0 2 4 2 3 Per cent 88.4 14.5 0.0 1.6 O't'ber 15 Per cent 84.9 18.5 1.8 5.6 40.3 27.4 23.1 11.7 4.6 4.6 41.4 26.7 23.1 20.3 10.8 11.1 1 6.9 19.5 0.1 52 52 50 50 October 5 35.8 10.6 16.2 8.9 Oct'ber 25 Average Per cent Per cent 86.7 24.6 7.0 9.0 41.3 23.3 33.2 79.5 16.0 2.3 3.8 39.7 22.0 23.9 15.3 8.7 20.4 13.8 22.7 CONTROLLING SEED-BORNE STINKING SMUT 11 that adequate smut control on such heavily smutted seed is impossible at this station with any of the dust treatments tried. The average for all treatments was 11.1 per cent smut from the first date of seeding, 16.9 per cent from the second, 19.5 per cent from the third, and 22.Z per cent from the last. When the influence of local showers and the wide fluctuations in weather during September and October in the Columbia Basin are taken into consideration, these results are typical of the tendency for control to decrease in effectiveness at each succeeding later date of seeding. Unpublished data show that the early seedings at Pullman, Washington, were free from smut and those at High Prairie, Washington, when sowed before mid-September had very little. Late-sown grain developed much more smut. All data obtained at Pendleton and Moro, as well as unpublished data taken at Pullman, show that on grain seeded in late October in cold, wet soil just before or after prolonged rains, basic copper sulphate at the rate of 3 ounces per bushel is somewhat more effective in controlling seed-borne smut than is 52-per-cent copper carbonate at the same rate. Eighteen-percent copper carbonate is very ineffective at this rate. Copper Hydro-40 on High Prairie was effective at early dates of seeding but in cold, wet soil reacted somewhat like 52-per-cent copper carbonate. The ineffectiveness of the copper dusts in cold, wet soil possibly accounts for some of the dissatisfaction with present control practices. If seeding has been delayed by dry weather or other causes until it must be done in cold and relatively wet soil after late rains, it will probably be better to use as much as 1 ounce of New Improved Ceresan per bushel or up to four ounces of basic copper sulphate. If there is also reason to believe that soil-borne smut is present, basic copper sulphate would be preferred. If seeding is done late in dry soil, however, copper carbonate or New Improved Ceresan is a desirable treatment to use. Where seeding is clone abnormally late so that the soil is near freezing and below the optimum temperature for smut development, the grain may actually escape smut infections. Experience has shown, however, that one cannot rely on escaping Smut by very late seeding and seed should be treated as if heavy smut infection were expected. INFLUENCE OF SOIL-BORNE SPORES ON RELATIVE EFFECTIVENESS OF CERTAIN SEED TREATMENTS About twenty-five years ago when threshing was mainly done with stationary outfits late in the season, the clouds of smut spores that rose from these machines settled over the summer fallow. In the Palouse section of Washington and in portions of Eastern Oregon, this soil-borne inoculum increased the difficulty of controlling stinking smut by seed treatment. Today with rapid combine harvesting the smut shower is distributed earlier and there is also less to distribute. As a result soil-borne smut is not nearly as important as formerly. It does occur, however, and for this reason experimental trials were conducted to determine whether and to what extent the newer treatments would combat it. Method of procedure. Furrows made with a wheel hoe were lightly sprayed on the morning of a cloudless day with a spore suspension made by adding pint of sifted, ground stinking smut to one quart of water. Table 3. RESULTS OF SEEDING TREATED HYSRID 128 WHEAT tN FURROWS SMUTTED WITH SPORE SUSPENSIONS OF TOletia tritici AND T. Jesus NEAR CORVALLIS. 1934 TO 1937 (5 REPLICATIONS). Seed treatment Name Smutted, untreated Not smutted, field run New Improved Ceresan New Improved Ceresan Copper carbonate Copper carbonate Copper carbonate Copper carbonate Basic copper uIphate Basic copper sulphate Copper 1-lydro.40 Copper Hydro.40 Copper Hydro-40 Copper bordeaux Westsvell paris green Westwell paris green London purple London purple hionocalcium arsenite Monocalcium arsenite Copper phosphate Copper phosphate Copper phosphate Basic copper sulphate plus sodium lauryl sulphate Tetra.methylthiuram-dtsulphide Borco (ammonialed copper carbonate) Formacide dust Formacide dust Smutted heads from seed sown in furrows Copper content Rate per Per cent Ounces 0 0 18 18 52 52 50 50 26 26 26 22 bushel Before sprinkling svith spore suspension. October 1934 Per cent 61.4 0.0 61.3 2 2 4 4 6 4 6 2 After sprinkling with spore suspension October 1934 Per cent 67.7 54.9 0.9 63.3 48.5 49.0 41.2 47.0 44.4 40.7 46.3 October 19 t935 October 15, 1937 Per cent Per cent 80.8 3.8 50.3 31.2 0.0 48.3 0.0 18.8 36.7 52.0 34.6 53.6 4 6 2 51.0 32.5 11.9 56.0 36.2 12.9 52.8 46.8 29.9 25.1 3 2 4 2 2 4 46.0 67.8 34.2 6+2 2 6 Seed treated one year prior to seeding. At! other seed treated within tsvo weeks before seeding. 14.5 22.4 5.6 17.8 6 4 0 32.6 49.3 6 0 !937 Per cent 19.3 2 50 50 50 so October 15, 50.7 42.2 19.2 CONTROLLING SEED-BORNE STINKING SMUT 13 After allowing the soil to dry for two hours, the wheat was seeded in the furrows and covered. The seed had been treated but not smutted although it did carry a slight spore load. In one series in 1934, the grain was seeded in unsmutted furrows and the grain and furrows. then sprayed with the spore suspension before covering. Each treatment was grown in 5 rows. Results and discussion. This experiment, summarized in Table 3, shows that a heavy soil infestation of smut is very difficult to control. When ttie infestation is only moderate, as occurred in 1937-38 at Corvallis, definite benefit is derived from seed treatment with heavy applications of bunt disinfectants. Basic copper sulphate appears to cope with soil-borne smut better than copper carbonate but very little better than the less expensive Copper-Hydro-40. On one year's trial, sodium lauryl sulphate added to basic copper sulphate gave the best control. Sodium lauryl sulphate is a wetter, or detergent, used in spraying practice and in industry. Arsenicals showed some soil-disinfecting properties but not enough to risk their use. They are not only highly toxic to workers, but some of them, such as monocalcium arsenite, cause seed injury. Besides the chemicals specifically listed in Table 3, the following were tried with no particular promise disclosed: anhydrous cupric chloride, 20per-cent copper silicate, copper oxychloride, 30-per-cent copper lime dust, copper cyanamid, copper oxalate, lead arsenate, calcium cyanamid, Barbak III, phenothiazin, cuprous chloride, london purple, monohydrated copper sulphate, ethyl mercury iodide, 22-per-cent copper bordeaux, Cryptonol, and Borco. Under field conditions, infection from light soil infestations can be held down but not eliminated by the use of New Improved Ceresan at * ounce, basic copper sulphate at 3 to 4 ounces, and to some extent by 52per-cent copper carbonate at 3 to 4. Heavy soil infestations are almost certain to result in a smutty crop. Fortunately, as mentioned, there does not appear to be as much soil infestation now as formerly. INFLUENCE OF THE LENGTH OF STORAGE PERIOD OF TREATED GRAIN ON THE RELATIVE EFFICACY OF CERTAIN SEED TREATMENTS These studies were made to determine the maximum length of time that it is safe to hold grain after treating and before seeding. Method of procedure. The grain, after being smutted according to the method given in the general procedure, was treated, and left in clean glass or crockery containers until such products as New Improved Ceresan had dissipated. The grain was then packeted and stored in a dry room until seeding time. In 1934, treating was done at 15-day intervals from August 15 to October 15 and at seeding time (October 26) at Pendleton. In later years, periods up to 14 months in length were used (Tables 4 to 7). Results and discussion. The results in Tables 4 to 7 are somewhat confused by a series of irregular semidroughty conditions at seeding and by winter injury. A study of all of the data pertinent to the subject, however, justifies the drawing of generalized conclusions relative to the use of Table 4. INFLUENCE OF TUE LEN(JTIT OF STORAGE PERIOD AFTER TREATING ON TILE EFFICACY OF CERTAIN SEED TREATMENTS IN CONTROLLING STINKING SMUT FROM SEED-BORNE SPORES (Tilletia trsttci AND T. levis) in HYBRID 128 SOWN IN 8-FOOT ROWS REPLICATED 3 TIMES, OCTOBER 22, 1935, AT CORVALLIS AND OCTOBER 24, 1935, AT PENDLETON. Total heads per row and percentage of smutled heads from seed treated the indicated number of days before sowing. Treatment used per bushel Per cent Ounces Name Smutted (1-200), untreated New Improved Ceresan New Improved Ceresan Copper Carbonate Copper carbonate Basic copper sulphate Basic copper sulphate Untreated, somewhat sntutty Rate Copper content 9 1 52 52 50 50 I 2 3 2 3 seed 84 days Total heads 22 days 59 days Total heads Smutted heads Per cent Smutted heads Total heads 79.1 5.7 1.5 11.4 8.6 194 85.9 180 4.9 2.7 156 12.1 Smutted heads Per cent Per cent 147 156 155 143 171 150 147 8 days Total heads Smutted heads 82.4 15.5 147 145 169 21.7 176 8.4 170 8.3 163 8.6 163 10.7 126 14.6 Per cent 13.6 - I 173 183 178 164 149 177 149 I 140 77.5 6.5 0.7 5.8 7.6 3.3 7.6 8.3 Table 5. INFLUENCE OF THE LENGTH OF STORAGE PERIOD AFTER TREATING ON THE EFFICACY OF CERTAIN REED TREATMENTS IN CONTROLLING STINKING SMUT FROM SEED-BORNE SPORES (Tilletia tritici AND T. levis) IN HYBRID 128 WHEAT SOWN IN 8-FOOT ROWS REPLICATED 4 TIMES, OCTOBER 22, 1936, AT PENDLETON, OREGON. Average number of heads per rosy and percentage of smutted heads from seed treated the indicated number of days before sowing Treatment used Copper Name Smutted (1-200), untreated New Improved Ceresan New Improved Ceresan New Improved con- tent Per cent Rate per bushel Smutted heads Total heads Total heads Per Ounces 21 days 51 days 82 days Smutted heads Total heads Total heads Per Per cent cent Smutted heads 52 50 Total heads Per Smutted heads Per cent cent 69.4 231 65.7 213 246 7.0 255 3.0 241 1.5 226 2.6 188 0.6 224 0.6 248 0.4 192 0.3 247 0.1 6.0 6.3 214 168 6.6 11.0 219 217 4.0 20.4 195 187 11.4 4.2 181 7.9 197 7.6 177 5.8 157 51.8 216 9 207 0.1 197 0.1 1 171 0.0 184 0.0 3 171 190 7.6 8.0 175 173 3.9 156 I Smutted heads 296 52.4 173 Total heads 60.5 184 3 ted heads cent Ceresan Copper carbonate BasIc copper sulphate Field-run, moderately Smutty seed Smut. Per cent Average (omitting 0 days) 0 days 7 days 58.3 Table 6. INFLUENCE OF THE LENGTH OF STORAGE PERIOD AFTER TREATING ON THE EFFICACY OF CERTAIN SEED TREATMENTS IN CONTROLLING SEED-BORNE SPORES OF STINXJNG SMUT (Tifletia tritici AND T. levis) IN HYBRID 128 SOWN IN 5 REPLICATIONS ON OCTOBER 22, 1936, AT PENDLETON, AND OCTOBER 25, 1936, AT MoRo. Total heads per row and percentage of smutted heads from seed treated tIle indicated number of days before sowing Pendleton Treatment Name Smutted, untreated Field run, untreated New Improved Ceresan (lot 1) New Improved Cel-esan (lot 2).. New Improved Ceresan (lot 1) Copper carbonate BasIc copper sulphate Copper Hydro-40 Copper bordeaux Copper oxalate Copper phosphate Ground bluestone Westwell paris green Rate Copper content per bushel Per cent Ounces 8 8 52 50 26 2 2 2 22 2 40 50 2 2 2 2 434 days Total heads Moro Smutted heads Total heads Per cent 139 122 209 211 196 240 206 158 230 210 129 238 266 434 days 71 days Smutted heads Per cent 38.8 2.6 171 66.2 152 3.9 1 7.6 193" 184" 174" 19.3 0.2 4-5 5-7 6.1 5-4 5.5 8.2 10.5 0.1 Total heads 190 231 187 190 194 205 4.8 4.0 0.2 10.2 4.9 15.1 14.0 9.7 151 22.9 24.1 177 1,2 Smutted heads Total heads Per cent 166 172 206 183 147 227 201 144 188 162 194 191 191 Average both plots 68 days 156 138 17.4 11.6 0.0 6.5 184" 5.1 6.8 4.3 8.0 10.0 0.0 heads heads Per cent Per cent 32.9 4.3 1.2 Smutted Smutted 202" 170" 186 209 162 167 199 169 172 186 40.2 1.5 12.2 6.2 0.2 4.3 1.3 4,3 4,3 6.2 11.2 11.0 1.0 44,5 3.1 13.0 10.3 0.2 6.4 3.3 7.7 7.6 6.4 12.6 13.9 0.6 "The grain treated with New Improved Ceresan was treated October 18, 1936. All other treatments under this heading vere made on Aug- ust 15, 1936. Table 7. INFLUENCE OF THE LENGTH OF STORAGE PERIOD AFTER TREATING ON THE EFFICACY OF CERTAIN SEED TREATMENTS IN CONTROLLING STINKING SMUT FROM SEED-BORNE SPORES (Tilletia tritici AND T. levis) IN HYBRID 128 SOWN IN THREE-ROW RLOCKS WITH FIVE REPLICATIONS AT C,RANGER STATION (CORVALLIS) ON OCTOBER 13, 1937. Average nulnber of heads per rosy and average percentage of smutted heads in grain from seed treated the indicated number of days before sowing Treatment Cop- per Name COn- tent Per C Smutted, untreated Field run, cent - Total heads per bushel Smutted heads 363 days Total heads Per Ounces llov -. I Smutted heads Total heads Smut. I ted I cent Total heads Per Per Smutted heads Total heads Per Smut- ted heads Total heads Per cent cent Average 0 days 1 day I SmutTotal ted heads heads Smutted heads Per cent cent 43.4 89 59.8 53 32.1 64 35.0 94 36.2 64 29.5 77 39.3 82 0.0 84 0.0 61 0.0 77 0.1 91 0.0 77 0.0 79 trace 87 0.1 92 0.3 61 0.0 77 0.6 88 0.1 77 0.2 80 0.2 61 0.6 79 0.0 86 0.0 79 0.1 76 0.2 0.0 73 0.0 85 0.2 73 0.0 76 trace S 52 10 days 22 days Per cent cent -- untreated -------- Nesv Improved Ceresan New Improved Ceresan New Improved Ceresan Copper Carbonate Basic copper sulphate 439 days Rate 83 0.0 81 0.0 60 3 92 0.2 94 0.0 -... 3 102 0.0 88 0.0 .... .... Due to the presence of take-all (Ophiobolus praminhs Sacc.) in portions of this plot, two of the five replications were discarded. CONTROLLING SEED-BORNE STINKING SMUT 17 New Improved Ceresan, and the copper dusts, the potentialities of which are better known for this area. These conclusions are based not only on the results given in Tables 4 to 7, but also on those obtained in other trials, because New Improved Ceresan was studied in considerable detail over the four-year period. Everything else being equal, the length of the storage period of grain treated with copper dusts had no effect on either the germination of the grain (advancing age of the grain excluded) or on the effectiveness of the fungicide. It is apparent, however, that some care should be used in handling grain treated with New Improved Ceresan. During the first year, there was a slight tendency for the grain to show depressed stands if the seed was held more than a month after treating at the - and 1-ounce rates. The next year there appeared to be some advantage (Table 4) in seeding wheat treated with New Improved Ceresan within about six weeks after treating. Under the dry conditions of Oregon autumn weather, however, there appears to be little danger of serious reduction in yield by storage from season to season after treating with New Improved Ceresan. The data for 1936-37 (Tables 5 and 6) are somewhat obscured by winter injury, which was particularly heavy in the rows from untreated and smut- ted seed. This resulted in more smutted heads surviving in some of the rows from treated seed than in those from untreated seed, the latter being sometimes nearly wiped out. In 1936, the grain was seeded in the dust and emerged during the winter. When New Improved Ceresan was used in the field at seeding time at the excessive rate of 2 ounces per bushel, the absorptive powers of the soil prevented any injury. Data in Table 5 indicate that to receive the full benefit of stand increase due to the New Improved Ceresan, wheat seeded in late October, for instance, should be treated after October first and preferably within a week of seeding. On this point, under the conditions of these experiments, there is no question that grain treated with New Improved Ceresan and seeded before the expiration of 2 to 3 weeks had better stands than the same grain untreated. An examination of hundreds of rows in the field has convinced the writer and co-workers that, for one reason or another, grain treated with New Improved Ceresan and seeded within a three-weeks period after treating shows an increased stand over clean untreated seed. The difference is easily seen in the plots. While the smutted check rows show more heads in some cases than the rows treated with New Improved Ceresan, the increase in the checks is due to the universally recognized proliferative influence of the smut. Rows grown from seed treated with New Improved Ceresan and free of smut, when compared with rows grown from clean seed and also free of smut, had better stands in the great majority of cases. This will be discussed further (Table 14). When grain treated with New Improved Ceresan was sown after a period longer than about three weeks after treatment, it did not produce thinner stands than the untreated seed (proliferation of smutty plants considered), but it did produce thinner stands than seeds sown soon after being treated with the New Improved Ceresan. After six weeks or so, this grain slowly decreased in viability so that after a year in storage wheat treated with New Improved Ceresan had to be seeded about 10 per cent thicker than normal. When the grain had been treated at or 1 ounce per bushel, it needed to be seeded sooner than wheat treated at the i-ounce rate. When held for Table 8. INFLUENCE OF SOIL TYPE ON THE RELATIVE EFFECTIVENESS OF CERTAIN SEED TREATMENTS IN CONTROLLING STINKING SMUT IN HYBRID 128 WHEAT SOWN IN INOCULATED SOIL DUPLICATES PLOTS (fix 9 FEET), WITH THREE REPLICATIONS IN EACH PLOT, NEAR CORVALLIS, OREGON, OCTOBER 1934 AND OCTOBER 1935. Percentage of smutted heads from seed treated* with Soil p11 Field runt Unti'eated New Improved Ceresan Copper carbon. atet Value for wheat Wilting point 1934 1935 Excel. lent 6.9-7.1 0.0 0.0 44.3 67.2 27.9 16.6 24.6 Poor 16 0.0 1.5 37.4 57.4 16.2 6.7 Very poor 16 0.0 1.2 2.1 34.1 0.8 Good 10 8 19.5 3.0 2.0 0.0 1.7 57.0 62.1 32.9 85.5 73.8 67.2 35.7 0.0 1934 1935 1934 1934 Copper carbonate9 1934 Basic copper suiphatell Bluestone 1934 1935 1934 1935 31.0 2.8 3.8 0.0 13.4 0.0 13.7 13.5 0.8 15.0 2.4 5.9 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 19.7 12.8 34.5 35.5 5.1 1.4 31.5 0.0 0.0 3.5 6.2 0.7 3.8 4.8 1.3 0.0 27.4 5.2 4.6 1.1 1935 1935 Very fine sandy loam (High Prairie, Washington) Dayton clay 6+ loam Alsea Valley, red col- luvial soil Willamette silt loam . 7.0 -- Nlewberg loam Sites clay 4.9 6.5 6+ 6.0 Fair+ Fair- * New Improved Ceresan applied at Not smutted. 9 Contains 18 per cent copper. § Contains 52 per cent copper. 1 Contains 50 per cent copper. .. . 9.5 . ounce, and copper dusts at 2 ounces pci bushel and standard bluestone dip treatment. CONTROLLING SEED-BORNE STINKING SMUT 19 several weeks before sowing, however, the stand was only slightly poorer than that from untreated clean seed; after 14 months in storage it was sometimes 10 to 15 per cent poorer in stand. Data in Tables 6 and 7 indicate that long storage of grain treated with 'lew Improved Ceresan did not reduce the stand excessively. At Granger (Table 7) there was no injury from the i-ounce treatment, and less than 5 per cent from the 1-ounce treatment held for long periods. Although more information is needed on the factors controlling the stand of grain treated with New Improved Ceresan, all of the trials reported here have indicated that the danger of seed injury by New Improved Ceresan under dry storage conditions is very slight, and the chances of improved stand more than offset the danger. INFLUENCE OF SOIL TYPE ON THE RELATIVE EFFECTIVENESS OF CERTAIN SEED TREATMENTS There has been some indication in the field that smut is harder to control on some soil types than on others. Grain grown on soils richer in organic matter is usually considered more liable to smut infection, although the so-called "low smut" is ri-lost often reported from poorer (eroded) portions of a field. Method of procedure. Table 8 summarizes results from replicated tests that were grown in small plots of soil assembled near Corvallis, Oregon, 1934 to 1936. The native soil (Newberg loam) was excavated to a depth of 8 inches in plots 6 by 9 feet, the hole lined with 1-x8-inch fir boards and filled with a known type of soil. The soil was brought by truck from either High Prairie, Washington, Alsea Valley, Oregon, or from nearby places in Benton County, Oregon. In the 1934-35 trials, the open furrows were sprayed with a spore suspension and clean treated seed was planted in them. In 1935-36, the seed was smutted (1-200) and sown in the smut-free soil. Results and discussion. There was considerable difference in the amount of smut present in the various plots (Table 8). Ease of control was inversely proportional to the amount of smut in the untreated rowsthe more smut potentially possible, the poorer the control. In acid soils, such as the red hill soils near Astoria where a separate trial was conducted, or in soils from the lower Alsea Valley, smut control was easy. There was little difference in facility of control between any of the soils that were better adapted to wheat. On the heaviest types it was noted that with treatments that depressed germination (bluestone) the weakened sprouts had more difficulty in emerging. It is said that formaldehyde is still used on light soil, in some fields near Echo, whereas, in soils that tend to crust, injury with formaldehyde has long been feared. In general, a mellow, fertile soil with high moisture-holding capacity and a neutral or slightly alkaline reaction is the kind n-lost likely to induce the heaviest smut losses. 20 AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION BULLETiN 363 INFLUENCE OF UNBROKEN SMUT BALLS ON THE RELATIVE EFFECTIVENESS OF CERTAIN SEED TREATMENTS Frequently there are unbroken smut balls in farm seed wheat that is otherwise relatively free from smut. At one time it was believed that these unbroken balls caused heavy smut loss after they became broken in the seeding process. It is now believed that these are more likely to pass through both the treating mach.inery and the seeder without an appreciable number being broken. While large quantities of the grain are not likely to become smutted by these balls, they may, however, swell and burst in the soil, causing localized smutting in the crop. Trials were conducted to deterinine whether infection from these smut balls could be held in check by seed treatment. Method of procedure. A moderate, or in some cases an excessive, number of smut balls were added to the grain in some of the trials. The percentage ranged from 3 in 1934 to as high as 30 in 1936-37. Pertinent data are given in Table 9. The rest of the bulky tabular data will be mentioned but not given in detail. Results and discussion. It is apparent that control with standard dust treatments was impossible with t11e smuttier seed used. New Improved Ceresan was ineffective under the conditions of the test when used at the i-ounce rate but was effective at the 1-ounce rate. While in the rows grown from seed treated with New Improved Ceresan, at ounce per bushel, there was 56 per cent Smut, in the rows grown from untreated seed at Pendleton in 1937-38 there was 97.9 per cent smut. \'Vhen the smut balls were removed from the same sample there was still enough smut on the seed to produce 94.8 per cent smut from the untreated seed. When the amount of smut dropped to 47.3 per cent from the untreated smutted wheat in 1936-37 at Pendleton, there was only 13.3 per cent smut with the i-ounce rate with New Improved Ceresan, while with the 1-ounce rate there was only 0.5 per cent smut. Under farm conditions, one rarely obtains more than 25 per cent smut in untreated grain, which would indicate that 1 ounce per bushel would readily control this degree of smuttiness. The rate for treating grain that contains more than an occasional smut ball should be ounce in Eastern Oregon. Fortunately, very little seed grain now contains more than a trace of smut balls and to ounce of New Improved Ceresan is sufficient for most cases* In the Willamette Valley, grain containing smut balls was easily made free from smut in the plots on heavy soil at Granger in 1937-38, but treatment was not so successful in the plots grown in sandy soil south of Corvallis in 1935-36 (Table 9). It is doubted, however, whether there will be more than an occasional need to use New Improved Ceresan at more than ounce per bushel in the Willamette Valley. If seed has been imported from outside this area, it may be desirable to use more dust disinfectant to control smut before seeding. Additional teats made at Moro and Pendleton since this paper was completed indicate that smut balls may be killed at the i-ounce rate if the grain is covered for three days after treating. Table 9. RELATIVE EFFECTIVENESS OF CERTAIN SEED TREATMENTS IN CONTROLLING STINKING SMUT IN WHEAT GROWN FROM SEED CONTAINING UNBROKEN SMUT BALLS, TIlE PROPORTION OF SMUT DALLS BEING 3 PER CENT IN 1934-35; 18 PER CENT IN 1935.36; 30 PER CENT IN 1936-37; AND 5 PER CENT IN 1937-38. THESE WERE 8, 5, 4, AND 4 REPLICATIONS IN 1934-35, 1935-36, 1936-37, AND 1937-38, RESPECTIVELY. Percentage of smutted heads at Treatment Smutted, untreated NeW Improved Ceresan New Improved Ceresan Copper Carbonate Copper carbonate Basic copper sulphate Copper Hydro-40 Copper bordeaux Bluestone (1-1-5) dip Bluestone (1-1-5) in OS. VatsolO Forinaldehyde (1-320) Pendleton 193 4-3 5 1936-37 1937-38 1935-36 1935_36V 1935-36 1937-38 Per cent Ounces Per cent Per cent Per cent Per cent Per cent Per cent Per cent 52 18 50 26 22 76.4 2 2 2 2 2 16.9 26.3 12.5 1.1 47.3 13.3 0.5 9.2 19.1 9.2 7.0 13.4 1.4 6.4 97.9 56.0 7.9 14.5 24.6 0.0 2 86 Smut balls removed, untreated Ditto, copper carbonate 52 Copper oxalate 40 Copper carbonate 20 Copper phosphate 50 40 Copper oxychloride Anhydrous cupric chloride 25 Copper zeolite Westwell paris green London purple Monohydrated copper sulphate Sodium hypochlorite solution, 1 per cent Treated one year prior to seeding. 4 ounces in 1937-38. 5 10-pet--cent solution in 1935, 2.5 per cent in 1936. . 2 2-4 50.7 3.1 2 2 94.8 1.3 17.9 27.9 13.6 32.7 33.9 1.4 0.0 0.3 90.2 30.7 50.3 15.4 8.0 16.7 4.4 11.0 14.1 1.0 0.0 3.5 16.8 43.5 10.1 1.4 3.8 37.6 33.6 2.3 41.7 10.3 18.9 46.4 88.0 46.0 33.6 17.5 3 4 4 4 2 2 2 Moro Corvallis 0.0 0.8 Formacide CuproCide Granger Copper content Rate per bushel 44.1 65.0 7.3 1.6 17.5 17.5 0.9 0.2 8.6 8.7 10.3 0.5 0.0 2.5 0.7f 53.7 10.1 0.5t 0.2 534 0.2 0.9 15.6 0.4 0.2 0.2 2.4 3.0 11.3 10.6 36.5 22 AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION BULLETIN 363 The presence of large numbers of smut balls in seed grain materially reduces the effectiveness of the copper dusts, and application of excess quantities of these dusts does not control bunt effectively. Copper carbonate was decidedly more effective on wheat from the experimental lot that had the smut balls removed by hand than on the same general lot that had the smut balls left in. The presence of smut balls in wheat is likely to result in some smut appearing the next year if copper dusts are used. Care should be taken to remove the balls, if possible, by fanning. Formaldehyde and bluestone at standard strength effectively controlled smut in balls, but treatment lasting long enough to permit complete soaking of the balls (5 to 10 minutes) sometimes resulted in injury to the wheat. The best practice is to skim the balls off and then dip the formaldehyde-treated grain in a water bath. The addition of 0. S. Vatsol, a wetter, in 10 per cent (1935) and later 2.5 per cent (1936) bluestone solution gave perfect control. Extensive trials with wetters in formaldehyde in 1937-38, however, gave discouraging results. RELATIVE EFFECTIVENESS OF VARIOUS COPPER DUSTS IN CONTROLLING STINKING SMUT At the start of the present study, it was suggested that a uniform trial with a large number of grades and brands of copper dusts should be made over a period of years to determine whether there are any inferior products that might be the cause of some of the complaints about unsatisfactory control. Along this line it was suggested that the percentage of metallic copper by weight in a given brand or grade of copper dust might be a guide to its effectiveness. The trials herein listed include more materials than were at first contemplated. In spite of keen competition from disinfectants containing no copper, many new copper products have been offered for sale during recent years. Methods of procedure. The chemicals were obtained either by direct purchase from the manufacturer or retailer or through the courtesy of colleagues. Official cooperative material was furnished by F. D. Bailey, Fungicide Division, Food and Drug Administration, and by R. H. Robinson, chemist, Experiment Station, Corvallis. Plots were maintained 14 miles south of Corvallis or at Granger, Moro, Pendleton, and Condon, Oregon, and at High Prairie and Pullman, Washington. Each treatment was replicated 3 to 5 times. Results from Pullman are not included in this bulletin although data obtained in cooperation with the Washington Agricultural Experiment Station were helpful in arranging the details of later trials in Oregon. All treatments were on. Hybrid 128 wheat smutted 1-200 as given in the general procedure. Results and discussion. A summary of the more pertinent data is given in Table 10. The differences between the effectiveness of the various brands of copper carbonate and basic copper sulphates with 50 to 54 per cent copper Table 10. RELATI\'E EFFECTIVENESS OF VARIOUS CHEMICALS, CHIEFLY COPPER COMPOUNDS, IN CONTROLLING STINKING SMUT IN WINTER WHEAT- AT VARIOUS STATIONS IN OREGON, 1935 TO 1938. Average percentage of smutted heads at Treatment Smutted, untreated Copper carbonate No. it Copper carbonate No. 1 Copper carbonate No. 2 Copper carbonate No. 3 Copper carbonate No. 3 Copper carbonate No. 4 Copper carbonate No. 5 Copper carbonate No. 5 Copper carbonate No. 6 Copper carbonate No. 6 Copper carbonate No. 7 Copper carbonate No. 7 Copper carbonate No. 8 Copper carbonate No. 9 Copper carbonate No. 10 Basic copper sulphate No. 1 Basic copper sulphate No. 1 Basic copper sulphate No. 2 Basic copper sulphate No. 2 Basic copper sulphate No. 3 Basic copper sulphate No. 3 Basic copper sulphate No. 4 Copper Hydro-40 Copper Hydro-40 Copper Hydro-40 (Horticultural) II Copper bordeaux Copper bordeaux Copper sulphate powder Copper Rate per bushel Per cent Ounces -- 1935 -- . 58 18 18 18 4 2 1937-38 1936 -36 -37 69.2 71.4 6.7 9.5 2-3 Condon Corvallis i 68.1 0.4 2.2 10.2 5.1 2 2-3 20 20 52 52 52 52 52 52 54 6.8 3.9 5.9 2.8 4 2-3 4 2-3 2 2 2 1.6 i 2.2 0.6 0.9 3.1 1.5 2.3 50-52 2-3 50-52 4 0.4 2-3 3.4 4 1.6 50 1.7 1.0 1936 1937 1935 1936 1937 -38 -36 -37 -38 -36 -37 -38 19.2 0.0 0.4 81.3 37.0 24.4 75.7 55.4 82.9. 24.0 21.9 82.4 60.5 93.5 40.6 45.4 0.0 18.9 16.7 13.3 12.8 38.5 27.8 21.9 24.6 20.4 17.6 22.7 12.7 6.5 13.8 18.0 32.5 21.0 2.3 13.5 13.4 12.9 14.1 3.3 8.9 7.9 7.9 14.0 12.5 7.3 14.0 15.0 16.2 14.3 16.0 9.6 4.9 0.0 0.0 0.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 12.6 19.0 9.5 9.9 9.1 13.1 30.4 29.3 35.7 36.7 12.4 8.9 1.1 14.9 11.9 12.4 12.5 7.2 10.0 4.6 4.2 13.4 26.6 6.4 16.8 7.2 5.7 14.8 8.4 6.3 5.5 8.8 5.1 5.6 13.9 7.0 3.9 2.5 5.4 0.0 6.4 10.1 4.3 13.7 10.2 0.0 6.3 5.3 0.2 6.2 0.0 5.1 1.3 1.8 0.0 4.0 0.0 0.0 3.2 2.6 Pendleton Moro 1935 t 0.3 18 18 1937 I 50 50 2--3 50 4 50-52 2 2-3 26 26 26 22 22 4.7 1.6 2.3 4.1 0.0 4 4 - 2-3 7.0 4 2 9.2 7.5 3.5 0.0 0.0 9.2 0.4 25.9 24.5 0.2 0.5 4.9 4.9 6.5 1.8 19.8 8.0 4.4 7.9 11.2 32.1 16.0 16.7 7.6 17.2 19.5 18.6 12.1 9.7 21.3 6.5 14.7 18.1 21.0 17.4 7.3 10.8 5.8 26.9 23.0 14.7 22.9 32.1 21.8 18.3 Table 10. (Continued) Average percentage of smutted heads at Corvallis Rate Treatment ?Jonohydrated copper sulphate Monohydrated copper sulphate Copper lime dust Anhydrous cupric chloride Copper oxychloride Copper oxychioride Copper cyanamid Copper oxide (red) No. 1 Copper oxide (red) No. 2 Copper oxide (cuprocide) Copper oxide (cuprocide) Copper phosphate No. 1 Copper phosphate No. 2 Copper phosphate No. 2 Copper phosphate No. 3 Copper phosphate No. 4 Copper oxalate Copper zeolite Copper silicate (for spraying) Westwell Paris green New Improved Ceresan New Improved Ceresan New Improved Ceresan Copper borate Cuprous chloride Field run, untreated Copper per bushel Per cent Ounces 2 1935 -36 -37 0.4 4 4 22 4 70+ 86 86 86 50 50 50 40 50 40 25 20 2 2 2 1.4 0.0 0.5 0.0 0.0 4.1 23.7 3.8 1.5 0.0 6.5 1.9 4 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.5 0.2 4 4 2-411 3.1 4 2-4 2 1 4 Moro 1935 11.7 5.4 6.2 0.4 1936 -36 -37 4.6 4.5 Pendleton 1937 -38 56.1 0.2 17.0 11.5 38.5 0.0 8.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.7 0.0 0.1 I 0.0 i 14.7 17.3 12.4 9.1 14.6 14.8 0.4 31.8 0.5 12.1 1.8 3.1 1936 -36 -37 9.4 9.4 77.7 0.6 22.3 4.1 7.8 10.0 26.0 48.6 11.7 7.3 9.0 16.8 24.5 39.6 61.1 32.6 23.5 8.0 18.8 31.3 19.9 15.6 17.6 15.6 12.3 14.4 4.3 32.3 1.9 16.4 0.0 0.2 9.0 18.1 11.7 7.6 18.2 2.4 20.1 0.7 0.8 5.0 3.2 2.5 0.3 15.1 15.1 21.8 0.0 5.8 0.2 1.3 1937 -38 5.0 .53.8 0.2 23.0 11.3 0.3 0.0 0.0 1.0 17.0 7.1 1935 2.0 19.7 4 2 2 -38 2.2 0.0 45 1937 0.0 4 30 Condon 1937-38 1936 19.0 9.5 3.3 22.5 13.0 22.1 21.0 31.1 16.3 6.5 7.7 Treated one year prior to seeding. Treated and seeded in fall of 1937. 11 These numbers refer to the number of the collection fIled at Corvallis. § The 2.ounce rate was used in 1936-37 and the 3-ounce rate in 1937-38. The horticultural spray grade of Copper I-Iydro-40 is a gray dust, while the more effective dust for stinking smut control (used in these experiments) sold until October 1938 for dusting purposes is a light blue. Their improved product, not tested, is pale peagreen in color. The 2-ounce rate was used in 1935-1937 and the 4.ounce rate in 1937-38. II CONTROLLING SEED-BORNE STINKING SMUT 25 content and with good dusting properties are no greater than the differences obtained from different lots of the same brand. Any of the standard brands sold in the region are recommended for.us in controlling stinking smut of wheat. Some dusts, however, appear to be less foggy than others and it is suggested that those that have clinging properties with less of the chalky nature of the dilute brands of copper dusts be used. The copper dusts with about 26 per cent copper, such as 'Copper Hydro-40" and '26 per cent Copper Fungicide," are also effective against medium and light infestations of smut. The formula or the method of manufacture of some of these dusts has been changed a number of times and in one case (Copper Hydro.40) the latest product has not been tested.* Most of them are effective, however, at least on lightly smutted seed, and can be recommended for all but heavily smutted grain at the rate of 3 ounces per bushel. The 18 to 20 per cent copper carbonate dusts were found to be distinctly less effective than the 52 per cent copper carbonates under adverse conditions. Because those with 18 per cent copper are often chalkier and because effective use requires a minimum 4-ounce rate, there is little advantage for them. It is believed that the elimination of the dusts with low copper content will remove much of the complaint against copper carbonate. Some of the dusts that were tested were not sufficiently effective or were too costly. These included red copper oxides, copper borate, ground bluestone, certain copper phosphates, copper oxalates, certain copper oxychlorides, copper zeolite, copper lime dust, and copper cyanarnid. Copper oxalate, copper oxychloride, and copper cyanamid were the most promising of these. Some of the dusts, such as monohydrated copper sulphate or anhydrous cupric chloride, were effective but were irritating to the nose and were also hygroscopic. The effective copper arsenical Westwell Paris green is too dangerous to use at present on account of its arsenic content. RELATIVE EFFECTIVENESS OF MISCELLANEOUS DUSTS IN CONTROLLING SEED-BORNE STINKING SMUT During the course of these studies, a number of noncopper-containing chemicals were offered for trial and were treated as a separate group. These were augmented by a large number of purely experimental materials, which were included on the chance that some might prove both efficient and inexpensive. Methods of procedure. The same general methods were used that were employed in most of the other trials as given in the general procedure. Where mixtures of two chemicals were employed they were mixed previ- Since completion of this bulletin one brief triplicated experiment in the college greenhouse with Union spring wheat smutted 1 to 200, by weight, gave 60.6 per cent smut in the untreated check rows, 9.6 per cent smut in rows treated at the rate of 3 ounces per bushel svitlt 52 per cent copper carbonate, 12.0 per cent smut in rows treated with basic copper sulphate at the same rate, and 11.8 per cent under the same conditions for the improved lot ot Copper-Hydro-40. This indicates that the newer product is no better than the old but is approximately equal to it in effectiveness. 26 AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION BULLETIN 363 ously and applied to the seed as a mixture. Mixtures were tried with New Improved Ceresan, basic copper sulphates, copper carbonates, arsenicals, and other dusts in many combinations and amounts. Results and discussion. The data on these trials included a total of 3,203 eight-foot rows involving counts of 545,000 heads. For the purpose of this bulletin the rather voluminous data that are filed in unpublished reports will be summarized here. It was found that New Improved Ceresan lost efficiency in mixture with all of the materials tested. Mixtures in general were less efficient than their component materials taken separately. A few, such as sodium sulpliate, could sometimes be added to the copper dusts without reducing their efficiency to any extent, provided the same amount of copper was added to a given amount of seed. Various arsenicals, including monocalcium arsenite, copper arsenite, copper arsenate, paris green, london purple, and others, were tested. Westwell paris green (Table 10) was the most efficient of this group and caused very little or no seed injury at the rate of 2 ounces per bushel. It could be used with basic copper sulphate. While it cannot be recommended at present on account of its arsenic content, it might have a place in the future when used in air-conditioned treating machines. Tetra-methyl-thiuram-disulphide (80 per cent) dust at 3 ounces per bushel was effective, but at present is too costly to warrant consideration. Copper dusts, when mixed with vatsol, liydrolene, calcium cyanamid, talc, etc., as diluents, stickers, or wetters, were less efficient in almost all cases than the same equivalent of copper undiluted. Calcium cyanamid, an inexpensive commercial fertilizer, had some fungicidal value at 6 ounces per bushel, but even in the Willamette Valley it will not control smut in slightly smutted seed. The same is true for Vasco 4, zinc-copper bordeaux, Mike sulphur, formacide, and sodium hypochlorite. Such materials as flotation sulphur, 400-mesh sulphur, super poppy sulphur, zinc sulphate, borax, treble phosphate, cadmium carbonate, lead chromate, sesqui-chromium oxide, paradichlorobenzine, bronze powder, and cerium oxalate were all unsatisfactory as fungicides for controlling bunt. RELATIVE EFFECTIVENESS OF CERTAIN SEED TREATMENTS FOR SPRING-SOWN WHEAT Smut is usually easily controlled in spring-sown wheat except when it is seeded in early spring in cool and moist soil, as is often done in Eastern Oregon. In the Pendleton plots, as much as 85 per cent Smut has been obtained in wheat grown from untreated Smutty seed. Under favorable conditions for stinking smut, it is necessary to treat spring-sown grain with reasonable care. Method of procedure. Seed of Federation wheat in 1935 and White Federation in 1937 was smutted 1 to 200 and treated with disinfectants in the usual way. In 1938, the variety Union was used. Union is a club wheat, completely susceptible to bunt, and is the most satisfactory one to use in spring smut trials because infected heads are easily detected. Each treatment was replicated 3 times in each test. Table 11. RELATIVE EFFECTIVENESS OF CERTAIN SEED TREATMENTS IN CONTROLLING STINKING SMUT OF WD{EAT (Tilletia tritics AND T. leins) oN SFRINGSOWN FEDERATION iN 1935 AND 1937 AND ON UNION IN 1938, AT CORVALLIS AND PENDLETON. Percentage of smutted heads Treatment Smutted (1-200) untreated New Improved eresan New Improved Ceresan Copper carbonate Copper carbonate Copper carbonate Copper carbonate Copper carbonate Copper carbonate Basic copper sulphate Basic copper sulphate Basic copper sulphate Formaldehyde (1-320) Cuprocide (for dusting) Cuprocide (for dusting) Cuprocide (for dusting) Calcium cyanamid Copper Hydro-40 Copper Hydro-40 Copper Hydro-40 Copper oxychloride Malachite green solution, 1-5,000 Victor copper oxalate Victor copper oxalate Coposil for dusting Cuprocide 54 Tn basic copper sulphate Zinc-cop Copper fungicide Mike sulphur Copper phosphate Copper Content Rate per bushel Per cent Ounces 52 52 52 20 18 18 50 50 50 2 86 86 86 2 26 26 26 40 3 4 2 2 3 2 3 1935 1937 6 2 Per cent Per cent 25.9 44.0 0.0 0.2 0.0 58.9 4.4 0.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 1935 1937 1938 Per cent Per cent Per cent 855 62.8 12.0 6.4 1.3 0.4 1.4 0.4 0.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.6 0.0 2.8 78.9 11 0.8 2.6 3.1 2.4 7.4 15.8 6.6 3.6 3.3 0.3 11.2 12.5 1.6 37.4 4.5 1.1 5.3 4 32.4 1.7 0.9 1.4 3.7 0.0 0.7 0.0 4 4 3 4 26 4 2 3.5 8.3 2 54 34 1.6 0.8 0.2 0.7 3 6.0 0.9 20.2 0.0 4 22 22 50 1938 Per cent 4 4 Pendleton Corvallis 24.1 1.1 78.9 6.5 4.8 9.7 2.0 4.1 28 AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION BULLETIN 363 Results and discussion. The results of three years' trials at Corvallis and Pendleton are presented in Table 11. At Corvallis, any of the standard treatments and a number of experimental ones controlled smut at minimum rates of treating. Since most farmers also grow oats and barley and since these are best treated with New Improved Ceresan at the i-ounce rate, this treatment is generally the most desirable for the Wiflamette Valley wheat. In the Pendleton area, smut in most lots of spring wheat seed can be ounce of New Improved Ceresan per bushel or 2 ounces of the copper dusts. Heavier dosages are desirable if the grain is at all smutty. The 26 per cent copper fungicides should be used at the 3-ounce rate in most cases, although apparently stinking smut can be controlled in controlled with relatively clean seed by treating at the 2-ounce rate. Tribasic copper sulphate proved to be as effective as the other basic copper sulphates.5 Certain chemicals, such as cobaltous chromate, copper borate, cadmium oxide, Barbak III and Barbak C, copper zeolite, Mike sulphur, and calcium cyanamid proved unadapted for effective control. RELATIVE E F F E C T I V E N E S S OF CERTAIN SEED TREATMENTS IN CONTROLLING STINKING SMUT IN RIDIT (A RESISTANT VARIETY) AND THE INFLUENCE OF THESE TREATMENTS ON YIELD While Ridit wheat is resistant to all but one of the known races of Tillelia 1ritci and T. 1evs, its resistance is only partial, as evidenced by the fact that some of the mycelia that fail to reach the head of the wheat cause a certain amount of sterility. It was thought that this sterility could be reduced and yield increased by proper seed treatment. Method of procedure. Trials were conducted at Pendleton from 1934 to 1937 using field-run Ridit seed that had been smutted 1 to 200 with the composite of northwestern smut races. After 1934-35, the sowings were replicated in blocks of three and the middle row used for yield data, but in 1934 replicated single rows only were used. Yield data were recorded by J. Foster Martin, who also made the smut counts in 1935. Results and discussion. The results for 1934-35 gave indications that seed treatment increased the yield of Rjdit, but various factors, including stand competition, winter injury, and hard-pan spots in the soil, left the results rather inconclusive. The next year winter injury, particularly in the rows from smutted, untreated seed, killed out large numbers of plants. It was indicated that it would be desirable to treat Ridit wheat since the treated grain did not suffer as much from winter injury as the less hardy smutted plants. This is indicated in the yields (Table 12). In this series and in the following year (1936-37), 8 and 5 replications, respectively, were made of treatments on both smutted seed and on clean seed (Table 12). In trials just completed with winter wheat, however, neither tribasic copper sulphate nor '34" copper fungicide was as effective as the finer ground copper carbonates and basic copper sulphates. Table 12. RELATIVE EFFECTIVENESS OF CERTAIN SEED TREATMENTS IN CONTROLLING STINKING SMUT (Tilletia tritici AND 7. levis) IN RIDIT WHEAT NOT SMUTTED OS SMUTTED 1-200, DY WEIGHT, WITH A COMPOSITE OF SMUT RACES REPLICATED 9 TIMES IN SINGLE ROWS, 1934-35; 8 TIMES IN 3-ROW BLOCKS, 1935-36; AND 5 TIMES IN 3-Row BLOCKS, 1936-37. Average per cent of smutted heads and yield in grams per row Treatment Rate per Copper content bushel Per cent - Ounces 1935-36 1934-35 - Smutted heads Yield Smutted heads Per cent Grams er cent SEED SMUTTED UntreatedE '0 New Improved Ceresan New Improved Ceresan Bluestone dip Formaldehyde dip (1-320) Basic Copper sulphate Copper carbonate Copper Hydro-40 1 10.5 165 33 0.5 200 138 141 190 193 0.2 200 0.1 0.7 50 52 26 2 2 1.1 50 52 26 1.9 0.4 0.4 2.7 Yield Grams Per cent 90 177 148 103 161 203 2 2 6.7 4_s 0.1 0.1 141 191 0.1 135 108 175 184 0.0 0.0 0.0 Yield Smutted heads Yield Grams Per cent Grams 176 191 1.4 0.0 0.0 3.4 227 203 190 1.1 205 177 3.1 2 SEED NOT SMUTTED Untreated New Improved Ceresan New Improved Ceresan Bluestone dip Formaledhyde (1-320) Basic copper sulphate Copper carbonate Copper Hydro-40 2.8 2.6 Average 193 6-3 7 Smutted heads 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 191 196 209 197 169 160 193 192 198 6.7 3.6 2.4 0.7 0.4 1.6 1.4 144 184 0.1 0.1 179 200 0.1 152 134 184 188 0.0 0.0 0.0 214 163 145 181 200 These are the average for 5 check blocks. Between each treated block there was either a check row smutted and untreated, or not smutted and untreated. 30 AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION BULLETIN 363 The average yield from treated clean seed was 161 grams per row while that from clean untreated seed (1935-36) was only 141 grams. This is further indication that it is desirable to treat seed of Ridit, even if it appears to be clean. During the third year of the trials, there was again no clear correlation between the yield and the amount of smut present in the heads. Again, however, there was evidence of the value of seed treatment in the increased yield from the heavily smutted seed that had been treated. INFLUENCE OF THE SEED TREATMENTS ON THE STAND OF GRAIN Information on this point has been covered in part previously. The following is a summary of the entire study. Method of procedure. Emergence data were obtained in November and December, 1934, at Corvallis and Pendletori (Table 13). In later years, irregular emergence in most cases prevented data from being obtained in the fall, but information was assembled at harvest time based on the number of heads surviving. The results of four years' study with Hybrid 128 in connection with tests on the copper compounds, miscellaneous chemicals, rate of smutting, and date of seeding, and treating tests are summarized in Table 14. Data from tests where seed containing smut balls was used and from those involving soil infestation are omitted. Results and discussion. The data in Tables 13 and 14 (based on a large number of plants and replications of trials) show that the standard dust treatments generally resulted in slight increase in stand. The stands are based on a comparison with the untreated and unsmutted (field run) check rows. Because smutted plants show considerable proliferation of culms (115.3 per cent) in these trials (Table 14), it is possible that the increases in culms in the treated rows were due to proliferation by smut, particularly in the case of copper carbonate with 18 per cent copper. There were only 3.5 per cent smut in the field run checks, however, 8.9 per cent in the i-ounce treatment with New Improved Ceresan, and only 0.9 per cent smut in the 1-ounce treatment. It is suggested, therefore, that some of the increase in stand in the treated rows could be due to the treatment inhibiting damping off, lootrot and rootrot fungi in the cold, wet soil at or soon after emergence. GENERAL DISCUSSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS The treatments recommended by districts are as follows: Eastern Oregon (rarely 1) ounce per bushel for New Improved Ceresan, to winter wheat; i (rarely ) ounce for spring-sown wheat. Copper carbotiate, 52 per cent; basic copper sulphate, 50 per cent; copper dust, 26 per cent-3 ounces for winter wheat; 2 to 3 ounces for spring-sown wheat. If the soil as well as the seed appears to be infested, use 4 ounces per bushel in fall-sown wheat. - Table 13. INFLUENCE or SEED TREATMENTS ON SEEDING AT CORVALLJS AND I'ENDLETON IN NOVEMBER-DECEMBER 1934n Number of plants and number of rows in different experiments at Pendleton Corvallis Treatment Rate Copper content per bushel Per cent Ounces Untreated, smutted Physiologic race experimen t 105 3,745 35 Copper carbonate -------- 18 2 Copper carbonate 18 3 Copper carbonate 52 2 Copper carbonate 52 3 Basic copper sulphate 52 treatments Soil infesta- tion experiment lois lure experiment 3,940 44 788 9 686 1,764 36 1,600 20 413 400 7 9 754 43 8 Basic copper sulphate 52 3 3,720 728 35 8 3,745 415 35 5 TOTAL 842 9 3,690 539 35 6 Formaldehyde (1-320) Bluestone dip Smut balls experiment 4,220 40 2,040 20 1,840 20 2,104 1,940 1008 20 8 16 Miscel- laneous seed treat- in en ts 225 558 5 9 2,835 360 541 35 5 7 24 5,629 50 1,040 8 920 572 8 5 Date of treating Rid it experi- nearest check ment Total 9,677 90 3,537 30 1,235 43,601 431 12,538 3,277 30 3,324 10 (avei- age) 984 24 2,000 20 1,800 20 460 20 1,600 20 8,452 30 95 3,205 7,653 73 12,313 3,167 1,016 3,160 1,141 98.6 30 10 102.7 101.2 tOl.7 131 30 11,346 97.7 109 2,699 616 840 8 536 8 tO 52 720 7,576 10 98.8 74 30 3,192 1,015 8 8 102.1 117 7,742 7,560 30 1,128 24 180.0 75 30 3,186 839 3,535 35 2 Date of seeding experiment I Per cent 11,130t New Improved Ceresan Miscellaneous seed Percen tage of 57.7 71.4 109 121,480 1,266 These refer in brief to the title of the experiments in which the treat ments were inch ded; ie., physiologic race experiment [mostly published previously (Martin, F. and Sprague, R.) in J. Amer. Soc. Agron. vol. 30, 1938] ; miscellaneous seed treatments; soil infestation experiments; moisture experiment; date of seed treating; etc. t The large figure in each case refers to the number of plants and the small figure directly beneath to the number of rows in the experiment that were treated with the particular seed disinfectant. Table 14. SUMMARY OF THE STAND OF WHEAT BY HEADS AT HARVEST IN CERTAIN OF THE SEED-TREATMENT TRIALS WITH HYBRID 128 WHEAT SMUTTED 1-200 WITH STINRING SMUT AND SEEDED AT CORVALLIS, PENDLETON, Moao, AND CONDON DURING 1934-1938. Number of rows and total number of heads I Treatment r Field run (check), untreated New Improved Ceresan New Improved Ceresan New Improved Ceresan Copper carbonate Copper carbonate Copper carbonate Copper carbonate Copper carbonate Copper Carbonate Basic copper sulphate Basic copper sulphate Basic copper sulphate Copper Hydro-40 Copper Hydro-40 Copper Hydro-40 Paris green Smutted, untreated TOTAL Copper content Per cent Rate per bushel Percentage Rows 5. 356 493 318 18 2 18 18 3 4 2 3 4 2 3 4 2 3 4 2 row Per cent 75 52 52 52 50 50 50 26 26 26 Heads Ounces of check 46,023 69,481 10,080 42,621 25,627 194 119 81 401 103 66 584 154 81 113 30 57 48 787 10,951 14,956 3,986 7,846 6,365 117,328 4,060 557,673 15,351 10,929 55,246 13,645 8,769 78,305 20,164 100.0 109.0 101.1 103.8 102.4 100.0 104.5 106.8 102.7 103.0 103.7 101.6 104.8 102.6 106.7 102.8 115.3 Percentage rows with better stand Percentage than check smut Per cent 83.0 60.0 44.0 82.5 50.0 75.0 69.0 50.0 75.0 68.2 60.0 80.0 82.5 66.7 60.0 90.0 Per cent 3.5 8.9 5.7 0.9 20.4 15.4 12.1 7.4 6.6 4.8 5.4 4.0 3.4 7.8 7.0 5.0 1.5 62.9 CONTROLLING SEED-BORNE STINKING SMUT 33 Western Oregon New Improved Ceresan, ounce. Optional: the same copper dusts listed for Eastern Oregon may be used in Western Oregon at 2 ounces per bushel; or, if the seed is definitely smutty, it is better to use 3 ounces. The 18 to 20 per cent copper carbonates may be used at the 3-ounce rate on spring-sown wheat. New Improved Ceresan must be applied at recommended rates with either a rotary drum equipped with modern positive ratchet feed or with a gravity treater such as the ones detailed by the manufacturer. One of the most satisfactory inexpensive gravity treaters is the one recommended by Moore;* it consists of a series of baffles that turn the grain over as it falls from a tiltable trough and eventually into a sack at the bottom. These can be made by a careful handy man for about $5.00 and have proved surprisingly efficient even on good-sized wheat farms in some sections of the Pacific Northwest. If rotary drums are used to treat grain with New Improved Ceresan, most farmers have found that there is a tendency to skip at the i-ounce rate and many use about ounce to give good coverage. Since New Improved Ceresan is volatile, however, this may not always be necessary. The 2-ounce rate with copper dusts would be sufficient in many cases in Eastern Oregon if the rotary dusters gave perfect distribution. Under farm practice it is well worth while to use 3 ounces per bushel to assure complete coverage. Most of the basic copper sulphates that have been tested have proved less irritating to the person doing the treating than some of the chalkier copper dusts, which result in a heavy fog during the treating and even during the seeding operations. Elimination of a number of the 18 to 20 per cent copper dusts should reduce the complaints about copper sickness as the 52 per cent copper carbonates are not commonly as disagreeable. Any of the treatments may cause illness in certain individuals. Changing to another disinfectant under local conditions sometimes has proved beneficial to certain individuals, while the reverse has been true in other cases. If treating is done in the open, New Improved Ceresan does not cause serious irritation and the same holds true for the less chalky copper dusts. Ordinary care with recommended quantities of dusts should eliminate a large part of the difficulty. Moore, M. B. The Minnesota Seed-Grain Treater. U. S. Department of Agricuiture. Misc. Pub. 330. Oct. 1938. OREGON STATE BOARD OF HIGHER EDUCATION Edward C. Pease F. E. Callister Beatrice Walton Sackett C. A. Brand E. C. Sammons Robert W. RuhI Edgar William Smith Willard L. Marks Herman Oliver Frederick M. Hunter, Ed. D., LL.D The Dalles Albany Marsh/I eld Rosebssrg Portland Medford Portland Albany John Day Chancellor of Higher Education STAFF OF AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION Staff members marked are United States Department of Agriculture investigators stationed in Oregon Geo. W. Peavy, M.S.F., Sc.D., LL.D Wm. A. Schoenfeld, B.S.A., M.B.A R. S. Besse, M.S Esther McKinney Margaret Hurst, B.S President of the State College Director Vice Director Accountant Secretary Division of Agricultural Economics Agr'l. Economist; In Charge, Division of Agri. Economics Agricultural Economics Agricultural Economics W. H. Dreesen, Ph.D Farm Management Economist in Charge D. C. Muniford, M.S Associate Economist G. W. Kuhlman Ph.D Research Assistant W. W. Gorton, sLS Associate Agricultural Economist Soil Conservation I-I. L. Thomas, M.S State Land Planning Specialist, Division of Land Utilization J. C. Moore, M.S V. W. Baker, B.S Assistant Agricultural Economist, Division of Land Utiltzatiots Division of Animal Industries P. M. Brandt, A.M Dairy Husbandman; In Charge, Division of Animal Industries Animal Husbandry Animal Husbandman R. G. Johnson, B.S Animal Husbandniats 0. M. Nelson, B.S Assistant Animal 1-lusbandinan A. W. Oliver, M.S Assistant Animal Husbandman B. W. Rodenwold, M.S Dairy Husbandry Dairy Husbandman G. H. Wilster, Ph.D Associate Dairy Husbandman I. R. Jones, Ph.D Assistant Dairy 1-lusbaudman H. P. Ewalt, B.S Research Fellow (Dairy 1-lusbandry) Arless Spielman, B. S Fish and Game Management Wildlife Conservationist in Charge R. E. Dimick, M.S Assistant Conservationist F. P. Griffiths, Ph.D Associate Biologist, Bureau Biological Surveyn A. S. Einarsen, B.S Research Assistant (Fish and Game Management) Frank Groves, B.S Poultry Husbandry Poultry Husbandman in Charge I-I. E. Cosby Poultry Husbandinan F. L. Knowlton M.S Research Assistant (Poultry Husbandry) W. T. Cooney, .S Veterinary Medicine Veterinarian in charge J. N. Shaw, B.S., D.V.M Associate Veterinarian E. M. Dickinson, D.V.M., M.S Associate Veterinarian 0. H. Muth, M.S., D.V.M Associate Veterinarian R. W. Dougherty, D.V.M Assistant Poultry Pathologist A. S. Rosenwald, ES., D.V.M Technician 0. L. Searcy, B.S Research Assistant (Veterinary Medicine) Roland Scott, D.V.M Research Assistant (Veterinary Medicine) C. R. Howarth, D.V.M Technician in Poultry Pathology Marion Robbins, B.S Division of Plant Industries Agronomist; In Charge, Division of Plant Industries G. R. Hyslop, B.S Farm Crops Agronomist; Division of Forage Crops and Diseases H. A. Schoth, M.S Associate Agronomist 0. D. Hill, Ph.D Assistant Agronornist R. E. Fore, Ph.D Agent Division of Fiber Plant Tnvestigaiions Elton Nelson, B.S. Junior otanist, Division of Seed 1nvestiattousn Louisa A. Kanipe, B.S H. H. Ranipton, M.S Assistant Agronomist; Division Foreage Crops and Diseases Assistant Agronomist L. E. Harris M.S Assistant Agronomist I-I. E. Finrielf, M.S Research Assistant (Farm Crops) A. K. Gross, M.S Food Industries Horticulturist in Charge E. H. Wiegand, B.S.A Assistant Horticulturist t. Onsdorff, h{.S E. L. Potter, M.S STATION STAFF(Continued) Horticulture . Horticulturist W. S. Brown, MS.. D.Sc (Poniology) Horticulturist H. Hartman, M.S Horticulturist (Vegetable Crops) A. G. B. Bouquet, M.S C. E. Schuster, M.S 1-lorticulturist, Div. Fruit and Vegetable Crops and Diseases" Horticulturist (Plant Proagation) W. P. Duruz, Ph.D Ass't. Pomologist, Div. Fruit and Veg. Crops and Diseases" G. F. Waldo, M.S Assistant Horticulturist (Pomology) K. Hansen, M.S Soil Science Soil Scientist in Charge W. L. Powers, Ph.D Soil Scientist (Fertility) C. V. Ruzek, M.S Irrigation and Drainage Engr., Bureau Agric. Engineering" H. R. Lewis, C.E Soil Scientist R. E. Stephenson Ph.D Associate Soil Scientist (Soil Survey) E. F. Torgerson B.S Research Fellow in Soils James Clement .ewis, B.S Agricultural Chemistry Chiemist in Charge J. S. Jones, M.S.A Chemist (Insecticides and Fungicides) R. II. Robinson, M.S Chemist (Animal Nutrition) J. R. I-Iaag, Ph.D Associate Chemist I). E. Bullis, M.S Assistant Chemist M. B. Hatch, M.S Assistant Chemist L. 0. \Vright, M.S Agricultural Engineering Agricitltural Engineer in Charge F. E. Price, B.S Associate Agricultural Engineer (Farm Structures) H. R. Sinnard, M.S Assistant Agricultural Engineer C. I. Branton, B.S Agricultural Engineer, Bureau Agricultural Engineering" W. M. Hurst, M.A G. V. Copson, M.S J. E. Simmons, M.S Bacteriology W. B. Bollen, Ph.D C. P. Hegarty, Ph.D... Bacteriologist in Charge Associate Bacteriologist Associate Bacteriologist Research Assistant (Bacteriology) Entomology Entomologist in Charge D. C. Mote Ph.D J. C. Chanierlin, Ph.D Asso. Ento. (Div. Truck Crops and Garden Insects)" A. E. Bonn. B.S Junior Entomologist (Div. of Truck Crops and Garden Insects)" H. A. Scullen, Ph.D Associate Entomologist Assistant Entomologist B. G. Thompson, M.S Assistant Entomologist S. C. Jones, M.S Assistant Entomologist K. W. Gray, M.S Assistant Entomologist V. D. Edwards, MS Assistant Entomologist H. E. Morrison, M.S Research Assistant (Entomology roe Schuh, M.S Research Assistant (Entomology G. R. Ferguson, B.S Maud Wilson, A.M Home Economics Plant Pathology Home Econoniist Plant Pathologist in Charge C. E. Owens, Ph.D Plant Pathologist S. M. Zeller, Ph.D Plant Pathologist" F. P. McWhorter, Ph.D Plant Pathologist (Div. Fruits and Veg. Crops and Diseases)" B. F. Dana, M.S Associate Plant Pathologist (Insecticide Control Division)" D. Bailey, M.S P. V. Miller, Ph.D Assoc. Pathologist (Div. of Fruit and Veg. Crops and Dis.)" Agent (Division of Drug and Related Plants)" R. Hoerner, M.S Agent (Division of Drug and Related Plants)" R. F. Grah, B.S R. Sprague, Ph.D Associaie Pathologist (Div. of Cereal Crops and Diseases)" Research Assistant (Plant Pathology) John Milbrath, Ph.D Publications and News Service C. D. Byrne M.S Director of Information Editor of Publications E. T. Reed, B.S Editor of Publications D. M. Goode, M.A Associate in News Service f. C. Burtner, B.S Branch Stations Supt. Hood River Branch Experiment Station, 1-Tood River Leroy Childs, A.B F, C. ReimerSuperintendent Southern Oregon Branch Experiment Station, Talent Supt. Eastern Oregon Livestock Br. Expt. Sta., Union D. E. Richards, B.S H. K. Dean, B.S Supt. Umatilla Br. Expt. Sta. (Div. W. Irrig. Agri.), Hermiston" Superintendent 1-larney Branch Experiment Station, Burns Obil Shattuck, M.S Supt. John Jacob Asior Branch Experiment Station, Astoria I-I. B. I-lowell, B.S R. G. Johnson 13.5 Acting Supt. Squaw Butte Regional Range Experiment Station Asst. Supt. Pendleton Br. Sia. (Dry Land Ag.), Pendleton" G. A. Mitchel(, B.S Horticulturist, Hood River Br. Expt Sta., Hood fliver C. G. Brown, A.B., B.S Supt. Medford Sta. (Asso. Irrig. Engr., Div. of Irrig.), Mediord" Arch Work, B.S Asso. Poinologist, Div. Fr. & Veg. Cr. & Dis., Medford" E. S. Degrnan, Ph D Junior Irrigation Engineer (Division of Irrigation), Medford" Bruce Allyn, B.S Associate Entomologist, So. Ore. Br. Expt. Station, Talent L. G. Gentner M.S J, F. Martin, 51.5 Juntor Agronomist, (Div. Cereal Crops and Dis.), Pendleton" H, M. Oveson, M.S Superintendent Sherman Branch Experiment Station, Moro" R. W. Henderson, B.S Research Assistant, Sherman Branch Experiment Sta., Moro H. E. Hutchinson, M.S Asst. to Supt. Harney Branch Experiment Station, Burns Jr. Pathologist, Div. Fr. & Veg. Cr. & Dis., 1-mod River" J. R. Kienholz, Ph.D