Vision Flash 4 December, 1970 Revised February, 1971 The Object Partition Problem Eugene C. Freuder A.I. Vision Group Laboratory M.I.T. I. We a provide for framework theoretical the "object partition problem". begin by considering this We Consider the semantic domain of physical objects, and context. the picture graphs. syntactic domain of yield partitions operations that interpreted In the semantic simply syntactic which picture graph, We term objects. partitions" problem The has such or several partitions, the one "best" may seek all possible We specifying realizable partitions". "realizable The object partition domaih correspond to possible "physically partitions aspects. of the scene into physical partitions of the syntactic of terms In viewed be can problem when problem In a rather abstract partition, several plausible partitions, judge or rank proposed partitions, and so forth. The most Important aspect of the problem, In sone sense, is determining the "best" or most graph. combined choices on These to choices inform the best are partition of somewhat global Guzman uses physical world of objects to understanding of the semantic make local realizable partition. deal with this problem. Guzman's SEE attempts to his likely a given Interrelated. decisions which may picture They are also be interrelated. Guzman's achievement. SEE is a However, as remarkable might be heuristic expected of programming tho germinal achievement in its framework. field, It lacks There motivations Is some a satisfactory difficulty and implications in of Gukian's theoretical determining heuristic decisions. It is not always obvious just what semantic observations the the selection of the syntactic partitioning choices. inform As it is not clear which possible Interpretations are being discarded each stage of alternative the procedure, partitions, the even process where cannot produce several interpretations are preseht in the physical scene. at plausible To judge or extend the woek, one must essbntlally rePeat Guzman's experience with individual scenes. The program does not function as heterarchical vision system. which to relevant launch to the flexibility to dialogue a gobd element for a There Is no proper framework from with other object partition provide alternative knowledge problem. analysis structures There Is on the not the basis of higher level dissatisfaction. It may be argued that in order to establish a satisfactory theoretical base object for a partition, one must present with all possible graph, It could One criteria physical scenes, relevant property. object partition deal with a given as would be picture This would require to be "complete" any physically of completeness such a system capable of dealing physical interpretations of in terms of the our theory of that property of In the sense realizable partition. that the theory could all realizable partitions, though produce the system would not necessarily be "generative" oriented. A partitions would which characterization "complete" framework would choices these In among possible lbcal partitionings Decisions In determirlng the "best" possible global partition. involving object realizable an organized hopefully provide choices could be made of be semantically and heterarchically Informed, and their Implications and motivations would be clearly understood. Alternative choices could be made, in some plausible order. Such a characterization would by eliminating rncontistent cut down our decision space partioning choices. or impossible The nature and range of the remaining heuristic choices would be clarified. Recently Huffman has analysis, by approached another problem of scene the "configuration" problem, in somewhat this fashion attempting configurations. to identify physically unrealizable The results of his venture recommend this type of approach. However, Huffman's success has also encouraged that his theory may contain characterization approach The "physically realizable realizable partition" Interdependent. to as well the "object the are desired complete partition" configuration" problems speculation and problem. "physically Interrelated However, they are not Identical, and it and would be a mistake to base an approach to one units that characterize the other, problem however; has been begun some The treatment of the former by Huffman. relevant upon the conceptual Much remains observations will to be done, appear in future papers. The "characterization" approach to the "object partition problem" will be outlined below. II. We take for our basic units of analysis a line predicate and its negation. The predicates are "belong to the same body" and "do not belong to the same body", as applied to the (two) regions bordering a line. This or as choice of our unit of circular as predicate defined Is The success of that may appear. To NOT dquivalent to the link the more fundamental earlier. that It analysis Is neither as trivial begin with a major predicate we described reason was not used in partition analysis "link", while a useful concept, basic the predicbte "links". predicate is probably However, deep problems the reveal is actually a handicap to optimal thinking when used as the basic unit of analysis. We note that "belong to the same body" does not even that imply the line referenced corresponds to a physical edge of both neighboring regions. Consider line AB In the following figure! by begin We In vertices, terms of two our of partlonings realizable obtained "labellings" or interpretations from all consistent of various the types of All physically predicates. given a realizable physically all enumerating picture graph then are combinations of local labellings. (Using the criteria that an interpretation applies to an entire line, i.e. line segment, and thus a line cannot receive opposite labels from its two vertices.) We will describe this process In some further detail. we demonstrate first how this approach circumscribes the realizable interpretations, in achieving a solution to the "all realizable partitions" aspect of the object partition problem. We then go on to indicate decision making how this approach procedure which partition and related problems. provides a deals with We will basis for the "best" realizable gradually shift our focus from an abstract theory to a theoretical model embodied in a "partition system" embedded in a heterarchical vision system. We will find it easier perhaps to talk in terms of labellings and deal with picture graph elements so we Introduce same body" and "M" for "do the notation "I" for "belong to belong to same in syntactic elements interpreted the picture graph If are, (These notations body". you like, which language not are as the indicated physical relations.) We will refer to "I" labellings as "ties" and "M" labellings as "breaks". If we simply consider any possible syntactic labelling of an n-line vertex we have obviously However, we make n the to 2 possible labellings. "tie" the restriction that equivalence is an relation, using an observation of the Oropertles' df the "belong" eliminates an For predicate. transitivity vertex, n-element thus all labellings with n-1 tie labellings and one break labelling. Consider theee realizable labellings labellings with now nd "ties", breaks, and with three ties. 31/013! The line vertices. + 3!/112! corresponds All number of to the "breaks", with physically number one of tie, two I.e. + 31/3101 =1+3+1 = 5 A similar analysis can be carried out for n-line vertices. In considering vertices of specific forms, however, we find that different symmetries further reduce the different labellings or group them into classes. the vertex labellings that have a physically may number of We will call realizable interpretation simply "realizable Examine labellings". the realizable labellings for the different three line vertex types, forks, arrows, and T's. Forks Arrows T's T TTT T We can easily dispose of the two line vertex "L". Consider also the of Interpretable labellings "K" type vertices. X4 K Yh We of different realizable labelllng find that the number classes even for the K is surprisingly manageable. we have placed no restrictions on the arbitrary planar polyhedra), or picture elements. If we physical domain (beyond on possible Interpretations wish to do so we may number of realizable labellings 6ven further. may Impose restrictions of Recall that physical cut down the For example, objects to of we degree three polyhedra, and certain "general position" requirements. (We might totally note that this analysis does not pertain to disconnected bodies, e.g. joining the two halves of the partially hidden body in the following figure: This Is a different class of problem.) Applying realizablb labellings these consistent combinations physically realizable problem. partitibns' that We note a provides to finding consistent involves checking foe "global trahsiltivity".. be asserted transitivity to belong of the as S. We have the same body "tie" predicate while "break" predicate asserts body to that R restricted df have to guard aý region at the our labellings boundaries, as in the following figure: 'the pbatition also A region R cannot does hot belong against its occurence "all the coribinations inconsistency cannot occur around a single vertex; still to solution aspsct in all a scene S by same time a to the so same that this however, we across several line III. partition problem has of the complete characterization A been achieved. dealing laid for also been foundation has Beyond this a the "best possible realizable partion" and related aspects with The objective here is to produce the of the partition problen. partition, plausible most with the retrench and to ability produce alternatives if required. Any realizable partition of a picture graph may be produced of realizable labellings depending on a number of choices have choices, or rate them on a plausibility scale. These in the sense that they affect our choices factors may be global, of arrow labellings, say, regardless of where the arrows in or We consider factors Which may prohibit the type of vertex. dictate we At ahy vertex by an approPrlatd labelling of..the vertites, the picture graph, or they may be local, appear In the sense that they affect a decision at a particular vertex. (Or their effect may fall somewhere in between these extremes.) Our first context the general polyhedra. the labellings Cstat Ist CsiI be to return to the semantic in which our picture graphs are to be Interpreted. most as to approach should lM I level this means combinations of On planar By studying such combinations we can make judgments relative for the C ns plausibility of different vertex 1A1 k the various types. #th +t realizabl] Even in A - i1 1 a gross b lI i g e e, e can o serve a er may observations be to extended certain These others. or likely than interpretations are more common combinations of vertices. this stage we may recognize that certain restricted Beyond physical contexts limit the range of Interpretable labellings or otherwise affect the Interpretations. likelihood of certain We observed above, for example, that limiting the physical domain effect. relative to degree three polyhedra would have this Limitation to convex objects, or likelihood of concave objects, would also affect labelling choices. The fork possibility, for example, that contains two breaks ( and one With tie, Is highly unlikely except in a concave object. the "K" possibilities clearly in hand we mar overcbme the intimidation of possibilities contexts. K analysis and qulckl are highly unlikely or obser d -that many impossible in many common In fact, as the unlikelihood of alternativd choices rises much faster for K's than for forks say, we may find K's at times more helpful to our analysis than some "simpler" vertices. And we can afford to rate certain choices as implausible since that does not mean we have not dealt with them; they are still available as alternatives In our complete analysis. The point to be made here is not so much that a limited system could be designed that would function well in 6 specific restricted context. decision structure, imbedded Rather in a complete a heterarchical partition vision system, could employ Information from a advise context decision structure to its labelling decisions or alter Its plausibility ratihgs. an benefit from understanding choices labelling were partition process plausible partition analysis being implications made. In patilcul ar, difficulty the within which of p roviding a In constraints if the the of contekt provided It, the context analyser could be prompted to In a similar fashion the -partition may complain that ah iýplausible choice Is.perhaps due or It may peAproceis r; input .data from the to improper informed of the experienced reconsider its findings. analyser in turn, could context decision structure, course the Of be configuration' as a result to expect certain unlikely of missing lines, shadows, whatever. Aside labelling from what we choices may right call be Informed "contitt"' information, an d knowledge by knowledge heterarchical structules of structure. Background informatloh, for example will Many differeht determine many labellings There are a variety partitioning decisions (concave and there are more deal a which are relevant convex fall immediately or sugg est others. from the predicates aside global criteria with these within and circurmscribe of line predicate kinds to basic partitioning into this categ ory). And Future 0apers will Involved. factors, their relation to partition analysis and to scene analysis in general. Relevant information may restrict or advise our partitioning thoites level, Individual line at vertex the than other Decisions may be Indicated at the level, of course. labelling dt similarly types InVolving higher levels of vertex codbinations, whatever. beauty of The this Information and all systematic, complete these decisions c6n be done within a the All framework. that all approach Is our characterization eealizable ihterpretations are available for anblysis and comparison. system can make decisions With a clear understanding of just What the choices ari and what the Impi ca'tfohb are. The d thbe ckoices We know what Possibilities are Jiscbrded at egah d6cision point. These featurbs of the charactetizat6on theory Also Indicate why it is a great aid in organtzing, sttmuiating, and clarifying our thinking, in determining precisely how the relevant dutlined above detertine the factoes ipecific decisioh Procedures used by a partition system. One of the difficulties in dealing with partitloh is that the problem, "potentially global". certain like For many scene any judgment local configuration implying ahalysiS one analysis problems, is makes about a a certain partidning, one can usually find an exception by embedding the configuration a ( sufficiently complex environment. theoretical approach is that the determination in to Is built Another basic aspect the structure In advantage of our of this global of the consistent labelling approach, on a network level. Local labelling decisions global relationship. labelling some (or labelled by vertex have been the Once of that all) of potentially the lines may be of a deciiions, neighbbring labelling vertex possibilities cut down. 16 a affect others determined, or the The labelling 6f one or more tihes of a vertex may direct our attention t6 the most plausible labelling, for the vertex type, which agrees with the alkbady labelled lines. The guarantees will be conflicts interrelatlonship that built potentially donsidered. When and discarding into global this the labelhing system determining relationships n6cessitatei decisions obr reiotution system will know just what decisionS were involved and be able to evaluat6 them. appropriate alternatives will be available. of The And our theoretical base that our options prOvide a comrplete set df possible solutions. Our system, in other words, has the "freedom to fail". has long been an educational cliche that this is a for accomplishment. of principles, some bf may fall at any given application. heuristic programming have recover from or this capability prereouisite The very notion of "heuristic" prbgramming implies, not algorithms, but sets of It The most successful concepts dealt use these failures which with systems in some one is often forced that could fashion. to tightly Without restlict the .Ir 16 problem domain, or to deal with Ordbietf of hoýel6st complexity. In analysis scene particuldr, Work". the the global" "p tentiallY makes It difficUlt to Our aroroadh to the flexibility to #fil, with ~ake deo.lsloni "blst pakti6t in some desired solution. theoretical in that "haVe to r.problett glVes us the added coh.idente that, sltce we have characterized the set of realtlzabie at least problmi, sensýe be artitions, we must, able to achieve the