Western Illinois University Student Teaching Clinical Experience Final Evaluation Student Teacher: ________________________ Major: ___________ WIU ID: __________________ Mentor Teacher: ________________________ School: _____________________________________ 1 - Unsatisfactory: The student teacher performing at the unsatisfactory level does not yet appear to demonstrate the concepts underlying the indicator. Definitions 2 – Basic: The student teacher performing at the basic level appears to, sporadically or for rating intermittently, demonstrate the concepts underlying the indicator. scale: 3 – Proficient: The student teacher performing at the proficient level clearly demonstrates the concepts underlying the indicator and implements it well. Standard 1: Teaching Diverse Learners _____ 1. Analyzes and uses student information to design instruction that meets the current needs of students, including diverse learners* and leads to ongoing growth and achievement. [IPTS 1A, 1H] _____ 2. Identify individual needs and locates and accesses technology, services, and/or resources to address those needs. [IPTS 1G] _____ 3. Creates instructional activities that stimulate prior knowledge and link new ideas to already familiar ideas and experiences. [IPTS 1I] _____ 4. Differentiates strategies, materials, pace, levels of complexity, and language to introduce concepts and principles so that they are meaningful to students at varying levels of development and to students with diverse learning needs. [IPTS 1J] _____ 5. Facilitates a learning community in which individual differences are respected. [IPTS 1K] _____ 6. Uses information about students, individual experiences, families, cultures, and communities to create meaningful learning opportunities and enrich instruction for all students. [IPTS 1L] * diverse learners (e.g., race and ethnicity, socioeconomic status, special education, gifted, English language learners, sexual orientation, gender, etc.). Standard 2: Content Area and Pedagogical Knowledge _____ 1. Uses technology to support instruction and enhance student learning, and develops student skills in the application of technology appropriate to the disciplines. [IPTS 2F, 2L] _____ 2. Evaluates teaching resources and materials for appropriateness as related to curricular content and each student’s needs. [IPTS 2I] _____ 3. Uses differing viewpoints and the theories, methods and standards of the discipline to engage students in critical thinking and inquiry. [IPTS 2J, 2K] _____ 4. Uses a variety of explanations and multiple representations of concepts that capture key ideas to help each student develop conceptual understanding and address common misunderstandings. [IPTS 2M] _____ 5. Facilitates learning experiences that make connections to other content areas and to life experiences. [IPTS 2N] Page 1 _____ 6. Designs learning experiences and utilizes assistive technology and digital tools to provide access to general curricular content to individuals with disabilities. [IPTS 2O] _____ 7. Applies and adapts an array of content area literacy strategies to make all subject matter accessible to each student. [IPTS 2Q] Standard 3: Planning for Differentiated Instruction _____ 1. Understands the instructional development process. Knows how to incorporate the Illinois Learning Standards. _____ 2. Uses knowledge of cultural, linguistic, cognitive, physical, and social and emotional differences when planning differentiated instruction. [IPTS 3A, 3C] _____ 3. Creates short- and long-range plans, including transition plans, consistent with curriculum goals, student diversity, and learning theory that meet expectations for student learning. [IPTS 3B, 3I] _____ 4. Develops and adjusts plans based on outcome data, as well as on student needs, goals, and responses to allow for variation in individual learning needs. [IPTS 3D, 3G, 3J, 3M] _____ 5. Accesses and uses a wide range of information and instructional technologies, including assistive technology, to enhance each student’s ongoing growth and achievement. [IPTS 3E, 3N] _____ 6. Works with other teachers, parents/guardians, paraprofessionals, school specialists, and community representatives to design, adjust, modify and/or deliver instruction to meet students’ reading, writing, and oral communication needs. [IPTS 3F, 3P, 5Q, 6R] _____ 7. Establishes high expectations for each student’s learning and behavior. [IPTS 3H] _____ 8. Incorporates experiences into instructional practices that relate to a student’s current life experiences and to future life experiences. [IPTS 3K] _____ 9. Creates approaches to learning that are interdisciplinary and that integrate multiple content areas. [IPTS 3L] _____ 10. When planning instruction, addresses goals and objectives contained in individualized education plans and/or individual family service plans. [IPTS 3O] Standard 4: Learning Environment _____ 1. Creates a safe and healthy environment that maximizes student learning. [IPTS 4I] _____ 2. Creates clear expectations and procedures for communication and behavior, and establishes a physical setting conducive to achieving classroom goals. [IPTS 4A, 4J] _____ 3. Uses strategies to create a smoothly functioning learning environment in which students assume responsibility for themselves and one another, participate in decision-making and work collaboratively/ independently. [IPTS 4B, 4C, 4K] _____ 4. Uses technology appropriately to engage students in purposeful learning activities. [IPTS 4B, 4C, 4K] _____ 5. Engages students in and monitors individual and group-learning activities that help them develop competence and motivation to learn. [IPTS 4D, 4N] _____ 6. Analyzes the classroom environment and makes decisions that best meet students’ individual and social needs. [IPTS 4E, 4L] _____ 7. Uses a variety of effective behavioral management techniques appropriate to the needs of all students that include positive behavior intervention supports consistent with laws, rules, and ethical restrictions. [IPTS 4F, 4G, 4O] Page 2 _____ 8. Organizes, allocates, and manages time, materials, technology, and physical space to provide an active and equitable learning environment that engages each student. [IPTS 4M, 4P] Standard 5: Instructional Delivery _____ 1. Uses technology and a variety of materials and resources to accomplish differentiated instructional objectives that enhance learning for each student. [IPTS 5C, 5N] _____ 2. Adapts instructional methods, materials, and the environment to facilitate meaningful inclusion of individuals with a range of abilities and experiences. [IPTS 5E, 5M] _____ 3. Uses a variety of clear, accurate presentations and representations of concepts, using alternative explanations to assist students’ understanding, and presents diverse perspectives to encourage critical and creative thinking. [IPTS 5L] _____ 4. Uses multiple teaching strategies, including adjusted pacing and flexible grouping, to engage students in active learning opportunities that promote the development of critical and creative thinking, problem-solving, and performance capabilities. [IPTS 5F, 5I] _____ 5. Evaluates and uses student performance data to adjust and modify instruction during and after delivery of a lesson. [IPTS 5G, 5H, 5J] _____ 6. Varies his or her role in the instructional process as instructor, facilitator, coach, or audience in relation to the content and purposes of instruction and the needs of students. [IPTS 5K] _____ 7. Models and facilitates effective use of current and emerging digital tools to locate, analyze, evaluate, and use information resources to support research and learning. [IPTS 5O] _____ 8. Maximizes instructional time (e.g., minimizes transitional time). [IPTS 5R] _____ 9. Implements appropriate evidence-based instructional strategies for differentiating instruction. [IPTS 3Q, 5S] Standard 6: Reading, Writing, and Oral Communication _____ 1. Knows and models standard conventions of written and oral communications. [IPTS 6E] _____ 2. Integrates reading, writing, and oral communication to engage students in content learning as appropriate for content area and grade level. [IPTS 6Q] _____ 3. Designs, selects, modifies, evaluates and uses a wide range of printed, visual, or auditory materials, and online resources appropriate to the content areas and the reading needs and levels of each student (including ELLs, and struggling and advanced readers). [IPTS 6G, 6J] _____ 4. Uses assessment data, student work samples, and observations from continuous monitoring of student progress to plan and evaluate effective content area reading, writing, and oral communication instruction. [IPTS 6K, 6H] _____ 5. Teaches and facilitates the use of appropriate word identification, vocabulary, and fluency strategies to develop each student’s understanding of content. [IPTS 6I, 6L, 6M] _____ 6. Teaches students to monitor and apply comprehension strategies independently, appropriate to the content learning and grade level. [IPTS 6N] _____ 7. Teaches students to analyze, evaluate, synthesize, and summarize information in single texts and across multiple texts, including electronic resources as appropriate for content area and grade level. [IPTS 6O] Page 3 _____ 8. Teaches students to develop written text appropriate to the content areas that utilizes organization (e.g., compare/contrast, problem/solution), focus, elaboration, word choice, and standard conventions (e.g., punctuation, grammar). [IPTS 6P] _____ 9. Stimulates discussion in the content areas for varied instructional and conversational purposes. [IPTS 6S] Standard 7: Assessment _____ 1. Makes data-driven decisions using assessment results to adjust practices in order to meet the needs of each student and enhance learning outcomes. [IPTS 7D, 7G, 7J] _____ 2. Selects, constructs, and uses a variety of research-based assessment strategies, including formal and informal assessments, for diagnosis and evaluation of instruction and for measuring the learning and performance of individual students and the class as a whole. [IPTS 7E, 7F, 7K] _____ 3. Involves students in self-assessment activities to help them become aware of their strengths and needs and encourages them to establish goals for learning. [IPTS 7L] _____ 4. Maintains useful and accurate records of student work, and uses appropriate technologies to monitor and assess student progress and performance. [IPTS 7I, 7M, 7O] _____ 5. Accurately interprets and clearly communicates aggregate student performance data to students. [IPTS 7N] _____ 6. Collaborates with families and other professionals involved in the assessment of each student. [IPTS 7P] _____ 7. Makes nondiscriminatory accommodations to assessments that take into consideration the impact of disabilities, methods of communication, cultural background, and primary language on measuring knowledge and performance of students. [IPTS 7Q, 7R] Standard 8: Collaborative Relationships _____ 1. Collaborates with others in the use of data to make decisions, solve problems, and design and implement effective school interventions that lead to the success of all students. [IPTS 8C, 8K, 8L] _____ 2. Works with school personnel to develop a positive and supportive learning climate. [IPTS 8J] _____ 3. Appropriately uses technology tools and resources to promote collaborative interactions. [IPTS 8M] _____ 4. Uses effective co-planning and co-teaching techniques to deliver instruction to each student. [IPTS 8N] _____ 5. Collaborates with school personnel in the implementation of appropriate assessment and instruction for designated students. [IPTS 8O] _____ 6. Develops respectful, cooperative, and productive professional relationships with parents/guardians that result in fair and equitable treatment of each student and support student growth, learning, and well-being. [IPTS 8P, 8Q] _____ 7. Uses conflict resolution skills to enhance the effectiveness of collaboration and teamwork. [IPTS 8R] _____ 8. Participates in the design and implementation of individualized instruction for students with special needs (i.e., IEPs, IFSP, transition plans, Section 504 plans), ELLs, and students who are gifted. [IPTS 8S] _____ 9. Identifies and utilizes community resources to enhance student learning and to provide opportunities for students to explore career opportunities. [IPTS 8T] Page 4 Standard 9: Professionalism, Leadership, and Advocacy _____ 1. Understands emergency response regulations and procedures as required under the School Safety Drill Act [105 ILCS 128/1], including school safety and crisis intervention protocol, initial response actions (e.g., whether to stay in or evacuate a building), and first response to medical emergencies (e.g., first aid and life-saving techniques). [IPTS 9C] _____ 2. Reflects on professional practice and resulting outcomes and participates in a variety of professional development activities that enhance professional growth and improvement. [IPTS 9D, 9K, 9O] _____ 3. Communicates with families, responds to concerns, and facilitates family participation in student education. [IPTS 9L] _____ 4. Communicates relevant information and ideas effectively to students, parents/guardians, and peers. [IPTS 9M] _____ 5. Is aware of and complies with the mandatory reporter provisions of Section 4 of the Abused and Neglected Child Reporting Act [325 ILCS 5/4]. [IPTS 9R] _____ 6. Models appropriate use of technology and teaches safe, legal, and ethical use of information, including respect for intellectual property, and the appropriate documentation of sources. [IPTS 9S, 9T] Page 5 Western Illinois University Student Teaching Clinical Experience Final Evaluation - SUMMARY Student Teacher: ________________________ Major: ___________ WIU ID: __________________ Mentor Teacher: ________________________ School: _____________________________________ Classroom Diversity Checklist: Check all that apply. ____ One or more students qualify for free or reduced lunch ____ One or more students have a disability ____ Students represent at least two ethnic groups, including Caucasian ____ Students represent both genders ____ One or more students are English Language Learners Overall Rating of Performance: Unsatisfactory (1.0 – 2.0) Basic (2.1 – 2.6) Proficient (2.7 – 3.0) A letter of recommendation MUST accompany this form on your school’s letterhead. (See sample letter attached.) Date: __________________________ Signature of Mentor Teacher: ____________________________________________________________ Signature of Student Teacher: ____________________________________________________________ Page 6