Forestry An International Journal of Forest Research Forestry 2014; 87, 85 – 97, doi:10.1093/forestry/cpt028 Advance Access publication 29 August 2013 Predicting height growth of sugar pine regeneration using stand and individual tree characteristics N. Angell1,2, K.M. Waring1* and T.A. Graves1,3 1 School of Forestry, Northern Arizona University, PO Box 15018, School of Forestry, Flagstaff, AZ 86011, USA Present address: Arapaho Roosevelt National Forest, United States Forest Service, Idaho Springs, CO 80452, USA 3 Present address: Department of Fish, Wildlife, and Conservation, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO 80523, USA 2 Received 19 January 2013 Concern exists among managers and researchers that sugar pine (Pinus lambertiana), a valuable, moderately shade-tolerant timber species, regeneration appears to be declining. Management and restoration require understanding factors leading to sustained sugar pine regeneration growth and overstorey recruitment. The primary research objective was to identify factors influencing sugar pine regeneration height growth. Data were collected on sugar pine regeneration, including height growth and stand characteristics across six managed and eight unmanaged stands in the Lake Tahoe Basin, CA and NV, USA. Individual tree- and stand-level analyses were conducted using non-parametric statistical comparisons and regression. Results indicated low mean height growth rates and no relationship between canopy closure and either height growth or management history. Individual sugar pine seedlings grew significantly taller under unmanaged stand conditions with higher canopy closures while sapling growth did not differ statistically by management history. Individual tree-level height growth models never explained more than 35 per cent of the variation. Stand-level models explained over 50 per cent of the variation with fewer variables than the individual tree-level models. More research should be conducted to determine whether the regeneration that is persisting in the understorey would respond positively to more aggressive unevenaged silvicultural treatments designed for enhancing understorey pine growth. Introduction Successful establishment and growth of regeneration in forest stands largely depends on stand structure (i.e. species composition, vertical and horizontal patterns) and site factors (i.e. soil type, site index, available water and nutrients (e.g. Coomes and Grubb, 2000 and references within). Stand structure influences available resources necessary for successful establishment and growth of regeneration (Oliver and Larson, 1996). In particular, light can be a critical limiting factor for seedling growth and may be more important than available soil resources in many locations (Pearson, 1930; Oliver and Larson, 1996; van Pelt and Franklin, 2000). Several studies have found that soil resources, such as available water, limit seedling growth, particularly in the western United States (e.g. Pearson, 1930; Royce and Barbour, 2001). Additionally, complex competitive interactions in mixed species stands may result in difficulty discerning the relative importance of different factors related to understorey growth and development (Larson, 1963; Zald et al., 2008). Abiotic site factors, such as soil resources, can greatly affect tree growth and overall forest productivity (Smith et al., 1997).Poor sites may have greater light availability but fewer soil resources, leading to slow understorey growth rates (Chapin et al., 1987; Kranabetter and Simard, 2008). Some pine species allocate more resources to belowground than aboveground growth during the first several years (Lenart, 1934; Fowells and Schubert, 1956; Larson, 1963; Pharis, 1966); this occurs more frequently on lower quality sites where long tap roots may be needed to access available soil moisture and or nutrients. Thus, site factors may have a greater impact on the sustained growth of pine seedlings than that of other species even though the more open conditions frequently found on lower quality sites may be conducive to germination and initial establishment (Pearson, 1930). Environmental factors, such as soil water availability, temperature and precipitation, also influence pine seedling survival and growth (North et al., 2005a,b; Larson and Kipfmueller, 2010), likely due to the early emphasis on belowground growth in these species. Historically in Sierra Nevada mixed-conifer forests, frequent, mixed-severity fire maintained open stands with groups of evenly spaced large trees interspersed with groups of smaller trees (Parsons and DeBenedetti, 1979; North et al., 2007). Historic species composition was not dominated by the shade-tolerant species frequently found in modern stands because fire created openings and exposed mineral soil, generating conditions conducive to establishment of the relatively shade-intolerant pine species (Zald et al., 2008). For the best survival and continued growth of pine, these species may require some initial protective shade followed by creation of more open conditions conducive to rapid height growth (York et al., 2004; North et al., 2005b; Legras et al., 2010). # Institute of Chartered Foresters, 2013. All rights reserved. For Permissions, please e-mail: 85 Downloaded from at DigiTop USDA's Digital Desktop Library on March 14, 2014 *Corresponding author. Tel.: +011 19285234920; Fax: +011 19285231080; E-mail: Forestry Methods Study area This study was located in the TB, an 88 000 ha watershed found in the northcentral Sierra Nevada Range along a transition zone between the Mediterranean climate of California and the drier continental climate of the Great Basin, Nevada (Figure 1). This transition results partly from the pronounced rain shadow effect, with the east side of the TB receiving as little as one-third of the precipitation as the west (50–150 cm, respectively). The majority of the annual precipitation arrives as snow between December and March with mean summer and winter temperatures averaging 30 and 268C, respectively, at lake elevation (1900 m a.s.l.) (Manley et al., 2000). Most TB soils are young Inceptisols or Entisols derived from granite, characterized by a mixture of scree and rock outcrops on shallower soils and glacial till supporting deeper soils (USDA NRCS, 2007). Volcanic rocks overlie the granite on the northern shores and in a few small pockets in other localities (Elliott-Fisk et al., 1996; USDA NRCS, 2007). Basalts and andesites comprise parent materials in these areas (Elliott-Fisk et al., 1996; USDA NRCS, 2007). This large variation in soils sustains a broad range of vegetation (Manley et al., 2000). 86 Fourteen second-growth stands were selected from the mixed-conifer forest of the lower montane vegetation zone (1396–2200 m) across private, federal and state ownerships for sampling (Figure 1). Stands were selected based on species composition and management history. Designated stands contained sugar pine regeneration (seedlings and/or saplings), overstorey sugar pine and at least three additional overstorey tree species. The most common associates of sugar pine in the TB include Jeffrey pine (P. jeffreyi Balf.), incense cedar (Calocedrus decurrens (Torr.) Florin) and white fir (Abies concolor (Gord. & Glend.) Lindl.). At higher elevations (2134–2734 m), white fir is replaced by red fir and may be associated with western white pine (P. monticola Dougl.) and lodgepole pine (P. contorta (Grev. & Balf.) Critch.) (Tappeiner, 1980). Green alder (Alnus tenuifolia) and Scouler’s willow (Salix scouleriana Barr.) are dominant high elevation riparian species found along stream banks and in meadows but are minor components above 1680 m (USDA, 1981). Six sampled stands were ‘managed’ since the Comstock era in the late 1800s (three prescribed burn, one thinned and prescribed burned, two thinned and salvaged); the other eight were ‘unmanaged’ stands (Table 1). The stands ranged in size from 2 to 30.4 ha and had a median stand size of 4.9 ha. The managed stands varied widely in management goals, although recent management had the following two main objectives: 1. fuel reduction to mitigate fire hazard and 2. salvage projects to harvest red and white fir trees that were dead or dying from a fir engraver (Scolytus ventralis Lec.) outbreak. In the two prescribed burned stands, all the stems ,36 cm were thinned or girdled in the mid-1990s; the dead stems and slash were piled and a fall understorey burn conducted two years post-thinning. In the thinned and burned stand, residual basal area decreased between 23 and 34 m2 ha21 with 6 m spacing between tree boles in 2004; stems were piled and burned in the autumn of 2005 (Rich Adams, personal communication, March 2010). The two thinned stands underwent a salvage harvest in the mid-1990s for a fir engraver and Jeffrey pine beetle (Dendroctonus jeffreyi Hopk.) outbreak on federal lands. Treatment consisted of tractor or hand-felling down to 34 m2 ha21 of residual basal area; logs were removed by helicopter. Desired spacing between the edges of the residual tree crowns was 1.5 m and species retention occurred in this order of preference: Jeffrey pine/sugar pine, white fir and incense cedar. Slash was lopped and scattered within the stand (USDA, 1994). Field methodology During the summers of 2008 and 2009, 10 plots were installed in each stand (but 17 plots in D.L. Bliss State Park due to its large size) on a systematic grid after randomly locating the first grid point. To avoid edge bias, a minimum distance of 20 –30 m from stand edge was randomly selected to start grid transects. Plot centres were placed at a minimum spacing of 30 m from each other; actual spacing varied by stand size. Plots were circular (12.62 m radius (0.20 ha) ‘overstorey plots’) with smaller nested plots (5.64 m radius (0.01 ha) ‘understorey plots’) to assess regeneration (trees less than 1.37 m tall and ,12.7 cm diameter at breast height (DBH)) of all species. Plots falling on roads or in streams were randomly offset. Belt transects (50 –150 m length by 11.28 m width) were installed in each stand to study sugar pine regeneration; transects were placed on the same grid and at the same azimuth as the circular overstorey and understorey plots. The transects were placed every 200 m beginning from a randomly selected starting point between 1 –50 m from the stand boundary. At each overstorey plot centre, aspect, slope, elevation, disturbance history and UTM coordinates were recorded. Species, tree status (live/ dead), strata and canopy class (Smith et al., 1997), and damage/defect for all overstorey trees (≥12.7 cm DBH) falling within the overstorey plot were also recorded. Overstorey trees were then sub-sampled by species and size class, according to Forest Inventory and Analysis protocol (USDA, 2007) for the following additional characteristics: age, total height, height to live crown base, crown width, sapwood and bark thickness. Canopy cover was recorded at each plot centre and the four cardinal directions at 6.31 and 12.62 m from plot centre. Downloaded from at DigiTop USDA's Digital Desktop Library on March 14, 2014 Forest management practices (i.e. fire exclusion and suppression) have led to dense conditions favouring shade-tolerant individuals in many Sierran mixed-conifer stands (Parsons and DeBenedetti, 1979; Ansley and Battles, 1998). Current stand structures are often comprised of mostly shade-tolerant species that are able to establish and persist in dark understorey conditions. The more shade-intolerant species cannot successfully compete in these conditions (Ansley and Battles, 1998). The shade-tolerant species regenerate more successfully even when treatments are implemented, providing additional light resources and bare mineral soil; this is likely due to the overstorey abundance and prolific seeding capabilities of shade-tolerant species (Grayet al., 2005; Zald et al., 2008). Sugar pine (Pinus lambertiana Dougl), a moderately shade-tolerant and significant component of the California mixed-conifer vegetation type, has declined in abundance due to both forest management practices and the introduced pathogen white pine blister rust (Kinloch and Scheuner, 1990; Ansley and Battles, 1998; van Mantgem et al., 2004). The observed slow growth rates and patchy nature of sugar pine decline indicate that the application of restoration strategies to promote sugar pine seedling establishment, growth and overstorey recruitment in Sierran mixed-conifer forests could slow the decline (van Mantgem et al., 2004; Maloney et al., 2011). Restoration to increase proportions of sugar pine could be integrated with ongoing ecosystem management approaches in the Sierra Nevada (e.g. North et al., 2009). Such approaches utilizing modified uneven-aged management strategies are conducive to both restoration objectives and regeneration requirements of sugar pine. Increased survival and maintenance of sugar pine regeneration is requisite for sustaining sugar pine indefinitely on the landscape. This research focused on more clearly defining stand structures that promote successful sugar pine regeneration growth and overstorey recruitment in the Lake Tahoe Basin (TB), CA and NV, USA. Specifically, the following objectives were addressed: 1. to define relationships between canopy closure, stand structure and sugar pine height growth rates in stands with differing management histories; 2. to identify the most important stand, microsite and individual tree attributes explaining past growth rates and 3. to develop models to predict stand structures that promote growth at the individual seedling/sapling- and stand-levels. Predicting height growth of sugar pine regeneration Downloaded from at DigiTop USDA's Digital Desktop Library on March 14, 2014 Figure 1 Location of the fourteen sampled stands of different management types in the Lake Tahoe Basin. Per cent species composition, basal area, trees per hectare and stand density index for each stand and by regeneration size class were calculated. Site productivity was assessed for each stand using the following: 1. absolute site index values and 2. site index categories. Absolute site index was calculated based on the average height and age of dominant and co-dominant sugar pine (base age 50 years (Krumland and Eng, 2005)). Site index categories were based on average height and age of dominant and co-dominant trees of all species. Site index averages by species were then used to classify each stand into a category: poor (,12.2 m), fair (12.2–18.3 m) or good (.18.3 m) (base age 50 years (Krumland and Eng, 2005)). Predicted available soil moisture between 0 –15 and 15– 30 cm for each stand was obtained from published soil survey data (Manley et al., 2000). To determine site tree ages and an approximate age distribution for each stand, rings were counted on tree increment cores after mounting and sanding. Sapling ring counts were validated using a microscope; overstorey tree cores were scanned into a computer for ring width analysis using WinDendro (Regent Instruments Inc. 2007). The analysed cores were visually cross-dated and validated using COFECHA (Holmes, 1983). On samples without pith, age was estimated with the methodology of Applequist (1958). Regeneration measurements On understorey plots (all trees) and belt transects (sugar pine only), trees were separated into the following regeneration height and DBH classes: seedlings (,1.37 m height) and saplings (≥1.37 m and ,12.7 cm DBH). 87 Forestry 88 Table 1 Stand-level characteristics for fourteen sampled stands in the Lake Tahoe Basin Stand TRT Age structure SP1 PB DLB PB SP2 EB TP PB TH and PB TH and SA TH and SA UM 1 cohort w/ remnants 2 cohorts w/ remnants 1 cohort 1 cohort w/ remnants 1 cohort w/ remnants 1 cohort VS UM MY UM GC CL2 GR CL1 UM UM UM UM SP3 UM LC SS 2 cohorts w/ remnants 2 cohorts w/ remnants 1 cohort w/ remnants 2 cohorts 3 cohorts 1 cohort 2 cohorts w/ remnants 1 cohort w/ remnants Stand size (ha) Site index class Canopy cover (%) Live basal area (m2 ha21) 7.3 M 44.4 35.4 (0.23) 41.1 (0.33) 284.2 (0.00) 520.5 (15.99) 677 (17.43) 30.4 M 39.0 44.7 (0.11) 60.9 (0.17) 389.7 (0.00) 791.4 (4.05) 760 (4.71) 7.7 2.4 M M 61.6 36.0 59.3 (0.07) 42.4 (0.42) 68.4 (0.09) 45.2 (0.78) 632.5 (0.00) 164.1 (0.00) 5585.4 (80.41) 800.8 (10.03) 1474 (92.25) 619 (9.63) 4.5 L 40.9 27.5 (0.08) 29.6 (0.12) 210.2 (0.00) 480.5 (5.12) 474 (5.11) 5.3 L 45.6 41.4 (0.08) 43.3 (0.12) 376.3 (0.00) 930.9 (20.13) 709 (19.1) 3.6 L 27.9 14.3 (0.13) 19.1 (0.17) 108.1 (0.00) 420.4 (1.67) 247 (2.75) 21.0 L 33.7 22.5 (0.10) 23.9 (0.21) 260.3 (0.00) 700.7 (2.39) 439 (3.4) 4.9 M 40.0 41.8 (0.14) 51.4 (0.24) 412.3 (0.00) 1791.8 (6.67) 802 (8.05) 13.0 2.0 3.6 2.5 M M H M 43.0 42.2 54.4 53.3 45.7 (0.06) 56.9 (0.42) 62.9 (0.22) 85.7 (0.23) 52.6 (0.17) 60.2 (0.46) 94.5 (0.31) 95.2 (0.34) 450.3 (0.00) 368.3 (0.00) 452.3 (0.00) 616.5 (0.00) 4444.5 (17.59) 1361.4 (10.12) 1281.3 (6.10) 2674.7 (2.7) 1115 (19.22) 950 (21.66) 1040 (6.65) 1437 (2.92) 5.7 M 61.6 91.3 (0.37) 108.7 (0.52) 670.6 (0.00) 3365.4 (8.32) 1563 (11.44) Total basal area (m2 ha21) Overstorey trees ha21 Understorey trees ha21 SDI Except stand size, numbers are means with standard error in parentheses. Values are based on individual tree measurements averaged at the plot level, except for site index, which is averaged at stand level. TRT ¼ treatment type; PB ¼ prescribed burn: mid-1990s; TH and SA ¼ thinned and salvaged: light understorey thin and salvage harvest in the mid-1990s; TH and PB ¼ basal area reduction: 2004 and prescribed burn 2005; UM ¼ unmanaged since harvesting during 1860 –1930s; age structure ¼ remnants are stems left prior to Comstock era harvesting between 1860s and 1930s; site index class ¼ H (high); M (moderate); L (low); see text for definitions (base age 50 (Krumland and Eng, 2005)); SDI ¼ stand density index was calculated using the summation method (Long and Daniel, 1990); remnants were much older overstorey trees (widely scattered, few per acre) that were left during original harvesting in the 1800s. Downloaded from at DigiTop USDA's Digital Desktop Library on March 14, 2014 Predicting height growth of sugar pine regeneration Statistical analysis To account for potentially different influences on height growth patterns, regeneration data were separated and analysed by height class: seedlings and sapling. Individual tree-level comparisons were conducted after calculating overall summary statistics and pooling trees by management (managed or unmanaged) and treatment type; this analysis allowed for initial selection of important variables for inclusion in height growth prediction models (described later). Stand-level comparisons were made after the data were appropriately scaled and summarized at the stand level; the stands were also compared by management and treatment type (unmanaged, thinned and salvaged, thinned and prescribed burned, and prescribed burned only). Data from the thinned and prescribed burned stand were omitted from all treatment type comparisons due to the small sample size (n ¼ 2 trees and 1 stand). Statistical comparisons were conducted using the non-parametric Wilcoxon rank-sums to test for an effect of management and non-parametric Kruskal–Wallis (test statistic ¼ x2) tests followed by a post-hoc Dunn’s test (z statistic) to test for an effect of treatment and, if a treatment effect was found, to discern which treatments were significantly different from each other. The significance level was set at a ¼ 0.05 for all tests. Statistical comparisons were performed with the use of JMP (Version 8) (SAS Institute Inc. 2007). Height growth prediction models Models of sugar pine regeneration height growth rates were fitted to test the effect of environmental, stand-level, and individual tree measurements on individual tree-level growth. Because of the expectation that samples within a transect or stand might be spatially autocorrelated (i.e. not independent) due to the sampling design, transects and stands were modelled as random effects in mixed-effect, linear regression models. All other variables were treated as fixed effects (Zuur et al., 2009). The response variable was height growth averaged over the last 10 years or the life of the seedling. The height growth was skewed (non-normal) so the data were transformed using a natural logarithm. Only slight violations in normality and homogeneity of variance assumptions remained in the height growth after natural log transformations. The natural log of past seedling height growth was modelled as a function of stand-level measurements (canopy cover (%), site index (m), stand density index and stand live basal area (m2 ha21)), individual tree-level measurements (available soil moisture between 0 –15 and 15– 30 cm of the soil profile, canopy closure (per cent), live, dead and total basal area (m2 ha21), distance, transformed azimuth (radians), species and status of closest shade tree and crown surface area (m2)). Sapling models were similar but status of closest shade tree was not used as a potential predictor because few shade trees were observed. Potential predictors also included DBH, height-to-diameter ratio and white pine blister rust (presence/absence). White pine blister rust was not used as a variable in seedling models because few seedlings were observed with confirmed white pine blister rust. Interactions between variables were tested in all tree-level models. Variance inflation factors were calculated between variables to test for multicollinearity, and one variable was omitted from the model if the factor was 10 or greater (Ott and Longnecker, 2010). Multiple linear mixed-effect, backwards stepwise regression models were fitted with program R statistical software and the NLME package (R Development Core Team, 2010). Variable retention was set at P , 0.05. The variables influencing height growth were modelled separately for seedlings and saplings, while also separating the models using a management variable (‘management’ and ‘treatment’). To evaluate whether management or specific treatment type was an important determinant of past height growth, height growth was assessed with three different models for both seedlings and saplings, for a total of six models: 1. the hypothesized growth model (that past height growth would be a function of canopy closure, live basal area and crown surface area), 2. the management model: using management as a variable, with all treatment types pooled and each tree assigned to either ‘managed’ or ‘unmanaged’ and (3) the treatment model: using treatment type as a variable, with treatments separated into treatment type (i.e. unmanaged, prescribed burned or thinned and prescribed burned) with each tree assigned to the appropriate category. R program code for the six most complex models (prior to backwards stepwise reduction) can be found in the Supplementary data. The natural log of sugar pine seedling height growth was modelled at the stand level, but sapling growth was not modelled at the stand level due to the lack of observations. Growth was first modelled using only our hypothesized best predictors (canopy closure, live basal area and crown surface area) and was then modelled as a function of the same predictors as used in the individual tree-level models, using backwards stepwise regression to determine the best model, assuming independence between stands. Due to the small stand sample size, variable interactions were not included to avoid model overfitting. All variables were scaled appropriately and averaged at the stand level. Results Sugar pine growth and stand attributes Stand characteristics were summarized for all the fourteen sampled stands (Table 1). The stands typically contained one or two age cohorts with a few stands also having remnants from pre-Euro-American settlement (prior to 1850). Canopy cover ranged between 28 and 62 per cent, with no clear trends between the managed and the unmanaged stands (Table 1). Live and total basal areas varied considerably across stands and management types, with the highest live basal area over six 89 Downloaded from at DigiTop USDA's Digital Desktop Library on March 14, 2014 For each sugar pine seedling and sapling, the following characteristics were also measured: age, height, height growth, live crown length, crown width and DBH, presence of damage/defects and presence/absence of white pine blister rust. White pine blister rust was classified as present if we found aecia spores or two of the following characteristics: white pine blister rust canker with resin, bark stripping, branch flagging or rodent chewing (Maloy, 2003). Local competition around each seedling or sapling was described with per cent canopy closure, live tree basal area, and distance, azimuth to and species of closest shade tree. Shade trees were defined as the nearest sapling-size or greater neighbour without respect to direction. All azimuths were transformed prior to analysis from degrees to radians using the method of Beers et al. (1966). Per cent canopy closure was measured with a spherical densiometer above each seedling or sapling at the outermost tip of the branch in the four cardinal directions and was averaged. Basal area per unit area was also recorded at each tree using a relaskop (20 ft2 ac21 basal area factor, transformed to m2 ha21 for analysis). Past ten-year height growth (cm year21) of the dominant leader (or tallest branch) was measured using digital callipers or a height pole by measuring insertion point of each branch whorl (saplings) or bud scar (seedlings), down the length of the stem starting with the year 2007. Measurements were then averaged over the last ten years for saplings, or for the life of the seedling if ,10 years old, to estimate average annual height growth rate. If a tree was over 2.7 m in height, increment growth was not measured and the densiometer readings were taken from the outermost branch in each cardinal direction. If the canopy of the sapling biased the densiometer measurement, a ladder was used to take the measurement above the canopy of the sample tree. Crown length was measured to the height of the lowest live branch at point of insertion. Crown diameter was calculated by averaging the longest live branch lengths in the N– S and E– W directions; crown surface area was then calculated using a modified equation from Zarnoch et al. (2004), as used for Sierran conifers in Waring and O’Hara (2009). On saplings, an increment core on the north side of the tree base was extracted to determine age using the techniques as described earlier. Forestry Table 2 Individual tree-level differences in microsite and sugar pine seedling and sapling characteristics (height growth and height) between 14 managed and unmanaged stands Size class MGD n Live basal area (m2 ha21) n Total basal area (m2 ha21) n Canopy closure (%) n Height growth (cm year21) n Total height (m) Seedlings UM M UM M 396 223 134 45 33.8 (0.65)* 29.5 (0.78)* 23.3 (1.15)* 36.2 (2.11)* 396 223 134 45 40.3 (0.80)* 37.3 (1.04)* 26.1 (1.16)* 46.9 (2.68)* 397 223 134 45 76.9 (0.98)* 70.3 (1.24)* 52.9 (2.10)* 79.1 (2.21)* 283 184 75 16 2.53 (0.06)* 1.80 (0.05)* 4.10 (0.19) 4.99 (0.56) 351 206 123 39 0.28 (0.017)* 0.13 (0.007)* 2.78 (0.10)* 3.64 (0.26)* Saplings times greater (92.1 m2 ha21) than the lowest (14.3 m2 ha21). For total basal area, the highest value (109.46 m2 ha21) was over 5.5 times greater than the lowest (19.1 m2 ha21). The median live and total basal areas were 42.0 and 51.6 m2 ha21, respectively. Understorey and overstorey trees per hectare also varied widely between stands (overstorey ¼ 108.1–670.5 and understorey ¼ 420.4– 5585.4), as did stand density index, ranging between 247 and 1563 (Table 1). At the individual tree-level, sugar pine seedlings growing in the unmanaged stands had significantly higher basal areas (live (Z ¼ 24.52, P , 0.0001) and total (Z ¼ 22.59, P ¼ 0.0097), canopy closure (Z ¼ 24.86, P , 0.0001), height growth (Z ¼ 28.42, P , 0.0001) and total height (Z ¼ 25.55, P , 0.0001) compared with seedlings growing in the managed stands (Table 2). The converse is true for saplings, with those growing in managed stand conditions having significantly higher mean basal areas (live (Z ¼ 5.34, P , 0.0001) and total (Z ¼ 6.69, P , 0.0001)), canopy closures (Z ¼ 6.39, P , 0.0001), and sapling total height (Z ¼ 3.00, P ¼ 0.0027) than those growing in unmanaged stand conditions (Table 2). The mean sapling height growth rate was also higher under managed than that under unmanaged stand conditions, although the difference was not statistically significant (Z ¼ 1.53, P ¼ 0.1267; Table 2). There was no clear relationship between height growth of seedlings or saplings and canopy closure (Figure 2). When separated by treatment type, seedlings growing in unmanaged and prescribed burned stand conditions had similar live and total basal areas and canopy closures but had significantly greater live and total basal areas and canopy closure than thinned and salvaged stand conditions (Table 3). However, height growth rate means were significantly different among all treatment types, with growth rate highest for seedlings growing in unmanaged followed by prescribed burned, then thinned and salvaged stand conditions. Seedling total height was significantly greater in unmanaged than prescribed burned stand conditions but not for thinned and salvaged stand conditions (Table 3). Fewer differences were found for saplings at the individual treelevel (Table 3). The saplings growing in the unmanaged stands had significantly lower live and total basal areas than those in prescribed burned stands but were only statistically different from those in thinned and salvaged stands for canopy closure (Table 3). Mean total height was significantly higher for the saplings growing in unmanaged than those in prescribed burned stand 90 Figure 2 Relationship between seedling and sapling height growth rates and individual tree-level canopy closure. conditions, but again not significantly different from those in thinned and salvaged stand conditions. Stand level comparisons revealed no significant differences in any microsite variables or sugar pine characteristics between the unmanaged and the managed stands (Table 4). We also found no significant differences in any microsite variables or sugar pine characteristics between treatment types; however, some categories had very small sample sizes and high variability (Table 4). Only seedling total height and height growth were compared at the stand level due to small sample sizes of saplings in several stands. We also found no clear relationships between mean seedling height growth and canopy closure or live basal area when separated by treatment type (Figure 3). Height growth models and regression analyses Individual tree-level models The best models predicting height growth of both seedlings and saplings at the individual tree-level were complex, containing stand and transect as random effects and multiple explanatory variables and interactions as fixed effects (Table 5; management Downloaded from at DigiTop USDA's Digital Desktop Library on March 14, 2014 Numbers are means with standard error in parentheses. Wilcoxon rank-sums were used to test for differences between unmanaged and managed stands. Values with an asterisk are significantly different at P , 0.05 level. Seedlings (,1.37 m height and ,2.54 cm DBH); saplings (.1.37 m height and 2.54– 12.7 cm DBH); MGD ¼ management; M ¼ managed since initial harvesting between 1860s and 1930s; UM ¼ unmanaged since harvesting during 1860s– 1930s. Predicting height growth of sugar pine regeneration Table 3 Individual tree-level differences in microsite and sugar pine seedling and sapling characteristics (height growth and height) between the fourteen stands with different management histories Treatment type n Live basal area (m2 ha21) n Total basal area (m2 ha21) n Canopy closure (%) n Height growth (cm year21) n Total height (m) Seedlings UM PB SH TH and PB UM PB SH TH and PB 396 160 61 2 134 36 7 2 33.8 (0.65) A 31.7 (1.03) A 24.7 (0.73) B 20.7 (2.3) 23.3 (1.15) A 37.9 (2.48) B 30.2 (3.59) AB 27.6 (4.59) 396 160 61 2 134 36 7 2 40.3 (0.80) A 42.4 (1.26) A 25.3 (0.70) B 36.7 (13.78) 26.1 (1.16) A 50.8 (2.97) B 30.8 (3.12) AB 34.4 (6.89) 397 160 61 2 134 36 7 2 76.9 (0.98) A 75.3 (1.31) A 60.4 (2.28) B 58.4 (28.86) 52.9 (2.10) A 81.3 (2.40) B 76.0 (3.07) B 49.3 (1.30) 283 127 55 2 75 13 3 0 2.53 (0.06) A 1.94 (0.07) B 1.49 (0.06) C 2.69 (0.24) 4.10 (0.19) A 4.95 (0.69) A 5.13 (0.41) A – 351 147 57 2 123 30 7 2 0.28 (0.017) A 0.12 (0.01) B 0.13 (0.01) AB 0.39 (0.18) 2.78 (0.10) A 3.74 (0.31) B 2.97 (0.47) AB 4.57 (0.80) Saplings See Table 1 for treatment type and Table 2 for size class descriptions. Wilcoxon and Kruskal– Wallis rank-sums were used to test for significant differences between different treatment types. Within each treatment type, values that are not connected by the same letter are significantly different at the P , 0.05 level. Values that share the same letter are not statistically significant. TH and PB not included in statistical analysis due to low sample size. Means (standard error) shown; n ¼ number of observations. Table 4 Stand-level differences in microsite and sugar pine seedling characteristics (height growth and height) between 14 stands Management UM M Treatment type PB SH TH and PB n Live basal area (m2 ha21) Total basal area (m2 ha21) Canopy cover (%) Height growth (cm year21) Total height (m) 8 6 53.0 (8.5) 41.9 (9.0) 63.5 (10.3) 48.1 (11.1) 44.5 (3.8) 44.6 (4.2) 2.40 (0.16) 1.92 (0.22) 0.36 (0.07) 0.17 (0.08) 3 2 1 46.5 (13.8) 34.5 (16.9) 42.6 (23.9) 56.9 (16.8) 36.5 (20.5) 45.3 (29.0) 48.3 (6.3) 43.3 (7.7) 36.0 (10.9) 2.03 (0.27) 1.38 (0.33) 2.69 (0.46) 0.14 (0.12) 0.12 (0.14) 0.39 (0.20) No significant differences were found between management and treatment type (P ≥ 0.05). Treatment type comparisons included unmanaged stands; the thinned and prescribed burned stand (TH and PB) was not included in statistical comparisons (n ¼ 1). Means (standard error) shown; n ¼ number of stands. See Table 1 for treatment type and Table 2 for size class descriptions. models not shown). These complex models failed to explain more than 30 per cent of the variation but included the majority of possible parameters. Stand-level models At the stand level, the hypothesized model, which included crown surface area, live basal area and per cent canopy closure as predictors, was a similar predictor of average 10-year sugar pine seedling height growth (R 2adj. ¼ 0.56) as the best model, which included only live basal area and crown surface area (R 2adj. ¼ 0.53; Table 6). Stand management or treatment history were not significant predictors, thus supporting the same final, best model regardless of stand history. Discussion Individual tree-level At the individual tree-level, densities and canopy closures were greater in the unmanaged stands as expected. No apparent relationship was found between microsite characteristics (basal area or canopy closure) and height growth rates by treatment type; it was expected that height growth would be greatest under the most open conditions. The expectation that growth rates and microsite characteristics would be influenced by treatment type was not supported by the data. The greatest height growth rates for seedlings were found in unmanaged stand conditions, which also had the highest densities and canopy closures. Growth rates and microsite values varied considerably within treatment types, complicating interpretation. While it appears that sugar pine seedlings require a sheltered microclimate for growth and are less influenced initially by density and canopy closure, this result could be an artefact of better site productivity leading to greater seedling growth and stand density. The greater height growth rates and total heights of seedlings growing in unmanaged stand conditions were not anticipated although they support some findings in recent studies (Dulohery et al., 2000; Gray et al., 2005; Legras et al., 2010). When separated by management type, mean densities and canopy closures at the seedling level were statistically similar for prescribed burned and unmanaged stand conditions, which were statistically greater than in thinned and salvaged stand conditions. These findings were anticipated since the management objectives for the 91 Downloaded from at DigiTop USDA's Digital Desktop Library on March 14, 2014 Size class Forestry prescribed burned stands were not aimed at reducing stand densities but rather at reduction of hazardous fuels. The significantly greater seedling height growth rates under prescribed burned conditions as compared with thinned and salvaged stand conditions were expected because prescribed fire decreases litter and duff, which can in turn increase the amount of soil moisture available for seedling growth (Zald et al., 2008; Legras et al., 2010). Greater height growth rates were expected for seedlings under prescribed burned conditions than in the unmanaged stand conditions, but the results did not support this expectation. For saplings, higher densities and canopy closures were found at the individual tree level in managed stand conditions. This was unexpected and again may relate to site productivity or management history. Sapling total heights and height growth rates were greater in managed than unmanaged stand conditions, although the difference was not statistically significant for height growth rates. The greater total heights and height growth rates observed under prescribed burned stand conditions (as compared with unmanaged stand conditions) may be explained by the benefits of fire, which reduces competition and litter depth and increases availability of understorey light (Sugihara and McBride, 1996; North et al., 2005b) but must be interpreted with consideration of the small sample size (n ¼ 2). Height growth was greatest, although not statistically significant, under thinned and salvaged stand conditions, which had the lowest densities and canopy closures. However, it is important to recognize that both thinned and salvaged stands were on low quality sites, which may explain why the difference in growth was not statistically significant. For sustained sapling growth and overstorey recruitment, 92 saplings should benefit from treatments reducing both overall stand density and more focused canopy closure reduction around individual saplings. The best individual tree-level models explained less than half of the variation, indicating that important variables, such as nutrient availability, are likely missing from the predictive models. More complex models were supported for seedling than sapling height growth, suggesting that more variables influence seedling height growth. The influence of genetics may also affect the ability to predict height growth at the individual tree-level; environmental influences, which tend to be more important than genetics in the phenotypic expression of tree growth, may overshadow the influence of genetics at the stand level (White et al., 2008). Significant variables in the seedling models included factors linked to establishment and early growth, such as available soil moisture, closest shade tree characteristics and crown surface area. Sapling models included variables more closely tied to competition effects and expected patterns of height growth such as live basal area, DBH and stand density index. However, several variables were significant in both seedling and sapling models, and management or treatment type was important in most models. Stand level Mean stand level basal area and canopy cover in the managed stands were higher than expected. Current management objectives and treatment intensities for the stands were not aimed at substantially reducing density except for in the thinned and burned stand. The large range in values for densities and canopy Downloaded from at DigiTop USDA's Digital Desktop Library on March 14, 2014 Figure 3 Relationship between average stand-level sugar pine seedling height growth rate (cm year21) and the microsite characteristics of (a) canopy closure (%) and (b) live basal area (m2 ha21) by management type for 14 stands in the Lake Tahoe Basin. Predicting height growth of sugar pine regeneration Table 5 Results of multiple linear regression modelling to predict the natural log of past sugar pine height growth (cm year21) at the individual tree-level in the Lake Tahoe Basin Seedlings Stand 14.88 Parameter Transect 15.80 Estimate Residuals 69.30 P value Intercept TPHA CC TRT Site index SPP1 SPP2 SPP3 SPP status H2030 CSA DI BAT AZ 0.262 ,0.001 20.006 0.661 0.045 0.440 20.216 20.111 20.047 20.093 1.129 20.033 0.025 20.183 0.650 0.862 0.169 0.862 0.199 0.085 0.128 0.528 0.402 0.226 ,0.001 0.014 0.001 0.007 DF 375 Parameter TPHA*SPP1 TPHA*SPP2 TPHA*SPP3 TPHA*CSA TRT*CC TRT*SPP1 TRT*SPP2 TRT*SPP3 TRT*CSA Site index*CC Site index*BAT SPP Status*CSA H2030*CSA Distance*AZ BAT*AZ Estimate 20.001 ,0.001 ,0.001 ,0.001 20.006 0.372 20.035 ,0.001 20.519 ,0.001 20.002 20.289 20.078 0.034 0.004 P value 0.036 0.252 0.938 ,0.001 0.003 0.008 0.731 0.999 ,0.001 0.020 ,0.001 0.004 0.040 0.003 0.007 % Variation explained Stand ,1.00 Parameter Transect 32.90 Estimate Residuals 67.10 P value Intercept TPHA CC BAL Site index SPP1 SPP2 DBH SPP status H2030 CSA DI AZ 6.277 0.004 0.033 20.434 0.219 3.342 1.050 0.804 21.119 21.951 20.109 0.099 0.191 0.110 0.044 ,0.001 0.001 0.037 0.001 0.134 ,0.001 ,0.001 0.101 0.081 ,0.001 0.084 DF 31 Parameter Estimate P value TPHA*CC BAL* H2030 Site index*SPP1 Site index*SPP2 Site index*DBH Site index*CSA SPP1*CSA SPP2*CSA DBH*CSA DBH*AZ ,20.001 0.092 20.258 20.031 20.046 0.014 20.006 20.053 20.009 20.055 ,0.001 0.002 0.003 0.577 0.006 0.009 0.618 0.014 0.002 0.015 Best treatment models (treated or untreated) are presented for both seedlings and saplings. Stand and transect were included as random effects within the mixed-effects models. DF ¼ degrees of freedom; TPHA ¼ trees per hectare; BAL ¼ live basal area (m2 ha21); CC ¼ individual tree-level canopy closure (%); CSA ¼ crown surface area of sugar pine seedling or sapling (m2); Site index (m, base age 50 years (Krumland and Eng 2005); TRT ¼ treatment history (treated or not); SPP ¼ species of nearest shade tree; DBH ¼ diameter at breast height (cm); SPP status ¼ nearest shade tree status (live or dead); DI ¼ distance (m) to nearest shade tree; AZ ¼ direction to nearest shade tree; H2030 ¼ available soil moisture between 15– 30 cm. cover for the unmanaged stands was also contrary to expectations. The unmanaged stands were expected to have higher average densities and canopy cover than the managed stands. A wide range in site productivity across stands was found, particularly in the unmanaged stands, which partially explains the wide variation in density and canopy cover between the managed and the unmanaged stands and within the unmanaged stands. The inability to accurately measure site productivity in these multi-aged stands may contribute to the variability in our results. Additionally, age structure differences in these stands may affect light regimes and understorey growth rates. For example, many saplings were quite old and suppressed (Angell, 2011). Accessible stands meeting the selection criteria likely affected the results; many stands with an abundance of sugar pine are on sites of poor productivity and low canopy cover. Time since management, which varied from only a few to 15 years, was not accounted for and can greatly impact canopy cover. In comparison to the other studies conducted in California, seedlings and saplings grow more slowly in the TB (Larsen and Woodbury, 1916; Fowells and Schubert, 1956; Fowells and Stark, 1965; York et al., 2004). The TB lies near the eastern edge of sugar pine’s range and may be marginal habitat. Additionally, natural sugar pine regeneration under 93 Downloaded from at DigiTop USDA's Digital Desktop Library on March 14, 2014 Saplings % Variation explained Forestry Table 6 Results of multiple linear regression modelling to predict the natural log of past sugar pine seedling height growth (cm year21) at the stand level across fourteen stands in the Lake Tahoe Basin Parameter 1.091 0.013 20.010 0.209 0.126 0.010 0.238 P value R2 R2 adj. RMSE DF AIC 0.010 0.151 0.004 0.203 0.011 0.007 0.472 0.004 0.005 0.663 0.561 0.182 10 22.65 0.598 0.527 0.189 11 22.26 Backward stepwise regression resulted in the same best model for both management and treatment history. HYP ¼ hypothesis model; BAL ¼ live basal area (m2 ha21); CC ¼ average canopy closure (%); CSA ¼ crown surface area of sugar pine seedling or sapling (m2); R2 ¼ coefficient of multiple determination; R2 adj. ¼ coefficient of multiple determination adjusted for the number of explanatory terms in the model; RMSE ¼ square root of the variance (standard error of the regression); DF ¼ degrees of Freedom; AIC ¼ Akaike’s information criterion (Burnham and Anderson, 2002). completely open conditions was not found in the TB, but such conditions should produce higher growth rates. Valid predictions of stand level height growth of seedlings can be easily attained by managers using the models presented here and with metrics relatively accessible to managers such as canopy closure, live basal area and crown surface area. Of these, canopy closure and live basal area can be easily calculated from standard stand exam data. Crown surface area would require the most effort, but data collection could be incorporated into regeneration plots during stand exams, resulting in a straight-forward calculation (Zarnoch et al., 2004; Waring and O’Hara, 2009). Factors affecting sugar pine regeneration Sugar pine has been shown to establish well on sandy soils (Fowells and Schubert, 1956), allocating its resources to a taproot with few lateral root branches. The taproot may grow in length up to 61 cm in 2 –3 months, averaging 43 cm in length (Fowells and Schubert, 1956).This is in contrast to the establishment of sugar pine germinating on duff-covered soils that had roots of an average of 18 – 23 cm and a maximum of 30.5 cm in length (Fowells and Schubert, 1956). Sugar pine allocates a large portion of the available resources to root development in more open, resource poor sites such as duff-covered soils (Fowells and Schubert, 1956). The granitic derived soils on many of the TB sites have less available soil moisture (Hubbert et al., 2001; Witty et al., 2003), likely impeding continued seedling growth on poor quality sites if resources are limiting and the bedrock is not friable for continued root development (Witty et al., 2003). Water is the primary limitation to productivity in many Mediterranean forests of California (Witty et al., 2003). Soil water is often depleted by mid-July in the TB (Rogers, 1974). With the majority of the precipitation delivered in the form of snow in the TB, soil 94 Downloaded from at DigiTop USDA's Digital Desktop Library on March 14, 2014 HYP Intercept BAL CC CSA Best model Intercept BAL CSA Estimate moisture availability to seedlings depends on the water-holding capacity of the soil and competition from other vegetation (Gray et al., 2005).Although available soil moisture was not directly measured in this study, sugar pine seedlings have been found to be very sensitive to changes in soil moisture, being both the least drought resistant and tolerant in comparison to its mixed-conifer associates (Pharis, 1966). Other mid-tolerant white pine species have also been found to be limited by soil moisture during the seedling stage (Raymond et al., 2006). Sugar pine appears to require ample soil moisture until it reaches sapling or greater sizes (Tappeiner and McDonald, 1996), thus explaining the negative relationship found at the stand level with available soil moisture between 15 and 30 cm. Recent research looking at the resource requirements for diameter growth in mixed-conifer saplings on the Plumas National Forest north of the TB found a slight negative correlation between diameter growth and available water for sugar pine saplings (Bigelow et al., 2009). Shrub cover and density may have influenced growth rates of seedlings; however, seedling locations relative to shrubs was not recorded. Seedling establishment improves in shaded areas due to the facilitative effects of shrubs that increase available soil moisture, decrease light intensity and heat, and reduce soil temperatures and evaporation (Dulohery et al., 2000; Gray et al., 2005; Legras et al., 2010). Desiccation from direct solar radiation causes high seedling mortality rates (Gray et al., 2005). Legras et al. (2010) also found that seedling survival was lowest following treatments that involved canopy removal during initial seedling establishment. Poor survival rates were attributed to water limitations caused by rapid drying of the soil from the additional heat absorbed by exposed, darkened litter. In other species, the benefits of an overstorey canopy on seedling growth are short-lived, switching to a competitive interaction after several years (Dulohery et al., 2000; Milakovsky et al., 2011); the effects are more pronounced on sites of poor productivity (Zhang et al., 2006). Sugar pine has slow initial height growth rates even on the most productive sites (Fowells and Schubert, 1956; York et al., 2004). It will persist at lower light levels and grow at reduced rates in suboptimal growing conditions (Oliver and Dolph, 1992; Waring and O’Hara, 2009). In the low and moderate quality sites such as the majority of the TB stands, growth may be retarded for an even longer period of time, explaining why the average height growth rates in this study were very low. It appears that sugar pine seedlings can persist as advanced regeneration in the understorey, but it is unclear whether or not the established regeneration will respond to treatments that increase belowground resource availability in stands of low site productivity. For continued growth of saplings, a recent study suggests that even after vigorous fuels treatments have been applied, the conditions created are not sufficient to support rapid growth of shade intolerants in the Central Sierras (Bigelow et al., 2009). However, this same study was unable to identify specific light requirements for sugar pine saplings, citing a small sample size (Bigelow et al., 2009). Sugar pine tends to be less shade tolerant as it matures (Minore, 1979) and may require lower densities and canopy closures for sustained growth and recruitment into the overstorey (Gray et al., 2005).Sugar pine growing under a canopy of ponderosa pine responded well to overstorey removal and grew as fast as some other conifers at 58 per cent full sun (Oliver and Dolph, 1992). McDonald (1976) substantiated that sapling growth was highest in treatments with the most aggressive reductions in Predicting height growth of sugar pine regeneration density and canopy closure such as clear-cut and seed tree methods. However, uneven-aged treatments are more conducive to ecosystem management and restoration than even-aged treatments yet can provide similar conditions if applied appropriately. native species and climate change that impact the ability of species to adapt. Supplementary data Supplementary data are available at Forestry Online. Conclusion Acknowledgements Jonathan Long (USFS Pacific Southwest Research Station), Dave Fournier (USFS Lake Tahoe Basin Management Unit), Rich Adams (California State Parks), Judy Clot (California Tahoe Conservancy), John and Maria Pickett (Sugar Pine Foundation) and Brig and Mary Ebright provided field site suggestions, permission and access. Jason Brown, Nathan Burgess, Chris Erickson, Alan Griffin, Anna Higgins, Adam Polinko, Russ Potter, Brent Prusse, Alex Spannuth and Jay Williams provided field and lab assistance. Conflict of interest statement None declared. Funding This work was supported by grant #08-DG-11272170-011 from the United States Department of Agriculture Forest Service Pacific Southwest Research Station. Funding has been provided by the Bureau of Land Management through the sale of public lands as authorized by the Southern Nevada Public Land Management Act (to support restoration of Lake Tahoe). Northern Arizona University School of Forestry provided additional financial support to N. A. REFERENCES Adams, R. 2010. Forester, California State Parks, Personal Communication. Angell, N. 2011 Determinants of pygmy sugar pine in the Lake Tahoe Basin, CA and NV. Master of Science Thesis, Northern Arizona University, 101 p. Ansley, J.A. and Battles, J.J. 1998 Forest composition, structure, and change in an old-growth mixed conifer forest in the northern Sierra Nevada. J. Torrey Bot. Soc. 125(4), 297– 308. Applequist, M.B. 1958 A simple pith locator for use with off-center increment cores. J. For. 56(2), 141. Beers, T.W., Dress, P.E. and Wensel, L.C. 1966 Aspect transformation in site productivity research. J. For. 64(10), 691– 692. Bigelow, S.W., North, M.P. and Horwath, W.R. 2009 Resource-dependent growth models for Sierran mixed-conifer saplings. Open For. Sci. J. 2, 31 –40. 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In Sierra 95 Downloaded from at DigiTop USDA's Digital Desktop Library on March 14, 2014 Height growth at the individual tree-level is complex and difficult to predict. Variables such as nutrient availability, soil type and shrub competition may explain more of the variation in height growth at this scale but were not included in this study. At the individual tree-level, sugar pine seedlings are less affected than saplings by dense stand conditions and canopy closure. These trees probably respond to both competitive interactions with the overstorey canopy and potentially the shrub layer in addition to abiotic site factors. It is unclear whether seedlings or saplings will respond favourably to treatments that reduce density and canopy closure, particularly if they are already suppressed (Angell, 2011). For saplings, the hypothesis that individual tree growth is maximized in microsites with reduced densities and canopy closures was supported. Continued growth of saplings may require creating more open microsites with increased resource availability through more aggressive uneven-aged silvicultural treatments. At the stand level, two models best explained seedling height growth and can be easily utilized by managers. To enhance sugar pine seedling growth at this level, creating shaded microsites for initial seedling establishment and following-up with intermediate treatments to reduce belowground competition and increase resource availability are recommended. For continued growth of saplings, treatments that reduce densities and canopy closures should aid in sapling recruitment into the overstorey. More research should be conducted to determine whether the suppressed regeneration that currently exists in the understorey will respond positively to more aggressive uneven-aged silvicultural treatments. Treatments designed for restoring stand structure and composition to conditions more similar to those occurring prior to the late 1800s are also likely to favour sugar pine regeneration and growth (Taylor, 2004; North et al., 2007, 2009). Guidelines for improving growth of sugar pine regeneration that can be incorporated into restoration treatments include the following: 1. reduce above- and below-ground competition and provide shade for greater seedling growth and 2. reduce aboveground competition and create gaps around saplings for greater sapling growth. Sugar pine seedling and sapling height growth is a complex issue determined by a range of abiotic and biotic site variables. Understanding the importance of these variables will allow for greater success in sugar pine restoration efforts. While the TB represents only a minor component of sugar pine’s range, the results of this research are applicable outside of the TB. 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