Proposal: Tahoe Research Supported by SNPLMA 2010 I. Title Page (1 page maximum) Title: Remote Sensing of Lake Tahoe’s Near Shore Environment Subtheme this proposal is responding to 4b Sub theme 4b: Identifying environmental indicators and developing approaches for monitoring and evaluation. Principal Investigator and Receiving Institution Erin Lee Hestir University of California Davis One Shields Ave., Davis, CA 95616 Phone: (530) 752-5092 Fax: (530) 752-1552 Email: Geoffrey Schladow University of California Davis One Shields Ave., Davis, CA 95616 Phone: (530) 752-3942 Fax: (530) 754-9141 Email: Shane Romsos Tahoe Regional Planning Agency PO Box 5310, Stateline, NV 89449 Phone: (775) 588-4547 Fax: (775) 588-4527 Email: Daniel Sussman Lahontan Water Quality Board 2501 Lake Tahoe Blvd., South Lake Tahoe, CA 96150 Phone: (530) 542-5466 Email: Wendy Ernst University of California Davis One Shields Ave., Davis, CA 95616 1580 Research Park Dr. Ste 300, Davis, CA 95618 Phone: (530) 754-7982 Fax: (530) 754-8229 Email: $ 198,970.00 $0 Co-Principal Investigator Agency Collaborator Grants Contact Person Funding requested: Total cost share (value of financial and in-kind contributions): 1 Proposal: Tahoe Research Supported by SNPLMA 2010 II. Proposal Narrative ABSTRACT The goal of this research is to use remotely sensed data to retrieve fine sediment, chlorophyll, and colored dissolved organic matter (CDOM) concentrations from the water column in the near shore, and to map the distribution of periphyton (attached algae), aquatic macrophytes (submerged plants), clam beds in the near shore of Lake Tahoe and variations in sediment type. High spatial resolution multispectral satellite imagery, moderate spatial resolution multispectral satellite imagery, and airborne hyperspectral imagery will be used. We will investigate both empirical and model-driven methods to map fine sediment, chlorophyll, and CDOM concentration, macrophyte communities, clam bed, periphyton, and substrate type. The empirical approach will first classify the optically shallow near shore into the different bottom classes using the field data and spectral library first to train and then (independently) validate the classifier. This analysis allows the development of statistical correlations (e.g. regression modeling) whereby reflectance information can be used to predict the probability of the concentration of water quality constituents above a particular bottom type. Upon successful development, the statistical model can then be used to predict water quality in each image pixel given the reflectance value of that pixel. The second approach will use a radiative transfer model that simulates remote sensing reflectance of water given inputs of different aquatic optical properties. One of the key deliverables of the project is a cost benefit analysis of remote sensing approaches for monitoring the near shore environment and a manual for implementing remote sensing analysis for monitoring the near shore environment. JUSTIFICATION STATEMENT Accurately measuring and monitoring the status and trends of environmental indicators in the Lake Tahoe Basin is a critical management need. However, appropriate evaluation of these indicators is often limited temporally and spatially. Remote sensing technologies are widely recognized globally as a useful tool in addressing this need; they provide synoptic (wall-to-wall) measurements of reflected electromagnetic radiation, providing scientists with the information needed for a range of environmental analyses. By providing synoptic measurements, remote sensing analyses can characterize the spatial variability of an environmental indicator, supplying the information needed to establish in situ monitoring programs. When coupled together, in situ and remote sensing data offer a powerful means of identifying, measuring, and monitoring the status and trends of environmental indicators. The value of remote sensing technologies for evaluation and monitoring in the Lake Tahoe Basin has also been widely recognized, and an increasing number of remote sensing datasets are being acquired over the basin. NASA has been operating a remote sensing validation site at Lake Tahoe for over a decade; Schladow et al. (2010) are currently finalizing a compilation of satellite remote sensing data repository, funded under an earlier SNPLMA round; and recently the Tahoe Regional Planning Agency (TRPA) and US Geological Survey have purchased high spatial resolution satellite imagery of the Tahoe Basin. Remote sensing can be successfully used for studying the near shore environment of Lake Tahoe and holds great potential as an environmental indicator of both the current status and of past and future trends. Recent investigations by Schladow et al. (2010) highlight the potential of satellite remote sensing for characterizing spatial and temporal variability in water clarity in Lake Tahoe, and the usefulness of coupled in situ and remote sensing datasets for investigating near-shore and mid-lake hydrodynamics (Schladow et al. 2004; Steissberg et al. 2005a,b). The sensitivity of reflected light to sediments, gelbstoff (the “yellow matter” characteristic of colored dissolved organic matter), and chlorophyll in visible and near-infrared wavelengths makes passive optical remote sensing an ideal tool to measure turbidity, estimate fine suspended particle, colored dissolved organic matter (CDOM), and chlorophyll concentrations, and characterize the near shore benthos. The purpose of this project is to expand on the remote sensing research in the near-shore of Lake Tahoe in order to investigate methods to 1) quantify and map the distribution of suspended fine sediments, 2) 2 Proposal: Tahoe Research Supported by SNPLMA 2010 chlorophyll, and 3) CDOM in the water column, and map the bottom-type and bottom characteristics of the near-shore to quantify the spatial extent of 4) periphyton, 5) aquatic plants (macrophytes), 6) invasive clam beds, 7) substrate of different sediment classes. By coupling the recently acquired and historical archives of remote sensing datasets with existing and new in situ data, we will be able to provide spatially explicit maps of these variables, as well as an analysis of how the specifications (spatial and spectral resolution) of the different remote sensing datasets impact the accuracy of the measurements. We will then use this information, coupled with consideration of funding limitations and regulatory requirements, to develop a remote sensing monitoring plan for the near-shore environment as well as recommendations for locations of in situ monitoring stations. This proposal addresses subtheme 4b: “Indentifying environmental indicators and developing approaches for monitoring and evaluation,” addresses a component of subtheme 2a, “Understanding the impacts of aquatic invasive species” by creating a regional monitoring plan for invasive macrophytes and clams, and will inform subtheme 4c, “Development of robust methods for evaluating fine sediment concentrations and loads” by providing a regional characterization of near shore spatial and seasonal variability. BACKGROUND AND PROBLEM STATEMENT Environmental indicators in the near shore environment Lake Tahoe is an ultra-oligotrophic, deep, large lake in the Sierra Nevada internationally known for its clear blue waters. Lake clarity has been decreasing over the past four decades due primarily to an increase in the load of fine sediment particles (Jassby et al. 1996, Swift et al. 2006). This one indicator of Tahoe’s condition has tended to dominate the public’s view of Lake Tahoe and even the attention of the management agencies. It has only been in the last few years that attention has finally been turned toward the nearshore zone, despite the fact that this is the part of the lake that most people see and interact with. The near shore environment of Lake Tahoe, the littoral zone of the lake where light penetrates to the bottom, serves as an important environmental indicator for the health of the lake as the primary interface between anthropogenic disturbance and lake environmental health (Reuter et al. 2009). In the near shore, water clarity, periphyton (attached algal growth), native plants and aquatic invasive species (AIS) are all important environmental indicators for the lake. Water clarity in the near shore is controlled largely by suspended mineralogical particles, and varies spatially in response to onshore development and runoff (Taylor et al. 2004). Water clarity in much of the measured near-shore has been classified as impaired (e.g. reduced water clarity), and is an important indicator of lake aesthetic quality (Taylor et al. 2004). In the near shore, periphyton abundance is used as an environmental indicator for the status of nutrient limitation, but is an aesthetic quality in its own right. Algal growth bioassays measured since the 1960s, and more recent surveys of algal growth around the lake provide a record of the nutrient status of the near shore (Hackley et al. 2010). However, these measurements are made at only a few survey stations around the lake. The spread of aquatic invasive species (AIS) serve as an indicator for the ecological health of the near shore. AIS can displace native species, resulting in a decrease in biodiversity and a shift in ecosystem structure. Furthermore, AIS cause significant harm to human recreation and economic activities. In Lake Tahoe, it is estimated that new or expanding AIS could have a combined economic impact of $22.4 million per year (USACE 2009). Invasive aquatic macrophytes including Eurasian watermilfoil (Myriophyllum spicatum) and curlyleaf pondweed (Potamogeton crispus) have been spreading around the near shore over the past 15-20 years, as are beds of Asian clams (Corbicula fluminea), primarily as a result of increased boat traffic (USACE 2009). Remote sensing of near shore environmental indicators Monitoring the status and trends of near shore suspended matter, periphyton, and plant and clam beds using traditional in situ methods is difficult because these environmental indicators vary spatially and a statistically significant number of samples requires extensive and costly field sampling. Survey stations have been established for all of these environmental indicators, yet it is unclear how well these stations characterize the near shore and capture the effects of onshore events on these indicators. Recently, remote 3 Proposal: Tahoe Research Supported by SNPLMA 2010 sensing combined with in situ monitoring has successfully characterized the spatial variability of water clarity in the lake (Schladow et al. 2010). In this study, we will expand upon this research in order to retrieve spatially explicit maps of fine sediment, CDOM, and chlorophyll in the water column, and the distribution of periphyton, aquatic macrophyte and clam beds. We will leverage existing remote sensing datasets, in situ monitoring data, and will collect GPS locations and bottom reflectance of the target bottom types. We will provide estimates of the agreement between in situ and remote sensing-derived fine sediment, chlorophyll, and CDOM concentrations, and will provide an assessment of how such estimates, as well as mapped bottom types vary between different remote sensor types of varying spatial and spectral resolutions in order to inform future monitoring plans that can most accurately characterize the near shore environment using the most strategic combination of remote sensing and in situ data. GOAL The goal of this research is to use remotely sensed data to retrieve fine sediment, chlorophyll, and CDOM concentrations from the water column in the near shore, and to map the distribution of periphyton (attached algae), aquatic macrophytes (submerged plants), and clam beds in the near shore of Lake Tahoe. OBJECTIVES 1. Create a spectral library of bottom reflectance in the near shore that includes GPS locations and in situ bottom reflectance spectra of different densities of clam beds, different densities and species of aquatic macrophytes and periphyton, and sediment grain sizes. 2. Develop an algorithm for deriving fine sediment, chlorophyll, and CDOM concentration in the near shore water column from remote sensing imagery, and assess the agreement between in-situ monitoring data. 3. Develop an algorithm to map the near shore distribution (and quantitatively assess the agreement between field data) of a. Periphyton b. Aquatic macrophyte species c. Clam beds d. Benthic sediment grain size 4. Assess the stability of developed algorithms and accuracy of detection of target environmental indicators when applied to three remote sensing datasets of varying spatial and spectral resolutions. 5. Perform a cost-benefit analysis of remote sensing techniques and datasets for near shore and small lake environmental indicator monitoring for status and trends. 6. Create a procedural remote sensing monitoring a plan for near shore environmental indicators. HYPOTHESES We hypothesize that remote sensing data can be used to retrieve water column fine suspended particle, chlorophyll, and CDOM concentrations and can be used to create accurate maps of the distribution of bottom type, including the distribution of periphyton, macrophyte species, and clam beds. Sub-hypothesis 1: Empirical approaches (e.g. relating in situ measurements with remote sensing reflectance) will retrieve the most accurate maps. However, statistical relationships may be scene dependent. These maps however, will provide spatially explicit insights into water quality gradients and patterns not measured with corresponding in situ measurements, such as onshore flow and other disturbance events. Sub-hypothesis 2: Physics-based approaches using model inversion of existing bio-optical and radiative transfer models provide modeling methods that can retrieve water quality and benthic maps independent of scene-specific conditions. These provide a powerful technique for monitoring including potential transferability across sensors and retrospective analyses. However, these models must be well 4 Proposal: Tahoe Research Supported by SNPLMA 2010 constructed, calibrated, and validated. Sub-hypothesis 3: The accuracy of water quality constituent concentrations and benthic maps is dependent on the spatial and spectral resolution of the remote sensing data. Small and moderate (<15m) pixel sizes, with numerous spectral bands will result in the highest accuracy. Fewer spectral bands, especially from 400-900nm, and larger pixel sizes may result in successful detection but with lowered accuracy. APPROACH, METHODOLOGY, & GEOGRAPHIC LOCATION Field data campaign and spectral library building methods and location We will use the existing Lake Tahoe near shore submerged substrate map (Figure 1) (Metz et al. 2006) and input from our advisory committee (see below) to create an a priori stratified random sample of preselected locations around the lake’s near shore. By stratifying the sample, we ensure that relatively rare cover classes (e.g. clam beds) are sampled during the field campaign. We will randomly select >100 point locations of each of the different bottom types from the map, and will navigate to those locations via boat using differential global positioning systems (DGPS). Field crews will record the bottom substrate type, percent cover, estimate the length and width of the patch, record species composition of macrophytes (if present), and take a Seabird profile (temperature, conductivity, light transmission, PAR attenuation, chlorophyll, turbidity, dissolved oxygen). For one in ten of each sampling point in each class type, a sample will be collected for later particle size distribution analysis and dissolved organic matter. In order to map the bottom types (periphyton, macrophyte species and clam beds, and sediment types), we must first determine spectral separability of these different types. That is, we must first determine whether there are significant differences in reflectance between these different bottom types. In situ benthic reflectance of each of these types at several locations will be measured using a submersible spectroradiometer with a fiber optic cable that measures radiance by SCUBA diver. Dr. Susan Ustin will provide her extensive expertise in field spectroscopy, and we will follow her recommended protocol for underwater reflectance measurements in optically shallow waters (Goodman and Ustin 2002, Goodman 2004). Simultaneously, in situ surface (remote sensing) reflectance will be measured from a boat using a second spectroradiometer. GPS locations and site attributes listed above will be recorded. 20 replicate measurements will be made at 4 sites located within a subset of the UC Davis periphyton survey stations (Figure 2). Dr. Erin Hestir recently concluded surface reflectance measurements to retrieve aquatic optical properties in the Sacramento-San Joaquin River Delta of CA, and will provide expertise and field protocols for this project. Remote sensing imagery & no-cost data contributions We will use high spatial resolution multispectral satellite imagery, moderate spatial resolution multispectral imagery, and airborne hyperspectral imagery to retrieve water column fine sediment chlorophyll and CDOM concentrations and benthic maps. In the summer of 2010, the TRPA and US Geological Survey acquired Worldview-2 satellite imagery (~2 meter spatial resolution, 8 spectral bands including a coastal band from 400-450nm) over the Tahoe Basin extending into the near shore. As a costshare contribution to this proposed project, Dr. Susan Ustin, in collaboration with researchers at NASA Ames Research Center in November 2010, will provide radiometrically corrected pre-processed data at no additional cost to TRPA. As part of the same project, Dr. Ustin, Dr. Hestir, and NASA Ames Research Center will acquire, pre-process, and radiometrically correct airborne hyperspectral data which will be flown over Lake Tahoe in Fall 2010 and again in Spring 2010 with a final spatial resolution of 5 and 15 meters. The airborne hyperspectral sensor is a prototype for NASA’s planned HyspIRI hyperspectral satellite mission (HyspIRI Group 2010). This processed data will also be provided at no cost to this proposed project. We estimate the value of this contribution to be $25,000. Landsat Thematic Mapper (TM) satellite imagery is available freely for download from the US Geological Survey, and will be preprocessed and radiometrically calibrated during the course of this project. We will obtain cloud-free Landsat imagery for dates nearest the Worldview-2 and airborne hyperspectral overflights. 5 Proposal: Tahoe Research Supported by SNPLMA 2010 Remote sensing of aquatic optical properties and bathymetric classification The information contained in remote sensing imagery can be used to accurately quantify water quality constituents, such as fine sediment concentration, as well as analyze bottom properties in optically shallow waters (Lee et al. 2001, Lee and Carder 2002, Mobley et al. 2005, Albert and Gege 2006). Apparent upwelling irradiance (what the sensors effectively measure), is a function of atmospheric properties and solar inputs, as well as the upwelling irradiance at the surface (a function itself of the reflection off the bottom and constituents in the water column), and the reflection off the water surface due to both direct sunlight and diffuse skylight (Mertes et al. 1993) (Figure 3). Three primary constituents contribute to total suspended matter: 1) suspended and dissolved sediment, 2) phytoplankton, and 3) dissolved organic matter, all of which are highly reflective from 400-1000 nm (Holden & LeDrew, 2001). There are two primary methods to estimate suspended matter and its constituents and analyze bottom properties (Figure 4). The first uses empirical models that develop statistical relations between measured field data and image data (Brando and Dekker 2003). The second approach uses physical modeling of light through the atmosphere, water column, surface and bottom to simultaneously obtain water backscatter and absorption coefficient, bottom depth, and bottom reflectance. These in turn can be used to classify the bottom type (e.g. macrophyte species, periphyton, sand, cobble, etc.), and estimate concentrations of total suspended solids in the water column (Lee et al. 2001). We will investigate both empirical and model-driven methods to map fine sediment, chlorophyll, and CDOM concentrations, macrophyte communities, clam bed, periphyton, and substrate type. Figure 4 outlines the approach of both methodologies. The empirical approach will first classify the optically shallow near shore into the different bottom classes using the field data and spectral library first to train and then (independently) validate the classifier. We will then correlate field reflectance spectra and derived spectral diagnostic indexes with field measured water quality constituent concentrations. This analysis allows the development of statistical correlations (e.g. regression modeling) whereby reflectance information can be used to predict the probability of the concentration of each water quality constituent above a particular bottom type. Upon successful development, the statistical model can then be used to predict water quality in each image pixel given the reflectance value of that pixel. The second approach will use a radiative transfer model (Hydrolight/Ecolight 5.0) that simulates remote sensing reflectance of water given inputs of different aquatic optical properties (Mobley 2010). By running the model in the “reverse” direction, we will derive the aquatic optical properties, bottom depth and albedo from remote sensing reflectance. The existing bio-optical model for Lake Tahoe (Swift et al. 2006) can then be used to estimate fine sediment, chlorophyll, and CDOM concentration from the optical properties. The spectral library and field data collected during the field campaign will be used with the bottom albedo to create maps of bottom type. Accuracy assessment across remote sensing datasets & cost benefit analysis We will apply both methodologies to the three datasets: 1) Worldview multispectral satellite imagery, 2) Landsat multispectral satellite imagery, and 3) airborne hyperspectral imagery. We will assess the agreement between the field data and maps of water quality constituent concentrations, macrophyte species, clam beds, periphtyon, and substrate type. We will collaborate with ongoing research and monitoring efforts to assess whether these maps relate with periphyton and macrophyte biomass, and clam abundance. Using the results of the different accuracy assessments of the two techniques across the different datasets, we will perform a cost-benefit analysis for the use of remote sensing for monitoring near shore environmental indicators. We will consider: a) The accuracy of detection and characterization of near shore environmental indicators b) The estimated cost of remote sensing data acquisition c) The estimated amount of time and expertise needed for image analysis d) The estimated quantity of in situ data needed for calibration and/or validation e) The temporal frequency of the data (e.g. can Landsat TM be used as a temporal “bridge” for 6 Proposal: Tahoe Research Supported by SNPLMA 2010 trend evaluation between less frequent, higher resolution remote sensing acquisitions that can be used for status evaluation? Will NASA’s HyspIRI mission provide the data needed to successfully monitor near shore environmental indicator status and trends? Small lakes supplement The synoptic nature of remote sensing measurements provides information about the entire Lake Tahoe Basin, not only Lake Tahoe itself. There is increasing interest in the status and trends of aquatic invasive species and water clarity in the surrounding small lakes in the Tahoe Basin. However, these lakes have not yet been surveyed for macrophytes or clams, due primarily to their remote nature. As an addendum to this proposal, we can apply the techniques developed in this proposal to the remote sensing datasets in order to estimate the status of these indicators in Tahoe Basin small lakes. Field survey will need to be conducted to validate this work. We have not included this in our budgeted scope of work; however, this small lake component could be accomplished for approximately $42,000. We can provide a precise budget for this supplement if the work is desired. RELATIONSHIP TO PREVIOUS AND CURRENT RELEVANT RESEARCH & MONITORING Remote Sensing of Lake Tahoe’s Near Shore: Advisory Committee In order to ensure that our research design, analyses and results are informed by current knowledge and understanding of the near shore environment, the following experts will provide supporting roles as members of an advisory committee to this project: a) Dr. Lars Anderson, USDA Agricultural Research Service and University of California Davis. Expert in biology, ecology, and management of aquatic weeds in Lake Tahoe. b) Mr. Scott Hackley, M.S., Tahoe Environmental Research Center, University of California, Davis. Expert in lake periphtyon & nutrient status. c) Dr. Marion Wittmann, Tahoe Environmental Research Center, University of California, Davis. Expert in aquatic invasive species ecology and dispersal, and Asian clams in Lake Tahoe. d) Dr. Simon Hook, NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory. Expert in remote sensing, optical radiometry and instrument calibration at Lake Tahoe. Remote sensing of submerged aquatic vegetation in the Sacramento-San Joaquin River Delta Drs. Hestir, Ustin, and Greenberg at the University of California Davis Center for Spatial Technologies and Remote Sensing (CSTARS) have experience mapping aquatic macrophytes. They successfully monitored submerged aquatic vegetation in the highly turbid Sacramento-San Joaquin River Delta using airborne hyperspectral imagery from 2004-2008 (Hestir et al. 2008, Santos et al. 2009, Hestir et al. 2010). Through the development of a machine-learning algorithm Hestir et al. (2008) were able to successfully map five years of 48 flightlines per year airborne imagery using training data from only a single year, obtaining equal rates of detection at every depth (>10ft) where they were observed. Furthermore, researchers at CSTARS have demonstrated that several aquatic macrophytes are spectrally distinct (Figure 5), and can be successfully mapped to the species level in the turbid waters of the Delta (Santos et al. 2010) (Figure 6). They have developed several automated procedures and image batch-processing techniques specific to aquatic remote sensing that can be leveraged in this study. Remote sensing mapping and monitoring of turbidity and Microcystis in the upper San Francisco Estuary Currently Drs. Hestir & Ustin, in collaboration with the US Geological Survey and the CA Dept. of Water Resources are investigating the use of field spectroscopy, in situ water optical property measurements and water sampling to derive turbidity and toxic blue-green algae (Microcystis aeruginosa) from Landsat multispectral remote sensing imagery. The field and image analysis procedures, and automated methodology that are developed during the course of these investigations will be leveraged in this study. Remote sensing to measure Lake Tahoe’s clarity 7 Proposal: Tahoe Research Supported by SNPLMA 2010 Dr Schladow and Dr Steissberg (UC Davis TERC) and Dr Hook (NASA-JPL) are currently finalizing a SNPLMA funded project aimed at using remote sensing to quantify changes in lake-wide distributions of Secchi depth and chlorophyll distribution. The large pixel size have limited the application to areas outside the near-shore, however, there will be considerable benefit to this project based on what was learned. Asian clams (Corbicula fuminea) and other invasive species in Lake Tahoe Dr Schladow is part of the scientific team that has been working on the detection and control of Asian clam in Lake Tahoe (he is PI on several projects). All information from those studies are available for use in this project, along with assistance from TERC staff with particular expertise. He is also the PI on USACE funded project conducting a baseline assessment of benthic species and developing recommendations for future assessments. Periphyton in Lake Tahoe’s Near Shore TERC has had a long-term program on measuring periphyton at Lake Tahoe. All those data are available to this project, along with assistance from TERC staff with particular expertise. Near Shore Studies Dr Schladow is the PI of a multidisciplinary project (with collaborators from UNR and DRI) targeted on the interactions that occur in the nearshore. The project includes measurements of the hydrodynamics, fish populations, in situ turbidity and chlorophyll measurements and periphyton. Those data are available to this project. Finally Dr Schladow is part of the team working on the directed action looking at the evaluation of nearshore ecology and aesthetics. The results of this proposal are crucial to those deliberations, as remote sensing potentially has an important role to play in future monitoring. STRATEGY FOR ENGAGING WITH MANAGERS & OBTAINING PERMITS No permits are required for the proposed research. At the onset of the project, a half-day workshop will be convened with key agency representatives to better define those deliverables that are of highest priority. The project team will meet with the agency representatives approximately 9-month later to present preliminary results and get agency feedback. The project team will also participate in other forums to engage with managers. This would include participation in the biennial Tahoe Science Symposium. DELIVERABLES 1. Spectral library of Lake Tahoe near shore bottom types. This includes aquatic macrophyte species, algal species, substrate types, and clam beds of varying density. A spectral library provides the spectral reflectance (from 400-2500nm), or signature, of target materials to be detected in remote sensing imagery. If targets are spectrally distinct, then it may possible to identify them remote sensing datasets. These data, and associated GPS locations and field attributes, will be available for download from the web. 2. Digital maps (raster images or shapefiles) of fine suspended sediment, chlorophyll, and CDOM concentrations, aquatic macrophyte species, periphyton, clam beds, and substrate types successfully modeled and mapped with accuracy estimates for each one. Following peer-review, these will be hosted on the California Geospatial Clearinghouse ( California Spatial Information Library (CaSIL). 3. Cost benefit analysis of remote sensing approaches and technologies for monitoring the near shore environment. 4. Procedural manual of identified successful technique for implementing remote sensing analysis for monitoring the near shore environment. 8 Proposal: Tahoe Research Supported by SNPLMA 2010 III. Schedule of major milestones/deliverables Projects should not expect to begin before June 2011. Note that it is the responsibility of the project proponent to coordinate with appropriate agency representatives or partners and secure any agreements or approvals necessary prior to initiating research. Be sure to include adequate time for submitting draft deliverables for review, responding to reviews, and submitting final deliverables. Milestone/Deliverables Start Date End Date Description Prepare progress September September Brief progress report to Tahoe Science reports 1, 2011 30, 2011 Program October 1st, 2011. Describes results from field campaign. Field measurements July 2011 Oct, 2011 Spectral readings and water quality sampling Prepare progress reports December 1, 2011 Prepare progress reports March 1, 2012 Prepare progress reports June 1, 2012 Annual accomplishment report September 1, 2012 Prepare progress reports December 1, 2012 Annual accomplishment report September 1, 2013 Final accomplishment report December 1, 2013 December Brief progress report to Tahoe Science 30, 2011 Program January 1st, 2011. Describes progress with image acquisition, and preprocessing March 30, Brief progress report to Tahoe Science 2012 Program April 1st, 2011. Describes progress with algorithm development. June30, Brief progress report to Tahoe Science 2012 Program April 1st, 2011. Describes progress with algorithm development, preliminary results. September Annual summary of accomplishments. 30, 2012 Includes response to input from advisory committee. December Brief progress report to Tahoe Science 30, 2012 Program January 1st, 2012. Describes progress with algorithm implementation, and cost-benefit analysis September Annual summary of accomplishments. 30, 2013 Includes response to input from advisory committee. December Final summary of accomplishments. 31, 2013 Includes shapefiles of maps created, copies of manuscripts in preparation or in print, cost benefit analysis of remote sensing techniques and technologies for evaluating and monitoring near shore environmental indicators, and procedural manual for implementing recommended technique. 9 Proposal: Tahoe Research Supported by SNPLMA 2010 IV. Literature cited/References (Up to 2 pages) Albert, A. and P. Gege. 2006. Inversion of irradiance and remote sensing reflectance in shallow water between 400 and 800 nm for calculations of water and bottom properties. Appl. Opt. 45:2331-2343. Brando, V. and A. Dekker. 2003. Satellite hyperspectral remote sensing for estimating estuarine and coastal water quality. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 41:1378-1387. Goodman, J. 2004. Hyperspectral remote sensing of coral reefs: deriving bathymetry, aquatic optical properties and a benthic spectral unmixing classification using AVIRIS data in the Hawaiian Islands. University of California, Davis, Davis. Goodman, J. and S. Ustin. 2002. Acquisition of underwater reflectance measurements as ground 11th Jet Propulsion Lab Airborne Earth Science Workshop, Pasadena, CA. Hackley, S., B. Allen, D. Hunter, and J. Reuter. 2010. Lake Tahoe Water Qulaity Investigations. Tahoe Environmental Research Center, UC Davis, Davis, CA. Herold, M., Metz, J. and Rosmos, J.S. 2007. Inferring littoral substrates, fishhabitats and fish dynamics of Lake Tahoe using IKONOS data. Can. J. Remote Sensing, 33(5), 445-456. Hestir, E., J. Greenberg, and S. Ustin. 2010. Classification trees for aquatic vegetation community prediction from imaging spectroscopy. IEEE Journal of Special Topics in Earth Observations and Remote Sensing In review. Hestir, E., S. Khanna, M. Andrew, M. Santos, J. Viers, J. Greenberg, S. Rajapakse, and S. Ustin. 2008. Indentification of invasive vegetation using hyperpsectral remote sensing in the California Delta ecosystem. Remote Sensing of Environment 112:4034-4047. Holden, H. and E. LeDrew. 2001. Effects of the water column on hyperspectral reflectance of submerged coral reef features. Bulletin of Marine Science 69(2): 685-699. HyspIRI Group, J. P. L. 2010. NASA 2009 HyspIRI Science Workshop report. National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Pasdena, CA. Jassby, A., J. Reuter, and C. Goldman. 1996. Determining long-term water quality in the presence of climate variability: Lake Tahoe (USA). . Canadian Journal of Fisheries Sciences 60:1452-1461. Lee, Z. and K. L. Carder. 2002. Effect of Spectral Band Numbers on the Retrieval of Water Column and Bottom Properties from Ocean Color Data. Appl. Opt. 41:2191-2201. 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Appl. Opt. 44:3576-3592. Reuter, J., J. Thomas, and A. Heyvaert. 2009. An Integrated Science Plan for the Lake Tahoe 10 Proposal: Tahoe Research Supported by SNPLMA 2010 Basin: Conceptual Framework and Research Strategies. USDA, Forest Service, Pacific Southwest Research Station, Albany, CA. Santos, M., E. Hestir, S. Khanna, E. Duncan, and S. Ustin. 2010. Imaging spectroscopy elucidates fucntional dissimilarity between native and non-native plant species in the aquatic environment. Remote Sensing and Hydrology Symposium. The International Commission on Remote Sensing (ICRS) Jackson Hole, WY. Santos, M. J., S. Khanna, E. L. Hestir, M. E. Andrew, S. S. Rajapakse, J. A. Greenberg, L. W. J. Anderson, and S. L. Ustin. 2009. Use of Hyperspectral Remote Sensing to Evaluate Efficacy of Aquatic Plant Management. Invasive Plant Science and Management 2:216229. Schladow, S. G., Palmarsson, S. O., Steissberg, T. E., Hook, S. J. and Prata, F. 2004. 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Near-shore clarity at Lake Tahoe: status and causes of reduction., Desert Research Institute Division of Hydrologic Sciences. USACE. 2009. Lake Tahoe Region Aquatic Invasive Species Management Plan, CaliforniaNevada. 11 Proposal: Tahoe Research Supported by SNPLMA 2010 V. Figures Figure 1. Lake Tahoe’s nearshore substrate map produced from 2002 IKONOS high spatial resolution mutispectral satellite imagery ((from Herold, Metz and Rosmos 2007)). This map will be used to create a priori randomly selected field data points to which researchers will navigate. This data will divided for use as training and validation data for both the empirical (statistical) and modelling approaches to characterize nearshore bottom type and water column fine suspended particle, chlorohyll, and CDOM concentrations. 12 Proposal: Tahoe Research Supported by SNPLMA 2010 Figure 2. Locations of periphyton monitoring stations. TERC long-term periphyton monitoring stations (indicated with a star and black text), SNPLMA So. Shore monitoring stations and additional sites marked with red dots are expanded monitoring sites sampled once per year near peak periphyton growth. In situ bottom and water surface reflectance will be collected by boat and SCUBA survey at a sub-set of these locations. 13 Proposal: Tahoe Research Supported by SNPLMA 2010 Figure 3. Conceptual model of the interaction of light with water, and remote sensing of water. 14 Proposal: Tahoe Research Supported by SNPLMA 2010 Figure 4. Conceptual model of proposed work: remote sensing of Lake Tahoe’s near shore environment. Two approaches will be tested. The first uses empirical methods to relate in situ measurements with remote sensing reflectance to classify bottom types (periphyton, sediment substrate classes, macrophyte species, and clam beds) and then predict total suspended solids in the water column over each of the different bottom types. The second approach will use an inverted radiative transfer model to solve for the bottom reflectance, depth, and water column optical properties given each pixel’s reflectance. That information can be used in combination with in situ data and Swift et al.’s (2006) bio-optical model to retrieve water column fine suspended particle, chlorophyll, and CDOM concentrations and bottom type. 15 Proposal: Tahoe Research Supported by SNPLMA 2010 (a) (b) Figure 5. Principal Component Analysis of hand held spectrometer (ASD) and airborne spectrometer (HyMap) spectra for the submersed aquatic plant species occurring in the Sacramento-San Joaquin River Delta. (a) ASD measurements, and (b) HyMap measurements. Native species are represented in green, non-native species in red, and water in blue. Note that ASD does not include P. nodosus and turbid water, and that HyMap does not include S. filiformis, and E. canadensis because we did not register pure patches in the field. Submersed aquatic plant species have significantly different reflectace in certain regions of the reflected emlectromagentic spectrum (P<0.0001), allowing discrimination between natives and nonnatives with 80% certainty, and species discrimination with 60% certainty. 16 Proposal: Tahoe Research Supported by SNPLMA 2010 (a) (b) Figure 6. Area of the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta selected to apply the discriminant function classification for submersed aquatic plant species detection in hyperspectral (HyMap) imagery: (a) hyperspectral imagery overlaid with field data points of patches dominated by natives (green) and non-natives (red); (b) distribution of C. demersum, E. densa, C. carolinensis, P. crispus, P. nodosus, M. spicatum. 17