Species Characteristics and Stand Structure of Quercus garryana and Q. pyrenaica Woodlands in the Mediterranean Regions of California and Spain1 Michael G. Barbour, 2 Stephen Barnhart, 3 Emin Ugurlu, 4 and Daniel Sanchez–Mata 5 Abstract Quercus garryana in western North America has a similar lack of recent regeneration as does Q. pyrenaica in Spain. Both species are deciduous white oaks whose ranges extend south to Mediterranean-type climates from more northerly temperate regions. Although the degree of genetic similarity and phylogenetic relatedness between the species is unknown, their degree of ecological convergence is remarkable in terms of geographical and elevational range, and in population characters such as density, canopy cover, basal area, frequency, and physiognomy. In Spain, both young stands (oldest individuals up to 90 years of age) and oldgrowth stands (individuals up to 368 years of age) were sampled. In California, two young stands and four intermediate-age stands (oldest individuals about 200 years of age) were sampled. The six California stands consistently had zero regeneration for the past 25 to 50 years and lower regeneration than expected for the past 50 to 100 years. Seven young Q. pyrenaica stands consistently showed regeneration below expectation during the past 30 years, and four old-growth stands exhibited lower regeneration than expected for the last 75 years. There was little evidence of high episodic past regeneration in any of the stands that would suggest the current period of low regeneration is a recurring pattern. Keywords: Age structure, age-dbh relationship, California, Coast, convergence, forest ecology, Garry oak, melojo, montane vegetation, regeneration, physiognomy, succession. Introduction Poor regeneration among four species of white oaks in California has been described by a number of range ecologists since the 1960s (e.g., White 1966, Griffin 1971). More recent summaries by Allen-Diaz and Holzman (1991), Allen-Diaz and others (2007), Bartolome and others (1987), Bolsinger (1988), Muick and Bartolome (1987), Pillsbury and others (1997), and Waddell and Barrett (2005) concluded that poor regeneration (specifically the transition from seedling to sapling stages) has characterized the majority of Quercus douglasii, Q. engelmannii, Q. garryana, and Q. lobata stands for at least the past five decades. 1 An abbreviated version of this paper was presented at the Sixth California Oak Symposium: Today’s Challenges, Tomorrow’s Opportunities, October 9-12, 2006, Rohnert Park, California. 2 Professor, Plant Sciences Department, University of California, Davis, CA 95616. e-mail: mgbarbour@ucdavis.edu. 3 Professor, Biological Sciences Department, Santa Rosa Junior College, Santa Rosa, California 95401. e-mail: sbarnhart@santarosa.edu. 4 Dr., Biological Sciences Department, Celal Bayar University, Manisa, 45100, Turkey. e-mail: emin.ugurlu@bayar.edu.tr. 5 Professor, Biologia Vegetal II, Universidad Complutense, Madrid E-2804, Spain. e-mail: dsmata@farm.ucm.es. 473 GENERAL TECHNICAL REPORT PSW-GTR-217 Among the hypotheses that have been offered as an explanation for poor regeneration among these oaks are: competition between oak seedlings and exotic annual forbs and grasses; browsing of seedlings by deer and burrowing rodents; browsing of seedlings by domesticated livestock; absence of surface fires; compaction of soil by livestock, preventing seedling establishment; absence of sufficient shade for seedling survival; and invasion by other trees (Pseudotsuga menziesii in the case of Q. garryana woodlands; see Barnhart and others (1987, 1991). At this time, some supporting evidence exists for each hypothesis, but no overwhelming evidence for any one hypothesis. Our objective in this paper was two-fold: to quantify the degree to which regeneration in stands of Q. garryana Dougl. ex Hook. (Garry oak or Oregon white oak) departs from values expected in a self-sustaining stand; and to see if a similar departure characterizes an ecologically similar taxon — Q. pyrenaica Willd. (melojo), which grows in Spain in a similar Mediterranean-type climate. Garry oak is a white oak (i.e., it is in the subgenus and section Quercus). It is winter-deciduous, but tardily so (marcescent). Its distribution is mainly within the coast ranges, extending from San Francisco Bay north to Vancouver Island, covering 15 degrees of latitude (Burns and Honkala 1990). Within this span, the species occurs from sea level to 1,200 m elevation, but most commonly > 450 m. Mean annual temperature ranges from 8 to 18° C, and individuals are capable of tolerating hard frosts to -34° C. Although annual precipitation ranges from 17 to 263 cm, this species is considered to be drought-tolerant. Q. garryana is rated as intermediate in shade tolerance, although it is capable of reproducing in its own shade. Trees grow on Alfisols, Inceptisols, Mollisols, and Ultisols, all of moderate to strong acidity (pH 4.8-5.9). The species’ range covers approximately 600,000 ha, one-third of which lies within the state of California (Bolsinger 1988). The elevation, climate, and associated species place Garry oak as an element of the mixed evergreen forest, defined by Sawyer and others (1988) and Barbour and Minnich (2000) as an ecotonal forest sandwiched between broadleaf-dominated foothill woodland below and conifer-dominated montane vegetation above. Other broadleaf tree species that characterize this forest include Acer macrophyllum, Quercus chrysolepis, and Umbellularia californica; conifers most often include Pseudotsuga menziesii. Stands may have a nearly closed canopy, either consisting of Q. garryana alone or mixed with conifer and broad-leaved evergreens in two distinct height classes, with few shrubs and herbs beneath. Alternatively, stands may have scattered trees with open canopies and a rich herbaceous understory. Mature trees reach 37 m tall and >200 cm dbh, attaining ages >300 years old. Sawyer and KeelerWolf (1995) and Sawyer and others (2007) have formally defined and characterized a Garry oak alliance that includes the geographic and compositional variations described above, but they have not yet described all of the associations. Quercus pyrenaica Willd. (melojo) is a marcescent white oak tree species widely distributed throughout the Iberian Peninsula. Its northern limit extends to western France and its southern limit to the Rif Mountains of Morocco (Costa and others 1998, Rivas-Martínez and Sáenz 1991). It is almost exclusively restricted to siliceous substrates at elevations of 400 to 1,800 m (2,000 m in the Rif Mountains), receiving 400 to 1,200+ mm annual precipitation in meso- and supra-Mediterranean thermotype territories (a temperate bioclimate with a sub-Mediterranean character in some northern areas; the same bioclimate applies to the range of Q. garryana) 474 Species Characteristics and Stand Structure of Quercus garryana and Q. pyrenaica Woodlands in the Mediterranean Regions of California and Spain—Barbour (Gavilán 1994, Gavilán and Fernández-Gonzalez 1997, Gavilán and others 1998, Rivas-Martínez and others 2002). Q. pyrenaica typically forms a monospecific closed-canopy forest with low cover by understory shrubs and herbs. Its physiognomy is similar to that of mixed evergreen forest in California. Below the zone of melojo forest is an open woodland of Q. rotundifolia; with increasing elevation, melojo first shares dominance with, then yields to Pinus sylvestris, which thoroughly dominates a montane conifer forest. Like Garry oak, melojo occupies an ecotonal position between low-elevation broadleaf woodland and upper-elevation montane conifer forest. Methods In California, we selected a total of six Garry oak stands to sample, all within a 100km radius of the city of Santa Rosa: two each at Annadel State Park, Warm Springs, and Pepperwood Preserve. The state park is immediately southeast of Santa Rosa and encompasses nearly 2,000 ha. Warm Springs is north of Santa Rosa and west of Healdsburg. It is a large public-access watershed around the Lake Sonoma Reservoir, managed by the Army Corps of Engineers. Pepperwood Preserve is a privately held reserve of approximately 1,200 ha northeast of Santa Rosa that is owned by the Pepperwood Foundation for the purposes of research and education. All three areas are dominated by volcanic substrates. We chose homogeneous stands uniformly dominated by Garry oak and located in areas protected from grazing and logging for at least the past 50 years. The stands varied in area from 1 to 20 ha. Elevation, slope, and aspect were measured for each, using a topographic map, inclinometer, and compass (table 1). Table 1—Locational data for Quercus garryana stands sampled in this study. All are mid- to late-seral stands located in Sonoma County, centering on 38°30’ N latitude x 123° W longitude. Area (ha) is the stand’s estimated extent, elevation is in meters, aspect is in degrees, and slope is in degrees. Location name/stand Pepperwood/1 Pepperwood/2 Annadel State Park/1 Annadel State Park/2 Warm Springs/1 Warm Springs/2 Area (ha) 10 110 15 1 1 1 Elev (m) 240 240 215 140 190 210 Aspect (°) 345 (NNW) 350 (NNW) 360 (N) 280 (NW) 350 (NNW) 315 (NW) Slope (°) 40 40 23 10 20 37 Within each stand we randomly located three circular plots, each 100-squaremeters in size (radius = 5.6 m). In each plot, we measured the diameter breast height (dbh) of all Garry oaks, including standing dead individuals. In addition, all Garry oak saplings (defined as being < 1 cm dbh and > 20 cm tall) were counted, as were all Garry oak seedlings (defined as being < 20 cm tall). Then the entire stand was walked and ocular estimates of cover were made for each species of tree and shrub, for all trees (as a class), for all perennial bunch grasses (as a class), and for all annual herbs (as a class). Several trees, judged to be of average overstory height, were measured for both height and dbh. One or more individuals judged to be of maximum height and dbh were also measured. We used dbh and ring count data accumulated by Anderson and Pasquinelli (1984), who cored 27 Garry oak trees of various dbh (8 to 72 cm) in four locations within Sonoma County. We constructed our own linear 475 GENERAL TECHNICAL REPORT PSW-GTR-217 regression of age as a function of dbh, from which we could assign ages to all trees we measured for dbh. Their locations were Warm Springs, a property owned by the California Academy of Sciences (8 km east of Windsor), Annadel State Park, and Sonoma Valley (7 km south of Kenwood). In Spain, we sampled seven young stands, one intermediate stand, and four oldgrowth stands. The young stands were located in the Guadarrama Mountains portion of the Central System Range, 100 km north of Madrid. These showed no cut stumps nor evidence of disturbance by domesticated livestock or off-road travel by motorized vehicles. Locational information for the Spanish stands appears in Table 2. Based on the absence of any trees >100 years old, we surmised that all these stands had regenerated following some nearly synchronous catastrophic disturbance, such as clear-cutting followed by stump removal. Table 2—Locational summary for Q. pyrenaica stands sampled in this study. Latitude and longitude are given in degrees N and W, respectively; elevation is in meters, slope in degrees, and aspect (face) also in degrees. Area (ha) is the stand’s estimated extent, and category refers to seral stage. Stand Region 1 Guadarrama 2 Guadarrama 3 Guadarrama 4 Guadarrama 5 Guadarrama 6 Guadarrama 7 Guadarrama 8 San Vicente 9 Ancares 10 Cantabrica 11 Vitoria 12 Mendilerroa Lat x Long o 41 06 x 3o38 40o50 x 3o48’ 40o35’ x 4o10’ 40o53’ x 3o50’ 40o58’ x 3o48’ 40o56’ x 3o52’ 41o03’ x 3o38’ 39°30’ x 4o30’ 42o50’ x 6o50’ 43o9’ x 4o31’ 42o40’ x 2o30’ 42o56 x 2o24’ Elev Slope 1380 14 1360 20 1100 Aspect 45 (NE) Area Category 10 early 14 early 20 235 (WSW) 20 (N) 4 early 1420 19 350 (N) 50 early 1360 25 75 (ESE) 50 early 1360 20 160 (SSE) 4 early 1380 16 30 early 1180 6 55 early-mid 1270 32 1095 26 750 7 60 (ENE) 40 (NNE) 200 (SSW) 205 (SSW) 160 (SSE) 710 6 175 (S) 3 late 2 late >1000 2 late late For each selected stand, the elevation, slope, and aspect were noted, using an inclinometer, altimeter, and compass. The area of the stand was estimated. A record of the vegetation was taken in an area of 1,000 m2 subjectively judged to be representative of the stand. All taxa present were estimated for cover/abundance. A 100-m long transect tape was randomly anchored and then laid out straight through the stand. Along it, a tally of all trees >1 cm dbh was kept for a belt 4-m wide by 100-m long, the center of the belt being marked by the transect tape. Every tree encountered was measured for its dbh. Dead trees (snags) were noted as dead and measured for dbh. The 400-m2 sample area was chosen because it was large enough 476 Species Characteristics and Stand Structure of Quercus garryana and Q. pyrenaica Woodlands in the Mediterranean Regions of California and Spain—Barbour to enclose the stand. The collective cover of tree canopies and tree gaps along the tape was then estimated. Several trees, judged to be of average canopy height, were measured for their height by using an inclinometer. Two to three saplings of breast height were cut down at their base and one 2-cm-thick section of the base and another at breast height were taken back to the laboratory for drying, sanding, and ring counting. Approximately six uninjured and unsupressed trees with a range of diameters were subjectively chosen and cored at breast height, and the cores taken back to the laboratory for drying, sanding, and ring counting. Two regions of northern Spain were visited to find old-growth stands: Two locales were chosen in the Montes de León region; and two other locales were chosen in Pais Vasco region. These four stands are in the Eurosiberian biogeographical region, having an oceanic temperate macrobioclimate with a submediterranean character (Rivas-Martínez and others 2002). No old-growth stands could be located in the Mediterranean-climate part of Spain. The density of trees was much lower than in young stands, and for that reason the belt transect was increased in size to 8 x 100 m. Results and Discussion Quercus garryana Our regression of tree age as a function of dbh—based on Anderson and Pasquinelli’s (1984) data—generated a very strong linear relationship (fig. 1), years of age = [(6.22) x (dbh in cm)] — 13.43 with an R2 value of 0.91 and a P = 0.001 that the slope departed from zero. Based on our formula, the largest tree we encountered (72cm dbh) would have had a predicted age of 434 years, not counting the additional number of years it would have taken to reach breast height. Figure 1—Regression of Q. garryana age against diameter breast height for 27 trees cored by Anderson and Pasquinelli (1984). 477 GENERAL TECHNICAL REPORT PSW-GTR-217 When we transformed our dbh data into years of age and expressed tree density per hectare, all three sites exhibited poor regeneration for as long as the past 50 to 100 years and zero regeneration for the past 25 to 50 years (fig. 2). Seedlings and saplings were completely absent from our plots, but an earlier study at Annadel State Park by Barnhart and others (1991) tabulated 178 seedlings per hectare. However, they were sampling woodland vegetation, in which herbs covered much of the ground. Three-fourths of the seedlings were found in understories dominated by perennial bunch grasses, mainly Festuca californica; the rest were found among invasive annuals. None of our six stands had an understory dominated by bunch grasses. 478 Species Characteristics and Stand Structure of Quercus garryana and Q. pyrenaica Woodlands in the Mediterranean Regions of California and Spain—Barbour Figure 2—Stand age structure for Quercus garryana stands. (Top) Age structure for two Warm Springs stands combined. N = 70. (Middle) Age structure for two stands combined at Annadel State Park. N = 47. (Bottom) Age structure for the two younger Pepperwood stands combined. N = 64. 479 GENERAL TECHNICAL REPORT PSW-GTR-217 Tree density (table 3; defined as individuals > 1 cm dbh) was widely variable among the three sites: 600 to 1,100 per hectare at Annadel State Park and Warm Springs, and 1,500 to 1,600 at the younger Pepperwood stands. Standing dead trees were highest at Pepperwood, 12 percent of all (live + dead) trees, compared to 8 to 10 percent in the older stands at Annadel and Warm Springs. Only Quercus garryana was in the canopy at Pepperwood, whereas the other two forests included small numbers of Quercus agrifolia, Pseudotsuga menziesii, and Unbellularia californica. The Pepperwood forest had very little herbaceous cover, whereas the other two forests had high herb cover, typically > 70 percent. Table 3—Stand data for Quercus garryana. Mean tree canopy height is in meters; tree canopy cover is in percent; live tree density is per hectare; dead standing trees are shown in absolute numbers per hectare before the slash and as a percent of all trees, dead + live, after the slash. The last two columns summarize mean tree diameter breast height (cm) and basal area (square meters per hectare). Location and DBH Ht. Canopy Live Dead / % BA stand mean Pepperwood, 1 23 / 13 6.4 11 53 1650 7 Pepperwood, 2 0 / 0 4.7 11 100 1550 6 Annadel, 1 0/0 22.9 9 73 635 22 Annadel, 2 133 / 19 22.6 11 88 802 19 Warm Springs, 1 133 / 11 38.5 9 75 1069 22 Warm Springs, 2 65 / 5 61.3 9 83 1136 26 Quercus pyrenaica Vegetation in seven early-successional stands had high densities of small-diameter trees (table 4; 1600-11,500 per ha), with pronounced mortality, averaging 16 percent of all trees (dead plus live). Common associates in these stands include the shrubs Genista florida subspecies florida, Crataegus monogyna, and Rubus ulmifolius, and the perennial herbs Pteridium aquilinum, Poa nemoralis, Holcus mollis, Arenaria montana, Clinopodium arundanum, and Luzula forsteri. Table 4—Stand data for Q. pyrenaica. Stands 1-7 are young stands; stand 8 is intermediate, and stands 9-12 are old-growth. Height mean/max is in meters. Cover is in percent (for tree + shrub + herb canopies). Mean diameter breast height (dbh) is in centimeters. Density is number of live Q. pyrenaica trees >1 cm dbh per hectare/percent of all trees that were dead. Basal area is in square meters per hectare. Stand 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 480 Height 10 / 15 11 / 14 7 / 11 9 / 12 12 / 14 13 / 17 11 / 13 14 / 19 16 / 20 17 / 20 20 / 23 15 / 17 Cover 96 / 2 / 5 97 / 1 / 1 75 / 1 / 2 93 / 0 / 1 93 / 1 / 2 93 / 1 / 2 96 / 1 / 2 80 / 1 / 1 64 / 20 / 3 100 / 1 / 1 95 / 2 / 2 69 / 13 / 1 Mean dbh 10 9 12 10 9 11 10 16 27 37 26 21 Density/dead 5720 / 21 11,200 / 2 4600 / 13 10,000 / 22 9250 / 18 6000 / 23 11,500 / 18 1600 / 12 513 / 0 500 / 0 475 / 3 563 / 0 Basal area 4.5 7.1 5.2 7.8 5.8 5.7 9.0 24.5 29.2 53.4 25.0 19.4 Species Characteristics and Stand Structure of Quercus garryana and Q. pyrenaica Woodlands in the Mediterranean Regions of California and Spain—Barbour Although we were unable to find successional young stands of Q. garryana in California, we found many young stands of Q. pyrenaica (finding mature stands was difficult) and decided to summarize their composition and structure separately. For the purposes of this study, we defined young stands as having a mean dbh <12 cm, mean tree height <14 m, density per hectare >1,500, and an absence of trees >100 years old. We defined old-growth stands as having a mean dbh >20 cm, mean tree height >14 m, a density per hectare <600, and the presence of many trees >200 years old. We propose that these young stands were initiated following some standreplacing disturbance such as clear-cutting or fire. Stand 8, in the Montes de Toledo, appeared to be a mid-seral forest, given the intermediate dbh, height, and density of trees. Unfortunately, the cores from trees at this site have been lost, so we have no age data for that stand. The late-successional stands had densities only 1/3 to 1/2 of young stands (averaging about 500 trees per ha) and practically no mortality, possibly indicating that self-thinning had ended some time in the past. Stumps were absent, indicating that snags had not been harvested for the past several decades. Somewhat surprisingly, although the mean canopy height of old-growth trees was significantly (P < 0.01) taller than that of young stands, the difference was modest: 16.0 vs. 11.0 m. Most allocation of photosynthate over time, therefore, must be channeled to the root system and/or stem girth. When all 45 cores from stands 1-7 had been counted and graphed against dbh, a linear regression line having the formula age in years = [(1.41) x (dbh in cm)] + 21.31 was the result. It has a slope significantly different from zero (P < 0.001) and an R2 of 0.69. When the 1,152 dbh records taken from belt transects in stands 1-7 were converted to ring age classes (fig. 3), the age structure of the combined seven stands showed: (1) almost 2/3 of all trees were between 30 and 39 years of age, (2) almost zero regeneration characterized the most recent 30 years, and (3) the oldest tree encountered was just over 90 years old—possibly a remnant from a previous forest harvested half a century ago or one that had stood alone in a cultivated field that was abandoned. Figure 3–Age structure for seven young stands of Quercus pyrenaica combined. N = 1152. 481 GENERAL TECHNICAL REPORT PSW-GTR-217 Twenty trees in the four old-growth stands were cored. For those trees with a diameter too large for our increment corer to reach the center, the missing number of rings was estimated as follows. The rings along the length of the extracted core were counted and divided by the length of the core (excluding bark) to obtain an average number of rings per centimeter. The missing centimeters of core were estimated by subtracting the extracted core’s length from the radius of the tree (again, excluding bark). The predicted number of missing rings was calculated by multiplying the missing core length times the average number of rings per centimeter, and the missing rings were then added to the counted rings to obtain an estimate of tree age. The regression line for dbh against ring count fits the formula, age in years = (3.56) (dbh in cm) – 22.20, with an R2 of 0.81. The slope of increasing age with girth (3.56) is steeper than that for young stands (1.41), which is in agreement with our conclusion earlier that the allocation of photosynthate in older melojo trees goes more towards increasing trunk girth than to increasing height. When all 164 diameters, from all four stands, were converted to age, the combined age structure showed an absence of regeneration for the past 5 years and depressed regeneration 6 to 75 years ago, a peak of trees in the 76 to 100 year-old cohort, and a smoothly declining abundance of older trees, the oldest being (an estimated) 351 to 375 years old (fig. 4). Maximum dbh was 93 cm, three to five times the maximum for early-successional stands. Figure 4—Age structure for four old-growth stands of Quercus pyrenaica combined. N = 165. Thus, both young and mature stands of Q. pyrenaica show depressed regeneration for the past 75 years. Is this depression a result of human (mis)management, which can be corrected, or does it merely reflect a natural cycle where pulses of establishment are separated by long periods of regeneration failure? And if the latter, what causes the pulses: unusual weather, fluctuations of herbivore populations, masting behavior? If we suspect natural cycles on the order of one per century, then figure 3 does not provide much support, for it fails to show obvious second or third peaks for cohorts 200 or 300 years old. (Such peaks would be lower 482 Species Characteristics and Stand Structure of Quercus garryana and Q. pyrenaica Woodlands in the Mediterranean Regions of California and Spain—Barbour than the 100-year-old peak, because of more accumulated mortality, but there is actually an absence of individuals in those cohorts.) The distributional and physiognomic similarities of young and old Garry oak and melojo oak stands are obvious and striking. Q. pyrenaica and Q. garryana appear to be convergent not only in habitat, tree morphology, phenology, community architecture, and their ecotonal nature, but also in their unexplained regeneration failure for the better part of the past century. Acknowledgements The authors give sincere thanks for guidance during field trips in Spain from Professors Felix Llamas and Javier Loidi and from Dr. Maria Pilar Rodriguez-Rojo. We also thank Professors Rosario G. Gavilan and Salvador Rivas-Martinez for advice and comments on early drafts. References Allen-Diaz, B.H.; Holzman, B. 1991. Blue oak communities in California. Madroño 38:8095. Allen-Diaz, B.; Standiford, R.; Jackson, R.D. 2007. Oak woodlands and forests. In: Barbour, M.; Keeler-Wolf, T.; Schoenherr, A.A., editors. Terrestrial vegetation of California, third edition. Berkeley, CA: University of California Press, 313-34. Anderson, M.V.; Pasquinelli, R.L.. 1984. Ecology and management of the northern oak woodland community, Sonoma County, California. Rohnert Park, CA : Sonoma State University. M.A. thesis. Barbour, M.G.; Minnich, R.A. 2000. Californian upland forests and woodlands. In: Barbour, M.G.; Billings, W.D., editors. North American terrestrial vegetation, 2nd edition. 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