(c) crown copyright Catalogue Reference:CAB/24/216 Image Reference:0002 -nOKD?! I S THE PROPERTY OP H I S B R I T A C T . C ? T A J E 5 T Y S GOVfmhrlENT . ) ? 3 C A B I N E T . R^OR-!!'. Oyt.APVI SPRY . COI/lil TTrTB PIT U T J y ^ L O Y ^ ^ N T IToh-y^Joy t h ? I thP circulate minutes Committee ef the fcinist^r of for the tho final of Committee, summarising the to meeting views which cf my-cellsagu&-&­ the Advisory Insurance and the are appended t h ethroe (initialled) 1930. of of Committee, November 5 t h , u Labour- information on Unemployment IITSURANCE Report memoranda.­ parties ts the THIS DOCUMENT. I S ^ H L ' . P R p P L R T j r O T H I S BRITANNIC M A J E S T Y S GOVERliMENT. T lllcRET. COFYN. n jgjh C A B I N E T . Meeting". ADVISORY COMMITTEE ON UITEMPLOYifSNT INSURANCE. CONCLUSIONS o f t h o F i f t h M e e t i n g o f t h e C o m m i t t e e , h e l d i n t h e Room o f t h e M i n i s t e r o f L a b o u r , Montagu H o u s e , S . W . l v , on W e d n e s d a y , 5 t h N o v e m b e r , 1 9 3 0 . at 5.0 p,m. P R E S E N JT: The R t . Hon. M.G. B o n d f i e l d , M i n i s t e r of Labour. $he R t . Kon.V. H a r t s h o r n , O.B.E., M,P., Lord p r i v y Seal. file R t . Hon. Minister Sir Health. Mr. T/.D. W i l k i n s o n ) Mr. P.Y. ] Blundun. H. B e t t e r t o n , O.B.E., M.P., Bt., Major W,E, E l l i o t , M.C., M.P., ' A.Greenwood, of M.P., Mr. Isaac Foot, M.P., Joint Secretaries to the i , Committee. ; The Conclusions of the Fourth Meeting were agreed subject to the follov/ing amendment:The second sentence of the last paragraph hut two to read - "Attention was drawn to the fact that certain principles had been agreed in paragraph 6 of the Conclusions of the Second Meeting although in fact these principles had subsequently been further discussed". Sir Henry Betterton, Major Elliot and Mr. Foot entered a protest against the action of the Government in announcing the decision contained in the King's Speech to appoint a Royal Commission, having regard to the fact that the Committee had not yet arrived at its Conclusions. It was agreed that the three Party memoranda should go to the Cabinet, subject to the amendment (in which Mr. Foot acquiesced) striking out (3) in the first paragraph and adding after the word "character" in the second paragraph the following words "and the provision for this class should be wholly or mainly a national charge". After further discussion the draft report for the Cabinet which had been circulated to the Committee was agreed, subject to the three following alterations.­ (l) the addition of the words "or otherwise" after the words "Royal Commission" in line 11; (2) the substitution of the words "in suitable oases" for the word "adequate," in line 17; (3) the omission in line 2 2 of the words "by the public". REPORT OF THE ADVISORY COMMITTEE ON UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE. Tho C o m m i t t e e been supplied Ministry of problem? the views and have Ultimately of the were p r e p a r e d appended and of hereto, points, the advance otherwise. (l) placed the on a (2) Scheme tho there memoranda, parties the of summarising the of a divergence of and by are Committee these of memoranda regard agreed ba thorn, the in of Commission should cr be basis; Unemployment also the be made f o r suitable and to a thatJ­ Scheme should on amendment self-supporting outside view a Royal Insurance provision to with immediate an inquiry should available to A copy Committeo solvent fall by have a thorough discussion particularly of appropriate and training discloss Unemployment unemployed-who statistics three possibility, But and They " and or in meetings. circulated, necessity, law five had respective The m e m o r a n d a number held w i t h memoranda Labour the is have cases to those the Insurance facilities within for the Scheme; (3) those as the provision outside to be the clearly referred Insurance Scheme distinguishable Signed to in paragraph should from on b e h a l f the of MARGARET G, November 5th, 1330. be so (2) framed Insurance the for Scheme,, Committee B0NDF3ELD. I S DOCUMENT I S TILE PROPERTY OF H I S B R I T A B I C M A J E S T Y S GO vERKKSN T . r CU.1.16(30) . ADVISORY COMMITTEE OP UNEMPLOYMENT INSIJHANCE. MEMORANDUM BY THE CK) vTSRNMENT REPREST-NTATIVES ON THE UNEMPLOYIvIBNT INSURANCE ADVISORY COMMITTEE. 1. The U n e m p l o y m e n t aotuarially £. This sound and involves lines entitled to 3. restoration the to formulation reaching of Commission, which Allegations that we our abuse have been immediate for Commission. a Royal and have measures, come taken in special and cases deal It would e q u a l l y be to deal whole with the consultation could only the advance it with would impossible problem and and in the law considered impossible from to an urged without this point such un­ single general to fullest conducted been any improper, the involved. would be the employers, satisfactorily that be far­ Royal has inquiry, and be it of without and interests and indeed scheme. scheme a strong conclusion them a p a r t with workers be "We h a v e be cannot various made who m a y n o t difficult of amendments to an on insurance opinion, the on scheme insurance raise by means consult In p r a c t i c e which unemployment in justifiable. and unemployment s h o u l d make carefully partial of the ex&ept could unemployed scheme placed a further the the which, of for further settled 4. very of a questions satisfactorily waiting under should he basis. establishment provide benefit Scheme self-supporting the national The Insurance out problem. attempt investigation investigation by a Royal Commission. 5. We a c c o r d i n g l y appointed thp with propose immediately unemployment regard to:­ to that a Royal review the insurance scheme Commission provisions and to make should be and working of recommendations (l) contain its and future the the provisions the means by which self-supporting (2) scope, the scheme, f o r may b e arrangements assisting repidlj as p o s s i b l e reports on which should made s o l v e n t the should be with its more u r g e n t should be and instructed outside work to proceed and asked t o make matters. M.G-.B. A n V.H. 1930. made unemployed. (intd.) 27th October, it and The Commission the it which as interim 1 £9 -t O \J MlS DOCUMENT I S THE PROPERTY OF H I S B R I T A N N I C M A J E S T Y S i C. U. I . 3 J l 3 Q l B " " " I GcVLRK .E iT. ! ADVISORY CO Mi . I T T E E ON INSURANCEo UNEMPLOYMENT MEMORANDUM BY THE CONSERVATIVE PARTY REPRESENTATIVES ON THE THREE PARTY UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE COMMITTEE. From the would appear documents to he placed before us the following facts established:- UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE P R O P E R . (1) The n u m b e r on t h e L i v e R e g i s t e r i s ( a c c o r d i n g t o t h e l a t e s t r e t u r n s x) 1 , 4 9 8 , 1 5 5 w h o l l y unemployed, 585,156 t e m p o r a r i l y s t o p p e d , and 105,361 n o r m a l l y i n c a s u a l employment m a k i n g a t o t a l o f 2 , 1 8 8 , 6 7 2 , o f v/hom a p p r o x i m a t e l y 95 o f t h o m e n a n d 38£j o f t h e w o m e n a r e a c t u a l l y i n r e c e i p t of b e n e f i t . 9 c (2) The i n c o m e of £45,000 000. the The o u t g o i n g s £70,000 000. from Fund from all sources is approximately 3 (3) the Fund amount approximately to 9 (4) The d e b t Thus on there the Fund is is now ap a gap between reaching the income and of t h e F u n d amounting t o £ 2 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 ;oer a n n u m , ib being our view 9 grave 9 closed by borrowing. doubt whether redeemed, a n d to go obscuring the actual Exchequer and the In the existing debt on a d d i n g to it position of the there to outgoings and t h i s can e v e r seems the us relations is be gap already fully to be between merely the Fund. TRANSITIONAL (1) £60,000,000. BENEFIT. The e n t i r e c o s t of t r a n s i t i o n a l b e n e f i t f a l l s on t h e and w i l l amount t o about £21,000,000 in t h e Exchequer current year. This payment h a s , in our view, ceased to be insurance; i t i s in f a c t a maintenance allowance o u t s i d e t h e P u b l i c A s s i s t a n c e Scheme p a i d w i t h o u t t h e tests attaching cither to a contributory insurance scheme o r t o t h e P o o r Law. 3 (2) The r a t e o f b e n e f i t o a i d i s t h e same a s t h a t received b y t h e p e r s o n s who h a v e s a t i s f i e d a l l t h e statutory t e s t s , i n c l u d i n g t h e f u l l c o n t r i b u t i o n s t e s t of 30 c o n t r i b u t i o n s w i t h i n t h e l a s t two y e a r s . (3) Those on T r a n s i t i o n a l B e n e f i t number more t h a n 3 4 0 , 0 0 0 an i n c r e a s e of 2 0 0 , 0 0 0 s i n c e F e b r u a r y l a s t . In c o n s e q u e n c e of t h e Act of F e b r u a r y , 1930 a b o u t 1 1 0 , 0 0 0 p e r s o n s who p r e v i o u s l y h a d n o t b e e n i n r e c e i p t of c i t h e r P o o r Law r e l i e f o r u n e m p l o y m e n t i n s u r a n c e w e r e brought into "benefit' . 1 22nd O c t o b e r , 1930. 1. ­ The p o s i t i o n in regard special urgency, since benefit expires begins Fund is egreed general other public forms of relief. examination individual needs rate of examination the of actual necessary It is Outside regards is I of this INSURANCE. to place the also real to maintenance that of means. the beneficiaries of the is three which t h e what and and are treatment. individual We w o u l d insurance prejudiced the scheme,, and remedial unsuitable, or p o t e n t i a l , Insurance insurance determine a test include ­ the unemployment quite is during which important is necessary payment should position whether as is FART distinguish between individual A flat it period group 195.1. MEASURES, basis. should '*transitional" the in April, that on a n i n s u r a n c e this by Statute NECESSARY It to add scheme by the that proper, present situation. There are sup-oorting. reduced, increased, is not early are not the burden point in of must be trade should legitimate to scheme c a n b e made increased, the on t h e F u n d may b e b r o u g h t for reduced those sensibly or c a r r i e d by other the anticipate benefits down by benefit. to be absorb self­ contributions in excess means, surplus. so l a r g e a In of the unless our an early opinion reabsorption at date. The M i n i s t e r contributions would may b e up the q u a l i f i c a t i o n s If benefits balancing in The c o n t r i b u t i o n s or the numbers stiffening revival ways remain unemployed 1,240,000, has stated and b e n e f i t s , that existing t h e Unemployment self-supporting persons on t h e in receipt so long as of b e n e f i t Insurance t h e number does scale not of Fund of exceed it an A. The r e d u c t i o n . I n n.umhers-"trequirecLjLs register. higher he This, it is qualification obtained a ratio either than hitherto One o r the information alone would b e l i k e l y which, the 3 scheme intentions depleted between of to t h e manner on a l a r g e employers in which adopting t h e number to of of adopted, the is also the statutory latter clear that correct framework the schedule power for of original by which examination above, from arrangements the Fund. forthwith schemes were being is to action dimensions MEASURES. Committee of t h e Fund a r e and necessary reaching c o n t e m p l a t e d when t h e I n s u r a n c e As s t a t e d the short-time supplemented is to scale by organised should be given short-time It is clear that scheme p r o p e r w i l l b e brought t o a s t a t e of submitted the resources NECESSARY far the industries beyond initiated. PART I I : - R E L I E F . t h o numbers of those o u t s i d e t h e i n s u r a n c e i n c r e a s e d i f t h e I n s u r a n c e Fund i s t o b e solvency. the annual amount t o £31,00a,00C, a n d t h i s Law o r I n s u r a n c e paid without the on T r a n s i t i o n a l obligations Benefit laid on claimants. I t i s i m p o s s i b l e t h a t t h e s e l a r g e sums s h o u l d c o n t i n u e t o b e out on t h i s b a s i s j f o r these cases, as already s t a t e d , a rate is unsuitable and individual examination indispensable. Accordingly we c o n s i d e r would no l o n g e r b e q u a l i f i e d relieved under separate t h e Unemployment We r e c o g n i s e is It to be abuses and increasing that organised with or that t h e Fund by measures worked and wages in which paid flat a n d can methods must b e effective. and employees, to Poor to t o u s we t h i n k even though w i t h i n Minister either a limit these impressed by the evidence We c o n s i d e r amounts qualification with of Benefit, a Parliament. systematically those to prove are admitted by a l l We w e r e regarding other supplied could be afforded practices t h e stamp t h e - " o r e s e r r t ' "* achieved hy requiring for Insurance to contribution, weeks i n any y e a r . relief can only he by raising of b e n e f i t and from clear, a b o u t -4Cto o f largely Cj' that national that to those among t h e u n e m p l o y e d who draw i n s u r a n c e b e n e f i t arrangements hnving should no connection whatever Insurance.Scheme. as the responsibility the larger proportion of for this the expense be category 1-5-6 under these provisions Exchequer. the Actual m u 3 t p r o h a h l y "be h o r n e administration Local Authorities consider, however, financial reasons Commissioners whom t h e to that entrusted. be large, to take s h o u l d be a n d few view rather co-operation between problems administrative and is that the for the number, necessary. areas would in question the out would policy, Methods concerned, rather by an should Commissioners relieving. administration to funds a national Departments for area, these enable envisage be worked of through Regional each large handling than merely of should the be worked "We step and to constructive principle, for in for the overlapping. appointed The f a c t a wide involve both a further arrangements be prevent should by of which than matters cf inter-departmental committee. The H o u s e the debt of the the year is out. financial the dealing the was period of the indebted to period for to present which expire financial in to further for purposes, concurrently upon the a taken contributory existing system position. 28th Getobor,1930. to oppose restore basis to lay a large benefit. and which have the to unless correct Walter the taken, of to a the of to the steps its are Fund defects Betterton­ Elliot. nation, provide those contributed Henry position, before active solvency (Sgd) Eill next. measures (Sgd) a whose were before Further, and pass circumstances compelled these the powers April we s h o u l d f e e l supply of bo r e v i e w e d cf Fund end beneficiaries, would increase the have introduce an Insurance transitional stated, which b e g i n s In for authorise before transitional the to heavily require specifically conclusion asked Treasury w i l l estimate will it be In addition, the Minister with to already year, supplementary is in present THIS DOCUMENT I S THE PROPERTY OF H I S BRITANNIC M A J E S T Y ' S GOVERNMENT. COIY N O . Hi HOUSE OF COMMSNS, 28th A I V I S O R Y CCMklTTLE ON UNEMFLOYMENT Dear Miss It agreed representatives on T h u r s d a y the should or amend further perusal On M o n d a y , fact, that the of In Insurance, it already been have colleagues on it apparent which the it and, could the their the a that facts and memorandum that this afternoon. week to advisable after to of any u s e f u l a the ShadowKing's Unemployment the Government consultation we h a d some any last doubt purpose but vre yourself and our it. from observe bears to of further circumstances send refrained Yours terms relating courtesy to the the Liberal therefore, serve in of the policy these Committee you w i l l early meeting that In advisable We h a v e p u r p o s e l y draft, at determined the upon typed we t h o u g h t the paragraph o u r memorandum thought draft acquainted with was made u n n e c e s s a r y . whether if submit We p r e p a r e d the last documents. ho7/ever, was opinion we s h o u l d m e e t the view of had draft we w e r e made Speech. their considered. in was amplify three parties expressing and, intention Cabinet, w h e n we s e p a r a t e d already accordingly, had of memoranda conclusions Our INSURANCE. Dondfield, was several October,1930. amendment Thursday's sinocrely, (Sgd.) ERNEST DROWN. (Sgd.) ISAAC F O O T . to our date. 1 -'-1.* MEMORANpUK. Having carefully and having had colleagues upon upon the it is upon a solvent be basis. for In our the uninsured in character or mainly new P u b l i c Seeing at probably is Obviously consideration already Fund in our views the arrived, shall shall he be is placed be placed made individual the such be on a the flat need. should be this a from administration unemployed for not from as distinguished and s h a l l for on viz(l) relating national class should be wholly this task upon the charge. to imposing Committees are valid, and that an ad hoc essential. so large we a p p r e h e n d arise to it shall benefit, objections that changes must payment machinery Assistance organisation when the provision the our express We c o n c u r Insurance fund regard a national with That provision able bodied and We t h i n k arrived the the to documents, able bodied unemployed persons this view to Bill by have the relevant consultation emerged. (2) unemployment shall the Committee has that such carried of rate but the basis. ( 3 ) That payment agreed which have essential sources of all C o m m i t t e e we d e s i r e at which That cannot advantage the issues conclusions other the considered as to into the and shortly the a measure that time of difference agreement of has opinion and method of been will bringing these effect. whole action be question must of p a r l i a m e n t introduced to come up f o r the at date. extend an early the present A borrowing k q 0 powers and s must he again, made t o arrangements. to sanction these of to be carried has been of the his this speech Committee now u n d e r is the persons impracticable factor least in in this 15th up to will have this this up our problem, the and been interest was the and unless the country grounds the Exchequer it the are Public public that the changes matter, of of clearly strongest Parliament Committee has immediate a c t i o n the ask delay. Chancellor stated transitional essential concentration The upon the possible setting problem. to face that to provision commitments u n l e s s expressed upon Government can a g r e e as Parliament those assured with on O c t o b e r of " P a r l i a m e n t legislative it strongly grave a few months, immense new f i n a n c i a l out considerable upon with Commons c a n b e opinion a deal We t h i n k House action within as in duty well for complaint and should introduce a criticism. If, therefore, simple B i l l poning until the the for the effort of extension of the borrowing grapple with to uncertain disaster. the Minister future We a g r e e solution but that we do n o t Labour the problem we b e l i e v e the think of she w i l l problems that powers raised post­ solvency be inviting are not any f u r t h e r easy d e l a y would of be warranted. We h a v e of the duty devoted committed serious resentment inquiry involving We h a v e of a Royal to grave upon the line of of the throe if to us, considered objections. the and in burely application of of anxious more consideration there than would suggest be another delay. suggestion our as as opinion to as to recognxsed 2. the this agreement Unemployment should be these the a n d we b e l i e v e Inasmuch objectives enquiry to we d i d n o t h i n g indefinite Commission main months appointment proposal has been Insurance the time and principles. is open reached policy the the method \ For that purpose Inquiry would he cf technical such necessary Our the better end obtained therefore, is t h e monej- B i l l be to the to Parliament urgent shall 23rd and reforms not be October, the Country upon which further 1930. of all for the solution information expedition. coincident actual Commons, the inter-departmental. greater that of House the with introduction submitted an machinery problems, could be conclusion, we c o n s i d e r with proposals thus assurance the should giving that Parties seem to be (Sgd.) EPUEST (Sgd.) ISAAC FOOT. both the agreed delayed. BROm.