by Charla Fromer ID 499 Dr. DGnald Dietz Hay 27, 1972 ;,.i" ,~I • ;f spec/! n4eSi2. educaticn. ':ith ~ll the advancements stran(1'e thClt advanceJ1lents in ed1Jc8t~ on have fac-'-l'~ there h8ve :v'en rnform,c;' n the oti1er 11')''']8;n ties "'"18811 aVA-i "'0 it seems fj(~lds. J-1J1lited. Ij.r"'nted, J "b1e to teachers, "'uch as 'Tlodern audi c'-vj sual ecmiprlen+, (e."., movie, onaque, overhead, I'md filmstrip projectcrs), colorf'll textbooks "Ti th nictures, an~'l ~unnlemen- HO'tJever, the basic str1]cture" 0;' our edUC:'1tj rnal systern still n~m::dns un- ch3nr-cd, that is, a buildinp- r,rih cl""srroms in which a te,gcher nr!osides '3S the clUt'l"ri ty fi"'ure to teach the c:tudent of lIuseful ll and lIimr-ortnnt" m1teri81. at the en:) 0"' x-number rf 1,;eeks e~c1. The r in x-numl:)f'?r of h('urs, x-amount m"'teri~l to be covsred is "tudent is ",,"'i'ned !'l letter PT3de ,mich indicates his de(1'ree of r;Ycell':mce in the :oub,iec'ct n:ateri'Jl covered. an educ!'lticn? ':rord "educationll or instI'11ction ll • l me~ns Ita diC"ci ',1 ~ nc of mind or chnr"3.cter thro:lr+l sturiy FroIr. thi'= definition, :nr'nv mav agree thg t cur sc~ools are indeed teCichinrr thp student~ to di "'ci..-.line themselves throurh the study of history, '2:nrlish, matheT'l;;tics, And v!3ricu" "ther cc,urses. 'l cleser leok at the 'Hord "Cd1JCatj cn", one c,~n T..,king see the T.TC'rd lIeduce ll • IHebster t s Np'!J CoDe'date Diction;;rv (S~rin""field, Eas~achu"etts: G. '~r C. l~erriam Com~:v, 19S9), D. ?61. 1 2 and n~l~te--it it should his Ol.m 8' ShCl11d be relevnnt. so be flexible eoclJ'-h p:,rticulClr exnerience~'. l':ot COly 2hol'ld it 1,8 r lev::-nt, but th::lt each student couJrl adant it tc' 20 Basic"'l:y, thclV"h, schools tocay are not reallv concerned y,Tith mpkin- educRtion relevant or '"i t"L helpinr each student develcD thf't TrJhich is uniauply J.-is, because if thHT,r T,rere, the cl:->ssroorr:s WOll1c1 be student.-centered instead of te8cher-centered. Indeed, ed- educ?tinrr the student" nor arr: the "'tudents receivinr- an edncaUcn. st8ted by Neil Te;oching I\.s ~ rcstJ:l~n and Charles Subversi VB Activity: ~,{einF:artner As in tl-oeir brok entitled IIThere is no way to help ::l. learner to be discin1inoo, Rctive, gnd t}lOrc1Jf!hly en!='1'lf"ed unless he nerceives a nroblem to be a problem or r-rh"tever is tc-be-le3rned ~s "J'Orth le Q rninp', and unless he pl~ws an Dctive femnhrlsis minel role in deter'111n i nv the T'rocec;s or .J .... lution. 1I3 80- J Therefcre, in ans,ver to the t1,ro provi c-sl v stated ql)esti cns, le'1rnin' scmet"in, uc-:eful tr th,?'~1 ,.,'" unique jnCiivi(j1J,:,1~;, and in mc::t are not cbt:->ining an educ8tion. "::1;ei1 PostTI:'1D and Charles "Jein 0 !"1rtrer, Teac"inp A::: a Suhver"'ive Activity (Ne- York: Dell hlbli"'hin;oo Ce., Tnc., 19;9), p. ~2. 3 'iJh.O\t c"n be done to ch"ncl') cur antiqu~ted s\r,.,tem? 'The first !Ctep in the richt directicn is alreadv in nrocess--m"l<"ing the nublic a,-1Are that a problem exist!C. ~rticles h~1Ve b~en DUO l Recentlv, m<'nv br'olrp ;:md ~\,stems. whic1: deal vith the problems and the need fer ch:lnge in cur scheel A verv excellent cne is the nreviol1pl" nJ.'-'n-'-'i Activitv. i '"'hed ,'1 S"hversive ~T"I"'c'l "f'p~cl-,' 1'!C" ~s In Vois hNk, Prst":'l"n rind 'rJeinC'<lY'+ner m~inbdn v""t e,me ef the m)e~t~ prcblems cculd be f.clved if the clrl'3C'ro(T1": ',!('re "'tlJdpnt-centered, centered, ·!)nd 'OJ an.'1torv. l8nro~'r8-centered. 'n- The phr"1se studrmt-c'mtered is self ex- HC\>Jever, bv o,ne<=tinn-centered thev mean to attemnt te :mswer questions r,rcnlsed by the students, :md h" Ipn-;'urlre-centered they mean tc· try tc' under'"t"Jnd the l:mP'U<'l"e used in rel..,ti cn tc the ::mbjr-,ct because in reality a subject i2 its l'3nru"lP'e. liThe meaningful study of hmr"uace, in other !,,"erds, trl'lst he "lh(1Jt the relationshil" of 1:m-1Hlfe to reality.1I4 '\"lith these three concepts in mind, the .8uthors maint;:>in th8t a student cpn really learn, and in es~ence, cbtAin an educ'lticn. Annlv' nr:r t,'- eir 'Oronosals to the te8cllin~~ a solutirn to tho nrobleJn th":t plq(Tues t'lp of l.'creipn li ter~ture, ~r"'ei"""" '1 "IrW11"C'P he "'tte1"1nts to t''3''\ch the JitRPture to the c:t,'1:lents jn interest;nr.o- ':-18.V pI'cnC'''ed Dr. DOll;:'11cl Dietz, rne l-)Y c:;n he f'l1nd. '1'.r t-"1vinf' for teachinf" foreir-n literature to Pcstman and 'rlein£"artner. tUI',ql an'1lvsi.s of 8 1('1~ ccrrel.-,t,-, ~(me J11J'l"'nin~ful l-Ji;:- of the ccncerts nr(ncsed by lJ1"C·P '1 struc- ',rrrl.c Rnd t.he me:ml nf' t'~is has This is not to sav that liter'1rv ;malyds nnd 4Postman, p. 103-10):. .<lnd rrrn()sed meth(1dcJ r·c-v "rcrk 8nd it'" cultuI'''ll im::}:cptions, the "'tudent t~~ al" .,t the ne'·,! T'Jethodolof'y Inste.qd of nl"'cin - the emphasis concern'.' 111.m'.'elf 1,.ri th the themn cf fer elll of TllAnlrind. CRD !'l t:' te."c'1er ,P culture is never rJ;sc'Jssed; '!c"p.ver, :in'"'t",.,d of h"'in' tance, they occ"ne second'1rv. he f~ithful1v hmt The die>ry, alen '-'it-, 1--jis OHn cOITU'Tlent.grv article, one can see ~r<'s \,leinu;}rtner S;."1", hCH the C'ubject ~~tter o~ L'-mrlJ~J='(3 true edllC!"'lt-i on p« "1ur~cC'e to Up pc- 3D J,llrn"l. stvdent-centered, cl"C'~. cf VOlS new article by Dietz Bv reRdinr- this dec-crih"o hv f:n-=-tmAn cmn t,pkinr "lace'n this cl.,s: en the nevel. cl-"'~'--rocrl ~,T;."1S the Q 1972 is:--ue of t,\le r':cdern Ji;3Y, met 1"drlor-v 0rf-~'s'3d Diet7c h!"'ls tested '1i8 dj<>ry rf t>'e d<>-;lv d; "'C'JSSiCn2 in t i;' nev8l p apnroach Rnd his rnactions, i in the nrim:rY imDrr- q1Je~-t- Th::Jt is to on-centered, Rnd l?n(Tunge- centered. ,\t t1:e "r~'---ent tim'>., tr,pr,," i.-"'" +,"'xt"hoov "v3jl?hle -·:hirh uses this 3D'rC!"'leh ·"hi c:-: mnkes it very time ecnsl1r:'lin'-- +'rr t,"·Q t-8?C h co"'tl:r for the s-f:.udent rr tl--}p :,:chul ..,y"'t",;n i'" t is metl1,'d,-lbe lJsed. 'rht's, Diet?' is cc' to pct ~ 2f: '-~'l-5.n- m?teri.?l to he nu,,]-i:::-hed ;nide in udnc- thi;-- mcthcdolc'y in r1i..'- cl·gssro'-r:1s. After f.1Y Olll ~'xT'prieneec- to pursue U; is met'- ,doley further. Dietz, I b~p'2n heln~ consi st of 8 nC' h~ '·'ere to -~_r -'1" :1 Htexthcok ll 8c"col 8nd col 1 er-e in T)i.et7' s novel cl""os, I decided T1-1U "', under the m wi th hi'" nY'oj?ct. Sllt"ervi~'i on of The fcrm"t r,f the hocy- H'll series of short storips, divided int, unit'" o£' tmiversal theme:=:, sucl--} as 1I1";"n pnd His ~-gnrr-Upstl. ?::Rcb ster't JC\Ted by,) :"et or qup<--ti on2 ,·tlich C!'1n 8Ct egn oe er .nnd R~'~~irw,d ;."1;:: '!'w t,l.r-; te"lcher to l-te1p thp siens -in c1,-,c e inr) tllclr rel··t~rn tr th" ',Ji~_l t 11en he fol- "Jides for cl:J2'Tocm di8- ~t11'~er.t "'trY',r nr tl-,inlr "b-~'Jt strr~_o~ ~md +,r,'" di '---C11S- V'eir C"im lan~u1re-centered. This nro"o~ed queC't-i ons fol10'·rin' paper is contRined in the ~nthclorv 1. ? .l. antholcr"y differs fr,m th('se no,' .~tories. the ~n ~vailabl" to forei'''n Fer 8xal"lrle, in the 2pnendix nf this 9x3Mnle c r the nrouosed anthr1o~. in '):;c'1 I orip'in"ll.y read the ,c:tcry, tQuien arref"l~ba 81 ef'tudio de redericr? que no sa di.o Cl'en+~ ?eded co? t fer CU8 "':~crrcc1. "'Sn1::,1 i'" 81 8 c ·t',C; (. :18 CemDarin~ the thi~' differ~nce is ~De these que,tions anr.e"1rin'" in the t'''eme of the stcrv--deat1" erary Gri t:i cism c~lls aT"~r.n:H x one cf moon's (") of t· if paner ~th"np'-uT'S". ;tl'>r-i dc?S cC"lcentr~te on the 17 relAtin c th.i'" theMe this an"1lytj cal A"'nroqch t'J8 :orc'1etvpal ::n:Trc"!ch. Accerd- ing tc Scctt, thi? aFClrcac": sea"S tc di scov'''r in 1.iter'"'t'lre the es!';ence of all men or the f\rimitive elements of' )Eleanor Yr"ne F'"'u~lrer, Annlptl'n-Cert11l~r-Groft~, ;'11';'10 n;ture tiat ai, rer-C'lrdB time And p1.<!ce. 6 ed., Rel"tr", de Hnamunc 191-,9), ". 1 ".3. (T',Tm',l ''''rrt': (, ·'-'Jil")ur S.)cctt, F'iv? A.nT"rcClches rf' Iiter."lrv Grittci;TT': An Arran-ement of C(ntem"(~~rv r;ritic!Jl '~SS'<!V~3 UTe", Y'r 1r : '1'1-)0 r:,"lCT'lnhm Comp!Jnv, '9/'3), l:. 251. ----- / o W'Jl1en the :-~chcclir:C' prncess "re"ks d"-'Tl--+.1,,,+, i-, "hen ~tudents drop rut--'·re C3n ClIT'\,~,"'t be sure t,h--t t~e rri -in cf f"il'.lre i!" in the f~ct th;1t the C'tu-f'f in the te~c::'ert s l1e:->d b-;r0S ;m in~de(1'Vl te re1:lti r 'nship tr t,118 st',ff in the le"rner'- hoad. lI ? ' his proro!"ed nethodolopy is ", ri.'3.nt step in Ian' URI e t~is directicn for fereit'n te~chers. Durinr: m;! ;c;tujent te"1chin r ' , I '!~S able tc use thi: nO~T methcd,-lcp:'l five boys ond f(11rtr;en "irls in :'0 '~hc "rere "1' '-l::nor-rc·ll ,·tudent, and r'1n' ed from fifteen tc ei('>teen. ;Icrever, I ~J.'l c: "hle tc:H C'Tjen?G '-i t', these :nrc1" min?:d(F'. History, stuclyinp C'ra1ll'1::,r jects everv t;.;o weeks. ~:md di scue-sin r · in Sr:3ni~h over v?ricu; sub- Ir pre:sd n- for discussions, thn :-:t11dent" '·;ere iven ,., ccn,! cf tho que-·t; ons th8 day "'efere they nere to be 7Don~lcl::'. Dietz, llDi"r" of Jc·urna1, (La.'!, 1972). '1 ~,·."rirl1 ~·r·-,,-,t:;]' ,.11, di"'C1Js~ed Yoc~prn L'n"u'lpe 7 ' f tho ;::tudents Dietz in crder c(wer the n'"'t,erir!l curinC" tili" thrp,e-d?y neri I~d. The .f:'oll,~' in i:3 d d"~_1:'r J.e' of the trpnsacticns durin~ tho f, ur d8YS: FebruC1.r v 9---Since the sC'lool sue"ts th8t the te,'1ch'?rs not the entire fifty-five minute "erir-d to re!1d of it:: e:1Sy voc'1bul?r,r nnd 01:« di"'ficult sections. other ones they }nc] beC311~e ~:(,'lreV8r,."lt ~ive the 1I}~cljfef"1cll b'T its lmiversal the."1e t'.-,is .,.-.rint, I "uld nrt .''In- h2d in the n'"';:t, "tnei. that they .qble tc u"'e t:'eir »'1Y'ers if 1':'e ex- t,' ':!'T ~o desired. T:Vl11d "he In crder tc cle9r Fcbru;<,ry 10--1 delx,ted ;1b'1Jt t~'!inr tIp d:i~cil?r:ic,n bGc~u:"e this ,;ruld hinder their t"ll'inr. tCl~inr' 'lhe"ld Hi th V'le in no H2Y a.ffect their I TT~S ::oYTever, I decid8d to ~o <,mc: exnl."incd to t ' wr.t that t'is H:'Dld ~r"des. A.t thb re2.S- surance, t'.:e :"'r2de-c"nsci, ";:) -=-tm18nts i'Crr.l --,'O~ ccrc"'rnin di,-J net '~el stn~i:"'nt:; C"tereot,y-:inf". stereot"nin'c ~'1mtle"s prejudices. February 11--I .., r,k,:;d I held the circle, "In::'! the di;~lFr.~(l" be~·~n. 0. T'-2C'O Th::: I "."8 One intel"1irent ;"irl in the cIa :'" 'm~u.;t. th'1t ']11 lcnr-haired, 1;e2rC?d "uy::: Hho cu.ys". rel?xed. She, hero::elf, believed cire~sed like; "h.i-rmies" r02:;on2 'Tere dven hor to tr'! to ch':'nc-e her ~)eJ.l r"n Dnd ~_f ,'DTT<:r1':} h:,c1"nyt~1in" cl"~:J ';,'13 01,0 t, :1J_'··:ml?["od. =,~',r or to nd6 to t,' 8 9 F'ebru;n;r Ih--Tcdrw nne', unit )pd +'0 ';ec:t,arted; therrjfore, I crllpcted tivc re"~\CnEcs, Si;lce t.hrw ,V"~_l I r'?2"V tc;d in S~1"n-;C"h t 1,8 shldrmt' p c~ ]T',m:mts. did not underc"t"'nd, he rC'"1c"t p d hi, c ,":nents 10 Three strdents felt th'l t to ,-rejuc1iced \188 therc:~'orc, I to ~e~ (lee; dod -1:,0 me I-ter if rhe 'j11t t),,,t I like to children :in the story uere re.'ldinf! too puch int.o tl18 the T), -;". ur d8V2 in it, S";t V~e ~T()nld Piere de;er~ine·r:J.des ber'in t'te neH c~red cl~ss to ?nd n~teri!}l di~cuss i~ cmd it CO'Jlc1 After a further. ~'lGr Dn(~ l18 ide~s fmT ,"'no asked hor Rx~lained brief"~7 lE:oJcc'T tl18ir '-·oT1e':1rrl: tc ~~tor~T. I did the nm'T method- concernin it. did nft 1cn,il·r if she i'ru·tr..,tin' not kncing J.l After -1-' • vDlf ever, 'JeC::ltEe o-f' reodin' i'r", th'; t~ e::cnditicnin' of the,:,tl,dents to our Y're:'ent ,::chool ',Tc'l~ r,' r fictir~1".' -r;\l1rt"]2rm(re, t,1 ' r"l),1 t,l-c, l~"e 0:' t 1, : " ~-:ethcdoL cation h"1s been cc,r~:oletr~d 0 In ,'C, +-,inc d"rin - "hich ::'0 m;=nv ~r~ 8xtrenely dL'illu'"ioned with th:; est;qbli21h::;d in"tituticns in cur 2cciety, t)'i"" n81'1l', c'Oti;-:\i2tic outlook cn ed'JCCltion if] nseded fer tho of the Ar1eric~n 2'ociety. s~ke of tlle future success Introducticn ne' meUlodclc~y, tholoaies: I ro"cl the f'tcrieo: ccntco;ncd in t,'-e -"'ollo1,rin"?n- ::~10rt Viente cuentos hi')n'1no"!moric'-'no s del Anderson-Inbert and VnJ"rcmce 0. Kiddle, ,mo Sleaner Kr-;ne F?ucker. inSn~lish much and t~~dnkin~ XX edited 'by- Snricue sj,-'10 f?elat~ de T1na~ U..,rn rep-dine' ea c~ story, I 1irote clp:~si"'ied ~ edj ted by sunt11'"'ry of each it under one of t"',e three lmi vers,")1 themes--E"'n and revis=-cn, fifteen of t'ne f'orty-threes"~ort st;-Ties ~Jere cY-tosen for thic ,-::>ntholor'y .,ue:oti ons to ""uide di::cussi ens for thef-'e fifteen stcrie'" ,~lere methodolo c ''1, I then written. HC 11ld ~,ike direct t 118 discllsC'i r ns. Keenin ~t8rt , in mind the objectives of this to strec"E' th8t these Hrr,r8v8r,.-,t time"" I'Then the ,..,t l1 dents O're not f3TTilj need to r r 'r '~Tit~l ~uesU cns 'lre only p-nirles 8C''"''''c:i.311v 8t t'le 'l)er-inl":in~' this ap-nrc8ch, the te:'lcher m?'T t"e stuc1ents t11inkin"" in some cf?ner..,l djr'?c+,ion 8t ""'ich time, the':e que::tl ('n? pi'1 be -'-uides in T'Tritin0 D<'l:"'erS in or are the surrL'TJ/1ries cf t"o?e V2~Y uc-eflJl. C1Jt c!' f'torie~' Secticn A. 12 cl"''''? The,r cC"uld ,"!l:=:o be used Frllo"Tinr t,11Q ::'0: antholo"'y I re9d :·hich"re not included in 13 1. nJI AI:~ Title: Author: ;-1I 3 HANG-UPS llLos hi,ies espiritw'le,,1! Li"ue1 de Pnamunc Federico h~s instilled in him by (lif; in( tlcer the de-oire to write ;md its iJTlr,crtance. He <r"lS nev~r tc be disturh~d 'Jh:3.1e 'Hriting. He marries Eulali8 ,,;"10 at fir"t :='eeI'lS like <In'''np-e1, but beC8u-e of his ob2ession for 'IJri tLnp', she soon 1")ec r '-8" emhi ttered. She ''t:'nts children 8.nd he aces not th-inlr they nece~s"ry b'-'cClu8e he h":-, ~i" 1'Tritim'"s-his s..-,iritunl cl-d.ldren--th3t '.rill live en infini +,e1'1. Thus, s:"e bednf. buyin- do11" fer her I!sriri tual c l :ildren l1 • She 'l1JC"ins to dorrin2te him, also, 8fter his met,her' ,: centh ~ncl forces hiI'l to ldss the dolls before he ~ces to bed. S1.e alse dem"nds th.-,t he cor.t'inue l..rritin' "'0 t'lClt S'18 rni''''''t buy ;r"ore dolls. . ne day he becrnec: so an rv t'n"t he do"tro,rs her dolls Fhile she is 3e~t!'c-rin hi" becks. They senArate only f'cr him to never ,,,rite 2C";o:in And fer her te '0e l)'uried ,·,ithcut ever h<l~rina8 c'li1d. Title: Author: 1!3sr'um? y n8ds masl! HernAndo Tel1e7. This story concern~ :1 b.:lr~)er, ~·!>o i,?' ;scr2t~~t (11 t~'8 _~ide of the rebelli(n, "nrJ ~i~ t}'(l)'!1ts ,,8 he sh~ves Cat:'t1in Torres, !'1 rnemh-'r of the o~·""o;-~l.tion. The barber ";rcr;t.le2 ~Tith tlv? j~C80. rf" l-rilJin' Trrres, and decirie- not tc hec;;:nre lle, h~1'1self, is ,'?', r~:m (: ~:'·n<T. :[o~'ever, "t t ' 8 enJ, Tc'rres te1 1 ;:: the h:3rber th'ot t"O"8 froT;, til" r1.Yosition tr'ld him th"t he (the b",rb!)r) ',"clld kill hiI'l, and he hqd come tc ~r"ve them ~Tonr. KiJ_linr; i" h,"rder t,h~m one Vlinks. Torres knc"rs as .8 soldier. Title: Ai:i'tFiCr: Soledad 11 I'ii''"uel de (fnarnuno 1I This i23bout a rrirl n"'T'1ed Soledad ""Those mother, k"lp rO, died f'J..VlW birth to her. Her f8t'1er ',:a8 very r8~erV8 -"!nd "'Clid little, if C'nythinr, to her. She p1r'''ed with her broth~r, but he tre'Jted her like ~ tcv. Her hrcther left the he-use -':lnd she "nd her fpther ':ere left "'lone. She hod n boyfriend for :? <'-,ile ':ho t~uc-ht her thjnf''' Qbout life, but he, left her also. Uno dqv her fnther died",T' d "hortlv aftenmrds, her brother di'?d. Scled::1d f'clt co'~lete lcnliness. i-Jh~t "i" there to do for a "irl T,'l' c doe::: not "r<>nt tc "",come 2. mm and io: leFt alene in 2 man I s ',~orld? n T Title: Author: IIDcn -gern;:Jrdino y don:'lStelv:Ln"1" Hille1 de (fnarnl1no D'~n ;jernRrdjnc iC' '3UT)T'(rts t,},:c fc;-:nin~,?ts !'1 I b<'chelrr 13T,Clre!' ?nd r , r'i;-l,:'''i?t "he rrenly 1'1Cv8Y'ent. HOT.Tevcr, he i:- r'~,iectc;d by t",e ,-romen 14 / becau"'3 the "romen do not VTant to ':e lihcr"ted. Tc them, ;3 ltliberated fl woman i" ? tr;w:p. S+r,".n:--ely eno 1yh, fer 8. Hife, he did net w,gnt R +'eminist, but becauce of hi:: "'ork, roe vlCuld h"ve to m.'1rry one. He decided th,..,t t'1e reRson t,'le "romen did net ':,':ant to bo::: IP)er"ted Fas not b2cau~e of the'; r n"t11re, h'Jt bocause of t eir edl;cClt:i,c'n th"t the m:>le cuI +ure h"'d imposed on them. Therefore, he set cut tc 4 ry to ch3nge thi~. In ~lic; ,>Jork he caI'le pcross the ':JI'itin"s o:~ d(n:; Etelvina, a futurist, whc defended t"',e inf'erioritv cf ~Tomen tc.' ~en. 88cau28 of her ',rritinrs, he '>J.'lnte· to meet '1e:!:' ?nd se+, her str~i["ht. .,\fter his hitinp: CCT"lment" in "TitiT' to hp:~, she "rote b'lc 1- ,o,,"yin:c th"t if :011 vrmen "ere lib" her, then [hn' u(1'ld concede to :,is 'beliefs; hO';cver, t'1ey 'r3re not. Fin311y, they ;1et in ~")erson and frc;";l this moetinp-, with p'Jblic 'lressurr:', the· r d8cic1ed to "ci V·COf.LFether, 'Hi thrut mClrnrinr-, in ord'?r to Hork tN-ether. ':'he 'f'u'"'11" rli· 1 n,t,"r.n;~cv" [f thL~ tvn8 of 3 rel[ltions~iD, 8vcnth(,1~h it '-.Tn" rl"tC-:1'1i('. cr'1/","Y'+,l"r, t',,,,,,,T L'("~r.,~ -I-,'l(-)T"_ ~elvef:' l1n1ble to ',TOrI, to.?ther heC8Uf'e t':e i r i;1eq:=; l'1"a "e:ohmed--he ['0 lcn-er felt th"t ""'"",en ·"ere unrr"cirw', 'mri ~he roc lrn'er fo=>lt th"t men shc.uld 'J,," "7(T<hirc;Jed. TJnon c(nfe-sin r thejr ne~'T "'eelin"s to nne ~mother--their f'"8;.1 n:~ of lcve--thev c('nfcrrned to "cciebr 3nCJ cot m.:1rried. 'l~r8e or frlJr TIwnths 1 ~te!',"ha "2V('. hirt'1. tc t~·Tjns--tl bey ;:md '3 0"iY'l. me nn;:)l~c felt tlpt thi" .'.<), "nite ;~ cc:inciJence. Thu~, they , en~ rO'lred 8~' t,',]'ino: 1!~ th-ut t'-"" . . . 1.'':1' c vnc"rin' the tI"lth--the bc~r "'25 -:ectu,,'ly the c 11ild ("" +.he ','et nu;~C:'e"n:3 her br"Tfriencl. Title: As the title inciccte", in this ston' Unn uno i:::- rreoccuDied ·, time and th8 chanres Hhich t,,-:eke Dl")ce 'ith i L" c., '·sin!? ile reL. tes the story of p \'oun'" C(1}"01o--Ju"n <1nrJ .TU8D"--frcm their ccurtshir tr old -3 e. S";~bclic811'T, he illll~tr..,tes thE') nassinp: OT~ time the ::;easom' 0.1' the year--fror(: Torinr t( T'Tl nter. He she'!"': h"·T t.heir lcv8 'r()T'T~ intc somethir,0" mere th"'l1 p,g"sion 8~ 'teqrc: :0 b'T. Ju"n, 'n \'lie:: (ld ::;ne, tries to reC8."r)t ']Y'e hi::: YCllthfu 1 ne s thr--ur-h 9 rict"re of Jupn8 F}oen "+e Fas brenty-three. S\18 confront~ ',im pith the picture she h::" caur'ht '-im 1~isc-in~', .'mc1 t,~1L' ')rinr's bnc~: ;l "','"'rk c.f /i'::'c:ion .?~"ajn 1;et,','een t~e hre. i~(7TeVer, the,r r'TJlize on'? c~nnot l,·i.v;; in t G nn,7.. ••• ano t~8 ,'Des on. r Title: AU:t'fi:"Cr : Iflp-'-pc6f"1.1C''' v b::>tr"cofcho<:" "1) e1 d G ~T n.1W 111 C l:j Thir; is-:bo11t? feud "T"~(,'l!:qkes rl'"ce it' t,"e 'o"n rt' '-:;i;:nn.ana. T'.fJ.8 r:y·ident.., rf t,"i" cit." '-,r'-" "",1.-:; ·r·d 1~V t,1-;0 m'··""l::1.t('.<o 0ur'; n' t,he SUJilIner 'mc} ;outurrn 1'1' r:+hs. '::'he" "lre 0~--'-ci;o11'r trC')~lescT:"e ""runcl the beautiful ':orden in the cit... Ow; of' t'1e t,c""m·,,['clk S11 ~e'~t?d f'ilJinpthe ~(nd 2ro1Jnci th'J eDrden "i t"l fro s :in (Tder to centrel t'ce r']( :::~11i.tCS. Thus, this '3S don..:. '.:liL~ tlvrcets !±no those ':Jh, lrvt".' the 0rts !'lnd nR.ture lcved t} e c'co",lrin' cf t'e {'re,"'s, the chess rl?vers :1ncl C"cientists h?ted it. T:is in tllrn c"'u-:ed c; fic:lt het-;ecm V'12 t.FO 'rC'1p? F:i n<olly', an grbi tr"1 tor sln'?d V,e;;' re:ocL'1 ~olutirn--d8~troy thp "<>Y'den ;7he:r"o the flies '-m:]::'rc·~· '.,'ere. ':'hi'" '1~f:' (;cnc; ~lc','evor, th7' "::'Genle of Ci8rr:an.9 7·rer!'.~ very "'ld because t.hev h-:;d c:estrly;d t" e rr-i eie (f t.'-:eir to"n--the carden. IS II. 1J'lAN AND TllE SSTABLISHl';:}!;r:T Title: \uthor: duenc del incenjir: tI '}'i n2:rrno~strelb tI~l This is abcut JU!'ln A.ndree', 8 re:-rrter of ::] revrluti:'n"rv newsraper, :fire in thp statirn!"'rv shen one ni'ht a:~ he "'1'38 "-alkin" heme. Th'" town in which he lived F!CjQ,'] com.'~lJne in ',rhich n: cne ('ned Clnvthin". t-:C':!eve~, since he di~'c(vered the fire, he felt like he o"ned it. 'The firemen c::;me to extinc-uish it and h.,d tr k 0 e-r ;")1;2hiw Ju.:m cut r-f their 1tJav, to J.,is rbjecticns. They said there ''''is ncthiD'- ror lllyn tc do, And he s:1(uld '(, home. Ju"'n bec"me more "'nFrv, and thev+'inclllv h9d to arrest him. 'iJnen ::;sked b~r the authorities r"nw he C'l11ed the :firemen, rob 'cere;, he expl::1inEd that t,he''" h.-,d ::tolen hi" fire. S0.emin: 8bsurd to the (:ffici;:]l, thev let hiM rc free. !:-ic'lever, R month l ter he r:ublir;l1.ed :10 c:lrticle in hi" r:aDer entitled: "Los n1)l" ( S de 12 sooied,'1d ll --astorv aV1tnc,t the r:olice. t,ThC S'l"r 2 C1 Title: Auth,or: linn c.,,,,o de lcnrevirl"ld" Li llel de Una<,,'unc Thi'" ie: 3bo~Jt hF' den ~.nq"t"'",ir G6:ne~ Cid, ? "rcf'e'~f'or at, t,l--e of ~enadn, 8?rned ~i~ snl~rv ~fter ~tr; death. His son, 7ictcr, '!r'~ l<J7.v and ref~J"'ed to ~·:'rl'. r'm:::, ,,1.- le r: ~j~' f:->t"8r h<ld ,'1 he8rt !lV:<>ck, Victrr h,.,d to fi"!d :-> :"~'1y t,(' 1reeD receivin~~ hi~ fAther's monev. He made "rr"'nFGment~ ' i th +,hp vovernment th"t9,., " n c ' ,., '" he (his Llther) H,,:]S aJive he Fl~'11d "'till r8ceive hi~ P.Cll"T'T. EC1,.rever, he died Cl cmetime ::Jfter hi" he2rt tt"1cY, .iu~t before hi:=- lO"'th ~irtl)d8Y. Thus, Yictor h2d m,:de A "!;'lX renlica rf hie f'''t'ler :md Dl1t thir: in tli'? bed 3ince he '.:'1", p8rRlvzed Rl""V1,r3.V. Rv dciw' +"i2, tl--!e ;")ec!-l(, c(llld celebrate f-)i::: birthdav, '1nd c(1)ld elect him .'1':' '(verne r, "ince all he h~d to de '!'J? be aole tc "'ien docl1ments. Th1Jf, V"is Fa:: l'CH he He"lr:led" a s31arr after ris deatl -,. In~ti~lt8 Cl Title: Au thor: flJu~n Eans ell Hif'Uel de Un?m'lDO Thi,o: is 8. stcry 2'XUt a vcrv meek nerc.-cn, JU'ln V8nso, a cc irrn:,lied by his n"me. j·h never did anvthi np- cf j mpe rt8nce in \,j~, lif"'time and jurt stud br tc let evervtJ.-d,Drr cr' evervcne Del,"S hjPl bv. He dies !'1nd is st~ndinfT in line to ;:ret ;,nto 4e:wen, IJut he keer;~; lettinc 1'eerle in frcnt cf ~: ~l. ·~'her he i ecide- to C'TO"lh0:'1r1 , it i, toe lr'te, imc the'T reject hi~. He is pl~o rejected qt rn~~'l~rr~, ~n~ jc ~jrpcterl trw~rd L-;mbc. He rllns ""''''." to ~"e t'1'? y..,'Cter. Pe ",,,,k,. Hi1"1 ,.,l·W he ,.T~S r0,if'cted, 8ince it iC' ",.,id that tre me0k Hill in'1erit t,'le PQrt'-1. He "'ns'Ter::' +h':Jt one ITlU c :"-. try, VeO";), :lnr] net ,inct "it o,r .q'~ JU:ln h=-'d drn8. 'Jl"dnC" merci+'ul, t:'1'" :."ster ,:l,vec:: <Tll"'.n Jnother chance, "!Dr' thic~ tine he vrws to ::trne-rle 3nd to'et invt'l',ed. Ti Ue: Aut~or: fILa b8cqrt 1:i c:-uel de Un"1r:1lJno This stor'! is "lbeut el roor mcther cmd f'~ther ;.;1-"- 0 bee- Pleir s on to 16 try for a scholarship. 'rhey 88(' this RS their cnIy rn8,:m~ of' :::urvivin'--from hi,:, scholnrship they COllld live nore I"'onfrrt'lbly. After "rinninr: the schclarship, his rncther l"ee~")s rllS""!" n " him to l"l'1ke hi-her Todes in order to o~t1in to', hcncr:~. A.:u"tinitc l'ec'-me:' <"'ick fro"'; Qtudyin:c teo FlUCh, Jnd evengft8r th8 cJoctrr ~lc:,c.,:: ~,r.i th ':i e: p'1r;?'nt~" to let him relax, the nother stU] nus!" ee: hin. He ;'tnall y chtain::o the title of C1 laH',rr;r, on1y to dip, frem t 1 lhercul csj ~, soen, bec,nse of ;-,is frJil condi t-i on. The d l ctor <'lCC-U2eS the T''lr",nt:'' of bein c c'lnnih.,ls--they pr:c,dually devcllred teir son by Duc-hine: him so?nc~ He'1r-in£c him rlo\'ill to nothin:. One i'" p.11,rAVs b'-;inrr "e3tentl by s'~'neone or p<1rt2vin?", himself. Sadly ~noUF , that is life, s~vs the nArrator. Ti tIe: Author: "18 v(_~nda II :ti'·uel de Un"(:-,nnc l'l'1rJa is n blind o·ir1. The~tlrv Or en,; ,.;j_t.i her rcql!cstinp- the c"nE, of 8. blind m'"'n. r~Yn hi.,. 0U·~"t,; 0ni W' hpr "cb cn', 2. f'l;:'c;llb3cK OCGL'r",. l'>rlc'l has heen hlind since 1,irth; t 1",,,, , 't-,pr "(rI,] i~ .... -'(',rId of darkness. Durinr her ch"ldh,,-·d ~he "-T~C V':'~T el r se to her f'-'t'1er. ~fter she "RQ mqrri~d, 8 doctcr spid he c~uld r~er~te rn her ~nd re9tore her sic'ht, pfter t'1e birth of her chj Id • Thi? the'r dj d. ::-k'·rever, H}lile s1-'e P:lS recoverinf', her ~'."th8r h~d "'not:'1er ptt1Clr 8nd ,·msoin·- tc die. Therefcre, ~,1-,C' lo.f'+, to f,8 ',"iLl-, fli"'. She did !;ot ''1 t t, !='e,-o "lin b"'fore :le died, beCalFe s· e kne~,'T hi!1 in her old IFrJd, not V,e new one. Thus, she ~ :c;k~-}d ~ hlind m.'ln feT 1,i;: c"ne .:md nl~ced a b"nd "p:c alTer her e"e". Her brother, nct under:;tpndinrr, tr'ck- her o"nd:"'-e off 1Thile she "Taco ';nt'1 rer f"'ther, pnd o::"'e C';11;.T l-,il'" die. T'1is ups"t her very mUCh; thus, ,-rhen they br01:'ht in her little boy, she put her bpnd?fe b"'ck on in order to ~ee. 'Pc her, the d rkne:::8 T11~de thinp's so th.-,t she C01Jld see them. Yl r III. 1"AN AND NA.TURE Ti tIe: Author: liLa d eradilla 11 Enricue Arne-rim stcr;r, ·,,;ritten in firc:t nerscn, pbO'lt R bc:v (p~e lCl or Sec::mse of the heree's temperRment, his f.'lther l!ITould net l",t him ride her. .·'Jii18 he (tflf3 boy) F2:: 'ene for 2 Year, they discovered th:->t "he 1_1P.::: "'t, n r';J0. tJncn t.elJin Vle bey this, he rrde C'Jt in the corr~l to see her. ~'-'rr;ri"'~n--l'r 8T'11"1("1,, ~)'t her side 'jm3 a ne'~-brrn colt. He 1·j3S over.;rYl?d tr spe t,1is ~mrJ r"'n o"'c', ~'0!'1e to tell the ne~,7s. HOl,TC'er, hi" f'1ther infnr""",d J:im th"+, it helf'nged to .'}n,ther rrc"r,~, ~mc1 fer som'~ unk!1('!,m reascn jUf't teok- a lik:.n'- t, this r~<'re. ~ventllru"'h she 1..:ras nrt the r1C'ther, !:lotherly ind,inctc: tcld her wh,.,t to 00. Th.-,t npyt d,," 'l'C he T.'~" in the b-Tn, she s",,·r ho" f'he h.-,d fourht off tile colt's roal mether ::md the lerk d 'r]un-er :in the crltls eyes. Eventhcw h ~is ID'l re h:Jd in'~tincts, <":h0 "till cruld not ",ive him n'uri --3{1JTlent. Loot·inE'" do"m ;J t h"r belly, he G'lH ho":)' her 1Jdder had ~)een bleedin", tryi.n, to feed the celt. This is P. 13) '1n: hi" "plemi'1c m."1re. 17 Ti tle: AUtFi'Cr: tlRedondo, el ccntertulio tl Eiruel de PnDm 1 'no Redcndo return::' to his hC'mel~nd (S:-'~in) R"ter b:ent'T ve:>r" of livin:" in ?\.m?ric2. Fr;cn his rt~tllrn, hi3 find'" hi:, old friends c·d th -1hor~ he u?ed to me>t in t,}18 c"1fe, either de<1d or t('t~lly c1i"ahled. This he le'"'rns frc)1'! t81'dn - '-i th a 'raun er 'Tonp cf men th ere in th e c~fe "ho had kno-.m hi::: ferPler friend". The Plen ren:e11.1'ered t"e tlold timers" PlenV cninp: Redondo in their c('nvers<lt~ rns, sc he sits de"·!) to reminisce "it"- them. ';lhen thw.r come tc the 2tcri~:,- ."''Jout h" fl, he dies. Ti Ue: Author: "Yzur ll Lecncldo Lu.crones Thi r story, '.'!ritten in firc,t perpon, is ""beut 8 m~n T·,h( believed a monl"ey could t2 11 , if' riven the tr,3inin', b0c?u . . e he h"d tho equipment -.·Jith ,,]hich to ;,Jork. 'fuUf', U1Con buyin- a monkey, nr:>med Yzur, from a c~ rcus, he berr'ln his inten~'~ve tr8inin c • He +'r,und t.h" t. his l",rynx 1,,;'1,8 most Jjke ? pP.~Tctl c; ho'·r'Over, the 1:lirycre~'.I. drsvibRck 1.r(1" the ;,csition of his ton"ue -hic' if f:=!st",ne·j in the frent cf' the meuU', m,qldnp' it lese· flexiljle. Aftsr fifte?o clpv;o, thO'j L, YZUI' cluld COqy the five VOJelf; pnd "lfter three veRr~, hp lpc:: -::lC"1-::;V2d ~'iy ccns(ncmtc. 1-t,,'ever, he ~-t:l.ll T'f(:uId not S"''' "I --c~d. Tl-Je ""l+,hrr ~"'r.",..,n ';"'T""+ie1"t, -.Tith Y'7ur, and cn occ-,sicn Hr"lld Rven hec r n8 virlen+ nith ',,;1'1. 'T'hp f'p.rv~nt overhe8rd the Tl~onkpy f';'17illf" a feu -Terde, "ne dr.!" RY'1-~ -'-,Td hie: m":"ter. Gonsecu,cntlv, ~:: 'hec::1ne even Tlore deT'l"ndin c --:ith YZ11r. l1o~il one d:>y he (the w'n)rey) 'JAc;:!mc V0'''V iJl. He h;Jd R'l t'le syrrrotr:-r1S of men-in"itis. He nur~8d hen hr>ck tc hC'11th p,qtieotlv. Er-;ever, there '·T.OlS " mp.,...l/,ed ch:'1n'e in him. IIe '·m~: ver~r --';3k, hut he h~d the .gctirn c cf a hU'"1an bein0'. Gnclual1y he became "e«ker. Before dvin'7, t>01rn, hie: nmer did hear im s'lv--"fGO, A'1L~, Ai· 0, ZI ':\J:O". Ti tIe: Auther: "I'iecan6nolis II hi-uel de Ummnno After rend:in rr Er8',rhC5n by Samne' B1)tler, in -,yl:ich lTIr>c<'1 ' nes de2troyed !,"an, the auther rel,gtes a story about A frienrl "r1 ,c travelled to I';ecanopolis--a tc'o much li1<-e the nne in "lutler's bC0Jr. His friend hod hod ."1 drr:'Clm in p"jch he f( ,or} hinself' in .g city '.TherR evervt~inc' 1:",<: automated. At "ir"'t he feunel thic: qui te ~mAzin('. HCHever, t.he next lTIcrning: in hi2 ht31 rccm, he realized there ',Jere no real hum~n beinC"2. Thus, he trek the fir:t bus cut cf t.:;e citv he cel_'Id. He BHoke by an oasis in the de:3ert ?nc1 d~cided th,1t t~i~· ",;'-Jd~ l;~C"t hr.:cMuse teo PllJch autcm"tion m,~de man too inhlJman and iT'l'[,erson31. IV • Cm~STI JIJAlU 0 "Los hijos esnirituales" 1. J C,iUe 2. Ser-un la doctrina cricti'>nCl, <!dmc debe ver Ud. 3. ~Scn piensa Ud. de 19 muerte? ,,1)3 resnur>C'ts~ ~ 1~2 ls rmerte? C'1 Dr8runtas Clnteriores :seme;j"ntes? Elq'lique. h. ~Que influenci,'1 tiene nuestr" culturCl en su idea 0 '"'U concerto de 1<1 muerte? s. c0ual vid'1 ec: 1"1 nrCT~o~a que 1,:1 fo cristirm" nos ofroS,€, 2cerca de 13 deC"~le::- de lR l"uec'te? CI 8 0'" l~"'rr+,""l'"'+'" !' P(l.? ~x,~] 6. j~n e?te c'l'?ntc, cctnlO riens3 Fedc~ri~(' :cue T'ued~ h"'cor"',-, ~crmo ~i8ns'" ~llali? 0U0 ~ledn h~cer~e inmort..,l? 2. cTodos tirmen h. ~ Scn tedes les nrc:illicios mplos '? 5. dChlO '~r'".-;llid ln1Jele. jnrn.ortC'11? ( s7 Exnlic~ue. se nueden vencer los nre,111icics? 6. ~Hav nrojuicios en este CU0nto? ~Su~leR son? 7. tSe ocdian v?ncerlcs? 2. C ~81es son ,,1 3. ,~ CUDlw son c /'I'ht" di,:,cu'~sicn ~I'1Y "lm Cf> :~l lin ('2 '~xnlique. de Ie." -rrs ,~l)i Cl ('s? C9 1 r'" ~itoC' deol 'l)<lnel de 1:-> ~l1,jer? 20, 19T' Sneci,,,l Issu2 of Ti TIe H0uld he sine'" it i ltwrld tc,d8'r. c helT'f~11 in this dev(-ted entirely tc ',Tr'men ".nd t.heir nlnces in the 19 6. ~ 7. ~Ha'Y Como S8 ccmn'lr,m nortc<JmericanA? 102 "(1[11)e1e::- de l~ nnjer ,:.:,,:;1'n r la 'T 1" de 1'1 mujer unCi n8cesidad p"'rn el ~rvjmi'3nt(l 0'" 1::'1 ' jl,pr"cion dp r'1u,ieres hev di<l? IIDon hern:>rdino y donp. Stelvina tf 1. l::~ue 2. ~ ~ue e? 3. ~,.;.nHmes If efecto tiene la re<>ccion de la rente en e1 ~"X"i to de 10'" TYlovimientos de li~e!'~cicn? un feminist",? 8on"'lm1no" fr;l'1~ nistas de hoy? Al c orrer 1 c~ 1. c; C(rnc so "0 p"~l(lS II 1;, vida? e:' el ancr? 5. 'm~ c1iferenci-1 entre 01 ccnce~t:,o r1el ,,'rr ':l8 lc,~" .irvenes de los viejos'? 8xr-~ique. ..'.H'3V 6. (\ ctrno tratc de recartar Ju".n a 'Ou juventud? c, Fer cUP Ie 1. (~Cu~les son 1"" C81)C':as de sus lc:cha2? cuandc fueran m~s jcvenes? ;~ Cu~1e:' :'~ercn 'T el ~izo? est;)s C9UC'3S 20 4. Dicen ~'ne cree Ud.? 5. (! 6. ~ Cua1e~ 1'cel'1L' tenidc 1'18,':' :'1n08 de 1,., <118J'T'" que los del paz, L qu~ 8uaJ. er8 18 rpz6n de 12 11c,:~,g '?n (;"te c11ento? (I C0;'10 l,g resolviercn? h'1n sido 8.1p'\1no:" de 1'18 r'120neS de las r-uerrps en nuestn.1 sccied"ld? 7. (' Cf,mo :~e eOJ11T':=trpn 1"C" r!lz(:ne~ de nuest;'''s "nerr?s y 1'1'3 de 1A luch8 I'm :;1am2n2.? c; l. • o7. {-.: Se nuerle 11;<"'1 due-no del inc'"''l1dio ll 2. ~Cree Pd. scr:ied."d? ("""D-Y' (~ue en un"! lue'1~ c un.'] h,::nm un !11c"imientc con'r'" I·')'" in'o~~,itnci:'n'32 en rU8stra l!:x r1 icue. 3. ~C6mo "'on l?s I'l",ner[lS en '·U(~ 'm" rerren" nue r 1e tr"t':!r con C'u [i;st,gblcciI"iento? . fu,:,de Ud. """ner e,j2I"1,:,lc" de nlle c trp :",c:ic-;d2d? 4. ,: Como er'" e1 !<,;c;t->'blecim: ente en e-:,te cuento? .1.C('O tr!ltc Andr~s een elle? de~cribir A ,;.Creo Dd. que :"11 m"'ner"! f'ler:" ju.-,ta 0 1. c: Como Duede Tid. 2. ~ [~ue l~. ,.~ Como se cifieren los v!llrres de TT1"'-!-()r ~.T lr~ r1P S. Sn re:,lidad, ,_~ cree 7. son ,<ll:'~nlOs de los ')U" Victor? v::-lcre" del ~st:::>blec:imientc de Victor? 1. ..::Cnales son .':1 -:lnos de I I : ~rr~':,J_"r:'-'~ '--ne T:uede TId. re:.3clv-'rlcs? t' H::msoll Ccrno f;e ('ld'!"""? V1ctcr fuer::-' rerez,osc? tCc~no "J:.J.~n S1J siente cu"ndo ~mo e~3tR 81e re? r G~t.~':" dj.£'C'r~nci.~~~ c~11s8n? TIC? 21 2. . Ceno ~e s;1be que ed5 ;-:le're;' 3. e,Por que es nelirroso mostrar sus senttdc2 verdqderos? 4. Hey die>, T'll'd'.c" dicen qUA a1rededcres a ncsotrcs. 5. ~ Co,~;o 6. ~:,JL1e SOr:1CS indiforentes ,i leA acontecimientcs . , se cOT'1paran 1<1 vida de Juan H"nso y 10 de 1", socied::1d? ente de nue"'tra crAe Unawmo de e"'te tiT'o de vida? 7. :~ Sn oue direccHn cre.q Fd. C~~Je cLter:1CS (irieiedonos--a la indiferencia y 3.DDtia c a 1!l senf'itivid::1d n"1"'''' to-lN'? £~:-·i;ue. liLa beea" 1. I~UCl1C~ (li~en :::1JG 1,CY rib 11,"",' ",5.~ ~- psion sotre lc~ jovene'". :2:"li'l118. 2. C:~'~i6n c qne e,jerce est;-: o:rec;ion1 4. (. Corrlo trat,qn leT jovene-- con ellas? 5. ~ Comc 1. ,'Ne es 1'1 reaJ.idad? 4. ,'- Cerno re'lcci on;-:n 108"lue US;'ln dror'1S? S8 cr:>:r,;1]'?l'l l~ ~ presicnes del cuento y 10;s de 10f' ,ie'venes de hoy;' en huelf"'1? 6. '!dr~ft c1odrers"? ~·los iue denTIJest,r:1n ,1r2 oue nc [Pcen n'.ld'l? "Con eu'11 l'1etulc e,:,t6 TId. de 'lcuerdo? 7.,' Ccn E. -,Ie: c1J~1 rupo ruede Fe'. reI ~c:i u"r? ';'SSt3 Ud. de ,'>cuerdo con ella? ,~, 'or 'Jll0: 0 est[m 2'; "Ln corCldill,--tt 1. <i.,C:no es b nntur..,1eza diferente del i~.-,t,;,"18cin:Le.ntc~ 2. . , 3. c;Gua1es :"on 81'uncs de 1"'8 11lr:h'J~ entre. 1" n2t;urs1ez? y 18 dcr3dillq C 11 ento, c.quHm ?anf? 8n este L:. En 13 111Ch'1 8n~re 1.'1 n;,t,ur~1eza v 18 dcradi11" rem 82te c1),:mto, cquHm , an6? 2. d~cmo L. tr"t:1. de 01 -'lcnljre con e1 t i ?rno? hiT:,:)re cer: 01 Ue:r:no?:.,-- rr~t:: (38 J "c11~r eontn el1e? ~lacC'r n~da? " For :::U8 le u'to a Redeneo c'i'lcutir el P8S1do con J (" j(v"nes'? c.'. Tiene 7. re1~t" :: C6~10 trnti! 01 ,-·~:o 6. se miedo lbdondo del tiemno? dEn l~ lucha de H.edon~ c ccntr.~ 81 tie:npo, i.:~ cllien ;'~Rn6? "Yzurfl 1. -:, cOmo 1ucha el hom':lre centr."! 1.1 natura1eza? 2. c.: Son tcd'ls 1"'8 r"zonss il"las? .~ GU3nc-]e ~cn m"'las? .' ~)uenas? 3...:~s difj,ci1 1nch"!r crntr" 1:: n"'tur'llez<1? '~x liC;'cc. (~Fucde exnlic'">r el hrn1-)l'o tc.rjc· 1 0 '~118 ~'1c.•," (:~n l~ r.::t,.u·rlc'Za'?) ,> 8r'n~ c ~e ':l. <--: h. <i 8rec <.'u . .·\ 1. 2~ue 2. i cc ~:':n~ ~o ,.....0n·~rA. :OU }- ,~~ ~~:~ cen 1::1 del 01 -",utor del Cl10ntc 0 ~D'::re no? '5~ c..,rr'r lG pareec 1a tecnolorl[l. 8n nuestro mundo? 28 hucma c mal?? 8xn1 bue. el cucntC'? r11.:8? -23 3. i Cu61es son 21 unos Tiroblem8s ,J_ C2U88 de r"f:ta? (1;:; -0c1uci6r. del ;ire; del [I'U,'}; la "deh-:r-:"lniz"t::: 'n" del hrr':l')re; ') -' Son '1'robleml'ls mlevo",'? ~.l I'1l8de controbr el hc,rlhre ;:J. 18 n~tur'11ez;:J? 24 Short Story Summ"ries Title: Authcr: El IF':rnbre r;merto ll (' '::'1'; ro"'!" II 'I'1is is ." ·-tor'~ ·::c'Jout r' m"lr: ',T1~(' h::,C'~n ,e of ''In 'lccident c,rne'" clcse to de." tho He i'" cle2rin" t,> e b3.n"'na'Ti"Q pc'1ths 'ith ~ T1C',chete T·men he decide::- t( lic; ~101-m ,'In(_~ rc~t '" -vf" 1(3.\:=; he t·';.~·" (wer ;1 "'iece of ~rood, his l"l?c:1ete f'plls out of 11i han'~. '.1':,ile he ie' rpetin", he rIlle-: ,'ver on}', tc ~1~V8 the Yi"chete ;,l"de .,..,cj,n+,in· directly at hj~· st(T1"'ch. Fe·r '" nOtr,e:1t he ':Tender::- if h8 is ~'?21Jy "'liv8 rr not. [i\l,-thermrre, he crnterr~:'J,~tc;~: dr:;ath. He th~,nks about "h~t .'l Der~on 1"111c::t think 81)1c,t "hen confront,d ,dth de.C1th. Jece·ninp' ;:n'l,<)re of life "'rc',!''l(' 11i"r: s:"'i:l, he realizes h8 i not de"d. 0 Title: A~r: 11[,'1 ,':e20 false" redrc flrmriquez Uren'-' This stor;r is abru:, [1 little rjrl n."'rned Is;:'')eJitic!'l :'lwl her desire fer C1 f'-°lee neso..s a c\lild, she leves to 1Jl..,y in t.°'eir h,U"'e in the meu'lt3ins "here her father is 3 miner. S"e 1ik")" t''leir hC:1",e in the c'lr:i t::!] , teo, ;'mt it is ti 0 'ii··. In t.h.?t hi 1J88, her mother ceuld J eave and ;~he ,Toul') net :::--e.1lize it 'mtil she -.'0,]lrl tY"T T,G find her. IS.1beliticp ;:mel 82Ch of her sistcr~ h2ve '[.mll:in dells h:'ch they received £'or Ghri:t'l1as. IS!1belitic!'l loved hers V'~Y';r r111ch, 'mt.,!jer: .h0. 2'lH the country "irl '.;ith tho -neso, '=he trAded, even+,'-1C"1~lc th0 ""'~"'0 ,,':'f' r",l-e. <\fter,. 7 ard,,:, ~he bapan to cr'!, th ,-11 p'h, b·:,;c"'u"e 1,'it-hollt her doll -1,(; crn 1 d net '0 to her friend:-;' Dp:::'t',T. She be," sd for "1nC'ther~m~ ;;u,-,t 1~1(e her other doll ')eC2,U~e of her Td,-,t,,1(e. Stran'-elv enc· l l [" , nr, rne in Cilin!luli nro ever 8""", t~'e CC 1)nt:::--v irl C:;:' -!:.l10 doll over .'} '-?in. 'l'i t1e: It;n ~r: Fern1n IT' .... ye 111 S'],V,"1 V'lldes Tl1~S ~;tor~r is .qbout a ~~alJch , F'::qsirn i3~n:1tez, C·':lC' interr1J--·ted a dance cne eveninr ~s hc u..,lked in t~e d'cr. A~ he entered he c~me face tc f~jce ":i th t:·c lovers, r'eri~( y C-i.el ito. Eo h . 'd se'?n t'-e irl befere, at ,-h:ich time he fell blindly ~n 1e1 'e T;ith her. T~1U':', h0. ent to '" vitch dector T·re::'e he obtAined "'n1mulet "Th; ch CCllld TT)-'11~e Gielit."l love hi1n. He h30 t~ir; C1r:1ulet "ith him th~t nip'ht. AE" hp d=,nccd '"ith her, he tr'ied tc "'Lin her heart. Tt F1en the'! c"'me t, the Fsrt -in t,Le d<>,nee "There everv,ne stc 0 s to s4n~, 2he locked b3Ck ,.,t him in ~ilence in such p wav thpt it u:'set her lever, I8rico. Thus, he '~tarted tr fi0'~'t ',!ith F.8fHn, durinr"hie\-l it 1-J·'1S G1Jit,e c1:lvicus t'1"t CieJ.ito '·rae 0n t"'~ stranf"er'~ "'ide bee.3use rf' her <"--itched e'nditi.rn. F",rico is lr;lled, and ?he ~md }~'1si~'n vT"llk eff toe-ether, only fer h0r tr retl1rn tc l'lrrer.t the:; de,gt' r: her true lcve bpc"use tl-.e rOT,;er cf t"e a,'Tlu18t "r2S ':ort'le~,.r ['ince it no lonrer had 8l'1"One tc -;crk ,'t'''lin",t. 1n:v? ;',Cl'S3,;::m rid8~ uf.!:' :in t~1e d':1rk '·riU. 1~if amu' Title: Auther: fI}';,Vcer's D<o1[n HGctor '!cl'-'PJ8 Thi? ic 2.';);Ut " ~'id':l\:! cl '-""8 F,rson in :sru ';!l0<"JCt3 0.3 a n~ide for rl Trot'c:-t,9.nt ni'i:::t,Pl' n~j0.ed Potter....i:ri ttcn in fir~t ,v,rstn, the rr:8der S8RS the ccntrast of the 1 r"PT' ('18"s, "1,0 r(;:l]~~ ths "treets in search of'u'11ible De(~J.e, ;:1nd tte "blinon tC'Jri?ts, ,:;'( C c"'nnot underc:tnnd the S"'1ni"h cuJ ':1)::."(::. Fetter ::-ive" hL:::uide the list (f tl'in' s he vJ,mts tr' do in crder tc see the be'luti:ul city. Alc'nr V,eir reute, they 8re con"t"ntl v ';)1 t}"-,ered 'si th the ber"'''lT'8, :end pith Fotter sreakinr no Sr~:>ni""', he b":ccn8s very'ulli1-Jlr:;. Fer exarnnle, cne time 2~1 these children ,·"ther around ;)S he is cOI1in'" cut cf ,') ch'\Jrch ""nel "nen his ,"lsJriw" F1"l,'lt 811 the CCk~lction i": "b(~ct, the ['U.ide just <ms·:~erc; it is F'lther's D3Y. He realize::: th"'t if he "Tould stOT' and try tc ex:l,qin Hh~t ~"S re~11y hRpreninr, he would n1ver undcrtand; ~"US, he jurt tells hin ;lnvthjnsr to ,,~tisfy '-lis cllrio~it7. l"~n"J,17, hEc t,--}';es ~'n b?ck to his s'''lh; tc reblrn hcr~p' ;:md "otter lr:~'T~'" !-hi nkinc- hf: h":'~ C""rm trw city and 1.(nm,;rs :-omethin ;]':)C1Jt the S""~n-i",h n"'(Y'·J p. "nn t-'!;eir c1Jlt'1ro. Title: ilL" 82trelleP1"lC'lI Aut~cjr: :~~~,lr:t-('rlle ,"en"rc :J.nd Lu~i:mc Cire sittin r on :'1 10'-'- hy the 'T"ter "..,t.c'lin{"' n1.tur'::--the rr"flection of t~1r; f'll.n ,n th~ 'T"ter'1nd t"'e r~ovement2 cf the minno'J-like f':i-:::l in th0 ,rater. Af' V']e~r ~rP. "r"tC~)ln" V'" f', '~pn!)ro sries ,'J six--r;ointed st21"'fi",h -",hi81: icc: ,1 c'ood-luck ch""1nn. l.uci~n( ""mt2 h"lf of it ~"inco he H-"''C '.L'th :lb', (,IDd t!18V 'ere r1,Clnnin on srlii-t:~n' their C,Cl tch eq'l'J lly • Gall;] r l te11 ~ im t'n" the CFJ nr ot ,'~,l it it be C2.W' f: it w'uld not be ~Jcrth ~rpTtOcinc' t:wn. T":Uc3, as t'12'7 "r~; :-:'.. ttin' th'3r~, Luciano stC1nds u'[') Clnd r-ets his I":1chete Hl th':' ch :le kG1s ::'n"'~"c and t.,.ks? off "'i.tJ-, the cot'rfi:-:h. T'n stCl'V en:l::; '1.t11 tl cl8"cri r ti('D 0" D'1t':re' C' -::-rocecses continuin~, undi~tr]~ed. Title: Author: testiro inesner!}do fi Ade1 L6pezcmez 11]:<.1. 'f'·is ~ s " stor,r "brut H,"]rc'sf S11d!')rri,'w? "h' is cn tri;ol {'or the murd8r of Clementine ~clc·r'-·dc. i.cst everv'one j n V"'.e court rccm thinks h0 i? C'uilty, 8nd hefcre fin"'l r1elibcr:!tiln of t;le jur", th·? 5nd'"e Asks if trler\? '"1r O [In:VT1.0:~;~ 1"ri+,ne2-·~~. ,\t ~_)y:~_c. -7-.-=r._~, l~icrl ir-:{ld<, the 1]n8x"ected :"rj!-,ne~s, ~(:>--:8r f"rn;F'd. n" t,?;, r· -I:,l,,?~ he jid net ""1'10" ;:]8Cut the nurder, but ]1"; did knoe; Clen]l~nt· no. !Te (G1 ro"'")""ltj" (') hgd 'heen t.he ene 'he h"d cut off his p.rm in ,"1 f4.,l,t. 'Ie ."1:",- -1:/1..1 the ~llrY ,"lbC1Jt the rw,u~~?tion rf Jc;,cr;odo :Ln othe)r to'.rns, since he T·m2 nc,t 'eJ,1-1mr'1.Jn theI'·? ';o!-· 1,,: ;1C: he uscd ':'- lie ;:nd C'-l81t ;->n rt octh8'Y l·r -nen. In f""ct, he h~d :run ::-f r' -rit'l hi? d~lurbt"r. ~lJ", hp. "'''h?o the .4u'-'-""'''rrn-i,2sion to ~riss tho h'ln(ls of the 8rir1in",1 rY'C':l11se he T.·~C "'rr'tpfnl ":,,- '1~r1. Title: Aut:"wr: IISant('~ Ferna.ndo T.,rnli ll ~(cmero Y:1is ie: a ;:-tory sitlJ<1ted cn ') S11ip abc'llt an Indi"'n, S2..ntc T')r(y~, and :J::er-ro, l:cmue', };"rvaez, l,r:10 h~tr;d e8ch other. l'lnuel dislivec., 26 Santo :Jecause he r,',ccs pn Indi"n. Then Hpnuel :'tarted tp1:inr- Santo' f' oirl, '.>rmen, out ('n d'3te~ "hich infuripted Sant.o. l'""nue1 lost his ori in:01 jcb beCaU?8 they no lon"'er needed it"1nd was 'Put '-ith Santo'::: creH--the firemen. One dqv, they ~!ere dLsc':ss:i n::" their dis'.ike for one another 1,*~on I=~nuel s"'iri he ';",ll.S rH. i [l:i.lK, coin- t,iJi-e :'rr ki11in' ? ,mebcdy. At this print, Sante kr'·" ""!""'101 q.,~ ""rin' tc kjll >i·,·,. I''ni:,:'', the ne:rt :-lOrninc'::->nt': ,'lr')88r8d "i.t-.h ,'l '"rene" in '}oj'" h~nc1. \fter 'l:e'!nF tOr;:1onted by E"nuel . he o-r:ned UT' the oven drrT I'm0 hi t hiM Hit.\-; the Hrench i~S he looked in, VIer "LF'-1ec1 the rr:;r:t, d' h,'c1y in "'nd shut tile d' or. Ee re~J.izec1 t~''?n t'1"t h.i'" h'to 'T;l'" "OllA, sr \;(') t1Jrnen h:iT;1self in to the off:'.ccr cf t),(? 3'1:i.. . ; 1 t\1("t +h'; h"tred, };c·t "ms ]'-',is'Cur"cso or t': e forcr; c1ri vin ,- lliT'1 "n? r Title: ~r: " .:'; e~e lurl')r cionde me 11:1T1"'.nl1 Line Hov~:", Cplvo This is '1 stcnr, -:;rritten in f:irr:t, 't~,er"(n, t.eTlin'" of ~ little 'Joy 1..;hose mot.her j'C very :1.11 ~n:-' i" cin (' tc dip. ;Io~!(~vr, "he is Hai tin-' for the arr:iv"ll cf 80mecne befcre she c1j9"'. She '-,c'ks her brot'ler or ,:;1.ster to t8ke her lit,;"le boy '·lith then C'c he "'ill N,j' h,we tc see hEr as her health dotericr:ote:=-. Finnl1v, ",fter Haitin:" 'm:,il the final day of t) :Ls -person's last -:,cs"i~l{? arrival And he stir" d((~,' net aDT'80r, ::-he cal1" her con jn"nd tel~ '" ~rr. tr re--ne1"1ber her as ~ohp is--"s she 1tras. 1 Title: Author: 11;';;1 ·cholo (::uo :::e venf6" Demetrio A'''uilera 1;;:>1 t'1 T'lis c:tcry t:lke "l"ce h'~ th': ::'el. In it, Lelrwiade: is (Tettinr revcm'e for ,.!h.,t '~ndrf'A h,'1" (Ie!']'? to }lJ.:~:. ":lile lis ',,;:3 ;:1.1cJ3'·, she m~rried J\ndres, ~nd u rn his return, '1c :"']'0'1" }l"?' ~1 '0" 11"0''''' r.'C'!ce" vf~d. "ihu", re drO"'TI2 her'1nc is '-'vencred • r Ti tIe: Anther: .; .-<J. ,""e:io de 1;" r111orte: i.i'.10l c1e TTn"U,""nc This ster' ,- "~('J+ 1 nrc"'" ~·:r!. (?P vB!"'r" cld) nt'!'18cl ;~tnd.'l, "rll,' 0" her l?d- 0" !"'n ,q;~"8tite -r8ch,'1,'1,r becn:rre vc,r" "8;->V -md n?le. Her l"c 'r ('f "Dret,ite, .!.,ho"'" 1'T'lS due tJ her ment."l nlt-J.erk. She ',.:3S lockin'f'cl' J.o"~, but was lm"b1e tc find it. T''1i,,: kecJt e8tin c :,~..a'T ~t her evercr d::qr. She c( nst3ntl~T lo(,kod j n the mirror :lnd S8"~ herself T'.'lle and frc:lil, only to teP. her mGther 5":8 'T:m+ -'d t r die. 11(, n~n "anted ,<1 --irl "Tho leoked 1ike hGr. Tier bO'Tf'riend, Jos~ I\ntcn';:, ,lilted her fer her hest cirlfriend, TIito.:::ven rn t\'P d,~y rf tht~ fie",t? of Nue5trR SenorR de l~ Fro['rl'1da :-ofter pravin r ' t(, the ViY'c-:i n l;"lrr, "he 1,1'-3 un'Oole to a':,tract nen--eit:~er fer her cr ju:::-t cnt ref' conn,'l?'s~o"". Thus, t 1lree yncnths 8fter the fie,ja she died. ~):C2Ll?e Tit1'3: ,'l.ut;·, or: il.c,;n l':;i'ue~. 111i s stcr· ; n he -'·"s ve' :n c' ; de 18 coci n er9 11 d8 tJno:n1mo l'18J;rr, • C' th"S, (J'\;out rlG ... ':'"~~l 3 C'"' mron, V~ cente, rearpd ~y the r,~ "'ic3, '\.r(nn~ \.r1 1 (>"e 1"::1r nt? died "hile • Hi:=- lOVe> IT t lO I;~m3ci::> ench,gn":.ed hi;'l 'T"! ~ Y'qy;:ec1 ;1c s.<l'ur'l. H'? nreoccu..-,ind hi,r~se1f '·ri th tr,rinr to m~k)~ hiw:c1f rec-nected and -rr."l]11ed by Rn:::?ura ."nd her n10ther. The di'1.7 of their 'Tede~1n , he ,''''C' thrq·m from ~i::: h(r,c :mc; ',i tten hv ::1 c:n"l re • T'1"~', tle0 'eddin' "~8S rc~t;orned "ntil '1f~ ';P'C C0'''Dletel v HeJ1, '.T·cn r(~(\llr-;-,t of' 2.o--2ura's ":lcthcr. I'nc:ci1 nurf'eo h-ir~ tl:rcuC"~~ ~lic: 1..11ne"s, ;md p:·ter >sinf relo.'1 r ed frrnl t:tP elf-ct"r lc cpr", the rY'-,vicny' "mddin Y"'~_?tlc -,'pre cc".,t-i ',1: '·d. I"n'-'ci.~ C"'T'l,-:; to h" L'l "r'!e d"l'Ts hei'or- the ~'Jedd'i n' tc tel ~ hi: t1-1"t'he co~:.l~l not re!~"" ~ "'it'-, h:Lrc 2nd ~'i'3 n(;-' '.-Jifn ,,-j nco ;Lcs,"ur? 2rd her 'TlU 1_(1 not-et :::>.1 cn N tee et1r-er. ')"'11"', 'lC~ dec:Lded tc r'l'Jr:~'.T In"ci", 1;c~c-?u;;e ::"hr; h"c b?cn 11-2 cne -1:,,- t:1 ,lr e c?ro of 1r-i' r:l dllrin' his recovery. :Ii th her, he cculd be h' r:12 elf. 1 Title: "Ahuelc v niotrll Tl,is 2terv 12 :>beut a f'pt 118r "lyyl hie: sen, "Cldrc, ",h.-- l'1;'T'''ie? Tcmasa due tf hie: f,-,ther I r' ~,n' :::. T('m'-'~~p. VT~ s '1i:f'ferent'~r'1-:-' rno"t,"irls beCC)'lse of her out~Tcl~ennesr emrl ::>~lV'rrit"'ri.3rl tendmleie-. r::'Li:o (versh~do ed Padre, ::-ince he '{:?S not '1 dTm''lmci 1)erp"n. T"u", c'nce t,l~ev 'Here rrt::1rriwl, 811'3 '(eIlt ?:3'.ri l! "1+' I :-?r; " r:F'n:l "'nd hie. "a t1--; e l' cont.inu;:J11y s~i:i, 'lIP I "Tere "un"."_- e ;::C'1 env,rin- 1-8C,rC's "c)sit-:'n. \ fol~le c':i1d -::~~ b0:rn ?~\crt;.:,,'" A~'tc::r their F;~r'-'iae:e, ·=;n;~ ~l~r '::-L,tenticn T,r.~~ directed ,solf?l-- tr'~'1rri t ~l'i,l(:. In f"'ct., 1) -'e'''' 'I,: of tlte 'J':'~'cif"t'1cr', "user ); Q le::snr;-,~n, i1e 1·!~S 1~ic~("(,:;c1 (.ut of ht~ 1"\(il,~n. '!1"l0n ~'I--' -~j_d C("~-C':~ 1--'O~'l~, ~lP "T-1nted tc ,"·leep iY~ "d_Y'~ 'h(~"!c h·~-"cr·:? he ,-lied. TTr":PV0""", 1~)('~f;-r''"'l rotirj_n(~ he '7ent, intc tJ~Le c1 Delle rcn',,: to kiss 11:im bec"'us'~ h3 Ct}18 C",i2.8) "82 ill. <II '1'i tIe: f\u~r: 'I C""'lCC de l\-j ~i.1e:_ de c;::n~ 11r- Sfl ~In<:"l:~)TY-'I- T'~liL' 2:,cry is 2b,'ut ,qn clcJ Tll1n "nrJ lit";le 'irl, h"lrl"l, ""r meet esc": other on t;l8 rOr'd ' ne day. c~i~' r2nc:e,;al_' --h tor "nd::'-:'T r-r'1m1:f'a ther heve r 'cently died. 'Er11;:--, t~18~r arc; dra';n tc--ether '''Y their T'i"il~r feelin "':,1 or 0rmtin(~ss and loneline-::s. T1-'ey decide tr: II\-rander il tc-tether aftAr tel'in' e,'-]ch ("t.her :'1ll- "t t~'eir lcv::,d Or.O". StOrtI: r , tho" "(:e ,"" shonherd near 8 viI1,'1--e <lnd ask '1im i~' t,i-1 e cr c:om r(yt it'. the heu? (; ne"rbv. he teJls them :' t i:c v'-'c2nt pnd !ir' 'p'elcc ',8 to ~t8V. The' tT,JO tr'--veller::: decide tc :,t:-;r tho;~,:; -;lern:montJ'T "ineR U'GV ?re so ·~'Onf'V. HOir8ver, ('De dav the old Ill?n knOT:":, ho i" readv to cHo. T'i c lH',set;:: [i s r18 h'Cal]<~e she S8es "im ns ~ler rr,n(]i,'gt}o'!r "nc] dees not ,,,,ant 1')';"1 tc ciie 8f"2in. He ex~'1air;s to her t'-':!t he i:::- not re-8lly her 'T."lDdf"th3r, pnr] she is not his Tand rb·,·l-lter, '?v(mV-c,u h t)!8Y }'lretenrJed to: be ~or, l,d'lil"'. Tater that afterncon he dies, 8~d :cho iT left 'Olrne a~ejn. '1\ Y Tit18: Aut,'ior: 11 ;'J, ~,~clrino ~~ic-'lel de Antonio!1 Un~:":l1n'· In thi ,"tory, ~ntcnir j "'1"O(""1)"i80 '-j-lh th'" r;aC:"'inr- r'" t!T:lc. TIe ic fifty :'e::-rs olc~ ::1nc1 --i2hu:: he ,,'" ,- tr:m ,re"r", r'der, inti 1 he :"eets his - ode -i,lo, --i'-~i+.-'1. He ,:~l~c "'08ls (·ne ')'1u!"t l~r:r-:iT t,1':O 0dF "e:~rr8 '~ne enjo~l li'-e, n-:)ie~·"t,,~se <'1 r~l::lt/ r-nf:~i~ t:- t"'"'~'-·erficl_;""'l. ~·irli.t,:l1(; ~:'1rents ('i.'~ ?i'e: A'tenio i: left to rc-;"r ho:"'~"L~ f"J J-' in -, r'T('> ,:-r:l th 'mr~ 0'1e, r ;'lnd lc'tJ'Cc -::-i.c1i .~,~. to ')rc~)er'r'? ts born f')nc~ l'i tIe: A;~r: her :IClJeVer,} i-:j 1:':.(1'"'01', :~ntcni( onJ_~-'- lc".,rGS ~!I~ h~j··i t·~ i'- ~~i::h ~s '··r0.rrn'":!~t., h~ --,':l? t"i-' t(~r -'C tlntr,nio ~VC:~:;:':' r.rm ,~'on :~)·~C2lisn ..-;--::. ~n h·:? :i:~rri·; c: ~~'. 'T~-'e ·-·C::~l ~-' ~~~1·-t- her, c 11i.ld sr-ir- t::::l ,:1 j <,''': 1 ,vor 1t l,i ''1.181 de t7n,y;:unc Justin;> i,e, 8 rcor, fr'; cht')ned <'trl. :~t. '1 'toun' .-,' (~, her cJrun\:"en f;lther died. in order tc ,-llrvive, hAr' ]TI( ther tu)k her j',c hor 'meJe's ho,1se 'T!1ere s~,,? "ic" l l·(pd "'': ,'">'<lie'. T1;e 8unt ",T~lS very ,~;cr,·.inec'', '1nd Justin;J ;'-'8ecllne r'lOre ~,'Jithdr,"'\m eRch d;p. Alen' ',lit.· t " j :0:, "'he becpme e'urrl"oT 2nd l)r:h:; "]..,te,,, "T' ~ :,1, 1~ e,-"t t~le "unt. 'Jne d:'1Y H;'jle nl,~win' T,;it h('.r 1-1 tt.le en'sin, he st"'rted t,(' fa-:1. Eer '11mt ~h('k her 11, so nuch "''IT ,"ellin thc:t ~~e did no+, c"tc'" hi'lJ, "lrr: he ~~t"rt",d v("~itinf hle-c'd ond (~ied ~-+~or+,' ," . ; h e lp-"t t',,? ':lcl}'cphold ~nd rr1(ed 1,8re ;-)no there:;, each t;;n.c bf"in" fired fe" 'lOr clw,,,'re.--'s. ~)ne 0""", c,lt" met R n';on "he c01'1(" 1"1,r" qt "8T Cll1Tl2'.T '!Ii, I. 81,ent-, , 2nd -::,' '~,r' -re T'~;,rried. S1 1cr tl7 ~fter, 2ro-" V-e u 1'1"8 " C"i 1.d,-'n :t -r. ~c ne:~"ClF ~bClt :~cldinr }'.~rr1. lIe fe 1 J (n'~ ['j ;'C!1t ;-:;s :-:o1t0 .. ,;'").~ "'l~ .. t,+)~ nr- ,."...-.., ~~·;'::d, 1)11t h(.:~ .,!'lr-:' un1 in,:iured. 2:c,,;cver, the ,r"ll fric.-htfmed her sc rrmr 1 1-,h-t she 'l;8C"Ti',,! insane. C J.,( Title: iql1},or: d J!,'1. ~e1~j'J,~2nt8n Ui 1181. de rnan'no 'f'lis ;::tcI:r ~,:"0bou+' (::elc~t,in(', a (, 1, "hr vie"" 'V'V'? ':'TorJ.~ V~rowh the eye'" of a sm~lJ c' ilr~,. Dec"'uce of his ~nnocene;~, -::h8 t(".mf'J. k Y'l3ke flln l,-ii!1. Ho"ever, cn-~ dnv "'te l'leet" ,.,n( ther focI n-n;ed Fe,e. Ton-ether they enjry the si1':',le th~n - of li:~,', un+,:.' rne dRV he ,.lie". Ce1e?tinc is lene1" nu,!, l)Cc;:o\';~e he h"'d 'ronn to lev8 Fepc. ThuC' , ,,,,,,~ r> s1Jb<:-titute, he h'w:,"nizc~s n~tur2 8r.d en;cvc life. °. Ti tlo: Auth'r: n',l qU0 S0 enterr6!1 Linel de Un~T;1unc T'li ~ TrI:1n 1-1., 0 :"e8 hirlsel" die 2nd burv h:\ JTlself. to 2 fr-i end and tria'" tc ,~jnd :1 re"scn?ble ex'l,,-''''l,"ti< n -:'or it. T~C'"ever, he c'lnnot fin(~ ene. Nct '3ver',rt j~,-, c,,,n be exnl,.,ined t.hrr1.W':', rC'1s"n. He is is ~~e1E <> storv'1bout t" n>' t,' i:" ;? "'3.i""8nin" !tRobledC', cJ .'lctor" 'I"lis ~t(TY is :'bc'ut Oet,s,riC' 2(,1')10"-1...,, "n1c r.rr, '.,},r hJe,'s t( :2imself " 'n hE') i~ cf{' the st::1 ["e. He kno--~ ~10"T f.,O ""rrtr,""y +,hq roTe" rlt'> is oj'Ten, but doee: not 1~n0TT h"·l tc b(~ l''-;m'''elf'. ~e ehcri,hes 1,:iS h-idden identi tv :md ",.,nt:3 to kce~ i t frC'Y'l t' 'I" y;uQli~. Title: Ft~7r: 111,:'1", -'-,ribul"c}rD'J" de l.juel de Unai'Tl"nO ~"":ln:l IIC-is i2 P'!:1cut :=:: li.t+-,le cirl, '~"1sin, he: p:et!: l(~t '~"!I-'i18 ~l":"l·n·tn{. D:]xn c.' ;,8r r1dventure, r:' 8 me"lt:= .1 df ~m(] '1 C0",T vT'-·ic "j dis:illusion her. 29 ?;,nglly, 3 consl.~ble r"''"cucc her and r?turns her h01":18 s.'}fely. There she finds herself ?pnreciatinr heme much better bec:1Use shA feels se3he nO~f knows T,rh"t insecurity i",. Ti tIe: Auther: II n senci11c d ': n rt"-1fae1, cazador Niruel de Unam'.no y tresel'ist:}!! Thi::- is pbout den R~fael, .'1 vrovidenci'l1ist, I,C constdered life 0"pme of chc>nce. lie r5jd not '0 01t locJdn' for tl'incs in life, but m::1de th2 be-:-t of thi n- c ' v'-1en t'18v; -!-" h-:r:~. Gnp :-r;crnin;-· he f'r-nnd 2n ~bq~doned b~hv on hir dorr~tD~. He decided tc kee~ it pnd rear it (i2 ~-j ,- c-':Tl, sir:c'-:; ~ t C;1me t c 11~_r!l. il-: ~_'~]~ t, t,. ~(:-:l'U 1 P":: DT, '"~~ 3Cy~1)Q r c~;.~Gn :-":--y it.. orp,-=- le-l"t on his (_~or"r~te{l, ~r 11~ r-,,-: '10+ r'(j_r~' tr 'l."tTf:; :'1irn 11~. Therefore, h'" h"d h:i1"'1 D"-r:tized T'f:it.ll t-,i '" n;:>m~ -~': h~ r 013 ~ TT~t~11rc-:e to nurse U,-e infant. D'lriw' Uee tiT'1e "'he (t' '? ':JetlJllr-----e) T-T'1" ther"O, she bectu'1e v'; y fond o"n t:1G b2'1:l", 1-)11 ~ h,:, (orn ~"f"-1d) r ""'li!1ded r:er th"t S11.8 r- ~Jld liC"t ~~e f"~...~:""~.n" J_on". As t~l~ time dr~:·.]' ne::t:"er ~cr ~er to leav8, '1Cl f('·~'ni ller-,;el'-, r( in'" fro '-.:' ·':-;iJ_i". 'l'h JS, h~ re;"1Iized thc>t in rC):li-'--," -:-':e ~J~C-- +"8 1:1,,1-)7"'- ;nr'thor 2nd \,8 t1,e f'1V ')r beC?1128 of the roles the" h.'1d '')eor. nlgHir.'. T'lev '!ere P1"'rr-;,ed b8c~u"e he re21i7ed t,1-:~t 3:18 hr::l cene t,r h~n. Thw', h8 :",au thi'" 2:'" hi? rhilc2oDh;! in r:ract:ice. ? Title: "AutJiOr: 11~1 c.'mt,- de 1':1:--: " hic"Jel de lJn2I1Unr: 1,;2'~ etern:,!",!1 T'-1is is abcut '" -':r"-1ve l Jer, I':'''C::'Jet'"s, ,,1,C ~.r-8~ tr"ve"ir." colen" ;:1, rec':y ro.-,d tc--?rd "c.-,,,tle. !J.' onr- the reCld t'- ere ',cas A EtrenC1 of -r,-TPter un':ble tc bo c;een 1)y the trilve 1 1er"'. ,',.s he '.'72.S T'r::,1'r:in' :ilonr:, '" :r(un~ m~idel'l s~cke ;-,0 h~_r-l tmo "sl:pd l-J.iP1 tr stop---and r-"'t a Hhile. At "ir"'t he rofu:::ed, bnt f:he con"iced h':'\ tc St2Y. It'" he r"?sted or. her 1OJ', he ce ' Id '1epr the "'on'" of etern<l,l rest of t,'1.8 j nv' ?il-:lle c-tre p]"1. :;he COY1forted hicl, :-j;'ed h~r" :md tel:" hm tc rect.hen he '1~,oke, it 1"'18 ::.J,'"cst d::r1r. H0' 'N'lllld ne' h"ve t( 'Jrr TT , i"' he ','T,"!", r-rinr: t" r:'1ke it to t.hc~ c'=".-tlc. Sh'-? l:ic:O'ed hill tc "'iVG him 8~'8ed, ~md he tonk cl'f in <'I fJ 1S. l-io',Tever, ho clj:: r:e~ at V8r:'t f'T '.Then 11':~ fc>l t, ~h'? d~rl:ne"s tC:'t,~rt tc creen !")ro~l.n:"i ~lim '1n< ~! ~:"r5 t.~",r~~ t,.:; c_~_' ril=~ c,~,·-,tlc; i I-r-r~ ~ec8i\rprl, ~p ~'1tJ ·-~r:'-r'. ('.r~' !(",Y '~:' C'~' ~,-~ .--- r~~_-ht c?t on, -r he started crfr~·(! j.nrr .'=11 on~" tJ',0 :rO':1 ri, t.y·n-·~ n t,r ~t;","':'" ,"1·,i~H "rr"'m the ab'r:: 8. He b3 came '0(' crld ":.h.-,t h·~ nc "Lrn'-8r co"ld tpll jf' hp T,m'"' si t +,in 0" or crnT'l' 11 • T-{r; t' en h-"n to ''-!'-ndRr 1 f 1-v: HCl'" dp."d. Ie' thi'" l;l','lt d,-;nth 'TTl-- l~l.(r?? IIp kent remc'ihcor. r. ~iSD st. "n:1 tr'"inC" -I:r rel-i_".r9 -; t--e8c:l ti.:118 ~!8 ,;nond T.,iti' t,1-,.-=> '-',reet senr ,-" t}1 0 eternp] T· r- 'Title: AutEor: "LIn'l moned3 de oro" Franc: sec I1cnt8"de On-:;hr~" tmas:ve, elf' Andres i,.Tas "f.T81 H n r · do,m the street, he found a reId crjn. lie H.'S hllb:--;l i n 7 1dV~ 8xcitement 'because he h..,d been 01lt of T,·;crk slnC.3 ::ct",her, 8nd tl-J.11"', h8d nc mc'nev frr 11i~ ,·;'I'e :mel little rirl. He !'l~ced i t verv c'lref'111v in his DOCKet, m.gkinr- sure there Here 30 no holes, and "trent home to T!mit for 11:1.8 1'7"1'e and c''1Ed. ~dhen they return ,3d , 311(; ,·we; s!1d b~c8u~'8 V18Y had not pelicl her for h8r sewin f ' , and they could not buy food Kithcut the mcneTT. 'l'hu~, h9 shQ1;Jed her the coin an'" rel:"ltp.d the t~le to her. ';~I"-i18 they' ','prA dec'; jin"" 1,[,,')t to do T,rith it, the'! nut it in 8 c"in "'1r;,-; c,n the talll'3. F'D'11lv, thmr d-:cided t.o celehrate since it l-J"l'" Chri"'t.n:"s0T"". ,~~" "ic~'r;d 'Xl'""' th2 cc,jn ,"l)r~e and vmnt oclt. \ft~r talk-in'" 'rri th a friend for " "T"~ Ie, ~1P. TCr:>nf- tc- t.}'8 stor0 tc buy some food, onl'r tc ~,i" djC';:C'1Tr to f;nd t"i? coin miss-in0". ,\,'ter retr8c-i,n~' hi:, footsteps, he ?til1 c'lJld not -"ins it. He ret ']rned l-;,;cc to to", them the b"d new". Ho"ev"'r, 1)1"C'n return~ n' hrme ~;~e:r fc·und t~'_e cc:in llnde:-· t" e tahle 1'~ th thelr J i t-t:,le ~ir. ; T"ile the;,' 'Jere vn tb 1 t. Title: Author: liLa fmerte y la brujula II Luis Bcr~es Jor~e This is a murder-mystery :?tory in ·,.rh' ch Red :3ch,<>rlach plots very carefullv a reometr i c tr8.D to !-j 11 his "fr~"nd" Srik L"6nnrot. The first rmrder 1'TaS of Do~tor H"rcel Y!1TInolinsky on Deeember i, Con the north side of tn-m, at 1-111" ch they fc:und this t'T"'edsentence: "The first letter of the N1me ~ sheen 1Jttcred." T'he second !'ind third murders occurred resT'ectively on the 'i,e,t ~jde and C;'3st :=>ide o~· tC1"m cn the third of J,qnuary and third of' February. T'1e rrurdersl.Jere fa 1 linr- into ,s definite D"ttern, "~h:~c. Lonnrot detected after re",dinC' "'ome He~Jrei,J h'i story. T11U"', he predicted lvi. th a CC'l11Y)as EO "There ;:md '.Then V'A fourth m1Jrder v70u1d be am decided to C'et t;'ere early. T}-on arrivinD' at t.he abandoned villa ofl'rj 3tc-1e-T"~oy on the sC'lth end of tm,m, he found it to be R verv symmetr-i cal bu~ ldi n'. ,,\s he; rnaC:1e'~ the) v.ltex, he ,~8 disarmed 'Jv R.ed and hi~ accorrplices. There J."r~"nrot le"'rn'" f-,\;·"t l)"c"u~e he h cJ ,ccrre"ted Red':;: brot~ler thre8 '!c"'rs ">ro ,.,t !'l ?!'lmb1:in hrn",,~,qedr,m2 sP8k-in p revenr'e, and vJ8avinc- a labyrinth around the l'l1:'1n ',ho hPld jmnri "'oned hi'" brother. Scharl::>ch move? b,gck a fev St8D'=' rmd fires. r Title: Author: ' 11;!;1 ~r"'('l!1 Ear] ~ Luis" '3omba1 T11i: is ""beut 3ri rr id.'1, the ',!oun-Test of six f"ir1~3, "rho Has reared by her f2ther, a'r]rdc'er. He T:J':lr sr confl:,ed fron resrin'- the other five that he just nsssed off her nrob1ems ps ':-1ein" eaused b:r h",r retardedness--perhaps i[mor;:mce is hli~s. She m"rried rrJ'2 oT' her f,'lther':' frj,c;nd" , I 'i"" ,·jl-1O vms l11uch older than ~ler, becau"e ~!eside [)'; m, she could '8e her s:;mnle self. Be" n·· a::: ole1 "'s he "as, he left }wr Plle-ne often; thllS, sh,; l-ived ",V8n mcrp. in ~!er dream 1-J(.rld. T1'lre tree outside her ,·f"ndovJ I·ms her sGc1Jrit;:! to Shllt out the cllt:-ide -:mrld. For her, this tree reall:v lived ~md was somethinf'" Hith '\oT1-]ich she identified. Thus, the \'JOr1~er2 cut the tree do,:,m hecause it'" roots 1-1ere destroyinp the -r:ath, it was as i f they hAd destrcwcd her vTOrld. '..r,th the lip-ht she sa~ the real world for ~Iat it was--for all its lies. ~fu..,t a farce. Title: }~ut'f1or: "C<:>rid:1d bien orden2da lf :r<~ renel de Ummuno 31 correct to ~jve to be£""ar~, on the street. Instead, he Horks throuph the dL'ferent orC1''1nizRt',ons so that t~e money if HoJl::: l~ent. One day 8 be'-rar doe~ 8Y'1')ro.~ch h'im fer '~OH(? 're '-";", 3D,: "n' cer:'u ',din him "\'ith a knif l3 , dcnSle1~t(~r"; c ~ive~ jn. '1"011"', 11.8 Ci "'A.D0"po ',is lnind q1Xl~t helping th.e peor on the street ,Clfter bein rr C0n"'-: nc'?d 1~V" t"'-e be~r'8r. Title: Authc·r: ":-'OY' 'lye let!" np.ri ru etC'2 de los nP"r08 est.5n h":C'i:JS de f:1yanca l1 Lvd:;,<> CRbrer::l Sencr Lnl:::inkanS3 -·;"-5 a -potter "(,rho mpee no"'e" fer Uh:~ te peor:} e fr(;m maric cl"y. IeODle fron nIl ever the Horld 'v"'Jld ceme ;:,0 'liD f,r ;"1 ne1·r nose, r·ayin: hil" ~~ell for ; s servi ce ;->lsc. One d~IY, t"rc black t1,rins -vralk'.Od intr hic'?'--',c1" and "Hculd no4- lc8v8 unti 1 he r.-~\ve ~:,hem fr8e no,c-es. F~nallv, he did, that :i,s m8Ke them ne-'! nose':? Frc;r' th;'1t t"'m(::~ rn he ,-1[18 sT·rar,r..,ed 'In th bllSi ne? s ;'rom Vl e reo rle 'rmntjn'~ ne't:, unsh:oped noses. T-i tle: A:'Jt:-,or: omhres en tem1~e ~:·tad 11 Jorr"8 Ferretic: 11H This is ,Cl ~'torv about 20me f;:\rmer'" whose crop:=- ',,)'ere de:=:troved during ~it('nn. Jose and hi!:' son "mre fcumin r ",ith two 1-,08:=-, because his brother Jssus, vms boh'nd in hi,s Dlo'-in cr ans ,,,yas borrc'-rin' t1:eir ox. LJnfortu- 2 Mtely it "'te:)'tod to r~~n he::>v]', nnd J93US land H!=l:": noeded. They ("TrSE! and hi,:, son) tri ,"d to ;pl~, "l'Jt it -,-::' r'i.nin· t.O( h'~l'c. E, -"rever, later on th8t even; nb', UlelT :3,<",)' ;} (', "'11.,..0 ~n t,"~ +i ?t:onc(;~nl callecl out to ~'ee ~f it "'.'S'" Jesf.::". 811,'e en"wh, -i t MAS. 'T"""e'~ !'lc-lrr?(l 30cut t,',lO-) r ox "':'r"ich ju;;t t{l""n clDY;8"red out in t11 'Tater, trr. V:;8','';n'" JeC:(ls alene, thev SHaJ'l out te' r',~'c::e their ox, ::md th'?n b',c k :~'r Jec-{1s. The next d<>'T t,l-;8-- "'S"lOd Josue ~_f he ,Ta'" an'TV !'Y'CaU20 t,1,C-- h.,d r-:"c',,,"d the ox f' rst, 'me', '-10 ,n~-,-;ercd, n , 1-Y 'C31.1? - he "TCuld h;:ve dene the same thin". He centin' od by ,"a'"~ n0' thClt melD 'd}1s ot'-leY':' fc:r ind.."'n' ficant reasons, but ::minals de D't ':k 4~".-: n ""c' 1~ 1<e th?t--t',ev v"J.w'? 'h8ir 1'VB" [',Ore,. He ~aid trLr.t he :roul(} have "lOr 1i? sla".-,',tered :in the slnu<"'hter housef3 and 8(,ld for i"i \"3 r\e::~os a puund in order to mp,ke 'oec:le reali ze tl,ceir worth. 0 Ti tIe: Author: 11 Lr, l1u ViA 11 Arturo U~l~r Pietri This is ;:J etory Clbout " fRrmer, Jssu"o, ana his "!'.rife, ucebia, '\-lho are anxicusl'T ,,;ai tin:' for ra~'n. The crrops are 81ready loct; ho',rev'3r, Jesuso sti 11 cent' O'les tl 0 cut in t1:18 fields eveX",T day lookinr:- at them. One O?\,T \,::,i18 he it!?:' in thp f'ieldc:, he fmmc1 9 J-i VIe hoy 1t:rhc acted vel",' 'tranr-elv. He toc:}~ him hOMe, and h:i:-o: ,·rife finellly 0"ct l1 jJTl tc talk. Hi", np,me ',{'cc: C,""ci'':1ue, and h~ tended to m~lh~ rhyme'" out 0" thinc-s ;:JS 1 1"" :Tcke. h.? vrDnderod off' one dqy, and the Ltrmer Gnd his "rife franticallv 1 (c'ked for hin. It storted to, but because they 'cere so concerned vrith G.<>cique 1 s di p nr)e'"r8nc8, t:C',T '~": net even neV ce it. They finallv fin r7 },im tA.lkin" +,0 ""m'" in-''''cts ",nl r.ctin V:~'Y '::tr~nF,e:v 28ain, not 1rno1-nnr- if he ~-''ill C)ver return. C- BIBLIO!',RAPHY Anderson-Imbert, i.<X1ri(lUe ano IaHrence '?'. KiddIe, eds. Veinte Cl1entos Hispanoamericano2 del Siglo XX. New York: A:rnleT,:n=-Century= Crcffs-~ l~i~.---- - -,.,-,- --- - Dietz, Dcnald T. lIDi.'1ry of a Snanj2h Novel CIC):srl. J eU~..'3-2:, (HRY, 1 c:; 72) • :~C'! Paucker, Eleanor Kran"'!, ed. Rolates de Un"r1unc. CentlJr'T-8rofts, 1969. Poshnan, Neil and Ch:'lrlec: T.Tein;art,nAr. Nee,] York: Del', Puhlishin- Co., Te"c1--';n~ '\.8 Inc.~69. 0\ ':or>: ADD1",tc'n- Su"nr er""Lv0 II.ctivity. ._, - - - ,,- Scott, ''!ilbuY' S. l"'; V? Arrroaches of Liter8ry Cri ticism, Il.n i\rran"ement of S0ntern":'c;r::;-rv Gr·~t:tc2:Y'~':::"3Y"'.· Ne;·r Yer1..:: The rr;c!7iilT'~n Comnany, 196-3-:-'- -'- . - _'": "lebster l , NON Golled~jte ~-- - -~ - --_. Dictirnary. -----11erriam Ccmpany, 195'9"":"--- 32 Snrin'field, !·h~sachusetts: C"-. p. C.