Nuclear Weapon Effects Equation Sheet Maj Jeremy Best May 4, 2015 1 Fission Yield: t Y (t) = Σf vQn0 T (e T − 1) (1) where t is time, Q is the average prompt energy from a fission, v is average 10 n velocity (1.08 × 107 m s ), n0 is the number of neutrons at initiation. ν is the average # of neutrons per fission. T is the period as defined below and NA = 6.022 × 1023 Σf = N σf N= ρNA M T = ` k−1 t = (#generations)(lif etime) = (g)(`) ` = `∞ L Σa = N σa k = k∞ L k∞ = ν (2) `∞ = σf σa Q = −∆mc2 Energy Form Total Prompt Energy Total Delayed Energy Total Burnup νσf σa ν U-235 180 MeV 27 MeV 17.7 kT/kg 3.32 (barns) 1.44 (barns) 2.43 1kT = 2.613 × 1025 M eV 1 1 Σa v (3) (4) (5) Pu-239 185 MeV 27 MeV 17.8 kT/kg 5.61 (barns) 1.98 (barns) 2.98 (6) 2 Fusion Yield: 4 Y = πR3 Qt nt (7) 3 where R is the radius of the assembly at the time of initiation, Qt is the energy per reaction, and nt is the number of target atoms. For pure Deuterium ⇒ nt = 12 nD . Ignition Energy 3 4σ U = N (1 + Z) T k V ol + ( T 4 )V ol (8) 2 c where N is the atomic density of the fuel, T is the temperature throughout the volume [kelvin] (assumed constant), Z is the average number of free electrons per atom (assumed to be atomic number) at keV temJ peratures, k is Boltzmann constant (1.3807×10−23 K ), σ is the Stefan-Boltzmann constant (5.67×10−8 KJ4 ) and c is the speed of light. Fusion microscopic cross section Reaction Rates 2 1 2 1 (σv)DT = 3.68 × 10−12 T − 3 exp −19.94T − 3 [ (σv)DD = 2.33 × 10−14 T − 3 exp −18.76T − 3 [ cm3 ] s (9) cm3 ] s (10) where T is in keV. Fusion Reaction Rates: D+T: N = (σv)nt nb (11) For D+D 1 N = (σv)n2 2 where nt is the number of target atoms, and nb is the number of bombarding atoms. 5(21 D) = (11 H +32 He +42 He) + 2(10 n) Where one 10 n is 2.5 MeV and one 10 n is 14.1 MeV and Qavg = 9.96 MeV 2 (12) (13) 3 Thermal Effects Fireball Radius at breakaway: R = 110W 0.4 ft Q= 85.6f W τ cal D2 cm2 (14) where D is in kilofeet and W is kT. Below 180W 0.4 use Table 7.101 to get f , above 15,000 ft use Table 7.88 to get f . For altitudes below 15,000 ft Pmax ≈ 3.18W 0.56 kT s tmax ≈ 0.0417W 0.44 s (15) For altitudes above 15,000 ft Pmax 4 3.56W 0.59 = h i0.45 ρ(h) ρ0 0.36 (16) Blast and Shock P p = p1 P0 h = h1 W 1 3 d = d1 W Burst Alt [ft] 40,000 60,000 90,000 120,000 150,000 Alt [ft] 40,000 60,000 90,000 100,000 120,000 150,000 5 tmax = 0.038W ρ(h) ρ0 0.44 1 3 P0 P ( 1 ) 3 t = t1 W Blast Efficiency Factor Upper Limit 1.0 1.0 0.9 0.7 0.4 Alt [km] 12.192 18.288 27.432 30.48 36.576 45.72 T/To 0.75186 0.75186 0.77724 0.78773 0.835946 0.92366 1 Dr = Dr1 ∗ W 3 3 P0 P Lower Limit 0.9 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 P/Po 0.18576 0.07136 0.01737 0.010996 0.0045368 0.001343 Underground / Underwater 1 3 ρ/ρ0 0.24707 0.09491 0.02236 0.01396 0.005427 0.001454 ( 1 ) 3 T0 T ( 1 ) 2 (17) 4 5 6 7 8 9