Assessment of Particle Size Analysis in the Lake Tahoe Basin Alan C. Heyvaert1 Daniel M. Nover2 Todd G. Caldwell1 Wendy B. Trowbridge1 S. Geoffrey Schladow2 John E. Reuter2 February 2011 Prepared by 1 Desert Research Institute, Division of Hydrologic Sciences and 2 University of California, Davis, Tahoe Environmental Research Center Prepared for USDA Forest Service, Pacific Southwest Research Station This research was supported through a grant from the USDA Forest Service Pacific Southwest Research Station and using funds provided by the Bureau of Land Management through the sale of public lands as authorized by the Southern Nevada Public Land Management Act. The views in this report are those of the authors and do not necessary reflect those of the USDA Forest Service Pacific Southwest Research Station or the USDI Bureau of Land Management. Assessment of Particle Size Analysis in the Lake Tahoe Basin February 2011 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Water clarity in Lake Tahoe has been declining for several decades. Much of this clarity loss has been caused by increased input and accumulation of fine particulates (<16 µm in diameter) in the lake. Therefore, accurate methods for analysis of fine particle concentrations and particle size distributions in water samples from the lake, from streams, and from urban runoff are of major importance. A variety of methods are currently in use at Tahoe for conducting laboratory analyses of suspended fine sediment particles (FSP), but there is not an existing set of protocols to assure consistency of results and data reporting. Equally important, the particle size distribution (PSD) data that have been collected are not assembled into a comprehensive data set. Furthermore, the data from various methods are not necessarily equivalent, and usually derive from a different set of assumptions on composition, density, shape, aggregation, size range, etc. As a result, there is a critical need for comparative analyses and for recommendations on methods and data reporting formats. The main goal of this project was to assemble and analyze available data on particle size characterization reported for samples taken from Lake Tahoe, from Tahoe Basin streams, and from Tahoe area urban runoff. Additional objectives included 1) conducting a set of comparative tests on the methods currently in use for PSD analysis; 2) preliminary investigation on the use of surrogate measurements to complement or replace the explicit measurement of PSD; and 3) developing guidance for standardized analysis and reporting of new data by various groups. Available particle size data from lake, stream, and urban runoff samples that had been collected from 1999 to 2010 were assembled and analyzed. Both temporal and spatial patterns in lake sample FSP concentrations were presented and discussed, including evidence for a strong correlation between annual precipitation and lake particle concentrations. Lake concentrations tended to be highest in the upper water column above the Secchi depth and declined below the deep chlorophyll maximum. Spring and early summer particle concentrations increased, coinciding with snowmelt, and then decreased in late autumn and early winter, especially during periods of lake turnover. Annual average stream concentrations showed variable relative differences between sites and years, although relative ranks based on annual average flux were more consistent. Both concentrations and flux were lowest during dry years and highest during peak wet years. iii Assessment of Particle Size Analysis in the Lake Tahoe Basin February 2011 FSP concentrations in stormwater samples were generally several orders of magnitude greater than the fine particle concentrations in lake and steam samples. An urban stormwater characteristic PSD profile was developed, based on over seven hundred samples collected at fifteen sites during seven years of monitoring in the Tahoe Basin. It shows a unimodal peak for percent particle volume centered at about 20 µm. A strong relationship was observed between stormwater sample turbidity and FSP concentration (total 0.5-16 µm particles/mL), and an equation was developed for estimating FSP concentrations from sample turbidity measurements. The difference between FSP number concentration and FSP mass concentration was discussed, and recommendations were provided for developing a program to implement turbidity as a proxy or surrogate metric to represent corresponding FSP number concentrations in the Tahoe Basin. Changes in PSD associated with holding times for stormwater samples were evident within a single day, tending toward increasing particle size, a process that continued with increased holding times. Treatment with sonication and dispersant additions were tested as a technique to restore original PSD profiles. Dispersants showed no effect, but sonication was generally effective at restoring characteristics of the PSD. FSP results produced by three different laser particle size analysis instruments were compared by analysis of split stormwater samples. Each instrument is currently used in the Tahoe Basin and all were shown to produce different results, although there was a strong correlation between output from the Micromeritics Saturn DigiSizer and the Beckman Coulter LS-13320 (R2 = 0.98). Data from the Particle Measuring Systems LiQuilaz instrument did not correspond as closely to the DigiSizer or the LS-13320 (≤R2 = 0.78). This was likely due to extreme sensitivity of the LiQuilaz, which is optimized for analysis of samples at very low particle concentrations typical of clean rooms and Lake Tahoe water (<104 particles per milliliter), with additional error likely introduced by the excessive dilutions necessary for most stormwater samples (>107 particles / mL). A standard operating procedure for laser particle size analysis of Tahoe stormwater samples was developed, as well as specific operating parameters for both the LS-13320 and the DigiSizer instruments, and recommended reporting criteria. iv Assessment of Particle Size Analysis in the Lake Tahoe Basin February 2011 CONTENTS EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ...................................................................................................... iii LIST OF FIGURES LIST OF TABLES .................................................................................................................. viii 1. INTRODUCTION .......................................................................................................... 1 1.1 Background .................................................................................................................. 1 1.2 Objectives of the Study ................................................................................................ 2 2. METHODOLOGY ......................................................................................................... 2 2.1 Particle Size Measurements at Tahoe........................................................................... 2 2.1.1 Particle Count Size Distributions ..................................................................... 3 2.1.2 Volumetric Particle Size Distributions ............................................................. 5 2.1.3 Particle Size Distributions by Sieving and Filtration ....................................... 7 2.2 Sample Collection and Sample Preparation ................................................................. 8 2.2.1 Sample Collection Procedures .......................................................................... 8 2.2.2 Sample Processing .......................................................................................... 12 2.3 Holding Time and Sonication Experiments ............................................................... 12 2.3.1 Experiment 1 .................................................................................................. 13 2.3.2 Experiment 2 .................................................................................................. 14 2.3.3 Experiment 3 .................................................................................................. 15 2.3.4 Data Analysis.................................................................................................. 15 2.4 Comparative Analysis Experiments ........................................................................... 16 3. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION ................................................................................... 16 3.1 Lake Sample Analysis ................................................................................................ 16 3.1.2 LTP Samples .................................................................................................. 16 3.1.3 MLTP ............................................................................................................. 26 3.2 Stream Sample Analysis............................................................................................. 33 3.3 Stormwater Runoff Sample Analysis ......................................................................... 40 3.4 Results from Holding Time and Sonication Experiments .......................................... 46 3.5 Comparative Results from Particle Size Analysis Instruments .................................. 57 3.6 Recommendations for Tahoe Particle Size Analysis ................................................. 67 3.6.1 Lake Tahoe Samples and Stream Samples ..................................................... 67 3.6.2 Tahoe Stormwater Runoff Samples................................................................ 68 3.6.3 Analysis of Tahoe Soil Samples for Water Quality Projects ......................... 73 3.6.4 Internal Standards for Laboratory Quality Control ........................................ 74 4. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS .......................................................................................... 76 5. LITERATURE CITED ................................................................................................. 77 APPENDIX A. Particle Size Classification System for Sedimentology, expressed in phi units (Krumbein, 1936) as recommended by the American Geophysical Union (Lane 1947). ....................................................................................................... 80 APPENDIX B. Laser Particle Size Analysis for Determining Particle Size Distribution and Fine Particle Concentrations in Tahoe Stormwater Samples............. 81 APPENDIX C. Analytic results of laser particle size analysis (LiQuilaz) on Tahoe Basin stream samples (LTIMP). ................................................................................. 101 APPENDIX D. Analytic results of laser particle size analysis (LiQuilaz) on Lake Tahoe midlake water samples (MLTP site). ............................................................... 123 Appendix E. Tahoe stormwater particle size distribution data. .............................................. 131 v Assessment of Particle Size Analysis in the Lake Tahoe Basin February 2011 LIST OF FIGURES 2.1. 2.2. 2.3. 3.1. 3.2. 3.3. 3.4. 3.5. 3.6. 3.7. 3.8. 3.9. 3.10. 3.11. 3.12. 3.13. 3.14. 3.15. 3.16. 3.17. 3.18. 3.19. 3.20. 3.21. 3.22. 3.23. 3.24. 3.25. 3.26. Particle size distribution of typical Lake Tahoe water sample and relationship to equivalent suspended sediment (SS) calculated for that size fraction. ....................... 4 Location of Lake Tahoe in California-Nevada with identification of the LTP (index) and MLTP (mid-lake) stations, and the location of LTIMP streams. ................ 9 Distribution of selected stormwater monitoring (SWM) sites around the Lake Tahoe Basin. ................................................................................................................. 11 Particle concentration contours in Lake Tahoe from sample collection beginning in March of 1999 at the LTP site. ................................................................ 17 Particle concentrations at LTP site for Water Year 2000. ............................................ 18 Particle concentrations at LTP site during Water Year 2001. ...................................... 18 Particle concentrations at LTP site during Water Year 2002. ...................................... 19 Particle concentrations at LTP site during Water Year 2003. ...................................... 19 Particle concentrations at LTP site during Water Year 2006. ...................................... 20 Particle concentrations at LTP site during Water Year 2007. ...................................... 20 Particle concentrations at LTP site during Water Year 2008. ...................................... 21 Particle concentrations at LTP site during Water Year 2009. ...................................... 21 Ten year average profile of fine particle concentrations plotted against depth at the LTP site. .............................................................................................................. 23 Annual average profiles of fine particle concentrations plotted against depth at the LTP site. .............................................................................................................. 24 Regression chart of annual average lake particle concentration (<20 µm) in the LTP water column and cumulative annual precipitation. ....................................... 24 Seasonally averaged particle concentration profiles from the LTP site (WY1999–2010). .......................................................................................................... 25 Particle concentrations depth averaged from the surface to the Secchi depth from 1999 to 2009. ........................................................................................................ 26 Particle concentration contours in Lake Tahoe from sample collection beginning in January of 1999 at MLTP site.................................................................. 27 Particle concentrations at MLTP site for Water Year 2000. ......................................... 27 Particle concentrations at MLTP site for Water Year 2001. ......................................... 28 Particle concentrations at MLTP site for Water Year 2002. ......................................... 28 Particle concentrations at MLTP site for Water Year 2003. ......................................... 29 Particle concentrations at MLTP site during Water Year 2006. Samples were not collected during WY2004, WY2005, and early WY2006. ..................................... 29 Particle concentrations at MLTP site during Water Year 2007. Data not available from late WY2007 due to instrument malfunction........................................ 30 Particle concentrations at MLTP site during Water Year 2008. ................................... 30 Particle concentrations at MLTP site during Water Year 2009. ................................... 31 Ten year average profile of fine particle concentrations plotted against depth at the MLTP site............................................................................................................ 31 Annual average profiles of fine particle concentrations plotted against depth at the MLTP site............................................................................................................ 32 Seasonally averaged particle concentration profiles from the LTP site (WY1999–2010). .......................................................................................................... 33 vi Assessment of Particle Size Analysis in the Lake Tahoe Basin February 2011 3.27. 3.28. 3.29. 3.30. 3.31. 3.32. 3.33. 3.34. 3.35. 3.36. 3.37. 3.38. 3.39. 3.40. 3.41. 3.42. 3.43. 3.44 3.45 3.46 3.47. 3.48. 3.49. Annual average fine particle concentrations in LTIMP streams for all years of record. ......................................................................................................................... 34 Annual average fine particle concentration (#/mL) for LTIMP streams by site. ......................................................................................................................... 35 Annual average fine particle concentration (#/mL) for LTIMP streams by year. ......................................................................................................................... 36 Annual average fine particle (<20 µm) flux (#/second) for each LTIMP stream by site.. .............................................................................................................. 38 Annual average fine particle (<20 µm) flux (#/second) for each LTIMP stream by year. .............................................................................................................. 39 Particle size distributions of individual urban stormwater samples collected at Osgood Avenue site from March 2003 through March 2004. ...................................... 40 Median particle size profiles for individual stormwater monitoring sites. ................... 41 Median PSD profiles for selected urban stormwater monitoring sites compared to Mountain Drive. ....................................................................................... 42 Median PSD profiles for Round Hill sites and Mountain Drive. .................................. 43 Median PSD profiles for two intensively monitored, long-term sites at opposite ends of the Tahoe Basin. ................................................................................ 44 Similarity of median PSD profiles at two nearby stormwater monitoring sites in South Lake Tahoe. .................................................................................................... 45 Total particles between 0.5 to 16 µm in Tahoe stormwater samples versus turbidity (n=773). .......................................................................................................... 46 Comparison of control (no treatment) samples to their lognormal distributions (average of replicates). .................................................................................................. 48 Plot of G-test results from Table 3.2. ............................................................................ 50 Holding time effects on particle size distribution. ........................................................ 52 Effect of sonication and dispersant on particle size distribution parameters in three experiments (with three different stormwater samples)....................................... 55 Volume frequency distribution with and without 90 seconds of sonication for three varying levels of dispersant addition (0%, 0.01%, 1.0% w/v). ............................ 56 Examples of comparative LS-13320 and DigiSizer analyses on split stormwater samples.. ..................................................................................................... 58 Examples of particle concentrations in size bins from 0.5–16 µm derived from LS-13320, DigiSizer, and LiQuilaz analysis on split samples. ............................ 59 Examples of comparative fine sediment particle concentrations (0.5–16 µm) derived from LS-13320, DigiSizer, and LiQuilaz analyses on split samples. .............. 61 Histograms of percentage differences among split sample FSP concentrations from the (A) DigiSizer versus LS-13320, and from the (B) LiQuilaz versus LS-13320....................................................................................................................... 62 Scatterplots of (A) LS-13320 results versus DigiSizer and (B) LS-13320 versus LiQuilaz for total fine particle concentrations (0.5–16 µm) in sample splits, with fitted linear regression lines. ...................................................................... 63 Scatterplots of fractional turbidity (<20 µm) versus (A) LS-13320 analysis and (B) LiQuilaz analysis for total fine particle concentrations (0.5–16 µm) in sample splits, showing fitted linear regression lines (n=36). ........................................ 64 vii Assessment of Particle Size Analysis in the Lake Tahoe Basin February 2011 3.50. Scatterplot of fractional TSS (<20 µm) versus LiQuilaz analysis for total fine particle concentrations (0.5–16 µm) in sample splits, showing fitted linear regression line (n=36). .................................................................................................. 65 3.51. Scatterplot of fractional TSS (<20 µm) versus fractional turbidity (<20 µm) in stormwater sample splits, with fitted linear regression lines (n=36). ....................... 66 3.52. The 95% prediction interval for FSP concentration based on sample turbidity. .......... 69 3.53 Median PSD profile and interquartile range for the long-term set of Tahoe stormwater samples from multiple sites shown in Appendix E (n=773). ..................... 71 3.54. Mean cumulative distributions of the Yolo IRS from DRI (DigiSizer) and UC Davis (LS-13320) analyses. .......................................................................................... 76 LIST OF TABLES 2.1. 3.1. 3.2. 3.3. 3.4. Experimental design for sonication and dispersant tests on stormwater PSD. ............. 13 Land use and landscape characteristics of urban stormwater monitoring sites. ........... 43 G test results for all treatments and times. .................................................................... 49 ANOVA results for experimental treatments of holding time and dispersant on PSD. ......................................................................................................................... 54 PSD results and 95% confidence interval (CI) tolerances for the Yolo Silt loam on the Saturn DigiSizer. ....................................................................................... 75 viii Assessment of Particle Size Analysis in the Lake Tahoe Basin February 2011 1. INTRODUCTION Water clarity in Lake Tahoe has been decreasing at the rate of about 1 foot per year for several decades. The annual average lake transparency is now nearly one third less than when Secchi disk measurements were started in the late 1960s (Jassby et al. 1999). Initially, most of the clarity loss was thought to have been caused by increased loading of nutrients fueling algal growth in the water column. More recently, however, it has been recognized that a larger fraction of clarity loss was due to the accumulation of very small particulates (<16 µm in diameter) in the lake (Jassby et al. 1999; Swift et al. 2006). Model simulations for the Lake Tahoe Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) suggest that a 65% reduction in fine particle inputs will be required to reach the TMDL target for average annual Secchi depth of 30 m, whereas only 35% and 10% reductions will be required for phosphorus and nitrogen loadings, respectively (Lahontan and NDEP 2010; Sahoo et al. 2010). Clearly, the measurement of particle size distribution (PSD) and particle counts are exceptionally important in the evaluation of water quality samples collected from the lake, from stream discharge and urban runoff. These data are also important for making decisions about designs for best management practices (BMPs) and for treatment efficiency evaluations. Although a variety of methods exist for conducting these laboratory analyses, and several are currently in use at Lake Tahoe, there is not an existing set of protocols that assure consistency of data and cost-effective analyses. Equally important, the PSD data that have been collected are not assembled into a comprehensive data set. This project was developed to address these critical needs. 1.1 Background Traditional particle size analysis methods include many techniques used in soil science, such as sieving, the pipette method, the hydrometer method, and laser light scattering measurements. Although suitable for soils, these do not adapt well for water quality samples typical of Tahoe, where particle concentrations can be very low and their composition heterogeneous, with a combination of mineral and organic material. Furthermore, the data may be presented in different formats, such as particle counts, distribution of particle volumes, or as percentage mass distributions. Conventional methodologies for quantifying suspended sediment (SSC, TSS and turbidity) are also available, and they may be important linkages to particle counts and size distribution. 1 Assessment of Particle Size Analysis in the Lake Tahoe Basin February 2011 It is recognized that no single method will answer all questions relevant to particle size analysis and water quality conditions of source water and receiving waters in the Lake Tahoe Basin. Rather, it is a combination of approaches that is likely to provide the most costeffective assessment for different types of samples. However, the data from these methods are not necessarily equivalent, and usually derive from a different set of assumptions on composition, density, shape, aggregation, size range, etc. Thus, there has been a critical need for comparative analyses and for recommendations on appropriate methods and data reporting formats. 1.2 Objectives of the Study The main goal of this project was to assemble and analyze available data on particle size characterization reported for samples taken from Lake Tahoe, from Tahoe Basin streams, and from Tahoe area urban runoff. Additional objectives included 1) conducting a set of comparative tests on the methods currently in use for PSD analysis; 2) preliminary investigation on the use of surrogate measurements to complement or replace the explicit measurement of PSD; and 3) developing guidance for standardized analysis and reporting of new data by various groups. 2. METHODOLOGY The methods and data presented below are based on the use of instrumentation currently available at Tahoe and applied in development of the TMDL. These include the Particle Measuring Systems LiQuilaz optical particle counter, the Beckman Coulter LS13320 laser diffraction particle size analyzer, and the Micromeritics Saturn DigiSizer laser diffraction particle size analyzer. Each instrument has characteristics that make it suitable for the analysis of specific sample types, which are discussed below. Although many other types of instrumentation currently exist for particle size analysis, they were not available during the development of this project and have not been widely applied to date in sample analysis at the Tahoe Basin. Alternative options will continue to be evaluated as the opportunities develop in future studies related to this project. 2.1 Particle Size Measurements at Tahoe The analytic results for particle size distribution of environmental samples can be reported as particle counts for each size fraction, or in terms of the volume of particles per size fraction, or by mass within a specified size range. Of these options, the absolute size 2 Assessment of Particle Size Analysis in the Lake Tahoe Basin February 2011 distribution derived from particle counts is the preferred result, as used in developing the Lake Tahoe Clarity Model, since it is the number and composition of fine particles in suspension that determine clarity conditions in Lake Tahoe (Swift et. al. 2006). However, this may not always be practical or necessary. The Pollutant Load Reduction Model (PLRM), for example, applies the mass of particles <16 µm to estimate fine sediment particle (FSP) loading and load reductions associated with stormwater runoff and management practices in urban project areas (nhc et al., 2009). Although particle size results can be converted from one form to another, there are important assumptions and limitations in this conversion that affect the results and interpretation (see Section 3.5). 2.1.1 Particle Count Size Distributions Laser optical particle counters have been used for decades to monitor clean room air, ultrapure water and manufacturing processes, but their application to the analysis of environmental water quality samples is more recent. As such, the extension of this equipment and associated techniques to the analysis of natural waters remains in development, and the results from laser particle counters of different designs can be quite different, although internally consistent for each instrument when properly calibrated and maintained. The first use of this technology at Lake Tahoe was for analysis of lake and stream samples using a liquid sampler (LS-200) and a particle counting spectrometer (LiQuilaz-S05HF) manufactured by Particle Measuring Systems, Inc. (Boulder, Colorado). This instrument determines the size of a particle based on the magnitude and duration of light scattering (over 120° in the forward direction) as the particle passes through the measurement chamber at a known flow rate, and it provides a measure of absolute particle concentration (particles/mL) in fifteen size classes ranging from 0.5 to 20 μm in spherical-equivalent diameter. Boundaries between size classes are adjustable by the user, but since May 2002 the bin size range delineations used to count particles for Tahoe samples have been set at 0.5, 0.63, 0.794, 1.0, 1.414, 2.0, 2.828, 4.0, 4.757, 5.657, 6.727, 8.0, 11.314, 16.0 and 20.0 μm. Three assumptions are applied when analyzing Tahoe samples with the LiQuilaz system: (i) the particles are spherical, (ii) they have a refractive index of 1.59 (approximately that of latex polystyrene beads used for calibration), and (iii) the medium has an index of refraction of water (typically 1.33). These necessary assumptions are believed to generate 3 Assessment of Particle Size Analysis in the Lake Tahoe Basin February 2011 reasonably accurate estimates of particle concentrations and size distributions for Tahoe water samples (Coker, 2001). The output of the LiQuilaz analysis generally follows a Junge or power law distribution, which is thought to reasonably represent the distribution of particles in natural waters (Jonasz and Fournier, 2007). Typical output from a sample of Lake Tahoe water run through the LiQuilaz is shown in Figure 2.1. The particle size distribution (in blue) is plotted next to the estimated concentration of suspended sediment (in red) calculated from measured number of particles in each size class (assuming spherical shape and an average particle density similar to quartz, 2.65 g/cm3). This chart illustrates both a characteristic particle size distribution for a lake water sample and the importance of these measurements. Although very fine particles account for a miniscule fraction of the suspended sediments by weight, they dominate the particle size distribution. Figure 2.1. Particle size distribution of typical Lake Tahoe water sample and relationship to equivalent suspended sediment (SS) calculated for that size fraction. Fine sediment particles (FSP) are extremely important in terms of their impact on lake water clarity (Swift et. al. 2006), and accurate particle counts become increasingly important with smaller size fractions to a lower limit of about 0.5 µm. It is evident from Figure 2.1 that slight differences in the mass of sediment particles between 16–20 µm would 4 Assessment of Particle Size Analysis in the Lake Tahoe Basin February 2011 have minimal effect on the total particle concentration, whereas slight differences in the mass of sediment particles between 1-5 µm would have a large effect on total particle concentration. Data from LiQuilaz particle counting were used for calibrating the lake clarity model in its response to FSP concentrations. This method of analysis was appropriate for the extremely clean water of mid-Lake Tahoe, similar to clean water used in high-tech manufacturing facilities, for which the instrument was designed. However, the extreme sensitivity of the LiQuilaz to low particle numbers also limits its upper concentration range to less than 10,000 particles/mL. 2.1.2 Volumetric Particle Size Distributions While LiQuilaz particle counting was appropriate for the low concentrations typical in lake and stream samples, it was not directly applicable to analysis of typical urban stormwater runoff samples with suspended sediment concentrations in excess of 20,000,000 particles/mL (2E7 particles/mL). Therefore, alternative instrumentation was used for analysis of Tahoe urban runoff samples, building on recent advances in methods developed for soils analysis. In soil science there has been increasing use of laser diffraction instruments for describing the particle size distribution of soil samples, in place of more traditional sedimentation methods based on Stokes law. The laser method for soils analysis has several advantages over mechanical sieving and hydrometer or pipette methods. It is fast (Arriaga et al., 2006; Zobeck, 2004), produces a continuous PSD (Sperazza et al., 2004), is highly reproducible (Beuselinck et al., 1998; Goossens, 2008), and requires minimal material for analysis. These same advantages are relevant to PSD analysis of stormwater samples, where sample volumes are limited and more detail is required in describing the distribution of particle size fractions less than 16 µm, as well as the distribution of particle size fractions in both silt and sand classes. Disadvantages include the initial equipment costs, and assumptions required for conversion from particle volume to mass and particle counts (Clifton et al., 1999). Laser diffraction analysis of Tahoe urban runoff samples was first implemented during the technical TMDL stormwater monitoring study (Heyvaert et al. 2007) using a LS-13320 multiwavelength particle size analyzer from Beckman Coulter, Inc. (Brea, CA). 5 Assessment of Particle Size Analysis in the Lake Tahoe Basin February 2011 This instrument determines particle size based on low-angle, forward light scattering by particles passing through the measurement chamber in a recirculating sample stream. The angle of diffraction is inversely proportional to particle size, and intensity of the diffracted beam is a measure of the number of particles with specific cross-sectional area in the beam path. A user selected optical model calculates the PSD as percentage of total particle volume represented in user defined size bins ranging from 0.04 to 2000 µm. The phi series of size classes was selected as appropriate for reporting purposes, as it is based on a logarithmic scale that provides increasingly smaller size bins with decreasing particle size (Appendix A). Output signals from a charge-coupled device (CCD) in the laser diffraction instrument are interpreted by one of two optical models, either the Fraunhofer model or the Mie theory model. The Fraunhofer approximation is the easiest model to set up because it does not require the user to provide any additional information about optical properties of the solution or particles. In contrast, the Mie theory model results from an analytical solution to Maxwell’s equations for the scattering of electromagnetic radiation (light waves) by spherical particles and provides an exact solution to the scattering of light by homogenous spheres, but it requires the specification of an unknown refractive index (RI) with both real (nr) and imaginary (ni) components representing the refractive and absorption characteristics of the particle suspension. While the Fraunhofer model provides a reasonable approximation without additional assumptions about optical properties of the solution and suspended particles, it can become increasingly inaccurate as particle sizes decrease below about 10 µm. Therefore, the Mie theory optical model is generally preferred for samples with a relevant portion of their PSD below 10 µm, as is the case with Tahoe samples. While Tahoe TMDL data were initially reported from a Fraunhofer deconvolution, these data have been recalculated using the Mie theory model and a set of consistent sediment particle optical parameters (nr = 1.550 and ni = 0.100), with the resulting data presented in Appendix E. Beyond the parameters defined above for the refractive indices, it is assumed when sizing particle distribution with laser diffraction analysis that (i) particles are isotropic spheres, and (ii) they are homogenously dispersed in solution. One additional assumption of homogenous particle density across the distribution is applied when the results are converted from percent particle volumes to number of particles per unit of suspension volume. Another laser diffraction instrument that has been used for analysis of Tahoe samples is the Micromeritics Saturn DigiSizer at DRI. This is similar to the Beckman Coulter LS6 Assessment of Particle Size Analysis in the Lake Tahoe Basin February 2011 13320 instrument used at UCD-TERC, and it provides analogous sample analysis and reporting features. The relative correspondence of results from these two instruments was evaluated by comparative analysis of split samples, as discussed in Section 3.5. In the past, Tahoe data from the DigiSizer were reported in size categories typical of textural analysis for soils classification (0.5, 2, 15, 62.5, 120, 250, 500, 1000 µm), but the data developed from analysis of split stormwater samples for this study were analyzed in the phi series size classes shown in Appendix A. 2.1.3 Particle Size Distributions by Sieving and Filtration The most widely used and traditional methods for describing particle size distributions involve sieving and sedimentation. Wet sieving of particle suspensions is a standard technique in soil science and geomorphology to describe the mass distribution of sand size classes and coarse silts, while water filtration is standard practice for a variety of manufacturing processes, water quality treatment, and analytic procedures. Filters are commonly available across a wide range of nominal or absolute pore sizes in different types of materials. Total suspended solids (TSS) are measured by a filtration method in water quality analysis to describe the mass concentration of suspended material in a water sample, including particulate solids in stormwater runoff. Methods for TSS analysis are described by both USEPA (160.2) and Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater (SM 2540-D). It is one of the easier analyses to perform for water quality assessment, although filter specification and any pre-screening procedures should always be described when presenting the data. All TSS results reported in this document were measured after prescreening at 1000 µm and employed ProWeigh® glass-fiber filters with a nominal pore size of 1.5 µm. In some cases, the residual particulates (0.45–1.5 µm) were measured by passing this filtrate through tared 0.45µm Magna® nylon membrane filters, but this generally amounted to less than one percent of the TSS. In some cases, especially when the concentrations of coarse particulates are high, a measurement of suspended sediment concentration (SSC) can provide a more consistent and reliable estimate of particulate concentrations than TSS. This is because slight differences in subsampling and TSS techniques (aliquot bias) create errors in TSS compared to the whole sample analysis approach required for SSC (Gray et al. 2000). In these cases the TSS 7 Assessment of Particle Size Analysis in the Lake Tahoe Basin February 2011 analytical method may produce data that are negatively biased by 25 to 34 percent when compared to SSC analysis on samples collected at the same time. A technical memorandum issued by the Federal Interagency Sedimentation Project recommends the ASTM Standard D-3977 method for SSC analysis (FISP, 2006). It is worth noting, however, that this negative bias decreases rapidly as the concentration of larger particles decreases (Gray et al. 2000), primarily because the bias is an artifact of subsampling (aliquot) techniques that do not representatively capture the coarser grain (>125 µm) particulates for analysis. By definition the SSC analysis is conducted on an entire (non-split) sample. For stormwater analysis this is not practical, since sample splits are generally needed to conduct several different analyses or when creating event composites for analytic efficiency. In any case, the pollutant of concern at Tahoe is fine sediment particles less than 16 µm, so this issue of aliquot bias is not relevant unless the PSD range of interest for a particular sample extends into the medium or coarse sand size classes. Sieving and screening separates particles into various size fractions based on their ability to pass through a series of mesh sieves with square apertures of various standard sizes (ASTM Method D-1498). This method also assumes particle sphericity, so a slight bias may occur when screening particles of heterogeneous shape that can assume long axis orientation to pass the sieve aperture. The finest mesh sieve readily available is U.S. Standard #635, with an aperture size of 20 µm. Both the 63 µm (#230) and 20 µm (#635) sieves were used in this study to prescreen samples for subsequent laser particle size analysis, turbidity measurements, and gravimetric mass determinations (fractional TSS). 2.2 Sample Collection and Sample Preparation The interpretations of particle size analytic results are entirely dependent and constrained by the sample collection procedures and subsequent processing methods. For example, lake samples can be taken at different locations and depths, stream samples can be collected by different methods, and multiple stormwater samples are typically composited to create event mean composites prior to analysis. All of these factors affect which characteristics of the system are ultimately reflected in the sample. 2.2.1 Sample Collection Procedures Sampling for particle concentrations in Lake Tahoe and in selected Tahoe Basin streams has been conducted at the same sites for the past ~10 years (see Figure 2.2 for 8 Assessment of Particle Size Analysis in the Lake Tahoe Basin February 2011 sampling locations). The two major lake sampling locations are called the Lake Tahoe Index Station (LTP) and the Mid-Lake Tahoe Profile Station (MLTP). The LTP site is located midway along the west shore of Lake Tahoe on a shelf; approximately 105 m deep (see Figure 2.2). This site was chosen to represent processes in the lake including near-shore effects. In particular, the site is located near the outflow of Ward Creek and should therefore reflect the seasonal impacts of streamflow, spring snowmelt, etc. The MLTP site is located in the middle of the lake above the lake’s deepest point (~504 m) and was chosen to reflect in-lake processes (Figure 2.2). Figure 2.2. Location of Lake Tahoe in California-Nevada with identification of the LTP (index) and MLTP (mid-lake) stations, and the location of LTIMP streams. 9 Assessment of Particle Size Analysis in the Lake Tahoe Basin February 2011 Prior to June 1999, approximately monthly sampling was performed at the LTP site for particle size analysis. Starting in June 1999, samples from the Index Station were collected every 10 to 12 days, at depths of 0 m, 2 m, 5 m, 10 m, 15 m, 20 m, 30 m, 40 m, 50 m, 60 m, 75 m, 90 m and 105 m, respectively. Between 3/2/2000 and 5/1/2002 samples were collected at monthly intervals. After 5/1/2002 samples from the Index Station were collected every 10 to 12 days again. Starting in January 1999, samples from the MLTP site were collected at monthly intervals at depths of 0 m, 10 m, 50 m, 100 m, 150 m, 200 m, 250 m, 300 m, 350 m, 400 m and 450 m, respectively. Starting in June 2002, additional samples were collected at 20 m, 30 m and 40 m to increase spatial resolution. Stream-water was collected at the ten streams identified by the Lake Tahoe Interagency Monitoring Program (LTIMP) to be the most important in terms volume of streamflow and particle flux (Figure 2.2). These streams, in alphabetical order, are Blackwood, Edgewood, General, Glenbrook, Incline, Logan House, Third, Trout, and Ward Creeks, and the Upper Truckee River. Eagle Rock Creek, not shown on the map, is a small tributary to Edgewood Creek. While the remaining 52 Tahoe streams and creeks that discharge into Lake Tahoe are no doubt important for particle flows into the lake, their combined hydraulic discharge contribution is estimated to be less than that from the LTIMP streams. Stream water sample collection consisted of periodic monthly sampling and storm event sampling. The frequency of samples ranged from once a month during low flow conditions to several times a week during the spring snowmelt events. Lake water samples were collected at discrete depths using a Van Dorn bottle. Stream samples were collected as grab samples from six inches below the water surface. Water samples were then transferred to wide-mouth translucent Nalgene bottles. All sample bottles were previously washed with Alconox solution and rinsed five times with the facility purified water, and then three times with Nanopure water. Prior to the transfer from the Van Dorn bottle to the Nalgene sample bottles, each bottle was rinsed three times with sample water. Sample bottles were immediately placed in ice chests and transferred to the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at UC Davis. Samples were stored in a dark, cold storage room at 4°C before analysis. Analyses were performed typically within 10 days after sample collection (Sunman 2004; Rabidoux 2005). All TMDL stormwater samples were collected from mixed-use urban stormwater runoff sites (Figure 2.3) as discrete samples using Sigma and Isco autosamplers that 10 Assessment of Particle Size Analysis in the Lake Tahoe Basin February 2011 sequentially dispensed each individual aliquot into a one-liter polyethylene bottle within a base of twenty-four bottles. Samples were stored at 4°C in the dark until processing and analysis. Intake strainers were placed near the center and slightly elevated above the bottom of flow channels, usually within a flume or culvert pipe. Event flow measurements were collected with stage or area-velocity flow sensors and recorded by data loggers at 5–15 minute intervals. Large volume storm runoff samples for sample splitting and comparative analysis experiments were collected at culvert discharge sites directly into clean HDPE 5gallon buckets. Figure 2.3. Distribution of selected stormwater monitoring (SWM) sites around the Lake Tahoe Basin. See Table 2.1 and Appendix E for location names corresponding to site IDs shown. 11 Assessment of Particle Size Analysis in the Lake Tahoe Basin February 2011 2.2.2 Sample Processing Both lake and stream samples were processed and analyzed in the same way, usually within ten days of collection, an appropriate holding time supported by laboratory experiments conducted by Sunman (2004) and Rabidoux (2005). In general, mechanical stirring was not done as it can generate air bubbles that interfere with the measurement. Instead samples were gently mixed and then dispensed for analysis. The particles of interest are sufficiently small that settling was not an issue during analysis by the LiQuilaz (Particle Measuring Systems) instrument. Stormwater samples were generally processed with 48 hours of event collection following procedures outlined for the Tahoe TMDL stormwater monitoring program (Heyvaert et al. 2009). Event sample composites were created by flow-weighted calculation of aliquot amounts using the half-volume interval method, and event mean concentrations were determined from analytic result on these samples. Subsamples for nutrient and particle analyses were taken by churn splitting each stormwater composite. Several water quality characteristics were measured on each stormwater composite immediately after sample processing. These include turbidity (EPA 180.1 or SM 2130B), electrical conductivity (EPA 120.1 or SM 2510B), pH (EPA 150.1 or SM 4500-HB), total suspended solids (EPA 160.2 or SM 2540D), and organic content by loss-on-ignition (SM 2540E at 500°C). 2.3 Holding Time and Sonication Experiments Effects from holding time and sonication on both lake and stream water samples has been previously evaluated (Sunman, 2004; Rabidoux, 2005). Prior to March 2003, an additional aliquot of each sample was sonicated to break up potential flocs of particle aggregates before analysis. After comparing results from sonicated and non-sonicated lake and stream samples, it was evident that the particle concentration changes were negligible, so sonication was discontinued as unnecessary. Similarly, results from holding time experiments on lake and stream water samples indicated only minimal change in terms of particle concentration and size distribution within the first ten days of holding. Therefore, all lake and stream samples are analyzed within ten days of collection. The characteristics of urban stormwater runoff samples are substantially different from lake and stream water samples. Therefore, three additional experiments were conducted as part of this project to assess the effects of holding time on particle size distribution in 12 Assessment of Particle Size Analysis in the Lake Tahoe Basin February 2011 stormwater samples collected from the Lake Tahoe Basin, and to examine how sonication and chemical dispersant may affect the measurement of PSD (Table 2.1). Table 2.1. Experimental design for sonication and dispersant tests on stormwater PSD. Experime nt 1 T re atment Replicate s Time Control S onic ated Control 3 3 3 Control Sonicate d 0 days D ispersa nt 5 5 5 S onic ated Control 2 days S onic ated Control 7 days S onic ated 3 3 3 3 Both Control Sonicate d 1 days D ispersa nt 5 5 5 5 3 Both Control Sonicate d 2 days D ispersa nt Both Control 5 5 5 5 5 5 Sonicate d D ispersa nt Both Control 5 5 5 5 Sonicate d D ispersa nt 5 5 Both Control Sonicate d 16 da ys D ispersa nt 5 5 5 5 Both Control Sonicate d 32 da ys D ispersa nt Both 5 5 5 5 5 Time 0 days 1 day 4 days 8 days 2.3.1 E xperiment 2 Treatment Replicates Time Experiment 3 D ispersant Sonication 0.000% 0.001% 99-108 days 0.005% 0.010% 0.100% 1.000% Re plic ates Sonicate d Control Sonicate d Control Sonicate d Control Sonicate d 3 3 3 Control Sonicate d Control 3 3 3 3 3 Sonicate d Control 3 3 3 3 Experiment 1 One 5-gallon bucket of stormwater was collected on 10/13/09 at 12:00 PM from the intersection of Country Club Drive and Lakeshore Blvd in Incline Village, NV during runoff from a fall thunderstorm. In the lab at 12:30 PM the sample was prescreened at 1000 µm and eight 250 mL bottles were filled using a churn splitter. These eight subsamples were analyzed immediately, three using the Beckman Coulter LS-13320 laser diffraction particle size analyzer with sonication (at a power setting of six for sixty seconds), three without sonication, and two for TSS and turbidity. The remaining sample was then prescreened at 63 µm, and 32 additional bottles were filled. Of these, six were treated and analyzed immediately for particle size distribution, three with sonication and three without sonication. Two additional 13 Assessment of Particle Size Analysis in the Lake Tahoe Basin February 2011 samples were analyzed immediately for TSS and turbidity, and 24 were stored in a cooler in the cold room at 4°C. The treatment (holding) times were 0 days, 1 day, 2 days, and 7 days, occurring over the period from October 13, 2009 to October 20, 2009 (Table 2.1). Three additional samples were sent to the Environmental Dynamics Laboratory at the University of California, Davis for particle size analysis on the LiQuilaz, which were conducted on October 23, 2009 (day 10). 2.3.2 Experiment 2 Two 5-gallon buckets of stormwater were collected on April 12, 2010 at 10:15 AM from an urban outfall site in Tahoe City, California at the west entrance to the Safeway parking lot. This site receives runoff from both State Route 28 and the Lighthouse Center parking lot. Outflow at the time of sample collection was approximately 0.07 cubic feet per second (cfs) from event snowmelt. Both buckets were prescreened at 1000 µm in the laboratory at 11:45 AM, and six bottles were filled using a churn splitter with 62.5 ml from each bucket for a total of 125 ml per bottle. Two of the bottles were run for TSS and turbidity, and four were analyzed on the LS-13320, with one receiving each of the four treatments described below. The remaining sample from each bucket was then prescreened at 63 µm and 174 bottles were filled in the same manner. Of these, 22 were treated and analyzed immediately and 152 were stored in a cooler in the cold room at 4°C. At each treatment (holding) time two samples were run for TSS and turbidity. Then five were sonicated, five were treated with the chemical dispersant sodium hexametaphosphate (0.01% w/v final concentration), five were both sonicated and treated with dispersant, and five controls were run without sonication or dispersant. All 20 of these samples were then analyzed with the LS-13320. The treatment times were 0 days, 1 day, 2 days, 4 days, 8 days, 16 days and 32 days and occurred from April 12, 2010 to May 14, 2010 (Table 1). Twenty additional samples (of the day 8 holding time set) were sent to the Environmental Dynamics Laboratory at the University of California, Davis for LiQuilaz analysis on day 8 (conducted on 4/20/2010). 14 Assessment of Particle Size Analysis in the Lake Tahoe Basin February 2011 2.3.3 Experiment 3 One 5-gallon bucket of stormwater was collected on January 26, 2010 at 1:30 PM from the outfall site in Tahoe City near the Safeway parking lot, as in experiment 2 and with a similar outfall rate of about 0.07 cfs. This sample was stored in the laboratory cold room at 4°C in the dark until analysis using the Micromeritics Saturn DigiSizer laser diffraction particle size analyzer, which took place from May 5 to May 14. Before analysis, the sample was prescreened at 63 µm and then split into seventy-six 125 mL samples using a large capacity churn splitter. These sample volumes were chosen to provide obscurations in the target range of ~30–35% without auto-dilution by the DigiSizer before analysis. Dispersant solution was added to individual samples to yield six different concentrations consisting of 0%, 0.001%, 0.005%, 0.01%, 0.1%, and 1% (w/v) sodium hexametaphosphate. Three replicates were analyzed at each of these dispersant concentrations. For each of these three replicates an analysis was first performed with no sonication; then it was retained in the machine and sonicated for 90 seconds before being analyzed again. In addition to these two analyses, the last replicate analyzed at each dispersant concentration underwent three further analyses after auto-dilution to obscurations of 25%, 15%, and 1%, respectively. For all analyses the flow rate within the liquid sample handling unit was set to 12 L/min, the sample was circulated for 90 seconds before analysis began, the acceptable range in obscuration was set to 0.5–45%, and the auto rinse function was turned off, so that after initial analysis, each sample could be retained for the second analysis with 90 seconds of sonication. Between each analysis, the liquid sample-handling unit was drained and several rinse cycles were run manually. 2.3.4 Data Analysis The simple two parameter lognormal distribution is often used to describe particle size distribution in soils (Buchan 1989), and was applied here as an efficient representation of stormwater PSD for comparative analysis of results in each experiment. The lognormal distribution is fully characterized by its natural log mean and natural log standard deviation. A G-test was use to compare the observed PSDs to the expected log normal distributions with the same mean and standard deviation. The G-test is a log likelihood ratio test for goodness-of-fit, similar to the Pearson’s chi square test where observed values are compared 15 Assessment of Particle Size Analysis in the Lake Tahoe Basin February 2011 to the expected values of a distribution, but is more accurate than the chi square test when expected values are small. In these experiments the G-test was used to compare the observed particle size distribution to the expected lognormal distribution. A p-value in the G-test is the probability of getting a test statistic (the G value) that is at least that large if the two distributions are in fact the same. In essence the larger the p-value the more similar the distributions, and conversely the smaller the p-value the more these distributions differ. We then looked at how the different attributes of the PSD (mean, standard deviation, proportion less than 20 µm) changed through time and with different treatments (sonication and dispersant), using multi-way ANOVA to assess the effect of time (or concentration of dispersant in experiment 3), treatments, and interaction. 2.4 Comparative Analysis Experiments A series of single (non-composited) highway runoff samples were collected from multiple sites during 2009 and 2010, pre-screened at 63 µm, and then split into subsamples that were analyzed by the Beckman Coulter LS-13320, the Micromeritics DigiSizer, and the Particle Measuring Systems LiQuilaz instruments. In addition, turbidity and particle mass was determined for each sample. Aliquots of selected samples were also screened at 20 µm for equivalent comparative analyses on the <20 µm fraction filtrates. 3. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 3.1 Lake Sample Analysis All data shown for Lake Tahoe waters are derived from the LTP and MLTP sites, as described above. At both sites there is a parallel data set over time, which is presented below. The LTP site has been used as an indicator of processes within the water column, including the effects of near-shore processes, stream-inflow, etc. The MLTP site is in the center of the lake and reflects in-lake processes without direct influence from the near-shore. Particle concentration data were not collected in the lake prior to 1999, and were not collected during parts of 2004 and 2005. Instrument malfunction caused data losses from part of 2007 and 2008. 3.1.2 LTP Samples Figures 3.1 through 3.9 show data collected from the LTP site from 1999 through 2009. For the purposes of these figures, all particles in the size distribution from 0.5–20 m 16 Assessment of Particle Size Analysis in the Lake Tahoe Basin February 2011 are summed to give a total concentration of particles <20 m/mL. These total concentrations per mL are plotted over depth and time to show the spatial and temporal distributions of fine particles in the lake. Particle concentrations are shown by the color-bar at the right of each contour plot, and the lake Secchi depth clarity is shown with white discs. Secchi depths are included because Secchi depth clarity is one of the major indicators of environmental change in the Tahoe Basin, and ultimately changes in these Secchi measurements will indicate the relative success of efforts to reduce fine particle loading and particle accumulation within the lake. Figure 3.1. Particle concentration contours in Lake Tahoe from sample collection beginning in March of 1999 at the LTP site. 17 Assessment of Particle Size Analysis in the Lake Tahoe Basin February 2011 Figure 3.2. Particle concentrations at LTP site for Water Year 2000. Note the decrease in particle counts and corresponding increase in Secchi depth during lake turnover from January to March. Figure 3.3. Particle concentrations at LTP site during Water Year 2001. 18 Assessment of Particle Size Analysis in the Lake Tahoe Basin February 2011 Figure 3.4. Particle concentrations at LTP site during Water Year 2002. Figure 3.5. Particle concentrations at LTP site during Water Year 2003. 19 Assessment of Particle Size Analysis in the Lake Tahoe Basin February 2011 Figure 3.6. Particle concentrations at LTP site during Water Year 2006. Samples were not collected during WY2004, WY2005, and early WY2006. Figure 3.7. Particle concentrations at LTP site during Water Year 2007. Data not available from late WY2007 due to instrument malfunction. 20 Assessment of Particle Size Analysis in the Lake Tahoe Basin February 2011 Figure 3.8. Particle concentrations at LTP site during Water Year 2008. Data not available from early WY2008 due to instrument malfunction. Figure 3.9. Particle concentrations at LTP site during Water Year 2009. 21 Assessment of Particle Size Analysis in the Lake Tahoe Basin February 2011 Several features of fine particle distribution in the water column are immediately evident from Figures 3.1 through 3.9. First, the concentrations of fine particles in suspension show both spatial (depth) and temporal heterogeneity. Particle concentrations can vary dramatically with depth on a given sampling date. Higher concentrations tend to appear near the surface (suggesting atmospheric deposition), as well as between 10 to 30 meters (suggesting stream-flow intrusions from Ward and Blackwood creeks near the LTP site), and between 40 to 60 meters (depth of the deep chlorophyll maximum). There is also a marked seasonality in the particle data, with higher concentrations appearing in summer and especially in spring around the time of the snowmelt in the Tahoe Basin. Low concentrations are seen in the fall and in winter when stream-flow is at a minimum. The lake tends to mix (sometimes to the bottom and sometimes less) in the period from January to early March. This corresponds to some of the lowest particle concentrations and some of the deepest Secchi depth measurements. It is intuitive that precipitation is extremely important for in-lake particle concentrations, since rainfall tends to wash particles from the watershed (urban zones, streams and intervening zones) into the lake. This is evident in the data from 2006 (Figure 3.6), during which time the Tahoe Basin experienced unusually high rainfall and enormous particle concentrations at all depths in the lake. The relationship between precipitation regime and particle concentrations in-lake is extremely important (see Figure 3.12). Dry years tend to accumulate fewer particles than wet years and, on average, Secchi depths tend to improve. Since managers have no control over annual precipitation regimes, they must focus their strategies on methods that will prevent the generation and mobilization of particles within the watershed to ultimately address clarity decline at Tahoe. Although the shape of the fine particle profile varies dramatically by sampling date and season, there are some features in the distribution of particles that are more or less constant. Figure 3.10 illustrates the one-dimensional structure of particle concentrations in the water column, presented as a ten-year average profile of particle concentration at the LTP site. Concentrations tend to be highest in the upper water column above the Secchi depth (blue line) and generally decline with depth, particularly below the deep chlorophyll maximum which usually occurs not deeper than 60 meters. Figure 3.11 shows annual average particle profiles for each year on record, from 1999 to 2009 (there is no data for 2004 and 2005). It is clear from this figure that in-lake 22 Assessment of Particle Size Analysis in the Lake Tahoe Basin February 2011 concentrations vary dramatically year to year. As it turns out, there is a very good correlation between cumulative annual precipitation and in-lake particle concentrations in a given year (Figure 3.12). This is best seen in 2006, which was an extraordinarily wet year and consequently had extremely high lake particle concentrations. Conversely, 2001 was extremely dry and measured particle concentrations were extremely low. The role of precipitation regime in driving in-lake particle concentration speaks to the connectivity of lake to watershed and the need to control particle flux from streams and especially urban zones, particularly during wet years. Figure 3.10. Ten year average profile of fine particle concentrations plotted against depth at the LTP site. Ten year averaged Secchi depth is shown as a straight line just below the 20 meter depth. 23 Assessment of Particle Size Analysis in the Lake Tahoe Basin February 2011 Figure 3.11. Annual average profiles of fine particle concentrations plotted against depth at the LTP site. Samples were not collected during WY2004 and WY2005. Figure 3.12. Regression chart of annual average lake particle concentration (<20 µm) in the LTP water column and cumulative annual precipitation. Figure 3.13 shows seasonally averaged particle profiles from the LTP site over the ten years of record. This figure illustrates several important features of in-lake particle 24 Assessment of Particle Size Analysis in the Lake Tahoe Basin February 2011 concentrations. In all seasons, particle concentrations are at a maximum in the upper 20 m of the water column and above the Secchi depth, likely representing urban inputs and atmospheric deposition. This particle peak is most pronounced in summer and especially spring, coinciding with seasonal snowmelt flows and increasing urban activities in the watershed during summer. Particle concentrations are generally lower in the fall and the winter, with the most prominent particle peaks at the surface of the lake. Figure 3.13. Seasonally averaged particle concentration profiles from the LTP site (WY1999– 2010). Since clarity is the primary management focus at Tahoe, it is useful to look at the depth averaged particle concentrations above the Secchi depth. In order to examine this, the following figure shows particle concentrations averaged between the surface and the Secchi depth. Each sample set was analyzed for particle concentration (0–20 m) and then depth averaged in order to report a single concentration reflecting the concentration of particles between the surface and the Secchi depth. Figure 3.14 shows the annual depth averaged particle concentrations at the LTP site for the ten years of record. 25 Assessment of Particle Size Analysis in the Lake Tahoe Basin February 2011 Figure 3.14. Particle concentrations depth averaged from the surface to the Secchi depth from 1999 to 2009. 3.1.3 MLTP Figures 3.15 through 3.23 show data collected from the MLTP site from 1999 through 2009. This site represents mid-lake conditions, with less influence from near shore processes than at the LTP site, and the figures show particle concentrations by depth and time over an approximately ten year period of record. The MLTP site is quite deep (450 m of sampling depth), so it essentially represents fine particle concentrations throughout the entire water column. Like the LTP site, it is clear that particle concentrations tend to be quite high at shallower depths and the concentrations generally decline with depth. This likely reflects a slow settling of very small particles as well as important particle dynamics such as aggregation, flocculation, and consumption by zooplankton. 26 Assessment of Particle Size Analysis in the Lake Tahoe Basin February 2011 Figure 3.15. Particle concentration contours in Lake Tahoe from sample collection beginning in January of 1999 at MLTP site. Figure 3.16. Particle concentrations at MLTP site for Water Year 2000. 27 Assessment of Particle Size Analysis in the Lake Tahoe Basin February 2011 Figure 3.17. Particle concentrations at MLTP site for Water Year 2001. Figure 3.18. Particle concentrations at MLTP site for Water Year 2002. 28 Assessment of Particle Size Analysis in the Lake Tahoe Basin February 2011 Figure 3.19. Particle concentrations at MLTP site for Water Year 2003. Figure 3.20. Particle concentrations at MLTP site during Water Year 2006. Samples were not collected during WY2004, WY2005, and early WY2006. 29 Assessment of Particle Size Analysis in the Lake Tahoe Basin February 2011 Figure 3.21. Particle concentrations at MLTP site during Water Year 2007. Data not available from late WY2007 due to instrument malfunction. Figure 3.22. Particle concentrations at MLTP site during Water Year 2008. Data not available from early WY2008 due to instrument malfunction. 30 Assessment of Particle Size Analysis in the Lake Tahoe Basin February 2011 Figure 3.23. Particle concentrations at MLTP site during Water Year 2009. The total ten year average profile of fine particle concentrations from the MLTP site is shown in Figure 3.24. It is clear that particle concentrations peak within the top 20 meters or so of the water column and decline with depth. Figure 3.24. Ten year average profile of fine particle concentrations plotted against depth at the MLTP site. 31 Assessment of Particle Size Analysis in the Lake Tahoe Basin February 2011 Figures 3.25 and 3.26 show annual and seasonal average particle concentrations from the MLTP site. Interestingly, particle concentrations vary dramatically year to year. At the LTP site this type of variation is likely tied to flow from streams and urban stormwater runoff into the lake, but the MLTP site should be largely unaffected by near shore particle inputs. Despite this, concentrations are essentially in line with cumulative annual precipitation as shown for the LTP site (Figure 3.12). Figure 3.25. Annual average profiles of fine particle concentrations plotted against depth at the MLTP site. Samples were not collected during WY2005. 32 Assessment of Particle Size Analysis in the Lake Tahoe Basin February 2011 Figure 3.26. 3.2 Seasonally averaged particle concentration profiles from the LTP site (WY1999– 2010). Stream Sample Analysis Analysis from LTIMP (Lake Tahoe Interagency Monitoring Program) streams gives an indication of the relative importance of different streams contributing particles to Lake Tahoe. The following figures are organized into two display sets from data produced by PSD analysis with the LiQuilaz instrument. All particles less than 20 microns in diameter for each sample have been summed to yield the total (<20 µm) particle concentrations. In the first set, annual average <20 µm particle concentrations (#/mL) are reported for each stream and for each year of record from 2002 until 2010. The second set shows annual average <20 µm particle flux (#/second), which was determined from measured particle concentrations and instantaneous stream-flows at corresponding USGS gaging stations. Thus, the first set of plots shows the relative concentration of particles coming from each LTIMP stream while the second set of plots shows the relative particle flux from each of these streams. Figure 3.27 gives a condensed overview of the annual average particle concentration in each LTIMP stream monitored during the years of record (data is missing for 2005 and Trout Creek is not shown). More detail is provided in subsequent charts, but the most interesting feature in this figure is that relative differences in stream particle concentrations 33 Assessment of Particle Size Analysis in the Lake Tahoe Basin February 2011 are not consistent over time. Each stream varies in its relative ranking over the years, although Blackwood Creek is generally high and Logan House Creek is always low. The other important feature of this plot is that average stream particle concentrations are shown to vary by over two orders of magnitude. Figure 3.27. Annual average fine particle concentrations in LTIMP streams for all years of record. Figures 3.28 and 3.29 show the same data as above, but broken out into individual sites and years. As discussed previously, Water Year 2006 received much more precipitation than usual and this is evident in the elevated concentrations of fine particle for most streams compared to other years. Each year certain streams tend to produce higher concentrations of particles compared to other streams, but this is not consistent through time. The variation between sites each year is probably driven by differences spatial precipitation patterns as well as localized processes linked to particle accumulation and flushing, fire, land development and so forth. 34 35 Figure 3.28. Annual average fine particle concentration (#/mL) for LTIMP streams by site. (2005 data not available.) Assessment of Particle Size Analysis in the Lake Tahoe Basin February 2011 Figure 3.29. Annual average fine particle concentration (#/mL) for LTIMP streams by year. (2005 data not available.) BC=Blackwood Creek, ERC=Eagle Rock Creek, EC=Edgewood Creek, GC=General Creek, GBC=Glenbrook Creek, IC=Incline Creek, LHC=Logan House Creek, TC=Trout Creek, TRC=Third Creek, UT=Upper Truckee River, and WC=Ward Creek. 36 Assessment of Particle Size Analysis in the Lake Tahoe Basin February 2011 Figure 3.30 shows the annual average particle flux at each LTIMP stream. As in the case of particle concentration, there are two major distinguishing characteristics. First, there is much annual variation, with factors such as precipitation, land use and restoration projects likely influencing the particle flux on an annual basis. Second, and more importantly, specific streams always dominate particle flux (and by inference loading), which is different from the case with particle concentrations shown in Fig. 3.28. The Upper Truckee River releases about an order of magnitude more fine particles than Trout Creek, with the next highest fine particle flux. Similarly, both Trout Creek and Blackwood Creek deliver an order of magnitude more fine particles than those streams with the next highest flux. Clearly, when considering the impacts of suspended particles on Lake Tahoe, one must recognize that certain streams are dominant contributors of clarity-reducing fine particles each year. Figure 3.31 shows annual average particle flux for LTIMP streams organized by year. Streamflow data for the Upper Truckee River and Trout Creek were not yet available for 2010, so no data appears for those streams in that year. As in the case of concentration, particle flux varies over about two orders of magnitude between different streams in a given year. Clearly, the relative contribution from different streams needs to be carefully considered when developing strategies to reduce particle loading into Lake Tahoe. 37 38 Figure 3.30. Annual average fine particle (<20 µm) flux (#/second) for each LTIMP stream by site. (2005 data not available.) Assessment of Particle Size Analysis in the Lake Tahoe Basin February 2011 Figure 3.31. Annual average fine particle (<20 µm) flux (#/second) for each LTIMP stream by year. (2005 data not available.) BC=Blackwood Creek, ERC=Eagle Rock Creek, EC=Edgewood Creek, GC=General Creek, GBC=Glenbrook Creek, IC=Incline Creek, LHC=Logan House Creek, TC=Trout Creek, TRC=Third Creek, UT=Upper Truckee River, and WC=Ward Creek. 39 Assessment of Particle Size Analysis in the Lake Tahoe Basin February 2011 3.3 Stormwater Runoff Sample Analysis Particle size samples from urban runoff have been collected from a variety of stormwater monitoring sites around the Tahoe Basin since 2003, as part of the Tahoe TMDL Stormwater Monitoring Program and affiliated projects (Figure 2.3). These have been analyzed using the Beckman Coulter LS-13320, and available data from all urban stormwater monitoring through Water Year 2009 have been assembled into a consistent format for evaluation of site characteristics and patterns (Appendix E). An example set of PSD profiles representing different samples collected at the same site over the course of a year is shown Figure 3.32, representing diverse event types at the Osgood Avenue site in South Lake Tahoe from March 2003 through March 2004. Clearly, there is considerable variation in these particle size distributions, and visualizing a larger set of samples from multiple sites in this way would be difficult. However, most of these profiles have a relatively characteristic shape overall that can be succinctly described by taking the average or median values in each size class, yielding a characteristic (median or mean) PSD from all the event samples collected at a site. Figure 3.32. Particle size distributions of individual urban stormwater samples collected at Osgood Avenue site from March 2003 through March 2004. 40 Assessment of Particle Size Analysis in the Lake Tahoe Basin February 2011 A comparison of characteristic (median) PSD profiles between stormwater sites is shown in Figure 3.33, representing 773 separate samples collected at fifteen sites during Water Years 2003 through 2009. As with individual sample profiles, there is a fair amount of variation between sites, and it is difficult to discern the relevant differences. However, a closer look at the characteristic PSD profiles for Mountain Drive and the two Round Hill sites shows their distributions are shifted right, indicating a higher percentage of larger particles in the samples from these sites compared to the other sites. Figure 3.33. Median particle size profiles for individual stormwater monitoring sites. Over eight hundred samples were collected and analyzed at these sites from WY2003 thru WY2009. A clearer example of this difference in characteristic particle size distribution is evident in Figure 3.34, where Mountain Drive is compared to several other urban sites. Each characteristic PSD profile represents median values from site samples reported in the same series of size classes shown for Mountain Drive (at every half phi point from 0.24 to 1000 µm). Profile shapes from each of the urban sites shown in this figure are quite similar, differing primarily in peakedness (kurtosis) of the distribution and depth of their shoulders. However, the characteristic PSD for Mountain Drive is shifted toward 41 Assessment of Particle Size Analysis in the Lake Tahoe Basin February 2011 coarser particles compared to the other sites. This distinction is likely due to differences in land use and size of the source drainage, as well as underlying geology, topography and other factors. Figure 3.34. Median PSD profiles for selected urban stormwater monitoring sites compared to Mountain Drive. Size class midpoints are shown on the MD profile, and are the same for each site. The land use and landscape characteristics at each monitoring site are shown in Table 3.1. Mountain Drive is a relatively steep drainage (high erosion hazard) with low density residential land use over diorite and granodiorite or glacial outwash and till from those parent materials. Round Hill is similar in terms of underlying geology and land use, which may explain their similarity in terms of PSD profiles (Figure 3.35). The urban sites in Figure 3.34 are all in areas of South Lake Tahoe and North Tahoe that receive runoff from relatively high traffic use (vehicle miles). 42 Assessment of Particle Size Analysis in the Lake Tahoe Basin February 2011 Table 3.1. Land use and landscape characteristics of urban stormwater monitoring sites. SF=single family; MF=multi-family; CICI=commercial, industrial, communications and utilities; P=pervious; I=impervious. Erosion hazard primarily reflects steepness of topography within the drainage. Figure 3.35. Median PSD profiles for Round Hill sites and Mountain Drive. Geology, land use and landscape characteristics may explain the similarity of these profiles. Size class midpoints are shown on the MD profile, and are the same for each site. 43 Assessment of Particle Size Analysis in the Lake Tahoe Basin February 2011 Two final examples of site characteristic PSDs are shown below. In Figure 3.36 the Mountain Drive site is compared to Speedboat (SB) and South Y (SY), which are both long term, intensively monitored sites at opposite ends of the lake in drainages consisting of fairly intensive mixed land uses including commercial and highway runoff. As can be seen in the chart, SB and SY are relatively similar to each other but are quite dissimilar from the characteristic PSD of Mountain Drive, which consists primarily of lower intensity residential land use (similar to the Round Hill sites). Figure 3.36. Median PSD profiles for two intensively monitored, long-term sites at opposite ends of the Tahoe Basin. The MD profile is shown for comparison. Size class midpoints are the same for each site. The similarity in median PSD profiles between nearby urban sites can be striking in some cases. For example, the Bonanza (BB) and the Osgood (O3) sites in South Lake Tahoe are nearly equivalent in terms of their characteristic particle size distributions (Figure 3.37), although they are separated by more than four miles. 44 Assessment of Particle Size Analysis in the Lake Tahoe Basin February 2011 Figure 3.37. Similarity of median PSD profiles at two nearby stormwater monitoring sites in South Lake Tahoe. Each is in a different drainage, separated by about four and a half miles. A useful comparative metric for particle size distributions, and one which the Tahoe TMDL is expected to address, is the total number of fine sediment particles between 0.5 to 16 µm in size (FSP). These have been calculated from LS-13320 analytic results for all samples shown in Appendix E, assuming spherical particle shape and consistent density. Although there is no clear relationship between TSS and FSP, likely because of significant particle mass in the >16 µm fraction, there is a good relationship between turbidity and FSP (Figure 3.38). This is logical since fine particles in suspension usually contribute the most to light scattering and absorption, which is also the reason they are an important factor in the Tahoe TMDL for lake clarity. A polynomial equation was fitted to the data shown in Figure 3.38, because it was reasonable to assume that increasing density of particles in solution results in less change of turbidity per increment of increasing particle concentration. Note, however, that the linear equation serves almost as well (R2 = 0.8247 vs. R2 = 0.8334) and the added complexity of a polynomial may not be necessary for samples typical of Tahoe urban runoff. These results were disseminated early in the project as they suggested that stormwater turbidity could serve as a useful surrogate for FSP concentration. While the potential application of turbidity as a proxy 45 Assessment of Particle Size Analysis in the Lake Tahoe Basin February 2011 indicator for FSP remains under investigation, it is expected that continued refinement of this relationship will ultimately provide a useful alternative to PSD analysis on each and every stormwater sample at Tahoe (see Sections 3.5 and 3.6.2). Figure 3.38. 3.4 Total particles between 0.5 to 16 µm in Tahoe stormwater samples versus turbidity (n=773). Number of particles calculated from LS-13320 data (Appendix E) assuming spherical shape and constant density of 2.65 g/cm2. Results from Holding Time and Sonication Experiments The experimental design and methods for these tests were described previously in Section 2.3. Three separate stormwater samples were collected and processed for these experiments. In each case a large volume runoff sample was split by churn splitter into representative subsamples and held for varying lengths of time prior to PSD analysis and test treatment with sonication and dispersant. The sample for experiment 3 was an archived sample collected several months earlier, and did not receive initial PSD analysis. However, since this sample was used only to test the effect of different dispersant concentrations with and without sonication, rather than holding time effects, an initial PSD analysis was not a prerequisite. We used this archived sample because no significant runoff events had occurred within the time frame allocated to run this experiment. The October thunderstorm runoff sample collected in Incline Village for experiment 1 contained particles ranging from less than 0.244 microns to 250 microns, 46 Assessment of Particle Size Analysis in the Lake Tahoe Basin February 2011 with a mean of 17.3 microns (22.5 standard deviation) and a median of 9.3 microns. In contrast, the April snow event runoff sample collected in Tahoe City for experiment 2 had particles ranging from less than 0.244 microns to only 31.25 microns, with a mean of 5.5 microns (5.1 standard deviation) and a median of 3.7 microns. Despite these differences in runoff type, event season, and sampling location, the distribution of particle sizes in both of these samples had similar shape and showed similar effects with time lapse and sonication. Figure 3.39 shows the percentage of particles in each size bin (blue bars) compared to the corresponding lognormal distribution (black line). As clays in each sample began to flocculate over time the distribution became more skewed toward larger particles sizes. On day 0 in experiment 1, about 17% of the particles were between 22–63 µm (above the mean of 17.3 µm), but by day 7 that percentage had increased to 24%. Similarly, on day 0 in experiment 2, about 36% of the particles were between 5.5-22 µm, but by day 8 that percentage had increased to 46%. Although the distribution of particle sizes for samples analyzed in both experiments can be described as lognormal for all times and treatments (Table 3.2, Figure 3.40), it is clear that by day 8 in experiment 2 (Figure 3.39) the distribution had become somewhat skewed (G-test p-value = 0.466). In experiment 1 this shift is less dramatic because of an excursion in the original distribution between 22–63 µm (see control day 0), but a change toward larger particles is still apparent. In experiment 2 the particle size distribution of the control treatment began to skew within one day after collection. In sonicated samples, however, the particle size distribution remained more lognormal (green circles in Figure 3.40), with a p-value that stayed between 0.73–0.80 from day 8 through day 32, while the control (no sonication or dispersant) p-value ranged from 0.47–0.61 over the same time period. Treatment with dispersant alone gave results equivalent to the control (p-value of 0.44–0.62), while treatment with both dispersant and sonication (p-value of 0.75-0.81) was similar to the sonication treatment alone, suggesting there was no impact of chemical dispersant on the particle size distribution. 47 Assessment of Particle Size Analysis in the Lake Tahoe Basin February 2011 EXPERIMENT 1 Control Day 7 G test, p value = 0.982 12 % of particles in each bin 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 10 8 6 4 2 1000.00 500.00 250.00 bins 125.00 62.50 31.25 15.63 7.81 3.91 1.95 0.98 0.24 1000.00 500.00 250.00 bins 125.00 62.50 31.25 15.63 7.81 3.91 1.95 0.98 0.49 0.24 0 0.49 % of particles in each bin 14 Control Day 0 G test, p value = 0.924 14 EXPERIMENT 2 14 Control Day 0 G test, p value = 0.874 14 % of particles in each bin 10 8 6 4 2 0 Control Day 8 G test,p value = 0.466 12 10 8 6 4 2 1000.00 500.00 250.00 bins 125.00 62.50 31.25 15.63 7.81 3.91 1.95 0.98 0.24 1000.00 500.00 250.00 62.50 125.00 bins 31.25 15.63 7.81 3.91 1.95 0.98 0.49 0.24 0 0.49 % of particles in each bin 12 EXPERIMENT 3 Control Day 99-108 G test, p value = 0.194 16 % of particles in each bin 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 Figure 3.39. 1000.00 500.00 250.00 62.50 125.00 bins 31.25 15.63 7.81 3.91 1.95 0.98 0.49 0.24 0 Comparison of control (no treatment) samples to their lognormal distributions (average of replicates). Blue bars are percent volume of total particles that fall within each size category. The black line represents a lognormal curve with the same mean and standard deviation. See section 2.3.4 for an explanation of p-values in this context. 48 Assessment of Particle Size Analysis in the Lake Tahoe Basin February 2011 Table 3.2. Data from G-tests for comparing PSDs to their corresponding lognormal distributions. The larger the p-value the more similar each measured PSD is to the lognormal. Note the decreasing p-values for control (no treatment) samples with increasing time in experiment 2. In experiment 3 the control represents sample without dispersant or sonication (holding time is not a factor). EXPERIMENT 1 time treatment Control 0 days Sonicated Control 1 day Sonicated Control 2 days Sonicated Control 7 days Sonicated G 1.998 1.364 1.620 1.060 1.732 1.166 1.113 1.409 EXPERIMENT 2 p william's corrected correction G df value 1.022 1.955 6 0.924 1.022 1.334 6 0.970 1.022 1.585 6 0.954 1.022 1.037 6 0.984 1.022 1.694 6 0.946 1.022 1.141 6 0.980 1.022 1.089 6 0.982 1.022 1.378 6 0.967 time 0 days 1 day 2 days 4 days 8 days 16 days 32 days EXPERIMENT 3 Dispersant 0.000% 0.001% 0.005% 0.010% 0.100% 1.000% treatment Control Sonicated Control Sonicated Control Sonicated Control Sonicated Control Sonicated Control Sonicated william's corrected p G correction G df value 8.839 1.022 8.647 6 0.194 4.591 1.022 4.491 6 0.611 7.874 1.022 7.703 6 0.261 4.807 1.022 4.703 6 0.582 7.946 1.022 7.773 6 0.255 4.057 1.022 3.969 6 0.681 7.761 1.022 7.592 6 0.270 4.298 1.022 4.204 6 0.649 7.618 1.022 7.453 6 0.281 4.013 1.022 3.926 6 0.687 7.378 1.022 7.217 6 0.301 3.598 1.022 3.520 6 0.741 49 treatment Control Dispersant Sonicated Both Control Dispersant Sonicated Both Control Dispersant Sonicated Both Control Dispersant Sonicated Both Control Dispersant Sonicated Both Control Dispersant Sonicated Both Control Dispersant Sonicated Both p william's corrected G correction G df value 2.503 1.022 2.449 6 0.874 2.296 1.022 2.246 6 0.896 2.499 1.022 2.445 6 0.875 2.441 1.022 2.388 6 0.881 3.208 1.022 3.138 6 0.791 3.338 1.022 3.266 6 0.775 2.645 1.022 2.588 6 0.859 2.387 1.022 2.335 6 0.886 3.705 1.022 3.625 6 0.727 3.925 1.022 3.840 6 0.698 2.964 1.022 2.900 6 0.821 2.934 1.022 2.870 6 0.825 4.667 1.022 4.566 6 0.601 4.964 1.022 4.856 6 0.562 3.393 1.022 3.319 6 0.768 3.062 1.022 2.995 6 0.809 5.753 1.022 5.628 6 0.466 5.982 1.022 5.852 6 0.440 3.694 1.022 3.614 6 0.729 3.506 1.022 3.430 6 0.753 4.647 1.022 4.546 6 0.603 5.031 1.022 4.921 6 0.554 3.455 1.022 3.380 6 0.760 3.278 1.022 3.206 6 0.783 4.244 1.022 4.152 6 0.656 4.482 1.022 4.385 6 0.625 3.144 1.022 3.075 6 0.799 3.080 1.022 3.013 6 0.807 Assessment of Particle Size Analysis in the Lake Tahoe Basin February 2011 Experiment 1 Experiment 2 Experiment 3 Figure 3.40. Plot of G-test results from Table 3.2. The larger the p-value the more similar the distribution is to the corresponding lognormal. Experiment 1 does not show much change with time from original distribution, but experiment 2 shows sonication (with and without dispersant) maintains a lognormal distribution over time. Experiment 3 shows minimal effect with increasing dispersant concentration, and a highly skewed PSD for the control because of long initial holding time. 50 Assessment of Particle Size Analysis in the Lake Tahoe Basin February 2011 Figure 3.41 shows the effects of sonication, dispersant, and time on three stormwater samples. While mean particle size increased through time in both experiments 1 and 2, the sonication treatment reduced this change for all time periods except day 0. A post-hoc Tukey test was used in conjunction with ANOVA to identify treatment effects. The results of this analysis demonstrated a significant impact of time, treatment, and timeby-treatment interaction on mean particle size for both experiments 1 and 2 (Table 3.3). The charts for PSD characteristics in Figure 3.42 show that by day 2 in experiment 1, and by day 1 in experiment 2, the control (no treatment) means were significantly different from the original sample means (control, day 0). The means for sonicated samples, however, were never significantly different from the original (control) sample mean in experiment 1. And in experiment 2 the means for sonicated samples only became significantly different after day 8, but always remained much closer to the original (control, day 0) mean than did the control (no treatment) samples over time. Note, however, that on day 0 in both experiments the sonicated samples showed a significantly lower mean than the control (day 0). This suggests that application of sonication treatment immediately after stormwater sample collection causes undesirable changes in the PSD, but that sonication may help restore the characteristics of the original distribution after a holding time of one day or longer. There was no significant effect from dispersant in experiments 1 and 2. The mean particle size for samples with dispersant treatment tracked changes in control samples over time, while the samples treated with both sonication and dispersant were similar to the sonicated only treatments. The sample used for experiment 3 had been stored for three months as an archive sample, so particle size distribution at the beginning of this experiment represents some degree of flocculation before the experiment, as evident in a skewed distribution compared to the lognormal (Figure 3.39). The control sample (no dispersant or sonication) in experiment 3 had particles ranging from less than 0.244 microns to 177 microns with a mean of 10.1 microns (10.5 standard deviation) and a median of 7.1 microns. This distribution falls between the distribution of particles sizes from experiments 1 and 2, and although still lognormal it only had a p-value of 0.194 in the G-test. 51 52 Figure 3.41. Holding time effects on particle size distribution. Control samples received no treatment. Test samples received sonication or dispersant treatment on the days indicated. Note that the sample for experiment 3 was used to test effect of different dispersant concentrations with and without sonication, so was not analyzed for PSD at time of collection. Assessment of Particle Size Analysis in the Lake Tahoe Basin February 2011 The ANOVA results from experiment 3 show a significant effect from both sonication and dispersant concentration (Table 3.3) on mean particle diameter and the percentage less than 20 micron fraction, but no significant interaction between sonication and dispersant. The significant effect from dispersant results in an increased mean particle size and a decreased percentage of particles less than 20 microns, but only at the highest dispersant concentration (1%), most likely because of instability in dispersant or possibly bubble formation. In contrast, the effect of sonication is similar to results from experiments 1 and 2, with reduced mean particle size (experiment 1 = 7%; experiment 2 = 11%; experiment 3 = 22%), probably reflecting the amount of shift back to original PSD characteristics after increasingly longer holding times (Figure 3.43). These experiments clearly demonstrate that holding time can affect the results of particle size analysis in stormwater samples, as noted in previous studies (Kayhanian et al. 2005; Li et al. 2006). Over the 7-day holding time in experiment 1 the mean particle size of control samples increased by an average of 11%, with significant change by day 2. Similarly, over the course of the first 8 days in experiment 2 there was a 14% increase in mean particle size, with significant change by day 1, and an additional 9% increase by the end of the experiment on day 32. The percentage of particles less than 20 microns decreased by 9% on average over 7 days in experiment 1, but only decreased by 0.6% over the first 8 days in experiment 2 (with an additional 1.6% by day 32). This difference between experiments for particle fractions less than 20 microns was likely the result of their initial distributions, as over 99% of the particles on day 0 in experiment 2 were less than 20 microns (versus 74% in experiment 1). Thus, only small particles were initially present in experiment 2 and they created flocs that were still, for the most part, smaller than 20 microns – as evident from the 7% increase in percentage of particles less than 5 µm (the average particle size for this sample). 53 Table 3.3. ANOVA results for experimental treatments of holding time and dispersant on PSD parameters (Ln mean, Ln standard deviation and %volume <20 µm). Ln is the natural logarithm, DF is degrees of freedom, SS is the sum of the squares, Pr > F is probability of getting a result greater than the F-value shown. Treatment represents sonication in each experiment (1, 2 and 3). Highly significant effects are seen with time and sonication in most cases (F-value <0.0001), with significant effects in several others (F-value <0.05). EXPERIMENT 1 Source time treatment time*treatment DF 3 1 3 Ln mean Mean F SS Square Value Pr > F 0.18239 0.0608 16.61 <.0001 0.16287 0.16287 44.5 <.0001 0.0291 0.0097 2.65 0.0842 DF 6 3 18 Ln mean Mean SS Square 1.03995 0.17332 0.88516 0.29505 0.04907 0.00273 DF 5 1 5 Ln mean F Mean Value Pr > F SS Square 0.09904 0.01981 8.38 0.0001 1.39134 1.39134 588.3 <.0001 0.0155 0.0031 1.31 0.2929 Source time treatment time*treatment Ln standard deviation Mean F DF SS Square Value Pr > F 3 0.0026 0.00087 2.23 0.1244 1 0.00054 0.00054 1.38 0.2571 3 0.00041 0.00014 0.35 0.7879 Source time treatment time*treatment Ln standard deviation Mean F Value Pr > F DF SS Square 6 0.00288 0.00048 6.47 <.0001 3 0.01063 0.00354 47.82 <.0001 18 0.0019 0.00011 1.42 0.1342 Source time treatment time*treatment Less than 20 microns Mean DF SS Square 3 194.881 64.9605 1 269.468 269.468 3 50.7374 16.9125 F Value Pr > F 18.95 <.0001 78.61 <.0001 4.93 0.013 Source time treatment time*treatment Less than 20 microns Mean DF SS Square 6 53.885 8.98083 3 53.6112 17.8704 18 9.41785 0.52321 F Value 83.05 165.3 4.84 Less than 20 microns Mean DF SS Square 5 20.4282 4.08564 1 185.972 185.972 5 1.55788 0.31158 F Value Pr > F 15.13 <.0001 688.6 <.0001 1.15 0.360 EXPERIMENT 2 54 Source time treatment time*treatment F Value 373.8 636.3 5.88 Pr > F <.0001 <.0001 <.0001 Pr > F <.0001 <.0001 <.0001 EXPERIMENT 3 Source dispersant treatment disp.*treatment Source dispersant treatment disp.*treatment Ln standard deviation Mean F DF SS Square Value Pr > F 5 0.00524 0.00105 2.27 0.0798 1 0.03333 0.03333 72.19 <.0001 5 0.00017 3.4E-05 0.07 0.9958 Source dispersant treatment disp.*treatment 55 Figure 3.42. Effect of sonication and dispersant on particle size distribution parameters in three experiments (with three different stormwater samples). Beyond the dotted lines indicates region of significant difference from initial control samples. Assessment of Particle Size Analysis in the Lake Tahoe Basin February 2011 Figure 3.43. Volume frequency distribution with and without 90 seconds of sonication for three varying levels of dispersant addition (0%, 0.01%, 1.0% w/v). The increase in mean particle size and the decrease in percentage of particles less than 20 microns for control samples were not linear with respect to time. There was a rapid change over the first week and then a leveling out over the next three weeks. The Tukey test showed that after day 8 the mean particles size and the percentage less than 20 microns both remained the same, although there seemed to be a slight decreasing trend in the percentage less than 20 micron fraction, and experiment 3 suggests a continued skewing of distribution over time (3 months) as it was the most different from lognormal in these experiments. Notably, sonication significantly reduced the impact of flocculation over time. In both experiments 1 and 2 the percentage of particles less than 20 microns in sonicated treatment was not significantly different from the day 0 control for any day beyond day 0. And while sonication increased the percentage of particles less than 20 microns in both experiments on day 0, this increase was only significant in experiment 2. Sonication also reduced the change in mean particle size over time compared to control samples. In experiment 1 the mean particles size for sonicated treatment was never significantly 56 Assessment of Particle Size Analysis in the Lake Tahoe Basin February 2011 different from the day 0 control. In experiment 2 although mean particle size for sonicated treatment on days 8 through 32 were significantly higher than the day 0 control, they were much closer to original mean particle size (control, day 0) than the nonsonicated control samples from those same days. Furthermore, addition of dispersant (sodium hexametaphosphate) does not appear to significantly improve results (experiments 2 and 3). 3.5 Comparative Results from Particle Size Analysis Instruments The results from highway runoff sample splits analyzed by both the Beckman Coulter LS-13320 and the Micromeritics DigiSizer using equivalent methods and parameters on both instruments (as described in Appendix B) were relatively consistent overall, although slight shifts in percent volume distribution were sometimes evident (Figure 3.44). Frequently, data from the LS-13320 produced a minor non-monotonic excursion near the sand-silt boundary (63 µm) that generally was not evident in the DigiSizer data. This could be an artifact of analysis; for example, bubbles forming in solution at higher pump speeds during instrument sample circulation or with sonication. On rare occasion the sample PSD curves differed substantially between these two instruments, as demonstrated in the last panel of Figure 3.44. This type of difference was most common when the concentrations of suspended sediment were very low or when instrument obscuration values were below optimal levels, usually accompanied by evidence of increased variability in replicate runs during the laser particle size analysis. Total fine particle concentrations (0.5–16 µm) were determined from the LS13320 and DigiSizer data for each of the highway event runoff test samples by assuming spherical particle shape and a consistent particle density of 2.65 g/cm3 in the corresponding TSS fractions (screened at 63 µm). These results were then compared to analytic results from split samples run on the LiQuilaz, after prescreening at 20 µm. In total there were 34 test samples for which results were available from all three instruments. Comparative examples of analytic results from all three LPSA instruments are shown in Figure 3.45, with particle concentrations reported in size bins corresponding to half-phi breaks over the 0.5–16 µm range (see Appendix A). 57 Assessment of Particle Size Analysis in the Lake Tahoe Basin February 2011 Figure 3.44 Examples of comparative LS-13320 and DigiSizer analyses on split stormwater samples. Most distributions match closely, although on occasion they can differ substantially (e.g. sample PSD-335-2). 58 Assessment of Particle Size Analysis in the Lake Tahoe Basin February 2011 Figure 3.45 Examples of particle concentrations in size bins from 0.5–16 µm derived from LS13320, DigiSizer, and LiQuilaz analysis on split samples. 59 Assessment of Particle Size Analysis in the Lake Tahoe Basin February 2011 As expected the particle concentrations within successive size bins generally decreased with increasing particle size. While the LS-13320 and DigiSizer results are quite similar, they are distinctly different from LiQuilaz results. In every case the LiQuilaz produced higher particle concentrations in the larger size bins compared to the LS-13320 and DigiSizer, and generally lower concentrations in the smaller particle size bins. One reason for higher particle concentrations in the larger size bins from LiQuilaz analysis may be due to more particle overlap and subsequent beam shading within this instrument at the higher concentrations typical of stormwater, compared to lake or stream water. On average, stormwater fine particle concentrations range from 106 to greater than 108 (#/mL), compared to a range of 104 to 105 for stream samples and generally less than 104 in Lake Tahoe water samples. According to manufacturer specification the upper limit for particle concentration by LiQuilaz analysis is 104 (1E4) particles per mL, and in practice it has been found best to keep concentrations below 7x104 particles/mL. Stormwater samples were diluted prior to analysis, but increasing dilutions amplify the errors in LiQuilaz particle counts. Since the Lake Tahoe TMDL has identified fine sediment particles less than 16 µm in diameter as a pollutant of concern (Lahontan, 2010), results from the comparative PSD analysis on split stormwater samples are shown in Figure 3.46 in terms of their total fine particle concentrations (from 0.5–16 µm). Due to the consistently lower concentrations measured by LiQuilaz within smaller size classes, the total fine sediment particle (FSP) concentrations from LiQuilaz are almost always less than corresponding sample concentrations from the LS-13320 and the DigiSizer instruments. Exceptions occur when excessive sample dilutions are needed for LiQuilaz analysis, as evident for two of the samples shown in Figure 3.46 (PSD-141-2 and PSD-181-1 were both diluted at 40,000:1). Experience shows that analytic dilutions above about 10,000:1 can seriously impair the quality of results from LiQuilaz analysis. Indeed, two samples with even higher dilutions (≥80,000:1) are not shown in Figure 3.46 because their resulting (erroneous) concentrations (>109) far exceed the display scale. 60 Assessment of Particle Size Analysis in the Lake Tahoe Basin February 2011 Figure 3.46 Examples of comparative fine sediment particle concentrations (0.5–16 µm) derived from LS-13320, DigiSizer, and LiQuilaz analyses on split samples. Although total FSP concentrations derived from these three instruments differ, the results generally follow similar patterns in terms of their relative differences. The DigiSizer FSP concentrations are on average 31% greater than results from the LS-13320 (Fig 3.47-A), while LiQuilaz FSP concentrations are on average 42% less than the LS13320 results (Fig 3.47-B). The FSP concentrations determined from LS-13320 data show a much stronger correlation to DigiSizer data (R2 = 0.98) than they do to LiQuilaz results (R2 = 0.77), as evident from the data on split samples shown in Figure 3.48. This is probably because the LiQuilaz instrument is optimized for measuring at very low particle concentrations, as in clean room environments and high-tech manufacturing facilities. While appropriate for the extremely clear waters of Lake Tahoe and its tributary streams, it goes well beyond instrument specification to attempt stormwater analyses with this instrument. One potential advantage of the LiQuilaz, however, is that it provides particle counts directly, whereas output from the DigiSizer and the LS-13320 both require subsequent calculation of estimated particle numbers. Our objective in conducting this comparative study was to assess whether particle counts from the LiQuilaz could be used to confirm or calibrate calculated stormwater FSP concentrations from the other two instruments. Unfortunately, 61 Assessment of Particle Size Analysis in the Lake Tahoe Basin February 2011 results of stormwater analysis with the LiQuilaz were not consistent with this objective, given its design optimization for clean water analysis, so alternative strategies are in development. DigiSizer vs. LS-13320 (A) LiQuilaz vs. LS-13320 Figure 3.47. (B) Histograms of percentage differences among split sample FSP concentrations from the (A) DigiSizer versus LS-13320, and from the (B) LiQuilaz versus LS-13320. The results are from data shown in Fig. 3.46, but eliminating LiQuilaz PSD-141-2 and PSD-181-1 as extreme outliers (see text). Further evidence that the LiQuilaz is not well suited to stormwater analyses is seen in the scatterplots of sample turbidity versus FSP concentration (Figure 3.49). In this test each sample was prescreened at 20 µm, then split for subsequent analyses of fractional turbidity and fine sediment particle concentration (by each instrument). Clearly the LS-13320 results provide a much better correlation to sample turbidity (R2 = 0.92) 62 Assessment of Particle Size Analysis in the Lake Tahoe Basin February 2011 than do the LiQuilaz results (R2 = 0.64), even having excluded the data for samples with dilutions above 10,000:1. (A) (B) Figure 3.48. Scatterplots of (A) LS-13320 results versus DigiSizer and (B) LS-13320 versus LiQuilaz for total fine particle concentrations (0.5–16 µm) in sample splits, with fitted linear regression lines. In considering a causal relationship between FSP concentration and turbidity, it is technically the particle concentration that should be considered the independent (predictor) variable. However, we are interested in using turbidity as a proxy indicator or 63 Assessment of Particle Size Analysis in the Lake Tahoe Basin February 2011 surrogate metric for particle counts, so FSP concentration is treated as the dependent variable. Overall, these results suggest that up to 90% or more of the variability in fine particle concentrations (0.5–16 µm) can be linked to sample turbidity, which is promising for the potential field and laboratory applications of this approach. (A) (B) Figure 3.49. Scatterplots of fractional turbidity (<20 µm) versus (A) LS-13320 analysis and (B) LiQuilaz analysis for total fine particle concentrations (0.5–16 µm) in sample splits, showing fitted linear regression lines (n=36). 64 Assessment of Particle Size Analysis in the Lake Tahoe Basin February 2011 On first consideration, it may seem that a direct measurement of bulk (0.5–16 µm) FSP mass would present a useful alternative to laser particle size analysis for the determination of fine particle concentration. Although there are no readily available 16 µm screen filters or sieves, the 20 µm sieve (U.S. Standard #635) is close enough for the purposes of testing this relationship between FSP mass and FSP numbers. Therefore, samples were prescreened through a 20 µm mesh and then split for analysis of fine particle concentrations by LiQuilaz and for analysis of fractional TSS on the prescreened fractions, which are reported here as TSS<20 (mg/L). The results shown in Figure 3.50 demonstrate that measurement of bulk FSP mass concentration (mg/L) yields a poor correlation with LiQuilaz data, even worse than the correlation between LiQuilaz data and turbidity (Fig. 3.49-B) or between LiQuilaz and the LS-13320 (Fig. 3.48-B). While a similar comparison could be conducted with the LS-13320 or DigiSizer, the results would be subject to spurious correlation with mass in the calculation of particle numbers, so those results are not shown, although the inferred correlation from those tests is similarly quite low. Figure 3.50. Scatterplot of fractional TSS (<20 µm) versus LiQuilaz analysis for total fine particle concentrations (0.5–16 µm) in sample splits, showing fitted linear regression line (n=36). The Pollutant Load Reduction Model (PLRM) uses FSP mass concentration (PLRM, 2009) in its routines, a convention that allows it to scale existing processes built 65 Assessment of Particle Size Analysis in the Lake Tahoe Basin February 2011 into the underlying U.S. EPA Stormwater Management Model (SWMM). While this approach may not be ideal, it is important to note that initial calibrations for the PLRM were based on LPSA data derived from the TMDL Stormwater Monitoring Study, where TSS results from each sample were proportioned according to corresponding particle size distribution data and reported as the estimated mass within each half-phi size class. This approach is fundamentally different from a single bulk mass measurement with physical sample separation at the 20 µm (nominal 16 µm) threshold. The measurement of bulk FSP mass (<20 µm) may have general application when particle size distributions are fairly consistent between samples, which would explain the relatively good correlation between TSS<20 and turbidity<20 shown in Figure 3.51. Nonetheless, in terms of optical conditions it is the number of particles within the FSP range (0.5-16 µm) that directly affects lake clarity and is used as input data to the Lake Tahoe Clarity Model (Lahontan and NDEP, 2010). As an example of this distinction, consider that a specific mass of particles between 8–16 µm will have much less effect on lake clarity than an equivalent mass of particles between 0.5–8 µm. In summary, while bulk FSP mass concentration is not as reliable a proxy indicator as turbidity is for FSP number concentration (Fig. 3.38 and 3.49-A), it may ultimately play a role in continued refinement of these surrogate metrics. Figure 3.51. Scatterplot of fractional TSS (<20 µm) versus fractional turbidity (<20 µm) in stormwater sample splits, with fitted linear regression lines (n=36). 66 Assessment of Particle Size Analysis in the Lake Tahoe Basin February 2011 As discussed above, there is not a one-to-one correspondence between the three different LPSA instruments tested. Nor is there currently available a suitable absolute standard with known particle numbers against which to validate the output. Although each instrument is calibrated to traceable certified standards, it is well known that sample results can vary between instruments, as observed in Figure 3.47. On the other hand, results from the LS-13320 and the DigiSizer correlate remarkably well, so we continue to refine these relationships and explore suitable standards for estimating and reporting accurate FSP concentrations. 3.6 Recommendations for Tahoe Particle Size Analysis 3.6.1 Lake Tahoe Samples and Stream Samples The main problem in assessing fine particle distributions in Lake Tahoe is that the measurements are conducted on samples with extremely low particle concentrations. Although various instruments are commercially available to assess particle concentrations in aqueous suspension, very few work within the size range of interest (0.5–16 m) and at the low concentrations characteristic of Lake Tahoe and its tributary streams. In order to accurately assess FSP concentrations in Lake Tahoe water samples, we recommend continued use of the LiQuilaz laser diffractometer (Particle Measuring Systems), as described in Section 2.1.1, or use of an equivalent system capable of measuring particle numbers and PSD at very low concentrations. Unfortunately, as shown in this study, the LiQuilaz is not well suited for measuring fine sediment particles at higher concentrations typical of stormwater. To conduct the analysis, lake and stream samples are dispensed into a graduated cylinder and then covered with Parafilm to minimize contamination. Mixing is accomplished by gently inverting the graduated cylinder several times, and then samples are analyzed immediately before settling can occur. The LiQuilaz instrument draws four 10 mL sub-samples into the collection tube. The first sub-sample is discarded and is primarily intended to flush the system. The next three 10 mL aliquots are each measured for particle size distribution. Nanopure blank water samples are analyzed prior to, during, and at the end of each experiment to ensure quality control. If dilution is necessary, a quantity of Nanopure water is measured into a graduated cylinder and then the sample is added. Data from the three replicate aliquots are averaged, corrected for dilutions, and 67 Assessment of Particle Size Analysis in the Lake Tahoe Basin February 2011 reported in the size range delineations corresponding to the bin classifications shown in Appendices C and D (i.e., 0.5, 0.63, 0.794, 1.0, 1.414, 2.0, 2.828, 4.0, 4.757, 5.657, 6.727, 8.0, 11.314, 16.0 and 20.0 μm), or alternatively can be reported at half-phi intervals or finer. 3.6.2 Tahoe Stormwater Runoff Samples For stormwater analyses to be comparable, either across time at the same location or across locations at the same time, it is essential that consistent standards be established in terms of sampling, processing and analysis. The guidance provided in Appendix B gives both generic and instrument-specific protocols for laser particle size analysis (LPSA) of stormwater samples collected in the Lake Tahoe Basin. These methods are targeted toward describing the distribution of fine particles throughout the clay and silt size ranges shown in Appendix A (i.e., 0.24 µm through 63 µm). A strong relationship between turbidity and fine sediment particle (FSP) concentration in Tahoe stormwater samples was first discerned from the data assembled by this project, an observation that was communicated to Tahoe Basin agencies as it suggested that stormwater turbidity could serve as a useful surrogate for FSP concentration. Those data were summarized in Figure 3.38, but are better analyzed on a log-log scale, as shown in Figure 3.52. This relationship is based on a large set of Tahoe stormwater samples that were collected from diverse locations and from different event types over many years (Appendix E). The following equation has been derived from these data, with an R2 = 0.82 and a highly significant p-value (<< 0.0001). log10 (FSPconc) = -0.149 • log10 (TNTU)2 + 1.788 • log10 (TNTU) + 3.969 where FSPconc = the number of total particles per milliliter, with spherical equivalent diameter from 0.5 µm to 16 µm (particles/mL); TNTU = the measured sample turbidity in nephelometric turbidity units (NTU). Although a confidence band for the fitted regression line on these data is quite narrow, the corresponding 95% prediction interval is much wider (Figure 3.52), as a consequence of scatter (variance) represented in the data set. Thus, any new stormwater sample collected from one of these sites would have a single predicted FSP concentration 68 Assessment of Particle Size Analysis in the Lake Tahoe Basin February 2011 based on the measured turbidity, but a fairly wide confidence interval for that prediction. For example, a sample with turbidity measured at 100 NTU would be predicted to yield (at 95% confidence) a measured FSP concentration somewhere between about 2.4E+06 and 3.3E+07 particles per mL (centered at 8.9E+06 [8.93x106] particles per mL). While this may seem a relatively broad prediction range, it is not unexpected given the normal variability inherent to stormwater sampling, event runoff attributes, particle characteristics, and sample measurements themselves. The corresponding management question is whether this range in predictive values is sufficient to support the use of sample turbidity as a proxy metric for FSP number concentration, or whether further refinement will be necessary. FSP conc. (log10(#/mL)) 8 7 6 5 1 2 3 Turbidity (log10(NTU)) Figure 3.52. The 95% prediction interval for FSP concentration based on sample turbidity. Data are the same as shown in Figure 3.38, but plotted within a log-log data frame. 69 Assessment of Particle Size Analysis in the Lake Tahoe Basin February 2011 There are several advantages to using turbidity measurements as a surrogate metric for estimating FSP concentrations. First, it is a cost-effective alternative to the complete particle size analysis of each and every Tahoe stormwater sample. In addition, turbidity measurements generally can be conducted shortly after sample collection, with equipment that is readily available and easy to use. Third, with proper application and calibration, it may be possible to monitor turbidity on site, in real-time, for continuous estimation of FSP concentrations during runoff events. And finally, if necessary, stormwater sample turbidity data could provide a consistent metric for mapping between alternative particle size analysis methods and for making corresponding adjustments to the data. Another potential surrogate for FSP number concentration is the mass of particles less than 20 µm. Stormwater samples are easily screened through a U.S. Standard #635 sieve after collection, and the mass of particles in the filtrate can be determined gravimetrically and reported as the fractional mass of suspended particulates (e.g., TSS<20). The assumption, however, is that a characteristic particle size distribution can be assigned to that sample for conversion of mass to total particle numbers. A characteristic PSD for all Tahoe stormwater samples listed in Appendix E is shown below in Figure 3.53. As discussed previously, however, the relationship between particulate mass <20 µm and the FSP number concentration is not as strong as the relationship between turbidity and FSP number concentrations. A superior alternative would be to measure both turbidity and mass on the <20 µm filtrate, which essentially defaults to the turbidity proxy for FSP, as described below. Our recommendation for implementation of turbidity as a proxy indicator is to develop site-specific calibration curves by analyzing particle size distribution on a percentage of the total samples collected. Ultimately, these results will either verify that site data lie within the prediction interval shown in Figure 3.52, or they will contribute toward establishing a reliable, independent function that estimates FSP concentration from the turbidity measurements on samples collected at that particular site. Assembling these data over time as a subset of total stormwater samples collected in the Tahoe Basin will improve confidence in a broader application of this approach, and will help refine the relationship between turbidity and FSP concentration as a function of sample, event, and site characteristics. 70 Assessment of Particle Size Analysis in the Lake Tahoe Basin February 2011 Figure 3.53 Median PSD profile and interquartile range for the long-term set of Tahoe stormwater samples from multiple sites shown in Appendix E (n=773). While sampling methods for the collection of stormwater samples can vary, it is important that all sample results from LPSA are also reported with the sample equivalent (fractional) analyses of turbidity (USEPA 180.1 or SM 2130) and total suspended solids (USEPA 160.2 or SM 2540D). Not all samples will be submitted for particle size analysis, but turbidity should be accurately measured on each sample that is submitted for typical water quality analyses (e.g., nutrients and TSS). The objective is to submit a wide range of sample types from each site for measurement of FSP concentration. Toward this goal turbidity can serve as a simple screening tool in the selection of which individual samples to submit. Initially, twenty to thirty percent, or more, of samples from a new monitoring site are likely to be submitted for the analysis of particle size distribution. Once a preliminary regression has been established for that site it, can be compared to the overall fit for Tahoe Basin stormwater data, presumably maintained by the Tahoe Regional Stormwater Monitoring Program (RSWMP). If the site regression lies within an existing prediction interval maintained by RSWMP, then only a smaller percentage of samples (5–10%) 71 Assessment of Particle Size Analysis in the Lake Tahoe Basin February 2011 thereafter would need to be submitted on a regular basis for continued assessment of fit and detection of drift or change in the relationship. Stormwater particle size distribution data should always be reported in a logbased series of cumulative percent finer (less than) size fraction classes, preferably on the half-phi scale (Appendix A), as described below. See Appendix E for an example of stormwater particle size data reporting. Derivative calculations can be included, but they are secondary to the primary output data. A determination of stormwater FSP concentration is based on the following formula when LPSA output is reported in terms of particle concentration on a phi scale. FSPconc = ∑ Φconc (summing from φ=6 through φ=11) where Φconc = phi interval concentration, reported as the concentration of particles per unit volume (#/mL) between successive phi (φ) grain-size units (the series can also be in half-phi units or finer); phi (φ) is the logarithmic unit of grain size, such that φ = −log2 [d(mm) / 1.0 (mm)]; and d(mm) = spherical equivalent particle diameter, in millimeters. Use the following equation to calculate phi interval concentrations when LPSA output is reported in volume percent fractions for each size category. Φconc = Pvol • SPconc • 6/π * d-3 • ρ-1 • CF where Pvol = particle volume percentage (of total) within designated phi interval; SPconc = suspended particulate concentration (mg/L) measured in the sample (usually reported as TSS, or a fraction thereof); ρ = mean particle density within designated phi interval (g/cm3); d = representative phi interval particle diameter (µm); CF = conversion factor (104 when using the units indicated above). Alternatively, the above equation simplifies to the following when LPSA output is reported in volume concentration fractions for each size category. Φconc = Pvol • 6/π • d-3 • CF where Pvol = particle volume concentration (µL/L) within designated phi interval; CF = conversion factor (109 when using the units shown above). 72 Assessment of Particle Size Analysis in the Lake Tahoe Basin February 2011 Note that the technology and techniques available for particle size analysis will continue to evolve and improve. Therefore, it is anticipated that further guidance on stormwater particle size analysis and reporting will be developed and disseminated periodically through the Tahoe Regional Stormwater Monitoring Program (RSWMP). In the meantime, both turbidity and TSS should be accurately measured on all stormwater samples, which are normally done in any case. In addition, as described above, a subset of selected samples should be prescreened at 63 µm and then measured for PSD by laser particle size analysis along with measurements of TSS and turbidity on the corresponding prescreened fractions (reported as <63 µm TSS and turbidity fractions, see Appendix B). If desired, although not necessary, additional prescreened aliquots can be filtered through a U.S. Standard #635 sieve for measurement of the <20 µm TSS and turbidity fractions. 3.6.3 Analysis of Tahoe Soil Samples for Water Quality Projects Particle size distribution is routinely determined and reported in studies of soil characteristics. Indeed, many of the techniques for PSD analysis derived directly from applications developed in soil science. This is relevant to water quality studies at Tahoe because we expect to see linkages between soil conditions and resulting runoff water quality characteristics. Classical particle size methods in soil science use sieving to remove the coarse material (>0.05 mm) and sedimentation to determine the finer material. Pipette or hydrometer methods are used to differentiate the silt (0.05 to 0.002 mm) and clay (<0.002mm) size fractions. Both methods assume Stokes’ settling law and spherical particles with no interaction during settling. Soil texture and particle size distribution (PSD) can be determined by using a combination of mechanical sieving and laser diffraction techniques (Gee and Or, 2002). All samples are oven dried for 24 hr at 105 °C and then mechanically sieved to remove gravel (>2 mm, No. 10 sieve), very coarse sand (2-1 mm, No. 18 sieve), and coarse sand (1-0.5 mm, No. 35 sieve). The finer fraction (<0.5 mm) is then subsampled using a spinning riffler and analyzed by laser diffraction. One advantage with this approach is that LPSA results on soil samples can be linked to equivalent LPSA data from stormwater runoff samples. Laser particle size analysis is used to determine the percentage of size-class fractions in a soil or sediment sample based on ASTM C 1070–01 for the determination 73 Assessment of Particle Size Analysis in the Lake Tahoe Basin February 2011 of PSD of alumina and quartz powders by laser light scattering (ASTM, 2000). Analysis is based on the Mie theory of light scattering by spherical particles. Typically, the sample is internally dispersed for 90 seconds using ultra-sonication in an aqueous medium of 0.005% dispersant (Na-hexametaphosphate) and circulated through the path of the laser light beam. Textural analysis corresponding to traditional categories in the soil sciences consists of summing associated particle-size bins for percent clay (0-2 µm), percent silt (2-50 µm), percent sand (50-2000 µm) and percent gravel (>2,000 µm). The geometric mean particle diameter (MPD) and standard deviation (σ) are determined from the entire PSD (Shirazi and Boersma, 1984): (1) (2) where mi is the mass (or volume) fraction of bin size i, and di is the associated geometric mean diameter of bin i. Both values are reported in micrometers (µm). 3.6.4 Internal Standards for Laboratory Quality Control A reference material (RM) allows inferences on instrument performance to be assessed. In the case of PSD, a reference material can aid in the determination of particle contamination (material from past analysis retained within instrument tubing), cell contamination (contaminated glass causing secondary refractions), and the presence air bubbles. Most PSD reference materials are milled products, generally garnet, glass beads or polymer microspheres, designed for very narrow particle size distributions. These tight distributions are most useful to laser diffraction users in manufacturing and pharmaceutical production. Although these RMs allow instrument performance to be assessed and calibrated, it is often desired to have a more representative internal reference sample (IRS) available. The Yolo silt-loam is an example of a well-studied material in soil science. The Yolo series is a member of the fine silty, mixed, nonacid, thermic family of Mollic Xerofluvents and found in a field adjacent to the University of California, Davis. Yolo soils have thick grayish brown, neutral silt loam A horizons, and brown to pale brown mildly alkaline silt loam C horizons (Soil Survey, 2004). The 74 Assessment of Particle Size Analysis in the Lake Tahoe Basin February 2011 material has been used in several historical papers on hydraulic measurements (Ahuja, 1974, Eching et al., 1994), thermal properties (Weirenga et al., 1969), mechanical properties (Vomocil and Flocker, 1965), particle size (Tyler and Wheatcraft, 1992) and even laser particle size analysis (Eshel et al., 2004). The Yolo soil has been used as an IRS at DRI to assess instrument and operator reliability on the DigiSizer (Table 3.4). The mean PSD (n=19) from those analyses is overlain with more recent LS-13320 analyses from 2007-2009 (n =56) in Figure 3.54. While there is slight discrepancy in the data beyond 30 μm, they are otherwise fairly comparable. Further studies are in progress with new laboratory standards and additional analytic instruments to help evaluate accurate particle concentrations and to refine the correspondence of results between the LS-13320 and DigiSizer analyses, especially at low particle concentrations. Table 3.4. N = 22 Average St. Deviation CI (95%) PSD results and for the Yolo Silt loam on the Saturn DigiSizer. Mean 37.2 6.8 2.8 Median 12.8 2.6 1.1 Cum. Particle Diameter (µm) %finer 90% 50% 10% 112.6 12.8 1.2 21.1 2.7 0.1 9.0 1.1 0.0 SAND Average St. Deviation CI (95%) >1000 µm 0.0 0.0 NA 500 µm 0.0 0.0 NA Particle Size Table %Sand %Silt %Clay 19.2 57.0 23.8 4.1 2.2 2.5 1.7 0.9 1.0 SILT 250 µm 1.2 0.9 0.4 75 125 µm 7.1 2.2 0.9 62.5 µm 11.1 1.7 0.7 15 µm 27.1 1.4 0.6 CLAY 3 µm 29.8 2.2 0.9 <3 µm 23.8 2.5 1.0 Assessment of Particle Size Analysis in the Lake Tahoe Basin February 2011 Figure 3.54. 4. Mean cumulative distributions of the Yolo IRS from DigiSizer (DRI) and LS13320 (UCD) analyses. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This project was made possible by funding from the Southern Nevada Public Land Management Act (SNPLMA) through a grant administered by the USDA Forest Service Pacific Southwest Research Station. We would like to Hannah Schembri from the Lahontan Water Quality Control Board in South Lake Tahoe and Jason Kuchnicki from the Nevada Division of Environmental Protection in Carson City for their useful comments on early drafts of this document. We also recognize and appreciate the efforts of our field and laboratory technicians that have dedicated many long hours, often under adverse weather conditions, to collect, process and analyze the samples that informed this study. In particular we would like to acknowledge Collin Strasenburgh, Raph Townsend, and Andrea Buxton at the UCD Tahoe Environmental Research Center, as well as Sophie Baker and Sam Pincock at the Desert Research Center for their diligent contributions to this project. 76 Assessment of Particle Size Analysis in the Lake Tahoe Basin February 2011 5. LITERATURE CITED American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM). 2000. Standard test method for determining the particle size distribution of alumina quartz by laser light scattering. C 1070-86 (reapproved 1992). 2000 Annual Book of ASTM Standards. 15.02:375-376. ASTM, Philadelphia, PA. Arriaga, F.J., B. Lowery, and M.D. Mays. 2006. A fast method for determining soil particle size distribution using a laser instrument. Soil Sci. 171:663-674. Beuselinck, L., G. Govers, J. Poesen, and G. Degraer. 1998. Grain-size analysis by laser diffractometry: Comparison with the sieve-pipette method. Catena 32:193-208. Blott, S.J., and K. Pye. 2006. 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User’s Manual. December 2009. Rabidoux, A.A. 2005. Spatial and temporal distribution of fine particles and elemental concentrations in suspended sediments in Lake Tahoe streams. Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of California, Davis. M.S. Sahoo, G.B., S.G. Schladow, and J.E. Reuter. 2010. Effect of sediment and nutrient loading on Lake Tahoe optical conditions and restoration opportunities using a newly developed lake clarity model. Water Resources Research: 46 (W10505). Sperazza, M., J.N. Moore, and M.S. Hendrix. 2004. High-resolution particle size analysis of naturally occurring very fine-grained sediment through laser diffractometry. Journal of Sedimentary Research 74:736-743. Standard Methods For The Examination Of Water and Wastewater, 20th Edition. 2005. Editors Arnold E. Greenberg, Lenore S. Clesceri, Andrew D. Eaton, Mary Ann H. Franson. 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Phi 12 11.5 11 10.5 10 9.5 9 8.5 8 7.5 7 6.5 6 5.5 5 4.5 4 3.5 3 2.5 2 1.5 1 0.5 0 -0.5 -1 -1.5 -2 -2.5 -3 -3.5 -4 -4.5 -5 -5.5 -6 Diameter (µm) 0.24 -0.5 -1 -2 -4 -8 -16 -31 -63 -125 -250 -500 -1000 -2000 -4000 -8000 -16,000 -32,000 -64,000 U.S. Standard Sieve ----------------No. 230 -No. 120 -No. 60 -No. 35 -No. 18 -No. 10 -No. 5 -5/16" -5/8" -1-1/4" -2-1/2" AGU Classification Colloids -Very Fine Clay -Fine Clay -Medium Clay -Coarse Clay -Very Fine Silt -Fine Silt -Medium Silt -Coarse Silt -Very Fine Sand -Fine Sand -Medium Sand -Coarse Sand -Very Coarse Sand -Very Fine Gravel -Fine Gravel -Medium Gravel -Coarse Gravel -Very Coarse Gravel 80 Size Range (µm) <0.24 -0.24–0.50 -0.5–1.0 -1–2 -2–4 -4–8 -8–16 -16–31 -31–63 -63–125 -125–250 -250–500 -500–1000 -1000–2000 -2000–4000 -4000–8000 -8000–16,000 -16,000–32,000 -32,000–64,000 Assessment of Particle Size Analysis in the Lake Tahoe Basin February 2011 APPENDIX B. Laser Particle Size Analysis for Determining Particle Size Distribution and Fine Particle Concentrations in Tahoe Stormwater Samples. Version 2.b, December 2010 Particle size distribution (PSD) and the number of particles <16 µm in diameter exert an important influence on the transparency of Lake Tahoe. Therefore, consistent measurement of these fine particles in runoff will be important at Tahoe for making design decisions on water quality projects, for treatment efficiency evaluations, and for tracking TMDL progress. Advances in the technology of laser particle size analysis (LPSA) have led to its increasing use over traditional methods of PSD assessment in both soil science and water quality management. The LPSA approach has direct relevance for Tahoe samples, given the importance of fine particles to Lake Tahoe’s clarity and the observation that specific sizes of particles within the <16 µm fraction have varying effects on light transmission in water. LPSA provides PSD data at fine resolution, in more size classes than typically achieved by other methods. Thus LPSA has been used at Tahoe to analyze lake samples since 1999, to analyze stream samples since 2002, and to analyze urban runoff samples since 2003. The following is intended as guidance in the use of LPSA for assessing PSD in Tahoe stormwater samples and for reporting fine sediment particle (FSP) concentrations. Procedures are described based on the assumption they will be performed by technicians or analysts who are familiar with the basic principles of stormwater monitoring and analysis and trained in the use of their respective LPSA instrumentation. The methods presented for LPSA analysis of Tahoe stormwater have drawn upon several available references, including documents from ASTM International, the International Standards Organization (ISO), and Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Waste Water (SM). See Section 10 for these and any additional references cited in this work. The mention of trade names or commercial products in this guidance is for illustrative purposes only. It does not constitute an endorsement or exclusive recommendation for use. The products and instrument settings cited herein represent specifications used during method development and evaluation for Assessment of Particle Size Analysis project in the Lake Tahoe Basin. 81 Assessment of Particle Size Analysis in the Lake Tahoe Basin February 2011 1. Summary of Method An aliquot of well-mixed stormwater is introduced to the LPSA instrument through a receiving module. As necessary the sample is diluted with particle-free water to an optimal concentration and cycled through an optical cell for laser illumination and photovoltaic detection of the light scattering by particles in solution. Analysis of scattering intensity as a function of observation angle yields a particle size distribution for the aqueous suspension as large particles scatter strongly at smaller angles away from the incident light beam and small particles scatter weakly at larger angles. Detector data is processed based on the principles of Fraunhofer diffraction and Mie scattering that mathematically deconvolute a resulting signal by inversion matrix algorithms built into the software. Particle sizes determined by these instruments are reported in terms of equivalent spherical diameters. 2. Application Notes 2.1 This method provides procedures for the determination of particle size distribution in urban stormwater runoff samples from the Lake Tahoe Basin. It is also used for estimation of particle numbers in the corresponding size fractions determined by laser particle size analysis. These methods are subject to revision as improved techniques are identified and published under subsequent versions of this document. 2.2 The results obtained by this method or any other method for particle size distribution are strongly influenced by the physical principles applied and different assumptions relevant to application of the underlying theory. The use of this method cannot guarantee directly comparable results between different types of instruments. 2.2 The analysis of PSD by this method requires sufficient obscuration by particles within the laser beam path for stable readings of diffraction patterns by the LPSA instrumentation. 2.3 Estimation of particle number by this method requires a corresponding measurement of particle mass associated with the sample, unless the LPSA instrumentation provides output on a particle volume per solution volume basis (e.g., µL/mL) or in terms of absolute counts. 82 Assessment of Particle Size Analysis in the Lake Tahoe Basin February 2011 2.4 Particulates in stormwater samples are naturally subject to varying degrees of aggregation and flocculation (see Section 10.1). As necessary, these samples may be disaggregated prior to PSD analysis with a low-power sonication interval adjusted to the instrument for characteristic sample types. 2.5 Dispersants can induce air bubbles during analysis with potential effects on apparent particle size distribution. They have not been shown to improve analytic results for Tahoe stormwater samples, but can generally be used at low concentrations if desired. 2.6 Particle suspension bias in the larger size classes may affect results, unless prescreening is conducted to remove these particles prior to analysis. 3. Interferences and Limitations 3.1 Contamination of the sample or carrier fluid with particles, air bubbles, and electronic noise can interfere with analysis and affect results. 3.2 Physical interferences are associated with processes that transport sample into the detection cell, which may occur when heavier or denser particles are segregated due to insufficient flow velocity or if larger particles interfere with transport. 3.3 Prescreening may be necessary to ensure that particles are suited to the inherent size limitations of a particular instrument. 3.4 High levels of dissolved solids, or biogenic and synthetic surfactants in the sample may create bubbles that affect readings. 3.5 LPSA instrumentation can be sensitive to external conditions if the optical cell or detectors are not completely isolated from ambient light. 4. Equipment, Supplies, and Reagents 4.1 Instrument capable of laser scanning throughout the spherical equivalent particle size range of interest. For samples of urban stormwater runoff this is typically through the clay and silt size fractions shown in Appendix A (from 0.25 through 63 µm). Analysis of the sand size classes (from 63 through 2000 µm) may also be useful in some cases. 83 Assessment of Particle Size Analysis in the Lake Tahoe Basin February 2011 4.2 Liquid handling system that consists of separate aqueous sample module(s) and associated pumps directly connected to the LPSA instrument, or built in as integral components of the instrumentation. 4.3 Sonicator bath or probe, if not available as part of the LPSA instrumentation package. 4.4 Nanopure particle-free dilution water; typically produced from deionized (DI) or reverse osmosis (RO) laboratory water by a continuous closed-loop membrane filtration system that removes particles greater than 0.2 microns. 4.5 Stainless steel ASTM test sieves with U.S. Standard No. 10 (2000 µm) and U.S. Standard No. 230 (63 µm) designations. Alternative mesh sizes can be used if specified in the documentation of results. 4.6 Funnel of sufficient top diameter to accommodate the test sieves. 4.7 A glass beaker for sample transfer and mixing. 4.8 (Optional) Stir plate and magnetic stir bar for mixing stormwater samples. 4.9 (Optional) Calibrated pipette for subsampling mixed stormwater samples. 4.10 (Optional) Dispersant solution of sodium hexametaphosphate [(NaPO3)6 with mol. wt. 611.77] in Nanopure particle-free deionized water. The amount used for analysis will vary depending upon sample characteristics, sample volume, and analysis dilution. Generally, the concentration of sodium hexametaphosphate in stock solution added to the liquid handling system will range from 0.05 to 1.5 g/L (0.005–0.15% w/v). Use a concentration that does not create bubbles within the aqueous solution during analysis. If used, the optimum final dispersant concentration will produce the finest particle size distribution results. Estimated final concentration of the dispersant should be reported with results. 4.11 Laboratory turbidimeter with capability to measure nephelometric turbidity units (NTU) by USEPA Method 180.1 or SM 2540D over the range of interest. The typical range for stormwater samples collected at Tahoe is from 14 to 792 NTU, representing the 5th and 95th percentiles, respectively, from data shown in Appendix E. 5. Calibration and Standardization 84 Assessment of Particle Size Analysis in the Lake Tahoe Basin February 2011 5.1 Laser diffraction systems are based on first principles that assume idealized particle properties. Thus, calibration by the user is not required. However, it is important to periodically confirm correct operation of the instrument with respect to both precision and accuracy by measuring a reference material of known size distribution. 5.2 Assessing instrument accuracy requires the use of certified reference materials (CRMs) declared suitable for laser diffraction technique and consisting of spherical particles with a known distribution, uniform density, and consistent optical properties. They should be certified to percentage mass fraction or percentage volume fraction by an absolute and traceable technique. The real and imaginary parts of the complex refractive index should be specified for the material if the Mie theory is to be applied in data analysis. These materials are generally available from the instrument manufacturer. 5.3 Instrument qualification should follow the protocols given for a particular reference material as regarding any sub-sampling, sample dispersion, and laser diffraction measurement parameters and conditions. Record the date and results from each qualification test. 5.4 Perform at least three consecutive measurements with the same dispersed test portion or dispersed single shot samples at an adequate sample concentration and signal integration period to allow a sufficient number of particles to be analyzed. Output the distribution mean, median, standard deviation, d10 and d90 from the CRM test. Report all details of the operation and its results properly. Print chart and data files for laboratory logbook (see example in Figure 1). 5.5 An instrument is considered to qualify if the coefficient of variation (CV) at the median (d50) does not exceed 3% of specification and the CV at the sides of the distribution (d10 and d90) does not exceed 5%. Below 10 µm, these maximum values should be doubled. For well-functioning instruments, well-trained operators, wellbehaved samples and good procedures, a better precision can be met. 5.6 Once the instrument performance has been compared to traceable CRMs and accuracy has been demonstrated to lie within acceptable limits, a more frequent instrument evaluation can be conducted with secondary reference materials. No absolute standards are available for aqueous environmental particle size analysis; therefore a 85 Assessment of Particle Size Analysis in the Lake Tahoe Basin February 2011 secondary reference material can be developed to assist in evaluating and optimizing operation of the instrument. Ideally, the PSD of a secondary reference material shall consist of documented values coming from laser diffraction analyses in one or more instrument types according to an agreed, detailed operational procedure that has been shown to yield adequate and stable results over time. A significant bias may result if the reference values come from methods other than laser diffraction. 6. Sample Collection, Processing, Preservation, and Storage 6.1 Tahoe stormwater samples for PSD analysis can be collected by various means, including grab samples, passive samplers, and automated sampling devices. In the case of passive and automated samplers, the device should hold collected samples in the dark at ambient water temperature or lower, without freezing, until recovery. 6.2 It is important that samples for fine sediment analysis are representative of the runoff flow sampled, with minimal bias due to sampling location in the flow path or technique. Preferably, grab samples will comprise a complete instantaneous cross-section of the flow, and sample splitting can be accomplished with a churn splitter. Autosampler pumps must perform to specification within the hydraulic head and distance limits established for that equipment (usually less than 20 feet). 6.3 Samples should be recovered from the field as soon as possible, but within a maximum of 24 hours. Samples are transported in their original containers, capped, and placed within insulated coolers at 4°C in the dark. 6.4 Samples for PSD are not preserved, so should be stored in the dark at 4°C until analysis, which should occur as soon as possible but not longer than 7 days after sample collection (assuming a calibrated low sonication power is applied in the PSD analysis). 6.5 Sample splitting and compositing can introduce bias when coarse particles are not adequately represented in the aliquot. For this reason it is recommended that Tahoe stormwater samples collected for the analysis of fine particle size distribution are prescreened through clean ASTM certified sieves at 2000 µm and then at 63 µm. The sieve fraction retained on the 63 µm sieve should be quantitatively recovered, dried at 105°C, and reported as dry mass of sand size particles. If desired, the organic content of 86 Assessment of Particle Size Analysis in the Lake Tahoe Basin February 2011 this faction can be determined by loss-on-ignition. The >2000 µm fraction can be discarded. 6.6 An aliquot of the <63 µm stormwater fraction is split for analysis of total suspended solids (SM 2540D or USEPA Method 160.2) and fixed suspended solids (SM 2540E or USEPA Method 160.4), which are reported for Tahoe stormwater samples as fractional TSS (TSS<63) and fractional loss-on-ignition (LOI<63), respectively. Splitting of the <63 µm aliquots is accomplished by shake and pour, as described for USEPA Method 160.2, or by pipetting of a mixed sample, as described for SM 2540D. 6.7 (Optional) The TSS<63 filtrate can be filtered through a tared membrane filter (0.2 or 0.45 µm pore size) for gravimetric analysis after drying to constant weight at 55°C, and reported as SS<1.5. Note that low particle concentrations may lead to poor precision in this step. Since the mass is usually less than a few percent of total TSS, its measurement and reporting is optional. 6.8 An additional aliquot of the <63 µm stormwater fraction is split for turbidity measurement on a calibrated laboratory turbidimeter using certified methods (USEPA Method 180.1 or SM 2130). The results for fractional turbidity (Turbidity<63) are reported in nephelometric turbidity units (NTU). 6.9 (Optional) Turbidity can also be measured on the filtrate fraction(s) and reported accordingly (e.g., Turbidity<1.5). 7. LPSA Procedure 7.1 Follow the instrument instruction manual in preparation for analysis. The appropriate lens system and cell assembly shall be installed and correctly focused. The instrument should be clean and purged of any flow-path contamination, using particlefree carrier water during setup and between sample analyses. 7.2 Light sources like the He-Ne laser used in most LPSA instruments require warm-up prior to use, so allow sufficient time for the instrument to stabilize as recommended by the instrument manufacturer (usually about 30 min). 7.3 A well-trained operator shall prepare the instrument and periodically verify the unit passes instrument qualification tests specified by the manufacturer, or equivalent, with the date and result of the test recorded along with testing specifications. 87 Assessment of Particle Size Analysis in the Lake Tahoe Basin February 2011 7.4 Specify an optical model and corresponding parameters according to the instrument instruction manual. The index of refraction for an aqueous stormwater medium (water) should be 1.33. When using Mie theory the real and imaginary components of refractive index must be specified for the material in suspension. Each of these should be recorded with results from the sample run. 7.5 The analysis mode should be tuned to sample and instrument characteristics. Select an appropriate run time, pumping speed (flow rate) for the sample type. The measurement time (or the number of detector readings that are averaged for a measurement) should be sufficient to ensure that adequate representation of all particle sizes is reached and that precision across the particle size distribution is acceptable. This procedure is instrument and application specific. Therefore, run time parameters should be established by a trained operator in relation to desired precision for the characteristic sample type. 7.6 Perform a blank measurement immediately prior to sample measurement. Use particle-free dispersion water under the same instrument conditions as applied for sample measurement. The resulting background signals are used to check proper functioning of the instrument, and are subsequently subtracted from the detector signals produced by sample measurement. Background values should not exceed the manufacturer recommendations. 7.7 Begin with particle free water in the sampling chamber and flow pathways. If desired, it may contain or consist of hexametaphosphate solution as dispersant. Add a representative aliquot of the test sample. The amount of aliquot to use depends upon instrument characteristics, particle concentration, the median particle size, and its distribution. Add additional sample as necessary to obtain optimum light scattering conditions. Particle concentration in the measurement zone should be high enough to produce an adequate signal with acceptable signal-to-noise ratio, yet low enough to ensure that multiple scattering is insignificant to the particle size result. The effect of multiple scattering at high concentrations generally increases the angle of scattering and shifts the size distribution downward. An exact concentration range cannot be given, as it is a function of particle size, PSD width, laser beam width, and the path length of dispersed particles in the measurement zone. Follow manufacturer recommendations for optimal beam obscuration, or assess appropriate obscuration limits 88 Assessment of Particle Size Analysis in the Lake Tahoe Basin February 2011 for a specific sample type by performing particle measurements at different concentration levels and identifying disparate shifts in distribution (see Section 10.2). Record the final obscuration or transmission value achieved, if available. 7.8 Particle dispersion conditions should lead to complete deagglomeration without particle disintegration. The purpose is to provide consistency in results and to reproduce original particle size distributions despite different holding times and sample conditions. Some instruments have built-in sonicators or modules, which may or may not automatically adjust the sonication power based on sample concentration. Alternatively, dispersion can be conducted externally using ultrasonic baths or probes. In either case, it will be necessary to assess the amount of sonication needed for a particular instrument and characteristic sample type (see Section 10.3). It should be sufficient to dissociate agglomerates formed after sampling but without excess particle disintegration, thereby yielding reproducible PSD results within the range of acceptable holding times. 7.9 After completing analysis on the sample, drain and rinse the system a sufficient number of times with particle-free water to restore background values in preparation for the next sample. 7.10 The result presentation software shall preferably be set to produce output in the form of a cumulative finer (less than) distribution in accordance to the phi series (Krumbein, 1936; Lane, 1947). 8. Data Analysis and Calculations 8.1 No additional data analyses are typically required for reporting the PSD results from LPSA on stormwater samples. 8.2 Data presentation should include cumulative finer distributions on half phi intervals reported at the upper limit of each size class (see Appendix A). 8.3 If reporting data as percent particle volume or concentration within each size class, it is imperative that a logarithmic sequence is represented (e.g. phi-series intervals). 8.4 When estimates of particle counts are desired from percent particle volume data, they can be determined by using the formula below. This requires a measure 89 Assessment of Particle Size Analysis in the Lake Tahoe Basin February 2011 of the corresponding suspended sediment concentration in the sample, assuming spherical particles with a common density of 2.65 g/cm3. Φconc = Pvol • SPconc • 6/π * d-3 • ρ-1 • CF where: Φconc = phi interval concentration, reported as the concentration of particles per unit volume (#/mL) between successive phi (φ) grain-size units (the series can also be in half-phi units or finer); Pvol = particle volume percentage (of total) within designated phi interval; SPconc = suspended particulate concentration (mg/L) measured in the sample (usually reported as TSS, or a fraction thereof); ρ = mean particle density within designated phi interval (g/cm3); d = representative phi interval particle diameter (µm); CF = conversion factor (104 when using the units indicated above). 8.5 Alternatively, estimates of particle counts can be determined by the following formula if LPSA instrumentation provides output on a particle volume per solution volume basis (e.g., µL/mL). This assumes spherical particles throughout the distribution. Φconc = Pvol • 6/π • d-3 • CF where: Φconc = phi interval concentration, reported as the concentration of particles per unit volume (#/mL) between successive phi (φ) grain-size units (the series can also be in half-phi units or finer); Pvol = particle volume concentration (µL/L) within designated phi interval; CF = conversion factor (109 when using the units shown above). 8.6 In some cases it may be practical to estimate total fine sediment particle concentration based on a previously calibrated relationship between turbidity and particle concentration. See the preceding report (Heyvaert et al., 2010) for further discussion of this approach and its application to Tahoe stormwater. 90 Assessment of Particle Size Analysis in the Lake Tahoe Basin February 2011 9. Reporting Results Results should always be reported in terms of output produced by the particular instrument. Secondary calculations and data transformations may be reported as well, in which case any assumptions or parameters used for calculation and estimation must also be reported (see Section 8). Ideally, laboratory reporting of results should contain the following information. 9.1 Sample: a) complete sample identification, including sample ID, site, location, date and time of sampling, etc; b) sample composite type (e.g. single, EMC, average); c) sample pre-treatment (optional, e.g. pre-sieving at 2000 µm); d) amount of sample used for analysis (optional); e) date of analysis. 9.2 Dispersion: a) dispersant (if used, type, volume added, estimate of final concentration); b) sonication (type of unit, power setting (frequency or energy), duration and pause before starting measurement); c) pump speed (if available); d) optical path length. 9.3 Laser diffraction measurement: a) instrument type and number; b) software version; c) volume of liquid handling unit; d) optical arrangement applied (e.g. focal length of lens); e) date and time of last alignment; f) date of last qualification test; g) date and time of measurement; h) optical concentration/obscuration; i) type of light-scattering model applied; j) real and imaginary part of complex refractive index, if Mie theory is applied; 91 Assessment of Particle Size Analysis in the Lake Tahoe Basin February 2011 k) real part of the refractive index for aqueous medium of the sample; l) weighted residual. 9.4 Analyst identification: a) name and address of laboratory; b) operator's name or initials. 10. Supplementary Materials 10.1 Generally, the effect of holding time on particle size distribution in stormwater samples is a shift toward larger particles, with increasing relative proportion of coarse particle fractions and commensurate decreasing frequency of finer particles over time. The figure below shows a typical pattern with increasing holding time, in which no sonication or dispersants were used. Figure 10.1. Effect of holding time on a typical Tahoe stormwater sample. Each curve is the mean of five replicate sample splits held for the time indicated at 4°C in the dark and analyzed without dispersant or sonication. All fifteen replicates were split from one parent sample at the same time. 10.2 Dilution of stormwater samples with high particle concentrations may be necessary to achieve optimal laser beam obscuration in the measurement zone. On the other hand, particle concentrations in some samples may be so low as to not produce an 92 Assessment of Particle Size Analysis in the Lake Tahoe Basin February 2011 adequate signal signal-to-noise ratio. The obscuration limits can usually be assessed by performing particle size distribution measurements at different sample concentration levels and identifying disparate shifts in their distribution, as demonstrated in Figure 10.2. Figure 10.2. Effect of sample concentration on the frequency distribution of laser particle size analysis for stormwater samples. Each curve represents the mean of six replicate sample splits analyzed with increasing dilution to assess lower obscuration limits. An obscuration of 15% is suitable for this instrument with this type of sample, whereas an obscuration of only 1% would yield disparate results. 10.3 Assessment of instrument-specific sonication conditions should commence at the lowest sonication power setting (when available) and proceed through the power setting series for a short fixed interval (usually between 30 to 90 seconds). A dispersion curve is constructed from the results on split replicates taken from a larger representative sample immediately after collection. The holding time should represent typical conditions, and results are then compared to replicates from the original sample that was analyzed immediately without holding (e.g., Figure 11.3). The power setting which best restores original PSD conditions should be used. Ideally, a short period of low-power sonication will not significantly change the original particle size distribution when a sample is well dispersed and the constituent particles are neither fragile nor 93 Assessment of Particle Size Analysis in the Lake Tahoe Basin February 2011 soluble. When both time and power can be set by the operator, this determination may need to be conducted iteratively, and should be repeated periodically to confirm specification. Figure 10.3. Example of sample dispersion curve to test sonication power. Dashed grey line indicates median (d50) particle size in sample at time of collection, before typical holding time (48 hr). In this case, the dispersion curve indicates that a sonication setting of 3 to 4 appears to reproduce the original median particle diameter. All points represent the average results from three replicate split samples. Examining similar graphs of the d10 particle size and other distribution characteristics also can be useful in making this determination. 94 Assessment of Particle Size Analysis in the Lake Tahoe Basin February 2011 10. References American Society for Testing and Materials International (ASTM). 2007. Standard Test Method for Determining Particle Size Distribution of Alumina or Quartz by Laser Light Scattering. ASTM designation C1070-01 (reapproved 2007). Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Philadelphia, PA. International Organization for Standardization (ISO). 2009. Particle Size Analysis –Laser Diffraction Methods. ISO reference number ISO 13320:2009(E). International Standards, Geneva, Switzerland. Krumbein, W. C. 1936. Application of Logarithmic Moments to Size Frequency Distribution of Sediments. Journal of Sedimentary Petrology, Vol 6, No. 1, pp 35-47. Lane, E.W. 1947. Report of the subcommittee on sediment terminology. Transaction, American Geophysical Union (AGU). 28(6): 936-938. Heyvaert, A.C., D.M. Nover, T.G. Caldwell, W.B. Trowbridge, S.G. Schladow, and J.E. Reuter. 2011. Assessment of Particle Size Analysis in the Lake Tahoe Basin. Prepared for the USDA Forest Service, Pacific Southwest Research Station, by the Desert Research Institute and UCD Davis Tahoe Environmental Research Center. March 2011. Standard Methods For The Examination Of Water and Wastewater, 20th Edition (SM). 2005. Editors: Arnold E. Greenberg, Lenore S. Clesceri, Andrew D. Eaton, and Mary Ann H. Franson. SM designation 2560D. American Public Health Association, Washington, DC. 95 Assessment of Particle Size Analysis in the Lake Tahoe Basin February 2011 PSD Method with Beckman-Coulter LSTM 13 320 for Tahoe Stormwater Samples December 15, 2010 (subject to revision) Standard procedures used for the analysis of stormwater samples with the Beckman Coulter LSTM 13 320 are provided below. Instrumentation package consists of the LS 13 320 unit with a 750-nm laser, a Universal Liquid Module (ULM), and an integrated sonication module supplied by the manufacturer. Alternatively, the Aqueous Liquid Module (ALM) can be used as the sample-handling unit, although stormwater samples with low particle concentration may not provide adequate obscuration for precise PSD readings. 1) Turn the instrument power on and allow to warm-up for at least 30 minutes. 2) Check the date of most recent instrument qualification test. If more than one month has elapsed, conduct a new test with at least two CRMs equivalent to the logged entries (currently using the Coulter LS Controls GB500 and G15). Record results and verify that qualification passes CRM specifications. If not, notify lab supervisor. 3) Use the instrument LS 13 320 Control Software to select or develop a Standard Operating Method (SOM) for the desired stormwater sample analysis. The following settings should be confirmed or entered as part of this SOM. Set to rinse the module three times at the start of each run. De-bubble at start of each run. Set for laser alignment to repeat every 40 minutes. Measure offsets at start of each run. Measure background of DI water. Set sample loading phase sonication to recommended power and time settings (currently using 60 seconds a power setting of 4). 96 Assessment of Particle Size Analysis in the Lake Tahoe Basin February 2011 Mix sample at a pump speed of 40% power (flow rate approximately 10 L/min). Collect a minimum of three replicate detector readings of 60 seconds each. 4) Use the Control Software to develop a Preferences file that defines the optical model, desired particle size output fractions, and reporting statistics. The following settings should be confirmed or entered as part of this Preferences file. Select the Mie model and specify the real and imaginary components of complex refractive index as 1.55 and 0.10, respectively. Specify the refractive index for aqueous medium as 1.33 (water). Turn the polarization intensity differential scattering (PIDS) function off. Set half-phi size breaks for reporting the results in log2 size bin classes (see Appendix A). Additional size breaks can be added if desired. Automatically calculate the average, standard deviation, and residual for results of each size bin. 5) Rinse sample handling unit and instrument flow paths three times with Nanopure DI water, and then measure background PSD with carrier solution representative of sample analysis. Include an equivalent amount of dispersant if it is to be used in the sample analysis. 6) Open the SOM (from Step 3 above) and make sure the background DI readings are no greater than 2.5 x 106. If so, cancel the run and start over. 7) Manually shake the stormwater sample and dispense into a clean 500 mL glass beaker on a stir plate. Make sure that stir plate mixing does not introduce bubbles to the sample. If so, slow the mixing speed. 8) Dispense sufficient aliquots of mixed stormwater sample with a clean 10 mL pipette into the ULM during loading phase of run to reach a standard laser obscuration of 8%-12%. The sonicator will be running during this phase and 97 Assessment of Particle Size Analysis in the Lake Tahoe Basin February 2011 should be on for 60 seconds, or until the obscuration has stabilized. Program will display ‘OK’ when the correct obscuration has been met. Exceeding the obscuration will result in unreliable results and it is recommended that the run be cancelled and restarted with a new sample. 9) Click Start. Machine will run three replicates and calculate an average of the results. Save the report file. Verify that conditions and results meet acceptance criteria. Optionally, export the report file in a desired format (e.g. Microsoft Excel file) and save as sample output spreadsheet file. 10) Output results should include the run ID, sample ID, particle mean and median diameters, standard deviation, variance, d10, d90, kurtosis, log binned size fractions as percent volume less than, and as percent volume represented within each size bin. Laboratory data added to the spreadsheet should include the lab ID, final obscuration, ultrasonication time, dispersant concentration, final weighted residual, and additional information (e.g. listed in Section 10). 11) Complete all instrument logbook entries and charts with each LPSA sample analysis. Note any irregularities with sample runs in the logbook, along with sample ID, the date and time of analysis, and initials of the analyst. 12) Backup all data on laboratory server and transfer lab worksheets to appropriate file cabinet. Make sure all worksheets are complete and in order. 98 Assessment of Particle Size Analysis in the Lake Tahoe Basin February 2011 PSD Method with Saturn DigiSizer 5200 for Tahoe Stormwater Samples December 15, 2010 (subject to revision) Standard procedures used for the analysis of stormwater samples with the Micromeritics Saturn DigiSizer are provided below. The instrumentation package consists of the DigiSizer 5200 and a Liquid Sample Handling Unit (LSHU) with an integrated sonication probe. 1) Turn the instrument power on and allow to warm-up until temperature comes into band (out of band temperature will be shown on the instrument schematic). 2) Check the date of most recent instrument qualification test. If more than one month has elapsed, conduct a new test with at least two CRMs equivalent to the logged entries. Record results and verify that qualification passes CRM specifications. If not, notify lab supervisor. 3) Use the DigiSizer instrument software to build a sample file set the following specifications. Minimum of three replicate runs. With internal auto-dilution. Set for a laser obscuration of 35%. Autosonicate at 90 seconds, followed by 90 seconds of recirculation. Set pump speed of 11 L/min. 4) Rinse sample handling unit and instrument flow paths three times with particlefree DI water, and then measure background PSD with carrier solution representative of sample analysis. Include an equivalent amount of dispersant if it is to be used in the sample analysis. 5) Open the sample file and verify that background obscuration is between -0.3% to 0.3%. If not, rinse and repeat until background obscuration is within tolerance. 6) Lightly shake the stormwater sample and dispense into 250 mL glass beaker. 99 Assessment of Particle Size Analysis in the Lake Tahoe Basin February 2011 7) Manually set pump speed to 200 rpm and drain sample reservoir to about 200 mL. 8) Pour contents of 250 mL beaker into sample chamber and rinse beaker with particle-free DI. Do not overfill the chamber. 9) Reset pump speed to 11 L/min and proceed with analysis. 10) Manually ultra-sonicate sample until a stable obscuration is achieved, usually within 30–60 seconds. 11) Begin analytic run. Machine will run three replicates and calculate an average of the results. Save the report file. Verify that weighted residual is within range (generally <1). The residual is dependent on beam obscuration, and will be significantly higher if sample concentration (particle volume) is insufficient. 12) Rinse the sample handling unit and instrument flow paths two times with dispersant solution in particle-free DI carrier water, and verify low background PSD conditions prior to next sample analysis. 13) Transfer all results and sample information to appropriate spreadsheet setup for the LPSA calculations in the lab computer. Ensure all numbers are entered correctly. Output data should include the run ID, sample ID, particle mean and median diameters, standard deviation, variance, d10, d90, kurtosis, particle size fractions as percent volume less than upper bin limit, and percent particle volume represented within each size bin. Laboratory data added to the spreadsheet should include the lab ID, final obscuration, ultrasonication time, dispersant concentration, final weighted residual, and additional information (e.g. listed in Section 10). 14) Complete all instrument logbook entries and charts with each LPSA sample analysis. Note any irregularities with sample runs in the logbook, along with sample ID, the date and time of analysis, and initials of the analyst. 15) Backup all data and transfer lab worksheets to appropriate file cabinet. Make sure all worksheets are complete and in order. 100 Assessment of Particle Size Analysis in the Lake Tahoe Basin February 2011 APPENDIX C. Analytic results of laser particle size analysis (LiQuilaz) on Tahoe Basin stream samples (LTIMP). Stream ID Blackwood Blackwood Blackwood Blackwood Blackwood Blackwood Blackwood Blackwood Blackwood Blackwood Blackwood Blackwood Blackwood Blackwood Blackwood Blackwood Blackwood Blackwood Blackwood Blackwood Blackwood Blackwood Blackwood Blackwood Blackwood Blackwood Blackwood Blackwood Blackwood Blackwood Blackwood Blackwood Blackwood Blackwood Blackwood Blackwood Blackwood Blackwood Blackwood Blackwood Blackwood Blackwood Blackwood Blackwood Blackwood Blackwood Blackwood Blackwood Blackwood Blackwood Blackwood Blackwood Blackwood Blackwood Blackwood Blackwood Blackwood Blackwood Blackwood Blackwood Blackwood Blackwood Blackwood Blackwood Blackwood Blackwood Blackwood Blackwood Blackwood Blackwood Blackwood Blackwood Blackwood Blackwood Blackwood Blackwood Blackwood Blackwood Blackwood Blackwood Blackwood Blackwood Blackwood Blackwood Blackwood Blackwood Blackwood Blackwood Sampling Date 4/5/02 4/11/02 4/11/02 4/15/02 4/24/02 5/6/02 5/6/02 5/15/02 5/16/02 5/22/02 5/29/02 6/13/02 6/20/02 7/17/02 9/19/02 8/28/02 10/22/02 1/20/03 1/23/03 1/23/03 1/28/03 2/20/03 3/15/03 3/24/03 3/24/03 3/26/03 3/26/03 4/10/03 5/17/03 5/24/03 5/29/03 5/31/03 6/1/03 6/7/03 6/15/03 6/26/03 7/8/03 8/14/03 8/21/03 8/21/03 10/22/03 11/28/03 12/6/03 12/19/03 1/27/04 3/11/04 3/18/04 3/22/04 4/6/04 4/12/04 4/21/04 4/27/04 4/28/04 5/4/04 5/5/04 5/13/04 5/20/04 5/31/04 6/10/04 8/9/05 8/15/05 9/16/05 11/8/05 11/16/05 11/29/05 11/30/05 12/1/05 12/1/05 12/1/05 12/2/05 12/19/05 12/21/05 12/21/05 12/22/05 12/22/05 12/22/05 12/23/05 12/28/05 12/28/05 12/30/05 12/30/05 12/31/05 12/31/05 1/1/06 1/27/06 2/3/06 2/27/06 2/27/06 Flow (cfs) 94.00 92.00 92.00 175.00 100.00 94.00 145.00 130.00 188.00 75.00 178.00 67.00 49.00 7.00 1.20 2.20 1.3 11.0 38.0 38.0 49.0 16.0 40.0 47.0 89.0 175.0 155.0 52.0 114.0 192.0 266.0 200.0 240.0 230.0 94.0 41.0 17.0 2.8 6.5 9.7 1.6 1.5 9.9 3.9 5.1 21.0 41.0 88.0 98.0 102.0 50.0 115.0 134.0 180.0 180.0 78.0 83.0 89.0 45.0 4.6 5.7 1.9 4.6 3.0 6.5 4.8 36.0 57.0 152.0 47.0 46.0 53.0 183.0 497.0 497.0 797.0 176.0 291.0 312.0 552.0 1120.0 1700.0 730.0 226.0 30.0 59.0 160.0 56.0 Concentration (Num.) = Num. of Particles in Bin / mL (Bin Sizes in µm) 0.5 ‐ 0.63 0.63 ‐ 0.79 0.79 ‐ 1.0 1.0 ‐ 1.41 1.41 ‐ 2.0 2.0 ‐ 2.83 2.83 ‐ 4.0 4.0 ‐ 4.76 4.76 ‐ 5.66 5.66 ‐ 6.73 6.73 ‐ 8.0 8.0 ‐ 11.31 11.31 ‐ 16.0 16 ‐ 20 22604 13942 8528 6165 2357 827 590 189 127 100 84 158 122 69 13183 6793 3656 2450 825 249 204 63 45 32 29 59 33 24 12362 6864 3814 2667 973 312 241 75 46 39 37 56 45 25 30055 20329 12515 9799 4386 1793 1407 493 327 251 221 386 295 182 9674 5066 2764 2065 919 337 254 71 45 31 34 48 34 19 16949 10548 6578 5117 1993 647 412 107 51 36 33 46 39 13 54958 37799 24974 20517 9138 3587 2569 809 468 339 334 527 442 224 16804 13669 9297 7604 3216 1158 740 215 120 82 76 113 80 36 34565 27874 18761 15038 6634 2533 1896 642 417 323 282 496 415 236 7782 5419 3637 3105 1514 667 499 159 86 71 57 81 59 25 67226 60284 43358 37016 16975 6601 4525 1376 841 651 555 895 715 394 10307 6529 4130 3316 1374 532 398 134 74 57 48 65 48 20 4744 3110 1945 1613 821 362 283 91 51 34 31 45 32 14 15831 9822 5986 5012 2438 1013 734 230 134 97 77 111 81 34 10669 6388 3605 2618 1114 366 238 66 33 23 17 29 17 9 17237 9565 5208 3633 1496 525 329 83 43 31 27 34 19 8 3255 1710 975 822 448 205 151 43 28 20 17 24 16 6 7694 4128 2179 1567 668 265 215 60 37 27 20 33 25 9 32228 20845 13147 11066 5558 2504 2174 754 563 395 392 644 543 317 18514 11372 6898 5367 2366 912 721 225 146 106 94 161 122 63 9391 6245 4216 3829 1616 591 427 127 80 65 59 96 71 40 5936 2855 1494 1019 403 153 130 39 23 16 15 26 14 10 13843 7282 4129 3151 1488 642 578 212 131 102 88 134 95 48 15565 8658 5172 4070 1719 637 502 138 92 62 51 79 51 22 7516 3890 2100 1559 695 268 211 63 38 27 21 33 18 7 169083 110296 68952 61584 36163 18525 19213 7291 5163 4173 3859 6243 4397 1931 68401 40676 24659 20141 10177 4637 4219 1352 917 767 656 1113 800 353 13278 6512 3472 2441 936 340 260 73 50 30 29 39 27 13 11803 6770 4172 3709 1964 945 832 290 196 142 124 182 128 61 41519 24969 15083 12372 6685 3240 3229 1075 703 550 481 826 600 264 44771 25261 14815 11903 5789 2692 2475 833 576 475 387 634 434 199 31430 17875 10625 9122 5059 2557 2540 881 624 463 385 568 419 185 38197 21234 12887 10765 5642 2715 2545 938 636 489 428 640 517 246 40264 24533 15401 13667 7518 3575 3502 1247 774 607 509 805 555 251 19241 11386 6878 5500 2502 1020 805 231 133 104 85 107 77 37 11707 7574 4637 3766 1714 646 474 139 79 61 47 62 42 18 3742 2671 1775 1483 737 290 211 54 35 24 22 29 20 11 11273 5912 2926 1902 729 242 162 40 21 15 15 19 8 5 476760 344947 260507 280293 200760 114293 119533 44747 31373 24973 22533 38133 30907 16147 11697 6275 3880 3529 1983 948 805 259 166 152 132 232 160 83 19028 9307 4500 2817 970 329 203 58 31 24 17 22 14 7 17333 7802 3529 2032 657 211 153 34 21 15 12 15 7 4 91788 56420 35616 32744 20020 9593 8929 2925 1939 1423 1255 1812 1249 608 5420 3164 1726 1302 531 201 150 37 21 14 13 16 11 5 10061 5686 3072 2241 981 383 280 96 60 43 36 55 39 16 18550 10510 6055 4840 2203 921 750 241 151 95 82 123 79 34 39298 25313 16618 15607 9130 4600 4587 1829 1233 1095 903 1630 1214 651 42901 28333 18206 15921 8823 4039 3934 1426 1011 768 718 1127 898 379 11811 6970 4524 3843 2046 955 828 278 187 134 117 183 129 73 17228 9359 5466 4478 2331 1059 1053 366 229 184 169 281 203 120 10706 4942 2455 1619 665 274 207 69 48 36 31 38 27 7 27637 20720 16344 18942 14117 8213 8909 3544 2495 2167 1913 3341 2694 1396 12850 6961 4649 4338 2371 1123 1092 327 216 167 142 245 169 91 28582 16396 9881 8678 4680 2299 2053 755 529 367 339 499 367 179 43745 26921 16796 14765 8511 4211 4125 1533 1069 898 739 1253 985 479 18697 9907 5338 4037 1660 664 501 156 101 67 61 99 81 33 9537 5429 3389 2947 1458 591 434 139 85 59 59 76 47 21 9189 5837 3807 3635 1652 641 532 162 92 77 57 79 49 37 14020 6818 3615 2680 1255 519 448 137 97 73 53 97 67 34 5313 2013 997 800 378 145 92 35 17 13 10 22 10 3 65753 32888 17575 12368 4300 1192 647 143 95 75 62 80 50 8 18505 8580 4177 2737 1340 578 537 150 102 92 62 92 55 22 35997 14412 6650 4555 1765 650 497 142 50 73 43 57 38 22 72717 38613 20850 13825 5288 1978 1420 447 248 172 130 155 52 25 57373 31010 17228 13820 6335 2615 2215 875 570 435 495 822 603 337 33387 16280 8820 7020 3280 1307 1033 340 193 233 193 180 73 53 168553 93093 55740 48213 26660 14187 14893 5893 4133 3420 3000 4953 3380 1493 152147 75973 42920 33073 16887 8167 8293 3280 2153 1740 1347 2453 1580 713 199933 107447 60813 48080 24607 12607 12620 5107 3673 2860 2587 3760 2327 940 337073 207947 130660 111353 59213 29320 28947 10427 8053 6213 5293 8307 5047 1880 37307 18493 9920 7227 3447 1377 1100 413 260 203 183 227 157 57 70173 39620 24990 23243 14673 8377 9093 3710 2450 2160 1850 3137 2153 867 147177 97590 68360 70220 46493 26523 27440 10843 8050 6053 5487 8343 5667 2083 459400 345920 246667 246107 155720 86473 91613 35900 25287 20867 17507 28827 18940 7580 495060 405593 296300 292400 184867 97840 103840 40113 27480 22147 18580 31320 21040 8193 438313 339793 246673 245007 156653 84800 84887 31707 20827 16327 13907 19407 11800 3993 255680 151663 88803 73807 38957 18750 17440 5907 3670 2533 2070 2697 1320 430 198153 123610 76640 66477 35567 16897 14983 4880 3323 2407 1890 2510 1373 470 146252 110838 74693 65327 35332 16600 14873 4683 2832 1933 1518 1835 757 207 625267 458308 300550 259675 137517 64517 60225 20042 13325 10017 8683 11967 7408 3325 724050 843592 678875 670808 377792 182125 170517 58550 38992 29467 23408 33992 20358 7175 479492 950450 1001800 1133400 669075 306217 264133 83900 49925 36350 27933 36300 18042 5258 472675 993667 1062100 1190625 680467 299983 250667 75525 44242 31033 23358 30317 13825 3983 160127 151877 115267 105850 57237 24553 20332 6020 3410 2337 1712 2322 1055 402 12907 5500 2663 1940 760 263 270 60 47 33 30 63 20 7 34848 17698 10093 7242 2735 900 678 195 167 118 90 145 113 53 327353 194580 117120 106107 66853 36007 37920 13840 9547 7020 6147 8520 5113 1973 511787 356353 233613 212067 128613 65520 65253 23153 15427 11393 9827 13767 7780 2960 101 0.5 ‐ 16 55792 27620 27530 82258 21341 42556 156460 53173 109878 23138 241017 27009 13161 41567 25182 38229 7715 16917 90815 47004 26812 12123 31875 36797 16438 514941 178516 27488 31256 111331 111046 82549 97633 112957 48069 30947 11092 23263 1989760 30218 37319 31820 265713 12607 23033 44601 123056 128104 32005 42407 21117 131037 34651 75424 125552 41369 24250 25809 29879 9845 135228 37005 64928 155895 134397 72340 446120 350013 486420 947853 80313 205630 528247 1779227 2036580 1710100 663297 548710 477473 1977500 3852525 5057017 5168483 652097 24557 75023 936127 1654553 Assessment of Particle Size Analysis in the Lake Tahoe Basin February 2011 APPENDIX C. Analytic results of laser particle size analysis (LiQuilaz) on Tahoe Basin stream samples (LTIMP) (continued). Stream ID Blackwood Blackwood Blackwood Blackwood Blackwood Blackwood Blackwood Blackwood Blackwood Blackwood Blackwood Blackwood Blackwood Blackwood Blackwood Blackwood Blackwood Blackwood Blackwood Blackwood Blackwood Blackwood Blackwood Blackwood Blackwood Blackwood Blackwood Blackwood Blackwood Blackwood Blackwood Blackwood Blackwood Blackwood Blackwood Blackwood Blackwood Blackwood Blackwood Blackwood Blackwood Blackwood Blackwood Blackwood Blackwood Blackwood Blackwood Blackwood Blackwood Blackwood Blackwood Blackwood Blackwood Blackwood Blackwood Blackwood Blackwood Blackwood Blackwood Blackwood Blackwood Blackwood Blackwood Blackwood Blackwood Blackwood Blackwood Blackwood Blackwood Blackwood Blackwood Blackwood Blackwood Blackwood Blackwood Blackwood Blackwood Blackwood Blackwood Blackwood Blackwood Blackwood Blackwood Blackwood Blackwood Blackwood Blackwood Blackwood Blackwood Blackwood Sampling Date 2/28/06 3/24/06 4/3/06 4/4/06 4/27/06 5/5/06 5/8/06 5/12/06 5/12/06 5/20/06 5/18/06 5/23/06 5/23/06 5/23/06 5/23/06 5/23/06 5/25/06 5/26/06 6/2/06 6/7/06 6/15/06 6/21/06 6/30/06 7/13/06 8/14/06 9/18/06 10/20/06 11/3/06 11/14/06 11/13/06 11/13/06 12/14/06 1/22/07 2/9/07 2/9/07 2/10/07 2/20/07 2/20/07 3/13/07 3/13/07 3/13/07 3/13/07 3/26/07 4/3/07 4/25/07 5/1/07 5/9/07 5/10/07 5/17/07 5/23/07 5/31/07 6/13/07 7/13/07 4/28/08 5/6/08 5/9/08 5/14/08 5/26/08 5/16/08 5/18/08 5/21/08 5/21/08 5/30/08 6/9/08 7/7/08 8/20/08 10/3/08 10/4/08 9/25/08 10/23/08 11/1/08 11/2/08 12/3/08 1/7/09 1/22/09 1/23/09 1/24/09 2/10/09 2/23/09 2/24/09 3/2/09 3/2/09 3/13/09 4/1/09 4/17/09 4/20/09 4/24/09 5/1/09 5/1/09 5/2/09 Flow (cfs) 185.0 28.0 42.0 1.6 2.1 228.0 247.0 276.0 242.0 271.0 445.0 168.0 168.0 173.0 175.0 173.0 176.0 181.0 195.0 251.0 104.0 185.0 109.0 28.0 4.2 1.3 3.0 4.4 19.0 140.0 8.1 31.0 6.2 15.0 15.0 33.0 18.0 18.0 22.0 22.0 22.0 22.0 50.0 47.0 47.0 133.0 137.0 87.0 88.0 53.0 55.0 23.0 4.4 110.0 124.0 126.0 132.0 70.0 236.0 249.0 124.0 124.0 65.0 52.0 8.4 2.3 1.6 2.4 1.4 1.8 4.0 5.3 2.5 2.2 4.2 5.4 6.0 4.2 24.0 23.0 38.0 38.0 9.9 38.0 40.0 114.0 127.0 188.0 188.0 277.0 Concentration (Num.) = Num. of Particles in Bin / mL (Bin Sizes in µm) 0.5 ‐ 0.63 0.63 ‐ 0.79 0.79 ‐ 1.0 1.0 ‐ 1.41 1.41 ‐ 2.0 2.0 ‐ 2.83 2.83 ‐ 4.0 4.0 ‐ 4.76 4.76 ‐ 5.66 5.66 ‐ 6.73 6.73 ‐ 8.0 8.0 ‐ 11.31 11.31 ‐ 16.0 16 ‐ 20 610583 349250 206300 167467 84950 39483 35900 11650 7517 4617 4300 5567 2617 1033 12983 6572 3960 3365 1967 925 842 272 150 133 63 102 58 8 74973 38913 21107 16533 8613 3920 3253 1393 807 693 600 1027 780 307 68710 31777 15920 10170 4157 1707 1303 363 193 177 160 183 143 60 100693 57917 34957 31720 19880 10957 11527 4003 2703 2213 1847 2770 1707 833 210173 119293 65140 44580 16473 5580 3867 940 633 393 360 367 400 207 76080 39887 23653 22087 14247 7940 8380 2893 2067 1433 1233 1787 1107 473 128147 69827 38160 28720 12853 5213 4093 1287 793 547 360 607 313 107 112253 59240 32673 25780 13733 6653 6660 2240 1627 1207 887 1367 1020 347 223707 139127 85987 70133 35167 14447 12713 3907 2507 1633 1287 2093 1133 360 478840 362300 245667 221267 122047 58067 53400 17393 11300 8140 6580 9293 5407 1953 8580 4173 2253 1517 497 243 147 30 20 13 17 40 30 3 21930 11200 5853 4480 2017 773 733 190 100 103 80 123 87 23 12630 5913 3140 2237 980 370 327 120 100 50 40 63 43 13 13110 6653 3197 2010 727 317 250 90 53 37 23 37 30 13 69810 37010 20683 15423 6797 2920 2713 1017 533 500 447 630 413 207 34630 19537 11137 8207 3563 1237 867 247 140 97 73 57 47 13 39687 22447 13010 10333 5320 2330 1877 553 410 213 210 300 157 63 38207 18373 9307 6393 2773 1107 1100 393 160 280 160 253 167 53 119233 66480 38567 31547 16700 8153 7460 2340 1380 1040 793 1187 633 180 71827 41653 25820 21580 11320 4167 3273 820 507 467 407 387 213 73 65493 38140 23567 19533 10193 4827 3493 1047 660 420 273 473 240 73 27307 14757 8890 6997 3693 1673 1427 413 257 150 177 210 93 57 17253 8563 4547 3140 1400 493 387 117 80 60 33 40 7 3 22648 11142 6025 4560 1947 748 512 122 65 42 37 43 12 3 45888 23745 12687 8375 3092 1043 648 157 80 43 47 47 27 20 72383 32603 16800 12473 5453 2050 1423 260 170 103 90 123 53 23 29823 13233 6777 4893 2523 813 673 143 110 53 63 63 20 20 95507 45267 22760 17120 7373 3053 2640 1053 560 520 440 493 267 147 831867 486920 284507 244280 144907 80187 85213 32693 23507 17960 16907 27267 20080 9733 105000 49280 24947 18840 8213 3867 3107 1067 787 600 560 920 787 467 163900 84767 46027 31847 12987 4720 3433 960 547 493 387 447 307 167 15253 6900 3070 1963 747 260 190 73 40 43 23 37 13 17 16103 11401 8127 7085 2784 739 377 65 35 23 14 23 17 12 18242 10983 6323 4554 1916 665 408 78 39 30 25 33 21 7 13764 6837 3717 2921 1439 555 477 141 103 61 49 90 67 23 20937 9523 5137 3867 1893 707 640 153 93 83 53 87 57 30 23317 9903 5193 3553 1563 703 477 123 80 57 37 53 33 23 32310 18173 9790 7200 3397 1607 1503 537 343 173 200 270 157 37 3913 2710 2000 1200 357 97 53 7 7 13 13 0 10 3 27910 14560 7963 5687 2513 1057 863 183 147 110 103 120 97 30 20753 9900 5027 2893 1040 313 180 53 40 33 10 23 33 3 14931 8089 4619 3731 1749 796 673 211 133 92 67 119 61 32 28920 14153 7373 4430 2133 737 637 197 107 117 70 133 73 37 12379 6347 3254 2307 1106 478 513 169 123 99 69 133 89 48 26660 15824 9434 8036 4163 1776 1647 521 356 274 229 347 247 115 23835 13592 8044 6545 3328 1359 1270 434 279 216 193 289 230 100 12849 6994 4116 3217 1397 514 398 124 78 56 51 63 44 25 17591 9873 5524 4287 1990 813 765 241 165 141 105 163 102 39 3542 2397 1461 999 458 220 157 42 27 20 17 23 16 8 4396 2982 1612 976 385 156 140 47 30 25 20 30 20 10 7903 4313 1970 1110 380 139 120 39 26 18 17 21 16 6 2551 1060 503 335 139 48 33 9 4 4 3 3 2 1 3023 1127 473 297 115 36 22 6 4 3 2 3 2 1 4232 1822 800 500 169 41 23 6 3 3 2 2 2 1 7135 2862 1181 698 262 78 57 14 8 6 3 5 2 1 2677 1013 483 347 137 36 26 8 5 4 4 6 6 4 8478 3900 1768 1203 560 247 226 78 62 51 44 69 53 22 3505 1818 964 751 387 171 165 57 42 31 25 38 24 11 2690 966 428 297 115 37 25 6 4 3 3 3 2 1 3072 1143 488 319 133 46 36 9 6 4 3 4 3 1 11238 5737 3402 3334 2459 1306 1488 469 332 262 184 232 102 30 3196 1190 512 319 138 55 43 13 9 7 6 9 5 2 4179 2168 1038 743 371 165 163 57 38 29 23 30 13 4 2021 715 323 228 108 47 43 13 9 6 5 8 7 3 2979 1643 903 638 277 105 80 23 16 13 12 18 16 8 31401 16997 10918 11466 8363 4676 4988 1620 1125 767 544 625 247 58 5762 3923 2579 2585 1563 783 802 257 163 113 80 88 32 7 12978 7891 4984 4799 3212 1716 1887 654 428 315 212 246 101 22 87154 54873 39537 42392 29439 14730 13966 4225 2633 1878 1349 1570 590 118 11723 5967 3523 3391 2169 1050 1040 294 168 116 83 79 26 6 18039 11239 6770 5640 3177 1447 1236 440 335 253 227 372 240 105 27237 16134 8766 6179 2488 734 422 134 92 68 50 65 35 15 125626 82226 51564 47460 30104 15793 14925 5604 4361 3874 3241 5153 3749 1606 147789 104162 67735 63510 41143 21020 19405 7149 5527 4743 3810 5823 3757 1500 62126 42280 27371 24590 14631 7388 6295 2250 1651 1401 1043 1535 922 380 59658 39577 25536 23369 14153 7267 6508 2334 1710 1418 1108 1676 1001 392 6119 3878 2157 1503 652 240 181 61 41 31 28 36 25 13 6930 4083 2334 1790 885 348 277 93 69 51 42 62 37 20 25156 14003 7450 4985 2059 734 503 163 116 89 67 94 71 25 15362 8382 4232 2756 1048 329 229 62 46 27 21 35 18 5 29404 14901 7429 5077 1786 523 327 96 52 46 51 60 59 27 22068 10783 4921 2990 1023 313 182 55 37 31 24 35 29 17 7259 4619 2859 2221 973 326 222 63 40 32 24 38 26 12 12237 5608 2338 1243 417 136 89 25 15 10 10 15 9 6 92902 49415 26427 20685 11397 5800 5391 2128 1664 1508 1353 2230 1764 947 34776 15899 7021 4088 1384 422 249 76 65 65 37 61 61 31 9188 4239 1964 1179 483 169 109 34 24 18 13 18 12 6 13821 6531 2829 1653 599 189 118 32 22 19 15 21 11 5 14829 7645 3746 2656 1212 532 478 180 151 130 110 188 147 72 102 0.5 ‐ 16 1530200 31392 172613 134963 282893 468200 202793 290920 265340 593840 1599700 17560 47670 26013 26533 158897 79837 96847 78673 295513 182440 168360 66043 36120 47902 95878 143987 59190 197053 2296293 217973 350820 28613 46793 43317 30221 43230 45093 75660 10380 61313 40300 35272 59080 27068 69513 59615 29900 41760 9379 10820 16073 4693 5110 7606 12312 4752 16741 7978 4578 5264 30544 5502 9018 3534 6722 93738 18731 39424 294337 29629 49414 62406 393678 495572 193482 185315 14951 17002 55490 32548 59812 42490 18700 22149 222663 64204 17450 25859 32004 Assessment of Particle Size Analysis in the Lake Tahoe Basin February 2011 APPENDIX C. Analytic results of laser particle size analysis (LiQuilaz) on Tahoe Basin stream samples (LTIMP) (continued). Stream ID Blackwood Blackwood Blackwood Blackwood Blackwood Blackwood Blackwood Blackwood Blackwood Blackwood Blackwood Blackwood Blackwood Blackwood Blackwood Blackwood Blackwood Blackwood Blackwood Blackwood Blackwood Blackwood Blackwood Eagle Rock Eagle Rock Eagle Rock Eagle Rock Eagle Rock Eagle Rock Eagle Rock Eagle Rock Eagle Rock Eagle Rock Eagle Rock Eagle Rock Eagle Rock Eagle Rock Eagle Rock Eagle Rock Eagle Rock Eagle Rock Eagle Rock Eagle Rock Eagle Rock Eagle Rock Eagle Rock Eagle Rock Eagle Rock Eagle Rock Eagle Rock Eagle Rock Eagle Rock Eagle Rock Eagle Rock Eagle Rock Eagle Rock Eagle Rock Eagle Rock Eagle Rock Eagle Rock Eagle Rock Eagle Rock Eagle Rock Eagle Rock Eagle Rock Eagle Rock Eagle Rock Eagle Rock Eagle Rock Eagle Rock Eagle Rock Eagle Rock Eagle Rock Eagle Rock Eagle Rock Eagle Rock Eagle Rock Eagle Rock Eagle Rock Eagle Rock Eagle Rock Eagle Rock Eagle Rock Eagle Rock Eagle Rock Eagle Rock Eagle Rock Eagle Rock Eagle Rock Eagle Rock Sampling Date 5/3/09 5/3/09 5/5/09 5/5/09 5/6/09 5/7/09 5/12/09 5/18/09 5/26/09 6/8/09 7/7/09 8/10/09 9/8/09 10/8/09 10/13/09 10/13/09 10/13/09 10/14/09 11/6/09 12/3/09 1/14/10 2/5/10 3/5/10 7/18/02 8/2/02 8/14/02 9/23/02 10/9/02 11/7/02 11/8/02 1/8/03 2/7/03 3/4/03 3/26/03 4/3/03 4/9/03 4/23/03 5/2/03 5/12/03 5/14/03 5/17/03 5/20/03 5/22/03 5/30/03 6/9/03 6/11/03 6/26/03 7/11/03 7/11/03 8/5/03 9/4/03 10/7/03 10/7/03 11/5/03 12/4/03 1/7/04 2/5/04 2/17/04 3/5/04 3/8/04 3/15/04 3/19/04 3/22/04 3/29/04 4/5/04 4/9/04 4/15/04 4/23/04 4/26/04 5/5/04 5/21/04 6/4/04 6/15/04 9/13/05 10/3/05 11/4/05 12/1/05 12/7/05 12/22/05 12/31/05 1/3/06 2/9/06 2/27/06 3/7/06 4/3/06 4/20/06 4/24/06 5/1/06 5/2/06 5/8/06 Flow (cfs) 373.0 373.0 455.0 455.0 266.0 210.0 160.0 185.0 134.0 59.0 12.0 2.2 1.3 1.5 19.0 19.0 19.0 18.0 2.7 2.8 5.5 4.6 5.7 0.71 0.49 0.51 0.61 0.50 0.80 1.50 0.80 0.60 0.50 0.70 0.68 0.67 0.70 0.70 0.80 1.00 0.90 0.80 0.70 0.70 0.60 0.60 0.60 0.59 0.57 0.60 0.50 0.40 0.40 0.52 0.52 0.66 0.78 0.88 0.81 0.81 0.87 0.78 0.94 0.78 1.00 0.91 0.87 0.87 0.78 0.72 0.65 0.63 0.63 0.72 0.87 0.79 1.40 0.83 1.20 3.50 1.70 1.10 1.70 1.40 1.60 1.90 2.00 2.30 2.20 2.10 Concentration (Num.) = Num. of Particles in Bin / mL (Bin Sizes in µm) 0.5 ‐ 0.63 0.63 ‐ 0.79 0.79 ‐ 1.0 1.0 ‐ 1.41 1.41 ‐ 2.0 2.0 ‐ 2.83 2.83 ‐ 4.0 4.0 ‐ 4.76 4.76 ‐ 5.66 5.66 ‐ 6.73 6.73 ‐ 8.0 8.0 ‐ 11.31 11.31 ‐ 16.0 16 ‐ 20 0.5 ‐ 16 43768 30777 20300 19052 12240 6397 6253 2394 1998 1703 1491 2314 1610 667 150294 17187 8800 4652 3437 1624 691 557 194 143 129 102 188 135 57 37836 13399 7976 4351 3254 1537 614 492 180 137 108 94 146 100 51 32388 23622 12958 6993 5050 2463 1029 921 354 279 248 202 341 236 114 54695 19145 9927 5028 3577 1624 654 549 189 172 127 105 197 156 50 41451 48459 32862 19421 15326 7965 3547 3214 1201 964 845 752 1248 1002 438 136806 84823 58532 35568 29361 16851 8447 8072 3239 2534 2226 2008 3370 2686 1197 257718 9261 4821 2402 1621 722 299 243 80 64 55 49 71 53 17 19739 8037 4444 2468 1751 828 352 301 117 98 68 56 95 65 29 18680 11363 6018 2925 1924 813 336 311 130 102 91 76 135 96 48 24320 183462 114651 65903 51603 29282 14616 13777 5291 4283 3530 3092 5191 3800 1886 498483 29061 17216 10043 8026 4438 2150 1728 630 470 392 314 477 332 159 75276 145061 94710 61420 60611 43723 24649 24821 9616 8200 7214 6653 11475 9358 4255 507510 181998 137353 96938 102224 74280 40496 40740 15691 12833 10677 9844 15772 12166 5922 751012 81474 46874 27463 24001 15430 7994 7558 2970 2298 1910 1729 2531 1772 745 224004 236629 226063 177832 189576 132681 73619 69781 26707 21219 17747 15005 23191 15647 6314 1225695 256148 200248 135847 128181 81108 41565 38598 14005 10786 8541 7380 11477 7150 2686 941035 248437 254843 204917 214489 143803 76216 69739 25524 20366 16019 13730 21149 13302 5750 1322533 258890 237421 179448 179618 113370 57234 49945 17880 13105 10308 8350 11736 6964 2622 1144268 148383 118103 85091 85062 54252 25730 22169 7480 5306 3833 2984 4082 2300 786 564774 113356 83830 59004 56279 34325 15972 12917 4076 2872 2147 1721 2449 1184 451 390133 20878 14529 9667 9343 6124 3172 2681 918 688 526 465 640 391 163 70022 68526 48856 32555 31230 19738 10025 8646 3054 2265 1756 1436 2177 1279 550 231543 42486667 31408000 23283333 22062000 11469333 5717333 4799333 1483333 761333 562667 430000 583333 324667 127333 145371333 36363 23919 15661 14224 7856 3598 3159 1099 739 553 529 861 696 321 109258 33487 21626 13841 12605 6683 2964 2389 775 545 398 318 586 421 212 96637 29475 18385 11859 10619 5853 2703 2296 812 530 411 323 605 419 187 84290 33560 21185 13237 11501 5913 2663 2229 766 499 375 312 506 390 179 93136 25322 17894 12836 12655 7685 3678 2989 897 545 395 305 473 309 154 85983 41300 33468 27547 32987 24955 14018 13787 4973 3145 2502 2170 3602 2792 1568 207245 14708 10423 7266 6980 4047 1920 1553 451 280 189 165 241 173 73 48397 25403 17327 11598 10571 5850 2660 2141 639 389 289 262 386 267 122 77782 13999 7181 4021 2976 1379 572 421 123 79 62 47 91 68 39 31018 47835 30047 18303 14276 6320 2257 1609 464 279 225 183 318 247 137 122362 22417 12770 7219 5367 2304 860 630 181 127 96 83 136 91 64 52281 32272 19216 11779 9917 4915 2108 1701 567 376 266 258 431 289 142 84095 21135 11823 6604 5119 2386 1025 893 289 189 159 127 215 168 84 50133 23690 13998 8238 6426 2959 1256 961 300 183 137 133 216 185 95 58680 14774 8611 5539 5176 3048 1485 1410 517 342 283 226 404 294 142 42112 29290 17574 11602 11111 6924 3661 3657 1431 1007 783 665 1159 886 431 89750 22164 12481 6975 5287 2410 1085 916 288 185 131 109 191 142 77 52366 22370 11902 6944 5958 3099 1465 1421 473 309 249 231 368 287 145 55075 20857 10893 6245 5023 2408 1037 929 338 237 195 165 256 229 105 48809 10943 5783 3329 2501 998 333 263 84 53 42 38 58 45 17 24470 13393 6611 3402 2272 900 353 265 78 53 42 32 50 39 21 27489 14559 7388 3917 2596 1007 359 289 99 58 44 34 58 39 28 30447 18288 9988 5286 3621 1273 371 236 68 44 31 19 40 33 17 39298 17511 9178 4972 3635 1549 590 452 153 91 74 65 110 85 58 38466 17511 9178 4972 3635 1549 590 452 153 91 74 65 110 85 58 38466 16848 8882 4918 3725 1674 664 528 158 102 74 62 122 97 58 37854 11249 5268 2470 1473 466 152 114 36 24 27 19 35 34 20 21365 10198 6034 3525 2942 1560 702 618 210 152 124 108 201 179 96 26551 10198 6034 3525 2942 1560 702 618 210 152 124 108 201 179 96 26551 22641 11183 5970 4309 1913 771 638 185 127 100 89 125 137 79 48187 16987 9049 5193 4017 1833 771 611 194 127 116 99 167 139 77 39301 24004 12693 7218 5858 2969 1371 1275 465 311 234 217 367 303 161 57287 17229 8773 4853 3809 1932 783 706 227 167 96 113 176 135 79 38999 27511 14664 8233 6538 2937 1219 981 352 237 196 160 294 251 131 63573 17757 8845 4847 3689 1870 816 717 262 164 146 118 193 155 77 39579 25095 13264 7420 5633 2651 1107 956 299 215 193 169 273 226 117 57502 25942 13505 7861 6641 3595 1757 1724 663 446 347 338 542 416 209 63777 23175 10992 5882 4531 2189 997 848 297 168 137 128 201 165 89 49710 47246 29702 18482 15567 8436 3895 3877 1379 965 763 653 1155 966 507 133088 26679 13301 7053 5309 2557 1086 995 342 225 167 137 235 197 105 58281 20149 10136 5769 4657 2561 1273 1188 434 288 210 201 356 282 167 47504 15511 7527 4153 3352 1665 710 631 215 129 110 93 161 137 83 34391 18501 9107 4815 3555 1581 650 546 181 133 91 92 150 119 73 39521 23464 12455 6796 5148 2305 964 757 245 167 115 92 190 167 73 52866 15183 7355 4133 3239 1669 755 641 237 132 103 105 181 187 105 33920 16055 7925 4225 3135 1451 665 553 209 121 94 85 137 127 80 34783 15233 8110 4752 3789 1858 785 614 223 153 137 117 218 155 97 36144 17620 9654 5786 4707 2498 1097 973 359 221 188 183 331 274 149 43891 12946 6242 3175 2345 1135 475 397 139 84 69 59 97 74 49 27236 24843 11817 6403 4613 2258 952 813 300 200 152 153 250 153 78 52908 17000 7273 3643 2667 1100 480 430 135 105 105 88 138 103 45 33268 21520 9598 4822 2858 863 215 142 25 17 10 13 2 5 2 40090 207627 113687 63580 47407 23560 10607 9100 3613 2380 1813 1500 2307 1673 727 488853 21432 9632 4757 3767 1895 962 898 268 178 127 147 257 158 43 44477 53140 23553 11647 8653 4300 1713 1913 633 427 340 387 540 320 180 107567 552867 293042 151917 105383 45975 19558 16742 5608 4000 2750 2550 3425 1958 800 1205775 64233 26483 12277 8237 2762 848 535 120 80 43 30 33 5 5 115687 21533 8720 4553 3060 1427 713 587 153 120 87 120 107 87 67 41267 150067 74533 43200 33167 18183 9333 9483 3250 2667 1700 1683 2750 2000 1017 352017 36427 16457 8567 6230 2837 1077 727 217 150 107 123 197 97 43 73210 50387 25000 14240 12053 6133 2373 2253 693 587 253 293 467 307 160 115040 40340 21767 12137 9397 5053 2513 2167 627 440 307 230 373 193 97 95543 70337 35660 19903 15847 9677 4877 5383 1987 1457 1077 1040 1480 1043 490 169767 131440 68073 36067 27333 13467 6087 6287 1833 1120 1187 880 1093 813 307 295680 23727 11613 5980 4673 2247 953 853 373 187 153 147 220 93 80 51220 63193 27833 13867 9133 4107 2007 1713 593 400 387 300 427 267 187 124227 103 Assessment of Particle Size Analysis in the Lake Tahoe Basin February 2011 APPENDIX C. Analytic results of laser particle size analysis (LiQuilaz) on Tahoe Basin stream samples (LTIMP) (continued). Stream ID Eagle Rock Eagle Rock Eagle Rock Eagle Rock Eagle Rock Eagle Rock Eagle Rock Eagle Rock Eagle Rock Eagle Rock Eagle Rock Eagle Rock Eagle Rock Eagle Rock Eagle Rock Eagle Rock Eagle Rock Eagle Rock Eagle Rock Eagle Rock Eagle Rock Eagle Rock Eagle Rock Eagle Rock Eagle Rock Eagle Rock Eagle Rock Eagle Rock Eagle Rock Eagle Rock Eagle Rock Eagle Rock Eagle Rock Eagle Rock Eagle Rock Eagle Rock Eagle Rock Eagle Rock Eagle Rock Eagle Rock Eagle Rock Eagle Rock Eagle Rock Eagle Rock Eagle Rock Eagle Rock Eagle Rock Eagle Rock Eagle Rock Eagle Rock Eagle Rock Eagle Rock Eagle Rock Eagle Rock Eagle Rock Edgewood Edgewood Edgewood Edgewood Edgewood Edgewood Edgewood Edgewood Edgewood Edgewood Edgewood Edgewood Edgewood Edgewood Edgewood Edgewood Edgewood Edgewood Edgewood Edgewood Edgewood Edgewood Edgewood Edgewood Edgewood Edgewood Edgewood Edgewood Edgewood Edgewood Edgewood Edgewood Edgewood Edgewood Edgewood Sampling Date 5/10/06 5/15/06 5/18/06 5/25/06 6/8/06 7/5/06 10/3/06 11/7/06 12/5/06 1/5/07 2/6/07 7/2/07 8/7/07 9/9/07 10/5/07 11/6/07 12/5/07 2/5/08 3/4/08 4/2/08 4/15/08 4/19/08 4/28/08 5/2/08 5/5/08 5/9/08 5/14/08 5/22/08 5/29/08 6/5/08 7/9/08 8/5/08 9/4/08 10/8/08 11/3/08 12/4/08 1/5/09 2/9/09 3/5/09 4/8/09 4/20/09 4/22/09 5/9/09 5/11/09 5/18/09 6/1/09 7/6/09 8/3/09 9/1/09 10/8/09 11/2/09 12/3/09 1/9/10 2/3/10 3/4/10 4/13/02 4/22/02 4/23/02 4/26/02 5/7/02 5/17/02 6/3/02 7/8/02 7/18/02 8/13/02 8/14/02 8/15/02 9/13/02 10/9/02 11/7/02 1/8/03 2/7/03 3/4/03 3/27/03 4/3/03 4/8/03 4/9/03 4/23/03 5/2/03 5/12/03 5/14/03 5/20/03 6/6/03 6/10/03 7/11/03 7/11/03 8/5/03 9/4/03 10/7/03 10/7/03 Flow (cfs) 2.00 1.90 1.80 1.70 1.60 1.60 1.90 2.00 1.70 1.80 1.60 0.91 1.00 0.95 1.10 1.00 0.74 0.87 0.87 1.00 1.10 1.10 1.00 0.94 0.91 0.89 0.86 0.87 0.92 0.87 0.81 0.52 0.52 0.85 0.92 0.69 0.50 0.71 0.78 0.93 0.96 1.00 0.90 0.79 0.79 0.69 0.64 0.62 0.64 0.60 0.69 0.61 0.69 0.69 0.67 4.80 3.40 5.30 5.60 5.60 3.00 2.60 1.90 4.60 1.74 1.70 1.74 1.80 2.60 1.60 2.60 3.40 3.00 6.40 3.40 4.30 4.30 4.40 4.60 4.40 5.10 5.10 3.10 1.60 1.70 1.70 2.10 1.60 1.70 1.70 Concentration (Num.) = Num. of Particles in Bin / mL (Bin Sizes in µm) 0.5 ‐ 0.63 0.63 ‐ 0.79 0.79 ‐ 1.0 1.0 ‐ 1.41 1.41 ‐ 2.0 2.0 ‐ 2.83 2.83 ‐ 4.0 4.0 ‐ 4.76 4.76 ‐ 5.66 5.66 ‐ 6.73 6.73 ‐ 8.0 8.0 ‐ 11.31 11.31 ‐ 16.0 16 ‐ 20 44473 19840 10347 7533 3727 1793 1587 440 307 300 233 420 260 93 61367 31253 16633 13380 6600 3173 3187 1060 620 513 380 567 453 167 59413 27827 14060 9033 3840 1587 1320 527 380 227 293 427 260 127 40140 19687 10330 7703 3577 1687 1367 487 343 227 190 380 280 143 98493 60413 36000 31920 19427 10013 8747 2880 1627 1200 880 1107 560 267 33493 16453 8673 6387 2940 1467 1180 413 247 247 227 380 213 80 133740 75800 46267 38960 18427 7547 5547 1740 1107 787 527 973 533 200 71307 34573 17667 12640 6480 2173 2080 547 413 400 253 440 400 173 20290 8987 4570 3250 1370 630 487 117 143 113 90 140 87 60 37367 18473 10040 6587 2900 1133 1053 320 200 220 140 273 127 33 24387 11853 6337 4800 2167 917 903 327 213 183 180 240 217 100 27539 14373 7881 5623 2303 886 753 247 161 125 105 171 138 61 2538 1177 586 436 229 103 104 39 27 24 22 37 29 14 2810 1615 936 760 387 173 176 71 54 42 39 63 41 15 2607 1454 848 750 463 230 265 97 76 58 50 73 48 20 2990 1631 879 688 354 158 179 66 46 38 30 45 25 10 2751 1256 635 503 287 137 165 66 48 40 34 56 34 13 2729 1551 935 829 508 247 267 98 68 53 47 63 36 14 2626 1411 808 658 340 144 146 54 38 34 32 51 37 14 2925 1572 874 746 401 185 192 73 56 44 38 67 41 16 9102 4679 2882 2763 1785 835 835 248 164 110 87 105 59 17 8728 4406 2578 2376 1451 692 654 197 128 94 72 84 43 14 3351 1878 1004 802 434 200 196 71 52 44 37 70 55 24 3271 1833 1000 774 377 161 163 63 48 41 39 73 53 23 2256 1282 790 594 324 145 137 55 42 38 34 66 55 23 2635 1216 623 499 286 132 135 52 40 36 33 62 54 25 577 308 166 123 65 29 27 9 7 6 6 10 7 3 15960 8639 4609 3448 1831 832 743 284 224 203 177 289 229 106 18478 9712 4962 3406 1532 620 505 199 156 165 147 243 203 90 26418 14451 7499 5394 2653 1170 980 341 264 242 209 312 213 100 15657 8780 4572 3219 1502 628 552 208 171 142 119 205 163 81 21930 13011 7055 5239 2665 1179 1096 403 312 262 243 406 313 160 12613 7353 3814 2718 1342 576 511 183 151 140 109 197 150 81 9700 5033 2465 1633 762 348 322 121 104 91 85 138 120 59 12832 6590 3127 2013 841 324 248 80 69 57 42 78 69 33 9782 5218 2597 1692 791 321 288 108 96 79 76 121 89 45 12005 7285 4094 3000 1499 612 523 176 143 121 109 192 145 66 12947 7481 3924 2938 1511 669 593 225 181 144 119 195 135 56 15325 8483 4665 3417 1633 624 496 154 135 121 97 134 95 43 11381 5835 3099 2370 1318 620 604 226 179 159 147 256 209 89 18167 9887 5539 4501 2539 1199 1073 402 314 288 248 369 288 138 28502 15388 8476 6480 3431 1553 1407 513 465 371 336 574 420 194 11218 5974 3157 2347 1242 596 580 247 209 183 162 289 230 111 14327 8923 5081 3917 2005 957 866 342 279 228 208 332 233 103 14459 9643 5788 4722 2574 1268 1220 479 402 353 315 519 394 189 10452 6248 3561 2606 1368 667 685 280 228 208 188 328 255 131 12110 6723 3493 2286 1018 406 356 130 113 89 77 140 105 47 9142 5304 2896 2172 1135 530 500 183 163 135 136 214 167 88 10689 6395 3542 2528 1190 517 456 174 137 118 113 195 154 70 11429 6450 3282 2263 1035 424 379 138 116 103 94 151 127 59 12205 6634 3554 2616 1216 446 343 115 90 77 63 98 75 44 8871 4808 2422 1713 775 328 265 90 66 59 49 80 56 27 14399 8189 4364 3310 1639 687 569 202 170 121 106 174 122 61 11629 6793 3661 2713 1310 544 473 174 126 115 104 164 127 63 10354 5631 3058 2279 1069 481 405 154 120 101 93 139 108 54 43004 23219 12145 7989 3237 1274 1049 375 254 219 159 277 222 121 29156 15532 7674 4771 1746 759 639 204 146 89 83 113 90 43 27509 13904 6984 4698 2369 1309 1271 433 296 221 169 269 203 100 36114 18444 9543 6391 2505 1008 855 277 153 131 119 163 144 87 37111 23145 13099 9327 3763 1464 1204 423 184 116 87 105 70 34 42177 25082 14893 11161 4575 1689 1419 368 198 133 115 174 124 57 36291 20661 10925 7028 2612 925 596 141 79 65 51 65 51 24 36348 26491 16726 13749 6867 2773 1981 567 298 210 169 241 163 85 60407 38340 19583 15178 8714 4579 4133 1372 916 659 613 868 637 310 207571 181395 66904 10709 2243 760 408 160 72 43 32 75 21 19 28442 18253 10541 6660 2357 827 603 159 91 79 64 95 64 28 146739 102715 71792 62949 28408 10619 7456 2043 1011 696 584 741 421 152 26503 16042 9462 6121 2340 867 706 185 110 68 65 83 66 31 26459 15055 8231 5775 2176 872 626 172 98 71 60 86 60 31 7587 5713 4421 5291 4040 1917 1490 419 223 155 117 163 97 41 8658 4381 2675 2529 1561 744 565 146 80 52 34 53 31 13 25230 13610 7450 5541 2653 1112 805 240 142 107 77 136 91 41 32057 15463 7597 5287 2333 928 565 145 90 58 45 78 43 21 93725 57397 34803 27295 13580 5716 5115 1848 1269 1080 899 1453 991 436 67241 34187 18216 12608 4776 1633 1096 300 215 143 112 184 119 40 47298 25832 13871 10283 4199 1579 1137 346 209 173 131 211 121 54 56731 32825 18455 13783 5997 2317 1647 501 313 223 169 259 155 69 48489 24235 12191 8189 3368 1371 1125 357 212 156 113 205 131 77 49836 24833 12337 7698 2702 851 559 144 87 69 50 73 65 28 27360 16204 10065 8652 4443 2043 1880 601 415 296 273 392 275 120 35568 20396 12657 11069 5663 2698 2444 827 549 399 319 451 309 115 46378 27929 17195 14478 6439 2495 2025 567 311 223 157 249 152 65 13737 8771 4911 3308 1604 922 733 208 134 101 83 117 84 33 44831 24521 12525 7813 2707 849 676 215 153 102 85 123 118 55 28679 15246 8207 5915 2403 705 451 114 69 46 34 51 32 15 28679 15246 8207 5915 2403 705 451 114 69 46 34 51 32 15 33321 17982 9023 5897 1944 693 587 190 114 62 47 63 39 16 22546 15848 13393 8463 2279 874 699 234 132 93 70 92 46 18 37335 20827 11191 8667 3940 1404 874 189 109 62 40 54 34 14 37335 20827 11191 8667 3940 1404 874 189 109 62 40 54 34 14 104 0.5 ‐ 16 91260 139187 119193 86397 273267 72320 331953 149373 40273 78833 52723 60305 5351 7166 7019 7128 6012 7433 6377 7215 23652 21503 8195 7896 5817 5802 1341 37467 40329 60146 35917 54113 29856 20922 26370 21257 29905 31062 35378 26404 44813 67917 26433 37697 42133 27072 27046 22674 26208 25989 27531 19581 34054 27934 23990 93424 61002 59636 75847 90099 102107 79490 106581 156000 470392 68236 436173 62618 59741 31631 21509 57193 64691 245171 140829 105390 133374 100141 99305 72900 93349 118598 34710 94718 61952 61952 69963 64770 84727 84727 Assessment of Particle Size Analysis in the Lake Tahoe Basin February 2011 APPENDIX C. Analytic results of laser particle size analysis (LiQuilaz) on Tahoe Basin stream samples (LTIMP) (continued). Stream ID Edgewood Edgewood Edgewood Edgewood Edgewood Edgewood Edgewood Edgewood Edgewood Edgewood Edgewood Edgewood Edgewood Edgewood Edgewood Edgewood Edgewood Edgewood Edgewood Edgewood Edgewood Edgewood Edgewood Edgewood Edgewood Edgewood Edgewood Edgewood Edgewood Edgewood Edgewood Edgewood Edgewood Edgewood Edgewood Edgewood Edgewood Edgewood Edgewood Edgewood Edgewood Edgewood Edgewood Edgewood Edgewood Edgewood Edgewood Edgewood Edgewood Edgewood Edgewood Edgewood Edgewood Edgewood Edgewood Edgewood Edgewood Edgewood Edgewood Edgewood Edgewood Edgewood Edgewood Edgewood Edgewood Edgewood Edgewood Edgewood Edgewood Edgewood Edgewood Edgewood Edgewood Edgewood Edgewood Edgewood Edgewood Edgewood Edgewood Edgewood Edgewood Edgewood Edgewood Edgewood Edgewood Edgewood Edgewood Edgewood Edgewood Edgewood Sampling Date 11/5/03 12/4/03 1/7/04 2/5/04 3/5/04 3/8/04 3/15/04 3/22/04 4/5/04 4/15/04 4/23/04 4/26/04 5/5/04 5/21/04 6/4/04 6/15/04 8/5/05 9/13/05 10/3/05 11/4/05 12/1/05 12/7/05 12/22/05 12/31/05 1/3/06 2/9/06 2/27/06 3/7/06 4/3/06 4/20/06 4/24/06 5/1/06 5/2/06 5/8/06 5/10/06 5/15/06 5/25/06 6/8/06 7/5/06 8/1/06 10/3/06 11/7/06 12/5/06 1/4/07 2/6/07 2/10/07 2/11/07 3/6/07 3/20/07 4/5/07 4/30/07 5/4/07 5/16/07 7/2/07 8/7/07 9/9/07 10/5/07 11/6/07 12/5/07 1/9/08 1/9/08 2/5/08 3/4/08 4/2/08 4/14/08 4/19/08 4/28/08 5/5/08 5/9/08 5/14/08 5/16/08 5/22/08 5/29/08 6/5/08 7/9/08 8/5/08 9/4/08 10/4/08 10/8/08 11/3/08 12/4/08 1/5/09 2/9/09 3/5/09 3/19/09 4/8/09 4/20/09 4/22/09 5/2/09 5/7/09 Flow (cfs) 2.00 2.50 2.70 3.00 3.30 3.50 6.20 12.00 5.80 4.20 4.40 4.40 3.10 3.10 3.10 2.80 2.40 2.50 3.80 4.00 4.60 3.10 8.90 46.00 9.10 6.60 11.00 7.30 8.90 9.60 12.00 18.00 18.00 15.00 14.00 14.00 11.00 7.50 5.30 4.90 4.90 5.30 5.50 7.20 5.60 6.40 7.20 6.20 8.20 5.10 5.30 4.60 4.00 3.00 3.10 2.80 2.60 2.50 2.50 4.00 4.20 4.00 3.10 7.30 6.80 6.60 5.60 5.00 4.80 2.80 3.10 3.50 4.20 3.50 2.20 2.20 2.00 2.50 2.30 2.60 2.50 2.60 3.00 3.90 5.80 4.60 4.80 5.00 6.30 4.20 Concentration (Num.) = Num. of Particles in Bin / mL (Bin Sizes in µm) 0.5 ‐ 0.63 0.63 ‐ 0.79 0.79 ‐ 1.0 1.0 ‐ 1.41 1.41 ‐ 2.0 2.0 ‐ 2.83 2.83 ‐ 4.0 4.0 ‐ 4.76 4.76 ‐ 5.66 5.66 ‐ 6.73 6.73 ‐ 8.0 8.0 ‐ 11.31 11.31 ‐ 16.0 16 ‐ 20 28807 12001 5885 3811 1387 499 326 82 49 37 23 35 32 12 25669 11657 6130 4557 2175 919 695 219 147 93 73 146 109 44 34169 19056 9631 6319 2399 984 845 284 174 125 101 169 110 51 49449 25573 12846 8489 3407 1366 1025 291 174 117 103 132 77 40 46285 23361 11625 7857 3252 1296 1075 334 203 164 151 226 131 64 60756 34667 18548 13021 5329 1897 1411 415 301 197 135 226 141 60 46105 23890 12847 10083 5205 2404 2170 752 486 365 308 418 257 117 54777 29133 15496 11274 5454 2538 2542 943 626 475 422 701 461 239 32615 16012 8628 6834 3420 1651 1549 536 317 243 204 303 228 112 38939 21539 12113 8603 3517 1374 1101 320 195 140 118 158 89 37 51216 30358 16579 12386 5893 1954 1489 467 280 181 142 187 106 33 23036 13260 7547 5802 3075 1508 1261 506 374 236 181 232 138 66 34468 24733 15645 11647 4436 1683 1457 343 182 129 93 127 81 40 16795 11304 7802 7916 4415 1992 1935 691 469 317 244 355 185 74 41164 26676 18240 17543 10091 4168 3385 1191 723 554 391 474 257 93 38470 18777 9907 6967 2921 998 802 195 124 77 58 73 41 19 20157 7230 3122 2228 1388 515 390 122 72 48 55 85 42 17 32427 15702 8440 5993 2533 952 707 178 142 115 63 70 48 27 63203 31605 23237 27938 8482 1838 1195 325 180 93 113 103 65 18 33718 14042 6805 4313 1377 475 318 105 63 47 45 42 18 10 572513 411947 261673 211667 103373 46653 43173 14667 8887 6800 5473 7840 4133 1220 60997 26673 12387 7600 3032 1410 1212 458 298 212 150 235 158 70 301940 150920 80213 61787 28660 12727 11347 4100 2460 2060 1927 2653 1767 733 542355 407560 251875 194545 91695 39410 35675 11675 7345 5740 4555 6055 3320 1060 107847 53857 26812 18288 7518 3122 2515 708 430 293 193 282 138 30 77447 32647 15787 11620 5313 2133 1693 547 253 293 220 260 147 27 798067 568350 377717 330950 174817 79483 71483 24017 14483 10717 8067 12317 6750 2117 76873 33150 15247 10030 3907 1483 1083 330 177 170 127 163 107 43 286907 141627 78040 56307 21653 8573 5667 1507 773 600 493 707 387 93 107027 53860 29277 21737 9377 3633 2713 637 383 260 190 307 190 110 108793 53283 27687 19310 7813 2917 2303 630 423 223 253 263 237 110 608233 769220 639640 640973 363053 164407 131560 36973 21747 13433 10567 12487 5747 1700 334987 196660 114707 92000 45020 18820 16587 4780 2880 2120 1593 1847 1087 353 140120 71347 40713 30520 16040 7287 6200 1840 1113 847 600 1020 607 200 111940 59093 31320 23433 11387 5093 3827 1107 627 520 387 580 280 127 84947 42647 22867 15507 6227 2420 2160 647 493 320 220 293 287 127 78397 42273 23613 19263 10013 4723 4333 1187 807 627 420 633 483 230 105587 62013 35640 28013 12653 4453 3080 893 520 440 347 387 307 80 86140 43883 24017 17967 8140 3070 2377 710 353 293 150 253 137 50 38640 21390 11123 9080 4350 1850 1833 550 357 257 180 267 110 33 121587 66707 37877 28867 11637 4140 2917 713 443 307 173 257 147 47 258333 141520 86413 73747 38560 16773 11787 3467 2093 1013 1107 1373 907 293 39047 18097 9357 7050 3283 1370 1327 417 310 217 223 307 190 107 260447 137167 74847 54393 25933 11980 10413 2940 1853 1353 973 1693 1147 500 61183 30517 15587 11470 5387 2443 2240 723 507 353 347 453 273 167 141887 71503 35553 22183 7977 3267 2773 853 517 313 273 397 260 87 343820 256970 159137 123977 55027 22340 17563 5383 2963 2187 1660 2243 1263 407 65897 33977 19513 14450 6167 2610 1847 603 383 297 217 337 233 93 85173 43827 24113 19000 9087 3587 2673 700 507 293 233 280 167 93 46413 24451 13113 9560 4004 1723 1335 373 237 198 190 235 155 59 46690 27427 15211 10758 4332 1532 1197 344 193 144 102 155 81 40 32466 17220 9351 7037 3411 1477 1262 391 236 187 150 185 128 40 63215 38617 19669 11923 3491 914 614 167 97 60 56 76 50 27 87226 43872 24902 17558 6709 2321 1629 429 253 214 139 176 110 55 3781 2287 1295 1038 499 166 110 27 16 10 9 14 10 5 5589 2961 1616 1230 517 175 151 44 29 21 17 23 10 3 4092 2496 1363 1040 455 163 127 36 21 16 11 18 13 5 3407 1807 971 790 411 173 169 55 36 28 22 27 13 3 3269 1527 756 576 272 107 92 29 17 13 10 13 6 2 3899 2411 1369 1038 468 167 121 36 23 17 15 26 16 7 2471 1259 716 617 345 162 168 67 49 43 38 69 50 20 10936 4505 2299 1901 1013 433 405 93 73 36 23 25 8 1 9150 4441 2392 1889 1012 426 368 98 47 30 21 19 7 1 11761 5955 3711 3548 2277 1082 1007 304 182 121 84 94 37 8 21224 11714 7624 7740 4953 2257 1933 475 254 140 94 85 32 5 22036 11289 6572 5978 3433 1493 1229 325 184 111 71 71 33 9 9742 5438 3511 3609 2492 1287 1243 385 228 141 100 114 32 7 9617 4894 2786 2462 1551 747 653 195 117 77 47 55 22 4 12106 5552 2898 2374 1401 662 632 202 120 72 57 69 21 4 32816 15833 7919 5583 2760 1226 1035 342 268 187 196 260 205 63 43243 23060 11971 8380 3655 1459 1190 353 315 233 191 300 176 63 34195 18749 10085 7176 3704 1605 1458 485 370 301 243 370 255 116 32079 17171 9216 6742 3511 1535 1276 400 340 248 222 292 204 79 39659 25683 14720 10663 4877 1964 1439 460 351 290 248 312 189 70 32697 19935 19061 28870 7042 1284 953 282 219 152 118 203 129 54 22539 11566 5922 4162 1885 747 564 186 132 110 80 112 81 37 22624 11124 5727 3931 1831 691 511 141 108 68 55 86 48 21 71494 44486 28090 23003 10697 3888 2570 786 533 310 263 404 220 76 30775 18491 12221 13209 4819 1294 906 258 165 116 94 149 92 29 25256 14642 8502 6628 3413 1514 1392 478 309 271 179 239 127 49 17701 8355 3937 2620 1234 538 431 149 118 102 80 132 85 38 23348 9645 4291 2582 1035 373 306 110 85 55 51 82 66 35 28604 14570 6723 4134 1643 652 510 154 96 83 62 93 51 23 50609 28044 14918 11809 6311 2886 2467 845 653 492 402 636 410 164 68999 44144 26548 23311 13808 6835 6484 2433 1874 1596 1473 2300 1641 805 19613 9439 4873 3925 2353 1209 1127 406 320 289 229 368 258 108 38600 22214 12410 9862 5389 2456 2240 853 684 519 448 675 449 183 38109 21716 12126 10135 5905 2972 2775 1007 782 627 515 739 464 159 15153 9818 6988 7816 6151 3444 3382 1191 877 722 600 852 550 230 15762 10103 7231 8408 6400 3218 2668 841 567 432 333 488 303 117 105 0.5 ‐ 16 52973 52590 74368 103048 95961 137043 105292 124841 72541 88205 121237 57155 95024 54420 124857 79409 35453 67370 158378 61368 1698800 114822 662560 1601805 222003 148360 2477217 142847 603240 229590 224137 3418040 833087 318253 249593 179033 186773 254333 187490 89987 275770 637093 81193 585140 131483 287757 994533 146530 189640 101988 108166 73500 138948 185540 9262 12382 9853 7909 6685 9605 6052 21748 19899 30161 58527 52825 28323 23223 26166 68630 94527 78995 73236 100854 110945 48086 46946 186744 82589 62950 35483 42030 57375 120481 201448 44410 96798 97871 57543 56755 Assessment of Particle Size Analysis in the Lake Tahoe Basin February 2011 APPENDIX C. Analytic results of laser particle size analysis (LiQuilaz) on Tahoe Basin stream samples (LTIMP) (continued). Stream ID Edgewood Edgewood Edgewood Edgewood Edgewood Edgewood Edgewood Edgewood Edgewood Edgewood Edgewood Edgewood Edgewood General General General General General General General General General General General General General General General General General General General General General General General General General General General General General General General General General General General General General General General General General General General General General General General General General General General General General General General General General General General General General General General General General General General General General General General General General General General General General Sampling Date 5/8/09 5/11/09 5/18/09 6/1/09 7/6/09 8/3/09 9/1/09 10/8/09 10/14/09 11/2/09 12/3/09 2/3/10 3/4/10 4/5/02 4/11/02 4/15/02 4/24/02 5/6/02 5/6/02 5/15/02 5/16/02 5/22/02 5/29/02 6/13/02 7/17/02 8/21/02 9/19/02 10/22/02 1/20/03 1/23/03 1/23/03 1/23/03 1/23/03 1/28/03 2/20/03 3/15/03 3/24/03 3/26/03 3/26/03 4/10/03 5/17/03 5/24/03 5/29/03 5/31/03 6/1/03 6/7/03 6/15/03 7/8/03 8/14/03 8/21/03 8/21/03 10/22/03 11/28/03 12/6/03 12/18/03 1/22/04 3/11/04 3/18/04 3/22/04 3/23/04 3/29/04 3/29/04 4/6/04 4/12/04 4/21/04 4/27/04 4/28/04 5/4/04 5/5/04 5/13/04 5/20/04 5/31/04 6/11/04 8/9/05 8/15/05 9/16/05 11/8/05 11/16/05 11/29/05 12/1/05 12/1/05 12/1/05 12/2/05 12/2/05 12/19/05 12/21/05 12/22/05 12/22/05 12/22/05 12/23/05 Flow (cfs) 3.80 4.00 3.00 2.40 1.90 1.70 3.30 1.90 3.40 1.70 1.90 2.40 2.80 63.00 59.00 93.00 36.00 56.00 81.00 73.00 88.00 30.00 64.00 9.60 0.87 0.73 1.00 0.78 5.20 15.00 15.00 18.00 18.00 28.00 6.60 28.00 22.00 64.00 77.00 25.00 72.00 127.00 151.00 123.00 133.00 78.00 18.00 2.10 0.90 3.20 2.70 1.00 1.20 2.70 1.70 1.70 9.60 64.00 54.00 62.00 58.00 59.00 99.00 66.00 51.00 154.00 96.00 71.00 107.00 24.00 29.00 14.00 4.60 1.00 0.90 0.84 1.50 1.80 4.60 11.00 41.00 57.00 23.00 21.00 101.00 169.00 157.00 265.00 116.00 84.00 Concentration (Num.) = Num. of Particles in Bin / mL (Bin Sizes in µm) 0.5 ‐ 0.63 0.63 ‐ 0.79 0.79 ‐ 1.0 1.0 ‐ 1.41 1.41 ‐ 2.0 2.0 ‐ 2.83 2.83 ‐ 4.0 4.0 ‐ 4.76 4.76 ‐ 5.66 5.66 ‐ 6.73 6.73 ‐ 8.0 8.0 ‐ 11.31 11.31 ‐ 16.0 16 ‐ 20 16621 9532 6095 6337 4728 2375 1999 648 469 351 282 389 246 101 25458 17780 11147 9897 6720 2609 1998 634 480 365 296 411 215 82 24744 18146 12219 11366 8183 4818 2818 749 521 377 295 393 239 80 16443 11947 9128 9403 6141 2769 2061 629 441 336 266 359 208 84 30176 17925 11159 9608 4783 2038 1764 649 539 428 320 431 280 120 64975 38215 24281 23244 15534 8813 9125 3710 2882 2400 2261 3572 2604 1180 18349 15205 11715 11942 7587 3879 3530 1264 998 840 727 1077 735 324 32713 19893 11528 8861 4553 2236 2125 768 623 576 491 781 602 278 86138 46948 27383 21726 11356 4719 3835 1369 1071 967 972 1700 1618 794 20602 15029 10012 7323 2715 1204 1070 342 205 160 116 145 72 38 29546 14758 6983 4027 1357 478 344 118 70 53 35 56 35 19 39987 21976 11913 8596 3734 1313 883 272 205 141 116 172 88 40 92502 56022 33049 27130 15713 7556 6594 2329 1708 1371 1147 1559 906 298 19064 10539 6061 4049 1553 488 311 65 41 32 24 35 25 14 11462 6114 3173 2209 818 265 141 37 26 16 15 22 15 6 23082 12834 7207 5174 2021 587 349 104 70 32 31 57 36 13 7510 3752 2030 1576 726 270 178 43 22 21 15 19 14 7 11378 6380 3610 2739 1146 410 262 69 39 25 21 30 21 8 21824 13171 7730 5961 2504 900 535 147 73 60 42 65 48 20 11524 6232 3395 2407 949 322 195 45 28 18 13 22 15 7 15069 8327 4740 3437 1452 508 312 75 42 40 24 37 33 18 6168 3395 1930 1464 689 273 195 57 31 24 19 25 17 8 12334 7409 4272 3262 1403 501 343 101 65 43 36 50 35 17 6313 3918 2334 1628 583 193 132 40 25 18 15 22 15 6 12552 6844 3785 3028 1529 657 504 154 97 64 60 93 66 30 14363 8663 5036 3825 1906 769 467 109 52 39 31 43 30 16 11491 6138 3225 2359 1069 409 281 66 42 27 21 30 20 11 3147 1863 1207 1167 769 362 298 93 53 36 29 40 27 13 6367 2882 1327 887 367 133 94 27 17 12 9 13 10 4 16067 10182 6438 5197 2394 957 706 226 137 100 91 142 123 61 27026 17074 10569 8996 4589 2019 1498 463 292 220 181 253 189 79 19146 12209 7826 6968 3659 1237 822 213 124 99 75 126 89 41 28180 16875 10388 8917 4280 1635 1116 321 189 127 105 152 110 51 9303 5946 4314 4182 1560 474 309 92 53 33 31 49 39 18 5510 2464 1118 692 265 92 70 24 14 9 7 13 7 3 18947 10827 6146 4709 2003 773 619 195 128 94 76 126 88 37 7516 3890 2100 1559 695 268 211 63 38 27 21 33 18 7 45179 28773 17861 15163 7556 3259 2677 985 599 485 417 657 505 216 38401 21850 12899 10088 4799 1907 1461 495 285 218 199 283 209 100 10616 5035 2515 1783 702 248 179 53 26 21 11 20 10 7 13349 6877 3821 3106 1382 495 367 107 64 49 40 61 40 15 20753 10754 6029 4667 2063 836 631 189 138 87 73 123 89 40 12084 6890 4172 3328 1521 589 442 135 84 62 43 75 37 12 12176 6290 3563 2777 1208 460 344 115 74 47 36 55 30 13 10140 5745 3419 2766 1333 503 421 130 80 56 44 56 49 19 6433 3900 2371 2083 1042 425 310 79 48 33 23 34 17 8 10189 4640 2211 1590 668 253 178 44 27 17 12 16 15 3 4632 2725 1528 1173 680 289 164 42 23 16 11 17 9 5 12782 6848 3367 2144 822 282 185 42 24 15 15 18 11 5 10435 5151 2729 2216 1201 499 469 159 89 70 68 75 63 37 35830 21891 14573 13637 7539 3351 2707 775 456 323 307 408 249 123 12716 6064 2880 1927 782 270 195 57 33 25 19 28 22 9 13442 5959 2591 1502 546 182 118 34 25 16 10 21 11 7 32191 15527 8081 5724 2242 811 607 170 106 67 65 107 90 36 8854 4246 1948 1208 399 120 79 19 13 8 5 8 6 3 9566 4249 1982 1351 527 176 113 31 15 12 11 15 8 4 9299 4491 2562 2058 911 337 245 65 53 25 23 34 21 11 13255 7344 4243 3634 1669 618 489 164 97 71 57 100 65 37 19191 10200 5971 4717 2066 727 487 139 84 53 49 87 44 19 57719 36049 19767 13785 6572 2909 2415 734 419 288 206 280 195 95 51525 27296 14144 10003 4600 1925 1699 519 345 245 195 273 213 97 35824 17647 8939 5729 2094 714 495 132 93 67 44 76 49 28 6917 3541 2081 1757 827 314 226 62 43 33 16 34 13 8 9509 4571 2368 1861 806 316 227 75 36 27 21 34 21 19 10358 5085 2674 1783 757 263 178 47 34 23 15 28 13 7 293533 166087 102133 87153 49913 22007 19327 6587 4220 2940 2420 3673 2287 1113 43223 25325 15159 13293 7108 3158 2619 846 515 385 273 402 240 96 17386 8356 4582 3547 1658 658 492 147 81 60 47 63 44 25 20670 11737 7095 6157 2881 1092 893 273 181 124 101 143 107 43 12888 5969 3036 2131 908 343 236 68 30 24 20 29 23 15 9704 5764 3258 2639 1184 423 324 80 58 49 30 50 34 16 6815 3799 2237 1845 872 338 235 59 37 31 21 36 18 9 7981 3786 1852 1292 547 218 168 53 29 23 16 28 21 8 9080 3455 1480 1023 407 138 80 32 15 5 12 7 12 0 18647 8068 3653 2313 837 230 188 52 22 17 18 18 17 8 11573 5045 2338 1687 707 217 167 38 37 12 8 15 17 8 21605 9155 4685 2853 1255 437 290 57 30 40 30 30 22 13 30493 12803 6175 4045 1678 593 393 115 82 53 20 53 28 7 63300 33622 18212 12662 4660 1547 1252 373 235 252 175 238 160 78 145387 61033 28733 19480 7900 3367 2480 887 460 347 307 500 287 153 400493 191693 95253 69593 31353 13147 10593 3940 2533 1747 1433 1913 1160 427 585107 308147 161787 120780 58033 24780 20273 6000 3833 2607 1933 2780 1447 427 50607 22993 12053 7653 2660 1073 760 267 260 207 160 267 180 53 96713 37607 16593 9233 2547 847 553 180 80 67 80 67 93 13 14343 5987 2953 2130 713 270 213 43 17 23 10 30 13 7 196647 96090 50363 38387 18537 8043 6563 2090 1367 970 757 1347 767 283 186193 95057 54773 42647 20743 9503 8207 2850 1853 1447 1117 1827 1107 383 51143 28577 17790 15097 8020 3850 4043 1567 1080 837 880 1247 900 347 72043 38367 22710 19667 11510 5577 5273 2057 1290 1113 1107 1463 1070 463 14627 7160 3783 2687 1157 450 300 97 67 37 20 57 30 13 106 0.5 ‐ 16 50073 78011 84867 60130 80100 201615 77846 85751 209801 58993 57859 89398 247585 42287 24312 51585 16177 26128 53061 25164 34096 14287 29854 15236 29432 35333 25177 9092 12145 42759 73370 52593 72396 26387 10286 44731 16438 124115 93093 21218 29757 46431 29460 27175 24741 16799 19859 11310 26554 23227 102045 25016 24455 65789 16913 18056 20125 31805 43817 141337 112982 71905 15865 19873 21259 762280 112547 37121 51455 25705 23596 16344 16012 15745 34080 21860 40488 56533 136687 271167 824853 1297507 99140 164660 26747 421927 427323 135030 183247 30470 Assessment of Particle Size Analysis in the Lake Tahoe Basin February 2011 APPENDIX C. Analytic results of laser particle size analysis (LiQuilaz) on Tahoe Basin stream samples (LTIMP) (continued). Stream ID General General General General General General General General General General General General General General General General General General General General General General General General General General General General General General General General General General General General General General General General General General General General General General General General General General General General General General General General General General General General General General General General General General General General General General General General General General General General General General General General General General General General General General General General General General Sampling Date 12/28/05 12/28/05 12/30/05 12/30/05 12/31/05 12/31/05 1/1/06 1/27/06 2/3/06 2/27/06 2/27/06 2/28/06 3/24/06 4/3/06 4/27/06 5/4/06 5/8/06 5/12/06 5/20/06 5/18/06 5/26/06 6/2/06 6/7/06 6/15/06 6/21/06 7/13/06 8/14/06 9/18/06 10/20/06 11/3/06 11/14/06 11/13/06 11/14/06 12/14/06 1/22/07 2/9/07 2/10/07 2/20/07 2/20/07 3/13/07 3/26/07 4/3/07 4/25/07 5/1/07 5/9/07 5/10/07 5/18/07 5/16/07 5/23/07 5/31/07 6/13/07 7/13/07 8/14/07 9/12/07 9/22/07 10/12/07 10/20/07 11/11/07 11/14/07 12/5/07 1/15/08 2/14/08 3/20/08 4/7/08 4/13/08 4/14/08 4/28/08 5/6/08 5/9/08 5/14/08 5/26/08 5/16/08 5/18/08 5/21/08 5/30/08 6/9/08 7/7/08 8/20/08 10/3/08 10/4/08 9/25/08 11/1/08 11/2/08 12/4/08 1/7/09 1/22/09 1/23/09 1/24/09 2/10/09 2/23/09 Flow (cfs) 248.00 251.00 140.00 406.00 880.00 721.00 101.00 11.00 50.00 93.00 174.00 154.00 15.00 41.00 84.00 104.00 119.00 141.00 113.00 244.00 93.00 80.00 57.00 25.00 16.00 3.20 1.70 1.40 4.50 2.10 5.50 11.00 19.00 8.30 0.62 7.00 18.00 8.70 8.70 15.00 28.00 29.00 30.00 88.00 84.00 52.00 26.00 25.00 9.20 8.70 3.20 1.00 1.00 0.90 2.10 2.70 6.60 2.50 1.20 1.30 1.80 2.50 6.60 14.00 27.00 45.00 83.00 85.00 51.00 62.00 16.00 77.00 52.00 26.00 18.00 9.80 1.30 0.67 0.81 1.60 0.78 2.50 5.10 1.20 2.60 5.00 6.20 6.80 3.50 14.00 Concentration (Num.) = Num. of Particles in Bin / mL (Bin Sizes in µm) 0.5 ‐ 0.63 0.63 ‐ 0.79 0.79 ‐ 1.0 1.0 ‐ 1.41 1.41 ‐ 2.0 2.0 ‐ 2.83 2.83 ‐ 4.0 4.0 ‐ 4.76 4.76 ‐ 5.66 5.66 ‐ 6.73 6.73 ‐ 8.0 8.0 ‐ 11.31 11.31 ‐ 16.0 16 ‐ 20 59017 27440 14013 9690 3637 1300 903 317 150 120 73 133 120 57 38800 19067 10423 7610 3163 1208 942 348 208 153 105 178 107 40 137305 80017 45092 34060 15733 6295 4768 1272 783 533 408 542 213 77 117343 71837 43183 35827 18265 7970 6998 2188 1498 1087 940 1340 885 275 27078 31892 24024 20891 9973 3926 2961 851 482 291 211 240 102 28 141193 233763 204360 193022 97700 41807 34318 10027 5497 3637 2633 2855 1077 290 89347 49920 29233 23270 11315 4952 4118 1313 880 670 503 748 355 180 16733 8607 4837 3960 1747 713 477 103 103 73 73 100 37 13 23328 11317 6125 4585 1990 787 503 142 82 65 60 63 45 17 105093 52327 29360 23327 11033 4940 4307 1613 1007 733 547 913 573 227 182560 96187 53633 43220 22733 10373 9413 3440 2420 1960 1653 2433 1667 700 238250 115483 64050 48933 23717 10350 8917 3117 2317 1267 1300 1950 1083 400 11608 5467 2862 2337 1172 385 292 73 52 42 22 42 17 5 31807 14893 8127 6300 2787 1213 1187 380 253 167 193 307 167 53 75660 40833 24253 21540 12843 6393 5900 1993 1260 907 797 1100 670 297 84487 44227 24627 18853 8247 3380 2847 827 420 320 280 353 207 40 599800 482567 323700 291140 158180 70980 56660 14760 9407 6400 4567 5533 2673 793 78860 37767 20413 15853 7813 3400 2647 940 513 380 300 380 173 100 65487 33827 18340 13647 5980 2313 1820 413 313 160 107 233 120 60 238813 141307 83313 70007 37647 16460 14093 4507 2787 2000 1733 2640 1367 673 41767 23343 13007 9957 3883 1117 810 133 107 87 47 93 37 10 32707 16593 9613 7540 3233 1460 1253 433 340 213 253 313 247 93 22840 10667 5527 3833 1433 420 393 120 60 87 53 93 33 20 21527 9073 4793 3633 1433 567 380 147 87 60 33 33 60 13 21627 10340 5280 4407 1700 720 520 73 93 53 40 100 20 7 13023 5317 2350 1693 610 210 200 80 43 40 30 20 17 7 11655 5033 2402 1737 773 297 188 77 32 23 18 23 20 0 19875 8673 4070 2828 1133 420 270 72 33 30 13 22 25 10 53960 28173 16433 13683 6367 2407 1727 397 280 180 147 193 77 23 74883 33897 17423 12803 5527 2200 1563 387 230 203 123 163 147 40 88387 35920 17667 12600 5440 1933 1413 427 213 160 107 227 107 53 11160 5777 3233 2635 1315 580 470 139 98 63 47 69 38 16 1019173 1860547 1749253 1784067 974867 413680 316867 85813 49760 33107 24213 29720 14013 4173 93493 55680 32393 27853 13607 5127 4153 1173 513 447 353 387 160 33 17303 9333 5247 3670 1543 700 690 157 113 70 57 57 37 10 19103 14088 10201 8978 3278 844 381 55 25 16 11 17 9 3 14081 7495 4381 3665 1755 700 619 201 120 69 78 119 80 37 10207 4643 2457 2047 1037 390 403 113 57 27 33 40 47 3 28787 13240 6607 4823 2250 887 787 253 110 73 40 57 30 10 32420 19223 11523 7907 3140 1180 823 257 200 143 97 170 103 33 12991 6410 3722 2831 1427 614 504 142 87 48 49 75 45 17 16147 7523 4187 2933 1430 637 653 237 133 120 97 140 133 50 21301 10987 6093 4750 2115 787 528 148 81 64 47 67 29 21 20423 12005 6829 5255 2460 971 855 233 150 112 82 113 57 27 18835 10423 6038 4943 2409 965 759 238 153 117 89 124 84 33 14176 7328 4110 3051 1307 476 303 73 41 18 20 27 15 4 13928 6889 3588 2581 1062 421 333 92 54 43 26 42 26 9 27569 13608 6840 4543 1699 780 778 331 216 218 193 336 255 136 3607 2345 1338 880 373 131 92 25 16 12 9 13 10 4 4225 2558 1422 972 431 168 126 35 22 16 13 16 12 4 6131 2683 1168 712 274 92 68 21 12 8 7 9 5 2 1276 530 251 176 76 26 19 6 5 3 2 3 2 1 1451 613 299 212 94 32 26 7 5 3 3 3 2 1 1337 591 297 215 91 32 26 7 5 3 2 3 2 1 1948 827 427 300 142 57 49 16 11 8 8 12 14 6 1164 441 213 154 69 29 22 6 5 3 3 7 6 4 2738 1271 651 500 258 118 121 43 30 26 22 34 25 11 2026 844 410 308 155 68 68 24 17 13 11 17 14 7 930 354 175 124 57 22 19 5 3 2 2 3 1 1 694 294 221 209 53 17 14 4 2 1 0 1 1 0 973 371 174 122 52 20 15 4 3 2 2 2 1 0 1261 539 284 221 108 41 34 10 6 4 3 4 2 1 1084 393 186 134 63 26 19 6 4 2 2 3 2 1 2168 1080 567 412 180 66 45 11 7 5 5 8 6 3 10489 6539 4379 4294 2800 1371 1408 420 275 190 139 165 75 20 3210 1791 963 710 332 128 105 31 21 16 15 23 18 9 8795 4376 2367 1950 1056 476 456 138 85 59 43 53 27 6 14320 8228 5206 4978 3290 1702 1787 566 354 259 193 226 103 26 2306 1055 530 369 171 67 53 16 11 7 6 9 6 3 8025 4460 2568 1975 944 372 279 83 63 45 45 59 41 16 3253 2109 1226 894 399 141 96 30 18 16 12 19 12 9 34010 20972 13308 11125 5750 2262 1803 568 348 322 283 383 303 107 17847 10604 6245 5078 2439 969 673 184 135 110 85 145 119 46 8111 4503 2383 1740 804 307 229 79 51 47 33 57 41 16 3897 2320 1167 789 358 133 93 27 18 13 11 15 9 4 3605 2386 1289 921 440 152 92 24 17 13 10 14 8 3 7377 3432 1610 1041 435 159 100 31 18 15 12 14 10 5 8501 4344 2259 1467 681 224 145 45 35 27 26 34 25 11 17960 9157 4529 3060 1190 408 265 85 65 56 41 74 50 26 11583 5733 2814 1722 632 189 131 37 23 21 15 27 14 5 3327 2313 1454 963 339 111 63 16 10 9 6 9 6 3 29655 15425 7958 5261 2408 1005 833 300 241 201 180 272 193 93 49097 23572 11041 6748 2527 834 555 147 117 88 79 102 61 22 4473 2224 900 486 167 57 41 12 9 7 6 9 4 2 6577 3013 1239 730 276 95 73 23 16 13 12 14 10 4 14507 7704 3998 2879 1421 600 497 191 165 115 101 172 108 43 25393 14520 8459 6823 3573 1616 1421 483 385 341 268 404 266 125 19245 10990 6178 4806 2390 960 789 254 200 151 116 201 129 52 7396 3833 2013 1528 741 290 246 78 59 44 37 58 37 16 46565 28251 15931 11931 5511 2181 1599 444 377 295 233 361 269 115 107 0.5 ‐ 16 116913 82313 327022 309362 122922 971888 216625 37563 49092 235773 431693 520733 24368 67780 194150 189073 2026367 169440 142760 616673 94387 74200 45560 41827 44973 23633 22278 37465 124023 149550 164600 25622 8355080 235340 38977 57005 33362 21500 57943 77187 28945 34370 46999 49543 45177 30945 29084 57365 8851 10016 11190 2376 2750 2613 3816 2123 5836 3975 1696 1512 1741 2517 1922 4559 32544 7364 19879 41212 4606 18959 8225 91438 44634 18385 8849 8970 14251 17811 36940 22941 8627 63933 94969 8396 12091 32457 63951 46411 16358 113949 Assessment of Particle Size Analysis in the Lake Tahoe Basin February 2011 APPENDIX C. Analytic results of laser particle size analysis (LiQuilaz) on Tahoe Basin stream samples (LTIMP) (continued). Stream ID General General General General General General General General General General General General General General General General General General General General General General General General General General General General General General Glenbrook Glenbrook Glenbrook Glenbrook Glenbrook Glenbrook Glenbrook Glenbrook Glenbrook Glenbrook Glenbrook Glenbrook Glenbrook Glenbrook Glenbrook Glenbrook Glenbrook Glenbrook Glenbrook Glenbrook Glenbrook Glenbrook Glenbrook Glenbrook Glenbrook Glenbrook Glenbrook Glenbrook Glenbrook Glenbrook Glenbrook Glenbrook Glenbrook Glenbrook Glenbrook Glenbrook Glenbrook Glenbrook Glenbrook Glenbrook Glenbrook Glenbrook Glenbrook Glenbrook Glenbrook Glenbrook Glenbrook Glenbrook Glenbrook Glenbrook Glenbrook Glenbrook Glenbrook Glenbrook Glenbrook Glenbrook Glenbrook Glenbrook Glenbrook Glenbrook Sampling Date 2/24/09 3/2/09 3/13/09 4/1/09 4/17/09 4/20/09 4/24/09 5/1/09 5/2/09 5/2/09 5/3/09 5/5/09 5/5/09 5/7/09 5/12/09 5/18/09 5/26/09 6/8/09 7/7/09 8/10/09 9/9/09 10/8/09 10/13/09 10/13/09 10/14/09 11/6/09 12/3/09 1/14/10 2/5/10 3/5/10 4/5/02 4/10/02 4/22/02 4/23/02 4/26/02 5/7/02 5/17/02 6/3/02 7/1/02 8/14/02 8/15/02 8/15/02 9/13/02 11/7/02 11/8/02 1/8/03 2/7/03 3/4/03 4/3/03 4/7/03 4/9/03 4/22/03 5/1/03 5/12/03 5/14/03 5/17/03 5/19/03 5/27/03 6/6/03 6/10/03 7/10/03 8/5/03 9/4/03 10/7/03 11/5/03 12/4/03 1/6/04 2/10/04 3/5/04 3/9/04 3/16/04 4/9/04 4/15/04 4/23/04 4/27/04 5/5/04 5/21/04 6/3/04 6/15/04 9/13/05 10/3/05 11/4/05 12/1/05 12/5/05 12/22/05 12/29/05 1/3/06 2/6/06 2/27/06 3/7/06 Flow (cfs) 15.00 26.00 6.60 16.00 14.00 45.00 45.00 48.00 129.00 129.00 166.00 192.00 192.00 118.00 89.00 100.00 35.00 18.00 1.40 0.92 0.74 0.99 3.50 3.50 2.70 1.30 1.00 2.70 2.30 4.90 2.60 2.60 2.10 2.10 2.20 1.80 1.80 0.92 0.27 0.03 0.05 0.05 0.12 1.00 3.20 1.10 1.20 0.90 1.80 1.50 1.80 2.60 2.10 2.40 3.20 3.40 3.40 3.80 1.40 1.00 0.10 0.20 0.20 0.22 1.30 0.51 0.99 0.90 1.10 2.70 4.30 3.40 2.80 2.00 2.60 2.50 1.40 1.10 0.72 0.52 0.47 0.70 4.10 1.90 6.20 3.00 4.90 4.10 6.50 3.80 Concentration (Num.) = Num. of Particles in Bin / mL (Bin Sizes in µm) 0.5 ‐ 0.63 0.63 ‐ 0.79 0.79 ‐ 1.0 1.0 ‐ 1.41 1.41 ‐ 2.0 2.0 ‐ 2.83 2.83 ‐ 4.0 4.0 ‐ 4.76 4.76 ‐ 5.66 5.66 ‐ 6.73 6.73 ‐ 8.0 8.0 ‐ 11.31 11.31 ‐ 16.0 16 ‐ 20 18534 9268 4867 3398 1593 587 419 119 99 78 65 95 61 41 35702 20727 11941 9310 4696 1984 1644 565 461 395 299 531 352 155 3406 1795 858 538 202 70 49 15 9 6 4 8 5 2 7057 3644 1801 1218 518 209 156 52 36 26 22 27 18 8 7850 3993 2047 1380 625 255 197 63 49 38 30 51 32 13 127267 71600 42313 33853 16573 6813 5400 1840 1247 1167 880 1513 1127 607 14729 7955 4339 3271 1564 605 497 151 101 71 86 113 74 33 72980 44547 28667 24893 13553 5660 4747 1847 1213 1047 913 1533 1200 453 119833 74313 47347 41387 22407 9580 8247 2893 2420 2060 2000 3207 2333 1260 442460 300373 196360 190293 129500 71540 71307 27587 21373 18640 16467 25907 17720 7687 111073 64677 38520 30463 15587 6940 6680 2620 2067 1867 1747 2647 2023 1003 86153 47093 27283 22983 12473 5880 5387 1837 1353 1193 1033 1597 1013 503 50673 28650 16822 14288 8393 3830 3405 1130 920 685 575 800 532 213 20075 11325 6712 5647 3019 1349 1111 346 290 187 127 197 139 47 9724 5393 3123 2546 1350 571 427 137 108 87 66 97 74 36 25805 14768 8220 6670 3255 1280 932 305 205 182 123 210 118 65 8594 4693 2545 1888 884 363 269 88 62 47 39 64 41 19 3627 2222 1234 925 439 168 125 39 29 20 17 23 13 6 3793 1902 779 436 174 66 53 14 10 8 6 9 5 2 3955 2094 1022 743 371 154 80 18 12 9 7 11 6 3 8176 3843 1877 1279 531 196 127 34 26 24 16 25 13 6 3759 1764 725 416 154 49 33 8 6 5 5 6 4 2 21465 12137 6880 4443 1912 717 560 202 147 128 108 161 128 58 618747 325780 180613 156873 91053 41200 34167 11167 8353 6440 5540 8293 5100 2207 71407 34573 17080 11613 4507 1687 1093 253 113 60 73 127 100 27 6806 3524 1781 1135 437 132 94 26 16 14 11 15 6 3 3408 1475 580 331 120 40 30 10 7 5 5 8 5 2 7273 3531 1833 1310 547 212 166 51 40 32 27 33 24 10 6270 2896 1333 867 353 142 106 34 25 20 16 24 12 6 3748 2226 1128 742 301 116 87 28 21 14 12 16 10 4 76804 46802 26210 16051 4875 1404 876 278 158 124 108 174 143 76 79978 48250 24858 14626 4693 1718 1420 551 289 214 201 296 219 123 28831 15471 7486 4137 1124 350 246 82 50 30 28 62 46 30 29780 17513 9212 5844 2109 876 720 258 167 129 105 204 176 97 46461 27709 15451 10456 3905 1346 981 300 173 143 121 209 163 105 52655 32690 18963 13411 4581 1497 877 256 136 102 93 133 93 51 31407 16197 8046 4806 1314 328 195 47 30 18 23 43 32 26 19185 10024 4887 2840 815 236 145 43 29 17 21 25 21 13 28667 17341 10461 8072 3664 1474 1175 378 241 218 191 356 353 182 45598 26099 14631 11108 5477 2497 2350 876 655 507 534 909 813 433 1963 742 357 257 120 55 47 16 10 7 6 12 9 4 220683 144617 88587 70243 30753 10680 6960 1530 740 413 300 407 167 80 19936 10097 5021 3285 1233 496 387 112 74 55 53 73 64 30 24472 12678 6315 4131 1782 622 471 142 77 52 49 65 46 17 102343 69645 45730 40348 19895 8313 5665 1450 887 602 505 763 587 313 5591 3288 2155 1905 876 290 170 41 24 15 13 22 16 9 15940 9876 5800 4341 1871 675 442 134 82 61 51 83 66 37 17479 8392 4227 2807 1030 326 205 51 29 24 24 36 19 17 30409 16562 8195 4624 1250 352 254 73 48 28 27 42 26 16 37018 19969 10779 7385 2760 971 745 202 153 113 99 165 105 54 36110 18407 9767 6163 2053 667 421 111 76 59 40 70 57 31 31074 17304 8905 5801 2032 678 469 113 73 52 44 70 57 27 31228 17313 8781 5091 1482 446 320 87 47 33 20 36 23 13 24304 13628 7660 5998 2917 1276 1086 349 215 153 126 226 162 78 27072 16882 10658 9655 5243 2206 1624 434 261 199 144 218 146 64 46981 24125 11702 7149 2445 929 735 229 143 85 72 109 81 37 37753 20139 11185 8283 3898 1707 1401 382 257 159 148 237 174 77 24955 12733 6391 4098 1557 600 561 184 122 96 61 110 77 46 17144 8470 4210 2703 932 330 253 74 40 37 24 33 25 13 22980 11791 6101 3982 1399 485 337 92 50 34 28 43 26 15 30323 18402 10126 6712 2313 756 536 159 104 82 77 139 133 82 44957 24613 13203 8415 2949 1017 809 271 179 139 118 225 209 121 15400 6417 2756 1452 399 120 84 24 14 9 7 13 8 5 16269 6833 3206 2151 969 343 291 82 64 55 41 83 76 37 16919 7302 3465 2127 707 209 133 32 15 17 12 17 11 5 14425 6977 3601 2253 810 262 176 50 31 27 21 26 9 5 19559 9089 4407 2793 1006 336 242 66 39 28 22 31 25 12 25607 12993 6986 5009 1977 727 571 179 102 95 81 135 88 61 35406 22368 14554 13085 7316 3523 3396 1271 860 721 581 1005 677 309 54821 31079 16175 10515 3517 1136 760 215 116 87 75 122 85 37 59908 35606 20270 15815 7425 3153 2383 659 397 294 219 323 244 99 33239 16196 8217 5896 2483 988 675 180 104 75 51 69 57 26 28847 13505 6766 4332 1679 646 446 131 87 49 37 69 47 21 35149 17770 8879 5383 1846 616 457 140 99 70 51 69 53 28 24573 12451 7227 5547 2447 1012 879 279 211 143 127 207 178 75 35129 18565 10269 7372 3159 1229 898 291 155 120 109 200 163 70 23472 11930 6515 5072 2216 914 735 256 170 127 109 173 143 89 25667 12693 6808 4713 2084 827 667 237 171 135 115 211 196 102 23935 12229 6106 3963 1473 575 416 139 84 68 55 89 84 45 37730 17282 9100 5873 2428 918 833 253 237 130 137 245 182 112 21635 9307 4163 2275 718 237 200 48 37 42 30 43 37 17 27793 11683 5002 2583 642 145 83 18 15 7 8 10 5 0 208720 115787 66793 53353 26160 11527 10427 3647 2627 1820 1993 3100 2067 980 34128 13482 5512 3353 1112 430 320 105 90 42 50 95 58 33 225647 103540 50920 33433 15253 6933 6407 2327 1860 1260 1147 1440 960 433 146952 216745 192823 180030 77857 30808 25157 7827 4603 3145 2573 3428 1640 640 88608 46173 23943 15847 6092 2422 1970 603 360 268 168 290 177 80 47403 21260 10373 6257 2190 877 623 253 160 133 130 193 173 70 651783 388200 233050 184100 88100 40117 37667 12117 8717 6633 5583 9167 6667 2683 46315 22137 11150 7577 3063 1163 1067 318 177 163 127 180 127 52 108 0.5 ‐ 16 39182 88606 6964 14784 16609 311593 33556 202800 338027 1529527 286910 215280 130703 50523 23703 62073 19577 8881 7256 8482 16165 6932 48990 1493327 142687 13996 6024 15077 12096 8447 174007 177311 57944 67094 107416 125484 62483 38289 72590 112054 3600 576080 40885 50901 296733 14405 39423 34649 61892 80464 74001 66672 64908 58099 74742 94785 85722 51544 34275 47348 69861 97104 26703 30464 30965 28669 37644 54549 104763 118702 146695 68229 56641 70581 55279 77660 51832 54524 49216 75348 38772 47995 508020 58777 451127 893588 186922 90027 1671900 93563 Assessment of Particle Size Analysis in the Lake Tahoe Basin February 2011 APPENDIX C. Analytic results of laser particle size analysis (LiQuilaz) on Tahoe Basin stream samples (LTIMP) (continued). Stream ID Glenbrook Glenbrook Glenbrook Glenbrook Glenbrook Glenbrook Glenbrook Glenbrook Glenbrook Glenbrook Glenbrook Glenbrook Glenbrook Glenbrook Glenbrook Glenbrook Glenbrook Glenbrook Glenbrook Glenbrook Glenbrook Glenbrook Glenbrook Glenbrook Glenbrook Glenbrook Glenbrook Glenbrook Glenbrook Glenbrook Glenbrook Glenbrook Glenbrook Glenbrook Glenbrook Glenbrook Glenbrook Glenbrook Glenbrook Glenbrook Glenbrook Glenbrook Glenbrook Glenbrook Glenbrook Glenbrook Glenbrook Glenbrook Glenbrook Glenbrook Glenbrook Glenbrook Glenbrook Glenbrook Glenbrook Glenbrook Glenbrook Glenbrook Glenbrook Glenbrook Glenbrook Glenbrook Glenbrook Glenbrook Glenbrook Glenbrook Glenbrook Glenbrook Glenbrook Glenbrook Glenbrook Glenbrook Glenbrook Glenbrook Glenbrook Glenbrook Glenbrook Glenbrook Glenbrook Glenbrook Incline Incline Incline Incline Incline Incline Incline Incline Incline Incline Sampling Date 4/5/06 4/20/06 4/24/06 4/25/06 4/27/06 5/1/06 5/8/06 5/10/06 5/18/06 5/25/06 6/8/06 7/5/06 8/1/06 10/3/06 11/7/06 12/5/06 1/4/07 2/8/07 2/9/07 3/9/07 3/16/07 3/21/07 4/4/07 5/1/07 7/2/07 8/7/07 9/9/07 9/22/07 10/5/07 11/6/07 12/5/07 1/11/08 2/8/08 2/12/08 3/4/08 3/13/08 4/2/08 4/14/08 4/19/08 4/28/08 5/2/08 5/5/08 5/9/08 5/14/08 5/16/08 5/22/08 5/29/08 6/5/08 6/19/08 7/9/08 8/5/08 9/3/08 10/4/08 10/8/08 11/3/08 12/4/08 1/5/09 1/23/09 2/3/09 3/5/09 3/19/09 4/8/09 4/20/09 4/22/09 5/3/09 5/7/09 5/11/09 5/17/09 5/18/09 6/1/09 7/6/09 8/3/09 9/1/09 10/8/09 10/13/09 11/2/09 12/1/09 1/12/10 2/3/10 3/3/10 4/5/02 4/5/02 4/9/02 4/22/02 4/24/02 4/24/02 5/6/02 5/13/02 5/16/02 5/17/02 Flow (cfs) 7.60 4.70 6.90 13.00 16.00 19.00 12.00 16.00 19.00 6.60 5.70 2.10 1.10 0.99 1.60 1.40 3.60 2.10 2.50 1.40 1.90 1.50 2.20 1.40 0.30 0.18 0.24 0.99 0.58 0.43 1.40 1.20 1.20 1.10 1.40 3.20 1.90 2.70 2.00 2.20 1.70 1.80 1.90 1.70 1.80 1.40 1.50 1.30 0.78 0.18 0.06 0.09 0.15 0.21 0.60 0.52 0.69 1.50 0.80 0.58 0.62 0.79 1.10 1.10 1.60 1.20 0.88 0.77 0.71 0.53 0.13 0.07 0.04 0.28 1.20 0.38 0.64 0.89 0.81 1.10 14.00 14.00 10.69 9.54 9.26 10.40 10.99 11.29 13.87 13.87 Concentration (Num.) = Num. of Particles in Bin / mL (Bin Sizes in µm) 0.5 ‐ 0.63 0.63 ‐ 0.79 0.79 ‐ 1.0 1.0 ‐ 1.41 1.41 ‐ 2.0 2.0 ‐ 2.83 2.83 ‐ 4.0 4.0 ‐ 4.76 4.76 ‐ 5.66 5.66 ‐ 6.73 6.73 ‐ 8.0 8.0 ‐ 11.31 11.31 ‐ 16.0 16 ‐ 20 125347 60107 31960 23380 9300 3667 2513 820 500 273 313 400 273 107 110773 58287 31853 23717 10853 4710 3620 1020 640 383 387 477 307 140 155113 86183 47383 34337 15673 6180 4410 1247 750 577 420 517 340 163 296870 222810 145760 121787 60187 27310 24620 7703 5123 3550 2917 4297 2453 950 231397 135973 77303 60260 29733 14620 13897 4647 3007 2143 1893 2640 1703 587 239273 130127 73893 57053 26293 10173 7933 2180 1353 907 593 1060 567 280 130260 62100 32000 20760 8073 2940 2033 500 427 273 220 293 273 73 169873 88913 47680 35453 13773 5433 4087 1220 947 613 453 627 433 213 223327 119487 66353 49367 22793 9700 8247 2400 1600 947 880 1627 893 327 134333 70260 38027 26780 10893 3867 2947 913 453 293 253 407 247 140 61027 30107 15627 12613 6907 2667 2267 640 373 253 253 360 307 200 46470 24823 14260 11443 5527 2597 2217 697 397 443 330 580 310 150 31163 16703 8960 7010 3147 1443 1200 433 260 250 187 347 253 120 96660 48060 25780 18020 7800 2633 2240 633 387 427 267 440 240 120 102520 39293 19053 11213 4400 1293 907 267 120 93 107 187 40 13 19877 8567 3713 2057 597 190 137 50 27 20 10 50 23 20 276880 153960 84040 61787 28240 11453 9493 2747 1747 1267 1453 1880 1120 533 69497 29870 13607 7900 2657 990 737 220 153 93 93 173 127 43 124143 67613 35610 22930 7053 1747 1143 343 370 263 243 397 330 210 33057 15060 7663 5677 2693 1210 1110 267 240 153 150 260 150 83 44000 22687 11620 7947 3707 1607 1160 440 333 160 167 300 213 127 53520 27427 14940 12107 6340 2860 2673 900 533 420 353 433 247 107 16279 7582 3825 2486 1112 476 353 141 69 55 41 88 82 41 30161 16559 8882 6214 2387 923 902 307 258 211 177 324 265 103 26025 13008 6724 4738 2071 924 869 337 270 222 225 353 284 125 3243 1653 850 701 417 211 279 130 107 103 104 203 196 98 2854 1190 541 386 187 82 85 34 27 23 21 36 24 9 180777 87312 42754 32773 18444 9250 10123 3619 2410 1814 1478 1982 1082 300 3445 1760 930 678 334 147 144 47 38 29 25 42 33 17 3169 1342 612 393 153 46 33 9 6 5 5 6 4 2 3828 1504 599 367 171 74 76 26 18 12 10 14 9 3 2202 786 333 228 101 38 30 9 8 6 5 10 6 3 2705 1211 588 433 213 94 89 30 21 16 14 18 9 3 3126 1556 802 600 278 105 103 34 26 21 19 27 16 5 2764 1196 576 424 203 82 75 25 18 17 14 26 19 9 17607 9878 6169 6126 4282 2415 2681 942 617 456 335 390 167 29 3310 1674 860 650 302 120 107 36 27 23 20 38 24 10 17895 9186 5363 5011 3263 1660 1652 519 295 197 125 122 35 8 10427 5191 3069 3125 2374 1374 1526 504 323 211 164 162 67 14 11424 6660 4210 4451 3287 1912 2076 730 485 325 230 277 93 17 9140 5382 3699 4051 3128 1756 1898 613 405 285 197 217 87 18 8872 5548 3952 4592 3500 1989 2113 706 428 299 193 209 76 18 30471 15338 9743 10337 7792 4232 4680 1591 952 657 489 510 184 41 40421 24288 14195 11426 6357 3102 2786 1130 906 763 698 1130 808 382 49805 29683 16018 11730 5436 2432 2123 788 608 534 483 806 567 273 37819 24723 15186 13236 8470 4795 4890 2005 1608 1507 1413 2330 1679 799 29733 16639 9226 7252 3975 1806 1671 628 495 448 420 668 473 229 13030 8029 4299 3001 1446 648 625 253 201 180 164 271 193 85 34414 19817 10419 7333 3610 1808 1821 768 670 641 582 1090 933 482 28957 14077 6497 3765 1522 615 557 234 190 164 150 294 261 124 46876 22269 10542 6480 2805 1115 928 358 256 268 235 403 325 182 33981 15426 7002 4279 1786 686 551 194 128 112 94 165 116 70 31332 16733 7460 3411 1066 324 214 64 37 33 36 44 40 12 15880 6980 2970 1781 775 314 264 92 68 66 55 85 52 20 30195 20600 10612 7065 2971 935 507 136 66 43 48 60 39 19 10594 4216 1648 833 305 123 92 32 25 23 20 30 17 12 10822 4865 2233 1363 527 181 149 42 34 24 20 42 29 17 27169 14030 7339 5137 2236 841 747 273 220 178 160 256 213 121 15522 7741 3689 2332 976 338 267 80 70 61 49 70 53 24 28642 14271 7035 4481 1922 694 584 170 144 129 107 201 157 56 23937 11289 5112 2733 923 318 241 80 66 65 56 122 102 54 17075 9553 4617 2636 1138 560 591 256 216 208 203 388 329 176 24034 13931 7106 4580 1866 791 787 327 286 279 251 488 424 182 26623 16037 8366 5675 2782 1388 1447 597 526 499 449 838 639 278 25085 15903 10771 11570 9107 5409 5787 2340 1974 1880 1697 3074 2389 1201 12293 5477 2781 2470 1628 824 885 338 303 296 256 503 408 211 22064 10924 5063 2910 1217 535 557 232 220 194 206 331 289 151 26227 12950 6278 3744 1594 721 736 310 234 234 210 379 310 149 27730 14620 7191 4595 1995 903 805 314 270 248 217 392 326 158 12752 5338 2138 1127 517 271 278 113 112 106 93 194 182 99 15736 8015 3806 2362 1069 499 481 221 182 187 172 327 284 145 57237 24247 10481 7402 3640 1557 1280 444 329 279 246 386 293 139 222686 109546 46701 23005 6897 2308 2100 678 589 483 353 575 417 208 33953 14766 6596 4218 1910 793 692 237 175 133 106 192 137 59 102435 84885 67178 77922 59914 35121 40443 18255 16580 15852 15783 30804 28138 15044 15270 5841 2341 1475 738 331 341 125 97 87 74 142 96 45 14899 6564 3044 2049 895 317 239 68 62 48 31 42 35 9 52777 28637 15789 12188 6429 2978 2647 1025 743 645 614 1020 696 325 15843 7643 3584 2254 897 352 267 87 72 64 51 67 51 23 23775 12158 6197 4103 1642 548 394 118 77 76 53 88 64 30 84200 59944 38564 27307 10373 3497 2208 598 383 304 246 426 407 243 104748 67171 42140 28612 11267 3683 2511 777 455 349 313 533 403 276 67261 43088 24885 16856 5696 1733 1053 290 190 153 148 235 212 109 41957 29354 16449 10713 3782 1322 997 343 227 169 149 254 182 98 37992 25406 14460 9558 3367 1139 853 274 155 119 99 172 122 74 48926 103943 114004 124710 67469 30067 25345 8384 5350 4078 3488 5464 3696 1593 74989 55268 35780 26767 10176 3323 1800 437 260 212 173 317 273 176 101022 73178 45954 34337 14083 5164 3633 1114 701 528 479 692 629 299 71973 50305 31122 22832 9016 3042 1981 617 362 305 256 501 448 268 77738 61370 40270 32331 14016 5411 4066 1292 827 662 669 1157 938 521 109 0.5 ‐ 16 258853 247027 353130 925387 579217 551407 260153 369507 507620 289673 133400 110093 71357 203587 179493 35317 636067 126117 262187 67690 94340 122753 32590 67570 56050 8197 5491 393820 7654 5784 6708 3761 5440 6713 5436 52066 7190 45321 28515 36158 30857 32477 86979 108010 121012 119660 73434 32339 83907 57282 92859 64518 60795 29382 73277 17959 20330 58797 31250 58536 45044 37767 55150 65866 96985 28463 44742 53927 59607 23221 33342 107822 416336 63910 593310 26958 28294 126189 31232 49293 228457 262961 161799 105899 93715 544924 209773 281514 192758 240746 Assessment of Particle Size Analysis in the Lake Tahoe Basin February 2011 APPENDIX C. Analytic results of laser particle size analysis (LiQuilaz) on Tahoe Basin stream samples (LTIMP) (continued). Stream ID Incline Incline Incline Incline Incline Incline Incline Incline Incline Incline Incline Incline Incline Incline Incline Incline Incline Incline Incline Incline Incline Incline Incline Incline Incline Incline Incline Incline Incline Incline Incline Incline Incline Incline Incline Incline Incline Incline Incline Incline Incline Incline Incline Incline Incline Incline Incline Incline Incline Incline Incline Incline Incline Incline Incline Incline Incline Incline Incline Incline Incline Incline Incline Incline Incline Incline Incline Incline Incline Incline Incline Incline Incline Incline Incline Incline Incline Incline Incline Incline Incline Incline Incline Incline Incline Incline Incline Incline Incline Incline Sampling Date 6/3/02 7/1/02 7/17/02 8/13/02 9/16/02 10/8/02 11/4/02 11/8/02 12/2/02 1/7/03 2/6/03 3/3/03 3/26/03 4/2/03 4/7/03 4/8/03 4/8/03 4/22/03 5/1/03 5/14/03 5/15/03 5/19/03 5/22/03 5/22/03 5/27/03 6/3/03 6/9/03 7/11/03 8/4/03 9/5/03 10/6/03 11/7/03 12/2/03 1/5/04 2/3/04 3/2/04 3/9/04 3/16/04 3/23/04 3/30/04 4/5/04 4/9/04 4/12/04 4/12/04 4/21/04 4/28/04 4/28/04 5/4/04 5/6/04 5/20/04 6/1/04 6/16/04 9/12/05 9/27/05 10/4/05 11/1/05 11/1/05 12/1/05 12/5/06 12/8/05 12/22/05 12/22/05 12/31/05 1/3/06 2/6/06 2/27/06 2/27/06 3/8/06 4/4/06 4/21/06 4/27/06 5/2/06 5/3/06 5/3/06 5/8/06 5/10/06 5/15/06 5/18/06 5/25/06 6/5/06 6/12/06 6/19/06 6/28/06 7/3/06 8/2/06 10/5/06 10/5/06 11/3/06 11/9/06 12/8/06 Flow (cfs) 9.54 4.20 4.40 2.10 1.60 1.50 2.30 4.70 1.90 2.20 4.30 2.30 6.70 4.60 3.60 4.40 6.70 4.10 3.90 10.00 6.90 8.30 10.00 15.00 16.00 12.00 9.40 3.00 2.40 2.10 2.70 3.30 3.10 7.40 3.60 3.80 6.20 10.00 14.00 9.30 11.00 11.00 12.00 12.00 8.20 11.00 13.00 17.00 13.00 10.00 9.00 6.70 4.80 5.00 3.80 4.00 4.00 7.40 9.30 4.80 21.00 23.00 65.00 14.00 7.20 13.00 22.00 7.70 11.00 14.00 36.00 43.00 40.00 35.00 47.00 44.00 46.00 54.00 48.00 43.00 36.00 31.00 25.00 22.00 11.00 5.80 5.80 7.70 5.00 4.40 Concentration (Num.) = Num. of Particles in Bin / mL (Bin Sizes in µm) 0.5 ‐ 0.63 0.63 ‐ 0.79 0.79 ‐ 1.0 1.0 ‐ 1.41 1.41 ‐ 2.0 2.0 ‐ 2.83 2.83 ‐ 4.0 4.0 ‐ 4.76 4.76 ‐ 5.66 5.66 ‐ 6.73 6.73 ‐ 8.0 8.0 ‐ 11.31 11.31 ‐ 16.0 16 ‐ 20 48887 31918 19095 13471 4740 1411 845 237 156 118 79 111 99 49 33951 22698 15610 15007 8777 4099 3332 1023 626 474 407 622 435 194 249200 166867 125120 137000 91960 44373 38493 13960 8560 6453 5333 9213 6507 2827 72664 45017 27779 22393 10520 4541 3929 1357 897 668 625 908 687 288 51534 32589 19386 14343 5988 2409 1833 569 357 283 266 442 325 168 49159 29438 16546 11357 4280 1571 1174 341 228 153 122 233 183 105 2905 1704 1222 1293 752 345 282 88 52 43 38 64 47 25 2009617 1562781 1231949 1365761 952143 504526 478909 163073 107153 82734 65083 99187 63886 27543 7271 4371 3222 3391 2211 1107 972 320 194 138 137 179 124 59 13080 8303 6125 6700 4565 2383 2036 594 336 237 191 283 178 80 73015 40360 23181 17917 8744 3965 3637 1249 767 551 527 952 741 383 81587 47137 27829 19451 7365 2624 1577 441 251 147 153 236 164 84 712267 435720 252813 170920 61107 21320 18040 6227 3840 3533 2853 4813 4253 2147 217977 131803 76870 56803 24130 9410 6890 1913 1110 800 607 880 613 307 59671 38563 23491 17231 6385 2104 1498 456 278 219 185 298 201 92 171165 105219 63093 46045 17125 5741 4149 1347 800 573 563 928 688 341 96708 54452 29261 18896 6740 2225 1683 465 345 220 213 292 261 135 81380 45328 25777 18313 7057 2676 1989 592 395 293 272 397 280 127 91420 51651 29172 18920 6139 2003 1344 389 247 216 160 227 167 99 220913 137700 94587 94720 63687 35760 37607 15093 10353 8267 7413 11247 8167 3400 56087 27887 14605 11003 5727 2617 2307 637 438 335 245 400 263 148 46371 28407 16767 13717 7045 3194 2969 1065 687 511 481 820 589 295 49573 30528 18050 14238 6923 3151 2889 1032 673 512 461 797 658 355 148272 90384 53944 44493 23909 12088 12611 4877 3600 2968 2875 5125 4339 2283 44534 24891 14256 11243 5541 2554 2280 823 601 463 407 739 661 385 24778 13694 7788 5979 2766 1237 1115 370 254 175 158 256 197 104 23875 12868 6965 5079 2124 800 714 225 146 117 97 155 128 62 67333 37535 19643 12919 4217 1409 980 259 167 113 111 200 145 89 68257 34592 18440 12500 4943 2117 1805 660 485 367 384 649 584 317 52507 26428 12615 7171 2210 727 610 216 143 123 118 238 173 113 43378 24248 13009 9035 3711 1554 1302 393 266 165 161 297 216 119 44995 24609 13404 8941 3290 1058 702 195 116 79 47 94 57 29 24087 13108 7195 5215 2298 941 726 214 116 79 54 69 44 22 54351 37625 24807 20451 8897 3466 2759 897 571 437 361 641 445 222 91984 56837 34072 25340 9688 3408 2564 780 484 363 331 543 396 243 62455 37812 21824 16886 8088 3429 2647 735 452 273 223 339 218 101 116819 63211 34843 24240 8997 3459 2744 931 565 464 405 605 488 213 51717 28936 16621 13258 7062 3298 3137 1101 707 545 455 779 500 240 51666 29408 16391 12806 6214 2727 2495 889 551 438 355 550 431 190 63488 38283 21561 14825 5824 2225 1842 585 397 273 223 336 237 125 39441 20095 11013 8721 4228 2033 1924 619 458 298 249 409 296 147 43828 21979 11472 8122 3743 1726 1524 553 319 248 205 307 231 111 37382 19656 11010 8316 3967 1636 1413 445 294 191 173 271 201 107 47855 25911 14039 10041 4511 1824 1517 513 311 269 242 373 301 153 59693 38593 22080 15444 5911 2081 1528 461 263 183 169 259 189 91 32682 17251 10144 8504 4243 1865 1615 510 338 237 173 324 245 127 42823 24861 14973 12481 6457 2851 2621 845 562 440 368 691 553 298 113477 62248 35064 27219 14517 6549 6507 2315 1691 1325 1264 2019 1888 955 48249 30518 18473 14554 6739 2727 2285 669 455 356 291 515 417 201 35536 20329 12179 10349 5242 2275 1927 679 445 343 314 500 391 166 37283 20449 11223 8592 4182 1851 1671 615 383 330 244 445 370 174 55807 29933 15011 9240 3385 1372 1171 369 227 175 131 203 169 101 59807 30130 16143 11293 4347 1670 1258 445 300 212 225 358 255 133 95748 55495 30280 19690 6975 2438 1728 557 328 215 192 288 198 107 48513 23387 12225 7487 2315 705 518 152 87 78 70 123 110 58 32728 14040 6378 3742 1050 383 265 85 40 17 15 42 22 15 5786 2507 1228 739 252 93 65 17 8 8 8 10 6 3 107315 206638 203342 203702 104408 45898 41270 13905 9388 7123 5940 8940 5980 2427 68257 26963 11023 6707 2223 860 640 210 180 83 100 190 117 67 64262 31353 16357 10168 3587 1165 928 332 222 178 160 245 182 85 69678 36163 19025 14340 7205 3590 3310 1248 873 733 663 1048 673 348 116580 49847 24747 17213 7940 3600 3460 1480 873 800 587 987 907 533 642473 403073 230667 166753 75780 32867 27793 9407 5787 4420 3580 5113 2580 880 206960 96295 47965 29985 10905 3875 2950 965 520 420 205 440 160 105 78495 40958 22763 14860 4962 1397 902 287 185 113 107 207 133 58 137460 100787 67453 58823 31137 14757 14523 5583 3877 2950 2490 3700 2297 867 284683 152417 105400 82867 40000 11300 9667 3400 2383 1633 1367 2467 1533 533 674767 356133 198250 137917 51867 18250 12700 3767 2267 2050 1450 2200 1500 467 101543 53383 29713 20933 8297 3227 2340 703 427 223 210 360 187 40 256933 128493 70853 56267 26187 11360 9653 3053 1960 1307 1320 1373 1080 413 87762 54488 32927 27187 14083 6843 6785 2368 1657 1255 1060 1738 1195 507 50853 27040 14673 12387 5993 3347 3020 1047 753 660 447 660 440 220 108860 59000 32267 23973 10733 5020 3887 1367 967 680 547 967 607 240 79893 42080 23687 17233 7567 3147 2413 747 473 447 333 387 333 133 301087 193860 120900 104367 56613 26980 26267 9100 5733 4140 3273 5187 3133 1120 132573 60533 30640 22240 11173 5573 5040 1867 1227 840 520 893 747 387 161100 87967 50487 38800 18400 8293 8187 2747 2027 1540 1253 1880 1393 587 347867 206447 122007 102827 58260 29680 29007 9600 6307 4793 4173 5793 3580 1480 113540 62713 36920 31793 16860 7680 7407 2407 1773 1120 987 1433 953 300 65947 35047 19547 16633 8333 4273 3787 1233 900 573 580 807 533 247 179720 102453 57667 45880 23920 10933 9813 2347 1400 853 747 1120 533 267 166093 85067 48547 37080 16533 6280 5813 2133 1187 747 973 1160 707 360 98427 46800 26853 24093 14307 7467 8280 3173 1867 1293 1240 1720 920 480 60853 31720 17307 13153 5933 2500 2187 647 480 393 227 333 227 127 39797 18277 9493 6430 2623 1297 1103 277 203 190 157 213 147 87 88740 44267 23380 16163 6057 2110 1713 500 303 257 193 257 197 133 200600 110780 59990 41950 16387 5873 4073 1150 800 570 473 900 703 243 292133 148613 82107 57000 23133 8840 6947 2147 1507 1067 893 1733 1200 427 93267 43520 20600 13480 4947 1827 1000 267 173 107 67 80 53 27 53423 24763 12263 8067 2930 1100 747 163 103 93 53 137 70 27 110 0.5 ‐ 16 121167 107062 903040 191987 130324 114785 8834 8686803 23637 45010 175607 188963 1697707 529807 150579 417437 211763 184751 202053 745513 122550 122622 129485 409485 108995 58766 53295 145031 145784 103281 97735 97588 54144 155707 226789 155380 257771 128115 124922 150099 89783 94257 84955 107707 146855 78130 110527 276083 126246 90510 87638 117193 126443 214133 95770 58807 10727 963850 117553 129138 158552 229020 1610293 401645 165368 445837 699117 1463117 221547 569840 239348 121320 248873 178740 860640 273867 384073 930340 285587 158193 437387 372320 236440 135960 80207 184137 444250 627320 179387 103913 Assessment of Particle Size Analysis in the Lake Tahoe Basin February 2011 APPENDIX C. Analytic results of laser particle size analysis (LiQuilaz) on Tahoe Basin stream samples (LTIMP) (continued). Stream ID Incline Incline Incline Incline Incline Incline Incline Incline Incline Incline Incline Incline Incline Incline Incline Incline Incline Incline Incline Incline Incline Incline Incline Incline Incline Incline Incline Incline Incline Incline Incline Incline Incline Incline Incline Incline Incline Incline Incline Incline Incline Incline Incline Incline Incline Incline Incline Incline Incline Incline Incline Incline Incline Incline Incline Incline Incline Incline Incline Incline Incline Incline Incline Incline Incline Incline Incline Incline Incline Incline Incline Incline Incline Incline Incline Incline Incline Logan House Logan House Logan House Logan House Logan House Logan House Logan House Logan House Logan House Logan House Logan House Logan House Logan House Sampling Date 2/7/07 2/7/07 2/10/07 3/7/07 3/17/07 3/22/07 4/5/07 4/26/07 5/1/07 5/9/07 5/11/07 5/17/07 5/21/07 7/5/07 7/5/07 8/6/07 8/6/07 9/6/07 9/7/07 10/3/07 11/8/07 11/11/07 12/6/07 1/14/08 2/4/08 2/12/08 3/6/08 3/13/08 4/4/08 4/14/08 4/28/08 5/1/08 5/5/08 5/8/08 5/14/08 5/17/08 5/17/08 5/20/08 5/22/08 5/28/08 6/2/08 6/19/08 7/10/08 8/6/08 9/5/08 10/4/08 10/10/08 11/6/08 12/5/08 1/22/09 2/5/09 3/6/09 3/20/09 4/9/09 4/20/09 4/23/09 5/2/09 5/3/09 5/6/09 5/8/09 5/11/09 5/16/09 5/18/09 5/21/09 5/22/09 5/26/09 6/5/09 6/18/09 7/9/09 8/4/09 9/4/09 10/7/09 10/13/09 11/5/09 12/4/09 2/4/10 3/2/10 4/4/02 4/4/02 4/10/02 4/10/02 4/22/02 5/7/02 5/17/02 6/3/02 7/1/02 8/14/02 9/13/02 10/9/02 11/7/02 Flow (cfs) 4.20 4.20 5.80 5.20 10.00 6.70 6.90 8.20 7.20 6.50 6.70 5.60 5.20 2.10 1.70 1.70 1.50 1.50 1.70 2.00 2.40 3.80 2.70 3.00 10.00 3.50 4.00 6.00 7.00 11.00 12.00 9.60 10.00 11.00 10.00 12.00 12.00 11.00 9.30 8.80 7.20 4.50 2.60 1.90 1.50 3.00 2.10 2.70 2.40 4.40 3.10 3.40 6.10 5.50 9.80 12.00 9.80 12.00 12.00 12.00 12.00 11.00 11.00 10.00 9.70 8.30 7.10 4.90 2.90 2.00 1.60 2.30 9.60 2.30 2.80 3.00 3.80 1.60 1.60 1.80 1.80 3.00 0.49 0.28 0.16 0.03 0.05 0.10 0.10 0.30 Concentration (Num.) = Num. of Particles in Bin / mL (Bin Sizes in µm) 0.5 ‐ 0.63 0.63 ‐ 0.79 0.79 ‐ 1.0 1.0 ‐ 1.41 1.41 ‐ 2.0 2.0 ‐ 2.83 2.83 ‐ 4.0 4.0 ‐ 4.76 4.76 ‐ 5.66 5.66 ‐ 6.73 6.73 ‐ 8.0 8.0 ‐ 11.31 11.31 ‐ 16.0 16 ‐ 20 118990 64913 35867 22673 7027 2140 1613 487 310 203 203 373 277 150 61647 28200 13133 7573 2160 727 583 147 113 70 110 137 113 70 200093 113140 61567 40200 13113 3887 2527 770 450 347 283 503 400 230 59193 26877 13207 8873 3993 1697 1290 350 190 157 130 233 173 70 86960 44233 24347 19527 10220 4987 4340 1153 773 553 413 673 387 273 82373 39843 21857 14980 5467 1727 1377 437 280 207 203 277 163 93 55073 26323 13207 8887 3533 1473 1120 390 217 133 100 227 103 53 103724 71880 44375 32412 12809 4369 3056 917 544 392 317 463 400 209 49737 27596 14207 8705 2647 963 743 260 163 144 114 209 163 65 57498 36027 19647 12208 3567 1032 637 183 129 105 77 150 99 61 50946 30852 16744 10665 3734 1242 995 306 204 157 155 236 170 93 77640 44535 23784 14942 4743 1517 1224 379 286 236 210 323 277 182 2084 5472 5949 5336 2280 730 503 142 84 61 48 73 48 21 18538 8575 4163 2754 1159 454 350 111 85 50 47 72 62 24 53967 27763 14600 8769 2405 694 432 119 91 63 69 92 82 39 2165 838 381 245 100 32 27 8 5 4 3 6 5 3 7421 3187 1382 902 379 139 107 35 25 21 18 32 21 8 7636 3521 1593 1095 446 167 145 53 37 33 28 45 25 8 2250 1044 564 419 195 79 80 27 20 16 16 25 19 9 6399 2833 1352 993 454 173 155 50 37 30 27 40 26 8 7311 3251 1548 1084 451 168 135 42 30 24 23 35 23 9 36980 13881 6179 4055 1912 824 820 284 169 120 89 130 63 16 7330 3678 1652 1025 407 140 121 38 27 23 17 25 19 6 8036 4657 2514 1857 752 247 195 62 44 35 31 46 24 7 23498 10270 5125 3916 1830 762 627 222 119 82 56 68 25 9 48237 21598 10925 8369 3614 1369 1126 343 246 171 134 168 75 14 16921 6375 2985 2113 1085 524 541 191 101 84 71 77 32 11 42809 17528 8437 6384 3470 1614 1729 529 386 298 200 251 133 41 27938 12196 6890 6306 4227 2287 2446 803 527 413 292 342 141 39 48657 28687 17576 16775 11131 5757 5839 1980 1197 882 679 786 341 89 29427 17679 12201 13398 9934 5558 5809 1938 1257 889 642 839 336 103 10080 4671 2510 2126 1237 646 689 232 168 127 88 120 56 16 1795 924 564 523 342 166 180 60 38 28 20 26 11 3 19086 8156 4392 3971 2393 1099 1087 374 236 154 116 148 73 22 46499 24355 11961 7571 2950 1190 877 313 224 191 175 312 247 121 80034 44770 22791 14819 6364 2588 2208 725 559 527 449 741 555 241 101272 59618 31167 20679 8656 3370 2935 1114 949 792 723 1363 1069 541 41449 25225 13982 10373 4730 1769 1336 450 374 267 233 437 340 164 47342 25985 13357 8997 4155 1731 1290 452 319 253 258 419 344 175 43316 23777 12131 8507 3824 1567 1206 448 310 285 267 407 332 172 50080 28591 14140 8627 3383 1256 907 323 282 239 219 395 294 140 57373 33929 16788 9977 3681 1259 980 353 267 241 198 315 273 133 55791 32498 16357 9926 3601 1276 933 305 239 212 159 296 225 118 56115 34411 18419 11367 3792 1181 808 239 182 185 141 230 168 106 53647 28133 13871 8547 3576 1430 1232 435 354 298 251 469 344 181 118346 72603 40586 28708 10997 3290 2218 767 565 604 527 1016 920 506 36136 18126 8206 4963 1845 677 577 196 159 134 124 193 147 80 36026 18014 8033 4590 1642 601 430 126 111 63 72 109 71 37 31078 16486 7522 4338 1680 710 631 232 191 172 161 273 206 106 149850 85805 45895 35410 19324 8645 6974 2404 1900 1496 1237 2176 1678 849 55565 30125 13588 7685 2474 805 580 222 144 117 115 188 141 83 14665 6992 3408 2305 976 374 271 92 66 48 39 68 50 23 77073 45280 23115 15429 7627 3515 2988 1205 981 858 832 1371 1061 547 34274 18872 9024 6159 2926 1299 1113 398 305 268 249 441 374 199 106033 57869 29375 22108 12952 6702 6617 2596 2363 2027 1902 3092 2482 1204 48298 26877 14054 10466 5541 2608 2368 833 767 594 575 932 741 368 21145 9579 5016 4080 2354 1198 1192 456 410 330 304 535 426 232 48604 33109 23659 25319 18091 9998 10026 4068 3278 2936 2666 4506 3305 1727 32196 16339 8185 5918 2930 1334 1187 457 340 326 240 391 319 161 26560 14114 8443 8054 5587 3212 3142 1288 986 789 724 1233 968 429 55119 31216 16230 11947 6136 2948 2799 1064 1002 786 781 1329 1075 537 53548 35011 19651 16120 10283 5800 5933 2391 1901 1682 1511 2485 1819 809 50100 29598 16507 12537 6246 2517 2188 812 622 544 522 853 653 316 39431 20820 10900 7224 2945 1071 800 263 239 172 136 293 226 107 66890 36666 18926 12636 5370 1853 1443 512 390 278 271 441 339 173 26660 15308 8943 7480 4206 1845 1596 600 488 405 332 545 416 205 25085 11640 5741 4305 2388 1145 995 335 254 216 184 345 247 129 34218 21803 11748 7908 3309 1280 984 339 290 238 218 348 305 158 45679 27199 15073 10356 3944 1340 966 294 240 211 197 279 229 119 37202 20856 11425 9433 5364 2610 2388 916 716 641 550 958 743 373 48115 28425 16099 12142 5446 2248 2021 695 556 503 403 701 540 255 36960 18551 9277 6547 3063 1275 1013 334 246 227 154 294 228 113 254018 168965 105668 99690 67589 35557 35326 14397 12341 11150 10966 20113 18063 9402 30210 15429 7421 4717 2016 729 506 142 109 76 67 105 69 30 38544 18195 7958 4717 1840 663 440 129 99 64 54 85 51 30 44956 23265 11333 7414 3154 1104 815 222 186 143 119 197 152 83 43406 22884 11941 9297 4621 1988 1426 426 318 252 209 330 245 129 24784 12997 7564 5396 2309 801 575 163 112 99 105 172 155 128 25698 13919 8396 6056 2648 929 708 256 156 118 128 276 260 179 15008 7861 4102 3086 1388 473 350 129 71 54 53 111 125 67 13421 7093 3908 2971 1298 487 366 116 83 65 52 108 112 71 7326 3560 1837 1239 557 243 207 65 44 30 36 56 54 34 10072 5646 3222 2567 1299 564 465 158 113 70 76 122 112 68 5760 2917 1597 1157 547 234 212 71 55 43 46 85 68 46 4191 2343 1311 975 442 190 146 47 30 24 21 40 36 26 4496 2178 1169 848 417 207 179 63 36 29 34 59 51 33 4387 2150 1187 925 398 171 152 52 33 26 25 51 46 27 3015 1409 729 539 271 134 130 54 35 32 32 58 52 35 2611 1388 806 676 356 186 183 76 49 43 42 74 72 41 2768 1393 746 615 319 137 108 39 23 19 17 32 29 17 111 0.5 ‐ 16 255077 114713 437280 116363 198567 169190 110787 275659 105651 131359 116407 170097 22810 36421 109146 3819 13667 14825 4754 12568 14124 65507 14503 18502 46598 96375 31100 83769 64809 140287 99906 22748 4678 41284 96866 177131 233708 100964 104902 96377 108736 125634 121819 127240 112586 281146 71483 69889 63680 362794 111749 29356 181335 75701 256118 114655 47026 189565 70161 75100 132433 158135 123696 84520 146017 68826 52879 82987 106008 93800 117895 78170 853844 61596 72840 93060 97344 55232 59549 32809 30081 15253 24486 12793 9797 9765 9604 6490 6562 6245 Assessment of Particle Size Analysis in the Lake Tahoe Basin February 2011 APPENDIX C. Analytic results of laser particle size analysis (LiQuilaz) on Tahoe Basin stream samples (LTIMP) (continued). Stream ID Logan House Logan House Logan House Logan House Logan House Logan House Logan House Logan House Logan House Logan House Logan House Logan House Logan House Logan House Logan House Logan House Logan House Logan House Logan House Logan House Logan House Logan House Logan House Logan House Logan House Logan House Logan House Logan House Logan House Logan House Logan House Logan House Logan House Logan House Logan House Logan House Logan House Logan House Logan House Logan House Logan House Logan House Logan House Logan House Logan House Logan House Logan House Logan House Logan House Logan House Logan House Logan House Logan House Logan House Logan House Logan House Logan House Logan House Logan House Logan House Logan House Logan House Logan House Logan House Logan House Logan House Logan House Logan House Logan House Logan House Logan House Logan House Logan House Logan House Logan House Logan House Logan House Logan House Logan House Logan House Logan House Logan House Logan House Logan House Logan House Logan House Logan House Logan House Logan House Logan House Sampling Date 1/8/03 2/7/03 3/4/03 3/4/03 4/3/03 4/8/03 4/9/03 4/22/03 5/1/03 5/12/03 5/14/03 5/17/03 5/20/03 5/27/03 6/6/03 6/10/03 7/9/03 8/5/03 9/4/03 10/7/03 11/5/03 12/4/03 1/7/04 2/5/04 3/5/04 3/9/04 3/16/04 3/23/04 3/29/04 4/8/04 4/15/04 4/21/04 4/27/04 5/5/04 5/21/04 6/3/04 6/15/04 8/5/05 9/13/05 10/3/05 11/4/05 12/1/05 12/5/05 12/31/05 1/3/06 2/6/06 2/27/06 3/6/06 4/3/06 4/20/06 4/24/06 4/25/06 4/28/06 5/1/06 5/5/06 5/8/06 5/10/06 5/12/06 5/15/06 5/18/06 5/25/06 7/5/06 8/1/06 10/3/06 11/7/06 12/5/06 1/4/07 2/6/07 3/6/07 3/16/07 3/21/07 4/6/07 4/10/07 5/1/07 5/16/07 7/2/07 8/7/07 9/9/07 10/5/07 11/6/07 12/5/07 1/9/08 2/4/08 3/3/08 4/1/08 4/19/08 4/28/08 5/2/08 5/5/08 5/9/08 Flow (cfs) 0.10 0.20 0.20 0.20 0.50 0.40 0.50 0.30 0.40 1.20 1.90 1.30 3.00 0.80 0.20 0.40 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.09 0.20 0.28 0.16 0.18 0.37 0.60 1.20 1.80 1.10 0.86 0.66 0.72 1.40 0.45 0.31 0.15 0.10 0.06 0.16 0.19 0.19 0.60 0.79 4.20 0.79 0.45 0.93 0.40 0.86 0.79 1.20 3.10 3.30 3.30 3.80 3.60 5.20 4.80 5.00 4.00 3.10 0.36 0.36 0.40 0.54 0.54 0.61 0.54 0.54 0.82 0.42 1.20 0.98 0.82 0.48 0.11 0.04 0.06 0.17 0.24 0.28 0.32 0.32 0.24 0.28 0.65 1.40 0.53 0.57 0.56 Concentration (Num.) = Num. of Particles in Bin / mL (Bin Sizes in µm) 0.5 ‐ 0.63 0.63 ‐ 0.79 0.79 ‐ 1.0 1.0 ‐ 1.41 1.41 ‐ 2.0 2.0 ‐ 2.83 2.83 ‐ 4.0 4.0 ‐ 4.76 4.76 ‐ 5.66 5.66 ‐ 6.73 6.73 ‐ 8.0 8.0 ‐ 11.31 11.31 ‐ 16.0 16 ‐ 20 1902 908 489 405 208 109 94 30 18 16 14 28 24 15 2507 1270 684 560 319 150 142 58 38 31 32 57 48 29 2112 1006 543 467 235 119 89 37 25 26 12 35 33 20 2112 1006 543 467 235 119 89 37 25 26 12 35 33 20 4830 2139 1113 799 364 163 123 36 30 17 16 37 26 14 6681 3367 1970 1519 825 374 388 131 100 74 65 111 122 59 7447 3785 2162 1771 969 424 428 157 104 77 86 133 133 67 4224 1861 987 735 367 147 163 55 42 30 29 56 47 24 5875 2748 1400 1047 504 232 187 64 35 26 33 48 44 29 15577 8763 5414 4995 3253 1913 2171 930 690 567 548 998 899 486 14945 8355 4736 3974 2190 1096 1085 399 297 240 207 418 349 188 13217 5849 2814 1914 811 333 268 73 58 42 38 64 58 37 20591 10103 5501 4338 2319 1123 1213 460 331 260 235 397 387 193 6771 3469 1844 1339 555 225 201 61 43 33 27 42 30 18 4782 2370 1118 744 326 142 113 40 26 18 16 30 22 15 4746 2189 1002 626 282 125 111 38 23 18 18 31 28 19 3056 1361 681 472 210 86 76 24 17 12 12 18 18 10 2599 1216 600 404 184 73 64 21 15 13 11 23 23 15 4603 2293 1190 701 244 93 81 27 24 16 18 26 23 12 3815 1569 697 518 212 100 62 30 21 15 13 23 26 17 3890 1587 734 463 195 73 64 20 16 10 13 20 16 10 3334 1524 826 500 200 83 78 24 15 11 10 22 18 14 3959 1899 1055 805 340 168 149 53 35 32 28 56 51 20 3581 1779 943 756 376 161 170 56 46 38 26 63 49 19 3645 1740 1017 831 452 212 215 95 64 54 52 91 82 39 6259 2915 1550 1236 637 327 306 109 88 66 66 124 103 47 9477 4148 2094 1467 737 334 331 119 72 51 67 97 85 60 10925 4906 2485 1806 835 376 263 102 65 59 34 65 63 37 7099 3192 1592 1165 555 245 218 73 51 39 39 77 57 35 8955 4156 1984 1300 600 253 179 66 47 41 30 69 50 31 8235 3788 1990 1422 612 243 221 82 52 39 38 70 67 39 18572 9759 5469 3856 1652 620 512 175 109 99 86 153 132 50 9917 4889 2703 2009 877 399 361 135 85 65 60 134 117 79 7921 3733 1822 1445 763 363 401 135 104 95 89 144 123 83 31245 15455 8495 6124 2573 955 778 321 226 154 122 194 93 56 6578 3185 1645 1169 522 215 185 68 50 37 31 59 46 32 6297 3238 1766 1219 486 204 159 47 33 29 23 36 42 22 3322 1343 575 383 197 92 93 20 20 12 12 22 25 5 7980 4275 2542 1885 938 510 383 133 90 60 62 95 67 35 6313 3030 1655 1207 537 228 195 63 33 48 42 70 63 22 2695 1070 468 298 153 47 57 22 15 15 5 23 10 7 78353 35780 19420 14953 7700 3260 3360 1393 1007 753 613 1320 1087 580 8355 3743 2065 1405 573 233 193 70 60 30 30 60 43 20 134475 58658 29008 19792 7400 2625 1708 692 317 392 400 517 358 208 12942 4758 2137 1297 560 217 197 62 47 30 28 38 28 22 18340 8753 4753 3547 1580 483 403 153 87 70 53 83 43 17 42117 20350 10650 8583 4300 2417 1867 600 667 467 633 883 717 300 50305 21992 11113 5995 2167 713 532 153 93 78 67 97 63 27 23560 10250 5257 3933 2307 1313 1143 437 277 150 203 273 260 170 9830 4870 2823 2157 987 463 470 97 73 63 30 50 37 37 7467 3247 1523 1213 570 257 187 63 70 47 27 60 40 30 46840 22600 11977 9963 5627 2843 3030 1220 833 613 557 1037 880 413 50143 25577 13780 11170 6583 3453 3597 1550 1057 893 773 1187 847 440 43713 20927 10980 7400 3627 1360 1080 353 240 160 153 280 200 73 45907 24633 13480 9267 3967 1493 1253 387 293 187 147 293 213 87 40813 20227 10720 8707 5027 2313 2253 847 487 367 360 460 393 120 52687 26567 14493 10700 5920 2767 2773 887 780 560 413 647 487 340 115820 62893 35220 27140 12473 5147 4547 1587 1113 773 640 1073 900 373 35573 17147 8513 6793 2860 1227 1013 387 260 200 127 307 207 47 53447 24733 12387 8887 3940 1513 1233 273 300 153 220 247 147 80 59900 31307 15927 10847 4327 1447 900 280 73 120 100 73 80 13 11573 5567 2980 2043 777 380 263 97 60 33 47 70 37 23 14143 7803 4140 3057 1227 553 400 113 110 60 40 67 50 0 38920 20320 11633 9200 3787 1387 1227 313 247 147 107 200 187 73 99573 57067 36280 30813 15373 6853 4227 973 600 573 307 173 120 53 5684 2623 1242 701 285 103 63 25 15 17 14 24 19 11 22047 13700 7700 4193 1087 280 167 100 40 27 27 27 33 7 12757 5977 3103 2243 940 337 267 80 60 43 27 53 60 37 11497 6087 3620 2987 1453 613 430 143 70 60 40 50 90 23 20233 10653 6080 5380 3327 1627 1687 633 453 240 227 340 213 60 18093 10333 6887 5393 2473 847 513 153 67 87 53 67 27 27 7437 3645 2063 1696 920 484 512 192 120 122 120 165 208 92 5194 2454 1239 954 555 241 226 91 48 40 36 45 43 22 5178 2471 1352 1044 567 284 308 100 60 54 45 73 82 33 4209 1961 977 716 356 170 179 72 51 46 41 73 57 35 2922 1499 767 553 256 110 103 34 25 21 19 33 30 19 592 277 160 150 80 37 40 15 12 9 8 16 12 4 1215 575 349 313 142 53 53 18 14 10 10 17 11 4 553 230 123 103 55 26 31 14 11 10 9 21 16 8 432 176 96 78 42 17 19 6 5 4 4 8 6 3 651 247 129 96 53 27 29 12 9 8 7 12 9 5 547 231 135 118 70 35 42 16 13 11 11 19 15 7 847 419 246 232 152 84 103 42 31 25 22 36 27 10 586 263 151 130 80 39 45 17 14 12 12 19 15 7 865 339 187 166 103 50 50 16 11 9 8 14 13 7 1885 935 512 404 205 96 106 46 36 33 32 56 42 17 1626 691 357 308 180 91 96 39 30 24 23 40 32 15 984 409 214 172 92 42 44 16 13 12 11 22 18 9 1367 641 365 316 179 80 82 31 26 23 21 43 36 17 2143 927 469 340 154 63 59 20 15 11 12 20 18 9 112 0.5 ‐ 16 4245 5895 4738 4738 9692 15728 17676 8744 12243 46719 38289 25539 47259 14640 9748 9236 6043 5248 9339 7101 7101 6646 8631 8044 8549 13785 19079 21984 14402 17729 16859 41194 21751 17137 66735 13789 13579 6115 19020 13485 4878 169000 16862 256342 22340 38350 94250 93368 49363 21950 14770 108020 120610 90473 101520 92973 119680 269327 74613 107480 125380 23927 31763 87673 252933 10815 49427 25947 27140 51093 44993 17681 11167 11617 8909 6371 1409 2779 1203 892 1289 1263 2266 1382 1830 4386 3536 2049 3210 4250 Assessment of Particle Size Analysis in the Lake Tahoe Basin February 2011 APPENDIX C. Analytic results of laser particle size analysis (LiQuilaz) on Tahoe Basin stream samples (LTIMP) (continued). Stream ID Logan House Logan House Logan House Logan House Logan House Logan House Logan House Logan House Logan House Logan House Logan House Logan House Logan House Logan House Logan House Logan House Logan House Logan House Logan House Logan House Logan House Logan House Logan House Logan House Logan House Logan House Logan House Logan House Logan House Logan House Logan House Logan House Logan House Logan House Logan House Logan House Logan House Third Third Third Third Third Third Third Third Third Third Third Third Third Third Third Third Third Third Third Third Third Third Third Third Third Third Third Third Third Third Third Third Third Third Third Third Third Third Third Third Third Third Third Third Third Third Third Third Third Third Third Third Third Sampling Date 5/14/08 5/16/08 5/22/08 5/29/08 6/5/08 6/19/08 7/9/08 8/5/08 9/4/08 10/4/08 10/8/08 11/3/08 12/4/08 1/5/09 1/23/09 2/9/09 3/3/09 3/19/09 4/6/09 4/20/09 4/22/09 5/2/09 5/3/09 5/7/09 5/11/09 5/17/09 5/18/09 6/1/09 7/6/09 8/6/09 9/1/09 10/8/09 11/2/09 12/3/09 1/12/10 2/2/10 3/4/10 4/5/02 4/8/02 4/22/02 4/24/02 4/24/02 5/6/02 5/13/02 5/16/02 5/17/02 5/24/02 5/29/02 5/30/02 6/3/02 7/1/02 7/17/02 7/17/02 8/13/02 10/8/02 11/4/02 11/8/02 12/2/02 1/7/03 2/6/03 3/3/03 3/26/03 4/2/03 4/7/03 4/22/03 5/1/03 5/14/03 5/15/03 5/19/03 5/22/03 5/22/03 5/27/03 6/3/03 6/9/03 7/10/03 8/4/03 9/5/03 10/6/03 11/7/03 12/2/03 1/5/04 2/3/04 3/2/04 3/9/04 3/16/04 3/23/04 3/30/04 4/5/04 4/12/04 4/12/04 Flow (cfs) 0.47 0.53 0.29 0.34 0.26 0.08 0.05 0.03 0.03 0.07 0.04 0.14 0.12 0.22 0.50 0.21 0.19 0.19 0.23 0.57 0.65 0.57 0.67 0.35 0.18 0.11 0.10 0.05 0.06 0.07 0.06 0.05 0.07 0.09 0.12 0.08 0.07 9.30 9.70 7.80 8.40 9.00 11.00 17.00 24.00 30.00 15.00 28.00 24.00 24.00 3.80 3.40 3.00 0.96 1.00 1.40 5.20 2.50 3.00 4.30 3.10 6.20 4.50 3.70 5.40 5.20 10.00 10.00 13.00 18.00 25.00 32.00 41.00 34.00 3.00 2.00 1.40 1.20 1.80 2.00 2.50 2.60 2.80 7.20 6.60 9.40 7.20 9.80 11.00 11.00 Concentration (Num.) = Num. of Particles in Bin / mL (Bin Sizes in µm) 0.5 ‐ 0.63 0.63 ‐ 0.79 0.79 ‐ 1.0 1.0 ‐ 1.41 1.41 ‐ 2.0 2.0 ‐ 2.83 2.83 ‐ 4.0 4.0 ‐ 4.76 4.76 ‐ 5.66 5.66 ‐ 6.73 6.73 ‐ 8.0 8.0 ‐ 11.31 11.31 ‐ 16.0 16 ‐ 20 6898 3738 2022 1510 760 354 300 109 94 83 65 122 91 44 6037 3077 1613 1260 714 347 299 117 103 86 86 140 105 56 2894 1548 738 500 244 109 87 31 24 20 17 28 24 14 2451 1290 667 478 259 114 99 35 27 24 20 35 30 17 2282 1207 622 466 235 99 79 26 18 15 13 21 19 10 2515 1240 594 405 191 79 62 20 15 13 10 18 13 7 2857 1534 758 495 218 89 68 23 17 14 12 19 16 9 2383 1512 884 665 331 136 106 36 27 21 17 28 24 13 9233 6057 3496 2501 1133 409 306 91 74 56 50 81 56 26 2227 1300 747 574 301 132 111 43 32 27 25 47 47 29 2176 1114 522 312 147 60 51 18 13 12 10 17 15 10 3288 1801 838 473 202 83 68 25 19 16 15 25 21 12 2391 1273 633 411 176 59 46 14 10 8 7 11 9 5 2230 1221 624 435 203 83 61 20 14 12 10 15 12 6 13144 6788 3542 2530 1323 550 471 178 157 146 141 241 220 118 1234 680 383 305 170 80 68 27 20 19 17 30 25 13 3722 2127 1114 787 372 155 138 50 40 36 30 56 46 28 3015 1855 983 687 312 120 93 31 23 18 16 26 23 14 2340 1261 661 422 173 70 59 23 18 15 15 21 17 9 17392 10428 6024 5009 2758 1393 1446 599 546 491 500 830 760 416 13170 7002 3800 2919 1541 757 775 328 302 251 232 462 368 212 3278 1492 727 457 200 82 71 33 28 24 24 45 44 25 4607 2265 1182 831 386 166 161 68 56 56 55 95 97 59 3709 1877 988 643 285 124 121 49 45 39 34 71 63 39 3042 1574 778 566 267 130 131 47 44 39 43 63 62 34 2048 1092 568 417 222 100 79 27 21 16 16 24 18 12 4280 2210 1150 819 413 191 172 62 50 43 38 70 69 31 1989 1078 528 326 159 73 65 23 18 14 13 20 18 9 2101 1074 505 340 162 70 57 21 16 13 12 20 16 11 2713 1631 913 684 354 153 124 39 32 26 24 34 27 14 1952 1074 544 349 164 74 61 24 18 17 13 24 17 11 1640 828 422 312 168 76 66 23 19 16 14 24 19 10 2718 1566 870 640 282 100 67 20 14 10 9 13 9 5 5808 3372 1890 1450 649 235 158 55 36 28 22 41 30 15 2449 1455 755 520 257 105 86 29 21 17 16 24 17 9 1545 949 510 347 175 69 56 19 15 11 9 16 12 5 1637 971 534 378 165 62 48 15 12 9 8 14 11 6 64069 39183 23113 15914 5963 1972 1199 338 206 153 118 220 156 89 63271 38984 21482 14338 5072 1575 1023 311 187 151 137 258 215 146 33711 22064 12577 8656 2903 886 654 218 136 111 92 144 111 55 29042 18475 10755 7629 2755 937 687 224 128 98 76 126 83 38 37492 20264 10921 7279 2418 728 494 181 99 71 63 103 80 46 52423 32201 18353 12893 4798 1631 994 284 177 122 113 202 169 98 71028 44180 26768 21308 9120 3316 2552 771 485 364 361 696 568 291 71171 50878 33004 26400 12026 4678 3343 1128 718 578 566 1054 875 567 129957 116220 83089 73091 36108 15823 13249 4576 3104 2423 2273 4088 3475 1995 16511 12018 7641 6199 2785 1125 881 311 182 132 120 207 156 84 72599 54932 36503 30400 13820 5483 3610 1082 623 513 507 723 609 297 27001 16373 9844 8400 4177 1683 1291 446 279 189 165 289 213 125 31386 18624 11067 8534 3712 1455 1133 330 203 128 107 155 93 40 1092007 644123 405387 356840 190227 84333 72673 23430 14703 10230 8653 13933 9827 5170 118937 93443 81277 98263 62167 26683 21270 6083 3603 2690 2233 3167 2250 1087 1712373 1162933 799253 822347 568587 307787 280480 99413 59520 48373 36427 61813 38187 17600 31439 17874 9858 7178 2766 978 733 212 134 99 87 144 105 62 23736 13289 7015 4798 1751 620 409 89 57 43 36 46 35 20 5713 3382 2261 1698 754 287 221 67 40 32 26 44 27 14 105227 78743 63820 71527 50150 28017 25943 9453 5720 4617 4190 6783 5337 2630 6344 3811 2490 2244 1255 548 421 115 72 52 40 66 45 19 7921 4805 3321 3433 2148 1011 741 203 111 72 51 80 56 27 52953 31076 16905 12417 5704 2355 1889 585 373 306 271 465 365 207 56443 32895 17185 10403 3284 959 567 125 73 57 48 60 48 37 671200 376400 203107 135067 51653 20573 18107 6120 4120 3573 2520 4427 3747 1533 79807 43581 22449 13983 4293 1304 823 220 145 87 104 132 120 76 51779 28169 14301 8865 2730 837 572 162 113 83 71 104 77 37 54215 28830 14526 9525 3704 1407 1074 278 177 140 113 167 133 67 83884 41656 20616 12407 4187 1509 977 303 188 155 108 187 109 71 82872 53077 34395 33233 22011 12307 13228 5376 3749 3091 2764 4829 3909 2023 64985 32575 16645 10887 4336 1688 1455 505 340 240 200 359 289 163 31860 17079 9330 7531 3930 1877 1567 515 308 253 200 323 232 119 40679 23094 13217 10332 5293 2358 2211 742 501 402 359 551 453 229 231533 156113 100280 92020 55770 29647 30337 11087 7887 6243 5447 8697 6427 2900 70279 38319 22075 17541 9305 4400 4184 1580 1095 905 860 1549 1301 763 39363 21219 11691 9246 4577 2130 2024 761 523 435 363 619 472 259 24715 14444 8527 6890 3386 1492 1407 499 344 269 224 341 234 124 23350 12197 6352 4154 1535 542 437 117 66 58 39 62 40 24 24890 12736 6382 4254 1704 662 522 156 92 66 58 108 85 40 53471 28331 14428 9522 3787 1681 1626 594 421 339 295 427 335 136 26367 14696 8080 6209 3024 1267 984 295 179 113 94 141 84 43 27476 17054 9742 6830 2467 790 613 175 113 81 58 68 49 16 16969 8441 4364 3015 1334 506 386 102 52 34 35 40 20 7 25254 13461 7067 4979 2077 763 541 164 91 61 46 81 48 24 52909 27665 13616 8312 2600 832 615 181 122 87 59 105 75 32 35575 17295 8971 6497 2724 973 623 167 89 65 55 76 48 25 63961 35471 17845 10919 3908 1408 1035 283 195 135 105 171 140 69 43385 22129 11774 9891 5563 2785 2629 881 586 439 354 573 387 167 45319 23131 12249 9397 5069 2447 2453 774 553 397 345 548 383 197 41179 21076 11128 8389 3677 1453 1078 317 184 171 127 207 143 75 26303 13133 7049 5903 3155 1577 1425 465 340 258 189 317 264 135 36519 19751 11033 8173 3673 1464 1253 432 311 225 189 312 216 114 36647 19903 11189 8823 4448 1893 1823 631 437 329 288 473 380 204 113 0.5 ‐ 16 16146 13983 6265 5530 5102 5173 6119 6172 23543 5612 4469 6875 5049 4940 29429 3057 8673 7202 5094 48177 31907 6503 10026 8047 6785 4648 9566 4324 4408 6753 4329 3627 6316 13773 5749 3733 3863 152603 147002 82264 71015 80193 124359 181517 206418 487476 48268 221403 70351 76927 2926367 522067 5997493 71608 51923 14552 459527 17501 23954 125663 122147 1500613 167048 107863 114289 166285 274841 134504 75005 100191 741487 173393 93423 62773 48948 51715 115256 61533 65515 35298 54631 107177 73157 135575 101376 103065 89130 60379 83550 87265 Assessment of Particle Size Analysis in the Lake Tahoe Basin February 2011 APPENDIX C. Analytic results of laser particle size analysis (LiQuilaz) on Tahoe Basin stream samples (LTIMP) (continued). Stream ID Third Third Third Third Third Third Third Third Third Third Third Third Third Third Third Third Third Third Third Third Third Third Third Third Third Third Third Third Third Third Third Third Third Third Third Third Third Third Third Third Third Third Third Third Third Third Third Third Third Third Third Third Third Third Third Third Third Third Third Third Third Third Third Third Third Third Third Third Third Third Third Third Third Third Third Third Third Third Third Third Third Third Third Third Third Third Third Third Third Third Sampling Date 4/21/04 4/28/04 4/28/04 5/4/04 5/6/04 5/20/04 6/1/04 6/16/04 9/12/05 11/1/05 11/1/05 11/1/05 12/1/05 12/8/05 12/31/05 1/3/06 2/6/06 2/27/06 2/27/06 3/8/06 4/4/06 4/21/06 4/27/06 5/2/06 5/3/06 5/3/06 5/10/06 5/10/06 5/15/06 5/18/06 5/25/06 6/2/06 6/5/06 6/5/06 6/12/06 6/19/06 6/28/06 7/3/06 8/3/06 10/5/06 11/3/06 11/9/06 12/8/06 1/8/07 2/7/07 3/7/07 3/17/07 3/22/07 4/5/07 4/27/07 5/1/07 5/9/07 5/11/07 5/17/07 5/21/07 7/5/07 8/6/07 9/6/07 10/3/07 11/8/07 11/11/07 12/6/07 1/14/08 2/4/08 2/12/08 3/6/08 4/4/08 4/14/08 4/18/08 5/1/08 5/5/08 5/8/08 5/14/08 5/16/08 5/17/08 5/17/08 5/20/08 5/22/08 5/28/08 6/2/08 6/19/08 6/19/08 7/10/08 8/6/08 8/7/08 9/5/08 10/4/08 10/10/08 11/6/08 12/5/08 Flow (cfs) 6.50 12.00 12.00 21.00 18.00 12.00 12.00 6.90 1.70 2.90 2.90 2.90 4.90 3.50 27.00 6.40 4.90 10.00 13.00 5.10 6.10 7.00 19.00 29.00 22.00 25.00 30.00 29.00 53.00 29.00 46.00 84.00 93.00 93.00 76.00 76.00 45.00 38.00 6.80 3.60 9.80 4.60 4.00 4.60 4.40 3.30 6.20 4.00 5.70 10.00 9.00 9.80 16.00 19.00 5.50 1.10 0.88 0.73 1.10 1.30 1.70 1.60 2.20 45.00 2.40 2.20 3.60 6.10 5.90 8.00 14.00 13.00 15.00 30.00 29.00 29.00 26.00 19.00 12.00 14.00 4.20 4.20 1.60 1.10 1.10 0.76 1.30 1.10 2.00 1.70 Concentration (Num.) = Num. of Particles in Bin / mL (Bin Sizes in µm) 0.5 ‐ 0.63 0.63 ‐ 0.79 0.79 ‐ 1.0 1.0 ‐ 1.41 1.41 ‐ 2.0 2.0 ‐ 2.83 2.83 ‐ 4.0 4.0 ‐ 4.76 4.76 ‐ 5.66 5.66 ‐ 6.73 6.73 ‐ 8.0 8.0 ‐ 11.31 11.31 ‐ 16.0 16 ‐ 20 48228 26936 14094 9240 3365 1208 951 282 165 147 101 171 120 55 33908 18902 10953 9043 4925 2338 2264 811 526 395 338 592 431 240 38947 23505 14483 12804 7243 3749 3610 1263 877 729 627 1072 822 397 162890 98663 63957 58560 36713 20630 22287 8757 6420 5300 4777 8150 6267 3120 41940 25225 15184 12605 6097 2657 2496 856 575 423 371 609 427 229 22668 12935 7967 6875 3783 1788 1666 583 389 284 244 385 293 143 25881 14229 8305 6876 3199 1379 1361 425 262 207 167 273 210 81 22222 12380 6320 3533 1311 554 458 143 86 53 48 74 48 26 42395 20993 10928 7535 3325 1357 1117 370 217 155 103 185 83 42 22793 8868 3932 2280 837 300 238 63 42 23 20 35 20 0 19570 7768 3423 1910 627 202 122 38 17 13 8 7 7 5 8563 3388 1583 1092 438 140 97 33 10 13 10 23 8 7 220120 116387 64373 48753 20460 8020 5867 1993 1300 1087 840 1213 800 307 25927 11052 4907 2828 898 340 243 102 77 38 42 72 53 25 450150 286135 164315 126610 61805 27550 25320 8105 5095 3820 2775 3745 1980 535 44872 18853 8245 4547 1452 527 425 132 65 45 42 45 43 15 135560 63493 30363 16473 3790 897 570 133 47 77 47 120 90 47 620300 323133 195050 145233 58800 24667 20550 6650 4283 3650 3033 4183 2517 1117 447117 215367 108167 71733 27433 9617 8067 3033 1950 1400 1217 2000 1133 450 135840 69360 35100 22367 7500 2480 1957 560 370 227 260 367 330 130 220380 105953 52673 32987 12160 4967 3993 1173 713 587 327 500 320 87 25003 11528 5352 3168 1145 400 252 50 47 38 23 45 23 12 330773 189373 105340 75207 36133 16293 14960 5207 3960 3113 2653 4760 3247 1667 22733 10807 5600 4260 1887 887 767 240 180 160 133 207 160 60 44280 21247 11667 8300 3227 1407 907 247 180 167 120 100 140 33 50733 24273 13127 10127 4907 2167 1707 653 313 280 140 333 273 147 99980 50327 28607 20660 10527 4813 4153 1360 1027 747 560 793 640 327 39107 17947 8293 5620 2353 887 927 253 167 173 113 200 167 67 98980 52667 28953 22067 10607 4947 4200 1413 1073 893 680 1013 747 253 147607 77093 41827 31780 16247 7313 6840 2293 1300 1033 833 1153 880 320 72347 38907 22307 16947 8160 3227 3013 940 587 360 347 527 440 147 127667 70147 42373 34680 19867 9787 10027 3080 2440 1560 1653 2547 1627 587 100800 54120 31067 24947 13013 6320 5387 1600 1107 1067 800 920 947 307 208067 116520 69733 59853 32733 15333 15160 5120 3707 2813 2387 3040 2360 813 101000 53267 31907 27200 15240 6133 5773 1813 1107 787 493 973 693 187 105333 58427 34107 27813 13800 5920 5093 1493 833 833 553 747 460 227 201387 119493 68427 51200 19333 7747 6933 2707 2240 1627 1320 1440 813 253 49813 26247 15007 12400 6680 2753 2593 740 487 393 353 360 233 213 34557 15813 7357 4953 1933 680 667 263 137 113 110 137 73 20 107967 45203 22210 14553 5333 1500 1207 317 213 137 130 193 110 43 212920 107267 55293 39360 15320 5533 4480 1440 907 693 920 1200 867 520 91040 46720 29320 23147 8787 2453 1400 373 240 147 120 107 67 80 25333 10457 4687 3030 1203 400 420 130 87 60 60 57 17 17 53507 25193 13060 6893 1480 593 360 127 53 67 40 40 33 47 43997 21190 10317 6513 2967 1093 900 227 193 97 123 127 57 43 68773 37350 22147 16900 5613 1337 760 173 110 100 97 143 87 53 69447 34593 17367 13120 6867 3120 2993 1000 553 407 347 500 347 80 34513 15423 7397 4450 1793 677 463 153 83 90 70 147 73 23 22742 10258 4945 3374 1451 545 408 139 100 76 61 98 75 41 66004 37472 21061 15476 7296 3325 2990 1018 673 547 527 771 592 282 29990 15448 8043 5609 2640 1141 1092 348 236 186 156 239 172 73 31373 16261 8476 6137 2846 1199 1083 332 202 158 129 181 138 60 42126 26302 15390 12160 6028 2722 2501 934 633 466 413 695 504 211 98899 66134 39405 31312 16021 7443 7767 2905 2065 1639 1372 2443 1714 790 4571 4097 2531 1696 786 395 367 117 80 61 53 80 60 31 29018 12805 5905 3561 1280 450 362 123 72 71 64 98 71 26 2708 994 428 277 120 44 37 12 8 7 5 9 6 3 2548 880 370 239 103 36 31 10 7 6 5 8 7 4 2132 671 280 178 73 27 24 9 7 6 6 11 11 5 2309 938 439 297 122 49 41 12 6 5 4 6 4 2 5276 2977 1358 886 318 95 65 18 13 8 6 11 8 4 2807 917 372 241 107 46 43 13 10 7 6 10 8 4 3896 1418 539 291 103 34 30 9 6 5 4 7 6 3 4370 1667 622 336 128 47 40 12 8 7 5 10 7 4 4971 2229 888 497 179 66 60 22 15 13 11 20 14 8 12083 4299 1649 948 346 135 116 40 27 19 16 18 12 1 14008 4681 1820 1121 461 195 176 47 32 23 20 25 11 3 16059 7126 3754 3085 1975 1052 1195 434 304 229 176 237 115 33 8013 3899 2255 2155 1457 792 839 281 189 142 95 123 51 17 8619 3779 2029 1826 1125 577 589 188 126 87 73 81 39 15 4314 2294 1107 759 352 136 102 27 18 13 10 15 12 8 9690 4840 2845 2649 1663 812 774 235 142 107 73 95 44 14 37330 20232 10780 7753 3614 1536 1131 373 308 204 182 258 176 81 161690 114285 71390 60581 35580 18403 17372 6651 5172 4482 3908 6235 4225 1847 81728 54176 31904 24223 11524 4852 3677 1224 904 820 609 947 591 241 142460 93194 54410 43493 23514 11517 10627 4084 3284 2904 2447 4021 2612 1149 42519 30546 19313 15738 7646 3164 2620 929 744 595 553 827 634 232 53310 32243 17907 13148 6123 2487 1954 657 454 372 306 426 304 148 27390 15632 8552 6354 3095 1221 1067 351 264 229 196 310 170 86 34713 21813 12746 9851 4693 1914 1545 486 405 370 354 548 341 110 25244 13152 6491 4370 1932 824 740 292 202 191 190 281 213 101 25244 13152 6491 4370 1932 824 740 292 202 191 190 281 213 101 20734 10082 4268 2229 724 224 191 58 39 30 21 34 26 12 56115 34411 18419 11367 3792 1181 808 239 182 185 141 230 168 106 22004 10680 4518 2333 709 213 153 53 46 38 35 62 69 38 20215 9426 3940 2228 830 322 232 67 53 38 29 42 28 11 63939 30849 14325 7480 2427 667 373 135 61 61 63 75 45 37 16282 7247 2878 1519 542 177 127 42 29 19 18 29 20 9 14905 7262 3257 1938 697 251 175 51 36 28 19 34 20 10 15741 6842 2484 1207 428 126 79 21 18 13 12 14 14 4 114 0.5 ‐ 16 105009 85426 109731 503370 109466 59860 62773 47230 88763 39452 33712 15400 491213 46578 1167405 79292 251660 1412050 898233 276717 436733 47075 791020 48020 91987 109033 224193 76207 228240 336200 168107 327453 242093 536827 246387 255413 484667 118060 66793 199073 446200 203920 45940 101447 87800 153590 150660 65333 44272 157751 65299 68516 110874 279119 14893 53879 4656 4250 3435 4232 11039 4587 6349 7260 8984 19707 22620 35741 20290 19136 9159 23968 83878 509973 217179 398568 125827 129690 64831 89778 54122 54122 38661 127240 40912 37449 120499 28928 28673 26998 Assessment of Particle Size Analysis in the Lake Tahoe Basin February 2011 APPENDIX C. Analytic results of laser particle size analysis (LiQuilaz) on Tahoe Basin stream samples (LTIMP) (continued). Stream ID Third Third Third Third Third Third Third Third Third Third Third Third Third Third Third Third Third Third Third Third Third Third Third Third Third Third Third Third Trout Trout Trout Trout Trout Trout Trout Trout Trout Trout Trout Trout Trout Trout Trout Trout Trout Trout Trout Trout Trout Trout Trout Trout Trout Trout Trout Trout Trout Trout Trout Trout Trout Trout Trout Trout Trout Trout Trout Trout Trout Trout Trout Trout Trout Trout Trout Trout Trout Trout Trout Trout Trout Trout Trout Trout Trout Trout Trout Trout Trout Trout Sampling Date 1/8/09 1/22/09 2/5/09 3/6/09 4/9/09 4/20/09 4/22/09 5/2/09 5/3/09 5/6/09 5/8/09 5/16/09 5/18/09 5/21/09 5/22/09 5/26/09 6/5/09 6/18/09 7/9/09 8/4/09 9/4/09 10/7/09 10/13/09 11/5/09 12/4/09 1/14/10 2/4/10 3/2/10 4/4/02 4/12/02 4/23/02 4/25/02 5/8/02 5/14/02 5/15/02 5/24/02 5/29/02 5/30/02 7/2/02 8/16/02 9/11/02 10/2/02 11/6/02 11/8/02 1/10/03 2/3/03 3/6/03 3/26/03 4/2/03 4/8/03 4/9/03 4/23/03 5/2/03 5/13/03 5/16/03 5/21/03 5/23/03 5/28/03 5/30/03 6/10/03 7/9/03 8/8/03 9/3/03 10/8/03 11/6/03 12/3/03 1/8/04 2/6/04 2/17/04 3/4/04 3/8/04 3/15/04 3/22/04 3/30/04 4/8/04 4/13/04 4/22/04 4/27/04 5/3/04 5/6/04 5/17/04 5/21/04 6/3/04 6/14/04 9/27/05 11/2/05 11/2/05 11/29/05 12/2/05 12/1/05 Flow (cfs) 2.40 3.30 2.90 2.50 3.60 7.70 11.00 12.00 9.70 12.00 14.00 21.00 31.00 29.00 29.00 20.00 9.70 4.30 2.00 1.40 1.20 1.20 3.90 2.30 3.20 4.20 2.20 1.20 39.00 46.00 34.00 34.00 40.00 44.00 47.00 45.00 50.00 56.00 24.00 11.00 10.00 11.00 12.00 37.00 9.10 14.00 16.00 40.00 38.00 27.00 30.00 30.00 34.00 48.00 56.00 67.00 87.00 114.00 137.00 114.00 39.00 25.00 18.00 7.10 8.20 8.10 9.00 9.00 9.00 9.00 11.00 19.00 32.00 28.00 29.00 30.00 23.00 28.00 35.00 35.00 31.00 28.00 26.00 20.00 21.00 18.00 18.00 24.00 49.00 42.00 Concentration (Num.) = Num. of Particles in Bin / mL (Bin Sizes in µm) 0.5 ‐ 0.63 0.63 ‐ 0.79 0.79 ‐ 1.0 1.0 ‐ 1.41 1.41 ‐ 2.0 2.0 ‐ 2.83 2.83 ‐ 4.0 4.0 ‐ 4.76 4.76 ‐ 5.66 5.66 ‐ 6.73 6.73 ‐ 8.0 8.0 ‐ 11.31 11.31 ‐ 16.0 16 ‐ 20 20651 9405 4126 2311 729 201 131 45 29 24 22 33 23 14 54011 28628 14534 9875 4351 1541 1048 282 202 159 110 144 109 46 31085 17167 7723 3998 1134 295 177 51 37 33 27 43 31 16 44425 23196 10800 6165 2154 593 375 108 67 51 42 59 41 24 49523 23184 10145 5909 2064 689 477 133 88 74 47 85 70 42 101555 59024 32778 28181 17283 8896 8958 3490 2965 2570 2429 4296 3676 1880 50915 29250 16296 12704 6789 3126 2961 1148 985 794 770 1352 1074 561 21794 11039 6106 5047 2833 1363 1230 472 367 346 284 521 413 175 25195 14685 8683 7951 5164 2672 2602 961 717 634 529 838 588 273 18537 9904 5451 4456 2592 1325 1279 510 405 329 288 524 401 212 18495 11381 7109 7154 5210 3121 3333 1368 1174 1038 949 1702 1289 638 137404 87485 50571 40190 21248 10323 9662 3761 3033 2866 2423 4413 3584 1786 133947 85324 53081 44662 23896 11183 10341 4044 3475 3119 2747 4766 3961 2117 61898 35778 20260 14336 6137 2396 1782 602 449 414 371 567 416 188 85189 52558 30857 23997 11723 4960 4413 1533 1229 1037 874 1418 996 447 15312 8756 5320 4630 2942 1580 1528 594 456 403 370 574 405 181 21361 10671 5430 3610 1451 570 500 156 122 97 78 141 90 49 21562 10664 5322 3561 1600 699 535 157 130 96 88 132 96 44 22703 10601 4788 2893 1196 490 379 118 73 82 47 79 52 25 20827 11434 5786 3835 1618 595 464 141 122 99 86 129 101 41 23217 11464 5300 3284 1381 561 413 135 85 72 59 85 56 27 20491 10109 4517 2626 968 327 194 54 45 28 23 34 14 5 97841 50570 28512 26740 16817 7056 5388 1865 1386 1227 1227 2074 1865 1147 16232 8838 4351 2712 1003 328 222 60 44 35 29 42 21 9 22894 12376 5987 3848 1654 678 512 170 126 105 83 103 68 31 59336 29359 14474 9405 4204 1535 1351 455 265 302 286 408 320 137 37144 17434 7349 4053 1292 357 236 60 48 33 30 37 21 13 31260 15931 8116 5213 2042 620 384 115 69 45 43 60 37 16 81721 43819 24407 16943 6528 2309 1656 472 333 217 188 316 236 124 48736 27868 15397 11515 5179 2110 1791 595 388 299 287 435 331 173 32694 19536 10405 7048 2634 908 689 233 161 117 87 152 119 55 43321 24515 13681 10328 4236 1601 1055 278 165 125 91 120 92 43 52548 33989 20192 15360 6265 2203 1394 347 200 133 114 175 103 58 58745 34199 19311 13754 5247 1816 1258 347 167 154 112 190 166 68 75554 46689 26633 19361 7406 2394 1489 387 243 168 132 224 174 106 15986 13549 8922 7228 3208 1263 897 277 173 136 115 192 155 80 58987 38957 22960 17178 6713 2319 1273 300 167 121 87 117 97 49 50776 33305 21163 18511 10131 4555 3683 1161 692 528 450 681 545 285 30660 19552 12754 11533 6129 2818 2355 768 475 329 302 449 313 136 38674 24095 15220 13307 6981 3007 2150 626 349 229 184 271 183 77 59097 35598 21465 16982 8192 3431 2529 764 401 304 225 355 222 96 59479 34024 20393 16548 8427 3599 2692 744 420 300 240 317 196 59 7022 3771 2290 2196 1563 774 650 219 149 118 100 163 133 70 29622 21373 16000 18367 13262 6682 5942 2013 1305 982 890 1503 1135 608 15689 9114 5514 4700 2545 1377 1267 355 209 145 116 183 140 62 43958 24036 12656 8727 3333 1228 925 282 158 103 94 162 118 66 44502 23957 12521 8899 3752 1442 1146 363 197 177 157 248 190 103 82091 42232 21508 13865 4568 1340 881 275 123 127 61 169 107 49 67820 35885 18828 12821 4956 1761 1288 335 220 205 152 213 171 76 52077 29907 16856 12289 5089 1939 1535 468 285 198 173 269 199 95 95544 56599 33120 25179 10711 3945 2912 852 512 389 356 483 305 173 46259 23209 11715 8024 3343 1266 1003 290 185 151 115 195 137 63 51493 25743 12565 7641 2685 868 593 139 79 65 50 66 56 23 33739 18991 11977 10977 6713 3355 3243 1127 752 589 468 722 478 209 67436 34424 18621 13528 6223 2468 2223 805 452 355 304 460 395 203 54383 34991 21188 17696 9281 4384 4269 1479 1065 794 684 1099 739 311 103525 64041 38396 29860 14203 6576 6172 2288 1515 1265 1063 1680 1381 668 122941 63411 34579 25707 12707 5515 5053 1768 1232 936 880 1421 1115 699 121822 65300 34068 24055 10178 4070 3335 1148 783 630 465 913 710 427 63215 32435 17385 12744 5875 2309 2045 703 421 344 237 413 300 155 41279 22329 12139 8429 3310 1177 876 259 144 141 97 171 138 69 42334 22361 12123 8723 3589 1386 1222 355 232 183 132 213 143 71 51375 28392 14809 9773 3380 1109 783 227 159 127 99 135 85 39 26367 14696 8080 6209 3024 1267 984 295 179 113 94 141 84 43 25847 14829 8080 5914 2475 885 666 204 135 104 85 121 75 32 24613 11989 6608 5460 2771 1135 841 227 112 70 53 68 48 23 35108 20282 12441 11241 6252 2758 2075 602 351 252 199 293 212 110 30532 15649 8663 6771 3293 1420 1140 349 230 189 139 227 195 79 57759 36779 21792 17062 7921 3294 2634 904 583 469 385 597 451 242 38745 18960 9614 6683 2754 1047 889 249 179 131 120 197 148 81 51187 27021 14052 9818 4082 1564 1221 372 240 204 160 275 186 99 48387 25449 14105 11314 5727 2656 2327 767 471 374 347 481 339 144 46621 25096 14447 11951 6687 3191 2924 878 531 414 310 467 325 173 48093 25527 13604 10080 4425 1805 1327 393 234 179 135 226 158 73 30511 15229 8167 6427 3108 1437 1341 467 280 215 163 253 181 79 32937 17768 10428 8347 4115 1737 1423 469 301 206 163 272 167 73 44110 24860 13827 10462 4553 1745 1376 383 233 213 151 271 189 105 32686 17345 9750 7751 3789 1633 1452 447 289 225 190 291 193 84 43547 25941 15617 13057 6622 2950 2680 912 607 531 403 604 433 217 53677 34090 20129 15955 7417 3188 2741 859 586 453 353 559 434 220 32106 19015 11619 10299 5605 2731 2417 890 589 434 368 669 515 249 28324 16563 10301 9043 4844 2196 1819 608 409 310 303 441 336 171 41276 25529 16112 14389 8155 3904 3695 1315 859 665 563 898 664 345 20871 11020 5800 4100 1714 681 598 184 119 89 65 112 100 53 52970 26595 13783 8570 2842 890 633 187 110 102 97 137 88 50 30520 13378 6363 4172 1732 647 420 122 68 60 57 77 70 22 27993 12552 6088 4022 1697 693 563 188 125 85 88 107 77 25 58702 30177 16750 12970 6878 3802 4278 1740 1202 968 885 1465 1200 560 329733 209853 121067 89953 41093 16490 13653 4133 2903 2113 1653 2403 1717 650 170873 92427 53800 40007 18327 8013 6667 2520 1727 1307 1000 1333 827 360 115 0.5 ‐ 16 37731 114994 61802 88076 92488 276101 128164 51814 71218 46002 63321 376964 384549 145405 220785 42871 44277 44641 43501 45236 46111 39429 242568 33917 48603 121699 68093 63935 179145 114929 74785 99607 133023 135466 180854 52101 149276 146184 88437 105277 149565 147379 19149 119075 41353 95781 97551 167347 144656 121285 230907 95892 102043 93133 147693 152052 271965 277264 267478 138427 90487 92994 110451 61533 59421 53996 92065 68797 150630 79717 110383 112743 113841 106186 67780 78334 102375 76041 113904 140439 87258 75495 118025 45454 107003 57685 54278 141017 836767 398827 Assessment of Particle Size Analysis in the Lake Tahoe Basin February 2011 APPENDIX C. Analytic results of laser particle size analysis (LiQuilaz) on Tahoe Basin stream samples (LTIMP) (continued). Stream ID Trout Trout Trout Trout Trout Trout Trout Trout Trout Trout Trout Trout Trout Trout Trout Trout Trout Trout Trout Trout Trout Trout Trout Trout Trout Trout Trout Trout Trout Trout Trout Trout Trout Trout Trout Trout Trout Trout Trout Trout Trout Trout Trout Trout Trout Trout Trout Trout Trout Trout Trout Trout Trout Trout Trout Trout Trout Trout Trout Trout Trout Trout Trout Trout Trout Trout Trout Trout Trout Trout Trout Trout Trout Trout Trout Trout Trout Trout Trout Trout Trout Trout Trout Trout Trout Trout Trout Trout Trout Trout Sampling Date 12/5/05 12/23/05 12/29/05 12/31/05 1/6/06 2/6/06 2/27/06 4/5/06 4/3/06 4/21/06 5/2/06 5/9/06 5/9/06 5/12/06 5/16/06 5/19/06 5/26/06 6/6/06 6/16/06 6/21/06 6/27/06 7/7/06 8/3/06 10/4/06 11/3/06 11/10/06 12/5/06 1/5/07 2/8/07 2/9/07 2/9/07 2/10/07 2/11/07 2/12/07 3/8/07 3/20/07 4/10/07 4/26/07 4/30/07 5/3/07 5/15/07 5/22/07 7/6/07 7/6/07 7/6/07 7/9/07 8/9/07 8/9/07 9/4/07 9/4/07 9/4/07 9/22/07 10/1/07 11/9/07 11/11/07 12/3/07 1/11/08 1/11/08 2/7/08 3/3/08 3/13/08 4/1/08 4/14/08 4/29/08 5/6/08 5/7/08 5/12/08 5/15/08 5.17.08 7:55 5/19/08 5/21/08 5/28/08 6/3/08 6/20/08 7/7/08 8/4/08 9/3/08 10/4/08 10/9/08 11/2/08 11/4/08 11/5/08 12/2/08 1/6/09 1/23/09 2/3/09 3/3/09 3/19/09 4/6/09 4/21/09 Flow (cfs) 31.00 63.00 63.00 580.00 60.00 25.40 26.00 54.00 60.00 62.00 111.00 134.00 134.00 155.00 211.00 248.00 212.00 241.00 171.00 153.00 143.00 95.00 49.00 24.00 29.00 23.00 25.00 25.00 20.00 24.00 25.00 28.00 33.00 26.00 22.00 33.00 31.00 32.00 35.00 37.00 39.00 33.00 17.00 16.00 15.00 15.00 13.00 11.00 9.20 8.50 8.80 13.00 10.00 12.00 18.00 12.00 97.00 96.00 3.00 11.00 18.00 16.00 27.00 30.00 28.00 29.00 31.00 36.00 44.00 45.00 43.00 30.00 27.00 20.00 10.00 5.40 4.90 8.50 4.80 15.00 7.30 6.40 5.90 6.90 23.00 8.20 18.00 15.00 18.00 28.00 Concentration (Num.) = Num. of Particles in Bin / mL (Bin Sizes in µm) 0.5 ‐ 0.63 0.63 ‐ 0.79 0.79 ‐ 1.0 1.0 ‐ 1.41 1.41 ‐ 2.0 2.0 ‐ 2.83 2.83 ‐ 4.0 4.0 ‐ 4.76 4.76 ‐ 5.66 5.66 ‐ 6.73 6.73 ‐ 8.0 8.0 ‐ 11.31 11.31 ‐ 16.0 16 ‐ 20 57290 30493 17225 13902 7698 3667 3833 1370 885 642 623 888 628 273 229787 114767 62093 44820 20833 9673 8613 3180 2227 1673 1407 2193 1347 633 102378 54800 30710 23112 10700 4640 4198 1427 907 667 573 850 577 240 378195 210145 115615 88235 39535 15875 12975 4035 2655 1980 1445 2085 1430 500 119527 58433 32060 24740 12040 4920 3567 973 600 433 320 467 273 140 61150 26447 13027 8460 3163 1057 857 290 100 103 93 150 97 70 131667 63050 30967 21750 8483 2933 2500 967 367 333 233 400 200 117 123267 57747 32987 23653 10933 4027 3427 1107 667 507 427 333 360 200 172387 82040 45320 32707 14013 5707 4600 1347 1027 787 560 1013 653 133 16545 8235 4407 3570 1945 938 772 258 130 88 80 137 45 22 39733 22253 12793 10173 5680 3307 3307 940 613 460 360 447 233 113 123260 61440 31673 22247 10020 4227 3533 1207 813 607 473 613 440 173 92960 43220 20880 15000 6107 2693 2313 720 600 500 387 480 447 173 110547 55687 29507 21167 9780 3900 3240 1020 600 507 433 533 353 133 160427 80260 40660 27747 11027 3573 2460 720 413 347 247 367 273 80 396960 229547 125613 91107 35333 12300 9653 2387 1220 927 673 813 420 153 138773 71900 37840 25440 9953 3680 2733 827 620 453 253 307 227 60 184573 92053 49613 36960 15853 7027 6107 1893 907 693 493 667 307 120 116827 59573 32240 21640 9467 3507 2613 827 493 387 373 613 307 147 127033 71353 40393 33507 16993 7527 6547 1513 1053 840 660 780 487 227 372573 210173 125933 107720 55227 22960 16747 4760 2947 1987 1427 2067 1213 360 104387 56860 33687 27647 13200 5507 4993 1313 753 493 420 680 373 113 39063 19243 10743 8313 4460 2057 1943 587 383 353 267 373 300 97 112340 56953 31233 23027 9000 2920 2507 660 440 353 227 353 253 173 86547 40200 21373 15093 6360 1920 1693 480 333 333 227 387 280 93 77347 34907 19333 13587 6560 1987 1467 427 173 160 213 240 253 93 43697 23833 13057 10683 5247 2560 2353 910 583 450 433 637 507 183 77340 40687 22513 17500 8680 3587 3187 1153 693 400 407 547 440 240 46080 21860 11333 7640 3263 1233 963 250 227 117 123 170 90 87 123913 67327 37063 25337 9097 3177 2190 647 493 340 280 370 293 123 214217 136453 82923 64743 26383 8397 5410 1403 803 607 510 747 507 233 155987 84073 45920 32010 13253 5040 4063 1263 797 670 580 847 630 250 211973 115593 61727 42083 16710 6770 6530 2003 1463 1190 910 1513 1027 467 43252 23009 12378 9147 4430 1983 1938 657 419 347 278 435 301 126 47640 24273 13800 11837 6580 3123 2630 680 490 390 283 327 243 120 84227 40507 22093 15273 6300 2287 2073 640 380 300 233 327 253 160 31756 18012 10475 8806 4549 2061 1730 514 323 253 200 301 187 94 24516 12702 7018 5799 3210 1449 1268 346 235 168 131 197 141 61 41496 24851 14423 11319 5678 2583 2245 695 464 317 277 399 286 123 21915 11319 6352 5631 3358 1573 1376 454 265 214 153 229 153 60 35003 19147 10418 7324 3219 1277 1132 373 234 191 176 247 183 75 3232 3933 3068 2855 1813 955 918 303 196 140 113 153 89 39 47093 23326 12378 8409 3280 1187 887 305 188 145 115 161 162 60 32215 14639 6890 4446 1585 482 337 92 53 40 26 32 21 11 6957 4010 2136 1506 630 246 182 51 33 23 20 31 23 11 1174 514 279 237 130 59 54 16 12 9 8 14 11 6 7998 5071 2849 2210 1088 437 400 130 92 68 59 73 37 10 4010 1879 877 602 258 85 61 15 8 6 4 5 3 1 6876 3327 1671 1190 488 162 122 35 21 18 13 20 11 4 1169 490 266 226 122 53 52 18 14 11 11 18 13 6 3438 1758 986 764 313 90 53 12 6 4 3 4 2 1 7232 3222 1450 1014 558 241 218 69 45 35 29 45 30 13 3917 2398 1384 1091 503 185 151 43 32 25 21 37 27 13 4422 2854 1577 1143 481 162 123 35 23 18 13 17 10 4 23660 11929 7132 6532 3903 1802 1503 439 268 177 149 180 81 21 1975 2156 1523 1487 873 389 395 142 103 87 71 113 73 30 3892 2016 1010 681 296 107 87 24 15 12 10 17 14 8 6380 2992 1466 1017 414 147 108 29 19 15 10 13 5 1 11868 5153 2568 2046 1039 484 456 133 78 56 42 35 11 2 18823 14404 10876 12162 8287 4016 3661 938 510 281 162 148 18 4 20955 12976 8380 8160 5410 2647 2541 751 479 299 219 227 84 17 11105 5123 2933 2528 1411 636 534 164 80 57 44 44 13 3 18539 9818 6002 5746 3780 1914 1854 586 362 267 196 235 103 23 15601 9400 6316 6609 4678 2367 2420 772 490 333 236 305 134 40 10848 7375 5295 5569 3675 1734 1603 458 273 181 127 154 65 16 15553 9599 6728 7001 4477 2088 1900 546 317 206 143 179 75 21 65104 36047 19591 14770 7372 3188 2535 861 582 496 414 733 510 216 98563 56887 31886 24310 12331 5825 4498 1716 1198 920 741 1245 820 376 145707 90698 51483 39633 20830 10523 9507 3268 2676 2119 1867 2663 1796 861 135110 85687 49591 38051 20550 9913 8727 3068 2357 1878 1563 2241 1514 671 48000 30359 17948 15490 9762 4984 4543 1665 1303 1089 873 1359 955 425 23033 12545 7534 7029 4788 2321 2067 693 490 418 347 565 385 185 37349 21597 11825 8647 4327 1850 1580 574 451 388 314 517 347 150 40751 21728 10507 6510 2423 911 713 249 176 150 137 217 193 102 41210 23764 12604 8598 3788 1567 1303 419 340 283 219 380 307 127 56437 34275 18245 12010 4881 1801 1289 393 275 204 169 239 194 83 46392 25820 14092 11000 5608 2168 1781 573 403 338 211 404 262 116 117840 64392 34261 25014 13085 6268 5831 2194 1672 1398 1231 2002 1416 727 40176 21733 11740 8897 4491 2023 1684 564 455 359 272 486 341 170 67443 42560 26046 22677 13270 6211 5648 2087 1646 1420 1202 1947 1367 682 41197 20189 10184 6705 3061 1206 1038 350 263 244 197 291 231 89 49351 32049 19108 15975 8399 3704 3138 1105 823 627 537 764 438 192 42829 20077 9499 5795 2333 882 660 180 143 99 72 107 69 24 29620 13812 6777 4446 1762 627 484 127 107 80 73 98 53 23 88336 45719 24206 17140 8394 3584 2943 1020 708 674 535 788 590 269 45607 26724 14793 11637 6108 2755 2435 863 672 564 492 733 498 230 63050 32436 17131 13340 8003 3911 3858 1498 1161 1077 921 1581 1201 638 52875 26183 12687 8581 3870 1606 1321 433 332 233 217 314 220 115 27374 12416 6858 5688 3285 1471 1254 414 298 251 216 306 204 107 104156 55328 28379 21173 11948 5600 5141 1894 1459 1233 976 1682 1094 461 116 0.5 ‐ 16 139145 502613 235538 874205 258353 114993 263850 259440 362160 37150 100300 260553 186307 237273 328520 906953 293007 397147 248867 308687 925733 250313 88087 240267 175227 156653 104950 177133 93350 270527 543103 345133 469493 98572 112297 174893 79166 57182 105030 52992 78922 17768 97636 60858 15848 2517 20511 7811 13954 2463 7433 14188 9813 10877 57756 9385 8180 12614 23968 74286 63127 24671 49401 49662 37356 48811 152203 240938 382771 360249 138329 62214 89767 84666 94784 130412 109052 276605 93222 193524 85156 136019 82745 58066 194637 113881 149169 108873 60035 240064 Assessment of Particle Size Analysis in the Lake Tahoe Basin February 2011 APPENDIX C. Analytic results of laser particle size analysis (LiQuilaz) on Tahoe Basin stream samples (LTIMP) (continued). Stream ID Trout Trout Trout Trout Trout Trout Trout Trout Trout Trout Trout Trout Trout Trout Trout Trout Trout Trout Trout Trout Trout Trout Trout Upper Truckee Upper Truckee Upper Truckee Upper Truckee Upper Truckee Upper Truckee Upper Truckee Upper Truckee Upper Truckee Upper Truckee Upper Truckee Upper Truckee Upper Truckee Upper Truckee Upper Truckee Upper Truckee Upper Truckee Upper Truckee Upper Truckee Upper Truckee Upper Truckee Upper Truckee Upper Truckee Upper Truckee Upper Truckee Upper Truckee Upper Truckee Upper Truckee Upper Truckee Upper Truckee Upper Truckee Upper Truckee Upper Truckee Upper Truckee Upper Truckee Upper Truckee Upper Truckee Upper Truckee Upper Truckee Upper Truckee Upper Truckee Upper Truckee Upper Truckee Upper Truckee Upper Truckee Upper Truckee Upper Truckee Upper Truckee Upper Truckee Upper Truckee Upper Truckee Upper Truckee Upper Truckee Upper Truckee Upper Truckee Upper Truckee Upper Truckee Upper Truckee Upper Truckee Upper Truckee Upper Truckee Upper Truckee Upper Truckee Upper Truckee Upper Truckee Upper Truckee Upper Truckee Sampling Date 4/23/09 5/2/09 5/4/09 5/5/09 5/8/09 5/12/09 5/17/09 5/19/09 5/21/09 5/28/09 6/4/09 6/17/09 7/7/09 8/6/09 9/2/09 10/9/09 10/13/09 10/14/09 11/3/09 12/1/09 1/12/10 2/2/10 3/3/10 8/12/01 1/9/02 3/5/02 4/4/02 4/4/02 4/12/02 4/23/02 4/25/02 4/26/02 5/9/02 5/17/02 5/28/02 6/1/02 6/4/02 7/8/02 8/12/02 8/12/02 9/12/02 10/11/02 11/5/02 11/8/02 12/3/02 2/5/03 2/8/03 3/5/03 3/26/03 3/27/03 4/2/03 4/8/03 4/9/03 4/23/03 5/2/03 5/13/03 5/20/03 5/21/03 5/24/03 5/28/03 6/5/03 6/11/03 7/10/03 8/6/03 9/2/03 10/9/03 10/9/03 11/4/03 12/5/03 1/7/04 2/4/04 2/17/04 3/3/04 3/8/04 3/15/04 3/22/04 3/30/04 4/8/04 4/13/04 4/22/04 4/26/04 5/3/04 5/6/04 5/17/04 5/21/04 6/2/04 6/14/04 9/14/05 9/27/05 10/7/05 Flow Concentration (Num.) = Num. of Particles in Bin / mL (Bin Sizes in µm) (cfs) 0.5 ‐ 0.63 0.63 ‐ 0.79 0.79 ‐ 1.0 1.0 ‐ 1.41 1.41 ‐ 2.0 2.0 ‐ 2.83 2.83 ‐ 4.0 4.0 ‐ 4.76 4.76 ‐ 5.66 5.66 ‐ 6.73 6.73 ‐ 8.0 8.0 ‐ 11.31 11.31 ‐ 16.0 16 ‐ 20 32.00 92528 48254 25302 18944 10203 4733 4276 1576 1190 1039 878 1451 988 535 40.00 39815 18943 10063 8625 5122 2729 2375 879 730 596 533 856 645 312 38.00 29050 13656 7417 6673 4363 2409 2449 929 677 625 510 775 547 252 45.00 35603 18304 11000 10121 6557 3470 3358 1178 921 809 639 1030 672 357 38.00 20139 9095 4801 4058 2729 1526 1495 510 398 321 256 412 306 151 41.00 47761 25551 13435 9937 5209 2218 1833 623 494 424 293 407 222 70 47.00 104033 56612 29602 19467 8725 3664 2939 1127 810 774 525 943 669 312 52.00 103026 53440 27738 19369 9152 3536 3147 1258 900 806 775 1228 964 483 50.00 80385 43966 23159 16601 7925 3115 2625 839 657 573 474 739 539 247 40.00 31467 17007 9788 7568 3853 1908 1723 602 473 365 367 525 355 178 34.00 27106 14874 8923 7804 4767 2183 1960 693 504 398 312 489 322 149 24.00 26584 16981 10316 8217 3731 1485 1247 429 353 280 244 367 250 116 12.00 36189 17733 9072 6140 2858 1132 945 317 266 236 160 298 218 108 no data 55648 28117 13409 9297 4293 1753 1337 420 285 215 189 284 167 79 no data 94635 43529 20463 13969 6553 3119 2892 1119 772 628 553 917 558 314 no data 72074 35805 16862 11508 5470 2338 1815 554 396 265 233 335 195 88 no data 55473 31385 17522 13033 6166 2725 2494 1183 822 900 869 1844 2322 1486 no data 125569 70141 36827 25167 10525 4074 3016 1063 908 692 755 1133 916 484 no data 46348 24272 12666 8912 3956 1549 1178 420 286 224 225 305 209 81 no data 54177 27012 14336 10903 5729 2527 2178 745 620 433 431 696 474 206 no data 93820 47564 22955 15577 6790 2535 1892 592 404 363 253 361 245 106 no data 52978 32253 18015 13667 6650 2851 2353 814 620 506 437 653 449 180 no data 44456 22905 12079 9130 4396 1834 1535 520 413 330 283 430 309 141 4 17951 10251 5742 4156 1693 630 446 138 76 48 47 60 40 19 84 9961 6432 3857 3053 1445 651 467 114 62 49 37 52 35 16 36 12661 5664 2620 1699 614 236 147 29 23 17 8 17 13 4 188 74318 52340 35188 27405 11274 3780 2459 754 449 342 294 427 372 181 191 70421 41563 25877 19385 8317 3060 1999 685 377 321 255 364 247 124 231 52363 32239 18626 14630 6467 2305 1735 537 329 250 228 308 249 125 147 22557 13462 7847 5723 2258 867 666 214 130 108 83 115 78 39 170 29718 19418 11322 8093 2934 945 612 192 132 84 81 122 86 42 197 38292 21486 11775 8348 3522 1517 1253 376 245 181 139 199 145 88 233 36421 30503 20482 16711 7299 2804 1998 589 363 253 213 339 230 122 299 73903 52864 33114 26392 11533 4548 3405 1085 737 558 489 738 607 313 192 36713 28824 18380 14094 5561 1898 1152 308 161 115 97 147 90 42 333 41903 28451 19614 19455 12241 6395 5502 1797 1131 861 731 1251 919 466 241 34639 25999 16362 12891 5737 2373 1836 549 334 236 187 281 186 85 42 34158 21435 12905 10126 4529 1666 1180 344 181 127 105 145 84 27 4 74093 50902 32137 26050 11538 4244 2794 711 366 230 181 193 78 33 5 9677 5537 3176 2427 1126 451 339 93 54 39 30 47 27 11 7 49515 35496 23573 19837 9428 3827 2877 897 521 409 303 411 243 100 14 41019 24593 14380 11155 4835 1899 1319 393 208 149 122 146 91 39 13 6335 3779 2570 2606 1682 878 768 231 142 102 77 115 67 27 177 142387 119973 98277 115967 85140 50080 50630 19260 12507 10057 8550 14103 10187 4943 20 6326 4052 2941 3225 2311 1215 1154 369 224 171 133 186 127 56 64 166908 100706 56789 42325 17408 6726 4979 1308 783 582 503 787 538 279 57 25246 13843 8239 6911 3754 1914 1700 555 325 239 189 296 227 99 36 46451 25764 14015 9759 4005 1613 1080 336 188 139 99 139 123 53 227 382540 229687 131133 98647 43780 17627 16420 5773 4227 3353 3007 4607 3600 1660 190 99675 65501 40491 32580 15181 6220 5204 1717 1107 941 715 1121 735 329 136 42437 24159 13331 9543 3854 1381 930 302 180 130 85 141 93 36 105 40295 21697 11585 8040 3127 1090 775 227 158 93 93 118 88 34 120 49811 29976 17461 13175 5555 1955 1426 411 287 203 145 248 166 83 103 30926 16466 8269 5553 2272 869 616 170 93 66 51 79 51 25 105 33134 18393 9298 5867 2088 688 416 116 67 50 45 45 30 12 172 21535 14065 9017 8160 4771 2334 2221 720 450 346 264 384 244 110 309 35951 21897 14007 12299 7069 3413 3147 1089 675 471 413 611 415 168 318 45600 28492 17537 15349 8603 4261 4097 1361 943 645 551 861 547 241 534 144744 85904 52173 43971 24253 11899 11733 4011 2707 2117 1741 2595 1691 693 596 109477 63262 36500 29448 14687 6633 6025 2175 1445 1160 987 1703 1370 675 452 64876 34537 20416 16572 8376 4129 3717 1259 833 620 525 867 591 232 368 45919 26165 15067 12164 5889 2696 2345 806 546 409 317 497 334 138 67 30532 18305 9926 6627 2301 722 492 115 69 39 35 41 29 13 17 81357 43589 23787 17115 6972 2712 2064 571 328 224 179 309 172 64 1 27471 14466 7531 4813 1513 549 495 172 122 86 82 123 86 38 5 18197 11571 8880 8877 4969 2317 2030 622 383 268 217 301 164 58 5 18197 11571 8880 8877 4969 2317 2030 622 383 268 217 301 164 58 7 37893 21044 11566 8452 3665 1348 1003 253 142 101 69 84 53 14 9 101722 66615 41810 35825 18465 8122 6383 1995 1177 890 643 847 487 232 24 55818 40042 26159 21065 9080 3153 2261 557 325 199 159 210 93 37 39 40094 20567 10563 7461 2993 1105 757 187 104 71 52 69 39 20 93 148275 80453 47592 39685 21032 9941 9320 3483 2267 1691 1499 2376 1531 616 46 38653 19619 10526 8471 4505 2109 1825 575 337 251 193 265 160 84 57 56694 30691 15587 10595 4195 1564 1271 408 230 181 143 195 129 49 129 40969 23817 14733 13043 7501 3688 3593 1287 893 691 572 829 544 229 229 38753 22294 13879 12109 7125 3721 3631 1287 853 593 511 750 481 223 166 37913 19793 10545 7987 3800 1672 1403 449 252 166 139 177 127 63 190 24337 12687 7382 6369 3533 1727 1569 521 344 234 189 284 181 80 200 27239 15044 8758 7151 3541 1493 1347 472 295 231 169 270 186 74 124 34107 17720 9637 6824 2763 1010 806 242 161 105 89 127 82 31 172 23198 13065 8303 7409 4101 1859 1693 579 379 257 238 367 228 111 289 82716 48711 29932 25952 14420 6873 6528 2277 1485 1121 908 1469 1003 435 303 83447 48833 28763 23063 11575 5579 5383 1863 1205 1012 865 1215 911 427 207 32681 20981 14111 13489 7667 3567 3183 1103 719 577 402 620 363 146 164 20634 13873 9508 8878 4873 2171 1883 584 375 285 220 336 173 67 159 40932 23341 14357 12681 6880 3258 2951 916 576 405 325 491 298 119 88 23323 12316 6336 4523 1926 750 588 162 92 62 47 58 38 14 8 79715 43692 24067 17207 6610 2357 1597 437 242 177 108 163 67 17 20 44492 20820 10540 7317 2802 963 842 230 145 115 92 123 102 32 17 45380 22705 11818 8292 3450 1285 878 248 147 77 63 125 62 32 117 0.5 ‐ 16 211364 91913 70082 93662 46044 108407 229892 225338 181599 75999 70336 70485 75563 115413 189706 147850 136739 280785 100549 120263 193351 132246 98618 41278 26215 23747 209403 172872 130265 54107 73740 87479 118205 209973 107540 140251 101610 86984 203518 23023 147335 100309 19353 737117 22435 400343 63438 103711 944400 271188 96567 87387 120818 65481 70235 64510 101457 128847 389539 274872 157319 113154 69234 179379 57509 58796 58796 85674 284980 159121 84060 369144 87491 121883 112159 105987 84422 59357 66198 73673 61675 223396 213712 99463 63793 107408 50219 176437 88582 94530 Assessment of Particle Size Analysis in the Lake Tahoe Basin February 2011 APPENDIX C. Analytic results of laser particle size analysis (LiQuilaz) on Tahoe Basin stream samples (LTIMP) (continued). Stream ID Upper Truckee Upper Truckee Upper Truckee Upper Truckee Upper Truckee Upper Truckee Upper Truckee Upper Truckee Upper Truckee Upper Truckee Upper Truckee Upper Truckee Upper Truckee Upper Truckee Upper Truckee Upper Truckee Upper Truckee Upper Truckee Upper Truckee Upper Truckee Upper Truckee Upper Truckee Upper Truckee Upper Truckee Upper Truckee Upper Truckee Upper Truckee Upper Truckee Upper Truckee Upper Truckee Upper Truckee Upper Truckee Upper Truckee Upper Truckee Upper Truckee Upper Truckee Upper Truckee Upper Truckee Upper Truckee Upper Truckee Upper Truckee Upper Truckee Upper Truckee Upper Truckee Upper Truckee Upper Truckee Upper Truckee Upper Truckee Upper Truckee Upper Truckee Upper Truckee Upper Truckee Upper Truckee Upper Truckee Upper Truckee Upper Truckee Upper Truckee Upper Truckee Upper Truckee Upper Truckee Upper Truckee Upper Truckee Upper Truckee Upper Truckee Upper Truckee Upper Truckee Upper Truckee Upper Truckee Upper Truckee Upper Truckee Upper Truckee Upper Truckee Upper Truckee Upper Truckee Upper Truckee Upper Truckee Upper Truckee Upper Truckee Upper Truckee Upper Truckee Upper Truckee Upper Truckee Upper Truckee Upper Truckee Upper Truckee Upper Truckee Upper Truckee Upper Truckee Upper Truckee Upper Truckee Sampling Date 11/29/05 12/2/05 12/1/05 12/5/05 12/22/05 12/23/05 12/29/05 12/31/05 1/5/06 12/31/05 12/31/05 12/31/05 12/31/05 12/31/05 12/31/05 2/6/06 2/27/06 2/27/06 2/27/06 4/3/05 4/7/06 4/7/06 4/7/06 4/7/06 4/7/06 4/3/06 4/21/05 4/25/06 4/24/06 4/24/06 4/24/06 4/24/06 4/24/06 4/24/06 5/2/05 5/9/06 5/12/06 5/16/06 5/19/06 5/25/06 6/7/06 6/20/06 6/26/06 7/6/06 7/19/06 8/3/06 10/2/06 11/6/06 12/7/06 2/5/07 2/9/07 2/10/07 2/11/07 2/12/07 3/6/07 3/19/07 4/3/07 4/3/07 4/9/07 4/26/07 4/27/07 5/2/07 5/11/07 5/14/07 5/24/07 6/26/07 6/26/07 6/26/07 6/29/07 7/3/07 7/3/07 7/3/07 6/28/07 6/28/07 7/31/07 7/31/07 7/31/07 8/10/07 8/10/07 8/10/07 9/7/07 9/7/07 9/7/07 9/22/07 10/4/07 10/4/07 10/4/07 10/20/07 10/20/07 10/20/07 Flow (cfs) 51 210 178 65 518 535 431 2,250 283 2,250 2,250 2,250 2,250 2,250 2,250 148 304 304 304 237 167 167 167 167 167 237 208 235 224 224 224 224 224 224 493 536 614 747 954 563 630 323 290 140 74 27 11 14 17 21 41 47 60 71 53 144 127 127 194 125 146 233 240 211 116 22 22 22 20 15 15 15 21 21 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 4 4 4 4 13 13 13 Concentration (Num.) = Num. of Particles in Bin / mL (Bin Sizes in µm) 0.5 ‐ 0.63 0.63 ‐ 0.79 0.79 ‐ 1.0 1.0 ‐ 1.41 1.41 ‐ 2.0 2.0 ‐ 2.83 2.83 ‐ 4.0 4.0 ‐ 4.76 4.76 ‐ 5.66 5.66 ‐ 6.73 6.73 ‐ 8.0 8.0 ‐ 11.31 11.31 ‐ 16.0 16 ‐ 20 170645 127785 79880 61233 28277 12268 10375 3190 2165 1503 1130 1557 937 330 326440 219150 123847 91617 40297 15853 12647 3883 2597 1780 1547 2203 1247 523 443280 281800 170520 139127 69160 31700 30593 10560 7040 5353 4280 6647 4187 1460 51057 25433 12922 9900 4802 1797 1335 403 242 180 122 177 93 37 199333 98027 53673 43047 22987 11307 11260 4040 2767 2147 2007 2893 1820 713 114427 57553 32033 26327 14353 7440 7027 2587 1627 1393 1247 1613 960 387 102585 61888 36640 28133 13275 5843 4878 1515 1065 803 645 860 498 162 517850 374025 230005 177415 80180 32055 26105 8450 5230 3505 2720 3655 1710 515 116130 61820 34690 25590 11763 4823 3567 1030 610 433 313 460 187 63 201457 76930 29543 14063 3223 587 270 40 50 23 13 33 13 3 113590 42413 16580 8210 1713 260 97 17 7 0 7 3 0 0 161740 69787 37587 32627 18803 9823 9450 3370 2220 1787 1303 2043 1033 297 172097 87613 52537 48703 30110 15870 16023 5720 3497 2857 2207 3110 1350 497 116657 44997 22827 18387 9917 4877 4943 1897 1357 1013 1003 1510 977 377 288960 309990 247213 260697 161077 80200 72883 24303 15463 11637 9767 14283 8883 3260 73617 37057 19760 14820 6087 2333 1653 547 277 187 123 230 160 57 237450 111333 59233 40200 16000 5967 5667 1667 1067 1100 700 950 583 267 771800 468017 277567 214250 98883 42150 37967 13317 8217 6833 4950 7283 4383 1850 895033 498700 286950 223450 109600 47100 44433 15400 10617 7533 6733 9017 5617 2267 417173 218480 123907 97373 46333 20320 18147 5680 3547 2480 1840 2453 1280 400 122927 85765 61567 57782 34422 15633 12810 3488 2040 1280 900 967 413 97 156892 103445 64045 49308 22217 8687 6318 1712 943 600 458 512 240 92 43127 17168 8378 5345 2248 833 568 177 85 68 70 90 37 10 44310 18375 9277 5632 2362 905 662 187 113 68 57 77 42 13 86220 45858 26422 18818 8537 3387 2645 808 543 358 310 427 257 72 51120 23627 12540 9277 3733 1477 1290 447 263 230 130 223 137 77 15175 7625 4002 2937 1230 598 448 120 58 35 48 48 38 20 56747 27657 14783 10763 5103 2403 2160 800 527 383 337 403 240 93 72028 36097 19142 15033 7205 2840 2038 430 250 130 117 98 40 17 39983 20498 12212 10685 5690 2653 2098 465 250 195 122 118 65 22 15477 8123 4953 4298 2437 1153 913 237 120 122 58 70 30 10 103828 63220 39115 34895 19092 8675 7005 1752 943 632 468 503 210 70 10073 4632 2585 2053 1083 492 390 97 57 42 40 45 30 5 14707 7542 4473 4337 2645 1383 1160 347 223 142 152 173 93 37 69323 36140 20360 15370 7230 3113 2647 880 470 317 260 393 230 113 88267 41460 22187 17420 9560 4447 3973 1380 827 653 440 907 493 147 161473 86207 47573 37247 18407 8173 7413 2640 1580 1160 1093 1200 693 320 179813 93493 48693 35100 15707 6600 5347 1713 973 753 520 853 447 187 407773 253093 151273 115487 51547 20627 16393 4920 3093 2053 1813 2473 1293 520 139553 75333 41280 32647 15733 7380 6813 2053 1333 827 833 927 573 160 447653 262827 152333 127413 64333 29493 24200 7040 4960 3080 2827 3360 1933 747 122080 67153 38147 29547 13300 5800 4800 1467 927 673 573 680 347 180 218280 118000 67720 54560 25160 9613 7907 2493 1413 920 640 840 587 187 67127 37703 21803 17320 7840 3253 2633 720 467 330 287 443 210 117 40447 19693 10727 7847 3597 1633 1227 313 193 120 73 153 83 20 21450 10207 5307 4023 1830 787 707 147 77 83 43 77 43 23 79997 44637 26527 22703 12460 5230 4473 1210 727 447 340 407 213 63 132667 62947 35800 26320 10653 3627 2773 680 360 213 93 253 107 80 241960 167953 108187 99647 59097 29210 26313 8410 5440 3890 2880 3893 2170 747 50780 25690 13707 9520 3723 1290 1107 283 243 153 87 153 90 40 199173 129293 83640 71137 32417 11190 7263 1663 1010 647 583 763 477 237 307480 271557 194287 185200 108463 52587 50357 17300 11000 7963 6407 8800 4353 1577 297570 204950 124673 102327 52063 23103 22010 7423 4790 3517 2750 4117 2297 760 58965 47378 33147 32087 19925 10128 10119 3609 2337 1725 1321 1787 977 289 64313 36113 21637 17397 7647 3243 2853 887 533 357 333 437 347 110 98360 51133 28420 21747 10873 4707 4373 1313 980 573 540 780 500 193 24340 13778 8190 7745 4386 2096 1821 541 316 251 190 253 133 49 33222 17587 9933 8586 4674 2104 1912 555 367 182 165 259 112 35 39737 25638 16221 14579 8323 3996 3792 1283 809 619 486 726 450 158 29589 16194 8933 6157 2527 893 730 226 152 119 130 150 95 40 35772 21189 12553 10153 5119 2141 1752 492 288 216 147 200 94 32 54428 40742 25698 21477 10673 4597 3954 1221 752 565 440 572 339 125 94192 57185 34804 29528 16557 8441 8285 2863 1888 1384 1153 1595 1012 432 49967 32668 19384 15085 7421 3309 2990 959 674 479 367 538 313 128 2944 4190 3575 3293 1987 1016 955 319 205 152 115 154 87 34 35476 16914 8513 5744 2246 902 710 197 127 100 58 84 44 13 23159 10646 5295 3540 1449 541 380 100 60 47 34 36 23 12 20328 9712 4932 3599 1422 509 395 113 76 51 39 64 38 16 37862 18902 9607 6121 2104 712 539 147 98 74 56 70 39 12 38963 22651 13366 10319 4700 1832 1520 439 264 199 140 179 84 30 21562 9900 4895 3191 1241 465 354 79 42 34 23 24 13 8 21957 10943 5710 4215 1865 736 595 140 85 72 53 71 37 12 15073 7046 3873 3120 1415 547 475 142 89 67 43 70 40 15 11645 5751 2998 2252 1067 490 355 94 55 45 34 32 16 5 5741 2840 1717 1635 996 469 391 103 60 35 25 23 9 1 2545 1163 669 577 273 86 64 15 9 6 4 5 4 1 1568 602 290 219 104 38 29 7 5 4 3 4 2 1 29812 14223 7434 5591 2519 910 477 74 25 13 9 6 2 1 3198 1503 756 546 218 74 58 13 9 6 4 6 4 2 1638 665 324 238 106 38 27 7 4 3 2 3 2 1 19949 7187 3140 2400 1247 425 223 66 26 16 8 8 2 1 2628 1208 625 501 240 71 46 12 8 6 4 5 3 1 1728 684 324 230 99 35 26 7 4 3 2 3 2 1 114987 52938 25871 17126 8005 3217 2559 633 396 267 188 284 141 55 2687 1260 661 542 293 83 46 11 6 5 4 7 5 3 1897 766 381 273 116 39 29 8 6 5 5 9 11 6 20090 8591 4277 3121 1486 611 315 47 18 13 5 7 1 1 2611 1196 631 543 296 92 72 22 16 13 13 19 17 9 22056 9428 5053 4177 2416 1071 717 146 86 47 43 46 18 4 19264 8314 4714 4132 2526 1028 731 143 88 44 30 34 8 1 118 0.5 ‐ 16 500945 843107 1204247 108462 455307 268587 258630 1462905 261417 326247 182897 351573 441693 230360 1505357 156850 481917 1955617 2160183 959013 399993 415377 78195 82065 194590 104493 32363 122307 155448 95035 37992 280338 21618 37377 156733 192013 374860 390013 1031840 325287 1131453 285493 508133 160137 86107 44780 199370 276493 759050 106827 539257 1225753 851590 223506 156097 224300 64039 79656 116659 65893 90116 165456 258888 134155 18991 71115 45312 41278 76328 94656 41823 46480 32001 24834 14044 5419 2874 61096 6396 3055 34697 5356 3147 226614 5612 3544 38581 5541 45305 41057 Assessment of Particle Size Analysis in the Lake Tahoe Basin February 2011 APPENDIX C. Analytic results of laser particle size analysis (LiQuilaz) on Tahoe Basin stream samples (LTIMP) (continued). Stream ID Upper Truckee Upper Truckee Upper Truckee Upper Truckee Upper Truckee Upper Truckee Upper Truckee Upper Truckee Upper Truckee Upper Truckee Upper Truckee Upper Truckee Upper Truckee Upper Truckee Upper Truckee Upper Truckee Upper Truckee Upper Truckee Upper Truckee Upper Truckee Upper Truckee Upper Truckee Upper Truckee Upper Truckee Upper Truckee Upper Truckee Upper Truckee Upper Truckee Upper Truckee Upper Truckee Upper Truckee Upper Truckee Upper Truckee Upper Truckee Upper Truckee Upper Truckee Upper Truckee Upper Truckee Upper Truckee Upper Truckee Upper Truckee Upper Truckee Upper Truckee Upper Truckee Upper Truckee Upper Truckee Upper Truckee Upper Truckee Upper Truckee Upper Truckee Upper Truckee Upper Truckee Upper Truckee Upper Truckee Upper Truckee Upper Truckee Upper Truckee Upper Truckee Upper Truckee Upper Truckee Upper Truckee Upper Truckee Upper Truckee Upper Truckee Upper Truckee Upper Truckee Upper Truckee Upper Truckee Upper Truckee Upper Truckee Ward Ward Ward Ward Ward Ward Ward Ward Ward Ward Ward Ward Ward Ward Ward Ward Ward Ward Ward Ward Sampling Date 10/22/07 11/7/07 11/7/07 11/7/07 11/11/07 12/4/07 12/4/07 1/10/08 1/10/08 1/10/08 2/6/08 2/6/08 3/5/08 3/5/08 3/12/08 3/12/08 3/13/08 4/3/08 4/14/08 4/29/08 5/6/08 5/7/08 5/12/08 5/16/08 5/19/08 5/21/08 5/21/08 5/27/08 5/27/08 6/4/08 6/20/08 6/26/08 8/6/08 9/2/08 10/4/08 10/7/08 12/3/08 1/7/09 1/22/09 2/2/09 2/23/09 3/2/09 3/16/09 3/20/09 4/7/09 4/21/09 4/23/09 5/1/09 5/2/09 5/3/09 5/5/09 5/8/09 5/15/09 5/17/09 5/19/09 5/22/09 6/3/09 6/17/09 7/8/09 8/5/09 9/8/09 10/6/09 10/13/09 10/14/09 10/16/09 11/4/09 12/2/09 1/20/10 2/1/10 3/1/10 4/5/02 4/5/02 4/11/02 4/15/02 4/24/02 5/6/02 5/6/02 5/15/02 5/16/02 5/22/02 5/29/02 5/29/02 6/13/02 6/20/02 7/17/02 8/21/02 9/19/02 10/22/02 1/20/03 1/23/03 Flow Concentration (Num.) = Num. of Particles in Bin / mL (Bin Sizes in µm) (cfs) 0.5 ‐ 0.63 0.63 ‐ 0.79 0.79 ‐ 1.0 1.0 ‐ 1.41 1.41 ‐ 2.0 2.0 ‐ 2.83 2.83 ‐ 4.0 4.0 ‐ 4.76 4.76 ‐ 5.66 5.66 ‐ 6.73 6.73 ‐ 8.0 8.0 ‐ 11.31 11.31 ‐ 16.0 16 ‐ 20 13 9087 4841 2346 1754 932 365 213 49 26 19 12 16 7 1 7 5868 3288 1928 1653 857 325 258 66 42 32 22 27 10 2 7 1954 880 483 399 188 57 43 11 7 5 3 4 2 1 7 1668 679 330 223 86 32 24 6 4 3 1 2 1 1 23 23577 10777 6015 5429 3394 1480 1180 289 174 118 76 77 23 2 10 3351 2138 1131 903 454 169 142 43 28 22 18 24 15 6 10 2206 691 289 190 78 29 21 7 3 3 2 3 2 1 14 6307 3978 2461 2094 1117 472 405 114 78 49 38 42 16 3 14 2920 1683 860 524 199 68 51 15 9 6 5 9 6 3 14 1920 734 343 220 87 30 25 7 4 3 3 5 3 2 18 12301 5836 3214 2618 1342 518 347 85 46 27 15 16 5 1 18 3866 2320 1191 767 306 107 77 21 12 10 7 9 6 2 37 33270 16924 9823 8280 4362 1649 1167 256 114 92 43 35 8 1 37 2710 1255 598 408 170 57 38 8 4 3 2 2 1 1 56 17849 9136 5187 4439 2403 998 762 196 106 66 42 39 15 2 56 3083 1517 792 595 280 104 76 20 12 8 6 8 5 2 93 117740 70059 45254 43686 27412 12499 10650 2600 1467 937 571 606 208 45 79 11293 4865 2494 2033 1079 424 341 88 46 27 18 17 8 2 159 18925 10715 6608 6396 4332 2277 2343 750 476 342 239 276 111 25 222 29922 18999 13371 14195 10062 5102 4862 1395 828 618 375 446 196 57 204 10795 7113 4992 5425 3818 1955 1859 531 328 206 148 157 67 19 234 21684 16048 11705 12489 8196 3773 3195 886 522 346 222 267 105 27 236 65873 37460 21748 18199 10284 4857 4368 1429 1114 925 827 1125 692 306 396 218258 143586 87472 71394 40398 19449 17683 6394 4778 3864 3394 4714 3225 1231 389 208533 137289 82458 63584 32610 14452 11491 3847 2953 2272 1728 2658 1733 631 281 66975 42528 25916 21787 12776 6228 5558 1921 1420 1190 930 1360 817 347 281 32386 19043 11022 8750 4787 2162 1968 712 550 412 386 623 444 192 147 30447 17819 10673 9279 5279 2397 1941 621 433 325 264 364 237 80 147 38647 22212 11975 8632 4302 1905 1579 540 436 328 265 392 240 95 135 43965 25235 13195 8510 3524 1304 1031 343 240 201 169 257 167 69 78 35985 19441 9922 6715 2844 1134 830 255 208 163 134 172 110 46 57 36928 20424 10546 7222 2989 1149 881 279 196 122 94 116 64 32 4 55290 38509 23099 17586 7678 2808 1952 576 443 291 198 268 143 55 1 26235 16693 10098 7908 4136 1651 1215 356 235 165 126 126 51 14 8 76305 48828 30232 24699 12442 4770 3596 1135 794 588 494 620 382 112 5 47626 27490 15705 12453 6335 2581 1889 595 392 257 197 246 105 45 11 29532 14802 7797 5936 2952 1269 978 329 251 194 174 241 158 73 19 24071 11932 5934 4200 1971 832 614 185 150 127 109 149 98 44 22 87668 53175 28327 20440 9955 4525 3689 1310 974 836 662 996 629 233 38 31381 17563 10003 8100 4111 1754 1350 462 349 245 205 276 126 59 55 242882 163841 97704 79233 41079 17983 15144 5264 3872 2950 2500 3355 2153 808 159 119398 81208 53117 51623 34879 18305 17741 7019 5689 4658 4092 6339 4714 2011 70 190465 116131 65986 50181 23196 9466 7608 2492 1844 1253 1114 1439 769 356 106 59300 31749 18174 14074 6853 2744 2167 833 542 322 331 494 289 86 112 19537 10591 6416 5353 3147 1498 1385 455 359 275 244 389 261 113 242 67135 36376 20587 18952 12589 6941 6941 2614 2212 1772 1667 2504 1927 904 301 52277 30940 17993 14756 8256 3831 3560 1376 1058 829 796 1127 762 350 265 23453 14278 9469 9303 6062 3185 3088 1163 917 770 679 1062 833 377 537 44400 30050 21458 22640 16108 8896 8659 3341 2676 2194 1836 2849 2085 947 573 63880 42718 28125 27407 18169 9309 8843 3317 2663 2172 1907 3024 2124 957 560 51131 32042 20809 20089 13678 7319 6934 2420 1823 1596 1316 1880 1236 465 446 31272 17805 11141 11271 7770 4206 3995 1511 1070 920 749 1167 723 303 379 53050 31026 17250 13679 7084 3354 2733 940 714 560 450 613 388 148 445 68960 43099 25786 21464 13155 6723 5902 1978 1462 1129 900 1221 765 267 409 55429 34419 19971 16816 9152 4442 3989 1341 1039 828 674 973 594 209 345 69802 45479 27354 21819 11962 5355 4309 1432 1035 807 644 917 544 179 235 20701 11758 7466 6970 4698 2472 2204 755 563 432 339 507 299 103 107 21164 12266 6844 5160 2634 1156 979 327 220 184 141 205 120 50 34 30273 16064 8071 5394 2444 1021 747 257 188 144 115 182 120 50 no data 35396 19911 11040 9045 5056 2357 1962 585 433 295 233 259 123 43 no data 69547 37804 19830 13970 5835 2110 1400 467 288 169 125 155 96 39 no data 27030 15754 9079 6792 3348 1472 1140 359 260 223 158 185 137 36 no data 83566 53158 33461 29083 15007 6319 5141 1755 1110 943 794 1072 872 337 no data 68527 39756 23697 21069 13274 5609 4404 1610 1202 1022 1053 1598 1365 718 no data 30684 17362 9888 7729 3872 1653 1360 403 295 220 205 272 189 68 no data 23583 12805 7050 4996 2469 987 762 268 191 133 101 153 96 37 no data 89483 51653 31113 27268 16197 7550 6461 2197 1669 1250 994 1400 736 261 no data 94430 56010 31765 24546 11025 3910 3008 896 610 471 347 520 304 98 no data 26621 14696 8358 6500 3319 1449 1252 436 316 266 177 298 174 57 no data 22513 13296 7810 6821 3630 1667 1325 426 288 226 177 276 184 74 70.00 24838 12858 6834 4596 1550 513 318 93 73 54 47 77 75 41 70.00 21594 12473 7191 4770 1691 586 415 134 90 77 64 107 81 46 76.00 13620 7514 4075 2652 905 283 199 70 41 28 31 52 35 16 125.00 27006 14195 7757 5530 2143 751 508 151 100 85 60 127 97 58 51.00 10701 5569 2959 1995 726 264 208 67 46 31 29 49 32 14 66.00 16788 10146 5864 4315 1625 553 360 102 62 49 38 62 50 22 120.00 58444 39950 25352 19550 8268 3048 2086 608 393 318 239 416 323 158 94.00 15394 10117 5935 4100 1491 520 377 128 80 56 46 72 55 28 132.00 33185 24014 15034 11750 4998 1826 1277 391 248 184 142 263 208 112 57.00 7839 5204 3289 2632 1271 537 376 112 65 44 39 53 38 14 132.00 58347 42635 27684 21787 9477 3605 2438 739 397 331 301 430 344 175 132.00 57126 42549 27771 23076 10343 4098 2917 871 508 394 324 552 427 225 47.00 11280 6599 3693 2628 1078 438 323 110 63 47 34 55 35 17 34.00 9073 5723 3569 2929 1454 631 488 141 88 63 50 64 45 21 3.90 8445 4155 2040 1442 616 244 172 44 25 15 11 16 9 3 0.71 6538 3483 1791 1285 672 187 119 38 19 8 9 15 13 3 0.29 6636 2985 1445 964 420 159 123 39 18 13 12 16 8 4 0.90 1614 898 532 467 282 100 60 18 8 6 5 7 5 2 6.70 4917 2536 1365 963 365 135 86 29 16 9 10 13 10 5 41.00 16909 11151 7091 6101 2902 1208 1029 374 231 189 166 328 270 149 119 0.5 ‐ 16 19665 14376 4037 3060 52611 8437 3523 17172 6355 3384 26370 8698 76023 5257 41237 6508 333688 22732 53791 100372 37393 79439 168902 624608 565608 189406 83245 80080 91454 98143 77913 81010 148842 68995 204886 115870 64613 50371 213187 75926 677959 408781 471945 137872 49909 182217 137562 74261 167192 213659 162274 93597 131839 192544 149668 191458 59163 51402 65021 86695 151795 65936 232280 184185 74133 53594 237971 227839 63862 58639 51925 49272 29504 58510 22675 40015 158995 38370 93519 21498 168515 170956 26383 24319 17235 14175 12838 4001 10454 47948 Assessment of Particle Size Analysis in the Lake Tahoe Basin February 2011 APPENDIX C. Analytic results of laser particle size analysis (LiQuilaz) on Tahoe Basin stream samples (LTIMP) (continued). Stream ID Ward Ward Ward Ward Ward Ward Ward Ward Ward Ward Ward Ward Ward Ward Ward Ward Ward Ward Ward Ward Ward Ward Ward Ward Ward Ward Ward Ward Ward Ward Ward Ward Ward Ward Ward Ward Ward Ward Ward Ward Ward Ward Ward Ward Ward Ward Ward Ward Ward Ward Ward Ward Ward Ward Ward Ward Ward Ward Ward Ward Ward Ward Ward Ward Ward Ward Ward Ward Ward Ward Ward Ward Ward Ward Ward Ward Ward Ward Ward Ward Ward Ward Ward Ward Ward Ward Ward Ward Ward Ward Sampling Date 1/23/03 1/28/03 2/20/03 3/15/03 3/21/03 3/24/03 3/26/03 3/26/03 4/10/03 5/17/03 5/24/03 5/29/03 5/31/03 6/1/03 6/7/03 6/15/03 6/26/03 7/8/03 8/14/03 8/21/03 8/21/03 10/22/03 11/28/03 12/6/03 12/19/03 1/22/04 3/11/04 3/18/04 3/22/04 4/6/04 4/12/04 4/21/04 4/24/04 4/25/04 4/27/04 4/28/04 5/4/04 5/5/04 5/13/04 5/20/04 5/31/04 6/10/04 8/19/05 8/15/05 9/15/05 11/8/05 11/16/05 11/29/05 11/30/05 12/1/05 12/1/05 12/1/05 12/1/05 12/2/05 12/19/05 12/21/05 12/21/05 12/22/05 12/22/05 12/22/05 12/23/05 12/28/05 12/28/05 12/30/05 12/30/05 12/31/05 1/1/06 1/27/06 2/3/06 2/27/06 2/27/06 2/27/06 2/28/06 3/24/06 4/3/06 4/3/06 4/27/06 5/4/06 5/8/06 5/12/06 5/15/06 5/20/06 5/26/06 6/1/06 6/7/06 6/15/06 6/21/06 6/30/06 7/13/06 8/14/06 Flow Concentration (Num.) = Num. of Particles in Bin / mL (Bin Sizes in µm) (cfs) 0.5 ‐ 0.63 0.63 ‐ 0.79 0.79 ‐ 1.0 1.0 ‐ 1.41 1.41 ‐ 2.0 2.0 ‐ 2.83 2.83 ‐ 4.0 4.0 ‐ 4.76 4.76 ‐ 5.66 5.66 ‐ 6.73 6.73 ‐ 8.0 8.0 ‐ 11.31 11.31 ‐ 16.0 16 ‐ 20 37.00 16841 11128 7309 6202 2919 1134 870 259 169 127 106 171 130 70 42.00 8029 4999 3452 3064 1134 381 268 75 50 35 31 47 38 19 9.70 8867 4829 2714 1852 653 208 136 37 19 15 12 19 12 6 42.00 23346 12944 7269 5604 2507 1041 854 294 189 142 129 188 154 76 16.00 5238 2779 1499 1087 474 182 140 42 25 20 14 23 13 6 39.00 8735 5069 2936 2211 971 366 285 90 57 42 35 44 35 15 176.00 150320 92952 57509 48877 26925 13584 13557 5331 3475 2973 2827 4501 3488 1816 140.00 77171 45720 27361 21956 11300 4905 4532 1579 1132 929 716 1125 811 389 38.00 10903 5105 2630 1834 724 286 203 54 31 28 14 29 17 8 88.00 10785 5777 3375 2770 1362 573 524 176 125 90 72 114 75 33 164.00 32495 17675 10377 8437 4385 2035 1891 624 425 345 273 431 285 124 225.00 23565 14162 8870 7529 3970 1823 1675 583 371 279 233 340 241 101 161.00 16674 9273 5499 4772 2769 1397 1376 472 327 242 196 305 206 88 205.00 23989 13553 8039 6601 3266 1509 1488 531 365 275 225 383 258 101 191.00 22335 13806 8782 7886 4370 2044 1906 680 453 344 280 435 284 121 62.00 16835 9058 5101 3582 1394 509 386 118 56 47 37 43 28 14 25.00 11054 5488 2835 2012 715 239 166 42 30 19 18 19 12 5 8.90 1568 772 435 438 391 253 170 35 20 14 11 16 9 4 1.30 7511 3400 1493 894 333 105 64 17 9 5 3 6 4 1 2.80 11381 6874 5289 6105 4275 2077 1809 624 389 323 312 475 345 178 4.50 180783 124800 85963 82903 48227 23463 21567 6637 4567 3007 2527 3907 2277 867 0.71 6316 2651 1226 744 271 90 62 11 11 8 5 8 8 3 1.80 8790 3981 1771 972 295 88 56 14 11 6 5 5 3 3 18.00 135287 69947 41560 36607 20367 9387 7647 2320 1147 1093 707 1007 720 293 2.80 7499 4050 2137 1512 586 194 128 31 17 12 8 12 7 3 2.80 7655 4254 2390 1738 679 228 163 43 27 19 18 25 12 5 12.00 20492 11225 6566 5107 2191 833 622 171 105 66 52 69 45 25 34.00 19077 10540 6577 5561 2911 1377 1255 477 314 251 241 379 315 163 56.00 23007 12596 7639 6165 3117 1443 1291 496 305 249 199 372 292 135 65.00 8546 4399 2637 2426 1448 692 625 195 131 84 83 115 75 32 72.00 14708 7397 4253 3493 1783 829 778 271 181 143 126 191 147 74 33.00 12480 6101 3209 2421 998 409 330 135 83 60 29 60 30 17 41.00 34909 20449 11102 7675 2966 1049 739 247 189 137 95 137 68 23 51.00 25461 13763 7557 5461 2429 870 733 212 141 93 78 116 76 33 89.00 37623 24979 17476 18425 12337 6901 7415 2845 2143 1693 1489 2524 1873 879 100.00 8511 4631 2829 2563 1414 697 655 212 144 105 89 127 81 40 139.00 22179 12089 7347 6275 3406 1702 1497 513 321 266 214 315 231 103 138.00 47324 30752 19523 18055 10929 5712 5798 2217 1572 1183 1001 1634 1177 570 57.00 18645 9539 4952 3598 1468 573 470 133 93 49 59 76 63 26 58.00 16284 10769 6885 5238 2319 929 759 239 133 102 87 127 61 22 63.00 7287 4643 3169 2793 1392 534 445 152 92 59 48 70 42 23 35.00 12073 6062 3335 2463 1150 519 428 131 81 61 52 68 45 17 2.10 8290 3812 2162 1540 722 260 220 58 28 37 22 28 7 3 2.60 42385 17290 8878 6220 2270 642 357 88 57 23 23 32 27 7 1.10 8415 4282 1892 1060 322 125 115 25 23 27 17 30 12 5 4.70 33923 13478 6368 3783 1547 570 365 82 55 42 32 30 25 5 1.50 10603 4958 2687 1915 868 315 233 43 35 25 25 27 23 10 25.00 93285 54763 32358 26047 12363 5120 4255 1445 897 723 633 955 582 278 6.10 16387 7220 3633 2593 1273 587 640 307 113 100 107 160 173 73 26.00 161653 82187 44587 33087 16093 7040 7140 2780 1693 1207 1047 1427 1313 500 52.00 157200 81420 45000 33147 14740 7287 7067 2367 1747 1420 1220 1800 1147 540 137.00 156567 78727 44460 33347 15487 6647 6693 2473 1707 1567 1153 1893 1360 387 281.00 251940 140513 83580 68973 35233 16293 16480 6547 4413 3520 3167 4800 3227 1153 35.00 52787 22147 10487 5800 1913 653 493 140 53 53 33 100 27 40 35.00 31167 15550 8247 6580 3027 1157 947 287 117 103 63 137 93 43 46.00 90910 49107 27503 21237 10440 4580 4333 1627 1097 873 757 1140 863 407 339.00 127067 76957 50857 47753 28273 15580 16617 6473 4507 3727 3320 5487 3937 1557 382.00 164197 104453 68820 64273 37613 20143 20483 7797 5260 3940 3340 5223 2963 1190 648.00 165453 107440 71380 67877 41273 22770 23243 9360 6630 5543 5033 7853 5443 2437 769.00 528200 481673 366333 373633 233520 123867 128293 49173 34193 26700 23060 36240 23653 9547 122.00 23707 11833 6063 4237 1783 910 850 317 200 147 130 237 160 50 254.00 94047 48710 27920 21807 11937 5813 5550 1800 1197 843 727 1023 550 270 258.00 83563 42577 23453 18520 9533 4357 4080 1443 900 683 590 683 463 133 309.00 109728 66455 39682 33155 17523 8325 7300 2253 1510 1075 905 1123 585 190 864.00 619933 414217 252842 208692 108042 50567 44808 14767 8958 7117 5433 7192 3525 1317 1,410.00 110080 415480 657795 950130 620465 294000 252120 77130 45995 32065 23990 29320 12810 3415 222.00 90842 45978 23465 15585 6520 3003 2512 800 500 322 207 228 118 32 35.00 30710 15947 8573 6103 2550 927 677 150 83 93 60 37 27 17 46.00 22777 10942 5627 3792 1427 457 365 108 70 55 47 58 35 20 173.00 300140 171040 99727 82780 46060 21867 20213 6373 3667 2507 2087 2933 1647 493 335.00 35513 18807 11513 9193 6040 3700 11360 1093 753 520 500 867 520 293 370.00 361573 212360 123487 96027 49447 22867 21927 7587 5180 3580 3053 4580 2887 900 262.00 173647 92200 52433 41240 19473 8607 7580 2327 1513 1047 800 1073 580 187 35.00 23697 12457 6667 4490 1803 672 390 122 63 42 30 52 28 8 140.00 180067 105633 66220 54800 28060 13193 11687 3707 2173 1533 1173 1700 767 287 140.00 52323 27640 15187 10477 4450 1683 1337 420 247 110 127 173 87 23 118.00 49583 24567 13920 11260 6337 3113 2987 1000 670 493 433 667 433 203 137.00 36173 19140 10640 8253 3847 1400 1367 360 253 127 120 193 127 67 159.00 80427 45373 29327 27707 18213 10207 9800 3313 2220 1553 1320 1807 1200 380 161.00 46633 21760 11373 8720 3900 2053 1733 533 327 300 233 380 140 67 262.00 107767 61613 36500 30520 16580 8173 7420 2147 1487 847 833 1093 653 200 285.00 113453 66140 37253 29393 13513 5640 4767 1387 747 700 447 673 253 127 140.00 27877 15133 9663 7997 3877 1687 1287 377 233 160 117 113 70 17 215.00 29493 15783 9137 7493 3943 1790 1763 527 357 253 160 257 210 70 258.00 68413 33933 17800 12687 5380 2260 1580 587 267 180 240 240 153 60 102.00 42407 25180 14793 12480 6800 3047 2720 773 420 393 267 327 193 40 156.00 46060 25327 14547 11413 4753 1847 1480 460 233 200 147 160 147 53 59.00 13933 7220 4340 3637 1627 630 650 183 123 97 103 190 63 50 20.00 9937 4497 2273 1623 693 237 163 47 27 27 10 23 13 3 3.20 8467 4375 2590 2080 1260 433 400 102 60 40 27 30 17 3 120 0.5 ‐ 16 47365 21603 19373 54662 11538 20875 426320 199237 21857 25819 79679 63641 43507 60482 63605 37193 22648 4131 13845 40276 590627 11412 15996 327793 16192 17252 47545 49275 57173 21458 34298 26347 79763 56991 137722 22057 56357 146877 39718 43930 20726 26466 17185 78292 16343 60300 21758 233427 33293 361253 355560 352080 638687 94687 67473 214467 390553 508507 539300 2428540 50573 221923 190847 289620 1746092 3521380 190080 65937 45758 761040 100380 914553 402520 50512 470713 114260 115463 82000 232467 98087 275633 274367 68590 71167 143720 109800 106773 32797 19570 19880 Assessment of Particle Size Analysis in the Lake Tahoe Basin February 2011 APPENDIX C. Analytic results of laser particle size analysis (LiQuilaz) on Tahoe Basin stream samples (LTIMP) (continued). Stream ID Ward Ward Ward Ward Ward Ward Ward Ward Ward Ward Ward Ward Ward Ward Ward Ward Ward Ward Ward Ward Ward Ward Ward Ward Ward Ward Ward Ward Ward Ward Ward Ward Ward Ward Ward Ward Ward Ward Ward Ward Ward Ward Ward Ward Ward Ward Ward Ward Ward Ward Ward Ward Ward Ward Ward Ward Ward Ward Ward Ward Ward Ward Ward Ward Ward Ward Ward Ward Ward Ward Ward Ward Ward Ward Ward Ward Ward Ward Ward Ward Ward Ward Ward Ward Ward Ward Ward Ward Ward Ward Sampling Date 9/15/06 10/20/06 11/3/06 11/14/06 11/8/06 11/13/06 11/13/06 12/14/06 1/22/07 2/9/07 2/10/07 2/20/07 2/20/07 2/20/07 3/13/07 3/13/07 3/13/07 3/13/07 3/26/07 4/3/07 4/25/07 5/1/07 5/9/07 5/10/07 5/17/07 5/18/07 5/23/07 5/31/07 6/11/07 7/13/07 8/13/07 9/22/07 10/12/07 10/19/07 11/11/07 11/14/07 12/5/07 1/4/08 1/15/08 2/14/08 3/20/08 4/7/08 4/14/08 4/28/08 5/6/08 5/7/08 5/9/08 5/14/08 5/16/08 5/16/08 5/8/08 5/18/08 5/18/08 6/6/08 6/9/08 7/7/08 8/20/08 10/3/08 10/4/08 10/23/08 11/1/08 11/1/08 11/2/08 12/3/08 1/7/09 1/22/09 1/23/09 1/24/09 2/9/09 2/23/09 2/24/09 3/2/09 3/2/09 3/13/09 4/1/09 4/17/09 4/20/09 4/24/09 5/1/09 5/1/09 5/2/09 5/2/09 5/3/09 5/5/09 5/5/09 5/6/09 5/7/09 5/12/09 5/18/09 5/26/09 Flow (cfs) 1.40 1.80 3.20 14.00 7.80 5.80 39.00 28.00 19.00 73.00 127.00 12.00 12.00 12.00 17.00 18.00 18.00 17.00 35.00 33.00 36.00 85.00 79.00 56.00 58.00 51.00 37.00 37.00 13.00 1.70 0.19 0.97 1.10 3.20 4.80 2.10 1.30 3.60 2.10 1.90 7.40 17.00 43.00 75.00 80.00 91.00 77.00 84.00 136.00 136.00 80.00 150.00 150.00 40.00 37.00 4.60 0.13 3.90 3.90 0.58 8.30 8.30 19.00 5.60 2.20 8.20 9.40 9.80 5.30 22.00 20.00 46.00 46.00 10.00 25.00 27.00 68.00 74.00 118.00 118.00 186.00 186.00 264.00 314.00 314.00 168.00 138.00 107.00 152.00 82.00 Concentration (Num.) = Num. of Particles in Bin / mL (Bin Sizes in µm) 0.5 ‐ 0.63 0.63 ‐ 0.79 0.79 ‐ 1.0 1.0 ‐ 1.41 1.41 ‐ 2.0 2.0 ‐ 2.83 2.83 ‐ 4.0 4.0 ‐ 4.76 4.76 ‐ 5.66 5.66 ‐ 6.73 6.73 ‐ 8.0 8.0 ‐ 11.31 11.31 ‐ 16.0 16 ‐ 20 183173 135293 83168 67628 31528 12570 7803 1620 832 465 298 335 158 42 52687 24113 13080 9920 3493 1420 1107 327 213 133 140 113 93 7 84140 41273 20183 13143 4617 1790 1103 280 160 107 103 97 23 20 110600 46680 24387 18733 8600 3907 3907 973 613 400 227 467 373 200 81467 42160 21680 14720 4667 1867 1280 600 320 320 227 267 213 67 141707 74307 43920 36600 19587 8373 6733 1813 947 813 600 773 507 120 625067 364200 232000 214533 139973 78520 81987 29080 19493 15000 12347 17880 10827 4013 62567 33093 19267 15153 8460 3893 3433 820 607 407 340 347 313 87 19197 10373 5333 3713 1420 493 393 110 83 47 53 60 20 23 23465 9511 4798 3363 1536 617 529 162 82 61 57 57 41 15 7784 3812 2208 1641 790 323 306 97 51 53 43 50 31 18 60480 25400 12413 9090 3497 1240 727 127 67 67 53 80 27 3 38697 16303 8150 6363 3170 1357 1080 303 193 120 130 123 73 23 27557 12407 6403 4497 1887 697 487 180 80 73 37 63 37 10 22063 12330 7537 5340 1610 547 280 143 97 57 53 77 30 13 20790 10230 5217 3170 1307 557 390 163 97 93 60 103 37 27 2390 1317 857 703 310 113 77 40 13 17 27 10 0 0 6093 3577 2040 1840 843 383 320 60 23 50 23 23 17 0 14868 7885 4419 3375 1568 675 600 164 85 63 61 72 44 17 13030 5957 3143 2157 1070 433 327 153 80 50 40 77 47 17 10711 4955 2433 1656 684 286 288 93 59 41 37 61 29 19 34063 20489 12407 10288 5089 2273 2053 613 389 297 243 375 249 132 26848 15429 9217 7655 4009 1784 1511 475 313 229 188 332 198 81 12408 6591 3820 2989 1372 517 436 125 91 54 47 64 42 13 15947 8466 4579 3389 1491 599 506 144 83 63 61 84 54 20 13246 6582 3405 2307 968 335 274 78 54 33 27 56 42 16 3472 2425 1479 926 336 109 83 26 18 13 13 16 13 7 3700 2812 1842 1420 678 281 221 66 43 30 24 36 24 11 4395 2801 1351 789 307 130 100 31 22 16 12 20 13 6 1327 502 252 177 76 28 21 5 3 2 1 2 1 0 585 204 96 67 26 10 8 2 1 1 1 1 1 0 1257 513 246 171 65 25 22 8 6 5 5 9 9 5 564 193 90 57 22 8 8 3 2 2 1 3 3 2 22688 9141 4469 3435 1575 579 438 126 63 45 39 56 22 10 7597 3461 1619 1212 636 275 214 55 37 26 19 24 14 6 1372 565 280 206 94 32 23 5 3 2 2 2 1 1 955 325 153 108 53 17 12 2 2 1 1 1 0 0 20486 10623 5998 5208 2819 1173 955 243 147 82 49 50 15 3 832 333 178 138 68 27 20 6 4 3 2 3 2 1 1453 647 339 280 139 64 61 16 10 8 5 7 4 1 2400 992 448 289 113 40 30 8 5 5 3 6 4 2 2020 994 543 414 206 79 63 17 10 7 5 7 4 2 7913 4092 2442 2326 1462 730 705 202 122 81 50 54 18 4 13212 7463 4341 3811 2299 1087 979 275 155 99 57 57 19 2 19311 14525 10907 12296 8929 4805 4826 1422 888 553 353 357 101 20 15573 9838 6822 7442 5306 2852 2899 922 577 403 292 299 90 18 3318 1799 953 789 431 189 158 46 27 20 15 22 14 7 13133 8704 5042 3843 1830 788 575 183 148 108 97 142 104 43 36443 22279 13288 12191 8016 4205 3915 1484 1152 892 764 1198 797 352 53951 35567 23313 23266 16329 8869 8665 3322 2658 2237 1967 3143 2323 989 51682 32300 20202 19143 12467 6581 6343 2478 1974 1606 1409 2335 1629 767 17872 10543 5910 4604 2433 1055 887 309 223 192 159 255 186 87 21738 12482 7079 5592 2917 1346 1108 392 292 241 177 294 208 91 5484 3550 2242 1747 801 301 195 67 45 33 24 39 25 12 2812 1884 1181 1014 524 244 186 51 32 22 17 22 15 5 4296 2481 1130 648 279 109 78 21 14 10 7 10 6 3 7852 4276 1997 1064 352 120 81 25 15 10 7 11 6 3 58878 43977 28663 22293 8645 2599 1477 358 236 180 114 191 116 61 70722 37423 19791 15341 8035 3413 2395 668 486 377 324 475 289 133 2092 813 310 174 73 25 17 5 3 2 2 2 2 1 392754 289755 161144 114782 54720 23749 18299 5869 4230 3072 2286 3217 1872 775 177889 109442 66114 58673 38188 20475 19554 7451 5758 4739 4264 6266 4337 2108 102407 50223 24930 17733 9802 5369 4914 2061 1572 1383 1183 1911 1467 753 1921 895 428 308 164 70 55 18 12 9 7 10 5 3 7605 4201 2153 1417 573 183 109 29 20 14 12 15 11 4 13515 7573 3989 2531 966 339 242 80 52 44 35 51 45 17 20525 12758 7237 5232 2276 846 637 210 157 119 108 166 102 46 14525 7463 3638 2356 925 360 271 87 58 57 48 69 47 25 5885 3220 1720 1286 642 254 204 64 50 42 34 51 33 17 25183 13605 7194 5077 2414 1011 802 295 219 161 159 225 149 64 6203 3461 1940 1512 871 435 445 182 151 135 128 216 166 76 29239 17847 10127 8088 4298 2029 1835 688 545 490 413 674 513 219 51259 33871 19885 15348 8367 3868 3403 1238 971 867 757 1249 958 480 9187 5217 2798 1881 795 295 216 57 41 35 26 36 21 9 3562 2313 1272 886 402 167 131 43 30 25 18 27 15 7 7323 4022 2241 1677 838 335 273 95 71 61 42 71 57 30 114218 66925 38457 31182 18408 9239 8727 3186 2425 2164 1839 2930 2297 1006 16747 9212 4956 3706 1821 855 689 255 205 149 119 231 151 71 75958 46373 29335 27879 18749 9575 9552 3661 3089 2658 2514 4341 3053 1458 129053 76730 46456 42832 26910 15136 15633 6314 5250 4733 4341 7097 5983 2975 40133 22781 13489 11313 6617 3137 2810 1033 816 694 545 876 555 286 23423 13580 8063 6212 3006 1105 863 275 218 187 140 219 181 70 139728 84374 49395 43615 26632 13749 12919 4936 3711 3358 2819 4119 2755 1175 143525 98432 66531 65156 45559 24385 22963 8486 6433 5211 4469 6616 4191 1867 119259 81427 54173 52170 33890 17144 15605 5436 4053 3280 2622 3697 2503 1056 39578 22450 13560 12117 7509 3786 3314 1188 722 598 533 706 469 186 37121 21216 13022 10736 5541 2500 1997 653 444 344 253 436 261 97 11390 7230 4569 4292 2820 1466 1270 448 340 261 229 337 222 90 48172 29998 17990 16176 10092 5046 4584 1647 1238 1001 848 1248 817 339 14688 9006 5149 4055 1993 825 602 201 146 110 90 147 78 40 121 0.5 ‐ 16 524873 106840 167020 219867 169787 336680 1840907 148700 41297 44279 17188 113267 76063 54403 50163 42213 5873 15293 33878 26563 21333 88829 68188 28557 35467 27406 8930 11176 9987 2398 1003 2340 957 42675 15188 2588 1630 47849 1614 3034 4345 4369 20194 33855 79271 53315 7781 34695 106625 185611 160149 44630 53866 14552 8004 9089 15815 167729 159740 3518 1075749 523151 224955 3903 16339 29462 50374 29905 13485 56494 15844 76785 142041 20605 8891 17104 301996 39097 236738 386468 104800 57472 392112 501958 395259 106529 94524 34873 138856 37090 Assessment of Particle Size Analysis in the Lake Tahoe Basin February 2011 APPENDIX C. Analytic results of laser particle size analysis (LiQuilaz) on Tahoe Basin stream samples (LTIMP) (continued). Stream ID Ward Ward Ward Ward Ward Ward Ward Ward Ward Ward Ward Ward Ward Ward Sampling Date 6/8/09 7/7/09 8/10/09 9/8/09 10/8/09 10/13/09 10/13/09 10/13/09 10/14/09 11/6/09 12/3/09 1/13/10 2/4/10 3/4/10 Flow (cfs) 45.00 7.60 0.71 0.61 0.51 20.00 20.00 20.00 17.00 1.40 1.50 5.70 3.40 5.90 Concentration (Num.) = Num. of Particles in Bin / mL (Bin Sizes in µm) 0.5 ‐ 0.63 0.63 ‐ 0.79 0.79 ‐ 1.0 1.0 ‐ 1.41 1.41 ‐ 2.0 2.0 ‐ 2.83 2.83 ‐ 4.0 4.0 ‐ 4.76 4.76 ‐ 5.66 5.66 ‐ 6.73 6.73 ‐ 8.0 8.0 ‐ 11.31 11.31 ‐ 16.0 16 ‐ 20 8187 4555 2343 1738 947 433 386 134 103 75 64 89 58 26 3172 1690 770 487 228 89 72 21 13 10 7 9 5 2 2893 1324 564 396 198 80 57 17 12 9 8 10 6 3 3612 1893 793 463 204 74 48 14 9 8 6 10 5 2 1748 671 270 154 60 21 13 4 3 3 2 3 2 1 53771 31898 18136 13368 5408 1876 1190 280 198 169 125 147 102 47 106366 59234 34906 31514 19348 9641 8221 2955 2233 1835 1647 2725 2076 1051 71897 162019 235404 416717 402462 235096 265706 101557 79841 65317 53990 81166 49767 19205 59917 28771 14952 11119 6189 2978 2444 789 561 550 419 589 469 156 3403 1920 886 485 173 51 33 9 6 5 4 5 4 1 1815 781 343 224 99 36 27 8 6 4 4 5 3 1 16997 9978 5509 3802 1612 564 427 140 96 80 65 91 68 27 2194 1055 460 276 108 38 28 8 6 5 3 5 3 1 7036 3847 1955 1288 527 174 131 40 27 22 16 27 16 7 122 0.5 ‐ 16 19111 6573 5574 7138 2954 126669 282701 2220939 129748 6982 3355 39428 4190 15105 Assessment of Particle Size Analysis in the Lake Tahoe Basin February 2011 APPENDIX D. Analytic results of laser particle size analysis (LiQuilaz) on Lake Tahoe midlake water samples (MLTP site). MLTP ID 323 323 323 323 323 323 323 323 323 323 323 323 323 323 324 324 324 324 324 324 324 324 324 324 324 324 324 324 325 325 325 325 325 325 325 325 325 325 325 325 325 325 326 326 326 326 326 326 326 326 326 326 326 326 326 326 327 327 327 327 327 327 327 327 327 327 327 327 327 327 328 328 328 328 328 328 328 328 Concentration (Num.) = Num. of Particles in Bin / mL (Bin Sizes in µm) Sample Depth Date (m) 0.5 ‐ 0.63 0.63 ‐ 0.79 0.79 ‐ 1.0 1.0 ‐ 1.41 1.41 ‐ 2.0 2.0 ‐ 2.83 2.83 ‐ 4.0 4.0 ‐ 4.76 4.76 ‐ 5.66 5.66 ‐ 6.73 6.73 ‐ 8.0 8.0 ‐ 11.31 11.31 ‐ 16.0 16 ‐ 20 6/4/02 0 2776 1391 833 741 314 107 67 22 11 7 5 6 3 1 6/4/02 10 2862 1713 1056 842 367 139 108 41 21 14 9 11 7 2 6/4/02 20 2894 1711 997 764 354 137 102 41 22 13 9 14 7 4 6/4/02 30 2468 1470 898 703 346 140 95 30 20 11 9 14 9 3 6/4/02 40 4599 3010 2009 1769 857 313 189 45 23 16 11 21 14 5 6/4/02 50 3554 2595 1849 1497 677 243 164 45 25 15 12 16 12 4 6/4/02 100 9406 5247 2682 1858 773 293 222 62 35 28 23 34 18 10 6/4/02 150 2484 1283 671 456 191 89 74 22 13 9 8 10 4 2 6/4/02 200 2605 1228 605 441 218 112 98 30 17 11 10 13 9 3 6/4/02 250 1869 882 439 285 111 51 45 14 10 6 5 7 4 1 6/4/02 300 3210 1598 757 517 234 105 83 25 12 10 9 13 8 3 6/4/02 350 1372 638 320 226 109 49 37 11 7 6 5 7 4 2 6/4/02 400 3920 2106 1040 676 253 104 79 23 13 10 9 13 7 3 6/4/02 450 3582 1773 837 478 181 64 44 12 8 5 6 6 4 1 7/1/02 0 2438 1336 828 765 411 114 62 17 9 7 7 8 4 2 7/1/02 10 4200 2704 1647 1426 715 231 136 38 23 16 12 21 12 4 7/1/02 20 3925 2358 1407 1225 631 195 121 45 21 15 10 14 8 2 7/1/02 30 4184 2582 1581 1263 593 253 169 56 39 24 19 28 17 8 7/1/02 40 7499 4712 2880 2255 1152 452 297 91 53 35 28 42 25 9 7/1/02 50 5476 3450 2157 1672 733 325 258 74 40 28 21 36 25 10 7/1/02 100 5031 3119 1759 1316 573 221 177 54 34 24 22 33 20 8 7/1/02 150 4691 2768 1556 1098 461 185 144 44 27 20 13 23 13 5 7/1/02 200 5163 3280 1916 1492 703 271 202 60 37 26 22 32 18 7 7/1/02 250 3266 1738 931 664 278 118 83 22 15 11 8 12 8 3 7/1/02 300 3374 1866 984 737 325 133 107 35 22 17 14 21 12 6 7/1/02 350 1919 915 475 332 144 54 44 14 8 6 5 6 5 1 7/1/02 400 2678 1262 628 458 212 87 63 18 12 7 6 10 5 2 7/1/02 450 3227 1776 946 687 290 104 70 21 13 9 8 9 5 3 8/21/02 0 2672 1528 1020 1183 570 173 96 20 11 7 6 5 3 1 8/21/02 10 3749 2282 1506 1645 821 296 177 43 22 14 13 16 7 3 8/21/02 20 3679 2065 1275 1437 801 220 127 32 15 11 9 12 6 2 8/21/02 30 3973 2126 1364 1490 963 291 166 37 21 16 12 15 8 2 8/21/02 40 4139 2051 1343 1396 933 288 165 43 19 15 10 15 9 3 8/21/02 50 4696 2764 1951 1820 1092 373 217 61 30 19 16 23 14 3 8/21/02 100 4114 2649 1240 881 398 160 127 36 17 13 11 13 8 3 8/21/02 150 1635 4906 2496 1491 1118 476 204 175 55 33 21 22 29 18 8/21/02 200 5741 3591 2108 1665 1433 505 325 90 48 37 27 47 29 15 8/21/02 250 2777 1327 740 632 326 154 118 37 20 14 12 19 11 3 8/21/02 300 3629 2489 1437 1155 536 216 132 34 19 11 10 13 8 3 8/21/02 350 1058 480 251 193 89 41 35 11 6 6 4 7 4 2 8/21/02 400 2739 1381 698 491 216 83 61 17 9 7 5 7 3 2 8/21/02 450 3392 2027 1180 924 399 159 107 27 13 11 9 11 7 3 9/11/02 0 3478 2209 1376 1436 675 197 110 26 16 12 10 14 5 2 9/11/02 10 4390 2506 1662 1928 1000 272 129 30 15 11 7 10 7 3 9/11/02 20 4134 2666 1672 1584 809 277 165 42 26 16 15 20 11 6 9/11/02 30 3818 2088 1283 1204 678 217 131 29 19 12 10 13 7 2 9/11/02 40 3027 1672 1156 1076 595 190 113 28 13 10 7 11 6 2 9/11/02 50 3937 2151 1290 1461 818 226 121 36 21 11 9 13 7 2 9/11/02 100 4321 2903 1819 1410 641 262 188 51 25 16 14 22 13 4 9/11/02 150 5924 3776 2250 1687 641 229 155 43 24 17 13 20 11 5 9/11/02 200 5385 3065 1990 1754 829 263 161 48 23 17 13 20 10 3 9/11/02 250 1627 695 338 251 108 44 38 12 7 5 3 5 3 1 9/11/02 300 2478 1310 721 514 207 79 54 14 7 6 5 7 4 2 9/11/02 350 3912 2101 1092 830 345 128 83 22 12 10 7 12 7 3 9/11/02 400 3345 1657 880 831 353 101 70 20 10 7 5 8 4 3 9/11/02 450 2319 1167 593 429 179 71 50 14 6 5 3 6 4 1 10/3/02 0 2683 1473 1057 1508 717 172 82 19 9 7 5 6 2 1 10/3/02 10 3999 2338 1755 2344 1108 313 167 40 23 14 12 16 7 2 10/3/02 20 3581 2058 1425 1746 750 192 105 24 12 9 8 7 4 1 10/3/02 30 3160 1642 1211 1477 738 197 103 24 14 8 6 9 4 1 10/3/02 40 3559 1867 1227 1328 768 210 111 28 15 9 8 11 7 3 10/3/02 50 4145 2197 1467 1546 926 227 123 32 18 11 8 10 6 2 10/3/02 100 4424 2782 1491 1145 548 218 158 45 24 15 13 18 11 3 10/3/02 150 1755 860 473 339 147 57 46 15 8 6 5 6 5 2 10/3/02 200 2219 1058 543 403 181 74 57 16 9 6 7 9 6 1 10/3/02 250 1550 783 398 283 125 51 41 11 7 4 4 5 3 2 10/3/02 300 2605 1287 670 472 208 81 55 14 8 6 5 7 4 2 10/3/02 350 3810 2085 1155 878 358 136 91 26 13 11 10 14 7 3 10/3/02 400 3755 2053 1182 1022 407 133 91 25 12 8 7 10 7 2 10/3/02 450 4736 2697 1576 1382 643 206 139 38 22 14 12 18 9 4 11/4/02 0 3244 1707 1252 1242 555 172 107 26 14 8 7 11 6 1 11/4/02 10 5319 3093 2100 1928 806 258 171 42 22 15 12 17 7 3 11/4/02 20 4629 2700 1850 1711 743 241 159 37 18 15 11 14 7 3 11/4/02 30 3915 1970 1250 1165 585 197 117 31 18 13 9 10 5 3 11/4/02 40 5150 2490 1520 1467 779 237 142 40 24 15 10 13 5 1 11/4/02 50 6033 2256 1201 1251 745 217 123 29 18 10 7 8 4 1 11/4/02 100 1776 1087 592 468 221 99 88 24 13 9 7 10 8 3 11/4/02 150 1385 757 411 281 114 44 39 12 6 4 3 5 4 1 123 0.5 ‐ 16 6284 7193 7069 6217 12880 10708 20691 5318 5397 3729 6583 2792 8256 7002 6007 11186 9980 10816 19529 14307 12390 11049 13228 7157 7654 3928 5447 7169 7295 10592 9692 10483 10431 13079 9671 12680 15662 6189 9690 2187 5716 8269 9565 11968 11443 9510 7907 10105 11689 14795 13583 3136 5407 8566 7294 4846 7740 12138 9922 8594 9150 10717 10895 3724 4592 3267 5424 8598 8714 11497 8350 13791 12136 9288 11895 11904 4405 3066 Assessment of Particle Size Analysis in the Lake Tahoe Basin February 2011 APPENDIX D. Analytic results of laser particle size analysis (LiQuilaz) on Lake Tahoe midlake water samples (MLTP site) (continued). MLTP ID 328 328 328 328 328 328 329 329 329 329 329 329 329 329 329 329 329 329 329 329 330 330 330 330 330 330 330 330 330 330 330 330 330 330 331 331 331 331 331 331 331 331 331 331 331 331 331 331 332 332 332 332 332 332 332 332 332 332 332 332 332 332 333 333 333 333 333 333 333 333 333 333 333 333 333 333 334 334 334 334 Sample Depth Concentration (Num.) = Num. of Particles in Bin / mL (Bin Sizes in µm) Date (m) 0.5 ‐ 0.63 0.63 ‐ 0.79 0.79 ‐ 1.0 1.0 ‐ 1.41 1.41 ‐ 2.0 2.0 ‐ 2.83 2.83 ‐ 4.0 4.0 ‐ 4.76 4.76 ‐ 5.66 5.66 ‐ 6.73 6.73 ‐ 8.0 8.0 ‐ 11.31 11.31 ‐ 16.0 16 ‐ 20 11/4/02 200 1680 900 502 353 143 56 46 15 8 5 4 5 3 1 11/4/02 250 1258 629 324 232 98 41 30 10 6 5 4 6 3 2 11/4/02 300 1258 642 470 583 270 89 53 16 11 5 5 6 5 2 11/4/02 350 1192 559 256 171 75 29 20 7 4 3 2 3 2 1 11/4/02 400 1535 817 425 298 134 52 37 11 5 3 3 4 3 1 11/4/02 450 1158 590 308 225 99 42 29 7 4 2 2 2 1 1 12/3/02 0 3424 1811 1218 1078 468 173 119 33 19 13 9 12 6 2 12/3/02 10 5551 3509 2253 1891 852 303 204 52 27 21 16 23 12 4 12/3/02 20 5795 3805 2441 2077 900 324 213 57 33 24 19 25 12 6 12/3/02 30 3674 2045 1355 1181 507 191 129 33 19 15 12 15 6 3 12/3/02 40 3424 1866 1282 1125 488 177 127 36 18 16 10 14 7 3 12/3/02 50 4629 3033 1911 1862 1042 360 214 56 34 23 18 26 15 7 12/3/02 100 2039 1356 741 624 329 143 114 31 16 9 9 13 9 4 12/3/02 150 2590 1423 854 702 310 121 87 25 12 9 7 9 7 3 12/3/02 200 2562 1556 1023 920 450 173 116 33 16 12 11 15 8 3 12/3/02 250 2647 1507 881 720 326 126 88 25 15 11 8 14 8 3 12/3/02 300 2878 1706 1102 1091 427 134 81 20 11 9 8 10 6 2 12/3/02 350 4048 2515 1414 1032 412 150 97 30 18 16 13 19 12 5 12/3/02 400 2641 1471 818 630 295 114 74 20 11 8 7 10 6 3 12/3/02 450 3346 1971 1128 894 383 143 86 21 11 9 7 10 6 3 1/7/03 0 2762 1383 797 723 310 103 68 17 8 5 5 7 4 2 1/7/03 10 3549 1769 991 840 367 133 94 23 15 10 8 12 7 3 1/7/03 20 3179 1534 826 639 276 98 68 21 10 8 6 9 6 2 1/7/03 30 3077 1541 857 701 316 111 78 20 11 7 6 8 4 2 1/7/03 40 3654 1761 960 795 350 117 84 22 14 9 8 12 7 3 1/7/03 50 3983 2103 1210 1039 428 141 97 25 16 10 8 12 7 3 1/7/03 100 2222 1260 667 473 205 75 53 15 8 6 6 9 6 2 1/7/03 150 1335 603 289 181 71 30 26 8 5 3 4 6 4 2 1/7/03 200 1987 852 398 247 105 45 38 13 8 6 6 9 5 3 1/7/03 250 3040 1640 849 552 202 69 53 15 10 6 7 12 7 3 1/7/03 300 4172 2370 1437 1285 678 304 212 56 32 19 16 24 16 5 1/7/03 350 2589 1211 582 428 184 74 56 16 11 8 7 8 5 3 1/7/03 400 1905 834 353 209 72 24 19 6 4 3 2 2 2 1 1/7/03 450 2944 1332 588 329 127 53 40 14 9 7 6 8 7 2 2/4/03 0 3597 2173 1346 1265 569 200 152 46 29 18 17 26 19 7 2/4/03 10 5612 3266 1800 1373 612 234 159 46 24 18 14 21 13 12 2/4/03 20 3653 2198 1270 1078 448 158 128 40 25 17 17 27 17 4 2/4/03 30 3538 2164 1234 1076 454 150 106 33 19 13 11 20 12 5 2/4/03 40 3693 2184 1235 1044 445 148 112 28 17 12 12 17 11 4 2/4/03 50 3738 2146 1253 1135 520 187 140 44 25 21 15 26 16 6 2/4/03 100 5897 3354 1867 1443 657 256 179 47 27 21 16 26 17 7 2/4/03 150 2054 1013 558 463 239 124 113 40 23 19 15 28 17 8 2/4/03 200 5800 3517 1996 1517 592 222 183 63 46 35 32 50 34 14 2/4/03 250 3628 2659 2223 2647 1337 576 502 167 103 82 66 111 73 26 2/4/03 300 3279 1824 1103 968 393 159 124 37 23 18 16 21 19 6 2/4/03 350 3341 1774 988 813 394 174 135 48 28 20 18 30 16 8 2/4/03 400 5384 3881 2914 2658 1092 401 321 93 52 35 28 41 24 10 2/4/03 450 2975 1591 964 839 357 145 119 37 23 16 11 21 11 3 3/12/03 0 2342 1461 942 840 366 134 95 26 14 11 7 12 6 3 3/12/03 10 3880 2416 1364 1079 528 199 147 39 22 14 12 19 12 6 3/12/03 20 2587 1636 967 856 430 150 113 30 17 10 9 13 7 3 3/12/03 30 2782 1717 1031 900 431 154 120 31 14 11 7 13 9 4 3/12/03 40 2562 1604 1000 857 411 146 120 28 17 11 10 13 10 3 3/12/03 50 3310 1986 1168 1029 452 163 119 30 19 12 10 16 9 3 3/12/03 100 2055 1161 648 520 277 125 95 27 14 9 6 11 7 3 3/12/03 150 911 451 220 165 89 38 30 10 4 3 3 4 4 2 3/12/03 200 1548 698 334 211 75 32 22 8 5 3 2 4 3 2 3/12/03 250 1847 911 439 277 112 38 29 10 5 3 4 6 3 1 3/12/03 300 1201 543 272 200 78 30 23 7 4 3 2 4 2 2 3/12/03 350 1160 531 243 179 79 31 23 7 4 3 3 4 2 1 3/12/03 400 1319 655 307 197 81 30 21 6 3 2 1 3 2 1 3/12/03 450 2313 1120 545 357 147 59 42 14 6 6 4 6 4 2 4/10/03 0 2752 1341 802 609 299 134 94 22 13 9 7 9 5 1 4/10/03 10 4297 2314 1322 1015 420 165 120 30 19 12 11 15 9 3 4/10/03 20 3207 1880 1154 894 404 173 124 29 17 12 9 10 8 2 4/10/03 30 3972 2291 1211 900 417 192 152 38 23 17 13 17 8 2 4/10/03 40 2743 1568 959 748 364 164 130 33 19 13 9 16 8 3 4/10/03 50 3725 2068 1196 889 393 168 124 33 20 12 10 15 8 3 4/10/03 100 2349 1140 584 437 227 102 79 20 11 9 8 12 8 3 4/10/03 150 2470 1199 576 357 148 67 56 13 8 5 5 8 4 2 4/10/03 200 2804 1189 518 296 93 36 25 8 7 4 4 6 3 2 4/10/03 250 2109 946 435 261 94 36 31 8 5 3 2 4 3 2 4/10/03 300 4003 1790 858 552 176 55 42 13 7 6 7 8 4 3 4/10/03 350 1150 496 213 133 47 16 11 4 1 1 1 1 1 0 4/10/03 400 2066 987 473 302 110 39 26 7 4 3 2 4 2 0 4/10/03 450 2912 1467 718 468 231 103 81 20 11 7 7 9 5 2 5/1/03 0 2499 1576 1071 857 497 262 183 46 25 16 13 17 7 2 5/1/03 10 4427 2957 1811 1413 725 349 233 56 33 22 18 23 9 3 5/1/03 20 2822 1841 1179 923 571 297 206 45 29 18 14 16 9 2 5/1/03 30 3726 2463 1612 1257 680 344 236 59 36 23 17 25 11 4 124 0.5 ‐ 16 3722 2647 3416 2321 3327 2470 8387 14719 15730 9185 8592 13231 5439 6158 6899 6379 7486 9782 6109 8020 6195 7821 6682 6741 7797 9083 5007 2566 3722 6466 10627 5183 3436 5468 9464 13203 9080 8836 8962 9270 13812 4714 14100 14201 7988 7787 16935 7111 6259 9737 6830 7223 6791 8328 4957 1934 2946 3684 2372 2269 2628 4625 6097 9753 7925 9252 6776 8665 4988 4919 4995 3941 7524 2076 4026 6040 7071 12079 7974 10494 Assessment of Particle Size Analysis in the Lake Tahoe Basin February 2011 APPENDIX D. Analytic results of laser particle size analysis (LiQuilaz) on Lake Tahoe midlake water samples (MLTP site) (continued). MLTP ID 334 334 334 334 334 334 334 334 334 334 335 335 335 335 335 335 335 335 335 335 335 335 335 335 336 336 336 336 336 336 336 336 336 336 336 336 336 336 337 337 337 337 337 337 337 337 337 337 337 337 337 337 338 338 338 338 338 338 338 338 338 338 338 338 338 338 368 368 368 368 368 368 368 368 368 368 368 368 369 369 Sample Depth Concentration (Num.) = Num. of Particles in Bin / mL (Bin Sizes in µm) Date (m) 0.5 ‐ 0.63 0.63 ‐ 0.79 0.79 ‐ 1.0 1.0 ‐ 1.41 1.41 ‐ 2.0 2.0 ‐ 2.83 2.83 ‐ 4.0 4.0 ‐ 4.76 4.76 ‐ 5.66 5.66 ‐ 6.73 6.73 ‐ 8.0 8.0 ‐ 11.31 11.31 ‐ 16.0 16 ‐ 20 5/1/03 40 5293 3663 2305 1878 984 463 347 92 55 37 27 37 17 8 5/1/03 50 5385 3775 2389 1899 865 395 275 68 37 27 19 24 12 4 5/1/03 100 2931 1586 847 663 375 167 123 30 18 12 11 13 8 2 5/1/03 150 2043 955 489 346 187 96 77 19 12 8 8 10 5 2 5/1/03 200 1520 722 366 277 136 64 57 15 9 7 6 9 5 2 5/1/03 250 5702 3474 1948 1399 545 200 142 36 23 15 12 16 10 3 5/1/03 300 4711 2499 1278 872 351 117 83 24 15 12 8 13 6 2 5/1/03 350 1543 699 347 250 120 50 37 10 5 5 4 6 2 1 5/1/03 400 4041 2229 1153 747 289 108 76 20 12 8 7 9 5 2 5/1/03 450 1480 729 355 247 110 44 32 10 5 4 3 4 2 1 6/4/03 0 4592 2552 1669 1603 939 359 191 39 20 11 7 8 5 2 6/4/03 10 8331 4811 3060 2536 1546 677 370 88 43 28 19 28 13 5 6/4/03 20 2929 1823 1284 1297 1074 606 367 82 44 21 14 19 6 2 6/4/03 30 3787 2245 1519 1446 1241 752 482 97 55 35 21 27 9 2 6/4/03 40 2764 1800 1398 1279 1041 658 442 97 55 31 24 28 10 3 6/4/03 50 4129 2706 1896 1710 1243 790 532 117 62 41 27 34 18 4 6/4/03 100 2215 1183 592 479 322 176 135 35 17 10 8 13 8 2 6/4/03 150 1737 922 482 357 211 110 92 24 14 11 8 11 5 2 6/4/03 200 4148 2020 1064 756 350 149 111 34 19 16 12 16 8 3 6/4/03 250 2508 1136 588 369 146 54 41 10 7 5 4 5 3 1 6/4/03 300 3791 1853 983 692 280 103 74 21 13 10 10 12 8 3 6/4/03 350 1769 861 426 293 127 49 37 9 5 4 4 6 3 1 6/4/03 400 2449 1215 600 396 158 61 42 11 7 5 4 7 3 1 6/4/03 450 3516 1854 972 691 301 118 94 26 16 11 9 11 7 2 7/8/03 0 4249 1947 1141 1106 584 188 95 23 12 7 6 7 4 1 7/8/03 10 14341 7108 3738 2817 1259 410 252 56 30 25 15 30 16 9 7/8/03 20 5240 2491 1387 1188 725 314 201 53 31 23 16 13 7 2 7/8/03 30 3909 1954 1107 944 641 312 194 51 27 21 15 19 8 3 7/8/03 40 4527 2226 1341 1193 729 339 201 57 34 20 18 21 11 4 7/8/03 50 4403 2508 1502 1285 848 413 261 65 35 23 18 23 12 3 7/8/03 100 3085 1641 691 502 337 163 122 32 19 14 9 14 8 2 7/8/03 150 3148 1534 769 499 199 84 65 19 12 9 7 9 6 2 7/8/03 200 3625 1412 676 428 163 60 43 12 8 6 5 8 5 2 7/8/03 250 3525 1596 757 474 176 75 51 14 10 6 5 8 5 3 7/8/03 300 5028 3011 1372 784 242 83 63 15 11 8 7 8 4 2 7/8/03 350 2575 1153 538 349 147 52 40 11 7 5 4 6 3 1 7/8/03 400 3110 1520 799 577 191 65 48 14 9 7 6 7 5 2 7/8/03 450 2703 1181 534 301 101 36 26 8 5 3 4 5 3 1 8/4/03 0 3631 2003 1286 1140 546 159 91 16 6 4 2 3 1 0 8/4/03 10 6692 3929 2263 1845 815 243 157 39 22 13 8 11 5 2 8/4/03 20 7050 2954 1543 1306 640 214 126 31 16 8 7 8 2 1 8/4/03 30 3210 1597 1002 970 635 262 159 32 16 11 6 6 3 1 8/4/03 40 4667 2206 1281 1153 782 364 213 49 29 18 14 21 9 2 8/4/03 50 5907 2922 1635 1379 823 387 245 58 33 21 15 20 10 3 8/4/03 100 6134 3267 1544 1056 545 247 157 35 21 13 10 14 7 1 8/4/03 150 7918 4299 2110 1406 582 221 152 40 31 20 15 21 12 4 8/4/03 200 3540 1488 686 487 212 86 59 14 9 6 5 6 4 1 8/4/03 250 3980 1875 898 616 257 100 75 22 12 9 7 12 8 2 8/4/03 300 5307 2542 1239 803 323 119 92 27 17 12 11 14 6 2 8/4/03 350 1613 713 320 218 91 40 25 6 4 4 3 3 1 0 8/4/03 400 3638 1838 908 625 251 102 65 20 11 9 5 10 4 2 8/4/03 450 2737 1189 586 391 143 59 40 13 6 5 4 4 2 1 9/4/03 0 3732 2248 1401 1288 705 209 115 27 14 9 6 6 2 1 9/4/03 10 5523 3646 2273 1928 951 296 173 40 22 15 13 13 8 3 9/4/03 20 9000 5340 3273 2800 1431 490 330 83 44 28 21 26 12 6 9/4/03 30 8002 4607 2773 2373 1289 504 336 87 46 31 28 37 18 5 9/4/03 40 5322 2818 1722 1414 793 342 225 53 31 24 17 22 9 3 9/4/03 50 5753 2961 1776 1506 784 337 225 58 32 22 18 23 12 3 9/4/03 100 6216 3353 1681 1300 741 336 259 69 41 25 21 25 13 5 9/4/03 150 2277 1195 665 510 241 121 90 26 17 13 10 15 7 1 9/4/03 200 1160 555 350 317 139 55 36 13 9 5 5 6 3 1 9/4/03 250 3415 1499 719 490 243 103 87 28 16 12 10 14 9 3 9/4/03 300 3083 1276 612 421 191 76 61 18 10 9 7 10 5 1 9/4/03 350 2064 879 411 295 140 61 51 16 10 9 6 8 5 1 9/4/03 400 3050 1328 625 428 175 69 51 14 11 6 5 7 4 2 9/4/03 450 4740 2287 1259 963 444 180 127 31 18 12 9 10 6 1 3/16/06 0 4038 1963 1155 901 371 135 107 25 17 17 15 15 10 2 3/16/06 10 8692 4157 2686 2159 1136 475 332 69 43 27 14 24 19 3 3/16/06 20 3804 1785 1017 763 325 114 81 21 19 17 12 13 7 3 3/16/06 50 7849 3305 1609 845 339 116 90 27 17 10 19 13 9 2 3/16/06 100 7527 3203 1582 1052 428 177 119 39 19 20 12 12 9 3 3/16/06 150 4367 2149 1183 808 325 92 74 20 14 12 13 13 13 1 3/16/06 200 5593 2730 1554 1169 529 181 142 38 17 20 17 17 7 2 3/16/06 250 6148 2582 1327 861 380 129 98 22 17 9 12 15 10 2 3/16/06 300 2541 1088 548 342 125 53 38 9 8 7 6 8 5 1 3/16/06 350 2283 867 424 246 82 31 16 5 5 5 2 5 1 1 3/16/06 400 2396 1181 581 435 187 85 55 21 11 7 6 15 7 3 3/16/06 450 4771 1961 879 525 183 53 31 13 5 5 5 6 5 1 4/13/06 0 5609 2445 1141 819 321 103 53 12 9 5 7 9 5 2 4/13/06 10 6765 3365 1571 1060 490 200 157 47 23 14 12 16 9 1 125 0.5 ‐ 16 15205 15175 6785 4257 3194 13526 9990 3080 8704 3027 11998 21557 9568 11716 9631 13312 5197 3985 8707 4877 7852 3595 4958 7628 9372 30105 11689 9205 10720 11399 6639 6362 6454 6705 10637 4890 6359 4910 8890 16046 13906 7911 10807 13457 13050 16831 6603 7872 10514 3041 7487 5180 9762 14904 22883 20136 12793 13510 14084 5189 2655 6649 5780 3955 5773 10088 8770 19836 7981 14252 14203 9083 12015 11611 4781 3973 4989 8445 10540 13730 Assessment of Particle Size Analysis in the Lake Tahoe Basin February 2011 APPENDIX D. Analytic results of laser particle size analysis (LiQuilaz) on Lake Tahoe midlake water samples (MLTP site) (continued). MLTP ID 369 369 369 369 369 369 369 369 369 370 370 370 370 370 370 370 370 370 370 370 370 371 371 371 371 371 371 371 371 371 371 372 372 372 372 372 372 372 372 372 372 372 372 373 373 373 373 373 373 373 373 373 373 373 373 374 374 374 374 374 374 374 374 374 374 374 374 375 375 375 375 375 375 375 375 375 375 375 376 376 Sample Depth Concentration (Num.) = Num. of Particles in Bin / mL (Bin Sizes in µm) Date (m) 0.5 ‐ 0.63 0.63 ‐ 0.79 0.79 ‐ 1.0 1.0 ‐ 1.41 1.41 ‐ 2.0 2.0 ‐ 2.83 2.83 ‐ 4.0 4.0 ‐ 4.76 4.76 ‐ 5.66 5.66 ‐ 6.73 6.73 ‐ 8.0 8.0 ‐ 11.31 11.31 ‐ 16.0 16 ‐ 20 4/13/06 20 6939 3267 1566 1106 490 201 139 40 17 7 10 10 6 5 4/13/06 50 7319 3491 1659 1087 368 110 89 15 13 8 4 6 3 0 4/13/06 100 5616 2641 1390 1123 502 225 188 63 30 34 19 25 14 3 4/13/06 150 5655 2679 1185 817 299 106 77 20 11 9 5 9 5 3 4/13/06 200 5946 2788 1461 1007 390 163 143 39 22 13 11 12 5 1 4/13/06 250 3484 1605 801 516 188 57 35 11 1 3 5 4 2 1 4/13/06 300 4030 1751 795 468 125 41 28 11 1 3 2 7 3 0 4/13/06 350 2113 904 401 270 93 20 20 3 6 3 6 5 3 1 4/13/06 400 3521 1831 1037 843 515 282 231 98 41 29 25 27 7 2 5/5/06 0 6341 2565 1203 877 431 177 121 25 13 12 5 6 1 0 5/5/06 10 12295 6357 3589 3086 1448 554 407 95 66 36 31 30 10 7 5/5/06 10 8441 3387 1520 987 475 170 136 33 19 12 11 7 8 1 5/5/06 20 9554 4887 2240 1640 742 253 187 52 23 14 15 15 9 3 5/5/06 50 8055 3586 1350 699 272 100 69 20 7 7 9 11 7 3 5/5/06 150 4143 1962 961 705 255 91 51 19 12 5 6 6 2 3 5/5/06 200 18028 9220 4638 3342 1308 493 367 103 73 57 50 57 33 8 5/5/06 250 9658 4323 2290 1675 805 385 362 95 45 30 33 35 22 10 5/5/06 300 3521 1762 951 714 357 153 110 28 21 13 10 7 7 2 5/5/06 350 3536 1392 586 356 117 34 27 7 3 2 3 5 5 2 5/5/06 400 1753 760 349 217 64 20 11 2 8 5 3 4 2 0 5/5/06 450 349 141 82 47 22 11 7 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 6/7/06 20 10408 5625 3182 2393 1395 588 460 108 68 53 33 42 27 8 6/7/06 50 12980 6692 3170 1913 668 218 175 47 42 22 10 25 8 3 6/7/06 100 7357 3800 1765 1057 385 115 78 17 15 5 3 7 7 0 6/7/06 150 19460 10608 6257 5028 2650 1188 1202 478 357 292 222 352 192 65 6/7/06 200 4075 2315 1357 1145 550 170 103 27 8 8 8 22 17 5 6/7/06 250 10837 6023 3530 2717 1295 523 350 90 60 40 33 37 13 7 6/7/06 300 11468 5577 2713 1853 617 177 107 23 15 7 7 17 12 2 6/7/06 350 4940 2033 985 672 265 83 33 8 2 2 3 3 5 0 6/7/06 400 3907 1575 715 450 175 42 35 7 8 0 2 3 3 2 6/7/06 450 3215 1895 1108 1147 715 425 345 90 58 20 17 28 2 3 7/17/06 0 6003 3070 1662 1340 692 268 177 38 27 15 8 13 5 0 7/17/06 10 11427 5913 3265 2400 1202 437 325 90 68 25 23 57 18 3 7/17/06 20 6428 3280 1917 1653 878 343 227 73 45 37 25 17 12 3 7/17/06 50 11752 6037 3120 2228 947 255 208 62 38 20 30 33 20 3 7/17/06 100 6133 3075 1702 1325 673 255 152 42 17 10 10 23 8 3 7/17/06 150 5058 2525 1462 1050 550 167 148 48 33 17 7 22 7 0 7/17/06 200 7070 2990 1500 1117 498 203 155 40 37 10 18 20 13 5 7/17/06 250 6002 3118 1650 1392 720 302 162 48 18 13 10 5 7 2 7/17/06 300 10393 5577 3122 2457 1132 373 318 148 122 95 62 82 33 13 7/17/06 350 5483 2745 1358 958 440 180 123 35 12 7 17 17 7 0 7/17/06 400 2695 1265 610 430 235 75 47 7 7 5 5 7 2 2 7/17/06 450 8185 3938 1992 1325 488 145 125 55 35 18 27 18 15 2 8/2/06 0 16092 7992 4117 3115 1617 665 478 115 85 57 50 40 17 5 8/2/06 10 54875 31580 15057 8725 2755 795 455 93 78 45 27 35 18 8 8/2/06 20 15050 5357 2193 1332 627 245 130 27 22 10 7 8 2 2 8/2/06 50 8577 4367 2237 1722 970 477 403 100 65 50 50 48 32 15 8/2/06 100 28897 10650 5158 3728 1753 797 667 223 102 75 57 63 25 8 8/2/06 150 10558 5438 2677 2020 920 442 347 82 58 38 18 22 12 3 8/2/06 200 5388 2432 890 540 215 125 82 20 13 15 7 12 2 0 8/2/06 250 747 335 139 91 43 14 16 3 1 2 3 3 0 1 8/2/06 300 7051 3029 1547 1203 616 275 219 61 37 27 18 25 9 1 8/2/06 350 5283 2488 1289 867 478 208 177 61 31 26 19 31 9 5 8/2/06 400 4630 2173 849 496 189 73 53 17 4 4 5 11 3 3 8/2/06 450 3019 1139 471 240 91 35 25 8 5 3 6 6 3 2 9/5/06 0 5104 2221 1107 996 523 185 100 27 11 10 4 7 3 3 9/5/06 10 10116 4570 2219 1860 919 290 200 56 24 12 11 19 5 2 9/5/06 20 8191 3835 2217 2211 1261 505 359 62 51 33 25 19 7 0 9/5/06 50 19790 6703 3178 2387 982 330 259 75 45 36 17 19 12 4 9/5/06 100 4337 2145 1025 657 241 77 75 25 10 6 3 8 3 0 9/5/06 150 3851 2019 1053 833 387 145 127 33 20 16 11 9 3 1 9/5/06 200 5039 2614 1369 985 333 105 78 17 11 14 10 11 7 3 9/5/06 250 5045 2209 1119 880 448 191 165 35 27 12 10 17 9 3 9/5/06 300 5064 2689 1533 1098 404 147 80 24 15 3 3 3 3 1 9/5/06 350 5921 3197 1610 1203 471 152 91 34 18 12 7 13 5 1 9/5/06 400 6165 3293 1789 1317 539 215 149 52 33 17 10 19 7 1 9/5/06 450 8736 4835 2326 1491 481 140 74 23 9 7 3 3 1 1 10/3/06 0 9788 4095 2159 1663 761 301 240 57 52 29 23 26 10 4 10/3/06 10 10716 4553 2089 1171 362 139 110 31 21 13 13 15 7 4 10/3/06 50 7607 3088 1497 1227 537 163 102 35 30 21 7 17 9 3 10/3/06 100 4495 1974 1022 684 231 90 61 19 6 5 5 7 6 3 10/3/06 150 3585 1551 717 421 127 62 45 17 7 5 5 9 6 2 10/3/06 200 5767 1689 615 355 115 44 32 15 9 11 8 5 3 1 10/3/06 250 9898 4659 2459 1817 780 307 201 55 35 24 18 20 6 2 10/3/06 300 2871 1105 525 307 87 38 25 8 3 5 3 6 7 1 10/3/06 350 3181 1211 530 330 97 41 26 5 3 2 7 3 2 1 10/3/06 400 4855 2322 1183 838 264 76 47 9 8 3 6 8 3 1 10/3/06 450 2995 1015 405 219 78 26 18 7 5 5 1 3 3 1 11/7/06 0 16685 8301 4571 3303 1356 460 295 71 36 31 15 16 7 1 11/7/06 10 8225 3757 2150 1680 729 297 211 59 25 22 13 15 5 4 126 0.5 ‐ 16 13804 14174 11873 10879 11999 6713 7264 3848 8489 11777 28012 15208 19632 14194 8223 37778 19768 7657 6075 3200 664 24392 25973 14610 48350 9810 25555 22593 9035 6923 9068 13318 25253 14938 24753 13428 11093 13677 13448 23927 11382 5390 16368 34443 114547 25010 19112 52203 22635 9740 1399 14119 10971 8511 5052 10299 20303 18775 33836 8612 8507 10595 10169 11067 12735 13606 18131 19208 19243 14344 8607 6557 8669 20280 4991 5439 9624 4783 35150 17193 Assessment of Particle Size Analysis in the Lake Tahoe Basin February 2011 APPENDIX D. Analytic results of laser particle size analysis (LiQuilaz) on Lake Tahoe midlake water samples (MLTP site) (continued). MLTP ID 376 376 376 376 376 376 376 376 376 377 377 377 377 377 377 377 377 377 377 377 378 378 378 378 378 378 378 378 378 378 378 379 379 379 379 379 379 379 379 379 379 379 380 380 380 380 380 380 380 380 380 380 380 382 382 382 382 382 382 382 382 382 382 382 384 384 384 384 384 384 384 384 384 384 384 385 385 385 385 385 Sample Depth Concentration (Num.) = Num. of Particles in Bin / mL (Bin Sizes in µm) Date (m) 0.5 ‐ 0.63 0.63 ‐ 0.79 0.79 ‐ 1.0 1.0 ‐ 1.41 1.41 ‐ 2.0 2.0 ‐ 2.83 2.83 ‐ 4.0 4.0 ‐ 4.76 4.76 ‐ 5.66 5.66 ‐ 6.73 6.73 ‐ 8.0 8.0 ‐ 11.31 11.31 ‐ 16.0 16 ‐ 20 11/7/06 50 4037 1832 873 560 218 73 57 19 9 4 4 7 3 0 11/7/06 100 3953 1285 505 274 102 45 29 8 3 5 5 6 5 3 11/7/06 150 2925 972 387 268 118 37 31 11 8 7 3 5 4 2 11/7/06 200 5922 2401 1087 619 213 54 43 13 10 11 3 9 6 1 11/7/06 250 3285 1283 490 299 71 27 26 11 3 2 3 2 3 3 11/7/06 300 10009 4163 2118 1471 490 137 81 21 11 7 7 9 1 1 11/7/06 350 5149 1954 955 703 261 106 66 14 11 11 6 6 3 2 11/7/06 400 19481 6189 2815 2112 991 425 347 109 67 47 33 45 23 7 11/7/06 450 4071 1491 693 441 182 54 42 3 4 3 5 6 3 0 12/5/06 0 5368 2022 1013 695 279 107 95 35 22 21 13 18 9 2 12/5/06 10 8663 3091 1369 858 308 133 101 30 20 13 13 18 5 3 12/5/06 50 6275 2315 1104 640 223 99 53 21 11 10 7 11 5 2 12/5/06 100 2979 1245 552 413 230 103 78 15 7 9 4 6 5 0 12/5/06 150 6162 2485 1124 666 198 65 41 20 18 11 9 12 6 4 12/5/06 200 4853 2011 817 475 173 55 35 9 5 5 5 12 3 0 12/5/06 250 6891 2763 1231 699 226 83 60 17 9 5 7 9 5 3 12/5/06 300 6368 2469 1022 572 183 66 56 30 17 13 11 11 8 2 12/5/06 350 3625 1577 877 515 199 83 59 14 9 6 4 9 3 2 12/5/06 400 4839 1907 827 515 189 60 49 21 11 8 7 3 5 1 12/5/06 450 3430 1749 901 700 399 195 195 53 45 21 19 14 11 3 1/8/07 0 5930 2655 1329 806 287 103 85 23 12 9 7 13 5 1 1/8/07 10 5125 2552 1331 876 363 131 99 24 11 13 9 14 9 2 1/8/07 50 5944 2496 1105 629 181 65 55 16 5 6 5 11 8 1 1/8/07 100 6924 3279 1693 1160 479 162 104 31 22 11 15 17 8 0 1/8/07 150 5761 2414 1122 687 247 86 73 19 11 15 5 15 6 2 1/8/07 200 4211 2006 1051 843 385 171 111 38 17 13 6 14 3 3 1/8/07 250 1697 760 420 325 133 61 58 17 15 5 5 4 5 3 1/8/07 300 3590 1539 746 503 215 89 85 15 15 11 5 8 3 0 1/8/07 350 8887 3682 1651 1109 443 205 159 41 22 20 17 29 8 4 1/8/07 400 3032 1365 597 371 119 40 31 11 7 9 5 5 6 3 1/8/07 450 4043 1619 716 431 155 51 37 10 5 4 1 6 1 1 2/5/07 0 6899 3147 1561 1022 399 142 102 24 19 17 11 17 5 3 2/5/07 10 5016 2091 841 481 163 56 47 14 7 9 8 9 5 0 2/5/07 50 5191 2235 1029 687 251 97 77 13 13 9 11 8 6 1 2/5/07 100 3002 1325 630 423 167 48 34 11 8 3 7 6 1 1 2/5/07 150 6834 2979 1418 829 303 93 81 29 19 11 7 15 4 1 2/5/07 200 3885 1591 747 564 280 138 124 45 27 10 17 26 7 8 2/5/07 250 2297 1097 537 351 125 49 46 9 9 6 5 13 4 1 2/5/07 300 1851 881 480 311 113 45 17 7 4 2 3 4 3 0 2/5/07 350 5716 2423 1132 705 248 65 48 13 10 5 5 7 11 3 2/5/07 400 3948 1923 1025 727 348 142 132 45 34 20 15 17 11 6 2/5/07 450 4067 1681 781 426 125 43 28 9 3 5 3 6 5 0 3/5/07 0 14647 8039 4615 3333 1434 550 370 104 71 47 40 49 27 7 3/5/07 10 6990 3403 1615 941 365 125 95 20 18 11 5 19 9 5 3/5/07 50 11055 5324 2573 1573 601 182 139 34 16 11 15 13 12 3 3/5/07 100 10445 4982 2465 1701 707 281 185 49 29 17 14 18 8 3 3/5/07 150 9353 4651 2633 2107 963 389 324 92 55 34 32 46 29 7 3/5/07 200 6773 3385 1506 869 281 97 75 20 11 8 7 6 1 1 3/5/07 250 11526 5884 3170 2384 994 357 253 56 39 19 15 27 15 4 3/5/07 300 36399 21453 14525 13833 8170 3817 3357 1030 619 464 389 517 312 121 3/5/07 350 27611 15483 9743 8044 3947 1688 1283 337 207 152 113 137 66 25 3/5/07 400 7390 3807 1876 1298 511 211 203 64 43 21 21 34 15 7 3/5/07 450 7698 3489 1497 823 296 80 66 28 14 10 5 11 5 6 5/10/07 0 2494 1286 563 335 250 90 42 9 4 3 3 5 2 1 5/10/07 10 2537 1495 804 545 364 136 61 16 9 5 3 4 2 0 5/10/07 50 2853 1881 1018 683 299 103 62 14 7 4 4 6 3 1 5/10/07 100 2197 1101 491 277 75 23 19 9 6 4 3 4 1 1 5/10/07 150 1743 719 293 166 50 15 13 3 2 2 1 2 1 0 5/10/07 200 1642 644 262 141 43 10 6 2 1 1 1 1 1 0 5/10/07 250 1685 580 229 123 36 10 8 2 2 1 1 1 1 0 5/10/07 300 2143 838 317 140 35 6 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 5/10/07 350 2070 719 264 128 32 9 7 3 2 1 1 1 1 0 5/10/07 400 2147 792 301 158 45 14 9 3 2 2 2 2 1 0 5/10/07 450 1648 528 191 106 31 10 8 3 1 1 1 1 1 0 7/9/07 0 721 480 254 141 43 11 8 2 1 0 0 1 0 0 7/9/07 10 1089 732 412 267 100 22 11 3 1 1 1 1 0 0 7/9/07 50 1200 694 453 357 170 45 37 11 4 2 1 1 0 0 7/9/07 100 276 88 45 36 18 8 8 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 7/9/07 150 216 52 17 8 4 4 4 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 7/9/07 200 194 60 25 17 9 5 6 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 7/9/07 250 140 37 14 8 5 4 4 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 7/9/07 300 134 37 16 12 8 5 5 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 7/9/07 350 151 39 11 7 3 3 4 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 7/9/07 400 142 37 13 7 4 4 3 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 7/9/07 450 254 63 22 14 7 4 4 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 8/1/07 0 1026 491 284 187 58 18 10 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 8/1/07 10 771 482 245 142 56 13 6 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 8/1/07 50 1593 1194 667 463 179 50 33 7 3 2 1 1 1 0 8/1/07 100 451 172 105 83 44 15 13 4 2 1 1 1 0 0 8/1/07 150 303 80 30 15 8 7 9 2 1 1 0 1 0 0 127 0.5 ‐ 16 7695 6229 4779 10393 5507 18527 9248 32689 7000 9699 14624 10777 5647 10821 8459 12008 10829 6983 8443 7734 11265 10560 10528 13906 10465 8874 3507 6824 16275 5601 7079 13367 8745 9630 5666 12621 7469 4548 3720 10390 8393 7183 33333 13623 21551 20905 20716 13039 24744 105006 68835 15501 14029 5088 5980 6939 4209 3011 2756 2680 3488 3237 3478 2531 1663 2640 2975 483 307 321 215 219 220 213 371 2077 1715 4193 893 456 Assessment of Particle Size Analysis in the Lake Tahoe Basin February 2011 APPENDIX D. Analytic results of laser particle size analysis (LiQuilaz) on Lake Tahoe midlake water samples (MLTP site) (continued). MLTP ID 385 385 385 385 385 386 386 386 386 386 386 386 386 386 386 386 388 388 388 388 388 388 388 388 388 388 388 389 389 389 389 389 389 389 389 389 389 389 390 390 390 390 390 390 390 390 390 390 390 391 391 391 391 391 391 391 391 391 391 391 392 392 392 392 392 392 392 392 392 392 392 393 393 393 393 393 393 393 393 393 Sample Depth Concentration (Num.) = Num. of Particles in Bin / mL (Bin Sizes in µm) Date (m) 0.5 ‐ 0.63 0.63 ‐ 0.79 0.79 ‐ 1.0 1.0 ‐ 1.41 1.41 ‐ 2.0 2.0 ‐ 2.83 2.83 ‐ 4.0 4.0 ‐ 4.76 4.76 ‐ 5.66 5.66 ‐ 6.73 6.73 ‐ 8.0 8.0 ‐ 11.31 11.31 ‐ 16.0 16 ‐ 20 8/1/07 200 220 60 21 10 4 3 4 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 8/1/07 250 269 89 40 28 16 9 8 2 1 1 1 1 0 0 8/1/07 300 360 104 38 23 12 6 6 2 1 1 0 0 0 0 8/1/07 350 263 95 50 41 23 10 10 3 1 0 1 1 0 0 8/1/07 400 211 62 22 13 6 4 5 2 1 1 0 0 0 0 9/7/07 0 1185 742 388 276 99 31 21 4 2 1 1 1 0 0 9/7/07 10 1934 1166 640 485 189 60 38 8 4 3 1 2 1 0 9/7/07 50 2467 1542 765 514 207 62 51 14 10 7 7 13 16 10 9/7/07 100 526 199 126 100 66 26 22 7 6 3 4 9 12 7 9/7/07 150 994 381 179 125 60 25 24 8 5 5 4 9 12 7 9/7/07 200 415 156 76 51 27 13 15 5 3 3 2 6 8 4 9/7/07 250 346 153 77 59 28 13 12 4 2 2 2 5 7 4 9/7/07 300 406 119 57 45 22 11 11 3 2 1 1 3 4 2 9/7/07 350 803 328 168 132 67 26 23 6 4 3 2 5 5 3 9/7/07 400 593 257 133 108 57 23 22 7 3 3 3 7 7 4 9/7/07 450 264 105 55 43 27 12 12 4 2 2 2 5 7 3 11/13/07 0 1040 578 294 197 72 24 16 4 2 2 1 1 0 0 11/13/07 10 1225 624 301 199 68 22 16 3 1 1 1 1 0 0 11/13/07 50 1251 717 497 370 134 37 22 4 2 1 1 1 0 0 11/13/07 100 545 216 111 77 33 12 10 2 1 1 0 0 0 0 11/13/07 150 477 131 53 37 24 12 11 3 1 1 1 1 1 0 11/13/07 200 492 139 53 35 20 11 9 2 1 1 0 1 0 0 11/13/07 250 697 202 97 70 43 21 21 5 2 1 1 1 0 0 11/13/07 300 475 142 57 41 24 11 11 2 1 1 1 1 0 0 11/13/07 350 742 215 86 54 27 16 16 4 2 1 1 1 0 0 11/13/07 400 471 138 54 36 22 13 10 2 1 0 1 0 0 0 11/13/07 450 763 225 92 63 33 19 16 3 2 1 1 1 0 0 12/13/07 0 1232 596 311 199 67 21 16 4 3 2 2 1 1 0 12/13/07 10 714 390 196 125 48 15 13 3 1 1 1 0 0 0 12/13/07 50 540 297 164 125 44 14 12 3 2 1 1 1 0 0 12/13/07 100 245 74 30 19 8 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 12/13/07 150 402 132 55 34 16 6 5 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 12/13/07 200 379 107 46 29 16 7 6 2 1 0 0 1 0 0 12/13/07 250 410 130 56 22 9 5 5 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 12/13/07 300 186 60 26 18 10 5 5 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 12/13/07 350 158 43 18 12 7 5 4 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 12/13/07 400 327 84 25 13 7 4 5 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 12/13/07 450 306 81 28 19 10 6 5 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1/15/08 0 1306 716 396 269 99 35 28 6 3 2 1 1 1 0 1/15/08 10 1259 657 373 268 106 37 29 7 4 1 1 1 0 0 1/15/08 50 1390 708 376 255 99 38 28 6 3 1 1 1 0 0 1/15/08 100 1153 580 296 200 83 27 22 6 2 1 1 1 0 0 1/15/08 150 895 448 244 174 76 25 19 4 1 1 1 1 0 0 1/15/08 200 266 117 60 40 19 8 6 2 1 1 0 1 0 0 1/15/08 250 355 142 69 45 24 10 8 2 1 0 0 1 0 0 1/15/08 300 360 127 59 41 26 15 14 3 2 1 0 1 0 0 1/15/08 350 231 80 36 25 15 6 5 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1/15/08 400 1173 448 201 133 53 20 16 4 2 2 1 1 0 0 1/15/08 450 286 99 45 28 16 8 6 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 2/5/08 0 614 328 173 116 50 18 14 3 2 1 1 0 0 0 2/5/08 10 746 356 193 136 61 21 16 4 2 1 0 1 0 0 2/5/08 50 1211 546 278 192 81 28 19 5 3 1 1 1 1 0 2/5/08 100 1234 544 251 163 68 28 20 5 2 1 1 1 0 0 2/5/08 150 1078 469 246 173 73 26 19 5 3 1 1 1 0 0 2/5/08 200 1175 517 257 182 79 28 20 5 2 2 1 1 0 0 2/5/08 250 918 390 206 144 71 29 21 5 2 1 1 1 0 0 2/5/08 300 978 435 218 146 68 23 18 3 1 1 1 1 0 0 2/5/08 350 840 377 196 127 64 24 18 3 2 1 1 1 1 0 2/5/08 400 1559 666 331 238 112 48 39 9 5 3 2 1 1 0 2/5/08 450 979 447 212 139 64 24 19 5 3 2 1 1 1 0 5/29/08 0 5615 3105 1574 1513 2319 852 325 61 40 27 17 22 14 5 5/29/08 10 4122 2343 1316 1494 2160 870 436 89 55 32 18 23 12 4 5/29/08 50 3270 1654 668 486 524 233 120 28 18 13 12 24 11 3 5/29/08 100 3165 1539 698 397 190 80 49 12 8 6 6 10 6 2 5/29/08 150 3810 1855 791 429 176 73 50 15 11 8 8 12 7 2 5/29/08 200 2597 1123 452 229 68 21 14 5 4 3 3 5 3 2 5/29/08 250 2520 1119 442 212 59 20 13 4 3 3 2 3 2 1 5/29/08 300 2299 1148 565 378 168 58 38 11 7 5 6 7 4 2 5/29/08 350 2319 996 366 188 63 23 16 6 3 3 2 4 4 1 5/29/08 400 2884 1394 575 254 71 22 13 4 3 3 2 3 2 1 5/29/08 450 2104 908 389 226 78 27 18 6 4 3 3 4 2 1 7/18/08 0 5043 2904 1746 2197 2131 547 257 57 30 27 16 14 9 3 7/18/08 10 1688 1117 1176 2103 2276 663 274 57 36 19 10 9 4 1 7/18/08 50 2932 1865 905 830 653 223 152 55 33 20 10 14 6 2 7/18/08 100 1581 658 338 254 177 57 31 10 7 5 5 11 5 1 7/18/08 150 1337 642 333 228 130 39 20 5 3 3 2 3 2 0 7/18/08 200 942 421 205 126 63 20 10 3 3 2 1 2 1 1 7/18/08 250 1120 542 256 166 67 19 13 3 2 2 1 2 1 1 7/18/08 300 979 450 224 146 52 13 9 3 2 2 1 2 1 0 7/18/08 350 1252 539 252 168 56 16 10 3 2 2 1 2 1 0 128 0.5 ‐ 16 325 464 554 497 327 2752 4532 5685 1112 1835 784 715 687 1573 1225 542 2230 2462 3037 1008 752 763 1163 768 1164 748 1221 2456 1507 1203 382 652 592 639 313 249 467 457 2863 2744 2907 2374 1888 521 657 648 401 2054 491 1319 1538 2365 2319 2095 2269 1788 1894 1653 3014 1896 15489 12974 7062 6168 7247 4529 4403 4695 3995 5231 3773 14981 9433 7699 3140 2748 1800 2194 1883 2305 Assessment of Particle Size Analysis in the Lake Tahoe Basin February 2011 APPENDIX D. Analytic results of laser particle size analysis (LiQuilaz) on Lake Tahoe midlake water samples (MLTP site) (continued). MLTP ID 393 393 395 395 395 395 395 395 395 395 395 395 395 396 396 396 396 396 396 396 396 396 396 396 397 397 397 397 397 397 397 397 397 397 397 398 398 398 398 398 398 398 398 398 398 398 399 399 399 399 399 399 399 399 399 399 399 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 401 401 401 401 401 401 401 401 401 401 401 402 Sample Depth Concentration (Num.) = Num. of Particles in Bin / mL (Bin Sizes in µm) Date (m) 0.5 ‐ 0.63 0.63 ‐ 0.79 0.79 ‐ 1.0 1.0 ‐ 1.41 1.41 ‐ 2.0 2.0 ‐ 2.83 2.83 ‐ 4.0 4.0 ‐ 4.76 4.76 ‐ 5.66 5.66 ‐ 6.73 6.73 ‐ 8.0 8.0 ‐ 11.31 11.31 ‐ 16.0 16 ‐ 20 7/18/08 400 972 415 210 147 66 21 14 4 3 2 2 2 1 0 7/18/08 450 1049 440 214 145 54 19 13 4 3 2 1 2 1 0 9/11/08 0 2914 1963 1286 1552 1241 297 171 40 23 15 11 15 9 3 9/11/08 10 5379 3268 2023 2484 1927 517 300 74 41 27 19 24 14 4 9/11/08 50 5633 3387 1726 1476 967 360 227 61 38 24 15 19 12 4 9/11/08 100 2000 1004 569 515 311 98 53 18 12 7 4 6 3 1 9/11/08 150 2196 1120 555 379 201 55 35 10 6 6 5 8 3 1 9/11/08 200 1971 1035 519 345 161 45 26 8 5 3 3 4 2 1 9/11/08 250 936 482 264 232 125 37 23 6 4 3 2 3 2 0 9/11/08 300 2046 1072 517 309 119 33 21 7 5 4 3 4 2 1 9/11/08 350 4495 2645 1245 683 231 71 42 10 8 7 5 7 4 1 9/11/08 400 3349 1725 768 401 135 41 28 10 7 6 6 8 4 1 9/11/08 450 5842 3324 1721 1124 481 148 84 21 19 14 13 18 11 4 10/24/08 0 na na na na na na na na na na na na na na 10/24/08 10 1985 904 518 568 340 98 69 17 11 10 7 9 8 6 10/24/08 50 3278 1842 1050 1053 948 358 161 34 20 14 10 13 9 3 10/24/08 100 1049 479 258 259 154 55 32 13 10 5 5 6 4 1 10/24/08 150 828 364 180 136 74 19 13 6 7 4 3 5 2 1 10/24/08 200 2289 1257 652 406 133 34 19 5 5 4 3 6 4 1 10/24/08 250 799 365 169 113 46 13 8 3 3 2 2 3 2 1 10/24/08 300 2755 1388 679 423 159 47 35 11 9 9 8 11 6 2 10/24/08 350 1253 528 237 154 65 20 15 6 4 4 2 4 2 1 10/24/08 400 853 394 193 126 47 15 11 4 3 4 2 3 1 0 10/24/08 450 1358 627 288 174 69 21 17 6 4 4 3 5 3 1 11/19/08 0 2567 1441 909 588 227 69 52 16 13 10 9 14 10 6 11/19/08 10 2214 1194 741 589 267 85 67 19 13 10 9 15 12 4 11/19/08 50 2787 1131 485 406 209 81 65 20 13 9 6 8 6 2 11/19/08 100 751 281 147 103 38 12 9 3 3 3 2 2 1 1 11/19/08 150 839 342 155 109 55 14 10 7 5 4 3 3 2 1 11/19/08 200 810 355 145 102 53 18 9 3 3 2 2 2 1 0 11/19/08 250 1245 588 257 155 63 19 11 5 3 3 3 4 3 1 11/19/08 300 756 328 142 102 44 11 8 2 2 2 1 2 1 0 11/19/08 350 955 370 150 97 37 10 5 2 2 1 1 2 1 0 11/19/08 400 695 280 125 66 22 6 4 2 1 1 1 1 1 0 11/19/08 450 946 372 152 92 29 7 5 2 2 1 1 1 1 0 1/28/09 0 3045 2034 1159 895 434 152 103 30 20 15 13 17 10 3 1/28/09 10 2765 1262 662 549 201 61 44 14 11 8 7 10 5 2 1/28/09 50 2325 1311 743 606 298 104 74 21 14 10 8 11 6 2 1/28/09 100 1298 478 202 153 79 26 18 6 5 4 3 5 3 1 1/28/09 150 1552 681 287 182 80 27 19 6 5 3 3 4 3 1 1/28/09 200 1250 517 212 122 51 18 14 4 4 3 3 5 3 1 1/28/09 250 1291 580 232 138 58 17 15 5 3 3 4 5 3 1 1/28/09 300 842 312 118 60 21 8 6 3 2 2 2 3 2 0 1/28/09 350 832 313 119 57 19 7 6 3 2 2 2 3 1 1 1/28/09 400 1304 592 247 166 73 23 20 6 4 3 2 4 2 1 1/28/09 450 1253 529 218 140 59 19 15 6 4 3 2 3 2 1 3/11/09 0 2054 1019 614 566 234 68 40 12 9 7 5 9 4 1 3/11/09 10 3309 2068 1246 1093 472 151 97 28 19 16 12 17 9 3 3/11/09 50 2277 1047 561 526 204 59 34 10 8 7 5 9 5 2 3/11/09 100 1981 924 522 481 190 55 34 10 7 6 5 9 4 1 3/11/09 150 1507 679 369 302 122 39 24 6 5 4 4 5 2 1 3/11/09 200 4181 3269 2016 1605 694 238 160 46 31 23 20 24 13 4 3/11/09 250 1525 709 343 243 97 29 19 6 5 4 3 5 2 0 3/11/09 300 1501 711 309 184 62 18 11 4 3 3 2 3 2 1 3/11/09 350 1810 939 415 246 93 26 19 8 6 5 5 7 4 1 3/11/09 400 1355 639 281 172 64 20 15 6 5 4 4 5 3 2 3/11/09 450 1807 855 377 206 71 23 19 8 8 6 5 8 4 2 4/21/09 0 2806 1598 977 841 326 101 63 17 10 8 6 7 4 2 4/21/09 10 2423 1594 1178 993 442 149 105 31 17 11 9 16 8 2 4/21/09 50 2861 1716 990 902 415 144 106 29 18 13 11 17 10 3 4/21/09 100 2229 974 454 361 185 67 46 11 9 7 6 10 5 2 4/21/09 150 1740 791 422 342 169 64 51 15 9 8 7 10 5 2 4/21/09 200 1518 718 380 271 124 36 24 8 5 4 4 6 3 1 4/21/09 250 1770 923 479 330 143 47 31 11 8 8 7 8 5 2 4/21/09 300 1059 538 245 191 88 30 21 6 5 4 3 6 3 1 4/21/09 350 1183 632 306 191 87 28 19 5 4 3 3 4 3 1 4/21/09 400 937 486 250 171 73 23 15 4 4 3 2 3 2 1 4/21/09 450 885 466 251 189 88 28 23 8 6 5 3 4 2 1 5/27/09 0 12984 4000 1614 1307 1282 346 153 36 26 20 13 23 13 4 5/27/09 10 1590 689 407 686 1043 317 117 22 15 9 6 8 4 1 5/27/09 50 2053 1144 582 546 546 178 84 19 11 8 7 10 7 2 5/27/09 100 8049 4551 2596 2008 921 361 244 81 54 48 37 53 32 14 5/27/09 150 720 269 123 72 29 10 9 4 3 2 2 4 2 1 5/27/09 200 1074 388 155 92 37 12 12 5 4 4 4 5 3 1 5/27/09 250 1087 397 160 93 32 9 8 4 4 3 2 5 3 1 5/27/09 300 1289 530 207 123 49 17 13 5 3 3 2 4 2 1 5/27/09 350 655 227 90 44 15 6 5 2 2 2 1 2 1 1 5/27/09 400 500 166 74 40 15 6 4 2 2 1 1 2 1 0 5/27/09 450 604 231 93 65 29 12 11 4 5 4 3 4 2 1 6/15/09 0 1847 1087 719 817 483 105 39 7 3 3 2 2 1 1 129 0.5 ‐ 16 1860 1949 9539 16100 13949 4601 4579 4130 2117 4144 9454 6489 12825 na 4550 8794 2331 1641 4817 1529 5542 2295 1658 2581 5932 5240 5227 1356 1548 1506 2358 1402 1634 1205 1612 7931 5602 5534 2281 2854 2205 2355 1381 1367 2448 2254 4641 8539 4752 4229 3068 12322 2990 2814 3584 2575 3400 6764 6979 7236 4365 3634 3102 3771 2199 2468 1974 1959 21821 4915 5195 19049 1248 1795 1807 2247 1053 813 1068 5116 Assessment of Particle Size Analysis in the Lake Tahoe Basin February 2011 APPENDIX D. Analytic results of laser particle size analysis (LiQuilaz) on Lake Tahoe midlake water samples (MLTP site) (continued). MLTP ID 402 402 402 402 402 402 402 402 402 402 403 403 403 403 403 403 403 403 403 403 403 404 404 404 404 404 404 404 404 404 404 404 405 405 405 405 405 405 405 405 405 405 405 406 406 406 406 406 406 406 406 406 406 406 Sample Depth Concentration (Num.) = Num. of Particles in Bin / mL (Bin Sizes in µm) Date (m) 0.5 ‐ 0.63 0.63 ‐ 0.79 0.79 ‐ 1.0 1.0 ‐ 1.41 1.41 ‐ 2.0 2.0 ‐ 2.83 2.83 ‐ 4.0 4.0 ‐ 4.76 4.76 ‐ 5.66 5.66 ‐ 6.73 6.73 ‐ 8.0 8.0 ‐ 11.31 11.31 ‐ 16.0 16 ‐ 20 6/15/09 10 1395 879 607 768 493 129 55 11 6 5 3 4 2 1 6/15/09 50 2933 1537 718 552 473 152 76 17 13 10 7 10 5 1 6/15/09 100 1257 514 243 186 123 33 18 5 3 4 3 5 3 1 6/15/09 150 1066 469 232 150 66 18 9 3 2 2 2 3 2 1 6/15/09 200 660 272 141 91 28 7 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 6/15/09 250 753 320 136 77 22 6 4 2 1 1 0 1 1 0 6/15/09 300 670 306 133 77 28 7 5 2 1 1 1 1 1 0 6/15/09 350 567 250 110 66 21 6 4 2 1 1 1 2 1 0 6/15/09 400 556 234 98 50 16 4 2 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 6/15/09 450 586 268 131 83 32 8 7 2 2 1 1 1 0 0 8/28/09 0 13892 7644 5913 6790 2337 345 102 32 17 9 5 2 1 0 8/28/09 10 1465 942 1046 2739 1365 270 113 21 11 8 4 5 2 0 8/28/09 50 5515 3313 2140 1889 975 339 234 64 34 18 14 22 14 4 8/28/09 100 1397 643 368 358 233 63 33 9 6 4 3 4 2 1 8/28/09 150 953 472 263 208 111 28 15 3 3 3 3 4 2 1 8/28/09 200 960 473 237 174 76 19 11 3 3 3 3 3 2 1 8/28/09 250 6870 3701 1840 1015 356 108 75 25 21 19 16 33 19 6 8/28/09 300 789 390 186 115 48 14 10 4 3 2 2 3 1 0 8/28/09 350 698 333 161 93 36 10 7 3 1 1 1 1 1 0 8/28/09 400 1086 518 242 141 54 19 16 7 6 6 6 8 4 1 8/28/09 450 1844 978 497 308 122 38 25 8 6 5 5 7 4 1 9/28/09 0 1601 1224 1288 2141 971 242 122 27 16 10 7 7 3 1 9/28/09 10 1558 1204 1226 2133 1040 259 118 24 15 9 5 6 3 1 9/28/09 50 5554 3294 2261 2023 972 375 238 61 32 21 16 20 11 4 9/28/09 100 3021 1912 1006 685 362 143 83 22 14 10 8 13 7 2 9/28/09 150 1113 600 347 272 133 39 21 7 4 4 3 5 2 1 9/28/09 200 1810 1044 560 371 142 37 19 5 4 3 3 4 3 1 9/28/09 250 920 479 234 149 56 15 10 4 3 2 1 3 1 0 9/28/09 300 877 435 210 127 46 15 10 4 2 2 2 3 1 1 9/28/09 350 691 340 162 96 34 10 6 2 2 2 2 2 1 0 9/28/09 400 956 487 240 140 50 14 8 3 2 2 1 2 1 0 9/28/09 450 937 482 233 134 43 10 6 2 1 1 1 1 0 0 10/30/09 0 2467 1211 765 689 242 68 51 11 6 6 4 5 3 1 10/30/09 10 1823 988 699 670 262 76 52 13 8 6 5 6 2 1 10/30/09 50 4521 1684 735 496 242 91 62 14 7 8 5 7 7 1 10/30/09 100 1694 667 281 176 75 25 16 5 4 4 3 4 3 1 10/30/09 150 728 308 143 99 54 13 8 3 2 1 1 1 1 1 10/30/09 200 1111 457 193 110 47 12 8 3 2 3 2 3 1 0 10/30/09 250 707 281 122 66 24 7 5 2 2 2 1 1 1 0 10/30/09 300 544 228 94 46 15 5 3 2 1 1 1 1 1 0 10/30/09 350 1048 440 182 100 36 13 8 3 3 3 2 4 2 1 10/30/09 400 667 273 116 54 15 4 2 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 10/30/09 450 1633 698 273 106 29 10 7 3 2 2 2 2 1 1 12/1/09 0 2633 1496 1022 959 372 126 87 22 16 11 9 13 7 2 12/1/09 10 2537 1528 1054 1028 456 166 115 34 21 17 13 17 10 3 12/1/09 50 2811 1586 1007 908 418 158 110 28 17 13 11 14 9 3 12/1/09 100 2707 1568 820 513 189 60 37 11 9 8 7 12 7 3 12/1/09 150 745 393 229 219 119 36 23 8 6 4 4 5 4 1 12/1/09 200 1437 744 377 262 120 36 26 8 6 5 4 7 5 2 12/1/09 250 448 212 102 60 21 6 5 2 1 1 1 1 1 0 12/1/09 300 964 509 259 166 69 24 18 6 4 4 3 4 2 1 12/1/09 350 560 269 126 76 30 10 7 2 2 2 2 2 1 0 12/1/09 400 924 466 234 148 57 18 11 3 2 2 2 2 1 1 12/1/09 450 902 480 244 169 66 22 16 5 4 3 3 3 2 1 130 0.5 ‐ 16 4357 6505 2397 2023 1208 1323 1231 1032 966 1122 37090 7990 14575 3124 2070 1967 14101 1567 1347 2113 3849 7662 7600 14880 7287 2552 4006 1878 1736 1349 1905 1852 5529 4609 7879 2959 1364 1953 1221 940 1846 1135 2768 6775 6999 7092 5950 1798 3040 862 2033 1088 1871 1918 Appendix E. Tahoe stormwater particle size distribution data. Analyzed on Beckman Coulter LS-13320 without dispersant, using Mie theory and particle optical parameters nr = 1.550 and ni = 0.100. See Appendix B for sediment particle number calculations. 131 Site Angora Eagle Angora Eagle Angora Eagle Angora Eagle Angora Eagle Angora Eagle Angora Eagle Angora Eagle Angora Eagle Angora Eagle Angora Eagle Angora Eagle Angora Eagle Angora Eagle Angora Eagle Angora Eagle B and Bonanza B and Bonanza B and Bonanza B and Bonanza B and Bonanza B and Bonanza B and Bonanza B and Bonanza B and Bonanza B and Bonanza B and Bonanza B and Bonanza B and Bonanza B and Bonanza B and Bonanza B and Bonanza B and Bonanza B and Bonanza B and Bonanza B and Bonanza B and Bonanza B and Bonanza Beach Access Beach Access Beach Access Beach Access Beach Access Beach Access Beach Access Beach Access Beach Access Beach Access Beach Access Beach Access Beach Access Beach Access Beach Access Beach Access Beach Access Beach Access Beach Access Beach Access Beach Access Sample Type AE-ASC AE-ASC AE-ASC AE-ASC AE-ASC AE-ASC AE-ASC AE-ASC AE-ASC AE-ASC AE-ASC AE-ASC AE-ASC AE-ASC AE-ASC AE-ASC BB-AS BB-AS BB-ASC BB-AS BB-ASC BB-AS BB-AS BB-AS BB-AS BB-AS BB-AS BB-AS BB-AS BB-AS BB-AS BB-AS BB-MS BB-ASC BB-ASC BB-ASC BB-ASC BB-ASC BA-ASC BA-GS BA-MS BA-MSR BA-ASC BA-ASC BA-ASC BA-ASC BA-ASC BA-AS BA-ASC BA-AS BA-ASC BA-AS BA-ASC BA-AS BA-AS BA-AS BA-MS BA-MSR BA-GS Sample DateTime 9/22/07 8:00 10/19/07 21:16 11/9/07 16:14 11/11/07 0:33 1/4/08 9:21 1/4/08 13:36 11/1/08 7:00 11/1/08 20:19 1/22/09 4:15 1/22/09 11:34 1/22/09 21:19 2/23/09 10:39 5/1/09 21:05 5/3/09 6:18 7/2/09 13:16 7/29/09 13:44 3/15/03 3:49 3/15/03 6:02 3/15/03 6:33 3/15/03 11:35 3/26/03 9:15 4/2/03 10:49 4/6/03 12:59 4/10/03 16:27 4/10/03 19:23 4/26/03 12:28 4/28/03 10:09 4/28/03 11:50 5/6/03 11:20 5/7/03 16:50 5/8/03 0:22 5/8/03 5:44 6/23/03 17:02 7/23/03 15:07 7/31/03 13:07 2/16/04 10:31 2/16/04 12:25 2/16/04 14:42 12/26/06 21:22 12/26/06 21:30 12/26/06 21:31 12/26/06 21:32 2/8/07 19:46 2/9/07 2:10 2/9/07 9:04 2/10/07 10:03 2/10/07 18:01 2/11/07 10:55 2/11/07 13:20 3/6/07 11:49 3/6/07 13:48 3/6/07 16:40 4/22/07 10:03 8/31/07 8:46 9/22/07 7:52 9/22/07 8:26 9/22/07 8:45 9/22/07 8:46 9/22/07 8:47 Turbidity (NTU) 123.0 121.0 246.0 38.0 102.0 59.4 47.2 55.4 43.5 39.5 8.3 41.8 42.6 23.0 204.0 178.0 122.0 136.0 186.0 178.0 67.3 17.0 25.2 17.6 17.1 300.0 60.4 220.0 37.2 29.1 29.5 27.9 105.0 729.0 1,129.0 366.0 302.0 253.0 168.0 327.0 295.0 308.0 74.2 52.7 48.9 58.0 222.0 14.3 69.4 47.6 79.9 34.0 67.8 1,349.0 329.0 54.0 65.6 74.4 46.5 TSS Sonicate <0.49 µm <0.69 µm <1.0 µm <1.4 µm <2.0 µm <2.8 µm <3.9 µm <5.5 µm <7.8 µm <11 µm <16 µm <22 µm (mg/L) (Y/N) (volume %) (volume %) (volume %) (volume %) (volume %) (volume %) (volume %) (volume %) (volume %) (volume %) (volume %) (volume %) 238.5 N 1.374 2.164 3.241 4.659 6.434 8.576 11.188 14.509 18.795 24.267 31.307 39.967 139.5 N 3.398 5.250 7.747 11.032 15.106 19.820 25.108 31.121 38.028 45.899 55.160 66.013 359.5 N 2.614 3.866 5.578 7.893 10.885 14.568 19.056 24.639 31.561 39.874 49.655 60.321 26.0 N 14.914 18.185 20.583 23.217 26.988 31.600 36.427 41.559 47.330 53.664 61.068 69.307 70.0 Y 4.965 7.927 11.987 17.376 24.020 31.572 39.912 49.378 60.035 71.133 81.509 88.801 78.0 Y 2.477 3.775 5.489 7.665 10.297 13.405 17.180 22.052 28.525 37.018 47.865 60.171 44.4 Y 3.170 4.727 6.822 9.673 13.380 17.836 22.935 28.742 35.371 42.972 52.105 62.403 80.0 Y 2.596 3.759 5.254 7.207 9.680 12.645 16.149 20.425 25.722 32.229 40.368 50.016 46.0 Y 4.061 6.223 9.270 13.455 18.749 24.843 31.575 39.081 47.371 56.263 65.901 75.217 46.8 Y 3.621 5.176 7.265 10.159 13.966 18.483 23.459 28.904 35.012 42.032 50.567 60.308 4.0 Y 6.993 9.358 11.699 13.255 15.469 20.275 26.058 31.362 37.971 44.938 54.572 66.042 45.2 Y 3.970 5.259 6.706 8.476 10.653 13.135 15.837 18.919 22.676 27.470 33.929 41.886 46.4 Y 1.832 2.385 3.021 3.922 5.243 6.989 9.230 12.204 15.961 20.424 26.249 32.291 26.8 Y 4.056 4.847 5.479 6.289 7.554 9.180 11.136 13.805 17.356 21.573 27.669 35.814 338.0 Y 1.264 1.835 2.685 3.973 5.855 8.448 11.984 16.882 23.475 31.699 41.029 50.404 358.4 Y 1.582 2.314 3.289 4.567 6.184 8.208 10.918 14.815 20.318 27.517 36.104 45.165 28.4 N 0.213 0.982 2.185 3.652 5.304 7.282 9.955 13.946 20.064 29.184 42.016 57.624 110.3 N 2.308 3.359 4.695 6.450 8.891 12.381 17.342 24.204 33.251 44.427 56.932 68.895 198.7 N 2.637 3.704 5.018 6.660 8.790 11.665 15.686 21.448 29.619 40.682 54.414 68.732 188.4 N 2.775 3.885 5.238 6.905 9.040 11.904 15.917 21.713 30.022 41.407 55.740 70.903 72.8 N 0.326 1.506 3.369 5.725 8.596 12.303 17.334 24.180 33.163 44.338 57.163 69.896 14.4 N 0.145 0.658 1.439 2.420 3.724 5.697 8.800 13.526 20.332 29.624 41.705 56.080 45.2 N 0.985 1.846 2.861 3.974 5.375 7.321 9.997 13.766 19.281 27.582 40.241 57.199 17.2 N 0.104 0.475 1.027 1.651 2.304 3.101 4.340 6.592 10.757 18.057 30.142 47.877 20.8 N 0.061 0.283 0.622 1.003 1.354 1.683 2.121 3.034 5.113 9.495 18.248 34.048 320.8 N 0.429 1.945 4.228 6.942 10.127 14.311 20.248 28.701 40.170 54.600 70.570 84.544 51.2 N 0.231 1.062 2.337 3.825 5.390 7.145 9.471 13.023 18.621 27.059 38.860 53.142 299.2 N 0.363 1.661 3.653 6.053 8.830 12.359 17.301 24.471 34.578 47.900 63.554 78.376 41.2 N 0.220 1.028 2.210 3.529 4.945 6.578 8.635 11.613 16.214 23.455 35.188 52.854 30.0 N 0.169 0.771 1.572 2.372 3.257 4.336 5.566 7.247 10.055 14.984 24.198 40.199 34.8 N 0.183 0.837 1.714 2.607 3.605 4.817 6.240 8.288 11.649 17.175 26.825 42.566 33.6 N 0.227 1.027 2.063 3.075 4.218 5.669 7.467 10.142 14.453 21.280 32.406 48.937 96.5 N 0.042 0.197 0.448 0.768 1.135 1.565 2.126 2.947 4.174 5.866 7.768 9.452 954.8 N 3.336 4.441 5.750 7.358 9.412 12.093 15.673 20.633 27.624 37.236 49.439 62.333 3,661.6 N 2.652 3.451 4.339 5.353 6.580 8.158 10.308 13.366 17.734 23.814 32.008 42.703 616.0 N 2.984 4.028 5.262 6.740 8.556 10.879 14.019 18.538 25.176 34.603 46.952 60.635 421.6 N 4.492 6.142 8.216 11.003 14.939 20.382 27.481 36.168 46.153 56.981 67.790 77.310 162.4 N 2.453 3.579 5.015 6.852 9.238 12.365 16.495 22.013 29.395 39.068 51.089 64.269 180.0 N 0.347 1.224 3.046 6.068 10.197 15.012 20.100 25.222 30.156 34.651 39.466 46.882 353.0 N 0.366 1.207 2.893 5.630 9.313 13.588 18.163 22.965 27.960 33.035 38.751 46.590 361.5 N 0.363 1.168 2.764 5.336 8.787 12.784 17.047 21.500 26.120 30.826 36.122 43.405 361.0 N 0.373 1.178 2.759 5.299 8.717 12.711 17.022 21.569 26.301 31.118 36.555 44.095 81.5 N 2.262 3.657 5.561 7.989 10.813 13.836 16.998 20.567 25.070 31.113 39.493 50.604 65.5 N 1.789 3.040 4.806 7.125 9.860 12.762 15.715 18.949 22.861 27.851 34.742 44.369 42.5 N 3.098 5.389 8.676 13.268 19.083 25.135 30.356 35.583 42.287 49.982 60.020 70.613 74.5 N 1.216 2.227 3.653 5.812 9.156 13.331 17.151 20.946 25.893 31.169 38.064 47.337 428.5 N 0.746 1.416 2.440 3.859 5.589 7.473 9.524 12.100 15.653 20.494 27.102 35.588 8.0 N 3.992 7.011 11.220 16.357 23.628 33.333 42.671 52.579 63.900 70.909 75.893 79.222 54.5 N 4.899 8.007 12.620 19.191 27.504 36.485 45.069 53.069 60.890 68.882 77.515 85.354 39.2 N 4.318 6.816 10.392 15.390 21.660 28.457 35.252 42.435 50.524 59.216 68.167 76.544 78.0 N 4.993 8.378 12.979 18.953 27.375 37.244 44.699 51.709 60.881 65.201 70.127 75.543 25.6 N 8.362 13.473 20.662 29.874 39.411 46.933 52.212 57.290 62.938 68.136 72.292 76.408 90.0 N 1.551 3.010 5.392 8.963 13.703 19.252 25.279 31.780 38.865 46.477 54.855 63.975 1,722.0 N 0.894 1.824 3.380 5.775 9.088 13.275 18.474 25.023 32.714 40.575 48.326 56.891 371.5 N 1.281 2.150 3.452 5.337 7.928 11.302 15.576 20.887 27.245 34.552 42.911 52.309 49.0 N 1.334 2.047 3.015 4.410 6.502 9.538 13.547 18.102 22.472 26.362 30.749 36.592 35.0 N 1.778 2.713 3.992 5.871 8.788 13.175 19.122 25.988 32.663 38.586 44.652 52.034 32.5 N 1.780 2.727 4.020 5.924 8.906 13.451 19.676 26.876 33.804 39.831 45.947 53.489 30.0 N 1.795 2.765 4.061 5.930 8.835 13.294 19.472 26.646 33.464 39.226 45.013 52.119 Appendix E. Tahoe stormwater particle size distribution data (continued). 132 Site Angora Eagle Angora Eagle Angora Eagle Angora Eagle Angora Eagle Angora Eagle Angora Eagle Angora Eagle Angora Eagle Angora Eagle Angora Eagle Angora Eagle Angora Eagle Angora Eagle Angora Eagle Angora Eagle B and Bonanza B and Bonanza B and Bonanza B and Bonanza B and Bonanza B and Bonanza B and Bonanza B and Bonanza B and Bonanza B and Bonanza B and Bonanza B and Bonanza B and Bonanza B and Bonanza B and Bonanza B and Bonanza B and Bonanza B and Bonanza B and Bonanza B and Bonanza B and Bonanza B and Bonanza Beach Access Beach Access Beach Access Beach Access Beach Access Beach Access Beach Access Beach Access Beach Access Beach Access Beach Access Beach Access Beach Access Beach Access Beach Access Beach Access Beach Access Beach Access Beach Access Beach Access Beach Access Sample Type AE-ASC AE-ASC AE-ASC AE-ASC AE-ASC AE-ASC AE-ASC AE-ASC AE-ASC AE-ASC AE-ASC AE-ASC AE-ASC AE-ASC AE-ASC AE-ASC BB-AS BB-AS BB-ASC BB-AS BB-ASC BB-AS BB-AS BB-AS BB-AS BB-AS BB-AS BB-AS BB-AS BB-AS BB-AS BB-AS BB-MS BB-ASC BB-ASC BB-ASC BB-ASC BB-ASC BA-ASC BA-GS BA-MS BA-MSR BA-ASC BA-ASC BA-ASC BA-ASC BA-ASC BA-AS BA-ASC BA-AS BA-ASC BA-AS BA-ASC BA-AS BA-AS BA-AS BA-MS BA-MSR BA-GS Sample DateTime 9/22/07 8:00 10/19/07 21:16 11/9/07 16:14 11/11/07 0:33 1/4/08 9:21 1/4/08 13:36 11/1/08 7:00 11/1/08 20:19 1/22/09 4:15 1/22/09 11:34 1/22/09 21:19 2/23/09 10:39 5/1/09 21:05 5/3/09 6:18 7/2/09 13:16 7/29/09 13:44 3/15/03 3:49 3/15/03 6:02 3/15/03 6:33 3/15/03 11:35 3/26/03 9:15 4/2/03 10:49 4/6/03 12:59 4/10/03 16:27 4/10/03 19:23 4/26/03 12:28 4/28/03 10:09 4/28/03 11:50 5/6/03 11:20 5/7/03 16:50 5/8/03 0:22 5/8/03 5:44 6/23/03 17:02 7/23/03 15:07 7/31/03 13:07 2/16/04 10:31 2/16/04 12:25 2/16/04 14:42 12/26/06 21:22 12/26/06 21:30 12/26/06 21:31 12/26/06 21:32 2/8/07 19:46 2/9/07 2:10 2/9/07 9:04 2/10/07 10:03 2/10/07 18:01 2/11/07 10:55 2/11/07 13:20 3/6/07 11:49 3/6/07 13:48 3/6/07 16:40 4/22/07 10:03 8/31/07 8:46 9/22/07 7:52 9/22/07 8:26 9/22/07 8:45 9/22/07 8:46 9/22/07 8:47 0.5-16 µm <31 µm <44 µm <63 µm <88 µm <125 µm <177 µm <250 µm <354 µm <500 µm <707 µm <1000 µm <1414 µm <2000 µm Particle Conc. (volume %) (volume %) (volume %) (volume %) (volume %) (volume %) (volume %) (volume %) (volume %) (volume %) (volume %) (volume %) (volume %) (No./mL) 48.929 57.913 65.682 72.331 78.481 85.308 91.221 94.384 97.698 99.820 100.000 100.000 100.000 13,045,157 75.384 83.673 89.713 93.433 96.057 98.225 99.767 99.977 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 17,712,084 69.168 76.956 83.650 88.257 92.231 95.984 98.958 99.954 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 31,515,221 75.645 81.912 86.559 89.303 92.820 96.450 99.266 99.997 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 4,528,726 90.853 94.680 97.321 99.662 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 14,328,432 71.131 80.226 86.157 90.183 93.470 96.360 98.237 99.615 99.997 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 6,832,741 70.085 76.915 83.037 86.896 90.960 95.068 99.343 99.999 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 4,797,866 58.627 66.263 73.848 79.175 84.572 89.626 93.526 94.692 97.225 99.963 100.000 100.000 100.000 6,262,171 80.541 85.727 90.625 94.267 97.070 99.750 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 7,034,651 67.880 75.579 83.547 89.069 94.483 97.807 99.906 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 5,065,121 75.805 85.454 97.044 99.918 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 531,702 49.705 57.916 66.626 74.154 82.328 90.272 95.190 96.874 99.040 99.993 100.000 100.000 100.000 3,632,094 36.340 46.189 56.922 65.040 69.913 78.536 86.069 88.357 94.609 99.485 100.000 100.000 100.000 1,705,652 41.557 51.173 61.212 68.099 75.650 84.216 90.453 92.579 96.012 99.952 100.000 100.000 100.000 1,200,747 58.862 67.510 76.506 85.984 92.510 97.893 99.942 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 14,850,350 54.067 63.109 70.841 78.097 83.785 90.010 93.726 94.449 96.921 99.596 100.000 100.000 100.000 18,061,085 72.587 83.666 90.173 93.934 96.408 97.893 98.719 99.109 99.682 99.996 100.000 100.000 100.000 1,581,531 78.718 85.962 90.557 93.469 95.436 96.716 97.448 97.958 98.627 99.413 99.985 100.000 100.000 7,949,791 80.686 88.952 93.794 96.636 98.295 99.174 99.532 99.619 99.869 99.999 100.000 100.000 100.000 14,036,957 83.581 91.981 96.290 98.383 99.457 99.915 99.999 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 13,733,472 80.668 88.770 93.660 96.338 98.222 99.212 99.771 99.996 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 6,350,889 70.483 82.840 90.927 95.027 97.840 99.493 99.966 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 548,663 74.607 88.029 94.496 96.186 97.976 99.776 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 2,464,085 68.442 84.965 93.052 96.128 98.121 99.479 99.949 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 444,483 56.300 76.869 87.844 92.598 96.016 98.459 99.725 99.995 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 319,774 93.460 97.512 98.825 99.435 99.835 99.975 99.999 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 34,623,693 67.319 78.991 87.350 93.104 96.783 98.610 99.490 99.965 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 2,999,837 89.018 95.016 97.667 98.996 99.728 99.971 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 27,910,884 72.318 87.075 93.866 95.994 97.593 99.328 99.995 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 2,278,490 61.711 81.992 93.124 97.009 98.586 99.677 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 1,166,041 62.810 81.925 93.233 97.653 99.461 99.962 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 1,480,452 67.851 84.823 94.605 97.990 99.551 99.931 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 1,715,899 11.355 14.283 18.779 24.961 32.703 41.825 50.810 59.867 70.250 80.225 88.627 97.425 100.000 1,112,154 73.231 81.251 86.900 91.391 94.676 96.435 97.155 97.596 98.335 98.925 99.173 99.793 100.000 68,191,190 55.068 65.456 72.609 78.148 83.565 89.403 90.743 92.301 96.406 98.809 99.244 99.627 100.000 180,928,590 73.139 82.963 89.283 93.212 95.857 97.506 98.467 98.948 99.561 99.987 100.000 100.000 100.000 41,197,913 84.561 89.992 93.646 96.122 97.788 98.781 99.191 99.334 99.747 99.996 100.000 100.000 100.000 47,481,530 76.432 85.843 91.613 94.963 97.067 98.180 98.600 98.799 99.255 99.857 99.998 100.000 100.000 12,320,773 56.521 68.396 79.690 87.146 92.186 96.724 98.709 99.124 99.709 99.998 100.000 100.000 100.000 14,583,706 56.082 67.229 77.518 85.921 91.668 97.242 99.913 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 26,634,033 52.576 63.785 74.975 84.187 90.647 97.028 99.899 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 25,866,929 53.662 65.326 76.374 85.309 91.366 97.311 99.927 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 25,687,125 62.786 73.814 81.771 87.788 92.265 96.237 97.728 98.053 99.002 99.988 100.000 100.000 100.000 7,726,330 55.175 66.299 76.095 82.911 88.762 94.254 96.963 97.755 98.999 99.989 100.000 100.000 100.000 5,689,912 78.919 86.407 90.141 93.326 94.864 98.515 99.989 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 6,925,254 55.087 61.945 67.427 72.446 78.231 83.999 89.694 91.197 94.762 99.423 100.000 100.000 100.000 5,573,412 44.605 53.713 61.671 68.633 75.742 83.346 89.338 91.534 95.453 99.086 99.993 100.000 100.000 21,086,207 85.894 87.546 88.461 90.591 93.662 98.804 99.998 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 1,680,417 90.297 94.553 96.342 97.382 98.560 99.797 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 12,322,717 81.958 86.753 89.857 91.904 94.616 98.426 99.926 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 6,973,409 78.499 81.985 83.158 86.564 90.945 96.086 99.675 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 18,236,008 80.357 82.463 84.034 86.854 92.406 98.948 99.999 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 8,851,013 71.138 76.994 81.417 85.784 90.561 95.321 99.138 99.984 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 10,264,740 63.887 70.708 79.904 90.981 96.241 98.668 99.980 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 129,463,210 61.634 71.022 80.590 90.228 95.190 98.520 99.975 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 24,258,514 42.865 50.459 60.304 71.752 79.148 85.715 91.164 92.985 96.974 99.971 100.000 100.000 100.000 2,534,480 59.561 68.241 76.797 85.620 90.251 93.832 97.497 99.712 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 2,413,775 61.227 70.205 78.851 87.649 92.382 96.321 99.209 99.898 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 2,274,056 59.540 68.082 76.591 85.199 89.725 93.648 96.930 99.536 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 2,114,860 Appendix E. Tahoe stormwater particle size distribution data (continued). 133 Site Beach Access Beach Access Beach Access Beach Access Beach Access Beach Access Beach Access Beach Access Beach Access Beach Access Biltmore Biltmore Biltmore Biltmore Biltmore Biltmore Biltmore Biltmore Biltmore Biltmore Biltmore Biltmore Biltmore Biltmore Biltmore Biltmore Biltmore Biltmore Biltmore Biltmore Biltmore Biltmore Biltmore Biltmore Biltmore Biltmore Biltmore Biltmore Biltmore Biltmore Biltmore Biltmore Biltmore Biltmore Biltmore Biltmore Biltmore Biltmore Biltmore Biltmore Biltmore Biltmore Biltmore Coon Street Coon Street Coon Street Coon Street Coon Street Coon Street Coon Street Sample Type BA-AS BA-AS BA-AS BA-ASC BA-AS BA-AS BA-ASC BA-ASC BA-ASC BA-ASC BM-ASC BM-ASC BM-GS BM-MS BM-MSR BM-ASC BM-ASC BM-AS BM-ASC BM-ASC BM-AS BM-ASC BM-MS BM-MSR BM-GS BM-ASC BM-ASC BM-ASC BM-AS BM-ASC BM-ASC BM-ASC BM-ASC BM-ASC BM-ASC BM-AS BM-ASC BM-ASC BM-ASC BM-ASC BM-AS BM-ASC BM-ASC BM-ASC BM-ASC BM-AS BM-ASC BM-MS BM-MSR BM-GS BM-ASC BM-ASC BM-ASC CI-ASC CI-ASC CI-ASC CI-ASC CI-AS CI-ASC CI-AS Sample DateTime 10/19/07 20:41 10/19/07 20:56 10/19/07 21:21 10/29/07 15:33 10/29/07 16:11 10/29/07 16:15 1/4/08 5:45 1/4/08 8:33 1/4/08 11:04 1/4/08 13:18 12/22/06 11:52 12/26/06 19:59 12/26/06 20:55 12/26/06 20:56 12/26/06 20:57 12/26/06 21:57 12/26/06 23:14 1/3/07 22:48 1/4/07 0:45 1/4/07 5:24 2/8/07 19:37 2/8/07 20:24 2/8/07 22:57 2/8/07 22:58 2/8/07 22:59 2/9/07 8:58 2/10/07 9:09 2/10/07 18:39 2/11/07 10:58 2/11/07 11:25 2/11/07 12:28 3/6/07 10:50 3/6/07 13:06 3/6/07 14:24 4/22/07 8:47 8/31/07 8:47 8/31/07 10:16 9/22/07 7:51 9/22/07 8:13 9/22/07 8:40 10/19/07 19:42 10/19/07 20:50 10/19/07 21:24 10/29/07 15:37 10/29/07 16:09 10/29/07 16:22 1/4/08 3:51 1/4/08 7:22 1/4/08 7:23 1/4/08 7:24 1/4/08 8:27 1/4/08 12:13 1/4/08 14:39 3/15/03 7:17 7/31/03 14:38 8/1/03 16:49 8/21/03 8:07 8/21/03 12:46 8/21/03 16:21 8/21/03 20:07 Turbidity (NTU) 43.4 86.1 45.9 99.7 63.2 43.1 326.0 117.0 196.0 67.1 667.0 565.0 735.0 703.0 681.0 359.0 213.0 1,240.0 235.0 119.0 1,069.0 231.0 95.1 101.0 120.0 164.0 169.0 309.0 239.0 220.0 101.0 319.0 193.0 135.0 194.0 562.0 428.0 191.0 60.7 66.7 132.0 45.1 64.9 156.0 95.3 64.4 607.0 332.0 307.0 290.0 361.0 204.0 133.0 140.0 1,618.0 2,384.0 269.0 214.0 3,264.0 1,074.0 TSS Sonicate <0.49 µm <0.69 µm <1.0 µm <1.4 µm <2.0 µm <2.8 µm <3.9 µm <5.5 µm <7.8 µm <11 µm <16 µm <22 µm (mg/L) (Y/N) (volume %) (volume %) (volume %) (volume %) (volume %) (volume %) (volume %) (volume %) (volume %) (volume %) (volume %) (volume %) 26.5 N 2.647 3.965 5.644 7.828 10.573 13.839 17.791 22.914 29.426 36.922 45.620 56.599 41.5 N 1.349 2.231 3.425 5.016 7.172 10.210 14.510 20.049 26.011 31.659 38.177 47.540 33.5 N 1.609 2.642 3.931 5.482 7.484 10.481 15.200 21.726 28.811 35.203 42.298 52.460 202.5 N 1.127 1.762 2.645 3.849 5.436 7.443 9.897 12.836 16.340 20.656 26.530 34.895 91.5 N 1.222 1.967 3.023 4.481 6.418 8.889 11.951 15.589 19.624 23.970 29.417 36.980 54.5 N 1.591 2.629 4.142 6.303 9.251 13.061 17.791 23.320 29.032 34.398 40.710 49.366 350.8 Y 3.189 5.529 9.144 14.363 21.042 28.503 36.149 43.982 52.249 60.964 70.597 80.966 153.2 Y 1.958 3.474 5.768 9.001 13.128 17.930 23.329 29.556 36.867 45.306 55.069 65.654 205.5 Y 2.752 4.736 7.753 12.055 17.573 23.889 30.636 37.806 45.544 53.963 63.615 74.185 88.8 Y 2.034 3.408 5.420 8.408 12.487 17.144 21.933 27.452 33.873 40.675 48.425 57.739 661.0 N 0.404 1.676 4.537 9.528 16.595 25.089 34.418 44.431 54.890 64.831 73.603 81.754 549.0 N 0.505 1.758 4.360 8.719 14.804 22.173 30.435 39.459 48.985 58.295 67.144 75.978 695.0 N 0.449 1.615 4.073 8.225 14.042 21.099 29.041 37.798 47.186 56.548 65.553 74.535 658.5 N 0.459 1.613 4.022 8.077 13.767 20.701 28.531 37.154 46.366 55.572 64.584 73.771 638.0 N 0.427 1.587 4.067 8.274 14.160 21.250 29.172 37.906 47.318 56.693 65.651 74.627 401.5 N 0.446 1.448 3.458 6.761 11.339 16.922 23.337 30.651 38.843 47.486 56.273 65.397 215.0 N 0.518 1.763 4.309 8.520 14.312 21.195 28.735 36.800 45.255 53.692 62.226 71.521 694.0 N 0.805 2.822 6.971 13.711 22.530 32.138 41.527 50.688 59.823 68.300 76.063 84.087 263.0 N 0.569 2.012 5.011 9.981 16.745 24.593 32.895 41.483 50.324 59.078 67.744 76.238 125.0 N 0.470 1.731 4.411 8.932 15.181 22.519 30.302 38.232 46.128 53.637 60.871 67.743 877.0 N 3.383 5.553 8.716 13.125 18.708 25.040 31.819 39.173 47.187 55.519 64.122 72.984 324.0 N 2.605 4.294 6.678 9.859 13.773 18.271 23.403 29.513 36.830 45.197 54.451 64.100 86.0 N 4.127 6.443 9.479 13.316 17.849 22.893 28.520 35.160 43.030 51.754 60.779 68.923 84.0 N 4.196 6.548 9.642 13.597 18.328 23.615 29.483 36.334 44.312 52.961 61.809 69.544 85.5 N 4.306 6.712 9.863 13.850 18.562 23.790 29.589 36.409 44.492 53.486 62.844 71.113 127.5 N 4.432 6.914 10.160 14.269 19.086 24.256 29.636 35.581 42.548 50.681 59.972 69.212 238.0 N 1.621 2.937 4.914 7.649 11.017 14.722 18.645 23.131 28.726 35.867 45.262 56.164 772.0 N 1.436 2.362 3.669 5.390 7.433 9.669 12.153 15.258 19.464 25.080 32.232 40.374 310.0 N 2.708 4.871 8.089 12.518 17.970 23.994 30.346 37.294 45.196 54.041 63.864 73.852 343.0 N 1.890 3.229 5.192 7.966 11.542 15.552 19.700 24.460 30.415 37.316 45.441 55.031 139.0 N 2.364 3.910 6.214 9.533 13.622 17.768 22.034 27.757 34.965 42.087 50.544 61.873 275.0 N 4.001 6.934 11.023 16.299 22.422 28.854 35.362 42.312 50.204 59.100 68.694 77.383 208.0 N 3.350 5.753 9.108 13.468 18.614 24.182 30.036 36.499 43.975 52.527 62.015 71.125 116.0 N 5.055 8.278 12.615 18.143 24.599 31.506 38.634 46.279 54.761 63.896 73.248 81.332 368.5 N 2.535 4.177 6.533 9.719 13.648 18.090 22.965 28.470 34.779 41.828 49.659 58.166 1,561.0 N 1.164 2.061 3.397 5.250 7.583 10.305 13.507 17.540 22.687 28.886 36.048 44.003 1,060.0 N 1.238 2.065 3.251 4.866 6.935 9.474 12.613 16.602 21.609 27.636 34.765 42.838 434.5 N 1.223 2.060 3.263 4.893 6.944 9.405 12.419 16.327 21.404 27.698 35.222 43.616 125.0 N 1.355 2.312 3.731 5.712 8.239 11.228 14.747 19.067 24.322 30.349 37.074 44.290 76.0 N 1.792 3.015 4.797 7.252 10.287 13.698 17.580 22.437 28.495 35.326 42.615 49.651 84.5 N 4.896 7.871 11.779 16.760 22.657 29.091 36.026 43.955 52.936 62.191 71.535 80.150 169.0 N 1.918 3.085 4.668 6.700 9.150 12.011 15.442 19.819 25.540 32.907 42.285 53.408 57.0 N 2.366 3.939 6.088 8.839 12.079 15.685 19.780 24.796 31.036 38.558 47.864 58.414 207.0 N 1.468 2.631 4.413 7.058 10.643 14.845 19.319 24.428 30.624 37.520 45.749 55.819 195.0 N 0.930 1.745 3.027 4.899 7.355 10.227 13.410 17.109 21.605 26.974 33.756 42.367 79.5 N 1.562 2.844 4.976 8.336 13.020 18.536 24.277 30.315 36.801 43.280 50.999 60.340 603.5 Y 3.518 5.956 9.597 14.710 21.155 28.400 36.084 44.343 53.246 62.371 71.579 80.418 244.5 Y 5.035 8.158 12.820 19.573 28.400 38.448 48.759 58.959 68.897 77.972 85.547 90.784 232.0 Y 4.878 7.943 12.490 18.999 27.441 37.077 47.079 57.066 66.798 75.791 83.678 89.181 222.5 Y 5.279 8.519 13.329 20.261 29.269 39.467 49.892 60.162 70.075 79.142 87.014 92.114 373.5 Y 2.555 4.428 7.278 11.347 16.612 22.767 29.571 37.063 45.294 54.093 63.465 72.872 323.5 Y 2.406 4.073 6.542 9.975 14.318 19.338 24.937 31.324 38.710 47.057 56.399 66.251 190.0 Y 2.751 4.285 6.390 9.474 13.694 18.486 23.355 28.896 35.243 41.872 49.208 57.653 602.0 N 2.483 3.342 4.364 5.592 7.088 8.961 11.425 14.919 20.094 27.689 38.314 51.450 2,254.0 N 2.914 3.940 5.224 6.905 9.168 12.193 16.194 21.487 28.348 36.757 45.907 54.016 2,302.3 N 4.869 6.445 8.338 10.716 13.782 17.697 22.703 29.330 38.137 49.190 61.187 71.333 454.5 N 2.363 3.233 4.334 5.786 7.767 10.475 14.135 19.020 25.396 33.435 43.003 53.276 262.0 N 2.189 3.058 4.147 5.521 7.270 9.530 12.544 16.762 22.805 31.300 42.554 55.462 3,413.0 N 3.835 5.158 6.768 8.804 11.454 14.902 19.420 25.560 34.055 45.343 58.541 70.388 911.5 N 5.328 7.191 9.526 12.593 16.679 21.914 28.339 36.147 45.587 56.624 68.204 78.206 Appendix E. Tahoe stormwater particle size distribution data (continued). 134 Site Beach Access Beach Access Beach Access Beach Access Beach Access Beach Access Beach Access Beach Access Beach Access Beach Access Biltmore Biltmore Biltmore Biltmore Biltmore Biltmore Biltmore Biltmore Biltmore Biltmore Biltmore Biltmore Biltmore Biltmore Biltmore Biltmore Biltmore Biltmore Biltmore Biltmore Biltmore Biltmore Biltmore Biltmore Biltmore Biltmore Biltmore Biltmore Biltmore Biltmore Biltmore Biltmore Biltmore Biltmore Biltmore Biltmore Biltmore Biltmore Biltmore Biltmore Biltmore Biltmore Biltmore Coon Street Coon Street Coon Street Coon Street Coon Street Coon Street Coon Street Sample Type BA-AS BA-AS BA-AS BA-ASC BA-AS BA-AS BA-ASC BA-ASC BA-ASC BA-ASC BM-ASC BM-ASC BM-GS BM-MS BM-MSR BM-ASC BM-ASC BM-AS BM-ASC BM-ASC BM-AS BM-ASC BM-MS BM-MSR BM-GS BM-ASC BM-ASC BM-ASC BM-AS BM-ASC BM-ASC BM-ASC BM-ASC BM-ASC BM-ASC BM-AS BM-ASC BM-ASC BM-ASC BM-ASC BM-AS BM-ASC BM-ASC BM-ASC BM-ASC BM-AS BM-ASC BM-MS BM-MSR BM-GS BM-ASC BM-ASC BM-ASC CI-ASC CI-ASC CI-ASC CI-ASC CI-AS CI-ASC CI-AS Sample DateTime 10/19/07 20:41 10/19/07 20:56 10/19/07 21:21 10/29/07 15:33 10/29/07 16:11 10/29/07 16:15 1/4/08 5:45 1/4/08 8:33 1/4/08 11:04 1/4/08 13:18 12/22/06 11:52 12/26/06 19:59 12/26/06 20:55 12/26/06 20:56 12/26/06 20:57 12/26/06 21:57 12/26/06 23:14 1/3/07 22:48 1/4/07 0:45 1/4/07 5:24 2/8/07 19:37 2/8/07 20:24 2/8/07 22:57 2/8/07 22:58 2/8/07 22:59 2/9/07 8:58 2/10/07 9:09 2/10/07 18:39 2/11/07 10:58 2/11/07 11:25 2/11/07 12:28 3/6/07 10:50 3/6/07 13:06 3/6/07 14:24 4/22/07 8:47 8/31/07 8:47 8/31/07 10:16 9/22/07 7:51 9/22/07 8:13 9/22/07 8:40 10/19/07 19:42 10/19/07 20:50 10/19/07 21:24 10/29/07 15:37 10/29/07 16:09 10/29/07 16:22 1/4/08 3:51 1/4/08 7:22 1/4/08 7:23 1/4/08 7:24 1/4/08 8:27 1/4/08 12:13 1/4/08 14:39 3/15/03 7:17 7/31/03 14:38 8/1/03 16:49 8/21/03 8:07 8/21/03 12:46 8/21/03 16:21 8/21/03 20:07 0.5-16 µm <31 µm <44 µm <63 µm <88 µm <125 µm <177 µm <250 µm <354 µm <500 µm <707 µm <1000 µm <1414 µm <2000 µm Particle Conc. (volume %) (volume %) (volume %) (volume %) (volume %) (volume %) (volume %) (volume %) (volume %) (volume %) (volume %) (volume %) (volume %) (No./mL) 66.445 78.349 88.399 94.155 96.223 97.435 99.271 99.993 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 2,338,294 58.128 71.282 84.753 95.792 99.425 99.992 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 2,577,281 62.447 74.847 86.598 94.853 99.102 99.987 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 2,299,866 45.365 57.626 70.254 81.231 88.990 95.576 99.410 99.650 99.803 99.985 100.000 100.000 100.000 9,117,100 45.777 56.909 69.094 80.509 87.453 93.541 97.287 98.499 99.719 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 4,897,767 57.965 68.164 78.706 86.812 92.175 97.230 99.220 99.871 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 4,165,811 87.219 91.989 95.378 97.390 98.804 99.879 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 61,350,655 73.875 80.310 85.006 88.887 92.394 95.333 98.858 99.991 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 17,143,450 80.894 87.090 91.655 94.697 97.433 99.740 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 30,200,487 63.151 69.577 74.690 79.766 83.923 88.252 91.996 92.546 96.638 99.985 100.000 100.000 100.000 9,011,568 87.537 91.731 94.567 96.749 98.258 99.720 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 83,590,842 82.019 86.697 90.280 93.028 95.517 98.677 99.978 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 64,199,285 81.406 86.512 90.478 93.503 96.036 99.057 99.994 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 76,577,432 80.579 85.778 89.875 93.000 95.306 98.306 99.955 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 71,345,362 81.641 86.738 90.551 93.678 96.217 98.859 99.976 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 70,575,349 73.413 79.960 84.965 89.192 92.843 96.299 99.350 99.997 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 36,568,704 78.513 84.345 88.393 91.554 94.755 97.995 99.881 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 24,553,466 88.121 91.918 95.101 96.922 98.214 99.832 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 126,386,921 81.824 87.319 91.765 94.801 97.218 99.721 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 35,045,092 72.211 76.848 80.516 83.812 88.024 93.468 97.733 99.907 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 14,873,476 78.574 83.548 87.447 90.222 93.352 96.750 98.805 99.922 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 137,132,829 72.056 78.959 84.606 89.249 93.426 96.901 99.579 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 38,432,280 74.108 79.354 83.054 85.993 89.574 93.843 97.223 99.842 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 13,303,992 74.432 79.517 82.903 86.132 90.006 94.180 97.713 99.905 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 13,261,614 76.486 81.878 85.444 88.388 91.812 95.463 98.523 99.968 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 13,736,992 75.767 81.818 85.572 88.912 92.580 96.761 99.191 99.969 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 21,065,358 65.208 74.267 80.444 85.781 90.230 94.133 98.050 99.771 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 22,795,484 48.312 56.211 62.790 68.874 74.618 80.811 85.659 87.854 92.552 97.955 99.974 100.000 100.000 49,847,867 80.727 87.259 92.038 95.097 97.269 99.429 99.998 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 48,487,972 62.365 69.693 76.543 82.447 88.458 93.045 97.511 99.838 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 33,333,374 71.026 79.108 86.314 90.134 94.892 99.282 99.998 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 15,682,394 83.173 88.778 92.825 95.677 98.496 99.972 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 55,377,138 77.876 84.488 89.396 92.974 96.303 99.488 99.999 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 34,480,261 86.276 90.902 94.140 96.322 98.142 99.774 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 25,220,541 65.402 73.277 80.996 87.133 92.430 96.496 99.172 99.845 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 42,892,044 51.605 59.614 69.903 80.569 85.628 89.637 93.115 93.898 96.678 99.517 100.000 100.000 100.000 102,169,221 50.618 58.323 66.112 74.017 79.272 84.515 89.161 91.689 96.112 99.656 100.000 100.000 100.000 62,867,816 51.501 59.464 67.369 74.446 79.451 84.750 89.036 91.489 95.890 99.535 100.000 100.000 100.000 26,001,563 50.273 56.912 64.429 71.915 77.390 82.051 86.760 89.303 94.863 99.775 100.000 100.000 100.000 8,738,235 54.732 60.388 66.065 71.620 75.121 79.484 84.345 87.603 93.942 99.925 100.000 100.000 100.000 6,675,219 85.221 90.875 95.586 98.382 99.738 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 16,817,047 64.148 74.030 82.237 88.940 93.567 97.701 99.827 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 13,488,167 67.458 76.868 84.144 90.610 94.330 97.712 99.577 99.941 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 6,119,901 63.598 71.255 77.860 83.008 87.948 92.676 96.768 99.672 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 18,215,738 50.928 59.368 66.799 73.576 79.160 85.504 90.034 91.783 96.330 99.759 100.000 100.000 100.000 12,103,783 68.596 77.195 83.882 89.164 92.684 97.461 99.333 99.970 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 8,194,524 84.749 89.904 93.331 96.188 97.943 99.743 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 107,354,216 92.775 96.247 97.959 98.812 99.748 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 56,274,775 91.667 95.854 97.730 98.954 99.864 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 52,074,561 94.067 98.546 99.994 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 52,872,590 78.439 84.365 89.201 93.183 95.909 98.744 99.986 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 51,987,483 72.764 79.135 85.267 89.685 93.325 96.643 99.232 99.902 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 39,214,244 62.048 68.688 73.276 78.823 83.462 87.861 91.560 93.855 97.385 99.988 100.000 100.000 100.000 20,782,232 65.028 76.785 85.537 91.488 95.139 97.257 98.323 98.861 99.601 99.993 100.000 100.000 100.000 33,179,008 60.141 65.010 69.780 74.648 78.368 81.777 84.732 87.153 90.084 92.841 95.091 97.940 100.000 155,813,042 78.271 83.024 86.710 89.840 91.946 93.417 94.519 95.363 96.410 97.223 97.782 99.083 100.000 236,495,742 63.208 72.009 79.151 84.951 89.198 92.675 94.991 96.405 97.904 98.893 99.137 99.734 100.000 26,916,779 67.641 77.439 84.385 89.234 92.694 95.139 96.538 97.189 97.993 98.763 99.283 99.974 100.000 15,149,657 78.531 83.982 87.674 90.478 92.891 94.906 96.192 96.861 97.611 98.272 98.693 99.590 100.000 297,180,698 85.488 90.548 93.577 95.475 96.595 97.287 97.693 97.953 98.459 99.002 99.454 99.945 100.000 113,974,184 Appendix E. Tahoe stormwater particle size distribution data (continued). 135 Site Coon Street Coon Street Coon Street Coon Street Coon Street Coon Street Coon Street Coon Street Coon Street Coon Street Coon Street Coon Street Coon Street Coon Street Coon Street Coon Street Mountain Drive Mountain Drive Mountain Drive Mountain Drive Mountain Drive Mountain Drive Mountain Drive Mountain Drive Northwood Blvd Northwood Blvd Northwood Blvd Northwood Blvd Northwood Blvd Northwood Blvd Northwood Blvd Northwood Blvd Northwood Blvd Northwood Blvd Northwood Blvd Northwood Blvd Northwood Blvd Northwood Blvd Northwood Blvd Northwood Blvd Northwood Blvd Northwood Blvd Northwood Blvd Northwood Blvd Northwood Blvd Northwood Blvd Northwood Blvd Northwood Blvd Northwood Blvd Osgood Ave Osgood Ave Osgood Ave Osgood Ave Osgood Ave Osgood Ave Osgood Ave Osgood Ave Osgood Ave Osgood Ave Osgood Ave Sample Type CI-AS CI-ASC CI-ASC CI-ASC CI-ASC CI-ASC CI-ASC CI-ASC CI-ASC CI-AS CI-MS CI-AS CI-AS CI-MS CI-AS CI-AS MD-ASC MD-AS MD-ASC MD-ASC MD-ASC MD-ASC MD-ASC MD-ASC NW-ASC NW-ASC NW-ASC NW-MS NW-MSR NW-ASC NW-ASC NW-ASC NW-ASC NW-ASC NW-GS NW-ASC NW-MS NW-MSR NW-ASC NW-ASC NW-MS NW-MSR NW-ASC NW-ASC NW-MS NW-MSR NW-ASC NW-ASC NW-ASC O3-AS O3-AS O3-AS O3-AS O3-ASC O3-AS O3-AS O3-AS O3-ASC O3-AS O3-AS Sample DateTime 12/6/03 9:14 12/6/03 16:36 12/6/03 19:22 2/16/04 14:56 2/18/04 5:34 2/25/04 10:05 3/9/04 11:32 5/10/04 10:10 6/9/04 7:11 9/20/04 10:56 9/20/04 11:04 9/20/04 11:10 9/20/04 11:14 9/20/04 11:30 9/20/04 11:44 9/20/04 12:17 3/15/03 2:41 7/31/03 23:05 8/21/03 11:33 12/6/03 3:28 12/6/03 6:17 12/6/03 16:24 12/24/03 12:56 2/16/04 12:34 10/29/07 15:23 11/10/07 22:46 1/4/08 7:26 1/4/08 7:51 1/4/08 7:52 1/4/08 13:32 1/4/08 17:36 3/13/08 2:00 5/24/08 4:06 5/26/08 13:39 5/26/08 15:10 10/3/08 22:12 10/3/08 22:20 10/3/08 22:21 10/31/08 15:18 11/1/08 11:47 11/1/08 12:05 11/1/08 12:07 1/21/09 20:37 1/22/09 3:02 1/22/09 4:18 1/22/09 4:19 1/22/09 8:54 1/22/09 17:05 1/23/09 14:15 3/23/03 4:10 4/16/03 10:40 4/17/03 14:25 4/20/03 14:46 4/21/03 9:09 4/24/03 14:19 4/26/03 0:06 4/27/03 16:58 4/28/03 4:39 5/9/03 21:24 6/23/03 17:10 Turbidity (NTU) 245.0 182.0 224.0 357.0 84.3 148.0 24.4 172.0 134.0 617.0 725.0 638.0 551.0 246.0 209.0 263.0 15.0 388.0 314.0 20.1 6.9 7.7 7.1 17.6 137.0 32.6 297.0 423.0 930.0 164.0 138.0 61.8 103.0 123.0 201.0 106.0 314.0 386.0 91.7 59.1 147.0 137.0 295.0 491.0 1,189.0 1,167.0 212.0 86.7 134.0 68.1 46.8 66.8 30.5 196.0 50.2 39.1 31.9 68.0 56.0 152.0 TSS (mg/L) 262.4 198.0 266.0 382.5 76.4 155.2 22.8 232.0 280.5 552.5 891.0 793.0 738.0 295.0 242.0 193.0 159.6 756.8 792.0 35.6 8.4 5.6 8.4 16.0 202.0 24.5 188.0 243.0 266.5 115.5 107.0 57.6 90.0 128.0 252.5 78.4 100.8 99.5 83.5 81.0 191.5 160.5 139.5 443.5 1,014.5 1,074.5 205.0 49.5 114.0 92.0 28.0 96.4 96.8 214.8 112.8 77.6 24.4 54.0 72.0 192.0 Sonicate <0.49 µm <0.69 µm <1.0 µm <1.4 µm <2.0 µm <2.8 µm <3.9 µm <5.5 µm <7.8 µm <11 µm <16 µm <22 µm (Y/N) (volume %) (volume %) (volume %) (volume %) (volume %) (volume %) (volume %) (volume %) (volume %) (volume %) (volume %) (volume %) N 1.952 2.970 4.314 6.049 8.236 10.962 14.414 19.024 25.485 34.559 46.626 60.326 N 1.860 2.595 3.481 4.537 5.802 7.389 9.560 12.841 18.040 26.215 38.696 55.732 N 1.781 2.514 3.414 4.499 5.798 7.393 9.497 12.550 17.242 24.479 35.439 50.620 N 3.129 4.259 5.612 7.237 9.209 11.683 14.988 19.771 26.921 37.288 51.144 66.600 N 2.352 3.451 4.789 6.394 8.388 11.066 14.965 20.884 29.657 41.779 56.761 71.854 N 2.372 3.252 4.297 5.528 6.997 8.843 11.393 15.279 21.418 30.865 44.563 61.665 N 1.303 2.105 3.019 4.066 5.461 7.427 10.246 14.566 21.289 31.369 44.913 60.060 N 0.548 1.303 2.580 4.464 6.912 9.855 13.403 17.961 24.083 32.154 42.125 52.697 N 0.156 0.755 1.817 3.321 5.201 7.409 10.037 13.397 17.938 24.083 32.259 42.488 N 0.707 2.661 6.883 14.149 24.496 37.127 51.044 65.306 78.674 89.397 96.190 98.955 N 0.504 1.450 3.240 6.100 10.041 14.911 20.646 27.329 34.923 43.005 51.074 58.948 N 0.340 0.903 2.023 4.028 7.145 11.187 15.745 20.816 26.690 33.026 39.562 46.241 N 0.284 0.953 2.328 4.638 7.899 11.925 16.613 22.115 28.455 35.248 42.429 49.858 N 0.523 1.580 3.771 7.683 13.707 21.586 30.486 39.431 47.809 55.275 61.835 68.408 N 0.634 1.681 2.764 4.041 7.163 12.984 18.706 23.110 29.194 32.397 36.242 40.697 N 0.741 1.904 3.507 6.225 11.616 19.779 28.077 35.101 42.143 46.764 51.758 56.332 N 2.361 3.281 4.440 5.928 7.865 10.407 13.789 18.393 24.683 33.028 43.404 54.816 N 1.508 2.040 2.681 3.463 4.442 5.713 7.455 9.963 13.605 18.736 25.596 33.965 N 1.151 1.536 1.980 2.494 3.091 3.805 4.716 5.997 7.928 10.908 15.525 22.356 N 0.752 1.080 1.512 2.108 2.976 4.241 6.029 8.458 11.673 15.941 21.894 30.681 N 0.473 1.111 1.803 2.483 3.458 4.908 6.932 9.871 13.660 18.136 23.713 31.829 N 0.469 1.109 1.718 2.226 3.088 4.501 6.338 8.830 12.056 16.187 21.511 29.313 N 0.661 1.358 2.223 3.346 4.491 5.204 7.085 11.050 14.263 19.785 26.421 36.490 N 1.475 2.285 3.331 4.649 6.293 8.326 10.869 14.253 19.101 26.301 36.919 51.069 N 1.234 2.232 3.840 6.294 9.654 13.682 18.192 23.487 29.921 37.361 46.195 56.364 N 3.201 4.326 5.953 8.415 11.772 15.703 20.044 25.133 31.079 37.439 44.804 53.158 Y 5.431 8.554 12.864 18.735 26.162 34.593 43.459 52.709 62.422 72.029 80.612 87.173 Y 4.841 7.894 12.056 17.590 24.447 32.235 40.722 50.112 60.342 70.567 80.157 88.591 Y 5.281 8.437 12.718 18.494 25.755 33.988 42.790 52.253 62.188 71.603 80.151 88.191 Y 5.609 8.962 13.525 19.552 26.868 34.908 43.406 52.706 62.898 73.310 83.110 89.896 Y 3.879 6.038 9.026 13.066 18.111 23.811 29.949 36.763 44.461 52.842 61.971 71.106 Y 6.057 8.441 11.700 16.294 22.295 29.201 36.551 44.281 52.174 59.716 66.825 71.908 Y 3.018 4.832 7.371 10.790 15.068 20.004 25.485 31.680 38.859 47.170 56.778 66.854 Y 3.032 4.844 7.500 11.275 16.207 22.024 28.502 35.739 43.901 52.953 62.876 72.482 Y 2.003 3.328 5.334 8.229 12.023 16.508 21.595 27.581 34.848 43.450 53.265 63.358 Y 2.286 3.585 5.456 8.093 11.510 15.479 19.800 24.580 30.100 36.597 44.663 53.941 Y 4.145 6.382 9.251 13.074 17.987 23.739 30.083 37.160 45.172 54.111 64.485 73.823 Y 5.172 7.729 10.981 15.351 20.916 27.251 34.135 41.697 49.423 56.532 64.619 73.390 Y 5.033 7.187 9.807 13.190 17.563 22.849 28.834 35.379 42.281 49.393 57.969 68.432 Y 1.803 2.731 3.994 5.740 8.108 11.175 14.957 19.340 24.120 29.423 36.370 45.837 Y 2.130 3.319 4.918 7.062 9.799 13.042 16.709 20.819 25.428 30.736 37.705 47.253 Y 2.672 4.175 6.205 8.962 12.576 17.011 22.182 28.001 34.298 41.083 49.281 59.011 Y 7.516 12.207 18.548 27.121 37.640 48.589 58.497 67.140 74.882 81.859 88.192 91.850 Y 2.447 4.333 7.207 11.299 16.557 22.650 29.401 37.048 45.832 55.524 65.699 75.533 Y 2.185 3.834 6.277 9.655 13.902 18.825 24.490 31.413 40.038 50.147 61.020 71.534 Y 2.017 3.503 5.689 8.687 12.416 16.700 21.655 27.831 35.621 44.725 54.640 65.045 Y 3.778 6.319 10.125 15.564 22.542 30.373 38.403 46.496 54.631 62.518 70.406 78.554 Y 8.188 12.361 17.819 25.209 34.459 44.384 53.933 63.143 71.976 79.888 87.075 91.148 Y 4.401 7.041 10.940 16.535 23.823 32.165 40.865 49.721 58.771 67.850 76.855 84.644 N 2.083 2.970 4.042 5.333 6.957 9.173 12.460 17.560 25.266 36.032 49.281 62.281 N 0.272 1.245 2.743 4.578 6.813 9.915 14.660 21.930 32.361 46.030 61.881 76.794 N 0.265 1.216 2.677 4.424 6.394 8.863 12.434 18.003 26.537 38.763 54.585 71.351 N 0.144 0.666 1.482 2.489 3.668 5.159 7.247 10.358 15.042 21.958 31.834 44.578 N 0.184 0.843 1.848 3.017 4.244 5.622 7.436 10.165 14.422 20.870 30.116 41.890 N 0.181 0.815 1.655 2.477 3.334 4.530 6.424 9.409 14.015 21.088 31.438 44.873 N 0.238 1.061 2.187 3.373 4.661 6.262 8.400 11.574 16.643 24.675 36.700 52.269 N 0.334 1.401 2.516 3.336 4.352 6.012 8.155 11.102 16.215 24.961 36.873 51.319 N 0.303 1.384 3.039 5.024 7.343 10.435 15.103 22.315 32.781 46.555 62.325 76.593 N 0.133 0.625 1.425 2.428 3.535 4.738 6.171 8.168 11.251 16.078 23.453 33.784 N 0.100 0.474 1.091 1.906 2.899 4.134 5.791 8.170 11.637 16.545 23.065 30.605 Appendix E. Tahoe stormwater particle size distribution data (continued). 136 Site Coon Street Coon Street Coon Street Coon Street Coon Street Coon Street Coon Street Coon Street Coon Street Coon Street Coon Street Coon Street Coon Street Coon Street Coon Street Coon Street Mountain Drive Mountain Drive Mountain Drive Mountain Drive Mountain Drive Mountain Drive Mountain Drive Mountain Drive Northwood Blvd Northwood Blvd Northwood Blvd Northwood Blvd Northwood Blvd Northwood Blvd Northwood Blvd Northwood Blvd Northwood Blvd Northwood Blvd Northwood Blvd Northwood Blvd Northwood Blvd Northwood Blvd Northwood Blvd Northwood Blvd Northwood Blvd Northwood Blvd Northwood Blvd Northwood Blvd Northwood Blvd Northwood Blvd Northwood Blvd Northwood Blvd Northwood Blvd Osgood Ave Osgood Ave Osgood Ave Osgood Ave Osgood Ave Osgood Ave Osgood Ave Osgood Ave Osgood Ave Osgood Ave Osgood Ave Sample Type CI-AS CI-ASC CI-ASC CI-ASC CI-ASC CI-ASC CI-ASC CI-ASC CI-ASC CI-AS CI-MS CI-AS CI-AS CI-MS CI-AS CI-AS MD-ASC MD-AS MD-ASC MD-ASC MD-ASC MD-ASC MD-ASC MD-ASC NW-ASC NW-ASC NW-ASC NW-MS NW-MSR NW-ASC NW-ASC NW-ASC NW-ASC NW-ASC NW-GS NW-ASC NW-MS NW-MSR NW-ASC NW-ASC NW-MS NW-MSR NW-ASC NW-ASC NW-MS NW-MSR NW-ASC NW-ASC NW-ASC O3-AS O3-AS O3-AS O3-AS O3-ASC O3-AS O3-AS O3-AS O3-ASC O3-AS O3-AS Sample DateTime 12/6/03 9:14 12/6/03 16:36 12/6/03 19:22 2/16/04 14:56 2/18/04 5:34 2/25/04 10:05 3/9/04 11:32 5/10/04 10:10 6/9/04 7:11 9/20/04 10:56 9/20/04 11:04 9/20/04 11:10 9/20/04 11:14 9/20/04 11:30 9/20/04 11:44 9/20/04 12:17 3/15/03 2:41 7/31/03 23:05 8/21/03 11:33 12/6/03 3:28 12/6/03 6:17 12/6/03 16:24 12/24/03 12:56 2/16/04 12:34 10/29/07 15:23 11/10/07 22:46 1/4/08 7:26 1/4/08 7:51 1/4/08 7:52 1/4/08 13:32 1/4/08 17:36 3/13/08 2:00 5/24/08 4:06 5/26/08 13:39 5/26/08 15:10 10/3/08 22:12 10/3/08 22:20 10/3/08 22:21 10/31/08 15:18 11/1/08 11:47 11/1/08 12:05 11/1/08 12:07 1/21/09 20:37 1/22/09 3:02 1/22/09 4:18 1/22/09 4:19 1/22/09 8:54 1/22/09 17:05 1/23/09 14:15 3/23/03 4:10 4/16/03 10:40 4/17/03 14:25 4/20/03 14:46 4/21/03 9:09 4/24/03 14:19 4/26/03 0:06 4/27/03 16:58 4/28/03 4:39 5/9/03 21:24 6/23/03 17:10 0.5-16 µm <44 µm <63 µm <88 µm <125 µm <177 µm <250 µm <354 µm <500 µm <707 µm <1000 µm <1414 µm <2000 µm Particle Conc. <31 µm (volume %) (volume %) (volume %) (volume %) (volume %) (volume %) (volume %) (volume %) (volume %) (volume %) (volume %) (volume %) (volume %) (No./mL) 72.855 82.118 87.725 91.433 94.061 95.827 96.913 97.641 98.621 99.375 99.595 99.981 100.000 18,213,624 73.765 86.772 93.260 96.496 98.346 99.349 99.716 99.766 99.894 99.997 100.000 100.000 100.000 9,378,263 67.579 81.016 88.365 92.210 94.624 96.238 97.171 97.822 98.679 99.584 99.991 100.000 100.000 12,668,636 80.070 89.276 94.254 97.010 98.738 99.644 99.976 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 27,799,122 83.654 91.380 95.626 97.750 98.972 99.578 99.815 99.965 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 5,476,191 78.096 89.450 95.042 97.701 99.213 99.896 99.999 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 8,724,931 73.572 83.817 90.200 94.499 97.662 99.298 99.965 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 1,159,233 62.024 70.045 75.720 79.835 83.704 86.886 88.570 91.185 96.041 99.542 100.000 100.000 100.000 13,941,893 53.691 65.101 76.053 83.894 88.352 93.122 95.675 96.530 98.567 99.984 100.000 100.000 100.000 13,499,052 99.264 99.286 99.684 99.999 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 104,313,904 65.848 71.822 78.162 84.953 88.469 92.010 93.045 96.066 99.262 99.995 100.000 100.000 100.000 73,472,462 52.141 57.595 63.761 69.807 73.602 80.060 83.375 86.231 88.393 90.718 93.224 96.192 100.000 42,398,443 55.735 61.178 68.092 74.614 79.348 84.245 89.296 92.152 95.699 99.352 100.000 100.000 100.000 46,045,192 71.324 75.820 80.808 84.600 86.655 87.409 88.533 90.437 94.663 99.253 100.000 100.000 100.000 30,255,030 44.679 49.145 54.669 59.289 64.556 73.640 78.724 83.017 89.250 96.517 100.000 100.000 100.000 16,612,179 61.514 68.126 76.181 83.484 88.498 91.235 92.730 94.077 97.228 99.864 100.000 100.000 100.000 17,775,345 65.990 75.985 83.484 88.831 92.833 95.554 97.019 97.897 98.922 99.664 99.991 100.000 100.000 9,848,300 43.336 53.329 63.010 72.667 82.745 89.518 92.991 95.524 98.033 99.465 99.612 99.883 100.000 26,165,566 31.462 42.149 52.950 63.481 73.821 81.920 86.693 89.768 92.854 95.221 96.683 98.534 100.000 19,057,571 43.250 58.519 72.337 82.293 89.205 93.496 95.518 96.797 98.487 99.820 99.998 100.000 100.000 828,545 42.288 55.510 69.358 79.937 89.765 95.059 99.313 99.996 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 326,099 39.696 53.064 66.728 76.843 87.990 95.503 99.513 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 205,857 48.837 62.950 76.743 86.527 91.493 93.819 98.538 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 379,638 66.662 80.434 89.052 93.694 97.168 99.329 99.977 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 869,442 64.947 72.813 79.953 86.021 90.750 95.033 98.155 99.836 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 15,822,721 59.487 65.892 72.026 76.690 80.892 85.622 90.530 94.732 97.872 99.976 100.000 100.000 100.000 2,036,963 89.653 93.285 97.077 99.610 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 40,974,785 91.160 94.884 97.622 98.650 99.568 99.991 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 51,158,451 91.022 95.229 98.333 99.462 99.996 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 58,087,984 92.808 96.833 98.402 99.817 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 26,562,717 76.565 83.367 88.217 92.477 95.888 99.320 99.999 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 16,107,311 72.851 75.628 77.187 78.913 80.991 89.042 99.057 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 9,647,480 73.613 78.456 83.798 88.172 94.320 98.577 99.953 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 11,456,278 79.222 83.800 88.556 92.589 95.887 99.431 99.999 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 16,924,985 71.148 77.048 83.152 87.871 92.934 97.098 99.770 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 24,933,526 61.366 69.919 77.974 84.946 89.938 93.132 96.408 97.137 98.659 99.989 100.000 100.000 100.000 7,341,232 79.800 85.193 90.179 95.090 96.610 99.639 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 15,197,084 76.766 80.683 88.150 91.769 95.931 98.264 99.956 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 17,069,751 75.446 82.148 89.378 94.254 96.447 98.544 99.969 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 11,784,114 54.583 63.544 73.055 79.761 85.799 89.609 92.948 94.467 97.629 99.976 100.000 100.000 100.000 5,309,785 56.822 66.320 75.813 81.949 87.474 91.812 94.300 96.352 98.550 99.984 100.000 100.000 100.000 15,708,493 65.985 73.481 80.692 86.908 92.223 95.526 99.043 99.863 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 16,794,426 94.610 97.171 99.281 99.997 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 44,797,725 83.073 87.833 91.945 95.185 97.655 99.642 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 62,122,491 79.864 85.811 89.563 93.097 95.958 98.711 99.969 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 121,583,764 73.940 81.384 86.493 90.142 93.546 96.582 98.614 99.545 99.995 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 115,301,332 83.159 86.912 91.400 94.233 96.832 99.689 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 38,246,769 93.974 96.231 98.681 99.353 99.915 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 13,983,298 88.272 91.842 94.944 96.957 98.762 99.981 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 22,021,122 72.332 79.726 85.319 89.398 92.300 94.173 95.332 96.390 98.050 99.633 99.999 100.000 100.000 5,324,583 87.512 93.663 96.545 98.061 99.040 99.566 99.947 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 1,992,024 84.570 92.283 95.754 97.525 98.805 99.447 99.788 99.990 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 6,575,692 58.214 70.169 79.491 86.848 92.015 94.820 96.434 97.292 98.450 99.775 99.999 100.000 100.000 3,688,088 54.638 66.584 76.350 83.942 89.664 93.575 95.841 97.212 98.620 99.592 99.764 99.988 100.000 9,942,777 59.632 73.081 83.058 89.980 94.819 97.113 98.660 99.271 99.536 99.770 99.951 100.000 100.000 4,620,540 68.335 80.953 88.613 93.475 97.214 99.188 99.803 99.961 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 4,218,910 64.878 76.263 83.828 89.634 94.871 98.456 99.979 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 1,490,540 86.506 92.613 95.989 98.102 99.310 99.801 99.995 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 4,210,568 46.372 59.438 70.906 80.276 87.537 92.530 95.432 97.237 99.159 99.985 100.000 100.000 100.000 2,608,489 38.136 45.370 52.777 59.856 65.959 70.495 73.309 76.023 79.874 84.356 89.475 96.040 100.000 5,476,879 Appendix E. Tahoe stormwater particle size distribution data (continued). 137 Site Osgood Ave Osgood Ave Osgood Ave Osgood Ave Osgood Ave Osgood Ave Osgood Ave Osgood Ave Osgood Ave Osgood Ave Osgood Ave Osgood Ave Osgood Ave Osgood Ave Osgood Ave Osgood Ave Osgood Ave Osgood Ave Osgood Ave Osgood Ave Osgood Ave Osgood Ave Osgood Ave Osgood Ave Osgood Ave Osgood Ave Osgood Ave Osgood Ave Osgood Ave Osgood Ave Osgood Ave Osgood Ave Osgood Ave Osgood Ave Osgood Ave Osgood Ave Osgood Ave Osgood Ave Reagan Beach Reagan Beach Reagan Beach Reagan Beach Reagan Beach Reagan Beach Round Hill CI Round Hill CI Round Hill CI Round Hill CI Round Hill CI Round Hill CI Round Hill CI Round Hill CI Round Hill CI Round Hill CI Round Hill CI Round Hill CI Round Hill CI Round Hill CI Round Hill CI Round Hill CI Sample Type O3-ASC O3-AS O3-AS O3-AS O3-ASC O3-ASC O3-ASC O3-ASC O3-ASC O3-ASC O3-ASC O3-AS O3-AS O3-ASC O3-ASC O3-ASC O3-ASC O3-ASC O3-AS O3-AS O3-AS O3-ASC O3-ASC O3-ASC O3-ASC O3-ASC O3-ASC O3-ASC O3-ASC O3-ASC O3-ASC O3-ASC O3-ASC O3-ASC O3-ASC O3-ASC O3-ASC O3-ASC RB-ASC RB-ASC RB-ASC RB-ASC RB-ASC RB-ASC 42-AS 42-AS 42-AS 42-AS 42-AS 42-AS 42-AS 42-AS 42-AS 42-ASC 42-ASC 42-ASC 42-ASC 42-ASC 42-ASC 42-AS Sample DateTime 7/23/03 15:25 8/21/03 11:29 8/21/03 15:34 8/21/03 18:51 12/5/03 7:47 12/5/03 8:37 12/5/03 12:10 12/7/03 0:10 12/16/03 14:12 12/17/03 13:13 12/18/03 13:42 1/7/04 21:54 1/7/04 22:55 1/8/04 10:39 1/9/04 10:17 1/10/04 13:02 1/11/04 12:35 1/12/04 12:07 1/27/04 12:43 1/27/04 16:37 1/27/04 17:12 2/8/04 13:40 2/14/04 13:05 2/16/04 9:38 2/16/04 12:17 2/16/04 15:35 2/17/04 12:19 2/18/04 0:00 2/18/04 15:06 2/19/04 12:23 2/20/04 12:38 2/21/04 16:37 2/25/04 10:49 2/25/04 13:48 2/25/04 16:13 2/26/04 0:24 3/10/04 9:22 3/11/04 10:36 2/8/07 19:49 2/9/07 2:01 2/10/07 9:38 2/11/07 12:35 5/25/08 15:48 11/1/08 7:12 4/12/03 16:16 4/14/03 14:00 4/14/03 15:02 4/15/03 12:16 4/15/03 13:10 4/17/03 14:56 5/9/03 17:50 5/9/03 20:46 5/9/03 21:48 6/23/03 12:20 8/21/03 5:40 8/21/03 10:46 8/26/03 3:40 8/26/03 6:50 8/26/03 8:20 11/9/03 14:52 Turbidity (NTU) 849.0 506.0 560.0 811.0 220.0 217.0 47.4 154.0 66.3 35.8 33.2 186.0 127.0 92.2 40.5 31.7 42.3 25.6 265.0 278.0 352.0 201.0 41.2 111.0 264.0 59.4 45.7 67.8 222.0 117.0 42.2 87.4 59.6 98.6 74.0 42.9 59.1 29.8 302.0 158.0 279.0 270.0 215.0 112.0 41.0 24.0 21.0 14.0 33.0 94.0 53.0 19.0 20.0 272.0 30.5 16.1 9.8 16.5 17.3 31.0 TSS (mg/L) 1,422.4 901.5 1,125.5 2,060.0 250.4 157.6 83.0 153.6 54.0 25.6 20.0 61.2 49.2 42.4 29.2 29.2 31.2 25.2 227.6 168.0 214.0 54.0 105.6 86.8 504.4 49.2 35.6 48.8 163.6 106.8 26.0 57.6 33.6 102.8 44.8 24.4 96.0 48.0 202.5 100.5 326.5 29.5 170.0 202.0 136.5 50.4 38.0 37.2 55.0 133.5 158.5 77.6 49.2 415.5 65.0 20.5 26.0 40.4 17.2 23.6 Sonicate <0.49 µm <0.69 µm <1.0 µm <1.4 µm <2.0 µm <2.8 µm <3.9 µm <5.5 µm <7.8 µm <11 µm <16 µm <22 µm (Y/N) (volume %) (volume %) (volume %) (volume %) (volume %) (volume %) (volume %) (volume %) (volume %) (volume %) (volume %) (volume %) N 2.174 2.885 3.720 4.730 5.992 7.615 9.771 12.780 17.109 23.310 31.874 42.467 N 1.858 2.471 3.188 4.043 5.083 6.380 8.069 10.444 13.990 19.339 27.171 37.401 N 2.068 2.693 3.411 4.271 5.358 6.767 8.627 11.154 14.680 19.640 26.537 35.463 N 2.670 3.447 4.330 5.395 6.761 8.553 10.924 14.132 18.561 24.677 32.836 42.586 N 1.941 2.987 4.328 6.008 8.113 10.821 14.456 19.566 26.869 37.056 50.307 64.626 N 2.098 3.034 4.207 5.666 7.493 9.834 12.956 17.355 23.789 33.228 46.692 63.575 N 1.459 2.534 3.906 5.558 7.558 10.109 13.524 18.227 24.722 33.535 45.091 58.989 N 1.965 2.947 4.233 5.912 8.119 11.002 14.739 19.609 26.030 34.509 45.429 58.148 N 2.223 3.653 5.440 7.592 10.250 13.731 18.468 24.908 33.294 43.492 54.731 65.573 N 1.690 3.085 4.834 6.852 9.206 12.220 16.432 22.505 30.947 41.803 54.183 65.994 N 1.604 3.068 4.935 7.102 9.630 12.827 17.183 23.318 31.772 42.735 55.455 68.051 N 3.385 6.253 9.789 13.713 18.027 23.221 30.098 39.478 51.475 64.972 77.212 85.566 N 3.814 7.118 11.210 15.807 20.940 27.003 34.380 43.248 53.376 64.121 74.184 81.984 N 2.753 5.019 8.062 12.120 17.768 25.573 35.567 47.004 58.745 69.784 79.095 85.713 N 1.978 3.626 5.819 8.711 12.708 18.210 25.257 33.478 42.432 51.923 61.569 70.314 N 2.210 3.947 6.311 9.536 14.096 20.408 28.496 37.910 48.006 58.238 67.800 75.443 N 2.046 3.377 5.135 7.428 10.461 14.471 19.665 26.238 34.330 43.891 54.299 64.132 N 1.632 2.665 3.997 5.661 7.741 10.382 13.814 18.437 24.802 33.461 44.591 57.017 N 2.717 4.138 5.878 7.959 10.496 13.716 17.968 23.753 31.589 41.775 53.922 66.319 N 2.303 3.456 4.845 6.470 8.413 10.893 14.296 19.203 26.240 35.845 47.913 61.118 N 4.590 7.528 11.105 15.382 20.693 27.427 35.797 45.831 57.063 68.461 78.416 86.039 N 2.657 4.743 7.521 11.087 15.704 21.720 29.401 38.836 49.813 61.762 73.447 83.236 N 1.891 2.692 3.692 4.923 6.426 8.281 10.677 14.029 19.017 26.502 37.385 51.359 N 2.255 3.783 5.733 8.171 11.329 15.576 21.292 28.771 38.080 48.963 60.487 70.870 N 2.856 3.959 5.354 7.182 9.639 12.914 17.179 22.638 29.478 37.744 47.008 56.052 N 1.545 2.440 3.579 4.981 6.721 8.956 11.963 16.196 22.268 30.865 42.587 56.918 N 1.344 2.294 3.542 5.122 7.132 9.752 13.239 17.977 24.461 33.210 44.606 58.172 N 1.672 2.676 3.969 5.582 7.592 10.151 13.518 18.103 24.454 33.158 44.694 58.619 N 3.607 5.848 8.737 12.395 17.045 22.883 29.983 38.380 48.066 58.889 70.186 80.721 N 2.105 3.415 5.042 6.966 9.255 12.132 16.010 21.526 29.383 40.058 53.294 67.100 N 0.745 1.514 2.291 2.993 3.867 5.086 6.604 8.817 12.844 20.396 33.079 50.297 N 1.580 2.439 3.489 4.710 6.127 7.900 10.401 14.309 20.536 30.009 43.311 59.143 N 1.618 2.349 3.230 4.262 5.481 7.009 9.099 12.194 16.892 23.837 33.604 45.979 N 2.095 3.117 4.408 6.044 8.176 11.018 14.851 20.043 26.986 35.939 46.676 57.838 N 1.928 2.948 4.257 5.913 8.025 10.767 14.402 19.343 26.159 35.478 47.695 61.720 N 1.325 2.193 3.249 4.448 5.801 7.444 9.674 13.021 18.208 26.004 36.968 50.358 N 1.923 2.588 3.351 4.223 5.250 6.570 8.486 11.556 16.558 24.388 35.937 50.866 N 1.256 2.015 2.858 3.748 4.796 6.159 8.054 11.033 16.090 24.658 38.254 56.479 N 2.800 4.428 6.472 8.891 11.608 14.661 18.368 23.384 30.407 39.911 52.096 65.631 N 2.146 3.304 4.730 6.376 8.173 10.129 12.417 15.405 19.526 25.223 33.114 43.448 N 1.777 2.740 3.971 5.444 7.075 8.814 10.781 13.364 17.133 22.735 31.020 42.371 N 5.297 8.445 12.565 17.704 23.585 29.727 35.920 42.467 49.634 57.349 66.168 75.929 Y 2.266 3.688 5.590 7.990 10.804 13.928 17.430 21.675 27.190 34.453 43.818 54.398 Y 2.684 3.937 5.593 7.983 11.555 16.586 22.956 30.071 37.297 44.641 53.213 63.676 N 0.081 0.378 0.864 1.496 2.259 3.202 4.432 6.090 8.318 11.300 15.310 20.669 N 0.288 1.207 2.170 2.889 3.773 5.183 7.111 9.898 14.138 20.970 31.656 46.363 N 0.403 1.640 2.800 3.528 4.597 6.588 9.301 12.986 18.426 26.773 37.991 51.876 N 0.907 1.451 2.116 2.915 3.931 5.275 7.050 9.389 12.589 17.295 24.518 34.734 N 0.202 0.933 2.077 3.484 5.100 7.072 9.740 13.682 19.681 28.636 41.348 57.082 N 0.177 0.821 1.850 3.177 4.848 7.127 10.466 15.407 22.382 31.499 42.131 52.278 N 0.119 0.566 1.336 2.403 3.756 5.442 7.638 10.744 15.359 22.139 31.585 43.036 N 0.273 1.147 2.123 3.016 4.291 6.308 9.020 12.861 18.618 26.981 37.745 50.147 N 0.150 0.682 1.479 2.411 3.453 4.728 6.420 8.782 12.210 17.371 25.314 36.808 N 0.107 0.502 1.147 1.998 3.070 4.490 6.498 9.418 13.583 19.270 26.531 34.689 N 0.467 0.688 0.932 1.207 1.589 2.253 3.472 5.603 9.018 14.075 21.113 30.207 N 0.265 0.425 0.627 0.870 1.167 1.554 2.106 2.977 4.430 6.875 11.035 18.008 N 0.427 0.693 1.011 1.385 1.877 2.635 3.916 6.093 9.588 14.778 21.873 30.482 N 0.359 0.602 0.861 1.136 1.520 2.110 2.980 4.282 6.250 9.177 13.318 18.831 N 0.244 0.575 0.869 1.070 1.385 1.955 2.776 4.052 6.049 9.129 13.455 19.211 N 0.227 0.356 0.504 0.674 0.904 1.279 1.940 3.069 4.837 7.366 10.746 15.220 Appendix E. Tahoe stormwater particle size distribution data (continued). 138 Site Osgood Ave Osgood Ave Osgood Ave Osgood Ave Osgood Ave Osgood Ave Osgood Ave Osgood Ave Osgood Ave Osgood Ave Osgood Ave Osgood Ave Osgood Ave Osgood Ave Osgood Ave Osgood Ave Osgood Ave Osgood Ave Osgood Ave Osgood Ave Osgood Ave Osgood Ave Osgood Ave Osgood Ave Osgood Ave Osgood Ave Osgood Ave Osgood Ave Osgood Ave Osgood Ave Osgood Ave Osgood Ave Osgood Ave Osgood Ave Osgood Ave Osgood Ave Osgood Ave Osgood Ave Reagan Beach Reagan Beach Reagan Beach Reagan Beach Reagan Beach Reagan Beach Round Hill CI Round Hill CI Round Hill CI Round Hill CI Round Hill CI Round Hill CI Round Hill CI Round Hill CI Round Hill CI Round Hill CI Round Hill CI Round Hill CI Round Hill CI Round Hill CI Round Hill CI Round Hill CI Sample Type O3-ASC O3-AS O3-AS O3-AS O3-ASC O3-ASC O3-ASC O3-ASC O3-ASC O3-ASC O3-ASC O3-AS O3-AS O3-ASC O3-ASC O3-ASC O3-ASC O3-ASC O3-AS O3-AS O3-AS O3-ASC O3-ASC O3-ASC O3-ASC O3-ASC O3-ASC O3-ASC O3-ASC O3-ASC O3-ASC O3-ASC O3-ASC O3-ASC O3-ASC O3-ASC O3-ASC O3-ASC RB-ASC RB-ASC RB-ASC RB-ASC RB-ASC RB-ASC 42-AS 42-AS 42-AS 42-AS 42-AS 42-AS 42-AS 42-AS 42-AS 42-ASC 42-ASC 42-ASC 42-ASC 42-ASC 42-ASC 42-AS Sample DateTime 7/23/03 15:25 8/21/03 11:29 8/21/03 15:34 8/21/03 18:51 12/5/03 7:47 12/5/03 8:37 12/5/03 12:10 12/7/03 0:10 12/16/03 14:12 12/17/03 13:13 12/18/03 13:42 1/7/04 21:54 1/7/04 22:55 1/8/04 10:39 1/9/04 10:17 1/10/04 13:02 1/11/04 12:35 1/12/04 12:07 1/27/04 12:43 1/27/04 16:37 1/27/04 17:12 2/8/04 13:40 2/14/04 13:05 2/16/04 9:38 2/16/04 12:17 2/16/04 15:35 2/17/04 12:19 2/18/04 0:00 2/18/04 15:06 2/19/04 12:23 2/20/04 12:38 2/21/04 16:37 2/25/04 10:49 2/25/04 13:48 2/25/04 16:13 2/26/04 0:24 3/10/04 9:22 3/11/04 10:36 2/8/07 19:49 2/9/07 2:01 2/10/07 9:38 2/11/07 12:35 5/25/08 15:48 11/1/08 7:12 4/12/03 16:16 4/14/03 14:00 4/14/03 15:02 4/15/03 12:16 4/15/03 13:10 4/17/03 14:56 5/9/03 17:50 5/9/03 20:46 5/9/03 21:48 6/23/03 12:20 8/21/03 5:40 8/21/03 10:46 8/26/03 3:40 8/26/03 6:50 8/26/03 8:20 11/9/03 14:52 0.5-16 µm <44 µm <63 µm <88 µm <125 µm <177 µm <250 µm <354 µm <500 µm <707 µm <1000 µm <1414 µm <2000 µm Particle Conc. <31 µm (volume %) (volume %) (volume %) (volume %) (volume %) (volume %) (volume %) (volume %) (volume %) (volume %) (volume %) (volume %) (volume %) (No./mL) 53.489 63.454 72.637 80.627 86.539 90.557 92.884 94.439 96.122 97.383 97.940 99.038 100.000 64,788,084 48.572 58.863 67.444 74.625 80.425 84.843 87.933 90.376 93.092 95.345 96.844 98.742 100.000 35,116,982 45.766 56.217 65.471 73.278 79.567 84.407 87.875 90.603 93.559 95.842 97.058 98.783 100.000 44,594,951 52.836 62.871 71.894 79.265 84.543 88.094 90.369 92.169 94.408 96.212 97.209 98.839 100.000 101,291,222 76.360 84.185 89.058 92.363 94.628 96.237 97.316 97.732 98.315 99.454 99.998 100.000 100.000 17,559,174 79.789 90.590 95.547 97.705 98.945 99.658 99.960 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 9,774,049 73.233 84.626 91.384 95.185 97.819 99.257 99.932 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 5,903,255 70.712 80.893 87.267 91.050 93.701 95.399 96.332 97.062 98.158 99.031 99.710 100.000 100.000 10,332,546 74.982 82.602 88.429 92.933 96.447 98.343 99.529 99.984 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 5,073,174 75.278 82.114 87.368 91.740 96.278 99.080 99.976 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 2,320,832 78.702 86.177 91.207 94.914 98.377 99.956 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 1,916,780 90.203 93.004 94.913 96.252 98.033 99.422 99.970 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 11,156,281 86.859 90.050 92.303 94.654 97.057 99.097 99.934 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 10,356,264 89.523 92.268 94.373 96.329 98.194 99.334 99.938 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 6,729,927 77.706 84.692 90.082 94.322 98.288 99.952 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 3,346,440 80.784 85.104 89.012 93.295 97.370 99.563 99.996 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 3,601,852 72.386 79.554 85.172 90.231 94.893 98.298 99.842 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 2,856,778 68.745 78.706 85.980 91.459 95.979 98.765 99.926 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 1,744,640 77.254 86.061 91.964 95.533 97.684 98.787 99.228 99.358 99.744 99.996 100.000 100.000 100.000 20,972,949 73.720 84.500 91.797 95.893 98.229 99.363 99.708 99.744 99.893 99.998 100.000 100.000 100.000 12,429,047 90.993 94.225 96.197 97.583 98.566 99.049 99.333 99.424 99.727 99.996 100.000 100.000 100.000 40,628,179 90.123 94.596 96.794 97.911 98.931 99.712 99.995 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 7,725,030 65.793 77.553 84.998 89.620 93.167 95.847 97.351 98.186 99.038 99.986 100.000 100.000 100.000 5,561,419 78.748 84.415 88.224 91.129 93.714 95.533 96.758 97.692 98.950 99.978 100.000 100.000 100.000 8,901,125 63.883 70.591 75.862 79.935 83.303 86.097 88.140 89.846 92.043 94.282 95.897 98.425 100.000 37,640,149 71.413 83.118 90.138 93.737 96.361 97.850 98.658 99.178 99.547 99.993 100.000 100.000 100.000 2,929,436 72.042 83.614 90.398 93.892 96.797 98.661 99.782 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 2,300,419 72.877 84.525 91.321 94.706 97.067 98.336 99.106 99.862 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 3,282,773 89.177 94.835 97.389 98.516 99.267 99.637 99.894 99.991 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 24,597,602 78.854 87.549 92.954 96.069 98.163 99.334 99.744 99.932 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 9,101,043 68.341 82.643 90.743 93.980 96.378 97.464 99.123 99.998 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 1,156,179 74.038 85.113 91.538 95.105 97.484 98.735 99.131 99.443 99.744 99.997 100.000 100.000 100.000 3,187,856 59.667 72.940 83.806 91.641 96.812 99.169 99.784 99.959 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 1,575,140 67.710 75.516 81.043 85.038 88.169 90.455 92.000 93.430 95.390 97.522 99.400 100.000 100.000 7,044,032 74.785 84.877 91.206 95.087 97.745 99.106 99.709 99.966 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 3,075,318 63.872 75.341 83.863 90.357 95.054 98.126 99.768 99.998 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 1,350,104 66.337 78.730 86.507 91.196 94.665 96.880 97.911 98.366 99.122 99.882 100.000 100.000 100.000 4,004,171 74.560 86.852 92.918 96.270 98.331 99.520 99.974 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 2,225,453 76.824 84.203 87.541 90.128 93.646 97.055 99.185 99.989 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 21,322,980 55.465 68.892 79.696 86.404 90.452 94.481 97.079 97.858 99.355 99.996 100.000 100.000 100.000 7,407,290 55.197 67.201 75.742 80.803 85.489 91.204 94.616 95.670 97.893 99.834 100.000 100.000 100.000 20,459,692 82.245 88.050 91.227 92.552 95.277 97.255 99.589 99.958 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 6,146,508 63.905 71.488 78.318 83.678 88.639 93.381 94.998 96.536 98.885 99.989 100.000 100.000 100.000 16,287,772 72.130 79.022 85.761 90.296 94.730 96.873 99.357 99.969 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 18,079,839 28.131 39.283 53.531 67.648 79.155 87.359 91.650 93.749 95.989 98.518 99.758 100.000 100.000 3,063,696 62.537 77.332 87.337 93.698 96.740 98.456 99.940 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 2,658,092 66.652 80.003 89.305 94.221 98.096 99.859 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 2,583,041 48.387 63.600 76.127 86.057 92.450 98.299 99.988 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 1,319,607 72.620 84.688 91.977 95.672 97.741 99.164 99.870 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 2,922,889 59.986 65.280 68.821 71.421 73.468 75.252 76.754 78.556 82.093 87.591 94.971 99.870 100.000 6,485,804 54.430 64.284 71.817 77.524 81.924 84.892 86.774 88.475 91.049 94.093 98.522 100.000 100.000 5,624,540 62.783 75.490 85.320 91.752 96.430 98.753 99.730 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 4,139,224 51.633 67.793 80.597 88.420 93.389 96.479 99.173 99.996 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 1,837,173 42.886 50.925 59.450 70.408 81.379 88.017 90.270 91.563 93.367 95.131 96.646 99.074 100.000 12,550,675 41.222 53.691 65.986 76.683 85.463 92.010 95.618 97.590 99.162 99.956 100.000 100.000 100.000 919,619 28.900 43.705 59.402 72.857 83.532 91.259 95.361 97.505 99.322 99.990 100.000 100.000 100.000 217,375 40.166 51.498 63.410 74.672 84.882 92.276 95.895 97.501 99.013 99.967 100.000 100.000 100.000 453,784 26.019 35.535 46.815 59.162 71.513 82.315 89.911 95.091 98.385 99.946 100.000 100.000 100.000 602,538 26.497 36.640 48.945 62.183 75.223 86.665 94.115 98.844 99.828 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 312,061 21.296 28.823 36.862 45.236 54.550 65.219 75.046 82.838 88.891 92.561 94.718 98.444 100.000 196,231 Appendix E. Tahoe stormwater particle size distribution data (continued). 139 Site Round Hill CI Round Hill CI Round Hill CI Round Hill CI Round Hill CI Round Hill CI Round Hill VI Round Hill VI Round Hill VI Round Hill VI Round Hill VI Round Hill VI Round Hill VI Round Hill VI Round Hill VI Round Hill VI Round Hill VI Round Hill VI Round Hill VI Round Hill VI Round Hill VI Round Hill VI Round Hill VI Round Hill VI Round Hill VI Round Hill VI Round Hill VI Round Hill VI Round Hill VI Round Hill VI Round Hill VI Sequoia Ave Sequoia Ave Sequoia Ave Sequoia Ave Sequoia Ave Sequoia Ave Sequoia Ave Sequoia Ave Sequoia Ave Sequoia Ave Sequoia Ave Sequoia Ave Sequoia Ave Sequoia Ave Sequoia Ave Sequoia Ave Sequoia Ave Sequoia Ave Sequoia Ave Sequoia Ave South Y South Y South Y South Y South Y South Y South Y South Y South Y Sample Type 42-AS 42-AS 42-AS 42-ASC 42-ASC 42-ASC 43-AS 43-AS 43-AS 43-AS 43-AS 43-AS 43-AS 43-AS 43-AS 43-AS 43-AS 43-AS 43-AS 43-AS 43-AS 43-ASC 43-ASC 43-AS 43-AS 43-AS 43-ASC 43-ASC 43-ASC 43-ASC 43-ASC SQ-ASC SQ-ASC SQ-ASC SQ-ASC SQ-AS SQ-AS SQ-AS SQ-AS SQ-AS SQ-AS SQ-ASC SQ-ASC SQ-ASC SQ-ASC SQ-AS SQ-AS SQ-AS SQ-AS SQ-AS SQ-ASC SY-AS SY-AS SY-AS SY-ASC SY-ASC SY-ASC SY-ASC SY-ASC SY-ASC Sample DateTime 11/9/03 15:04 11/9/03 15:16 11/9/03 15:28 12/6/03 8:38 12/6/03 16:46 3/6/04 12:17 3/15/03 6:26 3/15/03 7:28 3/15/03 8:30 3/15/03 11:10 3/15/03 12:12 3/26/03 9:08 4/14/03 14:00 4/14/03 15:02 4/14/03 16:04 4/17/03 11:50 4/17/03 13:54 4/17/03 14:56 4/17/03 15:58 5/9/03 20:46 5/9/03 21:48 6/23/03 12:20 8/21/03 5:40 12/24/03 11:22 12/24/03 12:23 12/24/03 13:24 2/16/04 11:51 3/8/04 13:12 3/9/04 12:50 3/10/04 13:10 3/11/04 14:11 3/14/03 9:01 3/22/03 22:31 3/26/03 6:26 4/24/03 10:42 6/23/03 12:12 6/23/03 12:39 6/23/03 14:31 6/23/03 15:05 6/23/03 15:20 6/23/03 15:50 8/21/03 11:11 12/6/03 4:06 12/6/03 9:44 12/6/03 11:46 2/16/04 12:04 2/16/04 12:23 2/16/04 13:32 2/16/04 14:44 2/16/04 18:07 2/25/04 22:53 2/16/03 15:27 3/13/03 15:11 3/13/03 21:24 3/15/03 1:22 3/23/03 3:06 3/26/03 6:17 4/5/03 14:07 4/7/03 11:29 4/12/03 4:29 Turbidity (NTU) 32.2 34.0 33.0 49.4 43.5 47.9 14.0 30.0 98.0 27.0 100.0 28.0 16.0 13.0 10.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 6.0 16.0 12.0 330.0 67.2 122.0 50.7 44.6 237.0 15.5 20.0 16.1 54.0 170.0 66.0 72.0 100.0 1,281.0 610.0 1,712.0 340.0 295.0 255.0 656.0 135.0 81.8 73.8 92.6 112.0 39.9 44.1 19.2 3.5 54.0 33.4 74.6 96.9 28.4 51.5 161.0 23.7 137.0 TSS (mg/L) 58.4 18.0 25.6 47.0 36.8 41.2 21.6 64.4 697.5 111.2 661.2 65.2 26.4 20.4 13.6 4.8 9.6 14.8 6.8 28.8 18.4 635.5 101.0 90.4 49.6 28.0 191.6 46.4 47.2 13.2 12.0 404.0 207.2 168.0 183.5 1,215.0 530.5 1,627.5 368.5 414.0 296.0 991.0 182.0 70.0 68.8 127.2 107.2 83.2 56.0 26.8 2.4 66.4 43.6 96.4 156.0 30.0 55.2 1,288.0 17.2 155.2 Sonicate <0.49 µm <0.69 µm <1.0 µm <1.4 µm <2.0 µm <2.8 µm <3.9 µm <5.5 µm <7.8 µm <11 µm <16 µm <22 µm (Y/N) (volume %) (volume %) (volume %) (volume %) (volume %) (volume %) (volume %) (volume %) (volume %) (volume %) (volume %) (volume %) N 0.259 0.362 0.478 0.617 0.814 1.142 1.717 2.696 4.252 6.560 9.829 14.359 N 0.420 0.527 0.627 0.729 0.880 1.180 1.783 2.886 4.656 7.180 10.486 14.692 N 0.319 0.480 0.647 0.817 1.042 1.459 2.296 3.836 6.308 9.832 14.504 20.535 N 0.847 1.349 2.006 2.837 3.864 5.134 6.740 8.872 11.847 16.113 22.321 31.005 N 0.870 1.322 1.907 2.646 3.570 4.737 6.246 8.275 11.104 15.115 20.878 29.032 N 1.200 1.804 2.569 3.514 4.670 6.095 7.913 10.397 13.997 19.287 26.918 37.040 N 0.555 0.942 1.446 2.081 2.893 3.961 5.384 7.301 9.944 13.720 19.358 27.636 N 0.160 0.716 1.454 2.195 2.989 4.002 5.330 7.137 9.831 14.179 21.234 31.791 N 1.179 1.618 2.160 2.841 3.708 4.821 6.278 8.268 11.091 15.128 20.775 28.007 N 0.104 0.484 1.087 1.826 2.635 3.552 4.742 6.517 9.278 13.436 19.359 27.027 N 0.195 0.895 1.966 3.233 4.618 6.259 8.484 11.812 16.903 24.454 34.999 47.788 N 0.190 0.887 2.014 3.481 5.287 7.558 10.496 14.365 19.530 26.509 35.967 47.967 N 1.488 2.500 3.813 5.438 7.427 9.895 13.047 17.284 23.214 31.550 42.869 56.577 N 1.252 2.214 3.479 5.057 7.001 9.405 12.420 16.389 21.921 29.781 40.635 54.128 N 0.266 1.086 1.870 2.373 3.028 4.085 5.384 7.194 9.857 14.205 21.379 32.255 N 0.101 0.461 0.934 1.391 1.857 2.534 3.711 5.529 8.022 11.963 17.370 24.275 N 0.193 0.797 1.386 1.766 2.288 3.208 4.233 5.491 7.530 10.590 15.950 24.578 N 0.128 0.577 1.239 1.992 2.810 3.785 5.016 6.623 8.888 12.375 17.955 26.566 N 0.021 0.097 0.207 0.334 0.454 0.516 0.575 0.904 1.689 2.908 6.029 15.658 N 0.232 1.004 1.897 2.666 3.549 4.812 6.417 8.527 11.767 17.254 26.334 39.906 N 0.217 0.906 1.616 2.113 2.701 3.651 4.867 6.467 8.954 13.358 21.183 33.842 N 0.207 0.953 2.115 3.546 5.223 7.321 10.117 13.917 18.975 25.415 32.972 40.677 N 0.659 1.034 1.532 2.175 3.008 4.122 5.696 8.032 11.487 16.323 22.531 29.683 N 1.136 1.602 2.184 2.898 3.759 4.786 6.035 7.663 9.992 13.543 19.168 27.723 N 1.342 2.005 2.866 3.954 5.292 6.915 8.916 11.547 15.284 20.815 29.066 40.513 N 1.021 1.662 2.480 3.472 4.649 6.061 7.840 10.293 13.972 19.667 28.348 40.117 N 2.148 3.097 4.320 5.887 7.871 10.337 13.397 17.315 22.564 29.731 39.248 50.447 N 0.929 1.722 2.591 3.498 4.672 6.260 8.314 11.133 15.091 20.869 28.928 39.521 N 1.195 1.952 2.911 4.105 5.635 7.636 10.277 13.866 18.930 26.137 36.121 48.427 N 1.430 2.377 3.543 4.912 6.541 8.589 11.332 15.245 20.936 29.051 40.152 53.953 N 0.912 1.680 2.511 3.390 4.585 6.227 8.284 11.014 14.917 21.050 30.582 43.759 N 0.536 2.423 5.222 8.414 11.866 15.985 21.423 28.875 38.818 51.215 64.799 76.639 N 2.357 3.249 4.332 5.640 7.222 9.164 11.664 15.136 20.186 27.469 37.424 49.313 N 3.352 4.781 6.590 8.884 11.798 15.495 20.215 26.382 34.552 45.175 58.049 71.173 N 0.365 1.673 3.688 6.107 8.813 11.999 16.046 21.466 28.816 38.543 50.539 63.156 N 0.260 1.197 2.654 4.428 6.458 8.918 12.105 16.289 21.635 28.221 35.809 43.349 N 0.329 1.499 3.289 5.473 8.095 11.491 16.031 21.940 29.225 37.777 47.185 56.253 N 0.225 1.034 2.288 3.788 5.437 7.379 9.928 13.423 18.063 23.870 30.598 37.811 N 0.259 1.186 2.623 4.379 6.433 9.017 12.505 17.296 23.678 31.763 41.264 51.046 N 0.196 0.908 2.033 3.429 5.048 7.029 9.658 13.296 18.284 24.889 33.205 42.711 N 0.243 1.117 2.484 4.173 6.162 8.677 12.130 17.044 23.903 32.961 43.837 54.822 N 3.103 4.137 5.367 6.860 8.704 11.001 13.918 17.803 23.201 30.748 40.885 52.812 N 1.948 2.839 4.004 5.520 7.457 9.857 12.766 16.338 20.910 26.965 34.977 44.722 N 1.890 2.975 4.401 6.212 8.458 11.186 14.473 18.519 23.707 30.578 39.795 51.519 N 2.213 3.357 4.842 6.720 9.042 11.873 15.329 19.667 25.327 32.874 42.905 55.354 N 1.396 2.019 2.808 3.805 5.061 6.626 8.590 11.214 14.944 20.301 27.646 36.456 N 2.604 3.712 5.131 6.947 9.268 12.235 16.081 21.229 28.249 37.654 49.435 61.897 N 0.707 0.976 1.311 1.734 2.271 2.951 3.814 4.938 6.460 8.570 11.496 15.270 N 0.456 0.622 0.825 1.081 1.414 1.849 2.405 3.121 4.063 5.341 7.103 9.394 N 1.138 1.614 2.203 2.947 3.903 5.114 6.608 8.488 10.998 14.550 19.765 27.184 N 48.934 59.915 63.943 64.162 82.606 99.680 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 N 1.450 2.292 3.276 4.345 5.517 6.989 9.185 12.793 18.620 27.373 39.331 53.267 N 0.125 0.568 1.219 1.920 2.574 3.260 4.283 6.297 10.365 17.897 30.488 47.714 N 1.280 2.096 3.067 4.128 5.282 6.698 8.763 12.095 17.381 25.133 35.355 46.802 N 0.194 0.897 1.995 3.332 4.826 6.566 8.789 11.901 16.449 23.040 32.200 43.604 N 0.081 0.378 0.860 1.465 2.138 2.879 3.768 4.991 6.858 9.813 14.503 21.533 N 0.170 0.778 1.713 2.824 4.052 5.517 7.462 10.203 14.091 19.554 27.074 36.607 N 0.267 1.223 2.685 4.413 6.300 8.511 11.426 15.582 21.523 29.587 39.612 50.495 N 0.492 2.156 4.360 6.756 9.783 13.987 19.596 27.107 37.053 49.726 63.926 77.229 N 1.840 3.055 4.604 6.504 8.859 11.890 15.947 21.548 29.198 39.083 50.563 61.810 Appendix E. Tahoe stormwater particle size distribution data (continued). 140 Site Round Hill CI Round Hill CI Round Hill CI Round Hill CI Round Hill CI Round Hill CI Round Hill VI Round Hill VI Round Hill VI Round Hill VI Round Hill VI Round Hill VI Round Hill VI Round Hill VI Round Hill VI Round Hill VI Round Hill VI Round Hill VI Round Hill VI Round Hill VI Round Hill VI Round Hill VI Round Hill VI Round Hill VI Round Hill VI Round Hill VI Round Hill VI Round Hill VI Round Hill VI Round Hill VI Round Hill VI Sequoia Ave Sequoia Ave Sequoia Ave Sequoia Ave Sequoia Ave Sequoia Ave Sequoia Ave Sequoia Ave Sequoia Ave Sequoia Ave Sequoia Ave Sequoia Ave Sequoia Ave Sequoia Ave Sequoia Ave Sequoia Ave Sequoia Ave Sequoia Ave Sequoia Ave Sequoia Ave South Y South Y South Y South Y South Y South Y South Y South Y South Y Sample Type 42-AS 42-AS 42-AS 42-ASC 42-ASC 42-ASC 43-AS 43-AS 43-AS 43-AS 43-AS 43-AS 43-AS 43-AS 43-AS 43-AS 43-AS 43-AS 43-AS 43-AS 43-AS 43-ASC 43-ASC 43-AS 43-AS 43-AS 43-ASC 43-ASC 43-ASC 43-ASC 43-ASC SQ-ASC SQ-ASC SQ-ASC SQ-ASC SQ-AS SQ-AS SQ-AS SQ-AS SQ-AS SQ-AS SQ-ASC SQ-ASC SQ-ASC SQ-ASC SQ-AS SQ-AS SQ-AS SQ-AS SQ-AS SQ-ASC SY-AS SY-AS SY-AS SY-ASC SY-ASC SY-ASC SY-ASC SY-ASC SY-ASC Sample DateTime 11/9/03 15:04 11/9/03 15:16 11/9/03 15:28 12/6/03 8:38 12/6/03 16:46 3/6/04 12:17 3/15/03 6:26 3/15/03 7:28 3/15/03 8:30 3/15/03 11:10 3/15/03 12:12 3/26/03 9:08 4/14/03 14:00 4/14/03 15:02 4/14/03 16:04 4/17/03 11:50 4/17/03 13:54 4/17/03 14:56 4/17/03 15:58 5/9/03 20:46 5/9/03 21:48 6/23/03 12:20 8/21/03 5:40 12/24/03 11:22 12/24/03 12:23 12/24/03 13:24 2/16/04 11:51 3/8/04 13:12 3/9/04 12:50 3/10/04 13:10 3/11/04 14:11 3/14/03 9:01 3/22/03 22:31 3/26/03 6:26 4/24/03 10:42 6/23/03 12:12 6/23/03 12:39 6/23/03 14:31 6/23/03 15:05 6/23/03 15:20 6/23/03 15:50 8/21/03 11:11 12/6/03 4:06 12/6/03 9:44 12/6/03 11:46 2/16/04 12:04 2/16/04 12:23 2/16/04 13:32 2/16/04 14:44 2/16/04 18:07 2/25/04 22:53 2/16/03 15:27 3/13/03 15:11 3/13/03 21:24 3/15/03 1:22 3/23/03 3:06 3/26/03 6:17 4/5/03 14:07 4/7/03 11:29 4/12/03 4:29 0.5-16 µm <44 µm <63 µm <88 µm <125 µm <177 µm <250 µm <354 µm <500 µm <707 µm <1000 µm <1414 µm <2000 µm Particle Conc. <31 µm (volume %) (volume %) (volume %) (volume %) (volume %) (volume %) (volume %) (volume %) (volume %) (volume %) (volume %) (volume %) (volume %) (No./mL) 20.577 28.438 36.985 45.820 55.502 66.313 76.218 83.899 90.013 94.081 96.398 99.061 100.000 391,397 20.160 26.864 34.261 42.557 52.675 65.180 78.830 90.701 98.078 99.973 100.000 100.000 100.000 115,335 27.941 36.138 44.616 53.521 63.659 74.977 85.309 93.023 98.094 99.933 100.000 100.000 100.000 253,383 41.987 54.173 65.319 74.577 82.560 88.550 91.983 94.103 96.331 98.268 99.608 100.000 100.000 1,591,862 40.035 53.708 67.864 79.849 88.787 94.253 96.385 97.299 98.414 99.312 99.809 100.000 100.000 1,119,536 48.976 61.480 72.375 82.024 91.188 97.586 99.845 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 1,645,614 38.682 51.640 64.242 75.158 83.964 90.502 94.333 96.712 98.806 99.936 100.000 100.000 100.000 565,943 45.799 61.940 76.339 86.644 93.298 97.003 98.632 99.137 99.701 99.996 100.000 100.000 100.000 2,313,377 36.258 44.940 53.203 60.885 68.013 74.058 78.237 81.211 84.494 87.517 90.508 95.446 100.000 20,197,434 36.162 46.617 57.284 67.938 78.721 88.068 94.134 97.156 99.202 99.985 100.000 100.000 100.000 3,067,353 60.478 71.152 79.250 85.341 89.597 92.267 93.728 94.701 95.872 96.929 97.843 99.377 100.000 32,839,376 61.283 73.935 83.293 89.340 93.607 96.624 98.491 99.312 99.657 99.995 100.000 100.000 100.000 3,417,983 70.767 83.171 90.920 94.831 96.890 98.673 99.903 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 1,787,826 68.633 81.878 90.796 95.304 97.820 99.301 99.898 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 1,323,512 46.703 63.066 77.675 87.318 94.244 98.709 99.999 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 611,054 35.427 51.168 70.887 86.233 97.541 99.287 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 111,028 37.279 53.562 70.826 84.348 94.052 98.015 99.822 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 321,012 39.168 55.118 71.258 84.460 92.447 97.033 99.737 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 458,644 31.728 52.709 69.576 82.863 96.722 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 34,854 56.337 72.239 83.624 90.860 95.933 98.941 99.793 99.999 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 1,335,799 51.242 69.804 84.004 92.298 97.308 99.258 99.995 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 716,038 47.878 54.756 62.128 71.371 80.166 84.992 87.201 89.037 91.280 93.204 94.936 98.029 100.000 34,421,204 37.644 46.291 54.585 62.707 71.117 79.004 84.736 89.084 93.167 95.957 97.915 99.926 100.000 2,616,902 39.040 51.333 61.885 69.690 75.215 79.063 81.585 83.996 87.559 92.288 97.441 99.946 100.000 2,758,829 54.081 67.301 77.614 84.526 89.273 92.757 94.850 97.143 98.534 99.583 99.999 100.000 100.000 2,208,675 53.091 64.402 72.367 77.775 82.781 86.727 89.280 91.847 93.715 97.350 99.989 100.000 100.000 1,183,668 61.912 73.152 83.116 90.907 95.878 98.310 99.062 99.266 99.693 99.992 100.000 100.000 100.000 12,240,612 51.865 64.700 75.409 84.285 93.304 98.708 99.983 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 2,241,385 61.495 74.177 83.775 90.848 96.397 99.569 99.999 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 2,385,331 68.807 82.054 90.813 95.581 98.656 99.790 99.998 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 808,976 59.124 74.169 85.190 91.821 97.504 99.630 99.997 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 562,131 84.947 90.564 93.805 95.763 97.135 97.946 98.468 98.679 99.263 99.634 99.851 100.000 100.000 52,787,531 61.341 72.064 80.741 87.638 92.457 95.373 97.097 98.101 99.303 99.984 100.000 100.000 100.000 11,945,242 81.754 88.935 93.290 95.896 97.314 98.023 98.456 98.652 99.215 99.830 99.999 100.000 100.000 16,018,967 74.333 83.344 89.534 93.598 96.332 97.773 98.400 98.666 99.239 99.898 99.984 100.000 100.000 17,123,429 49.853 55.514 59.997 63.806 67.819 70.837 72.915 74.932 77.580 80.742 85.709 94.389 100.000 82,035,691 64.000 70.987 76.286 80.683 85.222 87.950 89.465 90.762 92.373 94.064 95.617 98.695 100.000 44,724,680 44.654 49.983 53.968 57.794 65.241 69.596 69.794 71.740 85.827 95.048 97.752 98.146 100.000 94,074,278 59.689 66.504 70.983 74.880 79.565 82.387 83.979 85.768 88.059 90.587 93.132 97.480 100.000 24,728,468 52.245 60.400 65.863 70.690 76.739 80.296 81.951 83.817 86.493 89.623 92.851 97.443 100.000 21,562,935 64.031 70.820 75.088 78.424 81.929 84.041 85.127 86.258 88.041 89.979 92.506 97.956 100.000 18,888,568 64.708 75.384 83.707 89.975 94.415 96.730 97.669 98.196 99.040 99.584 99.667 99.908 100.000 65,832,049 55.162 65.125 73.137 79.456 84.484 88.039 90.440 92.552 94.868 97.199 99.073 99.976 100.000 11,013,359 64.845 77.644 86.542 91.237 93.927 95.534 96.417 96.892 97.807 99.402 99.998 100.000 100.000 5,130,208 68.905 81.133 89.300 93.785 96.440 97.931 98.714 99.261 99.595 99.932 100.000 100.000 100.000 5,283,499 45.527 53.584 59.853 64.658 68.841 72.538 75.796 79.509 85.639 93.416 98.831 100.000 100.000 5,281,305 72.404 79.900 84.425 87.480 90.034 92.004 93.531 94.963 96.979 99.094 99.983 100.000 100.000 7,997,664 19.543 23.793 27.505 30.870 34.216 37.700 41.341 45.513 50.984 58.463 68.715 84.752 100.000 1,483,372 12.059 14.831 17.263 19.423 21.493 23.686 25.959 28.678 32.898 39.682 50.664 73.557 100.000 611,797 36.642 46.867 55.699 62.799 69.121 74.146 77.729 81.415 86.836 94.531 99.280 100.000 100.000 842,343 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 1,194,664 66.813 78.511 87.070 92.457 95.889 97.867 98.585 98.894 99.565 99.992 100.000 100.000 100.000 3,483,898 64.987 78.207 87.279 93.379 97.309 99.113 99.929 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 1,309,378 57.707 67.391 75.899 84.017 91.677 96.918 98.631 98.995 99.660 99.996 100.000 100.000 100.000 4,933,335 56.047 68.509 79.492 88.820 95.814 99.340 99.993 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 7,898,633 31.041 42.624 55.282 68.733 82.141 91.852 95.563 96.373 97.498 99.058 99.811 100.000 100.000 656,970 47.099 57.490 67.052 76.183 85.316 93.225 98.642 99.983 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 2,390,417 61.135 71.010 79.380 86.680 93.290 98.010 99.645 99.850 99.971 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 87,180,087 86.903 92.960 95.877 97.427 99.344 99.972 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 1,899,863 71.380 79.082 85.028 90.022 94.200 97.143 98.671 99.180 99.704 99.997 100.000 100.000 100.000 12,538,426 Appendix E. Tahoe stormwater particle size distribution data (continued). 141 Site South Y South Y South Y South Y South Y South Y South Y South Y South Y South Y South Y South Y South Y South Y South Y South Y South Y South Y South Y South Y South Y South Y South Y South Y South Y South Y South Y South Y South Y South Y South Y South Y South Y South Y South Y South Y South Y South Y South Y South Y South Y South Y South Y South Y South Y South Y South Y South Y South Y South Y South Y South Y South Y South Y South Y South Y South Y South Y South Y South Y Sample Type SY-ASC SY-ASC SY-ASC SY-ASC SY-AS SY-ASC SY-ASC SY-ASC SY-AS SY-ASC SY-ASC SY-ASC SY-ASC SY-ASC SY-AS SY-AS SY-AS SY-AS SY-ASC SY-AS SY-AS SY-ASC SY-ASC SY-AS SY-AS SY-AS SY-AS SY-ASC SY-AS SY-ASC SY-ASC SY-ASC SY-AS SY-AS SY-ASC SY-ASC SY-ASC SY-AS SY-MS SY-ASC SY-ASC SY-ASC SY-ASC SY-ASC SY-ASC SY-ASC SY-ASC SY-ASC SY-AS SY-AS SY-AS SY-AS SY-AS SY-AS SY-ASC SY-AS SY-AS SY-ASC SY-ASC SY-ASC Sample DateTime 4/12/03 16:25 4/14/03 8:33 4/16/03 10:36 4/18/03 13:00 4/19/03 9:56 4/19/03 12:39 4/20/03 12:31 4/21/03 7:56 4/22/03 14:15 4/24/03 11:06 4/25/03 18:11 4/26/03 8:44 4/28/03 8:14 4/28/03 10:01 5/7/03 23:08 5/8/03 8:21 5/8/03 10:03 5/8/03 11:47 5/8/03 15:21 5/8/03 19:37 5/9/03 8:52 5/9/03 11:59 5/9/03 19:46 6/23/03 16:32 6/23/03 17:03 6/23/03 17:28 6/23/03 18:18 7/22/03 16:02 7/23/03 1:24 7/23/03 14:43 7/27/03 13:29 7/31/03 13:13 8/1/03 22:02 8/2/03 0:33 8/21/03 10:38 8/21/03 15:10 9/4/03 13:35 11/1/03 11:22 11/1/03 12:50 11/9/03 13:54 11/9/03 14:36 12/5/03 7:50 12/5/03 12:06 1/9/04 11:14 1/27/04 12:25 1/27/04 17:03 1/27/04 17:57 1/28/04 11:50 1/28/04 17:25 1/28/04 18:03 1/28/04 18:53 1/28/04 22:41 2/2/04 23:02 2/3/04 5:20 2/3/04 13:01 2/3/04 18:38 2/4/04 2:26 2/6/04 15:34 2/7/04 11:22 2/7/04 17:21 Turbidity (NTU) 122.0 501.0 400.0 60.0 16.9 26.5 50.4 160.0 41.2 173.0 206.0 262.0 490.0 116.0 70.1 210.0 188.0 151.0 131.0 89.0 138.0 79.0 230.0 396.0 439.0 259.0 297.0 480.0 40.0 495.0 133.0 323.0 66.0 51.0 120.0 186.0 18.5 818.0 662.0 444.0 655.0 281.0 184.0 278.0 419.0 1,378.0 1,187.0 465.0 333.0 302.0 314.0 256.0 109.0 36.7 650.0 820.0 224.0 198.0 735.0 942.0 TSS (mg/L) 125.6 346.8 147.2 23.6 8.8 25.2 51.6 143.6 28.8 146.0 153.6 248.0 555.1 111.6 54.8 257.6 138.0 132.4 135.6 79.6 108.8 74.0 209.3 366.0 241.0 151.0 1,079.6 1,079.6 30.8 906.4 218.8 939.6 64.4 48.8 162.4 323.6 174.0 215.2 194.4 585.5 479.0 100.5 420.0 191.6 270.4 714.0 573.2 297.6 194.0 180.4 170.0 140.8 56.8 18.4 354.8 416.0 120.8 74.0 378.4 434.0 Sonicate <0.49 µm <0.69 µm <1.0 µm <1.4 µm <2.0 µm <2.8 µm <3.9 µm <5.5 µm <7.8 µm <11 µm <16 µm <22 µm (Y/N) (volume %) (volume %) (volume %) (volume %) (volume %) (volume %) (volume %) (volume %) (volume %) (volume %) (volume %) (volume %) N 1.868 2.980 4.412 6.198 8.410 11.201 14.863 19.938 27.108 36.884 49.036 61.643 N 6.102 8.761 11.930 15.833 20.908 27.514 35.774 45.699 56.996 68.886 79.751 88.088 N 0.611 2.749 5.895 9.492 13.558 18.825 26.243 36.419 49.040 62.728 75.051 84.244 N 1.597 2.755 4.174 5.789 7.640 9.969 13.245 18.197 25.640 36.198 49.842 64.653 N 1.893 3.148 4.545 5.937 7.369 9.165 11.935 16.698 24.587 36.250 51.176 66.529 N 1.741 2.894 4.343 6.080 8.185 10.875 14.539 19.808 27.398 37.775 50.584 63.736 N 1.889 3.097 4.591 6.351 8.473 11.255 15.227 21.109 29.556 40.795 54.086 67.010 N 2.606 4.265 6.376 9.024 12.448 17.018 23.159 31.303 41.638 53.793 66.356 77.124 N 1.869 3.388 5.260 7.336 9.623 12.473 16.609 23.023 32.461 44.843 58.646 70.916 N 0.231 1.056 2.320 3.821 5.483 7.445 10.002 13.576 18.654 25.675 34.766 45.028 N 0.261 1.192 2.607 4.270 6.091 8.219 10.932 14.557 19.400 25.727 33.683 42.983 N 0.701 3.171 6.910 11.461 16.970 24.040 33.051 43.853 55.736 67.682 78.351 86.801 N 0.396 1.799 3.923 6.445 9.312 12.794 17.226 22.894 29.990 38.609 48.524 58.998 N 0.152 0.699 1.555 2.590 3.732 5.033 6.654 8.849 11.947 16.309 22.319 30.139 N 0.211 0.991 2.260 3.871 5.720 7.877 10.645 14.587 20.342 28.340 38.408 49.120 N 0.593 2.785 6.382 11.098 16.813 23.631 31.765 41.475 52.554 63.990 73.865 81.137 N 0.253 1.156 2.525 4.112 5.792 7.700 10.172 13.672 18.641 25.336 33.647 42.921 N 0.214 0.984 2.181 3.626 5.233 7.104 9.497 12.803 17.483 23.955 32.400 42.258 N 0.198 0.910 2.017 3.348 4.813 6.495 8.634 11.619 15.939 22.078 30.358 40.355 N 0.386 1.801 4.058 6.839 9.929 13.517 18.238 25.024 34.556 46.711 59.948 71.375 N 0.493 2.306 5.241 8.971 13.336 18.584 25.277 33.949 44.534 56.133 66.994 75.716 N 0.374 1.758 4.009 6.883 10.216 14.145 19.156 26.026 35.347 46.979 59.474 70.453 N 0.451 2.120 4.875 8.530 13.078 18.788 26.081 35.320 46.358 58.321 69.522 78.532 N 0.144 0.671 1.516 2.591 3.868 5.456 7.553 10.365 14.025 18.604 23.901 29.092 N 0.352 1.600 3.509 5.853 8.690 12.317 16.981 22.775 29.649 37.451 45.682 53.497 N 0.472 2.128 4.619 7.660 11.410 16.260 22.310 29.323 36.966 44.942 52.496 58.847 N 0.023 0.109 0.257 0.462 0.716 1.009 1.332 1.677 2.039 2.418 2.822 3.309 N 2.182 2.971 3.929 5.105 6.565 8.400 10.781 14.060 18.779 25.562 34.926 46.405 N 0.339 0.522 0.747 1.010 1.320 1.715 2.282 3.175 4.620 6.928 10.627 16.575 N 2.269 3.059 4.013 5.185 6.642 8.456 10.755 13.837 18.212 24.526 33.349 44.176 N 1.447 2.017 2.727 3.621 4.763 6.254 8.257 11.065 15.112 20.937 29.121 39.602 N 1.644 2.207 2.879 3.698 4.720 6.031 7.769 10.194 13.684 18.693 25.661 34.486 N 0.718 1.277 2.012 2.917 4.006 5.340 7.061 9.497 13.220 19.021 27.788 39.478 N 0.237 1.085 2.392 3.979 5.823 8.118 11.146 15.160 20.358 26.960 35.286 45.371 N 1.042 1.520 2.128 2.887 3.829 5.009 6.543 8.679 11.830 16.561 23.603 33.319 N 1.539 2.071 2.712 3.509 4.533 5.884 7.704 10.216 13.741 18.683 25.528 34.450 N 1.263 1.795 2.457 3.275 4.288 5.568 7.255 9.626 13.133 18.368 26.067 36.496 N 1.298 1.911 2.667 3.612 4.848 6.513 8.754 11.748 15.718 20.954 27.783 36.277 N 2.148 3.222 4.571 6.306 8.639 11.765 15.755 20.568 26.150 32.573 39.963 48.228 N 1.176 1.662 2.295 3.145 4.306 5.861 7.871 10.410 13.604 17.636 22.662 28.522 N 1.145 1.595 2.172 2.939 3.985 5.398 7.262 9.687 12.842 16.965 22.293 28.747 N 2.220 3.225 4.508 6.154 8.313 11.207 15.165 20.651 28.137 37.880 49.514 61.525 N 2.462 4.044 6.104 8.739 12.164 16.686 22.665 30.518 40.553 52.673 65.783 77.559 N 2.497 4.044 5.969 8.298 11.180 14.891 19.794 26.327 34.807 45.143 56.397 66.987 N 2.141 3.270 4.644 6.260 8.156 10.423 13.194 16.695 21.222 27.092 34.561 43.578 N 13.871 18.209 22.750 28.374 36.325 46.224 56.281 65.661 73.730 80.485 85.790 89.856 N 10.503 14.655 19.215 24.767 32.310 41.881 52.427 63.173 73.196 81.774 88.308 93.183 N 4.819 7.974 11.962 16.959 23.322 31.209 40.420 50.683 61.507 72.182 81.643 88.897 N 4.689 8.484 13.344 19.518 27.661 37.984 49.653 61.377 72.002 80.898 87.706 92.745 N 4.665 8.220 12.665 18.088 24.922 33.479 43.580 54.804 66.368 77.104 85.460 91.372 N 1.827 2.935 4.312 5.949 7.879 10.191 13.029 16.649 21.375 27.486 35.060 43.719 N 1.534 2.472 3.596 4.851 6.232 7.854 9.986 13.067 17.582 23.868 31.908 41.078 N 1.461 2.316 3.252 4.158 5.030 6.127 8.041 11.705 18.111 27.952 41.156 55.747 N 1.366 2.253 3.207 4.035 4.623 5.173 6.325 9.254 15.239 24.967 37.857 51.429 N 8.145 12.246 17.096 23.163 31.225 41.275 52.242 63.109 73.188 82.176 89.490 94.667 N 10.192 15.602 21.570 28.659 38.006 49.376 60.866 71.221 79.905 87.097 92.699 96.650 N 3.422 6.313 9.852 13.761 18.060 23.251 30.122 39.411 51.080 64.015 76.054 85.412 N 2.290 4.029 6.199 8.722 11.678 15.430 20.581 27.839 37.560 49.343 61.616 72.078 N 8.005 11.703 16.173 21.972 29.923 40.055 51.329 62.568 72.794 81.661 89.076 94.808 N 3.975 7.206 11.236 15.900 21.282 27.694 35.463 44.902 55.987 68.122 79.703 88.499 Appendix E. Tahoe stormwater particle size distribution data (continued). 142 Site South Y South Y South Y South Y South Y South Y South Y South Y South Y South Y South Y South Y South Y South Y South Y South Y South Y South Y South Y South Y South Y South Y South Y South Y South Y South Y South Y South Y South Y South Y South Y South Y South Y South Y South Y South Y South Y South Y South Y South Y South Y South Y South Y South Y South Y South Y South Y South Y South Y South Y South Y South Y South Y South Y South Y South Y South Y South Y South Y South Y Sample Type SY-ASC SY-ASC SY-ASC SY-ASC SY-AS SY-ASC SY-ASC SY-ASC SY-AS SY-ASC SY-ASC SY-ASC SY-ASC SY-ASC SY-AS SY-AS SY-AS SY-AS SY-ASC SY-AS SY-AS SY-ASC SY-ASC SY-AS SY-AS SY-AS SY-AS SY-ASC SY-AS SY-ASC SY-ASC SY-ASC SY-AS SY-AS SY-ASC SY-ASC SY-ASC SY-AS SY-MS SY-ASC SY-ASC SY-ASC SY-ASC SY-ASC SY-ASC SY-ASC SY-ASC SY-ASC SY-AS SY-AS SY-AS SY-AS SY-AS SY-AS SY-ASC SY-AS SY-AS SY-ASC SY-ASC SY-ASC Sample DateTime 4/12/03 16:25 4/14/03 8:33 4/16/03 10:36 4/18/03 13:00 4/19/03 9:56 4/19/03 12:39 4/20/03 12:31 4/21/03 7:56 4/22/03 14:15 4/24/03 11:06 4/25/03 18:11 4/26/03 8:44 4/28/03 8:14 4/28/03 10:01 5/7/03 23:08 5/8/03 8:21 5/8/03 10:03 5/8/03 11:47 5/8/03 15:21 5/8/03 19:37 5/9/03 8:52 5/9/03 11:59 5/9/03 19:46 6/23/03 16:32 6/23/03 17:03 6/23/03 17:28 6/23/03 18:18 7/22/03 16:02 7/23/03 1:24 7/23/03 14:43 7/27/03 13:29 7/31/03 13:13 8/1/03 22:02 8/2/03 0:33 8/21/03 10:38 8/21/03 15:10 9/4/03 13:35 11/1/03 11:22 11/1/03 12:50 11/9/03 13:54 11/9/03 14:36 12/5/03 7:50 12/5/03 12:06 1/9/04 11:14 1/27/04 12:25 1/27/04 17:03 1/27/04 17:57 1/28/04 11:50 1/28/04 17:25 1/28/04 18:03 1/28/04 18:53 1/28/04 22:41 2/2/04 23:02 2/3/04 5:20 2/3/04 13:01 2/3/04 18:38 2/4/04 2:26 2/6/04 15:34 2/7/04 11:22 2/7/04 17:21 0.5-16 µm <44 µm <63 µm <88 µm <125 µm <177 µm <250 µm <354 µm <500 µm <707 µm <1000 µm <1414 µm <2000 µm Particle Conc. <31 µm (volume %) (volume %) (volume %) (volume %) (volume %) (volume %) (volume %) (volume %) (volume %) (volume %) (volume %) (volume %) (volume %) (No./mL) 72.559 81.267 87.742 92.705 96.631 98.936 99.411 99.509 99.663 99.806 99.994 100.000 100.000 9,350,640 93.189 96.193 97.849 98.791 99.413 99.703 99.806 99.830 99.927 99.998 100.000 100.000 100.000 59,657,341 90.168 93.851 96.201 97.865 99.157 99.728 99.906 99.982 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 21,879,225 77.532 86.856 92.539 96.165 98.807 99.913 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 1,752,472 78.675 87.658 92.625 95.645 99.343 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 663,674 74.918 83.702 90.005 94.838 98.371 99.732 99.985 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 1,908,785 77.334 85.086 90.688 94.752 97.594 99.099 99.785 99.997 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 4,060,878 84.984 90.672 94.482 97.009 98.383 99.047 99.465 99.559 99.715 99.995 100.000 100.000 100.000 15,969,541 79.915 86.605 91.441 94.931 97.461 99.092 99.978 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 2,792,294 55.115 64.678 73.630 82.513 91.054 97.280 99.460 99.748 99.953 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 8,555,037 53.198 64.248 75.231 85.184 92.966 97.622 99.046 99.373 99.830 99.999 100.000 100.000 100.000 10,069,955 92.053 95.112 96.800 97.877 98.870 99.516 99.823 99.965 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 43,820,594 69.562 80.078 88.849 94.928 98.433 99.832 99.999 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 55,071,980 39.820 51.402 63.870 76.187 87.220 94.965 98.216 99.113 99.858 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 4,387,369 59.109 68.397 76.981 84.779 91.325 96.062 98.405 99.246 99.726 99.997 100.000 100.000 100.000 3,179,346 86.057 89.791 92.588 94.704 96.325 97.610 98.602 99.084 99.572 99.995 100.000 100.000 100.000 42,572,584 52.834 63.678 74.984 85.809 94.112 98.467 99.630 99.770 99.959 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 8,719,572 52.751 63.669 74.508 84.669 93.000 98.063 99.563 99.768 99.951 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 7,312,399 51.199 62.485 73.329 83.169 91.283 96.545 98.703 99.282 99.759 99.996 100.000 100.000 100.000 6,911,902 79.804 86.116 90.782 94.370 97.276 99.358 99.968 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 8,218,599 82.279 87.443 91.604 95.073 97.524 99.143 99.930 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 14,656,085 78.902 85.374 90.124 93.815 96.781 98.639 99.648 99.995 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 7,627,672 84.932 89.667 92.952 95.457 97.447 98.798 99.480 99.692 99.899 99.999 100.000 100.000 100.000 26,667,054 33.630 37.998 42.750 48.680 56.300 67.193 82.093 93.835 98.635 99.952 100.000 100.000 100.000 14,318,429 60.399 66.392 72.263 78.780 85.330 89.930 91.954 93.388 94.972 96.224 96.911 99.039 100.000 21,677,632 64.146 69.428 75.598 82.416 89.195 94.730 97.608 98.836 99.660 99.996 100.000 100.000 100.000 17,868,021 4.099 5.857 10.207 17.285 23.796 28.838 34.301 44.398 66.075 90.104 99.110 99.993 100.000 7,269,759 58.406 69.247 78.542 86.960 92.981 96.203 97.644 98.505 99.510 99.991 100.000 100.000 100.000 55,379,215 25.695 38.086 52.216 66.144 78.471 87.904 93.446 96.531 98.705 99.733 99.850 99.993 100.000 365,479 55.276 65.304 73.806 81.162 87.343 91.550 93.532 94.672 96.235 97.551 98.130 99.184 100.000 46,435,444 51.280 62.886 72.972 80.964 86.907 90.898 93.189 94.713 96.510 98.073 99.045 99.966 100.000 8,287,527 44.386 54.636 64.382 72.791 79.455 84.701 88.726 91.843 94.646 96.457 97.314 98.786 100.000 34,164,572 52.477 64.666 74.075 81.297 86.904 91.133 94.877 98.384 99.623 99.997 100.000 100.000 100.000 2,418,180 56.346 66.589 74.294 80.005 84.878 89.846 95.588 98.760 99.721 99.998 100.000 100.000 100.000 2,977,128 45.076 57.599 69.271 79.078 86.660 91.890 94.784 96.222 97.547 98.486 99.034 99.962 100.000 5,169,162 44.933 56.182 67.054 76.389 83.500 88.372 91.090 92.863 94.937 96.536 97.527 99.164 100.000 11,254,829 48.766 61.158 71.776 80.258 86.941 92.000 95.323 97.170 98.687 99.601 99.775 99.991 100.000 6,099,271 46.199 56.821 66.274 74.358 81.985 89.152 94.404 97.431 99.391 99.993 100.000 100.000 100.000 8,731,394 57.324 67.491 77.016 84.586 90.267 94.279 96.597 97.987 99.405 99.991 100.000 100.000 100.000 14,012,399 34.940 42.024 49.604 57.943 67.398 77.317 85.745 92.149 97.179 99.293 99.442 99.777 100.000 19,647,641 36.027 44.130 52.760 62.195 72.909 84.230 92.713 97.346 99.648 99.999 100.000 100.000 100.000 14,763,832 72.310 81.103 87.561 92.367 95.955 98.178 99.093 99.342 99.740 99.996 100.000 100.000 100.000 6,834,940 86.311 92.047 95.269 97.203 98.608 99.390 99.730 99.962 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 45,184,637 76.025 82.968 88.598 94.036 97.872 99.606 99.987 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 19,431,463 54.235 66.766 79.223 89.301 95.983 99.277 99.985 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 19,551,759 92.086 93.884 95.089 96.062 96.874 97.457 97.878 98.173 98.647 99.172 99.580 99.987 100.000 190,241,122 95.800 97.636 98.656 99.262 99.713 99.913 99.995 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 148,394,297 93.116 95.787 97.253 98.180 98.886 99.359 99.646 99.778 99.902 99.997 100.000 100.000 100.000 62,209,538 95.691 97.831 98.794 99.188 99.653 99.804 99.921 99.999 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 49,327,336 95.062 97.440 98.527 99.048 99.566 99.813 99.960 99.999 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 42,047,686 53.249 63.890 74.868 85.179 93.388 98.193 99.549 99.737 99.943 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 12,200,127 50.915 61.479 72.390 82.866 91.626 97.338 99.368 99.719 99.950 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 8,308,027 68.606 77.981 84.216 89.185 93.977 97.683 99.225 99.468 99.796 99.997 100.000 100.000 100.000 2,887,117 63.233 73.023 81.879 89.607 94.812 97.998 99.746 99.998 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 936,693 96.979 98.216 98.853 99.241 99.660 99.853 99.947 99.991 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 93,804,189 98.177 98.968 99.276 99.447 99.637 99.730 99.791 99.923 99.999 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 139,245,819 91.487 95.256 97.311 98.480 99.305 99.718 99.943 99.998 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 22,110,228 79.553 84.646 88.346 91.779 95.577 98.601 99.827 99.981 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 8,351,219 97.530 98.773 99.196 99.489 99.753 99.916 99.988 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 92,074,786 93.386 96.286 97.911 98.600 99.401 99.842 99.960 99.999 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 90,314,461 Appendix E. Tahoe stormwater particle size distribution data (continued). 143 Site South Y South Y South Y South Y South Y South Y South Y South Y South Y South Y South Y South Y South Y South Y South Y South Y South Y South Y South Y South Y South Y South Y South Y South Y South Y South Y South Y South Y South Y South Y South Y South Y South Y South Y South Y South Y South Y South Y South Y South Y South Y South Y South Y South Y South Y South Y South Y South Y South Y South Y South Y South Y South Y South Y South Y South Y South Y South Y South Y South Y Sample Type SY-ASC SY-ASC SY-ASC SY-ASC SY-ASC SY-ASC SY-ASC SY-ASC SY-ASC SY-ASC SY-ASC SY-ASC SY-ASC SY-ASC SY-AS SY-ASC SY-ASC SY-ASC SY-AS SY-AS SY-AS SY-ASC SY-AS SY-AS SY-AS SY-AS SY-ASC SY-ASC SY-ASC SY-ASC SY-ASC SY-ASC SY-ASC SY-ASC SY-ASC SY-ASC SY-ASC SY-ASC SY-ASC SY-ASC SY-ASC SY-ACR SY-ASC SY-ASC SY-ASC SY-ASC SY-ASC SY-ASC SY-ASC SY-ASC SY-ASC SY-ASC SY-ASC SY-ASC SY-ASC SY-ASC SY-MS SY-GS SY-MSR SY-ASC Sample DateTime 2/16/04 8:32 2/16/04 11:47 2/16/04 18:41 2/18/04 8:04 2/18/04 13:12 2/18/04 14:43 2/19/04 13:15 2/22/04 15:20 2/26/04 10:51 2/27/04 13:21 3/1/04 13:15 5/11/04 6:24 5/11/04 11:44 5/11/04 12:40 5/11/04 16:32 5/28/04 1:41 5/28/04 5:00 6/29/04 13:22 6/29/04 16:23 6/29/04 18:04 6/30/04 4:46 6/30/04 14:20 6/30/04 17:19 8/15/05 15:36 8/15/05 16:01 8/15/05 17:18 9/26/05 16:35 9/26/05 20:50 9/26/05 23:56 10/24/05 20:12 11/30/05 21:34 12/1/05 5:07 12/1/05 13:12 12/1/05 16:11 12/1/05 19:38 12/21/05 18:33 12/21/05 21:53 12/22/05 3:55 12/22/05 12:55 12/27/05 13:17 12/28/05 4:43 12/28/05 4:44 12/30/05 7:22 12/30/05 18:07 12/31/05 11:35 1/30/06 7:41 2/1/06 10:37 2/2/06 4:25 2/26/06 18:24 2/27/06 5:18 2/27/06 11:54 2/27/06 22:07 4/2/06 15:31 4/3/06 0:42 4/3/06 9:37 4/4/06 7:29 4/6/06 7:00 4/6/06 7:00 4/6/06 7:01 4/16/06 4:34 Turbidity (NTU) 398.0 331.0 169.0 428.0 410.0 315.0 186.0 1,037.0 427.0 478.0 970.0 138.0 71.9 70.4 45.8 48.5 96.6 110.0 85.0 62.0 44.0 112.0 82.0 703.0 438.0 198.0 404.0 92.4 87.1 57.8 70.2 67.4 73.7 67.3 39.3 218.0 24.2 21.4 87.2 212.0 64.4 70.1 242.0 44.7 36.5 589.0 210.0 108.0 273.0 94.5 175.0 32.7 23.7 148.0 105.0 165.0 14.5 14.3 12.7 133.0 TSS (mg/L) 403.0 412.8 144.8 381.6 310.4 270.0 88.8 280.8 354.4 406.0 630.4 166.4 33.2 44.0 46.0 59.2 170.8 804.0 57.5 91.0 1,071.0 106.5 67.0 1,202.0 824.0 265.0 615.2 88.0 90.8 42.8 58.0 81.2 126.8 105.2 49.2 310.4 28.0 10.8 103.2 201.2 90.5 91.0 266.8 68.0 56.0 355.0 130.5 95.5 239.6 77.6 238.0 39.6 19.2 182.8 85.2 162.4 6.0 6.4 6.0 115.2 Sonicate <0.49 µm <0.69 µm <1.0 µm <1.4 µm <2.0 µm <2.8 µm <3.9 µm <5.5 µm <7.8 µm <11 µm <16 µm <22 µm (Y/N) (volume %) (volume %) (volume %) (volume %) (volume %) (volume %) (volume %) (volume %) (volume %) (volume %) (volume %) (volume %) N 3.085 4.454 6.150 8.268 10.971 14.460 18.983 24.901 32.508 41.739 51.769 61.195 N 2.368 3.237 4.279 5.535 7.058 8.932 11.328 14.592 19.229 25.761 34.486 44.833 N 2.007 2.949 4.122 5.558 7.326 9.548 12.444 16.411 22.005 29.769 39.933 51.620 N 5.376 7.548 10.233 13.724 18.492 24.921 33.159 43.141 54.450 66.244 77.038 85.519 N 4.572 6.630 9.150 12.341 16.639 22.558 30.527 40.763 52.948 66.032 77.994 87.078 N 4.106 6.236 8.910 12.282 16.638 22.255 29.314 37.969 48.234 59.770 71.402 81.304 N 1.763 2.888 4.261 5.830 7.618 9.836 12.937 17.650 24.790 34.946 48.031 62.283 N 9.502 12.983 16.896 21.679 28.005 35.917 44.819 54.451 64.514 74.508 83.163 89.618 N 4.886 7.475 10.716 14.825 20.221 27.263 36.055 46.489 58.145 70.188 81.040 89.215 N 6.043 8.817 12.306 16.847 22.911 30.664 39.819 49.960 60.685 71.599 81.780 89.827 N 9.388 12.272 15.646 20.060 26.230 34.300 43.773 54.094 64.600 74.679 83.406 90.148 N 0.220 0.459 0.869 1.533 2.469 3.558 4.705 6.095 7.921 10.027 12.580 15.580 N 0.312 0.913 2.048 3.824 6.164 8.858 11.809 15.207 19.425 24.854 32.152 40.390 N 0.302 0.795 1.677 3.021 4.782 6.835 9.129 11.809 15.196 19.764 26.369 34.873 N 0.269 0.629 1.226 2.082 3.153 4.368 5.729 7.381 9.591 12.759 17.615 24.235 N 0.375 1.038 2.249 4.107 6.558 9.490 12.958 17.271 22.719 29.460 37.982 47.268 N 0.503 1.214 2.425 4.216 6.534 9.273 12.463 16.404 21.601 28.620 38.080 49.444 N 0.542 1.026 1.735 2.662 3.740 4.920 6.286 8.169 11.129 15.852 23.119 33.078 N 0.234 0.514 0.971 1.640 2.514 3.523 4.616 5.934 7.764 10.394 14.572 20.756 N 0.882 1.789 3.261 5.390 8.124 11.312 14.923 19.232 24.834 32.573 43.491 55.982 N 0.549 0.988 1.614 2.405 3.290 4.197 5.162 6.431 8.353 11.277 16.069 22.921 N 0.438 0.997 1.927 3.287 5.050 7.147 9.591 12.590 16.538 21.981 29.701 39.675 N 0.356 0.775 1.459 2.441 3.683 5.113 6.727 8.701 11.447 15.705 22.796 33.205 N 0.610 1.070 1.724 2.568 3.556 4.673 6.041 8.007 11.098 15.929 23.291 33.642 N 0.449 0.820 1.359 2.070 2.924 3.907 5.101 6.749 9.244 13.080 18.943 27.313 N 0.664 1.062 1.616 2.355 3.291 4.454 5.925 7.881 10.596 14.492 20.386 29.357 N 0.714 1.537 2.852 4.725 7.122 10.011 13.547 18.170 24.450 32.814 43.458 55.634 N 0.679 1.737 3.585 6.324 9.805 13.763 18.151 23.309 29.502 36.315 43.172 50.314 N 0.220 0.287 0.360 0.437 0.516 0.601 0.696 0.808 0.932 1.057 1.167 1.265 N 6.881 18.140 25.036 44.549 84.961 99.775 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 N 0.810 1.852 3.549 5.958 8.980 12.512 16.705 22.044 29.028 37.823 48.246 58.675 N 0.605 1.373 2.638 4.463 6.795 9.568 12.909 17.251 23.190 31.245 41.793 53.910 N 0.755 1.416 2.392 3.704 5.319 7.239 9.623 12.854 17.438 23.845 32.479 43.147 N 0.594 1.229 2.225 3.623 5.395 7.516 10.099 13.481 18.142 24.543 33.077 43.351 N 0.411 0.920 1.756 2.965 4.530 6.424 8.745 11.761 15.786 21.143 28.530 37.989 N 0.632 1.501 2.972 5.143 7.969 11.352 15.354 20.308 26.657 34.664 44.252 54.324 N 0.267 0.986 2.483 4.904 8.021 11.407 15.017 19.516 25.412 32.143 39.752 48.334 N 0.918 2.189 4.375 7.559 11.552 15.716 19.629 24.053 29.467 35.366 40.554 47.852 N 0.407 1.131 2.462 4.566 7.409 10.708 14.269 18.463 23.831 30.268 37.688 44.717 N 0.442 1.692 4.373 8.854 14.876 21.681 28.743 36.233 44.306 52.294 59.954 66.134 N 0.196 0.803 2.144 4.390 7.379 10.752 14.404 18.694 23.925 29.798 36.215 43.198 N 0.399 1.255 2.919 5.543 8.983 12.940 17.378 22.794 29.918 39.106 49.917 59.733 N 0.666 2.021 4.633 8.807 14.452 21.173 28.732 37.299 47.143 58.054 69.191 78.739 N 0.445 1.245 2.717 4.985 7.972 11.506 15.602 20.596 26.879 34.586 43.786 53.496 N 0.454 1.389 3.196 6.072 9.915 14.401 19.351 24.968 31.572 39.260 48.267 57.095 N 0.908 2.717 6.167 11.614 18.846 27.176 36.067 45.508 55.517 65.302 73.392 78.517 N 1.042 3.039 6.779 12.573 20.090 28.516 37.212 46.056 54.916 63.238 70.406 73.214 N 0.620 1.964 4.586 8.736 14.166 20.282 26.760 33.914 42.142 51.119 59.716 65.297 N 0.768 2.370 5.466 10.381 16.914 24.460 32.566 41.242 50.583 60.164 69.120 76.062 N 0.592 2.087 5.164 10.176 16.809 24.207 31.738 39.518 47.792 56.045 63.859 70.043 N 0.413 1.176 2.596 4.803 7.715 11.127 14.980 19.527 25.112 31.807 39.351 46.516 N 0.276 0.995 2.492 4.934 8.142 11.702 15.454 19.752 24.773 30.009 35.875 42.309 N 0.568 1.879 4.632 9.206 15.219 21.538 27.485 33.954 41.541 47.956 52.854 58.809 N 0.651 1.714 3.614 6.514 10.346 14.913 20.157 26.235 33.257 41.058 49.463 57.511 N 0.632 2.021 4.754 9.115 14.864 21.376 28.285 35.929 44.765 54.298 63.322 69.558 N 0.835 2.463 5.552 10.420 16.910 24.491 32.773 41.803 51.719 62.094 71.872 79.429 N 1.786 2.480 2.839 3.595 6.492 11.319 14.625 15.318 17.873 22.274 24.764 26.665 N 1.915 2.914 4.443 6.331 8.260 9.871 10.881 11.399 12.143 14.121 17.150 18.553 N 1.162 1.781 2.908 4.505 6.185 7.478 8.427 9.592 10.873 12.255 14.718 17.563 N 0.427 1.607 4.135 8.389 14.192 20.850 27.823 35.096 42.363 48.511 53.079 55.634 Appendix E. Tahoe stormwater particle size distribution data (continued). 144 Site South Y South Y South Y South Y South Y South Y South Y South Y South Y South Y South Y South Y South Y South Y South Y South Y South Y South Y South Y South Y South Y South Y South Y South Y South Y South Y South Y South Y South Y South Y South Y South Y South Y South Y South Y South Y South Y South Y South Y South Y South Y South Y South Y South Y South Y South Y South Y South Y South Y South Y South Y South Y South Y South Y South Y South Y South Y South Y South Y South Y Sample Type SY-ASC SY-ASC SY-ASC SY-ASC SY-ASC SY-ASC SY-ASC SY-ASC SY-ASC SY-ASC SY-ASC SY-ASC SY-ASC SY-ASC SY-AS SY-ASC SY-ASC SY-ASC SY-AS SY-AS SY-AS SY-ASC SY-AS SY-AS SY-AS SY-AS SY-ASC SY-ASC SY-ASC SY-ASC SY-ASC SY-ASC SY-ASC SY-ASC SY-ASC SY-ASC SY-ASC SY-ASC SY-ASC SY-ASC SY-ASC SY-ACR SY-ASC SY-ASC SY-ASC SY-ASC SY-ASC SY-ASC SY-ASC SY-ASC SY-ASC SY-ASC SY-ASC SY-ASC SY-ASC SY-ASC SY-MS SY-GS SY-MSR SY-ASC Sample DateTime 2/16/04 8:32 2/16/04 11:47 2/16/04 18:41 2/18/04 8:04 2/18/04 13:12 2/18/04 14:43 2/19/04 13:15 2/22/04 15:20 2/26/04 10:51 2/27/04 13:21 3/1/04 13:15 5/11/04 6:24 5/11/04 11:44 5/11/04 12:40 5/11/04 16:32 5/28/04 1:41 5/28/04 5:00 6/29/04 13:22 6/29/04 16:23 6/29/04 18:04 6/30/04 4:46 6/30/04 14:20 6/30/04 17:19 8/15/05 15:36 8/15/05 16:01 8/15/05 17:18 9/26/05 16:35 9/26/05 20:50 9/26/05 23:56 10/24/05 20:12 11/30/05 21:34 12/1/05 5:07 12/1/05 13:12 12/1/05 16:11 12/1/05 19:38 12/21/05 18:33 12/21/05 21:53 12/22/05 3:55 12/22/05 12:55 12/27/05 13:17 12/28/05 4:43 12/28/05 4:44 12/30/05 7:22 12/30/05 18:07 12/31/05 11:35 1/30/06 7:41 2/1/06 10:37 2/2/06 4:25 2/26/06 18:24 2/27/06 5:18 2/27/06 11:54 2/27/06 22:07 4/2/06 15:31 4/3/06 0:42 4/3/06 9:37 4/4/06 7:29 4/6/06 7:00 4/6/06 7:00 4/6/06 7:01 4/16/06 4:34 0.5-16 µm <44 µm <63 µm <88 µm <125 µm <177 µm <250 µm <354 µm <500 µm <707 µm <1000 µm <1414 µm <2000 µm Particle Conc. <31 µm (volume %) (volume %) (volume %) (volume %) (volume %) (volume %) (volume %) (volume %) (volume %) (volume %) (volume %) (volume %) (volume %) (No./mL) 69.453 77.038 83.782 89.665 94.469 97.462 98.611 98.980 99.605 99.993 100.000 100.000 100.000 36,391,768 55.836 67.050 77.445 86.364 93.270 97.298 98.519 98.844 99.531 99.988 100.000 100.000 100.000 23,047,647 63.273 73.698 81.989 88.672 94.179 97.931 99.172 99.326 99.561 99.728 99.866 100.000 100.000 8,958,997 90.925 94.237 96.281 97.699 98.846 99.466 99.704 99.761 99.890 99.998 100.000 100.000 100.000 55,444,784 92.828 96.144 97.862 98.826 99.542 99.909 99.996 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 42,372,040 88.391 93.163 96.175 98.095 99.176 99.827 99.997 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 38,224,629 75.073 84.986 91.615 95.785 98.492 99.716 99.895 99.964 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 6,391,795 93.391 95.891 97.393 98.405 99.164 99.593 99.797 99.827 99.914 99.998 100.000 100.000 100.000 61,464,767 94.085 96.917 98.383 99.130 99.612 99.890 99.997 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 61,059,140 94.653 97.445 98.692 99.268 99.719 99.912 99.995 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 75,441,774 93.990 96.138 97.359 98.164 98.623 98.854 99.033 99.164 99.420 99.716 99.911 100.000 100.000 118,637,131 17.297 19.216 20.905 21.679 22.666 24.841 30.997 50.594 83.683 98.870 100.000 100.000 100.000 3,287,643 47.825 56.364 63.916 70.248 75.497 78.261 79.757 80.935 83.466 87.607 93.646 99.780 100.000 1,708,113 42.887 52.051 60.562 66.612 72.469 77.085 81.666 84.480 89.257 94.078 98.634 100.000 100.000 1,789,459 32.226 42.847 54.864 64.945 75.192 85.154 91.720 94.750 98.195 99.959 100.000 100.000 100.000 1,284,030 54.454 62.113 69.458 74.519 78.463 81.420 82.875 84.903 88.058 93.309 98.636 100.000 100.000 3,295,643 60.069 69.483 76.387 81.560 87.286 92.483 95.411 96.186 97.523 99.604 100.000 100.000 100.000 9,682,694 44.499 56.119 67.955 79.226 87.249 93.868 96.779 97.666 98.882 99.711 99.999 100.000 100.000 27,582,494 26.905 35.867 46.787 57.010 67.433 77.041 84.250 87.505 91.814 97.077 99.255 100.000 100.000 1,249,455 66.683 76.366 84.707 89.341 91.045 92.043 92.771 93.735 96.365 99.949 100.000 100.000 100.000 6,365,439 30.141 40.503 51.002 59.367 67.034 73.041 77.276 78.665 81.600 85.640 89.065 96.286 100.000 32,460,009 49.982 60.250 72.120 84.045 90.636 94.913 96.507 96.662 97.677 99.599 100.000 100.000 100.000 4,679,841 45.168 57.293 68.834 74.765 79.061 84.142 86.748 89.346 91.855 95.749 99.155 100.000 100.000 2,164,670 45.498 56.345 66.519 77.035 83.660 88.040 91.459 92.746 95.124 98.553 99.995 100.000 100.000 38,658,968 37.384 47.552 57.265 66.229 72.403 78.554 83.493 86.885 91.345 96.264 99.921 100.000 100.000 21,738,418 41.414 54.724 65.863 73.354 77.890 81.775 85.215 87.945 91.334 96.670 99.987 100.000 100.000 7,424,838 66.903 76.934 83.476 87.631 93.060 98.530 99.990 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 38,717,679 58.382 62.864 65.159 70.708 73.858 80.426 93.275 99.582 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 7,489,405 1.409 1.623 1.776 2.175 3.529 5.581 23.900 69.213 95.758 98.604 98.984 99.982 100.000 361,658 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 28,616,827 65.118 69.624 72.841 75.243 76.910 78.883 81.922 89.034 97.635 99.987 100.000 100.000 100.000 4,643,208 64.598 73.106 77.472 80.763 83.971 86.729 90.233 95.308 99.018 99.995 100.000 100.000 100.000 4,856,667 54.611 65.424 72.863 77.694 82.264 86.221 89.602 94.332 98.601 99.388 99.978 100.000 100.000 6,055,128 53.650 63.071 69.833 75.166 79.557 83.521 86.663 90.573 96.212 99.384 99.998 100.000 100.000 5,035,305 46.539 55.350 62.648 67.329 71.602 75.129 79.092 84.065 94.188 99.824 100.000 100.000 100.000 1,953,456 62.933 69.780 75.338 80.225 83.733 86.630 89.651 91.727 95.157 98.307 99.965 100.000 100.000 21,459,134 54.582 61.064 66.424 69.063 71.679 73.711 77.141 81.869 91.495 98.149 99.994 100.000 100.000 1,831,467 48.664 52.617 53.390 53.390 53.390 53.390 57.775 73.216 80.628 88.370 97.787 100.000 100.000 1,081,551 49.850 55.232 59.159 62.513 64.645 67.744 70.143 73.176 78.188 82.555 87.157 95.591 100.000 6,339,380 69.930 74.927 79.391 82.481 86.303 89.503 92.540 94.613 97.436 99.971 100.000 100.000 100.000 23,654,936 48.041 54.406 59.660 63.374 68.689 72.914 81.534 93.158 99.557 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 5,270,639 68.387 77.462 83.754 89.780 92.555 93.654 94.793 96.814 98.901 99.988 100.000 100.000 100.000 6,802,051 85.482 93.053 98.303 99.795 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 31,669,513 60.350 67.519 72.840 73.599 73.864 74.073 74.615 75.534 78.505 84.190 89.726 96.814 100.000 4,584,009 62.416 69.124 74.168 76.327 76.537 76.537 76.668 82.626 94.892 99.951 100.000 100.000 100.000 4,575,725 80.915 84.576 87.452 89.305 91.620 93.168 95.815 99.655 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 55,386,143 73.311 73.693 76.073 78.554 82.214 83.851 88.068 94.361 97.981 99.980 100.000 100.000 100.000 22,020,005 70.036 75.016 78.462 81.049 83.221 85.701 90.579 97.765 99.660 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 11,196,156 79.389 83.383 86.485 88.684 90.343 91.779 94.206 99.374 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 33,433,052 73.798 78.585 82.192 84.272 87.765 89.938 92.244 98.921 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 10,528,258 51.691 56.966 61.533 65.376 69.136 74.948 84.300 94.693 99.473 99.997 100.000 100.000 100.000 15,417,058 46.505 51.825 56.506 59.651 62.905 65.612 69.257 73.458 82.689 90.223 95.576 99.853 100.000 2,604,166 60.549 67.459 69.563 72.882 73.854 74.938 78.705 91.817 98.962 99.999 100.000 100.000 100.000 2,314,545 61.512 65.437 69.121 71.379 73.583 75.872 78.538 81.661 85.261 89.753 94.682 99.810 100.000 16,062,564 73.948 78.987 82.693 85.378 88.980 91.126 94.610 98.475 99.911 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 10,412,553 83.006 87.123 90.456 92.711 94.429 96.267 98.344 99.946 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 22,773,723 33.887 40.218 47.569 52.020 56.457 63.235 68.826 92.915 99.993 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 252,329 27.858 36.698 43.745 48.907 49.780 56.078 66.551 94.449 99.995 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 446,382 21.731 28.571 33.506 36.385 37.257 40.143 49.725 71.947 82.125 92.738 99.933 100.000 100.000 291,690 55.870 56.918 57.348 57.552 58.329 60.531 65.304 77.879 94.454 99.954 100.000 100.000 100.000 12,840,299 Appendix E. Tahoe stormwater particle size distribution data (continued). 145 Site South Y South Y South Y South Y South Y South Y South Y South Y South Y South Y South Y South Y South Y South Y South Y South Y South Y South Y South Y South Y South Y South Y South Y South Y South Y South Y South Y South Y South Y South Y South Y South Y South Y South Y South Y South Y South Y South Y South Y South Y South Y South Y South Y South Y South Y South Y South Y South Y South Y South Y South Y Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Sample Type SY-ASC SY-ASC SY-ASC SY-AS SY-AS SY-ASC SY-ASC SY-AS SY-AS SY-ASC SY-ASC SY-ASC SY-ASC SY-ASC SY-ASC SY-ASC SY-GS SY-MS SY-MSR SY-ASC SY-ASC SY-ASC SY-ASC SY-ASC SY-ASC SY-ASC SY-ASC SY-ASC SY-ASC SY-ASC SY-ASC SY-ASC SY-ASC SY-GS SY-MS SY-MSR SY-ASC SY-ASC SY-ASC SY-ASC SY-ASC SY-ASC SY-ASC SY-ASC SY-ASC SY-ASC SY-ASC SY-ASC SY-ASC SY-ASC SY-ASC SB-ASC SB-ASC SB-ASC SB-ASC SB-ASC SB-ASC SB-ASC SB-AS SB-AS Sample DateTime 4/17/06 7:14 4/25/06 17:14 10/5/06 11:38 10/10/06 3:16 10/10/06 4:23 10/10/06 9:48 11/3/06 13:53 11/13/06 7:05 11/13/06 11:58 11/13/06 15:59 11/13/06 21:12 12/26/06 23:12 1/3/07 22:15 1/4/07 5:40 2/8/07 20:42 2/9/07 0:53 2/9/07 13:29 2/9/07 13:30 2/9/07 13:31 2/10/07 9:54 2/11/07 12:20 3/6/07 13:53 3/26/07 17:40 3/27/07 10:13 4/22/07 9:05 9/20/07 0:12 9/22/07 7:36 10/19/07 21:56 11/9/07 16:18 11/11/07 0:03 11/11/07 7:56 1/4/08 6:14 1/4/08 10:36 1/4/08 12:01 1/4/08 12:02 1/4/08 12:03 1/4/08 16:20 5/25/08 16:04 10/3/08 20:21 11/1/08 6:49 11/1/08 19:42 1/22/09 5:01 1/22/09 9:33 1/22/09 15:20 1/23/09 13:12 2/22/09 8:28 3/2/09 9:02 5/1/09 16:11 5/3/09 5:04 5/4/09 20:04 7/29/09 14:11 12/26/02 19:28 1/8/03 15:12 1/12/03 14:43 3/15/03 3:36 3/23/03 1:07 3/26/03 8:20 4/21/03 10:26 4/28/03 6:11 4/28/03 8:46 Turbidity (NTU) 218.0 194.0 198.0 41.5 42.3 167.0 102.0 43.6 93.9 93.5 31.7 1,450.0 401.0 198.0 492.0 230.0 531.0 560.0 569.0 276.0 286.0 99.6 730.0 423.0 199.0 96.9 122.0 63.2 97.4 66.6 37.7 885.0 134.0 347.0 417.0 384.0 60.7 104.0 113.0 106.0 86.1 591.0 401.0 218.0 266.0 352.0 127.0 262.0 67.4 36.2 111.0 110.0 75.0 55.0 105.0 44.0 64.0 53.0 74.0 115.0 TSS (mg/L) 186.0 191.0 266.0 28.0 30.0 163.0 93.6 34.8 56.0 108.0 32.0 725.0 226.4 174.4 328.5 182.0 328.5 349.5 353.0 346.5 223.5 77.5 317.6 424.4 190.5 120.5 155.0 53.0 111.0 51.5 37.5 504.0 121.0 355.3 345.3 340.0 45.0 64.5 107.0 72.5 116.5 388.0 362.0 147.5 199.5 246.5 180.0 201.5 61.6 35.6 136.8 191.2 86.4 65.6 254.8 87.2 130.0 68.0 178.4 243.8 Sonicate <0.49 µm <0.69 µm <1.0 µm <1.4 µm <2.0 µm <2.8 µm <3.9 µm <5.5 µm <7.8 µm <11 µm <16 µm <22 µm (Y/N) (volume %) (volume %) (volume %) (volume %) (volume %) (volume %) (volume %) (volume %) (volume %) (volume %) (volume %) (volume %) N 0.557 1.909 4.672 9.201 15.300 22.291 29.619 37.234 45.042 52.155 57.435 60.549 N 0.580 1.633 3.583 6.620 10.676 15.521 21.103 27.691 35.535 44.403 53.588 61.597 N 0.544 1.122 2.033 3.331 5.016 7.069 9.568 12.804 17.281 23.625 32.559 44.127 N 0.710 1.279 2.166 3.719 6.778 12.000 18.980 26.977 36.151 45.730 55.160 63.818 N 0.517 1.275 2.662 4.968 8.446 13.159 19.027 25.972 34.038 43.378 54.464 66.329 N 0.502 1.650 3.984 7.883 13.398 20.254 28.219 37.305 47.455 58.214 69.220 78.991 N 0.379 1.197 2.825 5.515 9.291 13.927 19.168 24.864 30.956 37.562 45.596 55.958 N 0.432 1.383 3.202 5.967 9.348 12.797 15.998 19.130 22.541 26.393 31.287 37.891 N 0.818 2.752 6.619 12.757 20.510 28.315 34.869 40.244 44.994 48.612 51.426 54.900 N 0.318 1.091 2.695 5.396 9.193 13.787 18.843 24.221 29.954 36.169 43.623 52.643 N 0.292 0.837 1.893 3.648 6.219 9.610 13.792 18.659 23.852 29.017 34.832 41.889 N 0.637 2.597 6.978 14.595 25.318 37.996 51.371 64.615 76.685 85.919 92.300 96.916 N 1.024 2.902 6.378 11.763 18.862 27.132 36.276 46.456 57.595 68.681 78.639 86.954 N 0.873 2.133 4.306 7.567 11.891 17.157 23.418 30.959 39.999 50.417 61.934 73.489 N 3.860 6.099 8.965 12.413 16.237 20.268 24.715 30.342 38.032 48.237 60.722 73.116 N 3.711 5.776 8.408 11.556 15.044 18.736 22.818 28.006 35.292 45.479 58.895 73.562 N 5.159 7.948 11.446 15.797 20.918 26.506 32.529 39.612 48.489 59.248 71.450 83.101 N 4.777 7.457 10.863 15.036 19.827 25.016 30.694 37.508 46.197 57.051 69.880 82.472 N 4.920 7.729 11.363 15.965 21.421 27.388 33.805 41.274 50.490 61.575 74.120 85.475 N 2.590 3.957 5.718 7.848 10.237 12.815 15.757 19.644 25.316 33.594 45.062 58.635 N 4.728 7.861 12.509 19.617 29.233 39.906 50.473 61.498 72.794 82.210 89.670 95.655 N 6.350 9.884 14.632 21.104 29.325 38.557 48.032 57.570 66.961 75.412 82.311 86.912 N 4.343 6.740 10.116 14.814 20.884 27.952 35.652 43.986 52.945 62.110 71.296 80.150 N 7.542 11.613 17.042 24.765 34.951 46.336 57.554 68.361 78.476 86.622 92.819 98.093 N 2.777 4.736 7.906 12.932 19.964 28.302 37.426 47.868 59.396 69.864 78.801 87.240 N 2.369 3.414 4.690 6.251 8.180 10.617 13.817 18.156 23.978 31.498 41.045 52.494 N 2.062 3.160 4.590 6.385 8.566 11.222 14.609 19.173 25.358 33.504 44.038 56.822 N 3.050 4.753 7.012 9.875 13.249 17.002 21.245 26.498 33.349 42.157 53.216 65.409 N 9.289 11.311 13.309 15.772 19.068 23.093 27.665 32.994 39.447 47.198 56.460 65.996 N 5.665 8.044 10.994 14.769 19.453 24.862 30.881 37.729 45.647 54.621 64.682 74.839 N 5.207 7.241 9.874 13.498 18.310 24.113 30.707 38.185 46.529 55.381 64.840 73.848 Y 6.656 10.389 15.556 22.710 31.809 41.943 52.273 62.802 73.513 83.386 91.723 97.313 Y 4.540 7.231 10.973 15.986 22.191 29.279 37.208 46.331 56.676 67.608 78.477 87.552 Y 3.395 5.476 8.341 12.095 16.672 21.924 27.916 35.086 43.902 54.462 66.428 77.938 Y 3.423 5.548 8.483 12.346 17.051 22.414 28.528 35.939 45.110 55.836 67.357 78.270 Y 3.541 5.794 8.949 13.164 18.348 24.250 30.909 38.863 48.479 59.311 70.390 80.477 Y 4.200 6.466 9.555 13.796 19.256 25.580 32.475 40.227 49.222 59.348 70.783 81.413 Y 4.623 7.164 10.475 14.687 19.733 25.375 31.566 38.612 46.755 56.073 66.903 77.454 Y 2.127 3.083 4.308 5.924 8.135 11.164 15.137 20.024 25.803 32.829 42.225 54.487 Y 3.649 5.561 8.045 11.313 15.504 20.558 26.339 32.781 39.890 47.861 57.431 68.134 Y 1.705 2.690 4.105 6.084 8.673 11.803 15.470 19.859 25.183 31.551 39.220 47.975 Y 6.065 9.757 14.886 21.923 30.776 40.586 50.571 60.682 70.833 80.228 88.628 95.580 Y 3.804 6.272 9.881 14.915 21.301 28.585 36.462 45.095 54.576 64.426 74.189 83.239 Y 6.994 10.752 15.794 22.629 31.290 40.991 50.803 60.440 69.947 78.957 87.034 93.008 Y 4.524 7.327 11.422 17.206 24.648 33.163 42.197 51.634 61.298 70.615 79.450 87.408 Y 6.688 10.435 15.636 22.786 31.819 41.881 52.114 62.249 71.995 80.700 88.177 93.451 Y 2.524 4.210 6.691 10.141 14.510 19.535 25.076 31.341 38.579 46.743 55.700 64.707 Y 4.178 5.920 8.262 11.542 15.963 21.430 27.880 35.494 44.330 54.223 65.212 75.772 Y 4.949 6.915 9.539 13.322 18.587 25.158 32.789 41.493 51.105 61.155 71.254 79.530 Y 4.709 6.346 8.577 12.060 17.174 23.557 30.896 39.526 49.287 59.091 69.211 78.712 Y 3.515 4.946 6.798 9.300 12.563 16.488 21.114 26.839 34.011 42.750 52.961 61.810 N 3.162 5.280 7.905 11.046 14.899 19.830 26.236 34.454 44.535 56.110 68.120 78.904 N 2.335 4.008 6.117 8.624 11.634 15.524 20.968 28.851 39.771 53.405 67.740 79.504 N 1.898 3.235 4.944 7.023 9.574 12.872 17.395 23.808 32.720 44.287 57.610 70.225 N 0.362 1.657 3.650 6.063 8.855 12.355 17.119 23.774 32.751 44.019 56.566 68.132 N 0.268 1.234 2.731 4.548 6.620 9.177 12.699 17.854 25.287 35.378 47.809 60.830 N 2.278 3.610 5.357 7.592 10.455 14.194 19.244 26.290 36.039 48.726 63.252 76.435 N 0.459 2.094 4.571 7.478 10.708 14.684 20.174 28.049 38.787 52.033 66.019 77.937 N 0.261 1.204 2.670 4.439 6.402 8.716 11.799 16.356 23.278 33.414 47.088 62.424 N 0.498 2.256 4.913 8.081 11.755 16.349 22.320 29.951 39.265 50.071 61.728 73.022 Appendix E. Tahoe stormwater particle size distribution data (continued). 146 Site South Y South Y South Y South Y South Y South Y South Y South Y South Y South Y South Y South Y South Y South Y South Y South Y South Y South Y South Y South Y South Y South Y South Y South Y South Y South Y South Y South Y South Y South Y South Y South Y South Y South Y South Y South Y South Y South Y South Y South Y South Y South Y South Y South Y South Y South Y South Y South Y South Y South Y South Y Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Sample Type SY-ASC SY-ASC SY-ASC SY-AS SY-AS SY-ASC SY-ASC SY-AS SY-AS SY-ASC SY-ASC SY-ASC SY-ASC SY-ASC SY-ASC SY-ASC SY-GS SY-MS SY-MSR SY-ASC SY-ASC SY-ASC SY-ASC SY-ASC SY-ASC SY-ASC SY-ASC SY-ASC SY-ASC SY-ASC SY-ASC SY-ASC SY-ASC SY-GS SY-MS SY-MSR SY-ASC SY-ASC SY-ASC SY-ASC SY-ASC SY-ASC SY-ASC SY-ASC SY-ASC SY-ASC SY-ASC SY-ASC SY-ASC SY-ASC SY-ASC SB-ASC SB-ASC SB-ASC SB-ASC SB-ASC SB-ASC SB-ASC SB-AS SB-AS Sample DateTime 4/17/06 7:14 4/25/06 17:14 10/5/06 11:38 10/10/06 3:16 10/10/06 4:23 10/10/06 9:48 11/3/06 13:53 11/13/06 7:05 11/13/06 11:58 11/13/06 15:59 11/13/06 21:12 12/26/06 23:12 1/3/07 22:15 1/4/07 5:40 2/8/07 20:42 2/9/07 0:53 2/9/07 13:29 2/9/07 13:30 2/9/07 13:31 2/10/07 9:54 2/11/07 12:20 3/6/07 13:53 3/26/07 17:40 3/27/07 10:13 4/22/07 9:05 9/20/07 0:12 9/22/07 7:36 10/19/07 21:56 11/9/07 16:18 11/11/07 0:03 11/11/07 7:56 1/4/08 6:14 1/4/08 10:36 1/4/08 12:01 1/4/08 12:02 1/4/08 12:03 1/4/08 16:20 5/25/08 16:04 10/3/08 20:21 11/1/08 6:49 11/1/08 19:42 1/22/09 5:01 1/22/09 9:33 1/22/09 15:20 1/23/09 13:12 2/22/09 8:28 3/2/09 9:02 5/1/09 16:11 5/3/09 5:04 5/4/09 20:04 7/29/09 14:11 12/26/02 19:28 1/8/03 15:12 1/12/03 14:43 3/15/03 3:36 3/23/03 1:07 3/26/03 8:20 4/21/03 10:26 4/28/03 6:11 4/28/03 8:46 0.5-16 µm <44 µm <63 µm <88 µm <125 µm <177 µm <250 µm <354 µm <500 µm <707 µm <1000 µm <1414 µm <2000 µm Particle Conc. <31 µm (volume %) (volume %) (volume %) (volume %) (volume %) (volume %) (volume %) (volume %) (volume %) (volume %) (volume %) (volume %) (volume %) (No./mL) 62.299 65.210 66.891 67.932 70.030 72.329 76.166 88.647 98.744 99.995 100.000 100.000 100.000 22,856,010 65.823 69.482 73.256 76.837 81.061 86.529 94.534 98.884 99.718 99.998 100.000 100.000 100.000 17,086,297 56.901 69.870 79.892 86.050 91.397 96.041 98.594 98.856 99.468 99.986 100.000 100.000 100.000 11,698,136 66.381 70.845 73.889 75.682 77.272 80.476 81.516 81.853 81.895 97.901 100.000 100.000 100.000 1,399,132 74.731 83.904 89.407 93.707 96.495 98.381 99.971 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 2,009,212 82.982 88.397 92.222 94.463 96.221 98.960 99.989 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 17,313,516 65.451 75.707 84.304 89.771 94.344 97.499 99.876 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 6,946,709 43.927 49.597 54.631 57.633 61.023 73.584 93.355 99.561 99.973 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 2,781,635 57.423 59.555 59.727 59.727 59.803 65.881 90.606 99.931 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 9,453,645 60.967 69.567 75.869 80.288 84.903 88.970 94.803 98.575 99.848 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 7,801,851 48.071 56.693 63.582 68.986 74.112 80.169 89.865 95.738 97.994 99.958 100.000 100.000 100.000 1,582,494 97.465 97.465 97.465 97.556 98.677 99.961 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 140,024,487 90.726 93.493 95.463 97.008 98.224 99.634 99.999 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 35,893,274 81.915 87.593 91.099 93.531 95.732 98.007 99.641 99.946 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 17,783,267 80.890 85.906 89.129 91.462 94.528 97.699 99.487 99.963 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 47,903,508 84.296 90.759 94.305 96.203 98.035 99.209 99.897 99.997 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 24,415,399 89.319 93.234 95.375 96.472 97.706 99.506 99.999 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 59,765,343 89.589 94.139 96.673 97.640 98.698 99.829 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 61,173,759 90.907 95.066 97.107 98.242 99.064 99.882 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 65,827,069 71.047 80.695 86.065 89.823 93.793 97.414 99.132 99.858 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 31,045,122 96.997 98.922 99.984 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 52,250,888 88.364 90.254 90.971 91.837 95.347 99.443 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 18,864,637 84.976 89.664 93.269 95.254 96.813 99.353 99.998 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 54,089,832 98.933 99.643 99.998 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 119,989,839 90.600 93.852 95.661 97.045 98.203 99.552 99.999 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 29,679,840 63.651 74.057 82.801 89.230 94.022 97.885 99.731 99.923 99.999 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 8,200,814 69.487 80.259 87.515 92.511 95.859 98.949 99.991 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 11,419,775 76.261 86.029 91.934 96.103 98.602 99.958 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 6,069,118 73.957 81.969 87.943 91.379 94.206 97.905 99.213 99.976 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 13,441,761 82.299 89.019 93.157 95.770 97.253 99.438 99.998 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 8,041,980 80.268 86.147 90.140 93.337 95.436 98.519 99.838 99.999 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 5,221,474 97.870 98.732 99.319 99.767 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 131,837,493 90.906 95.297 98.058 99.715 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 22,716,555 84.933 90.099 93.377 95.413 97.687 99.490 99.999 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 51,090,224 86.017 91.162 94.078 96.297 98.266 99.762 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 50,805,474 87.333 91.837 94.566 96.691 98.434 99.761 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 53,574,570 87.165 93.402 95.559 97.031 98.175 99.876 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 7,111,282 82.673 87.118 91.546 94.283 97.649 99.929 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 10,942,868 66.457 76.917 85.857 91.859 96.062 99.010 99.947 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 6,994,215 76.096 83.453 89.226 92.900 96.285 98.962 99.988 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 9,385,545 56.132 63.055 69.989 75.915 80.217 84.866 87.747 89.953 95.806 99.953 100.000 100.000 100.000 8,284,179 96.892 97.654 98.997 99.602 99.909 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100,238,178 89.097 92.214 95.288 97.332 99.134 99.997 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 64,515,583 95.061 96.714 98.535 99.877 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 38,092,839 90.170 92.601 95.929 97.069 98.899 99.993 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 40,515,177 94.845 96.891 98.377 99.879 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 64,654,330 72.401 78.921 84.973 90.531 94.375 97.543 99.794 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 21,982,588 80.859 86.836 91.579 94.109 95.752 99.001 99.995 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 24,645,717 83.111 88.051 91.629 94.149 95.830 98.759 99.985 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 8,554,098 82.105 87.320 90.769 92.009 94.745 96.653 98.163 99.593 99.999 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 4,266,549 67.454 74.719 83.195 92.775 96.759 99.533 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 13,344,420 87.275 93.391 96.985 98.796 99.675 99.959 99.999 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 26,391,221 87.680 93.389 96.943 98.667 99.582 99.860 99.891 99.981 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 9,494,519 80.368 88.433 94.106 97.364 99.172 99.855 99.952 99.996 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 5,829,167 77.600 85.447 90.829 94.343 96.746 98.058 98.767 99.056 99.524 99.865 99.939 100.000 100.000 23,727,042 72.703 83.077 90.599 95.194 98.018 99.310 99.787 99.979 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 6,074,724 86.161 92.748 96.018 97.712 98.856 99.387 99.697 99.960 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 11,809,596 86.748 92.801 96.228 98.237 99.429 99.888 99.992 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 7,853,809 75.723 85.199 90.743 93.722 95.633 96.733 97.360 97.857 98.894 99.771 99.934 100.000 100.000 12,086,089 82.785 90.499 95.213 97.701 98.866 99.286 99.447 99.503 99.586 99.680 99.903 100.000 100.000 30,403,192 Appendix E. Tahoe stormwater particle size distribution data (continued). 147 Site Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Sample Type SB-AS SB-AS SB-AS SB-ASC SB-ASC SB-AS SB-ASC SB-ASC SB-ASC SB-ASC SB-ASC SB-ASC SB-ASC SB-ASC SB-ASC SB-ASC SB-ASC SB-ASC SB-ASC SB-AS SB-AS SB-AS SB-AS SB-AS SB-ASC SB-AS SB-AS SB-AS SB-AS SB-AS SB-AS SB-AS SB-AS SB-AS SB-AS SB-AS SB-AS SB-AS SB-ASC SB-AS SB-AS SB-AS SB-AS SB-AS SB-AS SB-ASC SB-ASC SB-ASC SB-ASC SB-AS SB-ASC SB-ASC SB-ASC SB-ASC SB-ASC SB-ASC SB-ASC SB-ASC SB-ASC SB-AS Sample DateTime 4/28/03 9:36 5/4/03 3:20 5/8/03 10:08 6/7/03 16:22 6/23/03 11:41 7/22/03 18:11 7/31/03 14:30 8/1/03 16:27 8/1/03 21:57 8/2/03 15:08 8/21/03 7:56 8/21/03 12:24 8/21/03 16:17 8/21/03 19:48 12/6/03 16:21 12/6/03 17:34 12/6/03 19:44 12/7/03 0:41 12/13/03 7:19 12/24/03 4:49 1/8/04 14:05 1/8/04 14:37 1/8/04 15:13 1/8/04 15:52 1/9/04 13:45 1/9/04 18:34 1/11/04 13:23 1/11/04 15:32 1/13/04 13:15 1/13/04 14:40 1/13/04 15:02 1/13/04 16:54 1/15/04 13:22 1/15/04 14:34 1/15/04 17:52 1/17/04 13:59 1/17/04 14:39 1/17/04 16:23 1/27/04 13:57 1/27/04 15:18 1/27/04 16:06 1/27/04 16:35 2/5/04 14:17 2/5/04 16:20 2/5/04 16:33 2/7/04 13:28 2/7/04 16:45 2/16/04 6:48 2/16/04 12:38 2/18/04 7:04 2/18/04 10:52 2/18/04 13:31 2/21/04 18:26 2/21/04 22:24 2/22/04 10:50 2/22/04 14:57 2/23/04 11:47 2/25/04 11:08 2/25/04 14:46 2/28/04 12:48 Turbidity (NTU) 85.0 40.0 74.0 538.0 292.0 447.0 551.0 296.0 120.0 54.9 89.4 101.0 490.0 124.0 233.0 117.0 77.8 85.2 145.0 326.0 359.0 416.0 389.0 312.0 247.0 106.0 80.9 194.0 70.5 177.0 176.0 134.0 64.8 158.0 81.5 53.5 103.0 122.0 1,597.0 1,204.0 649.0 1,181.0 107.0 242.0 240.0 874.0 351.0 862.0 553.0 168.0 623.0 202.0 212.0 171.0 83.9 265.0 351.0 470.0 599.0 102.0 TSS (mg/L) 158.0 57.5 135.6 763.8 413.5 630.0 1,067.5 493.6 192.8 50.8 116.8 135.6 760.5 158.4 307.2 147.9 86.8 70.4 81.2 219.5 252.0 278.0 260.5 201.0 206.5 78.8 75.6 144.0 65.2 132.0 134.4 95.2 62.0 104.4 47.5 44.5 72.4 78.5 835.5 629.3 400.4 662.7 90.8 170.0 165.6 645.6 288.2 588.0 638.5 123.2 508.0 202.0 229.0 149.5 75.0 217.5 320.5 387.5 605.0 87.0 Sonicate <0.49 µm <0.69 µm <1.0 µm <1.4 µm <2.0 µm <2.8 µm <3.9 µm <5.5 µm <7.8 µm <11 µm <16 µm <22 µm (Y/N) (volume %) (volume %) (volume %) (volume %) (volume %) (volume %) (volume %) (volume %) (volume %) (volume %) (volume %) (volume %) N 0.484 2.208 4.853 8.070 11.859 16.660 23.033 31.352 41.524 52.948 64.445 74.866 N 0.119 0.549 1.213 1.990 2.796 3.678 4.831 6.598 9.437 13.895 20.685 30.367 N 0.409 1.921 4.378 7.515 11.185 15.604 21.379 29.344 40.012 53.072 66.844 78.534 N 0.353 1.601 3.468 5.643 8.078 11.083 15.137 20.756 28.218 37.281 46.795 55.165 N 0.167 0.773 1.733 2.925 4.300 5.977 8.227 11.415 15.882 21.831 29.151 37.047 N 2.122 2.925 4.006 5.610 8.112 11.838 16.922 23.233 30.464 38.306 46.382 54.126 N 2.543 3.405 4.441 5.726 7.373 9.537 12.483 16.649 22.518 30.361 39.843 49.585 N 1.941 2.659 3.536 4.615 5.946 7.606 9.749 12.693 16.922 22.992 31.352 41.576 N 1.568 2.228 3.061 4.111 5.452 7.206 9.590 12.993 17.940 24.949 34.264 45.000 N 0.909 1.474 2.206 3.114 4.235 5.684 7.702 10.719 15.344 22.303 32.363 45.417 N 1.492 2.219 3.174 4.455 6.237 8.741 12.230 17.014 23.405 31.608 41.479 52.131 N 1.514 2.180 3.038 4.173 5.728 7.881 10.835 14.832 20.133 26.978 35.486 45.371 N 2.742 3.682 4.828 6.278 8.165 10.625 13.817 18.006 23.556 30.845 40.033 50.370 N 1.401 2.027 2.826 3.846 5.158 6.862 9.115 12.188 16.470 22.417 30.438 40.286 N 2.356 3.411 4.754 6.463 8.659 11.512 15.292 20.443 27.509 36.903 48.432 60.368 N 2.090 3.177 4.631 6.559 9.096 12.358 16.456 21.573 28.017 36.172 46.330 58.064 N 1.942 2.995 4.402 6.266 8.732 11.954 16.083 21.296 27.818 35.910 45.786 57.155 N 2.158 3.573 5.454 7.882 11.002 15.007 20.119 26.595 34.681 44.525 56.019 68.360 N 2.611 4.627 7.077 9.840 13.070 17.298 23.239 31.506 42.171 54.576 67.089 77.560 N 3.105 4.899 7.052 9.581 12.698 16.805 22.396 29.966 39.767 51.574 64.235 75.623 N 6.068 10.259 15.453 21.814 29.824 39.658 50.781 62.448 73.802 83.809 91.042 95.343 N 6.464 10.727 15.955 22.338 30.401 40.297 51.412 62.943 74.038 83.773 90.926 95.352 N 2.902 5.223 8.220 11.985 16.940 23.686 32.647 43.788 56.449 69.417 80.779 89.041 N 4.957 8.349 12.494 17.618 24.491 33.823 45.482 58.322 70.616 81.001 88.847 94.471 N 4.137 6.417 9.307 13.053 18.153 25.101 34.128 45.071 57.266 69.603 80.430 88.495 N 3.505 6.587 10.545 15.262 20.931 28.047 37.076 48.186 60.884 73.859 84.773 91.855 N 1.934 3.850 5.735 7.660 10.639 15.164 21.174 29.696 41.519 56.026 70.151 82.540 N 2.943 4.984 7.579 10.780 14.857 20.308 27.723 37.565 49.725 63.234 75.999 85.894 N 2.937 4.656 6.828 9.533 13.023 17.751 24.322 33.349 45.034 58.697 72.162 82.417 N 3.662 6.511 10.201 14.836 20.831 28.751 38.962 51.336 64.854 77.595 87.071 92.836 N 4.453 8.193 13.078 19.270 27.282 37.399 49.145 61.489 73.145 82.895 89.706 94.070 N 4.111 7.837 12.681 18.599 25.914 35.092 46.221 58.791 71.516 82.620 90.343 95.021 N 2.752 4.362 6.440 9.119 12.711 17.684 24.573 33.800 45.340 58.426 71.070 80.723 N 2.507 4.144 6.170 8.588 11.587 15.649 21.537 30.142 41.950 56.428 71.269 82.951 N 3.333 5.493 8.013 10.791 14.077 18.653 25.659 36.136 50.131 66.097 80.427 89.676 N 2.669 4.624 7.178 10.375 14.414 19.697 26.776 36.212 48.181 61.976 75.241 84.737 N 2.631 4.626 7.160 10.263 14.268 19.856 27.854 38.848 52.560 67.482 80.606 89.382 N 3.379 6.260 9.907 14.230 19.510 26.407 35.601 47.356 60.906 74.306 84.680 90.986 N 7.239 9.908 13.006 16.866 22.045 28.859 37.279 47.171 57.898 68.360 77.200 84.236 N 7.424 9.887 12.727 16.199 20.651 26.200 32.792 40.591 49.727 60.081 70.839 80.651 N 4.434 6.297 8.525 11.236 14.681 19.164 25.010 32.632 42.365 54.210 67.278 79.355 N 7.602 10.723 14.470 19.250 25.675 33.937 43.666 54.355 65.231 75.460 84.127 90.840 N 2.699 4.006 5.588 7.473 9.823 13.026 17.741 24.855 35.088 48.480 63.637 77.216 N 3.294 5.459 8.215 11.672 16.155 22.118 29.983 39.999 51.888 64.641 76.358 85.478 N 1.416 2.458 3.712 5.177 7.012 9.447 12.706 17.116 23.030 30.557 39.008 47.420 N 8.375 11.003 14.103 18.066 23.370 30.148 38.236 47.582 57.949 68.735 78.655 86.619 N 4.266 6.210 8.594 11.575 15.484 20.735 27.724 36.721 47.527 59.299 70.486 79.915 N 6.821 9.066 11.778 15.293 20.032 26.203 33.794 42.814 53.076 64.034 74.479 83.171 N 5.206 7.011 9.237 12.105 15.877 20.718 26.751 34.237 43.403 54.114 65.281 74.950 N 2.081 3.415 5.058 6.994 9.323 12.331 16.482 22.404 30.658 41.406 53.893 66.094 N 5.336 7.628 10.525 14.228 18.979 24.897 32.013 40.517 50.662 62.348 74.237 83.756 N 3.070 4.961 7.362 10.328 14.014 18.634 24.425 31.704 40.758 51.588 63.342 73.947 N 2.518 3.481 4.629 6.002 7.702 9.965 13.251 18.308 25.976 36.798 50.349 64.197 N 2.814 4.231 5.943 7.987 10.552 14.039 19.042 26.235 35.980 47.964 60.797 72.438 N 2.186 3.172 4.335 5.662 7.216 9.242 12.256 17.085 24.636 35.505 49.425 64.249 N 3.238 4.754 6.629 8.935 11.845 15.671 20.905 28.231 38.191 50.693 64.339 76.475 N 3.933 5.504 7.464 9.957 13.196 17.424 22.958 30.280 39.859 51.755 64.952 77.053 N 5.280 7.473 10.233 13.828 18.615 24.793 32.373 41.377 51.716 62.907 73.567 82.112 N 4.965 6.678 8.791 11.512 15.089 19.687 25.425 32.552 41.329 51.773 63.110 73.607 N 3.139 4.659 6.545 8.859 11.775 15.642 21.017 28.625 39.021 52.155 66.759 79.958 Appendix E. Tahoe stormwater particle size distribution data (continued). 148 Site Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Sample Type SB-AS SB-AS SB-AS SB-ASC SB-ASC SB-AS SB-ASC SB-ASC SB-ASC SB-ASC SB-ASC SB-ASC SB-ASC SB-ASC SB-ASC SB-ASC SB-ASC SB-ASC SB-ASC SB-AS SB-AS SB-AS SB-AS SB-AS SB-ASC SB-AS SB-AS SB-AS SB-AS SB-AS SB-AS SB-AS SB-AS SB-AS SB-AS SB-AS SB-AS SB-AS SB-ASC SB-AS SB-AS SB-AS SB-AS SB-AS SB-AS SB-ASC SB-ASC SB-ASC SB-ASC SB-AS SB-ASC SB-ASC SB-ASC SB-ASC SB-ASC SB-ASC SB-ASC SB-ASC SB-ASC SB-AS Sample DateTime 4/28/03 9:36 5/4/03 3:20 5/8/03 10:08 6/7/03 16:22 6/23/03 11:41 7/22/03 18:11 7/31/03 14:30 8/1/03 16:27 8/1/03 21:57 8/2/03 15:08 8/21/03 7:56 8/21/03 12:24 8/21/03 16:17 8/21/03 19:48 12/6/03 16:21 12/6/03 17:34 12/6/03 19:44 12/7/03 0:41 12/13/03 7:19 12/24/03 4:49 1/8/04 14:05 1/8/04 14:37 1/8/04 15:13 1/8/04 15:52 1/9/04 13:45 1/9/04 18:34 1/11/04 13:23 1/11/04 15:32 1/13/04 13:15 1/13/04 14:40 1/13/04 15:02 1/13/04 16:54 1/15/04 13:22 1/15/04 14:34 1/15/04 17:52 1/17/04 13:59 1/17/04 14:39 1/17/04 16:23 1/27/04 13:57 1/27/04 15:18 1/27/04 16:06 1/27/04 16:35 2/5/04 14:17 2/5/04 16:20 2/5/04 16:33 2/7/04 13:28 2/7/04 16:45 2/16/04 6:48 2/16/04 12:38 2/18/04 7:04 2/18/04 10:52 2/18/04 13:31 2/21/04 18:26 2/21/04 22:24 2/22/04 10:50 2/22/04 14:57 2/23/04 11:47 2/25/04 11:08 2/25/04 14:46 2/28/04 12:48 0.5-16 µm <44 µm <63 µm <88 µm <125 µm <177 µm <250 µm <354 µm <500 µm <707 µm <1000 µm <1414 µm <2000 µm Particle Conc. <31 µm (volume %) (volume %) (volume %) (volume %) (volume %) (volume %) (volume %) (volume %) (volume %) (volume %) (volume %) (volume %) (volume %) (No./mL) 83.694 90.828 95.487 98.131 99.443 99.838 99.901 99.969 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 19,586,353 42.470 55.118 66.707 77.299 86.694 95.947 98.750 99.400 99.990 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 1,746,727 86.788 92.150 95.154 97.084 98.366 99.182 99.760 99.993 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 15,296,495 61.660 67.083 72.104 78.726 89.143 94.194 95.354 96.655 97.850 98.848 99.101 99.783 100.000 66,818,046 44.500 51.209 59.679 70.386 78.832 84.154 87.258 89.852 92.682 95.022 96.960 99.268 100.000 18,357,577 60.910 67.379 75.927 84.651 88.796 90.738 92.599 93.518 94.954 96.922 98.314 99.668 100.000 37,182,126 58.468 66.596 74.382 81.530 86.878 90.600 92.962 94.478 96.155 97.340 97.851 99.078 100.000 60,006,395 52.299 62.376 71.303 79.301 86.067 91.067 93.725 95.182 96.754 97.845 98.190 99.171 100.000 23,092,044 55.569 65.144 73.259 79.955 84.983 88.397 90.416 91.793 93.486 94.864 96.542 99.861 100.000 8,507,420 59.693 72.912 83.195 90.467 95.207 97.751 98.713 99.124 99.667 99.993 100.000 100.000 100.000 1,932,295 62.742 72.690 80.627 86.889 91.670 94.966 96.627 97.577 98.781 99.652 99.891 100.000 100.000 5,928,263 56.351 67.967 78.085 85.841 91.368 94.840 96.816 98.007 99.244 99.978 100.000 100.000 100.000 6,209,579 60.560 69.987 78.182 85.013 90.050 93.401 95.327 96.511 97.865 98.761 98.917 99.498 100.000 47,059,032 50.840 60.721 68.668 74.961 79.877 83.529 86.187 88.492 91.434 94.267 96.379 99.063 100.000 6,677,742 70.618 78.672 84.612 89.295 92.885 95.387 96.990 97.851 98.875 99.623 99.777 99.998 100.000 21,772,620 70.015 80.107 86.670 90.847 93.783 95.661 96.651 97.237 98.123 99.036 99.705 100.000 100.000 11,138,470 68.783 78.734 85.806 90.692 94.103 96.311 97.693 98.494 99.294 99.949 100.000 100.000 100.000 6,341,841 79.770 87.976 92.735 95.571 97.393 98.630 99.385 99.939 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 6,829,898 84.652 88.805 91.286 93.321 95.139 96.659 98.016 99.726 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 10,459,050 84.133 89.742 93.209 95.759 97.575 98.603 99.087 99.309 99.726 99.995 100.000 100.000 100.000 25,297,889 97.169 98.223 98.853 99.237 99.578 99.842 99.987 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 68,907,269 97.235 98.380 98.993 99.367 99.598 99.809 99.994 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 76,944,649 94.025 97.014 98.285 98.812 99.526 99.862 99.981 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 40,872,126 97.209 98.499 99.047 99.422 99.761 99.882 99.963 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 44,777,836 93.388 96.283 97.754 98.648 99.423 99.847 99.944 99.981 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 31,842,585 95.394 97.222 98.340 99.211 99.705 99.941 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 16,013,418 90.453 95.494 97.449 99.256 99.714 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 8,598,187 92.399 96.224 98.125 99.201 99.658 99.886 99.998 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 19,607,342 88.789 92.644 95.028 96.926 98.451 99.430 99.897 99.999 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 7,492,053 95.791 97.387 98.290 98.971 99.484 99.823 99.991 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 25,355,920 96.089 97.293 98.073 98.737 99.469 99.852 99.994 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 33,925,664 97.260 98.397 99.006 99.481 99.854 99.991 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 23,642,203 86.959 91.235 94.275 96.513 98.287 99.429 99.964 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 6,813,582 90.238 94.504 97.023 98.527 99.429 99.800 99.909 99.975 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 11,202,595 94.512 96.790 97.648 98.549 99.406 99.869 99.999 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 6,452,922 90.218 93.662 95.714 97.265 98.418 99.292 99.932 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 5,882,097 94.132 96.654 98.064 98.814 99.466 99.836 99.989 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 9,660,054 94.100 95.520 96.418 97.363 98.632 99.641 99.984 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 14,858,315 89.144 92.660 94.707 95.924 96.770 97.228 97.490 97.622 98.057 98.583 99.140 99.970 100.000 143,371,548 88.379 94.090 97.306 98.926 99.732 99.987 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 98,409,517 88.560 94.780 97.895 99.186 99.809 99.993 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 48,221,557 94.989 97.692 98.928 99.473 99.841 99.984 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 135,252,452 86.755 92.464 95.389 97.122 98.301 98.968 99.430 99.930 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 7,715,596 91.727 95.767 97.866 98.969 99.664 99.933 99.996 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 24,657,084 53.925 58.315 63.064 70.210 83.981 96.824 99.937 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 11,100,477 92.196 96.110 98.117 99.158 99.739 99.963 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 110,160,030 87.495 93.332 96.694 98.541 99.605 99.981 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 36,956,220 89.380 93.950 96.926 98.617 99.512 99.920 99.999 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 87,026,724 82.209 87.827 91.943 94.974 97.062 98.313 98.958 99.235 99.708 99.996 100.000 100.000 100.000 76,440,074 76.519 84.868 90.703 94.596 97.157 98.438 98.948 99.216 99.677 99.971 99.999 100.000 100.000 10,666,903 89.876 93.987 96.572 98.257 99.299 99.823 99.994 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 77,625,807 81.914 87.603 91.336 94.003 96.060 97.403 98.191 98.694 99.339 99.944 100.000 100.000 100.000 25,309,847 76.282 86.633 93.455 96.941 98.865 99.739 99.991 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 14,239,491 82.289 90.046 94.683 97.472 99.162 99.874 99.999 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 13,754,780 77.276 86.966 92.699 96.093 98.437 99.609 99.918 99.985 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 4,692,060 85.826 92.383 95.870 97.855 99.243 99.880 99.997 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 21,710,050 86.313 92.660 96.167 98.124 99.354 99.917 99.999 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 33,533,498 88.039 92.301 95.140 97.077 98.342 99.023 99.340 99.462 99.727 99.990 100.000 100.000 100.000 57,040,591 82.095 88.715 93.139 95.968 97.684 98.637 99.081 99.191 99.659 99.995 100.000 100.000 100.000 68,758,810 89.390 94.662 97.035 98.412 99.290 99.864 99.999 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 8,718,637 Appendix E. Tahoe stormwater particle size distribution data (continued). 149 Site Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Sample Type SB-AS SB-AS SB-ASC SB-ASC SB-ASC SB-AS SB-AS SB-ASC SB-ASC SB-ASC SB-ASC SB-AS SB-AS SB-AS SB-AS SB-ASC SB-AS SB-ASC SB-AS SB-ASC SB-ASC SB-ASC SB-ASC SB-ASC SB-ASC SB-ASC SB-ASCR SB-ASC SB-ASC SB-ASC SB-AS SB-ASC SB-ASC SB-ASC SB-ASC SB-ASC SB-AS SB-ASC SB-ASC SB-ASC SB-ASC SB-ASC SB-ASC SB-ASC SB-ASC SB-ASC SB-ASC SB-ASC SB-ASC SB-ASC SB-ASC SB-ASC SB-ASC SB-ASC SB-ASC SB-ASC SB-AS SB-AS SB-ASC SB-ASC Sample DateTime 2/28/04 15:21 2/28/04 16:32 2/29/04 13:27 3/1/04 12:50 3/1/04 14:42 3/3/04 13:04 3/3/04 16:11 3/4/04 12:51 3/4/04 16:25 3/6/04 11:27 3/10/04 12:22 4/20/04 3:43 4/20/04 3:55 5/10/04 10:27 5/10/04 10:37 5/11/04 0:54 5/11/04 2:15 6/9/04 8:40 9/20/04 11:21 10/17/04 18:39 10/17/04 20:27 9/26/05 21:12 9/27/05 0:28 11/30/05 23:15 12/1/05 3:46 12/1/05 7:25 12/1/05 7:25 12/1/05 9:23 12/1/05 12:04 12/1/05 16:57 12/18/05 12:57 12/18/05 14:50 12/18/05 18:19 12/19/05 0:40 12/19/05 5:33 12/19/05 10:38 12/30/05 8:44 12/30/05 11:26 12/30/05 15:07 12/31/05 0:01 12/31/05 10:44 1/30/06 3:15 1/30/06 11:10 2/26/06 18:24 2/27/06 5:25 2/27/06 11:56 2/27/06 22:47 3/29/06 11:29 4/1/06 10:51 4/3/06 2:04 4/3/06 12:00 4/4/06 8:19 4/4/06 10:13 4/4/06 11:27 4/4/06 12:25 4/4/06 16:52 4/4/06 16:52 4/4/06 17:29 4/25/06 17:09 4/25/06 18:29 Turbidity (NTU) 142.0 121.0 41.5 22.4 610.0 38.3 57.5 65.1 52.4 69.5 37.8 195.0 273.0 825.0 573.0 112.0 72.0 137.0 276.0 73.8 122.0 481.0 77.6 79.7 160.0 107.0 107.0 65.1 82.1 55.7 13.8 242.0 110.0 62.2 50.5 44.4 126.0 300.0 115.0 57.5 56.1 427.0 394.0 932.0 218.0 235.2 60.8 393.0 403.0 180.0 95.5 164.0 158.0 109.0 49.2 223.0 313.0 171.0 473.0 356.0 TSS (mg/L) 127.5 118.5 33.2 22.4 412.0 29.2 34.0 54.8 39.2 56.5 25.2 211.2 295.0 895.1 598.7 132.0 67.5 133.2 378.5 118.4 224.8 926.5 69.5 62.4 240.0 140.4 158.8 70.8 106.4 78.4 15.2 258.0 110.4 68.8 42.0 36.4 154.0 267.0 172.0 95.6 52.0 315.5 341.5 757.0 166.0 187.0 66.1 368.0 406.0 214.0 87.0 196.5 208.5 120.0 45.0 231.5 312.0 168.0 733.0 617.0 Sonicate <0.49 µm <0.69 µm <1.0 µm <1.4 µm <2.0 µm <2.8 µm <3.9 µm <5.5 µm <7.8 µm <11 µm <16 µm <22 µm (Y/N) (volume %) (volume %) (volume %) (volume %) (volume %) (volume %) (volume %) (volume %) (volume %) (volume %) (volume %) (volume %) N 2.901 4.210 5.816 7.774 10.247 13.567 18.288 25.166 34.834 47.344 61.514 74.590 N 2.759 3.977 5.454 7.205 9.306 12.011 15.881 21.867 31.047 44.098 60.397 76.386 N 1.920 3.201 4.757 6.525 8.564 11.197 15.062 21.073 30.071 42.367 57.125 71.664 N 1.280 2.180 3.173 4.245 5.594 7.372 9.715 13.291 19.277 28.921 42.793 59.475 N 7.165 10.242 13.910 18.536 24.754 32.913 42.879 54.296 66.256 77.383 86.169 92.482 N 1.476 2.866 4.356 5.856 7.799 10.534 14.319 20.180 29.369 42.589 58.564 74.523 N 0.969 2.133 3.389 4.627 6.274 8.677 11.960 17.000 25.435 38.814 56.538 75.041 N 2.283 3.640 5.345 7.422 10.014 13.467 18.359 25.437 35.285 47.917 62.154 75.200 N 1.504 2.917 4.495 6.149 8.275 11.270 15.403 21.509 30.626 43.190 57.914 72.069 N 2.487 3.713 5.206 6.979 9.146 12.006 16.088 22.132 30.853 42.604 56.815 71.038 N 1.126 2.221 3.425 4.623 6.089 8.118 10.943 15.358 22.659 34.110 49.597 66.231 N 0.592 1.427 2.850 4.961 7.727 11.078 15.144 20.393 27.448 36.796 48.718 61.767 N 0.719 1.644 3.173 5.383 8.214 11.591 15.694 21.115 28.653 38.829 51.360 64.133 N 0.593 1.539 3.217 5.753 9.093 13.133 18.044 24.410 32.874 43.601 56.050 68.649 N 0.509 1.436 3.167 5.882 9.544 13.975 19.171 25.458 33.235 42.507 52.648 62.303 N 0.609 1.360 2.599 4.411 6.798 9.762 13.478 18.392 25.065 33.918 45.040 57.318 N 0.455 1.135 2.319 4.104 6.468 9.330 12.737 16.973 22.466 29.692 39.386 51.036 N 0.384 0.925 1.855 3.244 5.070 7.258 9.816 12.939 16.993 22.435 29.791 38.735 N 0.170 0.418 0.898 1.750 3.108 4.965 7.147 9.375 11.429 13.303 15.416 18.273 N 0.209 0.559 1.199 2.203 3.594 5.367 7.613 10.591 14.681 20.245 27.546 36.102 N 0.351 0.835 1.667 2.920 4.608 6.720 9.363 12.849 17.668 24.377 33.468 44.241 N 0.343 1.159 2.825 5.578 9.368 13.891 18.901 24.409 30.508 37.194 44.742 52.920 N 0.327 0.843 1.784 3.283 5.397 8.079 11.247 14.807 18.684 22.986 28.425 35.611 N 0.456 1.448 3.378 6.406 10.321 14.695 19.385 24.749 31.105 38.299 46.054 51.912 N 0.633 1.506 2.978 5.136 7.904 11.157 14.940 19.581 25.515 33.008 42.009 51.454 N 0.462 1.280 2.781 5.085 8.090 11.585 15.559 20.375 26.544 34.338 43.725 53.497 N 0.703 1.707 3.430 5.990 9.335 13.336 18.038 23.770 30.929 39.583 49.201 58.377 N 0.516 1.475 3.247 5.954 9.429 13.362 17.668 22.659 28.723 35.947 44.347 52.847 N 0.574 1.398 2.808 4.883 7.541 10.623 14.122 18.312 23.617 30.373 38.736 47.882 N 0.481 1.261 2.645 4.719 7.379 10.438 13.870 17.944 23.019 29.347 37.338 46.773 N 0.307 0.726 1.460 2.723 4.705 7.245 9.946 12.914 16.531 19.449 21.690 26.957 N 0.360 1.418 3.710 7.566 12.782 18.715 24.926 31.540 38.606 45.377 51.445 57.234 N 0.459 1.571 3.831 7.495 12.323 17.670 23.020 28.369 33.861 39.352 44.925 49.995 N 0.572 1.772 4.095 7.771 12.608 18.110 23.937 30.192 37.113 44.613 52.338 59.003 N 0.429 1.474 3.602 7.032 11.486 16.332 21.252 26.606 32.535 38.386 44.776 51.915 N 0.507 1.747 4.271 8.319 13.482 18.899 24.142 29.751 35.959 41.712 47.434 52.950 N 0.600 1.797 4.015 7.330 11.381 15.670 20.085 25.026 30.854 37.480 44.605 51.090 N 0.545 1.814 4.357 8.448 13.852 19.943 26.263 32.839 39.743 46.566 53.152 59.493 N 0.505 1.425 3.123 5.741 9.177 13.185 17.679 22.856 28.956 35.981 43.864 52.003 N 0.418 1.116 2.369 4.266 6.727 9.589 12.822 16.613 21.189 26.709 33.578 41.566 N 0.698 1.767 3.660 6.580 10.513 14.728 18.398 22.347 27.483 32.357 38.127 44.052 N 0.601 2.513 6.673 13.432 21.919 30.614 38.799 46.954 54.925 61.246 66.281 69.706 N 0.525 1.888 4.715 9.344 15.493 22.410 29.580 37.116 45.117 52.870 59.481 64.269 N 0.426 1.426 3.436 6.680 11.002 16.012 21.576 28.087 35.949 44.788 53.552 61.345 N 0.501 1.543 3.550 6.700 10.807 15.463 20.471 26.062 32.497 39.598 47.269 55.414 N 0.514 1.457 3.195 5.863 9.323 13.302 17.719 22.852 29.015 36.155 44.034 52.105 N 0.422 1.278 2.902 5.412 8.623 12.172 15.884 19.961 24.659 30.032 36.317 42.557 N 0.826 2.618 6.147 11.837 19.505 28.431 37.964 47.935 58.364 68.666 77.279 82.274 N 0.536 2.187 5.838 12.114 20.901 31.429 43.075 55.736 69.207 82.350 93.588 99.475 N 0.666 2.096 4.883 9.311 15.176 21.942 29.269 37.259 46.093 55.542 65.150 73.692 N 0.606 1.941 4.574 8.784 14.346 20.632 27.166 33.974 41.156 48.346 55.230 61.012 N 0.546 1.864 4.535 8.851 14.561 21.025 27.842 35.172 43.142 51.158 58.759 66.001 N 0.548 1.692 3.897 7.365 11.915 17.150 22.934 29.596 37.360 45.773 54.190 62.082 N 0.570 1.735 3.957 7.417 11.891 16.926 22.352 28.501 35.659 43.562 51.909 59.563 N 0.601 1.730 3.904 7.292 11.567 16.070 20.479 25.190 30.372 35.310 40.560 45.056 N 0.440 1.635 4.172 8.408 14.138 20.668 27.465 34.580 42.033 49.064 54.982 59.626 N 0.454 1.581 3.912 7.777 13.056 19.230 25.915 33.158 40.880 48.424 55.418 61.331 N 0.426 1.475 3.625 7.145 11.883 17.369 23.305 29.788 36.803 43.888 50.994 57.974 N 0.552 1.406 2.895 5.111 7.971 11.355 15.377 20.480 27.091 35.131 43.860 52.009 N 0.539 1.406 2.943 5.259 8.267 11.800 15.883 20.862 27.185 35.035 44.213 53.573 Appendix E. Tahoe stormwater particle size distribution data (continued). 150 Site Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Sample Type SB-AS SB-AS SB-ASC SB-ASC SB-ASC SB-AS SB-AS SB-ASC SB-ASC SB-ASC SB-ASC SB-AS SB-AS SB-AS SB-AS SB-ASC SB-AS SB-ASC SB-AS SB-ASC SB-ASC SB-ASC SB-ASC SB-ASC SB-ASC SB-ASC SB-ASCR SB-ASC SB-ASC SB-ASC SB-AS SB-ASC SB-ASC SB-ASC SB-ASC SB-ASC SB-AS SB-ASC SB-ASC SB-ASC SB-ASC SB-ASC SB-ASC SB-ASC SB-ASC SB-ASC SB-ASC SB-ASC SB-ASC SB-ASC SB-ASC SB-ASC SB-ASC SB-ASC SB-ASC SB-ASC SB-AS SB-AS SB-ASC SB-ASC Sample DateTime 2/28/04 15:21 2/28/04 16:32 2/29/04 13:27 3/1/04 12:50 3/1/04 14:42 3/3/04 13:04 3/3/04 16:11 3/4/04 12:51 3/4/04 16:25 3/6/04 11:27 3/10/04 12:22 4/20/04 3:43 4/20/04 3:55 5/10/04 10:27 5/10/04 10:37 5/11/04 0:54 5/11/04 2:15 6/9/04 8:40 9/20/04 11:21 10/17/04 18:39 10/17/04 20:27 9/26/05 21:12 9/27/05 0:28 11/30/05 23:15 12/1/05 3:46 12/1/05 7:25 12/1/05 7:25 12/1/05 9:23 12/1/05 12:04 12/1/05 16:57 12/18/05 12:57 12/18/05 14:50 12/18/05 18:19 12/19/05 0:40 12/19/05 5:33 12/19/05 10:38 12/30/05 8:44 12/30/05 11:26 12/30/05 15:07 12/31/05 0:01 12/31/05 10:44 1/30/06 3:15 1/30/06 11:10 2/26/06 18:24 2/27/06 5:25 2/27/06 11:56 2/27/06 22:47 3/29/06 11:29 4/1/06 10:51 4/3/06 2:04 4/3/06 12:00 4/4/06 8:19 4/4/06 10:13 4/4/06 11:27 4/4/06 12:25 4/4/06 16:52 4/4/06 16:52 4/4/06 17:29 4/25/06 17:09 4/25/06 18:29 0.5-16 µm <44 µm <63 µm <88 µm <125 µm <177 µm <250 µm <354 µm <500 µm <707 µm <1000 µm <1414 µm <2000 µm Particle Conc. <31 µm (volume %) (volume %) (volume %) (volume %) (volume %) (volume %) (volume %) (volume %) (volume %) (volume %) (volume %) (volume %) (volume %) (No./mL) 84.636 91.524 95.566 97.960 99.421 99.952 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 10,957,780 87.952 94.493 97.460 98.842 99.643 99.937 99.980 99.993 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 9,330,176 83.061 90.158 93.801 95.775 97.935 99.502 99.988 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 2,722,160 75.406 87.368 93.676 96.578 98.954 99.704 99.990 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 1,237,359 95.861 97.767 98.737 99.272 99.664 99.931 99.998 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 82,597,952 86.706 94.224 97.465 98.682 99.502 99.744 99.977 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 2,447,362 88.384 95.619 97.880 99.612 99.779 99.971 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 2,393,599 84.831 90.865 94.087 96.250 98.170 99.513 99.979 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 4,924,965 82.879 90.170 94.345 96.805 99.161 99.919 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 3,413,168 82.415 90.014 94.326 96.988 98.765 99.759 99.998 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 4,495,413 79.808 88.519 93.294 95.892 98.706 99.675 99.998 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 1,671,136 70.713 77.082 82.429 86.534 89.317 91.370 95.920 98.279 99.427 99.993 100.000 100.000 100.000 14,138,451 74.857 82.634 87.412 90.908 94.125 97.285 98.994 99.679 99.996 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 21,316,069 79.052 87.093 91.441 93.764 96.831 98.848 99.564 99.920 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 69,756,417 71.096 77.600 81.830 86.545 90.239 93.699 95.450 95.843 97.784 99.972 100.000 100.000 100.000 47,614,679 68.839 78.670 83.981 87.232 90.574 93.111 95.091 96.366 98.349 99.981 100.000 100.000 100.000 7,806,452 60.576 67.888 73.649 76.477 79.249 81.413 83.411 85.799 88.865 93.381 98.485 100.000 100.000 3,738,615 47.739 55.953 64.928 73.700 77.877 80.655 82.004 82.813 84.602 87.140 90.449 97.084 100.000 5,804,346 20.350 22.518 28.158 34.640 39.008 42.536 47.015 50.865 56.547 67.145 81.892 99.360 100.000 8,806,998 44.627 53.571 61.784 69.699 77.269 84.679 89.987 92.481 96.031 99.098 99.990 100.000 100.000 3,550,378 54.463 63.967 71.705 76.996 81.786 86.579 90.327 93.604 97.294 99.455 99.988 100.000 100.000 8,859,415 59.773 67.045 74.383 81.827 86.218 90.541 96.385 99.736 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 69,342,772 42.991 50.919 59.526 67.991 74.742 81.443 88.708 94.384 97.988 99.759 100.000 100.000 100.000 3,071,534 54.904 58.388 62.239 65.721 69.601 74.210 79.434 90.366 98.954 99.999 100.000 100.000 100.000 5,371,150 59.325 65.828 71.237 76.766 81.923 86.539 90.120 95.613 99.717 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 16,550,435 61.474 67.765 71.927 76.284 80.216 83.488 86.738 90.816 97.214 99.966 100.000 100.000 100.000 9,630,837 65.742 71.308 75.558 80.234 84.192 87.358 90.968 95.993 99.548 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 12,803,788 58.221 63.720 68.167 72.083 76.289 81.111 86.136 92.690 98.478 99.919 100.000 100.000 100.000 5,683,804 55.597 61.763 67.034 72.183 76.879 80.909 85.024 90.641 97.420 99.909 100.000 100.000 100.000 6,980,920 54.550 61.053 67.040 71.908 76.111 79.909 84.353 89.402 97.164 99.941 100.000 100.000 100.000 4,985,924 27.898 33.473 35.854 39.946 44.494 49.454 56.393 76.056 97.254 99.999 100.000 100.000 100.000 552,818 59.543 63.213 66.894 69.871 72.936 76.049 79.579 85.322 94.972 99.954 100.000 100.000 100.000 25,916,916 52.349 56.171 59.665 62.342 65.333 68.278 72.041 79.658 91.610 99.300 100.000 100.000 100.000 11,024,298 62.920 67.602 71.560 74.770 77.570 80.752 84.319 90.604 97.968 99.991 100.000 100.000 100.000 7,175,070 54.365 58.948 62.641 65.229 69.148 72.818 77.282 86.245 97.782 99.996 100.000 100.000 100.000 3,933,419 54.778 58.932 61.847 63.886 66.937 70.790 75.527 86.997 98.423 99.995 100.000 100.000 100.000 4,017,916 55.732 61.887 67.165 72.798 77.706 82.951 87.413 95.659 99.941 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 15,207,484 61.061 64.074 66.734 68.571 70.029 72.003 75.210 82.858 94.142 99.678 100.000 100.000 100.000 30,172,151 57.641 62.248 66.529 70.050 72.968 75.680 79.132 84.120 94.551 99.742 100.000 100.000 100.000 13,323,422 47.356 53.475 59.559 64.725 69.494 73.235 77.750 82.210 91.908 98.833 99.977 100.000 100.000 5,501,611 47.181 53.161 56.526 60.309 63.433 66.261 70.468 79.828 92.627 99.450 100.000 100.000 100.000 4,550,784 69.981 71.058 71.598 71.802 73.756 76.402 79.672 90.266 98.832 99.995 100.000 100.000 100.000 55,867,173 66.230 69.364 71.726 73.257 75.501 77.332 80.642 88.929 98.264 99.998 100.000 100.000 100.000 42,544,071 67.439 71.685 75.296 78.602 81.224 84.150 87.589 91.908 98.374 99.995 100.000 100.000 100.000 67,955,168 61.214 66.536 71.477 75.560 78.894 81.935 85.537 89.518 97.404 99.989 100.000 100.000 100.000 14,951,050 58.335 63.675 68.641 72.577 75.771 78.783 82.365 87.370 96.395 99.947 100.000 100.000 100.000 14,787,344 46.560 51.895 55.905 59.633 62.460 66.274 70.674 81.624 95.373 99.741 100.000 100.000 100.000 4,807,575 85.565 89.639 92.130 94.030 95.783 96.595 98.845 99.990 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 58,433,692 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 65,513,856 77.416 82.128 86.311 88.936 91.111 92.948 94.682 97.157 99.182 99.994 100.000 100.000 100.000 26,790,848 62.961 66.921 69.672 71.833 74.481 76.912 80.935 89.042 98.052 99.995 100.000 100.000 100.000 10,231,191 68.591 71.875 75.151 77.248 79.068 81.493 84.832 90.144 97.752 99.990 100.000 100.000 100.000 23,270,402 65.914 69.316 72.867 74.726 76.330 78.305 80.945 85.642 94.836 99.952 100.000 100.000 100.000 20,678,984 62.134 66.008 69.074 71.243 72.791 74.986 78.201 83.363 94.778 99.960 100.000 100.000 100.000 11,970,618 46.336 49.558 51.482 52.616 54.180 55.945 59.006 69.884 90.927 99.739 100.000 100.000 100.000 4,341,146 61.361 64.344 66.403 67.556 68.792 70.353 73.452 79.790 93.330 99.944 100.000 100.000 100.000 25,881,983 62.949 66.218 68.694 70.467 72.232 74.346 77.722 84.391 95.923 99.977 100.000 100.000 100.000 32,434,599 60.434 64.185 67.528 69.847 71.836 74.207 77.531 83.201 94.458 99.953 100.000 100.000 100.000 16,066,143 58.692 63.936 67.612 71.163 74.074 76.954 81.802 87.451 93.232 97.951 99.958 100.000 100.000 50,646,102 61.182 67.879 73.672 78.553 83.056 86.670 91.268 96.692 99.401 99.998 100.000 100.000 100.000 43,797,855 Appendix E. Tahoe stormwater particle size distribution data (continued). 151 Site Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Sample Type SB-ASC SB-ASC SB-ASC SB-ASC SB-ASC SB-ASC SB-ASC SB-ASC SB-ASC SB-ASCR SB-ASC SB-GS SB-MS SB-MSR SB-ASCR SB-ASC SB-ASC SB-ASCR SB-ASCR SB-ASC SB-ASCR SB-ASC SB-AS SB-ASC SB-ASC SB-ASC SB-ASC SB-ASC SB-ASC SB-ASC SB-ASC SB-ASC SB-ASC SB-MS SB-MSR SB-GS SB-ASC SB-ASC SB-GS SB-AS SB-ASC SB-ASC SB-ASC SB-AS SB-ASC SB-ASC SB-ASC SB-ASC SB-ASC SB-ASC SB-ASC SB-ASC SB-ASC SB-ASC SB-MS SB-MSR SB-GS SB-ASC SB-ASC SB-ASC Sample DateTime 6/27/06 19:05 7/21/06 19:39 10/5/06 10:35 10/5/06 11:45 11/2/06 17:54 11/3/06 14:09 11/13/06 16:50 11/13/06 21:36 11/14/06 1:12 12/26/06 20:58 12/26/06 20:58 12/26/06 21:05 12/26/06 21:06 12/26/06 21:07 12/26/06 22:18 12/26/06 22:18 12/26/06 23:24 12/26/06 23:24 1/4/07 1:29 1/4/07 1:29 1/4/07 5:46 1/4/07 5:46 2/8/07 21:06 2/8/07 21:57 2/9/07 2:17 2/9/07 8:34 2/10/07 9:45 2/10/07 18:53 2/11/07 3:31 2/11/07 10:02 2/11/07 12:04 3/6/07 12:02 3/6/07 13:17 3/6/07 14:47 3/6/07 14:48 3/6/07 14:49 3/6/07 15:39 4/22/07 10:11 4/22/07 13:25 8/31/07 8:45 9/22/07 7:54 9/22/07 8:35 9/22/07 9:12 10/19/07 21:10 10/19/07 21:22 10/19/07 22:20 10/29/07 16:03 10/29/07 16:23 10/29/07 16:36 1/4/08 6:06 1/4/08 8:50 1/4/08 12:26 1/4/08 14:46 2/25/08 11:51 2/25/08 18:40 2/25/08 18:41 2/25/08 18:42 2/26/08 11:47 3/13/08 1:30 5/20/08 19:21 Turbidity (NTU) 263.0 227.0 233.0 108.0 77.3 77.2 106.0 46.2 22.4 590.0 543.0 489.0 453.0 512.0 485.0 523.0 221.0 218.0 251.0 258.0 144.0 122.0 433.0 178.0 150.0 192.0 190.0 359.0 107.0 277.0 179.0 86.3 128.0 105.0 92.4 89.0 67.6 283.0 98.5 2,280.0 170.0 108.0 56.6 393.0 120.0 47.2 399.0 263.0 137.0 442.0 260.0 308.0 225.0 492.0 248.0 241.0 237.0 218.0 568.0 711.0 TSS (mg/L) 273.2 485.2 305.0 138.5 118.0 122.8 94.8 32.0 12.4 428.0 421.5 361.0 351.5 369.5 479.5 475.0 175.5 173.5 212.0 210.0 100.5 100.5 398.5 178.7 175.1 164.9 219.2 518.5 70.7 288.2 193.2 74.5 113.0 68.0 67.5 66.0 44.0 385.0 117.0 2,770.0 281.0 186.5 77.0 542.0 186.5 42.0 549.0 324.5 170.0 290.4 224.0 373.2 264.0 319.5 141.0 135.0 142.5 168.5 592.5 947.0 Sonicate <0.49 µm <0.69 µm <1.0 µm <1.4 µm <2.0 µm <2.8 µm <3.9 µm <5.5 µm <7.8 µm <11 µm <16 µm <22 µm (Y/N) (volume %) (volume %) (volume %) (volume %) (volume %) (volume %) (volume %) (volume %) (volume %) (volume %) (volume %) (volume %) N 0.173 0.286 0.444 0.644 0.871 1.109 1.361 1.657 2.028 2.478 3.012 3.564 N 0.284 0.646 1.244 2.112 3.231 4.569 6.170 8.190 10.818 14.167 18.273 23.067 N 0.347 0.909 1.936 3.569 5.867 8.811 12.422 16.838 22.264 28.872 36.873 46.131 N 0.336 0.822 1.715 3.203 5.467 8.588 12.545 17.213 22.460 28.304 35.144 43.337 N 0.360 1.050 2.362 4.459 7.331 10.820 14.818 19.395 24.738 31.046 38.775 48.317 N 0.402 1.099 2.402 4.502 7.460 11.182 15.546 20.510 26.170 32.792 41.061 51.540 N 0.896 2.030 4.221 8.183 14.274 21.612 28.671 35.305 42.461 49.543 56.941 63.963 N 3.322 5.755 6.648 7.133 11.225 22.886 33.984 39.159 49.771 54.876 58.047 66.711 N 0.000 0.002 2.861 38.947 87.211 99.821 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 N 0.491 2.031 5.482 11.445 19.721 29.331 39.403 49.745 60.120 69.437 77.309 84.703 N 0.582 2.234 5.813 11.907 20.366 30.307 40.865 51.658 62.344 72.063 80.686 89.012 N 0.611 2.429 6.408 13.159 22.352 32.781 43.333 53.648 63.507 72.071 79.269 85.977 N 0.628 2.421 6.286 12.794 21.636 31.690 41.929 52.030 61.832 70.589 78.185 85.304 N 0.588 2.367 6.284 12.952 22.043 32.355 42.807 53.093 62.981 71.530 78.650 85.480 N 0.462 1.757 4.550 9.302 15.924 23.821 32.517 41.987 52.099 62.019 71.220 80.013 N 0.463 1.730 4.445 9.045 15.439 23.059 31.450 40.601 50.431 60.214 69.454 78.339 N 0.604 2.225 5.676 11.494 19.519 28.897 38.775 48.751 58.518 67.399 75.244 82.384 N 0.619 2.289 5.846 11.842 20.102 29.738 39.874 50.113 60.173 69.357 77.438 84.805 N 0.644 2.497 6.520 13.348 22.707 33.422 44.329 54.926 64.917 73.442 80.088 85.241 N 0.692 2.547 6.488 13.106 22.161 32.584 43.271 53.643 63.360 71.754 78.503 83.548 N 0.643 2.577 6.832 14.098 24.058 35.381 46.693 57.300 66.799 74.574 81.080 86.804 N 0.652 2.559 6.714 13.766 23.405 34.366 45.361 55.726 65.014 72.513 78.676 84.160 N 3.524 5.640 8.522 12.303 16.917 22.168 28.132 35.318 44.031 53.745 63.384 71.728 N 4.022 6.414 9.570 13.503 18.066 23.146 28.999 36.337 45.771 57.186 69.428 79.698 N 3.291 5.266 7.941 11.359 15.391 19.879 24.954 31.242 39.533 50.221 62.958 75.292 N 6.010 9.260 13.379 18.412 24.116 30.098 36.311 43.358 51.973 62.394 74.133 84.328 N 2.584 4.212 6.546 9.711 13.576 17.811 22.332 27.662 34.550 43.426 54.524 66.350 N 2.197 3.626 5.635 8.272 11.396 14.793 18.547 23.327 30.058 39.340 51.256 64.044 N 8.355 12.597 17.603 23.479 29.955 36.250 41.929 47.857 54.865 62.503 71.066 79.412 N 2.988 5.148 7.971 11.958 17.941 25.491 32.738 40.163 49.618 58.928 68.275 78.314 N 2.464 4.201 6.771 10.633 15.929 21.940 27.978 35.069 44.107 53.751 64.499 76.049 N 4.560 7.545 11.783 17.492 24.428 31.943 39.676 47.992 57.187 66.744 76.299 84.901 N 5.976 9.287 13.662 19.326 26.091 33.376 40.900 49.088 58.247 67.856 77.150 84.455 N 9.332 14.162 20.156 27.718 36.649 45.996 55.155 64.496 73.983 82.507 89.729 95.152 N 9.296 14.052 19.976 27.541 36.541 45.883 54.852 63.921 73.211 81.599 88.861 94.229 N 9.010 13.659 19.436 26.732 35.330 44.269 52.965 61.857 71.000 79.316 86.451 91.816 N 11.897 17.408 24.046 32.451 42.411 52.482 61.719 70.841 80.033 87.569 93.578 98.084 N 2.584 4.296 6.867 10.537 15.279 20.797 26.967 34.092 42.351 51.323 60.716 70.266 N 3.204 5.265 8.322 12.741 18.520 25.148 32.291 40.325 49.399 58.696 68.044 77.609 N 0.951 1.647 2.685 4.166 6.155 8.699 11.942 16.101 21.108 26.538 32.357 39.036 N 1.559 2.551 4.008 6.064 8.772 12.116 16.162 21.108 27.071 34.004 42.047 51.187 N 1.878 3.049 4.721 7.002 9.902 13.362 17.417 22.275 28.126 35.031 43.218 52.640 N 2.856 4.571 6.979 10.248 14.348 19.069 24.333 30.346 37.258 44.989 53.689 62.979 N 2.509 4.051 6.169 8.923 12.266 16.151 20.775 26.652 34.220 43.485 54.178 65.314 N 2.590 4.275 6.584 9.555 13.108 17.163 21.854 27.606 34.826 43.686 54.343 66.001 N 4.941 7.770 11.590 16.644 22.753 29.365 36.302 44.078 52.863 62.260 73.505 85.049 N 2.592 4.235 6.549 9.640 13.458 17.872 22.947 29.075 36.635 45.638 55.882 66.657 N 2.714 4.466 6.910 10.138 14.098 18.687 23.986 30.330 37.981 46.917 57.154 68.076 N 2.763 4.518 7.075 10.619 15.114 20.321 26.147 32.822 40.543 49.216 58.827 68.554 Y 6.622 10.518 16.094 24.024 34.273 45.664 56.805 67.199 76.869 85.244 91.565 95.043 Y 4.095 6.815 10.877 16.637 24.056 32.651 42.011 52.060 62.579 72.885 82.453 90.195 Y 2.438 4.205 6.979 11.050 16.356 22.480 29.237 37.046 46.223 56.313 66.871 77.065 Y 3.269 5.443 8.674 13.220 19.028 25.717 32.997 40.961 49.726 59.091 69.015 78.717 Y 6.376 10.158 15.716 23.752 34.230 45.994 57.731 68.949 79.468 88.591 95.980 99.819 Y 8.827 13.796 20.342 29.096 39.908 51.483 62.569 72.858 82.055 89.640 96.539 99.882 Y 9.249 14.302 20.894 29.665 40.412 51.809 62.785 73.263 82.674 90.061 96.764 99.905 Y 9.106 14.076 20.539 29.293 40.349 52.320 63.670 73.988 83.102 90.557 97.214 99.932 Y 5.182 8.274 12.748 19.040 27.187 36.661 46.892 57.725 69.064 80.298 90.519 97.536 Y 3.179 5.301 8.383 12.615 17.922 24.035 30.930 39.078 48.879 59.944 71.189 80.927 Y 1.715 3.082 5.174 8.166 12.057 16.695 22.076 28.530 36.384 45.531 55.511 65.229 Appendix E. Tahoe stormwater particle size distribution data (continued). 152 Site Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Sample Type SB-ASC SB-ASC SB-ASC SB-ASC SB-ASC SB-ASC SB-ASC SB-ASC SB-ASC SB-ASCR SB-ASC SB-GS SB-MS SB-MSR SB-ASCR SB-ASC SB-ASC SB-ASCR SB-ASCR SB-ASC SB-ASCR SB-ASC SB-AS SB-ASC SB-ASC SB-ASC SB-ASC SB-ASC SB-ASC SB-ASC SB-ASC SB-ASC SB-ASC SB-MS SB-MSR SB-GS SB-ASC SB-ASC SB-GS SB-AS SB-ASC SB-ASC SB-ASC SB-AS SB-ASC SB-ASC SB-ASC SB-ASC SB-ASC SB-ASC SB-ASC SB-ASC SB-ASC SB-ASC SB-MS SB-MSR SB-GS SB-ASC SB-ASC SB-ASC Sample DateTime 6/27/06 19:05 7/21/06 19:39 10/5/06 10:35 10/5/06 11:45 11/2/06 17:54 11/3/06 14:09 11/13/06 16:50 11/13/06 21:36 11/14/06 1:12 12/26/06 20:58 12/26/06 20:58 12/26/06 21:05 12/26/06 21:06 12/26/06 21:07 12/26/06 22:18 12/26/06 22:18 12/26/06 23:24 12/26/06 23:24 1/4/07 1:29 1/4/07 1:29 1/4/07 5:46 1/4/07 5:46 2/8/07 21:06 2/8/07 21:57 2/9/07 2:17 2/9/07 8:34 2/10/07 9:45 2/10/07 18:53 2/11/07 3:31 2/11/07 10:02 2/11/07 12:04 3/6/07 12:02 3/6/07 13:17 3/6/07 14:47 3/6/07 14:48 3/6/07 14:49 3/6/07 15:39 4/22/07 10:11 4/22/07 13:25 8/31/07 8:45 9/22/07 7:54 9/22/07 8:35 9/22/07 9:12 10/19/07 21:10 10/19/07 21:22 10/19/07 22:20 10/29/07 16:03 10/29/07 16:23 10/29/07 16:36 1/4/08 6:06 1/4/08 8:50 1/4/08 12:26 1/4/08 14:46 2/25/08 11:51 2/25/08 18:40 2/25/08 18:41 2/25/08 18:42 2/26/08 11:47 3/13/08 1:30 5/20/08 19:21 0.5-16 µm <44 µm <63 µm <88 µm <125 µm <177 µm <250 µm <354 µm <500 µm <707 µm <1000 µm <1414 µm <2000 µm Particle Conc. <31 µm (volume %) (volume %) (volume %) (volume %) (volume %) (volume %) (volume %) (volume %) (volume %) (volume %) (volume %) (volume %) (volume %) (No./mL) 4.044 4.757 5.654 7.154 10.524 21.482 57.694 93.181 98.822 99.186 99.437 99.893 100.000 2,117,759 28.500 35.172 43.250 52.003 60.918 70.099 78.386 85.375 91.009 94.628 98.142 99.964 100.000 13,725,149 55.643 66.028 73.957 79.849 85.237 90.450 94.471 95.403 97.812 99.747 100.000 100.000 100.000 14,736,114 51.852 61.225 69.995 77.329 82.788 88.386 91.770 92.571 95.986 99.512 100.000 100.000 100.000 5,987,799 58.389 69.003 78.505 86.174 92.054 97.539 99.866 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 7,101,055 62.601 73.078 81.204 87.586 92.667 96.947 99.140 99.567 99.767 99.997 100.000 100.000 100.000 7,459,126 68.629 73.713 77.917 81.174 88.745 98.794 99.999 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 9,938,646 71.531 78.547 81.008 86.345 95.476 98.950 99.990 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 3,832,951 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 3,587,082 88.806 91.661 94.107 95.635 97.131 99.544 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 64,747,592 92.866 96.273 98.934 99.848 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 66,729,932 88.715 91.725 94.029 95.598 97.322 99.579 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 62,841,273 88.419 91.596 93.917 95.282 97.017 99.545 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 59,634,254 88.226 90.978 93.259 94.712 96.749 99.564 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 63,249,523 86.132 90.525 93.920 96.448 98.363 99.849 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 59,499,026 84.499 88.823 92.330 94.992 97.214 99.568 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 57,350,721 86.614 90.569 92.987 95.053 96.881 99.345 99.997 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 26,846,170 89.275 93.357 95.833 97.696 98.721 99.865 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 27,340,584 87.792 90.563 92.714 93.960 96.046 99.244 99.997 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 37,479,688 86.056 89.071 90.748 92.219 95.115 98.895 99.993 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 36,563,198 89.330 92.875 95.152 96.295 98.479 99.887 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 18,711,042 86.494 89.712 92.168 93.708 96.758 99.573 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 18,303,376 77.422 81.830 85.615 89.118 92.704 95.520 98.601 99.967 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 57,972,757 84.984 88.038 90.313 92.214 94.329 96.920 98.677 99.820 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 28,544,527 83.281 88.508 92.482 95.096 97.131 98.729 99.754 99.963 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 23,515,064 89.020 92.471 94.248 95.726 96.962 99.018 99.979 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 34,850,388 74.344 80.160 84.761 88.442 92.030 95.134 98.610 99.957 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 25,257,036 74.090 81.939 86.760 90.525 94.564 97.895 99.668 99.992 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 51,528,070 84.057 88.456 91.025 93.083 96.795 99.610 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 18,700,390 82.731 87.373 90.329 92.809 95.043 97.770 99.709 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 43,551,628 82.537 87.617 91.124 93.582 95.699 98.290 99.917 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 24,996,747 88.951 92.686 95.184 96.207 98.319 99.892 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 15,609,390 88.556 92.537 95.022 96.509 98.043 99.691 99.999 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 25,161,500 96.458 98.476 99.501 99.534 99.790 99.996 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 21,320,698 95.644 98.069 98.679 98.869 99.462 99.961 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 20,923,102 93.128 95.167 96.294 96.798 98.525 99.926 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 19,925,868 98.410 98.410 98.416 98.744 99.406 99.959 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 15,530,753 77.429 83.456 88.338 92.204 95.217 97.862 99.805 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 48,676,501 83.011 88.117 92.039 94.721 96.799 99.430 99.999 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 17,741,274 45.103 51.810 65.259 83.496 91.265 95.352 98.157 98.258 98.822 99.751 99.998 100.000 100.000 143,480,923 59.908 68.415 77.873 87.855 93.012 96.548 99.093 99.797 99.999 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 20,438,632 61.281 69.691 77.756 84.377 90.153 95.114 98.481 99.841 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 15,581,316 71.089 79.361 85.962 91.810 95.427 98.726 99.986 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 9,294,452 74.697 82.532 88.302 93.022 96.177 98.865 99.926 99.982 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 57,674,808 75.208 82.853 89.112 93.596 96.710 99.002 99.986 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 21,558,708 90.982 98.534 99.999 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 8,116,927 76.342 85.087 92.522 99.004 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 63,360,889 76.878 84.415 90.657 95.105 97.946 99.839 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 39,627,608 75.905 82.853 88.177 93.001 95.821 98.648 99.972 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 21,510,213 96.101 98.596 99.364 99.842 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 81,075,391 92.768 96.301 98.497 99.802 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 44,714,905 83.269 88.076 92.291 95.331 97.639 99.687 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 50,152,463 83.509 88.143 92.325 95.346 97.342 99.675 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 41,909,324 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 88,193,988 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 47,394,705 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 45,854,165 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 47,845,232 98.385 99.219 99.981 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 37,589,560 87.040 91.016 94.086 96.176 98.654 99.850 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 90,244,751 73.045 79.047 83.126 87.685 94.680 98.650 99.685 99.999 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 96,803,647 Appendix E. Tahoe stormwater particle size distribution data (continued). 153 Site Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat TCWTS S1 TCWTS S1 TCWTS S1 TCWTS S1 TCWTS S1 TCWTS S1 TCWTS S1 TCWTS S1 TCWTS S1 TCWTS S1 TCWTS S1 TCWTS S1 TCWTS S1 TCWTS S1 TCWTS S1 TCWTS S1 TCWTS S1 TCWTS S1 TCWTS S1 TCWTS S1 TCWTS S1 TCWTS S1 TCWTS S1 TCWTS S1 TCWTS S1 TCWTS S1 TCWTS S1 TCWTS S1 TCWTS S1 TCWTS S1 TCWTS S1 TCWTS S1 TCWTS S1 TCWTS S1 TCWTS S1 TCWTS S1 TCWTS S1 Sample Type SB-ASC SB-ASC SB-ASC SB-ASC SB-ASC SB-MS SB-MSR SB-ASC SB-ASC SB-ASC SB-ASC SB-ASC SB-ASC SB-ASC SB-MS SB-MSR SB-ASC SB-ASC SB-ASC SB-ASC SB-MS SB-MSR SB-ASC 1-ASC 1-ASC 1-ASC 1-ASC 1-ASC 1-ASC 1-ASC 1-ASC 1-ASC 1-ASC 1-ASC 1-ASC 1-ASC 1-ASC 1-ASC 1-ASC 1-ASC 1-AS 1-ASC 1-ASC 1-ASC 1-ASC 1-AS 1-AS 1-AS 1-AS 1-AS 1-AS 1-AS 1-AS 1-AS 1-ASC 1-ASC 1-ASC 1-ASC 1-ASC 1-ASC Sample DateTime 5/20/08 20:22 5/24/08 6:26 5/25/08 17:14 10/4/08 1:36 11/1/08 18:54 11/1/08 20:57 11/1/08 20:58 11/1/08 22:00 1/22/09 3:58 1/22/09 9:33 1/22/09 10:50 1/23/09 3:58 1/23/09 14:31 2/22/09 7:40 2/22/09 17:53 2/22/09 17:54 2/23/09 0:32 3/2/09 8:56 5/1/09 11:36 5/1/09 20:46 5/1/09 23:00 5/1/09 23:01 5/3/09 4:44 2/27/03 10:07 3/16/03 0:05 3/22/03 23:28 3/26/03 5:11 3/26/03 17:05 4/1/03 16:13 4/5/03 12:45 4/24/03 11:04 5/8/03 11:07 5/9/03 12:08 6/23/03 13:18 7/23/03 16:03 7/31/03 14:31 12/3/03 12:47 12/5/03 7:51 12/6/03 4:35 12/6/03 17:01 12/7/03 19:10 12/20/03 2:30 12/20/03 16:44 12/21/03 14:20 12/22/03 10:08 12/24/03 7:08 12/24/03 10:08 12/24/03 13:08 12/24/03 16:08 12/24/03 19:08 12/24/03 22:08 12/25/03 1:08 12/25/03 4:08 12/25/03 7:08 1/8/04 12:30 1/9/04 12:38 1/10/04 14:48 1/12/04 13:39 1/13/04 13:22 1/24/04 12:24 Turbidity (NTU) 369.0 126.0 84.6 371.0 204.0 80.6 91.4 115.0 500.0 513.0 156.0 113.0 157.0 298.0 237.0 224.0 203.0 151.0 780.0 182.0 138.0 103.0 161.0 29.0 9.0 12.0 31.0 10.0 42.0 16.0 23.0 20.0 6.0 250.0 38.7 785.0 5.9 68.2 82.7 46.1 17.8 295.0 26.4 10.0 8.7 237.0 238.0 107.0 21.3 15.1 15.6 12.9 10.2 15.0 298.0 61.9 31.8 32.5 38.1 50.9 TSS (mg/L) 584.0 109.5 83.0 469.0 263.0 107.0 91.5 157.0 423.0 430.5 114.5 55.0 152.5 3.5 139.5 142.5 182.0 249.5 321.4 206.9 99.0 90.5 246.5 36.4 2.0 22.0 64.8 6.4 65.2 24.4 38.0 30.0 3.6 128.9 46.4 1,601.5 4.8 49.6 98.8 49.2 13.2 221.2 16.0 6.0 1.6 184.0 262.4 131.6 22.0 11.2 9.2 5.2 5.6 12.0 231.0 53.6 22.8 25.6 27.6 53.6 Sonicate <0.49 µm <0.69 µm <1.0 µm <1.4 µm <2.0 µm <2.8 µm <3.9 µm <5.5 µm <7.8 µm <11 µm <16 µm <22 µm (Y/N) (volume %) (volume %) (volume %) (volume %) (volume %) (volume %) (volume %) (volume %) (volume %) (volume %) (volume %) (volume %) Y 2.506 4.091 6.340 9.360 13.124 17.549 22.743 29.097 37.000 46.507 57.217 67.734 Y 4.774 7.474 11.353 16.814 23.867 31.968 40.553 49.523 58.941 68.522 77.733 84.806 Y 4.595 7.308 11.046 15.958 21.833 28.257 35.238 43.426 53.285 64.603 76.828 87.265 Y 2.090 3.213 4.808 7.022 9.902 13.386 17.493 22.432 28.412 35.461 43.688 53.052 Y 1.946 3.095 4.735 6.989 9.895 13.396 17.477 22.277 28.046 35.081 43.904 54.576 Y 2.114 3.244 4.830 7.030 9.950 13.588 17.889 22.784 28.227 34.336 41.771 51.285 Y 2.968 4.397 6.311 8.936 12.453 16.864 22.064 27.919 34.340 41.467 50.157 61.452 Y 1.626 2.540 3.820 5.557 7.796 10.523 13.763 17.633 22.314 28.063 35.449 44.872 Y 2.987 5.239 8.784 14.006 20.876 28.852 37.453 46.666 56.481 66.370 75.953 84.546 Y 3.067 5.182 8.505 13.476 20.085 27.686 35.707 44.290 53.483 62.571 71.572 80.184 Y 4.618 7.809 12.626 19.543 28.411 38.243 47.988 57.307 66.234 74.656 82.737 88.654 Y 7.582 11.139 15.960 22.704 31.451 41.252 50.999 60.346 69.340 77.747 85.055 89.266 Y 4.732 7.459 11.482 17.253 24.747 33.257 42.015 50.798 59.642 68.358 76.763 83.732 Y 7.838 11.762 17.135 24.621 34.246 44.939 55.443 65.442 75.135 84.085 91.107 94.301 Y 9.354 13.836 19.659 27.550 37.473 48.123 58.210 67.628 76.429 84.074 90.662 93.766 Y 9.513 14.291 20.549 28.940 39.356 50.450 60.801 70.166 78.890 86.866 93.332 95.569 Y 5.691 8.924 13.539 19.894 27.861 36.796 46.203 56.024 65.994 75.458 84.356 91.825 Y 2.767 4.584 7.244 10.925 15.583 20.973 26.968 33.767 41.593 50.352 59.817 69.092 Y 3.566 5.156 7.414 10.660 15.040 20.406 26.733 34.335 43.351 53.426 64.187 74.496 Y 2.948 4.349 6.321 9.078 12.718 17.202 22.629 29.323 37.494 47.141 58.342 70.025 Y 4.623 6.257 8.723 12.838 19.110 27.055 35.902 45.542 55.881 66.163 76.025 84.299 Y 4.418 6.261 8.938 13.272 19.828 28.117 37.365 47.656 58.838 69.726 80.024 89.038 Y 1.694 2.597 3.811 5.694 8.784 12.977 17.592 23.201 30.662 39.034 48.588 59.244 N 0.408 1.867 4.107 6.783 9.809 13.593 18.958 26.944 38.301 52.922 68.896 82.024 N 0.051 0.198 0.316 0.361 0.475 1.120 2.687 5.603 10.799 20.464 33.633 51.714 N 0.247 1.045 1.911 2.589 3.386 4.597 6.193 8.492 12.324 19.046 29.799 44.231 N 0.225 1.040 2.316 3.870 5.625 7.737 10.615 14.934 21.504 31.023 43.561 57.129 N 0.142 0.581 1.001 1.251 1.572 2.313 3.869 7.080 13.176 23.623 38.631 55.968 N 0.416 1.900 4.165 6.837 9.796 13.399 18.378 25.670 35.975 49.253 63.940 76.584 N 0.291 1.333 2.914 4.730 6.608 8.714 11.603 16.284 24.041 35.992 52.208 69.340 N 0.256 1.176 2.591 4.264 6.084 8.211 11.066 15.325 21.794 31.191 43.709 57.655 N 0.288 1.326 2.940 4.875 6.985 9.415 12.639 17.502 25.059 36.191 50.922 66.673 N 0.294 0.846 1.245 1.351 1.788 2.608 3.780 6.106 10.466 18.578 31.554 49.709 N 0.252 1.155 2.552 4.246 6.181 8.532 11.623 15.871 21.698 29.432 39.034 49.405 N 1.578 2.306 3.206 4.304 5.675 7.512 10.210 14.430 20.966 30.440 42.753 55.835 N 0.279 1.258 2.676 4.187 5.605 7.054 8.881 11.649 16.119 23.165 33.468 46.080 N 32.349 50.022 67.646 69.013 80.974 99.544 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 N 1.740 2.721 3.884 5.201 6.756 8.848 12.038 17.110 24.781 35.314 47.946 60.239 N 1.758 2.538 3.512 4.708 6.175 8.029 10.528 14.149 19.528 27.243 37.487 49.191 N 1.123 1.756 2.484 3.315 4.347 5.676 7.440 10.066 14.287 20.973 30.820 43.276 N 0.753 1.282 1.741 2.032 2.442 3.186 4.392 6.541 10.249 16.423 25.555 37.804 N 4.850 7.418 10.572 14.527 19.788 26.897 36.126 47.272 59.351 70.782 79.841 86.378 N 0.911 1.648 2.440 3.160 3.898 4.904 6.613 9.883 15.847 25.754 40.484 58.831 N 0.731 2.039 3.071 3.574 4.741 6.859 9.534 14.078 20.827 30.494 42.131 53.502 N 0.790 1.781 2.611 3.146 4.884 8.681 12.691 18.166 28.009 41.631 57.835 74.174 N 3.679 5.252 7.222 9.731 13.026 17.426 23.333 31.187 41.144 52.731 64.458 74.322 N 3.417 4.664 6.209 8.184 10.780 14.227 18.835 25.020 33.121 43.121 54.193 64.501 N 2.685 3.731 5.009 6.582 8.576 11.212 14.861 20.068 27.348 36.883 48.043 58.954 N 0.717 1.677 2.506 3.074 4.020 5.648 7.778 11.043 16.293 24.660 36.362 49.519 N 2.789 3.357 3.573 3.861 4.885 6.565 8.679 12.167 17.857 26.815 39.398 53.829 N 1.496 2.642 3.555 4.147 5.234 6.012 8.014 13.835 19.959 32.466 47.134 62.421 N 0.388 0.567 0.767 0.996 1.604 3.562 5.839 8.999 15.062 23.865 35.906 49.965 N 0.877 1.568 1.995 2.087 2.945 5.123 7.948 12.271 19.584 31.227 46.342 62.151 N 0.495 1.139 1.702 2.106 2.796 4.038 5.808 8.589 13.283 21.322 32.818 47.181 N 4.921 7.686 11.133 15.474 21.150 28.500 37.479 47.704 58.493 69.072 78.552 86.282 N 3.376 5.519 8.220 11.543 15.771 21.418 29.086 39.191 51.501 64.840 76.739 84.793 N 1.827 2.983 4.407 6.074 8.058 10.653 14.464 20.470 29.702 42.629 58.157 72.456 N 2.192 4.022 6.073 8.251 11.046 15.055 20.858 29.438 41.202 55.237 68.401 77.812 N 2.111 4.447 6.840 9.098 12.246 16.929 23.299 32.543 45.145 60.197 73.909 84.222 N 2.070 3.542 5.350 7.471 10.082 13.599 18.555 25.363 33.908 43.362 52.206 59.601 Appendix E. Tahoe stormwater particle size distribution data (continued). 154 Site Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat Speedboat TCWTS S1 TCWTS S1 TCWTS S1 TCWTS S1 TCWTS S1 TCWTS S1 TCWTS S1 TCWTS S1 TCWTS S1 TCWTS S1 TCWTS S1 TCWTS S1 TCWTS S1 TCWTS S1 TCWTS S1 TCWTS S1 TCWTS S1 TCWTS S1 TCWTS S1 TCWTS S1 TCWTS S1 TCWTS S1 TCWTS S1 TCWTS S1 TCWTS S1 TCWTS S1 TCWTS S1 TCWTS S1 TCWTS S1 TCWTS S1 TCWTS S1 TCWTS S1 TCWTS S1 TCWTS S1 TCWTS S1 TCWTS S1 TCWTS S1 Sample Type SB-ASC SB-ASC SB-ASC SB-ASC SB-ASC SB-MS SB-MSR SB-ASC SB-ASC SB-ASC SB-ASC SB-ASC SB-ASC SB-ASC SB-MS SB-MSR SB-ASC SB-ASC SB-ASC SB-ASC SB-MS SB-MSR SB-ASC 1-ASC 1-ASC 1-ASC 1-ASC 1-ASC 1-ASC 1-ASC 1-ASC 1-ASC 1-ASC 1-ASC 1-ASC 1-ASC 1-ASC 1-ASC 1-ASC 1-ASC 1-AS 1-ASC 1-ASC 1-ASC 1-ASC 1-AS 1-AS 1-AS 1-AS 1-AS 1-AS 1-AS 1-AS 1-AS 1-ASC 1-ASC 1-ASC 1-ASC 1-ASC 1-ASC Sample DateTime 5/20/08 20:22 5/24/08 6:26 5/25/08 17:14 10/4/08 1:36 11/1/08 18:54 11/1/08 20:57 11/1/08 20:58 11/1/08 22:00 1/22/09 3:58 1/22/09 9:33 1/22/09 10:50 1/23/09 3:58 1/23/09 14:31 2/22/09 7:40 2/22/09 17:53 2/22/09 17:54 2/23/09 0:32 3/2/09 8:56 5/1/09 11:36 5/1/09 20:46 5/1/09 23:00 5/1/09 23:01 5/3/09 4:44 2/27/03 10:07 3/16/03 0:05 3/22/03 23:28 3/26/03 5:11 3/26/03 17:05 4/1/03 16:13 4/5/03 12:45 4/24/03 11:04 5/8/03 11:07 5/9/03 12:08 6/23/03 13:18 7/23/03 16:03 7/31/03 14:31 12/3/03 12:47 12/5/03 7:51 12/6/03 4:35 12/6/03 17:01 12/7/03 19:10 12/20/03 2:30 12/20/03 16:44 12/21/03 14:20 12/22/03 10:08 12/24/03 7:08 12/24/03 10:08 12/24/03 13:08 12/24/03 16:08 12/24/03 19:08 12/24/03 22:08 12/25/03 1:08 12/25/03 4:08 12/25/03 7:08 1/8/04 12:30 1/9/04 12:38 1/10/04 14:48 1/12/04 13:39 1/13/04 13:22 1/24/04 12:24 0.5-16 µm <44 µm <63 µm <88 µm <125 µm <177 µm <250 µm <354 µm <500 µm <707 µm <1000 µm <1414 µm <2000 µm Particle Conc. <31 µm (volume %) (volume %) (volume %) (volume %) (volume %) (volume %) (volume %) (volume %) (volume %) (volume %) (volume %) (volume %) (volume %) (No./mL) 76.233 82.119 86.667 90.931 95.950 98.973 99.919 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 65,463,195 87.623 90.828 93.994 95.810 98.539 99.995 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 21,242,018 92.009 96.342 99.728 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 15,510,211 61.791 69.567 78.333 88.859 94.972 98.184 99.950 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 37,721,894 65.306 74.644 82.550 89.214 93.522 97.332 98.736 99.707 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 21,619,315 61.317 71.470 81.685 88.122 93.185 97.026 98.902 99.938 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 8,633,627 73.054 85.631 98.105 99.998 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 9,118,556 55.270 66.125 75.524 83.010 88.141 93.071 96.263 96.695 98.780 99.991 100.000 100.000 100.000 10,150,749 89.091 92.205 95.470 97.968 99.299 99.951 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 72,622,544 84.415 88.896 92.576 95.613 98.634 99.923 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 69,644,564 91.214 94.477 97.385 99.437 99.976 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 26,924,194 92.625 95.288 98.034 99.448 99.832 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 13,622,188 87.441 90.999 94.527 96.905 98.909 99.991 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 30,381,275 96.749 98.534 99.728 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 958,874 95.847 97.688 99.246 99.961 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 42,202,661 97.724 99.277 99.628 99.995 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 45,958,309 93.986 96.383 98.745 99.923 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 41,771,441 76.111 81.772 86.743 90.953 95.112 98.026 99.870 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 32,735,770 79.787 84.931 89.345 92.828 95.344 98.150 99.680 99.971 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 37,065,776 77.403 84.285 90.283 93.740 95.650 97.821 99.749 99.978 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 20,769,976 87.069 91.448 94.423 96.181 98.100 99.728 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 12,759,745 91.733 96.275 99.035 99.957 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 12,773,938 66.920 74.054 80.328 86.147 90.667 94.388 97.742 99.468 99.993 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 16,467,455 90.121 94.586 96.470 97.988 99.256 99.932 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 3,802,991 68.840 83.772 92.763 99.652 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 17,030 59.912 73.219 82.292 88.170 94.193 97.714 99.712 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 1,022,509 68.758 77.777 84.633 90.170 94.650 97.711 98.847 99.416 99.736 99.995 100.000 100.000 100.000 3,825,621 72.604 86.081 93.751 97.134 99.666 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 157,230 85.449 91.665 95.265 97.425 98.823 99.591 99.960 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 6,866,755 82.144 89.330 92.792 95.616 98.074 99.493 99.985 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 1,777,684 70.139 79.977 86.735 91.749 95.745 98.444 99.907 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 2,483,830 79.571 88.399 93.243 96.200 98.500 99.636 99.968 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 2,230,431 69.049 83.864 93.895 96.030 99.990 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100,135 59.044 67.620 74.569 80.649 88.069 93.373 95.298 96.815 98.446 99.430 99.694 99.989 100.000 8,370,510 67.119 76.263 83.573 89.407 93.992 96.600 98.682 99.950 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 2,227,703 58.331 68.556 76.578 82.883 87.718 90.960 92.838 94.208 95.838 97.091 97.820 99.115 100.000 104,700,817 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 4,401,105 70.285 78.402 84.771 89.732 93.830 96.639 98.352 99.323 99.740 99.997 100.000 100.000 100.000 3,094,781 60.633 70.946 79.312 85.721 90.441 93.580 95.263 96.332 97.743 98.947 99.712 100.000 100.000 5,076,018 56.229 67.889 77.154 84.446 89.785 93.206 95.042 96.708 98.677 99.984 100.000 100.000 100.000 1,957,503 51.558 65.978 78.681 88.858 94.348 97.353 99.541 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 375,688 90.695 93.761 95.860 97.325 98.430 99.036 99.392 99.608 99.824 99.998 100.000 100.000 100.000 37,515,707 76.123 88.131 94.233 96.838 98.185 99.246 99.932 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 694,817 62.458 70.629 76.903 83.987 89.577 94.958 99.749 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 409,267 86.282 97.671 99.987 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 90,232 81.573 86.808 90.416 93.150 95.256 96.688 97.510 97.956 98.729 99.714 99.997 100.000 100.000 19,355,673 72.924 79.741 84.892 88.818 91.872 94.183 95.775 96.911 98.253 99.288 99.791 100.000 100.000 21,796,576 68.196 75.962 82.219 87.120 91.098 94.014 95.893 97.343 98.818 99.854 100.000 100.000 100.000 9,026,378 61.298 71.528 80.551 88.220 94.382 98.057 99.994 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 1,148,061 66.793 76.810 83.934 89.115 95.228 98.404 99.874 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 320,757 74.965 83.094 91.703 96.029 99.960 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 553,596 62.470 73.665 83.477 91.982 98.378 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 69,278 75.005 84.496 89.279 94.995 99.036 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 197,684 61.991 75.363 85.466 91.772 96.438 98.225 99.856 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 426,419 91.387 94.650 96.461 97.670 98.570 99.061 99.263 99.536 99.787 99.997 100.000 100.000 100.000 42,301,284 89.400 92.387 94.653 96.486 97.674 98.833 99.823 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 7,626,965 82.400 88.813 92.811 95.569 97.564 98.988 99.937 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 1,712,360 83.170 86.958 89.754 92.106 95.442 97.959 99.879 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 2,899,392 90.417 95.095 98.326 99.005 99.912 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 3,804,688 66.396 72.696 76.894 79.387 81.444 83.146 84.853 86.900 91.051 97.550 99.992 100.000 100.000 5,125,483 Appendix E. Tahoe stormwater particle size distribution data (continued). 155 Site TCWTS S1 TCWTS S1 TCWTS S1 TCWTS S1 TCWTS S1 TCWTS S1 TCWTS S1 TCWTS S1 TCWTS S1 TCWTS S1 TCWTS S1 TCWTS S1 TCWTS S1 TCWTS S1 TCWTS S1 TCWTS S1 TCWTS S1 TCWTS S1 TCWTS S1 TCWTS S1 TCWTS S1 TCWTS S1 TCWTS S1 TCWTS S1 TCWTS S1 TCWTS S1 TCWTS S1 TCWTS S1 TCWTS S1 TCWTS S1 TCWTS S1 TCWTS S1 TCWTS S1 TCWTS S1 TCWTS S1 TCWTS S1 TCWTS S1 TCWTS S1 TCWTS S1 TCWTS S1 TCWTS S1 TCWTS S1 TCWTS S1 TCWTS S1 TCWTS S1 TCWTS S1 TCWTS S1 TCWTS S1 TCWTS S1 TCWTS S1 TCWTS S1 TCWTS S1 TCWTS S1 TCWTS S1 Sample Type 1-ASC 1-ASC 1-ASC 1-ASC 1-ASC 1-ASC 1-ASC 1-ASC 1-ASC 1-ASC 1-AS 1-AS 1-ASC 1-ASC 1-ASC 1-AS 1-AS 1-AS 1-MSC 1-ASC 1-ASC 1-ASC 1-ASC 1-ASC 1-ASC 1-ASC 1-ASC 1-ASC 1-ASC 1-ASC 1-ASC 1-ASC 1-ASC 1-ASC 1-ASC 1-ASC 1-ASC 1-ASC 1-ASC 1-ASC 1-ASC 1-ASC 1-ASC 1-ASC 1-ASC 1-ASC 1-ASC 1-ASC 1-ASC 1-ASC 1-ASC 1-ASC 1-ASC 1-ASC Sample DateTime 2/5/04 10:22 2/16/04 10:24 2/17/04 5:27 2/18/04 13:02 2/25/04 13:33 2/26/04 16:34 3/6/04 14:10 3/7/04 10:55 3/24/04 14:28 4/5/04 9:27 4/20/04 2:55 4/20/04 5:33 4/22/04 9:00 5/10/04 6:58 5/11/04 2:42 5/27/04 23:16 5/28/04 0:48 5/28/04 4:54 7/21/04 9:16 8/15/05 16:31 8/16/05 13:01 8/16/05 13:20 8/16/05 14:27 10/24/05 18:08 12/18/05 11:41 12/18/05 19:48 12/19/05 5:43 12/19/05 21:21 12/20/05 13:01 12/21/05 7:49 12/21/05 16:20 12/22/05 6:00 12/23/05 12:51 2/1/06 13:49 2/8/06 9:19 2/9/07 0:37 2/9/07 7:08 2/10/07 8:46 2/11/07 7:00 8/31/07 8:25 9/22/07 7:53 10/19/07 18:07 10/29/07 15:14 1/4/08 6:40 1/4/08 11:03 3/12/08 23:42 5/20/08 19:13 11/1/08 10:58 11/2/08 0:06 1/21/09 22:26 1/22/09 6:38 1/22/09 13:11 1/22/09 20:53 1/23/09 11:42 Turbidity (NTU) 60.9 146.0 12.7 56.9 99.2 138.0 15.8 11.6 12.7 8.0 51.1 28.3 5.2 323.0 49.6 71.4 102.0 169.0 6.9 226.0 405.0 440.0 153.0 43.3 122.0 52.4 25.2 14.0 23.2 99.7 103.0 55.3 9.8 70.2 9.5 71.1 59.8 57.5 49.5 1,177.0 113.0 21.0 110.0 176.0 157.0 60.3 399.0 79.6 18.4 211.0 137.0 207.0 51.5 68.6 TSS Sonicate <0.49 µm <0.69 µm <1.0 µm <1.4 µm <2.0 µm <2.8 µm <3.9 µm <5.5 µm <7.8 µm <11 µm <16 µm <22 µm (mg/L) (Y/N) (volume %) (volume %) (volume %) (volume %) (volume %) (volume %) (volume %) (volume %) (volume %) (volume %) (volume %) (volume %) 47.6 N 0.732 1.250 1.905 2.714 3.769 5.216 7.218 9.897 13.210 16.846 20.172 22.654 209.6 N 2.672 3.675 4.872 6.290 7.984 10.109 13.026 17.399 24.048 33.577 45.755 58.374 8.8 N 0.455 1.095 1.607 1.862 2.337 3.299 4.548 6.514 10.258 16.978 27.512 41.962 55.6 N 2.268 3.232 4.372 5.685 7.219 9.170 11.963 16.325 23.136 33.099 46.208 60.426 104.8 N 3.223 4.629 6.365 8.515 11.261 14.920 19.964 26.982 36.352 47.864 60.211 71.146 134.8 N 3.539 5.128 7.116 9.607 12.796 16.980 22.575 30.105 39.945 51.936 64.763 75.899 14.8 N 0.857 2.137 3.508 4.749 6.284 8.458 11.862 17.390 25.056 36.596 50.249 64.093 10.0 N 0.793 1.836 2.857 3.672 4.828 6.559 8.858 12.504 18.042 26.462 37.629 50.081 16.4 N 0.073 0.204 0.315 0.406 0.676 0.971 1.300 2.368 3.109 4.759 7.285 10.454 11.6 N 0.171 0.640 1.041 1.255 1.747 2.439 3.449 5.378 7.842 12.082 17.620 25.817 45.2 N 0.582 1.356 2.645 4.522 6.946 9.862 13.402 17.986 24.149 32.315 42.659 53.876 15.2 N 0.525 1.221 2.102 3.638 6.590 10.074 12.718 17.024 24.323 29.225 39.389 50.507 4.4 N 0.285 0.656 1.212 1.931 2.971 4.326 6.074 9.137 14.178 21.276 28.730 45.596 481.0 N 0.653 1.592 3.190 5.528 8.506 11.987 16.096 21.368 28.451 37.576 48.108 58.256 42.4 N 0.592 1.498 3.097 5.543 8.850 12.969 18.001 24.269 32.040 41.338 52.242 63.699 81.2 N 0.248 0.605 1.225 2.167 3.436 5.018 6.991 9.581 13.053 17.597 23.596 31.099 167.2 N 0.308 0.709 1.372 2.332 3.568 5.076 6.986 9.614 13.309 18.209 24.115 30.308 427.6 N 0.440 0.985 1.874 3.144 4.748 6.639 8.929 11.976 16.242 22.050 29.470 38.097 2.0 N 0.079 0.276 0.605 0.999 1.521 2.515 4.157 6.062 9.213 14.937 19.667 34.361 349.2 N 1.206 1.814 2.591 3.521 4.567 5.782 7.435 10.107 14.616 21.845 32.602 46.286 742.0 N 1.066 1.575 2.218 2.975 3.792 4.648 5.637 7.054 9.392 13.333 19.984 30.703 1,042.0 N 0.880 1.378 2.036 2.834 3.704 4.603 5.606 6.990 9.243 13.043 19.497 29.959 206.0 N 0.935 1.448 2.126 2.959 3.900 4.920 6.092 7.665 10.080 13.979 20.501 31.335 60.0 N 0.499 1.068 1.954 3.196 4.774 6.655 8.983 12.228 16.964 23.272 30.427 41.395 150.8 N 0.627 1.819 4.045 7.486 11.973 17.132 22.824 29.323 36.909 45.319 53.996 62.177 88.8 N 0.252 0.719 1.579 2.882 4.539 6.407 8.472 10.908 13.842 17.235 21.194 24.998 40.0 N 0.243 0.583 1.161 2.000 3.040 4.153 5.286 6.602 8.259 10.115 11.950 14.023 7.2 N 3.641 5.239 7.561 10.467 13.605 16.361 18.344 20.436 23.945 28.026 31.137 32.414 20.4 N 2.200 3.878 7.161 12.335 18.807 25.392 31.550 38.296 46.815 55.131 60.007 70.883 192.4 N 0.486 1.351 2.933 5.355 8.516 12.207 16.417 21.458 27.654 34.929 42.883 50.939 154.0 N 0.325 0.986 2.265 4.344 7.181 10.426 13.787 17.453 21.591 25.884 30.290 34.172 100.0 N 0.250 0.731 1.638 3.051 4.901 7.019 9.325 11.923 14.951 18.413 22.361 26.391 4.4 N 2.469 3.502 4.904 6.028 7.016 8.163 9.017 9.527 12.176 12.976 13.155 14.407 67.6 N 0.324 1.402 3.837 7.982 13.451 19.233 24.682 30.257 36.302 41.792 46.824 51.277 7.2 N 0.550 1.187 2.265 3.915 6.173 8.631 10.588 12.041 13.910 16.783 19.562 21.268 78.0 N 1.896 3.069 4.593 6.441 8.487 10.592 12.845 15.868 20.546 27.514 37.418 49.732 75.0 N 1.660 2.609 3.813 5.275 6.935 8.675 10.507 12.948 16.777 22.466 30.794 42.037 83.5 N 2.231 3.441 4.949 6.674 8.469 10.283 12.321 15.137 19.453 25.893 34.896 45.713 48.0 N 3.807 5.734 8.118 11.012 14.401 18.053 21.865 26.654 33.100 40.584 49.511 58.276 1,900.0 N 1.293 2.370 3.719 5.682 9.004 13.522 17.911 22.853 29.523 35.231 40.740 47.205 239.0 N 1.746 2.847 4.351 6.289 8.630 11.363 14.652 18.834 24.132 30.537 38.127 46.802 33.0 N 3.332 4.968 7.177 10.065 13.512 17.279 21.491 26.830 33.713 41.730 51.036 62.761 128.5 N 2.156 3.945 6.591 10.199 14.624 19.515 24.621 30.115 36.506 44.269 53.806 64.373 160.5 Y 3.608 5.754 8.719 12.627 17.416 22.947 29.346 37.114 46.559 57.314 68.584 78.752 203.0 Y 3.036 4.808 7.229 10.357 14.112 18.402 23.389 29.612 37.624 47.588 59.152 70.410 122.4 Y 2.688 4.465 7.043 10.550 14.856 19.673 25.002 31.351 39.153 48.237 58.267 68.075 639.5 Y 1.570 2.941 5.085 8.170 12.132 16.716 21.880 28.023 35.473 43.910 52.659 60.914 113.2 Y 2.746 4.309 6.482 9.392 13.025 17.246 22.011 27.478 33.830 41.250 50.343 60.809 12.0 Y 12.931 16.682 20.957 26.311 33.101 40.776 48.397 56.127 64.134 71.042 78.705 85.834 203.5 Y 3.782 6.363 10.273 15.847 22.975 31.032 39.438 48.055 56.802 65.352 73.953 82.215 94.5 Y 8.046 12.323 18.407 26.913 37.411 48.318 58.488 68.055 76.860 84.105 90.276 94.181 184.5 Y 5.870 9.199 14.085 21.090 30.093 40.011 49.762 59.130 68.160 76.481 84.160 89.796 44.0 Y 6.367 9.360 13.549 19.461 27.069 35.530 44.015 52.430 60.875 69.190 77.047 81.878 64.0 Y 6.288 9.402 13.754 19.805 27.389 35.527 43.424 51.216 59.133 66.982 74.770 79.914 Appendix E. Tahoe stormwater particle size distribution data (continued). 156 Site TCWTS S1 TCWTS S1 TCWTS S1 TCWTS S1 TCWTS S1 TCWTS S1 TCWTS S1 TCWTS S1 TCWTS S1 TCWTS S1 TCWTS S1 TCWTS S1 TCWTS S1 TCWTS S1 TCWTS S1 TCWTS S1 TCWTS S1 TCWTS S1 TCWTS S1 TCWTS S1 TCWTS S1 TCWTS S1 TCWTS S1 TCWTS S1 TCWTS S1 TCWTS S1 TCWTS S1 TCWTS S1 TCWTS S1 TCWTS S1 TCWTS S1 TCWTS S1 TCWTS S1 TCWTS S1 TCWTS S1 TCWTS S1 TCWTS S1 TCWTS S1 TCWTS S1 TCWTS S1 TCWTS S1 TCWTS S1 TCWTS S1 TCWTS S1 TCWTS S1 TCWTS S1 TCWTS S1 TCWTS S1 TCWTS S1 TCWTS S1 TCWTS S1 TCWTS S1 TCWTS S1 TCWTS S1 Sample Type 1-ASC 1-ASC 1-ASC 1-ASC 1-ASC 1-ASC 1-ASC 1-ASC 1-ASC 1-ASC 1-AS 1-AS 1-ASC 1-ASC 1-ASC 1-AS 1-AS 1-AS 1-MSC 1-ASC 1-ASC 1-ASC 1-ASC 1-ASC 1-ASC 1-ASC 1-ASC 1-ASC 1-ASC 1-ASC 1-ASC 1-ASC 1-ASC 1-ASC 1-ASC 1-ASC 1-ASC 1-ASC 1-ASC 1-ASC 1-ASC 1-ASC 1-ASC 1-ASC 1-ASC 1-ASC 1-ASC 1-ASC 1-ASC 1-ASC 1-ASC 1-ASC 1-ASC 1-ASC Sample DateTime 2/5/04 10:22 2/16/04 10:24 2/17/04 5:27 2/18/04 13:02 2/25/04 13:33 2/26/04 16:34 3/6/04 14:10 3/7/04 10:55 3/24/04 14:28 4/5/04 9:27 4/20/04 2:55 4/20/04 5:33 4/22/04 9:00 5/10/04 6:58 5/11/04 2:42 5/27/04 23:16 5/28/04 0:48 5/28/04 4:54 7/21/04 9:16 8/15/05 16:31 8/16/05 13:01 8/16/05 13:20 8/16/05 14:27 10/24/05 18:08 12/18/05 11:41 12/18/05 19:48 12/19/05 5:43 12/19/05 21:21 12/20/05 13:01 12/21/05 7:49 12/21/05 16:20 12/22/05 6:00 12/23/05 12:51 2/1/06 13:49 2/8/06 9:19 2/9/07 0:37 2/9/07 7:08 2/10/07 8:46 2/11/07 7:00 8/31/07 8:25 9/22/07 7:53 10/19/07 18:07 10/29/07 15:14 1/4/08 6:40 1/4/08 11:03 3/12/08 23:42 5/20/08 19:13 11/1/08 10:58 11/2/08 0:06 1/21/09 22:26 1/22/09 6:38 1/22/09 13:11 1/22/09 20:53 1/23/09 11:42 0.5-16 µm <44 µm <63 µm <88 µm <125 µm <177 µm <250 µm <354 µm <500 µm <707 µm <1000 µm <1414 µm <2000 µm Particle Conc. <31 µm (volume %) (volume %) (volume %) (volume %) (volume %) (volume %) (volume %) (volume %) (volume %) (volume %) (volume %) (volume %) (volume %) (No./mL) 24.409 25.885 27.076 28.232 29.453 30.739 32.079 34.032 37.517 43.982 55.415 76.788 100.000 1,647,615 68.941 77.243 83.561 88.307 91.783 94.139 95.446 96.273 97.511 98.863 99.741 100.000 100.000 13,460,676 57.545 72.186 83.701 89.845 95.613 98.159 99.971 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 293,157 72.937 83.185 90.357 94.474 97.282 99.051 99.854 99.999 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 3,402,882 79.739 86.494 91.279 94.543 97.085 98.498 99.223 99.633 99.830 99.998 100.000 100.000 100.000 9,721,954 84.118 90.141 94.081 96.363 97.678 98.361 98.798 99.308 99.673 99.996 100.000 100.000 100.000 14,230,421 75.204 84.096 90.452 95.746 98.325 99.970 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 1,123,230 61.727 72.936 82.199 87.826 95.959 98.844 99.999 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 593,212 14.507 20.275 27.171 35.651 41.941 47.971 52.921 57.167 61.623 65.609 79.843 99.896 100.000 122,317 35.866 46.797 58.329 67.026 77.830 86.944 94.070 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 291,711 63.753 70.905 76.056 80.644 84.203 89.060 90.776 95.408 99.921 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 2,751,247 58.700 61.482 74.222 75.471 79.174 83.628 85.313 86.472 92.946 99.982 100.000 100.000 100.000 791,864 51.026 56.791 76.607 77.070 77.499 80.321 91.048 99.343 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 120,948 67.468 74.783 78.702 82.946 86.292 90.146 92.978 93.879 97.001 99.965 100.000 100.000 100.000 35,835,665 70.489 75.521 83.093 86.082 88.844 91.258 92.470 93.091 96.191 99.950 100.000 100.000 100.000 3,180,241 38.474 45.243 53.751 60.051 65.821 71.290 74.776 76.648 81.539 86.568 89.904 96.728 100.000 2,377,384 36.240 41.708 45.430 48.158 50.668 54.239 56.125 56.537 67.389 94.891 99.752 100.000 100.000 5,256,901 47.393 56.975 65.180 70.514 75.440 80.413 83.780 85.437 90.184 98.267 99.998 100.000 100.000 17,993,069 40.954 55.827 70.110 76.202 81.877 86.447 91.034 97.397 97.680 99.979 100.000 100.000 100.000 30,771 59.778 70.756 79.216 85.651 90.556 94.919 97.593 98.006 98.725 99.981 100.000 100.000 100.000 13,944,101 45.453 61.282 73.964 82.763 88.590 93.722 97.013 97.502 98.275 99.552 99.999 100.000 100.000 24,356,394 44.330 59.663 71.914 80.690 86.958 91.841 94.754 95.351 96.641 98.841 99.995 100.000 100.000 34,302,020 47.356 66.316 81.585 90.269 94.917 98.915 99.994 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 7,030,487 53.998 71.283 79.688 85.591 87.373 89.894 94.447 99.675 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 2,565,848 67.647 72.264 76.872 81.032 85.194 89.816 94.677 96.899 99.403 99.999 100.000 100.000 100.000 15,221,049 27.111 30.214 32.614 35.776 40.610 51.649 65.751 74.384 81.036 86.074 91.956 97.849 100.000 3,453,657 15.423 17.317 18.781 20.809 25.294 35.861 53.824 68.421 78.263 83.776 90.501 96.807 100.000 1,065,323 41.810 47.530 55.152 59.808 65.556 66.802 67.316 69.025 73.268 79.546 88.510 99.709 100.000 791,011 73.241 85.068 90.292 97.088 99.996 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 2,952,727 57.816 63.378 70.601 77.804 82.554 86.229 89.620 90.724 94.046 97.900 99.953 100.000 100.000 13,917,800 37.153 41.242 44.926 49.280 53.071 57.727 61.741 65.464 72.646 79.774 83.756 91.009 100.000 8,955,471 29.905 34.657 39.303 44.712 50.038 55.139 61.175 66.713 74.143 83.077 89.888 96.927 100.000 4,105,469 24.969 28.450 37.627 38.956 40.135 40.964 41.753 82.352 96.453 99.996 100.000 100.000 100.000 281,741 53.697 57.495 60.866 62.984 66.201 69.521 74.327 84.509 96.848 99.985 100.000 100.000 100.000 7,060,652 30.793 35.069 42.354 52.717 63.526 77.640 90.975 95.042 97.750 99.978 100.000 100.000 100.000 365,451 61.503 71.549 78.084 83.328 88.804 94.884 98.656 99.949 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 6,004,693 53.904 65.133 72.536 78.270 84.245 91.858 96.225 96.921 98.712 99.878 100.000 100.000 100.000 4,632,679 55.798 64.363 71.014 75.828 82.012 89.576 93.897 96.014 98.653 99.920 100.000 100.000 100.000 6,423,287 65.124 72.046 76.423 80.249 85.304 92.614 97.592 99.854 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 5,968,434 52.215 57.180 61.092 65.127 68.420 70.840 73.444 74.767 77.209 80.464 84.337 91.799 100.000 143,957,102 54.945 62.377 68.685 74.224 79.111 84.377 88.627 91.541 96.045 99.606 100.000 100.000 100.000 18,075,418 71.458 80.826 87.510 91.781 96.723 98.937 99.933 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 3,683,881 73.105 80.567 85.944 89.947 93.337 96.829 99.196 99.749 99.997 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 16,534,888 84.323 88.976 92.551 94.842 96.878 99.407 99.999 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 23,888,315 77.852 83.708 88.570 92.097 95.237 98.325 99.949 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 24,679,035 73.980 78.977 83.148 85.952 89.974 93.634 99.063 99.999 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 15,520,482 67.808 73.048 77.639 82.747 92.609 97.870 99.166 99.988 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 66,175,403 68.515 75.031 81.316 85.394 90.181 93.560 96.619 99.082 99.992 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 12,361,862 87.660 91.098 96.598 97.832 99.487 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 2,835,878 85.706 89.374 93.625 96.203 98.241 99.855 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 38,776,444 95.740 97.362 99.531 99.999 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 28,571,385 91.950 94.890 97.342 99.084 99.757 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 44,617,305 86.009 89.685 92.467 95.713 97.473 99.821 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 9,322,084 84.467 88.607 92.142 95.881 97.991 99.901 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 13,998,349