Zoomerang Survey Results Faculty Evaluation of USA Libraries' Resources, Spring 2011 156 responses; 744 invites. 21.0% Response Rate 1. For this survey, USA Libraries includes the Main Library and the Biomedical Library. Please answer the questions below using the following scale: 1 = Strongly disagree; 2 = Disagree; 3 = Agree; and 4 = Strongly agree. Strongly agree The USA Libraries are accessible to all students. The USA Libraries provide the resources needed for undergraduate academic programs. The USA Libraries provide the resources needed for graduate academic programs. The USA Libraries provide the resources I need in my own research. The USA Libraries are incorporating information technology effectively. The USA Libraries have adequate professional staff. Students taking web-based courses have adequate access to a library. 12/201/12 kpw 110 71% 81 53% 64 41% 54 35% 71 47% 76 50% 54 40% Agree 41 26% 64 42% 65 42% 73 47% 72 47% 62 41% 69 51% Disagree 2 1% 6 4% 21 14% 23 15% 6 4% 11 7% 8 6% Strongly disagree 2 1% 1 1% 5 3% 6 4% 3 2% 2 1% 5 4% 1 of 1