AQUATIC CONSERVATION: MARINE AND FRESHWATER ECOSYSTEMS Aquatic Conserv: Mar. Freshw. Ecosyst. 22: 588–597 (2012) Published online 6 June 2012 in Wiley Online Library ( DOI: 10.1002/aqc.2251 Harvesting an invasive bivalve in a large natural lake: species recovery and impacts on native benthic macroinvertebrate community structure in Lake Tahoe, USA MARION E. WITTMANNa,*, SUDEEP CHANDRAb, JOHN E. REUTERc, ANDREA CAIRESb, S. GEOFFREY SCHLADOWa and MARIANNE DENTONb a Tahoe Environmental Research Center, University of California Davis, Incline Village, NV 89451, USA b Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Science, University of Nevada, Reno, NV 89512, USA c Department of Environmental Science and Policy and Tahoe Environmental Research Center, University of California Davis, CA 95616, USA ABSTRACT 1. The increasing dispersal and establishment of aquatic invasive species in natural freshwater ecosystems has led to efforts to remove non-native taxa and/or restore native species. An invasive bivalve, Asian clam (Corbicula fluminea), recently (2002) became established in a large, natural subalpine lake (Lake Tahoe, USA). In 2009, experimental efforts were undertaken to harvest C. fluminea from Lake Tahoe sediments using a manually operated suction dredge apparatus. 2. Treatment and control plots were monitored for a 450 day period after dredging to observe target species (C. fluminea) and non-target macroinvertebrate recovery rates. A paired Before-After-Control Impact analysis was used to assess the short- and long-term impacts of suction dredging. 3. Physical harvest resulted in short-term reductions of C. fluminea (1500 individuals m-2 before treatment to 60 individuals m-2 14 days after treatment) with significant disruption to benthic macroinvertebrate community structure. The impact to the target invasive species (C. fluminea) was present 450 days after treatment and community diversity (as represented by Simpson diversity index) did not recover after 1 year (365 days) in dredged sites. Certain non-target macroinvertebrate taxa (Chironomidae and native clam (Pisidium spp.)) increased in suction dredge plots to levels greater than before treatment or in control plot conditions at the end of the study period. 4. Harvesting C. fluminea significantly reduced population densities for a period of 450 days after the removal. Recolonization rates of C. fluminea and non-target species over multiple reproductive seasons will determine the feasibility for this method as a long-term control strategy. Copyright # 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Received 04 December 2011; Revised 20 February 2012; Accepted 01 April 2012 KEY WORDS: lake; littoral; biological control; recolonization; monitoring; benthos; invertebrates; alien species; dredging INTRODUCTION The establishment of aquatic invasive species continues to affect freshwater ecosystems and present costly challenges to natural resource managers. While prevention of invasive species introductions is considered to be the most effective means to reduce invasive species impacts (Leung *Correspondence to: Marion E. Wittmann, Department of Biological Sciences, University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, IN 46556. E-mail: Copyright # 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. HARVESTING INVASIVE CLAMS: IMPACT TO THE MACROINVERTEBRATE COMMUNITY et al., 2002; Finnoff et al., 2007; Keller et al., 2008), it is a complex and resource-intensive endeavour that is often complicated by undetected propagules, illegal releases, or accidental introductions that can confound prevention goals. As a result, natural resource managers are often tasked with controlling or removing an introduced species after it has become established. Harvesting invasive species has promise as a non-chemical means to reduce negative economic and ecological impacts and increase water quality and commercial and recreational use of ecosystems (Simberloff, 1999; Mack et al., 2000). Efforts to physically remove invasive species have been attempted for a number of taxa including rusty crayfish (Hein et al., 2007), dreissenid mussels (Wimbush et al., 2009), aquatic macrophytes (Tobiessen et al., 1992; Eichler et al., 1993), and smallmouth bass (Weidel et al., 2007) with varied levels of success. Unintended effects of invasive species removal include shifts to native community structure (Rinella et al., 2009) or increases in population growth rates of the management target (Zipkin et al., 2009). Although rare, invasive species management goals have been accomplished through long-term programmes of physical removal (Wimbush et al., 2009) or combining physical removal with other treatment methods (Madsen, 1997). Many methods exist to remove species from aquatic systems such as hydraulic dredging, hand removal, trapping, or electroshocking and each has impacts on the surrounding environments and biological communities. Dredging or suction removal is a widely used method of species extraction from sediments, and has been used for the removal both of desirable (i.e. commercial) species such as the razor clam (Ensis spp.) and nuisance benthic macrophytes (Nichols and Cottam, 1972; Tobiessen et al., 1992; Eichler et al., 1993; Hauton et al., 2007). In general, dredging in aquatic environments is considered a major disturbance to benthic systems as it reduces benthic macroinvertebrate populations (Kenny and Rees 1996; Pranovi et al., 1998; Lewis et al., 2001) and disrupts the population structure of native communities (Grassle and Sanders 1973; McCall, 1977; Dernie et al., 2003). These types of disturbances have also been observed with dredging activities specifically targeted towards biotic removal (Tuck et al., 2000; Morello et al., 2005). Copyright # 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 589 Corbicula fluminea is a sediment-dwelling bivalve, introduced and invasive to North America and native to temperate and tropical regions of Asia, Africa, and Australia (Counts, 1986). The impacts of C. fluminea both on natural and on man-made systems are known (Isom, 1986) and have been observed to affect native invertebrate communities (Karatayev et al., 2003), phytoplankton assemblages (Lopez et al., 2006), benthic habitats (Hakenkamp and Palmer, 1999) and nutrient cycling (Lauritsen and Mozley, 1989). This species is considered an economic nuisance because of its ability to biofoul water intakes (Eng, 1979), particularly in nuclear and hydropower production (Isom et al., 1986; Williams and McMahon, 1986) where damage caused by C. fluminea has been estimated at $1 billion annually (Pimentel, 2005). Established populations of C. fluminea were first observed in Lake Tahoe, CA-NV in 2002 and in 2008 high density populations (up to 6000 clams m-2) were observed in nearshore habitats by scientists, natural resource managers, and community stakeholders who responded by creating a science-based rapid response management programme. To explore the feasibility of reducing C. fluminea abundance with physical harvesting, a dredging experiment was carried out on sub-populations of C. fluminea. Benthic substrate removal through diver assisted suction dredging was applied to treatment plots with established populations of C. fluminea and monitored for 450 days. The objectives of this study were to assess the recolonization rates of C. fluminea and co-occurring benthic macroinvertebrate taxa after suction removal to understand community recovery. METHODS Study site Lake Tahoe (Figure 1) is a large, deep (surface area: 495 km2, maximum depth: 501 m) oligotrophic lake located at a subalpine elevation of 1898 m in the Sierra Nevada Mountain Range. The Tahoe Basin’s largely granitic geology, the lake’s large volume (150 km3) and relatively small drainage (800 km2) basin explain its low nutrient concentrations and primary productivity rates (Goldman, 1988). Annual water temperature ranges from 5 to 28 C in the littoral zone, with upper and lower temperature extremes occurring in marina locations. The lake is oligomictic, Aquatic Conserv: Mar. Freshw. Ecosyst. 22: 588–597 (2012) 590 M. E. WITTMANN ET AL. Figure 1. Location of C. fluminea treatment plots in Lake Tahoe, CA-NV. Two treatment plots (surface area: 36 m2) at Marla Bay, NV (A) and three at Lakeside, CA (B) were dredged to remove C. fluminea containing sediments in April 2009. Both plot locations were at 5 m water depth in the south-eastern portion of Lake Tahoe where C. fluminea populations have been established since 2002. mixing completely only in years of intense spring storms (Goldman et al., 1989; Wetzel, 2001). The photic zone extends to an approximate depth of 100 m, and the entire water column is oxygenated throughout the year (Coats et al., 2006). Lake Tahoe supports an assemblage of benthic invertebrates dominated by oligochaetes, amphipods, ostracods, and dipteran larvae (Frantz and Cordone, 1996). Methodology Diver-assisted suction dredging was applied in 5 m water depth at two sites, Marla Bay and Lakeside, which both have established C. fluminea populations – with Marla Bay representing a high density C. fluminea population (average abundance ~2000 m-2) and Lakeside representing a region with lower densities (average abundance ~500 m-2). At each site, three suction removal plots and one control plot (surface area: 36 m2) were delineated on the lake bottom to guide the dredging diver and to demarcate sampling areas for monitoring purposes (Figure 1). Owing to field resource limitations, only two plots were suctioned at Marla Bay and three at Lakeside. In March 2009 a suction dredge apparatus (4 cm diameter hose, engine specifications: 5.5 HP (4.1 kW) @3600 rpm Copyright # 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. net power output, 196 cm3 displacement, 12.4 Nm @2500 rpm net torque) was used to remove treatment plot sediments to a depth of 13 cm at Marla Bay (9.5 m3 removed) and a depth of 8 cm (depth of sediments above a clay hard pan boundary) at Lakeside (8.5 m3 removed). To collect benthic macroinvertebrates, sediment grab samples (N = 3) were collected in each of the treatment and control plots using a petite Ponar grab sampler (2.4 L volume, 231 cm2 sample area, Wildlife Supply Company, Yulee, FL, USA) at 7 days before and 14, 90, 240, 365, and 450 days after dredging. Upon collection all samples were screened (500 mm mesh) and the retained sediment was then placed in a super-saturated sugar solution to float invertebrates (Anderson, 1959). Samples were then picked manually to remove all macroinvertebrates. All organisms were preserved in 70% ethanol until identification (Merritt and Cummins, 1996; Thorp and Covich, 2001) Average particle size distribution of Marla Bay and Lakeside sediment types was determined using a wet sieve method (Gordon et al., 1992) and described using a Wentworth scale. Temperature samples were collected using in situ loggers (4 h sampling interval) (iButtonW #DS1922L, 0.5 C accuracy, Embedded Data Systems, Lawrenceburg, KY, USA). Total macroinvertebrate abundance, abundance by taxonomic grouping and Simpson Diversity Index (Simpson, 1949) was calculated for each sample. Abundance was calculated by dividing the number of species individuals per sample by the volume of the petite ponar grab sampler. Impact of sediment removal on the invertebrate community was assessed using Paired Before-After Control-Impact (BACIP) analysis (Stewart-Oaten et al., 1986; Underwood, 1991, 1994; GuerraGarcía et al., 2003). Effect size was calculated by forming differences between site-specific pairs: Dik ¼ XiCj XiIk ¼ m þ ’i þ eik (1) where X represents taxonomic abundance or diversity index values, m is the mean difference between control and impact, ’i the change in difference from before to after, and eik the error associated with the differences (Stewart-Oaten et al., 1986). Differences (Dik), were then compared for before and after periods using a two-sample t-test. Both sites (Marla Bay and Lakeside) were combined to calculate the overall mean difference in effect size while maintaining site-specific pairing Aquatic Conserv: Mar. Freshw. Ecosyst. 22: 588–597 (2012) HARVESTING INVASIVE CLAMS: IMPACT TO THE MACROINVERTEBRATE COMMUNITY between control and treatment plots. A significant change in the mean difference (m) after the onset of the perturbation was considered strong evidence of an environmental impact. All statistical analysis was carried out using program R 2.12.1. RESULTS Before treatment, average total macroinvertebrate abundance (P < 0.001, t-test, n = 12, df = 22) was lower at Lakeside (mean abundance standard error: 4014 280 m-2) compared with Marla Bay (6995 684 m-2). Common taxonomic groupings were observed at both sites: Amphipoda (Hyalella sp.), Chironomidae, Oligochaeta, Gastropoda (Planorbidae and Physidae), and non-native and native bivalves, Corbiculidae (C. fluminea) and Sphaeriidae (Pisidium casertanum and compressum; hereafter referred to as Pisidium spp.), respectively. Other less common taxonomic groups observed at both sites were Trichoptera (Leptoceridae, Lepidostomatidae), Ceratopogonidae (Palpomyia sp.), Ostracoda, Copepoda, Hydracarinidae, Cladocera, Hirudinea and Nematoda, and were not included in the analysis because of rare occurrence. C. fluminea was dominant in Marla Bay, with average relative abundance of 35% (2450 343 m-2), compared with Lakeside where C. fluminea abundances represented 8% (485 95 m-2) of the community (Figure 2). Chironomids were the other dominant taxonomic group at Marla Bay (2527 145 m-2, 31%), and Amphipoda (669 76 m-2; 10%), Oligochaeta (676 126 m-2; 10%), and Gastropoda (779 214 m-2; 11%) represented secondary groups. Pisidium spp. Figure 2. Proportion of macroinvertebrate taxa at site A (Marla Bay) and site B (Lakeside) in Lake Tahoe before suction removal treatment. Proportions are based on average abundance of taxonomic grouping based on benthic sampling carried out in March 2009. Copyright # 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 591 (78 19 m-2) comprised 1% of the population at Marla Bay compared with more than 13% (536 58 m-2) of the population at Lakeside. The dominant groups at Lakeside were Amphipoda (1354 188 m-2; 34%) and Chironomidae (559 74 m-2; 14%) (Figure 2). Sediment substrate at the Lakeside site was characterized as coarse to medium sand with a median sediment particle size, Me = 0.375 mm and very coarse sand at Marla Bay, Me = 1.180 mm. Water temperature at the sediment–water interface ranged from 5.6 to 17.9 C during the course of the 450 day monitoring period. Immediate (14 days after treatment) impacts of suction removal were similar among most taxonomic groupings (Table 1, Figure 3). There was no significant difference in taxonomic abundances and diversity indices between control and treatment plots before suction removal (Table 1). At 14 days (April 09) after suction removal treatment, average total invertebrate abundance (combined between two sites) was 410 (140 S.E.) individuals m-2; a 93% reduction compared with pre-treatment condition (5892 594). The initial impact on C. fluminea was significant with a 96% reduction from 1484 (472) to 59 (34) individuals m-2 in the treatment site. Amphipoda also showed a dramatic reduction in abundance, decreasing 96% from 1022 (143) in the pretreatment condition to 44 (23) individuals m-2 at 14 days. While average abundances of both chironomids and gastropods on day 14 in treatment plots did significantly decline after dredging (Figure 3), BACIP results showed that there was no significant impact on mean effect size (Table 1). Simpson diversity index values were significantly affected immediately after treatment, with mean effect size increasing more than two orders of magnitude compared with pre-treatment and control conditions (Table 1). Mean effect size varied during the monitoring period with differences observed among the taxonomic groups. Abundance of the management target C. fluminea in dredged plots was significantly less than in control plots at 450 days (July 2010) after treatment (Figure 3). However, at 365 days (April 2010) after treatment BACIP results showed that effect size in dredged plots was not significantly different from control or before conditions. Total invertebrate abundance effect size was not significant at 240 days (December 2010) after treatment. However, Simpson diversity Aquatic Conserv: Mar. Freshw. Ecosyst. 22: 588–597 (2012) 592 M. E. WITTMANN ET AL. Table 1. CI and BACI analysis results for taxonomic groups collected before suction dredge treatment (Before) and after treatment (days 14–450). The first value for each taxon indicates the mean effect size: between control and impact sites (CI) in the Before column, and in subsequent columns (days 14–450) before/after and control/impact (BACI). The second entry shows the t-statistic (H0: EffectSizeBefore = EffectSizeAfter) with significance level indicated: *** = P < 0.001, ** = P < 0.01, * = P < 0.05 Before (Mar 09) Total invertebrates Amphipoda Chironomidae Oligochaeta Gastropoda Corbicula fluminea Pisidium spp. Simpson Index (diversity) 1230 0.06 34 0.33 651 0.13 69 0.99 138 0.87 453 0.22 31 1.26 0.007 0.02 14d (April 09) 4372 5.30*** 551 2.11** 742 0.31 808 4.69*** 310 1.11 1471 1.82* 369 3.22** 0.405 3.77*** 90d (Jul 09) 3255 4.11* 322 1.37 332 1.06 754 4.75*** 147 0.09 1343 2.01* 286 3.07** 0.355 5.16*** 150d (Sep 09) 240d (Dec 09) 365d (Apr 10) 2674 3.29* 180 0.83 63 1.97* 682 4.42*** 98 0.45 1285 2.00* 316 3.64*** 0.336 6.00*** 2248 2.54 218 0.98 134 2.43* 652 4.15*** 63 0.89 1206 1.88* 236 2.94** 0.310 6.69*** 1850 1.94 185 0.86 268 2.95** 706 4.38*** 34 1.28 1033 1.48 147 1.67 0.256 6.26*** 450d (Jul 10) 1565 1.54 177 0.84 442 3.59*** 677 4.33*** 29 1.39 1013 1.45 111 1.24 0.258 7.13*** Figure 3. Temporal changes of the abundance (number of individuals m-2) of each taxonomic group in suction dredge treatment (dashed line) and control (solid line) plots from March 2009 (before treatment) to July 2010 (after treatment). Error bars represent one standard error. Time of sampling is indicated by days after treatment and month/year in which the sampling event occurred. index remained significantly different from the pre-impact condition throughout the entire sampling period (450 days; July 2010) suggesting that community dynamics were altered by harvesting. Chironomids had a significant positive effect size at day 240 (December 2009), indicating that abundances in treatment plots at this time surpassed abundances in control and impact plots before treatment. All other taxonomic groups had negative, but reducing, effect sizes at the end of the sampling period – indicating a trend towards a return to background and pre-treatment abundances. Figure 4 shows the proportional Copyright # 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. change in effect size for total invertebrate abundance, C. fluminea abundance, native clam (Pisidium spp.) abundance, and Simpson diversity index. By the end of the sampling period, both Pisidium spp. and total invertebrate abundance show the greatest reductions in effect size, declining from 0.92 at 14 days to 0.28 at 450 days and 0.78 at 14 days to 0.28 at 450 days, respectively. C. fluminea effect size was no longer significant at the end of the monitoring period, with a decrease from 0.76 to 0.53, while species diversity remained affected, with a proportional reduction to 0.63 at 450 days. Aquatic Conserv: Mar. Freshw. Ecosyst. 22: 588–597 (2012) HARVESTING INVASIVE CLAMS: IMPACT TO THE MACROINVERTEBRATE COMMUNITY Figure 4. Temporal changes (days after treatment, calendar date) in proportional effect size for three taxonomic groups and one diversity index: total invertebrate abundance, native bivalve species (Pisidium spp.) abundance, invasive clam species (Corbicula fluminea, i.e. treatment target) abundance, and the Simpson Diversity Index. Changes in effect size are standardized by differences in effect size before treatment. DISCUSSION While physical harvesting can decrease the abundance of a target species, it can also disrupt soft-sediment benthic communities by reducing diversity and abundance of some taxa. Dredging to remove C. fluminea populations in Lake Tahoe reduced benthic macroinvertebrate abundances and produced variable recolonization patterns that were dependent on environmental parameters and individual taxon responses. At the end of this study’s monitoring period, total invertebrate abundances in treatment plots were not significantly different from control or pre-treatment plot conditions, whereas diversity indices remained significantly decreased, suggesting that community dynamics were still altered 450 days after treatment. In general, dominance of a few groups is a common feature of macroinvertebrate communities in the early stages of the recolonization process (Ladle et al., 1980; Otermin et al., 2002), in part because they are either able to persist in sediments or can migrate into disturbed areas (Yount and Niemi, 1990). In this study, chironomids were among the first recolonizers in treatment plots, with a 50% recovery rate in abundances at 90 days (July 2009). In contrast, the abundances of some taxa such as amphipods and oligochaetes did not begin to recover until 150 days (September 2009) after treatment. At 150 days after treatment amphipod abundances increased more rapidly than those of oligochaetes. Chironomids are ubiquitous in Lake Tahoe, and have been similarly observed as early colonizers in other systems because of their r-selected traits (Gray, 1981; Malmqvist et al., 1991; Copyright # 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 593 Otermin et al., 2002). In addition, chironomids were not completely removed after suction treatment, leaving behind 10% of the initial population abundance as primary recolonizers. In comparison, other taxa, such as amphipods and gastropods, were more completely removed, with 4% of their original population abundance remaining in treatment plots. The rapid chironomid recolonization could also be attributed to potential migration from adjacent untreated plots given its high abundance compared with other taxa observed in Lake Tahoe. Amphipods had rapid recovery relative to control plot conditions, which was probably attributable to their mobility, and similar to chironomids, a high potential for migration from adjacent, untreated areas. Temporal patterns of amphipod abundance mimicked control plot conditions, and by 150 days (September 2009) effect sizes were insignificantly different from controls. Similar to amphipods, oligochaete abundances in treatment plots showed increases correlated with control plots, but with many fewer individuals throughout the entire 450 day monitoring period, suggesting that migration of new individuals from adjacent areas was not as frequent for oligochaetes as it was for other more mobile taxa. Timing of reproductive cycles for these taxa is unknown, but it was also possible that early recolonization rates during the spring and early summer periods for chironomids and amphipoda were optimal in comparison with oligochaetes, Pisidium spp., or C. fluminea, all of which did not show significant increases in abundance until at least 240 days (December 2009) after treatment. Slight increases in the abundance of the target invasive species C. fluminea in treatment plots did not begin until 240 days (December 2009) after treatment, and treatment plot densities were statistically different from control plots at 450 days (July 2010). However, during the April 2009 sampling (365 days after treatment), C. fluminea treatment and control plots did not significantly differ. This reduction of control plot abundances could have been attributed to sampling effects given the naturally heterogeneous distribution of C. fluminea in space, or potentially from a winter-time decrease in the abundances as a result of a low temperature mortality event (Werner and Rothhaupt, 2008). Subsequent sampling on 450 days after treatment (July 2010) showed continued increases in both the control and treatment plot abundances of C. fluminea, once again returned to a significant difference between Aquatic Conserv: Mar. Freshw. Ecosyst. 22: 588–597 (2012) 594 M. E. WITTMANN ET AL. control and treatment plots densities, but an insignificant effect size as represented in the BACIP results. While BACIP analyses have frequently been used to assess the impact of dredging on macrobenthic communities (Morello et al., 2005), natural changes in control populations and timing of monitoring events can affect results and interpretations of recovery. This is particularly important in relation to management scenarios, where the determination of invasive species control programmes are often based on monitoring results that are limited in extent. It is possible that recolonization by C. fluminea was influenced by the following: (1) minimum thermal thresholds for reproduction/juvenile release, and (2) the coarse sediment type at Marla Bay, compared with the clay substrate at Lakeside remaining after removal. C. fluminea population densities remained low at both sites until the minimum temperatures required for reproduction (i. e. gametogenesis, juvenile release) were approached during the spring and summer periods. Through either juvenile release, or movement of adults from adjacent plots, recolonization of C. fluminea occurred in the summer months, but with higher abundances observed in Marla Bay as a result of sediment type (coarse sediments in Marla, and clay pan remaining after suction removal at Lakeside) that provided more favourable habitat in which to recolonize. In contrast, through site surveys using SCUBA, Pisidium spp. were observed inhabiting the upper clay and re-sedimented layers at Lakeside after dredging. Unlike the invasive target species, C. fluminea, abundances of native bivalves Pisidium spp. increased to levels greater than or equal to those observed in the treatment plots by day 365 (April 2010) compared with control plot conditions. C. fluminea is well known for its temperature-dependent reproductive rates (Williams and McMahon, 1989), generalist feeding preference (Way et al., 1990; Hakenkamp and Palmer, 1999), and tolerance to a wide variety of environmental conditions (Williams and McMahon, 1989). The relative recolonization success of Pisidium spp. compared with the slower recolonization rates of opportunist C. fluminea, suggests that C. fluminea is perhaps not as well adapted to low water temperatures, limited food availability, and other environmental variables not measured here. Further study of inter-specific competition in Lake Tahoe is needed to understand this relationship. Copyright # 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. The 450 day monitoring period of the treatment plots revealed several important factors of recolonization dynamics in this system. First, while total invertebrate abundance recovered to pre-disturbance levels, species diversity (as represented by the Simpson index) was significantly different from pre-treatment and control plot value throughout the entire post-dredging monitoring period (14–450 days). This suggests a modified community structure, which was most strikingly highlighted through shifts in chironomid abundances in treatment plots. Second, multiple linear regression results suggest that, similar to other pulse-disturbed freshwater soft-sediment benthic communities (Lake, 2000), time since treatment was a consistent predictor of C. fluminea and total invertebrate abundances, as well as Simpson diversity index effect sizes. Third, at the end of this study period (450 days; July 2010), the Simpson diversity index in the treatment plots remained significantly different from both pre-treatment and control conditions. This has several implications: (i) continued monitoring is required to understand whether the macrobenthic invertebrate community can fully recover to pre-treatment or control conditions, and (ii) further studies relating to inter- and intra-specific dynamics in treatment plots that can have longer-term impacts on community recovery are warranted. Recovery times of macroinvertebrate taxa after disturbance in lentic habitats have been observed to range from days to years and are dependent on environmental condition, community composition, and magnitude of the perturbation (Cowell, 1984; Van de Meutter et al., 2006; Sychra and Adamek, 2011). Understanding benthic community dynamics under a pulse disturbance scenario can further indicate whether suction dredging is an effective method for invasive species control of molluscs in lentic habitats. Several control strategies for invasive molluscs, namely dreissenid mussels, have been developed and in some cases, have been successful (Nalepa and Schloesser, 1993; Claudi and Mackie, 1994; D’Itri, 1997). Removal of adult C. fluminea and other invasive molluscs has been used primarily in power generation settings where biofouling of important structures incurs significant costs and removal was necessary for proper plant functioning (Connelly et al., 2007). However, for open water bodies these approaches are generally not suitable as they can be ecologically damaging, Aquatic Conserv: Mar. Freshw. Ecosyst. 22: 588–597 (2012) HARVESTING INVASIVE CLAMS: IMPACT TO THE MACROINVERTEBRATE COMMUNITY expensive, and ineffective (Wimbush et al., 2009). There have only been two reports of bivalve eradication (using chemical treatment) in open water bodies (Bax, 1999; Virginia Department of Game and Inland Fisheries, 2009) and one non-chemical treatment that reduced but did not eradicate a dreissenid mussel population (Wimbush et al., 2009). In general, the only accepted practical approach for managing molluscan invasions in open waters is thought to be by prevention-oriented management (Frischer et al., 2005) with potential for control during early invasion stages when population densities are typically low (Hobbs and Humphries, 1995). While C. fluminea abundances remained significantly low at the end of the monitoring period (450 days after treatment, and one full reproductive period), continued monitoring of these populations is needed to determine the effectiveness of the sediment suction dredging method as a viable option for population control. The cost of labour and materials associated with the implementation of diver-assisted suction removal were $265 m-2 and included dredge apparatus equipment purchase, high altitude commercial diver labour, sediment disposal, and permitting fees. Control of a biological invasion is most effective when it uses a long-term, ecosystem-wide strategy rather than a directed approach focusing on removing individual invaders, in part because of its impact on associated native taxa (Mack et al., 2000). High rates of fecundity, competitive resource utilization and juvenile dispersal allow invasive species such as C. fluminea to invade areas rapidly, which can limit management options and reduce restoration efforts (Sakai et al., 2001). While physical removal was economically costly, it effectively reduced the target invasive species abundance over a 450 day period. At the same time, it also reduced associated invertebrate abundances and caused disruptions to the community structure of the macrobenthos. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The authors would like to thank Brant Allen, Steve Sesma, Joe Sullivan, Katie Webb and Raph Townsend for their dedicated efforts in the field and laboratory. We thank the Tahoe Regional Planning Agency, Tahoe Resource Conservation District and the US Fish and Wildlife Service for their support in this programme. Funding for this Copyright # 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 595 work was provided by the Southern Nevada Public Lands Management Act, the Lahontan Regional Water Quality Control Board and the Nevada Division of State Lands. REFERENCES Anderson RO. 1959. A modified flotation technique for sorting bottom fauna samples. Limnology and Oceanography 4: 223–225. Bax NJ. 1999. Eradicating a dreissenid from Australia. Dreissena! 10: 1–5. Claudi R, Mackie GL. 1994. Practical Manual for Zebra Mussel Monitoring and Control. 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