NASSACHUISETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY A.I. LABORATORY June 1972 Artificial Intelligence Meo No. 263 A HETERARCHICAL PROGRAM FOR RECOGNITION OF POLYHEDRA Yoshiakl Shiraf ABSTRACT Recognition of polyhedra by a heterarchical program is presented. The program is based on the strategy of recognizing objects step by step, at each time making use of the previous results. At each stage, the most obvious and simple assumption is made and the assumption is tested. To find a line segment, a range of search is proposed. Once a line segment is found, more of the line Is determined by tracking along it. Whenever a new fact is found, the program tries to reinterpret the scene taking the obtained fnformation into consideration. Results of the experiment using an image dissector are satisfactory for scenes containing a few blocks and wedges. Some limitations of the present program and proposals for future developments are described. Work reported herein was conducted at the Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, a Massachusetts Institute of Technology research program supported in part by the Advanced Research Projects Agency of the Department of Defense and monitored by the Office of Naval Research under Contract Number N00014-70-A-0362-0003. Reproduction of this document, in whole or in part, is permitted for any purpose of the United States Government. 1. INTRCDUCTIION We do not know how to as well as a human being. One of recognize objects environment may in the be recoqnized of many computer the shortcomings context of based on his a The priori knowledge. The simple that the recognition proceeds to the first and the parts are recognized A environment. the programmed so however, well recognition rrocedure is, cbvicus visually as , insky has pointed outt , their hierarchical structure. rrowruams is, hbuan may make a program to recognize objects more comrlicated details based on the previous results. The work in this parer studies an example of a heterarchical program to recognize begin polyhedra with by trying complete line drawinm to find drawing. an imace dissector. feature points It is in a very difficult without knowledge about a scene. errors, the recognition by complete line drawing, such mistakes. Our work is entire scene to get works and make a a complete line the line drawing has some If theory based a Most previous on of the assumption the still more serious as Guzaan'sk) might make an attempt to recognize objects ster by ster, at each time making use of the Irevious results. We assume in this cbjects and the approximately. jroderately paper that the background At complicated is present, difference in brightnesc between large enough this configurations rrowram of to detect works blocks and for the boundary recognizing wedges. limitations and rroposals for future developrent are described later. The PAGE 2 2. GENEPAL STRATEGY 2.1 Priority Of Processing For convenience, we define the fallirng into 3 classes. end the cuter lines AL, edjes of the objects A line formed at the boundary between the bodies background is a _conto-ur line of C Cic, M, 9,EF, Nt,ON, HI, IJ, XY, YZ and ZV are contour lines. of an object. in a scene as the bodies. JK, XL, Li-., MN, In NO, Fig. 1, AO, V'i,UX, A lboundary line is a line ca the bcrder Contour liner are boundary lines. In Fir. 1, the bontwary line~ are the contour lines and lines on the bourndary between twc bodies, i.e. CP, Pf, !Q, Qf, and P1,. An internal line occurs at the intersection of two planes of the sqme body. Lines 3J, 1~, Q., F" , NT, AId, A-,01, M and XV are internal linez. The glotal strategy is shown in Fig.2. are extracted (b~cause we assume a porori enough objects and the Lackrround). lig.1, one contour for todies the boundary lines and contour. At first, the contour lines If more than contrast between the one contour is found, as El, £2, 13 and in another for lody B4, then internal lines are searched one by one for eact The g>lobal strategy in block 2 in Fig.2 is as follows. A) Find boundary lines before finding internal lines because boundary lines often •ive good cues to Eues.: internal lines. Kote that to find boundary lines implies to find bodies. I:) In searchinr larter or re•quirrd for smaller lines, different situationr areas. In our stratepgy, to scarch lines, the hifher require examination of the smaller the area priority we 5ive to that search. NOAE ? In Fig.1, for instance, line IC, it iA to determine the existence enougb to search a extension of the line. all To find of a extensior: small area whose center is on the line IQ, however, we should possible directions of a line between IP and IJ. of consider Thus the former search has priority over the latter The priority to extract the most obvious information first is the followinr order. ( two boundary 1) If lines make a 1i.'. 3), try to find the extension of the!m. found, track alon:• (b) this line. (such as concave point point B in If only one extensio:n is Most of such cases are like in F&i.S W.ibere one body hides the other. side We can determine to which of body this line belon r. (2) If no extensions of two concave lines are found, line which starts from the concave point, If only one line is is not clear locally to which body this line belons. In Fig.e line BD belongs to the upper body, but this is not always (c), is That the lines found, host of these cases are as in Fig.3 (c) where track along this line. it try to find another AB, BC, BD are not sufficient to true. decide the relation. ( 3) If hoth extensions cf two lines are found at a concave point, try to find a t.ird one. This is the case as boundary line. If only one line is :found, shown in Fig.3 (d) where track along this line. the third line is the PAGE 4 .h.enever tracking terminates, an attempt new line to the other lines the always made to that were already found. one line serment is found in (O), (2) is is or (3), connect If more than the tracking of those lines put off hopefully to be clarified by the results of knowledge obtained found at two extensiors Fig.4 illustrates cases. in simpler concave P. The interpretation of the two lines is put off to treat simpler roint cases first. That is, one wculd continue examining the contour and lines found next; AB and Cr miCht be by a then, circular search at Toints B (which is exrlained later), line BP would be found. At this ste•e it is easier to interpret lines AB and BP as boundary lines which separate bodies. Then line DP might be found similarly and two interpreted correctly. ( 4) If an end of a boundary line is left unconnected as Ký in Fi,.5, try end point (Q in this example) to find the line startinr from the circular line is search. If multiple lines are the boundary. found, by try to decide which If a boundary line is determined, track alone In Fig.5, the dotted lines are found by circular search and the it. arrows show the boundary lines to be tracked. ( 5) If no line is (PQ in this found in the case (4) example) by a conected to other lins, in (4). is This certain leneth, If not, necessary as stated above, extend the line and test if the line is then apply circular search again as because the termination pcint of the tracking is not always precise, Note ttat this either t!:e line is process can be repeated until successful (that is connected to other lines or line se~ments are found by FACE 5 circular search). ( 6) If the boundary the lines of a body are boundary that might have known, select the vertices interral lines starting at them. selection of vertices is based find an internal line The on heuristics such as seletin2 right vertex rather than lower right vertex. which is of upper At each vertex, try to nearly parallel to other boundary T Fi 1.l for examrle, internal line JS is parallel to the boundary line KL or IQ, If lines. and (S ir one line is found, parallel to R1 or IJ. XZ. rarallel to parallel Thus it track along it. In Line FL is parallel to ED and XV is is often useful to Note that search for same body. to boundary lines of the lines find internal rarallels has small area. ( 7) If no line is found in try (6), between adjacent boundary lines. it. to find one search by circular When one line is found, track alone In fir,.6, circular search between BA and BC is necessary to find the internal line BE. ( 8) If two internal lines meet at a vertex, try to find another internal line startint at the vertex. is where no line internal This process is was found in used in two cases. (7) difference in brightress between adjacent faces. that because One of little Suppose irt Fig.1, the internal line SJ was not found at vertex J, but that WI and (S were found. toward found. bodies. J. If Then try tc there is The other case find an internal line enocuh contrast is where a body near S, starting at 0 a line se.ment is is partly hidden by In Fir.6, the trianrular prism is partly hidden. other After 'F PAlF 6 and CE are found, EF is searched for. of direction sometimes not. If it is sometimes predictable and the line is predictable, then try that direction. the In both cases, the failed, then ayply predicted direction if If it is unpredictable or circular search between If one line is found, track along it. the two internal lines. S9) If an end of an internal line is not connected to any line, try find lines starting from the end to If lines are by circular searc~. found, track along them one by one. (10) If no line is found in (9), extend the line by a certain length in (5) and test if it is connected to other lines, try circular search again as (9). until successful. line M{' if not connected, This process can also be repeated Fig.7 illustrates this process. In Fir.7 is not connected to others at N', thus ster (9) N' and fails. aas The line is extended to Ai (a), is tried at and (0) is again applied. This process is repeated until the line is connected to line XL at N. Fig.7 (b) shows that line H1 is extended by this process to P1 where a new line is found extended to }4. by circular search. Similarly line CO is This process is useful so as to not miss a new body sitting on ar obscure edge. At each stage when an above step is finished, information is interpreted as shown in Fig.2 (block 3). tracking along a line termirnates, a test the obtained For instance, if is made whether the line in an extension of other lines and/or the line is connecte6 to other lines at a vertex. If a boundary line is connected to another boundary line, the PAGE lody havinc the lines is split into two bodies and the propertiet of both lines and vertices are stored in an appropriate structure. exaamle, line N0' is is umini the of these obtained. two lines. Then, boundary 12 and two bodies We I3. of B3 which hides a part of it is Before the line was connectoe CO, there were two bodies Bi and B2 as in Fig.8 (a). tplit into This line I;i, and I'[i and N'P" are merged into one equations connected to CO and Fig.8 (b) is to In Fig.S, for obtained by tracking starting at point 1J interpreted as an extension of straight line 7 line NO can interpret 2,. Now body j2 is as the The other properties of lines Fnd vertices are obtained similarly at this staMe. 2,2 Example We illustrate the entire line-findin, procedure with the aid of the examarle shown in Fig.9. Ri, At first, the contour lines AB, EC, CL, DE, ES, ;h, 1 1, 13, jX and RA are obtained as shown in Fig.9 (a). described in the previous section is tried Step for the concave points 0 and J. In this example, the position of 0 is not precise enough to find extension of EG. extension of Cn the line the other QJ. hand, a line segrent KJ is (1) extended by trackin the is found as an as far as L. Locamise there is no ether point to which ster (1) is applicable, ster (2) is tried for point tracking teri:inates. 0. One line segment Thus a line G':' is found and extended till is obtained as in FiQ-9 (h). line is interpreted as an extension of FG and connected to JL. This Then the rosition of I-oint F, 0, L are ad2usted to as shown in PFi.9 (C). Now two bodies £1 and B2 are created by the boundary lines GL and JL. It is important to notice this, for it means that step (1) is again applicable (to point L) at this sta•e. '1g1.? (d) (Note that line KN' as FL is extended as has not yet been fcund). an extension of FL but the end point M is LK is new line LM. f•re neither ster (1), far as i in interpreted not connected to any ether Thus vertices F, 0, L and end point M are adjusted lines. the Thus line considering (2) nor (3) is arplicable, so that (4) is now applied to M. Three lines are found by circular search as Fic.9 (d). trackingr. UN' is determined as a boundary line and extended by Ghen it terminates, the line is connected to boundary line BC at vertex H as in Fir~9 (e). Body L1 sylits into body F1 Ard B1. It is known at thir staze that B1 is hidden by 83 and E2 is hidden by r2rtly E3 and yartly by Bi. each text, step (6) is applied to each body one by one at ti.•e selecting the easiest body for proposing the internal lines(in this example, the order E2). is L3, El, B2 because E3 hides BI which hides Internal lines CO and MO are found and connected at vertex 0, but no line segment is found using step (6)and (7) applied to vertex E (this stage is shown in Fig.9 (e)). segment toward E is found. in Pig. Step (8) is applied to vertex 0 and a line This is extended by trackinr as far as E' as (f). Line OE' fails to be connected to any other lines which activatet step (10). After a few trials, OF' is extended to connect to vertex E. Similarly, internal line AL is obtained for body El and line IF is obtained for £2. When every ,tep has finished, three bodies are known together wvth the relationships between them. PAOG 9 3. ALGORITEMS This the algorithms that are used section describes the details of Some of them, in findinc contours and in the steps stated in section 2. such as tracking and circular search are used in more than one step. algorithr used in more than one ster may be slightly different in each In the tracking algorithu, but its essential rart is not changed. step An used for for examrle, some chanzes occur dependin- on whether tracking is tount-try linrs or internel lines. 3.1 Contour Finding .i.10 shows the the procedure to oLtline of picture date obtained with an The find contour lines. image dissector usually consists of a larce number of Toints (say about 100,000) each of which represents lirht To speed up the proce.sing, one point for every 8 x 8 intensity level. Foints is smmpled. This compressed picture data consists of 1/64 the number of points in the original picture. To find the contour, this data found. The judrement of contour point is scanned till a contour point is is based upon the simple assumption that there is enough contrast between the background and objects. is a ncise point. contour. data is If Thus a set of It is then checked whether or not the point it is a point, trace real contour contour points are found. Then, the is again scanned until a new contour point is found. repeated for all the picture data. When all alonp the the points hrve tnen found, each set is separately analysed. pictutre This process sets of contour PAGE 1C Suppose a certain set of contour points is to be analysed. return to the armroximately high-resolution original4 the position of the boundary data which corresponds to the first The precise boundary point picture. aoint in We We can ruess the oricinal picture point found in the sampled is searched for near now picture. this point. A set of contour roints is obtained by tracinp from this point in the same way in the sample picture. A polygon is formed after we cormect contour points one by one. To classify the points of this 'curve" the 'curvature' the polyron ct :: ricture iK defined the is used. This curvature re for convenience as shown in figure represents a contour point. as into reiments, in a Zig.11, The curvature of diy-it-al Each cell in a point P is defined to be the difference in anmle between PR and PQ (a), where Q and E. are a constant nunrber If we plot the of points away from P curvature along the (6 Toints in this case). contour as shown in FiC.12, we ca, tell what part is near a vertex and what part lies in a straight line. that curvature is not very Note error. result sensitive to noise or diritization If we intetrate the curvature is nearly zero in rpart of a straight line, despite the effect of noise. If we the sum up the curvature of consEecutive points whose absolute value is treater than some threzhold, we can determine the existence of a vertex. That is if sum of the curvature of such points exceeds a certain threshold, a vertex near those roints. either this there is Thus every contour point is classified to be in the straifht part of a line cr near a vertex. Usin. points which belong to the .traight part of a line, the equation of the line calculated. Then each vertex is decided as an intersection is of two I ALF 11 ndjacent lncs. 3.2 Line setment Detoction A line Se~3~ent is detected given This procedure is used in most of the cCnsiMts of two 1arts. procedure its direction and starting point. steps stated in section 1. The to detect the possible feature One is The other is roints which are to be regarded as elements of the line. to test whether or not obtained feature points cake a line segment. In dotecting featurFe ies,. oints, we an edge into proposed 3 detector types of is (u,v), boundary dctectors, an ede-effect U-V such to be detected. of this paper, In U is a roof type- edges can be detected by a addition, edge-effect types. that edge-effect, and most roof We set up local direction of the type the line Let TIu,v) denote the light intensity at roint and define the cortrast function Qi(v) at (u,v) as Eg(v) = C I2 1(1 + iV + j)-I(u + i,v - Suppose we have an intensity profile as in roof and In detector. by step or are accomnanied Cartesian coordinaten vegCment namely step, not considered because roof type Ltep detector or edges 3 typs, various types classified the light intensity profiles :Herskovits and linford across should consider Fig.13 (b) is the difference of ) shown in Fir•13 (a), Fk(v) at F summed intensity between area Al and 4i(v) for a typical step tyle profile (Fit.13 (a)) is shoin in Al. The tyrical 'ip.13 (c) in which the edge is detected as the pepk. -rofilas of YA(v) f'o- ott~r types are shown in Fi7.14 where the edhe is PAGE 12 detected as the middle point between positive and negative peaks. The its position. leak of QE(v) and to detect the basic procedure,therefore, is The necessary properties for (see a peak are as follows Fig. 15). (a) from v4 to vr if WF(v) ranyes , there must exist the maximum of FP(v) at vr other than v4 or vr. where f" is threshold (b) PF(v,) > fj at v, between v4 and vq arl a (c) There rust exist a minimum of Fg(v) at v 1 tetween v, miniaun of T(v) where f1 is a threshold F4 (vN) - F0(v2) > fA If is found, such v1 and vy such that the left of the peak (vq) and the right of the teak (vt) are determined as the intersection of YA(v) with the line Fyv) = ft as Fig. 15. shown in The value of ft depends on Fj(v,) and is represented as ft W cIF(Qv) + 0, o, are constant and 0 where o, and The c< c < 1, C >o 0 positiorn of the peak v, is obtained as the middle of v, and vy. more than one peak nearest to the is found between vq middle of similarly detected. obtained feature as the middle ef found, (although positive A v( and and vy , the point vp adopted. A negative vr is point for an edge-effect or the rositive and negative the threshcld fz is or negative peak detection). not Thich the same If is peak is roof is peaks, if both are as in. the simple This method for the detection of teaks and positions is nct aypreciably affected by noise. PACE 13 The other part of the linearity line segment detection ie at P0 arnd suppose the lines Lo and L1 meet tested as shown in Fig. 16. concave boundary Suppose feature points. the detected for line segment extending LO is is Feature points are detected in a rectaruular search area with given length and width whose direction is of L,(=-), co- a test of the equal to that at an appropriate place where the detection of feature points not affected detected alons' sequentially, corre.ponding to L1 . by the edte the direction v at the Feature points are pcints center Py ,P. ,p..,P, If Tositive peaks are found at INMc,...,M" as shown in the figure, the linearity of the points are tested as follows. The nutxber of the feature yoints must exceed a threshold number n (a) (b) The deviation of the dS points in line fitting least with the square tethod should be less than a thresholdd4. (c) let L' denote the direction of segment obtained. by line line fitting, Iu'- U1 < U, where •l' - Uj denotes the diffrence in directions U' Similar tests are made If for the different types of feature more than one type of line segment is found, If an edge.-effect type is found, (b) For the line segment with then it is selected. ' and U', let the criterion function C be C = SJ wu lU" - Uj where w points. the selection depends on r criteria. the followinr (a) and U is a constant PACP 14 The line segment selected is the one wiht smaller C. 3.3 Circular Search Circular search is used to search for lines starting at a riven The direction of the lines to be searched for is not known. The point. of directions in circular search depends upon the particular case. range Suppose two known lines L1 and L1 meet at P as in Fip.17 (a) and we and L1 are slightly inside of and Lj whose directions between two lines L' If lines resrectively. The search range ok is between them. wish to search for lines lyinh at point starting suppose P L! Le are of line searched for as in Fig.17 (b), L' and LQ are similarly set inside of LO. The circular center F of point the search is always rrecisely not determined, especially when trackinr along a line has terminated at point I as shown in Fig.17 (b). Therefore circular search should not be too sensitive to the position of the center point. It malgt be natural to try to section 3.2, based upon line seements if there arcs is more than one difficulty, a simple method is to directions. apply This segment detections Oiroctior along around the The center. with this search is the classification of feetture points into difficulty this F 1 (v) detect feature points, as defined in cthange line is toward algorithm is segment and search area deternined so that line segments of used detection illustrated in ul ,ut as shown in Pi•. 18. and u To in this paper. successively Fic.19, are (AI,AL and where applied. A3 avoid Its basic in various successive line The in the step of figure) are any direction near the center point PACF 15 can be found. find lines Fig.7 can at roints starting the same as described line setment detection is respect to t1reshtolds and search directionr overlap different found in iifferent searches. each other, tIhe center adjacent The alporithm in 3,2 except with Because the area. search areas for sezment tay be sane line Fach time a line segment is detection, a check should be made ~e.anent between two line L in Fig.2C starting between PI and Px). roints (e.g. fbr Thus successive circular search along a line as shown in found by whether or not it is line the same e one obtained by the previouc detection. ns the If centor roint the is it precisely, are found (such as has not possible to find all line Lz the figure), a new Li and L 3 in line (L 0 ) and been determined the lines startin, at To avoid this inconvenience, based on the known calculated circular search Fig.21., for example, search at Fo. circular ight be missed in when line segments center point FP is the obtained line sechents Then circular search is arplied again at P1 . and LI). (LI not always In the given point. of 3.4 Tracking TrackinE is used until it when a line terminvtes. the line should not be segment is given, to track alongy it a tracking procedure are 1) The requirements for lost due to the effect of other lines or noise, and 2) the procedure should terminate as precisely as possible at the end of the line. termination These requirements are contradictory in that the concition should be strict to satisfy the second requirement which makes it difficult to satisfy the first. The following al•oriths PAGE 16 is a comiromise between these requirements. basic procedure is The and to search for it near result of the search is (a) to predict the location of a feature roint the point using line segment detEction. The classified into the followinr 4 cases. there is no feeture point. (b) a feature point is on the line. (c) A feature point is not on the line. (d) It is not clear whether or not a feature point is on the line. In case (a), the detection of a serment dctxction except that the ty-pe feature The decision between cases (b), distance d between the point and the line. If d < d1 then case (b) if then case (c) d > da If dj< <d d.d similar to line of edre is already known so the thresholds stated in 3.2 can be.Edjusted Ya(v). •oint is that based on the averare peak of (c) and (d) is tsinc the That is then case (d) The threshold d I chanzes derending en the state of trackin . The state of tracking is represented by two intefers mi and r,. which are set initially to 0. (b), The value of m and m are chanced for each case (a), (c) and (d) as follows. (a) a, = at + I (b) If wm> *m, Otherwise, m, = - 1 , (where m is a constant) m -= 0, ml =0, and classify those feature points into (b) which hpve teen clasified into case (d) PA' ; in the previous steps of tracking. 17 Adjust the equation of the line with these points and the •oint present feature (c) If d dz3 and m. > ma, (where d is = - 1 a constant) Otherwise no cYanre m, = mX + I , and if (d) mi) m, = M gr Im - The threshold d, is represented as d| = d 0 + w, m (where d o and w% are constants) procedure is rereated and tracking rroceeds step by ster Ihit the line until the termination condition is satisfied. cxtendinr The termination condition of trackinr is either am > mI The terminal point is defined as the last point classified into case (b). In this aleorith works. lig.22 illustrates hcw lig. 2 2 of mn these however determired more in the The terminal point of figure) which satisfies the termination condition. trackinr is, lines two Fig2•2 (a), Irackinc might finish at some point beyond Pg (PI, at P 0 . cross (where m~ and mt are cornstants) + a. > mt or EI precisely near PO(P i cr In Pt). (b), P1 ,• , 1 3 P Pare classified into case (d) increasing the value points which Then the line is into case (b). which classifye P are now classified into case (b) adjusted with and tracki4cn rroceeds. Fir.22 (c) Trofile is end (d) illustrate that even if disturbed by roise or other lines, a part of the trackiner intensity does rot terminate PACE 1Z In Fig,.22 (d), there. however, if the light intensity of the right side of L* chanses across L l , the type of feature points might change across L, . eoints P3 ,P Thus feature rroceeds. If found, If not found, rosition of If often extension of is found. segment ,". might not be obtained and tracking mipht When tracking terminates, terminate at P1. applied at the 9 the line the line segment detection is to see we adjust the if line tracking finally terminates at point P1 and the extends the line across other lines when it vertical lines. type of line equation and tracking is adjusted with the line equation. a.t their crossingr another The above rrocedure terminates temporarily as in Fig4. (b) where tracking along G'"M crosses many PAGE 19 4. EXPFRIMFNTAL RQULT To test the having relatively The proCram, experiments muiform A•&ND COMMENTS with cubes are made white surfaces placed on a black imate dissector camera , used as an input device, onto a 2C0 every x 8 x 20000 (octal) grid. L block of Frid In this elements is represented by 1C24 x 1024 grid points. and wedges background. dissects the scene experiment, one pcint sampled. Thus, the for scene is Objects occupy only a part of in the typical scene, the rectangular area which includes the the scene, cbectts cf interest mDay consist of about 400 x 400 points. This area is eivided into blocks each of which is made of 64 x 64 points and stored in disk memory. When a lieht intensity at some point is required, a containira tGo :int and adjacent blocks are stored in core memory. accessed for core memory is the iniut of the light .lock The intensity until a joint outside of those blocks is refererenced. Video input is at first converted into a 10 bit digital numLer which is an inverse converted into resolution is linear measure 10 bit logarithmic the light Some measure. by a little It is again intensity level In this experiment the less than IC0 levels. The t edge in the dark tackground is blurred due dKta for a clear trif. to some limitations (mostly defocusing). step intensity. lost in the logarithmic conversion. light intensity is represented input of function, there is a transient area If the intensity change is a in the input data about 1I Thus the resolution of the picture is regarded as 1C roint.s wide, ynints. The arnmeteru In:d in line scfnment detection and trackinr are PAGE 2C Features of the picture involving resolution based urcn this resolution. of less thean 10 points are not usually found. The difficulty or processing time Some results are shown in Fig.23. of the recognition depends not only also on the SJ, lines of contour lines. KS for as the and QS less reliable in easily 1.1 is applied. after DY and rL That is, line a segment, But tracking along VY and are Circular more time all the internal in Fig, 2 3 (c ) Then step (10) stated ir and F2 in Fiv.23 (c ) terminates in the middle. section it is not easy to fnd. lines are determined, lines are proposed in both cases. proposed at K and L respectively. findinS Once the boundary consuming. are On the other hand, circular search is necessary search is Fir.23 (c), In each stage. in Fig.23 (c ). boundary lines K0 or LN found, but information extracted at exn.qy:le, boundary extension on the complexity of the object This is the most time consuming proce 1s (about 10 times more than the simple tracking process). a hierarchical rrorgxam are shown Some examples of the result of lig.24. and Ieierarchical programs may look at the whole scene homoreniously pick up feature points. obtained in the priori in the Lines are previous stage. various thresholds It for fitting and connection of lines. In found with those feature points is very difficult detection of to determine a feature this beterarchica points, line progranm, it is Tessible to adjust various thresholds with the context of the information cbtained previously. case by case. whether Furthermore the algorithm (For instance, the line is a boundary trackingr itself can be modified algorithm is or internal.) changed dependinr on The results of experiments PAGE 21 with moderately complex scenes are mostly satisfactory. many Because of the checks for consistency of lines and vertices, the yrogran has small false lines. probability of findin; However, there are come limitations of this program at present. of them is that lodies may be missed in some cases. shown in Fi-.25. yroposed thovlh Wbcause The boundary other contour the the resultin, activate steo necessary A simple example is EC in Fie.25 lines lB and 'neat' that (a) are not lines are lines and internal recions are so One found, no conceive vertices in such a case when bodies are neatly stacked, it is (1). the -oundary line. from some points on boundary lines which start to search for To find a body In !ig.25 (b) body E2 is not found. that is included in a face of another body, it is necessary to search for Though these two kind of search (search line segrents inside the region. adonc the boundary line and all the bodies in search in the region) are required to find shown in Fig. 25, they are still more the scenes as effective than the exhaustive search in the entire soene. simpler to interpret the scene of the present The other limitation that it is not always Fig.26 (a) shows a simple oexnaple. line CBE If all the bodies boundary line as shown bodies. found by those searches. is left to future work. This procedure, towever, introduction, when a line is Besides, it is as program is, applicable Line SD is to stated in the concave objects. found as an extension of are convex, line ED is interpreted as the in Fig.26 (b). In this rrog•am, line ED is This does not hold for concave rewarded as a boundary line, and then line DI can lbe found by circular search at L:. At this stare, however PACE 22 LE -should be interpreted as sn internal line of the same body instea-d the boundary line which interpreted correctly, line. seperates then line the BD can body into two. If of DE. is be determined as an internal This procedure should also be implemented in the present program' PACE 23 CON CLUSIONf A hetererchical program to rrorran be detected tackrround), use of the previous results. is 1) contour lines The order of the lines Cboundary of bodies and lines or among of two faces internal lines, the of the sane line, the range where 'most plausible lines' are a line segment may exist detected in a suitable way for AmonC body. To find rrorosed at each stale and an attemrt is made to find the line. a the 2) loundary lines which are the boundary between two bodies, Y) internal lines (intersection toundary The of recognizing objects step by step, is based upon the strategy at each time inakin to recognize polyhedra is presented. is proposed and it is the proposed range. If a prorer line sepment is found, the end of the line is determined by tracking alone the line. then scene taking proposed into consideration. this line Because lines are mostly instead of found by exhaustive search in the scene, the program is relatively dissector the line is determined, the program tries to understand the effective. Eesults of the experiment using an image are satisfactory for scenes including a few blocks and wedges. Although the present program has limitations, some overcome by developments proposed here for future work. of them may be PAGE 24 RF~ERENCES 1) N. Minsky and S. Papert, 'Propioal artificial intelligence at M.I.T., to ARPA for research on 1970-1971', MIT Project MAC Artificial IntellIsence Memo No. 185, 1970. 2) A. Guzmman, Computer Recornition Of Three-Dimensional Objects In A Visual Scene',M•i T MAO-TR-59 (Thesis), 1968. 3) A. Herskovits and T. finford, 'On Boundary Detection', MIT Project MAC Artificial Intelligence Memo to. 183, 1970. 4) B. Horn, 'The Ima.e Dissector 'eye' Intelligence Lemo No. 178, 1969. ', MIT Project MAC Artificial Fig. 1. fxample of Scene 1 2 Extract the most Extract the most obvious informa- obvious informa- tion based on tion based on the a priori knaowledge ob- knowledge tained up to now 2 Interpret the Information and store in an appropriate form Fig. 2. Schematic diagram of the strategy F-- C A -r _rP,· R ~·C _Ccr i`L ~ ~ -~i L `t~51 (c) Fig, 3. Examples of concave boundary lines ~pb~ (d) C~"I Fig. 4. llustrates two extension lines at concave point P. d *2 B C S' Fig. 5. Examples of line configuration found by circular search. Fig. 6. Example of circular search for internal lines. (dotted lines are not yet found in this stage) Fig7.7, Examples of line verifying by circular search. (a) Fig. 8. Illustrates the process after tracking (b) (e) Fig. 9. Illustrates the procedure to find lines, Fig. 10. Flow chart of contour finding. Fig. 11. Illustrates the definition of curvature I"----- ··v - - -r , L *~y~y __ -~-_^..~-~---- D C boundary points Fig. 12. Example of curvature. .lI E -~- - F (a) lighR intensity level profile U Alb oputeo (b) P Areas to compute Fyat P . . .. _ .. .. . ___ I V (e) Fig. 13. FP U (v) for (a) Examnple of F u(). -' L-~.~,_..,~._~_._~ V -l tdge-effect Fig. 14. v•e I Typical profile of F (v), V Vm V1 v -- Fig. 15. Peak detection. v'2 v Po1. 6 P1 P etion P Pa P e search area Fig, 16. Detection of feature points. /I\ s J' C r r L ri L1 (a) Fig, 17. Range of circular search, ~rs (b) 1L ~ K represents a feature point Fig. 18. Illustrates difficulty in classification of feature points. ~1 Fig. 19. S5uccessive line detection in circular search. La Fig. 20. FI2 Exampie of successive circular search. Po LO 3 3I" Figý 21. Repeated circular search. r, ILL ýP3 6P2~ LNb P4 P2P 4--p 7 S,- -- e3 Lo L I (a) Fig. 22. (b) Examples of tracking., (c) (d) 0S (a ) (ct) C (a2) Objects, Fig. 23. (c2) : (c ): Result Examples of Experiment. (a3) (C) (bg) (4 ) (b00 (at): Qci ) : Objects, (b i : Result of Hierarchical Prograa Result of this p~roSgr Fig. 24. ) Examples of Comparison Betve~n Hierawrchical and eteTrrcbhical Program. (a) Fig. 26. (b) ILtustrates difficulty for concave body.. (a) Fig. 25. I1luatrates lack of cu~es.