(c) crown copyright Catalogue Reference:CAB/23/52 Image Reference:0008

(c) crown copyright
Catalogue Reference:CAB/23/52
Image Reference:0008
COPY 1x0 :
(EBTIMQ OF THE CABINET to be held in the Prime M i n i s t e r ' s Room,
House of Commons, on Friday, February 26th, 1926, at 11.0 a.m
Memorandum toy the President of the Board of Trade,
( C P , 69 \26) - already c i r c u l a t e d ) ,
Memorandum toy the President of the Board of Trade coveriri
( C P , 80 (26) - already c i r c u l a t e d ) .
(Reference Cabinet 6 (26) Conclusion 1 2 ) .
(Reference Cabinet 4 (26) Conclusion 5 ) .
Memorandum by the Home Secretary,
( C P . 76 (26) - already c i r c u l a t e d ) .
Note by the Chancellor of the Exchequer covering
an Extract from a Speed, of Lord Hsndolph Churchill,
( C . P . 1 ( 2 6 ) - already c i r c u l a t e d ) .
Memorandum by the Lord Privy S e a l ,
C C P , 52 (26) - already c i r c u l a t e d ) .
Consideration of Recommendations of Meeting of
Home A f f a i r s Committee held on February 15th, 1926,
(H.A.C. 2nd Conclusions (26) - a i r ady c i r c u l a t e d ) .
Consideration of Recommendations of Meeting of
Home A f f a i r s Committee held on February 22nd, 1926,
(H.A.C. 3rd Conclusions (26) - already c i r c u l a t e d ) .
H i
Memorandum by the Lord Chancellor,
( C P . 84 (26) - to be c i r c u l a t e d ) ,
(To be raised by the Home S e c r e t a r y ) ,
(To be r a i s e d by Secretary of State for
Dominion A f f a i r s ( i f p r e s e n t ) , )
10, '
Memorandum by the Secretary of State f o r the
( C P , 51 (26) - already c i r c u l a t e d ) .
2, Whitehall Gardens, S,.*'.l,
February 25th, 1926.
SE 0 g g T
CONCLUSIONS o f a Meeting of the Cabinet held in
the Prime M i n i s t e r s Room, at the House
of Commons, on FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 26th 19£6,
at 11 A.M.
PRESENT: The Right Hon. Stanley Baldwin, M.P. ,
( I n the C h a i r ) .
Prime M i n i s t e r .
Hie Right Hon.
Sir Aueten Chamberlain,
K.G. ,M.P., Secretary of
State f o r Foreign A f f a i r s .
The Right Hon.
ViBOOunt Cave, G.C.M.G.,
Lord Chancellor.
The Most Hon.
The Marquess of Salisbury,
X.G. , G.C o V o 0 o , C . B a ,
Lord P r i v y Seal.
The Right Eon.
W.S. Churchill, C.H.,H.P.,
Chancellor of the Exchequer.
Hie Right Hon.
Sir William Joynson-Eicks,
Bt.,M.P., Secretary of
State for Borne A f f a i r s .
Tho Right Hon.
IuS. Amery, M.P., Secretary
of State f o r Dominion A f f a i r s
and Secretary of State f o r
the Colonies.
The Right Hon..
Sir Laming Worthington-Svans,
Bb, ,G.B.E. ,M.P., Secretary
of State f o r War.
The Right Hon.
The Earl of Birkenbead,
Secretary of State f o r I n d i a .
The Right Hon.
Sir Samuel Hoare, B t . C . M . G . ,
The Right Hon.
W . C . Bridgemon, M.P.,
for A i r .
The Right Hon.
Sir P h i l i p C u n l i f f e - L i s t e r ,
K.3.E. ,M.C. ,M.P., President
of the Board of Trade.
The Right Hon.
" N e v i l l e Chamberlain, M.P.,
M i n i s t e r of Health.
The Right Hon.
W. Guinness, D.S.O.,M.P.,
Minister of A g r i c u l t u r e and
The Right Eon.
S i r John Gilraour, B t . , D . S . O . ,
M.P., Secretary f o r Scotland.
The Right Hon. \
Lord Eustace Percy, M.P.,
President of the Board of
The Right Hon.
Sir Arthur Steel-Malt land, B t , ,
M.P., M i n i s t e r of Labour.
5he fiieht Hon.
The Riaht Hon.
Viscount C e c i l of Chelwood, i £ . C ,
S i r Douglas Hogg, K.C. ,M.P..,
Chancellor of the Duchy of
0 The Home Secretary was speaking in the House of Commons
and only a r r i v e d as the Cabinet were r i s i n g .
Hankey, G.C.B
Oabinet 57
(85), Con­
clusion 2.)
1. The President of the Board of Trade drew
a t t e n t i o n to the fact that the g i s t of his
Memorandum on the B r i t i s h Film Industry (Paper
C P . - 6 9 ( 2 6 ) ) , which had been known i n h i s own
Department f o r some time, had leaked out in "The
Daily Express " on Monday, February 22nd, within a
few days of i t s c i r c u l a t i o n to the Cabinet. .
The Cabinet ws re remind d how frequently
matters which had been kept secret for weeks while
being dealt with in Departments or by Cabinet
-Committees, were apt to leak out the moment that
they came into Cabinet c i r c u l a t i o n .
Ministers were informed that the c i r c u l a t i o n
of this p a r t i c u l a r Paper had been t o Cabinet Minis­
t e r s only, with the addition of the Chief Whip.
A l l copies had been numbered, and every copy
r e c e i v e d for c i r c u l a t i o n from the Board of Trade
was accounted f o r in the d i s t r i b u t i o n
The Attomay-General said he would
enquire into, the state o f the law
with a view to ascertaining whether
a newspaper could be compelled, in
a p a r t i c u l a r case of publication
of secret information, to r e v e a l
the source whence i t had been
The Cabinet had before them a Memorandum by
the President of the Board of Trade on the subject
of the B r i t i s h Film Industry, making suggestions as
to the p o l i c y to be adopted by the Government (Paper
0..P.-69 ( 2 6 ) ) .
A f t e r hearing a statement from the President
of the Board o f Trade, the Cabinet agreed —
( a ) That S i r P h i l i p C u n l i f f e - L i a t e r should
be authorised to make an immediate p r o ­
nouncement on the lines proposed i n his
Memorandum, subject to a minor a l t e r a ­
t i o n (incorporated in ( 5 ) below) as
That we recognise the national
importance of British Films..
( 2 ) That we are ready to take the
e x h i b i t o r s at t h e i r word and w i l l
leave them to make a genuine
voluntary e f f o r t to take as from
a given date i n the future an agreed
. proportion of B r i t i s h f i l m s . They
should agree with the producers to
set up a trade body to s e t t l e
disputes and to make a return to me,
say q u a r t e r l y , o f the proportion of
B r i t i s h films shown.
( 3 ) That i f the quota i s not r e a l i s e d ,
or nearly s o , within an experimental
period of, say, one year from the
given date, we w i l l enforce i t by
(4) That we are prepared to l e g i s l a t e
against block-booking i f the e x h i ­
b i t o r s represent to us that l e g i s ­
la t i o n i s necessary. The general
l i n e s of the l e g i s l a t i o n would be
that a f t e r a given date in the f u t u r e : ­
( a ) A contract to show a f i l m
made before the film has
been "trade-shown" should
be^-enf orceabls at law .
( b ) A contract to take a film which
was not to be shown w i t h i n six
months should be unenforceable.
( 5 ) That we should give our blessing to
thw idea of a Byi tish studio,, provided
a sound scheme with proper financial
backing i s put forward (as i t i s
hoped the Brighton scheme w i l l be) ;
and that i t would be open to the
organisers of such a stiidip,. to apply
f o r a guarantee under the T%ade. P a o i ^ l ­
t i e s Act in respect of any c a p i t a l woffes
invo Iv ed.
( b ) That the President of the Board of
Trade should be authorised to s t a t e
that we would welcome American c o ­
operation, but he should keep i n
c l o s e touch with the Chancellor of
the Exchequer i n order not to close
the door to taxation o f the American
f i l m industry i f i t i s found tnat i t
i s f e a s i b l e and desirable and the
moment appropriate.
jjPT B I L L ,
ferenc e:
iinet 4
, Con­
lsion 8.)
3. The Cabinet had before them a Memorandum by
the President of the Board of Trade covering the
Report by the Food Council on Short Weight and Measure
in the S a l e . o f Foodstuffs (Paper C.P.-80
The Cabinet agreed —
( a ) That the B i l l which the President of
the Board of Trade i s d r a f t i n g , to
g i v e e f f e c t to the recommendations
of the Food Council, should be
considered in-the f i r s t instance by
the Committee of Home A f f a i r s :
( b ) That in the meantime the President
of the Board of Trade should have
authority to announce that the
Government accept, g e n e r a l l y the .
recommendations of the Report and
propose to prepare and introduce
l e g i s l a t i o n based thereon.
jjyiL S E R V I C E
Cabinet 7
(26). Con­
lusion 8 )
A f t e r a short discussion, the Cabinet
That the Prime Minister should
make an announcement to t h e e f f e c t
that the Government intended to
adhere^ to- t h e i r p o l i c y of providing
c e r t a i n r e c r e a t i o n grounds f o r the
C i v i l S e r v i c e , but had decided to
postpone the a p p l i c a t i o n of that
p o l i c y f o r the present:
( b ) That i t was d e s i r a b l e that some
s u i t a b l e opportunity should be
found, e i t h e r in or out o f P a r l i a ­
ment, f o r the Prime Minister to make
a public statement on the subject
g i v i n g f u l l e r information and
horns of
With reference to t h e i r previous
authorising the Minister of Health,' i n consultation
$Proposed D i s ­
lot P e r s o n s
IFoor Law
[voting a t
I previous
Cabinet 4
(26), Con­
olusion 5.)
with the Home Secretary, to prepare a B i l l f o r
consideration, i n the f i r s t instance, by the
Committee o f Home A f f a i r s , which should include
some provision f o r the disfranchisement of persons
who have r e c e i v e d Poor Law r e l i e f from voting at
e l e c t i o n s of Boards o f Guardians, the Cabinet had
before them a Memorandum by the Home Secretary
r a i s i n g a number, of d e t a i l e d points f o r considsra­
t i o n on which a decision was required before the B i l l
could be d r a f t e d ; suggesting that these questions
should be r e f e r r e d to a Cabinet Committee;
asking t h a t , i n the f i r s t instance, the Cabinet
should decide d e f i n i t e l y whether action was to be
confined to the case of Boards of Guardians and
p o s s i b l y Rural D i s t r i c t Councils (Paper C P . - 7 6
The Cabinet agreed —
( a ) That the p r i n c i p l e shotild be that
persons i n r e c e i p t of r e l i e f should
not be e n t i t l e d to v o t e In respect
of the Authority who administers
the r e l i e f :
( b ) That the question o f whether the
d i s q u a l i f i c a t i o n from v o t i n g should
be confined to the case of Boards of
Guardians or should extent to Rural
D i s t r i c t Councils i n addition,
together with other points i n the
Home Secretary's Memorandum (Paper
C P . - 7 6 ( 2 6 ) ) , should be referred
to the Committee of Home A f f a i r s .
6 . The Cabinet had before them Memoranda by the
Chancellor of the Exchequer (Paper C P . - ! (86))
CaMnet 1
(26), Cori­
cluaion 1.;
and by the Lord Privy Seal (Paper C P . - 5 2 (86))
on the subject of Leasehold Enfranchisement *
The Cabinet agreed
That the question should be
considered, i n the f i r s t ixv*
stance, by a Cabinet Committee
composed as f o l l o w s : The
Lord Chancellor,
Lord Privy Seal^
Home Secretary^
Secretary of State for War.
Secretary of State for India,
First Lord of the Admiralty
A,ttorney-General *
7. After consideration of a Note,
( C P . 63 (26)),
"by the Secretary to the Cabinet covering Lists of
ne of
le ^ * '
Government B i l l s proposed to be Introduced during the
present Parliamentary Session, together with recommendations of the Committee of Home Affairs thereon
(HoAoCo 2na Conclusions f26), P a r a . l ) , the Cabinet
et 1
ion 1*)
fa) To approve the classification of the
various B i l l s as set out in the
Appendix to the Conclusions of the
Committee of Home Affairs, on the
understanding that the insertion
of the B i l l s in List D is without
prejudioe to their ultimate o l a s s l ­
( b ) That the Parliamentary Secretary to
the Treasury should be authorised
to arrange with the Ministers oon­
oerned with a view to the introduc­
tlon of any appropriate B i l l s in
List C in the House of Lords or as
Prlvete Members Bills-?
( c ) The whole of the above recommenda­
tions to be subject to the Prime
M i n i s t e r s decision, based on the
advice he receives from the P a r l i a ­
mentary Seoretary to the Treasury
as to the Parliamentary time-table.
A f t e r consideration of a Memorandum by the
Financial Seoretary to the Treasury (Paper O.P.­
( 2 6 ) ) covering the d r a f t I n d u s t r i a l Assurance
( J u v e n i l e S o c i e t i e s ) B i l l , and the recommendation
jjfcinet 8
23) Con­
elusion 2 ( e ) . )
of the Committee o f Home A f f a i r s thereon (H.A.C.
' 2nd. Conclusions ( 2 6 ) , P a r a , 3 ) , the Cabinet agreed
To authorise the introduction in
the House of Lords of the I n d u s t r i a l
Assurance ( j u v e n i l e S o c i e t i e s ) B i l l
i n the form of the draft annexed
to C.P.-59 ( 2 6 ) ,
9 . A f t e r consideration of a Memorandum by the
Financial Secretary to the Treasury (Paper C P . - 6 6
(.26)), covering the d r a f t Imperial War Graves
Endowment Fund B i l l , and the recommendation of the
binet 41
5) Oon­
lislon 9.)
Committee o f Home A f f a i r s thereon (H.A.C. 2nd. Con­
olusions ( 2 6 ) , P a r a . 5 ) , the Cabinet agreed —
To authorise the introduction i n
the House of Commons forthwith
of the Imperial War Graves Endowment
Fund B i l l i n the form o f the draft
annexed to C P . - 6 6 ( 2 6 ) , subject to
such modification of Section 2 ( 2 )
as may be agreed by the Chancellor
o f the Exchequer and the Secretary
o f State for War, and to any
necessary drafting amendments.
1 h^
President of the ^Rjard of Trade, covering the draft
DPS) Bin-
Merchandise Marks (Imported Goods) B i l l
(Paper O.P.­
65 ( £ 6 ) ) , together with the recommendations of the
ibinet 2
:6), Oon,usion K g ) - )
Committee of Home A f f a i r s thereon (H.A.C. 2nd Con­
olusions ( 2 6 ) , Para.6 andH.A.C. 3rd Conclusions ( 2 6 ) ,
Para.7) the Cabinet agreed —
To authorise the introduction f o r t h ­
with in the House of Commons of the
Merchandise Marks (imported Goods)
B i l l in the form of the draft
annexed to C.P.-65 ( 2 6 ) , subject
t o the modifications agreed by the
Home A f f a i r s Committee and to any
minor a l t e r a t i o n s that may be found
neoessary or d e s i r a b l e .
( C P . 58(26), "by the Financial Secretary to the
Treasury oovering the draft Pacific Cable B i l l and
the recommend&tions of the Committee of Home Affairs
thereon (H.A.C. 3rd Conclusions (26) P a r a . l ) the
Cabinet agreed —
To approve the Pacific Cable B i l l
in the fwrm of the draft annexed
to C P . 58(26) on the understanding
that i t s introduction in the House
of Commons w i l l be deferred for a
12. A f t e r consideration of a Memorandum,
( C P . 5 6 ( 2 6 ) ) by the Minister of Agriculture and
Fisheries coyering the draft Markets and Fairs
(Weighing of C a t t l e ) B i l l , and the recommendation
of the Committee of Home A f f a i r s thereon (H.A.C­
3rd Conclusions (26) Para.2) -fehe Cabinet agreed —
To authorise the introduction in
the House of Lords of the Markets
and Fairs (Weighing of C a t t l e )
B i l l in the form of the draft
annexed t o C P . 56 (26) with the
addition of a provision for apply­
ing the B i l l to Scotland^
"by the Home Secretary ( C P . 41(26)) oovering
the draft lead Paint (Protection against
Poisoning) B i l l ,
f Previ ous
Cabinet 4
(26) Con­
cluslon 7 ) .
and the recommendations of the
Committee of Home Affairs thereon (H.A.O.
3rd Conclusions (26) Para.4) the Cabinet
agreed —
To authorise the introduction
in the House of Commons of the
Lead Paint (Protection against
Poisoning) B i l l in the form of
the draft annexed to C P . 4 l ( 2 6 ) .
the Minister of Health ( C P . 7 4 ( 2 6 ) ) covering the
draft Local Authorities (Emergenoy P r o v i s i o n s ) B i l l ,
together with t h e recommendations of the Committee
of Home A f f a i r s thereon (H.A.C. 3rd Conclusions ( 2 6 ) ,
Para.5) the Cabinet agreed —
To authorise the introduction
forthwith in the House of Commons
of the Local Authorities (Emergency
P r o v i s i o n s ) B i l l in the form of the
draft annexed t o C P . 7 4 ( 2 6 ) .
the Minister of Transport ( C P . 7 7 ( 2 6 ) ) covering the
Revised Draft E l e c t r i c i t y
(Supply) B i l l , end a
Memorandum by the Minister of labour ( C P .
r e l a t i v e t o the question of Including in the
inet 61
j Cod­
- 3)*
provisions f o r ( 1 ) Averting a stoppage in the Power
Stations g e n e r a l l y , and ( 2 ) Securing that the Central
E l e c t r i c i t y Board ffeoluded a Pair Y/ages Clause in
i t s Contract, together with the recommendations of
the Committee of Home A f f a i r s thereon
3rd Conclusions ( 2 6 ) , Para.6) the Cabinet agreed —
( l ) To approve the E l e c t r i c i t y (Supply)
B i l l in the form of the draft
annexed to C P . 77 ( 2 6 ) , subject t o
the modifications £dopted by the
Committee, and to any minor a l t e r a t i o n s
that may be found necessary or d e s i r a b l e ,
and to authorise the introduction of the
B i l l forthv/ith in the House of CommonB.
( 2 ) That a Pair ?ages Clause should not be
inserted in the B i l l in the f i r s t
instance, but that the draft of a
suitable clause should be prepared
with a view t o i t s subsequent
incorporation in the B i l l , i f necessary.
( 3 ) That, v/ith a view t o minimising
( a ) tfoa -Minister of Transport^
should be authorised to
show representatives of the
Gas Industry the clauses of
the B i l l in the form approved
by the Cabinet.
( b ) The B i l l should be printed v/ith
an explanatory Memorandum dealing
i n t e r a l i a with criticisms such
as those raised by the Gas Industry.
( c ) A statement should be made that the
Central E l e c t r i c i t y Board would
comprise persons of commercial
and f i n a n c i a l experience.
Not the President o^ the Board of Trade,
as s t a t e d in the Minutes of the Committee
of Home Affairs..
( 4 ) ( An addition to the recommendations
of the Committee- of Home A f f a i r s )
The Minister o f Transport should
he authorised to arrange f o r the
c i r c u l a t i o n o f the B i l l from the
Vote Office
with a view to i t s Second Reading
at an early d a t e .
Cabinet 2
(26), Con­
elusion 13.)
16. The Cabinet had before thera a Memorandum
by the Lord Chancellor i n regard to ,a B i l l which
has been Introduced and passed through the Dail i n
the I r i s h Free S t a t e , the admitted i n t e n t i o n of
which i s to prevent an appeal from the Supreme
Court of the I r i s h Free State to His Majesty
Council from becoming e f f e c t i v e
(Paper C.P.-84 (.26))
The Cabinet agreed with the Lord Chancellor
that i t would not be wise to request the GovernorGeneral to reserve the B i l l under A r t i c l e 41 of the
Free S t a t e Constitution f o r the s i g n i f i c a t i o n of
the King's P l e a s u r e
and that the Lord Chancellor
should explain the p o s i t i o n when the question is
r a i s e d i n the House o f Lords.
The Cabinet agreed —
That the Home Secretary should be
authorised - ­
( a ) To forward the Report o f the
Privy Council Committee on
the Question of Contributions
to Imperial Funds from the
Islands of Jersey, Guernsey
and Man, to. the Islands,
informing them that the
Government proposed to publish
i t at once and had not yet
­ considered i t :
(b) To release the Report for
publication to Parliament,
Cabinet 3
(26), Con­
elusion 1 2 . )
18, The Cabinet agreed —
That an Inter-Departmental Oommitte
i n regard to the Agenda and Organis
t i o n of the forthcoming Imperial
Conference .should be set up, with
Sir Maurice Hankey in the Chair.
The Secretary was l e f t to obtain
the instructions of Ministers as
to the representation of t h e i r
r e s p e c t i v e Departments.
with the Imam
Cabinet 50
(SI), Con­
elusion 5,)
I .
The Cabinet took note of a Memorandum by
the Secretary of State for the Colonies in regard
to the negotiations with the Imam of the Yemen.
SO. The Chancellor of the Exchequer consulted
h i s colleagues as to the general l i n e s of speeches
he was about to make i n the country,
[et 6
ConLon 1.)
i n view of the forthcoming introdtjction of the
Economy B i l l ,
The Cabinet generally agreed with the Chancellor
t h a t , while making the most of the
encountered i n the struggle against the automatic
growth of expenditure and unavoidable increases, which
had been so successfully overcome, he should not
r a i s e public hopes as to the e f f e c t of the economies
on the Budget, s i n c e , though the problem of avoiding
additional taxation f o r the needs of the coming
f i n a n c i a l year had been avoided, there was no prospect
of reduction in t a x a t i o n .
Whitehall Gardens, S..W..1,
February 26, 1926.