WATER QUALITY MODELING TOOLBOX PROJECT Assessment of Tahoe Basin Roads: Road Shoulder Condition, Connectivity, Compaction, and Pollutant Generation Risk March 2011 Prepared by: northwest hydraulic consultants TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE ........................................................................................ 1 2.0 DEVELOPMENT OF GIS PRODUCTS .............................................................................. 2 2.1 ROAD SHOULDER SHAPEFILE ................................................................................................. 3 2.1.1 Road Shoulder Condition............................................................................................... 3 2.1.2 Road Shoulder Connectivity .......................................................................................... 5 2.1.3 Road Shoulder Compaction ........................................................................................... 6 2.2 ROAD RISK SHAPEFILE........................................................................................................... 7 3.0 POTENTIAL USES OF GIS PRODUCTS........................................................................... 8 4.0 REFERENCES ...................................................................................................................... 10 APPENDIX A – UNDERSTANDING SHAPEFILE ATTRIBUTE TABLES...................... 11 List of Figures FIGURE 1. ROAD SHOULDER CONDITION DECISION PROCESS ...................................... 4 FIGURE 2. DRAFT ROAD SHOULDER COMPACTION DECISION PROCESS .................... 6 FIGURE 3. CONCEPTUAL EXAMPLE INTERPRETING ROAD ATTRIBUTES ................... 9 Tahoe Basin Road Assessment i March 2011 1.0 Background and Purpose The work described in this document was initiated based on the findings in the report: Analysis of Differences in Pollutant Load Estimates Generated by LSPC and PLRM (NHC and Tetra Tech, 2010), prepared for the Water Quality Modeling Toolbox Project (SNPLMA Grant PO23). The previous report investigated functional differences between the Lake Tahoe Watershed Model (LSPC) and the Pollutant Load Reduction Model (PLRM), and concluded that differences in output generated by the two models can be reasonably explained based on differences associated with a few key functions and data inputs. The report noted that while reconciliation of some of the differences between the models is possible, absolute alignment of the two models is not a realistic strategy because the models are intended to be applied on different spatial scales. The representation of road land uses in LSPC and PLRM was found to cause the most significant variation in pollutant load estimates between the two models (NHC and Tetra Tech, 2010). The PLRM is intended for application at a smaller spatial scale than LSPC, and allows more detailed input of road conditions for estimation of pollutant loads. Key input parameters for PLRM include road shoulder condition, impervious area connectivity, and road risk (a parameter associated with potential for pollutant generation). As a step towards model integration and consistency in model application, road conditions relevant to PLRM inputs were assessed in this study for all Lake Tahoe Basin roads. The products developed from this work are Geographic Information System (GIS) shapefiles that characterize attributes of Tahoe Basin roads important to water quality and which are directly applicable to load estimation in PLRM. Specifically, the shapefiles define road shoulder condition, road shoulder connectivity, road shoulder compaction, and the relative risk of pollutant generation (termed road risk). Products discussed herein were formulated to support multiple stormwater planning purposes in the Lake Tahoe Basin, including the potential to better align inputs between the LSPC and PLRM. Section 2 describes the parameters defined and the procedures used for data collection and compilation. Section 3 of this document discusses potential uses of the products developed. Tahoe Basin Road Assessment 1 March 2011 2.0 Development of GIS Products This section describes the development of the GIS products, which are two GIS shapefiles containing the attributes noted below. The shapefiles can be downloaded from the PLRM subsite on the TIIMS website (www.tiims.org). Road Shoulder Shapefile (February 2011): Contains attributes for Road Shoulder Condition, Connectivity, and Compaction. This shapefile includes two line segments for each road to characterize attributes of each road shoulder. Road Risk Shapefile (February 2011): Refines the Road Risk attribute originally defined in the October 2009 shapefile for Road Risk. The reader should note the following about the products described: • The attributes described are specific inputs for PLRM. The discussion below references the PLRM and documentation associated with the PLRM. • A road shoulder is defined as the area between the edge of the impervious travel way (cars or bikes) and the edge of the right-of-way. • The Road Shoulder shapefile characterizes attributes as observed in 2010 (or in some cases 2007 or 2009 when Google Street View was used). The designations of an attribute may not be appropriate for a TMDL Baseline Condition pollutant load estimate, which requires assessment of road conditions using the period of October 1, 2003 – May 1, 2004 as a basis. Note that: o Roads within known water quality improvement project (WQIP) areas occurring after 2004 are flagged in the Road Shoulder Shapefile. o This flag is present to warn a user that it may be incorrect to assume that the attributes defined in the Road Shoulder Shapefile are similar to the TMDL Baseline Condition. • All products are initial estimates developed during a rapid survey of the entire Tahoe Basin. Individual users and jurisdictions should review and revise the products when more detailed analyses support modifications to improve accuracy. Tahoe Basin Road Assessment 2 March 2011 2.1 Road Shoulder Shapefile Attributes in the Road Shoulder Shapefile were defined through visual inspection of road shoulders while applying the decision processes discussed in this section. Visual inspection was primarily completed in the field. In some cases, Google Street View was used when significant snow accumulation hindered field assessment. Hard copy maps were used to define road shoulder attributes in the field. Break-points between road shoulder attributes were created when the dominant characteristic of an attribute changed along a road shoulder. The hard copy maps were digitized in GIS. The final GIS shapefiles were quality assured to check that the attributes assigned in the field were correctly digitized in GIS. While the decision processes described below provide a standard method to define road shoulder attributes, subjective elements to each decision process remain. To promote consistency in the final products, personnel tasked with assessing road shoulder attributes initially characterized the same road shoulders, compared results, and discussed interpretations of each decision process. This process was repeated until personnel conducting the road shoulder assessment consistently interpreted each decision process in the same manner and assigned the same designation for each road shoulder attribute. The following subsections define the terms used to characterize each attribute and describe how each decision process was interpreted. 2.1.1 Road Shoulder Condition The PLRM uses four designations for Road Shoulder Condition: 1) Erodible; 2) Protected; 3) Stable; and 4) Stable and Protected. Below are brief definitions for each designation. Expanded definitions and examples can be found in Section 6.1.2 of the PLRM User’s Manual. Stable – The road shoulders have physical improvements or other elements that either: 1) promote sheet flow and avoid concentration of storm water and conveyance along the road shoulder; or 2) stabilize the conveyance of storm water and inhibit erosion. Protected – The road shoulders have physical features (e.g. structures, vegetation, etc) or policies (parking ordinances) that discourage or minimize disturbance by automobiles and snow plows. Defining a road shoulder as Protected means that the majority of the pervious portion of road shoulder will remain undisturbed in the typical case. Stable and Protected – The road shoulders meet the definitions of Stable and Protected as discussed above. Erodible – The road shoulders do not meet the definitions of Stable or Protected as defined above Tahoe Basin Road Assessment 3 March 2011 Road Shoulder Conditions were designated using a decision process modified from the PLRM User’s Manual (Figure 1). Question 1: Could storm water runoff collect along the road shoulder and have the potential to cause erosion? Yes Question 2: Can automobiles and/or snow plow activity disturb a significant portion of the unpaved road shoulder in the typical case? No Question 2: Can automobiles and/or snow plow activity disturb a significant portion of the unpaved road shoulder? Yes Erodible No Yes Protected Decision Point Road Shoulder Condition No Stable and Protected Stable Figure 1. Road Shoulder Condition Decision Process The following key points regarding the interpretation of the Road Shoulder Condition decision process (Figure 1) were followed when designating this attribute: • Question #1: Storm water that collects in a flat, dirt road shoulder should be considered to “have the potential to cause erosion”. Visual evidence of conveyance is not a requirement to make this determination. • Question #1: If the “and” statement in the question is not satisfied the response is “No”. For example: o Storm water runoff that sheet flows through the road shoulder has the potential to cause erosion; however, it is not collecting along the road shoulder. In this case the answer to Question #1 is “No”. o Storm water in curb and gutter is collecting along the road shoulder; however, the curb and gutter prevents erosion. In this case, the answer to Question #1 is “No”. • Question #2: The statement “in the typical case” requires interpretation. For example: o In a rural residential neighborhood where development is dispersed, road shoulders without visible signs of disturbance may be considered Protected because parking disturbances are usually infrequent (typical case). Tahoe Basin Road Assessment 4 March 2011 o Well vegetated road shoulders could feasibly be parked on. However, most drivers will avoid parking on well established vegetation (typical case) and therefore the road shoulders may be considered Protected. 2.1.2 Road Shoulder Connectivity Roads are designated as either directly or indirectly connected impervious area in PLRM. This work assumes that road shoulder connectivity can be used to infer impervious connectivity of each side of a road (assuming the road is crowned). Below are brief definitions for impervious area connectivity in PLRM. Additional guidance can be found in Section 7.2 of the PLRM User’s Manual. Directly Connected Impervious Area (DCIA) – an impervious surface draining through a hydraulic connection to a surface water drainage system. A surface water drainage system could be storm drain, a stream channel, a storm water treatment facility, or any receiving water. Indirectly Connected Impervious Area (ICIA) – impervious surface draining to a pervious surface that promotes sheet flow, infiltration, or storage prior to overflow discharging into a surface water drainage system. The following key points regarding the interpretation of the Road Shoulder Connectivity definitions were followed when designating this attribute: • • • • Road shoulders were classified as DCIA if they contributed runoff to an earthen (pervious) channel when the channel didn’t appear to be engineered to infiltrate, or didn’t appear to be maintained to infiltrate. When it appeared that runoff from the road produced shallow concentrated flow over a compacted pervious area, as evident from the presence of a ditch or swale, the road shoulder was typically classified as DCIA. Road shoulders were classified as ICIA if they are normally not connected, although they may become connected at high flows. For such areas, an assumption of DCIA is sometimes used in event-based modeling of peak flows to support drainage design. However, this assumption will typically over-estimate runoff volumes and pollutant loading for long-term continuous simulation modeling. The ultimate discharge point of a surface drainage system was not assessed in this work. Therefore, a road segment identified as DCIA should not be assumed to be directly connected to a receiving water (e.g., curb and gutter to a storm drain was defined as DCIA even if the storm drain and associated conveyance terminated in a forested area). Tahoe Basin Road Assessment 5 March 2011 2.1.3 Road Shoulder Compaction While road shoulder compaction is not currently a PLRM input, future PLRM improvements may incorporate new algorithms to refine infiltration characteristics of road shoulders based on observed disturbance and compaction. In anticipation of this PLRM improvement, relative road shoulder compaction was designated using the following categories: Highly Disturbed – The road shoulders are not protected from disturbance and visual evidence suggests the soil is significantly compacted from frequent parking or other urban disturbances. Moderately Disturbed – The road shoulders are not protected from disturbance and visual evidence suggests the soil may be disturbed by occasional parking or other urban disturbances. Protected from Disturbance – The road shoulders have physical features (e.g. structures, vegetation, etc) or policies (parking ordinances) that discourage or minimize disturbance by automobiles and snow plows. Defining a road shoulder as Protected from Disturbance means that the majority of the pervious portion of road shoulder will remain undisturbed in the typical case. Designation of a disturbance category was assigned using the decision process developed in: Measuring Road Shoulder Saturated Hydraulic Conductivity to Inform and Refine PLRM Algorithms (NHC, unpublished). Figure 2 illustrates the Road Shoulder Compaction decision process. Question 1: Is the majority of the pervious portion of the road shoulder Protected from disturbance? Yes Protected from Disturbance No Question 2: Qualitatively, what level of disturbance do you estimate for the pervious portion of the road shoulder? Occasional Notes: 1. The “pervious portion of the road shoulder” is the area within the right-of-way. 2. Occasional – some evidence of disturbance 3. Frequent– a large degree of disturbance is evident Moderately Disturbed Decision Point Condition Designation Frequent Highly Disturbed Figure 2. Draft Road Shoulder Compaction Decision Process Tahoe Basin Road Assessment 6 March 2011 Recommended input values to simulate infiltration in PLRM related to the disturbance categories described above have not been finalized. When established, recommended input values will be published in a revised version of the PLRM User’s Manual along with guidance on their appropriate application. 2.2 Road Risk Shapefile Road Risk is a concept unique to PLRM that categorizes the relative potential of a road to generate pollutants. Road Risk is defined for a road segment as High, Moderate, or Low. The designation of High Risk signifies the poorest potential water quality in storm water runoff and the designation of Low Risk signifies the best potential water quality in storm water runoff. Road Risk is combined with other inputs and algorithms in PLRM to estimate the characteristic runoff concentration (CRC) from a road in a specific condition. The premise behind Road Risk is that physiographic characteristics influence the relative magnitude of potential pollutants generated from a road based on the magnitude of winter road abrasive applications and/or impacts from adjacent land uses. For example: • • A school bus route is a physiographic characteristic that typically leads to a High Risk designation because school bus routes are typically heavily sanded roads in the winter. Roads adjacent to commercial or industrial areas are physiographic characteristics that typically result in elevated Road Risk designations because the road shoulders are more commonly and continuously disturbed. The initial GIS Road Risk layer (2009) was created by automated algorithms that used slope, adjacent land use, and traffic volumes to infer designations of High, Moderate, or Low Risk (NHC et al., 2009b). However, this automated process did not adequately capture all physiographic characteristics influencing winter road operations. For example, the GIS algorithms couldn’t identify heavily sanded roads due to school bus routes or significant problems with ice formation. To improve upon the initial GIS Road Risk layer, each Tahoe Basin jurisdiction was provided the opportunity to revise the initial Road Risk layer to incorporate their sanding practices and knowledge of land use impacts on road shoulders. Engineers and maintenance personnel from each jurisdiction were contacted, and many jurisdictions participated in the effort to refine the Road Risk layer to better represent actual conditions and winter road operations. The information gathered from each jurisdiction was digitized in GIS to produce a revised Road Risk layer. Tahoe Basin Road Assessment 7 March 2011 While the Road Risk layer produced through this work may be more representative of actual conditions and operations among jurisdictions, Road Risk remains a subjective concept and more work is needed to ensure Road Risk is equitably characterized among Tahoe Basin jurisdictions. Critiques and revisions to the current Road Risk layer produced through this work are allowable and encouraged. 3.0 Potential Uses of GIS Products 1) Potential to better align LSPC Watershed Model and PLRM inputs (if desired): The data sets produced characterize all Tahoe Basin roads (roughly 700 miles of roads) and therefore can inform differing spatial scales of analyses. The LSPC Watershed Model estimates loads at the subwatershed scale and the PLRM estimates loads at the water quality improvement project (WQIP) scale. The attributes in the data sets can be used to directly inform the current version of PLRM. For the LSPC Watershed model, a secondary GIS analysis could be conducted using the attributes within the data sets to estimate characteristic runoff concentrations predicted by PLRM algorithms at the subwatershed scale. These estimates could provide estimates runoff concentrations for roads by subwatershed to inform the LSPC Watershed Model. Additionally, the data sets could be assessed to estimate impervious connectivity of roads at the subwatershed scale. This information could be used to develop subwatershed specific inputs and algorithms of connectivity for urban areas at the subwatershed scale to inform the LSPC Watershed Model. 2) Default data set providing inputs for PLRM to characterize roads: The data sets provide a consistent and comprehensive starting place to develop inputs to characterize Tahoe Basin roads to inform PLRM analyses. The data sets can be used to support development of a baseline pollutant load estimate at the jurisdictional scale, or to estimate an existing conditions load for a WQIP analyses. 3) Improved basis for storm water planning for Tahoe Basin roads: The data sets and associated attributes provide a basis to perform spatial analyses of Tahoe Basin roads and their relative potential to generate pollutants. Results from detailed analyses could inform WQIP prioritization and road maintenance operations to improve water quality. Figure 3 is a conceptual example of how attributes in the GIS shapefiles could be combined and interpreted to estimate relative pollutant potential for Tahoe Basin roads. In Figure 3, the highest pollutant potential would be identified from a road characterized as High Road Risk / DCIA / Erodible. In Figure 3, the lowest pollutant potential would be identified from a road characterized as a Low Risk Road / ICIA / Stable. Tahoe Basin Road Assessment 8 March 2011 Highest Pollutant Potential Road Risk High Mod Low Stable Lowest Pollutant Potential Erodible Condition . Figure 3. Conceptual Example Interpreting Road Attributes Tahoe Basin Road Assessment 9 March 2011 4.0 References California Regional Water Quality Control Board, Lahontan Region (LRWQCB) and Nevada Division of Environmental Protection (NDEP). 2009. Lake Tahoe Total Maximum Daily Load. Northwest Hydraulic Consultants (nhc), Geosyntec Consultants, and 2NDNATURE. 2009a. PLRM User’s Manual. Prepared for Lake Tahoe Basin Storm Water Quality Improvement Committee. www.tiims.org. Northwest Hydraulic Consultants (nhc), Geosyntec Consultants, and 2NDNATURE. 2009b. PLRM Model Development Document. Prepared for Lake Tahoe Basin Storm Water Quality Improvement Committee. www.tiims.org. Northwest Hydraulic Consultants (NHC) and Tetra Tech. January 2010. Analysis of Differences in Pollutant Load Estimates Generated by LSPC and PLRM. Prepared for SNPLMA Grant PO23. Northwest Hydraulic Consultants (nhc). Unpublished. Measuring Road Shoulder Saturated Hydraulic Conductivity to Inform and Refine PLRM Algorithms. Tahoe Basin Road Assessment 10 March 2011 Appendix A – Understanding Shapefile Attribute Tables Appendix A provides a key to interpreting the attributes and fields defined in the Road Shoulder Conditions shapefile (February, 2011), which can be downloaded from the PLRM sub-site on www.tiims.org. QuickID – This field provides a unique identifier for all three attributes in the shapefile: road shoulder connectivity, condition, and compaction. QuickIDs should be interpreted as follows: QuickID Road Shoulder Connectivity Condition Compaction D,E,H DCIA Erodible High D,P,H DCIA Protected High D,S,H DCIA Stable High D,SP,H DCIA Stable & Protected High D,E,M DCIA Erodible Moderate D,P,M DCIA Protected Moderate D,S,M DCIA Stable Moderate D,SP,M DCIA Stable & Protected Moderate D,E,P DCIA Erodible Protected D,P,P DCIA Protected Protected D,S,P DCIA Stable Protected D,SP,P DCIA Stable & Protected Protected D,SP,NA DCIA Stable & Protected Not Applicable I,E,H ICIA Erodible High I,P,H ICIA Protected High I,S,H ICIA Stable High I,SP,H ICIA Stable & Protected High I,E,M ICIA Erodible Moderate I,P,M ICIA Protected Moderate I,S,M ICIA Stable Moderate I,SP,M ICIA Stable & Protected Moderate I,E,P ICIA Erodible Protected I,P,P ICIA Protected Protected I,S,P ICIA Stable Protected I,SP,P ICIA Stable & Protected Protected I,SP,NA ICIA Stable & Protected Not Applicable Gated Gated Community - No Data Obtained NoData Data Not Obtained Tahoe Basin Road Assessment 11 March 2011 Condition – This field identifies the condition of the road shoulder for pollutant generation. Defined as: Erodible, Stable, Protected, or Stable and Protected. Cond_Imp – This field identifies the impervious connectivity of the road shoulder. Defined as: Directly Connected Impervious Area (DCIA) or Indirectly Connected Impervious Area (ICIA). Cond_ID – This field is a placeholder that can be populated by the individual user to merge designations of Road Risk with Road Condition. This merger is needed because the PLRM requires the input of Road Condition by Road Risk Category (see PLRM User’s Manual Section 6.1). Recommended identifiers to populate this column are as follows: Cond_ID H_E H_P H_S H_SP M_E M_P M_S M_SP L_E L_P L_S L_SP Description High Risk Erodible High Risk Protected High Risk Stable High Risk Stable and Protected Moderate Risk Erodible Moderate Risk Protected Moderate Risk Stable Moderate Risk Stable and Protected Low Risk Erodible Low Risk Protected Low Risk Stable Low Risk Stable and Protected Compaction – This field identifies the compaction category of the road shoulder as Highly Disturbed, Moderately Disturbed, Protected, or Not Applicable (typically used to denote paved road shoulders). WQIP_Flag – This field identifies road shoulders within a known water quality improvement project (WQIP) that occurred after the year 2004. The flag is present to warn a user that it may be incorrect to assume that the attributes defined in the Road Shoulder Shapefile are similar to the TMDL Baseline Condition. Tahoe Basin Road Assessment 12 March 2011