25 FEB 2014 Math 101 Name: Page 2 of 10 pages Short Answer Questions. Each question is worth 3 points. Put a box around your final answer, but NO CREDIT will be given for the answer without the correct accompanying [24] L. 1,,-""r"", " I"*sin2s o,=!4;: ';.ni-i:i ca:czx'\drc T. E= != €silox) -+ (b)Evaruat"lffia2V eoscZx) k -L + t Jx &rcst; G) \ffi- -J e-=K rtrt Czx)A'x l'<* e = 4-r"' Jr^= ^ 2xJx f: [ -lzL.t -, -it- J tJu +a)\Lsi,^G) ^-* +c e=t (g,i Czx) -oosc4,) {-C- 2014 Math 101 25 FEB (c) Find the average value of ,t |lz*e = -69*;) (d) Find -['(*) = /'(r) where f (r) : cos cA ( /(z) : lo'* J" Page 3 of 10 pages Name: 3e sec2(r) dr over the interval [0,n la]. .J-xdx = [r{61cos(r2) dr, where 'E - hf b tA. .4_ +c.^^ 9+ -l:. r > 0. oo;(-t 'oc\)' 'l e_ Furud cr'we',t*c'911'" t a''.t'L -4 CaIu"JJt"J e.,,td f,^ cJrr";u^ ^"tA) 25 FEB 2014 Math 101 Page 4 of 10 pages Name: +C fdr (e) Evaluate I . .l rz-5117 L 7) aAc+vr,\ \J3 /2- \.t s dx- Ic*-l':t + 4 (.-tJ +C ( Ur" lano= 6 C^-V-\ '4 6r*',1*'* oon 10- a^c;t"l,vtgad i^vnntd^-t"ru) (f) A variable force of F(r) : kr newlons moves an object along a straight line when the object is e metres from the origin. If the work done in moving the object from 1 metre to 5 metres from the origin is 25 newton-metres, find the value of k. 2; W= .J ? J, F*lJx= 4 F Ydn= !-&]ru 2 2 12'?o-= =) _-) 2t = 4*'l= z l,t 428_. 25 FEB (g) Evaluat 2014 Math 101 Name: " Ir* re-, d"r. = /r nn I J4 L>*L '( "-- \a h* [-e,e-q L;ol] ( (h) Evaruat" ** R->oo Lal tl=x :) Jtt=Jr- I = o** l- r. Page 5 of 10 pages I + !_ < <.-LJ X J..r= e->cJx [*e--J^J \" J4 J (\ + t- - a*\ jgg, (t . ;)' : An v*e6ra!- 14,r* eas {A;' as a- Rt' ls { f= *g'^* o-,hK sqN^/L 7e_ \J v.'dx ginca Ars= += L t1 4 e^lA ck""'ltt u-tdet 4"-A ot a- P-"\t'th*' ( pincps l1"lo . +(* su/n i^ L4' a4tB ,z) i^ n'eyuoL '7tles Xi.t -- 4 -+ ,i=1,L,,..; ('*'Jr= tl'= e_L_trt 3 ll s s-13 J,( YL. 25 FEB 2014 Math 101 Page 6 of 10 pages Name: 1612. Find the area of the finite region .R bounded by the curves y a : lrl. : tf2cos(trrl|) and -I n{errsac.t)'.r$* p".^"ts : y ,If .* =(x{ fT) =lr\ =) x=14 *-X='tret=fr) X. kno= r4 ('/x c*C,)-lxl)d*= 2lr@)--Jx Jo bA U = fl 3,il' F a),n(SO _*1 o W-L-A lf ,E \+-4 c*e%)=il'.{-' 14 j -4 +in<<- 0 .f^,*rb{ *L** Ifu - a.oCt\,. 25 FEB [6] Bd+( 2074 Math 101 3. Find the function -Fr+, Wn 5o(,* / that satisfies f (r) : {,(x)= fA,JJr Page 7 of 10 pages Name: be n* - Io" f ft) dt. q ftx;. @ bd s,.t".{tfu$,;r^, [..t tr= +-+(^) -'#= -4'&), bt^^>t^ \.ar*,r,nts O ,trt- -+dr --)JA dr =) U.,k\= Le" k = t,(' > <r,v\e + \'- k*l = Ce-" -) {Cfl = !F- eA*, 'rnG +U o'r'i^^^-A \J,rrrt'. C? ?("8 >c = o 'pX"t^h\]* #yl F.o Ij *-rJt -e =) 4 -(= O :) C-9. l'l€^/..., $co)= {cx) = 4-\e- - 25 FEB [6] 2014 Math 101 Page 8 of 10 pages Na,me: andr:3 . Thetriangular n:5. region bounded by U:t,U:0, Find the volume of the solid so generated. is rotated about theline 5e+ {eil v+ a', a.w \vr{"ga$.l^ t 6. /- \og p cr-&)'- \/= r[*)1 o =[r Cs- sye - 9T r )3rrr 33 311c 778 - lTtr, +Trd e3 t -Jo JLTf J., c 25 FEB 2014 Math 101 Page 9 of L0 pages Name: 5. Find the volume of the solid generated by rotating the finite region bounded : Llr and 3o * 3y : 10 about the r-uris. U [6] by 3r tl($)= 4e t@9 v 7-fti v= (O 13 = (o:c :) X-= k o{. )c:3 3>z :l U=(9-x-, -J3 ikr{"-n({d=. a(l sjar.r 84 25 FEB 2014 Math 101 Page 10 of 10 pages Name: [6] 6. A rectangular swimming pool 20 metres long and 8 metres wide has a sloping plane bottom so that the depth of the pool is 1 metre at one end and 3 metres at the other end. Find the total work that must be done to pump all the water in this pool when it is full over the top edge of the pool. __ ,t.,. c,^/&J,\-sa <. wt t+ & .Aoy io s-: (U^, t _-d 5p(+ in*- $.o plac€ 8wr {n' ra_ a=ft l7''a dw, = , Wr-= l,ooo ka to^s-1J!DJ j ffi' '20 _tl (= 6{Paiu'dJ\eq&f"^,l{s.^&1{G (oE.S ,6 C3^f)Jn = €x4.>6 s*(^n C,*#tt 7 ,, qJ/\-e-o, T,, @ dttb = 40oo ooo .4"@gtT% =-) w=J: JU r-c-c{aJ;.qdd.! z o >1 z-= 1O,p ,|.os,46.(e-f\dt :y Nu,.. \ x40( Nun AU +I^@L ---. q