WIU Teacher Candidate Dispositions Check (EIS 302___ Methods ___ Other___) Student Name____________________________________________ WIU ID ____________________ Faculty/Mentor Teacher Evaluator: ____________________________________ Date______________ The official assessment should be completed on WEPPAS. Use this form as a draft/hard copy or for other situations. Evaluate the candidate using the following criteria 1. Unacceptable (Major problem with indicator) 2. Acceptable With Concerns (Minor problem with indicator) 3. Acceptable (Meets expectations for indicator) 4. Target (Exceeds expectations for indicator) COLLABORATION: Works together with others to achieve a common goal in all academic and professional settings. Unacceptable Acceptable Acceptable Target with concerns 1 Cooperates with others. 2 Makes contribution to group effort. 3 Shares information and materials with others. 4 Assists peers. 5 Supports decisions of group willingly, even if different from own. 6 Volunteers to participate in group effort. 7 Supports work of others. 8 Plans and sets goals and priorities with others. 9 Establishes professional goals that are aligned with those of the organization. 10 Makes relevant contributions to discussions. HONESTY/INTEGRITY: Demonstrates truthfulness, professional behavior and trustworthiness. Unacceptable Acceptable Acceptable Target with concerns 1 Models behavior expected of both teachers and learners in an educational setting. 2 Communicates without intent to deceive. 3 Gives credit to others when using their work. 4 Acts with honesty and integrity in all academic and professional situations. RESPECT: Honors, values, and demonstrates consideration and regard for oneself and other. Unacceptable 1 Demonstrates a friendly and caring manner to others. 2 Interacts in a polite and respectful manner with students, peers, colleagues, and supervisors. 3 Uses appropriate professional language. 4 Takes care of property of others in all academic and professional situations. Acceptable Acceptable Target with concerns 5 Demonstrates empathy and concern for others. COMMITMENT TO LEARNING: Demonstrates a respect for and is serious about knowledge acquisition. 1 Values knowledge, content, and experiences presented in pre-service academic programs. 2 Takes initiative to expand knowledge base. 3 Actively engaged during instructional time and field experiences. 4 Seeks opportunities to learn new skills. 5 Uses credible and data-based sources. 6 Demonstrates enthusiasm for the subject being taught. 7 Demonstrates positive attitude toward learning. 8 Demonstrates intellectual and academic curiosity. Unacceptable Acceptable Acceptable Target with concerns Unacceptable Acceptable Acceptable Target with concerns EMOTIONAL MATURITY: Demonstrates situationally appropriate behavior. 1 Uses appropriate strategies to respond to emotional and emergency situations. 2 Responds to situations professionally. 3 Uses appropriate tone of voice. 4 Initiates communication to resolve conflict. 5 Maintains emotional control. 6 Uses self-disclosure appropriately. 7 Uses appropriate non-verbal expressions. 8 Acts from a positive frame of reference most of the time, including when changes occur. 9 Adapts to unexpected or new situations. 10 Accepts less than ideal situations when necessary. 11 Demonstrates good personal hygiene. 12 Dresses appropriately for the situation. RESPONSIBILITY: Acts independently and demonstrates accountability, reliability, and sound judgment. Unacceptable 1 Gives priority to health and safety concerns of others, as well as self. 2 Protects personal health to avoid absences. 3 Accepts consequences for personal actions or decisions. 4 Submits individual and/or group assignments on time or follows Acceptable Acceptable Target with concerns procedures for extensions. 5 Prepares for classes, meetings, and group work. 6 Manages time effectively. 7 Completes assigned tasks from group activities within an acceptable time frame. 8 Seeks clarification and/or assistance as needed. 9 Prioritizes work based upon established goals. 10 Returns borrowed materials in a timely manner. 11 Takes initiative to get materials and notes when absent from meetings or classes. 12 Seeks/locates needed resources. 13 Ensures accuracy of information for which he/she is responsible. 14 Arrives for class on time. 15 Attends class regularly. FAIRNESS: Demonstrated commitment to meet the education needs of all students in a caring, non-discriminatory, and equitable manner. Unacceptable 1 Responds appropriately to actions and reactions of others. 2 Accepts feedback from others. 3 Identifies personal responsibility in conflict/problem situations. 4 Considers opinions of others with an open mind. 5 Displays equitable treatment of others. 6 Uses sound judgment in decision making. 7 Takes action to solve problems in an equitable manner. 8 Makes decisions and acts with honesty and integrity. Acceptable Acceptable Target with concerns BELIEF THAT ALL STUDENTS CAN LEARN: Demonstrates behaviors that support a culturally diverse educational environment that provides opportunities for all students to learn. Unacceptable 1 Listens attentively to others in a variety of contexts. 2 Acknowledges perspectives of individuals from diverse cultural and experiential backgrounds. 3 Interacts appropriately in relation to cultural norms. 4 Appreciates and embraces individual differences. 5 Demonstrates positive attitudes toward diverse cultures and learners. 6 Conveys high expectations for achievement. Acceptable Acceptable Target with concerns Dispositioncheck.12-2010