CYSTIC FIBROSIS: AN OLD DISEASE WITH NEW HOPES Honors The.sis Susan Everh81't t:be ll-:tcidence 8TfLong the black popu18.tion IS only one In 17 . ClOO live bIrths 'mel in the Orienbl popubtions the dise'3se is (RDsenstein. :::0). Accordincre· to Bervl Rose:nstein CF is 8n 8utosorfl81 recessrle cre:nehc ~. 0 1, "~T.lhich fne8.ns th8.t in order fi]r 8. l:lerson to ex])ene:ace. the 3"VTnptofflS . .' .. t"~v'c defecti"':l8 genes rnust be inherited n'OlTl the pal'ents, In the instance of both p's.;'ents being Co3l'1'IerS there is a 25':··;:. chance th'3t the child '",ill h8.'1e CF and 8. 5 Ci (:.;, chal1ce th"t the child 'will be a. ca.rrier. If '3 person with CF COficelv'es 8. child 8.:nd the other parent is 8. carner, the:o the child "~1;,rill he~'le 8. sDdlUrn. chlOride and other solutes bet",1leen the blood and the outside of the bodv', .' Since the 81:,itheliel cells exhibit !!8n;~.torflic81 chloride transport across the epithelium fi'Offl end Rlnctiof181])o181'itv·!!.' .' bleed to lurnen is .3ccomplished. Due to the electronegativity of the chlcride ion . sedmm and water follmv the chloride and a resul tan t solu bon of sodiun. chloride is secreted into the lu.nlerl. In orck.;: [or this chloride transporta.tiDn to occur cyclic .Al\lIP-depende:nt tr3nsepitheli;:d chloride current is necessclly . CF epitheliu.fn this cU.rrent is :not prese:Clt (2:3), that the ~ene ,_, res'oonsible fbr CF is loc8.ted on the r- lon~_, ;~l'lTl of hUffl;:tn ;~Dd in ;:t. chrOlTiosofn8 7, The gene is spread cr;rer a.long stretch of DNA co:nsisti:Clg Dt' recrions that do not code KIl' l:lrotein.. therefiJre the d'ene .:.ctu811v t:, c· .' is rnade 1 ,4:3 i] tUTlino aDlds c811ed the cv'stic " fib!'OSlS tre!J.1s1TlelTlbr;~Tle conductance regu18.tor (CFTR), Since CFTR has ~h8.t 8. region that binds 8denisone triphosphate (ATP). the tdlo\v chloride ions eDces;:; thrOU:2'h the cell fn81Tlbr;:1D8. HO\VE0ler, in CF .~ enlthel18 the 81Tlino acid . DhenvL:tlanine, is lTllSsin dt:, at 1:!Osltlon 50:3 of the .r.j,." CFTR p"Jtem Normally this '3rnino acid lies in the ATP-binding site . l:nJt the lacking a.:cn.i:no ;~Did hi:CJ.ders the. ATP bi:nding ;j.:f1d resu.l ts in the cess8.tioD. of chloride ion transportation across the cell fflefflbrane (T .ivI.B,.' 2 :~i -:3 Ci), Since the Cy"stic Fibrosis cell is defective i:n chloride transport8.tio:n.' sodium and ',,,rater 81"e p_1.l1ed in to the cell resulting in the productIOn of thin}i'eely-t1o"-.\ring secretion, the rnucus glands produ.ce ;3. fflucoprotein that accumulates and chlates the glands. The secretions coagulate and fClnTl concretions in the :2'lends and dtlcts le8.dinf!'-' to the e"'lentu,31 block8.¢e of the -' -' SJ.Tl:311j);3SS;;3des t, in the Or~8l1.S, c:, In the 1:1i3.ncre8,S the thick fnucus blocks the ducts c3JJ.sin Cft:, cvstic .' dil;~.tions of the srnalliobes of the gland ',,,,ith eyentual degeneration and diffuse fibrosis. This l:lrocess reslJ.lts i:n 8. ;frosslv c· .' sffl811er, thinner., end firrner the ciuocienurn . digestion and absorption of nutrients 8re ifnp8ired. Generally the islands of Langerh8ns remam unaffected . but they decrease in number 8.S the fibmsls progresses which a.ccOUl1 ts for the increased mcidence Df dIabetes mellitus in duldren wlth c:vstic fibrDsls .' (l::::'~;c!-l::::,:n), disease irl':l"ol"';r8s the 63stroi:Cltestin;31 tr;3Dt,- the resDiratorv tract and the Co L .' reproductrO:l8 tract, In the. c·vastrointestin81 tract,' the 88rliest S\;t"[flf-Itofn seen is lT18coniuffl .' ileus in the ne." . .bDrn, where the lumen c,f the small intestine is blDcked with duck,'.JJuttvHke, teflaDlOUS meconiuIn '31'ouncl the ileDcec81 v81'.'e, .' . ThIS cDncHtlOn leads to mtestm81 obstruction including <uxlomin81 chstentlOn . u·orniting., f8ilure to P8SS stools . dehydration . 8nd electrolyte irflb81;~.:nce, ill the dise; progresses obstruction of the pcu-Icre3.tic ducts occurs . .,<'1 th ·:Cfl ;3bsence of the p;:li1creatic e:nzyTfl8s needed tD CD:C1,;rert fi]od iflto absorbable compounds, Consequently the nDncligested food is excreted resultmg in excessively 18rge stoDls th"t 8re frothy and fc)ul smelhng due tD the Gnabsorbed f.3.tS aILd proteins, The child (:0111 pensates D:Jr this 7",t;ti th ;3. 'lor;3C10US 3.ppetite . but \veight loss perSists . . \rith . 8. failure tD gro\v, Easy' bl'_llSm;s and anemia 1S 8IlDther cDfflplication of CF related to the m8i::,ility to absorb f8.ts '3ncl f8.t soluble vit8rnins A, D. E., and K. While the most COIflInon complication is prolapse d the rectum., ,311 children 81'e subject to peptic ulcers . iffl pacted teces.' abdofflin81 crarn ps., and fi:11J.l t18.tu.s (V?h;31ey, 1:3 ~f 1), InvolVing the respiratory tr8.Ct, pulfflon81'Y pl'oble!Tls affect alnwst all children .,,,ith CF, Ini.tJ811y wheezmg and a. elly, nDnprocluctive cough IS floted, This is fi]llo\ved bv , bronchial and brcfll::hio181' obstruction "'I-,ri th disturbance and eve:ntlJ.t=dlv· l:ru,lrflD:narv .' .second8.rv' . . . ' infections. [)1j1 sl:(flea em[-'tNsema and 1:;;3.tches of '3telect8sis, H'l)eraeratwt1 of the nmctioninF.' ~ ~ ~ ;3lveDh c;:\ an Dvermt18.ted, b&rrelsh8.ped chest, F.s the dis8;3se progresses the child the fingers and toes . chronic sinusitis.' "~vill suffer n;~s81 frOffl cy;:(('"!osis . clubbing of poly'ps and repeated episodes cfbro:nchitis ;3,:c..Ld broncholJneUfnoflia. c;3JJ.seci bv' St:l.j]hv"locClCClJS 8ureus and J. . ' . ' PseudOfflOf183 a.eruginos8., Bec8use of this, CF children have 8. higher incidence of 881',. nose . and throat surgeries in COfnp8l'ison to the general IflClde:nce of cel~,<ic81j:lI:dlJ'os and increased 'liscositv' 8nd dehv"dr8.tion of J I . ' . ' sterile related to 8b:nornv:tl de':lelDpn18n t of the >;l8S defere:ns, epididYfflis! ;jnd sen-llnal 'ilesicles. Sterility is also due to blockage of the vas deferens . . :vith historv' of the disease, abse:Clce of the r rl8.flCreatic enzvrnes, chronic .' -.' puhnoflery in':,Tol-:,rerfle:nt, end en increese in the electrolyte concentr:3.tion of sweat, A fij~r[1ilv historv ,; .' of one or [.Clore effected childre:n 31erts health ca1'e personnel to the pos"'ibili~" is fi:lund cornrno:nly ifl of the birth Df8. 8.nother affected child, When CF children. Pa.tchy· ;3.telect8.sis and a pattern of Iflfiltratl'l8 bronchoj:(neU[flo:nia. is see:n in e.d·'lanced cases (VJhelev, .' 1:::~i2\ According to Lewis 03l1d CDlliel', tbe main diagnostic test fe'r CF IS the 3we8.t chlonde test. PilOC81'pine tnmsfmtted via 8. SlT1,,;1I electric;,;l current is sodiulTl 81-1d chloride conce:ntratio:ns, "'ii81u8s greater than f:i5 IT1Eq/L fi:Jl' both "l...., ;-, -t' lL.L'j';.--",.... ,_-cl.,.1 ,e u -,,.·,t.IL-. Ii"l-Jl,-.,., u ..... l .... L,~..:o I,.,~o,,, u "_,4), As R, \Velss pOints Dut though the ge:ne responsible for CF h;j3 bee:n d~~err[lined than 4 CI sorne discour8gi:l.1g findings he:-:re .:dso beer1 discovered, :CflU t;j.tiOflS 81'8 kno·..,;'"n to cause CF,. ;~nd the nutnber . con fll;3V ~,,'~Dre tinu8 to gro\v, E<;,ricience S1J.ggests that cliffe-refit [nutations rn8Y deterrni:ne the dis8,jSe'S seven tv', Df .' This [nutation variabilitv' .' has slcr,,\o"ped the de"'ilelonr,nent .ran effective pren'3.t8l screening test.' which ncr,v must be able to detect 811 of the CF ":;';)Jsing Inutations, Until this has been '';Dcomplished, the existing methods of prenat:;l diagnosis ',vill have to be rehed upon (52), The cu.rrent method of prenat8l diagnosis utHizes DNA a:flalysIs, In faDlilies T\vhere the CF 6ene CBl1. be fi]und in both D8re:Clts, DI',JA 8rLahr sis o J. --'I"-"~dU ,_,','.1. e ~ .,,_\ I_·L. -"!'j'=-t ·- '1':-"11"'1'" <::"-1.." "!'='l-t'l l-' tl..o 1_-11',::II;.' 1..,,:,. ~l itUTlilies Ty"lhere the CF ~ ~8:ne "-' can not precIsely" dIagnose ,,~t'(,(.0 ..: ';} "L'I-'1!'~-" ......'J..J.1 ,,0 .:'lU-,_1._1/1) "_"_ t::'L· ... , .. .' H-"~'~!' U,...'c:",r:::., c:~n I'll can be ii]u:nd in onlv' .' o:ne,- DNA 8D;31v'sis .' prenat811~l. In these instao.c:es testing can help predlct ..~tlhether the u:nborn child is free of the dis8Bse, DNA ;jl1al\rSIS recluires blood " S81TIDles fi'OlTl , each 1:18rent and frOffl the affected child, The DNA IS obt,:;ined l)ren8.tallv eIther fi'om chorionic villi 8.t .' 'I -~, "'(reeks gestatIon Dr fj'orn ffrnniotic t1uid in rmdtrimester, If the diagnosis ,:'81'1 not be by DI',JA 8nalysis then saInples of the alTlfllotlC t1uid taken '3t 8. fetus is developll1g ','nth CF, the activity of the intestinal '31b:;lme Emy" of theses f,grnilies, the assist'311Ce of an 8:-:perienced genetic counselor is C11J.ci81 (Rosenstein ,:32), • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • According to Rosenstem, to Justi~" n8"",>l::,orn screenmg for CF the fcllo·. .vind' criteri3_ [£lust be n-let: '" :(tThe disorder is se"'rer and occurs fi'ecjuentlv " *The scree:ai:ng test is 'ilalid . i:n terrflS Df se:nsiti"':.rit:{ 8~C!d specifici~{! under routine conchtio:ns, *Trea.trfLent is enhanced by" starting befc,re the age 8.t "~vhich 8. Cli:Clical "Less costly fnethods are um01aiI8ble, The di8.g:nosis of CF is often fflissed in inf8T1C)" . ¥'fvith apprOXlfnately :::;Ci'~.'b of the p8t!ents reported to the Cystic Fibrosis FGlJ,nd8tion registry in the United Sta.tes :nct bein~ t:. di;~anosed ~, until 8fter one veal' of ;=.613, These deL:r,,:'s lead to "~'., fnore ii'equen t hospi taliz8.tions, m8,pproprJ;'ite di8gnostlc and therapeu tlc Intel"";l'e:ntions, ;~.nd unnec:eSSarl,l cOfnnlicatio:os, All of this creates B. needless .' r- dr:3in on the patient's f8:fflily .:tnd on the i.18tion.:d health expenditure (::::3). inter"tentiofls of CF 81'e palliati';le and involve the cornplice.tions of the disease iflore than the S:yii1ptmT1s, With the advaflces 3p~n of a person "'~l,<ith CF is 2Ei Y'8;:tl"S . but reSl)ir8,tmv .' ~J,nction fe"~V" In treatment., the average life people liv'e beyo:nd 41], SInce is the kev tre8.tfnent .' to fn8intainin" "=, life,. nB,l'o!' . ITIDdalities 81'8 8ifned at controlling pulfflcn81~:l inft3ction and COfflplic8,tjons, Almost evel), person wlth CF d8"lelops chronic bacterial colonization of the bronchi due to increased "':.:1.SCOSI tv and ljroduction of res~llr;3.tor't r . secretions, ~ --1- _,C ·-,-t }J11/ - '-, •..:;._;. . 1..1 -t'- ,-'=I.}JY - t.0 !.-\- --- t1-Llle..:.,. .il!:;! eLrt:!tI..:-e .... 18 HUIll Jet,~-t-'t,--·tw 1..1 1.:1.1.... t:!!,'10::1. !,"~I-I'-" ,_I _ ,_.}, Itl infancy" the ''''',·,.-1 ;L11 '.-. Q.J.1'_-I. i.TIDst COi.TlfnOn +'.1"1-1,::, .:,rl,-,lp· ... ~·pn+'. ,_. '_'._-1._' _.,:,,,_._. isolated pathogen is Staphy-locDccuS 8.1.J.relJ.s., '::"'-1,-1 ,::,,-11_'.'1+'. "-''-'''-'1' ,- P~P11,-I'-'rj-l~'rj'::""" (4"1' 1.1._'':''0, ',-, ,- ."'.- ;l':".... _-I. ,_,,i. j_"_it_,_,....l.::,tl·'-'~ '::.•.. _11':" .... _._. _ _ , c. 0::.0;;"" '-oP""" ._,1 '-"r, '::".J. . ~ t[', P • 1_' orev81e:nt D8.thDd"efl, Eo ~ .i. DlJ.ri:n~ c· 8Dute infections 1:';31'e:ntered arniflI]O"l'"cDsides .:md t .. selmsynthetic pemClllin antibiotics ;31'e given routinely, Because CF patients excrete dl1J.gS 1Tlore npidly th;3n normal people, blood se11J.l11 leyels and kidnel Krnctio:n studies rnust be lTICflitored closel\r to "Drevent .' .' a.chie-:red, ;3nd 01'81 antibiotics ;31'8 ~i'jten c· J. toxici~l, .' interr,nittentlv or co:nti:C1uolJ.slv .' .' prophylactically, Children ·w·ho receive these dl1J.gS over long periods of tlme :need to h8:ve t1'eque:Cl t ;3udiogr;jlT1S dune 8.nd need to take "tli t:UTlin I( supplements, The cmtlblOtics ;31'e rotated to decrease the inCIdence of developing resist·311Ce to any single d1'1J.g (I...e'\, 5!j4 & Whedey . 13~1:=:-4). 'i/3ricru.s nlethods of chest ])hvsiothera.pv are used to induce .' .' S]:lUtUffl productio:n, such ;33: percussiC:fJ." ,tibra.tlDfl! postur81 drainage . coughi:ng, and fi:l!'Ced exr,)ir8.tion, Prior to l')hv·siothera}:(I"r. C'o:ents aC.Ld r- .' .' fnu.colvtic ".'C. bro:nchodil3.tors are often used to decrease the "llscosi t\;o of the secretions " d.J.'1d tc iflc:rease the dia.rneter of the the lT1UCUS, ;:lir\,,~~"'S, .' . 1118kind' c' it 88sier to eXIJer:tor;~.te Generallv the jJhv'siotherar(l,l is 'nerfi:lrrned bv' another j:lerson so .' .' c.' r.' that the patlent can concentrate on bringing up the sputun-, and expelling It (Dibble, :3DD), Chest ]:,hvsiother;3,j)V should be c81'ried out several times dailv " " " prophylactically, and ;;S often 8S the child can tolerate it durmg aDJte mfectwus eX8cerbatlOfls, HCl>11eVer, the physlOtherapy needs to be scheduled so that it is not perfOlTfled immecilately before or after ffleals due to the occurre:C.Lce of V'OlTliting , I\,'Ioist tdr is also provided by· interfnitte:nt inh318.tion ther8.!:~{, i:n conJu:nctiofl \vlth postlJ.r;:d drainage! to lTloiste:n the bronchial secretions 8nd 8ssist i:n their eva,(:ue.tiofl, In order to be effecU".;"e, the jJ8l'tides of mmstUl'e must be srn;3l1 encnJgh tD penetrate the sffl811er bronchi; therefore flebuliz;3tiDfl ITlust produce pm'ticles [1,5-5 IT1Cg., In dialTleter, .L\ntibiotics and bronchodilator;:: ;lebulizeticn ther;3.1~)V, oJ (:;~n be used in con)u:nctlon "'!-,:ith the The. recorl.1rnended theraDv· consists of three stel)::;: ....' 1, Postural draina" '=, e fix 5 -1 CI fninutes ,-, Nebuiiz;~tion ;], Post1J.r;~l v,11th appropnate solution dr8inage ferr 1D-20 :cninutes PDstur;31 drainage be~xe nel:nJ.liz;~tion permIts deeper penetntiofl of the pel'tldes, In &!cl! tion to the physlDther<'l:~r, exercIses tel 1m prove and rnobiliz8 the thorax are encouraged, Theses exercises i:Clclude 81Tfl S"'"'!-1.:i.nging and tl'J,nk bending and twisting, Ne'", evidence has shown th;3t ;3.erobic exerCIse is as effecti';le as chest phy·siotherapy· in the rerflo'\i'";31 of resDira.toI'\7 (""Vhalev, ... ,. secretions .' . 1393-4), . Recent rese8rch has discovered hvo reducin£" the incidence of r1uln10rl;3r"r ~, ~.' ne"~\:'" trea.tn1ent rnocl:::dities ibr inf~3ction:::: in CF lJ;3.tie.nts, t'iD eXlJenmental dm."o e;;lled DNase was sho\vn to licju;;fV secretions bv chonl:,mc' . '.' , c. IJ,I:' the DNA so It can be expelled, thus 8llevlatin"t, one of the worst S\TfilntofilS .' ~ frorn circlJ13.ting neutrophil:::: and i.113.cropha.ges th'3.t .jl'8 ::::urnrnoned to the site oflun):' mfections, & the cells che,. DNA is released in to the mucus,. where it ~ is vu.l:ne1'8ble to degl'adatio:Cl by DNase, Ho\\rever; the enzyn1e does not h8l'ffJ. norrl1al tissue because it C,3Tl not reach DNA hOlJ.sed sarely in the nuclei of cells, Hum;'in trials of Dn;se beg;;'in in ,, 1990 . and after ,; week of treatrnent the patients stated that they had thinner i.T1UCUS and that it "'!-~l8.S e;3sier to clear it ft'Offl their airv..rays, Since only preliJ.Tlifla.ry· testing on the fl;;\V drug lBS been cornp];;t;;d, the drug's long -tenT! side effects ha:"e not been. deterrnined (Gorl"ler . :3A: I',/Ierz, 10), p • • • • • • • • The other new tree.tment is aimed 0.1: preventmg the excessive ebsC>l'ption of sodium in the bronchi,~l epi theliu.fn, Rese'~rch h8s rcnJ.nd that aerosolized "lTliloride., .,. sodiufn cr,.,nnel blocker., reduces sputum vIscosity ,md improves fnucus cleoY8nce m adult p8.tJ.ents ."ith CF, The diuretic ,1lorks by blockIng "bsorption of solt end water at the epithe! cells, Mer six mDnths of treetment sputum s8Tnples showed that mucus we;,; more t1uid during an1ilci'id'3 therapy'" end the. loss of lung fiJ.ncticn dfuTls.ged lung tisSl.le, but it does appeal' to prDtect the n~orn infection bv' thi:nni:nvt:;:. the secretions " trF3:.t 8et fi'0i11 lTl1J.CUS rern8inin~ buildup h1flg tiSS'lte ;33 breedin~:r "=, grounds "_, fbr '1)8.tho>,ens, Amiloride mac,' keel:) adults mfectim, -fi'ee f;Jr Ion>, F,eriods of _, '" '--- -' tl- ,-··--t-,; t.ll.lle. .... lU;:;.• pI e \' ell .. 11lE, J. _" n-'---t '--.-t '~-t·-· -jequell. llU;;;'}Jl .. 1011;:"', H-' .l.U "T.,..-.,-, ~ 'e e1 . "",d--" 11';'... 1,-.-e,;:'t:';:lyl_ .... l 1.1_"... -_ .. J.. needs to be done to deterrnme the drug's SNety '311d efficacy, especially -,,,hen treating children (Fackelm'3nn, 21~;O), Suzanne Dibble points out that steroids 81'e '3lso prescribed when there is an a.cute deterioration of pul:cno:Cl8ry fiJf1ctioning that is unrespo:nSi"il8 to "F 8ntlbiotic therapy or increased chest physlOtheraE1', end ·."hen allergic bronchopulmomny aspergillDsIs exists (:300), Another respir'3tmy com plic"tion is • • • • is 8. COffHT10fl Blood streaked spu tum occurrence Ln CF . although it is not usually' seen belcl\v the of ten. The source of it is Thera.F~' hemop~,"sis, ~e:Clera11v' ~ ~ eroded blood T'lessels T,>\cithin the 8,ge lu:n~s. ~ should continue if the SPJ.tuffl is only streaked., hcr,vever; if signific8Tl t ;3111(1).[1 ts of blood 81'e t3;.:pector8.ted.' therapy' ",,:vill need to be discontinued in f3YOr of anDther trea.tfnen t. Massive hemop~"sis is a. late fnanifesta.tion of CF and has a poor prog:fJ.osis, Angiographic 8iTlbolizatio:o is Ti'tvored -,,,hen more COnSelY'3,tlve man"gement fulls to stop the bleeding ('Dibble., :::: DC!), • A third respiratol)' cOfnplication is SpofltarJ.eons pneUfflothorax . .vhich results from the rupture of 8. S'lJ.bpleunll bleb, ThIs event US'lJ.'311y occurs In :3.dolescence . .,rith the ;3.'irerage ;:tge of onset recorded at fifteen, The f110:.:::t COiTLCflon •II preserlti:ng cOfnplai:Clt is chest ;::cu.1 be deterrnined T~rith relntl::r.b:n.;f'=, the luncrt:, 8ne! pain .....T,nth dyspnea., and 8. di8.g:nosis 8. chest X-l'8:V", Ernerge:ncv' trea.tlTle:nt is 8irfled at .' '-'" decre;3:sincr the dvs]:Jnea., Cie:nel';:dlv '='.' .' chest tube is ;3. lHsel'ted and maintained u.ntil the lung is e:':p'')nded '3nd no '3irleaks al'e noted ii)l' 24 hours, Persiste:nt airleaks require snrgical ll.1ter'ile:ntion, Since recurre:nce 1S COH1lT1Dfl" sclerosing agents., such ;33 tetr;·cline a':C1d I. qU1fJ8.crme., '31'e instilled into the pleur81 sp3.ce to stirfluL3.te 8n inn'3rnrnatOlY \1 the chest ',vall end recurrence ! •I. I response . which will obliterate the sp8.ce, This C<3lJ.SeS the lung to '3.dhere tD IS unlikely .'(Dibble, 3(0),. . AnDther therapeutic intervention of CF is lTlaintaining good nutrition and pr~l'enting intestin~l obstruction, Due to irflpaired intestinal ;:tbsorption., e.nT,lff18S. VJa.ter-soluble fonT!s of"l1ta:cl1tns A. D, and E 81'8 " ~i';le:n c· oj, dailv' i.el tv. rice .' the norTfl;:rll\T t-:Jrescribed if .' recDrflTflended 81Tloun t.' and ?\,l"i t81Tlin K is rhypothrolTlbinernia is present. Supplernentmy iron is gr~l'e:n.' a:nd often diet SlJ.):.plements are prescribed to r-nrovlde additionall)rotein . vitanlins, end ... ~~ ~ cruories. These slJpplen1ents include Carnation I:nstant Breakfast . Ensure . • • • I ;3nd Sust8.c81, A relationship has been derDonstr8.tecl bet'"~,Tee:n iffl prcr:ted .nutritional status and increased pulrflon;:IlY fl1uscle strength fi]llo"..x.ring parental nutl'ltion su.pplementatlOn, theref;Jre.: short-tenTl pal'ent'31 nutrition may be IlTlplerneDted (Whaley., 1392), P::lIlcre8.tic enzy"ffle. replacernent is gt-.,ren in conJunctiDn "\vith ".eneals ;:md is • • • •II reguL3.ted to fnEIl:nt;:lJfl florrne!} nutritiof!.' gro\vth! and bO~~llel fnovernents, Le~s enzyme is needed if the child is constipated, and more IS reqUIred if the stools rernein loose and fa.ttv', of .' The dose is deterrnined bv' .' the cied'ree c· en~rffle deficiency',. fi:u:1Ci i:nt3ke, and the 8.rnount of destruction of exoge:nous The most recent and preferred enz:,rme prepal'ation is Pancrease, which IS en teric -{::oJated to deL"v release ;"nd destl11ction m the ;3cidic .' enZ\'me , e.n>;nro:nrnerl t of the StOffl8Ch, The ca.psu.les [nay' be S"v.,7;:Jkr. .ved in tact Dr broken open 8nd sprinkled on soft food, such 83 8pples8JJce or puddmg, The .3!lera,ge dose is three capsules per lTL8al .....,rith :3. 1';3.nge of one to six depending adrninistered to decrease dastric '3.cid cDnterlt, Since s::dt del:lletiD:n thrOlJ.dh b 0 & •II II • • • 3\VB8.tmg is a ha.zal'd, generCtlJs use of sal t is allowed \'lHh addi tWflal salt taken l:3!~:3), dUring hot -,'leather or rebrile states (Wh81ey, Anc;ther troublesorne problern encountered by people with CF is the tendency' to ret:llfl kU:II:I re.sidues ifi the ileufn, ceCUfn . ;jnd co10:o" \vhich is celled "meconiurn !leus eqUIvalent", The 8bnormallyviscous mucus binds with the incompletely digested rec311T!8tter 8nd forms firm m;3$ses In the ettentiDn to t1U1ds, cUet., exercIse and pancreatic enzyme titration is the best \T,,~8:l .' to Dre';tent intestin31 obstl"lJCtiOfl (Dibble, :3D 1), .1 Diabetes is ' ;~. corn plic;~.ti!Jn of CF that . • • in[:1'8;338 ~,.\ri th 8.g-e, ~ A.n. cr;:d ~_,lucose onset of CF d18betes is uSIJ.all',l 01'21.(11...1.81 and in snite of ff.L3l'kedhr . c, r .' elev';jted blood gl>J.cose levels, p8tients rarely h;"(','8 ketone bodIes in theIr blood or unne, I Generally people ',vith CF diabetes require lower insulin doses than the usual • • • • •I I II I I I I , di8betlc p8tient 8nd the diet ffluch more liber8l (Dibble, :::01), IS The hst CF com .LnliC3.tion to be disc:1J.ssed is cor Dulmonale. H\l:<ertrol:ih", L . ' . ' of the left ':lentricle due to nuli.11.0fl81'V· r ~ CF [i;j,tie:nts, The tr88.trflent i:ncludes -'- disease is lci'·~v ;j, :en8.l'or . fi:r.ctor in the death of t1cr. .v I]x"v}1en thera.jJ'l, salt reduction., .' -' .' 8:fld diuretics "\.vith potassiurn S'upplerflents,: digoxin is 1,;~.r81y helpfiJL The successliJ.l control of cardioD f3ilure is dependent upon good bronchi'3l drainage aDd infection cDntrDl. The treatrnent fflcu:iahties .' fi]l' these al'e described earlier ([hbble, :301), :(nd promise, Ho\vever., the birth of,~ child with 8. defect destroys that drealTL According to PhyllIs r,,.'leyer, the simult8necoJs loss of the ide8l clnld and the adaptation to a child ,vith a defect fnake elefnands on parents that c",'en~'helmmg, c8n be Few events in life result in '3S much chronic SOl'l'o-.V'3S the birth of ,;. child ',vith ,;. chronic or debilitating condition, The grief c,on be so great th8t the p8rents 8re unable to establish ;'), reJ;3.tionship WIth the child at 811. 1',,Ijothers e.nd fathers also often feel gmlt which -' th;~.t is o":lerprotec~i'v'8 .' result m behavl0r iTli'.!!.' err reJecting . SDCOfl1parded by' reeling,s ofUflcert8int::l ;j.:nd discour;3gerl1ent, I:n order fiJl' probleffls . they' :need i:nfiJrlTlatio:n . the p'3re:nts to deal "y;,rith the ne....v 1J.nderst~Tlding a.rid support 1:)0-21), Another parental response to the bu,th of a child wlth a elefect is that of [[181'1 t;:d discord, A decre;3se in the le"i,rel of COfnfl1lJ.nic8tion bet'~reen husb8nd I I , veb of sile:nce ", There 1J.,.... paren ts n'OlTl 81~e . s8":,;reral I)sv'Chosoci81 problerfls that .' ))l'Ble:nt mrun t81ning usual Rlnctioning pattern wInch include: decre'3sed tirfle 8nel ener<5>1 t . .' ''i'l8ij::ble for leisure 8Dtlvities, less Urne ',vith self, less tirn8 alo:ne "y"rith their spouse . and an i:ncrease concern O'iler fi:n8.nces, l Resentfnent is :flDt unCOfn:cnon due to the in. . . .estrfle:nt of the p;jre:nts tir.n8" 8fler@Jr . and n-loney intD the C81'e and IT!anagerflent of their chilcrs illness, HC'''..\c8o;rer,. this resen tnle:Cl t does not .:::eern to 51; d"nific3n tlv' , affect cllJ.ali tv of : ' . the , . , care give:n to the child or the parents; ability to find satisf.3.cticn Irl theIr !'elationships wHh theIr child (lvleyer. 21). . Ho,vever.. the 811 tici D8ted death of theIr child often leads j)8ren to' to isoL3.te thelTlselves fi'on1 f;3111ilv ;~nd fi'iends, Fati:tue in coniunction "..,rith .' - ' . decreased ])erson;:d tirne and rnonev 81so contributes to thIS soci8l isolatl0fl. " Along 'P'Iovith that., fi'iendships are lirflited! S1.1pport s:{stelT1S be-corne f18JTD\Ved ;~nd i respite C;3re is difficjJlt to obtein (Ivleyer, 21-22), As Phyllis I',,ileyer pOints Dut, because their parental role h8s not only changed, but h8s intensified: these parents 81'e at I'lsk D]r f~lT1l1y dysfi.mction, Possibly the rnost usefi.Jl g811ge of successfLl1 parental adaptation is theIr ability to contmue liJ.nctioning in 8. supportive role despHe the mternel cont1icts and psychological distortions, Pel'en ts need adequate tirne to spend . .vith each other . Dccasional respite ft'ofn the d;jily C;3l~e of the child., and co:ntlnuous enc:oUl'ageJ.Tlent that their child has the potential to live a relativelv nOl'rnallife, TIle ft.lkr,vin"t:, criteria .' C;3n be used to eV8lu;:<te ;3d;3Dtive J. p:31'en t:d responses: "The ebilitv" to cOfflj)rehend the n8ture of the disease. 'The ability of parents to corrlrnumcate the seriousness of the Hlness to ell rnembers of the immediate farnilv, " 'The ability of the parents to respond to the chsease with appropn;te gnef'P\-,:;thDut inhibiting expressiDn of feelings in ther.C1sel":t8s Dr others. O:Cle of the fliost ifnpcrt::(nt copi:ng tasks fi:lt' p8re:nts to In ;3.chiBt8 SlJ.ccessfLd :3.cL=,-pt:8tion is therapeutic COfflJ.Tlunic8.tio:n, One challenge of parenting 8. child ',vith a. chrome, life-threatening illness is explaining the illness to the sick child and the well siblin>",s, Connie -' states th8t C:U181Tl p;31'ents say they' ha\re fnuch difficulty' t81kirlg to their child about the oro£'"nosi3 ;jJlCi Dften 8~lOld the subj-ect cDffll:tletehl. Pal'ent;:; ::dSD belie'ir8 thev' l ,_" . . ' .' tell their duldren enou>",h abcnJ.t CF, althou>",h most admIt thev onlv 8nS\1ler ~ ~ ~ ~ questions, do not repeat explan,;tions., and give all their children the saTne inlbrma.tion \"ithout reg81'd to age, 1111S IS mcongment wlth the pal'ents' o\\'n needs to get all the inft'lTnation they can acquire, and tc. have it repeated several times due to difficulties with retention (167 -1 7Ei), comrnUnlcate 8bout cystic fibrosis 'within the f8n-.ilv, This role includes .' .' a$ of parental co:cn:cflu:nication skills . ~.Jjd8.nce in . .,I:t.;r;~\;rs to corflfflunlcate {rlOre eifecti"':lely·,. 8.:nd 8ssist8nce in helplng p81'ents realize th8.t I ~ II I i Though cystic fibrosis has been 8ckncr\.'i'"ledged fl)l' ff.lany Y"88.tS .. a re"':,1J,t;:Jiz':ItiO:fl of attention herE been directed tC),\V'81'ds the dise;:tse of late, Gei.18 theranv' is the ne'"W"8st research to be conducted on cV'stic fibrosis . r~ ~ Because CF is defective In ;3T1 8UtOSOff181 recessi~"re genetiC disorder., both genes fnust be order ft.r the disease to fnamfest itself. therefC'l'e.: replacir,g or ~:;orrecti:n~ ;fene '_' ;:!Tl ;3bnorrn;~l c · lTl3:l . ' restore norrf181 ~Jnctionlnd, c. Since the gene for CF has been ide:CitifiecL sCIentists have been ,i=·,·,.::;, e:,Gl.1'_' "1-'·"::"'·' 1·]-'11 h ':;"'-",-.-,,,", ~J.'_''''J. .".", l'-::.ti'-"l·' '.' _.1.'_' J. ?T"";t' ""'.l_J.J. ....·,_' .. i. ... G c:o:nduc:tin~ reS881'ch on =-'··,-·,-nlr'=-Ol-'-'cr '-'t, J..Lt:. ]''''',-,,'It" Co':;".' . • ':'" G.l.i._-_ •. CF. V?ith the 8.ddition of the he8lthy' the cells becofn8 robust and . ¢,ene..' ,3bsorbin¢.- 8nd secreh:n:2,- chloride ions, Still., the scientists IT!1J.St be~i:n - no\v deten-11ine whether the insertion of the gene will affect the sodium levels in the cell ,3S well (lA-2A), Researchers ',varned that lflstalling copies of the flDlTfl'3l cystic fibrosis gene lntD CF p;:..tients could h8"i,78 seriDus side effects, T,,1,rhich h8:VB not yet ·:.'Jncl! tions, and researchers state that clinical therapies h3Sed on the ne',v 18bor8.tOl~~7 I reslJ.1ts Bre still years in the DJ,ture, 3lJ<'<'est that c,c· of the Su]:,>:,lvin~ r-" _, Ne\\r 8xperifflents strongly· ]:;;'l.tients .,,,ith ne.,,, "enes ",,111 reverse rn:3rl\!, '_ .' if not ,311, ;:t~soci;j.ted 5VTfl])tOfflS {An£"ier, .' , '-'. lA-2A·'i, " In September, Ei'jij, the Nation''ll Institutes of Health be:;(an the first ieder811y approved atterr1pt to treat a genetic al:ll1C1lTn,31ity 111 a human patient fr·orn. the S8rnE: ifnrflu:ne-..:;~{sterfl disorder that u1tilT!ately' killed DaVid! the 11:IIJ~{ in the bubble" from Houston, The researchers rernoved ''Ii'3ble cells h'om the ~)rl and cCtf.nbined the:C!1 "',:vith hUfflan ge:nes that produced the eflZ}cff18 she increasing list of disorders i:1.1 "",rhich a defucti':i"e gene is responsible, If gene ther'3.):,v.,vorks fi=.r l:,eo]:,le with CF., then tins currentlv termin"l disea:;e rna',' ...' . ' . fl() lon~er ~ be classified ·\vith the. fatal ones (Seli~D18nn,. ~ r34), WORI{S CITED Public').tions, Angier. Natalie, IlHe81thy ge:ne used to cure cy"stic fibrosis,;! Thp. J01J.1').131 G8zettp, September 21 H.l c:lD , lA-2A lf37-17B, Clmic81 Update, Dibble,. Suz3rlne L. and !VL31'ilvfl C. Sao:redra, "Cvstic fibrDsis in adolesce:nce' .' .' FackelffJ,af1n . }":,A, "Diuretic April 2:3 19~~CI-, slo"'~T,.rs c:y"stic fibrosis darnctge." Science 1',Je vs . T ... 1:37., 2Eil], The t,/Iuncie Stel'.' OctDber :3 l!~ 9 CI! ::::A, Le';l1ta.fl, Ir",.:vi:n E, "The basic defect in CY'stlC fIbrosis," ! I, Ii i i S-:lF!flce, I\.'L3n~os! - Joh:n A, and Richard C, F1J.ture, 1~~{7t~j, T,jl;31TICt, ~~YBti,-: Fibrosis: Projections into the , Il"llia.ffli, Florida.: SYTflposia. SpecialL:.:ts, I',/lerz Be. .rerlv, "ProlTlisinl1-' CF trea.trflent sL3.ted kit' clinic;l tnals,1I Arflp.ric;3D ,. Rosenstein, Bend,J "C\;"stic fibrosis: the outlook irfll:;rOV'8S," Patient " .' ~ .}8nu'3Pl ~ r. ; .~ellgrn8nn! C81'8, ::::0 19:3B,.22, . :::0-42, . .-,~- (-'_"enes COflver t_SIC . k:. ce II" ,_IeaT!, "(-"_urI rIg c)rs t·_Ie Ii"j:lros1s s, .j. I',Je.,,,,,w"ek., October 1 lEiEiD, (,4, FiblT:sis". 1~~1E~4, Boca Raton., Florida.: eRe Press., Inc, Vieiss" RicK, "CystiC fibrosis ge:ne: too rfl8.ny rnutants," Science Ne\vs . Whaley, Lucille F, and Donna L, Wong, NurSing Care of Infi3nts and Children VlLnchester,< A,~,/I, and Tho:Cl1as R, I\IIerterls, COhJ.ITlbus.' Ohio: Bell IS~ Ho"~vell HtU.T18n COfflpany, Genetics, (4th ed,,!., 19B:],