The Discuvery of the StrucLure of Deox;'Tibonucleic Acid: The Contributors to the Wa LSOfl and Cr i ck t-lode 1 (Inc luding an Interview with Maurice Wilkins) An Honors Thesis (10 499) by Stephanie L. Johnson Thesis Director Dr. Thomas R. Merte'its Ball State University Muncie, Indiana April, Graduation: - 1989 December, 1989 t~Con . , 'r;O..-st:. .1, -;:0 (f,. '-' Table of ContenLs Introduclioll . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 The Contr i butors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 LirlUS l?aul ing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , .. 2 S veIl f.' \1 r"1) e r- g. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Erv.rin Chargaff . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . G (le r'ar-d Wya t t_ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Wi] liaIo AstbuI·y . . . . . . , ... " . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ,7 Ma uri c p Wilk ins . • . . . . . • . . . • . • . • . . • . . . . . . . • • . . . . . . . . . . 7 TIle OPI)C)I-tul1i-L-y . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Completf::~ Reference LisL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 AIJperldic~es .•......... , .............. t •••••••••••••••••••• • 12 Original Nanuscript . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.3 Article ReprinL . . . . . . . . • • • • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . aff ixed - In Lhe 1953 lssue of Nature, April 25, James D. Watson and Francis H. C. Crich made an announcement wedeh beginning of a revoluLion lheir they published model material, deoxyribonucleic advanceIllent, before the case, there and experiments Lhey "'hich Crich 1986, Whu, then, lhe sLruclure were As deal not of of with any scienLific experilllenLaLLoll done model. In this par'liculae directly involved was A Structure for ln the mentioned above. Deoxyribose Nucleic They were, ingenious insight instead. puz~le into the "model of life 48). were the experimenters who praY ided the \laluable contributions necessary to help mahe the parLs of fit together? lhe genelic cited as references in their article "Molecular builders," providing (Watson, of of this Structure of Nucleic Acids: Acid, " molecular biology and genetics: gr'eat actual proposal Watson in acid (DNA). a ",as be Lhe proved to Further' , the DNA puzzle wha L information did they pro v ide helped Watson and erich solve the puzzle? Tbe anShers ~"hich Lo these questions can easily be found in the Nature article cited above, since and Watson con tr i butOl'S contributions. articles and Crick briefly mentioned discussed Furthermo r'e, more significant obtaining copies these contributions. ma.1Il individuaJ of the origjnal facilitated an And finally, step, an interview witb a cunLribulol' and Nobel pri:z.e co-winner, personalized the a very Lheir their cited as references by Watson and Crick even fuller' understanding of one even specifically meaningful understanding the model of the structure of DNA. subject and fostered of his specific contribution to THE CONTRIBUTORS list Watson and Crick seL forth the reference According to in their original article, the contribuLors to the development of the i r mode 1 were Li nus Paul ing and Robe I't B. Corey, S ven Furberg, Erwin Chargaff (S. G. Zamenhoff, and Brawerman, E. Chargaff), Gerard R. WyaLt, William T. AsLbury, and Naurice H.F. Will\ins and Of John T. Randall. this course, includes list It is obvious that references as they appeared in their article. these ",ere nol the only contributors considering the Crick conssrucLed, 1.0 the model vast base this knowledge most surely rested. only cited Watson and upon which all of Watson However, and Crick attempted in Lhis context to give credit where credit was due. Linus Pauling Going through in logical oeder, as Watson and Crick did, first contributor may be conjunction with said to Robert B. have been for the structure In Corey, Pauling published an aeticle, Acids," ",hieh "A Proposed Structure for the Nucleic model Linus Pauling. the uf DNA. suggested a Ultimately, of course, this model was shown to be incorrect, but it was useful in some ways. Linus Pauling polypeptjces. This discoveey the alpha-helix sLructure the obvious biologically molecules (01b;;,', in of made a big impact on the field of structural crystallography because of helices - discovered ilTlport~ant Pauling used his hnmdedge of helices quest to discover the slructure of DNA. to help him pt'evalence or 1974, in 2,8). his own 3 Watson consist~" Crick axis, Corey also the & Corey, 1952, chains, basic the phosphates near' with description giant approx i ma tely c i 86). {'CD "The it, llIode I Corey: accordingly, The be formulated is a helix. with and (Wal!:>on & CriCK, on the outside" "We a!:>sume, gave: cyl i ndl' ica 1_, Pauling and This is 737) cite interL~ined three of the fibre 1953, and hlhich Pauling and tbat Lhe structure Lo molecule would thus be lar cross -sec lion" (Paul i ng They went further to say that. .. the cylindrical molecule i!:> formed of three chains, \.Jhich are coiled abouL one another. The structure that we propose is a three-chain structure, each chain being a helix ~ith fundamental translation equal tu 3.4 4, alld the thrC'e chains being related to one another .. . by the operatiun of a threeFuld axjs (Pauling & Corey, 1952, 87). (Italic~s added). In response to Lhe Pauling model, this sLr'ucLur'e l.Jas "unsatisfactory for lI."o reasuns." stated tbat In the first !-llaee, reading his salt, they "ere not saLisfied that X-ray pattern!:> correctly, because the;" not the free phospha te!c, in acid, was what gave the X-ray Secondly, the van f('olll his contribution, Pauling - fell thaL the images. The der Waals distances were too small in their opinions (Watson &. CrlcK, Watson and Pauling was the center' of the axis would not worK because Lhey would repel each other. Aside Cr iCK f ['anK 1 y Wa Lson and also provided another was sharing an office at and Crick at the that tjme, Linus would (37). obviously valuable chemical and scientific Crick--incentive and urgency. of Linus Pauling, ]953, type of Peter Pauljng, enthusiastic the son Cambridge with Watson time they we['e worKing on their lIlodel. write help to letters to During his son the about wor'k mak ing in h.L s \.Jork just such nucleic acids. structure of on the letter a doing and the advances he I--'as (Linus) he which Peter received from his father that frightened 1;jatson and Cr'iek, making them chance to the ::;teal the prize" antecedent the to A 1 though published. 1986, 125). (Watson, article "Linus had a fear Lhat Pauling T his let Le r' I--' a s and wroLe and Cure,!' Ute s true t ure Pau 1 i ng and Curey proposed was incorrect, Watson and Crick were moLivated La step-up the pace uf their work and they became fiercely more deLermirled to discover the true structure. Sven Furberg A second contributor was Sven Like Furberg, Pauling and Corey, he published a proposal for the sLructure of rlue-leic acids before Watson and Crick did. models, although he He actually preferred nearer to being correct than was first, of Nucleic Acta Scandinavica and, his secund. Acids," was the Structure Chemica his proposed volume llyO indeed, The published in 6, pages different it I--'as article, "On 1952 in the 634-640. His explanation of his model is as follows: In modell, the pyrimidine and purine r'1.ngs are piled in a central column directly on top of t!ach other, 3.4 A apart, with the ribose rings and the phosphate groups in a spiral enclosing the coJulIln (Furberg, 1952, 638). Loose] - with the bases were y translated, sugar being this means his model perppndicular to 1,IaS a single hel ix, the attached base. The in the inside of the helix, and Lhe phosphates on the This observatioll outside. 1S what caught Lhe interest of Watsun and Crick. I nth e =_ r art i c 1 e, Wa l son and C ric 1\. say l hal l h e i r "radically different nucleic acid" for structure (I-latson & Crick, 1953, saIL the of III 0 del i s a deoxyribuse They pointed (37). out lfl their article that the structure they presented had two chains in a helix, each of which "loosely resembles Furberg's that the is, bases are phosphates on the outside" words, Watson proposed and Crick st~ucture on the IIlodel Nu. 1, of the helix and lhe (Watson & Crick, 1953, In other 737). here no led the similarities betweell the of Furberg and their uwn propused structure of DNA. Erwin Chargaff Anothe.c· Chargaff and contributor, his or team contI' i.bulurs, Stephan co-authors, they of publi shed Zamenhof lhe and article, Brawerrnan. In Desoxypentose Nucleic Biochimica 8t Biophysica Acta volume 9, pages 402-405. 1952 From Acids laboratory at Columbia University working with bacterial Several in George "On Micruorganisms, I' New York transformatiun, was En..,rin in City, an in In their Lhey were attempt to distinguish DNAs derived frum different species. The mo:.;t significant contribution Chargaff made h'as the fact that he - noticed that was approximately These al'e I:~alled the purine/pyrimidine une-tu-one. That is, A/T ratio in DNA always = 1 and G/C = 1. the Chargaff ratios, and they helped WaLson ami Crick infer the structure of DNA. I) It has been found experimentally that the ratiu of the amounts of adenine to thymine, and the ratio uf guaniw~ to cytosine, are always very close to uni ty for' deoxyribuse nucleic acid . . . . In uther wurds, if an adeniw~ forms une member uf a pair, un either chain, then on these assumptiuns, the other member must be thymine (Watson & Crick, 1953, 737). Chargaff, in hi;.; experiments, di;';IJI'uved what had been knuwn as the tetranucleuLide theory. chemically [Hade theory ;.;Lated This up of a repeat ing ;.;equence uf ~ Lhe bases, G It was Chargaff';.; in plants. in animals, and G A C U Lha t DNA \"as \NO C T Lha L ['k finally conclusively disproved this. Gerard Wyatt Anothe r con t r i butor to the Wa tson and Cr ick IIIudel Gerard Wyatt. In 1952, he published results 0 f DNA l..tas one uf of hi;.; experimentb in the Journal of General Physiology vuluIlle 36, 201. In his Chargaff data came ratios equality of analyzed cuntent DNA wheaL cunclusive evidence a purines and 201). new base, to cytosine. with variant This initially caused but he of He al;.;o found a an guanine. were valid. This tt also discovery fit extra in the uf adenine "5-111ethyl- group of atoms in some viruses some alarm showed experimentally cytosine and viruses that one-La-one ratios attached at one point around the ring ... 1952, Lhe pyrimidines. germ, herring sperm, cytosine Lha t a correct interpretation uf the and he found U-le and guanine cytosine, which is indeed, between from attacked insects, to thymine were, even more page because it that the (Wyatt, was a ratio of Lhis one-to-one raLio I--:ith finally demonstrated that the ratios 7 William Astbury Still anoLher conLributor to the Watson and Crich model William T. Astl.nlrj'. contribution to Watson DNA. He crystallography in photographs of ray He was a physicist and scientist that helped term "molecular popular i ze ':.,he wa~ Crick and ~,as biology" 1974, 59). (Ollly, was his His X-ray diffraction one of the pioneers of Lhe use of X textile research biology. and In succeeded in obtaining one of the first clear X-ray addition, he photographs of DNA. phoLograph was This X-raj published in his "X-ray Studies of Nucleic Acids," whl ch appeared in 1947 article Symposia of the Society for Experimerltal Biology, volume 1, pages This 66-76. X-ray entirely sharp. photograph However, of was good quality, but noL it was helpful to Watson and Crick, and thus was cited in their arLicle (Olby, 1974, 357). Maurice Wilkins Finally, the last cited contributor to the Watson and Crick model of DNA was a man named Maurice H.F. Wilkins. King's College in London in conj unct ion Rosalind Franklin, Will~ins and ~,i Working aL th ,John T. Randall and his colleagues obLained clear X- ray diffraction photographs of c['ysLalline "desoxypenLose nucleic acid" (Wilkins & Randall, 1953, 192). In Lhe article Wilkins and Randall published, in Sperm - Eeads: Mol e cuI a r S t r' u c t u l' e Biochimica et Biophysica Acta, says, "One may reasonably 0 "Crystall LniLy f Nu c leo pro Lei n i Il volume 10, V i v0 , It pages 192-]93, Wilkins hope to lIlahe an unambiguous structure determination of the nucleate fibres because of their high degr'ee 8 of crystalline This, indeed, (Wilkins perfection" 1S the advice h1 Randall, & 1953, 192). hich Watson and Crick look when they proposed their structure of DNA. THE OPPORTUNITY In an attempt to gain undergraduate credit 1n BioJogy 498, a course which offers research by designed a 1n credit biologically-related independent s tuden ts, my professor, Dr. Thomas R. Her'tens, and I whereby I ~roject the famous would Nobelists, Watson, Crick, and Wilkins wOI'ked, and I ;.;ould Lake :photos and write a short human these impo ['tan t England, with Wilkins's i~ places. Watson These and laboratories where visit the inLeresL article about he['e located ill laboratories Crick's being in Cambridge, London. The name of the laboratory where Watson and Cl'icli. worked the Cavendish was called and Laboratory. the Wheats tone College building. The laboratory where Wilkins worked Phys ics Labora to ['y, Unfortunately, I found ~,as ins i de the King's that the laboratories were not at all similar to \Jbat they had been in Lhe 1950s during the time Nobelists. jmportant the The laboratories change happ2ning completely - department relocated. discoveries around redone at and Cambridge, them. h'ere vic tims The consumed and were the made IIew the the future or the technological Cavendish by by Laboratory was poll l.ic-at Cavendish SCJence had been The Wheatstone Physics Laboratory in London was OflL'e 9 a very and had since been high-ceilinged room, di~ided into Lwo separate floors. see aL The eq'.lipmenL hfhich I desired La in a s tora;,;e area on an alley of f cosmopolita'l location of the taken Lhis to place by of Lhe S Lrand in London, King's a King's College was College uuilding. I the was man named Dr. Fredrich Eagles, who proved to be most helpful. When I saw the "dinosaurs" \.;rith s Lorage I'oom which I quite discouraged. I recently had made neHs. listened He shoHed me and to Dr. Eagles. very was now part of sympathetically, had I the political and the and requested to "campus It very' l\indly he He gave me a see. (bu i Iding ) , and shohfed me their view of the river Thames and the National Theatre. told me thaL the original WaLson and Crick London at became had told him about Lhis distressing I the equipment tour of the College was evident I the fruitless two-hour trip Lo Cambridge, the Cavendish department, old X-l'Ciy d if (' rac Lion did not have much familiarity, This, of course, only to find that science Cind Lhe the British model was He also 10caLed ill Museum, but it was inside glass, and with my unsophisticated camera, might have I difficulty obtaining cHI acceptable photograph. Then I casually asked him abouL the status of Dr. Wilkins at King's College. - He told me that Dr. Wilkins . . . as retirement, but he came in on certain days of the week course about Medical Law and Ethics. to Lalk I--.ith me, i r he in semi- to teach a I wondered i f he mighL like could fit me into his schedule. D1'. 10 Eag les \-ras Dr. thrilled at. Wilkins immediately would and this suggestion, nearly assuring me thaI not made mind an Wilkins three weeks later, stroke of ever so appointment. aL my with for graciously, and left me. King's He called HIe to talk with Dr. convenience! luck I so desparat.ely needed, and I strolling along the Strand. - talking This ~·ms the thanked Dr. Eagles College ~histljng and 11 COMPLETE REFERENCE LIST Astbury, W.T. (1947). X-ray studies of nucleic acids. the Society of Experimental Biology., 1, 66-76. Symposia of Chargaff, E., Zamenhof, S., & Brawerman, G. (1962). desoxy pen Lose nue 1 e ie ac ids from several 1111croo ['gan i Biochlmica et Biophysica Acta, 9, 402-05. On Lhe SIllS. Furberg, S. (J952). On the structure of nucleic acids. Acta Chemica Scandinavica, 6, 634-640. Moritz, C. tEd.,. (1963). t>1.H.F. Wilkins. C'UITenl Biography Yearbook (24th ed.). New York: The H.W. Wilson Co. Olby, R. (1974). The Path to the Double Helix. University of Washington Press. Pauling, L. & CoreJ, R.B. (J953). A proposed structure for the nucleic acids. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 39, 84-97. Reldman, S.R. & Gustafson, E.T. (1963). PorLraits Laurea t>es in Medic i He and Ph,v s iology . Lundon: Abelard-Schuman Ltd. Soukes, T.1,. & Stevenson, L.G. Medicine and Physiology: Abelard-Schuman. Watson, J.D. Helix. --- of Nobel (1966). Nobel Prize Winners in 1901-1965 (2nd ed.). Lundon: (1986; originally published in New York: Penguin Books. 1968) . The Double Watson, J.D. & Crick, F.H.C. (1953). Mulecular sLructure uf nucleic acids: A structure for deox.yrlbuse nucleic acid. Nature, 171 (4356), 737-38. Who's Who (139Lh ed.). (1987). M.H.F. St. Martin's Press. \';i1kins. Wilkins, M.H.F. & Randall, J.T. (1953). Cr,YsLalliniLyi.n sperm beads: molecular strucluee of nucleopcotein ~vivc.. Biochimica el Bioph,vsica AcLa, 10, 192-93. Wyatt, - G.R. (1952). Journal of Gerwral Physiolog,Y, 36, 20]. APPENDICES The first appendix an 1S professor, Dr. Mertens, and 1 submitted Am e ric a n B i-"o,---l~o=g,-"Y,-----=T-,e::..:a:::.(,,"-?-,-,h:...::e,,--[,,-· • The second the article as il appears on issue of the above periodical. - original pages manuscripL to be appendix 151-153 of h'hich Illy published in lhe 1S lhe a reprint of March 1989 An Interview wi th Nobel Laurea Le [vIauI'ice Wilk i tiS Stephanie Johnson and Thomas R. Mertens Stephanie Johnson State University. in Autumn, Wilkins. Professor 1987, 18 an undergraduate biology major at Ball While studying at she had the opportunity to London CenLre interview Dr. Her faculty advisor is Thomas R. NerLens, Distinguished of Biology Education at former presidenL (1985) of NABT. - Ball Stale's Office Telephone (TRM): 317-285-8827 Home Telephone (TRM): 317-284-69cl2 Ball SLate University and 19f) 2, In thr'ee !,1aurice lIlen, Wilkins, in Medicine James Watson, shared the Nobel Prize for what many biology" have (Sourkes "the called & Stevenson greatest diseovery -in mudern 1966) . This issue 1953 first published in the April 25, Franklin, has and Physiolugy the discover'y, the structure of deuxyribonueleic acid (DNA) elucidation of work, wh.ich Fr'ancls Crick, and of wa~ I Nature. included that of the X-ray cryslaJlographer Rosalind virtually paved the for the I"ay entire field of modern genetics. Deoxyribonucleic acid, better known as DNA, component of a]l living cells. is an essential It is composed of four different nucleotides, each of which is made up of a nitrogenous base, carbon sugOlr nucleotide (deoxyribose), components a phosphate arranged are polynucleotide chains forming about .itself and a in ladder-like subunit. t\JO .is its function in com!> lemen tary struetu['e, cells; it genetic code and establishes patterns of heredity. of its structure has answered many raising many questions about oLhers 14hich have been 5- The twisted to constiLute what is called a "double bellx." importance of DNA well as ;1 The carries the The dis c 0 ve r' ,\' genetics, as and are ~urrently being researched by scientists allover the world. Haurice Wilkins One of the IIlen involved in the discovery of the structure of - DNA was the Brl Lish biophysicist, Maurice Wilkins. Pongaroa, Ne,,' Zealand in 1916, Wllkins was brought Born ltl to England at age sjx to be educated at I\ing EdhlH.r'd's School in Birmingham. Ht~ 15 then earned Camln'idge under his degree B.A. 1938 from St. .In He did (Reidman & Gustafson 1963). Sir Juhn lUIllinescenc~l~ the at Randall and phosphorescence l h use a r n i n:g his Ph. D. During World d t~ g l' e e War IT, of related .i n 1 9 4 0 Birmingham on Lo (1'10 I' i t z radar screens, 1 96 3 ) . Wi thins came to the Uni Led StaLes \',i Lh Lhe NanhalLan other nuc ledr phy s i.c i s ts Lo wu ['k un developed the graduate research University as John's College, Specj fically, atomic bomb. ProjecL which ~-I(Jl'ked v,-llhins on the separatiorl of uranium isotopes at the University of California in Berkeley. i\f Le r he re turned to England and focused hi s the wa [', interests on the field of biology (Reidman After his r-eturn to physics at St. Britain, Wilkins became a Andrew's University in Scotland ill of (r-1orjtz London 1963) . He lecturer on 19~5. at King's he joined the Nedical Resear-ch Council University & Gustafson 1963). In 1946, College of the became an honorary lecturer in the sub-department of biophysics at King's College in 1958, and he was a professor of molecular biology at the same institution from 1963-1970 (Whu's Who 1987). In Lhe early 1950s, Wi.lkins was working into which he inserted a glass examined the fiber under recognized that structure was - diffraction a nllCr'OScope the flbeous c.rystall Lechnique rod and in studying this information h' began to DNA. j th a gel extracted a DNA was believe that the structure of DNA was in discussed ith He lighL and a hinL LhaL iL~ employ the X-ray X-ray data a helical C rich. of DNA, fiber. hiLh polarized nature of He then ~ .. and led him pattern. Wats()n, 1,0 He ~vho IG i ncorpoI'a Led it 1.fl building their model of the sLructuI'P of DNA. This contrL)uti.on by Wi lkins led to his sharing \.:iLh Watson and Cdck in th,= 1962 Nobel Pri;..-;e (Reidman & Gustafson 1963). the American In 1968, Public Health Association r-ecogni;.o;pd Watson, and the accomplishments of Wilkins, ~lbert the them Lasker uf the honorary member 1969 became and in In 1964, Wilkins Award. American Society president uf Responsibility in Science. Crich by presenting flallled an \~as of Biulogical Chemists the Brjtish Society for Sucial Wilkins became In 1970, an honoraI';\, member of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, and in 1984, a member of Food and Disarmament International The In November, visit with (Fig. 1) of the career. intervie~.J the first author 1987, Dr. Wilkins In his had the office at King's and tu ash: him several questions Nobel Pri~e interests. opportunity Lo Col1eg(~, commented upon genetics is the direction headed, and His thoughts and insights Lundun concerning his receipL and its effects on his professional Wilkins also feels modern (Whu's Who 1987). liff~ and In I"hich he upon his current research will, no doubl, interest all Hho admi ['e his con tr i bu t j ons Lo modern biolog:{. The Nobel Nobel Prize Dr. - Wilkins Irl Prize. When asked, 1962 had on responded as your career follows: people wanL to work wiLh you. " ",.lncreClse In [my] salary expected, a Nobel PI' i ~e "What effect has sharing the and pro fess i ona 1 1 j fe?'f , "Hore and higher quality He also noLed that there and professional status." h'inner I'ece l ves an increased was an As might be number uf 17 wider and conferences on example, 'Science topics the receipt to speal\ at conferences at the Manhattan Project yea r s, howe '/ e r, h (::' has field; o\~n p [' .i z e Nnbel the sllch widely divergent OIl Wor ld War I I In Berkeley, California. as a to address confer' on it ~obel such ",111 is more recent speak on 0 he thinks may tltis He to topics. Some the Furthermore, Wtlhins Laureates e., just weal;,: a believes public feel [ Lha t] it's r ipld topics beyond one's Furthermore, Dr. be responsibilIty." responsibillly Laureate, he has oppoctuniLiel:-; ther topi cs" -- i. of scientific expertise. and Peace." Alfred Nobe] 's spir'it tu accept sume respons i bi 1 i ty in thi s ar'ea. wrong to topics. Lurn e d b i saL ten t ion to s i g n i fie ant g I () b a 1 B0cause of that "() pen s he had I"orked on problems such as "World Hunger" alld "Nuclear Weapons believes fut' or 'Science and Religion'." of that during Wilkins recalled [one's] than World' the and Wilkins believes that doors" mure invitations Lo speak at meetings speak and invitations to Wilkins asserLpd that excuse that tu gel uuL of Laut'eates and should study have a the problems of science and society. Current In ter'es ts. Research Although he began pro f e s s ion a :_ (; a l' e e l' a s a p h y sic i s t, Dr. Wi 1 kin s i s be s L h 11 0 his contributions the "back - door" demonstrates 10 of huw significant impact biology, a biophysics. other' UIl field ~.;hich he Wn his for enLel'ed Lhrough His long and successful career scientific disciplines the development of biology. have had a 18 In discussing his research, \"ilkins provided sOIlle tJaL'kgl'ouwl about hjs more recent interests: I did neurobiology, mainly ner\-e eeJ 1 1IlC'IlIUralles, for sOllie ;--eal'S, buL tbis ha::; !lot \-e1') f~X('it ing and I was noL \-pry jnLeresLerl in lhal. I ,,,as inLf:?J'eslt~d HI neurobiulug~, but. I couldn'l find a suiLable line of ;01 0 r h. h- hie h \,!i:i S r' e a 11 ;y in Le l' e s Lin g , sol g a ve i L up after a ~.;rhilf~. 1'1ore Dr. l"ecently, Wilhins has "Science and broader i SSJPS at UIP famine, disarmament, national scientists. His organizations concerned wiLh Society" to inlerface--fuod and the social responsibility uf and and directed his energies leadership international these problems lfl has already been cited. Directions of Hodern Genetics. a geneticist, because hjs g e n e Li c s, nee u u 1 d ex pee t h i III t u h a v e 0 the direclions if I which modern genetics is headed. ,.;~ith Wilhins 1S 0 him led to some uf Wi.lh:ins's sLrongest vie \" S O i l Pur'suing this staLefll~"nLs: I think then~ is one thing I can sa~, and Lhal is that I am not very happy about the effec'\: of JllulecuL.H' b i () log yon p eo p 1 e 's mi 11 d s . C [' i c h has a 1 wa J S bee n a very hard ] ine materialist, and Watson has got. like this, too. They think e\-erythjng about life and human beings can be explained in terms of a_turns and molecules. Nm", I'm put1ing i t very roughly. - noL work on DNA has had such an impact on the dis c i pI i n e issue f Although Dr. I third;; they've got a bit naet'ow minded, the molecular biologists. Holecular biolog;- is, ub\jously, ex t I'eme 1 y important. TL has enormous po len t. i ali Ly l n many areas of Be ience and medicine. BuL T Lhink j t ~'01dd be a great mistake to thinh that, it is going tu cornprhend everything. \everl:heless, molecular biology is a very pO~Jerful tool In science. ;.;ays, I think it l S, In some doing molecular dj s B f:~ r"i icp to B ome~.:lla 1. mi s r'epresen L i t biology a BuL I think they're quite right hTay that lhe i l lS 19 developing, there seems to be potentiality . . this field. Quite where go, I don't know. arguments his In biologi~:ts , In ~;ever·al discussi'~.HIS meeting reflects Wilkins and whetL seemed to Thf~ concf-~ Nobelists cultural, social, recombinan t concerned, ways one \..;ould be I you see, as the s tuden Ls \.Jere think that about the pussible effects of developments genetics, Wilkins noted far a~"ful the Nobel Laureates at as lot. ,. as people say, Clearly serious ethical genetic lin are there are certain l·esull, the Lindau thal but he meeting seemed to be ~.,;r·ong. "This playing God. he be] ie'ves problems. diseases He noted Lhat. the genes themselves hould genes you would alter and what to be?" Lhe hU1l1an prublellls it seemed to [enough] to hUlllan cannot do an agree that Lo al tel' - rned to alter somatic cells to produce a said that ethical think that studenLs a [·ea of Ul e C\ DNA .,ork]." moment, the kind of and philosophical Turning specifically "at i the studenLs "".,-anted tu know all about. very hard on the Laureates: the mainly German natiunals. loJith fuur or fivp experts ,""orking implications of this work and in, held discussiuIls Laureates hundred medical students, recombinant DNA, might raise." inLerests his He related bis exper·iences Nobel "here uf many mulecular· mindset the humanity and education. al the Lindau before clearly Wilkins concerns for, against immense going to cUI iL's the forms of Lhe new genes oughL human genet"ic: manipuJation raise~ 20 Wilkins wenL on to say, own feeling hould be IhaL this "My future." in the type of ethical problem will geL more acule He believes that the sure way to deal with those ethical problems Lo Leach His belief in education has led him through education. 1S a discussiof', COUI'se about the social impact of the biosciences at King's College, London. Dr. Wilkins and give us increased power lo control knowledge increases moral and ethical problems are likely' Lo arise. should have as scient,ifjc tha t noLed discussion of lots the medical people, and pUblic" bel ieves "\.;e He scientisls, between concerning life, what lawyers, these pt~opl e think we ought Lo do in dealing with science and society issues. Impressions Dr. Wilkins said that agreed to a personal he because he likes to encourage young people who pursue these interests. science to jnteI'vje\,' aI'e inteI'ested in Cet'Lainly the OPPof'tunlty to have a private interview with a Nobel Laureate whose work has had a major Lmpact encouraging, biology, on was Dr. however, an Nost inspit'atioIl. Wilkins's personal "down-Lu-eal'Lh" approach in the inter\iiew, and his very evident cuncer'n for' human values and for the \>lell being of all hurnani ty. Maurice Wilkins, humanitarian, should to - pursue careers Nobel scientist, s t i mu 1a te the in te t'es t ln science. As an 0 Lau t'ea te , f and many young peo pI e advocate of science education and scientific literacy, he ought to have impact on the lives of all citizens an understanding uf science is 21 essential for informed Twentieth Century. - living these last years of the - 22 References Moritz, C. (Ed. ). ( 1963) . Biography Yearbook, Current i'1.H.F. Wilkins. The H.W. 24th ed. Wilson Co. Reidman, S.R. & Gustafson, E.T. Portraits of Nobel (1963). Laureates in Medic'ine and Physiolog,v. London: Abelard-Schuman Limited. (1966). Soul', T.L. & Stevenson, L.G. in Medicine and Physiology: London: Watson, Nobel Prizewinners 1901-1965, 2nd ed. Abelard-Schuman Limited. J.D. & Crick, F.H.C. of nucleic acids. (1953) Nature, (1987) . 171, l'LH.F. Molecular structure (4356), 737-38. Wilkins. Ne~~ York: St. Martin's Press. Caption Figure 1. Dr. Maurice H.F. Wilkins, photographed in his office November 19, 1987. (Pho lograph by Stephanie ,Johnson.)