- Final Script I - ·1 se - In ProJucfion UJ - Muncie productions of Love Me, Love Me Not. -Enjoy ©! - Love Me, Love Me Not A new musical comedy based on Shakespeare's Love's Labour's Lost Book by Leanne Boarman, Nick Brenner, Deloss Brown, Chris Bryant, Robb Coles, Brad Coolidge, Raphael Crystal, Liz Davito, Natalie Ellis, Brian Geary Kel1ie C. Harrison, Carey Kayser, Lisa Liaromatis, Meggan J. Ratterman, Tiiu Rebane, Katie Shawger, A. Michael Tilford and Jason Whicker Music by Raphael Crystal Lyrics by Deloss Brown additional lyrics by Raphael Crystal and Wm. Shakespeare Book © 2001 by Leanne Boarman, Nick Brenner, Deloss Brown, Chris Bryant, Robb Coles, Brad Coolidge, Raphael Crystal, Liz Davito, Natalie Ellis, Brian Geary Kellie C. Hamson, Carey Kayser, Lisa Liaromatis, Meggan J. Ratterman, Tiiu Rebane, Katie Shawger, A. Michael Tilford and Jason Whicker Music and Lyrics © 2001 by Raphael Crystal and Deloss Brown Prol.1 Love Me, Love Me Not "Prol~lIe" Berowne W~~ill~1 J~~ ~~n~~i , Henry WOULDN'T IT BE NICER, Berowne/Henry IF WE COULD SPEND OUR LIVES IN A GARDEN OR A FOREST, Longaville FREE OF ALL DISTRACTIONS, Dumaine FREE FROM ALL ATIRACTIONS, Longaville/Dumaine FREE TO KEEP OUR MINDS ON THE THINGS THAT REALLY MATTER! Rosaline - WOULDN'T LIFE BE SWEETER, Regina WOULDN'T LIFE BE SANER, Rosaline/Regina WE'D NEVER HAVE TO BOTHER WITH THE BATILE OF THE SEXES, Katherine FREE OF ALL ACCRETIONS, Maria FREE FROM OUR SECRETIONS, KatherinelMaria FREETOGROWOUR HAIR WHILE THE GROSSER FOLK GROW FATTER. Costard IF THERE'D NEVER BEEN A SNAKE, Jaquenetta Love Me, Love Me Not T~~~~'~ e~ Pro!. 2 ~a!~a ie~~!~ Nt> UNHAPPY LOVERS WISHING UNDERNEATH THE COVERS Armado THAT EVE HAD KNOWN TO LET TH~ QQ9 9AMN~Q THINg ~bQN~: Dull (spoken) Leave it alone! All LEAVE IT ALONE! Regina NO MORE GUYS WHO SNIVEL Henry NO MORE DOPEY SONNETS Berowne EVERY WORD A MASTERPIECE Rosaline AND EVERY WORD A LIE, Maria NEVER ON HIS KNEES TO ME, Katherine NEVER BEGGING, "PLEASE," TO ME, Dumaine/Longaville "DARLING, IF YOU LEAVE I WILL SHRIVEL UP AND DIE! 4 Guys "SO MARRY ME, OH! + 4 Girls "MARRY ME, OH! + Mote/Nathalie/Holofernes/Costard "MARRY ME! MARRY ME! + Armado/JaquenettalDull (i.e. ALL) "MARRY ME! MARRY ME! 1.1 .1 Love Me, Love Me Not ,- ACT ONE Scene One (Outside the summer cottage. Henry, Dumaine and Longaville enter with bags.) Henry Guys, this is it. The Navarre summer house, ours for the summer while my parents vacation in Europe. It's the perfect place to take some time to get away from everything and learn more about ourselves. We are the future of the world and there is greatness within us. We just have to find it! And to make sure that none of us stray from our pact, I have taken the liberty of drawing up a written agreement for us and the town to abide by. (he holds up a scroll) Longaville Is that really necessary? Henry Would you rather use blood? Sign it, Longaville, it's for your own good. Longaville All right, give me the pen. I guess I can manage, it's only for the summer. The mind shall banquet though the body pine. (he signs his name) Henry Very good. Dumaine, you're next. Dumaine To love, to wealth, to pomp, I pine and die. I will sign the contract as well. Give me the pen, Henry. (he Signs) Henry Fellas, I promise you, we won't regret this. ITheOath" HENRY NOT GONNA BE A BAD BOY. BEING BAD'S NO GOOD. DUMAINE NOT GONNA DRINK OR SMOKE OR SWEAR LONGAVILLE OR THINK ABOUT GIRLS IN THEIR UNDERWEAR HENRY I'M GONNA WRITE MY SONGS THAT SHOW I CARE AND LIVE OUT IN THE WOOD. 1.1.2 Love Me, Love Me Not - ALL 3 NOT GONNA FOLLOW BLINDLY WHERE OTHER PEOPLE LEAD. DUMAINE NOT GONNA TAKE THE ROAD TO HELL. LONGAVILLE OR THINK ABOUT GIRLS IN THEIR UNDERWEAR. HENRY GONNA WRITE MY SONGS AND WRITE 'EM WELL, AND THAT'LL BE MY CREED. ALL 3 WE HERE DECLINE TO JOIN THE SWINE WHO SEEK FOR BOGUS PEARLS, IT'S NOT MY GOAL TO SELL MY SOUL DUMAINE FOR BARS HENRY AND DRUGSLONGAVILLE AND GIRLS! I'M GONNA SWEAR OFF WOMEN. DUMAINE I'M GONNA SWEAR OFF BARS. HENRY I'M GONNA SWEAR OFF BEING COOL, I LEFT ALL THAT WHEN I LEFT SCHOOL. ALL 3 I'M GONNA FOLLOW NOTHING BUT THE GOLDEN RULE AND LIVE BENEATH THE STARS. (during the song Berowne has snuck in to witness their declarations) Berowne Guys, have you gone crazy? Yes, I swore to live and study with you for the summer, but I don't recall any of these other observances. No women! Six and a half hours of sleep a night and none during the day? No drugs or alcohol, we can't even eat what we want? I hope that this is some kind of a joke. Henry Not a joke in the slightest. Now sign, Berowne. 1.1.3 Love Me, Love Me Not - Berowne I think I will pass. I guess I had envisioned a more exciting summer than you boys could handle. Dumaine When you said you would spend the summer here, you swore to everything. We came here to get away from the temptations of the world and you knew that. Berowne Can I ask what the point of all this is? Henry The point is to find greatness in ourselves. Berowne I think we all know how great I am ... Listen, I've gotten this far in life knowing little of my "greatness" and I think I can manage from here. Henry Well if that is your choice I will have to ask you to leave now. Berowne What? You guys are kicking me out? (he is met by silence) I don't believe this! One minute a guy has some great buddies and the next minute they turn on him! (pause) Look. I said I would stay the summer and that is what I intend to do. Let me read the contract again. Henry Read it carefully, Berowne. Berowne (sings) ITEM NUMBER ONE: THAT NO WOMAN SHALL COME WITHIN A MILE OF MY COURT. (speaks) Who wrote this? Dumaine That would be me. Berowne Let's see the penalty. (sings) ON PAIN OF LOSING HER TONGUE. (speaks) Who devised this penalty? Longaville That was my idea. - Berowne And why? 1.1.4 Love Me, Love Me Not .- Longaville Shock value! Henry Desperate times call for desperate measures. Berowne These are not desperate times! O.K. To make you guys happy I will sign this contract. But why don't we make it a little more interesting. I will wager that the three of you cannot possibly follow these so-called rules. The first to break will pay dearly. I promise you that it won't be me. "Oath Reprise" ALL WE TAKE THIS OATH TO PLIGHT OUR TROTH TO ALL THINGS GOOD AND WISE. HENRY AND WE'LL EMBRACE GOD'S GREATEST GRACE -. BEROWNE WITH HEARTS!DUMAINE AND HANDS!LONGAVILLE AND THIGHS! BEROWNE NOT GONNA WASTE OUR TALENT. LONGAVILLE NOT GONNA TELL A LIE. HENRY WE'RE GONNA WORK TO MAKE OUR NAME. DUMAINE AND MAKE OUR REP TURN INTO FAME, HENRY AND WHEN IT TURNS INTO ETERNAL FAME ALL THEN WE WILL NEVER DIE, NO, WE WILL NEVER DIE! 1.2.1 Love Me, Love Me Not .- ACT ONE Scene two (Immediately thereafter. Dull and Costard enter.) Dull I am here to speak with a Henry Navarre. Berowne May I ask what this is about? Dull I'm the sheriff of this town, and I need to talk to him about a 401 and 90210 on this property. Henry I am Henry Navarre. Dull Sir, there has been a touch of mischief here. This letter will explain the whole thing. (gives the letter to Henry) Costard - The letter is about me . . Henry It's a letter from the "magnificent" Don Armado. Dumaine Who? Henry He's a very pompous man who comes here every summer with his traveling medieval fair. Berowne Well, then this should be very interesting. Longaville Lord, help us. Berowne Do I or don't I want to hear this? Longaville Just listen, this is liable to give us a hearty laugh. - (laughter) 1.2.2 Love Me, Love Me Not -. Dull (raising his voice to be heard above the laughing) This letter is about me and Jaquenetta. We were caught on this property. Berowne Caught? In what way? Longaville Did you see her underwear? Henry (to the guys, a bit annoyed) Will you hear this letter with attention? Berowne Yes sir! With attention sir! Henry (Reading the letter. Music under.) "To whom it may concern: My name is Don Adriano de Armado. I have learned about your agreement. I understand it to be a very serious oath. Therefore, I find it necessary to bring this to your attention. I discovered a little twerp of a delivery boy by the name of Costard wreaking havoc with a fair maiden by the name of Jaquenetta on your sacred property. I suggest that you take care of any business that is necessary and get back to me as soon as possible. Sincerely, Don Adriano de Armado P.S. I could not help but notice the reward that is being offered." (to Costard) What do you have to say to this? Surely you have seen the notice posted around town prohibiting any contact with a woman on this property. Costard It's true, I was with her on your property, but I was not with a woman sir, I was with a lady. (the guys think this is hilarious) Dumaine What kind of lady was she? Henry Let the record show that he was not with a woman, he was with a lady. Costard She is a lady and a friend. Berowne Oh, so he was no longer with just a lady, he was now with a friend. 1.2.3 Love Me, Love Me Not - Dumaine Is she a "good" friend? Costard She is my best friend since childhood. Longaville Oh, so I guess they've been at it a long time. Henry (to Dull) What's the maximum sentence for trespassing? Dull Well, I can book him on a 227 or an 8765309 or even a 10-10-220. Henry Throw the book at him. Prison for a week with nothing but bread and water. In order for Armado to collect his reward, he must first identify the trespassers. Please see to it that they are delivered to Armado for immediate identification. Berowne I have a feeling these oaths and laws are gonna come back to haunt us. (4 guys exit into the cottage) Costard I will take this ridiculous punishment, but only because we have to keep the rotten summer people happy. Why are these things always happening to me? Jaquenetta is a true friend. (sings) "Sit Thee Down, Sorrow" SIT THEE DOWN, SORROW HAVE A CHAIR, JUST CHILL SEEMS YOU ALWAYS COME TO VISIT ME ANY TIME YOU HAVE AN HOUR TO KILL MAYBE TOMORROW FATE WILL SMILE ON THIS CLOWN BUT UNTIL THAT DAY SORROW, SIT THEE DOWN (Dull leads Costard off.) .- 1.3.1 Love Me, Love Me Not -- ACT ONE Scene three (The carnival grounds. Armado and Mote rehearse their swordplay as they talk.) Armado What does it mean when a spirited man, such as myself, grows melancholy? Mote A sign that he will look sad. Armado Mote, I have a confession to make. I am melancholy because I am in love! (Mote rolls her eyes, she's heard this before) Remember that country girl we saw on the Navarre property? (giddy) Jaquenetta! Oh, in love again! How did this happen to me? Mote (under her breath) You mean how does this a/ways happen to you? -. Armado (without hearing Mote's chiding) Oh, a man like me should be above this! Comfort me, Mote. What other great men have been in love? Mote Picasso. He was in love! Armado Yes! (as an afterthought) But he cut off his ear for love of her! I wouldn't go that far. Name more. Mote Rhett and Scarlett. They were in love! Armado Frankly, we know how that turned out. Mote Fred and Ginger! Mickey and Minnie! Romeo and Juliet! Armado No, no, no. None of them were ever so much in love as I. Mote, help me! We have nothing in common! She is a pure and untouched country girl, and I am so sophisticated. And yet, we are both so unwise in the ways of love. What should I say to her? - 1.3.2 Love Me, Love Me Not - Mote (under her breath) You're acting like this is the firsttime this has happened ... Armado (without noticing) Sing to me so that I may picture her face. My spirit grows heavy. in love "I Met A Special Girl" (As the song progresses, Armado begins to realize that Mote is mocking him.) Mote I SAW HER THERE AND FELL AT ONCE THOUGH I'M A PRINCE AND SHE'S A DUNCE CAN CUPID MATCH ME WITH A CLOD? THAT FOOLISH GOD THAT FOOLISH GOD. - I'VE MET A SPECIAL GIRL I HOPE SHE'LL BE MY WIFE THOUGH SHE'S A BUMPKIN SHAPED LIKE A PUMPKIN I CAN TELL SHE'S THE LOVE OF MY LIFE SHE'S GOT A SPECIAL STYLE I WOULDN'T CALL IT CHARM GRUNTING AND SQUEALING WON'T BE APPEALING IF SHE EVER GETS OFF OF THE FARM SHE SPENDS HER TIME WITH THE COWS AND THE SHEEP SHE'S JUST SUBLIME IF YOU DON'T BREATHE TOO DEEP. SEEN IN A CERTAIN LIGHT WOW! WHAT A SILHOUETIE. CROSS A TOMATO WITH A POTATO SHE'S THE MODEL OF WHAT YOU'D GET. I THINK SHE'S COOL, LOCAL GUYS SAY SHE'S HOT. SHE WAS BEST IN SCHOOL, BUT THEY WON'T SAY AT WHAT. L3.3 Love Me, Love Me Not - DON'T TRY TO CHANGE MY MIND I'VE NEVER BEEN TOO SMART STILL, I'M NO SHIFTER IF I CAN LIFT HER I WILL CARRY HER IN MY HEART. Armado Very funny. (enter Dull and Jaquenetta) Du" (to Armado) Sir, I got called in to ge a 411 on a 24-36-WD-40 ... 1 heard these felons were perpetratin' on Henry's property. Transgressing, osculating, all sorts of nasty stuff. I brought them here for a Y2K-420 -- that's an "10" for all you who don't know the lingo. I just need you to tell me that these are the ones you talked about in the letter, and I'" take them down to the police station. Mote "Them?" I only see one ... Oops. Be right back. Dull (to Jaquenetta) Don't move. (Dull exits) Armado (aSide) I can't let her know yet. (to Jaquenetta) Hello. Jaquenetta Hello. Armado I'm sorry to do this to you. I was just following the rules. Jaquenetta (stares him down) Armado They'll probably just make you do community service. Jaquenetta (condescendingly) Oh, Lord, aren't you wise? ............ ,. Armado (confessing his love) I will tell thee wonders . 1.3.4 Love Me, Love Me Not - Jaquenetta With that face? "See My Eyes" Armado SEE MY EYES HOW THEY IMPLORE YOU READ MY MIND I'LL BE YOUR BOOK WATCH MY LIPS SAY I ADORE YOU IT'S A SNAP IT TAKES NO ART YOU WON'T EVEN NEED A SECOND LOOK I love you. Can't you see that? Jaquenetta I hear you say it, but I'm not so sure I believe you. How can you love me when we only just met? Armado LOOK AT ME IT'S AS I TOLD YOU I WAS YOURS RIGHT FROM THE START ALL OUR LIVES AS WE GROW OLD THESE ARMS WILL HOLD YOU MY LOVE ENFOLD YOU AND I WILL WEAR YOU IN MY HEART. I never believed in love at first sight until I met you. Jaquenetta CAN I BELIEVE IN YOU? MAYBE THE WORDS ARE TRUE BUT WHEN THE SPRING IS GONE AND SKIES GROW COLD ABOVE ME WILL YOU LOVE ME? IF YOU'D SAY: NOT JUST FOR A SUMMER MAYBE I'D SAY: HERE'S WHERE WE START - Armado ALL OUR LIVES I WILL BE BOLD FOR YOU 1.3.5 Love Me, Love Me Not - THOUGH WE GROW OLD THOUGH STARS GROW COLD I STILL WILL WEAR YOU IN MY HEART. Dull (enters with Costard in tow) Found him! Now, Mr. Armado, I'll need you to give me the word, and I'll throw these sick puppies in the slammer. Armado (it pains him to say this and he lets Jaquenetta know it) Yes, they are the two from the Navarre property. The beauty and the twerp. Do with them what you will. Jaquenetta (to Costard) Don't worry. I'm sure it'll all work out. Costard (bitterly sarcastic) Well, I look forward to my merry days of desolation. Dull Let's go, kids. .- Armado Farewell, my love. I'll see you soon . (to Dull, being careful not to have Jaquenetta hear) Make sure you get me that boy's reward in cash. (Dull exits with Costard and Jaquenetta in tow.) Armado (to himself) So love has finally conquered the Spaniard's sword! Who would have known? Oh, she's wonderful. (to Mote) I wonder when I'll see her again. Mote I know it's none of my business, sir, but if you really love this girl, why did you turn her in to the sheriff? I know your habits by now, and if all this is just for the money .... Armado I had to find some way to get her away from that villain! Maybe you don't believe me, but just you wait. I'll prove to you that I really do love this girl. - ALL OUR LIVES I WILL BE BOLD FOR YOUIHER THOUGH WE GROW OLD THOUGH STARS GROW COLD I STILL WILL WEAR YOUIHER IN MY HEART. (Armado and Mote exit) 1.4.1 Love Me, Love Me Not - ACT ONE Scene four (The front yard of the Navarre cottage. The four guys are reading, writing, etc. Enter Regina, Rosaline, Maria and Katherine.) "Bonjour" REGINA: BONJOUR! WE HAVE COME FROM FAR OFF FRANCE. MARIA: AND WE'RE GLAD TO HAVE THIS CHANCE. ROSALINE POUR FAIRE VOTRE CONNAISSANCE. KATHERINE HI THERE REGINA: THIS IS A PERFECT PLACE TO LET, MARIA IT'S A MARVEL--KATHERINE: C'EST CHOUETTE! ROSALINE AND IT'S BETTER THAN WE'D HOPE TO GET. ALL 4 WE WILL BE HAPPY HERE, I KNOW. MARIA: IT'S TOO KIND OF YOUROSALINE C'ESTTROPKATHERINE THAT YOU GIVE US OUR CHATEAU. REGINA: - SO, NOW, KINDLY HAND TO ME THE KEYS. 1.4.2 Love Me, Love Me Not -- ROSALINE: AND THEN LEAVE US, IF YOU PLEASE. ALL4 SO HAPPY WE MET! HENRY: (1J... Can I help you? L /10/' .\~' r--'"\\' Lr. Vi (! J Il p,.....c- 1\. ::ff"~l' REGINA: Yes, I'm Regina Bourbon. I believe you are expecting us: we are the French exchange students. We're moving into our summer cottage today. Could you help us with these bags? HENRY: Excuse me? REGINA: We've had a long drive from the city. These bags are so heavy ... HENRY: I am afraid there must be some mistake. You see my friends and I have planned to stay in this cottage for the summer. I know nothing about this. REGINA: I'm sorry, I have the lease right here. (She hands him the lease) You will see that it is perfectly legal. (Berowne and Rosaline share a moment) BEROWNE Pardon me, mademoiselle, may I know your name? ROSALINE Why not? I am Rosaline. BEROWNE: DID WE MEET IN PARIS ROSALINE: NO, THAT ISN'T TRUE IF WE DID, THEN I FORGOT IT AND SO SHOULD YOU - HENRY: Madam, your lease states that you have paid $450 dollars. This is only half of what is required. REGINA: My father called from France, and spoke to a Mr. Navarre. He said he worked it all out... Love Me, Love Me Not - 1.4.3 HENRY: This cottage belongs to us. You could plead your case to the landlord. We will then be glad to give up our position and become great friends. But unfortunately, the landlord is my father and he is away for the summer on vacation. He ordered me to handle his business here. I am very sorry madam! You could try the Y. (Dumaine and Katherine share a moment) DUMAINE Good afternoon, Miss. I am Dumaine. And you are--? KATHERINE Katherine. DUMAINE: DO YOU COME HERE OFTEN KATHERINE: MARY, HAVE YOU HEARD? IT'S THE VERY PHRASE MY BOOK PREDICTED AND WORD FOR WORD! - REGINA: You can't send us away! We've planned to spend the whole summer here. Our exchange program isn't over until August and we don't have anywhere to go ... HENRY: I am sorry madam, but there is nothing I can do! REGINA: The only solution I can see is that we all share this cottage for a short time. It's the least you could do for kicking us out with no notice ... (Longaville and Maria share a moment) LONGAVILLE Bonjour mademoiselle. Je suis Longaville. MARIA Maria. LONGAVILLE: MAY I HAVE YOUR NUMBER? MARIA: YES, YOU'LL HAVE TO WAIT IF YOU'D BE MINE PLEASE JOIN THE LINE: NUMBER ONE-SIX-EIGHT -. HENRY We can't share the cottage. 1.4.4 Love Me, Love Me Not -- REGINA (In a "princess" moment) Do you realize who my father is?!? (This makes everyone stop and get up in HenryIRegina's conversation) HENRY: All four of us have agreed to an oath. REGINA: An oath! HENRY: Yes, an oath, not allowing us to be with women in any way for the duration of the summer! So you see, sharing the cottage is impossible. Goodbye! ROSALINE: NO, YOU PERHAPS MISUNDERSTEWED, MARIA FOR OUR ENGLISH IS NOTGEWD, KATHERINE - BUT YOU COULDN'T BE SO RUDE. GUYS: WHAI'LL WE DO? THEY WON'T GO AWAY. WHAI'LL WE DO? THEY WILL ONLY SAY THIS HOUSE IS THEIRS, AND THEY'RE HERE TO STAY. THEY'RE MOVING IN, AND THEY THINK WE'RE GAY! WHAI'LL WE DO? I WONDER WHAI'LL WE DO? WHAI'LL WE DO WITH DO WITH REGINA HERE,INTHE TELEGRAM YOU SAY, WE CAN MOVE IN HERE TODAY, BUT YOU'RE STANDING IN OUR WAY SO GIRLS: TO TURN US AWAY. WE WON'T GO AWAY. ALL WE HAVE TO SAY, WE ARE HERE TO STAY, YOU MUST GO AWAY. WON'T GO 'WAY, WON'T GO WE'RE STAYING WE'RE STAYING OTHER 3 GIRLS HERE WON'T GO HOME WON'T GO 'WAY SO 1.4.5 Love Me, Love Me Not REGINA - NOW KINDLY HAND TO US THE KEYS ALL 4 GIRLS: TO OUR CHAMBERS, IF YOU PLEASE SO HAPPY WE MET, SO HAPPY WE MET. HENRY: I wish I could let you stay, but there's nothing more I can do. REGINA: Fine. You asked for it. Since you won't let us have the house that is rightfully ours, we'll have to camp out on your front lawn until this whole mess gets straightened out. Sorry about your 'oath', boys, but we're here to stay! 1.5.1 Love Me, Love Me Not - ACT ONE Scene five (The center of town. Enter Armado and Mote.) Armado How, Mote, can I win my love? Mote Negligent student, learn her by heart. Armado By heart and in heart. Mote And out of heart. All these three. Armado What do you mean? Mote "By" heart you love her, because your heart cannot come by her; "in" heart you love her, because your heart is in love with her; and "out" of heart you love her, being out of heart that you cannot enjoy her. Armado How, then, am I supposed to woo her? Another song, perhaps? Mote You don't think the last one would have worked? Armado I don't think so. This love is for real. Warble, child. hearing. Make passionate my sense of "Concolinel" Mote (While Mote sings, Armado copies down her lyrics into a letter) HOW LOW SHE IS! AND I'M SO HIGH! WE'RE STAR AND STARLING SHE AND I. DOES CUPID SEE US TWO COMBINED? HE MUST BE BLIND, HE MUST BE BLIND! - WHEN WINTER COMES ALL WILL BE WELL DON'T ASK ME HOW I KNOW, BUT I CAN TELL. WHEN AUTUMN'S YELLOW LIGHT IS BARRED WITH SHADE, AND NIGHTS GROW LONG AND COLD, DON'T BE AFRAID. THOUGH WINTER BRINGS THE DARK AND STORM, 1.5.2 Love Me, Love Me Not - I'LL WEAR YOU NEAR MY HEART AND YOU'LL BE WARM TAKE HANDS WITH ME WHILE SUMMER STILL IS BRIGHT. I'LL TEACH YOU NOT TO FEAR THE WINTER NIGHT. Armado (folding up the letter) Ah. sweet air. Here, deliver this letter to my love. Mote I'm sorry, sir, but the only one who knows where to find her is that little "twerp"Costard. And he's in jail, remember? Armado (sighing) Well, we'll just have to convince the sheriff to let him out. Tell her Armado changed his mind ... or that he learned his lesson.· , And take this money to bribe her. Hurry back. Mote With pleasure. (She exits) Armado TAKE HANDS WITH ME WHILE SUMMER STILL IS BRIGHT. I'LL TEACH YOU NOT TO FEAR THE WINTER NIGHT. (enter Mote with Costard) Armado I gave you your liberty, set you free from sentence, and, in lieu thereof, impose on you nothing but this: take this letter to the country maid Jaquenetta. Here is remuneration. Mote, follow. (He exits). Mote As always, I follow. Mr. Costard, adieu. (She exits.) Costard "Remuneration!" Oh, that must be the Latin word for a buck. A buck - remuneration. "What's the price of this item?" "One dollar." "No, I'll give you a remuneration." What a sound, Remuneration! It's a better name than '·'Greenback." I wi" remember this word for future use. (Looks at letter.) Oh my Jaquenetta, how could I lose you to this Armado? How can I win you back ... (Enter Berowne) .-. Costard! Good to have found you. Berowne I need you to deliver ... Love Me, Love Me Not - 1.5.3 Costard Excuse me, sir, how many long-stemmed roses can a man buy for a remuneration? Berowne What is remuneration? Costard One dollar, of course. Berowne Well, then, a dollar's worth of roses. Costard Oh. Well, thank you, sir. Have a good day then. (He begins to exit.) Berowne Wait. I need you to make a delivery for me. (Costard begins to protest, to turn to leave) There will be remuneration. Costard I'm listening. Berowne ~ The French girls will come by here to check out the medieval fair. One of them is named Rosaline. Ask for her, and, into her hand only, deliver this sealed letter. Here is your argent. (He gives him the money.) Costard Argent? (He looks at the money.) Oh argent! Ten times better than remuneration, ten times more roses for Jaquenetta! Argent! I'll, do it sir. Argent! Remuneration. (He exits out of ear-range of Berowne.) Berowne I can't believe I've actually let a woman get to me4-And not just any woman, but Rosaline! I didn't think twice when I met her before. "I Never Gave A Damn" I NEVER GAVE A DAMN IF THE GIRL WAS TRUE. I NEVER GAVE A DAMN IF HER EYES WERE BLUE. I NEVER CARED WHAT SHE SAID SHE WANTED. I HAD A GOAL, AND I WAS UNDAUNTED. THAT WAS FUN, MY DARLING, NOW WE'RE DONE, I'M DONE WITH YOU! Costard BUT SHE'S SO TRUE AND SHE'S SO SWEET EYES OF SKY BLUE, HAIR LIKE SUMMER WHEAT. JUST HER DIMPLES GIVE ME PIMPLES, - Love Me, Love Me Not MAKE ME LONG FOR SOMETHING I COULD DO. BUT ALL I'M SURE OF IS, HER EYES ARE BLUE Berowne I HAD A BRIEF ROMANCE WITH HER ONCE BEFORE. I DIDN'T LIKE IT THEN, NOW I HATE IT MORE. SHE MAY BE CUTE, BUT SHE'S MUCH TOO CLEVER. I COULDN'T BEAR TO LOVE HER FOREVER! EYES ARE BROWN: THAT'S BAD, HER HAIR IS BROWN ... 0 GOD, WHY ME? Costard WHY NOT ME, GIRL, WHY NOT ME? I'M HER BEST FRIEND AND WILL ALWAYS BE. NEVER KISSED HER SHE'S LIKE A SISTER WE'LL HAVE PURE LOVE IF SHE'LL JUST AGREE FOR "M HER BEST FRIEND AND WILL ALWAYS BE Berowne I ONLY HOPE AND PRAY THIS IS ALL A DREAM Costard FAIR HAIR, BLUE EYES Berowne FROM WHICH I'LL SOON AWAKE, IF I DON'T I'LL SCREAM Costard WELCOME, BLUE SKIES WE'LL HAVE OUR LOVE AND TIME WON'T DESTROY IT Berowne AND I REFUSE TO LIKE OR ENJOY IT. I WON'T HAVE HER BABIES, KIDS ARE WORSE THAN RABIES Costard MAYBE SOME DAY,-- Berowne IT'S WORSE THAN ANY DISEASE! Costard IN MY DUMB WAY, -- Berowne TO THINK I'D GET ON MY KNEES! 1.5.4 Love Me, Love Me Not .- 1.5.5 Costard I'LL FIND SOME WAY, -Berowne AND EVEN HAND HER THE KNIFE! Costard TO SPEAK MY HEART AND SAY "PLEASE: BE MY WIFE" ALL MY LIFE I'LL HAVE LOVE! Berowne TAKE OUT MY HEART, ONLY PLEASE! BE MY I NEVER THOUGHT I WOULD LOSE ALL MY SENSE OF PROPORTION AND CHOOSE TO HAVE A HUNDRED MISERIES LIFE! A THOUSAND AGONIES LOVE! AND JOIN THE MILLIONS WHO LIFE! - LOVE! EXIST IN BONDAGE TO LOVE! (throughout song, Costard holds the two letters; he finally decides to SWITCH them, intentionally. ) 1.6.1 Love Me, Love Me Not - ACT ONE Scene Six (The Medieval Fair. The four girls enter, look around, and play with the bows and arrows at the "You Pricket You Bought it" Stand.) Rosaline So what did you think of those guys at the house? Maria Pretty pompous. Regina Arrogant. Katherine Cute. Rosaline They were, weren't they? Regina ~ I think this could turn out to be an interesting summer, after a". With a little help from Cupid, we could have some real FUN with these guys ... -- (Holofernes Enters) Holofernes Greetings, Wenches. Welcome to the annual Medieval Fair. I am Dr. Holofernes, distinguished professor of Englsh literature, Religious Studies, Japanese Culture, Italian Cuisine and pottery at the Eden Valley Community College, and I'm helping out today. Shall I lend you my arm, Madame, and show you the royal customs? This, fair maid, is "The Deer Hunt!" Take your aim and win your prize! Regina Well, professor, where do I stand? Holofernes Hereby, upon the edge of yonder coppice, A stand where you may make the fairest shoot. Regina (Looking at bow, Confused) How exactly should I go about doing this? Holofernes We", I did teach a summer seminar on the skills of archery, darts, and the javelin. It was entitled, "You Get the Point." (getting no response from his wit) We" ... let's begin. Stand with your feet at shoulder's width, knees slightly bent, head up, stomach in, chest out. Squint your left eye whilst tilting your head to the left. Hold the bow at an 83.21 degree angle with the ground, pulling on the string with 32.7 pounds of pressure. Oh and don't forget to hold out your pinky. Always consider etiquette. 1.6.2 Love Me, Love Me Not - Regina (dropping the ridiculous pose) What willi win if I hit the deer? Holofernes Hit your target and he's yours for life! Regina I see. nCupid n BUT COME: THE BOW NOW BEAUTY GOES TO KILL WHY SHOULD I HURT MY DEER? AND YET I WILL ADMIRING FRIENDS ARE URGING ME ON TO TAKE MY CHANCE BEFORE MY CHANCE IS GONE DRINKING THEIR PRAISE MY THIRST FOR GLORY CLIMBS AND I GROW GUILTY OF DELICIOUS CRIMES CUPID, SEE THE ARROW? FOLLOW IT AS IT FLIES CUPID, GUIDE MY LITTLE ARROW RIGHT BETWEEN HIS BEAUTIFUL EYES OTHER 3 EYES REGINA CUPID OTHERS HUM REGINA BE MY TEACHER OTHERS HUM REGINA CUPID, PLEASE TAKE MY PART OTHERS ZING - REGINA AIM ME AT THIS PRINCE TURNED PREACHER SEND ME TO HIS HEART 1.6.3 Love Me, Love Me Not ,- OTHERS I HAVE IN MY QUIVER WHAT WILL MAKE HIM SHIVER REGINA WHEN I DELIVER IT TO HIS HEART OTHERS CUPID, BE MY TEACHER REGINA CUPID, HELP ME OTHERS CUPID, TAKE MY PART REGINA PLEASE NOW ALL CUPID, GUIDE MY GOLDEN ARROW RIGHT TO HIS HEART TO HIS HEART! - (Costard enters) Costard Pray you, which is the head lady? Princess You'll know her by the rest that have no heads. Costard Who is in charge, the tallest? Rosaline The thickest and the tallest. Costard The thickest and the tallest: it is so, truth is truth. Are not you the chief woman? You are the thickest here. Princess What's your will, sir? Costard I have a letter from Mr. Berowne to one Mademoiselle Rosaline. - Princess I'll take that, thank you . . (Costard Exits) 1.6.4 Love Me, Love Me Not Rosaline - But... Regina I am the head mistress. Have you forgotten so soon, Ros. I am the THICKEST and the tallest. Why, you even said so yourself, Chubs. Let's just open this up and see what it is. Oh, a love letter ... "Shall I command thy love? I may. I may. Shall I enforce thy love? I COUld. Shall I entreat thy love? I will. What shalt thou exchange for rags? Robes. For Triffles? Titles. For thysef? Me. Thus, expecting thy reply, I profane my lips on thy foot, my eyes on thy picture, and my art on thy every part. Thine, in the dearest design of industry, KatlMarialReg "Don Adriano Armado." Maria It's a letter for Jaquenetta. Rosaline What Nonsense. Princess [to Rosaline] Here, sweet, put this up; twill be thine another day . .- Katherine I wish I would get one. Rosaline (a little hurt by the letter mix-up) I didn't want one anyway. Love letters are so cliche. "Cupid: Part II" REGINA IF PRIDE MUST FALL IT NEEDS A LITTLE SHOVE I'M JUST A HELPING HAND MARIA THE CAUSE IS LOVE ROSALINE CAN LOVE TOUCH HIM? HE THINK'S THAT HE'S IMMUNE - REGINA MY LITTLE ARROW SINGS A DIFF'RENT TUNE KATHERINE LIFE IS TOO SHORT TO PLAY AT WAIT AND SEE Lo~'e ,~fe, 1.6.5 Love Me Not HE HAS TO GET !T NOW - ALL HIS FATE IS ME. CUPID, THERE'S OUR TARGET THINKING HE'S OH-SO-WISE CUPID, HELP ME LAND A MESSAGE RIGHT BETWEEN HIS BEAUTIFUL EYES REGINA CUPID ROSALINE TWANG! REGINA I'M AN ARROW KATHERINE ZOOM! REGINA QUIVERING TO DEPART - MARIA THA-WAP! REGINA AIM FOR MISTER STRAIGHT-AND-NARROW SEND ME TO HIS HEART ALL HE THINKS HE'S SO SUPER-SMART HE THINKS YOU CAN'T HIT HIS HEART SO WHEN YOU CHOOSE YOUR DART REGINA PLEASE CHOOSE ME OTHERS CUPID, BE MY SHOOTER REGINA I'LL ADORE YOU OTHERS CHOOSE ME FOR YOUR DART - REGINA IFYOU 1.6.6 Love Me, Love Me Not ALL - SEND ME LIKE A GOLDEN ARROW STRAIGHT TO KATHERINE I HAVE IN MY LlTILE PURSE WHAT WILL MAKE HIS FEVER WORSE KATHERINEIMARIA WHEN HE CRIES FOR HIS NURSE REGINA CALL FOR ME OTHERS CUPID, BE THE DOCTOR REGINA BE MY PARTNER OTHERS PUT ME IN HIS CHART ALL --- -. SHOOT ME LIKE A POISON ARROW STRAIGHT TO HIS HEART TO HIS HEART! I. 7.1 Love Me, Love Me Not ACT ONE Scene seven (Elsewhere at the Medieval Fair. Holofernes, Nathalie and Dull enter.) Holofernes Well, the Medieval Fair seems to be going quite well. The girls from France had quite a lot of luck with the You-Pricket- You-Bought-It stand. Nathalie Excellent! And the styrofoam deer were a brilliant idea! But tell me again: is it the pricket that's a four-year old buck? Holofernes No, my dear. The pricket is 2 years old, the sorel-3 years old, and the sore is a buck in its fourth year. I've composed a short ode on the subject. Holofernes The preyful princess pierced and pricked a pretty pleasing pricket, Some say a sore, but not a sore till now made sore with shooting. The dogs did yell. Put "I" to "sore," then sorel jumps from thicket, Or pricket sore, or else sorel. The people fall a-hooting. If sore be sore, then "L" to "sore" makes fifty sores o'sorel. Of one sore I an hundred make by adding but one more "L." Nathalie A rare talent. Dull Hey, I've got one! How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood? o Holofernes thou monster ignorance, how deformed dost thou look! Dull No, seriously, I've always wondered that. Nathalie Sir, she hath never fed of the dainties that are bred in a book. She hath not eat paper, as it were; she hath not drunk ink. Her intellect is not replenished. She is only an anima/' only sensible in the duller parts. Unlike you. Holofernes This is a gift that I have, simple, simple-a foolish extravagant spirit, full of forms, figures, shapes, objects, ideas, apprehensions, motions, revolutions. These are begot in the ventricle of memory, nourished in the womb of pia mater, and delivered upon the mellowing of occasion. But the gift is good in those in whom it is acute, and I am thankful for it. 1.7.2 Love Me, Love Me Not - Nathalie Sir, I praise the Lord for you, and so do the rest of my parishioners. Holofernes Vir sapis qui pauca loquitur. A man is wise who says little. Jaquenetta (offstage) Reverend Nathaliel Holofernes But soft, a soul feminine saluteth us. (Enter Jaquenetta and Costard.) Jaquenetta Reverend Nathalie, I just got this letter. Could you explain it for me? I think it's in French, or something. It was given to me by Costard, and sent to me from Don Armado. I can't understand a word of it. Nathalie It's a sonnet, a love poem. Holofernes Let us hear a stanza. "If Love Make Me Forsworn" Nathalie IF LOVE MAKE ME FORSWORN, HOW SHALL I SWEAR TO LOVE? AH, NEVER FAITH COULD HOLD, IF NOT TO BEAUTY VOWED! THOUGH TO MYSELF FORSWORN, TO THEE I'LL FAITHFUL PROVE. THOSE THOUGHTS THAT WERE MY OAKS, TO THEE LIKE WILLOWS BOWED. Holofernes You find not the apostrophes, and so miss the accent. Let me supervise the canzonet. (He takes the paper) IF LOVE MAKE ME FORSWORN, HOW SHALL I SWEAR TO LOVE? Nathalie AH, NEVER FAITH COULD HOLD, IF NOT TO BEAUTY VOWED! Holofernes THOUGH TO MYSELF FORSWORN, TO THEE I'LL FAITHFUL PROVE. Nathalie THOSE THOUGHTS THAT WERE MY OAKS, TO THEE LIKE WILLOWS BOWED. Holofernes STUDY HIS BIAS LEAVES AND MAKES HIS BOOK THINE EYES, Nathalie WHERE ALL THOSE PLEASURES LIVE THAT ART WOULD COMPREHEND. IF KNOWLEDGE BE THE GOAL, THEN TO KNOW THEE SHALL SUFFICE. 1.7.3 Love Me, Love Me Not - . WELL-LEARNED THE TONGUE THAT WELL CAN THEE COMMEND . Both ALL IGNORANT THAT SOUL THAT SEES THEE WITHOUT WONDER; Nathalie WHICH IS TO ME SOME PRAISE THAT I THY PARTS ADMIRE. Holofernes THY EYE JOVE'S LIGHTNING BEARS, Nathalie THY VOICE HIS DREADFUL THUNDER, WHICH, NOT TO ANGER BENT, IS MUSIC Holofernes AND SWEET FIRE. Both CELESTIAL AS THOU ART, 0 PARDON LOVE THIS WRONG, THAT SINGS HEAVEN'S PRAISE WITH SUCH AN EARTHLY TONGUE. (dance) All CELESTIAL AS THOU ART, 0 PARDON LOVE THIS WRONG, THAT SINGS HEAVEN'S PRAISE WITH SUCH AN EARTHLY TONGUE. Holofernes Now, how did you receive this letter and from whom? Jaquenetta I told you! Costard brought it. It's from Armado. Holofernes I will overglance the superscript: "To the snow-white hand of the most beautous Lady Rosaline." And the closing: "Your Ladyship's in a/l desired employment, Berowne." Reverend Nathalie, this Berowne is one of the young gentlemen staying at the cottage with Henry, and this was written to one of the French girls. As usual, our delivery system leaves much to be desired. (To Jaquenetta) Trip and go, my sweet. Deliver this paper into the hand of Navarre. It may concern much. Stay not thy compliment. I forgive thy duty. Adieu. (She stands, blank look.) Give this to Henry. It's important. -. . Jaquenetta Costard, come with me . Costard Right behind you! 1.7.4 Love Me, Love Me Not (Costard and Jaquenetta exit.) - Holofernes Well, time for dinner. From a feast for the mind to a feast for the belly. Adieu, Reverend. Nathalie Oh, oh, okay. (He almost exits.) Oh, sir? (He turns) Oh, nothing. Holofernes (Noticing) I'm attending the $3 all-you-can-eat fish fry at Maybelle's. Would you care to accompany me? Nathalie It would be my pleasure. (Dull alone.) Holofernes Would you like to join us also? -< .- Dull Great. So, what's black and white and read all over? (A look from Holofernes and Nathalie.) (They exit.) 1.8a.1 Love Me, Love Me Not - ACT ONE Scene eight- Part A (The garden behind the summer cottage. Berowne enters.) Berowne: I am not in love. I am not in love! Well, I do nothing in the world but lie. By God, I do love, and it has taught me to rhyme and to be melancholy. And here is part of my rhyme, and here is my melancholy. She already has one of my sonnets. The clown bore it, the fool sent it, and the lady has it. Sweet clown, sweeter fool, that sweetest lady. Oh what I wouldn't give to be done with this dreadful oath. If only my friends were as weak as I in the ways of love! I would rejoice! -But wait, what's this? Here comes Henry with a paper of some sort. This could prove interesting indeed. (He hides in a tree.) (Henry enters with a paper.) Henry (As if addressing his love) My fair Regina ... Berowne: (Aside) Ha! I'm not alone after all! It looks like no one can hide from sweet Cupid's eye! "All In Love" Henry Please accept this offering in rhyme. (Reads) SO SWEET A KISS THE GOLDEN SUN GIVES NOT TO THOSE FRESH MORNING DROPS UPON THE ROSE AS THY EYEBEAMS, WHEN THEIR FRESH RAYS HAVE SMOTE THE NIGHT OF DEW THAT ON MY CHEEKS DOWN FLOWS. NOR SHINES THE SILVER MOON ONE-HALF SO BRIGHT THROUGH THE TRANSPARENT BOSOM OF THE DEEP AS DOTH THY FACE, THROUGH TEARS OF MINE, GIVE LIGHT. THOU SHIN'ST IN EVERY TEAR THAT I DO WEEP. Who knows what she'll think, but I must send it. Who's here? (Enter Longaville, with papers. Henry steps aside.) What, Longaville, and reading! I must hide. Berowne: (Aside) I knew it! Another pawn in the game of love arrives. Longaville: (Singing) AY ME! I AM FORSWORN. '\k t 1.8a.2 Love Me, Love Me Not Berowne: (Aside) Why, he comes in singing. Quick someone get him an agent! King: (Aside) In love, I hope! Sweet fellowship in shame. Berowne: (Aside) One drunkard loves another of the name. Longaville: Am I the first that have been perjured so? Berowne: (Aside) Should I let my lovesick friends know they are not alone? Nah, it's more fun to watch. Longaville: I'm afraid these lines lack the power to move her. Longaville: (He sings the sonnet.) DID NOT THE HEAVENLY RHETORIC OF THINE EYE, 'GAINST WHOM THE WORLD CANNOT HOLD ARGUMENT PERSUADE MY HEART TO THIS FALSE PERJURY? VOWS FOR THEE BROKE DESERVE NOT PUNISHMENT. A WOMAN I FORSWORE, BUT I WILL PROVE, THOU BEING A GODDESS, I FORSWORE NOT THEE. MY VOW WAS EARTHLY, THOU A HEAVENLY LOVE. THY GRACE BEING GAINED CURES ALL DISGRACE IN ME. Berowne: (Aside) Oh, this is a good, we are making flesh a diety. These women are our goddesses. God please forgive us. Longaville: My sweet Maria, do I dare send this letter? But who's this interrupting my dreaming? Dumaine! Ha, I will hide until he has gone. (Enter Dumaine, with a paper.) o most divine Kate! - Dumaine: Berowne: (Aside) Oh most profane dimwit! Love Me, Love Me Not I.Sa.3 Dumaine: She is as fair as day. Berowne: (Aside) As some days, and a day like that I'd stay in bed! (Give disgusted look) Dumaine: 0, that I had my wish! Longaville: (Aside) And I had mine! Henry (Aside) And mine too, good Lord! Berowne Amen! Hear me good Lord so I have mine too. Dumaine: I'll woo her with this sonnet I've written. - Berowne: Oh, now there's an original idea! Dumaine: (Sings his "sonnet") ON A DAY-ALACK THE DAY!LOVE, WHOSE MONTH IS EVER MAY SPIED A BLOSSOM PASSING FAIR, PLAYING INTHEWANTONAIR. THROUGH THE VELVET LEAVES THE WIND, ALL UNSEEN, CAN PASSAGE FIND; THAT THE LOVER, SICK TO DEATH WISHED HIMSELF THE HEAVEN'S BREATH. Berowne/Longaville/Henry DUMAINE IS TRULY SMITTEN Dumaine This willi send and something else more plain. BILlH BUT MINE IS BETTER WRITTEN - Dumaine That shall express my true love's fasting pain. B/UH HE'S SORT OF CLEVER 1.8a.4 Love Me, Love Me Not Dumaine - If only the other three were lovers too. B/UH BUT MINE WILL LAST FORVER Dumaine Then we'd all be in it together. Longaville: Irs TIME TO CHANGE THE TUNE. (Coming forward) MISTER DUMAINE, I'VE GOT A BONE TO PICK I HEARD YOUR SONG AND IT WAS PRETTY VILE WHAT YOU HAVE DONE HERE REALLY MAKES ME SICK IT SEEMS THAT LOYALTY IS NOT YOUR STYLE. Henry HOLD ON A MINUTE, YOU'RE AS BAD AS HE I'M AWF'LL Y DISAPPOINTED WITH YOU BOTH ONE THING THAT BUGS ME IS HYPOCRISY YOU WENT AND TRAMPLED ON A SACRED OATH Berowne (Jumping out of tree) WHAT'S ALL THE NOISE THERE - OH, MY GOD, IT'S YOU WELL THIS IS AWKWARD BUT ~T MUST BE FACED FROM WHAT I'VE HEARD IT SEEMS THAT ONE THING'S TRUE: YOU THREE ARE TOTALLY DISGRACED! Dumairie/Longaville/Henry LOOKS LIKE WE'VE ALL BEEN DISCOVERED LOOKS LIKE THE SECRET'S UNCOVERED LOOKS LIKE BEROWNE HEARD IT ALL FROM ABOVE THERE'S NO DENYING THAT WE'RE ALL IN Berowne SO MUCH FOR BOOKS AND FOR STUDIES SO MUCH FOR VOWS TO YOUR BUDDIES ALL THAT IT TOOK WAS A LOOK AND A SHOVE TO SEND YOU SPRAWLlN' SO YOU'D FALL IN Other 3 THAT TWIT FOUND OUT WE'RE IN Berowne TO WIT- NO DOUBT YOU'RE IN Other 3 OH SHIT, HE KNOWS WE'RE ALL IN LOVE! Love Me, Love Me Not 1.8b.2 Berowne Sweet lords, sweet lovers, 0, let us embrace. As true we are as flesh and blood can be. The sea will ebb and flow, heaven show his face; Young blood doth not obey an old decree. We cannot cross the cause why we were born; Therefore of all hands must we be forsworn. - *" Costard [from behind a bush] What about the contract?! King Oh yes, the contract. Berowne, you've got to find a loop-hole. To prove our loving lawful and our faith not torn. - Berowne Right! From women's eyes this doctrine I derive. They sparkle still the right Promethean fire. They are the books, the arts, the academes That show, contain, and nourish all the world. Else none at all in ought proves excellent. Let us lose our oaths to find ourselves, Or else we lose ourselves to keep our oaths. Understand? We need love! These girls may teach us more than all our months of study! King Well, what the hell? What're we waiting for? "Act One Finale" King IT'S VERY SIMPLE, IT'S VERY STRONG WE WERE TOO SIMPLE, AND WE WERE WRONG IT WASN'T VIRTUE WE WERE WINNING OUR PLAN WAS DOOMED FROM THE BEGINNING THIS LOVE PLATONIC IS NOTHING REAL IT'S JUST MORONIC, NO WAY IDEAL OLD PLATO BUILT THIS GREAT BIG SYSTEM BECAUSE NO WOMAN EVER KISSED 11M FOR LOVE IS LEARNED IN A LADY'S EYE IT ISNT IN YOUR BRAIN LOVE'S THE THING THAT TAKES YOU BY SURPRISE IT'S NOT EXACTLY SANE - ADVANCE YOUR STANDARDS SAINT CUPID IS OUR PATRON Love Me, Love Me Not 1.8b.3 Guys - [throwing away sonnets] WE DON'T NEED A MASTERPIECE WHAT WE NEED'S A FASTER PIECE ACTION LIKE A PLAY OR A DANCE TO CATCH THE EYE Longaville YES, A PLAY Dumaine NO, A DANCE Berowne SOMETHING ELSE Henry SOMETHING SMART Longavilie/Dumaine SOMETHING SHARP All A MASQUERADE! - Dumaine FOR KATHERINE Berowne FOR ROSALINE Longaville MARIA Henry HER MAJESTY Dumaine AND I WILL LOVE ONLY HER 'TIL THE DAY I DIE Berowne AND I WILL LOVE ONLY HER 'TIL THE DAY I DIE Longaville AND I WILL LOVE ONLY HER 'TIL THE DAY I DIE -, Henry AND I WILL LOVE ONLY HER 'TIL THE DAY I DIE ALL TO THE DAY I DIE, TO THE DAY I DIE, TO THE DAY I, DAY I, DU DU DU DU ..... TO THE DAY I DIE! 11.1.1 Love Me, Love Me Not ACT TWO Scene One (The girls' campsite. They are sunbathing, while examing the letters and packages they have received.) Regina I could get used to being the center of attention. Who knows ... we may never leave. Maria Longaville gave me some pearls and a very long letter. Regina Too bad the pearls aren't longer than the letter. Maria No kidding! What did Dumaine send you, Katherine? Katherine I got...a glove!!! Regina Just...A GLOVE?! (Katherine looks in her package again) Katherine Oh wow! TWO!! He wrote this long letter, but it was so stupid. I couldn't even understand a word of it. Regina We are wise girls to mock our lovers so. Rosaline They are worse fools to purchase mocking so. I'd like to say a few words to Berowne right now ... Regina Speaking of Berowne ... What did you get in your package, Ros? (Rosaline pulls out a tacky flower pin) Rosaline Oh .... uh ... it's nothing important. Regina Come on Rosaline. (Ros pulls out her gift heSitantly and they all laugh) Rosaline What? It's not that bad! (Pause. Then the three girls start laughing again) Maybe if I were as ... (catches herself starting to insult Regina) ... pretty as you, then I might get nicer gifts. Oh, I have verses also. Something to the effect of me being "the fairest goddess on the ground. I am compared to twenty thousand fairs." And, he drew 11.1.2 Love Me, Love Me Not my picture in the letter. -- Katherine Oh, that's great. It looks just like you. Regina I think it makes you look like a cow. Rosaline Well, at least the letter was flattering. How I will make him fawn, beg and seek, and wait the season, and spend his very few wits in silly poetry. Regina Why don't you dangle a bone in front of him? That's always worked for you in the past. Hey, Pierre was even potty trained. Rosaline He shall be my fool and I his fate. Regina If he chooses you for his fate, he is a fool. Rosaline You know what...you're fat! Regina Look what Henry sent me. (Katherine and Maria ad lib "oo's and ah's) Rosaline So .... is that all? Regina No, I was also given a letter. As much Jove in rhyme as could be crammed up in a sheet of paper, written on both sides of the page, in the margins and all. Signed Cupid. A.K.A. Henry. Rosaline And just like cupid, Henry is and will eternally be a boy. Oh, speaking of immature members of the male sex ... (Enter Costard) Costard (struggling with his memorization, occasionally checks script) Prepare, madam, prepare. Arm, wenches, arm. Encounters mounted are against your peace. Love doth approach, disguised, armed in arguments. You'll be surprised. Muster your wits, stand in your own defense, or hide your heads like cowards ... (forgetting what's going on, in his "own world") I'm a coward. I have been all my life. I should have asked Jaquenetta to the 7th grade Valentine's dance. I had everything planned out. It was perfect. .. the flowers, my dad's aftershave, my brown corduroy suit, and reservations at McDonalds. I even sat beside her in history everyday, but I couldn't muster up the courage to ask her out. God!! What's wrong with me? .. 11.1.3 Love Me, Love Me Not - Rosaline (getting frustrated with Costard, she clears her throat) Do you have something you would like to say of importance, or are you going to rabble on about your pathetic life for the rest of ... Regina (cutting off Ros) Did you have something you needed to tell us? Costard Oh yeah ... (pulls out a prepared script, announcing) Ladies, I have come on behalf of four highly talented and most unusually handsome and eligible young gentlemen to invite you to a series of festivities to be held at the commodious Moose Lodge. Each of the gentlemen has asked me to deliver to his lady fair a personal letter in which he pours out his inner-most, and very personal, feelings for you. You are invited to attend the masquerade ball this evening to be held in your honor. They are looking forward to your arrival. Thank you and good afternoon (The ladies read their respective invitations. They begin the first line aloud, but reading to them selves until they realize they all have the same invitation.) All To my exquisitely elegant and beautifully blossoming chrysanthemum. (they look at each other) Maria (continuing) ... Wear your favor to the ball tonight, so that I may recognize you. Rosaline (continuing) ... Then I may sweep you away to a private rendezvous where we two lovebirds may chirp and nest.. .. blah, blah .... (Princess and Rosaline give each other a look) Are you thinking what I'm thinking? Maria I know what you're thinking. (smiling) Katherine (finishing the letter, unaware of what's going on) Oh .... that is so romantic! - Regina Katherine sweetie, we're not going to give them the power. I say let's have a little fun with these guys. Here Rosaline, Take this jewel and I'll wear your ... thing. Maria Love Me, Love Me Not Katherine, I'll wear your gloves and you'll wear my pearls. -- Rosaline We'll show those Don Juan's. We'll just see were their ridiculous ball will get them. Love. Humph! It's everything you DON'T want in life. Katherine OR everything you DO ... "LOVE CAN BE FATAL" Katherine LOVE IS A PLEASURE ROSALINE LOVE IS A PAIN MARIA LOVE IS A R IDOLE REGINA DRIVES YOU INSANE REG/ROS LOVE IS A CURSE LOVE CAN BE FATAL MARIA LOVE IS A DAYDREAM REGINA MAKING YOU WEEP ROSALINE LOVE IS A NIGHTMARE KATHERINE GUARDING YOUR SLEEP REG/ROS AND WHAT IS WORSE LOVE CAN BE FATAL ROSALINE OTHER GIRLS DON'T SEEM TO MIND LOVE REGINA THEY'RE CONTENT IF THEY FIND SOME WAY YO FIND LOVE MARIA I THOUGHT LOVE WOULD NEVER AIMATME KATHERINE THOUGHT I'D STAY FREE ALL - 11.1.4 AND NOW ITS ALL I DREAM OF MARIA CUPID'S A BULLY, BLOCKING YOUR WA Y KATHERINE CUPID'S A HUNTER - - .- Love Me, Love Me Not ROSALINE YOU ARE THE PREY ALL LOVE'S ALWAYS SAD SOMETIMES IT'S FATAL ROSALINE LOVE IS A NUISANCE KATHERINE LOVE IS A TOY MARIA LOVE IS A MADNESS REGINA ALL FOR SOME BOY REGINA/ROSALINE HE'S NOT JUST BAD, HE CAN BE FATAL ALL OTHER GIRLS WANT EMBRACE LOVE SO NAIVE THEy'LL EVEN GO OUT AND CHASE LOVE ROSALINE I KEPT MY HEART HIDDEN SAFE AND SOUND I WENT AROUND NOT THINKING ALL LOVE COULD WOUND ME REGINA THINK YOU'RE TOO LUCKY ROSALINE THINK YOU'RE TOO SMART KATHERINE SOONER OR LATER YOU LOSE YOUR HEART ALL SAD, BUT IT'S TRUE LOVE CAN BE FATAL TOO BAD FOR YOU BUT, LOVE CAN BE FATAL FATAL TOO BAD FOR YOU BUT, LOVE CAN BE FATAL 11.1.5 11.2.1 Love Me, Love Me Not - ACT TWO Scene two (Maybelle's diner. Holofernes, Nathalie and Dull have just finished eating lunch. Holofernes and Nathalie are having semi-serious intelligent conversation while Du" is stacking and playing with the butters and jellies.) Holofernes Satis quid sutficit. Nathalie I praise God for you, sir. Your reasons at lunch have been sharp and sententious, pleasant without scurrility. You could teach that Don Adriano Armado a thing or two. We were conversing this quondam day and ... Holofernes Speaking of Armado; the gentlemen have approached both him and myself and asked if we would arrange a performance to impress the ladies. Nathalie A performance? Oh, that sounds wonderful! Dull (Interrupting) Excuse me, but did you say you were putting on a show? - Ho/ofernes Yes, the gentlemen have asked for my guidance due to my superior intellect and creative genius. Dull Yeah, that's great but can I be in it?!? Nathalie What will the performance be? And how will you decide who's in the ensemble? Ho/ofernes I haven't quite made a final decision on what we will present. .. Dull I can spin my rifle! (Ho/ofernes and Nathalie just look at her) What?! I'm good at it! Ho/ofernes It is my plan to ... Dull Watch this ... Ho/ofernes And how do you expect that to fit into any sort of performance to woo the ladies? This is going to be high-class entertainment, not some amateurish variety show. Dull Oh please! This is my dream ... 11.2.2 Love Me, Love Me Not - "Show Business" Dull I ALWAYS KNEW THAT I TRULY BELONGED IN SHOW BUSINESS THAT IS MY ONLY AMBITION EVERYTHING ELSE WAS JUST A TEMP POSITION THROUGH ALL THE YEARS THE DISAPPOINTMENTS AND ADVANCING AGE I KEPT MY HOPES ALIVE THAT THE DAY WOULD ARRIVE WHEN I WOULD MAKE MY DEBUT ON THE STAGE Holofemes I'VE ALWAYS THOUGHT THERE'S A PLACEFOR ERUDITION IN SHOW BUSINESS I mean, SCRIPTS THAT ARE CLEVERLY WRITTEN NOT LIKE THE MUSICALS FROM GREAT BRITAIN I HAVEAGIFT FOR WITTY DIALOGUE AND REPARTEE SO I'VE BEEN HONING MY CRAFT WHILE AWAITING A DRAFT TO APPEAR INASHOWON BROADWAY Nathalie SPIRITUALITY CAN THRIVE IN SHOW BUSINESS FAMILY VALUES ARE A PLUS FOR A BUS AND TRUCK TOUR THE THEATRE'S A TEMPLE OFART EVERYONE'S PRAYING "LORD, BRING ME A BIGGER PART" Dull, Holofemes, Nathalie PEOPLE LIKE US WE WERE BORN TO BE IN SHOW BUSINESS OUR CONCEPTION OF EDEN: DOING A SPECTACULAR COLD READIN' 'SPITE OF OUR FRIENDS AND OUR RELATIONS SAYING "NO, PLEASE, NO" WE WON'T GET OUT OF THE RACE WE'LL NEVER SLACKEN THE PACE UNTIL WE'RE FINALLY CAST IN A SHOW (as he enters) Armado All right, I'm here. We can now start the audition process. Dull Oh! I can do bird calls too! 11.2.3 Love Me, Love Me Not Armado - What is this fool talking about. Dull I want to be in the show too! Armado If only you knew the hardships of the theatre as I do. WHEN YOU'RE A PRO YOU'RE FAMILIAR WITH THE CONS OF SHOW BUSINESS AFTER A SEASON OF TOURING OH, HOW I WISH FOR SOMETHING SAFE AND BORING BUT WHEN I THINK OF WHAT IT'S LIKE TO LABOR NINE TO FIVE I ALWAYS TELL MYSELF "JERK. CALL UP YOUR AGENT FOR WORK" BECAUSE THE THEATRE'S THE ONLY PLACE I CAN SURVIVE (Costard has entered during his singing and prepares to impress everyone with his violin skills. Mote then enters thinking she is late for the audition and joins in with Costard for a duet.) (Arm ado is trying to start a set up for fenCing partners) Holofemes What on earth are you dOing? Armado Setting up appropriate partners for the fencing extravaganza. Leave it to the professionals, please. Holofemes We are not having a fencing extravaganza! The gentlemen want to impress the ladies, not look even more barbaric than they already do. Nathalie (attempting to keep the peace) It should be something more-I don't know ... theatrical. "All the world's a stage and the men and women are merely the players." Holofemes Of course! I have been struck with brilliant inspiration! -As is quite customary for me. Armado I don't care if you get struck by lightening. If there is going to be a performance, a fencing exhibition is imperative! Holofernes My dear fellow, you will not be disappointed. We wi" perform the best of William Shakespeare. An evening of favorite scenes, filled with Elizabethan flair and culminating in a hair-raising duel to the death! 11.2.4 Love Me, Love Me Not Armado _ Now you're talking! En guard! (Everyone is now happy and content and being to sing) A" SUMMING IT UP THERE IS NOTHING WE LIKE BUT SHOW BUSINESS WHETHER IT'S SHAKESPEARE OR MAMET NO OTHER CALLING HAS CALLED US, DAMMIT WE'VE OFTEN TRIED TO KICK THE HABIT BUT IT WON'T GO 'WAY SO YOU CAN CALL US NUTS BUT WE ARE STUCK IN OUR RUTS AND WE'RE DETERMINED TO BE IN A PLAY! .- 11.3.1 Love Me, Love Me Not - ACT TWO Scene three (The ballroom of the Moose Lodge. The guys enter, wearing costumes.) Longaville Where are they? Dumaine Maybe they didn't get the invitations. Longaville They are probably sitting in their tents right now making fun of those ridiculous gifts we sent them. Berowne Hey, it's the best that gas station had to offer. Henry Shh, guys here they come. (The girls enter, masked) Ladies welcome. May I say that you a" look lovely tonight. We are so pleased that you have decided to spend this evening in our company. Regina We found it impossible to refuse after the"heartfelt" letters and "charming" gifts that you sent. Dumaine I knew that was a good idea. Rosaline What would you strangers with us? Berowne Nothing but peace and gentle visitation. Rosaline Why, that you have. And so begone. Henry Ladies, Professor Holofernes and the rest of the town have put a great deal of work into this evening of entertainment. May we not at least have one dance? Regina As you can see, we are a" wearing the gifts you sent us, so you will get what you deserve. Find the girl that matches your favor and we will have a dance! 11.3.2 Love Me, Love Me Not "Behind the Mask" Men YOUR GLANCES SHOW ME THAT MAYBE YOU KNOW ME THEY GIVE ME STRENGTH ENOUGH TO ASK: IS THERE A PARTNER WHO'LL BE MINE FOR LIFE IN THE GIRL BEHIND THE MASK? Women YOU ARE MISTAKEN I'M ALREADY TAKEN BUT IF YOU LIKE I'LL DANCE WITH YOU THERE WILL BE ONE SHORT CHANCE TO WIN MY HEART IN THE DANCE, BEFORE IT'S THROUGH. - YES, I'LL BE YOUR PARTNER THAT'S MY GUARANTEE I IMPLORE, DON'T ASK FOR MORE OR I MIGHT. .. AGREE Men SO WE'LL PRETEND I'M ONLY A FRIEND IF I WANT MORE, THEN THAT'S MY TASK AND WHEN THE DANCE IS DONE I'LL HOPE I'VE WON HER: THE GIRL BEHIND THE MASK. (Couples dance. Berowne and Regina -- disguised as Rosaline -- are dancing together.) Berowne ARE YOU FOND OF BABIES? Regina Yes! WHEN THEY'RE IN THE ZOO. MY HEART ACHES FOR BABY SNAKES DOESN'T YOURS? Berowne ME TOO! 11.3.3 Love Me, Love Me Not - (They dance off. Longaville is dancing with Katherine -- disguised as Maria.) Longaville DO YOU LIKE OUR COUNTRY? Katherine No! FRANCE IS BEST FOR ME. YANKEE BOYS ARE PUNY TOYS TO US FRENCH, NON? aui. Longaville (They dance off. Dumaine is dancing with Maria -- disguised as Katherine.) Dumaine ARE YOU FOND OF KISSES? Maria Yes! ALSO MILKY WAYS I COULD FEED MY LIPS ON CHOC'LATE CHIPS FOR DAYS AND DAYS. (Couples dance off. Jaquenetta and Armado come on and perform their ballet. They exit as the other couples reenter.) ALL WHEN THE DANCE IS OVER WHEN THE NIGHT IS GONE WILL YOU BE MY LOVER THEN IN THE COLD, GREY DAWN? SO WE'LL PRETEND I'M ONLY A FRIEND THIS IS A DANCE THAT ENDS AT DAWN BUT CAN WE TWO AGREE YOU'LL STA Y WITH ME AS TIME GOES ON? -- 11.4.1 Love Me, Love Me Not - ACT TWO Scene four (Outside the powder room at the Moose Lodge. The four girls have taken off their masks.) Regina Are these the breed of wits so wondered at? Rosaline Healthy wits they have; fat and gross! They were all in lamentable cases. And did you hear that Henry is my love sworn? Regina And quick Berowne hath plighted faith to me. Maria Dumaine was at my service, and his sword. "No point," quoth I. My servant straight was mute. Katherine Longaville said I came o'er his heart. - Regina What are we going to do when we talk to them again? Rosaline We could a" wear sunglasses. Maria Or funny noses! Oh, too late -- here they come. Henry (to Regina) Ladies, we were talking and we thought maybe you'd a" like to come back to our place. Regina Sorry, but we are going back to our tents, so keep your promise. "Nor God nor I delights in perjured men." Henry Huh? .. Listen, we know we were wrong about swearing to keep women off our property. It was a stupid mistake and we're really sorry. So please, let's all go back to our house. Regina Te" me, Henry, if we do go to your place, would I be sleeping in your bed? .- 11.4.2 Love Me, Love Me Not Henry What? Rosaline Well, since we danced together so much this evening, and you swore that you did "Hold me dear, as precious eyesight and did value me Above this world;" adding thereto, moreover, That you would "wed me, or else die my lover." Regina Well, isn't that sweet -- all my best to you two! The honorable gentleman most honorably doth uphold his word. Henry What are you talking about? I swear I never made that oath to her! Rosaline Oh yes you did! And to show how serious you were about it, you gave me this. (shows the jobby) But you can have it back. Henry I gave that to Regina! It had to be her, she had the jewel on her sleeve! - Regina Pardon me, sir. This jewel did she wear. Maria (to Longaville) And apparently you can't tell the difference between Katherine and me! Katherine (to Dumaine) Yeah! Longaville (groping for an excuse) Yes, well .... um .... you two look a lot alike! (elbows Dumaine) Dumaine Uh-huh, sure, you have the same hair .... or .... eyes maybe? Katherine Right, I know, we're practically twins. (Katherine and Maria look at each other, then back at the guys, then storm off.) (Longaville and Dumaine rush off after them.) Regina And Berowne, I thank him, is my dear. (to Berowne) What, will you have me, or your pearl again? 11.4.3 Love Me, Love Me Not -- (She throws it at him and storms off.) (Rosaline starts to exit, but is stopped by Berowne's response.) Berowne Neither of either. I remit both twain. "Thus pour the stars down plagues" BEROWNE I SEE THE TRICK I GET THE JOKE THE WHOLE THING'S CLEAR TO ME NOW YOU LET US WOO THE LOT OF YOU AND LAUGHED WHEN WE BROKE OUR VOW AND AS WE SWORE ETERNAL LOVE YOU SET US UP FOR A FALL YOU LED US ON BUT IN YOUR HEARTS THERE WAS NO LOVE AT ALL THUS POUR THE STARS DOWN PLAGUES FOR PERJURY IT'S THE BITTER FRUIT OF VOWS WE COULD NOT KEEP OH, LADY LOVE, YOU MADE A FOOL OF ME AS YOU LED US THROUGH A DANCE WHILE WE DREAMT OF TRUE ROMANCE NOW THE DANCE IS DONE AND ALL I CAN DO IS WEEP! ROSALINE A TRICK YOU SAY BUTINAWAY YOU LET YOURSELVES BE DECEIVED YOU HAD YOUR FUN AND THEN WHEN DONE YOU SAID THAT YOU'D BEEN AGGRIEVED BUT IF YOU TRULY LOVED ME YOU'D HAVE SEEN RIGHT THROUGH THE DISGUISE BUT SURFACE GLITZ CAN DIM THE WITS OF EGOCENTRIC GUYS DON'T BLAME THE STARS, JUST BLAME YOUR PERJURY ALL YOUR PUFFED-UP WAYS ARE NOTHING BUT A LIE YOU FOOLED YOURSELF, DON'T PUT THE BLAME ON ME FIRST YOU SWEAR THAT STUPID OATH .- BEROWNE WE RENOUNCED IT- THAT SHOWS GROWTH 11.4.4 Love Me, Love Me Not - ROSALINE THEN YOU CHANGE YOUR LITTLE MIND BEROWNE JUST A MINUTE - THAT'S UNKIND ROSALINE THEN YOU SNAP YOUR FINGERS BEROWNE SNAP - WHO SAID? ROSALINE AND YOU EXPECT WE'LL JUMP RIGHT INTO BED BOTH THIS IS SO UNREAL THAT ALL I CAN DO IS CRY! ROSALINE WHAT A QUAND'RY BOTH - WHAT A MESS BEROWNE IS THERE NO WAY BOTH OUT OF THIS DISTRESS? BEROWNE I SOMETIMES THINK ROSALINE 1'M GLAD YOU THINK BEROWNE IF MEN AND WOMEN COULD COMMUNICATE ROSALINE EXPRESS THEMSELVES BEROWNE THE OUTCOME MIGHT BE GOOD WE CAN'T LIVE WITHOUT EACH OTHER - ROSALINE YOU SHOULD KNOW, YOU FELLOWS TRIED 11.4.5 Love Me, Love Me Not BEROWNE CAN'T YOU LET THAT GO? ROSALINE YOU'RE TOUCHY, NO? BOTH AGAIN MY BRAINS ARE FRIED THUS POUR THE STARS DOWN PLAGUES FOR PERJURY ROSALINE THE APOLOGY'S TOO LlTILE AND TOO LATE BOTH SEEMS LIKE WE'LL NEVER BE IN HARMONY ROSALINE YOU PERSIST IN PLAYING GAMES BEROWNE YOU INSIST ON CALLING NAMES ROSALINE SUCH AS ARROGANT AND CRUDE BEROWNE NOW ADMIT IT- THAT WAS RUDE ROSALINE YOU HAVE NO IDEA WHO lAM BEROWNE PM AFRAID THAT YOU DON'T EITHER MNAM BOTH HOW DID I EVER THINK THAT HEISHE WAS A POSSIBLE MATE? - 11.5.1 Love Me, Love Me Not - ACT TWO Scene five (The ballroom of the Moose Lodge. The guys and girls reenter and are joined by Costard.) Costard: Gentlemen, would you now like to see the scenes we've prepared? Berowne: Will they be good? Costard: Well. .. the scenes are vara fine, and well known. The actors, however ... well, will do their best. Berowne: Go tell them to start the show. (Costard nods to Holofernes) Holofernes: Cast, we're at places. (We see Jaquenetta whispering to Costard.) - Henry: This may not help us! After that silly masquerade stunt we pulled! Berowne: It wouldn't be bad to have something worse than what we've done. Henry: I said No! And that's final. Princess: No, Henry, let me overrule you now That sport best pleases that doth least know how, When great things labouring perish in their birth. Berowne: A right description of our sport, my friend. Dumaine: I agree! Longaville: Let the show begin. (Enter actors) Holofernes as Stage Manager Good evening ladies and gentlemen, and welcome to our night of Shakespeare scenes. All the world's. a stage, and all the men and women merely players. They have their exits and their entrances ... Without hesitation I give you a pair of starcrossed lovers! 11.5.2 Love Me, Love Me Not (He doesn't move .... Nathalie as Juliet enters) Holofernes as Romeo: But soft what light throughDumaine: ROMEO AND JULIET!!! (to Longaville) You owe me five bucks. Longaville: Man. Holofernes/Romeo: May I continue? Dumaine: Yeah, go ahead. HoloferneslRomeo: But soft, what light through yonder window breaks? It is the east, and Juliet the sun. Arise fair sun and kill the envious moon- - Nathalie/Juliet: Ay, me. Holofernes/Romeo: Not yet, my dear. Nathalie/Juliet: Sorry! HoloferneslRomeo: Arise fair sun, and kill the envious moon, (bird call by Dull) (hesitantly) who is already sick and pale with grief that thou-Reverend, you're mouthing the words. Nathalie/Juliet: Sorry. Holofernes/Romeo: That thou, her maid, art far more fair than she. Be not her! (enter Dull as Hamlet, very nervous) Dull/Hamlet: Um ... To be, or not to be ... That is the question, (getting in to it) whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer the slings and arrows of outragous fortune, or to take arms against a sea of troubles, And, by opposing, end them.(Sees HoI. And Nat flirting on the side of the stage) GET THEE TO A NUNNERY! 11.5.3 Love Me, Love Me Not Holofernes Oh Dear!! NEXT SCENE PLEASE. .. Let's be prompt! We have an audience remember? - Maria: That's embarassing! Katherine: I don't get it. .. wait I think I Regina: Don't think sweetheart. .. Mote Is it my turn? (seeing the audience) Oh, God. Holofernes Just breath in the good ... Exhale the bad ... Mote What's my motivation? - . Holofernes Remember the staged reading of Street Car Named Desire! Think ... BLANCHE. (to the audience) I give you Lady Macbeth . Mote/Lady Macbeth: (southern) Out, Damn Spot! Get out of here! One, two, three. Why, then 'tis time to do it now. HEELL is Murky. Fie, my lord, fie, a soldier, and afeard? What need we fear who knows it, when none can call our power to account? I'll go take a bath, a nice hot bath, that always makes me feel better. Can someone turn out that light? (Just walks of the stage in a state) Maria: Wait.. .Was she supposed to-(Iooks at everyone) I know, shut up Maria! (Walking to the stage Armado and Costard have this exchange) Armado: I do enjoy this little town. It will be hard to leave ... Armado's Magnificent Medieval Fair has been requested in Springfield. Costard: And you're going? Armado: Of course! What's the matter? - Costard: (wanting to lay into him) Nothing ... Lets just do the damn scene!! (Armado and Costard come onstage.) 11.5.4 Love Me, Love Me Not Holofernes: - Macbeth! Armado as Macbeth: I bear a charmed life, (they start to fake a sword fight) Which must not yield to one woman. Costard as Macduff: {very upset)Despair thy charm, ya Jackass, and let the angel who thou still hast served tell thee, Jaquenetta is Pregnant. (They both stop ... look at each other.) Katherine: What was that? Other Girls (Not hearing the pregnant part) Shut up Maria! (Armado and Costard really go at it) Armado/Macbeth: Accursed be that tongue that tells me this bull shit, for it hath cowed my better part of man! CostardlMacduff: (to the audience) Here may you see the Jackass ... oh I mean Tyrant. Armado/Macbeth: Lay on Macduff, and damned be him that impregnates my love. CostardlMacduff: What was that? All the Guys: What was that? All the Girls(except Katherine) What was that? Katherine: I told you!! Armado/Macbeth: He has taken my girl from me. - Guys: Don't just stand there! Kill him! .... (ad libs along these lines) "Stop!" JAQUENETTA (from the back of the house): STOP! - 11.5.5 Love Me, Love Me Not PUT DOWN YOUR SWORDS THINK OF OUR LOVE ARMADO, PLEASE DON'T BE OH, SO CRUEL I'VE ALWAYS BEEN TRUE, LOVE PLEASE, DON'T FIGHT THIS DUEL ALL (EXCEPT ARMADO) STOP! HEAR HER ADVICE TAKE IT TO HEART ARMADO, DON'T BE A DOWNRIGHT FOOL SHE ONLY LOVES YOU SO PLEASE, DON'T FIGHT THIS DUEL JAQUENETTA I BELIEVED IT WHEN YOU SAID YOU LOVED ME WHEN YOU SAID THAT YOU CARED I BELIEVED THAT YOU WERE A CHANGED MAN AND WOULD GIVE ME YOUR ALL ANDI HOPE AND I PRAY YOU WON'T THROW IT ALLAWAY ALL BECAUSE OF A STUPID, BARROOM BRAWL ALL (EXCEPT ARMADO) STOP! DON'T BE AN ASS JAQUENETTA NOTHING IS GAINED BY ACTING JUST LIKE A STUBBORN MULE ALL (EXCEPT ARMADO) SHE'S TRULY A TREASURE ARMADO OKAY! I WON'T FIGHT THIS DUEL. (phone rings and Holofernes answers it) Holofernes: Yes this is the Moose Lodge ... She is here ...... Regina, it's for you. (Regina crosses to phone and takes it) - Regina: (speaking on phone) yes?.... I'm coming home ... (she hangs up the phone.) My father has passed away. Berowne: The scene begins to cloud. Players, away. 11.6.1 Love Me, Love Me Not ACT TWO Scene six (Immediately thereafter) Henry Is there anything I can do? Regina We will be leaving tonight. Henry Well, then at least stay awhile and start fresh tomorrow. ("no" signal from Regina.) You know I'd drop everything in a minute if it would help. Regina I thank you for all your kindness. -- Berowne At this time of grief, it's best to be straightforward. Your beauty, ladies, has changed us. Our love for you made us renounce that stupid oath. We tried to let you know our true feelings. Rosaline We read your letters, and took them for no more than pleasant jests. Berowne Our letters, madame, showed more than jest. Dumaine Katherine, will you have me? Katherine I do wish you a healthy, honest life, Dumaine ... Dumaine And shall I say "thank you, gentle wife?" Longaville What say you, Maria? Maria We are still young and must finish school. 11.6.2 Love Me, Love Me Not -. Henry Now, at the latest minute, please grant us your love. Regina A time, methinks, too short to make a world-without-end bargain in. You have already broken one oath. To prove that you can keep this one, spend a year on your own. Go to a city, find a job, something meaningful. Meet people of all kinds, and think about what you see. After living this life for one year, experiencing all you can, come find me. And by this virgin palm kissing thine, I will be thine. If this thou do deny, let our hands part, neither entitled in the other's heart. "The Circle of Time" ALTHOUGH CUPID IS BLIND, LOVE TIME IS KIND LOVE AND THE CIRCLE OF TIME WILL SOON BRING YOU TO ME WE'LL REMEMBER OUR VOW AND THE TOUCH OF OUR HANDS WHEN THEY KISSED, I WILL HEAR YOU DEAR VOICE IN THE CLOCK'S SWEET CHIME, AND WHAT LOOKS LIKE A GLOVE IS MY HEART AND MY SOUL, MY LOVE. YOU WON'T TRAVEL ALONE ON THE CIRCLE OF TIME. Katherine ON THE CIRCLE OF TIME WE'LL BE TWO TWINKLING STARS IN THE NIGHT. THOUGH I WON'T SEE YOUR LIGHT I'LL REMEMBER CLEARLY HOW YOU SAID YOU WERE MINE, LOVE WE'LL BE FINE, LOVE, WHEN THE CIRCLE GOES 'ROUND AND YOU END UP NEAR ME. WE'VE NO FEAR OF THE NIGHT IT WON'T SMOTHER OUR LIGHT -- WE'RE TOO STRONG. LET THE WEAKER STARTS SET, YOU AND I WILL CLIMB. AND OUR LOVES WILL SHINE ON TILL THE STARS DISAPPEAR IN DAWN AND WE'RE HOME SAFE AND SOUND FROM THE CIRCLE OF TIME. - Maria ON THE OCEAN OF TIME THOUGH OUR TWO LITTLE BOATS DRIFT APART I WILL KNOW IN MY HEART YOU ARE SAILING NEAR ME. IN THE DARK AND THE STORM, LOVE, 11.6.3 Love Me, Love Me Not - WE'LL BE WARM, LOVE, AND I'LL SING TO THE STORM, HOPING YOU WILL HEAR ME. THOUGH THE OCEAN IS WIDE I WILL COME TO YOUR SIDE BEFORE LONG SO THE YEAR WILL RUSH BY LIKE A QUICK, SWEET, RHYME AND OUR LOVES WILL SAIL ON TILL WE FIND WHEN THE WINTER'S GONE WE ARE SAFE ON THE SHORE OF THE OCEAN OF TIME. Berowne Rosaline, will you be mine? Rosaline My dear Berowne, your arrogance and mocking tone are known to all. But these will not win me. If you can find honesty and humility, then come and ask me your question again. Berowne What do you mean? How do you go about finding honesty and humility? - Rosaline I just mean, look outside yourself. Use some of your time to help others. I think we both need to re-evaluate our priorities. Berowne If that is what it takes to win you, that is what I will do. The year will be a challenge, but it won't be that long, knowing I will return to you. Rosaline IN THE DARKNESS OF TIME WE'LL KEEP TWO LITTLE FLAMES BURNING BRIGHT. THOUGH I WON'T HAVE YOUR GLOW I WILL HOPE THAT, SOME DAY-TILL THE DAY YOU RETURN, LOVE, MINE WILL BURN, LOVE -WHEN THE TIME IS ALL GONE YOU WILL COME BACK SOME WAY ... Regina WE'VE NO FEAR OF THE NIGHT Katherine IT WON'T SMOTHER OUR LIGHT. Maria WE'RE TOO STRONG. Love Me, Love Me Not - - LET THE WEAKER STARS SET -All 4 YOU AND AND I WILL CLIMB AND OUR FLAME WILL BURN ON TILL THE SKY IS ABLAZE WITH DAWN AND WE'RE HOME SAFE AND SOUND FROM THE CIRCLE OF TIME. 11.6.4 rJ' ~l,dJIA J" 'e. USttP »Mr fT 11 - ~'e t>1'"o>J /l ~ftl +. -.... fA4) el f,""~ _ \ ::LSh()",1. hll'le. ~l i()/~ hU' fJ....+ tf9 r ~+~ r f bJ e. .h.vl/J 1htrl ,~4) J' DO 0 ~(. ktt~ rfvA,.IHo~ d Qj MT 1 T' It Itt CDf(I ()?'I I 0 _ .ro:~~1~~ sf."t~f-<h\ f),~i i's j tff I tfrl r, II ., - \ • J a. (;if - - call f'.'''' -{; l~lOUB IT' lIu er rio (' Now if ~ ., 1m f.-} ~)1 ~ j J:j (Nt ~o~ t 0 +'1)tt- _~ P1, .- {Ct.j' _ G~r' - w~n, __ SVIf\ __ rnt,. i: i)j I J 1 J I J, gJ I r 3 ~ "'/- //Moot J4) 10 5vnt \,~ 1jifl~ ~s § ~tr Ill) a ,"0"· 0" ;~J - I ~n. c~ 1011]01. il f~v D0 -s~ J( U w~ ~J.(J(.)/d.I,A lie.. U.se~ +J.. e,) I r Wt.!;.!~,~.~t.fJSfQ;t(.Jh~/t.fI..~ ~u .... urn'f I, j J· ~I 0 M1 st:ll_ w,.~ \I I 0 A(j~ f 11.7.1 Love Me, Love Me Not - ACT TWO Scene seven Berowne I'm afraid this is not finishing up the way a comedy should, with a few weddings. Dumaine In a year from now there may be a happy ending. Berowne That's too long for a play. Regina And now, dear Henry, we have to be on our way. Henry We'll walk back with you, and help you load your car. Maria It's a beautiful evening. Dumaine You'll have good weather for your flight. Katherine Irs been too short. (they all walk off together) Guys WE SHOULD HAVE USED THE TIME I SHOULD HAVE TOLD HER THAT I LOVED HER STRAIGHT OUT SIMPLE WORDS ARE ALL YOU NEED TO SAY Girls THERE ISN'T THAT MUCH TIME TO UNDERSTAND WHAT ALL THE WORDS ARE ABOUT SIMPLE WORDS EXPRESS THE THINGS THAT STAY Armada WORDS LIKE SUMMER NIGHT Jaquenetta WORDS LIKE MORNING LIGHT Both - AND HEAD OVER HEELS IN LOVE 11.7.1 Love Me, Love Me Not - ACT TWO Scene seven Berowne Our wooing doth not end like an old play; Jack hath not Jill: these laides' courtesy Might well have made our sport a comedy. Henry C9me sir, it wants a twelvemonth and a day, And then 'twill end. Berowne That's too long for a play. . Regina Ay,sweet my lord; and so I take my leave . Henry No, madam, we will bring you on your way. (they all walk off together) Guys WE SHOULD HAVE USED THE TIME I SHOULD HAVE TOLD HER THAT I LOVED HER STRAIGHT OUT SIMPLE WORDS ARE ALL YOU NEED TO SAY Girls THERE ISN'T THAT MUCH TIME TO UNDERSTAND WHAT ALL THE WORDS ARE ABOUT SIMPLE WORDS EXPRESS THE THINGS THAT STAY Armado WORDS LIKE SUMMER NIGHT Jaquenetta WORDS LIKE MORNING LIGHT Both AND HEAD OVER HEELS IN LOVE Guys/Girls WE SHOULD HAVE USED THE WORDS WE SHOULD HAVE SUNG THEM WHILE THE SUN STILL WAS HIGH NOW IT'S TIME TO SAY GOOD-BYE Costard Love Me, Love Me Not --- 11.7.2 Guys/Girls WE SHOULD HAVE USED THE WORDS WE SHOULD HAVE SUNG THEM WHILE THE SUN STILL WAS HIGH NOW IT'S TIME TO SAY GOOD-BYE Costard IF THERE SHOULD COME A DAY WHEN YOU ARE VISITING THIS TOWN ONCE AGAIN LET ME KNOW Mote I'LL KEEP IN TOUCH WITH YOU Nathalie/Holofernes LET"S WALK A LITTLE WAY TO WATCH THEM START UPON THEIR JOURNEY AND THEN Nathalie SEE ME HOME Holofernes I'D BE DELIGHTED TO. All THERE'S A STARRY SKY Dull THERE'S AN OWL NEARBY All YOU CAN HEAR HIS PLAINTIVE CALL WE SHOULD HAVE HEARD THE SOUNDS WE SHOULD HAVE FALLEN UNDER NATURE'S SWEET SPELL NOW IT'S TIME TO SAY FAREWELL. J SUMMER'S ALMOST GONE TIME KEEPS MOVING ON YOU CAN ALMOST FEEL THE FALL WE SHOULD HAVE USED THE TIME WE SHOULD HAVE USED IT WHILE THE SUN STILL WAS HIGH NOW IT'S TIME TO SAY GOOD-BYE - - Miscellaneous - This project would not have been possible were it not for the generosity of the Virginia B. Ball Center and Raphe Crystal's conception of this collaborative effort. Although the seminar was labor intensive, it definitely had it's perks. We formed a close bond with our classmates and have the satisfaction of knowing that we created a new work of theatre from the ground up- Oh yeah, and a two week stint in New York with most expenses paid wasn't too shabby either. -- LOVE ME, LOVE ME NOT Information on New York Trip Travel Monday, 4/9 10:30 AM Leave from the Music Building loading dock- University vans 1:40 PM Leave Indianapolis Airport via Continental 4:45 PM (Eastern Daylight Time) Arrive Newark Aiport Travel via vans to Westside Y 6:00 PM (approXimately) Arrive Westside Y Dinner at Y, move in, orientation. Evening- walking tour of the surrounding neighborhood Sunday 4/22 5:30 PM Leave Westside Y via vans 7:50 PM Leave Newark Airport via Continental 9:15 PM (EST) Arrive Indianapolis Airport 11 :30 PM (approximately) Arrive MusiC Building loading dock Accomodations We will be staying at the West Side YMCA, 5 West 63rd Street, New York, NY 10023 Phone 212-787-4100 Fax 212-875-1334 Accomodations are in double rooms with Men and Women Communal Bathrooms Color television and air conditioning in each room Housekeeping services (towels and linens provided, no washcloths) Coin-operated laundry rooms Message service at front desk Cafe, located in the lobby, is open 6:30 AM-9:00 PM. Modestly priced. Cooking appliances not permitted in rooms Guests may use the Y's excellent gym, pools, weight rooms, jogging track, etc. Bathing caps required at pool (they are on sale in the lobby) Lockers in gym available for daily use (supply your own lock) Work-out clothes required in gym - Theatre We will be rehearsing and performing at the John Houseman Studio Theatre, 450 West 42nd Street, New York, NY 10036. Phone 212-967-7079 Fax 212-268-5501 Located on 42nd Street between 9th and 10th A venues, it is easily reached by subway or bus. This small studio theatre, which seats 74, is often used for showcases of new plays, as well as regular off-Broadway productions. Upstairs is the larger John Houseman Theatre. Located on "theatre row," the location of many off-Broadway theatres, the HousemanTheatre Center is operated by Eric Krebs Theatrical Management. Page 1 of2 Display News Item Cards Broadway bound? ~Yd~ .~, / /.r l ~ • . April 18 2001 Ball State Students Stage New Musical, Love Me, Love Me Not, in NYC, April 18-21 TAKE OUR Theatre and dance students from Ball State University in Indiana will be showcased in a Manhattan staging of a new musical comedy, Love Me, Love Me Not, based on Love's Labours Lost, April 18-21. • J SURVEY Chat Live Now! Message Board HOME 18-APR-2001 The company-written show, with music by Raphael Crystal (KuniLem! ) and lyrics by playwright Deloss Brown (Heart ofa Dog ), is the result of an initiative meant to give students exposure to industry professionals in the creation of a new musical. Brown also directs. NDYS ALL US Tony Awards Canada International LISTINGS Broadway Off Broadway Regional Nat'J Tours London Summer Stock PBOLMALL Buy U.S. Tix Buy London Tix Travel Packages Broadway Gift Shop Hotels Restaurants FEATURES Feature Stories Brief Encounter Diva Talk Steven Suskin Love Me, Love Me Not will be seen at Off-Broadway's John Houseman Theatre, 450 W. 42nd Street. Performances are at 8 PM April 18, 20 and 21, with a 2 PM matinee April 19. Admission is free but reservations are strongly suggested. Call (212) 971-5880 to reserve seats. The new tuner "gives a contemporary twist to Shakespeare's classic comedy about four young men who decide to devote themselves to selfimprovement, free from all distractions including the company of women," according to production notes. The book is a collaborative effort by the entire company: Leanne Boarman, Nicholas Brenner, Chris Bryant, Robb Coles, Bradford Coolidge, Elizabeth Davito, Natalie Ellis, David Bryan Geary, Kellie Harrison, Carey Kayser, Lisa Liaromatis, Tiiu Rebane, Kathleen Shawger, Adam Tilford and Jason Whicker. The cast is made up of students from the Department of Theatre and Dance at Ball State University, where Crystal teaches musical theatre. The project is sponsored by the Virginia B. Ball Center for Creative Inquiry. In this adaptation, according to production notes, "Shakespearean verse shares the stage with contemporary language and concepts. The action has been moved to the mythical town of Eden, Indiana, where the young men's retreat is disrupted by the arrival of four female French exchange students. Other characters include the proprietor of a rather seedy Medieval Fair, a lady sheriff, a pedantic community college professor and assorted locals." http://www.playbill.comlcgi-binlplb/news?cmd=show&code= 1030 13 04/18/2001 LOVE ME, LOVE ME NOT, a new musical comedy based on Shakespeare's Love's Labour's Lost, will be showcased at the John Houseman Studio Theatre, 450 West 42nd Street, on Wednesay, April 18 through Saturday, April 21. Performances are at 8:00 PM on Wednesday, Friday and Saturday, with a 2:00 PM matinee on Thursday. Admission is free but reservations are strongly suggested. Call 212-971-5880 to reserve sea ts. - The musical gives a contemporary twist to Shakespeare's classic comedy about four young men who decide to devote themselves to self-improvement, free from all distractions including the company of women. The book is a collaborative effort by the entire company. Music is by award-winning composer Raphael Crystal (Kuni-LemO and lyrics are by critically acclaimed playwright Deloss Brown (Heart Of A Dog), who is also the director. The youthful cast is made up of students from the Department of Theatre and Dance at Ball State University, where Mr. Crystal teaches musical theatre. The project is sponsored by the Virginia B. Ball Center for Creative Inquiry, which underwrote this unique experiment in which students collaborated with theatre professionals in the creation of a new musical. In this free-wheeling adaptation, Shakespearean verse shares the stage with contemporary language and concepts. The action has been moved to the mythical town of Eden, Indiana, where the young men's retreat is disrupted by the arrival of four female French exchange students. Other characters include the proprietor of a rather seedy Medieval Fair, a lady sheriff, a pedantic community college professor and assorted locals. Devotees of the Shakespeare play will recognize all of these characters from the original, but they have been filtered through the consciousness of a group of twentyfirst century college students, and the result is energetic, lyrical and unpredictable. Ball State University is the home of one of the nation's fastest-growing undergraduate theatre and dance programs. In the past year alone recent graduates have appeared on Broadway (Jesus Christ Superstar), in national tours (Chicago, Annie, Grease), on prime-time television (Law and Order, West Wing, Boston Public) and in nationally televised commercials. This showcase production will introduce the public and the entertainment community to a charming new musical comedy and to the students of a dynamic, young theatre program. - £oue roe, £oue roe Not Love Me, Love Me 9\{pt - zapJcfian atlantis meaium Love Me, Love Me Not !:"~~;B:pe, Love Me Not sombra ~ .Me, ~ .Me .N-l.d dOdpt love .M.e~ love .iK.e Not pellro bolll J'Lobe :me, J'Lobe :me jF!ot oIb enghgb /!,ove /JIle, /!,ove /JIle Not h011 6e'loiihtl cI2~ve (/t1eJ cI2~ve (/t1e eN~t IC.5.Mj Love Me, Love Me Not ingenius Love Me, Love Me Not trump mediaecal italic /1Dve- 11k, /1Dve- 11k 11M Love Me, Love Me Not codJ~ - flourish - - Ball State University Vtrginia B. Ball Center for Creative Inquiry Joe Trinuner, Director College of Fine Arts Department of Theatre and Dance Don LaCasse, Chair present ,/l/ze/ /;1 A neW" tnusical cotne based on Shakespeare's Love's Labour's Lost Book by the Entire Company Music by Raphael Crystal ", < ) ...• Lyrics by Deloss Brown, Raphael Crystal and Wm. Shakespeare with Leanne M. Boarman, Nick Brenner, Chris Bryant Robb Coles, Brad Coolidge, Liz Davito Natalie Ellis, Brian Geary, Kellie C. Harrison Carey Kayser, Lisa Liaromatis, Tiiu Rebane Katie Shawger, A. Michael Tilford, Jason Whicker \ Set Design Brad Coolidge Costume Designtr Katie Shawger Lighting Design MegganJ. Ratterman Geoffrey Sherman ( Production Manager .... / Geoffrey Sherman Choreograr;;;;.~ Nick Brenner Stage Manager MegganJ. Ratterman Musical Di~;t~!Raphael Crystal Press Representative The Pete Sanders Group Fight Choreolf'"apher Project Consultant Jason Whicker Stephanie Klapper C. S.A. Directed by Deloss Brown John Houseman Studio Theatre 450 West 42nd Street April 18, 20, 21 at 8:00; April 19 at 2:00 Logo Jamie Miles Gra hies Brian Gear - Advertising Agreement for Ball State's Love Me, Love Me Not! Name of Business --------------------Contact Person- - - - - - - - - - Business Address _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ City _ _ _ _ _ _ _, IN Zip _ _ _ _ _ Business Phone _ _ _ _ __ Please check appropriate box. Sample sizes of each page appear on the back SHOW AD for April 27-28 at the Muncie Center for the Arts D $100 Full Page Ad D $75 Half Page Ad D $50 Quarter Page Ad '-~ $25 Eighth Page Ad D -create ad from copy on back of this sheet or make changes as indicated D -camera-ready ad enclosed (correct size and copy) We greatly appreciate your support! Tax deductible donations can also be made and will be listed in the program. Donation: Name (as it should appear in the program): ______________ ,---:---- Advertiser's Receipt Please make checks payable to: Ball Sate Theatre Name of Business Size ad purchased _ _ _ _- Amount paid - - - - - Date - - - - - - - Check Number - - - - - - - - ..d Deadline: April 6, 2001 - We believe that through this project we grew in our understanding of the nuts and bolts of musical theatre. We went where no fifteen other musical theatre students have gone before and we hope this unprecedented venture will help to inform and inspire others to collaborate on future endeavors. -...