Optical properties (transmission and refractive index) and chemical structure (XPS) of diamond-like coating
(DLC) film before and after focused ion beam milling (FIBM) process, were investigated in this paper. It is shown by our
FIBM experiment that influence of FIBM on Optical properties and chemical structure of the DLC film is not apparent, especially in near-infra region. The film still can be used for optical applications. As an application example, diffractive optical element (DOE) was directly fabricated on the film by use of FIBM. Measured diffraction efficiency of the DOE is 73%, which is acceptable for conventional use.
Index terms
DLC, FIBM, optical properties, XPS of DOE is around 1
µ m for most glass material that is valid and practical thickness for diamond coating process.
Therefore, the diamond film is suitable to be used for micromachining of DOE in the view of thickness limitation.
Optical properties of the diamond film before and after FIBM is discussed in detail.
C HEMICAL vapor deposition (CVD) Diamond film with advantages of wide optical transmission windows, resistant to chemical attack and abrasion, and less resilient to hostile environments, bio-compatibility, makes it appealing and promising for optical system usage, e.g. protective coating in infra system
. It is especially superior to conventional optical materials in the application of integrated optical systems for delivery and broadband detection in micro-fluidic electrochomatography in which the integrated micro-optical elements can be protected by the diamond film due to its features of chemical inertness and biocompatibility
] .
Considering this, we can directly fabricate the microoptical element on the diamond film in the integration system. However, it is difficult to use it fabricating conventional optical element due to limitation of diamond coating process which is difficult to realize large thickness
µ m) coating because of large internal stress, which causes film crack or peel off. On the other hand, investigation of physical properties of the film, especially for optical properties after micromachining, is much concerned for designer and user of optical system. Few paper report variation of optical properties after processing till now, e.g.
ion beam sputtering or Ga
In this paper, we introduce a technique
focused ion beam milling (FIBM) for fabrication of micro-optical elements on diamond film. As an application example, we fabricate micro-diffractive optical element (DOE) with diameter of 65
µ m on the film. It is a direct fabrication method with features of one-step, isotropic etching, and non-selectivity of material.
Because relief depth
Diamond deposition was accomplished by standard hot filament CVD (HFCVD). The process parameters were listed as follows: 1% CH
in H
; pressure, 1
Torr; substrate temperature, 2400
C; filament substrate distance, 5 mm.
Throughout the work a CH
ratio of 100/1 was used at flow rates of 200 and 2 sccm, respectively, with a reactor pressure of ~40 Torr. Thickness of the diamond film is 1.5
µ m with growth time of 25 h. Measured surface roughness (rms) of the diamond film is 31 nm (measured via atomic force microscopy (AFM) in the area of 100
µ m
The milling experiments were carried out by use of our FIB machine (Micrion 9500EX) with ion source of liquid gallium, integrated with scanning electron microscope (SEM), energy dispersion X-ray spectrometer (EDX) facilities and gas assistant etching (GAE) functions. This machine uses a focused Ga
ion beam with energy of 50 keV, a probe current of 4 pA~19.7 nA and beam limiting aperture size of
µ m~350
µ m. For the smallest beam currents, the beam can be focused down to 7nm in diameter at full width and half maximum (FWHM). The milling process is performed under programming control, by means of varying the ion dose for different relief depth. UV-VIS transmittance spectrum (UV-
VIS spectrophotometer) will be used to measure transmittance of the film before and after FIB processing. It requires illumination area larger than 10
10 mm
. The area is quite large for FIB milling (very time consuming for FIB machine). The maximum milling area of our machine is 1
1 mm
. We have to spell the area of 10
10 mm
by milling a
10 array. The spelling causes degradation of surface roughness uniformity, which will affect transmittance to a certain extent.
Authors are with Innovation in Manufacturing Systems and Technology
(IMST), Singapore-Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) Alliance,
50 Nanyang Avenue, Singapore 639798. (e-mail: yqfu@ntu.edu.sg)
XPS results comparison before and after FIB processing
Optical properties of the diamond film depends on contents of diamond (sp
) distributed in the film. There are mainly two content
3 film. The more sp
and sp
(graphite) existed in the diamond
compared with sp
in the film, the better of optical properties (transmission and refractive index) will
be. Commonly used method to judge relative proportion of film measured before and after FIB processing measured by
Raw Peak
Peak SP
Peak SP
Peak SP
280 285 290
Binding Energy (eV)
295 300
Fig.1 Measurement result of X-ray photoelectronic spectroscopy before FIB processing
DLC before FIBM
DLC after FIBM
200 400 600 800
Wavelength (nm)
Fig.3 Transmission comparison of diamond film measured before and after FIB processing with ion energy of 50keV.
1200 sp
and sp
in diamond film is X-ray photoelectric spectroscopy (XPS). Fig.1 and Fing.2 show the XPS spectrum over the coated windows before and after FIBM, in which curves 2,3 and 4 are deconvolution’s of curve 1 (raw peak). We observe a sharp diamond (sp
bonded carbon) peak represented by curve 2 is higher than curve 3 (sp
) before FIB processing, and it is much higher after FIB processing, indicating a very high diamond-phase content.
The possible reason is that some compound of graphite is transferred to diamond during bombing of Ga
with high energy during FIBM. In other words, FIBM is helpful for diamond film processing and machining. The influence of the
FIBM on content of sp
in the film during the milling process can be ignored.
B. Optical properties after FIBM
More or less of Ga
implantation may occur during FIBM that will affect transmission of the film due to remained Ga
+ implanted on the surface of the film, especially for visible wavelength. Fig.3 is transmission comparison of the diamond
2 0 0 0
1 8 0 0
1 6 0 0
1 4 0 0
1 2 0 0
1 0 0 0
Raw Peak
Peak SP
Peak SP
Peak SP
- 2 0 0
275 280 285 290
Binding Energy (eV)
295 300
Fig.2 XPS measurement results after FIB processing
after FIB processing
before FIB processing
100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 100011001200
Fig.4 Refractive index comparison of DLC film before and after FIB processing use of UV-VIS transmittance spectrum (UV-VIS spectrophotometer HP8453). It can be seen that variation of transmission before and after FIBM is a few in the region of near infrared wavelength. Transmission is stable with value of about 81% for wavelength larger than 900 nm that can meet requirement of conventional optical system. The film after FIBM is more suitable for infrared applications.
Fig.4 is refractive index versus wavelength before and after
FIBM process measured by use of ellipsometer (Mizojiri
Kogaku) equipped with He-Ne laser. It can be seen that the refractive index increases after the FIBM. The increment after FIBM is caused due to more or less Ga
implantation under ion energy of 50 keV. Fig.5 is simulated results of implanted depth of Ga
versa different ion energy by use of commonly used ion beam simulation software (SRIM 2000).
It can be seen that the implantation depth under the diamondlike surface is 313 Angstrom corresponding to ion energy of
50 keV. The increased refractive index is still usable for
in longitudinal
in lateral
in radius
0 20 40 60
Ion energy (keV)
80 100
Fig.5 Simulation results of ion implantation depth vs. ion energy in directions of longitudinal, lateral and radius.
conventional optical system. However, the lens should be use of larger beam spot size and smaller pixel overlapping.
Considering the default discrete step size of 0.5
µ m, we use the 100nm beam spot size and 60% overlapping. Comparing the effects of height error and lateral error on the relief accuracy, the lateral error is prominent. Because of line broadening effect caused by wing of Gaussian distribution of the ion beam, the actual milled linewidth is larger than designed size (called line broadening). Considering this, the defined linewidth should be less than the designed size.
Concrete value depends on chosen of beam spot size, beam current density and calibration of ion dose. It takes ~20 minutes to fabricate a single micro-DOE using the FIBM.
The relief accuracy is determined by beam spot size and overlapping of pixels during the raster scan. The larger the beam spot size and the smaller pixels overlapping, the worse the relief accuracy will be. Considering the used interline step of 0.5
µ m, 100 nm beam spot size and 60% overlap were used for our processes.
Fig.6 is micrograph of scanning electron microscopy (SEM) for the fabricated DOE. We utilized an AFM (Nanoscope model III A from Digital Instruments) to analyze the surface roughness before and after FIB milling. The scanner was calibrated with a 160 nm height standard. Probing a 1
µ m
2 region, an average roughness, Ra , are 2.22 nm and 2.37 n m for the 1.5
µ m thick diamond film before and after FIBM, respectively.
In order to evaluate optical performance of the fabricated element, diffraction efficiency of the DOE is measured by use of tunable laser (operating wavelength of 1550nm), objective lens (10
), collimation lens, and photodetector (InGaAs), is
73%, which is acceptable for conventional use. It reflects from other side that the influence of FIBM for the film is a little and can be neglected.
Fig.6. SEM micrograph of the DOE milled by use of FIB on diamond film with thickness of 1.5
µ m.
design in terms of the new refractive index of the corresponding designed wavelength.
Therefore, we can draw conclusion that the film characteristic is stable during FIBM process because it is low temperature machining process. The side-effect
+ implantation with ion energy of 50 keV is not large enough to apparently affect the transmission of the film in infrared region. Influence of FIBM on optical characteristics of the diamond film can be ignored.
As an application example, we fabricate a diffractive optical element with six annulus on the diamond-like film. The relief accuracy is affected by beam spot size and pixel overlapping during raster scan. The relief accuracy will be deteriorated by
In summary, fabrication of DOE on diamond film by use of
FIBM is valid. Surface roughness after milling is suitable for normal optical application. No compound of diamond changes to graphite after FIBM. Influence of FIBM upon transmission and refractive index of diamond film is a little, and can be neglected in practical application.
This work was supported in part by the Funding for Strategic
Research Program on Ultra-precision Engineering from the
NSTB (National Science & Technology Board, Singapore), and Innovation in Manufacturing Systems and Technology
(IMST) Singapore-Massachusetts Institute of Technology
(MIT) Alliance.
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Fu Yongqi: was born in May 1967. He received his B.Eng, M.S(Eng), Ph.D
in mechanical engineering from Jilin University of Technology, Changchun
Institute of Optics and Fine Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences in
1988, 1994, and 1996 respectively. He worked in State Key Laboratory of
Applied Optics from 1996 to 1998 as a Postdorctoral Fellow. And then, worked in Precision Engineering and Nanotechnology (PEN) Center as
Research Fellow from Aug. 1998 to Dec. 2001. He is leader of FIB group in
PEN Center. Currently, he works in Singapore-MIT-Alliance, IMST program as Research Fellow. His Research direction is application of FIB in microelectronics, microfabrication, nano-optoelectronics, MOEMS, microoptics, fiber optics, and optical measurement. He is the first author of more than 50 referred journal papers.
Bryan Kok Ann Ngoi: heads of Manufacturing Engineering, director of
PESRP, School of Mechanical and Production Engineering, Nanyang
Technological University. He received his B.Eng degree (with honors) in
1985 from National University of Singapore and his Ph.D degree in 1990 from the University of Canterbury. His research interests include precision measurements, design for manufacturing, metrology and inspection, geometric dimensioning and tolerencing, fixture design, and micromachining. Dr. Ngoi is the author of more than 120 papers, including
80 international referred journal papers.