Forest Stewardship Spatial Analysis Project Wisconsin Methodology Appendix A Appendix A: Table Acreage Statistic Calculation Steps Updated: 5/1/2008, for 2007 updates Map 1 Table 1. Using ArcToolbox, Tabulate areas using: Input feature zone data = Fullmodel_rcl, zone field Value Input raster or feature class data = Frcov_rcl*, class field Value (this gets area values based on where the fullmodel_rcl data lies relative to forested land.) *How to Create frcov_rcl (forested lands) if not already created: 1. Using Arctoolbox Spatial Analyst Tools/Extraction/Extract by Attributes to extract forested lands from Wiscland land cover (dvgislib/wi_tile/wlc_grd/wlcgw930) to create frcov. (Query: (Value > 160 and value < 188) or (Value > 216 and Value < 235)) 2. reclassify frcov so that all values are 1, to create temp grid 3. use GRIDinsert to put frcov into wisppoly (Wisconsin state boundary polygon) GRIDINSERT temp grid z_wis_bnd temp Update 4. Use ArcToolbox Extract by Attributes tool to extract from fullmodel_rcl where Value <> 0 and save that file out as a temporary grid. 5. Using the raster calculator, Evaluate the temp grid using AnalysisMask as the Analysis Mask (Spatial Analyst Options/General tab). 6. make the calculation permanent by right clicking on it, and choosing make permanent to create frcov_rcl Output tabulate areas table Fullmodel_fr_vs_nonFR.dbf Cell size = 30. 2. Add fields to spreadsheet called Acres_0 (acres of non-forested) and Acres_1 (acres of forested). Calculate these to convert sq meters value fields (Value_0 and Value_1) to acres... (Value*.0002471044) 3. Add the Acres_1 values to the Forest/Acres column of the final table And add the Acres_0 values to the Non-Forest acres column Forest % of Total Acres Forest 3,368,527 5,691,309 2,278,055 11,337,891 Non-forest % of Total Acres Non-Forest 922,218 4,382,644 7,288,344 12,593,206 C:\Documents and Settings\tmreynolds\My Documents\sap_webroot\na\sap\products\WI\APPENDIX_A-Table Acreage Statistic Calculation Steps_2007_f.doc WI SAP Methodology – Appendix A Page 1 of 4 03/31/2009 Forest Stewardship Spatial Analysis Project Wisconsin Methodology Appendix A NOTE: the reason the Non-forest row’s total does not match the total acres in the Acres Capable of Stewardship column of the table on Map 6 (Non-forested-non-developed stew potential) is that the NFND process was run using PrivateForest, the analysis theme developed during the SAP where patches smaller than 10 acres were removed. 4. Add 2 percentage fields for PercentFR and PercentNonFR For each model output value (1, 2, or 3), get the percentage of total forested land: 1. Formula 1: <Acres_1, value 1> / (Sum of 1, 2, & 3 values in Acres_1 field [total forested]) 2. Formula 2: <Acres_1, value 2> / (Sum of 1, 2, & 3 values in Acres_1 field [total forested]) 3. Formula 3: <Acres_1, value 3> / (Sum of 1, 2, & 3 values in Acres_1 field [total forested]) 5. Then get the percentage of total NON forested lands for each (Acres_0 field) 4. Formula 1: <Acres_0, value 1> / (Sum of 1, 2, & 3 values in Acres_0 field [total non-forested stew capable lands]) 5. Formula 2: <Acres_0, value 2> / (Sum of 1, 2, & 3 values in Acres_0 field [total non- forested stew capable lands]) 6. Formula 3: <Acres_0, value 3> / (Sum of 1, 2, & 3 values in Acres_0 field [total non- forested stew capable lands]) 6. Add the percentages for the Acres_1 values into the Forest/% column And add the percentages for the Acres_0 values into the non-forest/% column. Non-forest % of Total Acres Non-Forest 922,218 7% 4,382,644 35% 7,288,344 58% 12,593,206 100% Forest % of Total Acres Forest 3,368,527 30% 5,691,309 50% 2,278,055 20% 11,337,891 100% Map 2 Table 1. Extract by Mask tool, set Stewlands as input and Analysis Mask as the analysis mask. 2. To reduce noise in the analysis, use the Shift tool to shift the output to match Fullmodel_rcl (x value = 11 and y value = 8) to create Stewshift 3. Use the Tabulate Areas tool, where Stewshift is the feature zone data and FullModel_rcl is the input feature class data to create FullModel_Stewlands.dbf, cell size = 30 4. Add Acres_0, Acres_1, Acres_2, Acres_3 fields to FullModel_Stewlands.dbf to convert corresponding sq meters Value fields to acres. (Value*.0002471044) 5. Add acreage values from the “1” row of FullModel_Stewlands.dbf to final table’s “Stewardship plan Acres” row: Stewardship Plan Acres 733,486 1,381,825 651,825 2,766,535 C:\Documents and Settings\tmreynolds\My Documents\sap_webroot\na\sap\products\WI\APPENDIX_A-Table Acreage Statistic Calculation Steps_2007_f.doc WI SAP Methodology – Appendix A Page 2 of 4 03/31/2009 Forest Stewardship Spatial Analysis Project Wisconsin Methodology Appendix A 6. Add the sum of the values from the “0” and “1” rows to each column of the “Acres Capable of Stewardship” row of the final table: Acres capable of Stewardship 9,566,399 10,073,953 4,290,745 23,931,097 7. To get percentage existing stewlands of potential stewland, in final table, divide stewardship plan acres by acres capable of stewardship. Stewardship Plans vs. Acres Capable of Stewardship (%) 8% 14% 15% 12% Map 3 Table 1. Using the Raster calculator, Evaluate Stewlands using AnalysisMask as the analysis mask. 8. to reduce noise in the analysis, shift the output to match Fullmodel_rcl (x value = 11 and y value = 8) to create Stewshift 9. Create private forest mask layer by using Extract by Attributes to extract Value = 1 from PrivForest to create PRIV_Mask 10. Using raster calculator, evaluate Stewshift using PRIV_Mask as the analysis mask to create PRIV_Stew 11. Using raster calculator, evaluate PRIV _Stew using FullModel_rcl as the analysis mask to create PRIV 12. Use ArcToolbox to Tabulate Areas where PRIV is the feature zone data and FullModel_rcl is the input feature class data to create PrivFor_Stewlands.dbf, cell size = 30 13. Add Acres_0, Acres_1, Acres_2, Acres_3 fields to PrivFor_Stewlands.dbf to convert corresponding sq meters Value fields to acres... (Value*.0002471044) 14. Add acreage values from the “1” row of PrivFor_Stewlands.dbf to final table’s “Stewardship plan Acres” row: Stewardship Plan Acres 412,393 1,495,550 761,427 2,669,370 15. Add the sum of the values from the “0” and “1” rows to each column of the “Acres Capable of Stewardship” row of the final table: Acres capable of Stewardship 1,929,688 5,559,429 3,420,024 10,909,141 16. To get percentage existing stewlands of potential stewland, in final table, divide stewardship plan acres by acres capable of stewardship. Stewardship Plan acres as a percent of acres of private forests 21% 27% 22% 24% Map 6 Table 1. Using the Raster calculator, Evaluate Stewlands using AnalysisMask as the analysis mask. 2. to reduce noise in the analysis, shift the output to match Fullmodel_rcl (x value = 11 and y value = 8) to create Stewshift C:\Documents and Settings\tmreynolds\My Documents\sap_webroot\na\sap\products\WI\APPENDIX_A-Table Acreage Statistic Calculation Steps_2007_f.doc WI SAP Methodology – Appendix A Page 3 of 4 03/31/2009 Forest Stewardship Spatial Analysis Project Wisconsin Methodology Appendix A 3. Create nfnd mask layer by using Extract by Attributes to extract Value = 0 from PrivForest to create NFND_Mask 4. Using raster calculator, evaluate Stewshift using NFND_Mask as the analysis mask to create NFND_Stew 5. Using raster calculator, evaluate NFND_Stew using FullModel_rcl as the analysis mask to create NFND 6. Use ArcToolbox to Tabulate Areas where NFND is the feature zone data and FullModel_rcl is the input feature class data to create NFND_Stewlands.dbf, cell size = 30 7. Add Acres_0, Acres_1, Acres_2, Acres_3 fields to NFND_Stewlands.dbf to convert corresponding sq meters Value fields to acres... (Value*.0002471044) 8. Add acreage values from the “1” row of NFND_Stewlands.dbf to final table’s “Stewardship plan Acres” row: Stewardship Plan Acres 525,023 384,618 83,373 993,014 9. Add the sum of the values from the “0” and “1” rows to each column of the “Acres Capable of Stewardship” row of the final table: Acres capable 7,636,687 4,514,721 870,549 13,021,957 of Stewardship NOTE: the reason this row’s total does not match the total acres in the Non-Forest column of the table on Map 1 is that this process was run using PrivateForest, the analysis theme developed during the SAP where patches smaller than 10 acres were removed. 10. To get percentage existing stewlands of potential stewland, in final table, divide stewardship plan acres by acres capable of stewardship. Stewardship Plan acres as a percent of acres of nonforest-non-developed lands 7% 9% 10% 8% Map 7 Table 1. Extract by Mask tool, set Industrial as input and Analysis Mask as the analysis mask. 2. To reduce noise in the analysis, use the Shift tool to shift the output to match Fullmodel_rcl (x value = 11 and y value = 8) to create Ind_shift 3. Use the Tabulate Areas tool, where Stew_ind_shift is the feature zone data and FullModel_rcl is the input feature class data to create FullModel_Ind.dbf, cell size = 30 4. Add Acres_0, Acres_1, Acres_2, Acres_3 fields to FullModel_Ind.dbf to convert corresponding sq meters Value fields to acres. (Value*.0002471044) 5. Add acreage values from the “1” row of FullModel_Ind.dbf to final table’s “Stewardship plan Acres” row: 6. Add acreage values from the “1” row of FullModel_Ind.dbf to final table’s “Industrial Acres” row: Industrial Acres 157,135 400,694 160,841 730,035 7. Remaining rows are the same as Map 2 Table. C:\Documents and Settings\tmreynolds\My Documents\sap_webroot\na\sap\products\WI\APPENDIX_A-Table Acreage Statistic Calculation Steps_2007_f.doc WI SAP Methodology – Appendix A Page 4 of 4 03/31/2009