ERROR MIGRATION: FACTOR FOR CONSIDERATION WHEN DEVELOPING NORMATIVE PHONOLOGICAL DATA An Honors Thesis (ID 499) by SARA MCDERMOTT ADVISOR: DR. CHARLES W. MARTIN / BALL STATE UNIVERSITY MUNCIE, INDIANA August, 1987 Expected Graduation: 8-15-87 TABLE OF CONTENTS LIST OF CHARTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . iii LIST OF TABLES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . iv INTRODUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 REVIEW OF THE LITERATURE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 METHOD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • • . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Selection of Subjects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Materia,ls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Procedure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 FINDINGS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 .. .... . . . ... .. ..... ............. ..... ..... . 21 Discussion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 Suggestions for Further Research . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . • . . . . . 22 ........................................... 23 APPENDIX . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 BIBLIOGRAPH'p' . . . . • . . . . . . • . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 Summary .... Conclusions LIST OF CHARTS 1. Haelsig & Madison Normative Data on Phonological Processes iii Page 28 LIST OF TABLES PAGE TABLES 1. Data Results Form the Goldman-Fristoe Test of Articulation: Normal Subjects 26 2. Summary of Mean Percentage of Occurrence on the Three Articulation Tests used 26 3. Individual error migration Patterns of Subjects 27 iv I~TRODUCTION Articulation tests have t~o determine the nature of the articulation is to determine how extensive Information obtained from an tHO purposes is used the problem is articulation test (~o~rer, concerning these are available to and final positions of Some tests employ single-Ford tested. are include procedures Hhile others elicitation tasks, 1982). each generally related in many Hays, initial, medial, especially in that the Fords the second to develop a therapy program, provided one speech-language clinicians, in problem and Many types of articulation tests is necessary. phonemes The first is to basic purposes. t,o obtain a spontaneous connected speech sample. The method most often Gsed requires when testing sounds Fithin single Fords that is of eliciting young children (Mm-Ter, procedure, the client is asked to represented in the picture. target phoneme and within Standard American in pictures, especially naming objects 1982). say the ] S the Photo Selmar, the ~,my and Soder test, each The target the cl ient pronounces them. Articulation Test (1969) of the object phoneme in represented in each of the three basic positions (initial, medial, final). evaluated by name Each word represented contains a the particular English In tests using the developed "consists by of sounds are As an example, Pendergast, Dickey, seventy-two photographs of objects familiar to most children" (Darley, color 1979). 2 As the child evaluates names how Examples of the object accurately tests that in the picture, the clinician target the involve single-word Developmental Articulation Test, developed the Compton-Hutton is sound pronounced. elicitation are the by Hejna (1963) and Phonological Assessment, developed by Compton and Hutton (1978). Several methods have been used spontaneous, connected speech sample. engaging a conversation questions about with his/her the in order obtain a One method involves simply Asking client. hobbies to and interest the client can elicit a spontaneous sample that is representative of the client's speech. Problems arise if 1980). (Weiss, the client is uncooperative or unresponsive Another method of obtaining a spontaneous, connective speech sample involves the use of pictures to elicit a story from the client. Articulation, For example, the developed by Goldman-Fristoe Test of Goldman and Fristoe (1969), employs pictures to be shown to the client, who pictures. Each picture in turn usually elicits tells about the more than one phoneme; therefore, the time to administer the test is reduced. A growing body of research literature has questioned the validity of testing articulation with the traditional single elicitation procedure. single word articulation psychometric criteria. articulation basis of 10 Research and tests McCauley language psychometric has indicated are not and tests criteria. that available valid Swisher ~ord in (1984) terms of tested 30 for preschool children on the Results of the analysis 3 criteria. Healy and Madison (1984) compared the results of single word articulation tests and connected speech samples in speech delayed children. They discovered difference in the They procedures. both a quantitative and qualitative recorded errors questioned whether from the single two testing word articulation test accurately measure articulation abilities. Although pathologist testing standardized with information standardized procedures provides the error patterns, regarding speech such may result in an unrepresentative speech Since a representative sample of speech sample (Schwartz, 1983). is necessary for effective remediation of articulatory disorders, the contemporary beneficial to compare frequency including error pathologist speech-language migration may find it and type of articulation error, between single word production and connected speech samples (Healy and Madison, 1983). Considering the clinical significance of the often observed discrepancy between single word stimuli and connected speech samples, there has been limited articulation description increased frequency of it (Healy of articulation performance and Faircloth, migration have Faircloth, 1970; 1970). shown Current significant DuBois and Madison, response 1983). to The errors as a function of the type of test given has been termed "error and in migration" research finding variability (Faircloth on (Faircloth error and Bernthal, 1978; Johnson, Winney and Pederson, 1980; Healy and Madison, 1983). 4 The present study seeks to further Faircloth and Johnson et. al. (1983). frequency Faircloth (1980) The focus and and, in this type migration between (1970), of in DuBois and particular, study will articulation single word the line of research of Bernthal (1978), Healy and Madison be a comparison of both error, including error productions and continuous speech samples when vocabulary is held constant. 5 REVIEW OF THE LITERATURE Research has been done test results and comparing connected 1) a comparison been on single word divided into For two major of normal children's and delayed children's phonological error patterns errors word articulation speech articulation results. this study, previous research has categories: single a and 2) comparison of articulation tests and connected speech articulation tests. NORMAL VS. DELAYED CHILDREN Some researchers disagree on in articulation error patterns whether there is a difference between children who differ in patterns are incorrect production due to internalized speech sound rules. Holloway and overall Daniloff language (1969) normal speaking compared articulatory children in 30 children in grades and 30 Error performance. the area of syntax. 1-3 who normal children. defective had severe Each children to The study used articulation problems child had an individual language sample recorded and analyzed for syntax and sentence length. The results revealed a significant difference between the two groups. The articulation problem children and produced utterances than the normal language delay that children's is related had smaller were less grammatically complete utterances. to sentence lengths They articulation concluded that problems. Often, 6 articulation defective children differ from normal children because of language acquisition problems. (1973) Panagros made Holloway, and Daniloff an hypothesis based on the Shriner, study. (1969) He knew that children usually learn to say words with one consonant and one vowel first (open His syllable). have children hypothesis articulation the omitted that sound. though He they they are believed No acquisition and articulation interact. language delayed because problems utterances to open syllables, even producing was reduce capable of that data was language provided to support this position empirically. Oller (1973) found that children with articulation problems usually have similar error patterns. These patterns are different than the ones used by normally developing children. Oller used 5 subjects with articulation problems. He of the He discovered consistencies subject's language samples. carefully analyzed each in the types of errors made, not obvious through other methods of analysis. He concluded that children do formulate sound rules and diagnostics should determine what those rules are. Only then may the teacher correct the erroneous rules. In the study done by Schwartz, Leonard, Folger, and Wilcox (1980) no substantial patterns between children. This study differed in findings from the one (1973). differences normal were speaking and found in phonological language disordered of Oller The subjects of the two groups were matched on the basis of mean utterance length, sex, and cognitive development. Three 7 of the children were enrolled in remedial therapy programs at the The time of the study. seven months determined to children ranged three that the linguistically at seven years, three other a normal rate. in age from two years, months. The researchers were children developing This group ranged in age from one year, seven months to one children had 100 non-imitative utterances recorded and at least year, nine months. A phonological analyzed on the basis of phonological processes. process is a procedure attempting to Kresheck, used by children to simplifY speech when produce adult The 1983). disordered the revealed speech children, with normal spealring children evidenced while none of the Also, the groups children, used deletion process. occurrence for group that The similar of final the evidenced each normal speaking and process Two of the of deaspiration children used this process. in that for five of the six consonant was the most frequently differences each process of that the processes one exception. language delayed were Hurryman, and (Nicolosi, words results evidenced were the same in language Each of the included and the process. the frequency of amount of children in each However, these differences were not considered to be substantial. Schwartz, et. al. suggest in conclusion there may be a significant relationship between the acquisition of phonology and the development of other aspects of linguistic behavior. would account for the difference of findings in did not control for language delay. This the studies that 8 Hodson and Paden (1981) analyzed articulatory errors of 60 "essentially unintelligible" children between 3 and These children had been described as having misarticulations. They were each being seen at the Illinois for diagnostics articulation analyzed "intelligible" 4 individually 60 of year olds for comparison. to the multiple University of The researchers also therapy. errors responded Processes. and 8 years old. normally developing Each of the subjects Assessment of Phonological Verified transcriptions were then transferred to the analysis form of The Assessment of Phonological Processes. The results of the study revealed evidenced phonological evidenced liquid processes. deviation, that all of the children The unintelligible children cluster reduction, deletion, stopping and assimilation (see Appendix A). of the intelligible processes. The evidenced velar children most severely deviation, syllable reduction, demonstrated each unintelligible backing, prevocalic voicing final stridency Only a few of subjects these also consonant deletion, and glottal replacement. Many of the intelligible children evidenced examples of devoicing of word-final obstruents. Also, some of them strident phonemes to replace non-strident error closely approximated adult did occur did not affect produced anterior interdentals. These models and the deviations that intelligibility. Hodson and Paden concluded there are specific error patterns which are predictable in unintelligible speech. patterns differ from the Further, they stated that ones used by normally these error developing 9 children in both the number and type. Nelson and Kamhi (1984) compared the relationship of syntax, semantics and phonology in Each subject children. During each utterances of four normal 2 year old was seen for at least eight sessions. session the clinician gave a sentence imitation task with nonsense The sentence words, and recorded a imitation task spontaneous speech sample. was controlled for sentence length and complexity and phonological complexity. The researchers analyzed the sentence imitation task for the relationship sentence complexity phonological accuracy between and complexity of between of consonant grammatical nonsense words. Consonants Correct in target nonsense words consonant production production accuracy (Shriberg Grammatical errors were measured by the errors and and the The Percentage of was used to measure and Kwiatkowski, 1982). percentage of omissions, substitutions, additions and transpositions. The researchers consonant production sentences found errors as increased. complex nonsense that words The all four subjects made more the complexity productions improved over of time, of the imitative low phonologically whereas phonologically complex words remained in error. made more grammatical errors as the high Only one subject phonological complexity revealed consistent increased. The spontaneous speech samples relationship between sentence length production. The researchers and accuracy no of consonant used the number of propositions to 10 measure semantic It complexity. was found that consonant production was not related to semantic complexity. The suggested authors in accuracy and sentence complexity when child the are going is conclusion the most be length of correlated with phonological closely related transitional through (reorganizing internalized speech production words, the that periods In other rules). the utterance can sometimes but not always correct consonant in production normal children. A study was done to analyze the relationship between the phonological processes of final consonant deletion, final cluster reduction and deletion and grammatical morpheme use for bound slz (Richardson, Dunn, Davis, morphemes and BE verbs and Daly, 1984). Goleski, Lopez A 30-minute connected speech sample was taken from each of ten children enrolled in articulation children ranged in age form 3 years, 8 therapy. months to The 5 years, 10 months. The researchers form content found that words also found that children who deleted "is" speech. However, when (final analyzed and consonant in significant those children who deleted slz deleted slz morphemes. The researchers deleted slz "was" the more correlation to slz and final bound were phonological errors can cause phonological processes cluster morphemes found. words usually forms of BE) in connected generalized deletion relation from content and reduction) were Be verbs, no The authors suggest that grammatical errors where accurate 11 This is the only case the researchers articulation is necessary. found in which and language errors articulation interact significantly in speech defective children. Some researchers found differences in error patterns between articulation problem children and some and normally developing children did not find significant differences. needed to determine valid differences or More research is similarities between these two groups. SINGLE WORD VS. CONNECTED SPEECH In comparing single word and connected speech articulation testing, some researchers found Others found that connected no difference in the results. speech results were more indicative of the child's articulation problem than single word articulation test results. phonemes in DuBois the different speech same and 20 Bernthal stimulus (1978) words tested 10 target elicited demonstrated at screening procedure. instructed the pictures. least three Eighteen children ranging in sampling methods. age from four to six years old served as subjects. had by four articulation Each errors In the continuous speech task, of them in the the testers children to tell stories when shown multi-concept In the modelled continuous speech task, responses were elicited through delayed imitation. Single word responses were elicited through the spontaneous picture naming task. The researchers counted each error in the data analysis. 12 Results showed there were significantly more errors in the Also, more continuous speech task than in the other two tasks. errors occurred speech task than in in the the spontaneous picture limited in modelled continuous naming task. interpretation because The though, study, only the is frequency of errors was considered. Johnson, Winney, and Pederson (1980) did a study comparing both the frequency and type of articulation errors made under two testing conditions. They tested age from 3.7 to 9.5 thirty-five children years. The children were identified as articulation impaired through at least connected speech Fristoe Test Sentences to screening. of one phoneme The researchers Articulation elicit single ranging in Sounds-in error in a used the Goldman- Words and Sounds-in- word and connected speech responses, respectively. Johnson, et. al. considered each error in the analysis. results confirmed were less errors speech. The the in DuBois single results and Bernthal conclusions. word also responses showed than there The There in connected were significant differences in the type and pattern of errors in the two sampling methods. For example, continuous speech. There there were were more more omission errors in substitution than omission errors in single word responses. Pollock and of one male Schwartz (1983) speech samples were used. disordered analyzed the speech production child. Five connected speech These had been collected over the period from 13 3 age 3 years, 5 months to 7 examined complexity the form and years, The researcher months. of syllable The distribution monosyllabic, disyllabic and trisyllabic words. of phonetic in segments positions was determined. syllable initial structures in and syllable final The analysis focused on the sounds the child was capable of producing rather than whether it was correct by adult standard targets. Initially, The child had many internal rules that allow sounds to occur in certain positions. that these constraints were consonants, vowel-initial This happened first in lifted Later samples showed to allow then words, important part in disyllabic It was shown that words and then partially in trisyllabic words. For a syllable final syllables and syllable final clusters. monosyllabic syllable position was an did not of sound acquisition. period of time, the child used Idl and Inl consistently to begin syllables and did not learn to produce other sounds in that position. The are results indicate important Available that syllable structure and position considerations single word in articulation articulation tests do assessment. not assess this aspect of speech production. A study was done comparing the results of one of five single word articulation tests to the results of a 50 utterance connected speech sample (Traweek, Aitken, Daiy, Fomby, Perot, and Sheehan, 1983). years were used Twenty-five children between the ages of 3 and 6 as subjects. The researchers analyzed the 14 results of the single word The phonological processes. speech sample and and connected speech samples for results showed the single word that the connected responses phonological processes equally if the child's identified speech exhibited a moderate to severe disorder. Healy and Madison (1984) compared both frequency and type of articulation error between single word production and continuous speech samples when vocabulary is held constant. used twenty children with ages between 5.4 and Each of them had conversational demonstrated at 12.8 as subjects. least three phoneme errors in Single speech. The researchers word responses were elicited through the Weiss Comprehensive Articulation Test (WCAT: Form). when The researchers instructed the shown samples. a multi-concept picture for tell a story the connected speech The same phonemes were elicited for each task. Each single Results children to Picture error confirmed that connected speech than classified as was in a considered greater single substitutions, researchers found that connected category than in the number of words. omissions, speech single word samples. data analysis. errors occur in Errors and distortion. revealed percentage errors. of more The of each The major difference between these findings and that of Johnson, et. al. is the types of were further proportion of For example, Johnson, et. al. showed a higher omission errors and a lower percentage of distortion errors than Madison and Healy did. Kenney, Prather, Mooney and Jeruzal (1984) used 30 children 15 aged 4.4 to 4.8. normal rate. pictures for Each of these Eight each of children were specific phonemes the three developing at a were elicited through articulation tests. The tests consisted of a nonsense test (multisyllabic nonsense utterances), a single word test, and a story-retell test. The results showed similarly in the number word and story tests. test, that though the the and type children performed of articulation errors in the They did make more errors on the nonsense difference was not statistically significant. The researchers also found that fewer omissions preschool boys produced However, than girls. more errors but this is not the focus of the present study. Paden and Moss (1985) found no difference in single word and connected speech articulation tests. subjects were aged 4.11, 6.11, and 7.6. for phonological the results of remediation. They were Single word The three each enrolled responses elicited through the Assessment of Phonological Processes The researchers obtained a sample of Natural Process Analysis (NPA). Both were (APP). continuous speech for the of these responses were evaluated separately for the Procedures for Phonological Analysis of Children's decided that Language a process (PPACL). The that occurred researchers arbitrarily at least 50% of the time should be considered a remediation target. The results identified through revealed any of no difference the procedures. the APP may be the most efficient test in the processes They suggested that tool analyzed because it 16 took the least time However, these results are to administer. inconclusive because only three subjects were used. Some of the researchers found that tests are accurate authors prefer because the in assessing single word single word single word articulation articulation tests over tests are errors. These connected speech samples more time efficient. Other researchers found that connected speech samples are more accurate in than assessment word single articulation literature also reveals contradictory findings in tests. The the comparison of error patterns between children who differ in overall language Some development. researchers found differences in error patterns between the normally developing and the language delayed children and (Hodson Paden, 1981; Oller, 1973). Other researchers found similar error patterns between these two groups (Schwartz, Leonard, Folger, and Wilcox, 1980; Nelson and Kamhi, 1984) . The present study was discussed, especially on the (1984) and Kenney, et. a!. designed to studies done (1984). expand upon the studies by Healy and Madison A comparison of the results found in two single word tests and one connected speech test will be reported. children. The subjects will be normally developing preschool It is difference between hypothesized the results connected speech test. there will be a significant on the single word tests and the It is further hypothesized there will be differences in the results on the two single word tests. 17 METHOD SUBJECTS The (mean age school. subjects in = 3:6). this They Children were study were were each ten preschool children enrolled in excluded if they exhibited by history or observation any systematic disorder such as cerebral palsy, not used. or cleft Each child a private pre- palate. passed a developmental delay, Also bilingual children were standard audiometric screening test. MATERIALS Each of the subjects of Articulation. responded to Half responded to the Goldman-Fristoe Test of two additional the subjects, articulation tests. Weiss Comprehensive Articulation Test Test of Articulation were recorded standard score at random, These were the and the Forced-Alternative (Martin, 1984). on the selected Each subject's responses sheet for each test using broad phonetic transcription and were audio recorded. PROCEDURE Each subject's responses assisted data analysis program, phonological analysis were analyzed using a computer- Linguist II. identifies 21 general The computerized simplification processes, t;heir total opportunities of occurrence, total 18 instances of occurrence, and percent of occurrence. In addition, the computer-assisted diagnostic program performs consonant error analysis for 25 consonants of English. The total total opportunities for occurrence, correct, frequency of omissions, each initial, medial and and specific and component program The correct, percent substitutions for final position consonant singleton and each initial position twotested. program reveals the three-element also consonant cluster provides quantitative measures representing contrastivity, variability and accuracy for initial, medial and final position consonant singletons. 19 FINDINGS Chart I provides a graphic representation of the normative data developed by Haelsig and Madison (1986) for the phonological processes characteristic of children 3-5 years of age. Results of the current study differed significantly from those norms (see Table I). For example, in the current study, gliding occurred at a mean of 6% subjects. of the opportunities In Haelsig of the total The in increasing Value of 1.3-2.97: for all of the and Madison's norms, gliding occurred 52% opportunities. processes, listed available following five phonological order of significance, had a Z- Labial Assimilation (La), Cluster Reduction (CR), Vocalization (Vo), Syllable Deletion (SD), Gliding (GI). Mean percentage of error for processes which could be compared to of occurrence (see Table II). each of the phonological the norms ranged from 0-8% This is significantly different from the norms of 24-52% as provided by Haelsig and Table I). It can also be seen from Table II that the three tests differed in mean percentage phonological processes. occurrence of 8% for of occurrence Articulation Test) the two single and 5% for the Articulatior~, of 3% several of the word on the elicitation tests We iss Compr e hens i ve conversational speech sample (Forced-Alternative Test of Articulation). occurrence on For example, depalatalization had a mean ( =Gc..::o:....::l::...:d:::::m=a:.=.:n'--....::F::...;r"'--"'i;..::s:....:t::...:o:::...e"'""--_--'T::....e=s...;;t'--_=o..::;f_--'A=r...;;t:....::i::...:c"'-u=lc..::a:....:t:::...1::....·o=n , an Madison (see Vocalization (Vo) had Forced-Alternative Test of 4% on the Goldman-Fristoe Test of Articulation, and 20 5% on the Weiss Comprehensive Articulation Test. Table I I I provides the percentage of each each of the subject that responded to all phonological processes three tests. Error migration, as exhibited by the change percent occurrence of for error for of demonstrated by the data. occurrence on velar the For phonological (VF) for articulation tests and a 16% occurrence articulation test. vocalization (Vo) on ~, 0% a This the subject (FA), Articulation Test and had an two on the had an 11% occurrence of the Alternative a 6% (WCAT). on the Subject on the occurrence of FA, a 0% of connected speech on Forced was single word Test gliding (GI) on the GF, 2% Subject #10 the #5 had Goldman-Fristoe occurrence Articulation processes, example, subject fronting in the of Articulation Weiss Test of Comprehensive #7 had a 0% occurrence of and 10% on the WCAT. 18% on Affricate assimilation (Aa) on the GF, 7% on the FA, and 14% on the WCAT. was the the three tests for biggest occurrence subject #8. (La), and This difference nasalization (Na). difference in occurrence on labial assimilation. difference from occurred in However, 3% labial assimilation For subject #9, 5% was the biggest the three tests. This occurred in 21 SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS SUMMARY Ten subjects three and selected for this study. Goldman-Fristoe Test 1969). them also Half of Articulation Test four years Each of the of old (mean age 3:6) were subjects responded to the Articulation. (Goldman and Fristoe, responded to the Weiss Comprehensive (Weiss, 1980) and the Forced-Alternative Test of Articulation (Martin, 1984). The subjects' responses were analyzed with a computer-assisted data analysis program, Linguist II. The results normative data of analysis developed by year old children. these norms the were then Haelsig and There was compared Madison (1986) for 3-5 a significant difference between and the results of the present study. Percentage of error for each of the phonological processes for that three was computed. was given all tests to the also each subject Error migration was demonstrated by the data. DISCUSSION The results of this study support the findings Madison (1984), Johnson, Winney and Bernthal (1978). Error and Pederson migration was of Healy and (1980) and DuBois shown to occur for several of the phonological processes between the two single word and the connected speech articulation tests. More errors occurred in connected speech responses. The results differed from the findings of Paden and Moss 22 (1985) and Kenney, Prather, Mooney studies found no difference and Jeruzal (1984). between errors identified between single word and connected speech articulation tests. the present study shows The data in that some subjects demonstrated a large difference of percentage of occurrence on between the These phonological processes two types of tests, while some subjects demonstrated This seems to indicate a small difference. that error migration only occurs in some subjects. This would explain the findings of those studies no observed that indicated difference in results between single word and connected speech articulation tests. This (1984) . the study furthered the findings It was discovered there was a responses provided by of the Haelsig differences in the articulation tests. percent of present and results Madison and Healy significant difference in study's Madison of subjects and the norms (1986). between Also, the Specifically, there were two there were single word differences in the occurrence of glides, labiodentals, deletion of final consonants, and lingua-alveolars detected in the two tests. These differences support the conclusions of McCauley and Swisher (1984) that results will vary across standardized articulation tests due to a lack of validity. SUGGESTIONS FOR FURTHER RESEARCH The findings of this study could be further verified using a larger number of subjects. will exhibit error This may also indicate which children migration and which will not. Also, more 23 standardized single word study could tests could used be for further comparison. Another processes of a speech. large The be done number results of may analyzing normal alter the the phonological children in connected presently established normative data. CONCLUSIONS This study found a significant difference between the normal subjects used and the presently available normative data (Haelsig Error migration was also found across single and Madison, 1986). word and connected speech frequently observed problem for occurred a word few times. tests migration used in may be a normative data on the Error samples. some migration subjects; for was a others, it It was also found across the two single the study. These data indicate error factor for consideration when establishing development of phonological processes. Further, these data suggest that the establishment of appropriate phonological processes for remediation can be measurement devise used. been indicated further standardized to tests. a function of the Suggestions for further research have understand Further research the differences between could also refine the available normative data on phonological processes. 24 APPENDIX A: DEFINITION OF PHONOLOGICAL PROCESSES - NICOLOSI, HARRYMAN, & KRESHECK (1983). 1. Cluster Reduction (CR): The consonant cluster is produced as a single consonant; e.g., spoon=/p~n/. 2. Initial consonant deletion (ICD): Reduction of consonantvowel (CV) or consonant-vowel-consonant (CVC) to a vowel or to a CV; e.g., pig=/:g/. 3. Final consonant deletion (FCD): reduction of consonantvowel-consonant (CVC) to a consonant-vowel (CV) form; e.g., pig=/pl / . the omission of a syllable in a 4. Syllable deletion (SD): baby=/be/. multi-syllable word; e.g.: 5. Velar fronting (VF): The tendency to replace velar consonants with alveolar ones; e.g., shoe=/su/. 6. Depalatalization (Dp): replacing a palatal consonant with a non-palatal consonant; e.g., shoe=/mu/. 7. Backing (Bk): The substitution of /k/, /g/, /h/ and glottal stops for non-back phonemes; e.g., tub=/t~g/. 8. Stopping (St): Replacement of fricatives, and occasionally other sounds, with a stop consonant; e.g.: seat=/tit/. Replacement of a non-palatal consonant 9. Palatalization (Pa): with a palatal consonant; e. g.: man='",,'n/. 10. Gliding (GI): Substitution of /w/ or /j/ (glides) for another sound; e.g., soap=/jop/. 11. Vocalization (Vo): a tendency of consonants to be voiced when preceding a vowel; e.g., pen=/b~n/. Substitution of a labial consonant for 12. Labialization (Lb): e.g., top=/bap/. a non-labial consonant; 13. Devoicing of final consonants (DFC): Process whereby a child anticipates the silence following a word and substitutes a voiceless consonant for the final consonant; e.g., bed=/bct/. 14. Velar Assimilation (Va): Tendency of apical consonants to assimilate to a following velar consonant; e.g.: duck=/g:k/. 15. Alveolar Assimilation (Aa): substitution of an alveolar consonant for a non-alveolar consonant to make production similar to another labial consonant in a word; e.g., mutt=/t t/. 16. Nasal Assimilation (Na): Tendency of sound to take on the nasality of a following nasal consonant; e.g., friend=/ntnd/. 25 17. Labial Assimilation (La): Substitution of a labial consonant for a non-labial consonant to make production similar to another labial consonant in a word; e.g., top= /bop/. 18. Affrication (Af): The replacement of a fricative with an affricate; e.g., sun=/tsAn/. 19. Denasalization (Dn): The replacement of a nasal consonant with an oral one; e.g. no=/do/. 20. Deaffrication (Da): The replacement of an affricate with a non-affricate consonant; e. g., church= 6sY . 21. Voicing of initial consonants (VIC): Substitutes a voiced consonant for a voiceless consonant for the first consonant in a word; e.g., peg=/bEg/. ) TfB....E I CRTA 1<I25l..l.:rs FI<D'1 n-£ €O.LJ1'N-FRISTCE TEST CF FRTIO..l.RTICN: N:f<I'FL SI..BJECTS FIE 9.BJEJ:T IN 2N ..... 3'1 9i 6N 7N eN 9N 1CN ~ 3.5 4.1 3.9 3.11 3.11 3.8 3.6 3.8 3.1 4.3 3.63 ~ H.SI6 & I'FIJlSO 2~= CR a! a! a! a! (F- a! a! a! ICD a! 3-! a! a! a! a:: a:: Fro w SO EF. 1~ ~ ~ (F(F(F- a! 1~ 1~ S-! a! a! a! a! a:: (F- (F- ~ a! Q:> ...... 11~ ll~ 1~ 1~ 13-! ~ ~ 11~ ~ a! a! 1~ a! 7"..! a! a! a! 1~ (F- ~ (F(F- ~ a! a! a! a! a! a! 11~ ~ ~ a! a! a! a! a! a! 1~ I~ ~ ~ (F- ~ S-! IS-! la:: a:: a:: a:: a:: a:: a! a:: a:: a:: a:: a:: a:: a:: a:: ~ a! IS-! a:: a:: a:: a:: 1~ (F- 11~ ~ ~ a! S-! S-! a:: a:: a:: a! a! <t:P. ~ (F- a! ~ l~ 1~ ~ ~ ~ ~ l~ ~ 1~ ~ 1(p' lEF. 1~ (F- 1~ 3-! 13-! ~ S-! ~ ~ ~ 2. 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