STEPHANIE M. SMALLEGAN, EIT 150 Jaguar Drive, Shelby Hall 3122, Mobile, AL 36688 | | 251-341-3998 EDUCATION Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA Doctor of Philosophy in Civil Engineering, Advisor: Dr. Jennifer L. Irish Dissertation: Investigation of Barrier Island Response to Hurricane Sandy May 2016 expected Georgia Institute of Technology, Savannah, GA Master of Science in Civil Engineering, Advisor: Dr. Kevin A. Haas Thesis: Longshore Currents Near Cape Hatteras, NC May 2012 Georgia Institute of Technology, Savannah, GA Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering Graduated Highest Honor May 2010 AWARDS Virginia Sea Grant Graduate Research Fellowship National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Via Fellowship, Virginia Tech 2014 – 2016 2011 – 2014 2012 – 2016 TEACHING EXPERIENCE Instructor of Record: Fluid Mechanics for Civil and Environmental Engineers (undergraduate) Guest Lectures: Fluid Mechanics for Civil and Environmental Engineers (undergraduate), Oceanography (undergraduate), Coastal Engineering (undergraduate and graduate) Courses Taken: Preparing the Future Professoriate, Contemporary Pedagogy, Practicum in the Engineering Classroom, Principles of Engineering Education Certificates: Future Professoriate Graduate Certificate, Engineering Education Graduate Certificate RESEARCH EXPERIENCE Graduate Research Assistant, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA Simulated sediment transport along a New Jersey barrier during Hurricane Sandy using the numerical model XBeach. Classified houses located in Mantoloking and Bay Head, NJ as flooded, damaged or destroyed using pre- and post-storm Google Earth images. Determined the reduction to wave-induced forces caused by a buried seawall. Analyzed the effects of bayside hydrodynamics on barrier island breaching and overwash. Graduate Research Assistant, Georgia Institute of Technology, Savannah, GA Modified a rectification scheme and applied it to video images taken at Cape Hatteras, NC to estimate longshore currents of the nearshore region. Simulated cross-shore profiles of longshore currents with numerical models SHORECIRC and REF/DIF-S within the NearCoM system and compared to longshore current estimates from video taken at Cape Hatteras, NC. Collected Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (ADCP) and bathymetric data for assessing the potential of tidal currents as a renewable energy source. Obtained sediment samples from tidal channels and salt water marshes for heavy metal assessment using a vibracorer and hand corer. Aug 2012 – Present Aug 2010 – May 2012 Undergraduate Research Assistant, Georgia Institute of Technology, Savannah, GA Recorded video of the surfzone from the top of the Cape Hatteras Lighthouse in Cape Hatteras, NC as part of USGS’s Coastal Change Processes project. Designed and fabricated a camera mount for collecting video images from the Cape Hatteras Lighthouse in Cape Hatteras, NC. Performed field surveys with a backpack style GPS receiver, bathymetric surveys, and post processing of data. Compared ADV and Aquadopp current profiler measurements of longshore currents to estimated longshore currents from video observations of the surfzone at Myrtle Beach, SC to determine accuracy of estimations. Aug 2009 – May 2010 JOURNAL PUBLICATIONS Smallegan, S. M., Irish, J. L., van Dongeren, A. R., den Bieman, J. P., (accepted). Morphological response of a sandy barrier island with a buried seawall during Hurricane Sandy. Coastal Engineering. Smallegan, S. M., Irish, J. L., van Dongeren, A. R., (in preparation). Urbanized barrier island response to hurricane forcing under rising sea level. Smallegan, S. M., Santiago-Tate, A., Irish, J. L., (in preparation). Modeling hydrodynamics of daily wave conditions near Duck, NC using XBeach. Irish, J. L., Lynett, P. J., Weiss, R., Smallegan, S. M., Cheng, W., 2013. Buried relic seawall mitigates Hurricane Sandy’s impacts. Coastal Engineering, 80, 79-82. CONFERENCE PAPERS AND PRESENTATIONS Smallegan, S. M., Irish, J. L., van Dongeren, A. R., (accepted). Seawall fronted barrier island response to hurricane forcing under rising sea level. Ocean Sciences, New Orleans, LA. Smallegan, S. M., Irish, J. L., den Bieman, J. P., van Dongeren, A. R., 2015. Numerical investigation of developed and undeveloped barrier island response to Hurricane Sandy. Coastal Structures & Solutions to Coastal Disasters Joint Conference, Boston, MA. Smallegan, S. M., Keith, S. T., Cheng, W., Weiss, R., Irish, J. L., 2014. Quantification of distinguishing features of tsunami versus hurricane sediment overwash events. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA. Smallegan, S. M., Irish, J. L., den Bieman, J. P., van Dongeren, A. R., 2014. Effects of coastal infrastructure on morphology during Hurricane Sandy. Young Coastal Scientists and Engineers Conference, Newark, DE. Smallegan, S. M., Irish, J. L., den Bieman, J. P., van Dongeren, A. R., 2014. Wave force reduction due to buried seawall. Ocean Sciences, Honolulu, HI. Smallegan, S. M., Irish, J. L., 2013. Effects of longshore pressure gradient on nearshore current. World Environmental and Water Resources Congress, Cincinnati, OH. Irish, J. L., Weiss, R., Lynett, P. J., MacInnes, B. T., Cheng, W., Smallegan, S. M., 2013. Observations of erosion and damage along barrier islands following Hurricane Sandy. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA. Smallegan, S., Haas, K., List, J., 2012. Effects of longshore non-uniformities in a bar trough system on longshore currents. Ocean Sciences, Salt Lake City, UT. Smallegan, S. M., Haas, K. A., Warner, J. C., List, J. H., 2010. Observations of longshore currents at Cape Hatteras, NC. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA. Haas, K. A., Warner, J. C., Smallegan S. M., 2010. Three-dimensional modeling of ocean currents during the passage of weather fronts. Ocean Sciences, Portland, OR. TECHNICAL REPORTS Smallegan, S., Haas, K., Work, P. and Warren, D., 2012. Lead and PAHs in Sediments Surrounding the Skeet Range at U.S. Marine Corps Air Station Beaufort, Beaufort, SC. Project Report to US Marine Corps Headquarters. Smallegan, S., Gay, T., Haas, K., Work, P. and Warren, D., 2011. Heavy Metals and Sediment Analyses: Small Arms Firing Ranges, US Marine Corps Base Camp Lejeune, NC. Project Report to US Marine Corps Headquarters. LEADERSHIP AND OUTREACH Conference Convener: Young Coastal Scientists and Engineers Conference, Newark, DE Undergraduate Researcher Mentorship: Two Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) participants, Six undergraduate researchers Invited Workshops and Seminars: Strategic Risk Scenario Planning workshop, Washington D.C and Blacksburg, VA, Student Transition Engineering Program (STEP) seminar, Blacksburg, VA Outreach Events: Girls Get IT! Summer Technology Camp Coordinator, New River Community College, Dublin, VA; Career Days and College Days at one middle school and two high schools; Tsunami risk awareness tours, O.H. Hindsdale Tsunami Wave Basin, Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR GRADUATE LEVEL COURSES Advanced Coastal Engineering, Coastal Hazards, Coastal and Estuarine Oceanographic Engineering, Coastal and Marine Geotechnics, Computational Fluid Dynamics, Environmental Fluid Mechanics, Linear Wave Mechanics, Math Methods in Engineering, Math Methods in Applied Sciences, Nearshore Hydrodynamics, Oceanography SKILLS Computational Codes: XBeach, MATLAB Software: Latex, Microsoft Office, GrafNav, Mapsource, Hypack, WinPRISM, AutoCAD Instrumentation: Ashtech dual frequency GPS, successful deployment of instruments such as velocimeters and fathometers, Photron Fastcam video camera, vibrocorer operation MEMBERSHIPS Coasts, Oceans, Ports, and Rivers Institute – Student Chapter Treasurer (2013 – present) Society of American Military Engineers – Student Chapter President (2011 – 2012) and Vice President (2010 – 2011) American Geophysical Union American Society of Civil Engineers Tau Beta Pi National Engineering Honor Society