(c) crown copyright Catalogue Reference:CAB/24/165 Image Reference:0005 ?BTSJp.CUMENT I S TBE PROPERTY OP H I S BRITANNIC MAJESTY'S i C B HOME V SECRET. A I N E AFFAIRS T. COMMITTEE. NATIONAL HE A Iff H INSURANCE CP.196.(24) . . This B i l l c BY THE is required MINISTER OF o p ^ Y HEALTH. i n order to d e a l w i t h the a r i s i n g from the award by the r e c e n t capitation rate BILL. ...... MEMORANDUM GOVERNMENT. position Court of I n q u i r y of a of payment of 9 s . per insured person per annum to Insurance doctors from the 1st January, 1924, and from the c e s s a t i o n on December 31st l a s t of the p r o v i s i o n made by the N a t i o n a l Health Insurance A c t , 1922, under which the cost medical b e n e f i t beyond the amount f i x e d by the Act o f paid out of the funds of I Approved 1920, was Societies. The t o t a l cost of medical b e n e f i t in England from 1st January, 1924, i n c l u d i n g payments to d o c t o r s , cost of travelling lls.lO$d. allowances, of drugs, and c e r t a i n other minor i t e m s , w i l l be per insured person per annum. of 9 s . 6 d . i s provided from funds of Approved S o c i e t i e s Section 7 of the N a t i o n a l Health Insurance present B i l l provides t h a t Towards t h i s as by Act 1920, and the f o r the t h r e e years of 2s.4rd s h a l l be provided a sum 1924-28 the balance follows 1. Fran t h e Approved S o c i e t i e s 7/9t.hs of 2d per insured person per annum. 2 . From the Central Fund (a fund whose main purpose la assist Societies In d e f i c i e n c y on v a l u a t i o n ) 7/9ths of to ls8?d. per insured person per annum. 3 . From the excess i n t e r e s t earned on investments of S o c i e t i e s ' Funds by the N a t i o n a l Debt Commissioners beyond the ' rate payable to S o c i e t i e s . 7/9ths of 6d. per Insured person ^ per annum, 4. From the Exchequer the remaining 2/9ths of the sums specified tin 1, 2 and 3 above. Two-ninths of the whole of Jthe cost of medical benefit is o r d i n a r i l y provided from the Exchequer i n accordance with the general p r o v i s i o n s of the N a t I o n a 3 f Health Insurance - 1 ­ Acts. The Government have been, a d v i s e d t h a t ths Fund and t h e -Investment Income Account can b e a r the c h a r g e s f o r the l i m i t e d p e r i o d and the p r o p o s a l s i n the B i l l all have * T^o-ninths ia proposed contained a l s o boon a c c e p t e d by Approved S o c i e t i e s types. benefit Central of ' of the whole o f the c o s t of medical o r d i n a r i l y p r o v i d e d from t h e Exchequer i n w i t h the g e n e r a l p r o v i s i o n s of t h e N a t i o n a l accordance H e a l t h Insurance Act3. The above f i g i i r e s require modification S c o t l a n d and Wales r e s p e c t i v e l y , c l a u s e making t h e n e c e s s a r y There i s for and the B i l l c o n t a i n s a modifications. also a clause to re-enact as from the January, 1925, t o t h e 31st December, 1925, the p r o v i s i o n s 1st of S e c t i o n 3 o f the N a t i o n a l H e a l t h Insurance A c t , . 1922, which l a p s e d on 31st December, 1922; and under which a s s i s t a n c e was g i v e n t o Approved S o c i e t i e s from the Unclaimed Stamps Account t o enable them t o pay b e n e f i t s t o t h e i r members who would othervd.se have been suspended from b e n e f i t by r e a s o n o f a r r e a r s due t o p r o l o n g e d unemplpyment. (Intd.) stry of Health, March 19th, 1924. J , W. 14.GEO. 5.] National Health Insurance, DRAFT OF A I L L TO Make further provision with respect to the cost of A.D. 1924. medical benefit and to the expenses of the administration of benefits under the Acts relating to national health insurance, and to amend section twenty-nine of the National Health Insurance Act, 1918, and for purposes connected therewith. B E it enacted by the King's most Excellent Majesty, : by and with the advice and consent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, in this present Parliament assembled, and by the authority of the same, ., l . - ( l ) . There shall in respect of each year during Provision as which this Act continues in force be paid:— cost of ' - (a) to insurance committees in England on account benefit and of the cost, and the expenses of the adminis- a d m i n i s ­ 10 tration of medical benefit, by way of addition tration - \ . to the sums payable under subsection (1) of expenses, section seven of the National Health Insurance 10 & 11 :. ... Act, 1920, and, subject to such conditions as Geo. 5. . . . . maybe prescribed, a sum at such yearly rate ' ' 15 ... ..' vas may be-prescribed, but not. exceeding two sliillings and twopence three farthings per year, in respect of each of the total number of the . ­ persons in respect of whom payments are made . ...... undetthe said section seven (in this Act referred 20 to as "the total number of persons for the; purposes of the said section seven " ) ; and . // 90-2 A t o c ; 2 AD; 1924. National Health Insurance. [14 GEO. 5.] (6) to the Minister of Health, on account of the expenses incurred by him in connection with the administration of benefits, a sum at such yearly rate as may be prescribed, but not exceeding three half-pence per year, in respect 5 of each of the total number (calculated in the prescribed manner) of the members of each approved society. (2) The sums to be paid as aforesaid shall in each 10 year be provided as follows, that is to say—­ (a) there shall be paid out of the benefit fund of each approved society an amount representing twopence in respect of each of the total number of persons for the purposes of the said section 15 seven who is a member of the society; (b) there shall be paid out of the Central Fund an amount equal to seven-ninths of a sum repre­ senting one shilling and eightpence farthing in respect of each of the total number of persons 20 for the purposes of the said section seven; (c) there shall be paid out of the sums standing to the credit of the Income Account of the National Health Insurance Fund (Investment) Account in the books of the National Debt Commissioners kept in accordance with the 25 regulations made by the Treasury under sub­ section (3) of section fifty-four of the National Insurance Act, 1911, an amount equal to seven-ninths of a sum representing the amount by which the sum prescribed under paragraph 30 * (a) of subsection (1) of this section exceeds the sum of one sMlling and tenpence farthing in respect of each of the total number of persons . . for the purposes of the said section seven; (d) there shall be paid out of moneys provided by 35 Parliament an amount equal to two-sevenths of the aggregate sums paid under paragraphs (6) and (c) of this subsection, (3) There shall in respect of every member of an approved society who has attained the age of seventy 40 years in respect of every year during which this Act continues in force be paid out of the Central Fund and out of the Income Account mentioned in paragraph (c) [ 1 4 GEO. 5.] National Health Insurance. 3 of the last preceding subsection, amounts at the like rates AD. 1924 at which payments are to be made out of the said Fund — and the said Account under paragraph (b) and para-' graph (c) respectively of the said subsection. 5 (4) In this section the expression " benefit fund " means the fund out of which benefits are payable under Part I. of the National Insurance Act, 1911. 2. Out of the residue of the sums unclaimed in the Payments Stamps Sales Accounts for England, Scotland and Wales into Central 10 respectively, which residue is under section twenty-nine P h of the National Health Insurance Act, 1918, which relates to the disposal of sums unclaimed in the said Accounts to be applied in such manner as may be prescribed, there shall be paid forthwith into the Central Fund the sum of 15 one hundred thousand pounds, and the sum so to be paid shall be apportioned between the said Accounts for England, Scotland and Wales respectively in such manner as the Joint Committee may direct. unc 3.—(1) Such part as the National Health Insurance 20 Joint Committee may direct of the sums which under section twenty-nine of the National Health Insurance Act, 1918 (which provides for the disposal of sums unclaimed in the Stamp Sales Account), are to be carried , to the Central Fund shall, instead of being so carried, be 25 credited to approved societies in accordance with a scheme to be made by the said Committee with the approval of the Treasury, and any sums credited under this section to an approved society shall be applied by the society in such manner as the scheme may provide 30 for the purpose of preventing such members of the society as are in arrears from being or continuing to be suspended from benefit. (2) This section shall be deemed to have effect as from the first day of January, nineteen hundred and 35 twenty-three, and shall continue in force until the thirty-first day of December, nineteen hundred and twenty-five. Application * part of ^"i . : i account' towards cancellation ­ 0 113 u s t a m p n g a e s o f a r r e a r s ­ 4. There shall be paid out of the Central Fund to Payment the Ministry of Labour for Northern Ireland t o . b e out of *40 applied for the purposes of national health insurance in Ji^yf Northern Ireland in such way as the Parliament of p^po^f Northern Ireland may direct, such sums as the National Heath 90 A 2 Insurance 4 National Health Insurance. [ 1 4 GEO. 5.] A.D. 1924. Health Insurance Joint Committee shall determine to he proper to be so paid, having regard to the sums paid out in Northern of the Central Fund under this Act for the purposes of Ireland. national health insurance in Great Britain. 5.-^(1) This Act shall apply to Scotland, subject to 5 the following modifications, that is to say—­ (a) one shilhng and tenpence halfpenny shall be substituted for two shillings and twopence three farthings; (6) the Scottish Board of Health shall be substituted 10 for the Minister of Health; (c) twopence shall be substituted for three-half­ pence; (d) pence shall be substituted for twopence; (e) " 15 section one of this Act shall have effect as if there were inserted after the word " benefits " in paragraph (6) of subsection ( 1 ) thereof the words " and the provision of a " medical service for insured persons in such districts of " Scotland (other than the Highlands and Islands within 20 " the meaning of the Highlands and Islands (Medical " Service Grant) Act, 1913), as may be determined, by the " Scottish Board of Health to be necessitous." ( 2 ) This Act shall apply to Wales subject, to the following modifications, that is to say, two shillings and 25 eightpence farthing shall be substituted for two shillings and twopence three farthings, and one penny three farthings for three-halfpence. ( 3 ) This Act shall not (except as therein otherwise ­ - 30 . expressly provided) apply to Ireland. : 6.—(1) This Act may be cited as the National Health Insurance Act, 1924, and shallbe construed as one with the National Health Insurance Acts, 1911 to 1922, and those Acts and this Act may be cited together as the 35 National Health Insurance Acts, 1911 to 1922. ( 2 ) This Act shall (save as therein otherwise expressly provided) be deemed to have had effect as from the first day of January, nineteen hundred and twenty-four, and shall continue in force until the ­ thirty-first day of December, nineteen hundred and 40 twenty-six. ^National Health Insurance, D R A F T OF A B I L L T o make further provision with respect to the cost of medical benefit and to the expenses of the administration of benefits under the Acts relating national health insurance, and to amend section twenty-nine of the National Health Insurance Act, 1918, and for purposes connected there­ with. LXXII. (2.) 20th March 1924.