VAAtv1A - Jal1var~ 1 U1r-ough -th~ -fu,() Of V\i int:Y Q.lJ avkv .0_". 0~ev 01'anne., Cfrina~l at 0f-: MctVl/0 ) ~W f l woulv{ b8 \I\1illil10 io worlL V\ldti ~dCt~ in drnmtl. and. t?ince t have- tt Ht~vd. tim£ c:?VL!j in 8 t10 to tttttj0rz(:j ... ! - tv10t1vltt!j0: I C:7hll httv~ -the- c-oV'~ gvotJp of IS (p-tit eJ Vad-GV0 -that ( have" been V\lOV~~ V\lifu VtLL ~ - tUt0c{auC;7: I hav~ a c.ombirled 1*and.. eth, grade.- Glaf:;;t? of- 12 - PviM/~0: [ httV6 an entire (Pm gY-M~ da?;;C7 of 29 C\vh(w i t1viudet.7 me 15 fy6rt'1 Mo~0) II fl? ~ Ctl1! ~l[ 60I:ng wovit- w$t the, IS .~ V\v-adeYt? fov- m~, ~0 projut) U01~ them fov- ~ rruun vvTe0 I b(;f- am loo~rLB at c/G pUt~ {ju;tt lAlif( ~ bi8 etzDug(1, titat -ttz~ vv* of t~ {om gradif0 utn b& Mffoth )1vV'-Jn0peopl(:; e1u. for tt-LiC? p\a:0 ~r?Aw, Johnc;()tt)/.Ji!l be, wor~ng V'Ji+h cAou>me-ntintJ -the whole, pl~ -pr-od.uviion pv~ on, mtj roommttfe- me, video-tape. tov \'(Lv thettli0 rrcju{ \Alith -ttle iCtecommunicafiot10 depav{mertt. I tLDp& to \1utvc~ ct m~t1ng with our MViC?or0 t;{) Wor/G Dut SOVYI~ of- ~ detctile;" l cU?;?O want to ~v~~p(~ pl~ ~fove~ ~ of t!'1e-- qu,ctvi'eY 0;0 V\l~ CtU1 0pend -ttze; mtl ve.. lO V'J~ of 0pving quav-lcv wDm ng Ot"L it t j • Run-down on, the t'h~ ev-ou~ : (J)MDNt7J~ ~&6rlNgt? . - we ~,ve ~ wovl?-<vtg on. mo~ rndJ~id.uatit:ett type- f7V?(jecl0 " tJ\akiUt?) ~ttXtt1iOtt ~ru:t Corzut1tyo..tiort -6Xevc{0eh) Mot1ologue~ and. cnavctGV AVlttt0C?il? , arui fr&pav\ ng Aud.ition? faY- tne, u~wming p1vt0· - We- ar~ pianl1i ng to go t;eb et-pltUj tog~theY (00Yncthivtg @ FRlPt\0 t-IlUilN(f7·. . - \ WCt~ lea~j of 0uch a. big gr-oup) ~ut with weir tea.d1fvjoit1ir1B 00 {~C;ee¥1'PW k?6 rw pvoblern0. cQlermt? t wovkwith Individ,uaUl:ed. pYOjeut0 otz ADVldaAj0 I l wovi- willi VYlOY-~ grovp-·"tBP6 cu:fivitlth OVt frl~0. f)Je/v~ oLO~ 6r-ait10tor~i~VLg) group Pan,tomime0 group lmpVDV{~aiioI10, flan,~d. 0~1'0) IICJtcliJ':~ 17a,~ (wh~ pev00rr Had.. to in-fcvaq with ofhtvt? -trze; 0>~olc- rzouv- a0 a chavac1cr from a" ~W~ I rv) mov(e,t? 1 a. mUt?IC-iCtn etv.j. J 1/ eaw - AlihDDtjrt 0OtTLe11me0 l aLLOW them to ch~e- fndv oV'Jn grvv~ l m~ often mvt~ -the gv-ovp {VV them ucoin,g ~ oLcL peopLe? Ctrui V,z, l1ev\I people.- - it- V\£Ovk-0 out g~aJ- 6hf'? V'i~ ~ @ 1U60P~ f-I\6611 Ng0 : - I utm goin,t:~ t;?a~ through m~ fttUquav+eY leenoH p{an~ from ttLe; 0fu" greitd.& oia~ ~rzd u0in.g them Wit+l fue0U lm/~gV'cuAeY0 0t-a vtirrg with .putntomjme& Ot,Vtc;t WDV~'rz,g ovv- wCt0 mvovgh L-Uim l)V"OUp Met intUviciuaUl;ed tlofiviflef,. _ lIVe) -tvl ut Wlan8 d,iffeve--nt c;{iC!;Jc{ plint- te..chn(qvet? for-- mi~ dacn but ~'c(t? fov ~~! ~v~ 1;00 I?ig for iht{ r bn trflet? ! Cltm ~ll LpO~~~ 0om~ of tnehe/ 'f--6Rt?70NA~ 1ZMOll0N~ --- - - - _ • MO\1....... Mav-c-h 14 t+t ~ \ d{vt0ted -the 8rour into fouY" ?ub>gyoup? and. 0fA\I~ -them &utt tt vt,ffe,vutt t:?ituatl0n : .elroup:t: -fJ' /JJV .vty"-eJ aU ott LA jung~ ~~vi -to co.P!:Vve... tt 1?tvgh{Y)8 hyena. ~VlJUp .n: ~ ~trWn~ nat? tv ?aV~ tn~ youf1t1 maidel1 from p\eJtting v-un oVtv ~y a wain (~ villain na,0 i~w hey 'to the; t1r~). . ~your?DI~ ~ou ar~ aU in tt 01(~D ~v~ . \t~lln8 -to tit 0'ympho}1.y when \1; ~41(n~ 10 valh. ~YDupN -+ A ~Y1,g -brfen to yY)c;tv~~ c1f hi'? ota_vghtev -to t\1(j fiYt?f maVl to 0lttLA -lire- fi~bYu;tfhing 0\ r{/t~l>n . - -0 fttd1 ~roup WOy~ ot'! mp.~Vlg up tt I7hovt viltc:Mo play from {hehe. coV\urt1Yatlng Df1 0OtJf10\ vf{u,{ group {he-n pr~ted thdv ~t to -tl16 ~t of {hG cta~ who \\watched with th~v eyCh c1CX?ed. It wa0 ve¥~ ~lffiadt fOr them to tocue;, 0\1 O;Oun4 af1ev we, hc~ (e,A[ea on -the" vi'?VOvt at?pec,t(fOr m mOC?t tJtAVlI)i tl, -the .~0t. il1ey ol(ci not r~l(~ tht~;r rhV0\Ullil£L110n wat? not needea, lAnd it tto~ thv~ erouf? -to tAo theiV0 Wfov~ ~ finOL~~ Ctu)~ht on· 11m ~t£ItC1 W~ {Yiw 0Ome"thlng dtFFererrv t:o g'IV~ 1-hem 0iP"?LJlr~ 1:0 othtV-'bfpeh of pevfoYm'~ . J 1/ • lLJeP/. JV\tlvch It? ~ * Ma,VY0 Mu~\v ProgV-CtV'v\ - No CAa0? • if'turt? fV\arth t1ttt ~ \ utnrlounud th~b the- p\.0t~ we W~ eP. inC1 to do would ~?e. tt tnY,%ery tt1.1~ -tIt1eY V'Jov\d.. Gra\te.1tlemCJelve0. I \ mU0t ttdmlt ~ rextiOl1t7 Wife- LA btt -tentatlv~· - - • MDn. t\~aV-Cth z'l?t tt'itt in d'Utiing with OVV viuieo-:- mping pyobletn) todalJ ~a'? lit da~ of concentvatloh t)(.eYul£?e0. We: t?egan V\Jith ct hum17e-v of PtI\v+nev ~tvvit?e-? e;uGh a0 ft1i: mlY"YOv- game,;} ob0e-yvtttlon' techt'llvtVtt? \ etc. \ then hOvd thl~ a-ll tl~ &\OWt1 in 1e\A'ted p'00ltiorn and. went {;h~ough t7ome.. it1!~~y ~0~eh. AfUY tXtCt~ W8 Ovid O,om6 6V"oU p LAg, viet t'? : (( th (0 t'7 a. UOV0e-. I ih ~ t;> ('7 tt Cow ~~A\phabe;~ 0'a( t:' etu., an<i {tnctllYJ W~ wrrtb\\1eO., CbnGet1,trLA:ti~n ttt:td 0U0r~n~ by playit't.0 v\llnlL. rnur:dw-. 1110' ctld. fcUv\y WeU on th~ whole} "(0 ,11 - ctlfttovgh It i0 hOYa fov" att.L1 C?Lxfu gV'~d.ev to concentrate., on tirtl/thing fDV more, thClYt ttlvu rrut1ute~ ... untt?h, of COlJY0e) ld0U. Ct~ Cl 0l,>,m grao.e; glvl 1Jti~nl0rtg abDut ~gh-th ~¥ade ~~'.7 1 bV :0lx+h gv-ad~ t10Y0 thlnlL..1 t1g al10ut U lat(~cA- Ram\7Q mO\,/le.. • 1ve'? ~\ay. 2Z tla ____ ....- - - d 100-a~ mcAV~ ().. majov c"t~ \n the. e-re-at'iD\1. PVO~% ouv mv&;k~· l re\tt~ut. t\1~ f9Llowlng \n~v ma,~\on (And. \\10Wuvtl0t1?) and the c0\~b'h . . ~vadev? tro~ ttfrom 1JVle,Ve;! \\ ~'u a.,y-~ ~ vV(y fa.millav with Cl mart, \1tU11ed t-k.vbevt Wll1a (~lgh " . you may 'be hl'? ~la.tiv~ )hilb frimd. 1 hie" emf'loyee. ~~ \0 a, mu\ti- mlt\iot1LA.ive.. )a.bout 4D YMV0 ola) w ~10 ha~ \:7eei1 muvdeYe-d t?!1 one" of you. or eo~ man of nat? k\Ol) ae,a:a. mottvt (o V\il~nt tnt£? C¥'wte. 0?uv- ctl.aractcv! (It NOW, J) 00 w~~ Wef1t {hroLJ~h. ?tn ex:~~\ve" chav-aCtbev-. buHclitlB ~OWh ana thtn ~mit1ett the- y-e-tati')n~'p 'oetw~r1 -t;he,i v cl1avavfev aM l-teyl;?evt) ctnd rotwee.n e?tOh othtv tl0 w~ll. they t\ no. l~ z:ed Clll tt0pe0f-0 of th~lv r'hy0\ctt\ I rne,ntctl and emotional vnavacttr: wbi l~ fompiaYil;ing thet:n0etvt0 witt? eV£k1: ~ 0h1alle0i-. . cAetculC:? CAt?out theAV W00l1c.:t. W~ dId C;Ot116 lmpvo\Jlc,ahoV10 CJO fuo:r cX1avttUkv0 GOula h1,tcycACt w[trl etAai ot:htv; a.,ncl eY7rabli~h thciy- aJtitvcJe0 WV\Joyd0 \.\eYbeYt OJ'1ut J O\1~ lAn.omx rOvl 1h~ fi PQl nt that W6 fow0ed on I/'.Jav; ettd1 pev00Vlh ~oti~ to ~ ll. .tievbert. ~erVone.. wv-ore. clown 1t1~lY moi?v-e, to fit -the{( cMV:-~yttv0 W00 V\oJity and th~n w~ O,lt7VUcned eae-h. OVl8ll1ttl~ rel9n~!! V\l& ~C1~m~\t0hed more, -than l8X~ed 'In ti1fc;> ~lOlh)t?O (.fe4t vevy 0X>d ab'out it -V{nd ~vited! ~ cve~t1'Jity me! cf tY1.t gYDUp ntv-er GeaO-;eh to o.rrur~6 ..fnu~. Z4.m ...... Mav-ch....... pay&? \iJt.e.. t-oda.!1 are, th~ (l.ind that catJC?e 'c1ou. to wOYlo.ey if ~ were, the. httm~ ~cAe;, !::pu wo.nrut to ~Lt 0e~e,,\ern onlH tt1ru ct~ be,fOv~ .. . 10PA'I WAc:? Y'U>Nt7ht<ftJ~! Yf~ wnauvte& a. {Ylal with the f(frwl CDr~ memba-0 b~~ GyoC??-~)lamined ~nd the, (e% of ~ Gta?? v'Ued ~ po?itlo\1t? 9f ju~ bU\Hff) jl)V~) eke. 1 av~ 0...0 ~ pvoo,e..wti ~ I ar1oYVl(j~ and a~~~ each clu:trCuA:ev cqu~on0 refe)(~·lng ip ~ ,muvderof ~b'ev~ Wlndleign,theirre-latlon 0t11 fp 01 m and ~ v moti ve to ~ l(. Whw thie; e~amina,tlon ~p¢ mt\~n9 an~ {brward. ~~~~ OV-, ~ot GDn{V~l ~ ) l 'Nould. V?--cUV"evt th~ 0\tva,{il0\1 \Ntth off~t11e,~cu.ff or0evvcttlon~ a0, \\ 00 fjotJ ~O\J rzttvent C;eett ~ev~vt {Vv- ~ea(0 CAn~ ldoU, t1(;V~V fe,lt 0J1~ btAd. feeUnet? (ov n\YrtW~l\) then 'Nh~ Wett; fpUY mono9rammed. t1anc\kB~- I r wen %to ohie{ fovn4 CDVeYed. 'Allth ~e"v1h btood. '\n He.Ybev+i; room ~he nigl1t \1e WaC:7 rnuV"~e,yed?" 1he; re.aotton? to c-;orn6 of d1~ une¥vpectw ql>e.%iort~\f\lfY~ pricelWb) orzel {;he- \(O~ -6he,16 to~~ lt1.{Y0\ Y18 to j~hfu ov- . ~~t out of th60hv~ O?ltuatlon eJ\'1Obd. up beAt18 vita.l to ~ \f\l vi tl rtg of th~ O;(/vi pt. \n ~ en~ the j u~ vobetJ fov ~ ~~ the-.L1 ~t ~a0 gu itty ) ana he" WOL0 rut lYl Jo..l L ClIm '7OVe. we. t', 0.11 (eht mLrl1 L%t~ev ~oV'Jil10 thttt). • ~o.VD~L ~ ~ ,~) ~prlJ 10r. Mo..lf\j0 0pYing 0vtcl~ ~ No cta%eh I • 6aVJte¥ ~vw~ , C(;mri \~ and. e0ited the wovlt- W~ rttAc\ ctbne., in cAa.0C? on wUnt~l~ OUY m~q,lcvv anc\ Q;o\Nt:{o! hDur0 I 0. c;:,vYlpt V'.ul~ ~OVt1. AffJ!y lAnd. finoJ~~ - \1e, dOt1~. cenwed. thun~.vct? o~ tl1~ V\lDv(t.. -to we, l?10Gltd t!1e, enhr-e, thing ~xcept foy We- ffnaJ minute0. • Wea: ~pYiJ 1?J1t1.. \N~ ~:evt- t;1ranted an t)xtva. WO~t?e00~0t1~­ -1UANIL.-. .6too17N~{ We- Mated fh~ va-tj ettdtng 0tV1e..- , and tne,l1 too~ 1-; i me., to ffillt.- a130vt COtjftJ m~? t/rop0, ~ (Ana lfgl1tl7. ~ Utch thought Of an . ) etp\?roplriare" Ct>'?tume, Ctt1a ~V'ud tv b~ ~~on£7lble. toy f{nclin~ it themC;elveh. W-e then went, -thvou8h the, f1r0\- tk~lf Of the t2t/vipr ~in. • 1hur? ~~I 14th. Mot7\- peorl~ t7vOlJ~ht p?vtion&.7 of th~v~~ in and tht11 'J\JtVlJ p~t~ imtJ~\ve l mLk?t ~ay ~ w~ hao\ tne, e,ni;lVe., ct~ -to V'40V~ with ~ t=.o Wtj ~t I ~lt cf time f{ nait18 fA pave fOv e&h ttdditiona.l peY"~on: \AJ~ H~d. ~Vey0ttlll1g {rom VOice0 t ~, ?,4 0. I at1~ MIl?? O'~Ia1, tv1t -Ale- ~e~) to ~ ~t?Ot1 in ckla.v~~ of t~ght~. We" ma.t1a.~ to V'Urt thvough the ett~~l ve., t?Vv (t* tod.a~. - ~{, nrt?t mctrauf,lf AncA Iy0e0 - - - - - - - -------- -- • 10 -10: 1;10 WARM UY' b"Xbt:ZCl0Y? - Phy&;ica.l e~eYv[0e'7, C:7hov+ wovlt.-oor - 'rag -+ nave, -to touch ,tl1e part of the bod.~ and. G~1a~ at the, ~me t1me.. - Unll, ta.g Tae - H-uman \t.not - 'longue., \V\li~V? * Cot leDt f( ~l;a if .10:~o-11'·?JD leCklN lC,AL., WOlZlL - A\tt/mare., ~tween: ·Ma~p . 0e} CDt10wu6tioh - . COC1tUmet; * 11:t/ominoe? 00 CtJJ.,t [l? ... t/ Oit?wvnt) ·FYo~0 . UtmeYo.. - Jac¥-i~ .1r-~-{2:·~ t7R60t? Rf,H€AK0A~ - V(deo-~~~ - l~~hte:, Cuvt~in - CO?tUmls,/Mak.evp • 1Z'·';()-1'.7X> WNct1 ~ R6CYh • 1',~" 2~1:1) WAlvH" Vlt760/ PtRR)RMANCh NOT80 • 2,:';0'" ~,:?O FlNA~ t7Reth ~He.AR0AL. • ~:ro-.4·.oo 11-6 ur WO% 6Nt70 - ~1nit?h t?e-t- C1ea.n-lJ~ - t,J,a~t; foy - f~1'"~\k: - WagYVlm .- - .- . \1wvy Wi nv\t~gh . t fttn\1~ ~yot~ f" c,,? [Karal11 VicfDvio.. (17ivorced.) [fvimMl Kvi0 [l4lvt\ V.] ~~\~ ----, [6ml\~ f] ~V'\gwe (t7ied.)::: Al1l1~ J. - t1e,vbtvt WlI1(..1\elgl1 = \htvlh~ ~, - \--\~vo\d Win£i\cign [ACtvon1 I-le,yp~vth eoutt1 fjlJo-Vvt [1011YJ ::: Abti\u \ H~nd.y mo.n [Jc,ff J::. Ni~l i f>m iIti Vl~ hDff Nu~e. [CYy~\J ::: 0hri~ne V\jt\llLe,v l?eure--bo-v!:1 [~IJ ::. ~hanie, -et iV10vYlM Vouto7.~M friend [LyWlon]:: lb{ll g,ax+tv rtbychtatvie;,t [ltt,tthy HOChOm];: ItI\no- Javv~l CO[leg~ Pr~v [Kim]-= JotnyRtteA ..£m pro '6U-- Moo.c,! [~+11 V2DhYlC,OVl]:: CDuv~e,y An At?;>Lt0\\1 from j~l1l1 [c,hri<?}:-1hov M0~nney - - [Maia0 Po\{ce e+v] ,f;,)(1-Yzt'? ~Vl/th Ubt Y Jt\.dL1e. AV1na 7 1 'Phillip Ay1~iL U'?tt Jo.mie J Jt{t;On Amy. t{a Vlt\ I Mici1e-Ue. / { ...,--......... / I .___ .,.L. ~' ( - '- '/ I , -./ F i j -' ~ ) / l / l' // l )./ \ / / ( I .,'(VoI; f , ,/ i \ -)- I v' / \ .... \ \, J ------_._---_ ..-_. - ~ht &volubon ... trom tno0e initioJ d1 a.v-~cttv U\na Iy0e0 to {;hi0 {1'nU\l pvoctuct! · I . .,. {)..phJ.L ncr 11/ ICfBB )1.~ It.tvrV '-i{j-flv/U ~l~t'v ~~v ~Jv~~/cL ~f<JYV /YnCi/YlA-{- ~~~ (1AJb~ ) ~~Jp1vl!Lcr );h.trw;to di~;ttuW f'.-JL&a.tJ ~~tr-t' ;t!1.AMlijfu j I ~~.~ .A;[JcO/mc0, '11D"lU-;i ~n) ej)1Lj:WYU>tJlJru ~'-Uh) /VYUt 'lSaV-. ci:4-a::tL C:Xj~tYu /YY10AVl' ~J) J:hL~ ~ ~/ ~t;t ;to(fth.vv J 0L ~luYY1CL-U{J ~d»vW()"YL, vA1~t) )./YLCAfiPi,Y1CLluJ; --fY1CVYU1' ;thu .)2chA'VJ!J'U~ A»-0 ---haU-0 ~~ )JYl)Aff1) ~Lh~ /JJvrl;;U ~{J)YV.1), ~hJ tYvCUA). JW qJt 1/~ '--U-j) A-UYYLu vC{n1).i~;yuu iYu ~ ~~/n£tlJ fu-)~~ j {)J-0 /(VrvG Ai' hr.- .» --/1£0LJ.-U -1f:-,j0'i OJ ~ I / ~SJ/vvlh(jpJ ~ ~nJ ~tUA4CU-f: UphL0 / u J;Jv ~ 10 AM. yt.D LfPM /~~. JvioJviV.~· ~ )M;nchJ NU0 ~6 -rt0v0LU ~7G cLUi1f-VtLCL.;;to A;hvU MJ~~ ftC> ~~ /j;I;L.~c[vrLu ;6/"l1nLtcL ~~V1Cr $~ /AJ /AJ1A/l) A:~. ~ . '1JlJL ~~.(JYYUj ~OJYYUjfLt ~ ~fv~urtc02-) ;to 00Xt,/Y1CD frU/U ~t[)ct~LW'OYlJ )JYl.J /VlffltvCLtLL-/) J I CL(Yv.1J 18 ~ u; 30 eJl/c »/lJ M. Jvto..pvU~ ~. j~ ~'1-l, 'jtVu J1.~nty ~(/1J ,fJu-tdAJ ~i 'U-10 ~~hJ-vJ) / )1- V;ot-L ,JUv~ ~~r C~L.utiiJl'1/.1.,· .%V ~MjL,Y'J,1.;) .ptuu--u ~.frLt-­ ;to /YJ-LL ,!YYl:,U oJj a;tl ;)88- 5815. 2S4 -73??2 ~ ~tvv &aA~1'1V - t?Hor A 0~nioy 1ht~i0 Y'r-ojt4t Olrevce.d. 0y -6la.ine Kloe;,ev\n CooreY"tttion WitM #. tv\arv~ LQuhool,,qr-Vtdc (P i~pYil l~ \ ~f,f> 0: ~ PM -rH6 UN~NOWN C+fARAC\6R~ CA'7T OF Voice" 1, . . . . . . . . . . .. . . 0av--~h Habvtn0ky Vo ice. 2.. , . . . . , . . . , . . . . . , , . A1111 a WC\ (ter0 VO\Ge ~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Phillip t?low VO\G~ 4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . AngelC\ t7~ ffovn Hevbev-b WinC\leigh) Multi-MU\ionalve. .... Ja'?on Con\on covrtVle,y M0K.inney) Model . . . . . . . . . Kathy John0on t"Jet-eutive, 0otm~/00n. . . . . . . . . . . . . ,{ony yeo.k\e. Mit?0 Nolutn 0~~YeA;avy . . , . . . ... Kaml c;,onlon Ml00 o'0Ifie-n rode Kee{?~Y-. . . . . . . . . . . Amy £11100n CAephani6 fting,man I 0euve-trAry. . . . . . . RClGnet Coo\ . . h ) '/1.!'f Ll ViAhttttlklC;7 · W'In(Arl\ elg V'41 (!.; r'\UY'~ KYl0 TCtt1Ct Jay-vel) Pc;,ychiatri017. . . . . . . .. Kathy H00c::om At7G\U \ ) 00dy gu(~yd . . . . . . . . Michel \e. 0el(~He.. Anne, W\ndteigr1 ) oaughtev. . . . . . . ... MY'ut Moo:e. Vt'ctov(o. WincUeigh ) 6x-Wife. Irina Me\0er Dr Gill 0axtev· ) 0e0t fvtend ......... Lymon Kev-khof I 0 • • • I 9 A 0 • • • • • • • • 0 0 • : • I 0 0 • 0 0 o. • 0 • 0 • • • • • N(koli 0m\{;t-in~jhoff) Handyman 11le·y.e0~ W(nCi\leigh ) N(ec~ Jennv RlAe\ Col \·ege frofe00ov .. ' . 0 • • • • • • 0 • •• • • • 0 • • • • • • • • • 111o~ ~~YbeGhev0ky ) A00tt00ln ... , 0 0 Jeff ~avY'ett emily Flook l-<imober\y B!\Clev0\eeve Chrt0 s:.helGUevUhVl0tl ne. V\Jat Ke,Y ) Nur0e.. . . . Cry0h~ t ~ee... .-QV: Havola W[rl,~leigh )Iwin GYothev ....... A~ron Con.rU\d ?o\(ce LIbby Wt\lte.. and 0 0 • 0 • • • • • • • • • I 0 • 0 0 • • • • • • • • •• •.••••••••••• Ll'7C{ Pvtvett iecHNICAL GR6W -Video fYodoGtion A~i0tant. . . . . . . . . . . Jackie Whitcomb Ughttng . . . . . . . . . ... , .. . . . .... Jamie P~edie,v'l . hl-' .J r L' A . 1- t Libby Wt\lte. LIB \ Ing vUY1 aln 0?lSI an t; . . . . . . Lt0U\ P~ivet;~ COver t7e0\gn. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i~7XaVRA~%~Y 0et- De0lgn clnd con0tyuction. . . . . . . G;,th BY"utdeY0 . 0cript t7eve,lopec\ 0y [aye- 17trC{ma COmpi \eu\ ~y -6!utl n~ klo0ev- C(a0q, (And edited 0PbC\AL lHANK0 ... -ro Natalie, M(lcanOW0ki foy- h-ev 0igni fica.nt contvibution Cp.~· We mi00 you ~ ') .. . To ~et0y 0hCtrr for reLAv~t\nging hey weekly c?checl()l~ to inc\uct6 dvC{mvt I. . . . 10 010t-e~r pianne, fov hey he,lp and 0UppOVt-~ 10 vV'. Von La.C£ fov- hi0 tdet{0! '. '. ',10 KiI{0t-e.n John0on foy- hev v[~w- taping) hGY input and encouragement! ... -ro Aw FAFZbNT0 ANt? GlU60'f0 t:oR COtv'\tNft 1.1. ~ 4 -------A NOTb -- FROM 11-16 O\RE0-rOR ,- of mi t?a\t 0h;;:tte ~niov H-OYlOV0 fA t'v~\e&t in futfilltT!ent 111e0\0) 1 ha'Je ~n woY~ng wIth At::? L?*. MavyC:/ (Pm gY"ade..r0 in c\Y"o.m~ C?e%lot10 I c-ulminati~g ttl ~ UnKl10Wn ~hot". ~ince la0t; fz;tlt t {1av(~ been WOV~Vtg with tt Core gVDU'f' of ft"tteert (otVt gr-0,0e-Y0 t~ feW -time'? tt \/\leek, cen-ce,ving Dn. cV"eat-tve dv-amatlc0. 1 {ntyod uced 0( ( f{ft:ee-n to ct vayY1tt thvove ~ ."e game!? and exe,~vl0e0 tn p~l1tom(me. J improv10ation) imagtna.tion I concehtrat\Ot1 J C-lHd. movement. ~ftev Ci1V"l0tma0 we" tAdded tU1 ~trUt dvV'mtt ~lon t;o the. eV\o{ each V'leek. wmblnlng the, wy-~ gvnLJp with th~ remttiniYl~ or t~et"~ (o1h of 0\ra.der0. \ have. to a.dmit 1 waC:? WOy~ ng ~~ith 0lX:h a lav~e LA bit leev-y groDY' at- O\1~ time.,] b'ut \.-B be-en OJome of the mo0t t;urn0 oub that tnD0e. httv~ et1]oyCtt?l~ c,et;h\On0. Whey-ea0 t woYked t t1 the cove group t?e0?tO\1~ on, mor-eJ ind.i\llctualil;ed e.xeY-o{0e0) l diyectU{ mov-e- ~YOUP- -type;, t\6civl tite? wi ch the, lctv:gev t1LJm17eY0 Ca0k Ot1c, the. lc+h gr-o.derz;, tAbout thdv \lUpMt-ea fai'{yt~lee;, 11 or \\ ma.yl/tcte,v- oyatt~ 1/ ) • • About four week0 o..go th-c, cove gvvut:' ~n \l~U\ td[ng ~ cJ1avOw6ctv rf - ettcl1 p(c¥.Ut tt f:{pe, of d1avvtu-rev ttr~ wanted to pla.y ] g?tve ,it Ct t1atrte and d~ve(or'ed it thovoughl~. ectcn contyl,bUted thetv ?av~ lY1 developing ?t plot fov OUV rla~ ~~ gIV!t1l3, each of thelV cht:tv~c~ fA motive to murdev a man wen kneN\l OV- Wa.c;; ~ltAted tv. We develDped the plot e,Vet1 BJrtntv b~ CYD00-exa.miniMB each in an [mrrov[0tti:iohoJ ty-ioJ lJ0\ng omev membev0 of ~ UCt0<7 etC;:? judge J bttUff I jvV"~ }etc.. m~Dugh fuee;e L1rtct othev- lmproV(0atioM0 ouv OOY c?iftpt mDre- 6r leC;0 \fJy-ore" it0elf· We. rtttve. onl~ had about 0... V\lee~~ c1t1cl a half to rehettYh6 with the cotntJlered } wvitte-n 0c,vi rr, but It wa0 me r.vv~ that W~ went thyoogh to qet tha.t C:;t~vi pt 'Alai? tt100t i mpoyta.nt . - t Eh(nk dvah1~ it? tit vital olJt~et) not tv mention t1 gveat tool of learn,l~ and;covevy fov chllcirert Land t appre~att/ that Ljr. t/tttnne, and 0et0y 0t1~rp al00 felt It (mpovtant wough to \ncorpovate, \nt-o t'ne Ctlrv-u::iulum· 111ank.c, \. . ~ 1 _ AI1 OYi8inai '?&-ript "',9 ,riI1A, -rOhY) el'l1il!:f I I,..~morr) ~I J KIA~A lA, Kirrl J K,aYA V) CKY~~A', K(l~V H). ~YI$ ~ Aay()~) Jeff, !(tA#tM J ) ~tA.tetlie,; J Jamlf; ,Ja..~~ ,1'h,lh P~ LII7t.?t1 , ~~A, Ah6ie ,MiU1,ell(.;, At1nA. J4~Dt1, ~V"tlhl KAm., AW\~ CDmpil-e.tA (:Ina &Jittd "'V -61 e~,i n(l I£.I~ (1t\t. CAJriain open'? 011 a I7laaoot. ~~aAII4~ light COI'11t? uf" fYorY\ itzl, l?q,~~roune4 revUtling .f)... ?\lJ1Dv~e of a... ~rovl=' l"oY~ri'illt. 1'5 ~IG J ~ ~ain!:J ,&x>me ~eu1dm5 ?Iow I'd the "6ht~ U'tr1e up on -tf,(, ~pf.e who ()yt" -(tl1W1, in plau,.) VOic-e.1:1h10 may appe{w {X:, be. 0- typlccd gi'OUp plWrogrttpH ... IOylng frlmd/j rAnd Y~,lat1v-e0 were" gathGre,c~ ht:ve- In iflc__ \('Jlndleigh ~'laVl0tot1 fo.v a m~11{)rable gv-oup shot". t?u-r that wa0Mt. ~e., ot1l~ 0/10! t<aI4~Jt .~at uttUj. ycY~lfday c-tt Ctf/prt?x1matcAy 0:6Q PM (-tF:7tGVfl cltvLndal13 "rime.. ) mit? mt<tL (GtJIDrlet ~~I6ht9hi~ on the face, Dfthe W1eU1 in ~~)} Hcvbev~b Nlt1Jle,lgh , mUlt1-n1i /(ionaive.. ?'tntX OV\intv Of thc~ ~n010Yl,V\Ja0 C7t1t/f-' and ~tlat b~ an un/mO\Nn tlluvde,v.t~~ (H~i1«f 0rim~ Arla tAit? Light"t; t)u-t-). WHodonnI0~) Wa0 It ... . (A ~~li9ht_wrne~ v.p ~n +he ftA.u of +i1-e, name VOIet, 2,,: hIt:.? f;X- Wd-0 VICrOVltL ? t(:tll~ and. ~ .avt Vo(U ~'. ,.,1110 l7od0£juavd) Abciui? l1e.Wtl. the nev.... 'c; V()lce 4'. '" h,!c? nlUe ,1heye?x{ ? &A'~) YO~U-, ~: " . hi? bec:Jt frlt',nd an~{ f~~ (l!\ doc+ov, t?7t U fu)(fCy~ I .lI Z: t1r0 Voic~ 4 : . "' r,10 VOIU .t' 0e&vetav0 I 0tvpnC{Vlle. dttut1vrf(~v, An./){,. ~ ? ~V()i~ 2 :.... hi'? COllege. pr~ecj?vv; J~i1n~ Rael J"Ice, ~. tJ(. hlrerd t{if?{l?;i-:?rl~) mor , \I I ),~V((:?_: \/oi('t, 2. : " . hi'-? nUrh& I ChrIsti n6 ~ . "oj c,e :. .. r"l I(7 pc.?!D!1'1 tdJl i,st) rcA. v1 a JUlV V~ l ? Yoive. 4: ." (/ : ," hl,0 pv-er::ent V\ilf6 hll(::, tWin t/(othev) Havol(~? ? Voi"e, 2 : ... an etrll7loijee'.- from hi'? modeline V!{jCi'lcg VlJiClt/ ~: . or- hlG.J h.~n{{~YY1C{n Niko{i Sm,ftlV1(1hOff~ l Couvthe.y 2 I • ~ ( eA«t;,le.bU ) /..voiGe 1".. Tn~ tad! ht~ cL mo-tXv~_~tnc~ noV\J tad-! (Sill houettt,') 0U0 pea I (~a~uii. I t1 the- ba.ffi j Vl g C/a0t/ .. McH Vlnttj? 10?L "JOU" :~=-7_- __ Htvl1evt ~t1d Cour-+n~ \eav~ the ~lAfde," "fh.e, o-t11tr~, ~a~ f~oltl1 l1vt m~1A trto~ 4Ar()UM wntr\ -H1, 1i0ht~1 Ct>Yr1e u~. Afte-v ~ ~ ~t1d~ the· liah~ GOtYl~ vp on the Hviner-""m 6f HeY~u+ Winaleieh~ man~ion . 1\1e bnl'd new ytr'10rl' itt the Yt1Drrt i? a., defUlHve, ,. 1h~. tA~ ~u·~,ivt;, pAU-h herV()u?ly attd 1Q;)1u:, vu~~""d1 . 1l1~ ottr«~ ~ t?ov"u , W()t'r-iut J '?a.d, intonvenie+1ua e~v. ~~ talk.. ~of+ly arnorzg +hetn?e,,,t':J t;\na o-ft1e,y.~ rrt(,u~ ~t.t u~ antA wallt- ~ 4no-they r&lvf ef ~ Y"bOm. Rrz411~ Courtney t7ur-~t? throoQtt -th~ tJ.ooY:) at hie? to 0ovr~li 1m !ut t~{-k,vbie (~e. &:JU~ the ctD~d).,. We,ll, V\lh~ dldnt ~f- tell me: ~e. wa0 n&lVi(l~1 (l PtAVh{? \ wouluta. -Novn 0Omethtn' mOrre fit11Vl,g. VIc.ttJritA ". 0d- t(oV\Jn anLi be C1Utef-, Couv+ne.~ , vete.di"e, :1l}ant- ~~u vY,}0-' rY1 ~ ~oV\Jd1at- ljOGlV ttU neve. ,.. m~ name iC? t7et"e~alVe.. {:;;ttmptJon anti ( am the pev0!Jrzvvrzo leFt- a nure on each.- &f .~OUr ,droVe? ti11r.~ movvHVlg .re4LJ~~Jflv18 ,ljDu v pvl0&VlCe l1evb at V'J I v)ct/ e"i g Ii. tV\a,Vl~7j on. ")nIt? a~H~v II) co VI &ill: tJetu>tive I V\1hutt it? ljOUV pi)jn-r IVl at?k-tng u0 l1ev& ;: {"ft1e,. GroV'Ja I1nomD'~ -thit'ltl" lille "~eA, wli~ AYe IN~ ntt~~ I, eour}ney I I- me \\ V\I~ert'':1 ~rl1tv+·~" t:>~ve .~ Ihe" ve?(?,,{?n {iV,e: '(Corne ort-~ek on with it ~") al7~d tj{?U (-LL l V1ty~ toda~ (0thAr Hcybe,v\- \f\Jindtflgh V\Ja./~ 0tl)ot- tat?t- Vllgl1 t- (qa~pG.1 of horr'"Dr frbM ttl~ CN'P,,,,a) C{n(~ V\1clh found t~ead I V1 hi S l?ed ' Jn CDUrm~: IJDV metUI tl1(C,? 0 t- ?t Pttv~ ~ Pefe~n"e: No mIt:£.? \ ,t~!0 1(7 V10t {A ptlV+!j ·6auh ~V00V1 uo 'mit? voo~ Irlght" VlOV\J 1c-..7 t~ ?)U0pec;t-- tvl th~ muvdev- 0ft \./Y' bcv+- V\l (nOI e1 gh . f (Crowe! WU)Yt\1e¥'1;)," Nha+- ~ JI UT\1;~ t? riafcVloV? '." "1 don~ ~etl'tW~ th;~ , II) , I I (i'ljr:'7on c'71 bl~ +cJ( +~lf~ de£:{th ef K"l<~~L1-_majll ~ (.{nd by /OOiL-l V7i1 elf H-t'vb-€v+- 'c;/ V'Jdl '. 11( 0 dl {~VlJ , r7a?71 leClcll a¥)d At let-l'7t- ene- of ,00'0- 'i(,:, · ~ . ? met-Veal ve?l'lv-d0 t/t'Vla olot tUWtbparev- ot, PP't Vltj0 ) d- c.xem;, 'mat" uu:tz of- idOl).. '(tt{ve.a vnort \J~-e CD I/\iav: t -ttllt? mav: dead . (~irl" U)t11e, Dn ~~tI rl~ht {Yom -the WI"~~ ~rY~lt16 ~I~, rlDt'~pjt:la~) 1'F10~ Cltv~ m ~ (A0?10t-antz:?, -- \lee?~V of ~ eNl deV1C-t:~ )M~O;t? O'Brien antI my peYwnal ~v~tav:y l tAnd Ml~ Nolan. ~ahie. : \h('> l0ab?.::,uvd (, I am juc.:k ttrY\ l vt 0U0pec-t- In thG- VYluvd-0v? (.ey-tY'~one, alU~ DUt "~ea ,~ 'n~ane" ero.) hit? 0eov-el::utv...'j. 1I\ln.0 wh!1 Woult,l , le-ill him" "fh;~ l?~U;tiv.e. : Wr10 V'Joltld.(;}Olt V\iaVrt- -tv 0'l( ~vb~v+ Wt'nd1eigh:: 0Ju t?Vtld !j?t~ V\JeYe nl0 ~etc{v0 ,10 that Cl/Vvevt-? ~ni~: (~'uckan+'~) ~, I am . ?e+-e.d1ve,:(lo Mi~ O'0Y;en) Pteue/ of e-Vldm~)V1umlxV A (PC3Z. p\eat:A~ I MI~ Df 0rfeh. (&Ale ~uff~ fhYo~11 ff1e. "at?tv~ lAnd h/A.l1d? him on~) Ah~ Mlch~txnie., l qingm~n ) C1?VVeur? f4c,pn~~le:. We~l) ~e0 -- OClt- t1~"e : V\/C:;z? £i'~JrY1tln mV\J Lbng r-za~ ~~ P¥wVSJ:t't ~ {::he 0et/vd:;av~(j of i-lCybey-L V\llr)dl~'gh? ~a~ie WV- -auo ~~V0 I bLlt . ~t1ve,: A¥1d 'cP lAr LAJeeU<j C~lutV~ Lua0$4z .10 )correct? ~h~rtie,: 1l1ar0 V(cjht: &;1' '?l,V). l do not ~ what tni0 hat? -to do LUIMn V'.r. \J'JtndlelghL? VYluvd-e.v. Krit?: V\lBtI) I do. My, nutbttntA \-tvrbevt pouo.. ljOLA- a r.ea~Ylabt.e £>alVt~L11 out- ~tA OvI;W~0 Ct?VY1ptaiVlt:-dfiilVttJ 9. \t WCAh ne\J~v" eVlvugrz. '1tet*t1At1ie-! \ w~ld ba.v~l!j ~0 'rYll/ (eht m?a0Ie~ 0Urn he puuc{ me~ l}Ji t-h -tlile ., Kr'1C,: And 0t'0+CYda~j whe,h 00lA CL0~ hlV11 fov til cAnd he .vefUI~d to gly-e, it- to ~lA I 00{), .5tavllng 0VY'~aVYlI ng l/tt- him ) thr-eVltc¥1I'V)g to 0Ut t-! ~~hat1;~: \ LUQ,0 Delng tvea~ed [)nfC1,IV'l~ .I . . ' Krit?: I lAJ110 vightou~t~~ 1110 ~d~ J/{oov lA.JCltev/Y1e}J v-a(~ . m0 t neavd.. Ht;vbevt- 0a,0 . -f(o &thead arlO'- ~UI ',-' -rhen wHat WI ~{ !jOlt do? 1\10 OVle, wit 1 hi V-~ 160 /A. . 00lA U 1n~ pfant0 ClV)d I th-e 0tyU~ wont naV6 to pa~ rent on lc)Our 4 avfment l::Aic:a'{)";le Lj'?1A won't hA\H.- one.. , ,Heil7eVt ~ 0~d C{Vt &l q tVlclJ 0h-c 0f"7ould. ,tjf){.{nic- him fOv not fin ng 11ev~V1d thD1 stephani eC'Z'11 c{ , II /haVl ~ \j?u ?! 1 WI It Vlev-eY' th ttnk- 00 Vl I. t /d. V'Ut ~tv 1£-( LA l(YJU 1.1/ LBo U. cti d d- - {!Plt ~ll-ed ~ hVI?band " ~l1ie: Well, [ VYV-Uj hVtve, 'X;ud fu'(J, blA,t ( didn't mean it 1,1 [ ct>uld Vle-ve r It-i 1/ aVl~ne. :r:. 171 D Nur 0\~OOT H:6R~>t2-T Y\lINt7lt>( GtH ~ l'V(:, ~teNev tOUched CL CjUVl l m~ lttc. , _, ~Ive.: rJ:~f7e c:ctlm do~V1, IJllch .kil ngmah. 1j5u. ave, VlDt- the 01-11 (j C;00pect IYl -chIC:? cat?8, In -fZ;i&f, 14'IS V\J 1ndltl,9h v: th~ ~OWlt\V) W'V10 i0 OtUUtdtttg tpu of hc.y nlhbands ' death. !'7a0 c~VOf1 vnov~ v.e.a00n t.o ~II /1imti1Ul-Vl LjOu dO' (viororilA hnickYl? ~naVlie., /t1o~ ~M~). \(Yi~ '. IJJHVlt? ~w CoU'1 (.j?u. ~ thaJ 7 I IDVed mlj hU~hd ,I Pt+eotiv,,: Ljot,c mt\0 nAve loved ,00U hlY:7bC-thd )but I th(/I1k- a..,a '""'jou. hNf.- VY\ oVlet1 mov~. !70WVY!cl'1+-numb(v P32.1 I M.t00 0' 0vTen 111ttnk.. ~[;\.. AYl lje0, here.- It 10 : I-/f.vbev{ 0> V\j ill 0hles thaJ While. h-c wat-;; ()jive he l/\ja0 fD coydyo! vdl n(0\bvfvneand c?/Illlj tlffc.v hl0 deAth Would. 1110 mlv-d Wife I /LvIS) ) t-CL~ U/ntvol of Vll0 mone0 aVId Vll0 V¥lan0l0Vl . ..,.tittllA :rnat-0 nght, iLvl S · In ot) v coun-::£[I Vltj C::6'hIO 110 l1?U wld. m.c:- \::lOlA. iA)lfe- V'eheVltfuJ buaU0e Vl6Ve-v ~(je... ljD IA CDVl,fv61 Cil.t.C V mOVle If 51 tv An 0 Vl0, If 0~)U. e1/-e. V V1eeL:kd YY10Vl~ij from. l:cvh:v+ ) LpIA had tv iApPl!-j I.Vl Wrlti Vlg qJ .~ t1yt?f ofihc VhoVlth . ,I rUYlembey lj1lk 1cUlVlf) VYlL.- that the OV1Uj lA){Lt,j tpu. cotUd. ge..t thtlt ry)lniL..~af <cP. 1A waVlIt:d wa0 -to ~LL I~our hLY»Utvtd ~ (jOLt COU.JcJ COVltvO{ tt1t:.. mo~~ tPUvz:?elf. wah a. jok i /-ttl l-ta ~ ~lo!-to ~ ~ovt I QeJ- jt( KYle,: 1+ ,.('Jhl, veco~ ~Olh ~'VI)ce+-ect1ve.. ) '6eh ~ LQ:t0 c,hng':3 and. h6et.rde.d cUA. ::Atu: moVl~ I but- it? R?(nt vt gvn (}.J- M~oV1~ vUlc! pu.1I the inooer I'? c/t?me.1'htng I c:owd, heAftv 00. , 5 t7M~ti"f,: 00l~ ar& thv W(nd(elghIG p0yuh~arv(?t-- it? ~ttt CDVVed -r1A~·. Lje0) t'Y1~1 n{;{,~,e~ ~0, O~r. '-rant( .JttVVt~1 Ctn~ lin: plea0e~c~ 'to mebt l()OI.-t. ,l uv~{)ll n llj \10re. L10~ g~{- -(;0 m~. ~ftom c~ --Yl(0 Gah& - l \OO0e". tV1(n~ t'hlVe" l0 hote to {t vYluvdtv-e¥ oV\ ~ I ~tiv~·. ~t~ V)lcu.d find. OlLt ,w\to thG VYluv-de,r-Lv l0 cx:oV)~V' man l6o~m(r~/L-· t\/u(~ Of0VI&1\ t:il-e. Vlumbt-,v- Sq17.{t7,av~l -rIA ria: \AI naJ· ctD m-el,{J1 t7:tj t1r'ut? p~tu-H"e.,: Wi/{ ( t7v: Jayvel n-e¥-e" I Vl t-kYlo['vt-0 ctltAV0 it &;(lj0 moJ- ~~ dI0Ct)~~ve~d I ?{0t lAlu!l- +t:tvt- 0o~ Wt¥6 prac-tiC/i v13 p?yd1IVt~ vv'lmour ~ IIC€h0e" - 10 th?cr tvue.,,? 'lAV.tA: Of C-OUV?:7G.- thutfi? V10r trv~ , ( i uh I We..ll ) of WUVhe., 1 V1 {It ~A£ UL II (.~/V10v . ~@V-e: fVttUj I C;JU/ it plea0e? (Ilna : C1W~VV\a.'d~ ~rDu6h tw t'U~) \Al-efl) { \ uJl davit 0&ewl to nt;u, e It- VJ l tit VV)~, Oe~ve ". Mr., Abc;{u{ m~19c, 00lA C~L,dc{ l1~(f vY: JavveA -?iVlct Vl-tV ll'U¥)0e., . Abttvt: ~eAh ,&,UYe, L~ 0YA~ l1e¥ pu~ I Gtl~? -thYOV~~ A~l~ +tAUe., IJI)f IA piece ~ P~l'ev) Oh) ~ Vla~ it 10)VY1(t,n. ~ve". ~y. Abdu( ) muqjbu ~DGl wu-ld v~d ituc..? Al?aiAJ ". WY& lA;vvU fhi Y'\0 fov t191l\ &iYj 0 uld . (Fead~ Slowl!1) \\lhl0 cev-tl-R-~.\-e. cev-h-neG -thttt- t7V-.lttV\GAJal(ve,l/f WAj thaJ0 (j6[,L'-, \\ it? \lcen0eu{t-D pv-a~IL~ pi(ttoi1a: p;7ycnologtj. '1hl0 I!centSv ek - t?1 vet? rebvruCLV~ 20 I to'll. /) '. ~·ve·. vv. detvre) lj0LtV licen~ tv proctice, /7?\fdwlo~rv I j I '! wv t I 0V:PI v-.e-d 11 ~ltV-0 qfJo.r !jOLL Vl~ be~ Ci!l-tvv:?e--ltv'0 p~p\e. fo~ tit t0v:ge 0Jm or"" vYlont0- jllegc-tl~lj ) o.nd~YJ~v-t ~lndleAgh V\laf;? about> -to e~~~ ~LJ. 10 wh~ tJ'V li-f lId Vi lVY1 ? TanIA.". \ 0t'dn'+ k~tt htVYl - l adwuf- t wouiolv-6 (i~ +0 l but-. t7e~v~) t diet not· wok-- ttt m!j hand~7 [?he, sho""~ ~ 11« &:7h4~ n~ ~IAntA~) I M{1\10 LA VlevvoU0 condtt1oVl ctVlrl I -rvut- c-Ovltt n~v hold a gon. ~\cac~ e1noLtgh to 6hoot sfyttfg'ht Ut J?-(vt;x?n. IF I ,WOlAld\fe ~(led ~btvt-, t wovclci I1tVfe f2olC;oVled~1 . str't1)l.j lei-~ r7: VVl ~tiv~: Abdul) \-jOLt dJd a Bne job Al?ttul: lJeah , t beef! prac.>t1c:<ng VVllj 0 , • ().,t( • readtVl6 +hat llW1~. (€ad.IVI S~Ut?. 17etedi"e,'. It ~~m0 thet1- ~uve been pv-aL>h~l()8 VV1t)V~ tV10n ~{)U r~adi "18 0'-t-(1l'? ( I ~t--lj6Live been practic-inj ljoLtVyyYU;Vd e¥l Vl8 c~,1t4 t(0 olt::o ( A~tAul.: ~httt? t cti l~+ ~~ doing V10 6uch fhi Vlg . Ar100Ul1110, 11m. h(0 \7od~u)uavut -I dekV1d hIm . V\j~ w6LtIDt ( ~+ -;CD Il-i'l ( etvl ? \. Petev+iVe. './Ar, L\bdul ) could !jDt) det.X¥1 k & Vdci0 ~+ wlV1dlelgf1 tru~Jcd 0?u? Abdul·. On l ~~Ue£?/ t0C, bc:e¥l lfeoth'ng me- O~ . 1 17d-evhVe, '. COUld fPu be YYt?v-e Sf'eCt0C/ plea0e7 I me. A~tAALl.: AlvlgvltH 'do u {oYced (t:- out of- me ~ l teil wuth ~ _Vlv ..WindletCjvl treated me- reaJ l;7a.cA l?Yea~ QoWVI ry'YI~) . .~ 1AJa/? alLYtt0? /7CCAH~l' on me. ." ULtU~ me na me0 ttnd 0tV-PP. lt~~t-: H; \l\Ja0h't no futv( IAH1tddl~ i ~ do -to hiVYI? l+e.- iYxdw CAll me.. (6niff) &l cUe 1 0tJVY\m~1 ' . . . ~t1ve : 00 '~haJ0 V\Jtr)~ WJu k-illed vum ~r. L\bdul ? Abt\ol: NtUI\J - l utI ani' /?i {.( ~, t?c.e... Mr. VVIVidlelgh VJe.\Je.V all6tNe.d no OVl~ I Vl?teve11 mel Vtli?b'odygLJavc~, ttl uwv{j &t ~U,v1 (h ~(0 ~OU0e- . ~ . . An f1e iJttU1', 1Vt tU0 vt ~V! t ( So l.!fJ Lt al UJ 0.00 CblV rl ~ CL 1016 I to 0lCh00h'dr (n~~ . ~ Oeacon"l!;: vJ~lD ~ ~OlA ~ Anne: I)m Avtne- Wind\eigVl , t ~evt~ daught8V. Pe~+iu: lAJeAi,Anne,- thCif)/e- 0G~L 1b~r ti,£. tntOVYl'latioVl .Mat1~ ~(;l COGLtd 0Up'P(.!:1 me \AH:.rh sovn,e t'Y1oV'& ' . . hne- t. Weil, If mqu be.. hard in m,~ ~~t stafc.-of fYOUVVlI ng DV'eY VYi0 {uln1eY0 o{eaWl . l7ereotiVe: t-.Jolu teil rn::, M Vlt:) I/\J lrJ0j !AI ou id tP. u Ex mou vV1 i Vlt) -the dettHn of ?-L Vr\(;Lh ~Olt \;Ja+c-&r fo muCh;;: ~ Anne;. I+a+cd? What do tjou vne~Vl b!j mar? ~ Vivtl>Y"ia:.,Oh CDVYle: r: oUJ Arlne- I icP(;l ~'D~pevtc~H~ VJeli what n£10 .tzU~Vi}g ,tA~b6lfr-. 89 Li\. ,¥-1'16V\J you haJcd tcPltV foJtre-v- fov 'I, . ' I ,..t?utt1~9 ~u- In me- 1Yl50Vl6 a0yGUm. , '. ~ve,: CDlJ\ci ~OtA plea?;e; eYpl0- i (/1 ihlc.J t\Al(if? WIVldle(gn:? ~ne '. VlJe,ll, ) affev V'Vl0 mothcv died) faJtnw dea dc/d to ~~ I rnvu~vle-d cyalV) , ~. +0 V(cA-oVltL. VioWria . On fi'kAhk--)0 0 U. \ e\C{vtiVl,g . . ' . . At1ne : ~Iv)ve/ l d(dV'd- c£tv-.e. f£:o mud!') fbv' VIC,-toVltt 7 ~Jhev­ tho~ht 1+ V\JDU.ld ]x. t:d-Iev i f l wa0 0ei1{- &tWatJ· So -the.: \?-e0\--.wtt0 to ~~et-. ~out Df the(~ rI?lIV 'Nat-.? tv put me-- IVl ,an . [n0Ctn& (:A0ylum Oh -thc:/ tJv-ounds fh~;j- \ vua0 -t-zt[~V18~ Imcy InavJj ~I::>I~. . . t7et"ufive.. v:va.h -mIt? -firue. ~ olii ~6U. rw.% WI<- to Imat)I VI tt~ pel' P k::. ; : . . Anne: yel? I dId. -- but l had, I1D brDthers OY C;'! StcY6 ,Sv I I YY)adc u~ ~n fmagtnvt~ pltAyvvtt"'~ wvmyt.:elf Viame.d a~, r It\J1\0 ON~'I W Y6A:R0 Ol-t7 ~ {3-V£RYON6 tiM) AN - MAG{ lNARY PL--A\j tJ\M0 WH&JntbV ~ (y YbA fC..0 OL.- D II ( So he plA-t'me In, ,the. a~ lU~1'1 . and mUlde- m& <S~ th(~i&' unt1l he- {/th d \1 (cAD Vl Cl (j?-l- d l v0 vZe d . ~V~: HOV'J tong V\JtA0 filar? AI1ne,', Se,veVl (Je£tvs "~'j . A:..,l1e '. And fh,~r0 wh0 tpu. yywrdeved i()OlAY .fz;trhe.v?1O ~f Ve,lrenge-. On V)lvy) fOr ..fhe o/ue.-I tYtlng ne uhdto ~u. ? Anne..: I aid (.team one- thlng While; I lNah in ~ 00V lUVVl ~ \/lole¥1ue." V\ev-t~v- solves onytti( ng. I COuld Vl~V-ev- ioolL--- at- Cl '3un )mucn IO?0 01'1wt one--. , Vicl1JYi~ : ?h, CO me on Vl OIN, dcvLlVl.0.- l!Yiu<;+-40U. be. S:? draWlahc.? ~ye.- · 0Jn!0C- lIYle , 00 u. CU'-e.- VI dona IA1lndJe{g~1 \ Covvec.t-;:' V. oft,vl,a:. Of G.i?LJVt?8 C~UlvtlVl0 . V~"e..-: VOL-t CXem t:lutl-e 6VVlUIA fOV.J"u0t haV'{V1t'-1 0mmj.t/e.d Cl VY\Urdev. C), v 1 Viof"t>v'fA. : Oh plettt?e - \ /1t-tuent' f1mt/ for 6UL>~1 vlOVl,5eVkSf/ ,Bi II 0, 170n~ trl1 to deny .ft-i \j(cA~lr{ct, ) eAlt>V 6lrlc:e,. l-teYbev+- c{t vov-ced ~DU. and. r-?tv! .off wdi!l ii-1rls Vl~r&\ ~IA vowed -tb vna/L-e..1 hi'rv P?t0 -Po v~t-. .', V"c)on"tt',Oh ctavUVl,8i {jOlt do bDre me so(~ ~n?). · pe+-~Ve. ' ', V(C+OVic-L, o.ll d0-C 8 (gV1?.? pot'nf ~' tpLtL . yesteYda0 ,W{{I/), fl y"?71'" a ~1 VI ( \I t' V (?t{V of ~ It V c:A l V() Ifce . VI V+t'Y'~ l O~ I. ( Wt:l.Vltc-e). to k (It h,' m .I He V\J v~V( VC/ ~e, VUVl ~lirh 1'hu(;/-, tVlc1-t- (~he. pt'iV\t~ f~ v\JOfYlaVlI But I dId t~ot 0kiUt/t- ntrYl.,Qunvllng a PC¥'(x)VI do!tJVi l0 Go UV\O Vlgl nal \ If l vV-e~re to ~/ll I,IVt") i'rd i/l +- leai?"t" t,t1L/,)~ me- 0 C:P off itYie;.) ?f C;;Omc- to put- him fhvoU'3I-L. \:::lou... rtOh8?ff!:J bell eN e. 'jDlW SI ~ilj StDV!:J UVl'?\7C"Ak:{b(e-- -t:ov+vve. {?i II: Vldovi tl [i/tO V\Jl101 It It? ol:7vIOLk? -.- ~"e: And v\lh",d- (.:::' L:)ouv Vlc1-VYle- agafn ,0( v.? ~II: Uhj Or. t711( B~~~v - I V\JC<f-;/ ~-k>vbc,v'rs ~-e~* {rle/Vld av\v{ ·f.?tVY'll tLj doc,tz~'V. We-V.l"7cvL {2"d l we:v{:. V-C,i; ,1j C/foSe, ~-h0-> ?~ec:t+h nel?? \;?e~n tt heVVI bl-c t;:+lock-- 1t0 VV1C- . ~e&A1"e: 10 It -rrut . . . +ha+- L1?LA.. Ci:~Ue[-t- e4peJ')0i V~ cavt:;:J, [/V: ~A)(.tvv ~ . ~ It '. Oh (j~~? 11.<{VL/_ t>he ~f ~+~ ~J)i,jtJe/* tlYld be~-r ~~V) &~ rY1CS+ e/)( p-en01 V-c..... ,:=:CAV ct/[ (cc/-rc:)n c ! 1'1 -t/V1C-.- \;\JO V lc~ . ~lowd CA-VlYDvre LAV& kc, c.:x:~/ .-tJlenl7. (I-fc., stay-tS towara -th-e etOI>V) ~w:. '. An ~ JtJi~ {-{ VY1i V\~tc- .t/y wx.-Icv., . !:ptA SOLj \jOL-L ~ hAV e .~ OJ1 --t:J'1L b.~/~.~ c.t:Z v cc:{/ ~(>f1 Ohc('/ 1Yt +he. V\l 0 v Ld I \ -;:::> ~JlJt:* elLLt- 0- ,~uvi6.<)( ~ 1,V0!1C CW tlG ~,:r)i11e c~ tl/}c cfnc,1r \\ \xh+-- ~CU/ I( c-t?lleci1OVlt-;J ! ~ &i I( '. Oh j ui?t ?;X?v\f) e o+iI')~V ~/J ~') peoplc/ [!lee ~A-Vtd- ,{he r~ . _. Ni!tali: Oh fuv l1eavm0 0?( Ite- fiv. fr;ty.lev. tj6 U /?¥10 11\1 pe-rf;cH<j I I wett ~r: \Ahr\(..1,tt:A,,9h o~lned L~. LV/lee/hon of i'~vt? JLJt::A--- ty.-CCf ~---tnougV1 bc:::at- (j:)IA~.?~ .,"', I e.ill ~v"O\Nhng uVlau nt~ brttM'hl ye4h I if ne'JtJst- lA/olAldn+ heAve E)?--'-te~ .Ull7qld o-t- thUlt ne,~ '-'Jtl n,gv~ {~ov\ieW-C:~ -rc: (1aL-- c---Ia{~(c-) I Cc7uld.\J-c V'-lDI0. ~+iv~'" WOVl V'JVlttt- (/i/. &v1X ~·,c,v, 2>UI: &hnh) V1D11n(~,. ~ . f\J i.lti>li ~. 0o~t 0e.-1::/ i De ~£>h ve ) to v ~£~.v(~ Dr 0,}[ ~ k~ vi-flit /_ Mv. Wn>1ctle,(Cjh hu1V6 had tin OVlt:Y-71Vl0j COn~t- b,-~ Who ht'-l.d +-~, olg'cjer+ {A.n c;{ bt~-A {;-'(";{v,r'L:~? llec·tr~v) , Su~ 1 -+~re¥-& vJ {11? . OYlI~ (j y}e, ~ h VIE] v-Vl,~'j (LXV ve~ til ~~ ct{;(~:;1-/1 c I V1 -ti~e. \l'JDvl~{ ?~hd <~ +e,W dt{.tJ?~ t~LJO Mv. l!\J1VkAtelg h {'itdl l 00 \?I)VC--hCA0e~ It- ,fov 31/2 ~tI~lon ~t~lLt1,yz;. " S,ll; l V\Jal:J ~ c'~cY£/ C~[ tll{)0t VVII ne. r t:() It'\(\Vlll!v'l,g tkIL1t(~z;v)k~.1 ' That- caV' V\lt1t-;; ~~: fht1tiV1 tCVCt;;)tiVlg? ~ment- P31i uy)utin 9 p\e-aJ?e') t-J\lt-;£;~ Of6(leh. LNnULr lit {-~C;{ vlC~1 dCt/")ce. Dv, fu'xkv, .HeV? l VI i\-cvtJe¥+c:> vvd l 1t- S[{.yc:;J -rvlat· Upt'V1 H{ S c~evtth .- -ftle.. l-tCvb6V-f- V\li~,(Zleigh C?tV a}Uec~fl on 8~U Cj() +0 hts best -PYle-hut l~'ll f0~k~ VOlt tL·lllec;( YOL1.lr_be~~~t -«tf~utso~~r YOLA V\J~ cUd l?<: t'h(~ V\l t n Vie. V,r- of -me" c~-ovlk/:)-r-. J;i II: '111 a f0 Ul Ii ~ I. l h&V.ev (jUt ve I-k:,yrb.ev+- a ~.7h of- ._ iSh'-j- I CCon'~t*in8 him~lf) I iYleoth I ( nevcv Shot . l-}ev Ix vt- ( ~~~~:, !jD/.,l SI'I (). ~0 !:'JC ~ t<. ~e:.k:zl1ve of' I-k:vtevt 1IJ11'd1e(t:\11~ ~114>'1 · N0 1 I VVl tYle. WIV1(Jtt;tgh0 h~lV1&h/maVl' t7~Ifl..: 1Vlrn yo L-l VVhY-:k be/ ~t/t.D1 iSchl'Y1dtI'nglictF ~"jeoll ..~, o.Vi~ lj0L-lul VY\lr~rAveO!C~ev (w c:vmerhn0 7 . . ~~lve: f'-Jo( fv\r: ~CVH~}ltftlr:\l~ol+~- l JU?f' found. ot list of JO(r;> ..tned l-leYl?cv+ ',J\J I ndlelgH 1e f+fi? Vlj70- +0 do ttl'1d. .f/;le: A{IfC.. 0 V\, 11- ./ 7 ~, \/-tt:%/vd?~ < Left? ~ , 1.1l011f)tc~ let{~ -r~uuJr [vI bc/ttinvcoWl, 7-. Rt~f7C:t1 v fvon+. gate, ?,7 cAea'n c?u t gll.l.·~·CV.?.;> 4· ~T)( dcClvloe{ 1 . t-J iltb\i". ft 'I: in' /ir>c dpov'l?'t' li - (~A l good .aA- +h~H- ('vn ~ve-: Dh\ YOlA-t:{ve? . Ni~li: Ye0 , tll~~t-(c? vVt'L t?fC?&-ial 01- flxl.n' cVtJvi?-cUs. t V\Je.vtf-' fV dey'y (?e II -{.V,{-iIVl I jIl~3 "7ul1C1?i utls !- to it'aVVl Ct :>re£ialt dODvbttt ftXIv11 ttL=hl1 t U(U&. if'', td,~U} is that V\~Vl:,j LjOLt 'Neve" ,so uese t- ?-Lt UV7d~ ~bev +- yc~~vc{~ V\1(,e-ltl He wid 'jcjL~-fhc.{t yC?Ul f(x:ec;~ .+hr;., ~~~C-1V- be,!} V\l v-cnj ? Nlieoh. Of COUV0e [was .0Vl?jry_ I nevi 6pe-nt two ~.... 'G hC-U(0:i'ry!Vlg tv ~t l-he. c~V)?'ell fixed pvopev~ vmd then YOl-t V UVlc/lc: ?J//f..!j0 rz e. dart t 1\ ~ (r-. . 1heYl~A.". ~0U. ~o-t{l-e (Ulv) n ~,g uVVl c{ V(;{ \} i ti") g ,~:> D lou d. ( -++1& ~ hi" ·lVle t1au--:£, Ni!toli: V\1eH \1\1 u u.Jc~f?{.L I U'l. i10VJ il'JOGlld. '!Ou.. . > .(-e~ll f - yu '-i~n+- a. yeal/ of _yOL"'-v kfe. lejtv~Vll n(J n()lj\.J ~Ulb'Kr. {;{~.uv ~?c'lls vig ttl &J(,v~~ _ ~vYle-, looo.tle-f~O£1 ~ 1'11l ~ (I C'V1C(( ve (r/!t)~! -t-c; your-icz:h n I?1Ue~? t\ir. \Al(Vldlelgh saId ~. ~ &tCt)vbe.u .s,.'O[)VicAe0tc,. Piy)gL) ~ t7~+ecfi"e: rvtv-. ,SchVYI\ th(lCq n0f" yt:){A. \AJeve CiLA fe- c'XflfjVV C~+- . yCJL{Y L-?c/.~? 'jb;~tcv?,j~:t~1'~ [iIi m? V\levt:? y'yL--C /'lVl?)'V l;i e?~)~cj h fe, &--i /1 Nilto/i: No - ND 1jIj~ ~ I VI l£W yell gUn AnA ~:7~lOc)f- t/l 1rere!.1a: Oh , SlIV&, ("';+u.n VG-: 0/.CU 7(? C yOL~V · . I (.}-C){/}f?LJvle i V) colc~;.{ tfYI.E::') . . bet t I ,could vlelJev piLk- Up 10 blC&d , . . . , . . , " ...' /11, 1<:;<,,7, y~; r.A if~ vc: d ' " b, f- a0 -Iv !-lev c:: ~c., . tJV1de I'~J yelA Vr,U0\ be. fh.cvt'0c-L V\JIYldleAgh) tn,_ V1eG0. 1'J1e,.y"eha, .. 'Ie?-;; l Vi m , ~V~: (.Y;) '/OlAV' --0Jhev ' . I 1'h«ena: t?n~ t?F ~vbevt-S bv-ofhevif I ~FPOC£ 'lOlA COlA! d ,,:'aLc -them !GV-otheit'S fhe'~ 0Uv-~ dldrd~ ttu II/~ I V\lC)/"./ r. Oe+-u-Hve,,: V\1hc~t- c)£; you mea.VI 101.-1 rhc:lJ'~ 1huU7a:. Wei I) Famev otVld UVlt..{-e Hcvbevt: got (n A fr0Vrf- c'll?ou..t 10 year?'.,? "~iL? avd ne,\tt'v "i'.:po/?e -tv eCl,C',h ofhe v ?-t:He,v 4f:h~tt- , Wet L r:7orh rny f/vLve VI +-0 were lL--l t An (Ava{,~Vlc.he la/?{- \jeV{Y-!:.'tMA <7lnc:.-e LJn~e- , Wev0wt', ~ V\leb VVl'j 0Od fi;lthev; Me \l\iat'?d-elega~ it/] l&qal t:}U?!VdIA,Vl ""'YV~ I mL'v-ed Ih-b thCJIY}:/IVl":otOV\ UWe did t I?VlOV\l -tt!l&{t G'n?l-t:. HcIVtX·V+- wouJdtz:Lk' t11L -frhlrutti on he. -teAt -rOV\lt/tVu10 Vl'l'y .+2;1 trl{V, vut- {)Vl me ' +-h::, tye~k:d frVt€- t-eVVI 01 ~. H-c g01ve YYlt:- t"- vco rYl i Vl the,; 0ew UlJnt0 tl()av: .je,j/t:;> I made, me, Vliet!lv old v,a:~y? c::vvyA fovo:1 me 'co ,:...leVlVl -{he (/trdevt:7 O,u.t of -t:hefiv-eplac.e VJrly a mi(ltJ~, 11 DV1ey - Ie+<-;:> not get- I V11D fh"qj- old0bvy a£yw/') ,lhiee/ i(7 nO+-the l7i c ,;>V!ey V1!oVle JennV· NDV\JV\lo,l j- ofty,e V\lee~~ 1:'eteo+1Ve: H,:, VI'l(/;;t htIVe. been eXpe,vfet1c:e- fov VOLA. / ltt1tVI'Jtl~ Wndti1oVl??, 1hf;r~t(: !t u~v-h;,ll V1 /, l!j \f\J (if;? c/L vevL-j -t;vCl-vlvYIahc. to /(V"C/ UVl rlflt)/~~ vte/v 'J Pe+-eoHve.: I be+- '101,l t'hOLAght tl,lot- CLbovdre/vfh,ge 6Vt V()UV UJ1{~le) \ jll d~'1 t l(jOut? 1heY.t~A.'. -- gel-n/ll:j bet l - v1eyl /w-e/ VOLt lVYlpl~/lng that ,1 shot uncle.- ~ \l\ltl1, 'It *n h(v~ V~l! sky--- I \IlJt{L.." .' 1,"1 my va:7VV1 the wncle A::1lj yel?tCvdc:W, My rmrn i~,.) \0 tAffhe othc:v C~i~~ of fire se·VVUf/Yl-/-l? ~LJdv-fe,v~. t CAld//lt evch he{~v 1'(!C/ tJun \lVl i)C:' h \e/:~~> i:7 V7Cr-+ (t I, VOlA. mv i D~U: 'Ale/I! m?{ IYl1 I ~{)U {c.:eeme.d w h,(:{v-c/ (.{j/\ 11 0P(V') IC:.Jh C{~,?OLt~ I~vbu+s nleLt~ I beer VY1~t\Ii?~ YO"U COLt~C~'c-?+i/(1 mec Wilt + yu)ur utVe/' VincA ~J{) ulV" (/PI j) !C)~I c?fWL y ~/~ hi v)lc~.x>If··. i ~nI1V: [\/\:_1 (lc,,1V1le 10 .P(~)fcfy>t;l·r Jen n~ \<tAel. l '{\j{lG l-tev0urz.J Lptle.qt>6r&JI1c.?h'-, ~;\y o;:JlV10n ('~f W-eVb6Vt? \..-\e- V\lvt0 tA-t1 nc £tv.d'6h r. ~tiv~: 111Ulf-~:? \ie.v,! Fttnllj~ ',' ~~:z?, VO.:>UrY)e¥1t H5(P1 P~&~.?~ Ml~7?:::,Ot Brie·l1, He (e u Vl tV1 10 0 td ~'t:::{:t? vt-. c//tv~t {/·t- He. r lr~~ v-l ~ frovn l1(t? c:>en/c?v yec:tv In U!IIC[Je !,t: CjCty?~7 ~?e v€-ce·l ved an F {Yom VOLt IVl -tngI15~:)~I. LJht-i{~,tr1C C-i::c~t10VI \ICDvYlmetlV--..> 1/ yc~u yJ r~ It t-k:vbevf na0 (:alJ;«~A Vy)c" much Pt'-{/ vi 1 n m'l ~t--V:;:l~. Hf)0 t{1~ti0b wVrllng IV) (?ll-c., dl0vupnl1g c-la?-",-,. 5t:e£1lc--1nj OGr of -tv v Vl ) ne-v--{.V {uv nt'? l V1 h\C/ HOVY)('lAiov'L- J e h:~. thDr: ~vbe!'+ l{\/tl0 tltV\j FeA.1 ·tJ) \7(of: M-el . iht>Ln ~h +v hIm t;-,ne/j - 16t ;?t -the ttc0hCv- of-"d'1;~-yec1: v" c{V\Jl~1.vtA, t7~'ve: r}~~z?C)R Pui-eA )-Hv,iJ< ceV+71( j")l;L'j v\LCL~.i(;( vnc{~, ~ry16 Upf7?t-, Aftev eli I. J /10t- on!.~ c;{ldJ~~v~e..v+ 'Ai1hdl-elgh Lt:J.lY.;:{,?--, YOL.t ?C'1IVl i beJt-- \1e/ VY1~-tdeJ Vt)L{ i(::~>~, +:1. )e'l uUAlCiV;:X tt//at- ,V))U ~C)?t _ V\)~)~Le vi fov (;{/ ( l/C-G1v I!~. cA. (;{V-.e£Tt-Yl ,S'hCtH-cva{ t::e-(C~vL.. __ LJOUV Vf v\! e'\~e('.:). . Jt..tU1V: Oh \oh ~ 1l1ctt VY1Cl!f) i?lC:- I,. . De+-ed'lVe: !71c:;t ''-Iou ~,d l hi m cur r:::pt ~ i p(cfe,<~~~~v f?c-1cA ~ Jenny 011 \ \ vVlc:;;Al l UJt;\c( (2-;>&{l{ {Vla-t \ c{, c{ ~. V\J(l(,{ 1- tl k'/VVI bl-C., P£Y'/70V'l '. But- \ (-£)0 Ic~n'-t~ rlAVe/-- \ 1m t?\ IVlc\ t{t7 c;;( b:::tt C£;V\ lfly. l---k:>v\1 COL! lei I t::-ve Ifl -{£ II I f I V\1 (~(,) t:;Z::'1 vlt1II~(J the ~) LJ Vl !~; '1 tl/l£ VI c1ht- c:i I vect/OV, ~7 ~ . t7e+evfive-: V')u (:.7lV) '['101Al Old ~(lD'V\j tJ1C:{ t- Pvck/~~'t)~~ p~e), lcc:.-{- H1G , "7 TCC1{ he i/- of - rhe:.- Vee-tv' ('{ v\/:'{V{J \:7C'L'·~;U_,/~.;;Cj c:f We ~ tJ( vt· Vd I (1{t It/(t'?y' I: I, cf e. 1l10Y: lV\1c;{17 \ n ~-teybc Vr~) c iC:llj~ 'it\Utt \/et«V(~if)(.1, t V1J{{,c::.;, \~('ofe/7:Z;v RrA el iL:7 pV Il-~ ,~tv d{.vrr . ~ti~ : ~/o:~OlJl{{ rY\V{k? lj')L-' Ihov U11-V\J?1ng )V\JC)u\c:A Ir \~+? 111ov: Ah, vef;; ~M\ll.·. rc~c~< v t3 I (y p\et{lx::~ '\Ill;!>, D't2>neA'l. ( h£;{ c;{ neV\Y7pC-Z.e£'/ CllPt?I~~I~j hey.£. -ftVVYl ~Slx f1'lcv'Iit'Y0 ((t:j{) '. The- ne~\(fl£ ~~C{c{/~) \\ ~oV\J nl\t?:c,7(.{r:~?1 Vl ) lVYw' CVI: -' V\ltln(i t<z:'.:.?{rec.:7 tVDVl!\ Srtt tc -r-e·Vl1t:GV1LICIV'Y·' It- (~e(yYj (t'l/~lt r,/c:f--. ~{e,l, net- l?eil/1::j c~lo\·t:" +-u ~ 11 Herbevt. ~,I1iry.tle,{~an" V-)C~V(~ [f, ,11[Y<c:{::~ }'!ev ')?VT& ,sn.!{{tvlJ 1 /J \-0 {{f;;/V t 7.71 k ~~tc:.~,~ b-evt (~nv ~ahpt? if) h-t'v'vt>V") \f\l\ll{;{lCL:::~Vl iDV ~'lCV: . 1hoy: t:P u e:we I/\i (0)1\'3, De!CL ti "2.. 11\1 hC,l i V\laf-J WI rhe peVlI-farth (;(V4 1Z ViO V0 aLL I C6.{ ~/ (Lr ~1({~71'y VYlen cee> k' (ly\J C--tl.( \1'(\ \f~J UV\ 'J ,,)'0 CtVL/UV1~ \(::.) C~ec{{>!I:~) IL~~\{ (-e.-. t'u.It~ put ellulife _J j2).Jeryon~ ,=,~.e,~VW?) t?L'7V)t- \l\Jov~v/y e\ICv~Yr,b2:'Y~\1 ~ I ~C:/ c~~ Lc-) e\C{<7tI0. ftt:c?t;? t:.7(tJ (He, o. tthd 'Cit~({I~(~~Y ;~~n~,~~~~h ~;e-lfef:) Chri~tit'lel: Suve ll/ Cf1;,{vvw:) - he, 10 L~:C luc/c-li CJ[,i1t bBlit'Ve, fhl{~) VY1CHI 'I(~::>I VI VlCUVrt cA ?hvt: 7t?l VI ~ t7~+1V~ ° V\l1()c{1- I S,/OGV name.) VVl&l r 1/1"1 /L-vl 0 V\i n 0 ? ChYishn~: ChvU;hl lC V\lCllker~ pefeoti \Ie ° Oh i t -.;; ,the VI U lr?~, v {;[:C) L-. Lcq<e" We V fov~ c-:;:t~ \rille.. cA)ct v~f \./t)U?'7hne: Vet; c:Ud. DV, Gill P£l>ckY J 1-tc,vbc:vtt':='-V-egUlt{V cAoc/{ov wmt on C;t 0?{tc{vi fov two V}'lonr/l};;> c:An0~ (e(~+- (-\.evL?evt- (n } ~Hf1C CCAYe, of V'\'l\.j(,/elf' ({(")?{ l-icrt)t~vl'~::;t1;\i",/i \C)Votinev,Dv. ~1>lVC)ld r ve 0 VI) L?f toev.t· 1 I • [ r vJ: VltA (elgh. .; . . HaYoicA :--(V1Vtr{:.) VYl0 . c..nV"i~ne: QV1G nIght ut1.;tnn~ file-,eeV{oc:J V\i~te·~\ ~tll V\ic;U7 tjcne. J jJr~v~?ex·t h~{.~~ CA \tec-<'lv~,L~~r+f-:{~~ k:- ) (~'v rr~ ItJlVlc:~te(~j \'1 C{.:V1ct \ _ hC:';t({ -fL) V\l)Vi'7e VI!V'Vl r,7C,{{,k::.-- +::0 h&;{tt'n, Harolc.t: A-n('i{ we.. c~ld OJv be?/1- d:(;~v~+ CJe.,Ch./lshne;;: We. Vll)(t;;ed vy! \/ O(oiW V b(::-t {,-/t- -fp heullth V\J h t :e.- b I i ( vv eLI-;? C:{IJ1J(L~ (u rt tA-er tilt? ~eA*,,) (A.~ICt he ~'l~vev pC-it?' J~) ,tt S-rivlk-tn' penny. ~rv~ ° V\I\/1~{t- \l\lt:t/7 r~~lt1t- Dr. ~l\jlV1{dle·1 (jh Htltyo\d: 0111 \ ,J.)'~:::k mentloVlC{) fh(;{r- Wcvl~v-t Vle'V~: v F-".:::{u:A /jC-:/?L < 0 pe.n i'~ y fz'7v ou r C£ I/'-v' t C (;/{? ) cJ i c~{ v).C. C+1 v {,".:, tl ne ? . OIrl"h.,t :-nlt1J~;' n.(jlrrr ". !~vb{ vt. ..jt/':7t- ~~{~7S/L;nfle~ -thc:tr t7\Vl~~t~ Dr. v\IIVlC;{/Ci(jVl V\1?1/? h(0 t7v'otVI1 v ({VlC{ \V\1({i7 n\t:7 bvo.thc.v:? n UIt l-';;6 {haG nc> {;t(c{ n'f_ h~1.\J e ,to r?cty hi (; ,:.:Iou+uv- b\ I (I, AFk~-v ~dl th:: lr'(g~l~, t c{lc)lvl{~ C7\e'e~7 ; benf~li~l.:~J OVt~Vhl(Ylto V\jlP~ lil0 fovenctuA. \!\;!l t'j;l C( wet trt'1-!:5,:, ntght (:~t--K¥ V"1\(~j~lt SiitJlg1n0 hIe;? . f(LVCVI !ul k::t~y '·'1l,G Ttt~vvj\jV'Jcel'I~)~~l '~~')l~;(e/v'! -- ulVlc.-{ Vl{:t (:( 1··~~t11t1ll! "arol&("o All Lh{tt VYlt:'(.:{ICil}e:~ ; r)v';>Vlc:{-(:::c) fov \'iffV") '" (At I t)rlC'/ ('+f~vt' I od t i nu) V'c (J' I V / l'1eJ (71 (yl V\J (1-( VI he. hc{d fJlC tLt:c>tv'f',c{ H-?{. t: IL- .,' 1,'nrul to Jl)().lp OV1. i1!~7 Cl/J((7r (he Up ('(Vld dbwvi) -tD ~t 11((:> ne&{ vi: ~Lo Src.{ (/ f bcc>(t-I VI(j (~LVj(X:V) ~ . , rc. jumJ?G ~.!-fe&-HVf;: ,An d \. l?{:.t- a ficv-'r1tf&{J : net- £\(1oot h I (VI,' H-ar"lcA ° lho.f0 rl0rl'r! A cJ )(1 c~\ol 0 ef- y{.~{A.. mU'z;,t- YuLe . Aye.. ~:O.u ~,:J~j~jic:~>MYl8 Lhcft 0Je.. ~ l (ed l-Jevt;crl? vJc~ lfltilVe V\it0h-t:(.1 --ftlu( i- ChyiSfi~ 1\1 {-< c)e-v1t ! ?oH-l VIe-V ev' .S.?q\J e eJ. t"l/.::,:, It te.~ /1('VCV c::~)ol\jet'~ (rVty ~")Y~L)0levn ~ U>l)r-h1~: Dh ft,v ~dt~e~;z::) (:7t{~ -" tb?~)~> at- }toe -hme.. , £xC{)c:-:e 13 me w! ~ \ bLt1- I 00t a heX I v Vlr7pCi/ ~l+wten-t IV} -tlVG V)f\lnl.Jh::-S t7e-t"ec:-tive: l'rYl C--.-e;v V0 ) bur V1c) one. ic;..? leav (' ng il)(~) ho USc::.. u(i1·n 1 .-ttJe: v1/1vv-de,v-t'v IS ft-'IUVl(~{, ~oV\J you, C{ve. tVle C'Vlt~ pe.{c:,:v'/'I I hc~\/(' ht tct! U?t?1 -f.v 'dC t ~ a V) c{ 17',,/ ~'il~t/ t-e~/: r> c;F e Unil , nat, to ~'1 t (J lJ p?j~) 00L( O{v£ Cc?uvhf1ey f\AG~'Vlvle/y . Cour-b.,~y: V2-vy \ y()uve 'SVV1&{V-L ! Y'c??lh tJry) (cu~/-hl)e,y. t J~'Y1 ?t ~~~e! C~h~ !~~) t'e+utiv~: { -b~~ It- HOtA- V\tQvk:.ev( td- ~ \f. \AiIVldle,igh l<~ MocAellY1,g t.StvotIO. ,~ CoUY~ '. VeVtk,) l V\jC{?./ \1/(;.;' be?+- VY1t'C;~e{ .' ~e-l (, \ t7etecf1 ve. V'J [r)~j"{ -r do y[j 0 metl VI 1.\ USc~tz? be_? If LJt;.e.d tv be., eo t?ee.v: .Wev-(c71 e~~-tz,f .V}"·l~·de~ WV (;1,( ~a.VC3.? ·AJ~~fheh CdQOUf hAJO V'4e~? -thiS f/tVlD~ (';h'10JI'\{>Y Olga .somebody OY oH~ ge~ t-c../ h1vc£;{ ?{Jld (~{tc~~ I~ sht'.&.J -C£{iL.{'I'lg (Ylg pi ace. " Heybi'e.. l)C:7C.01 -to pen.; aU i'hc,: c.t'{".Jen+-(on to Vr')-e~ bur c:U ( 0+d U\ 5v~1de/~ h-t 0 gl'VIVlg hev -t/~OV\ieV0 {lhd CUi Vlciy' {{J,d +cHing hc: v G/}C 10 -\i,~:::: V)10st t;?eG/(vtlful c31 vi Ln (he V\Jov-lc{ I v1-S~/{ - ef VYIt::. .. " A'nd1h6~1 I; ll'l-c lCt/::rt· !C1c:;KS+Yaw '0Jac.;/ ye~krd,?t / V\JhVVl \ f1Cavc;,{ ~1I1Y1 {C{ll.v'g Olgc:{ 6()IOl.01/~_ +1'1c7L+-'11-e:~ wat~, y \,C(AVIV1~) ht/V ttl0 V}lC)c!e~IV-t3 GtUdlO I'n 1-"t1 c? V\j(/j- not vnel.~ ~&.f1ve.: SC) Yc)U k-~! led ntf/V1l be~fi)re. he, l'fc~( a. chavl ce to chang-e hl0 V\Ji 1,1 ,<;C -ihaJ ,<;lne V\lOLctd ly,l,ev-it -the 6hJd10. Courmey: you.- rrot (t- bub! V\Jull r tt ml () uk (, Ct- COUV~?e- I didfh~ ( ~10 u . V\iGV~ £v~II'n9 {o !)/\{cIt-- VYlC-· ,Y\lt'v~n\t' va'? I oUctvlf ~ I ( c.oUV'h\tW: \iVe. 1 ~~It~/. ~/_ E~\R: me~ 1:),/ .blg OrecU2-- (r1 my VYlc.-d-e{ iVl~1 c~7\.Veev: (co' /i'lC v·ev ~ ~lC)Ot- Wcv bl e I llC+ even V\J I f'f1 /1 waJcv' ~7JStol . t7~v~ : Wellll:d lik-e to thank- ~puaL{ (ov CUt"? out) uk- l7Cyr-;7! Covne c-:'Y1 I r1 ( (fWD Poitalf)1W pur~ fhrov'3h hdoov) nl' 1"'~Tro 1 " \ ' I' ,----) 1"''' Ice -.L. "I(.u.. V\J n :(J'1 () nt:· O()C";.<:-/:/ youv ~,Vc:-lhon. e o~tu-+i Ve,,: 111E ve, (S' iitte V}1?ln V\J £" \/\J c:::u'/'lf-) Dv. Gi II p~ ~-kv: - ("{'he po\iam~~ at're~t e", I) JOill". Uo()J d.ld (.j~7u.. ~'1oV\l7 I IrylCaVl - \IJ~lttr i/lVe VOLt tZ:d~V1011 ~bout? (He., styuOOIt's) l?~'ve '. A ,C;'ll)'Ie1e,. dc~(,tljc-. n()n, rvLy (JC(?ct ()f~~.n . V\lhe,h ( Flvsttold aH of \/C7U- (:;{bC!{Lt -{-Itc. mJ v[:;lev- {C)c-),;u.j ) I m~{cA-e, ~ sbtk¥n&V't- )II l-klvbe,v+- ~\V)C~I(/iq)h shor ta6t V1 Ight." In thc, 14 COUV0&. of= ~al/i~'Ylg V\ilrn .evevyonc, ihq oAI Otj0Um~tAmat Ut/Vb-evt- V'Jah c.?not \j\ji r-i1 ~. gun ..' e--V£VyoYie--that (S I ~~t- YOVl j t::)v. ~x+er, you... suud ) and ! C(UO~ y'60L LAAi~ UOIIAVl I1llAt1/A&.7 him htV n.ot-e~~. Ue, ~? :) \\ I . V1eNeV" g0v.e, i-k~A,be,vt c;t shot- I mean) ( n6vev shot-~+,IJ '!hat- titHe- sli'p or the tDVl0u~ WCl7 .--ft1,c d~.?l?{ g(\UaV\1VLY) fov -the.- \\Shot"thvtt- ~ lLe: d U-c>vb~v+ V\llndl6lgh Ohd. ,f:;t~ V\JCt0 t \\~7V10+-1' yDLt Ef·O~ of acc-ld-entty VYev& OYlC· ttVd the~. C1l1e, ~V-f~ produ~ a med,ica,1 '~"witk ~ l~ ~ n~~ J OYlI~1 you \ t/v. 0t/lx~v knew t'Vlt-<J no gun WC{0 iVlvolved . Bill : (e.ein~ ava~ ~) lilt qe-t you. -IPv thI01,~ \ want- my ta\;u~ev.l No --- l wOVV\-r- my mtJVVlmy f,l.'. p~\'~: tNeill mt,d- wvtA-ft~ up Vif\O~ ca~ 1hank- 'jou edt aga(n. - (~ C¥OWI~ e:;,(8~? in Yeli~.f. ~ 5hA~ haV\d~ , cntt~~. All ~ PlPPk:, e¥l~ up ba&-k- "n ttJe: ~.e ~~i,f1D" ~~ ~ pho+~rapl11rl ~ ~'nhl~f" Bill t; etYlf:>l'y cS~ce, t? ~Iten bV #le t7~"c'!-l and -H1e,y ttll ~lG .1h~ lieht--':) gi> dowYI ~ ihe ~lh"l)e,H-e, a.t1d #ltn bladeout.) ~/lJ~~~ • \ am ve¥y f\ea~ wibt1 fu~ Yef.7ultt,:, of thl~ pv-ojU-t: OX1X l t?eliVJt m )~fte, ?tv0mt~ and fDtvUlby l/t\i~ at Gr. MaVyCb ihD V0rtt It Ct V'JovthI 1 whit~ yentuve.. a,l'?o. C;?v: Plttnne. mmti~t1ut tntAt CJ~ \j\LOU\d. li~ to ~p ~ pVD6v-am gq'~ r16~t ~v- If anljDne. from. %a1;f; wovlC{ b1e lt1tew~ In tzt~t1g It ovev. 1hat Wct0 one- of tt1~ tjOtll0 \ wa0 v,?Wivi rIg -60 httv6 the. ean fov - tutchtv0 and. ctdmini0tvatov0 ~ th~ \1-ecot ~nd. ~7ene,fi ~ i t1 ch i lc* yen '0 +hea-tlYe. pV"ogvtI\ml7. • \he, othcv go~10 \ httc\ I ha~ tv rAO V'!l+h lndJvid.ual OXu<l\t-nt gVOV\ltn. l 0t\V\J tv\le,n-ty-0eVt\1 chll~ytrt Ot,ve\o~ \n. 00 man~ Wtt{1? thie;, f()Utv. t!t?m~ fovnd ~ nicrle. tht{t -they Wtve. ne,v-c,v lA.V\la~ they \/eJonged in ontil fuiC;? progyam utm-c- into beittg. ~Y'O\I\Jth trJo~ man~ me. cAifftvettt {oYV}10;.trvough many. a(ffeVt~nt a0~~ Of ~tye.. wfxC, &xvltirtg cti~vtVle? mad~ ~ Utd1 milOt . fYorab\~ -th-G m~ ob'fevva.ble eVotot(on )not to ment\on moc"t encovvag\ l18, waC;? Chry0t-oJ \,.ee 'e;, tY~Vl0fovmation fyom a ~ti~ llttle. g(y\ v~ho wou\ct riot pOtYlI\vipate,) into LA vv-Utttve l 0e\f--- cohfiaent ~formev-. ol1lt-j {;;hi~ that I woolO. chal1ge.. if I had it to do ove~ ~ln, would ~e.. ().. ~ongey -elm6 \?tv-lod to mt\~ 0UY~ w~ took:.. eN~~thi~ (i.e. -tne:,\op'ment ~ tx/Vipt I U1c, pr-od()ction it~lf) to 1C0 full potential. 'V\J6 \'lad a lot of vnannGipo-red • 1he. I - co.nWlallictlC; of ~ion&;7 [who WOl!Id.l?o.Vc gvei?C;ed -