An Evaluation of the Economics of Hypertension: How Can We Control the Problem and Its Costs? An Honors Thesis (ID 499) by Gretchen A. Melichar Dr. Ray Montagno Ball State University Muncie, Indiana May 1988 Spring 1988 My senior honors project has consisted a research paper and practical experience and communication with wellness of two components: by way experts. of observation The library work that ultimately went into the research paper has been done to increase my knowledge about a topic in the health-related field. The practical experience has come about from observing presentations, lectures, and the actual functioning of a company's wellness resource center. I chose to focus my area of research on hypertension and the implications it can have on businesses. has increased my understanding of a My study of this topic health-related concern which I knew very little about. I spent time at Blue Cross Blue Shield, Indianapolis, in the Wellness Resource Center. I had the opportunity learn more about what wellness in the While to Cross Blue Shield, talk with several staff members and various companies are doing to promote This experience has given me new workplace. insight into how wellness at Blue ,is a relevant area of concern for businesses today. Therefore, the separate sections. hypertension, activities with and following The the work first section second Blue Cross is divided is the section Blue Shield. is The into two (2) research paper on a summary of my two sections are separate from each other in content, but both components are part of my senior honors project. An Evaluation of the Economics of Hypertension: How Can We Control the Problem and Its Costs? Part A TABLE OF CONTENTS Page :: I. Introduction A. B. C. D. E. II. E. F. G. .5 - 8 8 .8 - 9 Health promotion in the workplace . Aggregate cost figures. ..... . Cost-effectiveness analysis • . . .. Studies evaluating cost-effectiveness Additional considerations for managers . . Educational Intervention. Yield from risk reduction .9 -10 .10-11 .11-12 .12-16 .17-18 .18-20 .20-22 Compliance A. B. IV. .1 - 3 .3 - 5 Economics of Hypertension A. B. C. D. III. Facts/concerns about hypertension . • • Definition of terms • . ••.... Factors that influence blood pressure Physiologirial cause of high blood pressure. Treatments. • • . . . . • • .... Problem of low compliance . Dealing with low compliance . .22-23 .23-24 Conclusion A. B. Goals of control programs . Future considerations . i .24-25 25 INTRODUCTION Facts and Concerns Hypertension, arteries and an increase arterioles, cardiovascular diseases. feel ill and rarely high blood is blood in most the prevalent are not many people even aware outside the normal blood pressure range. only 51% of persons condition. they had with hypertension The statistics increased, and in 1984 high blood aggressive treatment a 1972 survey were aware of their as awareness has 85% of all hypertensives were aware However, pressure. programs for way to who have that they fall In have improved education and hypertension are still a necessity (Charles Lenfant, 1987, only reliable of all Because it does not make a person causeS symptoms, pressure pressure within p. 2709). Basically the diagnose hypertension is to have your doctor take your blood pressure using an instrument called a sphygmomanometer. pressure when The fact People often learn they have raised blood they visit that many Information a physicians, and interchangeably about something else. people do not know they are at risk for high blood pressure is educators, the doctor cause employers, education with emphasized so people will for high concern among health and society in general. about hypertension blood pressure) , become more aware of (used must be the risks, and what they can do on an individual basis to control these risks. The States United hypertension as a condition consistently exerts too much the blood ,~hich in Service a period pressure can damage the heart and defines the flow of blood pressure against Over vessels. Health Public the walls of of years, excessive blood vessels and result in premature aging of the arteries (Sharon Johnson, 1985, p. 168). High blood pressure heart failure, increases determined that failure. 30.8 afflicted with the disease, indirectly Heart to about Association, Association (AHA) of stroke, 1 million which million 1986, Only recently p. of three number of elderly directly or deaths per year (American The 41) • now estimates American Heart that one out of every five hypertension, and that aged 65 or over have the disease. persons it has American workers were contributes individuals in the United States has two out risk sudden death, heart attack, peripheral blood vessel disease, and kidney been the increases, high As the blood pressure will become a mOFe significant public health problem. In 1980 three principal areas of concern were expressed by the National Institute hypertension control. of These Health include: (NIH) 1.) public's knowledge of high blood pressure, the adoption of behaviors control, and 3.) regarding increasing the 2.) encouraging conducive to high blood pressure implementing systems 2 designed to improve control The Institute has 2709). p. (Lenfant, methods conducted various surveys since 1980, and there is evidence of progress in meeting the goals that relate to these areas of concern. ~ore respondents than ever seem to understand the consequences of high blood pressure and are taking steps to reduce objectives potential risks. can be only organizations continue to The met if educate nation's both hypertension public and private about hypertension, and if individuals make an effort to control the disease. Definitions Before define discussing several further terms that issues, will be it is necessary to used throughout the following pages. Systolic pressure. The pressure on the blood vessels when the heart muscle contracts (pumping measure); the level to which the arterial pressure rises with each contraction. Diastolic pressure. when the heart muscle The pressure in the blood vessels relaxes (resting measure); the level of arterial pressure in the relaxation phase. Arterial blood pressure. The force which is exerted by the blood against the inner walls of the arteries; expressed in centimeters or millimeters of mercury (em or mm Hg). Normotensive. The normal blood pressure is 90 - 140 mm Hg accepted range for arterial for the systolic pressure and 60 - 90 mm Hg for the diastolic pressure. 3 Borderline The hypertensive. pressure lies between 140 pressure between 90 and and 160 range mm Hg 95 mm Hg. where systolic and the diastolic This corresponds to the upper limits of the normal statistical range. Arterial blood Hypertensive. systolic pressure is above pressure readings where 160 mm Hg and/or when diastolic pressure is above 95 mm Hg. A. process where essential (primary) hypertension. no precise The disease cause can be detected; 95% of all cases. B. secondary hypertension. The disease process where precise causes can be identified; 5% of all cases. Aggregate cost figures. indirect) to society. down into It is Total costs difficult to various groupings; (direct and break the total therefore, these figures must be estimated. Cost-effectiveness (of a health care practice). net cost in dollars per unit of health benefits gained. lower the ratio of costs to effectiveness, the The The more cost- effective a givep health program is. Opportunity costs. The value of the best alternative use of resources. Yield (in terms of health). in the entire workforce The extent is lowered. available reports of intervention. 4 It to which risk is assessed from Compliance. (keeping The extent appointments, to which taking a person's behavior medication, executing life- style changes) coincides with medical advice. A Testing procedure. around the arm just fabric covered above cuff is wrapped the elbow, and inflated until blood stops flowing through the artery in the arm. Air is then gradually released to reach the relaxation rate. To be really blood accurate, the physician should take the pressure reading twice in one visit. Factors The previously definitions. mentioned definitions are not "perfect" With regard to hypertension there are other factors that must be taken into consideration before one can classify a person as hypertensive or otherwise. genetic and social factors need to be examined. part because arterial life. people As pressure age is blood not be considered pressure Because of this "natural discuss his/her normally with tends have a the Gender normality lower a 65 to rise year old for a younger person. each to control p. 96). account when judging Women tendency, situation actions should be taken O'Donnell, 1986, too high Age plays a stable throughout progressively; therefore, what is normal for person might First, individual should doctor to decide what blood pressure (Michael must also of be taken into arterial pressure. arterial pressures than men of similar age; therefore, with all other things being 5 equal a woman has less a chance of falling into the hypertensive range. Hypertension specifically it is a disease is related unique to humans; to industrial more development. Primitive populations living apart from the industrial world are not 11). affected by It seems protected from primitive hypertension (Philippe Meyer, 1980, p. that people in hypertension as way of populations remain long as they maintain their life. industrialized regions these they If or adopt migrate toward a style of life similar to ours, then blood pressure increases become a concern. Also, along the lines of social factors, blacks are about twice as likely as Caucasians to develop high Wilson, 1986, p. 280). blood pressure (Thomas This fact may reflect an interaction between a modern high-salt diet and genes that historical scarcity of salt. Those persons with ancestors who consumed little salt are at genes tend to make them adapted to a greater risk less because their tolerant of the salt in a modern diet. Additionally, family member wjth hypertension is at a greater risk, which means that component. hypertension It is anyone does difficult who indeed to has have an immediate a genetic demonstrate exactly how genetic factors intervene, but hypertension is more frequent in persons from families with pressure. 6 a history of raised blood Along with social and genetic there factors are behavioral factors that contribute to raised blood pressure. A study conducted by Seppo correlations between The levels. Aro various 1984 habits health-related smoking, drinking, in habits set and he out blood to show pressure studied included: leisure-time physical activity, relative weight (fat-free weight), and change in weight over the time of the study (p. 334). drawn from employees of initial sample The study three metal group was strong and with both blood The study concluded that there pressure smoking Cigarette pressure. The for five (5) years to consistent association systolic on a sample industry plants. followed ensure stability of results. is a was based of relative weight and and diastolic frequency blood of mild intoxication were also associated particularly with systolic Weight blood pressure. change was the strongest predictor of diastolic blood pressure changes and behavior these factors which hypertensive. A regarding diet, modification can increase physician exercise, 1) . (Table change be used to combat can your can smoking Lifestyle risk make of becoming recommendations cessation, and reduced alcohol consumption. Finally, psychological blood pressure levels. Israel Hospital's factors Herbert Division of or Benson, director Behavioral Hypertension Section in Boston, has done 7 stress can effect of Beth Medicine and research which has shown that when people are under their stress, pressure increases, their muscles tighten, their blood heart rate goes up, and their breathing quickens (Johnson, p. 170). some circumstances response prolonged is stress this is but if appropriate, damage can it body the In by overstimulating it, resulting in hypertension. In the study psychological done by stressors it Aro, can was an have concluded that effect on blood pressure; however, it has been difficult to specify exactly how elevation of blood stress pressure. works to force sustained Stress itself does not give a person high blood pressure, but the person's response to it can. Physiological cause. So, what pressure? is the Dr. John and director H. Laragh, of the control reaction which turn causes M. D., has found mechanism body to off vessels to retain the effect of either malfunction in the a chemical chain constrict. This in more sodium, as well as increasing total body fluid (Johnson, p. believes that of high blood Chief of cardiology that a sets causes blood th~ cause hypertension and cardiovascular center at New York Hospital, kidney's physiological 168). Dr. Laragh narrowed blood vessels or increased liquid is what creates hypertension. Treatments High controlled. blood pressure has no cure, but it can be As mentioned previously, behavior changes such 8 as maintaining a desirable weight, reducing consumption, and smoking cessation blood pressure practiced. blood control. Drugs are ways to assist in Also, relaxation techniques can be However, medication is often needed to keep high pressure groups of alcohol moderating exercise, vigorous increasing dietary sodium, under control. antihypertensive acting on the There are three principal drugs: nervous 1.) Diuretics, 2.) system, and 3.) Peripheral vasodilators (Meyer, p. 153). Diuretics wash reducing the walls. out salt amount of from water retained They also reduce the the brain (sodium) and decrease body by in the blood vessel number of adrenaline. the nerve impulses from This group of drugs is the most commonly used group to control hypertension. Drugs acting on adrenergic-inhibiting tension of the blood nervous the agents. vessels system These by are drugs blocking called reduce the the nervous or chemical stimuli that cause blood vessels to constrict. Finally, peripheral that blood vasodilators flows through relax the the blood vessels so arteries more easily. Again, the type and amount of medication taken will be determined after consultation with a physician. ECONOMICS OF HYPERTENSION Health promotion Hypertension is American medicine one simply of the because 9 major challenges facing it affects a very large number of people. The economics of health specifically hypertension, need to the cost the benefits implications and care, and more be studied in terms of that treatment can Employers are aware of the financial impact of bring about. rising health care costs because many of them have been faced with 20% to 80% increases in these costs over the past 1984, p. several years (Roger Reed, these dramatic Health promotion assists the costs by their them Can health risk elimination/reduction in maintaining question then becomes: it? utilizing health promotion. educates people about health risk factors, helps people identify in result of dollar increases many companies have decided to attack health care them As a 41) • corporate of factors, assists these healthier risks, lifestyles. and The Is the health promotion effort worth health programs promotion have a significant impact in reducing risk factors and illnesses? Aggregate cost figures There are two basic ways in which information on the costs of illness and the costs of medical . to influence health care decisions. aggregate importance cost of figures a The second can in health between treatment or uses of health care p. the care is cost-effectiveness selecting 250). 10 be used The first is to use the describe particular solution. help to care can magnitude problem or and/or analysis which alternative approaches to (William B. Stason, 1983, The economic costs of an illness are the costs that are most often brought out the economic estimates are costs in the of hard to These costs include media. hypertension to society. come by because it Accurate is difficult to separate high blood pressure from other risk factors, and it is difficult to decide how to value human life or economic productivity (Stason, p. 252). Cost-effectiveness analysis analysis Cost-effectiveness 1.) assumptions: is why costs effectiveness managers. Health care must may be he medical specified care physician visits, of were 1). direct treating Both costs and to different To and develop this indirect. Direct hypertension include laboratory examinations, and medications. Indirect costs include savings that limited which meanings (Figure costs; costs two developed a multistage model for the management of hypertension model resources are different by backed contained, and 2.) have Stason has is prevented, costs in death of from strokes, etc. treating medication side effects, and costs of health care in added years of life. Measures of effectiveness include increased from morbidity treatment on considered in the model life expectancy, improved quality of life prevented, the quality and the of life. results are shown in terms of the net adverse effects Cost-effectiveness dollar cost per year of increased quaiity adjusted life expectancy gained. 11 of that believes Stason hypertensive care are health care costs. of the cost of extremely expenditures unlikely to for reduce total He estimates that only slightly over 20% treating blood pressure additional of 105 (initial diastolic hypertensives mm Hg +) will savings from reduced hospitalization be recovered through for strokes and heart attacks (p. 258). How can the results from cost-effectiveness analysis be used by managers? Results can be used to influence decisions in the allocation of health care resources; within hypertension and areas. Also, incentive to positive benefits implement should programs effects The impact, hypertension cost-effectiveness indirect health care. limited between results by but can showing be awareness lot a in can provide evidence of realized through themselves will increased achieve other medical results by that and have only a of costs versus the direction of controlling health care costs. Studies evaluating cost-effectiveness The overview prece~ing hypertension" should provide the following studies effectiveness measures. on his controlled cost-effectiveness of which all of for that have the clearer "Economics of understanding of evaluated various cost- In 1981 Alexander G. Logan reported study that was conducted to assess the a work-based care was provided onsite 12 hypertension program in (p. 211). Participants (those with high blood for treatment either community care, Re). a from pressure) were at the physicians divided into groups (WS), worksite in private or in the (regular practice Those in the WS group were evaluated at entry by physician, who helped them a establish goal blood Hypertensive therapy was initiated and long-term pressure. follow-up was group were provided on Those company time. also evaluated in the RC at entry by a physician and then given an appointment with their own doctor. Screening data respective doctors. Reassessment at was sent to patients' work was done 6-12 months after program entry. Costs were assessed for each group and were reported as the average cost per patient. included medical care costs patient, screening for costs, and Costs taken into account the organization treatment costs. and the The effectiveness measure was the average reduction in diastolic blood pressure over one year. Therefore, cost-effectiveness was calculated as the ratio of the average to the average reduction one year. by $31.52 in diastolic Logan. found that the WS per patient per blood pressure over program was mm Hg. more costly year, but that it was able to achieve an additional reduction in diastolic of 5.6 cost per patient blood pressure This study showed that treatment of employed hypertensives at their work-place is both more effective and more 216). cost-effective The major cost than usual saving 13 of care in the community (p. the WS program was the reduction in patient The work setting facilitates cost. access to care, targets a population of are hypertension follow-up. concluded Logan have programs control productivity and large, encourages that great longer-term effective hypertension potential reducing and/or where the consequences costs for improving associated with absenteeism or premature death. In 1983 Logan conducted another study to assess the clinical effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of monitoring blood In this study pressure of hypertensives at work. there were again two groups a where hypertensives family doctors saw their occupational health nurse (OHN) regular care group where (RC) group only, and an employees were treated by their family doctor plus the nurse (p. 829). cost-effectiveness calculated as of the the ratio the average reduction in year. The employees saw their programs was again of the average cost per patient to diastolic blood occupational scheduled regular measure blood treatment The health family pressure over one nurse physician. made The sure that nurse also visits with employees in the OHN group to pressures, to question compliance, and to communicate results to the family physician. The results of this study indicate that "monitoring the blood pressure of hypertensive employees at work is neither clinically (p. effective increased cost of nor cost-effective" treatment brought 14 about by 835) • The hiring and utilizing the OHN were greater than the improvement of blood pressure reduction. treatment dropout However, was determined that the rate in the OHN group was 5.5% lower than This suggests the RC group. it that monitoring does at least influence hypertensives, despite the fact that the increased cost of treatment made this method less attractive. Logan's two studies have shown that analyzing the costs and benefits of various very complex process. variables in hypertension control programs is a Managers have to carefully assess the decisions about any type appear that corporate situation before making own their worksite of health care program. It does hypertension control programs ~ be cost-effective; however, excess intervention can be costly. In 1984, John C. cost-effectiveness Erfurt and study of follow-up. at the four sites. except for a At was initiated, with Each plant had a different Screening procedures were the same site #1 courtesy physicians (control conducted a hypertension programs in four automobile manufacturing plants. approach to Andrea Foote letter site). no follow-up sent At site to was conducted the employee's #2 modified follow-up a blood pressure counselor contacting each hypertensive employee every 6 months. At site #3 full follow-up was initiated, with contact every 6 months as well as routine contact with employees' attending physicians. site #4 an on-site treatment program 15 At was implemented with educational efforts put into To place. assess costs, detailed daily time records were kept by all project staff. The largest activities, with the adequacy It was for administrative of blood follow-up/monitoring costs was pressure control found that lowest at site #2, at $26.26 year, and the also an important The measure of effectiveness was defined as consideration. study. cost highest at at the end of the the cost of intervention was per hypertensive site #4, employee per Site #1 did not at $96.19. have any intervention costs since there was no intervention. It was the used only as a effectiveness significant In computing basis for comparison. the data improvements show in there the were large and number of people who had their blood pressure under control at the end of the study, I with the largest improvement follow-up interventions, each dollar per client Across the three at site #4. spent on resulted in an additional 1% of the hypertensive This is the group being maintained under control (p. 897). reverse of the cost-effectiveness annual dollar co~t per Foote control the program were able to programs effectiveness can additional costs a unit of show ratio which produces the that work-site blood pressure be vary considerably, might incur adopting a hypertension control program. 16 depending as that but cost-effective, can company Erfurt and effectiveness. a on the result of Additional considerations Any analysis will vary since every cost to organizations program how costs are for employees their such as costs to whom, one party can be a benefit to another. In the previous studies the on Costs must always be specified as measured. by depending mentioned, the who adopted costs were incurred a hypertension control Treatment employees. costs to the physician visits, laboratory tests, and medications were not computed. Before making the decision to implement a blood pressure control program a company must look at many factors rather than just the cost-effectiveness ratio. If it can be demonstrated that savings in employee retirement/replacement costs, short- and long- term disability payments, and health care coverage premiums can be realized, then a work-site program would probably be feasible. On the other hand, might already hypertension etc). In a provide coverage intervention this firm's case current for benefit package various (off-site care, aspects of prescriptions, a manager must evaluate the current policies and/or programs to determine if it would be wise to implement an on-site economic factors as program. well as the Further consideration of feasibility of specific programs should be well thought out before action is taken. The selection of a hypertension control program depends on cost considerations; however, 17 a minimal level of effectiveness is usually If expected. an intervention program does not produce an adequate level of effectiveness, then a company might decide that the necessary to achieve a particular level worth it such as (to the organization). increased employee productivity, and the program. For example, if rewards extensive expenditure However, one is budget. of effectiveness is decreased absenteeism can be seen through extra constraint on cost satisfaction, improved employee the implementation of a more worth additional to program implement must remember it a that the may be work-site most common health intervention and/or education programs If the money is not available then other alternatives must be considered. Educational intervention Up to this point discussed in detail. pressure control actual work-site Another strategy in dealing with blood involves educational intervention. study conducted by Joel C. Cantor educational determine interventions to 10- minute following the questions, 2.) in 1985, were three to medical with visit the (again) phases used in this study included: interview In a combinations of evaluated The cost-~ffectiveness. educational program programs have been patient 1.) of the a 5- immediately to clarify problems or other an educational session in the home with an adult with whom the patient has the most contact, and 3.) series of three, 1-hour group 18 discussions centered a on hypertension management this study measured program Measures patient. risk factors, ie. one two or efforts easily integrated were that some three phases. interventions effectiveness on most outcomes, educational divided so phase of education while others multiple the that behavior, appointment- Study groups were getting to the loss, as well as actual blood were getting combinations of found social costs effectiveness evaluated behavioral and weight pressure readings. were costs and medication-taking keeping behavior, persons of Costs in (p. 783). and compliance but were more showed costly. cost-effective, into currently Cantor high Modified and more existing health programs. Single interventions, especially the home visit, can be very effective in improving blood pressure control. The amount what a of educational particular company budgets may be limited, may vary, intervention depends upon is trying to accomplish. blood pressure Again, control objectives and organizational needs may change over time. manager must remember that follow-up is A the most expensive component of a tptal intervention/educational program; about 5/6 of the program screening involves follow-up expenses (Erfurt and expenses rather than Foote, 1977, p. 340). However, during subsequent years of follow-up, patients will require less time and expense on the part of a company. is up to various company organization stands managers to assess It where their in terms of blood pressure control, and 19 what they want to achieve in can decision-makers company established, When goals are the future. proceed to implement programs and changes. Yield from risk reduction Another way of approaching programs from a busineess ~yield~ of such a blood standpoint is program. pressure control by looking at the In terms of health, the yield from such efforts is the "extent to which risk in the entire work force is (Laura C. Leviton, 1987, p. 931). lowered" Other benefits such as increased morale, image, and increased productivity yield health for is an company-wide intervention. well controlled. entire range enhanced company can be realized, but the important justification a Only a few workplace studies are These studies do not always of for represent the work settings, populations, and outcomes; therefore, in the study involving the yield from workplace interventions all available reports are presented. Leviton being participation, reduction. known defines of group an outcomes in workplace studies as retention, Participation at-risk beginning the that rate is intervention and is indicators involved An retained participants variables can then be indicator of brought under multiplied (P 20 at the Retention rate is the proportion of participants still involved at intervention (R). risk the proportion of the actively (P) • of the end of an risk is the portion of control ( I) . These x R x I) to calculate the yield from proportion of a the considering what workplace work program. force would have who reduced risk, without happened with no intervention. This figure is important when a raw data a study. collected from Gross yield is the manager is looking at the The gross yield can show the need for intervention when it is evident that there is a high number of at-risk would occurred in the absence words, the Net yield reflects what employees. of In other intervention. net yield is the gross yield in the intervention group, minus gross yield in the control group (p. 932). It seems hypertension activity, that control participation are including screening, etc. the and hig~est smoking (Table 2). retention of any cessation, workplace cholesterol With all the attention given to hypertension over the past decade, one would think United control. States population However, as Health Service of has found are hypertensive have (Carla L. Barnes 4 rates in had gotten 1988, the the that the problem United under States Public that only 11% to 24% of those who their blood 1988, p. 113). pressure under control This figure conflicts with the 41.2% figure that Leviton reported in 1987. Despite the fact that public awareness about hypertension is high, there are still thousands of people who unsuccessfully. are untreated At each step of the process, from detection through long-term follow-up, large numbers of out of care. or treated patients fall According to R. Brian Haynes, up to 50% fail 21 to follow through with who begin treatment drop two-thirds of those who their of those out within 1 year, and only about stay under medication prescribed over 50% referral advice, to care consume achieve enough of adequate blood pressure reduction (1982, p. 415). COMPLIANCE Problem Low compliance has been facing individuals with and still high blood employers and society in general. to which major problem pressure as well as Compliance is the extent a person's behavior coincides with medical advice. The "health model is a belief model" is the It compliance. of cooperation with which that the disease, says health advice person perceives most common motivational that an depends upon that he/she individual's the extent to is susceptible to that the disease is serious, that treatment is beneficial, and that the barriers to compliance are possible to overcome (Haynes, p. 416). After a person has come to the conclusion that barriers . are possible importance it becomes easier to enforce the to overcome, of manage patient sticking with treatment. compliance, accurate To efficiently methods of measurement must be administered. Monitoring because this awareness about attendance is one of at the hypertension. 22 appointments first Along is critical steps in developing with this, patient self-reports directly are from his/her a valuable the pattern way of obtaining information patient. of The patient medication consumption from monitoring Pill counts can also provide an himself. can determine accurate estimate of compliance over time. Dealing with low compliance In order to maximize an employee's compliance it is essential that his/her blood pressure be that oral and written feedback pressure levels, that the and that 114). questions be Once the be checked regularly, provided about blood prescribed regimen encouraged and patient is under be discussed, answered (Barnes, p. care for hypertension, additional efforts are usually required to maintain control. The most are successful interventions characterized supervision of and Options factor. for for improved forgetting support, encouraging discussion, to the and between to ongoing interaction include compliance and/or medications and to self-help negotiating Of course, medication must the level of care is a key rewarding the lowered daily blood schedules to inconvenience, encouraging family through group support and a brief written contract with the patient for improvements in health 419) . providers and conclusion that attention pressure, tailoring of decrease interactions This leads patients. patient by for improving compliance behavior (Haynes, p. screening programs must be supported and be taken as prescribed 23 to achieve optimal In control. regularly previous addition, scheduled studies have shown that essential also is follow-up for hypertension control. Once a term person is control, the thinking along easier it otherwise) is paper, ie. conduct program control A successful. regular be to stick with a Compliance is the sole factor prescribed treatment program. in determining if a will the lines of longer- (work site based or program might look good on screenings, offer educational intervention, and even follow-up programs, but if compliance remains low then the overall problem has not been solved. CONCLUSION Goals The advancements made over awareness impressive. of the education and the past decade regarding hypertension about have In a 1985 national public awareness survey, 92% adult population were aware that high blood pressure increases one's chances of having heart disease, and the population had had Public Health 73% of their blood pressure checked within the past year (Barnes, p. 113). under been However, the United States Service goal of getting 60% of the population successful long-term blood pressure control, is unlikely to be met. The fact that so many people still do not have their blood pressure under control is cause for concern for health educators, employers, and society in general. 24 Businesses have found that cost savings can be realized if their work force is healthy and keeps risk factors under control. is a primary reason for the concern of This managers over their employee's lifestyles. Future considerations For the future it will be necessary for managers to emphasize the importance of the benefits Businesses will benefit by gaining a more competitive work force, and individuals will that will be seen in of healthy living. benefit from themselves. the improvements However, for the near future, most workplace efforts will be fairly low budget and will not have access expertise that the to either "model" the facilities programs take or the advantage of (Leviton, p. 931). Because hypertension is the most prevalent of all the attention of all cardiovascular diseases, it deserves individuals. programs, Through progress continued toward education obtaining rates should be realized. 25 and follow-up improved compliance STRESS. BEHAVIOR. AND BLOOD PRESSURE TABLE 1 AGE-ADJUSTED PAmAL COIII1.AT10N' (r) I!TWEEN PREDICTOI VAIIAIILES AMD BLOOD PRESSulE tBP) V","UIS AT THI BEGINNING 0' THE FOLLOw·UP " .. 0 a~EM PREDICTOR VAIIAILES AND BP CHANGE (II • 3881 Yariabfe S8P in 197] (ia (913) (" Predictor DBP in 191] (" . .lad.. weicbt 0.16 O.ll Weicht cJIance lacoxicaIioa Cipretta per day PIIysicaI actmly 0.11 0.1" 0.10 0.09 0.01 0.04 _us • IP in 1971 8' ia 1973. r a 0.10. P < O.M. , a 0.13. P < 0.01. 26 S8P chan... t" -0.02 0.11 0.04 0.01 0.00 DBPchan __ ." 0.'" 0.26 0.1" 0.10 0.0' ,-It. 5. T.Jfge' ~- t - .. . 5,; SusMc*I ...,..n-- , S.; -... t _-, Frprr I. Multistage model (or the management ofhypenc:nsion 27 Sp· T....-. conttnu.o tip S• ContnMIeG TABLE 2 VieICI '""" INcrtt Site FIIISIC 11' ........ - auPartJQOaQOn Rate" c....- studieS. MecMn I*'I*'t (al IV 'al ~ pen:ent (pUCIisMd)§ S1UOeS' N (puc!iSheG' Range I*'I*'t (al ssum-J't A.-lDan,.. MecMn I*'I*'t (II . . . . . N( ........ ~ ~t FII.auc:nan ~ (pubIisneG) N (puCIIiSned) R.-.gel*'l*'t (II ssum-. ImOI O¥eI!'*It iI iCIiC:atOr: Mecan pen:81t tal studIIIS, s-trII) o.-_ ~.7 ~ 20 22 66.5 12 1-. 4 50 3 93 15 93 15 77-100 91 15 94.5 12.2 68 32 9.5 25 10 7.8 8 75.4 19 37-91 10 17-100 23 s.a " . . " cerc:ent (guI)IiSI'IeC) 68 22 23 Range percent (all studIeS, ,,~ 75.2 N(aI~' N(~) OlDt . . . . 9-100 23-a9 22.8-G 2 12.2 2 79.3-85 0-16.2 Gress yIIIId Median pen:ent (all studieS, N tal StuaMlS' Mecan percent (puCIiSnea) N (pucllisneal Range percent (all studieS) 16.1 41.2 11 12 18.2 41.2 9 12 20.1-01.4 1.4-26.6 *Participation rate in the hypertension control group is 75.2%, implying that programs for high blood pressure are widely taken advantage of. *Retention rate in the hypertension control group is 93%, implying that most employees actively participate in hypertension control programs. *Improvement was realized bv 68% of the emplovees in the hypertension control group. -, • Ooes not conSlQef' saeen'"9 parncoaQOn (see text,. t Ranges are vtrtuaIIy me same far pucIISned st1JdIe5 and far total stuaJes. : lmorovement InalC3tCB went defined as percent 'NI1t'i 0I00d cressure 140/90 or oetOW. percent QUItting smokll"9. >If mean percent reduction .n d1OIeSterOI. § PuDIIsNa ouu:omes .ncIude orWy tnoIIe stuCeS.ncauaecs grass 'See text. Two 1ft ~-nMeWed ana,. yieIC 0I'IIf. jowna&L . **Twelve (12) studies supplied the above outcomes. --The gross yield of known hypertensive persons in a work force whose blood pressure is under control is 41.2%. This figure is derived by calculating participation, retention, and indicator of risk. --The hypertension control group has had better success than smoking cessation or cholesterol reduction programs. 28 WORKS CITED "The Hypertension Threat." American Heart Association. 40-41. Futurist. 20 (1986): Aro, Seppo. "Occupational and Blood Pressure: Medicine. 13 (1984): Stress, Health-Related Behavior, A 5-Year Follow-up." Preventive 333-348. "Worksite Hypertension Control: A Guide Barnes, Carla L. 36.3 (1988): 113-116. to Success." AAOHN Journal. Cantor, Joel C. et al. "Cost-effectiveness of Educational Interventions to Improve Patient Outcomes in Blood Pressure Control." Preventive Medicine. 14 (1985): 782-800. Erfurt, John C. and Foote, Andrea. "Controlling Hypertension: A Cost-effective Model." Preventive Medicine. 6 (1977): 319-343. Erfurt, John C. and Foote, Andrea. "Cost-effectiveness of Worksite Blood Pressure Control Programs." Journal of Occupational Medicine. 26 (1984): 892-900. Haynes, R. Brian. Treatment of 415- 421. "Management of Patient Compliance in the Hypertension." Hypertension. 4 (1982): Johnson, Sharon. "Facts on Hypertension." 168-171. 10 (1985): Working Woman. Lenfant, Charles. "Advancements in Meeting the 1990 Hypertension Objectives." Journal of the American Medical Association. 257.20 (1987): 2709, 2718 . • Leviton, Laura L. "The Yield from Worksite Cardiovascular Risk Reduction." Journal of Occupational Medicine. 29.12 (1987): 931-935. Logan, Alexander G. "Clinical Effectiveness and Costeffectiveness of Monitoring Blood Pressure of Hypertensive Employees at Work." Hypertension. 5 (1983): 828-838. Logan, Alexander G. "Cost-effectiveness of a Worksi te Hypertension Treatment Program." Hypertension. 3 (1981): 211-218. 29 Meyer, Philippe. Hypertension: Mechanisms and Clinical and Therapeutic Aspects. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1980. O'Donnell, Michael. "Hypertension May Seem Trivial, But It's Worth Worrying About." International :vianagement. 41.4 (1986): 96. "Is Education the Key to Lower Health Reed, Roger W. 41-46. 63.1 (1984): Personnel Journal. Costs?" Stason, William B. Economics of Hypertension. Martinus Nijhoff Publishers Group, 1983. Wilson, Thomas. Science News. Roots "Historical 280. 129 (1986): 30 of Boston: Hypertension." Activity Summary-Blue Cross Blue Shield Spring 1988 Part B I have spent the quarter doing research on hypertension for my thesis paper, as well as learning about of Wellness apolis. various other aspects while working with Blue Cross Blue Shield in Indian- Cathy Nordholm, Hypertension Coordinator in the Blue Cross Blue Shield Wellness Resource Center, has been my guide and has provided me with several contacts have had the opportunity have learned a lot in the Wellness area. I to meet with a variety of people and I about health related issues and the impli- cations they have for business. The Wellness Resource Center provides information and training methods/programs. Healthy Best, These worksite at Cross Blue Shield to businesses include based Blue Stay high Alive blood through several and Well, Your pressure control, wellness payroll stuffers, and health booklets. Stay Alive and Well is a cost-effective program that helps a company manage health care costs. personal health survey followed The by program a mini-exam Results are then reviewed with the person and analyzed. Finally, vention groups to employees modify their are begins with a (physical). the information is assigned to various inter- behavior, and follow-up then takes place. Your Healthy Best is a self-help program where employees are taught positive motivation techniques goals for change. and how to set personal This program is flexible and uses any number of mediums including a video, guide book, personal fitness diary, 31 self-help files. and newsletter, handbook, lifestyle assessment pro- An employee can do as much or as little as he/she would like toward making positive changes in his/her lifestyle. The worksite set up to help based high employees of pressure control. The blood pressure a company control program is gain and maintain blood program includes informing all employees about high blood pressure, screening employees to detect possible causes of blood high blood pressure, referring all employees with high pressure readings to their physicians, and long-term monitoring of diagnosed hypertensives at the worksite. Wellness payroll stuffers are used about the use of health care inexpensive way employer to provide positive health tips for an services. to educate employees The stuffers are an and information on taking better care of one's self. Finally, issues. health booklets Books available are include: available on vital health Feel Better, Food & Fitness, Stress, and the Self-Help Handbook of Symptoms and Treatments. These programs offer a variety of methods to company's employees about the importance of wellness. in the Resource Center are knowledgeable about the and how wellness relates from Wellness employees and at the The people wellness area to the "business aspects" of running a company in terms of cost savings, etc. realized educate a education company level cents. 32 at There are a in the benefits to be personal form of level for- dollars and The following information spent Center. Tuesday afternoons and I was able to meet with their jobs a summary of my activities I travelled to Indianapolis throughout the quarter. and is Wednesday at several people this Spring the Wellness and learn about as well as participate in other activities pertaining to my areas of interest. 3/15-16 ist at Met with Phyllis Mendenhall, Blue Cross Blue Shield. job in personnel, and what a job in Ms. Mendenhall talked about her passed along human resources Senior Personnel Special- some valuable involves. insight as to She informed me about how the personnel function at Blue Cross Blue Shield is organized and how the various other Blue Cross offices fit into the scheme of things. We talked about recruitment, compensation, training, and the Blue Cross Blue Shield purpose of this contact human resource Human Resource Information Center. was for learn more manager actually me to exempt vs. non-exempt job analysis by way ot about what a does on-the-job. the various "personnel terms" that Ms. The I understood Mendenhall used, such as employees, corporate salary surveys, and the point method. The information I gained was helpful and I was glad to have the opportunity to talk with someone in this type of position. 3/15-16 Blue Cross ~et with Jan Ranger of Key Blue Shield). with various companies in Health Plan (subsidiary of Jan is a Wellness Specialist and works a consulting 33 capacity. She gives presentations in the areas of CPR, smoking cessation, stress management, weight control, and high blood pressure education. My meeting with Jan was very informative. differences between the ceeded to talk about she does. This various the types She explained the types of HMO's, and then pro- of presentations and other work meeting provided me with a better understanding of how a "manager" functions in the wellness area, and it left me feeling optimistic that there are job opportunities in a business setting for persons interested in wellness. 4/12-13 I Scientific, listened give analysis system. a person's a Wayne sales Hedden, President presentation on of Valhalla a body composition This was basically a computer that hooks body by percent body fat, to way of total body up to electrodes and then determines one's water, target weight range, etc. The presentation was interesting because I had never seen a piece of equipment such as the one he demonstrated. observe an actual sales pitch which I was also able to made me take a look at the technique, style, and approach that were used. 4/19-20 I attended a conference Health Educators. Indiana Association of The Association held their spring meeting, as well as having a dinner and with and networking of the health related fields. I speaker. was The The evening started out able to meet several new people in speaker, Dr. Roger Indiana Heart Institute, had a varied background: degree in Personnel Management, his master's 34 Pinto of the his bachelor's degree in Exercise Physiology, and "Helping Behavior Changes Stick: He Relapse". focused on healthy habits. sizing the gains to be The Prevention and Treatment of correcting smoking), and (alcoholism, overweight, the new, Dr. Pinto spoke on his doctorate in Psychology. undesirable then on behaviors how to maintain He tied everything together by empharealized by the individual (and also acquaintances and employers), if he/she took control and actively pursued a healthy lifestyle. given by I attended a lecture Nutrition expert - New benefits of healthy hazards smoking, of positive effects of a the She Health and Brody spoke about the Ms. York Times. living. Jane Brody, specifically addressed the importance of good nutrition, and the regular exercise program. The lecture reinforced my commitment to healthy living and was inspirational. My only concern was that people are often motivated after hearing a lecture such as this one, implementing long-term changes. but do not carry through with It's easy to talk about these health issues but permanent changes are often difficult to make. ~ I attended a presentation Wellness Consultant-Blue Cross Blue Memorial Hospital. Janet program, which is one of the are members of the by Shield, at Janet ZeBell, the Henry County was promoting the Stay Alive and Well benefits provided Preferred Care about the purpose of her visit; interest in given network. which was She talked briefly to inform this particular wellness program. 35 to hospitals who and elicit There was a brief slide presentation, and then Janet went through the contents of the packets she had brought along. In this presentation there was no pressure put on the hospital administrators since the program is available to them at no charge. The hospital only has to purchase the materials from the Resource charge. Center, while the training, done free of So what does Blue Cross Blue Shield get out of this wellness program to members of the from the Stay pcr system? ~giving" They benefit networks that are created once a hospital gets involved with the program. the etc. is Alive The hospitals are free and Well material to market and promote as it suits their needs or particular situations. I learned very poised credible. a lot from observing and convincing, this exchange. and I felt she came across as being I sensed that Blake and Elaine (of the receptive toward the program, implemented. wellness concept, but evidence backing r realize I know the. concept hospital) were but were being realistic in their thinking that changes take a good amount of fully Janet was the that are the work. 36 time to importance seeing actual keys to be successof the whole results and making a program Conclusion These meetings and expert views on Wellness earned a lot about are many activities and Personnel various positions, career paths that I The practical experience I valuable asset have when I given start my decision-making role. 37 exposure to I have related issues. and I 'could choose have me gained realize that there with my background. should prove to be a own career and find myself in a