NOTICE: THIS MATERIAL MAYBE I. PROTECTED BY COPYRIGHT LAW (TITLE 17 USCODE) A STUDY OF TiHE C'5 (He', p)Ar• REACTION Mabini M. Castro B. S. Chem. Eng., University of the Philippines (1958) Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Master of Science in Physics at the MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGI (1964) Signature of Author ........... Department of Physics, August 24, 1964 Certified by ,____~c~ I: i- Thesis Supervisor Accepted by- Chairman, Departmental Committee on Graduate Students A STUDY OF THE C135(He , p)Ar REACTION by Mabini M. Castro Submitted to the Departnent of Physics on August 24, 1964 in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science in Physics. ABSTRACT The energies 3and angular distributions of the proton groups obtained 5 fo.n enriched AgC targets by bombardment with 6.5 Mev singl.y-charged He3 beamn furnished by the YIT-ONR electrostatic generator, were studied from the data recorded on emulsion plates in conjunction with the broadrange, multigap, magnetic spectrograph. Thirty-two excitation energies are reported corresponding to the excited states of Ar37 . Angular distribution curves are presented for some of the levels. Those corresponding to the ground and second excited states also contain an attempt for a theoretical fit, using the DWBA program and the optical parameters extrapolated from the Ca40(He 3 )-run. The fittings are not totally convincing, although there is a qualitative indication that the captured particles have a total orbital angular momentum of L = 2 in both states, supporting the idea of no parity change in the reactions to the ground and the second excited states. The experimental Q-value for the ground state reaction is 9592 ± 10 kev, which has been obtained at 890 using the incident energy calculated from the-position of a proton group from the Cl3 (He3 ,a)C1 2- reaction Thesis Supervisor: Title: H. A. Enge Professor of Physics TABLE OF CONT&ETS Page I. II, Introduction 1 Ther 3 E~erdnental •III, IV, Arrangement and Procedure 7 Tu'ets V. VI, 9 Data Analysis !0 Recstts and Discussion 14 LIGURJZ enerator 18 Firure 2 The Generator-Spectrograph Apparatus 19 Figure 5 The Spectrograph c a• i Its Supporting Structure 20 FITure 1- The Figure 4 Fiub - IOT-ONR M$ TABLES The P. rin 2 Spectrograph Components e 5 - Tor View of the Spectrographw F~. gre BCov P 6 - Energy Snectrtm of Protons Figure 7 - 22 Levl No, l at 60 Degrees 23 azugar Distribution Plots 2 -iYuSpctrm of Prot ons &"oveLeýveI No. 11 8 S- Erery at 150 Degrees Table I - Eccitation Eergies of AP7' Fgure 9 - ergy Level Diagrzm of Ar 26 27 28 -1I. INTiEDULCTION This study is intended to gather more information on the energy levels of Arr by means of the reaction Cl-" He", p)Ar The choice of He" as the bombarding particle came about after the success of obtaining a 12 Mev doubly-charged He" beam in a previous experiment. However, it was unsuc- cessfully tried in this run so that finally a singly-charged 6.5 Mev He' beam was used. The choice was further motivated by the desire to simuland C1" . tareously gather data on two other isotopes, namely, Ar The ground state of the target nuclei has a spin and parity of 3/2 . Then on the basis of the shell model( 1 ) , the oroton configuration in the unfilled level is (irld/ 2 )1 . But from the model alone nothing as definite could be said about the neutron configuration, except when the oairing energies of the protons and the neutrons. are equl, in wgich case it would be as given above. Now, when the target nucleus in its ground state accepts a neutron and a proton from the He3 particle, it is reasonable to expect that in the formation of.the ground state of Ar' , the proton goes into the 1"3/ level. Also, the neutron may be expected to go into the same level, un- less the pairing energy of the neutron is different from that of the proton so as to create a hole in the 2sl/2 level (which might then conceivably be filled up by a neutron from the ld5/2 level). This state of affairs are indeed complicated, with the ground state being of even parity but of possible spins of 3/2, 1/2, or 5/2. It is not hoped for in this study to resolve these interesting points but only to possibly limit the number of choices. Of immediate interest is the study of the low lying levels of Ar-3 in order to deduce the modes of excitation. A possible single Particle excitation would be for either nucleon to land into the 1f7/2 level, giving that state an odd parity. Considering, however, that the 1f7/2 level is beyond the closed snell at the magic number 20, a more orobable excitation would be an occupancy rearrangement of the three levels of ld5/2, 2sl/2 and ld3/2, at least for low excitations. The few known energy states of Ar3 7 have been obtained, notably, by (d,p)i- ) and (p,n)-3) reactions on Ar 6 and 137 , respectively. The excitation energies were tabulated by Endt et al. In the works of Suk- harevskii and that of Yamamoto et al, determination of the possible spins and parities of a few of the states has been initiated using the standard Butler-Born approximation. They have 1n = 2 for the ground state formation implying a 3/2+ or a 5/2+ state. Yamamoto et al have further reported i n = 0 for the first excited state, and In = 2 for the next three excited states that they had seen. However, since a negative parity state is expected in this range of excitation energies, its non-appearance was a bit puzzling. -3II. THEORY The shell model nuclear level system uo to the magic number 20 is as follows: (s1/2)) 1p 1 ( p1/2) 2(1d5/2) 6(2sl/2) 2(1d3/2) 4 It is seen that between the magic numbers 8 and 20 are three close-lying levels whose order of occupancy determines the configuration of the ground The ground states, of course, are those possessing the greatest binding energies. If, for simplicity, it is asstates of 17r8 and 18Ari9 sumed that all the levels up to 1d5/2 are filled, then depending on the pairing energies P of the nucleons, three cases could arise upon putting in additional nucleons: A) When Pd3/~ PsL2 is greater than twice the separation energy between the two levels, then the binding energy is increased whenever a oair is formed in the 1d/• 2 level. Thus, for Cj , the configura- tion is reached as follows: (2sl/2)1(1d3/2)0 to (2s1/2)O(ld3/2) 2 to (2s1/2)1 (1d3/2) 2 for the protons; and (adding a step more to the above sequence) to (2s1/2) 0 (1d3/2) for the neutrons. For Ar3 7 , the above sequences end in (2sl/2) 1 (1d3/2)4 for the neutrons, and in (2sl/2)0 (ld3/2)) for the protons. To specify the total angular momentum to which the particles couple, the shell model coupling rules state that for odd-A nuclei only the odd-numbering nucleons determine the ground state properties, that in such cases, the said nucleons usually couple their spins so as to give a total angnular momentum equal to that of the last oartJially-fil'ed orbit. This statement implies that w4hen there is an even number of nucleoaýns, then they form a set of pairs each with angular momenieum c upled to zero. This state of affairs is termed as normal ground state coupling, and one pictures it as a state wherein the last odd nucleon orbits with an angular momentum t about an even-even 'nucleus' of the rest of the oarticles which counle their a:nzular momenta to zero. Thus, for this case of Pd3'2- P12 2(Ed/2- E • 11'), the ground state spins of CC1 and 1/2+, respecti,7mely. and Ar are 1/2+ -4B) When 2 (Ed3/2- $sl/2 , ) (Pd3/2- P/2) (Ed3/2- Es/ 2 ), then increase in binding energy may be gained by teking a nucleon from the completed 2sl/2 level to form a pair ,.ith another lone nucleon in the 1d3/2 level. For C135, the configuration is then (2si/2) (1d3/2) 2 for the protons and (2s1/2) 2 (1d3/2)2 for the neutrons. For Ar3 7 , it is (2s1/2) 2 (ld3/2) 2 for the protons and (2sl/2)1 (1d3/2) 4 for the neutrons. The corresponding spins are, respectively, 1/2* and 1/2+ for C13 5 and Ar37 C) Lastly, when the difference in pairing energies is less than the separation energy, then no gain in binding energy is accomplished by forming pairs in the ld3/2 level. The configuration for C135 is then (2sl/2) 2 (1d3/2) 1 and (2sl/2) 2 (1d3/2) 2 for the protons and the neutrons, respectively, giving rise to a spin of 3/2. For Ar3 7 , it is (2s1/2) (ld 3/2)2 for t'he Drotons and (2sl/2) (ld3'2)) trons. for the neu- As this is a neutron hole in the closed shell at A = 20, the spin is then that due to the hole, which is 3/2. The fact that the observed spin and parity of the ground state of C135 is 3/2 + means that the proton configuration of the unfilled level is (i2ld3/2)1. Assuming that the 1d5/2 level is filled the neutron con2 , (2sl/2)0(1d3/2) or a mixture of figuration is either (2s1/2)2(1d3/2) these two. In the formation of the ground state of Ar3 7 , it will be the neutrons which will determine the ground state spin and parity. Depending on which neutron configuration is correct for C1 35, the spin will either be 1/2+ or 3/2+. It is oossible to write down the configurations of some of the excitjed state of Ar3 7 from a knowledge of the ground state configuration. Assuming this to be (7r1d3/2)'(yld3/2) ,3 then the possible configurations of some of the low excited states are: d.........(r 3/2) 2(yld3/22) 2(ylf7/2)1 .......... ..... "....1 (ld3/2) 2 (y2si/2)1(y1d3/2) d3/2 ) 2(yld5/2)5(yZsl/2) (a) 4 (b) 2(yld32 (c) (C)I ........ (2s/2)(rld3/2) (yld3/2)3 .. Except (a), ... (r•..(id5/2) 5 r2sl/2) 2 (d3/2f) (a) () (yld3/) the illustrated states are of even parity. The respective spins are, of course, the vector sum of the individual spins. It is known that angular distributions of the outgoing particles in stripping reactions give definite information on the parities of the states of the product nuclei. In the (HeD,p)-reaction, the difference between the final and initial spins of the heavier nuclei is simply the vector sum of the orbital angular momentum and the spin of the stripped n-p sysThe angular distribution performed on the outgoing proton yields a total 1-value for this n-p system. Depending on whether this 1-value is odd or even, the parity of the final state is correspondingly odd or tem. even. The 1-value is determined by comparing the experimental curves with the theoretical curves obtained by using the distorted wave Born approximation method for stripping reactions. It utilizes a Saxohn-Wood nuclear potential of the form V(r) = rl+e A The parameters appearing in the right side are known as the optical parameters. V is the average single-particle real potential, and W is the absorption potential responsible for the capture of particles from the incident beam. The quantity in the denominator is essentially the Fermi . the point at is the distance to radial distribution function, where half maximum, and A is a skin thickness taken as the distance betweer the 26.894 point.and the 73.11? point of both Vrells. Knowledge of the potential•, along with the Coulomb potential between a point charge and a charged sphere of radius Rc, yield the distorted waves t0 be used -6in the DWBA. The amplitudes of the resulting angular distribution curves will vary according to the lower integration limi-t of the distance between the target nuclei and the absorbed n-p system. known as the cut-off radius R. This limit is -7III. Y2EPRIMENTAL AA!CNGEMEINT AND PIRCEDURME The MIT-ONR electrostatic generator (5) shown in Figs. 1 and 2 was operated to produce a 6.5 Mev, singly-charged He" beam. The beam emerges vertically from the bottom of the tube and is deflected to a horizontal position by means of an energy-analyzing magnet. It then passes through a set of slits which may be adjusted to limit the maximum beam energy spread. The beam enters the spectrograph chamber through an electrostatic quadrupole lens which produces a reduced (by approximately a third in the vertical direction) image of the energy-defining slit on the target which is attached to a holder that is mounted, at 450 angle to the beam, near the bottom, and at the center, of the chamber. After passing through the target, the beam may be collected by a Faraday cup at the opposite side. The beam strikes the rotating target slightly off-center so as to diminish carbon build-up. The spectrograph is illustrated in Figs. 3, 4 and 5. The particles accepted by the twenty-cix gaps are limited in the horizontal plane by a - slits. The B - slits serve to define a solid angle which limits the exposure zones on the nuclear track plates. Selection of zones is accom- plished by manually turning the carousel holding the gaps-shoulders onto which the plates are firmly attached. These shoulders are constructed to follow the very slight curvature of the magnet focal surface. The magnetic field is measured 'by a proton-resonance flusmeter situated at the 890 gap. In the experiment that was done, the magnetic field is 10.1806 kilogausses. Except at 00, all gaps were loaded with Eastman-Kodak NTA, 50 !1 thick plates. No Aluminum foils were placed in order to accept all the pro.ton, deuteron and. alpha groups. During the rather many days run, the vessel was opened twice, once to taike out the uppermost plate (C-plate) of 910 and once that of 22.50 to study the state of the exposure. At the end of the long exposure (19,875 p-coul) three targets were broken and one badly thinned. It was originally intended to use all three zones -- one for tar- get thickness determination,j one for the angular distribation, and the last for a (He', He%)-ran at 6.5 Mev on C13 5 to fix the optical parameters. The run, however, met with many delaying problems among which were ion source troubles. In some points, ýIwhen the source started to act up, the terminals seemed not to hold 6 Mev. Further, the solid state detector monitoring the target failed to function properly so that there was no way of telling when the target breaks, inasmuch as the TV circuit was also inoperative. Finally, the machine became very unstable for leng- thy periods of time that it was decided to stop the run after only the angular distribution exposure was made. The plates were scanned by high-magnifying microscooes, with the tracks sorted out according to whether they are due to protons, deuterons or alphas, by observing the length and grain structure. No counting could be made from the 7.5 -plates as they have been yellowed by intense He3 particles scattered in the gap. is made for every half-milli- meter strip on Zone I which was exposed to 19,875 Cýc. -9- IVe TAR.GETS The silver cnioride enriched in C11 Carbon Chemicals Co., Oakridge, Tenn. was supolied by the Carbide and Solid targets were prepared by elec- tron bombardment of AgC1, using an electron gun, onto carbon backings suopported by small rings which may then be conveniently attached to the machine target holder. The approximate thichnesses of the targets were determined using the thickness gauge which utilizes Po a's (5.305 Mev) reduced in energy by passing through air. The thickness of the target is ýhen inferred from the distance through which the detector is moved to measure the same energy it had without the target. air-equivalent. This is the mil- In this experiment, the target thicknesses are over 17 -m.a. e, Since ordi.aarily Ag2 is PreParsd fLrom nitra s it may be exeeted to contain a minute amount of the isotopes of nitrogen and oxygen. groups from these, together with those from be found. C1 2 and C1 Proton , may, therefore, -10V. DAT.? .... YSIS The number of protons per half-millimeter strip distance along Figs. 6 and S. the olate for each angle. ere olotted against Typical spectra are shown in The positions of the proton groups arising from the expec- ted contaminants were marked in each spect-um, usi n.g the value of 6.5 Mev Visual inspection usually suffice for the energy of the incident beam. in fixing the positions of the states of Ark. In some cases where doub- lets were indicated by unusually wide widths of the peak, comarison of the behaviour of the group in question was made on majority of the angles, This was especially done for the groups 11-~2, 15-16, and 17-18. In some of the angles the overlapping of these levels partially disappears, a structure of two close-lying levels. Moreover, the absence of showing :knoln contaminant groups in these positions for most of the angles convinced this author that these unusually wide groups are doublets. As the data had been accumulated over a long period of time, it is possible that the field had drifted somewvhat. As a result the ceaks are not smooth, but, rather, showing a saw-toothed structure. To aid in the determination of the third-height position of the -peaks, the number of protons per half-millimeter strip averaged over three cor1nsecutive strios w•as plotted against distance for the oeak under consijeration. what has been plotted in Fig. 6. It This is was often found that this third height oosition Jis within a half millimeter from a third height position determ.ined along the high energy side of the non-averaged pe&a." For the doublets cited above, such procedure is destructive rather than helpful_ In these cases, the third-height oositions at different angles were obtained by extrapolation, using as a guide the values obtained from some angles where the doublets are more-or-less separated. The Q-values of the levels found were read from a Q versus d tabulation calculated by a computer program developed earlier for the The numbers are based on an incident energy of 6.5 Mev and a field setting of 10.1806 kilogausses. The working equation is the relativistically corrected Q-equation shown below, in conjunction with the " versus d gap calibration anrd the relationship betw'een the energy MIT 7-904 computer. -11- and Hp. In powers of (H )2 this relationship is E(kev) 1011i HLp2 ( 7) E5MH )8+ ,6 F)+ where F = 9652.021 emu equiv-1.I . M = atomic mass unit The Q -equation is: QEout Ee rec rel rel in-E.. + mout E m in m out res 2mresS1 E = rec = res brel = @ = where En + Erec + - res 2cos0 )1/2 E. E mre (min in mout in out res E in + E2out - Erec - cos (mi. M .E u in dut in out +tout )2( . in m the classical recoil energy of the residual nucleus the mass of the residual nucleus the relativistic correction term the angle in the laboratory system between the outgoing particle and the incident beam To get the excitation energies, the Q-values of the excited states were subtracted from the Q-value of the ground state formation. This should tend to minimize all the systematic errors. Because of the absence of a reasonably intense contaminant proton peak at 890, the value calculated( 8 using an alpha group coming from the C13(He', a)C 1 2 reaction was adopted in the determination of the ground *The original equation from which this was derived is (in emu) 2 where e in0 _F 14 ZH 2 out -12- s5 3 T7 3 . This incident energy state Q -value of the reaction C1r (He , p)Ar" is 6.48 Mev. This calculation has to be at 890 because it w,:as the field here that was measured by the fluxmeter. Angular distributions were plotted for levels nos. 0, 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, and 19. These are shown in Figs. 7a to 7j. Except for Figs. 7a and 7c, all are in the laboratory system. The error bracket - (N)1/ 2 where N is the total number of The transformation to the CM system in which Figs. shown at each point is simply protons in the group. 7a and 7c are plotted was simplified by the use of a table( g) prepared on the basis of the following relationships: SinC -) Sin@ M +M S M. 2" 13 1 + 1 x2 M2,4 1 (9)= G(xv) 2 E1 I(Q) G(x,O) = (U - X sin o + (1 - Xsin 2 where the subscripts refer to the incident, target, product and outgoing nuclei the asterisk to the CM variables. Since no inelastic scattering of He3 on C135 was done in this experiment, it was thought best to use the parameters extrapolated from the 12 Mev Ca (ie,He )Ca - run previously made in: this laboratoryT for the DWBA curves. These pareaneters are V = 43.000 W = 7.000 For Ar37 (p), Ro = 1.544 f. Rc = 1.544J f. the optical parameters used were in calculating(10 ) A = 0.6584 f. V = 50.000 W= 10.000 A = 0.450 R = 1.250 R = 1.250 It was mentioned earlier in this paper that the ground state and the second excited state of Ar have even parities. Thus, only even Ln's are allowed. Using the general selection rules, assuming 3/2 or 5/2 for the final spin state, then for Jf = 3/2, for Jf = 5/2, L= 0, 2, = 0, 2 L = 0, 2, -=0, 2, when S =1 when S =0 6 when S = 1 when S =-0 Theoretical curves for various cut-off radii R were calculated by computer for L = 0, 2, 4 for the ground state and 0, 2 for the second excited state. The better-fitting curves are also shown in Figs. 7a and 7c, where the need for better values of the optical parameters is obvious. -14VI. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION The result of the ground state Q -value calculations at 890 is Qo = 9592 + 10 kev. The error quoted comes from the following considerations. There are systematic errors coming from systematic effects from hystersiis and magnetic saturation; from observed consistencies of previous data, this is about 5 key. There are also systematic errors from (a) H calibration (b) Po source, misalignment and surface by the Po a-source (0.0o20o), contamination (O.O040/); and (c) validity of the third height point as the peak position (0.04 0/). The root sum of the squares of these three is 0.060/0, and this error is 0.6 Q key when Q is in Mev. The total sysctematic error, calculated as the root sum of squares, is then 8 kev. This was then increased to 10 key to cover up whatever error has been missed The excitation energies obtained in this work and listed in Table I, represent the mean of values deternined from majority of the angles. The errors quoted are standard random errors S- Ex 2 n(n- l) and the difference of the systematic errors between the ground state and the states in question. The error from hysterisis and magnetic saturation is estimated as 3 key; and that from calibration and third height position as 0.6 E kev. Then the root sum of squares is the total error quoted. the levels in parenthesis are either postulated or doubtful. Some -proton peaks that have been observed were unusually wide, and this characteristic persisted at all angles. This is the case for the In particular, groups (11-12), (15-16), (17-18), (21-22-23) and (25-26). the group (21-22-23) has a width approximately three times that of its In Table I, neighbors, namely, nos. 19 and 24. Where contaminants could be respon- -15sible, it results in a distortion of the peak; firstly, in intensity, and secondly, in the Q-value read from the third height position of the highenergy slope. And in some angles, a structure corresponding to several overlapping peaks could be seen. For group (11-12), the maximum height of no. 12 is less than that of no. 11 for angles below 52.5 ° . Between 52.5 and 112.50, they are comparable, and above 112.50, that of no. 12 is again less. For (15-16), below 450, protons arising from the formation of N1 5 (5.28 and 5.3 Mev) and 016 (9.85 Mev) affected both the intensity and the third height position. At 52.50 up to 82.5 ° , the heir~ht of no. 16 is less than that of no. 16; around 97.56, they are comparable; and at 1200 up, that of no. 16 is greater. For group (17-18), no. 17 has remained always less that no. 18, but the peak structure remained the same. Similar observations were found for the last two groups mentioned above. Perhaps, group (21-22-23) is a doublet instead of a triplet -- in such a case, either no. 22 or no. 23 is doubtful. One other point is the appearance of a group or groups of protons of weak intensity between level nos. 19 and 21. While at some angles (1050, 02.5 , 127.50 and 1500) the peak, is such tha t a third height could be 1 read, at some it is impossible. possible! And still at some, two third heights are Because of this, it was given a doubtful nature. For comparison, the excitation energies found by othier workers are also tabulated in Table I. Good agreement is generally exhibited. The comparison with the results of Yamamoto et al shows that the level at 2.214 Mev observed in the present work has been missed. Their experiment was done using a 4.05 Mev deuteron beam from a cyclotron, on an isotopically enriched Ar 6 gas target. The proton tracks were recorded on Ilford C-2 enralsion and the counts per cm were plotted against range. On account of background, no other groups could be resolved between 1.63 Mev and 2.54 Mev. Their angular distriibtions performed on the levels they observed showed that the final states are of even parities. However, it is in this range of excitation that an odd parity state could be formed. Its nonappearance was tentatively explained by stating that the 1 = 2 distributions are not really classical stripping curves, so that the a3signment of 1 = 2 for both the 2.54 and 3.55 Mev levels on the basis of the fitting of their angular distributions with the Butler-Born curves must be questioned. While this is all valid, there is still the possibility of an intermediate level which might have been missed. This odd-parity state might very well be the 2.214 Mev level observed bhe the present study. Unfortunately, this couldn't be checked at this stage, partly because of the low intensity of this level, and partly because of the t'crdeness' of the optical parameters used in the present analyses for CU (ne ) at 6.5 Mev. Perhaps it might be simpler to make a complete angular distribation (d,p)-run on Ar using a machine with a higher resolution than a cyclotron. Angular distributions were plotted for levels that are not too clsely separated. These are the majority of the levels below no. 19. As can be seen in Figs. 7a - 7j, they are of low intensities. Levels above no. 19 are relatively more intense, but they are close to one another. Moreover, this is just about the region at forward angles where grTups from contaminants start to crowd each other. All the angular distributions indicate a compound nucleus formation in addition to stripping. An estimate of this amount may be subtracted from the experimental points, assuming it is constant throughout the angles. It was, however, rather pointless to do this at this stage of the analysis since the optical paranmeters are more or less crude. The effect of such a procedure on a semilog plot would be to pull down the lower points at relatively greater distanices than the higher points. Thus, in Fig. 7a, the points above 300 might be improved, but then the ones lower will go faorther down the theoretical points. It will be noticed that these points are already below the corresponding theoretical points. While this may show the way to adjust the parameters, the fact remains that the contrib- uti.on from a compound nucleus formation mechanism is still unknown. r" Qualitatively, however, the fitting along the first maxima of both Figs. 7a and 7c suggests that L = 2 so that the final state has an even parity, in agreement with the shell model assignment. The accepted n-p system has been assumed to be a deuteron in the DWBA. This does not rule out the 1S state, however. The vectorial summation of the initial spin, L = 2 and either of S = I or 0 yields possible half integral spins from 1/2 to 9/2, consistent with the shell model assignments of 1/2, 3/2 or 5/2. Unfortunately, it does not limit the choices (only L = 6 would do this, along with the already existing possibilities from the (d,p) experiments). In closing, let it be stated that in spite of the low counts in the experimental distribution curves, they are not without structure. It is still possible to fit them, 'but only after a better set of optical parameters has been found. Concerning the excited states of Ar". , thirtytwo levels are being reported. ACKNOWFLEDGMENTS The author is grateful to Prof. H. A. Enge for his supervision of the work. He is indebted to the staff of the High Voltage Laboratory, in particular to Dr. W. H. Moore and Mr. A. Sperduto, for their invaluable assistance during the experiment. The DFABA calculations were performed by Mr. H. T. Chen. Thanks are also due to Mrs. H. Young for the IiBM-:7904, programming work, Mr. A. Luongo, for the preparation of the targets, Mr. W. Tripp, Miss S. Darrow, Mrs. M. Fotis, Miss S. Dittmann, Miss V. Piza and Mrs. C. Harvey for their patience in sorting out the particle tracks, and to Mr. D. Baker for the preparation of the figures. The author's gTratitude goes also to his wife, Cristina, for her constructive 'nagging' toward the completion of this work, and to Mr. N. Rao who should be commended for his high proficiency with the calculating machine. ONA STABILIZER i VOLTAGE TERMINAL 38" DIA. ITIVE ION SOURCE CHARGE COLLECTOR STABILIZING LINER GENE 4G VOLTMETER SHORTING ROD 400 / inz STEEL PRESSURE TANK EQUIF ITIAL PLANES INSUL 3 COLUMN -18' LONG INTERMEDIATE RINGS FIELD CONTROL RODS INSULATING BELT POSITIVE ION ACCELERATION TUBE WINDOWS 2 - 5' 1800 rpm MOTORS BELT 10ON MANHOLE -, . MAIN VALVE DRY ICE TRAP SYLPHON ANALYZING MAGNET 900 PORTAL SLIT SYSTEM MASS 2 PORTAL ADJUSTABLE MAGNET BASE · . '···'···.··· 0 2 4 6 8 ·n.-· .·~·~~ r O · · .· ·· ··· c ···i· ··.·r.. ''.r · ·`·.-· r · · r. r FEET MIT- ONR GENERATOR Figure I -1?- lOOKV Focusing Supply Liner Grid Ampt P S. lonSource II le GeneratorApparatus I Fi.--ýre 2. II TI Resistor Current Alarm / Relay Vot Stab. - - Deft Control Meters S o VI Fred. ',2Fluxmeter I I IosPC - - , Control eter S Osc Stab./- C o Int'egrato "-ters -- Current O I 1 F FEET • ~L \" \ i~tes i •[•~<// 'Cotrl CIt° K~~\. b "\ \\ \ tt r_~r \ -20- V) wL P- w mm •WLC \ WAI rn'll . rAl I /13 GAPS O-9Oo BEAI OIL 12 GAPS 90-172.5 I 1" GAP TOP VIEW ~--- 50c m BEAM IN TARGE WUIL SECTION A-A Figure 4. The Princijpa S-ectrograph Components r -22 C(D-f CI 0 C) 0 CO P0) 0 *o Cr- P-- T -23- SdIWiS 3AIlNO3SNOO 338HI UOd 039DV83AV dltiS ww 41VH 83d SAOVdi JO 30383NfN w I N O co •o 0 o, - i a, i 0 0 - o zoo -< -J (AelSO'9)0 O LJ U- >•=, dw L- - SzL V) < it 0o < x < w -jw LO nDO • " E -0 00 =C(1 o e 0 o tc 0 o o O to 7 rl) B~P0 -24- Figure 7. ' , 7 C (He p) Ar Excited State No. I Q - 8.19 MeV. E, = 1.406 MeV. it J (a) 4 35 7 Cl (H',p) Ar Ground State L=2 Q = 9.59 MeV T F 0{- I 00O- o a z 2 FI ai ' 0 ' , ' 30 i 60 i 90 Lab. Angle I I (d) 3 37 o Ct1 (He, p)Ar Excited State No. 4 Q-7. , '1 MeV o E,= 2.483 MeV zC L f - O 20 ·- I I c- 40 - 60 I 80 C M. I -- ~-- K)0 120 I 120 - ~-- ~~- ~- 140 160 18 ,zoO Angle (c) 3 37 Clt(He ,p)Ar Excited State No. 2 L=2 0 - 7.98 MeV I 15 o0 0 - JL 30 45 60 90 75 105 120 135 150 165180o LE LAB. ANGL 3 3 37 Cls (He , p) Ar Excited State No 5 Q - 6.80 MeV Ex 2.792 MeV. too 20 I 40 I J ( 60 80 100 C.M. Angle J 120 I 140 - I 160 {i {{i I~{ 40 "j 0 15 30 45 60 75 90 105 LAB, ANGLE 120 135 150 165 A 180 (f ) (g) 7 • sT Ar CI3Hed,p) ( Excited State No. 7 Q=6.33 MeV Ex 3.266 MeV. CI (He, p) Ar Excited State No.6 Q =6.42 MeV. Ex 3.167MeV 100I- -i P 3 30 15 45 90 75 60 105 13 120 T +3;. f f i · · .0 L_ 0 165 IS 0 I 30 IS I I I 45 60 75 LAB.ANGLE 11 1 90 105 LAB. ANGLE 1 1 I 120 13 150I 165 Ieo (h) 37 Ar CI (H93d,p) " ( 3 Cl I43,p)Ar Excited State No.8 S=6.08 e. Ex 3.515MeV Excited State No. 9 Q * 5.999 MeV 0n ! Ex 3.598 Mev. o 240 220 200 180 160 140 120 io i 80 fIlIf~~il 1Illt 60 P: P 40 20 0 0 is 30 45 , , , 15 90 OS 120 155 150 *6 [so 60 76 30 45 60 75 05 90 20 135 150 65 LAB.ANGLE LAB. ANGLES ("' i i 37 3 Cl (NH, p)Ar I (k) Excited State No.10 0=5.9 MeV. Ex" 3.693 MeV. -·-35 3" 3 'p)Ar CI (He Excited State No.19 0= 4.86 MeV Ex =4.729 MeV e 100 "r 1201 Y n I ii i 80 40 0 0 0 I 15 1 30 I 45 I 60 I~ 75 90 105 LAB. ANGLE 12Q 135 Io I u I S I 30 I I 60 I ..... 4..... 90 Lab. Angle .. 120 . I 150 180 -26- O 0o 0 I- E o o C, 02 0 to Oc 0o C. 0i ( 00 O I 1 lqj- dlHlS Ww N -f1VH 8l3d Ncr) S1V811 AO co 8138INN O -27TABLE I. EXCITATION ENERGIES OF Ar37 ( ) =postulated on the basis of unusually wide structure (( ))= doubtful level L ev- " Davison cZucefe .5. 1 This Work6 L. No Exmev,.V . E-.SA 6 ..L4 3 .. ) 'Fergusson · 12.25 -10 i 2.27 .i 2.2 L ta'Stels6n et'amamoto x2.A 5 5 ;2.792j-4. _ .93.697 6.• ,,3.515 ± .32 :3- 5 2l5 14.277 ± *(17) 4.562 L 24 5235..10 .5 . 5021 . 27 5&.747 6.0166 .50.(2) "55.I, 5 194.729 .9781 5-5' 2 ~2 _66 , -. 6 ,.c66 __ __ ___~___ C .761 C 5 C 5 5 5 IIIIIIIIIII rC _ _ 5 .,203 66 6. 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