Characterization and Induction of Polymorphism In ONgtrlchll sp. An Honors Thes1 s (10 499) by Robert L Meredi th Robert L Hammersmi th Ball State Uniyersity Munci e, Indiana May, 1966 Graduation Date: Spring 1966 Sec",l/ the.::'I:' ~ D c. J.-Jf~. , • ztf I q'2;:)' - .M~J7 Introduction Oxytdcho is 0 smoll oquot1c, single cell, c1110ted protozoon found in freshwoter streoms ond lokes which feeds on boctedo ond olgoe. Severol spectes of Oxytdcho hove been utilized In three moJor reseorch oreos over the post twenty yeors. These oreos ore: 1) The orgonizotlon, potterning, ond morphogenesis of surfoce structures (Hommersmith, '760; Hommersmlth ond Grimes, '81). This includes the role of cytotoctic inhedtonce (Sonneborn, '63; '75) (0 non-nucleor ond probobly 0 non-nucleic ocld inherltonce system) In the orgonlzotlon ond molntenance of surfoce structures ond their spot101 ond temporol patterns of development (Grimes, '82; Grimes ond Hommersmith, '80). 2) The role of cell-cell contoct In the Initlotion of developmentol progroms (Bonchett., '80; Bonchetti et 01, '82). 3) The orgonlzotion, ompl1ficotion, and reorrongements of DNA during nucleor development (Klobutcher, '87; Dowson ond Herrick, '84; Ammermonn, '82). Oxytrlcho Is on excellent orgonlsm for the Investigotion of cellulor development. ond cellulor potternlng becouse it possesses not only onterlorposterior polOrlty, but olso dorsol-ventrol ond left-right osymmetry os defined by the precise plocement of cilioted surfoce structures (Grimes et 01, '80). (Very few cellulor systems possess 011 three definoble oxes.) Indiylduol slJbcellulor structures within these globol oxes olso show definoble polorlty ond osymmetrles, thus ollowlng experlmentol modiflcotion of those structures ond exominotion of how those modificotions olter or respond to the generol globol potternlng (Grimes, - '62). In oddUton, Oxytrlcho undergoes five unique developmentol progroms In which the surfoce structures ore essentiolly totolly reploced ond polorlty - 2 and asymmet.nes reestabl1shed both globally and for IndIvidual structures. These developmental programs may also Involve simultaneous development~l programs associated with the nuclei and DNA content. These development~l programs Include: 1) Vegetative d1v1s10n, 1n which one cell 1nduces new cHlary pnmord1a which migrate on the cell surf~ce and ulUmately form two sets of surface structures. The cell then d1v1des transversely to form two cells 1denUcal to one another with respect to global pattern1ng. 2) ConJugaUon (8 sexual process), 1n which two cells undergo cell-ce1l1nteracUons and temporally fuse 1n order to exchange meloUc products and undergo rec1procal fert111zatlon. Th1s developmental program also 1nvolves a d1fferenUal degradat10n and redevelopment of surface structures (H~mmersm1th, '16b). 3) Encystment, 1n wh1ch there 1s a tot~l ded1fferent1atlon of all surface structures 1nclud1ng m1crotubules to form a metabolically InacUve resting cyst (Gnmes, '13; Ricci et al, '85). Cysts can Withstand drying and other severe envlronment~1 conditions. When cysts 8re placed In conditions that can support growth they undergo excystment, redeveloping all surface structures and global p~ttemlng 1n a few hours. 4) MorphostaUc regulation, In which cells can replace existing cHlature In response to Injury or regulate cell size, again reestabl1shlng typical globel patterning. 5) Polymorphism, In which geneUcally IdenUcal cells undergo d1fferenUal morphostaUc and dlv1s10nal regulatIon, produc1ng a minimum of two extreme populations of cells; one very small (dwarfs) and the other very large (giants). Giants have an altered global pattern such that the feed1ng structures and cytostome (mouth) are expanded In size so that they can cannlbal1ze dwarf morphotypes. Dwarfs maintain the typical surface pattern although reduced In size. Giants and probably dwarfs can - undergo d1v1s10n and ma1nta1n extreme dlfferences 1n populat10n s1ze (R1cc1 and Rigg10 '64). Four of the f1ye developmental pathways (conJugat10n. encystment. morphostat1c regulaUon and polymorph1sm) occur 1n response to depleUon of the food supply and starvat10n. S1nce some cell11nes can undergo all four of these developmental pathways. this 1mpHes that there are alternat1Ye developmental sw1tches that can be acUyated dunng starvaUon. The purpose of these studies 1s to lnyesUgate the condlUons wh1ch are associated with the lnduct10n of polymorphism and the relationship between cell slze and cannibalism. Polymorphism In Oxytncha was f1rst descnbed by Dawson ('19) and later charactenzed in more detan by Giese and Alden ('36). Their observations suggested that polymorphism was due to a severe and prolonged starvaUon of the main populaUon of the cell Hne. resulting 1n a drastic reduction In s1ze followed by a smaller population of s11ghtly larger cells· cap1tal1z1ng • on a smaller population by cannibalism. AlternaUyely. R1cc1 and R1gg10 ('64) , suggested that the 1nductlon of polymorph1sm and the formaUon of g1ants Is solely a funcUon of cell crowding (cell density) and may be due to poss1ble cell-ce1l1nteracUon or 1nteract10n w1th a secreted compound, and that cell s1ze 1s not an Important factor. This study w111 demonstrate that both lnterpretaUons are partially correct, and that the translt10n between yegetaUye cells and the 1nductlon of pOlymorphism 1n this species of Oxytncha 1nyolyes at least two discrete phenomena. Polymorph1sm 1n this species lnyolyes a rap1d Increase In dlyls10n rate and an Increase In cell dens1ty (possibly lnyolylng a soluble factor or cell-cell1nteract10n), coupled w1th a radical reduct10n in mean size wah a smaller population of non-respond1ng (normal s1ze) cens that -- 4 1eter ·cep1teHze· on end thus cenn1bel1ze the smeller populet10n. These ult1mete1y become glents. Flnelly~ dete will be presented thet suggest thet the red1ce1 reduction In sIze of the meln populet1on Is Independent of generetlon of glent or lerge cells. netertels end nethod. The cell11ne (TLA 16) used In these exper1ments wes Isoleted 11/20/65 from Twin Lekes et Bloomington, Indlene. Cysts were collected end cryogenlcelly preserved In l1quld nitrogen In Apr11 1966. Semples of these frozen cysts were excysted to provide vegetetlve cultures for these studies. This streln wes chosen for these studies beceuse of 1ts ebl11ty to regulerly undergo polymorphism. Texonomlcelly this ce1111ne, besed upon Its c111eture (streight undulet1ng membrenes end Involvement of postorel clmln morphogenesis), would be clesslfted es e species of Stylonychle eccordtng to the methods of Wlrnsberger, Folssner, end Adem ('65). However, hypotr1chs end cHletes In generel represent e very diverse complex of slbl1ng species. (Sibling species hev9 tdent1cel morphology, but genetlcelly ere distinct species.) Previous reseerch ut11lzlng DNA cross-hybr1dlzetlon hes Indlceted thet cells of the genere Oxytr1che ere exceedingly diverse. Cloned mecronucleer probes pMA 81 end pMA H1 der1ved from Oxytr1 che fellex mecronucl eer DNA do not cross-hybr1dlze with Stylonychle or Oxytr1che ~ DNA, but does weekI y cross-hybr1 dl ze wi th TLA 16 DNA (Hemmersml th & Hem ck unpubl1 shed). Thus, celll1ne TLA 16 should be considered e species of Oxytr1che which Is releted to (L fell ex. Culture procedure: The cells to be cherectenzed In this study were fed on e diet of Chlemydomones IQ.. The Chlemydomones wes grown In e complete elgee medIum (modIfied from Seger end Grenlck, 1953). Flnel concentret1ons of ell medle components were es follows: Cheml cel component FeC13 CeC12 MgS04 KH2P04 K2 HP04 H3B03 ZnS04 MnS04 CoCl2 Ne2Mo04 CuS04 NH~03 NeCltrete Flnel ConcentreUon 3.7)(10- 5 M 3.6)(10- 4 M 1.2)(10- 3 M 1.5)(10- 3 M 1.1)(10- 3 M 1.6)(10- 5 M 3.5)(10- 6 M 2.4)(10- 6 M 8.4)(10- 7 M 8.3)(10- 7 M 2.5)(10- 7 M 3.7)(10- 3 M 1.7)(10- 3 M In eddltlon to the ebove Ingredients 4 ml of Vltemln B-12 et e concentretlon of .1 mg/ml, end .4 ml of Thlemlne et e concentretlon of .5 mg/ml were edded to eech liter of complete elgee medle. After prepertlon, the medle wes eutocleved for one hour. After remove) from the eutocleve the medle wes pleced In e previously stenHzed five gellon bottle. Upon filling of the bottle en epperetus consisting of two pieces of gless tubing Inserted through e stopper wes etteched to the mouth of the bottle. One of the tubes wes connected to en ordlnery eQuenum pump - 6 via a stertle fl1ter (Gelman Acro 50). The other tube was connected to a piece of plasUc tubing to serYe as a pour spout. All transfer of media was conducted under a laminator flow hood. The final arrangement used the positive air pressure generated bU the aQuanum pump to maintain sterl1e condit1ons. The OJ<ytncha species under Investlgat10n was grown In a mod1fled version of the above media. This minimal media lacked the nitrate, citrate, and phosphate components of the complete media as a discouragement to bactenal growth. Any Chlamydomonas fed to the Oxytdcha was first spun down in a cl1nical centnfuge in order to remove It from the complete media. For all expenments the cells were grown at a temperature of 230C +/- 10C. DA11.V Growth Curve procedyre: 5h< replications were used for the plotting of dany growth of this cell line. Ee'ch sealable culture flask was Inoculated w1th five ml of ChlamydomQMi which had been spun down and resuspended In minimal media to a volume approximately one-tenth the volume removed from the complete media. The Chlamydomonas removed from the complete media for f eedl ng was at maxi mum growth. Each culture flask was Inoculated with 100 Oxytdcha (isolated by handt and the f1nal volume was brought to 100 ml by the addition of minimal media to yield an In1tial cell density of 1 cell per ml. Each day two one m11111lter samples were taken from each flask. The Ume of day for sampling was conSistent to within one hour. Upon removal of the sample the cells were ktlled and fixed with PerenyI's flxaUve. The cultures were then brought back to a total volume of 100 ml by the addition of two ml of minimal media. - 7 After fh(etlon of the semple, the cells were counted vie one of two methods. The f1rst counting method used thet of direct counting of ell cells. The two ml semple wes divided 1nto four one-helf ml ellQuots. Eech onehe1f ml of semple wes pIeced 1n e cell culture well wh1ch hed been etched with e grid on its unders1de. The cells were observed under e 20)( d1ssect1ng scope, end counted us1ng e hend held counter. The everege of the four velues obte1ned for eech culture were used to determ1ne the meen number of Oxytdche per ml for thet dey. The density to wh1ch these cells grew mede 1t necessery to elter the count1ng procedure for cell numbers ebove epprox1metely 2000 per m1. For semples 1n wh1ch cells were of e dens1ty greeter then 2000 cells per ml, the semple wes dl1uted to e totel volume of four mI. S1x 100 m1croliter eliQuots were removed from the dl1uted semple us1ng e F1nn p1pette. These six semples were counted by dlrect microscoplc observet10n using e totel megniflcet10n of 100)(. The everege of the s1x velues obte1ned for eech semple wes used to determine the me en cell number per ml1l111ter for thet dey. Velidity of th1s method with the prey10usly described method wes performed by counting cells of the seme semple us1ng both methods. The d1fference between the two wes cons1dered to be neglig1ble s1nce the verience wes less then three percent. lerge forms were counted efter completion of the totel count. Oeterm1net1on of whet wes consldered to be e member of the lerge morphotype wes mede by observet10n of s1ze 1n reletlon to the rest of the cells 1n the semple. Morphometd c meesurements: 6 After the counting of deny semples, wet mounts of the semples were prepered, end meesurements of cell length, width, end where possible thickness, were teken for e rendomly selected fifty cells using en oculer micrometer et 450)( megniflcetlon on en Amerlcen OpUcel model flftU m1croscope. Meen, stenderd error, stenderd dev1eUon, frequency distribution" end histogrems, were obte1ned using e Mec1ntosh Stetvlew 512+ stet1st.icel progrem. During morphometriC meesurements cells were elso observed for generel corticel end nucleer eppeerence, end eny etypicel cells were noted. fml[ .bOW: growth curve procedure: The procedure for the four hour growth curve wes essent1elly the seme es thet used for the delly growth curve. Four repllcetes were used with prepertlon ldentlcel to thet described ebove. Sempl1ng followed the seme two-one ml procedure w1th the except10n of reeddlt10n of mlnlmel medle. The reeddlUon of mlnlmel medle wes excluded In order to evold dl1utlon of eny possible culture condlUons which might contribute to the generetlon of polymorphism. Semples were teken every four hours for e period of four deys. The flnel volume of eech culture efter compleUon of sempl1ng W8S fifty ml1Hl1ters. The count1ng procedure used for the four hour semples wes the six repl1cete direct microscopic count described ebove. After completion of counUng the cells were pIeced In seeled vlels for future morphometriC meesurlng. -- JRB 72 growth curve procedure: - 9 The procedure used for the compenson growth curve wes Identlcel to thet descnbed for the deny growth curve. Semples were teken et the seme time deny to wahln one hour. The counting of the semples employed both methods described In the deny growth curve procedure. Counts were teken for both ect1Ye cells~ end resting cysts. Anelysls g{~: The dete obtelned for the eforementloned experiments wes enelyzed on en Apple Meclntosh Plus personel computer using e StetVlew 512+ stet1sticellgreph1cs progrem (Bre1nPower Inc. Celebeses, CAl. Rasults ImiUl GrowttJ. Curve: Results for the twenty four hour growth curve rayeel en Inl11ellog phese fission rete of epproxlmetely one fission per dey. The eyerege cell density eUelned for the six rep11cete cultures wes 2643 cells per ml11111ter. Culture number two obtelned e meen cell dens1ty of 4050 cells per mlll1Hter. - 10 - RA 16 retal ~1att. 8nva CWw ~2S00 ~ 1 3 • 2000 1SOO .. == 1000 ~ I SOO Of~~-----------------------------------~p- o ____________~~~~~~~~~~~~~ S 10 1S 20 2S ~ m 3S 40 4S SO Fig. 1 Mean of the total population for all six replicate cultures. Refer to appendix for graph of all six replicates. Upon reech1ng peek cell dens1ty, ell cultures show e greeter then log phese decreese in cell number reech1ng e meen cell density of 726 cells per m1ll11lter 1n two or three deys. Follow1ng the collepse of the culture, the populet1on begen to go 1nto cycl1c fluctueUons of cell density. These fluctueUons show e crest to trough Ume period of eppro)(1metely one week. However, t1mlng of fluctuetlons 1s not 1n d1rect correlet1on with eny set Ume freme. - 11 ·- TlA 16 letal ..., D. l ..... ..., tt.n 25 of In CulVts .L-., MNn of CulVts )( 2S O~, MNn ~ • 2000 lSOD o~~----.---------"---------------------~ ~~~~~~~~~_ _-T~~~~_ _~_ _~~~ o S 10 1S 20 2S Dav !O JS 40 4S so Fig. 2 Mean total for all cultures vs. mean large cells for all cultures. large values are 25X for clarity of comparison. The generaUon of a dlchotomy of cen slzes ls flrst apparent at the polnt of maximum cell density. The peak density of the larger cells occurs at approximately the same Ume as the bottoming out point for the total cell population. The population of the larger cens show a cycl1c fluctuation Just as the total cen population, wlth fluctuations of the larger morphotypes lagging out of phase with the population as a whole. WhtJe the graph of average population growth is valuable, results of cycl1c fluctuations in individual cultures frequently act to cancel the effect of the six repl1cates. Thus the fluctuations for individual cultures tend to be of a larger nature than is revealed in the graph of average populaUon growth. (See appendix A) In some cultures, a sl1ght lag in fission rate was observed during the period of log phase growth. This lag Is most noticeable in cultures one and - four. In culture one this lag occurs between 1371.5 cens per ml and 1724 ce11s per m1. Culture four shows a slml1ar lag in growth between 1537 cens per ml and 1644.5 cens per m1. 12 RA 16 c...... 81 Tet.l Pef YS L.... Pef x 2S .L.-gt, Culbn ·1 )( 2S OCulbn 1 MNn ./ml 2SOO 22SO 2000 17S0 _ 1!500 .@ 12S0 •~ 1000 7SO !500 2SO O~~ ______________________________ M _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~ -2S0~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~,-~~~~~~ o 10 1S 20 2S Dau ao 3S 40 4S SO Flg.:5 Comparison of the large cell morphology with total cell population for Culture - 1 Note the lag In cell growth between days seven and eight. RA 16 c.""'e 8 4 Tet.l P., ........ Pef x 2S OCulV.4 Mtan e/m1, CulV. e 4 )( 2S 2000 :@ 1SOO e ~ 1000 SOO o~~----------------------------------------soo~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~,-~~~~~~ o 10 1S 20 2S Dau 30 3S 40 4S SO Fig. 4 Comparison of the large cell morphology with total cell population for Culture -4 Note the lag In cell growth between days seven and eight. Celculet10ns indicete thet if this leg were to occur in ell cultures, it would not be detected unless the sempl1ng period coincided to e high degree -- 13 with the onset tmd termln8t1on of the phenomemt This poss1b111ty wes InvesUgeted by the use of e four hour sempl1ng of the celll1ne dunng log ph8se growth. £.ow: Jmw: growth curve: Results of sempl1ng four repl1cete cultures every four hours do Indeed reveal a lag In culture growth. This lag begins at 1569 cells per m11111tter, and continues to 2210 cells per m111111ter dunng a 30 hour penod. Dunng this Ume the mean fission rate drops from 8 norm81 rate of approximately 1.06 fissions per day, to approxlmetely .16 fissions per day for the duraUon of the lag. This lag penod is not constant, but Is coupled w1th a senes of population fluctuaUons. At 1569 cells per m1, the growth rate for the culture begins to level off, between 34 hours end 44 hours the total density of the culture increases by onlyl1.91 as comp8red to an increase of 43.11 for the previous ten hour penod (24 hours to 34 hours). After this initial plateau the cultures actually go Into a stage of decreasing cell number. Between 46 and 52 hours the cell number drops by 16.91. This sudden decreese Is followed by e temporery Increase In the next four hour penod, end then a second decre8se between 56 8nd 64 hours. This final dip et 64 hours is fonowed by a repld increese of 2641 in the thirty two hour period between 64 hours end 96 hours. Dunng this repld Incre8se, the cultures show a mean fission rete of epproxlmetely 1.5 fissions per d8y. They reech e mean velue of 6492 cells per milliliter at peak cell dens1ty. This peek population then gives wey to e co1l8pse In cell density without spending eny Ume 8t e plateau. This beh8vlor Is suggestive of a repld onset of cell deeth -- following the peek populetlon. (Refer to figure five) -~ i ..,f - 8 <>x . i .f l 1 .! I ~ Q) [: ~ ::J I- ~ U .., .&:, ~ e (!) L. ::J I.! ~ .1 j No. 0 :x: ~ i L. ::J 0 LL. ~ ~ 0 .! ! In ~ • i ~ -. O<l ------------------------------~~o - 14 Dunng, and Immediately following the lag in culture growth, the cells exhibit a behavior slmllar to an avoidance reacH on. The cells appear to have an aversion to contact with other cens, and exhibit a rapid retreating movement upon making contact with each other. Microscopic observation of cells dunng this penod reveal a vanety of atypical cell fragments. Many fragments show atYPical c111ature. and a vanety lack the adoral zone of membranelles (AZM). In addition, some cells show cleavage furrows for cytokinesis on only one side. This data thus lends strong support to the observed lag In culture growth dunng the dany sampl1ng curve. Calculations of four hour sampling Indicate thtlt It would be possible to generate tI dal1y sampl1ng curve which would Indeed fal1 to show the observed lag between 1600 cells per ml, and 2400 cells per mI. JIm 12 .dG1.lV growth curve: The results of da11y sampl1ng of this cell11ne were done for use as a control, and companson for the TLA 16 cell l1ne. This growth curve shows a mean maximum vegetive cell density of 4235.5 cells per m111t11ter, with the peak density obtained being 4466.6 cells per m1. This cell line reaches Its maximum density seven days after beginning of the culture, and thus grows at a similar rate as the TLA 16 line. However, un11ke the TLA 16 I1ne, JRB 72 begins encystment at a cell density of 1461.2 cells per ml111Hter. Encystment occurs over a three day penod with the maximum period of encystment occurring between day seven and day eight dunng which time roughly 661 of the cells undergo encystment. By day nine of culture growth virtually all vegetative cells have encysted. 1:5 5000 4SOO ... 12 Greva . . EMt....t CWw OHNn • t.ns eHNn • ~sts ~4000 !,1SlO -1 3000 8ZDl ..... &12000 ~ lB •Ii 1000 fB O~__-o~~~~~~__~__~~2=~"_""'_""'_""'_M"" ~~~~------------~------~--------~ -2 o 2 .. 6 8 10 12 Fig. 6 Mean cell density of vegetative cells for JRB 72 vs. mean cyst density. Comper1son of the totel cell number efter dey eight with the totel cyst number efter dey eight reveels thet HUle or no cell deeth occurs dur1ng the process of encystment. It 1s 1mportent to note thet the cell density for encystment of JRB 72, wh1ch begins et 1461 cells per mils within 6.61 of the 1569 cell per ml density of TLA 16. Thus the first eppeerence of cysts for the comper1son cell11ne closely corresponds to the beginning of the leg In culture growth for the cell11ne under comper1son. This Is perheps representettve of e cruclel developmentel swltch1ng point. It Is know thet TLA 16 Is cepeble of encystment, but the exect conditions wh1ch ellow for encystment ere es yet unknown. The following dete for ell JRB 72 cultures wes used to celculete the curve of mean velues presented ebove. - 16 OA a/ml 6000 ... 72 In"" . . bet...., eA ovsts a/ml DB a/ml .B ovsts a/ml ew.. ,aC a/ml &C ovsts a/ml ~O a/ml .0 ovsts a/ml ~ ~ ~4000 a -3000 I 82000 " ~ 1000 0~--~~-D~~~~~~~s8~~--1ooo~ ··2 __~--~-r~~~~--r-__~--~-r~~ 12 10 6 e 2 4 o 0-.. Fig. 7 Growth and encystment of all four replicate cultures for JRB 72 MorohometrLc. dna.: Morphometric meesurements were teken using the cell semples obte1ned for counttng during the deny growth sempllng. For eech dey used for morphometriC dete, fifty cells from the culture were meesured et rendom. These meesurements were then enelyzed by computer. Anelysls of size meesurements for culture one reyeel e repid decline In oyerell cell size during the period of post leg growth (both beginning on dey eight). This size reductton occurs in both length end width. During normellog phese culture growth the cells heye 0 meen size of 89.28 (r = 1.501) micrometers In length, end 52.36 (r = 1.069) micrometers in width. 17 -- Culture ·1 Tota. population vs Length (Microns) x25 .Culture - 1 total 2500 Olenglh Mean x 25 2250 i I j 2000 1750 1500 1250 ~ 1000 •I: ~ 750 500 250 O~~-----------------------------------250+--r----r-----r-,r---....----,----.---r--.--,.--""T"'""""--r-----r-,r---..---., 10 15 5 20 25 30 35 40 o Day Fig.8 Mean total population for culture -1 vs. mean population size (length). Population size Is 25X to aid clarity in comparison. Beginning just after the lag in log phase growth, the cell population begins to reduce Us mean size. The size decl1nes at a rapid rate, reaching 51.66 (r =.976) microns in length, and 22.77 (r =.537) microns In width in the first 24 hours after the conclusion of the lag. The populat10n reaches a minimum mean size of 42.05 (r =.909) microns in length, and 16.95 (r = .616) microns In width 46 hours after beginning its initial size decrease. This represents a 531 reduction in overall population length, and a 63.61 reduction In overall population width. This size reduction corresponds very closely to the peak cell density obtained by the culture. Following this reduction to minimum size, the population rapidly beg1ns to 1ncrease its mean size reaching 70.92 (r = 2.136) m1crons In length and 16.47 (r =.633) microns In width 1n only 24 hours. The size reduction of the population occurring on day nine and ten corresponds directly w1th the appearance of the larger morphotypes. The -~ f1rst appeanmce of the large morphology Is on day n1ne when the mean - 16 populetlon size Is 51.66 (r =.976) microns In length, end 22.77 (r =.537) mlcrons In width. The peek density for the lerge morphology occurs one dey efter the totel populeUon reeches Its minimum me en size . .........._ y•. Lar. . ~ 100 eCultur•• 11.-91 OLtntth MNn 90 M 80 ) 70 I• 60 ..... == u• 50 40 30 20 10 0 -10 0 10 15 20 0.., 40 Fig. 9 Mean population length vs. mean population of the large morphotype. Around dey twenty five there is e repld decreese In meen populeUon size. The meen size drops from 74.35 (r = 1.054) in length end 36.49 (r = .613) In width to 43.62 (r = .694) microns In length end 21.09 (r = .537) microns In width. This Is the smell est size reeched efter the InlUel minimum meen size which occurs et peek populetion density. This reduction in size Is perheps representetlve of e second Induction of the phenomene which triggered the InlUel repld fission rete end reducUon of cell size. The renge In size for the populetlon prior to this second size reduction Is 77.74 microns to 66.6 microns for cell length, end 36.34 microns to 32.56 microns for cell width. It should be noted thet et no Ume does the populeUon - reeUeln the me en size of pre-leg log phese growth. .- 19 Using the dete obtelned by the f1fty rendom semple meesurements, 1\ 1s possible to determIne the vel1dlty of the ·observers dlscreUon· method used 1n cetegorizlng e cell es e member of the lerge morphotype or e normel morphotype. UsIng two stenderd devletlons for determlneUon of lerge cells, the following greph Is genereted: &,MtH ....... fa r . . . . . . . .~ ., 50 .s ........ 1ar.. (2 ID) ,-.253 6 elln9th 19 2 so 0 191Xp1Ct.d !Iv ~ 5 46 • ~ 3 2 1 0 -1 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 Dav Fig. 10 Observed number or cells or the large morphology In the random sample (n ·50) vs. the predicted number or large cells in the sample based upon values observed during counting. For the ebove dete, p =.253, 1nd1cet1ng thet the cherecterizet10n mede by observet10n 1s 1n egreement w1th the dete obte1ned by the morphometriC meesurement of e rendom semple of f1fty cells. The dete shown for the chenges 1n populet1on s1ze, ere shown only for the verieble of length for the purpose of brev1ty. As shown by the following greph, the correlet1on of length end w1dth 1s qu1te h1gh, end enelys1s 1nd1cetes thet ell behev10rs cherecterized by length ere dupl1ceted 1n the behev10r of cell w1dth. MorphometriC meesurements for cultures three end four reveel results very simi1er to those obtelned for culture one (See eppendl)( B). 20 l ..... YS. VNa fer c...... -1 100 .Width MNn Cernw.... CMm.. .t-.189; R q-.622 OL~ MNn 90 80 70 I 60 S) 40 30 20 , 10 10 1:5 20 Dav ~ 30 3S Fig. 11 Length vs. width for culture -1. Correlation Coefficient· .789 AnelYS1S of the lerge cell type (cells greeter then two stenderd devletlons from the meen), reveel thet upon first eppeerence of the lerger cells, they ere not even es lerge es the meen populetton size pnor to the collepse of the culture. Dunng the first eppeerence of lerger cells on dey nine, the lerge cells heve e meen cell length of only 65.5 microns, this Is In contrest to the meen cell length for the populetlon of 51.7 microns. On dey ten, when the populetlon me en hes dropped to Us lowest point of 42.1 microns, the lerge cell morphotype 1s et Its ell time low of 54.9. On dey eleven, the lerge cell populetlon hes essumed e more typlcelly glent size, reechlng e meen cell size of 101.1 microns In length. For ell cultures enelyzed, the lergest glent observed wes eppro)(lmetely 225 microns in length, the smell est dwerf wes eppro)(lmetely 16 microns In length. This represents e venetton in cell volume of eppro)(lmetely 12501. - 21 - L. . . c.n 8tn D ............1att. 8tn • Populltion MNn ~ 0 L9 «:.ns (> 2 61» 130 120 110 ; I 100 90 80 70 60 S) 40 ~ 1~ 20 Dav Fig. 12 large cell morpho type length compared to mean population length for culture #1. Values for the large morphology are accurate to +/- 1 micron. The second dip in meen cell size which occurs eround dey 24 for the totel populet1on corresponds with e slml1er dip in meen cell size for the lerger cell type. The 1erge cell type comes extremely close to Us minimum size, Just es the populet10n es e whole comes close to return1ng to 1ts minimum me en size. Th1s would seem to suggest thet e second inducUon of whetever triggered the polymorphic behevior eround dey ntne, hes en effect upon the lerge morphotype which ts present In the culture et dey twenty four. Regression enelysis upon the dete obteined for the lerge populetlon, end the populeUon es e whole, show thet through out culture growth, the 1erge cell populetlon conUnues to grow reedtly In meen cell length, while the populeUon es e whole recovers towerd orlgtnel size very slowly. - 22 0 120 110 ." I 000 100 0 90 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 eo o 0 0 0 • •• •• • • • • • • • • 70 60 50 • 0 0 •• 40 S 10 1S 20 D.., 2S 30 3S Fig. 13 linear regression for mean cell size of the large morphotype. as compared to the mean of the total population for culture -1. For the larger cells m •.672. for total population m • .291. Note: Days 1 through 3 have been deleted In this analysis to avoid gMng the total population a negative slope value. Observat1on of population distnbution In the histograms of appendix C show that the population undergoes cycl1c widening and t1ghtenlng about the mean. As show on days such as 19,26, and 27 for culture one, a widening of the populat1on Is due to not only an increase In cells of the large morphotype" but also an increase In the frequency of extremely small cells. Careful observation of the histograms would seem to suggest that the polymorphism In this species of Oxytdcha generates not two, but three dlst1nct populat1ons. However, due to the necessity of controlling for vanables such as cell division, and fragmentat10n during canntbal1zatlon, the suggestlon of the histograms are elusive of empirical analysis. Discussion The Induct10n of polymorphism In this strain of Oxytdcha represents an alternative developmental pathway In genet1cally Identical cells. In this 2:5 stUdy we cherecter1zed the trensltlon of vegetetlvely growing cells Into the polymorphic phese end heve escertelnlng whet steps mey be Involved In the induction end trens1tlon to polymorphlsm# end suggest possibly why the other developmentel progrems (conjuget1on end encystment) usuelly Induced under slml1er nutr1ent conditions do not occur. Polymorphism end formetlon of glents hes been descr1bed for severe1 other c111etes Including other hypotr1chs# these Include: Stylonychl0 SD.# Oxytr1chell1fer1e, Oxytdcha hymenostoma, Blephadsma, and Tetrehymena. From these studies several hypotheses have been advanced In order to explain the formation of giants. Both Dawson ('19) and G1ese ('36) suggested that polymorph1sm and formation of giants occurred In response to severe and prolonged starvation. Dawson, utl1lzlng Oxytdcha hymenostoma suggested that severe starvat10n 1nduced the release of soluble metabol1tes wh1ch Induce a small proportion of cells to enlarge their oral structures through reorganization, this then leads to connibal1sm of smaller cells. Giese howe\ler, found no evidence for soluble factors with Stylonychla , and suggested a rare cannlbal1stic event allowed some cells to undergo reorgan1zaUon thus enlarging the oral structures which then leads to further cannlbal1sm and the establ1shment of a giant population by dlv1slon. Ricci et 01. ('64) argue that Induction of polymorphism is not due to severe storvotlon but rether Is due to oyercrowdlng of cells and perhaps the release of a soluble factor or cell-cell contact. They also suggest thot the number of giants formed Is directly proportional to cell density and that a minimum cell density of 360 cells per m11111iter are necessary for any giant formation. This conclusion was based on exper1ments where different cell densities were achieved via centr1fugatlon. However, none of the above exper1ments were based on carefully determined cell density and - 24 morphometric meesurements dunng vegetetlve log phese growth end the Induction of polymorphism. Consequently, meny of the dynemlc population and size fluctuetlons were not observed In these e)(per1ments. Our date, over e forty-five dey per1od~ suggest thet et least three distinct phenomene ere essoc1at.ed w1th the trens1t10n of vegetative cells to polymorphic forms, end thet certain fluctuetions In popu1et1on end size ere not correlated w1th the generetlon of glents. Cells of this streln (TLA 16) exhlb1t epproxlmately e one fission per dey log phase growth untl1 e population dens1ty of epproxlmetely 1200 to 1500 cells per mIls reeched. Upon reaching this cell density the fission rate dropped to en averege of 0.15 fissions per day for the ne)(t 32 hours. This Is the (:ell density that most strelns of Oxutdche being Inducing conjugation end encystment es developmentel pathweys. (See figures 5 end 6). Direct observation of cells dur1ng this leg penod showed thet cells of the TLA 16 streln were undergoing cell-to-cell contect which Induced severe evoldence reect10ns# spinning behev10r# end heighten ect1vlty. This ectivlty suggest thet some type of cell-cell 1nterect1 on Is occurring dunng this penod. Both direct cell-cell contect end Interectlon with releesed soluble components ere known to be necessery for the Induction of conjugetion In Oxutnche end other hypotnchs (Ricci, '81; Hlwetesh, '81). However# encystment probebly occurs In response to stervetlon end does not require cell-celllnterection or Interection with releesed fectors. The evidence for this Is two fold; first, If meting Immeture (Incompetent) cells ere mixed with meting competent cells, the competent cells cen Interect end be Induced to conjugete wherees the Incompetent cells encyst es food 1s depleted; secondly, 11 log phese cells (either meting Incompetent or competent) ere Indlvlduelly Iso1eted Into medle lecklng food, they repldly - encyst. Thw;, conjugation can be viewed as an Induced developmental pathway caused by cell1nter8ctions, and encystment may be viewed as a default developmental pathway ceused in response to starvation if conjugation is not induced. Both conjugation and encystment can occur in the seme culture. Two observations on TLA 16 during the lag phase and subsequent growth phase are of interest; first, if starvation is e cond1tion for Inducing encystment, why do cells of TLA 16 not normelly encyst even under extreme starvation (cells of TLA 16 ere capable of encysUng under some non-defined cond1tions); and secondly, cells of TLA 16 are possibly capable of inhib1tlng both conjugation and encystment in other related Oxytricha species when mixed together (Hemmersmlth personal communlcaUon). These results suggest that the events that occur during the lag period may represent an add1tional developmental pathway controlled by cell-cell contect, a released soluble factor or both. Recent research on releted hypotrichs, Euglotes and Onychodromus, indicate that these cells can Induce sp1ne formation 1n response to both Interspecific and lntraspeclf1c release of a soluble morphogens by predators (Kuhlmann & Heckmann '65), (Folssner et al" '67), and (W1cklow, '66), Associated with the development of these spines is radical alteration of mlcrotubules and aSSOCiated cytoskeletel structures (Jerka-Dz1adosz et a1., '67), Thus, these morphogens have the ab111ty to restructure total cellular orgen1zetion end petteming, Future experiments ere being des1gned to test the ebl1lty of ls01eted cell fluid on 1nhibltlon of conJugetion end encystment. Follow1ng the leg period 1s e greeter then log phese growth period (1,5 11ss10ns per dey) lest1ng 34 hours. During th1s t1me the populetion lncreeses epprox1metely 264 percent reechlng e density of epproxlmetely 6500 cells per mlll11lter, Four 1mportent events occur during this time - 26 period. 1) Cells undergo 8 2.1 fold reduction In size (69.26 microns verses 42.05 microns) wah hlstogr8m distribution showing a tight clustering 8bout the me8n. 2) The sIze of the m8cronucle1 ch8nges r8dlc8lly. This Is coupled wah 8 r8dlC8l decre8se 1n DNA content. 3) During this time period 8nd In the subseQuent POPu18t10n collapse# there are 8bnorm8l d1v1s10ns resulting In the genef8tlon of cell fr8gments wah 8bnorm81 c1118ture and In some C8ses 8bsence of c1118ture. M8ny of these 8bnorm81 divisions Involved 8berr8nt 8nd Incomplete cytokinesis, uncoupled from typlC81 surf8ce reorg8nlz8Uon. A s1m118r phenomenon, though less common, occurred during P8rt of the 18g period. 4) Wah the r8dic81 decre8se In size of the m81n popu18t1on, there Is the 8ppe8r8nce of 8 second population of larger cells. However, these cells do not constitute a population of giant cells, their size be1ng 561 the size of veget8t1ve cells (51.7 microns verses 69.26 microns for veget8tlve cells 8nd 42.05 mIcrons for the me8n population). These results suggest th8t some type of Inter8ctlon may be occurring during the 18g period th8t condalons or determInes the majonty of the cells to undergo the r8pld cell division presum8bly without DNA synthesis. Thus, wh8tever events 8re occurring during the lag period, a apparently can disassociate normally coordinated cell cycle processes. The few cells which do not radIcally alter sIze presumably are not respondIng to the lag penod stImulus or at least do not respond as strongly. Other studies on Induction of polymorphism have not reported thIs phenomenon. Dark fIeld microscopy of these larger cells also showed the same general proportions for the oral c111ature as see In vegetatively grown cells. This Is contrary to the suggestion of RIccI and RiggIo ('64) that cell crowding Induces first a change In the size of the oral structures which then leads to cannlba1tsm. 27 The smell cell size genereted by the repld cell division Is correleted with the meximum cell density. In the four hour sempling expenment Jcell denslt1es es high es 6500 cells per mlll111ter were observed on e single feeding of Chlemudomones J end densities es high es 24JOOO cells per milll1iter heve been observed. No other hypotnch hes ever been reported to normelly echieve such high denslt1es. The meximum biomess JhoweverJIs probebI y reeched dun ng the leg pen od. Following the meximum cell density there Is e repld decreese (collepse) In the cell populetlon without e stetlonery phese of growth. This decreese Is probebly due to cell deeth end not solely cennibel1sm. There ere two 11nes of evidence for this: firstlYJ observet1on of collepsing cultures indlcete the presence of e number of cell fregments with verylng degrees of ci1ieture end possibly nucleer metenel; end secondlYJ cultures heve been observed to reech high cell densities then totelly die out within 24 hours without the formetlon of lerge cells (Hemmersmith &. Meredith unpubl1shed). Bectenel cultures heve long been known to show e slmller phenomene follOWing stetlonery phese growthJ end this deeth Is ettnbuted to the eccumuletlon of toxic metebol1c products (StenlerJ'63). HoweverJfor this Oxutnche streln, this cell deeth is probebly due to ebnormel division end cytokinesis end the generetlon of lnvleble fregments. These fregments ere probebly cep1tel1zed on, end cennlbel1zed in cultures with non-responding slightly 1erger cells. Within 24 hours efter the 1n1t1el collepse of the culture, the meen populet10n s1ze 1ncreeses 68J to e me en of 70.92 microns end lerge cells 84J to e meen of 101.1 microns. The meen populet10n s1ze for the next 12 -. deys is epproxlmetely 72 microns with venetlons of plus or minus epproxlmetely 5 mlcronsJeven though populetlon denSities fluctuetes - 28 between 300 tmd 1200 cells per ml1111 tter. The large cell population also fluctuates between approximately 10-to-40 cells per m1ll111ter dunng this time and generelly shows peak populations 24 hours after a peak 1n total population. On day 24 there 1s a second major decre8se in cell s1ze (approx1m8t.ely 74.35 microns to 43.62mlcrons) followed by an Increase to approximately 78 microns within 48 hours and then a stabll1z1ng of the populat10n s1ze to approx1mately 75 m1crons even though there are further fluctuations In both total and 18rge cell populations. This second major decrease In cell size also was accompanied by generetion of 8 number of cell fregments. These results suggest four things: 1) Change in total population density Is not directly correlated with alteretlons in cell size. 2) Increases in large cell population 1s not dependent on cell s1ze or decreases in cell size. Th1s Is contrary to the observation of G1ese ('38), and Giese and Alden ('38), but slml1ar to the results of Ricci and Riggio ('84). 3) The large decrease 1n size on day 24 probably represents a second inductive event simllar to the Initial decrease in size and is possibly due to accumulation of an Inductiye factor or interections. 4) The repld increase In cell size following the lnductiye event occurs due to a release of the cells from the Inducing Influence. This Idea Is supported by the observation that when very small cell are Indlyldually Isolated Into non-nutnent media, they rapidly Increase In size even though they are In a st8rYed cond1tlon. Future research will be directed toward charactenzlng whet fectors are assoclat.ed wah the induct10n process and analYZing the rates of DNA synthesis dunng log phase growth, the lag penod, and the growth phase following the lag penod. Seyerel other theoretical Questions also should be addressed. Very small cells possess a much lower DNA content but when Isolated can redevelop normal size and form a new population also capable 29 of underg01ng polymorph1sm. Th1s suggests thtlt there 1s some mechtln1sm for DNA copy control within these cells. AddlUontllly, s1nce g1t1nts represent tI tottllly d1fferent developmenttll form from vegettlt1ve cells, there mtly be proteins tlnd RNA specIes spec1f1c to the g1t1nt form, tlnd these components would consUtute developmenttllly s1gn1f1ctlnt molecules. Experiments tire currently beIng des1gned In order to Invest1gtlte these questIons. Acknowl edgments: This project 'tiI$ supported tn pert bva B.5.U. ecdemic veer Qrant to R. L. Hammersmith from the office of research/and the Honors Co11. underQreduete fellwship prOQram. The author Qretefu11 VeclenoYledQes the _stance of OUvia Keller Jemie WooldridQe and Keith Johnson for their help Yith morphometric meuuremenb. I 'WOuld al$O Ub to thanle Dr. Robert L. Hammersmith for his invelueble essistance Yith this research and the preperation of this thesis. I - I - Literature Cited Ammermann, D. 1962. DNA and Protein content of Different Hypotrich Cl111ates. EuroD. J.. Cilllnol. 3: 22-24. Banchetti, f(~., Cetera, R., Nob111, R., R1cci, N., and Seyfert, H.M. 1962. Matingtype dependent cell pairing 1n Oxgtrich6 hgmsllostom6. IV. Macronuclear DNA content. J.. Em. l..Qal. 221: 251-254. Bannchetti, R., and RicCl, N. 1966. The doblet of OxgtriCh6 bil6ri6(Cl1iata, Hypotrichid~). I. Morphology and development. Protistologica. 22: 161-166. Dawson, J.A. 1919 An experimental study of an amicronucleate OXgtriCh6. I. Study of the normal animal, with an account of cann1balism. 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Ltngth ~ ;3000 ij zsoo ~ 2000 8 1500 ~ UXX) 500 O+-~~~--~---r--~--~--~--r-~~~--~--~ !5 1!5 10 20 DIIJ c..,.. .eulV. -4 letal,.,.1attea 84 Total pop 27!50 YS L..... (Hierea) xZ5 OMtan I.tngth x 25 zsoo 22!50 M ) 2000 In!50 ~ 8 1!500 1250 S; 1000 (J 7!50 500 ~+-~~~--~---r--~--~--~--r-~~~--~--~ !5 10 15 Total population 'Is. length In micrometers for culture #3 (upper) and culture #4 (lower). length is 25X to aid clarity in comparison. These graphs compare with figure eight In text. - AppendIx B Morphometric data for culture -3 end culture -4 140 ....... He• •s ...... p.,.1d_ f . c.Jt.r. 83 Olfn9th MI..Cul ~ Ur9f 120 II!! ...~ I s.. .2 1: ..... --• u 100 80 60 40 20 120 ....... He• •s ....... p.,...... c.Jt.r. -4 .CulVt -4 Ur9f OMlIn Ltngth 100 II!! ...•s.. Ih --u• ~ 80 60 40 20 10 15 20 Dav Mean population length vs. mean population of the large morphotype for culture -3 (upper) and culture -4 (lower). These ~Iraphs compare with figure nine in the text. - Appendix B Morphometric data for culture -3 and culture - 4 u.,u. Y5. VNtll f . C81twe ~ c..relattelt c..fftotRt-.907; R~.82 .Width MI_ 100 OLtngth Mlln 90 80 M ) I f 70 60 SO 40 30 20 10 5 10 15 20 Dav . . . . . . YS. 100 VNtll f . C81tw. -4 .Width MI_ c.rr...... CMfflDt.t-.972; R ~.94:1 OMlIn Ltngth 90 80 M .,~ I i 70 60 SO 40 30 20 10 5 10 15 20 30 DI\I length vs. width for culture -3 (upper) and culture -4 (lower). For culture -3 correlation coefficient = .907; Rsquared· .823. For culture -4 correlation coefficIent - .972; R squared - .945. These graphs compare with ngure twelve in the text. ---.,.. .......,... _... Appendix C-l: : Histograms for Culture One ~ __~.~1~$:"'~"~~~.~"'~!"~'~"'==~"~.____~ -Day 6 • ---.,.. ....... ...... , : J Day 8 I _. - _..- ......... ---.,.......... ... ---.. .....- ... Day 9 J - _..- .. ,. ---.,_ .....- ... : J Day 10 J ---.,..........- ... I ---.,........- .... Day 11 .......- - ~ J ---.,.. .............. -..---.,_.....- ... I _..- -.-., .. .........Appendix _... C-1: , .. ........_... Histograms for Culture -.-., One , - . ) Day 12 -.- ........,.. .....- ... : J Day 13 J -.- ........,........- ... .. -.-., '............ ) Day 14 J -.--. ........,........- ... .......,..'--....... J Day 15 J III .......,..:--.... .........,........ •• - .. . q - J Day 16 " J •• 4 2 A 1oIIIa---. • - II II 41 • • -.--. III 1_ 141 18 Appendix C-1: - . . . .... : ..... _ . . . Histograms for Culture One -..."'111:--·.. lit. I II. Day 17 -... .... ..... : --- -..._, . -"'' 111:--- k» Day 18 _.- -.......:....._..._k. 1 Day 19 - ...... - . . . ........... _ _ k . -... --....:--- •• Day 20 _.- • -..."'.,: ...... _ - J -..."'111:-.... k. Day 21 k» J _.- - AeEendix C-l: - . -.... :~.liWLA. Histograms for Day 22 Culture~....:_ .... __.....n. 1 I. ....:_.. ,.. ... .....,.. - . -.... :~.I. . _ ... I. 12 . I •, .. Day 23 I ~ _- I. ... ,. 2- I 0 -.- • • • .. • .... ......- ... .....,.. : !II ....:_.. ,.. . ~ I Day 24 o .....,.. .... : . . . . . . , . . • • _..- I. .• ,. • • ,. I. Day 25 _.......,.. - .... ............ .....,.. : ....:-........ I Day 26 _..- ,. Appendix C-1: -.... - Day 27 ........... :&-.. _ _ J I. 12Ir_..·_'_·...-_......,;:,:_-_:..-_'_L.:...:-:.;,:..:.:.:-__ , I Day 28 • a :_-- ... .... Histograms for Culture One ..........,:&-..- ... _ ... I .. _.-. ,. ,. ,. .. , o YoIIOIo_ ...........:&-..-. . . . . . Day 29 ,. ,. - . . . . ..... _ _ , . . ........... :&-.._,.. Day 30 . . . . . . . . . . . ' ..... _ . . . - I • I. I -.... I. Day 31 I ....:_-...... Appendix C-l: ...... ., .. :a...-..... Histograms for Culture One ........ .,IIlI:-...... I. I • ,Day 32 2 ............. ., .. :a...-.... • .... , Day 33 ...... ., .. :a...-.. ,.. • ... .........,-_...... ... _.-,. ,. I. ... 'so ........ .,IIlI:-..... J Day 34 ,. - 'so 1 % .......- . -.-. • • I. I. ,. o _.-. I. ---.... ........... _... Appendix C-2: : ....:-.. __... Histograms for Culture -... Four ,~----------------------~ .- 1 Day 6 1 o ---.... ..........._... 20 .. -..- , : j Day 8 -.. • MI .......... ............ ... : J , Day 9 0 -...- II. '20 , ..:_..- • • J ,. ,. f" -- ......- • • .. • ......-.,:............ ... -....- 111 ..:-..-_... 1 Day 10 ......-..'_..- ... ......... ............... : - ,. .. Day 11 _..- Appendix C-2: Histograms for Culture Four ........"&-.a .... _ ... ......... xr.-",..... , Day 12 _._ o ......... '&-.a ....... . . .a •• 12r-----______________________ ....... ..112'-" __ ... ,. ~ •• 1 Day 13 • J .. • • JI ~ • _.-I. .• I. .• _ I • ...........'-",..... ........,'&-.a. __ ... I Day • a 14 I _.- ~.- ........... ,&-.a.- ... , J ---.... ... ,-" •• J Day 15 2 .. 0 ......... '&-.a. __ ... - .. -.- • • • ......... 112'-"'.. j Day 16 o _.- ta ... •• •• Appendix C-2: -.,.. .... :a..-..... Histograms for Culture Four lEu ~ Day 17 .. _ : _ . _ lu 1 _..~ . -:-.- .... ,~------------------------~ • 7 Day 18 _..- 1. ,. ,. ,_ _ • • -.,.. .... :a..-•• IIE 1'~________________________-, - . . . . . . .: _ . . . . . 1 u lEu Day 19 1 _..- • • • -.,.. .... :a..-..... ~ lEu 1 - .. _ : _ ..... ~ lEu Day 20 _..- . . . .... :a..-..... - lEu - . , . . ..... _ J Day 21 _..- ••IIE I. ~ * Appendix C-2: - -.- .... ......... . Histograms for Culture Four .........IIz:-.--.. . : I Day 22 _..- I. I. ......... 1Ir._ ••1IE I. Day 23 -.- _..- .... .....,..... _ _ _ " " : _ ••1IE : I. .... Day 24 - ...... - . -.... : ....... _ .........IIz:_.- I. I. Day 25 o ....... -..- - ---.... ........... : - Day 26 2 - ....... • -. ..-... ..... , Appendix C-2: -... ....:'---... ... J Histograms for Culture Four -... ..... : __ ...... •'~-----------------------------r j Day 27 2 . I. ---. • - . . . .... : . . . . _ _ -... I. I. ,. ,. .. ...,-_ ....... Day 28 ,. • - . . . ....: ' - - _ . . . . :_-- ... -... ..... lIZ. Day 29 J --- • , J Day 30 I. . . . . .,JIa:~ ..... - .... J _..- • • '.'31'.'. - Day 31 Appendix C-2: Histograms for Culture Four -"''''111:-'''. ....... "' •• :&,..e .. , . . _le,. I • Day 32 _......... "' •• :&,..e ..... _ ... Day 33 ....... "' .. :&,..e..... I _.-...", ..:-........ lea. Day 34 ........- _.-