University Libraries Committees Revised: May 11, 2015 MAD INDEX Standing Committees: (Standing Committees have a continued existence, addressing issues and recurrent needs) Circulation Policy Committee, Marx Library Collection Development Committee, Marx Library Department Heads, Marx Library Electronic Resources Management Committee, Marx Library Instruction Committee, Marx Library Promotion Review Committee, University Libraries Public Relations Committee, Marx Library Public Services Committee, Marx Library Safety & Emergency Committee, Marx Library Student Assistants Training and Orientation Committee, Marx Library Tenure Review Committee, University Libraries Bibliographic Assessment Committee, Marx Library Technology Committee, University Libraries University Libraries Faculty University Libraries Planning Committee 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 AD HOC Committees (Ad hoc committees are established to accomplish a particular purpose and cease to exist once that purpose bas been served) Allocations Review Group, Marx Library Search Committees for Faculty Appointment 17 18 University Level Library Standing Committees: (Appointment by VP Academic Affairs or President; Standing committees have a continued existence, addressing issues and recurrent needs) University Library Committee University Library Committee Members 1 19 20 University Libraries Committees Revised: May 11, 2015 MAD Circulation Policy Committee Marx Library Type: Standing committee. Advisory to the Dean of University Libraries. Role: To review and recommend changes in circulation policies for the Libraries. Assess circulation procedures and services. Discuss relevant issues that come up. Coordinate changes to processes and procedures, etc. Agenda items may be brought to this forum by the Dean, Director of the Biomedical Library, Assistant Dean of ML or other members of the committee. Members: Head of Access Services (ML) (Chair) Circulation Staff Supervisor Head of Cataloging (ML) Head of Government Documents and Serials MCOB Librarian Meetings: The Chair of the Committee, the Head of Access Services (ML), convenes at least one meeting per year, in the fall and otherwise as needed. Term: Ongoing 2 University Libraries Committees Revised: May 11, 2015 MAD Collection Development Committee Marx Library Type: Standing committee. Advisory to the Head of Collection Development and the Dean of University Libraries Role: To discuss overarching matters relative to collection development and assessment, acquisitions, materials budgeting, and training of bibliographers. Members: All selectors / bibliographers of the Marx library. Meetings: The Head of Collection Development convenes the committee once each long semester, or as needed. Term: Ongoing: 3 University Libraries Committees Revised: May 11, 2015 MAD Department Heads Marx Library Type: Standing committee. Advisory, membership consists of all department Heads, the Assistant Dean and others as appropriate or needed. Role: To consider policies, problems or matters of common interest or importance, including planning, budgeting, human resources, strategic planning, bibliographic control, Banner, professional development, automation, assessment, and other major matters that effect all, or more than one department of the Marx Library. Members: Dean of the University Libraries Assistant Dean of University Libraries Systems Head, Access Services Head, Cataloging Head, Collection Development Head, Government Documents Head, Reference and Instruction In addition, when matters involve the MCOB Library services, the MCOB Librarian will be asked to attend. Others may be asked to attend as guests when it is appropriate to do so. Meetings: The Assistant Dean convenes the meetings every two weeks and as needed. Term: Ongoing 4 University Libraries Committees Revised: May 11, 2015 MAD Electronic Resources Management Committee Marx Library Type: Standing committee. Advisory. Permanent members: Head, Collection Development (Chair) and Electronic Resources Librarian. Other membership determined by the Dean of the University. Role: To discuss all matters relative to the acquisition, license, assessment and management of all electronic resources including databases, serials, and other digital resources. Members: Head, Collection Development, Chair Assistant Dean Head, Reference and Instruction Cataloging/Electronic Resources Librarian Electronic Resources Librarian Head, Government Documents Head, Cataloging Meetings: The Chair of the committee convenes the meetings once each long semester or as needed. Term: Ongoing 5 University Libraries Committees Revised: May 11, 2015 MAD Instruction Committee Marx Library Type: Standing committee. Advisory to the Head of Reference & Instruction Role: To discuss all matters related to instruction in the Marx Library, including assessment and development of new programs and USA’s general education, information literacy and other requirements. To make recommendations on instruction policy and practices to the Head of Reference & Instruction. Members: Instruction Coordinator, Chair Assessment Coordinator Head, Access Services Instruction Librarian Meetings: The Chair of the committee convenes the meetings every two weeks or as needed. Term: Ongoing 6 University Libraries Committees Revised: May 11, 2015 MAD Promotion Review Committee University Libraries Type: Standing committee Advisory to the Dean of University Libraries. Role: To review and recommend candidates who have applied for promotion. Members: Comprised of all tenured Senior Librarians for consideration of promotions to the Senior level and all tenured Associate and Senior Librarians for consideration of promotions to the Associate level (Libraries Faculty Procedural Manual 3.1 ) Meetings: The Dean of University Libraries convenes the first meeting; subsequent meetings are convened by the elected Chair. Term: Ongoing 7 University Libraries Committees Revised: May 11, 2015 MAD Public Relations Committee Marx Libraries Type: Standing committee. Advisory. Permanent member: Head Access Services (Chair) and Admin Secretary V. Membership determined by the Dean. Role: To assess all University Libraries' publications, signage, marketing, public correspondence, and activities or programs that provide faculty, students, staff and the Mobile community with information promoting the services and resources of the University Libraries. The committee also makes recommendations concerning how to enhance the visual image of the University Libraries. Members: Angela Rand, Chair Jason Ezell Robin Hayes Paula Webb Anita Lovelady Kristie George Meetings: The Chair convenes the meetings, at least twice a year or as needed. Term: Ongoing 8 University Libraries Committees Revised: May 11, 2015 MAD Public Services Committee Marx Library Type: Standing committee. Advisory to Dean of University Libraries Role: To coordinate public service activities for the Marx Library. This includes proposing changes to library hours, meeting room scheduling, issues that impact public services, all service desks/areas, etc. A recommendation proposing library hours for Fall, Spring, Summer Semester hours as well as interim, Maymester, or other times should be provided to the Dean 45 days or more in advance so that they may be posted in a timely fashion. Members: Head, Access Services (Chair) Head, Reference and Instruction Head, Government Documents Assistant Dean ILL Supervisor Circulation Supervisor Meetings: The Chair convenes the meetings once each quarter or as needed. Term: Ongoing 9 University Libraries Committees Revised: May 11, 2015 MAD Safety and Emergency Committee Marx Library Type: Standing committee. Advisory to Dean of University Libraries Role: To establish and update written safety and emergency procedures for the Marx Library. To plan and recommend employee training in safety and emergency procedures. Members: Members are appointed by the Dean of University Libraries. Representatives are from all library departments, both public and technical. When a committee member leaves Library service, or is transferred to another department, a new member will be appointed from the same department (usually the department head makes a recommendation to the Dean of University Libraries). Members: Jason Ezell, Chair (Librarian representative) Debbie Cobb (Reference representative) Anita Lovelady (Circulation representative) Barbara Jackson (Documents/Serials representative) Gary Pugh (Systems representative) Ashley Pate (CAT/CD/ACQ representative) Robin Hayes (Administration representative) Meeting: The Chair convenes the meetings once each semester or as needed. Term: Ongoing 10 University Libraries Committees Revised: May 11, 2015 MAD Student Assistants Training and Orientation Committee Marx Library Type: Standing committee Orientation Role: To maintain the Marx Library's general/basic orientation program for student workers. To train student workers in how the library operates and how to use the available resources. Members: Members are appointed by the Dean of University Libraries. Members: Vangie Farrington, Chair (Circulation) Mike Itaya (ILL/Ref) Joyce Robinson (Cataloging) Robin Hayes (Library Admin) Vicki Tate (Gov Docs & Serials) Mary Duffy (Systems) Meetings: The Chair convenes the meetings once each long semester, or as needed. Term: Ongoing 11 University Libraries Committees Revised: May 11, 2015 MAD Tenure Review Committee University Libraries Type: Standing committee. Advisory to the Dean of University Libraries. Role: To review and recommend candidates who have applied for tenure. Members: Consists of all tenured members of the Libraries faculty, whatever their rank, excluding members of the Library Administration. (Libraries Faculty Procedural Manual #4.1) Meetings: The Dean of University Libraries convenes the first meeting; subsequent meetings are convened by the elected Chair. Term: Ongoing 12 University Libraries Committees Revised: May 11, 2015 MAD Bibliographic Assessment Committee Marx Library Type: Standing. Advisory to the Dean of University Libraries. Role: To assess the areas of acquisitions, cataloging, end processing, serials management and bindery in terms of the processes they use, how they staffed and structured, systems, etc., and make any recommendations that might improve processes, staffing, productivity, reporting, and the implementation of best practices and other standards. Coordinate and prepare for routine updates and new versions of Voyager. Coordinate database maintenance Coordinate training on appropriate modules/OCLC/etc as changes occur Assess current and other potential pre-processing practices, as well as outsourcing opportunities. Other objectives as appropriate. Members: Assistant Dean Head, Collection Development Head Cataloging (Chair) LTA2 Cataloging (Joyce Robinson) Collection Development/Acquisitions Supervisor (Leigh Vandillon) Electronic Resources Librarian (Ellen Wilson) Cataloging /Electronic Resources Librarian (Jia He) Meetings: The Chair convenes the meetings twice a year and as needed. Term: Ongoing. 13 University Libraries Committees Revised: May 11, 2015 MAD Technology Committee University Libraries Type: Standing committee. Advisory to the Dean of University Libraries. Role: Determine technology solutions to issues, plan upgrades, integrating new technology into library services and advance technology planning for the University Libraries. Agenda items may be brought to this forum by the Dean, the Assistant Dean, or the other members of the committee. Members: All Library faculty members appointed by the Dean. Mary Duffy, Chair Muriel Nero Kathy Wheeler Paula Webb Beth Shepard Andrea Wright (Biomedical Library) Angela Rand Jason Ezell Gary Pugh (ex-officio member/advisor) Meetings: The Chair convenes all meetings, committee meets once each long semester or as needed. Term: Ongoing 14 University Libraries Committees Revised: May 11, 2015 MAD University Libraries Faculty Committee University Libraries Type: Standing committee. Advisory to the Dean of University Libraries. Role: To discuss matters of faculty governance, Library-wide policies or issues, or other matters of relevance to the University Libraries. Members: All University Libraries faculty members appointed by the President at the rank of assistant librarian, associate librarian, or senior librarian. The MCOB librarian is normally included in these meetings. Others may be invited as guests as appropriate to the issues or matters being discussed. Meetings: The Dean of University Libraries convenes the meetings as needed. Term: Ongoing 15 University Libraries Committees Revised: May 11, 2015 MAD University Libraries Planning Committee University Libraries Type: Standing, advisory. Joint committee, membership determined by library position held. Role: To Coordinate University Libraries goals/objectives (TracDat) Members: Dean, University Libraries (Chair) Assistant Dean, Libraries Systems Head, Access Services Head, Reference and Instruction Head, Cataloging Head, Collection Development Head, Government Documents & Serials Director, Biomedical Library MCOB Librarian Archivist Meetings: Annual meetings convened by the Dean or as needed Term: On-going 16 University Libraries Committees Revised: May 11, 2015 MAD Allocations Review Group Marx Library Ad Hoc Committee Type: Ad hoc committee. Advisory to the Dean of University Libraries. Role: Review, update and/or revise current method for fund allocation used in the Marx Library. Prepare a recommendation for the Dean of University Libraries. Members: The Dean of University Libraries will appoint between three and five members of the Libraries faculty. The Assistant Dean is the chair. Head, Collection Development Angela Rand Mary Duffy (Chair) Beth Shepard Paula Webb Kathy Wheeler Jia He Meetings: The chair convenes the meetings Term: Until purpose is served. 17 University Libraries Committees Revised: May 11, 2015 MAD Search Committees for Faculty Appointment University Libraries Ad Hoc Committee Type: Ad hoc committee. Advisory to the Dean of University Libraries. Role: Refer to Libraries Faculty Procedural Manual 1.2 for committee guidelines. Members: The Dean of University Libraries will appoint between three and five members of the Libraries faculty to constitute a search committee of which one will be appointed chair. A majority of the committee will be from the Library in which the vacancy occurs and if possible, from the area concerned. Meetings: The Dean of University Libraries convenes the first meeting; subsequent meetings are convened by the appointed Chair. Term: Until purpose is served. 18 University Libraries Committees Revised: May 11, 2015 MAD University Libraries Committee University Standing Committee Type: University Standing Committee. Advisory to the Dean of University Libraries Role: To formulate policies governing the use of library materials, explore methods of promoting library use, formulate policies relative to development of resources for teaching and research, and recommend allocations of library funds to departments for acquisition of book’s and library materials. Policy recommendations are made to the senior Vice President for Academic Affairs and approved by the President (Faculty Handbook, March 2011, Ch. 2 pg. 32) Members: Members are appointed by the Vice President of Academic Affairs to represent each college or school, and the Student Government Association, including the SGA President. The Dean of University Libraries and the Director of the Biomedical Library serve as ex-officio members of the committee. Meetings: The Dean of University Libraries convenes the meetings as needed. Term: Annual 19