THIS PAGE IS FOR INDEXING PURPOSES ONLY Please have Word's AutoFormat features turned OFF Author(s) First Name Middle Name Surname Role Erin S. Brooks Author and presenter Affiliation Organization URL University of Idaho, Moscow, ID 83844-2060 Email Author(s) First Name Jan Middle Name Surname Role Boll Co-author Affiliation Organization URL University of Idaho, Moscow, ID 83844-2060 Email Publication Information Pub ID 711P0311cd Paper #11077 Pub Name International Symposium on Erosion and Landscape Evolution CD-Rom Proceedings (18-21 September 2011, Hilton Anchorage, Anchorage Alaska) St. Joseph, Michigan ASABE Pub Date 19 September 2011 BUILDING PROCESS-BASED UNDERSTANDING FOR IMPROVED ADAPTATION AND MANAGEMENT E.S. Brooks and J. Boll 1 ISELE Paper Number 11077 Presented at the International Symposium on Erosion and Landscape Evolution Hilton Anchorage Hotel, Anchorage, Alaska September 18-21, 2011 A Specialty Conference of the American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers Held in conjunction with the Annual Meeting of the Association of Environmental & Engineering Geologists September 19-24, 2011 1 Erin S. Brooks and Jan Boll, University of Idaho, Moscow, ID 83844-2060. BUILDING PROCESS-BASED UNDERSTANDING FOR IMPROVED ADAPTATION AND MANAGEMENT Erin S. Brooks and Jan Boll 2 ABSTRACT There is an increasing need for improved process-based decision support tools for watershed management. Many of the tools available to assist managers in locating and selecting effective management practices are either too general or too complex to be used practically. Empirical models based on historic data may not be relevant to future climates. In this study, we present a simple webbased Hydrologic Characterization Tool (HCT) that can be used to analyze the effects of management practices on the hydrology, erosion, and sediment delivery within specific landscapes. The HCT, based fundamentally on the Water Erosion Prediction Project model, was developed as a simple tool to help managers build a process-based understanding of the hydrologic flow paths and the processes driving erosion for common management practices within a region. Users select a range of soil characteristics, slope attributes, and crop rotations common for their region and then select management options which are currently being applied in the region or are being considered as potential future conservation options. The HCT then creates input files for all possible combinations of attributes and provides annual and monthly hydrologic and soil erosion output for both within and at the outlet of each hillslope. The output allows users to not only compare the effect of the management practices for a single attribute, for example a reduction in soil erosion, but it provides them with an understanding of the effect of the practices on the hydrologic flow paths generating and delivering the pollutant through the hillslope. We illustrate characterizations from two regions of the US: Idaho and Iowa. Each of these locations has a unique set of climatic, topographic, and soil characteristics resulting in much different dominant hydrologic flow paths. We demonstrate that adoption of conservation/mulch tillage practices in Idaho effectively converts the dominant runoff generating process from an infiltration excess to saturation excess mechanism leading to a reduction in erosion. Understanding the interaction between soil depth and topography is critical for identifying saturation-excess processes. In contrast, since the rainfall intensities in Iowa are much greater than in Idaho, conservation tillage practices alone are not as effective at reducing erosion in Iowa as in Idaho. Managers in Iowa often must use terracing practices along with conservation tillage to successfully reduce erosion rates to acceptable levels. In addition to sediment transport we demonstrate how the HCT can be used to identify sensitive areas for soluble pollutants. Future versions of the tool will provide direct prediction of transport of nitrate, phosphorus, and pesticides within each landscape. KEYWORDS. Soil Erosion Control, WEPP, Conservation Practices 2 University of Idaho, Moscow, ID 83844-2060. INTRODUCTION Despite long-term adoption of soil and water conservation practices in many regions of the United States throughout the last one hundred years, very few watershed studies show that sediment levels have declined to acceptable levels (Mulla et al., 2008). In a few places we are beginning to measure significantly declining trends in annual sediment loading at a watershed outlet (Brooks et al., 2010). One of the most widespread management changes has been the adoption of conservation tillage practices which reduce the number of tillage passes and increases surface residue cover (Kok et al., 2009). The introduction of the Conservation Reserve Program and similar programs in other countries that have taken highly erodible land out of production have also undoubtedly contributed significantly to the reduction of soil erosion and sediment yield. Although these reductions are a good indicator for improvement, further reductions in sediment and nutrient loads will come at an ever-increasing cost. With many other competing economic issues future government-subsidized money must be spent efficiently (i.e. achieve the biggest bang for the buck). In addition, some future climate change scenarios suggest that rainfall intensities could increase and undoubtedly increase erosion. We believe future reductions in the loading of sediment, nutrients and other agri-chemicals in the decades to come will require spatially-explicit, process-based tools which capture variability in soil, climate, and topography across a region and focus management on the most sensitive areas. Mulla et al. (2008) attributed the lack of evidence of significantly reduced pollutant loads in many watersheds to insufficient water quality monitoring records, failure to implement best management practices (BMPs) that correct the most importance sources of pollution, and failure to implement BMPs in the most critical areas of the watershed. It was noted that there is a great need for better tools to identify these critical management zones and guide managers in the selection of appropriate BMPs. These tools should be simple, requiring minimal input data and minimal calibration (Mulla et al., 2008). However, the selection and location of BMPs must be based on fundamental understanding of the timing and location of dominant hydrologic flow paths and runoff generating mechanisms within a landscape. These tools must move beyond simple empirical tools based on excessively calibrated parameters to process-based models that provide managers with a deeper understanding of the hydrology of a landscape. Many of the tools available to watershed managers, such as the Natural Resources Conservation Service electronic Field Office Technical Guides are often too general to be used to identify the most critical management areas within a particular landscape. Detailed soil erosion models such as RUSLE2 (Foster, 2003), which neglects subsurface hydrology, the Soil Water Assessment Tool (Arnold et al., 1998), which requires calibration and is best suited for large watersheds, and the Water Erosion Prediction Project (WEPP) (Flanagan and Nearing, 1995), which is often considered too complex, have not been widely used to assist managers for selecting and locating BMPs in critical management areas. In this paper, we present the development of a simple web-interface tool, based fundamentally on the WEPP model, to guide managers in the selection and location of BMPs within a landscape. This Hydrologic Characterization Tool (HCT) was developed to provide managers with answers to some of the fundamental hydrologic questions for selecting and locating effective management practices. These questions include “What is the dominant water flow path (percolation, infiltration, runoff, or lateral subsurface flow)?”, “How much water is being transported in the dominant flow path (in mm/year, or as percent of total precipitation)?”, “When does the transport occur (month, or season)?”, and “What are the controlling factors (infiltration capacity, or soil storage capacity)?”. Requirements for the HCT include that it should be able to evaluate site-specific information such as local climate, soils, topography, crop rotation, and management, that it incorporates major flow paths of water such as infiltration, runoff, subsurface lateral flow, and percolation, and that the user should 2 not have to learn a complex model. Instead of simulating all sites within a watershed specifically, the spatial scale of interest is the hillslope, and the temporal scale is monthly to yearly, providing average results based on 10 to 30-year simulations. Development of the HCT was motivated by a NIFA funded synthesis project, which has the primary goal to synthesize lessons learned from 13 Conservation Effectiveness Assessment Program (CEAP) watersheds on assessing the effectiveness of suites of conservation practices on pollution reduction in agriculturally-dominated watersheds. The main goal of CEAP is to build understanding of how best to schedule and locate conservation efforts within a watershed to achieve locally defined water quality goals. This paper provides an example application to the Iowa and Idaho CEAP watershed studies. METHODS The HCT is available on the internet ( and relies exclusively on readily available data and user specified information for representative hillslopes in the watershed of choice. An introduction screen (Figure 1) provides the user the option to select a specific watershed, and the next screen allows the user to select the appropriate state and climate station, preselected slope configurations, soil types, and management practices (Figure 2). The default slope in the HCT is 300 m long, with three slope segments of 100 m each. Custom slopes and soils also can be created. Management practices currently include conventional tillage, conservation tillage, and notillage, grass cover, and buffer strips on the lowest slope segment. Users select multiple combinations of soils, management practices, and topography to be considered in the analysis. The user also selects how many simulation years should be included. Pre-processing algorithms in the HCT use the selected input information and creates input files for every possible combination of soil, topography, crop rotation, and management practice selected by the user and feeds this information into the WEPP model running on a server at the University of Idaho. After the WEPP model run(s) are completed, post-processing algorithms provide the user with a table of yearly output for the entire slope including the amount of percolation, lateral flow, runoff, and erosion. Users can also view monthly details or details by slope segment (Figures 3 and 4). We illustrate the use of the HCT for two CEAP watersheds: Paradise Creek watershed in Idaho (Brooks et al., 2010) and Walnut Creek in Iowa (Schilling, 2001). In the Idaho example we first explore the effect of soil depth on the hydrology, erosion, and sediment yield for a steep slope configuration (5%, 35%, 5%). Three silt loam soils were selected having soil depths of 20 cm, 97 cm, and 150 cm. All hillslopes were assumed to be managed identically in a three year winter wheatbarley-pea rotation following conservation tillage. Secondly, in the Iowa CEAP watershed, we examine the effect of slope steepness on the hydrology, erosion, and sediment yield for a deep silt loam soil without any restrictive soil layers in a corn-soybean rotation using conservation tillage. Two slope configurations (2%, 2%, 2%, and 2%, 8%, 2%) were used in the analysis. Thirdly, we use the HCT to compare the effects of tillage management and buffer strips on hydrologic flow paths and sediment yield for both the Idaho and Iowa CEAP watershed. For each CEAP watershed, we choose one slope configuration and soil type, and varied management by selecting conventional tillage, conservation tillage (or mulch tillage), no-till (each with and without a 10 m buffer), and grass. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Importance of topography and soil depth The depth to a hydrologic restrictive layer (e.g. bedrock or argillic/fragipan soil horizon) and the topography of a hillslope will greatly control the dominant hydrologic flow paths and transport of 3 Figure 1. Introduction screen of Hydrologic Characterization Tool on the internet. Figure 2. Data selection screen of Hydrologic Characterization Tool. pollutants within the landscape. Soil depth controls the amount of water that can be stored in a soil profile before saturation occurs while topography provides the driving hydraulic gradient for subsurface lateral flow through a perched water table that develops above the restrictive soil layer. Downslope convergence of subsurface lateral flow yields increased saturation-excess runoff at toe slope positions. The importance of soil depth and topography is clearly demonstrated in the Idaho example (Figure 5). For the shallow (20 cm) soil runoff is the dominant flow path. For a medium soil 4 Figure 3. Example of average monthly output for the entire slope configuration. Figure 4. Example of detailed model output for each slope segment. The green line represents the topography of the hillslope. depth (97 cm), lateral flow is the dominant flow path on the steepest slope section, however the convergence of lateral flow at the toe slope results in runoff being the dominant flow path in the lowest segment. In deep soils which do not have a restrictive soil layer, percolation is the dominant flow path. The most erosive conditions in the Idaho CEAP watershed occur on the steep slope sections in shallow soils. Although toe slope positions generate more runoff than midslope positions, the net erosion is greater on midslope positions. Management of soluble pollutants therefore should focus on toe slope positions whereas management of particulate-bound pollutants should focus on steep midslope positions. In the Iowa CEAP site, soils are deep and therefore the dominant flow path is vertical percolation. Slope steepness does not affect the amount of runoff or percolation however the amount of erosion is highly sensitive to slope steepness (Figure 6). 5 140 60 120 40 100 20 80 0 60 ‐20 40 ‐40 ‐60 40 100 20 80 0 60 ‐20 40 ‐40 20 ‐60 20 ‐80 0 0 1 160 Water Depth (mm/yr) 60 2 Overland Flow Element (OFE) 80 5b. Net Erosion (Tonnes/ha) 120 160 ‐80 1 3 2 Overland Flow Element (OFE) 3 80 5c. 140 60 120 40 100 20 80 0 60 ‐20 40 ‐40 20 ‐60 0 Net Erosion (Tonnes/ha) Water Depth (mm/yr) 140 80 Water Depth (mm/yr) Runoff (mm) Lateral Flow (mm) Percolation (mm) Net Erosion 5a. Net Erosion (Tonnes/ha) 160 ‐80 1 2 Overland Flow Element (OFE) 3 Figure 5. Average annual runoff (mm), lateral flow (mm), percolation (mm) and net erosion (tonnes/ha) for three Idaho soils managed under mulch tillage in a 3-year winter wheat, barley, pea crop rotation for (a) 20 cm, (b) 97 cm, and (c) 150 cm deep soils, respectively. The slope steepness for segments 1, 2, and 3 are 5%, 35%, 5%, respectively. 240 210 60 210 60 180 40 180 40 150 20 150 20 120 0 120 0 60 30 0 1 2 Overland Flow Element (OFE) 3 ‐20 ‐40 80 6b. Runoff (mm) Lateral Flow (mm) Percolation (mm) Net Erosion 90 60 ‐60 30 ‐80 0 Net Erosion (Tonnes/ha) Runoff (mm) Lateral Flow (mm) Percolation (mm) Net Erosion 90 Water Depth (mm/yr) 80 6a. Net Erosion (Tonnes/ha) Water Depth (mm/yr) 240 ‐20 ‐40 ‐60 ‐80 1 2 Overland Flow Element (OFE) 3 Figure 6. Average annual runoff (mm), lateral flow (mm), percolation (mm) and net erosion (tonnes/ha) for a deep Iowa soil managed under mulch tillage in a 2-year corn-soybean crop rotation for (a) uniform 2% slope and (b) slopes of 2%, 8%, and 2% for segments 1, 2, and 3, respectively. 6 Practice Effectiveness The HCT quantified the effect of single and/or multiple management practices on hydrologic flow paths and sediment transport within different land types. We found that effectiveness of management practices is site specific, and that ideal practices in one location (e.g., Idaho) may not be ideal in another location (e.g., Iowa). In Idaho, the mulch tillage practice is more effective than 10 m grass buffers at reducing sediment load (Figure 7), while this practice only slightly reduced runoff for shallow and intermediate soils. In Iowa, a 10 m grass buffer is more effective than mulch tillage at reducing sediment loads, but mulch tillage is very effective at reducing runoff (i.e., slope steepness does not affect runoff volume, Figure 7). 70 7a. 50 40 30 20 90 7b. 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 10 0 70 Sediment Yield (Tonnes/ha/yr) 100 Runoff (mm/yr) Sediment Yield (Tonnes/ha/yr) 60 Shallow Soil (20 cm) Intermediate Soil (97 cm) Deep Soil (152 cm) 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 7c. Flat Slope (2%) Mod. Slope (2% 8% 2%) 90 80 7d. 70 )r y/60 m50 m (f f 40 o n u30 R 20 10 0 0 Figure 7. Average annual sediment yield (tonnes/ha/yr) and runoff (mm/yr) for cropping systems managed under conventional (CNV), mulch (MT) and no-till (NT) management practices in Idaho (7a and 7b) and Iowa (7c and 7d) both with and without 10 m grass buffers (Buffer). The primary difference between the Iowa and Idaho sites is climate. According to the CLIGEN weather generator in WEPP, the maximum 30 min rainfall intensity for Knoxville, IA (43.43 mm/hr) is over 3 times greater than the maximum 30 min rainfall intensity for Moscow, ID (13.46 mm/hr). Conversion from conventional tillage to mulch tillage in Idaho increases the infiltration rate of the soil to the point that the dominant runoff generation process converts from infiltration-excess to saturationexcess processes. This transition decreases the runoff on steep portions of the slope and increases the runoff on flat toe slope positions which are less likely to erode. In Iowa, despite the increase in the infiltration rate under mulch tillage, the rainfall intensity exceeds the infiltration capacity often enough that erosion on steep slopes remains a problem. As a result one of the common management practices 7 in Iowa, especially in regions where slope steepness exceeds 5%, is to build terraces which minimize the runoff velocity in addition to converting to a more conservation tillage practices. Grass buffer strips are likely more effective in Iowa than in Idaho since the runoff velocity of the high intensity, short duration storms typical in Iowa will be greatly reduced by the grass leading to greater deposition. In Idaho grass buffer strips during runoff events will often be saturated preventing any infiltration of runoff through the buffer area. We are in the process of linking the HCT to a water quality algorithm which will provide daily nitrate, phosphorus and pesticides delivery through each hydrologic flow path and OFE within a hillslope. CONCLUSION The HCT presented in this paper, while still under development, shows great promise as a management tool for placement of conservation practices. This tool uses a physically-based model but does not require the user to deal with the model complexities such as developing all input parameters and climate input files. Users build a fundamental understanding of the effectiveness of management practices not only on the delivery of a pollutant but on the mechanisms controlling the generation and transport of pollutants through a landscape. Future versions of the tool could potentially provide managers with a valuable decision support tool for selecting and locating management practices both within a watershed and within a particular hillslope. Acknowledgements This study was funded through the USDA-NIFA Funded CEAP Synthesis Project NO: 2007-5113003992 and a USDA-Forest Service Round 7 Southern Nevada Public Land Management Act (2A11) grant through the Rocky Mountain Research Station (08-JV-11221665-050). REFERENCES 1. Arnold, J. G., Srinivasan, R., Muttiah, R.S., Williams, J. R., 1998. Large area hydrologic modeling and assessment. 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