(c) crown copyright Catalogue Reference:CAB/24/75 Image Reference:0004 (This Document is the Property of His Britannic Majesty's flcvernment). WAR CABINET. OT3M£LOraSNT DONATION. Civilian Workers * will be remembered that the scheme now in force gives 29/- a week to the man, 26/- a week to the woman, 14/6&. to the boy under 18, and ls/6d. a week to the girl under 18, with children's allowance at the rate of 6/- a week for the first ahild, and 3/- a week for each additional child under the age of 15, subject to certain qualifying conditions, which, for the purpose of this Memorandum,it is unnecessary to elaborate. This scheme was instituted for a period of 6 months from the 29th November 1918, and in these f months, it provided for a maximum of 13 weeks 11 donation to any one individual. It will therefore be seen that a oertain ever-inoreasing number of policies ­ estimated at about 40-50,000 per week - will expire on and after the ­ 26th February 1919, and that the scheme itself comes to an end on the 25th May, 1919. It becomes accessary to consider what scheme shall take the place of that now in force, I had hoped that it would be possible to. substitute for the donation scheme general contributory insurance, as foreshadowed in the original announcement which gave the terms of the present scheme. This alternative has been most carefully investigat­ sd, but I regret that the difficulties of bringing it into operation in the time available are of so great and varied a character that I cannot see my way to recommend at this moment any such prooedure. Another alternative, viz. that cf confining the scheme ta the trades insured against unemployment has also been examined but appears to be equally inapplicable to the present emergenoy. $or example, it would fail ta include such workers as tram and bus conductresses, women in railway service, and also such industries as the textile trades. It will be remembered that in the oetton trade, unemployment is at the moment very great. It iB, however, essential to consider any new ^proposals from the point of view of their effect upon the general contributory soheme when formulated. /notwithstanding notwithstanding Armistice, no c o n s i d e r a b l e rehabilitation is still of movement h a a b e e n industry, which shows such p o l i c i e s February excluding that It is t o me t h a t it another, or its to on t h e 31st ia uninsurable the civilians January, of no 2 e s s the than last 678,703 on t h e to 7th consider either i n some s h a p e t r a d e s which are that the therefore impossible seeing the ccmpulsorily the 67^,703 than or policies 325,000 are held occupations. Assuming t h i s that the that since showing no l e s s of unemployment b e n e f i t a g a i n s t unemployment, by workers a table I t would is politically restriction remaining lodged amongst estimated t h e number was 7 3 4 , 0 0 0 ) , in those unsigned, f o r on J a n u a r y 5 1 s t , were c u r r e n t . the entire withdrawal appear (I attach elapsed effected and unemployment remaining lodged, six days, insured three months have on an a s c e n d i n g ; s c a l e . policies appear that following t o b e t h e v i e w of lines uhe G o v e r n m e n t , it o f p o l i c y may b e c o n s i d e r e d would ­ (a) To c o n t i n u e t o d a y ' s s c h e m e c f u n e m p l o y m e n t f o r a f u r t h e r p e r i o d of 6 m o n t h s , donation (b) To r e d u c e t o d a y s r a t e o f d o n a t i o n t o t h a t o r i g i n a l l y e m b r a c e d b y t h e G o v e r n m e n t , n a m e l y , 2 4 / - a week f o r men a n d 2 0 / - a w e e k f o r women, w i t h o t h e r c o n d i t i o n s as a t p r e s e n t , (c) To c o n t i n u e t o d a y ' s s c h e m e w i t h t h e r a t e o f d o n a t i o n a t 2 1 / - o r 2 0 / - a w e e k f o r men a n d 1 8 / - o r 1 7 / - a week, f o r w o m e n , o r s u c h o t h e r v a r i a t i o n a s may b e t h o u g h t w i s e , f o r a f u r t h e r p e r i o d of 6 m o n t h s , o t h e r c o n d i t i o n s b e i n g t h e same?. 1 In r e g a r d an a c t u a l to deterrent (a),, to i t must be u n d e r s t o o d I am c l e a r employment, that that and considerable today's should rate acts as be abandoned; opposition to any but such * course w i l l lead to agitation a reduction Cabinet be e n c o u n t e r e d , and any such p r o o e d u r e w i l l and d i f f i c u l t y . in the r a t e s and I strongly advocate donation. In regard to tc which they p r e f e r . decide (b) of Nevertheless, undoubtedly (o), it is a matter for I think myself the v/ar that fc) is possible, c$8t of short cost more p a r t i c u l a r l y living. I understand time b e f o r e to the the loaf State. at If accompanied by a r e d u c t i o n that its it oan only be a q u e s t i o n present value will I t may b e t h a t it could cost. price c o u l d be l o w e r e d , other material articles assistance in of food carrying through at further without any or a t worst a small of If be cease the in the of a t c be cheapened same t i m o the i t would be this reduced is accepted, a scale cf of donation. If a n y one of of payments the period those of b e n e f i t s I should allowance being varied, Government should lay and would-be employee, affeoted by i n s u f f i c i e n t think it the on which 13 w e e k s donation shall 1 tribunal that seeking work, the Government and to continue. tho p r e s e n t that for dependents 1 I do n o t ' t h i n i c against of the r i s i n g generation might be i n view of of the present less scheme. than unless With r e g a r d to to for the I propose applicant is normally is unable 1 0 t h March or the condition s i x months donation has been p a i d , their Ireland excluded that that satisfies i n employment, obtain it, of such date o v e n t s may s h o w as from circulated to this the I would s u g g e s t and that the continuation v/ar C a b i n e t that scheme. in regard tho v a r i a t i o n between as a whole must A Memorandum h a s to in the Ireland, scheme i& and that that continuing m u s t bo made Ireland the and f u r t h e r announcement a differentiation and G r e a t B r i t a i n , the allowance. wise. I am c l e a r the t h r o u g h no f a u l t he or she should delay perhaps have scheme t o a c h a r g e b e i n g made a period n o t be c o n t i n u e d suspension contributory reason open continuation policies bo the inadvisable, of till for children's the duration appropriate deprecate t h e h e a l t h of t* contemplate scheme existing of unemployment, of i n d u s t r y , genuinoly the thomselves in gonuino cases I 0 under t h a t may b e d e c i d e d u p o n w i l l In any c a s e , them t h a t alternatives is be been to there recommended should be continued in Ireland after the 25th May at whatever rate of "benefit the Government may decide on as applicable to Great Britain, A Stib-Committee of the Labour He settlement Committee, with Sir David Shaoklaton as Chairman, has formulated a scheme of general State insurance on a contributory basis on the following lines: ­ (1) All employed persons over 16 to be included, except non-manual workers in receipt of more than £160 per annum, and persons entitled to receive payment under a Super animation Act. (2) Weekly rate of contribution to be 3d. (women 2-g-d). each from the employed, the employer ana the State. (3) Weekly rate of benefit to be 15/- for men, 12/6d. for women, with lower rates of oon­ tribution and benefit for boys and girls under 18. (4) Soheme to remain in operation for say 3 years, and then to be reconsidered in the light of experience. (5) Eo exemption to be permitted of particular trades from compulsory payment of oontri­ butions, but special arrangements as to administration of benefits to be allowed. A scheme on the above lines, in addition to requiring legislation, will involve negotiations with a large number of Trades Unions and Employers' Associations, and also with persons representing industries whioh are 6 i t h e r not organised at all or are only partly organised, such as domestic service and agriculture. It appears accordingly essential that negotiations should be commenced immediately, with a view to the introduction of a Bill as early as possible, so that she new scheme may come into foroe on 25th November next, the date upon whioh the proposed extension of the donation scheme will come to an end, It is a matter for consideration whether the Bill embodying the scheme of general State insurance should not form part of the Bill whioh I understand may be introduced to deal vrith labour conditions generally. I a c c o r d i n g l y a s k f o r d e c i s i o n s on t h e following p o i n t s :-. (1) Whether the d o n a t i o n scheme i s t o c o n t i n u e , and, i f s o , what r a t e s a r e to he p a i d , and over what p e r i o d i t i s to be o p e r a t i v e . (8) Whether the scheme, i f e x t e n d e d , should a p p l y to I r e l a n d , and, i f a o , what m o d i f i c a t i o n s , i f a n y , should be made i n i t . ($) Whether t h e r e i s a t once t o be i n t r o d u c e d a soheme of g e n e r a l S t a t e i n s u r a n c e on a con­ t r i b u t o r y b a s i s on t h e l i n e s recommended by S i r David S h a o k l e t o n ' a Committee, o r on any other l i n e s . ffx. t. /p ffo.4. UHJ^PLOndlSJre DOffAfflQff to Civilian Workers and Men discharged from H,.M. gorces. Policies issued and policies remaining lodged at:January 10th. - u . . .J ... . . L . mm Issues . January 17th i, Policies remaining lodged( excluding those unsigned for the last 6 days). Issues Policies remaining lodged ^escluding those unsigned for the last 6 days). January 24th Issues January 31st Policies remaining lodged (excluding those unsigned for the last 6 days) * Issues 230677 414760 150858 [a)577337 179513 777084 203880 379366 265567 433169 303944 476405 343912 Boys 29090 16462 34591 18131 38311 20543 44701 22562 Girls 29120 10365 34526 38410 22259 45103 25362 252836 449252 1079623 1330210 590594 1623053 Men Women I 0 !P A I (a) . 10018 519606 fa.) Adjusted figures. 1004946 policies re­ usaining lodged (excluding those uii sign­ ed for the last 6 days). 528303 * - ., 1 400102 678703­