Economics 101 - Microeconomic Theory )

Economics 101 - Microeconomic Theory
Ken Burdett (435 McNeil,
The object to review the basics of modern microeconomics. This is an important course in that if you
feel comfortable with the topics covered you will have a firm foundation for studying most other areas
of economics.
The text Is Intermediate Microeconomics (8th edition) by Hal R Varian. This text has become the
classic text in this area. I plan to cover two chapters in most weeks. You should note thsat I don’t plan to
cover some chapters.
Students will be evaluated as follows
(a) Two mid-term examinations (20% each)
(b) Two Take-home examinations (15% each)
(c) One Final examination (30% each)
This is a large class so I want specific rules
1. Formal notification from suitable authority figure if you cannot take any examination
2. A twenty percent deduction for each day late for work handed in..
I’m looking forward to the course. Hope we all enjoy it.
Chapters to be covered
Week Starting 9/4/11
Chapters 1
Week Starting 9/11/11
Chapters 2 and 3
Week Starting 9/18/11
Chapters 4 and 5
Week Starting 9/25/11
Chapter 6
Mid-term Examination 9/29/11
Week Starting 10/2/11
Chapter 7 and 8
October 8-11 Fall Break
Week Starting 10/9/11
Cha[pter 12 and 14
First Take home examination
Week Starting 10/16/11
Chapter 15 and 16
Week Starting 10/23/11
Chapter 17 and 18
Week Starting 10/30/11
Chapter 19 and 20
Week Starting 11/6/11
Chapter 21 and 22
Second Take Home examination
Week Starting 11/13/11
Chapter 23
Second Mid-term 10/17/11
Week Starting 11/20/11
Chapter 24
Thanksgiving 24-27 resume 28
Week Starting 11/27/11
Chapter 31 and 34
Week Starting 12/4/11
Chapter 36
Classes end 12/9/11