Tree Seedling Distributions Across a Gradient of Phytophthora ramorum-infected Coast Live Oak/Bay Forests1 Letty Brown2 and Barbara Allen-Diaz2 Abstract The effects of sudden oak death (SOD) on coast live oak/bay forest succession are still largely unknown. One scenario suggests that bay will become a greater component of the overstory in infected coast live oak-bay forests and that these communities will succeed to bay forests over time. We investigated tree seedling densities of coast live oak and bay in forty plots in eight sites over a three-year period across a gradient of SOD-infected oak woodland/bay forests. Classification and regression tree analysis (CART) and analysis of variance models were used to investigate a number of stand and landscape variables as predictors of seedling numbers over the infection gradient. Results indicate that a great deal of variability exists in seedling numbers for both oak and bay. Though other variables play smaller roles, site and year are the significant indicators of seedling densities for coast live oak, and site alone is the important indicator of bay seedling densities. Based on this study, we did not find bay seedlings in greater proportion to coast live oak seedlings in stands impacted by SOD. We do not believe that P. ramorum and the associated SOD complex is, at this time, causing succession towards bay-dominated forests. Rather the interplay between favorable weather years, herbivory, and other site factors will determine the competitive advantage of coast live oak or bay seedlings and the outcome for dominance of California’s coast live oak/bay woodlands. Keywords: Forest response, Quercus, seedling dynamics, sudden oak death, succession, Umbellularia. Introduction Sudden oak death (SOD), caused by Phytophthora ramorum, has killed thousands of oaks (Quercus spp.) and tanoaks (Lithocarpus densiflorus) in the coast ranges of California (Rizzo and Garbelotto 2003). The ecological implications of this pathogen on western forests, in terms of potential changes to forest structure and composition, are still not well understood. One scenario suggests that California bay laurel (Umbellularia californica) will become a greater component of the overstory in infected coast live oak-bay forests. McBride (1974) showed that in coast live oak/bay forests of the San Francisco Bay Area, coast live oak (Quercus agrifolia) naturally gives way to bay during normal succession with the removal of certain disturbances like livestock grazing. Thus, in forest stands where bay and coast live oak are codominant and coast live oak is killed by P. ramorum, bay should become a dominant component of the stand. Research has shown that in some areas of P. ramorum infection, the basal area of coast live oak has decreased by as much as 55 percent, while the BA of bay has increased from 25 percent to over 45 percent of the total basal area of the site (Brown and Allen-Diaz 2005). Other studies have shown substantial losses of coast live oak in terms of both basal area and numbers of 1 An abbreviated version of this paper was presented at the Sixth California Oak Symposium: Today’s Challenges, Tomorrow’s Opportunities, October 9-12, 2006, Rohnert Park, California. 2 Graduate Student and Professor, respectively, Department of Environmental Science, Policy, and Management, Division of Ecosystem Sciences. University of California, Berkeley, CA 94720-3110. 229 GENERAL TECHNICAL REPORT PSW-GTR-217 individuals (Kelly and Meentemeyer 2002, McPherson and others 2005, Swiecki and others 2005). Bay is not only the codominant tree with coast live oak in many areas of the coast range, it is also an important foliar host of the SOD disease (Davidson and others 2005). Mature bay trees exhibit high rates of P. ramorum sporulation, but as foliar and not stem hosts of the pathogen, they do not die from the infection. Therefore, bay is recognized as an important source of inoculum that contributes to oak mortality in coast live oak-bay woodlands. A relationship between bay and coast live oak mortality has also been demonstrated at the landscape scale in which density of bays was an important predictor of oak mortality (Kelly and Meentemeyer 2002). Swiecki and Bernhardt (2002) also described a spatial association between bay and P.ramorum infection on coast live oak. Though mature bays may capture gap openings as coast live oaks are removed by SOD, the question remains whether and which species of tree seedling will be able to exploit the canopy openings created by the death of mature coast live oaks. Seedling survival in the understory is central to an understanding of forest succession as those trees capable both of surviving as understory plants and responding to release to reach overstory size will inevitably form a major portion of the dynamic forest community. Woody seedling germination and survival in oak/bay forests is a combination of a great number of factors. As well as water, light and nutrient needs critical for germination and growth, other factors such as distance from seed source, seedbed suitability, and predation at both the seed and seedling level are important. In this study, we compared environmental variables that addressed many of these factors and tested for differences between coast live oak and bay seedling densities in several P. ramorum-infected coast live oak/bay forests over a two- to three-year period. Methods Field Methods We conducted this study at eight sites in the greater San Francisco Bay Area in California (Marin, Sonoma, and Contra Costa counties) on a mix of public and private lands. Sites were chosen to represent a gradient of visibly manifested signs of SOD infection, and were established to monitor vegetation change over this gradient (fig. 1). Skywalker (SKY) and both China Camp sites (CC1, CC2) show the greatest mortality from SOD while both Briones sites (EB1, EB2) show none. Olompoli (OLO), Fairfield Osborn Preserve (FOP), and Bouverie (BVR) are intermediate. At these eight 1-ha sites, five 0.08-ha plots were randomly located. In each plot, four 16 x 1m belt transects were established, radiating from the plot center stake and running in the cardinal directions. All seedlings <30-cm tall and <1-cm basal diameter were counted by species and transect (e.g., north, south, east, west) in the spring. These counts occurred in 2002, 2003, and 2004 for five of our sites (Skywalker, the China Camp sites, and the Briones sites), and in 2003 and 2004 for three of our sites (Olompoli, Fairfield Osborn, and Bouverie). We did not tag and track individuals over time. 230 Tree Seedling Distributions Across a Gradient of Phytophthora ramoruminfected Coast Live Oak/Bay Forests—Brown Figure 1—Map of study sites. In each plot, many environmental variables were measured. Slope and aspect were measured at plot center. Basal area (BA) of all trees, snags and logs by species was recorded throughout the entire .08-ha plot. Log basal area was estimated at 1.37 m, based on the height of the remaining stump plus distance on the log to 1.37 m. Depths of litter and duff were measured to the nearest centimeter at 1, 11, and 16 meters along each transect, following Brown (1974). Coarse woody debris (CWD) was measured using a variation on Waddell (2002), in which CWD was taken at each plot along the four 16-m transects for each piece of wood whose central axis crossed the tape and was larger than 8 cm in diameter. For each eligible piece of wood, the diameters of the largest and smallest ends (with a minimum of 8 cm) were recorded to the nearest 2.5 cm. The length of the log was recorded to the nearest 30 cm, not including the log portion smaller than 8 cm in diameter. To convert each piece of wood measured to a volume (m3/ha), the following equation was used (from Waddell 2002): where Ds and DL are the diameters of the smallest and largest end of the log and l is log length. Comparisons between coarse woody debris loads were made based on these cubic volumes. Leaf area index (LAI) was averaged from multiple readings taken in each plot in mid-late October. LAI data was collected from Skywalker, China Camp Miwok, China Camp Back Meadows, Briones Bear Creek, and Briones Alhambra in 2002, Olompoli, Bouverie, and Fairfield Osborne in 2003, and all sites in 2004. At each 231 GENERAL TECHNICAL REPORT PSW-GTR-217 site, above canopy (A) and below canopy (B) readings were obtained using the LAI2000 Plant Canopy Analyzer optical sensor (Li-Cor, Inc, Lincoln, NE). In accordance with LAI-2000 protocol, A readings were taken in a clearing, while B readings were taken manually at six different points beneath the canopy in each of the five plots at a site. Three readings were taken at each of six locations per plot and averaged. Pathology data was taken in all plots in the spring of 2003 and 2004. Nine bay leaves (three leaves x three trees) were tested per plot. Leaf tissue was tested for presence or absence of P. ramorum using PCR methods (processed by Garbelotto lab, UC Berkeley). Statistical Methods An index of SOD impact was developed to create a ranking of SOD severity on our sites (Apigian 2005). To do this, we used PC-ORD to run a principle components analysis (PCA) (McCune and Mefford 1999) to construct a composite variable (based on PCA scores) to which we categorically assigned a SOD infection score for each plot (5 plots x 8 sites = 40 plots). We used five environmental variables as important indicators of SOD infection: percent of total basal area composed of dead coast live oak snags, percent of total basal area in live coast live oak trees, LAI, CWD volume, and percent of all coast live oak stems that were symptomatic of SOD (based on stems that exhibited seeping, that were found in plots that tested positive for P. ramorum). These variables were selected because they represent a range of impacts that SOD may have on a stand, as opposed to using any single metric. The variables used meet the assumptions of PCA (McCune and Grace 2002). We used a classification and regression tree analysis (CART) to model relationships between tree seedling densities and landscape variables. CART models are developed by recursively partitioning the response variable into increasingly homogenous subsets based on critical threshholds in continuous or categorical variables (Crawley 2002). Tree-based models are graphically displayed so that one can follow the tree node through a series of binary splits on the predictor variable to an end node. We used a regression tree analysis with tree seedling density as our output variable. The estimate for all observations that follow the same lineage of branching to an end node is given by the mean x-value for that set of observations. The Tree Model function in S PLUS 6.1 (SAS 2002) was used for our analysis. After developing species-specific models for different years separately, a model was developed that pooled all years together, using density of seedlings as the dependent variable and the corresponding values of each landscape or stand variable for model development. Default settings were used. The following equation shows the independent variables used in these final models, where the dependent variable was either coast live oak or bay seedling density: • Seedling density = f (LAI, BA live coast live oak m2/ha, BA live bay m2/ha, duff depth, litter depth, CWD m3/ha, northness index, slope, plotbased SOD index, site, year) The northness index was derived using the following equation, starting with aspect in radians: Northness = cosine(aspect) . The plot-based SOD index was the index derived from PCA scores. To prune the CART trees, the cost-complexity setting was employed which generated a table that showed how the model deviance decreased as the number of 232 Tree Seedling Distributions Across a Gradient of Phytophthora ramoruminfected Coast Live Oak/Bay Forests—Brown nodes changed (Crawley 2002). Using these data, a deviance of 0.1 was chosen. This number encompassed the largest jumps in deviance and was used for all models. Additionally, ANOVA in S PLUS 6.1 (SAS 2002) was employed using independent variables identified by the first and second runs of CART to determine the degree of significance among plots. Results We found that large amounts of spatial and temporal variability existed in seedling densities (table 1). Results indicated that coast live oak, bay, and toyon (Heteromeles arbutifolia) were consistently the predominant woody species represented in the seedling layer. There were few seedlings found of the other tree species in the plot including black oak (Quercus kellogii), Pacific madrone (Arbutus menziesii), Oregon oak (Quercus garryana), Big leaf maple (Acer macrophyllum), California buckeye (Aesculus californica), and Douglas fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii). Certain sites tended to have more total seedlings (table 1 and 2), as well as more seedlings of certain species. The two China Camp sites had the highest mean densities of seedlings (table 2); however these high numbers were largely driven by toyon which comprised 97 and 99 percent of site totals in 2003 (table 1). Skywalker consistently had the highest numbers of coast live oak seedlings; it had over 20 times more coast live oak seedlings than other sites in 2002, and had higher numbers than all other sites in the other two years of the study. Bouverie, the second highest-producing site for coast live oak seedlings, had 5.5 times more seedlings in 2003 and 2004 than all other sites, besides Skywalker. Bay, too, exhibited a large variation in mean seedling densities among sites. Briones Bear Creek had consistently higher densities than all other sites; it had up to 33 times more bay seedlings than the China Camp sites and Fairfield Osborn. Table 1—Total number of seedlings by species per site including coast live oak (Quag), bay (Umca), toyon (Hear), and ‘other’ species in 2002, 2003, 2004. ‘Other’ includes black oak (Quercus kellogii), Oregon oak (Q. garryana), Big leaf maple (Acer macrophyllum), Pacific madrone (Arbutus menziesii), California buckeye (Aesculus californica) and Douglas fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii). Seedling numbers were counted along a total of twenty 16 m2 belt transects per site (320 m2 total area). Site Sum (‘02) Qu ag Sum (‘03) Qu ag Sum (‘04) Qu ag Sum (‘02) Um ca Sum (‘03) Um ca Sum (‘04) Um ca Sky 349 177 34 110 97 61 0 0 0 0 0 0 828 CCMiwok 24 20 13 12 14 12 33 1100 20 0 0 0 1248 CCBackMdw 2 3 3 6 5 1 19 742 59 0 0 0 840 BrionesAlh 13 7 1 69 60 66 1 0 0 0 0 0 217 BrionesBrCk 0 22 23 246 190 239 8 18 7 1 0 0 754 Olompoli na 19 20 na 90 83 na 15 4 na 4 6 241 Bouverie na 147 37 na 123 110 na 45 25 na 24 9 520 FOP na 42 27 na 19 16 na 1 1 na 6 5 117 total 388 437 158 443 598 588 61 1921 116 1 34 20 4765 Sum Sum Sum Sum Sum Sum (‘02) (‘03) (‘04) (‘02) (‘03) (‘04) Grand He ar He ar He ar Other Other Other Total 233 GENERAL TECHNICAL REPORT PSW-GTR-217 Table 2—Average seedling density (all species) per site. For sites Skywalker, China Camp Miwok, China Camp Back Meadows, Briones Alhambra, and Briones Bear Creek, these values represent densities from ‘02-’04. For sites Olompoli, Bouverie, and Fairfield Osborn, values represent only ‘03 and ’04 numbers. In the statistical differences column, sites w/the same symbol (+, ++, and –) are not statistically different from one another. Site Sky CCMiwok CCBackMdw BrionesAlh BrionesBearCrk Olompoli Bouverie FOP mean seedlings per m2 1.38 2.08 1.39 0.37 1.32 0.72 1.32 0.30 n 15 15 15 15 15 10 10 10 SE 0.26 0.72 0.66 0.03 0.17 0.08 0.17 0.08 Statistical Differences + ++ + + + + - Table 3—Total seedlings counted at each site, by year. 2002 2003 2004 Site total total total Sky 459 274 95 CCMiwok 69 1134 45 CCBackMdw 27 750 63 BrionesAlh 83 67 67 BrionesBearCrk 255 230 269 Olompoli na 128 113 Bouverie na 339 181 FOP na 68 49 Total 893 2990 882 Principal Components Analysis indicated that the first axis was the best synthesis of the variables potentially associated with SOD. The eigenvalue of 3.724 was much greater than all other axes indicating that axis 1 was the only significant axis for interpretation (McCune and Grace 2002). This axis represents a strong SOD gradient from high SOD impact (low proportion of live oaks, high proportion of dead oaks, high light penetration, high woody debris volume, and high incidence of SOD) to low impact of SOD. We adjusted the axis scores by taking the inverse of the PCA values so that the index would run from least affected to most affected plots. We then took the absolute value of the PC 1 axis values, setting the least affected plot to 1 with the most affected plot receiving a score of 8.89. These adjustments did not change the scale of the original PCA axis and were done simply to ease interpretation and analysis. 234 Tree Seedling Distributions Across a Gradient of Phytophthora ramoruminfected Coast Live Oak/Bay Forests—Brown Coast Live Oak The model included 983 coast live oak seedlings recorded over three years. CART analyses showed that site and year were the most important variables explaining the number of coast live oak seedlings. Skywalker was initially separated from the other sites, and then Bouverie (fig. 2). Both of these sites had high mean seedling densities while the other sites had lower mean densities (0.86 seedlings/plot). Seedling densities varied greatly by year (table 1) and the CART analysis validated the importance of the year effect. For example, Skywalker (fig. 2) had the highest mean seedling densities in 2002 (17.45 seedlings/plot), followed by 2003 (8.85 seedlings/plot), and the lowest density in 2004 (1.70 seedlings/plot). All other sites All other sites Skywalker Site:bcdefgh | Bouverie 2002 Site:bcdefh 0.8594 (80) Year<2002.5 4.6000 (10) 2003 2004 Year<2003.5 17.4500 (5) 8.8500 (5) 1.7000 (5) Figure 2—Final CART model chosen for coast live oak. Numbers in parentheses below the end node represent the number of plots in each subset. Figure 3, below, shows that after excluding site and year from the CART model, northness and bay basal area were the most important variables predicting coast live oak seedling densities. The highest mean coast live oak seedling density (15.71 seedlings/plot) occurred on south facing slopes, in which bay basal areas were >0.79 m2/ha. For the remaining plots, live bay basal area was again an important predictor of coast live oak seedling density. On these sites, on more north-facing slopes, a lower live bay basal area (<0.52 m2/ha) and a lower SOD index (<1.93) predicted higher seedling densities (4.160 seedlings/plot) compared to plots with higher SOD index (1.01 seedlings/plot). 235 GENERAL TECHNICAL REPORT PSW-GTR-217 other aspects south-facing aspects North.ness..real.<-0.91654 | live.Umca.BA<0.787619 live.Umca.BA<0.520926 Plot.SOD.index<1.93422 0.8273 (55) 4.1670 1.0130 (20) (12) North.ness..real.<-0.975401 6.6250 (6) 0.8333 (6) 15.7100 (6) Figure 3—Second CART model without site and year. Northness, live bay basal area, and SOD index were the most important predictor variables for coast live oak seedling numbers. Numbers in parentheses below the end node represent the number of plots in each subset. Table 4 shows ANOVA results run on the important variables identified by the first and second models of CART. As expected, both site and year are significant predictors of seedling numbers of coast live oak. There is also a significant interaction between site and year, indicating that these two variables are not consistent, that is they do not vary together in the same way (see table 1). The remaining environmental variables were not significant. Table 4—ANOVA results for coast live oak seedling densities over the 2002-2004 time period. Variables chosen for the model were from CART models (fig. 2 and 3). Site Year Northness liveUmcaBA plotSODindex Site:Year Residuals 236 Df 7 1 1 1 1 7 86 Sum of Sq 982.4363 184.5043 5.0635 5.3601 0.676 514.7816 826.4184 Mean Sq 140.348 184.5043 5.0635 5.3601 0.676 73.5402 9.6095 F Value 14.60511 19.20017 0.52693 0.5578 0.07035 7.65285 Pr(F) 0.0000000 0.0000331 0.4698722 0.4571869 0.7914614 0.0000004 Tree Seedling Distributions Across a Gradient of Phytophthora ramoruminfected Coast Live Oak/Bay Forests—Brown Bay The bay model analyzed 1,629 seedlings as response variables over the three-year period. The final model deviance was set to 0.1, and showed that site, northness, and duff depth had the highest explanatory value (fig. 4). Of these, site was the most important, separating Briones Bear Creek from the other sites, and then separating the two China Camp sites and Fairfield Osborn Preserve, with a lower mean seedling density (0.53 seedlings/plot) from the other sites (fig. 4). At the next node, average duff depth dictated whether the mean bay seedling density was 7.25/plot (less duff depth), or 3.79/plot (higher duff depth). For Briones Bear Creek, northness was the key determinant of seedling density. Lower northness determined a higher mean (17.5 seedlings/plot), while higher northness meant a lower mean density of bay seedlings (7.08 seedlings/plot). All other sites Briones Bear Creek Site:abcdfgh | Sky., Briones Alh., Olompoli, Bouverie China Camp sites, Fairfield Osborn Site:bch North.ness..real.<0.129497<0.340909 0.5313 (40) 7.2500 (8) 3.7920 (42) 17.5000 (6) 7.0830 (9) Figure 4—CART model chosen for bay. Numbers in parentheses below the end node represent the number of plots in each subset. As with coast live oak seedling analysis, a second CART model was constructed eliminating site, northness, and average duff depth from the model in order to explore further important relationships (fig. 5). LAI was the most important variable predicting bay seedling density, showing that more seedlings occur in areas with higher LAI (and thus more shade). The highest mean seedling density (17.5/plot) represented sites whose LAI value was higher than 2.98, and whose bay basal area was higher than 0.79 m2/ha but less than 1.03 m2/ha. 237 GENERAL TECHNICAL REPORT PSW-GTR-217 higher light lower light LAI<2.9775 | live.Quag.BA<2.30167 live.Umca.BA<0.790504 live.Umca.BA<1.25224 1.087 (49) 5.667 (6) 6.214 (7) live.Umca.BA<1.02569 4.634 (28) 17.500 (6) 4.639 (9) Figure 5—CART model chosen for bay, run without the variables in the first model. Here LAI, live coast live oak basal area, and live bay basal area are the most important predictors of densities of bay seedlings. Numbers in parentheses below the end node represent the number of plots in each subset. Table 5 shows ANOVA results run on the variables identified by the first and second models of CART. As expected, site and LAI are significant predictors of seedling numbers of California bay. The remaining environmental variables were not significant. Table 5—ANOVA results explaining variability in bay seedlings over the 2002-2004 time period. Variables in the model were those identified by the two CART models run. Sum of Sq Df Mean Sq F Value Pr(F) Site 7 1317.229 188.1756 23.25514 0 Duffdepth 1 1.625 1.6248 0.2008 0.655133 Northness 1 5.678 5.6784 0.70175 0.404368 LAI 1 32.873 32.8734 4.06257 0.046761 liveQuagBA 1 0.003 0.0033 0.0004 0.984036 liveUmcaBA 1 29.911 29.9115 3.69652 0.057619 Residuals 92 744.444 8.0918 Discussion The effects of SOD on coast live oak/bay forest succession are still largely unknown, particularly in these early stages of the disease. McBride (1974) suggested that coast 238 Tree Seedling Distributions Across a Gradient of Phytophthora ramoruminfected Coast Live Oak/Bay Forests—Brown live oak/bay communities, in the absence of disturbances like livestock grazing, would naturally succeed to bay forests over time. With the death of coast live oak, successional processes toward bay could be accelerated. Our results indicate that a great deal of spatial and temporal variability exists for both coast live oak and bay seedlings. Site is the most important indicator of seedling density for both our coast live oak and bay models, possibly indicating that environmental factors accounting for the variance in seedling densities were not measured in this study. Year is a significant indicator of seedling density in the coast live oak model but not in the bay model. This finding is commensurate with the literature, as oaks are known masting species and therefore acorn production varies between years and is cyclic, with large-scale weather patterns influencing production levels (Koenig and others 1996). The lack of a year effect on bay seedlings in our models suggests that bays do not appear to be as subject to temporal asynchrony as the oaks. One environmental variable was statistically significant in the ANOVA models. We found leaf area index to be a predictor of bay seedling densities, but not of coast live oak seedling densities. The CART model demonstrates that bay seedling densities are higher in areas with less light. This finding could be an artifact of lowered light levels beneath mature bay trees, indicating that distance to seed source is an important variable for bay seedlings, rather than light levels per se. Further, mature bay basal area was almost significant at the 95% level in the bay ANOVA model. However, either of these scenarios is important in predicting seedling dynamics in gap openings produced by SOD, as it may mean that bay seedlings are more limited than oak seedlings by light levels or distance to seed source. Little literature exists on bay seedling requirements to support or refute these claims. Mature bays are generally classified as shade-tolerant, but tolerance levels are not well defined (USDA 1965). McBride showed that bay seedlings can invade open grasslands and brushlands in the Berkeley hills (McBride 1974); similar capabilities were observed in the Santa Cruz mountains (Unsicker 1974). Particularly amidst concern that certain oak species are not replacing themselves, several studies have evaluated shade-tolerance levels in coast live oak seedlings. Coast live oak seedlings are exceptionally shade-tolerant compared to seedlings of some other California oak species, and are able to maintain high photosynthesis capacities and root elongation in low light (Callaway 1992). Many studies have found that coast live oak seedlings are spatially associated with shrublands (McBride 1974, Muick and Bartolome 1987, Callaway and D’Antonio 1991, Callaway and Davis 1998). One study showed that seedling survival is enhanced by artificial shade (Muick 1991). However, whether this is due to shade tolerance factors (i.e., moisture requirements) in coast live oak seedlings, or other factors such as seedbed suitability or protection from herbivory is unclear. Other parameters will be important in determining the successional outcome at any coast live oak/bay site and future studies should account for these. Bay seedlings can be foliar hosts of P. ramorum which may affect leaf retention in seedlings as it does in mature bays (Davidson and others 2005), potentially affecting bay seedling survival. Both bay and coast live oak seedlings are susceptible to herbivory from a variety of vertebrate and invertebrate grazing animals. Tyler and others (2002) found that seed predation and herbivory by small mammals significantly reduced coast live oak seedling recruitment in a study conducted at the Sedgwick Reserve in Santa 239 GENERAL TECHNICAL REPORT PSW-GTR-217 Barbara County. Both coast live oak and bay seedlings are palatable to deer (Sampson and Jesperson 1963, McBride 1974). An additional factor for future investigation is an analysis of whether CWD will provide refugia for oak seedling survival, similar to Callaway and D’Antonio’s (1991) determination that shrubs facilitate coast live oak seedling survival. Future studies should include measurements of individual seedling survival and growth rates as seedling growth rates vary. Some studies suggest that bay seedlings grow fast, attaining up to 30-cm growth per year on favorable sites (USDA 1965). One study on restoration of coast live oak found that in irrigated tree shelters (a favorable site), coast live oak may attain 38-cm growth per year (Plumb and De Lasaux 1996), but under normal field conditions coast live oaks were found to grow much more slowly often persisting at heights of approximately 10 cm for many years (Muick 1997). Conclusions In these early stages of the disease, we do not believe that P. ramorum and the associated SOD complex is accelerating successional processes toward baydominated forests. In our study, numbers of coast live oak and bay seedlings, evaluated over three years in the early stages of SOD, did not appear to be affected by the presence of SOD. Our gradient of infection from little-to-no presence of P. ramorum in Briones sites to considerable presence and visible effects of oak die-off at Skywalker and China Camp did not correlate with coast live oak or bay seedling numbers. However, seedling survival is only one part of this picture. Recruitment into saplings, pole and, finally, tree-sized classes are important components of stand succession. The temporal variability of SOD pressure is also important. 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