Climatic Change (2013) 116:71–95 DOI 10.1007/s10584-012-0600-8 The response of Lake Tahoe to climate change G. B. Sahoo & S. G. Schladow & J. E. Reuter & R. Coats & M. Dettinger & J. Riverson & B. Wolfe & M. Costa-Cabral Received: 11 August 2011 / Accepted: 11 September 2012 / Published online: 11 October 2012 # Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht 2012 Abstract Meteorology is the driving force for lake internal heating, cooling, mixing, and circulation. Thus continued global warming will affect the lake thermal properties, water level, internal nutrient loading, nutrient cycling, food-web characteristics, fish-habitat, aquatic ecosystem, and other important features of lake limnology. Using a 1-D numerical model—the Lake Clarity Model (LCM) —together with the down-scaled climatic data of the two emissions scenarios (B1 and A2) of the Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory (GFDL) Global Circulation Model, we found that Lake Tahoe will likely cease to mix to the bottom after about 2060 for A2 scenario, with an annual mixing depth of less than 200 m This article is part of a Special Issue on Climate Change and Water Resources in the Sierra Nevada edited by Robert Coats, Iris Stewart, and Constance Millar. G. B. Sahoo (*) : S. G. Schladow : J. E. Reuter Tahoe Environmental Research Center, University of California Davis, One Shields Avenue, Davis, CA 95616, USA e-mail: G. B. Sahoo : S. G. Schladow Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of California Davis, One Shields Avenue, Davis, CA 95616, USA J. E. Reuter : R. Coats Department of Environmental Science and Policy, University of California Davis, One Shields Avenue, Davis, CA 95616, USA M. Dettinger US Geological Survey and Scripps Institute of Oceanography, La Jolla, CA 92093, USA J. Riverson Tetra Tech, Inc., 10306 Eaton Place, Suite 340, Fairfax, VA 22030, USA B. Wolfe Northwest Hydraulic Consultants, 870 Emerald Bay Road, Suite 308, South Lake Tahoe, CA 96150, USA M. Costa-Cabral Hydrology Futures, LLC, 4509 Interlake Avenue N #300, Seattle, WA 98103, USA 72 Climatic Change (2013) 116:71–95 as the most common value. Deep mixing, which currently occurs on average every 3– 4 years, will (under the GFDL B1 scenario) occur only four times during 2061 to 2098. When the lake fails to completely mix, the bottom waters are not replenished with dissolved oxygen and eventually dissolved oxygen at these depths will be depleted to zero. When this occurs, soluble reactive phosphorus (SRP) and ammonium-nitrogen (both biostimulatory) are released from the deep sediments and contribute approximately 51 % and 14 % of the total SRP and dissolved inorganic nitrogen load, respectively. The lake model suggests that climate change will drive the lake surface level down below the natural rim after 2085 for the GFDL A2 but not the GFDL B1 scenario. The results indicate that continued climate changes could pose serious threats to the characteristics of the Lake that are most highly valued. Future water quality planning must take these results into account. 1 Introduction Climate change at both regional and global scales is evident in the shifts of time-series trends and patterns of long-term weather and hydrologic observations that include maximum and minimum air temperature, snow accumulation, snow to precipitation ratio, snow melt timing, and stream runoff (Cayan et al. 2008, 2009; Coats 2010; Dettinger and Cayan 1995; Hansen et al. 2006). Meteorology is the driving force for lake heating, cooling, mixing, and circulation; thus, climate change affects features of physical limnology including, but not limited to (1) the heat budget and thermodynamic balance across the air-water interface; (2) formation and stability of the thermocline; (3) the amount of wind-driven energy input to the system; (4) the water budget including evaporative loss: and (5) the timing of stream delivery into a lake or reservoir. Several authors have evaluated the impact of climate change on the thermal behavior of lakes (Austin and Colman 2008; Coats et al. 2006; Livingstone 2003; Schneider et al. 2009). Lake Tahoe (CA-NV, USA) is world renowned for its natural beauty and cobalt-blue color. Observed trends in air temperature, precipitation, percent of total annual precipitation falling as snow, and snowmelt timing indicate that the Sierra Nevada region is warming (Sahoo et al. 2011; Schneider et al. 2009; Stewart et al. 2005), and that the Tahoe basin is warming faster than the surrounding region (Coats 2010). Lake Tahoe is an ice free warmmonomictic lake with deep-mixing only in the winter. Lake Tahoe mixes completely to its 500 m bottom on the average once every 3 to 4 years (Tahoe Environmental Research Center (TERC), University of California Davis 2008). A stable thermocline is established each summer at a depth of approximately 20 m. As the lake cools in the fall, the thermocline typically lowers and by October is at a depth of 32 m (Coats et al. 2006). It has been hypothesized that deep-mixing could cease entirely if the warming trend continues (Coats et al. 2006). Since deep mixing supplies dissolved oxygen from surface to bottom, reduced mixing may result in evolution of anoxic condition near the deep-sediment interface. Existing water quality and quantity problems at Lake Tahoe include (1) declining Secchi depth transparency (2) increasing primary productivity rate (5 % per year), (3) pervasive thick growths of attached algae along parts of the once-pristine shoreline, (4) increasing volume weighted mean temperature (0.013 °C per year), (5) increasing resistance to mixing, and (6) invasion of non-native species (Sahoo et al. 2011; Tahoe Environmental Research Center (TERC), University of California Davis 2008). Continued climate change could potentially exacerbate all of these issues. The Fourth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) 2007) indicates that: (1) global green Climatic Change (2013) 116:71–95 73 house gas (GHG) emissions will continue to grow over the next few decades and (2) continued GHG emissions at or above current rates would cause further warming and induce changes in the global climate system during the 21st century. With this global situation as a back drop, the objective of this study was to use spatially downscaled meteorology output (air temperature, precipitation, wind speed, longwave radiation, and solar radiation) for the Tahoe basin obtained with the Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory Model (GFDL CM2.1) (Delworth et al. 2006) applied to the A2 and B1 IPCC emission scenarios (Dettinger, this issue) to estimate lake response (thermal properties, lake water level, and lake water quality in terms of dissolved oxygen and nutrients) during the 21st Century. The climatic response to A2 green house gas emission scenario is based on assumptions of a very heterogeneous world economy with increasing global population, regionally oriented economic development, and more fragmented and slower technological changes. The B1 scenario is based on assumptions of a greener future with same global population that peaks in mid-century and declines thereafter, but with rapid changes in economic structures towards information and service, with introduction of clean and resource-efficient technology and reduction in material intensity (IPCC 2007). In addition, implications for lake management due to changes in thermal properties in the lake are discussed. Note that the climatic scenarios represent a range of possible future, modeled situations. These are useful for exploring the potential implications of a changed climate. 2 Methodology 2.1 Lake clarity model The Lake Clarity Model (LCM) (Sahoo et al. 2010) is the customized model based on the UC Davis - Dynamic Lake Model with Water Quality (DLM-WQ) (Chung et al. 2009; Fleenor 2001; Hamilton and Schladow 1997; Heald et al. 2005; Perez-Losada 2001). The hydrodynamic component of the model is based on the original DYRESM (Imberger et al. 1978). Fleenor (2001) added river plunging algorithms into the hydrodynamic module. The primary hydrodynamic model is one-dimensional (1-D) and is based on a horizontally mixed Lagrangian layers approach (Hamilton and Schladow 1997); however, the stream inflows and mixing due to stream turbulence are two-dimensional (2-D). All the ecological modules are incorporated into the 1-D hydrodynamic model (Sahoo et al. 2010). The hydrodynamic model simulates stratification, mixing, the transport of all pollutant in the vertical direction, and determines the stream plunging depths. Lake Tahoe has 63 tributary inflows. The ecological modules simulate transformation processes associated with algal photosynthesis (Sahoo et al. 2010). External flows and pollutants (nutrients and fine sediment particles) into the lake are from atmospheric deposition, streams and intervening zones (both urban and non-urban), groundwater and shoreline erosion. Sahoo et al. (2010) calibrated and validated the LCM using estimated (1) stream flows and associated pollutant loads (2) atmospheric pollutant loads, (3) shoreline erosion, (4) groundwater flow and pollutant loads and (5) 5 years (i.e. year 2000 to 2004) of in-lake data. Model validation demonstrated the ability of the LCM to capture the seasonal temperature and DO patterns. It is evident in Fig. 1 that (1) DO concentrations continuously decrease in absence of deep mixing and (2) the lake becomes homogenized because of the winter mixing (see March 2007 winter mixing in Fig. 1). DO concentration declines at the sediment surface (450 m below the lake water surface) at the rate of approximately 0.1 mg/L per month as a result of the biological and chemical processes that typically create water column biological oxygen 74 Climatic Change (2013) 116:71–95 Fig. 1 Dissolved oxygen concentrations based on SEABIRD profiles taken at approximately monthly intervals at the mid-lake station. The open circles at the top of the figure indicate the profiling dates. Vertical resolution is approximately 0.5 m demand (BOD) and chemical oxygen demand (COD), and sediment oxygen demand (SOD). At this rate DO concentration at the lake bottom would be reduced to zero in approximately 6 years in complete absence of deep mixing. 2.2 Model assumptions and LCM modification 2.2.1 Sediment release rates As part of this study, the treatment of sediment nutrient release in LCM was modified to account for deep-water column anoxia (Sahoo et al. 2010), a condition not currently known to exist in Lake Tahoe. Nutrients are released from the sediments when anoxia occurs at the sediment-water interface (Wetzel 2001). Due to the expected increase in lake stability (i.e. reduced mixing) under future climate conditions (Winder et al. 2008); a reduction in oxygen transfer to the sediments was expected. Sahoo and Schladow (2008) using just the hydrodynamic model of LCM demonstrated that deep lake mixing can be reduced because of lake warming. However they did not show how this would affect dissolved oxygen, possible impacts of nutrient release from anoxic sediments, and the magnitude of this additional nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) source relative to the complete nutrient input budget. The present study calculated DO concentrations in the lake at each modeled depth layer. The sediment nutrient release rates (Table 1) were assigned based on experimental results using intact deep sediment cores and water specifically from Lake Tahoe water (Beutel 2000, 2006). In the study, it was assumed that rates of N and P release from the sediment remained uniform over the modeled period. Climatic Change (2013) 116:71–95 75 Table 1 Sediment oxygen demand (SOD) and nutrient release rate of soluble reactive phosphorus (SRP), nitrate (NO3) and ammonium (NH4) in oxic and anoxic phases (Source: Beutel 2000, 2006) Variables Oxic phase (DO>0.01 mg/L) Anoxic phase (DO≤0.01 mg/L) SOD 0.04 g-O m−2 d−1 0.00 g-O m−2 d−1 −2 SRP 0.00 mg-P m −2 NO3-N 0.18 mg-Nm −2 NH4-N 0.00 mg-Nm −1 0.22 mg-P m−2 d−1 −1 0.00 mg-Nm−2 d−1 −1 0.49 mg-Nm−2 d−1 d d d 2.2.2 Lake water level Water level is estimated based on the following water balance equation: DW t ¼ DW t1 þ S t þ GW t þ Rt E t Ot Ovt Where, DWt DWt-1 St GWt Rt Et Ot Ovt Water level at current time step t Water level at previous time step t-1 Stream inflow contribution between time steps t-1 and t, expressed as an equivalent height of water at the surface. Groundwater inflow contribution between time steps t-1 and t, expressed as an equivalent height of water at the surface. Groundwater inflow rate is from Trask (2007). The daily value of groundwater is assumed to be the same for all years. Direct precipitation on the lake between time steps t-1 and t, expressed as an equivalent height of water at the surface. Isoheytal map of Lake Tahoe (Lahontan Regional Water Quality Control Board (Lahontan) and Nevada Division of Environmental Protection (NDEP) 2010a; Simon et al. 2003) shows that precipitation on the lake varies nearly 50 % from the shore to the middle of the lake, so the estimated precipitation is reduced by 35 %. This estimate was derived from a best fit for comparing the daily estimated lake water elevation to those of the historical measured records during calibration and validation. Evaporation contribution between time steps t-1 and t, expressed as an equivalent height of water at the surface. Outflow contribution between time steps t-1 and t, expressed as an equivalent height of water at the surface. Outflow was estimated based on the regression equations (see Table 2). Overflow contribution between time steps t-1 and t, expressed as an equivalent height of water at the surface. This applies if the water level goes above the maximum legal limit for Lake Tahoe (1898.63 m Bureau of Reclamation Datum, or 1899.86 m NAVD) and water is spilled to the Truckee River. The regression equations for outflow (O) were developed based on lake water depth above the lake’s natural rim (D). The sixth order regression equations were developed to provide the highest R2 value and match the modeled outflow as close to the measured outflow as possible. The U.S. Geologic Survey (USGS) measures lake level at Tahoe City (site number: USGS 10337000 LAKE TAHOE A TAHOE CITY CA). When the lake level falls below the natural rim, there is no outflow to the Truckee River. Although data are available since 1950, recent data 2000 to 2009 data were used in the analysis because recent data reflects the updated gate operation at Tahoe City. While a regression was developed 83.631 140.902 0.755 c5 c6 R2 0.590 673.243 −387.968 1103.463 −655.312 c4 189.193 −537.824 257.376 −820.750 c3 −16.443 0.489 −19.913 c0 c1 c2 0.670 Feb Jan Regression constants and R2 0.431 −89.320 −21.522 0.490 495.671 −1060.098 −407.378 162.213 1095.241 −563.485 −220.872 447.035 135.662 −9.913 Apr 46.138 −1.783 Mar 0.666 71.554 −398.316 868.631 −944.191 537.389 −151.695 18.688 May 0.264 −13.654 105.994 −242.317 144.110 125.547 −154.017 41.972 Jun 0.329 −127.609 823.923 −2126.939 2788.578 −1939.354 670.025 −79.781 Jul 0.765 42.749 −243.195 514.250 −480.785 165.264 12.663 −2.655 Aug 0.824 29.654 −149.478 302.391 −296.039 119.406 2.411 −0.281 Sep 0.746 −20.157 42.270 12.804 −87.201 58.184 1.745 0.078 Oct 0.958 41.874 −319.175 714.983 −657.077 239.329 −14.411 0.416 Nov 0.887 102.921 −367.620 482.213 −297.659 91.011 −2.035 0.037 Dec Table 2 Regression equation between water depth above lake natural rim (D) and outflow (O) for the 10 years (based on the period 2000 to 2009). O ¼ c0 þ c1 D þ c2 D2 þ c3 D3 þ c4 D4 þ c5 D5 þ c6 D6 76 Climatic Change (2013) 116:71–95 Climatic Change (2013) 116:71–95 77 between lake level and outflow for the purpose of this study, in reality the outflow rate is governed by operating rules determined by the Federal Water Master, based on negotiated downstream water needs (Truckee River Operating Agreement (TROA) These rules change over time, and are based not only on conditions at Lake Tahoe but also conditions of lakes, reservoirs and rivers in the Truckee River Basin (such as Lake Tahoe (and its semi-enclosed embayment Emerald Bay), Donner Lake, Independence Lake, Stampede Reservoir, Boca Reservoir and Pyramid Lake). Thus, the developed regression is used for predicting future release rates, however, it is recognized that the estimated release rates using regression equations may deviate from future actual rates. 3 Data inputs 3.1 Meteorological data input The data used to support the two emissions scenarios (B1 and A2) of the GFDL GCM were based on the downscaled meteorological projections (Dettinger, this issue). The details of using the output of only one GCM (i.e. GFDL) for the lake and watershed models were explained in (Dettinger, this issue). Briefly, the archives containing GCMs’ future projection for the IPCC Assessment (2007) contain outputs of temperature and precipitation than other outputs of surface variables like radiative fluxes, winds, and humidities. For these other variables, archives often are limited to certain period or monthly statistics. Because these other variables have significant influence on lake warming and dynamics (Sahoo et al. 2011), and we were able to obtain output of all variables for the 21st century from GFDL we used only GFDL outputs. The uncertainties in downscaled GFDL climatic data are discussed in the (Dettinger, this issue). Briefly, the correlation of estimated and observed daily temperature and precipitation anomaly are above 0.9 and 0.7 for Lake Tahoe. Similarly, the downscaled downward longwave fluxes, surface-wind speeds, and downward solar radiation are very well correlated when aggregated to monthly time scales (correlation >0.95, >0.9, and >0.8, respectively), giving confidence in the downscaled projections for uses. Multiple regression equations were developed to correct biases in downscaled historical data. This was performed using measured data from the Tahoe basin (1989 to 1998) and downscaled historical data (GFDL A2 and B1) over the same time period with algorithms published by Woods et al. (2002, 2004) (see the details in our report partnerships/tahoescience/bmp_climate_change.shtml). The bias corrected climate data were used in the watershed model for generation of flows and pollutant loads. The same climate data and generated flows were used in the lake model. There are 36 grid points for the downscaled air temperature (maximum and minimum) and precipitation data; and 81 grid points for the downscaled shortwave radiation and wind speed on and around the lake. LCM (Sahoo et al. 2010), being a 1-D model, requires meteorological information at a single representative grid point over the lake. That point was chosen to be the grid point which is close to the center of the lake. In addition to downscaled precipitation, air temperature, shortwave radiation, and wind speed, LCM requires longwave radiation and vapor pressure data. Regression equations between air temperature and dew point were developed using the South Lake Tahoe Airport meteorological station data from 1989 to 2004. The longwave radiation was estimated using algorithms described in Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) (1972), with downscaled air temperature and estimated cloud fractions data. Vapor pressure was estimated using dew point temperature. The one-year running average of the daily meteorological data from the downscaling exercise, over the 21st Century, along with the best fit trend lines are plotted for shortwave Climatic Change (2013) 116:71–95 1899.0 (a) 1898.5 Estimated Lake natural rim Maximum legal limit Measured 1898.0 1897.5 500 1/3/2009 1/3/2008 1/3/2007 1/2/2006 1/2/2005 1/2/2004 1/2/2003 1/1/2002 1/1/2001 (b) USGS 400 LSPC 300 200 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 40 1991 100 0 (c) 30 20 10 0 -10 -20 1991 Relative % difference base on mean of LSPC and USGS flows 1/1/2000 1896.5 1/1/1999 1897.0 Annual cummulative flows of 10 LTIMP streams (106 m3) Lake surface water level (m) 78 Fig. 2 a USGS-recorded and LCM-estimated lake water surface b LSPC-estimated and USGS-recorded stream flow of the 10 LTIMP streams, and c estimated flow percentage change to the mean of LSPC and USGS flows Climatic Change (2013) 116:71–95 79 radiation, longwave radiation, air temperature, wind speed, and annual precipitation. We found that shortwave radiation remains largely unchanged while air temperature is expected to increase approximately 4.5 °C and 2.0 °C, and longwave radiation will increase approximately 10 % and 5 % for the A2 and B1 scenario, respectively. The wind speed showed a decline on the order of 7–10 %. Note that these types of trends help to determine the statistics of future climate; however, extreme weather conditions over periods of days may change lake mixing and subsequent lake ecology without significantly altering the meteorologic long-term trend. 3.2 Stream inflow and pollutant loads 2093 2097 2097 2089 2093 2085 2081 2077 2073 2069 2065 2061 2057 2053 2049 2045 2041 2037 2033 2029 2025 2021 2017 2013 2009 (a) 2005 2001 Streamflow, including tributary flow and direct runoff to the lake via intervening zones, and associated pollutant loads through year 2100 were provided by the load simulation program in C++ (LSPC) watershed model (Riverson et al., this issue) forced by the same downscaled meteorological data sets. Concentrations of fine sediment particles are estimated from the LSPC-derived stream flow based on algorithms described in Lahontan Regional Water Quality Control Board (Lahontan) and Nevada Division of Environmental Protection (NDEP) (2010a). The stream temperatures are estimated based on the algorithms described in Sahoo et al. (2009). Groundwater pollutant loads are based on the estimates of USACE (United States Army Corps of Engineers), Sacramento District (2003). However, the actual groundwater flux was based on the estimates of Trask (2007). Estimates of atmospheric deposition and shoreline erosion reported in Lahontan Regional Water Quality Control Board (Lahontan) and Nevada Division of Environmental Protection (NDEP) (2010a) are used in this study. Inputs from atmospheric deposition, groundwater and shoreline erosion were assumed to be the same for all years (Sahoo et al. 2010) because of the lack of adequate, long-term loading data from these sources. 100 200 300 GFDL A2 400 2089 2085 2081 2077 2073 2069 2065 2061 2057 2053 2049 2045 2041 2037 2033 2029 2025 2021 2017 2013 2009 (b) 2005 500 2001 Maximum mixing depth (m) 0 Maximum mixing depth (m) 0 100 200 300 400 500 Fig. 3 Maximum annual mixing depth for a GFDL A2 scenario and b GFDL B1 scenario GFDL B1 80 Climatic Change (2013) 116:71–95 (a) Simulated DO (mg/L) GFDLA2 - case 0 12 50 10 Depth from surface (m) 100 150 8 200 6 250 300 4 350 400 2 450 2097 2089 2081 2073 2065 2057 2049 2041 2033 2025 2017 2009 2001 0 Year (b) Simulated DO (mg/L) GFDLB1 - case 0 12 50 10 Depth from surface (m) 100 150 8 200 6 250 300 4 350 400 2 450 2097 2089 2081 2073 2065 2057 2049 2041 2033 2025 2017 2009 2001 0 Year Fig. 4 Simulated DO concentration for a GFDLA2 and b GFDLB1 scenarios. X-axis values represent the beginning of the year These assumptions imply that the loads over the next 100 years will bear the same relationship to the meteorology and stream flows as they have in the past. For example, we did not assume the success of the Tahoe Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) program for water quality restoration, nor take account of possible future land use changes. Climatic Change (2013) 116:71–95 81 3.3 Lake data Lake data are required to provide initial conditions for the LCM model runs. Vertical profiles of temperature, chlorophyll-a, DO, biological oxygen demand (BOD), soluble reactive phosphorous (SRP), particulate organic phosphorus (POP), dissolved organic phosphorus (DOP), nitrate (NO3−) and nitrite (NO2−), ammonium (NH4+), particulate organic nitrogen (PON), dissolved organic nitrogen (DON), and concentrations of seven classes of sediment particles (0.5–1.0, 1.0–2.0, 2.0–4.0, 4.0–8.0, 8.0–16.0, 16.0–32.0, and 32.0–63.0 μm) are collected at two lake stations by UC Davis Tahoe Environmental Research Center (TERC). Data from the mid-lake station in the deeper part of the lake (460 m depth) were used to provide the initial conditions. Downscaled meteorological data are available starting from January 1, 2001, however, the lake profile monitoring data used to define the initial conditions was first taken on January 3, 2001. The elevation of a spillway constructed at the lake outlet is approximately 1,899 m Bureau of Reclamation Datum. Water level above 1,899 m is discharged to the Truckee River. Bottom elevation of lake is approximately 1,400 m Bureau of Reclamation Datum. The elevation of each stream before it enters the lake was estimated from GIS DEM and used along with stream and lake water temperature to estimate the plunging depth of the stream discharge. (a) GFDLA2 10 5 0 2001 2004 2007 2010 2013 2016 2019 2022 2025 2028 2031 2034 2037 2040 2043 2046 2049 2052 2055 2058 2061 2064 2067 2070 2073 2076 2079 2082 2085 2088 2091 2094 2097 Annual SRP load (103kg) 15 (b) GFDLB1 10 5 0 2001 2004 2007 2010 2013 2016 2019 2022 2025 2028 2031 2034 2037 2040 2043 2046 2049 2052 2055 2058 2061 2064 2067 2070 2073 2076 2079 2082 2085 2088 2091 2094 2097 Annual SRP load (103kg) 15 Fig. 5 Simulated annual average soluble reactive phosphorus release from the sediments for a GFDLA2 and b GFDLB1 scenario 82 Climatic Change (2013) 116:71–95 4 Results and discussion 4.1 Calibration and validation Sahoo et al. (2010) illustrates the calibration of LCM. The watershed model LSPC was calibrated and validated for 1991 to 2008. Detailed lake data (nutrients, fine sediments of seven bins (0.5–1 μm, 1–2 μm, 2–4 μm, 4–8 μm, 8–16 μm, 16–32 μm, 32 to <63 μm), algae, dissolved oxygen, temperature) are available since 1999. The lake data needed for the model was not available until 1999 even though the stream loading data was available from 1999 forward. Thus, in this study the lake water level was calibrated and validated using measured weather and lake level records for 10 years (1999 to 2008). Figure 2a demonstrates the overall ability of LCM to estimate the lake water level. Figure 2a shows that water level closely follows that of USGS-recorded water level except during 2003 and 2005. Note that years 2005 and 2006 were characterized by high precipitation and LSPC overestimated streamflow by approximately 20 % to 35 % relative to the mean of LSPC and USGS 2003 to 2006 (Fig. 2b and c). Note that the relative percent difference (0(LSPC flow – USGS flow)/mean of LSPC and USGS flow) on annual stream runoff during 1991 to 1998 for 10 LTIMP streams are only −12.0 %,–5.1 %, 7.1 %,–17.4 %, 3.0 %, 4.8 %, 14.5 %, and 4.7 %, respectively (Fig. 2c). Since the LSPC with this set up generated streamflows of the 63 streams using downscaled meteorological data (Dettinger, this issue) for 30 (a) GFDL A2 25 20 15 10 5 0 2001 2004 2007 2010 2013 2016 2019 2022 2025 2028 2031 2034 2037 2040 2043 2046 2049 2052 2055 2058 2061 2064 2067 2070 2073 2076 2079 2082 2085 2088 2091 2094 2097 Annual NH4–N load (103kg) 35 30 (b) GFDL B1 25 20 15 10 5 0 2001 2004 2007 2010 2013 2016 2019 2022 2025 2028 2031 2034 2037 2040 2043 2046 2049 2052 2055 2058 2061 2064 2067 2070 2073 2076 2079 2082 2085 2088 2091 2094 2097 Annual NH4–N load (103kg) 35 Fig. 6 Simulated annual average NH4-N release from the sediments for a GFDLA2 and b GFDLB1 scenario Climatic Change (2013) 116:71–95 (a) 83 Simulated NH -N (µg/L) GFDLA2 - case 4 450 50 45 40 460 35 465 30 470 25 475 20 480 15 485 10 2097 2089 2081 2073 2065 2057 2049 2041 2033 0 2025 495 2017 5 2009 490 2001 Depth from surface (m) 455 Year (b) Simulated NH -N (µg/L) GFDLB1 - case 4 450 50 45 Depth from surface (m) 455 40 460 35 465 30 470 25 475 20 480 15 485 10 490 5 2097 2089 2081 2073 2065 2057 2049 2041 2033 2025 2017 2009 2001 495 Year Fig. 7 Close view of the bottom 45 m (450 m to 495 m) simulated NH4-N release for a GFDLA2 b GFDLB1 scenario. X-axis values represent the beginning of the year the period 2001 to 2099, the LSPC model values are not changed in the estimation of the lake water elevation. 84 Climatic Change (2013) 116:71–95 Fig. 8 Close view of the bottom 45 m (450 m to 495 m) simulated soluble reactive phosphorus release for a GFDLA2 b GFDLB1 scenario. X-axis values represent the beginning of the year 4.2 Lake stratification and mixing Lake stratification and mixing are strongly influenced by the meteorological conditions. Typically in the summer, lakes undergo thermal stratification that stabilizes the water column into an Climatic Change (2013) 116:71–95 (a) 15 Annual SRP load (103 kg) Fig. 9 Comparison of external and internal annual load of 2098 and GFDL A2 scenario a soluble reactive phosphorus (SRP) b dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN). U, NU, SCE, AD, GW, SE, and SR represent urban, non-urban, stream channel erosion, atmospheric deposition, groundwater, shoreline erosion and sediment release, respectively. The symbol ‘*’ represents no data 85 10 5 0 U NU SCE* AD GW SE* SR SCE* AD GW SE* SR (b) Annual DIN load (103 kg) 150 125 100 75 50 25 0 U NU upper, warmer and less dense epilimnion and a deeper, cooler and denser hypolimnion. These two zones do not readily mix, and the strength of the thermocline boundary between these two layers intensifies with increased warming of the epilimnetic waters. In winter, the opposite occurs when the lake cools and the thermocline deepens. When surface and bottom density differences are reduced to zero, the lake can mix completely from top to bottom, a process termed turnover. At Lake Tahoe complete turnover typically occurs every 3–4 years on average (Tahoe Environmental Research Center (TERC), University of California Davis 2008). Lake mixing is important as it redistributes dissolved and particulate material. For example, nutrients such as nitrate, which typically accumulates in the hypolimnion through the summer, are reintroduced to the epilimnion when the lake mixes in the winter. Similarly, dissolved oxygen, which is introduced across the air-water interface, is redistributed throughout the lake when deep mixing occurs. The maximum annual mixing depths for the period 2001 to 2098 are shown in Fig. 3, which illustrates that mixing to the bottom will largely cease after 2060 for the GFDL A2 scenario. For the GFDL B1 scenario, the LCM predicted deep mixing to occur only four times during the period 2061 to 2098. For either of these emission scenarios, this would represent a very significant change relative to historic and current conditions. There are many implications for lake ecology based on a reduction in mixing of this magnitude (see below). The results also indicate that deep mixing events persist for shorter periods of time than they have in the past. 86 Climatic Change (2013) 116:71–95 Insertion depth from surface (m) 2097 2089 2081 2073 2065 2057 2049 2041 2033 2025 2017 2009 (a) 2001 Year 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 GFDLA2 450 Insertion depth from surface (m) 2004/12/11 2004/09/12 2004/06/14 2004/03/16 2003/12/17 2003/09/18 2003/06/20 2003/03/22 2002/12/22 2002/09/23 2002/06/25 2002/03/27 2001/12/27 2001/09/28 2001/06/30 (b) 2001/04/01 2001/01/01 500 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 GFDLA2 500 Fig. 10 Daily insertion depth of Upper Truckee River a for the period 2001 to 2098 and b 2001 to 2004 for GFDL A2 scenario. X-axis values in a represent the beginning of the year 4.3 Implication of mixing effect on DO and nutrients Modeled DO concentration at the deep sediment-water column interface for both emission scenarios reached zero in approximately 6 to 7 years in the absence of deep mixing (Fig. 4) as surface water oxygen could not be transferred into deeper waters as a result of a persistent resistance to mixing. Ammonium and SRP have been shown to be released from Lake Tahoe sediment under these conditions (Beutel 2000, 2006). These forms of biologically available N and P will continue to be released from the sediment at the assumed rate (Table 1) while DO concentration is less than 0.01 mg/L (Figs. 5 and 6). It is clear from Figs. 7 and 8 that the NH4+−N and SRP released from the sediment at the deepest part of the lake are confined in the bottom waters because of density stratification. Due to the absence of light at that depth, the released nutrients do not contribute to photosynthesis. That will only happen when the released nutrients are eventually mixed to the photic zone during the period of mixing and upwelling. The transport of nutrients by vertical eddy diffusion is significant in lake environments (Robarts and Ward 1978; Salonen et al. 1984). Climatic Change (2013) 116:71–95 87 Insertion depth from surface (m) 2097 2089 2081 2073 2065 2057 2049 2041 2033 2025 2017 2009 (a) 2001 Year 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 GFDL B1 450 Insertion depth from surface (m) 2004/12/11 2004/09/12 2004/03/16 2004/06/14 2003/12/17 2003/09/18 2003/06/20 2003/03/22 2002/12/22 2002/09/23 2002/06/25 2002/03/27 2001/12/27 2001/09/28 2001/06/30 (b) 2001/04/01 2001/01/01 500 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 GFDL B1 500 Fig. 11 Daily insertion depth of Upper Truckee River a for the period 2001 to 2098 and b 2001 to 2004 for GFDL B1 scenario. X-axis values in a represent the beginning of the year We recognize that future development due to population growth and socioeconomic changes could increase the fine sediment and phosphorus loads from stormwater runoff. Included in the recent Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) program for Lake Tahoe (adopted in 2011), is a strategic plan to implement best management practices and water quality improvement projects to reduce future pollutant loads to a level below the existing the existing condition and offset the impacts of future development. Even under a scenario of 10 % above full build-out, fine sediment loading was estimated to only increase by 2 % relative to all sources (Coats et al. 2010; Lahontan Regional Water Quality Control Board (Lahontan) and Nevada Division of Environmental Protection (NDEP) 2010a). The annual sediment release of SRP and DIN (as nitrate, nitrite and ammonium) for the A2 scenario at the end of 21st Century are compared to other sources of the current N and P loading budget (Lahontan Regional Water Quality Control Board (Lahontan) and Nevada Division of Environmental Protection (NDEP) 2010a, b) in Fig. 9. When the hypolimnion is anoxic and nutrients are released from the sediment, the lake internal SRP load contributes approximately 51 % of the total load. Although atmospheric deposited DIN is highest among 88 Climatic Change (2013) 116:71–95 Fig. 12 Daily lake water temperature for a GFDL A2 scenario and b GFDL B1 scenario. X-axis values represent the beginning of the year all sources (66 %), sediment derived DIN contributes approximately 14 % to the DIN pool. Clearly, internal nutrient load due to climate change can be significant to the lake nutrient budget. Climatic Change (2013) 116:71–95 89 Lake water surface elevation (m) 1899 1898 1897 GFDLA2 1896 GFDLB1 Maximum legal limit Lake natural rim 2097 2089 2081 2073 2065 2057 2049 2041 2033 2025 2017 2009 2001 1895 Year Fig. 13 Simulated daily lake water level for GFDLA2 and GFDLB1 scenarios. Shown are the lake maximum legal limit and natural rim level. X-axis values represent the beginning of the year 4.4 Timing and delivery of the streams The depth of insertion of each stream into Lake Tahoe is a complex process governed by the density (primarily water temperature) of each stream, the stratification of the lake, the streamflow, and the geometry of the streambed and alluvial fan. A stream inflow that plunges into the hypolimnion of the lake has different ecological consequences than when it is inserted closer to the water surface. The seasonal pattern of Secchi depth water clarity will be affected by the depth at which fine sediment is delivered to the water column. The insertion depth of the Upper Truckee River is shown in Figs. 10 and 11 for GFDL A2 and GFDL B1 scenarios, respectively. Figures 10b and 11b show a much more finely resolved (4 years), temporal view of the daily insertion depth during the longer modeling period of record; while Figs. 10a and 11a show the daily insertion depth for GFDL A2 and GFDL B1 scenarios, respectively for the 100-year model output. The river plunges deeply most of the time during January to March (Figs. 10b and 11b); however, discharge and loads are delivered to the photic zone (approximately 0 to 50 m) during rest of the year. Due to climate change, the lake water will warm for the GFDLA2 scenario (Fig. 12). The lake epilimnetic temperature normally experiences significantly seasonal warming and cooling (red during summer and blue during winter in Fig. 12). This pattern will continue; however, the simulation shows a progressive deepening of higher temperature contour lines (Fig. 12a). The deeper part of the lake (>100 m) becomes warmer after 2080 for GFDL A2 while the warming effect on the hypolimnion is less for the GFDL B1. Because stream temperature was estimated from air temperature and shortwave radiation (Sahoo et al. 2009), stream water temperature also increases. Since hydraulic residence time of the lake is very long (650–700 years), lake water temperature in the upper 100 m is critical for river insertion, since river water entrains lake water first and plunges depending on the density of the mixed water and stratified lake. Temperature contours in Fig. 12 illustrate that the lake is strongly stratified after 2080 for GFDL A2 scenario. The insertion depth of Upper Truckee River is below a depth 200 m for the period 2034– 2001 2004 2007 2010 2013 2016 2019 2022 2025 2028 2031 2034 2037 2040 2043 2046 2049 2052 2055 2058 2061 2064 2067 2070 2073 2076 2079 2082 2085 2088 2091 2094 2097 Annual Outflow (106 m3) 2001 2004 2007 2010 2013 2016 2019 2022 2025 2028 2031 2034 2037 2040 2043 2046 2049 2052 2055 2058 2061 2064 2067 2070 2073 2076 2079 2082 2085 2088 2091 2094 2097 Annual Evaporation (106 m3) 2001 2004 2007 2010 2013 2016 2019 2022 2025 2028 2031 2034 2037 2040 2043 2046 2049 2052 2055 2058 2061 2064 2067 2070 2073 2076 2079 2082 2085 2088 2091 2094 2097 Annual Precipitation (106 m3) 2001 2004 2007 2010 2013 2016 2019 2022 2025 2028 2031 2034 2037 2040 2043 2046 2049 2052 2055 2058 2061 2064 2067 2070 2073 2076 2079 2082 2085 2088 2091 2094 2097 Annual Stream Flows(106 m3) 90 Climatic Change (2013) 116:71–95 (a) 1000 900 800 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 GFDLA2 (b) 1000 900 800 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 GFDLA2 (c) 1000 900 800 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 GFDLA2 y = 0.5164x + 403.17 R² = 0.3339 (d) 1000 900 800 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 GFDLA2 Fig. 14 Water balance for GFDL A2 scenario 2001 2004 2007 2010 2013 2016 2019 2022 2025 2028 2031 2034 2037 2040 2043 2046 2049 2052 2055 2058 2061 2064 2067 2070 2073 2076 2079 2082 2085 2088 2091 2094 2097 Annual Outflow (106 m3) 2001 2004 2007 2010 2013 2016 2019 2022 2025 2028 2031 2034 2037 2040 2043 2046 2049 2052 2055 2058 2061 2064 2067 2070 2073 2076 2079 2082 2085 2088 2091 2094 2097 Annual Evaporation (106 m3) 2001 2004 2007 2010 2013 2016 2019 2022 2025 2028 2031 2034 2037 2040 2043 2046 2049 2052 2055 2058 2061 2064 2067 2070 2073 2076 2079 2082 2085 2088 2091 2094 2097 Annual Precipitation (106 m3 ) 2001 2004 2007 2010 2013 2016 2019 2022 2025 2028 2031 2034 2037 2040 2043 2046 2049 2052 2055 2058 2061 2064 2067 2070 2073 2076 2079 2082 2085 2088 2091 2094 2097 Annual Stream Flows(106 m3 ) Climatic Change (2013) 116:71–95 1000 900 800 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 1000 900 800 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 1000 900 800 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 1000 900 800 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 Fig. 15 Water balance for GFDL B1 scenario 91 (a) GFDLB1 (b) GFDLB1 (c) GFDLB1 y = 0.2154x + 405.4 R² = 0.0964 (d) GFDLB1 92 Climatic Change (2013) 116:71–95 2076 except 2056 and 2061, and thus out of the photic zone. By contrast, for the case of GFDL B1 scenario more of the winter discharge occurs in the photic zone during 2077 to 2090. Stream discharge in the photic zone should have a more immediate effect in stimulating algae growth and the associated loss of lake transparency. 4.5 Lake level Figure 13 shows water level of the lake for both the GFDL A2 and GFDL B1 scenarios. Note that outflows are estimated based on the lake level above its natural rim and the regression analysis developed using 2000 to 2009 lake level and discharge data. Outflow is zero when the lake level falls below the natural rim. The lake level dips down below the natural rim when evaporation rate is higher than sum total of stream inflows, groundwater contributions and on-lake precipitation over the lake. As long as the lake level is below the rim, the effects of annual evaporation and inflow are cumulative, and cannot be influenced by gate operation. It is clear in Fig. 12a that that modeled lake temperature is predicted to significantly warm in the last 20 years of the 21st century for the GFDL A2 scenario. This is due in large part to the air temperature and longwave radiation increasing at a higher rate for GFDL A2 case (nearly at double rate) than those of the GFDL B1 case. As a result, lake evaporation is higher (Fig. 14). Figures 14 and 15 also indicate that precipitation over the lake during 2075 to 2095 is lower for the GFDL A2 case than for GFDL B1 so the stream inflow is lower. Due to the combination of these factors, the lake surface level dips below the natural rim after 2086 for the GFDL A2 but not the GFDL B1 scenario. 5 Conclusions The meteorologic and geographic conditions in the Tahoe basin combine to create a vulnerable ecosystem. Temperatures in the Basin are increasing faster than in the surrounding region and even under historic and current conditions the lake only mixes completely to the bottom on the average of once in 3–4 years. Processes such as climate change that warm the surface waters will increase the resistance to deep mixing. The most significant impacts of a future, modeled climate change at Lake Tahoe are as follows: & & Under the GFDL A2 emissions scenario, the Lake Clarity Model suggests that by the middle of the 21st Century (after about 2060) Lake Tahoe will cease to mix to the bottom, with an annual maximum mixing depth of only less than 200 m as the most common value. A similar, albeit not as severe outcome is seen for the GFDL B1 emissions scenario. As the surface water heats, the resulting density difference between the warmer surface water and the colder deeper water will be too strong for the wind energy to overcome. Indeed, this change in density can already be seen in the measured historic data. When the lake fails to mix completely, the bottom waters are not replenished with oxygen and eventually dissolved oxygen at these depths will be depleted to zero. When this occurs both soluble reactive phosphorus and ammonium-nitrogen (both biostimulatory) are released from the deep sediments resulting in an increase in nutrient loading relative to that under the lake’s current deep mixing regime. The model shows this as a new and significant source of nutrients, heretofore not seen in Lake Tahoe. The model indicates that under the GFDL A2 scenario, dissolved oxygen at the lake bottom could Climatic Change (2013) 116:71–95 & & & 93 reach a sustained level of zero by about 2075. At the depths below 200 m, oxygen concentrations could be at levels inhospitable to native salmonids (< 6 mg/L) even earlier. The model also suggests that intermittent periods of anoxia in the deepest waters could occur within the next 20 years. Under the GFDL B1 scenario, deep-water anoxia will also occur, albeit not as sustained as seen in the GFDL A2 scenario; this results from the observation that while complete mixing will be less frequent than historically observed, it will occur. Sensitivity analysis on the 21st century modeled daily wind speed indicated that a 10 to 15 % increase would be needed to maintain the historic deep mixing frequency (once in 3 to 4 years) in the late 20th century. Based on published results for soluble phosphorus (SRP) and ammonium release from anoxic Lake Tahoe sediments, the annual loading of SRP under sustained conditions of lake stratification (no deep mixing) and anoxic sediments would be twice the current load from all other sources for GFDL A2 scenario. Loading of ammonium under these conditions would increase the amount of biological available nitrogen that enters the lake by 14 %. This effect on the nutrient loading budgets of Lake Tahoe, in addition to the predicted loss of functional habitat for certain species under anoxic conditions, could have a dramatic and long-lasting impact on the food web and trophic status of the Lake. Should the nutrients released from the bottom sediments periodically mix or otherwise become entrained into the upper waters we expect that the impact on algal growth within the photic zone should be significant, with an attendant impact of lake food web dynamics and trophic status of both the pelagic and littoral regions of the lake. These nutrients, particularly phosphorus, will be available to drive algal growth. 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