Annual Report Academic Year 2013-2014 THE COLLEGE OF EDUCATION is one of nine colleges and schools of the University of South Alabama. Founded on February 1, 1967, the college serves approximately 1,800 graduate and undergraduate students. With a total annual budget exceeding 14 million dollars, the College is able to support a broad array of degree programs. The College is nationally accredited by the National Council for the Accreditation of Teacher Education, our educator preparation programs are accredited by the Alabama State Department of Education, our doctoral program in Clinical and Counselling Psychology is accredited by the American Psychological Association, and our Counseling Programs are accredited by the Council for the Accreditation of Counseling and related Educational Programs. MISSION Our mission is to provide the highest level of leadership in furthering education, life-long learning, and well-being for all citizens of Alabama as members of a global community. VISION Our vision is to become an exemplar for preparing high-quality professionals who are committed to maximizing the potential of every citizen to participate fully in a global community. SUMMARY Recognizing that faculty members often collaborate on scholarly activities, the data are presented by the number of faculty members participating in each activity and by the number of resulting products. Participants Products Books/Book Chapters/Monographs Published 21 18 Community Service 36 133 Conference Proceedings Published 14 15 Journal Articles Published 23 46 Professional Leadership/Positions/Offices 9 10 Professional Presentations 38 178 Publications: Reports, Reviews, Newsletter, Presentations 14 32 Sponsored Research 18 42 USA College of Education Annual Report 2013-2014 TABLE OF CONTENTS DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, PHYSICAL EDUCATION, AND LEISURE STUDIES I. Intellectual Contributions 3 II. Contracts, Grants and Sponsored Research 5 III. Presentations 5 IV. Service 9 DEPARTMENT OF LEADERSHIP AND TEACHER EDUCATION I. Intellectual Contributions 11 II. Contracts, Grants and Sponsored Research 13 III. Presentations 16 IV. Service 22 DEPARTMENT OF PROFESSIONAL STUDIES I. Intellectual Contributions 25 II. Contracts, Grants and Sponsored Research 28 III. Presentations 29 IV. Service 32 2 USA College of Education Annual Report 2013-2014 HEALTH, PHYSICAL EDUCATION & LEISURE STUDIES (HPELS) The Department offers undergraduate programs in physical education, exercise science, health education, and leisure studies, and graduate programs in physical education, health education, and exercise science. Leisure Studies concentrations are available in Therapeutic Recreation and Sport and Recreation Management. Mr. Randy Anastasio Ms. Alexandra Barter Dr. Ellen Broach Dr. Erwei Dong Dr. Brooke Forester Dr. Larry R. Gurchiek Dr. Robert J. Heitman Dr. Shelley L. Holden Dr. Christopher M. Keshock Dr. John E. Kovaleski Dr. Shawn Mitchell Dr. Phillip M. Norrell Ms. Aleesha Palombo Dr. Steven F. Pugh Dr. Fred Scaffidi I. Instructor Senior Instructor Associate Professor Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Full Professor Full Professor Assistant Professor Associate Professor Full Professor and Chair Assistant Professor Associate Professor Senior Instructor Full Professor Full Professor INTELLECTUAL CONTRIBUTIONS/PUBLICATIONS Refereed Conference Proceedings Broach, M. E., Norrell, P. M., & Mitchell, S. M. (2014). Preliminary Analysis of the Effect of Aquatic Exercise (AE) on Physical and Quality of Life Outcomes of Breast Cancer Survivors. Aquatic Exercise Association. Broach, M. E., Pugh, S. F., & Holden, S. L. (2014). Student Perceptions of a Wii Fit Activity Course. Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport. AAHPERD. Keshock, C. M., & Adkins, M. (2014). In David King & Kristopher Burris (Ed.), University Student Retention Practices: A Comparative Case Study of Public and Private School Initiatives (vol. 34, pp. 221-224). Nashville, TN: International Handbook of Academic Research and Teaching. Kovaleski, J. E., Liu, W., Wilt, M. J., Hoppmann, P. D., Tygielski, C. M., & Gurchiek, L. R. (2014). Does type of ankle brace affect performance in jumping and jump phase ground reaction forces and loading rates?. National Strength and Conditioning Association. Non-Refereed Conference Proceedings Broach, M. E. (2013). Analysis of Student Responses to Service Learning in Aquatics and Adventure. ATRA Research Institute Proceedings. ATRA. Book Chapters Dong, E., Li, Z., & Kim, J. (2013). Research in East Asia. Race, ethnicity and leisure (pp. 277-294). Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics. 3 USA College of Education Annual Report 2013-2014 Keshock, C. M., Forester, B. E., & Holden, S. L. (2014). In Oliver Budzinski & Arne Feddersen (Eds.),Gridiron Games: A Case Analysis of Turf War Issues and the Economic, Social, Cultural, and Political Incentives for Government Subsidization. (vol. 14, pp. 231-246). Frankfurt, Germany: Political Economics Competition and Regulation: Contemporary Research in Sports Economics /Peter Lang International Academic Publishers. Refereed Journal Articles Dong, E. (2013). Impacts of national parks on leisure lifestyle. Evidences from U.S., Korea, and Japan. Journal of Insight China (Xiaokang), 187, 70-72. Holden, S. L., Keshock, C. M., Forester, B. E., & Pugh, S. F. (2014). Athlete burnout: Is the type of sport a factor? The Sport Journal. Holden, S. L., & Norrell, P. M. (2014). The deep fried south: A literary analysis of Nutritional knowledge of students and adults in Alabama. Education, 134(3), 195201. Holden, S. L., Pugh, S. F., Norrell, P. M., & Keshock, C. M. (2014). Nutritional knowledge of Alabama undergraduate students. The Sport Journal. Keshock, C. M., & Adkins, M. (2014). Student Retention Practices: A Comparative Case Study of Public and Private School Initiatives. Review of Higher Education and SelfLearning Journal, 7(24), 94-99. Keshock, C. M., Holden, S. L., Forester, B. E., & Pugh, S. F. (2013). Data Driven Solutions: Participatory Planning to Improve Community Sport Operations. International Journal of Accounting Information Science and Leadership, 6(18), 35-40. Kovaleski, J. E., Heitman, R. J., Gurchiek, L. R., Hollis, J. M., Liu, W., & Pearsall, A. W. (2014). Joint Stability Characteristics of the Ankle Complex After Lateral Ligamentous Injury, Part I: A Laboratory Comparison Using Arthrometric Measurement. Journal of Athletic Training, 49(2), 192-197. Kovaleski, J. E., Heitman, R. J., Gurchiek, L. R., Hollis, J. M., Liu, W., & Pearsall, A. W. (2014). Joint Stability Characteristics of the Ankle Complex in Female Athletes With Histories of Lateral Ankle Sprain, Part II: Clinical Experience Using Arthrometric Measurement. Journal of Athletic Training, 49(2), 198-203. Mathews, D. R., Holden, S. L., Pugh, S. F., Keshock, C. M., & Forester, B. E. (2014). Nutritional knowledge and attitudes of soccer and volleyball athletes. ASAHPERD Journal, 34(1), 24-29. Norrell, P. M., & Holden, S. L. (2013). Finding the Beast in the Beauty: Resistance as a Rape Prevention Strategy. National Social Science Journal, 40(2), 74-87. Non-Refereed Journal Articles Holden, S. L., & Keshock, C. M. (2014). Creating a daily nutritional plan. Performance Volleyball Conditioning, 19(5), 8-10. 4 USA College of Education Annual Report 2013-2014 Abstracts Forester, B. E., Holden, S. L., Keshock, C. M., Heitman, R. J. (2014). In S. Chen (Ed.), High School Coaches’ Continuing Education Delivery Preferences (1st ed., vol. 51). Hays, KS: Kentucky Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance. Holden, S. L., Keshock, C. M., Forester, B. E., & Heitman, R. J. (2013). In Mike Sheridan (Ed.), Burnout and Years of Sport Competition (2nd ed., vol. 6, pp. 194-195). Reston, VA: Journal of Coaching Education. Holden, S. L., & Norrell, P. M. (2014). In National Social Science Association (Ed.), The deep fried south: A literary analysis of nutrition knowledge of students and adults in Alabama (vol. 54, pp. 162-169). National Social Sciences Association Proceedings. Kovaleski, J. E., Wilt, M. J., Hoppman, P. D., Tygielski, C. M., Gurchiek, L. R., & Hollis, M. (2014). Jump ground reaction forces and loading rates associated with brace support in ankle complex stability (3rd ed., vol. 49, pp. S184). Journal of Athletic Training. Research Report Keshock, C. M. (2014). Impact of BayFest 2013 (pp. 1-102). BayFest, Inc.. Magazine/Trade Publication Keshock, C. M. (2014). Commissioners can't agree on location, price of proposed soccer facility. In Ashley Toland and Rob Holbert (Ed.), Excerpts from Mobile County Sportsplex Site Analysis Report (March 20, 2014 - April 2, 2014 Issue ed., pp. 8). Mobile, Alabama: Lagniappe. II. CONTRACTS, GRANTS AND SPONSORED RESEARCH Externally Funded Keshock, C. M. Mobile County Sportsplex Feasibility Study, Mobile County Commission, $6,000.00 (October 2013 - Present). Internally Funded Broach, M. E. (Co-Principal), Norrell, P. M. (Co-Principal)., The Effects of Aquatic Exercise on Physical and Psychosocial Aspects in Breast Cancer Survivors, Faculty Development Council, Internal to the University, $3,650.00. (April 2013 - Present). Broach, M. E. International Youth Book on Leisure Project. Sponsored by European Union/University of West Hungary, $1,000.00. (August 2013). III. PRESENTATIONS Alvarez, A. M., Holden, S. L., Keshock, C. M., Pugh, S. F., ASAHPERD Spring Conference, "Nutrition Knowledge of Women in their Child Bearing Years," ASAHPERD, Orange Beach, AL. (April 11, 2014). 5 USA College of Education Annual Report 2013-2014 Baghurst, T. M., Sandlin, J. R., Holden, S. L., Parish, A., AAHPERD National Conference, "Students' Perceptions of the Physiques of Self and Physical Educators," AAHPERD, St. Louis, MO. (April 4, 2014). Banhidi, M., Broach, M. E. World Leisure Congress, “Preliminary Findings from an International Youth Survey on Leisure," Mobile, Alabama. (September 9, 2014). Broach, M. E., International Aquatic Therapy Symposium, "Facilitating Positive Emotions as a Health-Related Outcome," Aquatic Therapy and Rehabilitation Institute, Sanabel, FL. (June 30, 2014). Broach, M. E., International Aquatic Therapy Symposium, "Preliminary Analysis of the Effect of Aquatic Exercise (AE) on Physical and Quality of Life Outcomes of Breast Cancer Survivors," Research Forum, Sanabel, FL. (June 29, 2014). Broach, M. E., Edens, K., American Therapeutic Recreation Association Annual Conference, "Analysis of Student Responses to Service Learning in Aquatics and Adventure Recreation," ATRA, Pittsburgh, PA. (October 2, 2013). Broach, M. E., McKenney, A., Carter, M., ATRA National Conference Midyear, "Publication Bootcamp," American Therapeutic Recreation Association, Rockville, Maryland. (March 10, 2014). Broach, M. E., Millner, V. S., Shelley-Tremblay, J. F., World Leisure Congress, "Daily Flow State and Performance During an Early Entrance Exercise and Math Program for Under-skilled First Time Freshman," Mobile, AL. (September 8, 2014). Broach, M. E., Pugh, S. F., Holden, S. L., AAHPERD National Convention, "Student Perceptions of a Wii Fit Activity Course," American Association of Health Physical Education Recreation and Dance, St Louis, MO. (April 3, 2014). Crow, A., Broach, M. E., World Leisure Congress, "Rithgs and Risks of Recreational Cycling: A study on experiences of cycling," Mobile, Alabama. (September 8, 2014). Dong, E., Annual meeting of Asian Council of Exercise and Sport Science, "Future leisure," Chinese Cultural University, Taipei, Taiwan. (November 2013). Dong, E., Leisure studies workshop, Beijing International Studies University, Beijing, China. (October 2013). Dong, E. Leisure and Recreation Association of South Africa Congress, "Leisure and health," Leisure and Recreation Association of South Africa Congress, Durban, South Africa. (September 2013). Fischer, A., Perez, M., Vawda, R., Klijs, L. Broach, M. E., World Leisure Congress, "Young People's Book on Leisure: Student Perspective," Mobile, Alabama. (September 9, 2014). Forester, B. E., 2014 Summer Physical Education and Health Conference, "Creative Funding Opportunities for Physical Education Teachers & Coaches," Alabama Sports Festival Foundation, Columbia, AL. (August 1, 2014). Forester, B. E., Southern Sport Management Conference, "Do Recruiter Characteristics Matter? Exploring the Interaction of Head Coach Affectivity and Political Skill on Recruiting Outcomes in NCAA Division I Women’s Soccer," Southern Sport Management Association, Nashville, TN. (March 26, 2014). 6 USA College of Education Annual Report 2013-2014 Forester, B. E., Holden, S. L., Keshock, C. M., 2014 National Coaching Conference, "High School Coaches' Continuing Education: Content Preferences," American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance, Washington, D.C. (June 20, 2014). Forester, B. E., Holden, S. L., Keshock, C. M., Heitman, R. J., 21st Annual Research Forum, "High School Coaches' Continuing Education Preferences - Delivery Methods," University of South Alabama, Mobile, AL. (March 13, 2014). Forester, B. E., Holden, S. L., Keshock, C. M., Heitman, R. J., 2014 Southern District AAHPERD Convention, "High School Coaches Continuing Education Delivery Preferences," American Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, & Dance (AAHPERD), Lexington, KY. February 21, 2014). Holden, S. L., NCAA Beach Volleyball Championships, "Nutrition for Beach Athletes and Coaches," United States Volleyball Association, Gulf Shores, AL. (May 1, 2014). Holden, S. L., United States Volleyball Coaching Education Program, "Nutrition 101," United States Volleyball Association, Colorado Springs, Colorado. (February 6, 2014). Holden, S. L., United States Volleyball Association Coaching Accreditation Program, "Nutrition 201," United States Volleyball Association, Colorado Springs, Colorado. (February 5, 2014). Holden, S. L., United States Volleyball Association Coaching Accreditation Program, "Nutrition: Fueling for Volleyball Players," United States Volleyball Association, Colorado Springs, Colorado. (February 5, 2014). Holden, S. L., The American Volleyball Coaches Association National Conference, "Nutrition for Indoor Volleyball Coaches," United States Volleyball Association, Seattle, Washington. (December 20, 2013). Holden, S. L., The American Volleyball Coaches Association National Conference, "Nutrition for Beach Coaches and Athletes," United States Volleyball Association, Seattle, Washington. (December 19, 2013). Holden, S. L., The American Volleyball Coaches Association National Convention, "Nutrition 101 for Indoor Coaches and Athletes," United States Volleyball Association, Seattle, Washington. (December 19, 2013). Holden, S. L., Baghurst, T. M., Pugh, S. F., Keshock, C. M., Heitman, R. J., AAHPERD National Conference, "Comparison of the Nutritional Knowledge of College Athletes and Non-Athletes," AAHPERD, St. Louis, MO. (April 2, 2014). Holden, S. L., Keshock, C. M., Forester, B. E., Pugh, S. F., Mid-South Educators Research Association, "Athlete Burnout: Is the Type of Sport a Factor?," MSERA, Pensacola, FL. (November 6, 2013). Holden, S. L., Norrell, P. M., National Social Sciences Association Fall Conference, "The Deep Fried South: A Literary Analysis of Nutritional Knowledge of Students and Adults in Alabama," NSSA, New Orleans, LA. (October 6, 2013). Holden, S. L., Pugh, S. F., Keshock, C. M., ASAHPERD Spring Conference, "Middle and High School Athletics: How to Effectively Deal With Parents," ASAHPERD, Orange Beach, AL. (April 11, 2014). 7 USA College of Education Annual Report 2013-2014 Keshock, C. M., Alabama Park and Recreation Association Annual Conference, "Legal Liability and Negligence Awareness of Park and Recreation Sport Programs," Alabama Park and Recreation Association, Orange Beach, Alabama. (September 4, 2014). Keshock, C. M., International Player and Parent Workshop, "Intercollegiate and Professional Baseball Recruitment and Signing," World Boy's International Baseball Tournament, Honolulu, Hawaii. (August 2014). Keshock, C. M., Alabama Physical Education and Health Conference, "Unsafe Physical Activity Environments: Legal Liability and Negligence," Alabama Department of Education, Columbiana, Alabama. (August 1, 2014). Keshock, C. M., Adkins, M., Intellectbase International Academic Conference, "Student Retention Practices: A Comparative Case Study of Public and Private School Initiatives," Intellectbase International Consortium, Nashville, TN. (May 23, 2014). Keshock, C. M., Forester, B. E., Pugh, S. F., ASAHPERD Spring Conference 2014, "Physical Activity Negligence Issues: Legal Defenses to Student Injury Claims," ASAHPERD, Orange Beach, Alabama. (April 2014). Keshock, C. M., Holden, S. L., Pugh, S. F., Forester, B. E., European Conference in Sport Economics, "Gridiron Games: Turf War Issues and the Economic, Social, Cultural, and Political Incentives for Government Subsidization.," European Sport Economics Association, Esbjerg, Denmark. (September 2013). Kovaleski, J. E., Liu, W., Dyess, L., 7th Biennial Cancer Survivorship Research Conference, "Intra-Limb Coordination of Shoulder and Elbow Joints during Tai Chi Exercise: Implication for Breast Cancer Survivors Upper Extremity Rehabilitation," ACS Behavioral Research Center, Atlanta, GA. (June 18, 2014). Kovaleski, J. E., Liu, W., Pearsall, A. W., World Congress on Osteoarthritis, "External Knee Adduction Moment During Tai Chi Gait in Patients with Knee Osteoarthritis," Osteoarthritis Research Society, Paris, France. (April 24, 2014). Kovaleski, J. E., Liu, W., Wilt, M. J., Hoppmann, P. D., Tygielski, C. M., Gurchiek, L. R., 2014 NSCA National Conference, "Does type of ankle brace affect performance in jumping and jump phase ground reaction forces and loading rates?" National Strength and Conditioning Association, Las Vegas, NV. (July 11, 2014). Kovaleski, J. E., Wie, L., Wolfe, J., World Congress of International Society for Posture & Gait Research World Congress, "Mechanical Loading Characteristics of the Medial Compartment of the Knee Joint during Tai Chi Gait," International Society for Posture & Gait Research World Congress, Vancouver, Canada. (June 29, 2014). Kovaleski, J. E., Wilt, M. J., Hoppmann, P. D., Tygielski, C. M., Gurchiek, L. R., Hollis, M., 2014 NATA Annual Meeting & Clinical Symposium, "Jump ground reaction forces and loading rates associated with brace support in ankle complex stability," National Athletic Trainers Association, Indianapolis, Indiana. (June 26, 2014). McCarver, S., Holden, S. L., Keshock, C. M., Forester, B. E., Pugh, S. F., ASAHPERD Fall Conference, "Adolescent Female Cheerleaders and Eating Disorders," ASAHPERD, Birmingham, AL. (November 2013). Mitchell, S. M., Alabama AHPERD bi-annual Conference, "Mountain Biking: Could Training Help You Roll Over the Competition," Alabama Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance, Birmingham, Alabama. (November 18, 2013). 8 USA College of Education Annual Report 2013-2014 Mitchell, B. A., Holden, S. L., Forester, B. E., ASAHPERD Spring Conference, "Nutritional Education Intervention and the Effects on Nutritional Knowledge of Male College Athletes," ASAHPERD, Orange Beach, AL. (April 11, 2014). Pugh, S. F., Heitman, R. J., Kovaleski, J. E., Holden, S. L., Gurchiek, L. R., American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance, "BMI, Mechanical and Strength Relationships to Dynamic Balance," AAHPERD, Saint Louis, MO. (April 3, 2014). Pugh, S. F., Holden, S. L., Heitman, R. J., Forester, B. E., Keshock, C. M., Southern District AAHPERD/KAHPERD, "A Comparison of dynamic balance on the Wii with the BioDex Stability System," SDAAHPERD, Lexington, KY. (February 2014). Robinson, D., Broach, M. E., McKenney, A., Carter, M., American Therapeutic Recreation Association Annual Conference, "Publication Bootcamp," ATRA, Pittsburgh, PA. (October 1, 2013). Wilt, M., Kovaleski, J. E. , 2013 UCUR Undergraduate Symposium, "Biomechanical Measures of Ankle Bracing in Jump Performance and Injury Risk," University of South Alabama. (October 17, 2013). IV. SERVICE Anastasio, Randy J. Alabama Special Olympics, Volunteer. (2007 - Present). American Heart Association, Volunteer. (2007 - Present). American Cancer Society, Volunteer. (1992 - Present). Barter, Alexandra S. Alpine Hills Swim Cu, Program Organizer. (September 1, 2014 - Present). Woodland Swim Club, Officer, Secretary. (August 23, 2014 - August 2015). Broach, Ellen E. ATRA Annual in Therapeutic Recreation, Editor, Journal Editor. (October 2013 - Present). 2014 World Leisure Congress, Reviewer, Conference Paper. (September 2013 - Present) American Journal of Recreation Therapy, Editorial Review Board Member. (December 2012 - Present). Aquatic Therapy and Rehabilitation Institute, Prepare/Grade Certification Exams.(September 2012 - Present). Aquatic Therapy and Rehabilitation Institute, Committee Member. (July 2012 - Present). Aquatic Therapy and Rehabilitation Institute, Editor, Conference Proceedings. (July 2012 - Present). International Journal of Aquatic Research and Education, Editorial Review Board Member. (January 2007 - Present). Therapeutic Recreation Regional Workshop sponsored by University of South Alabama and Southern Mississippi, Workshop Organizer. (January 2011 - March 2014). Dong, Erwei Research grant committee of International Chinese Society for Physical Activities and Health, Committee Member. (May 2010 - Present). Tourism Cares, Committee Member. (2010 - Present). Diversity Research Laboratory in Department of Recreation, Sport and Tourism, University of Illinois, Member. (2008 - Present). 9 USA College of Education Annual Report 2013-2014 2013 Annual Meeting of Society for Cross-cultural Research, Committee Chair. (2012 – 2013). National Recreation and Park Association Leisure Research Symposium, Session Chair. (October 2013). Holden, Shelley L. Applied Research in Coaching and Athletics Annual, Editorial Review Board Member. (September 2013 - Present). Southern District AAHPERD Physical Education for Children Member at Large, Member. (February 2012 - Present). United States Volleyball Association, Program Organizer. (December 2009 - Present). Mid -South Educators Research Association, Session(s) Presider. (November 6, 2013 –November 8, 2013). Keshock, Christopher M. Intellectbase International Consortium, Executive Editorial Board of the Advisory Board. (May 2011 - Present). Gulf Region Child Care Association, Officer, Treasurer. (2011 - Present). Australian Baseball International Youth Cup, Advisory Board Member. (2010 - Present). National Association of Sport and Physical Education, Editorial Review Board Member. (2008 – Present). Alabama Sports Festival, Task Force Member. (March 2006 - Present). Mobile Storm Volleyball Club, Board of Directors. (2005 - Present). Alabama Parks and Recreation Association, Session Chair. (September 4, 2014). Australian Baseball Team, Assistant Baseball Coach. (August 6, 2014 - August 15, 2014). Association for Experiential Education, Reviewer, Conference Paper. (March 2014). Sunset Volleyball Classic, Interaction with Industry. (October 2013 - March 2014).LPGA, Task Force Member. (February 2007 - 2013). Kovaleski, John E. National Athletic Trainers Association - Journal of Athletic Training, Editorial Review Board Member. (August 15, 2007 - Present). USA Center for Joint Restoration and Human Performance, Faculty. (August 15, 2007 – Present). National Athletic Trainers Association, Editorial Review Board Member. (August 1, 2013 – July 31, 2014). National Athletic Trainers Association, Reviewer, Journal Article. (August 1, 2013 - July 31, 2014). Pugh, Steven F. ASAHPERD Nominating Committee, Committee Member. (May 2013 - May 2014). 10 USA College of Education Annual Report 2013-2014 LEADERSHIP AND TEACHER EDUCATION (LTE) The Department provides instruction and training for undergraduate and graduate students who are seeking certification to prepare them for professional responsibilities in P-12 schools. The Department offers certification and non-certification programs in Educational Leadership at the master’s, specialist’s, and doctoral levels. Undergraduate programs include specialization in Early Childhood, Elementary, Secondary, and Special Education. The Department also offers graduate programs in Elementary, Early Childhood, Reading, Secondary, Special Education, English for Speakers of Other Languages, and Teacher Leader. Dr. Gahan Bailey Dr. Abigail Baxter Dr. Dennis J. Campbell Dr. Julie C. Cwikla Dr. Peggy M. Delmas Dr. David N. Ellis Ms. Nancy B. Gaillard Dr. Rebecca Giles Dr. David L. Gray Dr. André M. Green Ms. Jayne E. Kennedy Dr. Andrea M. Kent Dr. Leah H. Kinniburgh Dr. Susan F. Martin Dr. Wanda S. Maulding Dr. Susan P. Santoli Dr. Eddie L. Shaw Jr. Dr. Agnes E. Smith Dr. Karyn W. Tunks Dr. Patricia H. Turnipseed Dr. Paige Vitulli Dr. Marilyn Wilson-McGowan I. Associate Professor Full Professor Associate Professor Full Professor Assistant Professor Full Professor Instructor Full Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor and Chair Instructor Full Professor and Associate Dean Associate Professor Assistant Professor Associate Professor and Associate Dean Associate Professor Full Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Assistant Professor INTELLECTUAL CONTRIBUTIONS/PUBLICATIONS Refereed Conference Proceedings Kent, A. M., Giles, R. M. (2014). Facing the Challenges in Classrooms Today: Is Dual Certification a Valuable Option? (pp. 9). The Clute International Academic Conference. Martin, S. F., Shaw, E. L. (2014). Digital Science Labs: Enhancing the Science Classroom on a Budget in P-12 and Higher Education. ELearn. Refereed Journal Articles Bailey, G., Giles, R. M., Rogers, S. Transitioning to middle school: Investigating the concerns of fifth graders. Research in Middle Level Education Online. spx Bailey, G., Shaw, E. L., Rogers, S. (2014). In D. Shuttlesworth (Ed.), A Comparison of Professors’ and Students’ Work Load Expectations (1st ed., vol. 4, pp. 11). Cleveland, MS: Delta Journal of Education. 11 USA College of Education Annual Report 2013-2014 Delmas, P. M., Vitulli, P. (2014). Calligraphy as a cultural connection. Childhood Education International (March/April 2014), 7-8. Giles, R. M., Kent, A. M. (2014). An exploration of factors contributing to the perceptions of preparedness for elementary candidates in a clinically-based program. ISRN Education, 2014, 6 pages. Giles, R. M., Tunks, K. W. (2014). Read the Past, Write Now! Responding to Historical Fiction through Writing. To appear in The Councilor: A Journal of the Social Studies, 75(1), 15-22. Kent, A. M., Giles, R. M. (2013). The influential role of field experiences in a dual certification teacher preparation program. Field Experience Journal, 12, 59-85. Kent, A. M., Green, A. M., Kochan, F. (2013). Cultural Influences on Mentoring Programs and Relationships. International Journal of Mentoring and Coaching in Education, 2(3). Martin, S. F., Shaw, E. L., Daughenbaugh, L. R. (2014). Using Smart Boards and Manipulatives in the Elementary Science Classroom. To appear in TechTrends, 58.3(May/June 2014). Santoli, S. P., Vitulli, P. (2014). Ireland's National Induction Programme for Teachers. Kappa Kochan, F. K., Kent, A. M., Green, A. M. (2014). Uncovering the Hidden Cultural Dynamics in Mentoring Programs and Relationships: Managing the Complexities. Charlotte, NC: Information Age Press. Book Chapters Kent, A. M. (2013). Teacher Leadership: Learning and Leading. Technology as a Tool for Diversity Leadership: Implementation and Future Implications. Reilly, A., Campbell, D. J., Chiasson, K. In Olsen & Fuller (Eds.), Families and Their Children with Disabilities (vol. 4, pp. 156-179). Boston, MA: Home and School Relations Pearson. Wooster, D. A., Baxter, A. Delta Pi RECORD; Taylor & Francis Group LLC, 50(2), 89-92. Vitulli, P. (2014). Giuseppe Arcimboldo Inspired food faces: Lettuce be healthy! Advocate, 33(1), 6-11. Vitulli, P., Baggett, B. (2014). Integrating dance in the curriculum: Multiple intelligences through movement in math. Advocate, 33(1), 32 - 38. Vitulli, P., Giles, R. M., Shaw, E. L. (2014). The effects of knowledge maps on acquisition and retention of visual arts concepts in teacher education. Education Research International, 2014(2014), 12. 12 USA College of Education Annual Report 2013-2014 Non-Refereed Journal Articles Giles, R. M., Kent, A. M., Vitulli, P., Shaw, E. L. Teaching Experience Days as Field Experiences for Elementary Teacher Candidates. Delta Journal of Education. Kent, A. M., Green, A. M., Feldman, P. The Road Less Travelled- Crossing Gender and Racial Lines in Comprehensive Mentoring. International Journal of Mentoring and Coaching. Vitulli, P., Giles, R. M., Shaw, E. L. (2014). The effects of knowledge maps on acquisition and retention of visual arts concepts in teacher education. Education Research International, 2014, 12. Published Instructor's Manual Baxter, A. (2014). Ancillary materials for R. B. Johnson and L. Christensen (Eds.), Educational Research (5th ed.). Sage. Assessment Reviews Baxter, A. (2014). Review of the Brigance Inventory of Early Development II. In R. A. Spies, J. F. Carlson, & K. F. Geisinger (Eds.), The mental measurements yearbook (pp. 98-100). Lincoln, NE: University of Nebraska and the Buros Institute. Baxter, A. (2014). Review of the Systematic Analysis of Language Transcripts 2010 English Version. The Mental Measurements Yearbook (pp. 679-681). Lincoln, NE: Buros Center for Testing. Newsletter Giles, R. M., Kinniburgh, L. H. (2014). Putting PowerPoint in its place. To appear in The Teaching Professor. Vitulli, P. (2014). Preparing future teachers at the Mobile Museum of Art. Perspectives, Alabama Art Education Association, Summer, 2014, 16. Vitulli, P. (2014). Pre-service teachers at the University of South Alabama find inspiration through the experiences of blind artist Ricky Trione. Perspectives, Alabama Art Education Association, Spring 2014. Vitulli, P., Martin, S. F. (2014). Contemporary art experiences at the Centre for the Living Arts as a catalyst for communicating content. Perspectives, Alabama Art Education Association, Spring 2014. II. CONTRACTS, GRANTS AND SPONSORED RESEARCH Externally Funded Cwikla, Julie C. (Principal), "Pioneering Mars Continues," Sponsored by NASA, Federal, $278,000.00. (October 1, 2013 - August 30, 2014). Cwikla, Julie C. (Co-Principal), "Early Fraction Learning: Links with Prosociality and Self and Other Perspective-Taking," Sponsored by NSF, $302,316.00. (March 2011 - March 2014) 13 USA College of Education Annual Report 2013-2014 Cwikla, Julie C. (Principal), "Fractions and Fair Sharing," Sponsored by NSF, Federal, $302,000.00. (March 1, 2010 - September 30, 2013). Feldman, Phillip (Co-Principal), Green, Andre M (Principal), "Pathway to Science," Sponsored by National Science Foundation, $899,962.00. (June 1, 2009 - March 31, 2014). Feldman, Phillip (Principal), "Alabama Math Science & Technology Initiative," Sponsored by Alabama State Department of Education, State, $2,431,780.00. (October 1, 2012 September 30, 2013). Feldman, Phillip (Principal), "South Alabama Research and In-service Center," Sponsored by Alabama State Department of Education, State, $314,887.00. (October 2012 - September 2013). Filion B. & Delmas, P. "Half the Sky Exhibition," Sponsored by Alabama Humanities Foundation, $4,000.00. (December 1, 2013 - October 31, 2014). Giles, Rebecca M (Co-Principal), Fresne, Jeannette (Co-Principal), "Literacy, Numeracy, Si!," Sponsored by Malone Family Foundation, $35,000.00. (March 1, 2014 - December 30, 2014). Green, Andre M (Principal), "Technology in Motion," Sponsored by Alabama State Department of Education, $113,858.00. (October 1, 2013 - September 30, 2014). Green, Andre M (Principal), "Summer Math and Science Camp (Summer Enrichment Program)," Sponsored by J. L. Bedsole Foundation, $10,000.00. (June 2013 - August 2013). Green, Andre M (Principal), "Science and Math Improvement," Sponsored by Dr. Tracy Tullie, $5,000.00. (2013 - 2014). Green, Andre M (Principal), "AFS Blackbelt Initiative," Sponsored by Alabama Forestry Foundation, $183,666.00. (October 1, 2013 - September 30, 2014). Green, Andre M (Principal), "Alabama Math Science and Technology Initiative," Sponsored by Alabama State Department of Education, $2,617,000.00. (October 1, 2013 - September 30, 2014). Green, Andre M (Principal), "Science and Math Improvement," Sponsored by Dr. Tracy Tullie, Private, $3,000.00. (2012 - 2013). Green, Andre M (Principal), "2013 Summer Enrichment Program," Sponsored by Mobile County Commission, $2,500.00. (June 2013 - September 2013). Green, Andre M (Principal), "2013 Summer Enrichment Program," Sponsored by Mobile County Public School System, $25,000.00. (May 2013 - September 2013). Green, Andre M (Principal), Feldman, Phillip (Co-Principal), Cwikla, Julie C. (Co-Principal), Pillen, Cornelius (Co-Principal), Prokhorov, Vasiliy Alekseyevich (Co-Principal), "AMSTIPDP," Sponsored by Alabama State Department of Education, $462,000.00. (October 1, 2012 - September 30, 2013). Green, Andre M (Principal), Feldman, Phillip (Co-Principal), "Pathway to Mathematics," Sponsored by National Science Foundation, $574,680.00. (August 1, 2011 - July 31, 2016). 14 USA College of Education Annual Report 2013-2014 Green, Andre M (Co-Principal), Feldman, Phillip (Principal), Cwikla, Julie C. (Co-Principal), Mulekar, Madhuri S (Co-Principal), "The AMSTI-USA Fellows Program for Middle School," Sponsored by Alabama State Department of Education, $128,800.00. (October 1, 2012 September 30, 2013). Green, Andre M (Principal), Feldman, Phillip (Co-Principal), Cwikla, Julie C. (Co-Principal), Pillen, Cornelius (Co-Principal), Prokhorov, Vasiliy Alekseyevich (Co-Principal), "AMSTIPDP," Sponsored by Alabama State Department of Education, $462,000.00. (October 1, 2012 - September 30, 2013). Green, Andre M (Principal), Feldman, Phillip (Co-Principal), Madhuri Mulekar (Co-Principal), "Pathway to Mathematics," Sponsored by National Science Foundation, $1,446,700.00.(2011 - 2016). Green, Andre M (Principal), Feldman, Phillip (Co-Principal), Sanders, Justin (Co-Principal), "Pathway to Science (PTS) Noyce Teacher Scholarship," Sponsored by National Science Foundation, Federal, $899,967.00. (2009 - 2015). Green, Andre M (Principal), Byrd, Kelly O (Co-Principal), Cwikla, Julie C. (Co-Principal), Mulekar, Madhuri S (Co-Principal), "AMSTI Fellows for the Middle School," Sponsored by Alabama State Department of Education/US Dept. of Education, $312,000.00. (October 1, 2013 - September 30, 2014). Green, Andre M (Principal), Byrd, Kelly O (Co-Principal), Pillen, Cornelius (Co-Principal), Prokhorov, Vasiliy Alekseyevich (Co-Principal), Cwikla, Julie C. (Co-Principal), "AMSTI Professional Development Program," Sponsored by Alabama State Department of Education/US Dept. of Education, $350,000.00. (October 1, 2013 - September 30, 2014). Kent, Andrea M (Principal), "South Alabama Research and In-service Center," Sponsored by Alabama State Department of Education, $303,337.00. Martin, Susan F. (Principal), Bailey, Gahan (Co-Principal), "Building Teachers' Self-Efficacy in Accommodating English Language Learners in the Mainstream Classroom," Sponsored by University of South Alabama Faculty Development Council, Internal to the University, $4,160.00. (June 2014 - June 2015). Santoli, Susan P (Principal), Kennedy, Jayne E (Supporting), "Strengthening social studies methods courses through the use of primary sources," Sponsored by Teaching with Primary Sources, $7,039.00. (August 2014 - November 2015). Santoli, Susan P (Principal), Kennedy, Jayne E (Supporting), "Strengthening social studies methods courses through the use of primary sources," Sponsored by Teaching with Primary Sources, $7,039.00. (August 2014 - November 2015). Vitulli, Paige, "National Writing Project Tech Matters 2006 Institute Grant," Sponsored by National Writing Project, $3,000.00. Internally Funded Green, Andre M (Principal), Vitulli, Paige. "After School Tutoring and Summer Enrichment and Intervention Program," Sponsored by University of South Alabama, . (2008 - Present). Martin, Susan F. (Principal), Bailey, Gahan (Co-Principal), "Building Teachers' Self-Efficacy in Accommodating English Language Learners in the Mainstream Classroom," Sponsored by University of South Alabama Faculty Development Council, Internal to the University, $4,160.00. (June 2014 - June 2015). 15 USA College of Education Annual Report 2013-2014 Santoli, Susan P, Sponsored by University of South Alabama Faculty Development Council, Internal to the University, $4,855.00. (June 2014 - June 2015). Vitulli, Paige (Co-Principal), Fresne, Jeannette (Principal), "Arts in Education," Sponsored by University of South Alabama, Federal. (2004 - Present). III. PRESENTATIONS Bailey, G., & Shaw, E. 42nd Mid-South Educational Research Association, "A Comparison of Professors' and Students' Work Load Expectations to Earn Three Credit Hours," MSERA, Pensacola, FL. (November 8, 2013). Bailey, Gahan , Shaw, Edward L , 42nd Mid-South Educational Research Association, "A Comparison of Professors' and Students' Work Load Expectations to Earn Three Credit Hours," MSERA, Pensacola, FL. (November 8, 2013). Baggett, Brooke L., Vitulli, Paige, 2013 NDEO Annual Conference, Focus on Dance: The Art and Craft of Teaching, "The art and craft of learning and teaching through authentic community experiences," National Dance Education Organization, Miami, FL. (October 25, 2013). Baxter, Abigail, Early Care and Education Professional Development, "Milestones in Cognitive Development," Gulf Regional Early Childhood Services (formerly GRCMA), Mobile AL. (September 4, 2014). Baxter, Abigail, Early Head Start Mobile, Teacher Training, "Behavior Management," Gulf Regional Early Childhood Services (formerly GRCMA), Mobile AL. (August 15, 2014). Baxter, Abigail, "The Developmental Assessment of Young Children - Second Edition (DAYC-2)," Early Intervention Council of Southwest Alabama, Mobile AL. (June 19, 2014). Baxter, Abigail, Early Care and Education Professional Development, "Milestones in Language Development," Gulf Regional Early Childhood Services (formerly GRCMA), Mobile AL. (June 10, 2014). Baxter, Abigail , Early Care Education Professional Development, "Milestones in Social Emotional Development," Gulf Regional Early Childhood Services (formerly GRCMA), Mobile AL. (February 4, 2014). Baxter, Abigail , Early Care Education Professional Development, "Milestones in Cognitive Development," Early Childhood Directions (formerly GRCMA), Mobile AL. (December 2013). Campbell, Dennis J, Baxter, Abigail, Pardue, John Harold, Ellis, David N, 17th International Division on Career Development and Transition Conference, "Project CHOICES: A Transition Planning Database for Students, Parents and Teachers," Division on Career Development and Transition Conference, Williamsburg, VA. (November 2013). Campbell, Dennis J, 5P minus Annual Conference, "Cri du Chat 101," 5 P Minus Society, San Antonio Texas. (July 25, 2014). Campbell, Dennis J, Autism Grand Rounds, "Transitions for Students with ASD Grand Rounds," USA Autism Interest Group, UCOM. (May 30, 2014). Campbell, Dennis J, Cri du Chat Regional Get together, "Overview of Cri Du Chat Syndrome," 5 P minus Society, Saraland AL. (May 10, 2014). 16 USA College of Education Annual Report 2013-2014 Campbell, Dennis J, 15th International Conference on Autism, Intellectual Disability & Developmental Disabilities, "Thorough descriptive pictures of behavioral incidences are critical in balancing effective positive behavioral management," Division on Autism and Developmental Disabilities, Clearwater Beach, FL. (January 2014). Campbell, Dennis J, 2013 TASH Conference, "Yes I have Problem Behaviors, But they are not that Bad," TASH, Chicago, IL. (December 2013). Campbell, Dennis J, Baxter, Abigail, Pardue, John Harold, Ellis, David N, 17th International Division on Career Development and Transition Conference, "Project CHOICES: A Transition Planning Database for Students, Parents and Teachers," Division on Career Development and Transition Conference, Williamsburg, VA. (November 2013). Campbell, Dennis J, Baxter, Abigail, Pardue, John Harold, Ellis, David N, 17th International Division on Career Development and Transition Conference, "Project CHOICES: A Transition Planning Database for Students, Parents and Teachers," Division on Career Development and Transition Conference, Williamsburg, VA. (November 2013). Delmas, Peggy M , Shaw, Edward L , Strange, John H , Chandler, Jacey-Blair , Mid-South Educational Research Association Annual Meeting, "Twitter: Experimentation, Application, and Implementation of Microblogging by Education Faculty," Mid-South Educational Research Association, Pensacola, FL. (November 6, 2013). Delmas, Peggy M (Moderator), Weaver, K Mark , Washington, Mel , Sources and Impacts of Microfinance on Social and Economic Development, "Sources and Impacts of Microfinance on Social and Economic Development," University of South Alabama Common Read/Common World, USA Mitchell College of Business, Mobile, AL. (November 11, 2013). Delmas, Peggy M (Moderator), Bowers, Vickie , Gayles, Pamela W , Cariglino, Katheryn , Moore, Andrea , Economic Empowerment for Women, "Economic Empowerment for Women: Screening of "Half the Sky"," University of South Alabama Common Read/Common World, Centre for the Living Arts, Mobile, AL. (November 7, 2013). Delmas, Peggy M , Shaw, Edward L , Strange, John H , Chandler, Jacey-Blair , Mid-South Educational Research Association Annual Meeting, "Twitter: Experimentation, Application, and Implementation of Microblogging by Education Faculty," Mid-South Educational Research Association, Pensacola, FL. (November 6, 2013). Delmas, Peggy M , Howell, Nancy G., ILC Workshop, "Advising Essentials for Faculty," USA Innovation in Learning Center, Mobile, AL. (November 5, 2013). Delmas, Peggy M , Harrell, Krista , "Half the Sky" film screening, "Education for Girls: "Half the Sky" screening," USA Common Read/Common World, Marx Library, USA, Mobile, AL. (September 10, 2013). Delmas, Peggy M , Shaw, Edward L , Strange, John H , Chandler, Jacey-Blair , Fourth Annual South Alabama Conference on Teaching and Learning, "Educational Applications of Twitter: Expanding the Classroom Conversation, 140 Characters at a Time," University of South Alabama, Mobile, AL. (May 12, 2014). Delmas, Peggy M , Shaw, Edward L , Strange, John H , Chandler, Jacey-Blair , Fourth Annual South Alabama Conference on Teaching and Learning, "Educational Applications of Twitter: Expanding the Classroom Conversation, 140 Characters at a Time," University of South Alabama, Mobile, AL. (May 12, 2014). 17 USA College of Education Annual Report 2013-2014 Delmas, Peggy M (Moderator), Gunn, Jennie , Hill, Alethea , Bydalek, Katherine , Cuellar, Norma , Ulmer, Ann S. , Research & Cultural Symposium, "Women Hold Up Half the Sky: Addressing Maternal Mortality through the Common Read," Transcultural Nursing Society Chapter Alabama & Mississippi, University of South Alabama, Mobile, AL. (April 4, 2014). Ellis, David N., Baxter, A., Soto, R., & Wetter, A. C. 138th Annual Meeting and Conference of the American Association on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities, "Comparison of Inclusion in School and Community in Costa Rica and the USA," American Association on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities, Orlando, FL. Ellis, David N , Baxter, Abigail, Soto, Ronald, Wetter, Alexandra Chanto. 138th Annual Meeting and Conference of the American Association on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities, "Comparison of Inclusion in School and Community in Costa Rica and the USA," American Association on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities, Orlando, FL. Giles, Rebecca M., Kent, Andrea M. International Reading Association Annual Meeting, "The Role of Teacher Educators in Reading in Promoting Pre-service Teachers’ Positive Attitudes Toward Writing," Organization of Teacher Educators in Literacy, New Orleans, LA. (May 11, 2014). Giles, Rebecca M, Kent, Andrea M, The University of South Alabama’s 21st Annual Research Forum, "An Exploration of Elementary Pre-service Teachers’ Attitudes Towards Writing," USA, Mobile, AL. (March 13, 2014). Green, Andre M , Kent, Andrea M , Lewis, Joél P , Feldman, Phillip , American Educational Research Association Conference, "Beginning the Teacher Induction Process in a Summer Enrichment Program for Minority Students," American Educational Research Association, Philadelphia, PA. (April 2014). Green, Andre M , Feldman, Phillip, American Educational Research Association Conference, "The Noyce Pathway to Science Program: Preparing the Next Generation of Science Teachers," American Educational Research Association, Philadelphia, PA. (April 2014). Green, Andre M , Kent, Andrea M , Lewis, Joél P , Feldman, Phillip , American Educational Research Association Conference, "Beginning the Teacher Induction Process in a Summer Enrichment Program for Minority Students," American Educational Research Association, Philadelphia, PA. (April 2014). Green, Andre M , Kent, Andrea M , Lewis, Joél P , Feldman, Phillip , American Educational Research Association Conference, "Beginning the Teacher Induction Process in a Summer Enrichment Program for Minority Students," American Educational Research Association, Philadelphia, PA. (April 2014). Green, Andre M , Feldman, Phillip, American Educational Research Association Conference, "The Noyce Pathway to Science Program: Preparing the Next Generation of Science Teachers," American Educational Research Association, Philadelphia, PA. (April 2014). Giles, Rebecca M , Kent, Andrea M , International Reading Association Annual Meeting, "The Role of Teacher Educators in Reading in Promoting Pre-service Teachers’ Positive Attitudes Toward Writing," Organization of Teacher Educators in Literacy, New Orleans, LA. (May 11, 2014). Giles, Rebecca M, Kent, Andrea M , Hibberts, Mary F , "The Impact of Teacher Preparation Program on Elementary," Mid-South Educational Research Association 42 Annual Meeting, Pensacola, FL. (November 2013). 18 USA College of Education Annual Report 2013-2014 Giles, Rebecca M, Kent, Andrea M , Hibberts, Mary F , "The Impact of Teacher Preparation Program on Elementary," Mid-South Educational Research Association 42 Annual Meeting, Pensacola, FL. (November 2013). Giles, Rebecca M, Kent, Andrea M, The University of South Alabama’s 21st Annual Research Forum, "An Exploration of Elementary Pre-service Teachers’ Attitudes Towards Writing," USA, Mobile, AL. (March 13, 2014). Gray, David L., Lewis, Joél P., Intellectbase International Consortium, Las Vegas, NV. (December 2013). Kent, Andrea M , Green, Andre M , Feldman, Phillip , American Educational Research Association Conference, "The Road Less Traveled: Inducting New College Professors Into Higher Education—Can Crossing Gender and Racial Lines Prove Successful?," American Educational Research Association, Philadelphia, PA. (April 2014). Kent, Andrea M, Giles, Rebecca M, South Alabama Conference on Teaching and Learning, "A Global View of Education: An International Experience for Future Teachers," USA, Mobile, AL. (May 2014). Kent, Andrea M, Giles, Rebecca M, Clute Institute International Academic Conference, "Facing The Challenges In Classrooms Today: Is Dual Certification A Valuable Option?," Clute Institute, Orlando, FL. (January 3, 2014). Kent, Andrea M , Giles, Rebecca M , Hibberts, Mary F , "Pre-service Teachers' Progression through Literacy Courses: Does it Influence Efficacy in the Teaching of Reading?," Mid-South Educational Research Association 42 Annual Meeting, Pensacola, FL. (November 2013). Kent, Andrea M , Green, Andre M , Feldman, Phillip , American Educational Research Association Conference, "The Road Less Traveled: Inducting New College Professors Into Higher Education—Can Crossing Gender and Racial Lines Prove Successful?," American Educational Research Association, Philadelphia, PA. (April 2014). Kent, Andrea M , Gulf Coast on the Teaching of Writing, "WWW…A Wonderful World of Writing, Draft Book Style!," Alabama In-Service Center, Sandestin, FL. (July 1, 2014). Kent, Andrea M, Giles, Rebecca M, South Alabama Conference on Teaching and Learning, "A Global View of Education: An International Experience for Future Teachers," USA, Mobile, AL. (May 2014). Kent, Andrea M (Chair), American Education Research Association Annual Conference, "Research on Teacher Induction Business Meeting," AERA, Philadelphia, PA. (April 2014). Kent, Andrea M , Green, Andre M , Feldman, Phillip , American Educational Research Association Conference, "The Road Less Traveled: Inducting New College Professors Into Higher Education—Can Crossing Gender and Racial Lines Prove Successful?," American Educational Research Association, Philadelphia, PA. (April 2014). Kent, Andrea M, Giles, Rebecca M, Clute Institute International Academic Conference, "Facing The Challenges In Classrooms Today: Is Dual Certification A Valuable Option?," Clute Institute, Orlando, FL. (January 3, 2014). Kent, Andrea M., Giles, Rebecca M., Hibberts, Mary F., "Pre-service Teachers' Progression through Literacy Courses: Does it Influence Efficacy in the Teaching of Reading?," Mid-South Educational Research Association 42 Annual Meeting, Pensacola, FL. (November 2013). 19 USA College of Education Annual Report 2013-2014 Kinniburgh, Leah H, Giles, Rebecca M, Society for Exploring Teaching and Learning Annual Conference, "Beyond the Basics: PowerPoint Options and Web. 2.0 Applications for Creating Motivating Presentations in Online Classes," Society for Exploring Teaching and Learning, Orlando, FL. (October 2013). Martin, Susan F., Conference on Teaching and Learning, "Moving Traditionally Face-to-Face Group Interactive Learning and Projects to the Digital Classroom``," University of South Alabama, Mobile, AL. Martin, Susan F., Guest Lecture, "Teaching English as a Second Language in the U.S. and Abroad," University of Mobile, Mobile, AL. (April 15, 2014). Martin, Susan F., Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education 2013, "Title: Language Arts Online: Moving Writer's Workshop and Literature Circles to Digital Classrooms," Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education, Jacksonville, FL. (March 19, 2014). Martin, Susan F., Bailey, Gahan , 42nd Mid-South Educational Research Association, "Teachers' Self-Efficacy in Accommodating English Language Learners in the Mainstream Classroom," MSERA, Pensacola, FL. (November 7, 2013). Maulding, Wanda S., Martin, Susan F., 42nd Mid-South Educational Research Association, "Technology Skills of Pre-Service Teachers in Traditional and Alternate Route Programs," MSERA, Pensacola, FL. (November 7, 2013). Maulding, Wanda S., NCPEA, "Emotional Intelligence of School Leaders and the Impact on Teacher Job Satisfaction," Camarillo, California. (August 7, 2014). Maulding, Wanda S., Martin, Susan F., 42nd Mid-South Educational Research Association, "Technology Skills of Pre-Service Teachers in Traditional and Alternate Route Programs," MSERA, Pensacola, FL. (November 7, 2013). Santoli, Susan P , Vitulli, Paige , Delmas, Peggy M , National Council for the Social Studies International Assembly, "Gateways to international experiences: Blogging through China and Ireland," National Council for the Social Studies, St. Louis, MO. (November 22, 2013). Santoli, Susan P , Vitulli, Paige , Mid-South Educational Research Association Annual Meeting, "Ireland's National Induction Programme for Teachers," MSERA, Pensacola, FL. (November 2013). Santoli, Susan P , Martin, Susan F. , National Council for the Social Studies Annual Conference, "Differentiated Instruction: A gateway to success with the Common Core," National Council for the Social Studies, St. Louis, MO. (November 22, 2013). Santoli, Susan P , Vitulli, Paige , Delmas, Peggy M , National Council for the Social Studies International Assembly, "Gateways to international experiences: Blogging through China and Ireland," National Council for the Social Studies, St. Louis, MO. (November 22, 2013). Santoli, Susan P , Vitulli, Paige , Social Studies Council of Alabama Annual Meeting, "Visual arts and visual literacy: Gateways to addressing the Common Core," SSCA, Birmingham, AL. (October 14, 2013). Santoli, Susan P , Vitulli, Paige , Mid-South Educational Research Association Annual Meeting, "Ireland's National Induction Programme for Teachers," MSERA, Pensacola, FL. (November 2013). 20 USA College of Education Annual Report 2013-2014 Santoli, Susan P , Vitulli, Paige , Delmas, Peggy M , National Council for the Social Studies International Assembly, "Gateways to international experiences: Blogging through China and Ireland," National Council for the Social Studies, St. Louis, MO. (November 22, 2013). Santoli, Susan P , Martin, Susan F. , National Council for the Social Studies Annual Conference, "Differentiated Instruction: A gateway to success with the Common Core," National Council for the Social Studies, St. Louis, MO. (November 22, 2013). Shaw, Edward L , Byrd, Kelly O, Society for Information and Teacher Education, "Using Twitter to Teach a STEAM Lesson with Elementary Pre-Service Teachers," Jacksonville, FL. (March 19, 2014). Shaw, Edward L , Byrd, Kelly O , Southeastern Association for Science Teacher Education, "Engaging Elementary Pre-service Teachers in SATEM Lessons using Social Media," Southeastern Association for Science Teacher Education, Statesboro, GA. (October 12, 2013). Simpson, Jennifer L, Byrd, Kelly O, Vitulli, Paige, Alabama Reading Association, "Literacy, art, and technology integration across the curriculum," Alabama Reading Association, Mobile, AL. (November 15, 2013). Simpson, Jennifer L, Byrd, Kelly O, Vitulli, Paige, Alabama Reading Association, "Literacy, art, and technology integration across the curriculum," Alabama Reading Association, Mobile, AL. (November 15, 2013). Tunks, Karyn W, Fay B. Kaigler Children's Book Festival, "I am an Author and Illustrator," University of Southern Mississippi, Hattiesburg, MS. (April 10, 2014). Tunks, Karyn W, Mid-South Educational Research Association, "Post, Blog, and Tweet: Use of Social Media to Enhance Instruction and Communication in Higher Education," Pensacola, FL. (November 8, 2013). Turnipseed, Patricia H, 2013 ALSDE Mega-Conference, "Practicing What We Teach: Utilizing Cooperative Learning Strategies in a Merged Teacher Education Program," Alabama State Department of Education, Mobile, AL. Vitulli, Paige, World Leisure Congress: Enhancing the Human Condition, "Community Museum Experiences for Learning and Leisure," World Leisure Congress, Mobile, AL USA. (September 11, 2014). Vitulli, Paige, Martin, Susan F., Summer Professional Development Workshop, "Gearing up for GLOBAL," Centre for the Living Arts/SARIC, Centre for the Living Arts. (July 2, 2014). Vitulli, Paige, National Art Education Association Convention: Spark!, "SPARK SMART ART: The Wonder of Interactive Whiteboards in the Elementary Classroom," National Art Education Association, San Diego, CA. (March 30, 2014). Vitulli, Paige , Akers, Carolyn , Peek, Martha , Centre for the Living Arts Public Conversation, "Future of education and learning," Centre for the Living Arts, Centre for the Living Arts. (November 19, 2013). Vitulli, Paige , Baggett, Brooke L., 2013 NDEO Annual Conference, Focus on Dance: The Art and Craft of Teaching, "Kinesthetic teaching and learning from kindergarten to college," National Dance Education Organization, Miami, FL. (October 25, 2013). Vitulli, Paige, eLearning Fall Retreat ePortfolio and Technology Day, "ePortfolio: Foliotek," Wallace State Community College, Hanceville, AL. (October 11, 2013). 21 USA College of Education Annual Report 2013-2014 Vitulli, Paige, eLearning Fall Retreat ePortfolio and Technology Day, "Interactive White Boards," Wallace State Community College, Hanceville, AL. (October 11, 2013). IV. SERVICE Bailey, Gahan Crittenton Youth Services, Olweus Bullying Prevention Program Certified Trainer. (April 28, 2014 - Present). Crittenton Youth Services, Officer, Secretary. (August 2008 - Present). Crittenton Youth Services, Teacher Evaluator. (2008 - Present). Baxter, Abigail Alabama's Early Intervention System Personnel Preparation Subcommittee, Committee Member. (May 2014 - Present). Gulf Regional Early Childhood Services (formerly GRCMA), Officer, President/Elect/Past. (January 2014 - Present). Early Childhood School Readiness Advisory Committee for Early Head Start, Member. (July 2012 - Present). Early Childhood Directions, Board of Directors of a Company. (February 2011 - Present). Early Intervention Coordinating Council of Southwest Alabama, Evaluator. (February 2008 – Present). Early Intervention Council of Southwest Alabama, Surrogate parent. (October 2003 – Present). Early Intervention Coordinating Council of Southwest Alabama, Member. (August 1995 – Present). Early Childhood Directions (formerly GRCMA), Officer, Treasurer. (January 2013 – January 2014). Ready Families subcommittee of the Ready Communities initiative of the Community Foundation of South Alabama, Member. (February 2009 - Present). Campbell, Dennis J. Human Rights Committee, Chairperson. (August 2007 - Present). Cwikla, Julie C. American Biology Teacher, Reviewer, Journal Article. (2007 - 2013). American Education Research Association, Reviewer, Conference Paper. (2003 - 2013). National Science Foundation Review Panels, Committee Member. (2008 - 2013). Delmas, Peggy M. Association for the Study of Higher Education, Panelist for Conference Newcomer's Session. (November 14, 2013). Council for the Advancement of Higher Education Programs (CAHEP), Officer, Secretary. (November 2012 - November 2015). Omicron Zeta Chapter Kappa Delta Pi International Honor Society in Education, Co-Counselor. (August 2011 - August 2013). Transcultural Nursing Society Chapter of Alabama and Mississippi, Advisory Board Member. (June 2013 - Present). Ellis, David N. Alabama State Department of Education, Workshop Organizer. 22 USA College of Education Annual Report 2013-2014 Gaillard, Nancy B. Executive Board Member of Marietta Johnson Museum, Board of Directors. (February 2012 – Present). Gray, David L. Journal of Educational Leadership, Reviewer, Ad Hoc Reviewer. (October 1, 2011 – Present). Green, André M. American Educational Research Association (AERA) Research on Teacher Induction Special Interest Group, Chairperson. (2014 - Present). American Educational Research Association (AERA), Treasurer of the Research on Teacher Induction Special Interest Group. (2012 - 2014). Kennedy, Jayne E. Committee to rewrite the Mobile County Public School System Reading and Language Arts Curriculum for 3rd through 5th grade, Member. Reader’s Digest National Word Power Challenge, Moderator. Rolling Reader, Rolling Reader Volunteer. Kent, Andrea M. American Education Research Association, Reviewer, Conference Paper. (2004 – Present). Current Issues in Education, Invited Reviewer, Reviewer, Journal Article. (2009 – Present). Distinguished Young Women of America, Scholastic Committee Chair. (2007 - Present). Dodge Elementary School, Draft Book Writing Professional Development. (September 2013 – March 2014). Education, Editorial Review Board Member. (2004 - Present). E. R. Dickson Volunteer Reader, Volunteer. (2009 - 2013). The New Educator, Reviewer, Journal Article. (2007 - Present). Senior Bowl Youth Tutoring Program, Advisory Organizer. (September 2013 - Present). Kinniburgh, Leah H. Kappa Delta Pi, Reviewer, Book. (2006 - Present). Martin, Susan F. Arts in Education, Annual Presenter. (June 15, 2009 - Present). Davidson High School Senior Project Committee, Senior Project Judge. (December 15, 2012 – Present). Mid-South Educational Research Association, Committee Chair. (January 15, 2010 – Present). Mid-South Educational Research Association, Committee Member. (January 2012 – January 2014). Mobile County ESL Program, Workshop Organizer. (August 2014 - Present). Alabama State Representative At Large Maulding, Wanda S. MDE, Ad Hoc Reviewer. (2009 - Present). 23 USA College of Education Annual Report 2013-2014 Santoli, Susan P. Action in Teacher Education, Review Board Member. (2006 - Present). ALEX Digital Content Development Team, Member. (2013 - Present). National Council for the Social Studies, Workshop Organizer. (November 2013). Social Studies Research and Practice, Reviewer. (2007 - Present). Shaw Jr., Eddie L. Arts in Education, Workshop Presenter (October 19, 2013). Science Activities, Editorial Review Board Member. Smith, Agnes E. AdvancED Lead Evaluator, Member. (2009 - Present). Alabama Association of Elementary School Principals NDP Selection Committee, Committee Member. Quality Leadership Academy, Supervised and Assessed Presentations of participants. Tunks, Karyn W. Quality Matters (QM), Peer Reviewer as Subject Matter Expert. (February 17, 2014 – March 26, 2014). Turnipseed, Patricia H. Education Committee for Region 8, South West Alabama Action Commission, Alabama Rural Action Commission,, Member. (2008 - Present). SDE/IHE Collaborative Task Force, Alabama Department of Education, Task Force Member. (2008 - Present). Student Chapter of the Council for Exceptional Children, University of South Alabama, Cosponsor. (2008 - Present). Vitulli, Paige Alabama Art Education Association, Committee Chair. (2012 - 2014). Wilson-McGowan, Marilyn Teaching Education, Reviewer, Journal Article. (2012 - Present). 24 USA College of Education Annual Report 2013-2014 PROFESSIONAL STUDIES (PS) The Department offers master’s programs in library media, school and clinical mental health counseling, and instructional design and doctoral programs in Instructional Design & Development and Clinical & Counseling Psychology. Dr. Brandon Browning Dr. Jean N. Clark Dr. John C. Dagley Dr. Gayle V. Davidson-Shivers Dr. Laureen A. Fregeau Dr. R. Burke Johnson Dr. Joél P. Lewis Dr. Brenda C. Litchfield Dr. Edward Lomax Dr. Ryon McDermott Dr. Amber L. Pope Dr. James (Tres) Stefurak, Dr. John H. Strange Dr. Dan W. Surry Dr. Amy Upton Dr. James P. Van Haneghan I. Assistant Professor Associate Professor Full Professor Full Professor Associate Professor Professor Associate Professor Full Professor Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Associate Professor and Chair Full Professor Full Professor Assistant Professor Full Professor INTELLECTUAL CONTRIBUTIONS Books Christensen, L. B., Johnson, R. B., & Turner, L. A. (2014). Research methods, design, and analysis (12th ed.). Boston, MA: Pearson. Dagley, J.C., & English, E. (2014). Group Work in Schools. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. Lewis, J. P., Green, A. M., & Surry, D.W. (Ed.), Technology as a Tool for Diversity Leadership: Implementation and future implications (pp. 312). Hershey, PA: IGI Global. details.aspx?callforcontentid=5be83d6a-4448-4e33-9c3e-f01f9ed55e8a Book Chapters Davidson-Shivers, G. V., Reese, R. M. (2014). Are online assessments measuring student learning or something else? In In P. Lowenthal, C. York, & J. Richardson (Eds.) (Ed.), Online Learning: Common Misconceptions, Benefits, and Challenges (pp. (pp. 137-152)). Hauppauge, NY: Nova Science Publishers. Davidson-Shivers, G. V. (2013). Organizational change. In R. C. Richey (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Educational Communications and Technology Terminology (2013th ed.). Bloomington, IN: Association for Educational and Communications Technology. Grothaus, T., Upton, A. W., Stone, T., Anderson, K. (2014). English language learners. In B. T. Erford & R. Byrd (Eds.) (Ed.), Applying techniques to common encounters in school counseling: A case-based approach (pp. 85-91). Boston, MA: Pearson. Johnson, R. B., Christensen, L. B. In Na (Ed.), Educational research methods: Quantitative, qualitative, and mixed approaches (5th Edition ed., pp. 744). Los Angeles, CA: Sage. 25 USA College of Education Annual Report 2013-2014 Lewis, J. P., Green, A. M., Surry, D. W. (2013). In Lewis, J. P., Green, A. M., & Surry, D. W. (Ed.), Technology as a Tool for Diversity Leadership: Implementation and futureimplications (pp. 312). Hershey, PA: IGI Global. aspx?callforcontentid=5be83d6a-4448-4e33-9c3e-f01f9ed55e8a Upton, A. W., Dagley, J. C. (2014). Leadership principles for classroom guidance from the perspective of a task group. In J. DeLucia-Waack, M. Mercurio, S. Korta, K. Maertin, F. Colvin, E. Martin, L. Zawadzki, & C. Giambrone (Eds.), (Ed.), School counselors share their favorite classroom guidance lessons: A guide to choosing, planning, conducting, and processing. Alexandria, VA: Association for Specialists in Group Work. Van Haneghan, J. P. The impact of technology on assessment and evaluation in higher education. In D.W. Surry, R. M. Gray, J. T. Stefurak (Ed.), Technology Integration in Higher Education: Social and Organizational Aspects (pp. 222-235). Hershey, PA: IGI global. Journal Article (Juried, Refereed) Collins, K. M. T., Onwuegbuzie, A. J., Johnson, R. B., & Frels, R. K. (2013). Using debriefing interviews to promote authenticity and transparency in mixed research International Journal of Multiple Research Approaches, 7, 271-284. Davidson-Shivers, G. V., Guest, J. M., & Bush, W. D. (2013). Overt and covert instructor interaction and student participation in asynchronous online debates. Journal of Applied Instructional Design, 3(3), 19-32. Johnson, R. B., & Stefurak, T. (2013). Considering the evidence-and-credibility discussion in evaluation through the lens of dialectical pluralism. In D. Mertens and S. Hesse-Biber (Eds.), Mixed methods and credibility of evidence in evaluation. New Directions for Evaluation, 138, 103-109. Lopez, F. G., McDermott, R. C., & Fons-Scheyd, A. (2014). Profiling the multiple role planning attitudes of women. Journal of Career Assessment, 22: 700-714. McDermott, R. C., Schwartz, J. P., Lindley, L. D., & Proietti, J. S. (2014). Exploring men’s homophobia: Associations with religious fundamentalism and gender role conflict domains. Psychology Of Men & Masculinity, 15(2), 191-200. Non-Refereed Journal Articles Davidson-Shivers, G. V., Guest, J. M., Bush, W. D. (2013). Overt and covert instructor interaction and student participation in asynchronous online debates. Journal of Applied Instructional Design, 3(3), 19-32. Conference Proceedings (Published) Casey, G, Davidson-Shivers, G. V. (2014). Infusing instructional design principles into an active student-centered social learning framework (pp. 708-713). World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia and Telecommunications Vol. 2014, No. 1 (Jun 23, 2014) pp. 708–713. Casey, G, Davidson-Shivers, G. V. (2014). Chesapeake, VA: AACE: World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia and Telecommunications Vol. 2014, No. 1 (Jun 23, 2014) pp. 714–725. 26 USA College of Education Annual Report 2013-2014 Davidson-Shivers, G. V. (2014). Infusing instructional design principles into an active studentcentered social learning framework (pp. 708-713). Chesapeake, VA: AACE.: Proceedings of World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia and Telecommunications 2014. Davidson-Shivers, G. V., Hulon, S. I. (2013). In Jan Herrington et al. (Ed.), Using instructional design principles to prepare college instructors and preserve teachers to integrate technology into the classroom. (pp. 1940 - 1945). Chesapeake, VA: Proceedings of World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia and Telecommunications 2013. Hulon, S. I., Davidson-Shivers, G. V. (2013). A guide to selecting technology for classroom use: Assisting preserve teachers in the use of appropriate tools.. Anaheim, CA: The 36th Annual Proceedings: Selected Research and Development Paper Presented at AECT International Convention of the Association for Educational Communications and Technology. Pruet, S. A., Van Haneghan, J. P., Dean, M. Using the E in STEM as a Catalyst for Science and Mathematics Curriculum Reform in a Large School District. Proceedings of the American Society for Engineering Education.. American Society for Engineering Education. / Surry, D., Baker, F., Morgan, R., LeBlanc, E.J., & Beck, B. (2014). Content analysis of articles published in open access and traditional access educational technology journals. Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference. Vol. 2014, No. 1. (March 24-28) pp. 1462-1477. Van Haneghan, J. P. Development of Engineering Design Modules for Middle School Students: Design principles and some initial Results. Chicago, IL: International society for Learning Sciences. Glossary Entry (Published) Van Haneghan, J. P. Generalizability Theory. Sage Glossary of the Social and Behavioral Sciences (pp. 216). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. Van Haneghan, J. P. Multitrait multimethod analysis. Sage Glossary of the Social and Behavioral Sciences (pp. 340). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. Newsletter (Published) Van Haneghan, J. P. Meet Create. In Gwen Newman (Ed.), Newsletter of the American Evaluation Association (9th ed., vol. 12). Fairhaven, MA: American Evaluation Association. Test review (Published) Van Haneghan, J. P. Review of the Assessment, Evaluation, and Programming System for Infants and Children. In R.A. Spies, J.F. Carlson, & K. F. Geisinger (Ed.), The eighteenth mental measurements yearbook (2nd ed., pp. 15-18). Lincoln, NE: Buros Institute of Mental Measurements. Van Haneghan, J. P. (2013). Review of the Jordan Left-Right Reversal Test, 3rd Edition. In Robert A. Spies, Janet F. Carlson, and Kurt F. Geisinger, (Ed.), Nineteenth Mental Measurement Yearbook (vol. 19). Lincoln, Nebraska: Buros Center for Testing. 27 USA College of Education Annual Report 2013-2014 Video (Published) Strange, J. H. Adding Links and Break Code to Your Blog Post. Strange, J. H. (2014). Who's Ahead in the Learning Race?. Strange, J. H. (2014). Add RSS Feed to Your Blog. YouTube. Strange, J. H. (2014). Strange, J. H. (2014). Introduction to EDM510 Part 1. Strange, J. H. (2014). Add Images and Tag Modifiers to Your Blog. Strange, J. H. (2014). Add Images and Tag Modifiers to Your Blog. Strange, J. H. (2014). Pasting YouTube Embed Code in Blog. Strange, J. H. (2014). EDM510 A Brief Introduction of Myself. Strange, J. H. (2013). MSREA Talk 2. Strange, J. H. (2013). Twitter Is My Most Important Development Tool. Strange, J. H. (2013). Sharing Google Docs. Strange, J. H. (2013). Creating Links with HTML Code. Strange, J. H. (2013). Changing the Look of A Blog. II. Contracts, Grants and Sponsored Research by Faculty Externally Funded Pope, A. L. (Principal), "Safe Zone Program Evaluation," State, $100.00. Stefurak, J. R. (Co-Principal), Zlomke, K. (Co-Principal), "Educational Needs Assessment & Consultation Team," Sponsored by Mobile County Commission/Mobile County Public Schools, $80,000.00. (August 2012 - August 2013). Stefurak, J. R., Bryan, V. L., "The Gaining Insight into Relationships for Lifelong Success (G.I.R.L.S.) Group Treatment Program," Sponsored by Alabama Department of Youth Services, $55,000.00. (August 2012 - August 2013). 28 USA College of Education Annual Report 2013-2014 Strange, J. H. (Principal), Yim, M. (Supporting), Capps, A. (Supporting), "Coastal Technology Project," Sponsored by EDM310, University of South Alabama, $30,000.00. (September 1, 2011 - Present). Van Haneghan, J. P., "EYE Middle School Module Development Study," Sponsored by National Science Foundation via Mobile Area Education Foundation, $268,143.00. (September 1, 2009 - September 1, 2014). Van Haneghan, J. P., "Project CARE," Sponsored by Dept. of Ed (US and Alabama State) through Information Transport solutions, $142,000.00. (October 1, 2011 - March 28, 2014). III. Presentations Adrian, G., Mosley, D., Litchfield, B. C., Gillis, W., MSERA, "The Effects of Collaborative Learning and the Testing Effect on Student Achievement and Confidence of Undergraduate Business Students," Mid-South Educational Research Association, Pensacola, FL. (November 6, 2013). Browning, B. R., "Preparing for College Life," Southern Union State Community College, Opelika, AL. Casey, G., Davidson-Shivers, G. V., Ed-Media World Conference, "SMEDIA: Designing to create a social and dynamic learning framework," AACE, Tampere, Finland. (June 2014). Casey, G , & Davidson-Shivers, G. V., Ed-Media World Conference, “SMEDIA: Designing to create a social and dynamic learning framework”. AACE, Tampere, Finland. (June 2014). Cheng, H.-L., McDermott, R., La, S., American Psychological Association annual conference, "Drive for Muscularity in Asian American Men: Sociocultural and Racial/Ethnic Factors as Correlates," American Psychological Association, Washington DC. (August 2014). Davidson-Shivers, G. V., Ed Media World Conference 2014, "Conversation with Jill Jameson," AACE, Tampere, Finland. (June 2014). Davidson-Shivers, G. V., Ed Media World Conference 2014, "Introduce First Keynote Speaker, Jill Jameson," AACE, Tampere, Finland. (June 2014). Davidson-Shivers, G. V., Ed-Media World Conference, "From start to finish: Tips for completing your dissertation," AACE, Tempere, Finland. (June 2014). Davidson-Shivers, G. V., Casey, G., Ed-Media World Conference, "Infusing instructional design principles into an active student-centered social learning framework," AACE, Tampere, Finland. (June 2014). Davidson-Shivers, G. V., USA ILC Online Discussions, "Lessons Learned on Improving Online Discussions.," ILC, Univ. of South Alabama, Mobile, AL. (February 12, 2014). Davidson-Shivers, G. V. (Chair), AECT International Convention 2013, "D&D Poster Showcase," Anaheim, CA. (October 2013). Davidson-Shivers, G. V., AECT International Convention 2013, "Instructional Technology Professor's Forum: (a) Communicating with your Dean: The value of your IDT program and (b) Communicating with your Promotions & Tenure Committee: The value of your IDT scholarship," AECT, Anaheim, CA. (October 2013). 29 USA College of Education Annual Report 2013-2014 Davidson-Shivers, G. V., USA ILC Pedagogy and Technology Series: Deepening Dialogue and Reflection in Online Discussions, "Online Discussions: Stories, Strategies, and Suggestions," ILC Workshop/Presentation, University of South Alabama, Mobile, AL. (September 18, 2013). Delmas, P. M., Shaw, E. L., Strange, J. H., Chandler, J.-B., Fourth Annual South Alabama Conference on Teaching and Learning, "Educational Applications of Twitter: Expanding the Classroom Conversation, 140 Characters at a Time," University of South Alabama, Mobile, AL. (May 12, 2014). Delmas, P. M., Shaw, E. L., Strange, J. H., Chandler, J.-B., Mid-South Educational Research Association Annual Meeting, "Twitter: Experimentation, Application, and Implementation of Microblogging by Education Faculty," Mid-South Educational Research Association, Pensacola, FL. (November 6, 2013). Fregeau, L. A., Leier, R., Emerald Coast TESOL 2014: Emerging Trends in ESOL, "Dude! Teaching Pragmatics through Technology," Emerald Coast TESOL, Pensacola, FL. Fregeau, L. A., Leier, R., Revisioning Education For All, 58th Annual CIES, "Globalizing Teacher Education through videoconferencing," Comparative and International Education, Toronto, Canada. (March 2014). Fregeau, L. A., Leier, R., Pressing issue in contemporary and international education, "Inquiry into the design and implementation of English literacy programs for Hispanic immigrants in Alabama.," Southeast CIES, Tallahassee, FL. (October 2013). Fregeau, L. A., Leier, R., Unlocking the Treasures of 21st Century Learning, Southeast TESOL, South Carolina. (October 2013). Goodman-Scott, E., Cook, J., Upton, A. W., "School Counseling Supervision for Non-School Counseling Supervisors: Utilizing Your Professional Strengths," Association for Counselor Education and Supervision, Denver, CO. (October 19, 2013). Gray, R. M., Lewis, J. P., Lindsey Film Festival, "Mobile In Black and White," George Lindsey UNA Film Festival, Florence, AL. (March 6, 2014). Gray, R. M., Lewis, J. P., Texas Black Film Festival, "Mobile In Black and White," Dallas, TX. (February 21, 2014). Gray, R. M., Lewis, J. P., Praxis Film Festival, "Mobile In Black and White," Raleigh, NC. (February 1, 2014). Gray, R. M., Lewis, J. P., San Diego Black Film Festival, "Mobile In Black and White," Film San Diego Inc., San Diego, CA. (January 31, 2014). Gray, D. L., Lewis, J. P., Intellectbase International Consortium, Las Vegas, NV. (December 2013). Green, A. M., Kent, A. M., Lewis, J. P., Feldman, P., American Educational Research Association Conference, "Beginning the Teacher Induction Process in a Summer Enrichment Program for Minority Students," American Educational Research Association, Philadelphia, PA. (April 2014). Harlan, J., Dean, M., Van Haneghan, J. P., American Society for Engineering Education G, "Development of a rubric for use in assessing TRANSF," American Association for Engineering Education, New Orleans Louisiana. (April 2, 2014). 30 USA College of Education Annual Report 2013-2014 Hulon. S. I, & Davidson-Shivers, G. V. AECT International Convention 2013. “A Guide to Selecting Technology for Classroom Use: Assisting Preservice Teachers in the use of appropriate tools.” AECT. Anaheim, CA (October 2013). Lewis, J. P., Gray, R. M., Odyssey Community Conversation on Race, "Community Conversation with Odyssey," Odyssey, Mobile AL. (February 2014). Lewis, J. P., Association of Leadership Programs Regional Conference, "Societal Trends Impacting Youth Program Curriculum," Association of Leadership Programs, Macon, GA. (April 4, 2014). Lewis, J. P., Gray, R. M., Capitol City Film Festival, "Mobile In Black and White," Lansing, Michigan. (March 10, 2014). Lewis, J. P., Hadley, J., Yohn, A., "Student technology use: A three year comparison to determine the use of instructional strategies," Association for Educational Communications & Technology, Louisville, KY. (November 2, 2013). Litchfield, B. C., Hawaii International Conference on STEM Education, "Increasing Student Learning Through Meaningful Assessment.," Honolulu. (June 2014). Litchfield, B. C., Conference on Teaching and Learning, "Alternative Assessment Techniques to Increase student Learning.," University of South Alabama, Mobile, AL. (May 2014). McDermott, R., Wright, C., Cheng, H.-L., Browning, B. R., Upton, A. W., 2014 Atlanta-counseling psychology conference, "Men's help seeking intentions for suicide: contributions of male norms themselves big love seeking help," Division 17, Society for counseling psychology of the American Psychological Association, Atlanta Georgia. McDermott, R., Cheng, H.-L., Wright, C., American Psychological Association annual conference, "Self-compassion and Self-stigma of Seeking Help: An Attachment Perspective," American Psychological Association, Washington DC. (August 2014). Miller, T., Van Haneghan, J. P., National evaluation Institute (CREATE), "An Insider's view of a high performing school serving poor minority students," Consortium for Research on Educational Assessment and Teaching Effectiveness, Atlanta, GA. Shatto, E.H., Fucillo, S.J., Bryan, V., & Stefurak, J. (2014, July). Foundations and barriers to implementation of Trauma Informed Care: Results of a needs assessment of a youth residential treatment facility. Poster, National Organization for Forensic Social Work, NYC. Shatto, E., Wilson, K., Myers, J., Stefurak, J. R., Counseling Psychology Conference, "Evaluation of Placement intervention Decisions for Minority and Traumatized Youth by and Interdisciplinary Team: A Mixed Methods Approach," Society for Counseling Psychology, Atlanta, GA. (March 2014). Stefurak, J. R., Bryan, V. L., American Psychological Association 2014 Conference, "UniversityJuvenile Court Collaboration: Bridging the Science & Practice Gap," American Psychological Association, Washington D.C. (August 8, 2014). Strange, J. H., Baldwin County Board of Education Work Session, "Elementary; Grad; Undergrad – Who Is Ahead in the Learning Race?," Baldwin County Alabama Board of Education, Bay Minette, AL. (February 18, 2014). Strange, J. H., International Conference: Destination Education, "How Our Past Informs Our Future: What Will Higher Education of the Future Look Like," Council for the Advancement of Adult and Experiential Learning, San Diego, CA. (November 7, 2013). 31 USA College of Education Annual Report 2013-2014 Thomas, C., Davidson-Shivers, G. V., AECT International Convention 2013, "Gender Communication Style in Online Discussions for Undergraduate Students," AECT, Anaheim, CA. (October 2013). Upton, A. W., "Essential Components of School Counselor Professional Identity: Unity from Diversity," Association for Counselor Education and Supervision, Denver, CO. (October 18, 2013). Upton, A. W., Goodman-Scott, E., "School Counseling Beliefs and Activities from the Field: Implications for Counselor Educators and Supervisors," Association for Counselor Education and Supervision, Denver, CO. (October 18, 2013). Van Haneghan, J. P., National evaluation Institute (CREATE), "Nibbling Around the Edges: Making AYP or Improving Schools," Consortium for Research on Educational Assessment and Teaching Effectiveness, Atlanta, GA. Van Haneghan, J. P., Pruet, S., Regional National Science Teachers' Association, "What's the Impact," National Science Teachers' Association, Charlotte, NC. (November 9, 2013). Var, M., Wilson, K., Stefurak, J. R., Counseling Psychology Conference, "Combined-Integrated Training Programs: Panacea or Pandora’s Box?," Society for Counseling Psychology, Atlanta, GA. (March 2014). Wright, C., McDermott, R., Browning, B. R., Upton, A. W., Cheng, H., International Counseling Psychology Conference, "Hope and resiliency in emerging adults: An adult attachment perspective," Atlanta, GA, USA. (2014). IV. SERVICE Davidson-Shivers, Gayle V. AACE Ed Media Executive Committee and Program Planning Committee (2013-2016) AACE / Ed-Media Conference, Reviewer. AECT, 2013-2014 AECT International Convention Planning Committee. AECT, Design and Development Division (D&D) board member. Arizona State University, External Reviewer for tenure and/or promotion Design & Development Division of the Association for Educational and Communications Technology (AECT), Committee Chair. (2011 - 2015). Development Review Board, Educational Technology Research & Development (1999- present) National Institute of Education, Nanyang Technological University ((NTU), Singapore, External Reviewer (2012 - Present). North American Corresponding Editor, British Journal of Educational Technology Occupational and Technical Studies, Old Dominion University, External Reviewer for tenure and/or promotion Penelope House, Evaluation of Prevention Education Programs. Pearson Learning Solutions, Review of Professional Online Educator Series. School of Education, Brooklyn College of the City University of New York Brooklyn, External Reviewer for tenure and/or promotion TCC Worldwide Online Conference Editorial Board’ (2005 – present) University of Hawaii at Manoa, External Reviewer for tenure and/or promotion. (2012 –Present). University of Mobile, Southeast Conference on Instructional Design and Technology, Chairperson. (2005 - Present). University of West Florida, External Reviewer for tenure and/or promotion. Web-Based Communities (IADIS) Editorial Board (2008- present) 32 USA College of Education Annual Report 2013-2014 Fregeau, Laureen A. AMTESOL, Committee Chair. Emerald Coast TESOL, Officer, President/Elect/Past. (January 2006 - April 26, 2014). ECTESOL, Officer, Acting President, Vice President and Conference Chair. Plains Reading Council, Member. (2010 - Present). School Community Journal, Editorial Review Board Member. (2008 - Present) SETESOL, Conference-Related. (2003 - Present). Litchfield, Brenda C. International Journal of School & Educational Psychology, Editorial Review Board Member. (May 2012 - Present). Journal of College Science Teaching, Editorial Review Board Member. (June 2008 – Present). McDermott, Ryon Division 17 of the APA, Ad hoc reviewer for The Counseling Psychologist. (August 2013 – Present). Division 51 Guidelines for best practices with boys and men, Committee Member. (August 2013 - Present). Division 51 of the APA, Officer, Secretary. (August 2014 - August 2017). Division 51 of the APA, Editorial Review Board Member. (August 2013 - August 2015). Division 51 of the APA, Program chair. (August 2013 - September 2014). Pope, Amber L. Association of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Issues in Counseling Ally Development Task Force, Task Force Member. (March 2012 - Present). Stefurak, Tres R. V. International Association of Family Psychology, Officer, Treasurer. (2009 - August 2013). Reviewer – Psychology of Religion & Spirituality (APA journal) Reviewer – Journal of Juvenile Justice (OJJDP’s flagship journal) Reviewer – Religions Van Haneghan, James P. Consortium for Research on Educational Accountability and Teacher Evaluation (CREATE), Board of Directors of a Company. (October 1, 2010 - Present). 33