KIN 461 – Assessment Project Assignment All of the lessons you teach throughout your field experience should include formal assessment (i.e. measureable, observable, data collection format from a professional source) of at least one learning objective. Each assessment must include criteria of mastery (i.e. what score results in outstanding, acceptable, unacceptable). For this project submit your plan for three (3) assessments used on the lessons you are teaching. The assessments need to address each of the three learning domains, one for each domain. Identify the objective that is being assessed and what Illinois Learning Standard it is aligned with. Identify the timing of the assessment and the type of assessment. The last component included needs to be adaptations you made for students with atypical needs to be assessed. After the plan has been completed, you will need to provide a rationale for selecting the assessments, analyses of implementations, analyses of results, and suggestions for improvement for the assessments you conducted. . Complete the following tasks: 1. Please put your assessment plan in a table like the one below. Attach blank copies of each of your assessments with their reference citations. Be sure that at least two of your assessments are performance-based assessments (something other than a quiz or verbal questions) . [S5.1; S5.2] Learning Domain/ Learning Objective/ IL Learning Goal, Standard, Benchmark, Descriptor Domain: Assessment Timing – Pretest, Formative, or Posttest Assessment Type Assessment Adaptations Learning Obj: IL Learning Goal/Standard: Domain: Learning Obj: IL Learning Goal/Standard: Domain: Learning Obj: IL Learning Goal/Standard: 2. Provide a rationale for the assessment plan [S5.2, S5.3]. Explain: 1) Why each assessment is valid for the learning objective (i.e. how does the assessment demonstrate whether students are have met the objective) 2) How /why each of the assessment would provide reliable and fair results? 3) How/why contextual or learner factors contributed to your selection of each of your assessment? 4) Why you planned the adaptations and how the adaptations would enable individual students to demonstrate what they know or can do for each assessment? 3. Create table/chart and present the results for each assessment without student names (i.e., your student scores). Each chart/table should include: the objective, the domain, the IL Learning standard, the student scores, and summary of results [S5.2]. E.g., Domain: Affective Assessment: Responsible Play rubric Il Learning Goal/Standard: 21B.F.5 – respects decisions made by others in activity concerning rules, procedures, and process Student Score 1 4 2 2 3 3 4 1 5 3 20% (n=1) performed at the outstanding level 60% (n=3) performed at the acceptable level 20% (n=1) performed at an unacceptable level 4. Present a thorough analysis and evaluation for each assessment [S5.2; S5.3] and include the following: a. A brief description of the assessment context (what unit? What lesson? # of student? Special needs students? Facilities? Time? Etc.) b. Clearly describe how you administered the assessment (when? How were students/equipment/space organized for the assessment? How many trials or for how long did you observe? How did you record results? Etc.) c. An analysis of the administration/implementation (How did it go? Would you change anything? If so, why/what/how?). Include how the adaptations you made worked or didn’t work. 5. Provide an analysis and evaluation of what the results tell you about student achievement of the learning objectives? [S5.3] a. Use your student results specifically to support your conclusions b. Which objective(s) were most successfully achieved? What have students learned? Why? c. Which objective(s) were least successfully achieved? What have students not learned? Why? 6. An explanation of how you used the assessment results OR could use them in future lessons (e.g., a. modification of learning tasks; b. modification of instruction; c. modification of assessment instrument). Be specific. [S5.3] Student Name: Indicator Unacceptable (1) Evaluation Rubric Acceptable (2) Learning Domain/ Learning Objective/ IL Learning Goal, Standard, Benchmark, Descriptor Description of the type of assessment Learning objective may be written in non-observable or nonmeasurable terms. The listed IL Learning Goal, Standard, Benchmark, or descriptor does not align with the listed learning objective. Each learning objective is observable and measurable. It is correctly aligned with the listed IL Learning Goal, Standard, Benchmark, and Descriptor. Less than two of the assessments are performance-based. Any of the assessments are inappropriate, inadequate, or missing for the objectives. At least two of the three assessments are performancebased and is appropriate and adequate for the objectives. Description of the adaptations for the assessments The adaptations are inadequate or inappropriate for the type of assessment and/or of limited value in helping all learners demonstrate their knowledge/skills. The rationale fails to discuss one or more of the assigned components or does not provide an adequate or appropriate explanation of the alignment of the assessment with instructional objectives and/or does not explain how it reflects an accurate, consistent, and fair evaluation of student learning. The rationale describing how the adaptation will enable individual students to demonstrate what they know is limited or does not reflect an understanding of the difficulties students may encounter when completing the assessments. The adaptations are adequate, appropriate for type of assessment, and enable all learners to demonstrate their knowledge/skills. Visual representation of data is missing results for each learning objective, and/or the data are incomplete or contain errors in calculations. Visual representation of data is complete, the results for each learning objective are included, and the calculations are correct. Rationale for the assessment plan Visual representation of postassessment results The rationale provides an adequate and appropriate explanation of the alignment of the assessments with instructional objectives and adequately describes how it reflects an accurate, consistent, and fair evaluation of student learning. Contextual factors that influenced the assessment selection are adequately discussed. The rationale describing how the adaptation will enable individual students to demonstrate what they know is adequate and reflects an understanding of the difficulties students may encounter when completing assessments. Target (3) Each learning objective is observable and measurable and includes the criteria for success and condition for the assessment. It is correctly aligned with the listed IL Learning Goal, Standard, Benchmark, and Descriptor. At least two of the three assessments are performancebased and will enable the candidate to gather highly relevant and comprehensive data about students’ knowledge and skills in meeting the objectives. The adaptations are varied, appropriate for the type of assessment, and enable all learners to fully demonstrate their knowledge/skills. The rationale provides a comprehensive and insightful explanation of the alignment of each-assessment with instructional objectives and includes a thorough and clear discussion of how it reflects an accurate, consistent and fair evaluation of student learning. Contextual factors that influenced the assessment selection are clearly and comprehensively discussed. The rationale describing how the adaptation will enable individual students to demonstrate what they know is insightful and reflects a sophisticated understanding of the difficulties all students may encounter when completing the assessments. Visual representation of data is complete, results for each learning objective are included, the calculations are correct, and the data is presented in a way that facilitates analysis. Score Basic and relevant Interpretation of the data relative to its implications for students’ future learning and performance is provided. Basic and relevant Interpretation of the data relative to its implications for future teaching is provided. A detailed and thorough description of the context in which each assessment was administered is provided. Specific implementation of the assessment is described in clear and rich detail. How the assessment administration went, why, and what changes in administration are needed are clearly discussed in detail with specific examples provided. An insightful and detailed discussion of how the adaptations worked is provided. Detailed and thorough description and examples of students’ success in meeting objectives were provided with highly relevant and comprehensive supporting data. Detailed, accurate, and insightful analysis and evaluation of student performance and progress toward meeting lesson objectives in light of the assessment data are provided. Detailed and thorough description and examples of students’ difficulty in meeting objectives were provided with highly relevant and comprehensive supporting data. Detailed, accurate, and insightful analysis and evaluation of student performance and their failure in meeting lesson objectives in light of assessment data are provided. Insightful and relevant Interpretation of its data relative to its implications for students’ future learning and performance is provided. Insightful and relevant Interpretation of its data relative to its implications for future teaching is provided Content is sufficiently organized, cohesive, and coherent within each section. Paper is written well; it contains appropriate paragraphing, complete sentences, and no or few errors in spelling, punctuation, or grammar. Content is well organized, cohesive, and coherent throughout the paper. Paper is exceptionally well written; it contains no mechanical, spelling, or grammatical errors and includes a variety of sentence structures. Description of the assessment context, how the assessment was administered, and how the assessment implementation went The description of the context in which each assessment was administered is inadequate, unclear, or missing. How each assessment was administered is unclear or missing. How the assessment administration went is not discussed or discussed with little detail. A discussion of how the adaptations worked is missing or inadequate. The context in which each assessment was administered is adequately described. How each assessment was administered is clearly described. How the assessment administration went, why, and what changes in administration are needed are sufficiently discussed. An adequate discussion of how the adaptations worked is provided. Analysis and Evaluation of Student Learning- Most successful learning objectives Description or examples of students’ success in meeting objectives were inaccurate, inappropriate, missing and/or not supported by data. Analysis and evaluation of student performance and their progress toward meeting lesson objectives in light of the assessment data are limited, missing, or inaccurate. Adequate and appropriate description and examples of students’ success in meeting objectives were provided with appropriate supporting data. Basic and accurate analysis and evaluation of student performance and their progress toward meeting lesson objectives in light of the assessment data are provided. Analysis and Evaluation of Student Learning Least successful learning objectives Description or examples of students’ difficulty in meeting objectives were limited or missing and/or not supported by data. Analysis and evaluation of student performance and their failure to meet learning objectives in light of the assessment data are limited, missing, or inaccurate. Adequate and appropriate description and examples of students’ difficulty in meeting objectives were provided with appropriate supporting data. Basic and accurate analysis and evaluation of student performance and their failure to meet lesson objectives in light of assessment data are provided. Implications of the data for student learning and future teaching Interpretation of the data relative to its implications for students’ future learning and performance is limited, not relevant, or missing. Interpretation of the data relative to its implications for future teaching is limited, not relevant, or missing. Organization of content Spelling, grammar, sentence structure, and writing mechanics Content lacks logical organization and is difficult to follow. Paper is not written well; it contains excessive errors in spelling, punctuation, and/or grammar. Common errors include incomplete sentences, sentence fragments, run-on sentences, comma splices, noun/pronoun disagreement, incorrect word forms, etc. Total