Redemption and condemnation: Hawthorne's The scarlet Letter and Crane's The Red Badge of Courage An Honor's Thesis (ID499) by Karen L. Cornelius Thesis Director _____ ~~_~J~ ________ _ Dr. Donald Gilman Professcr of Foreign Language and Coordinator of French Ball state University Muncie, In May, 1989 Table of contents I. Introduction. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 2 II. chapter One: The Scarlet Letter........................ 5 Narrative........................................... Psychological Examination of Hester........ . ........ 6 8 Imagery ~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... 12 A. B. C~ . D. Philosophy.......................................... 19 III. chapter Two: A. B. C. D. IV. The Red Badge of Courage .................. 24 Narrative........................................... Psychological Examination of Henry .................. Imagery............................................. Philosophy.......................................... 24 27 31 35 Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ::8 Works Cited . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 1 I. Introduction Both Nathaniel Hawthorne's The Scarlet Letter and stephen Crane's The Red Badge of Courage have as their setting scenes appropriate to the American nineteenth century. For this reason, and because of the American origin of each of the 3uthors, these two works contain many similarities in theme and style. They both discuss the nature and capabilities of man, using imagery and irony to strengthen their characterizations. The view of man that each presents, however, is quite different, resulting in a great contrast in the philosophical perspectives of the novels. Stephen Crane wrote The Red Badge of Courage forty-five years after The Scarlet Letter was published, and it seems, therefore, probable that Crane had read Hawthorne's novel and patterned some of his style after Hawthorne. In spite of this speculation, it is a fact that many stylistic parallels exist between the two novels. The most dominant parallel is that of the blatant use of imagery in both novels. Both the scarlet letter anj the red badge are symbols of identity for the protagonists, and both represent a fall from the ideal. Both authors also employ images of nature and symbols of good and evil in order to illuminate the protagonists' courses of action. The style of :haracterization that both author's use is also quite 2 similar. The authors trace their protagonists through not only their action and conversations, but also through the character's unvoiced cognitive thought8. Both novels are also rooted in a specific and identifiable historical setting. The scarlet Letter is set in a Puritan colony in New England and follows the historical perceptions of the rigid Puritan codes. Hawthorne even purports his novel to be partially historical fact in "The custom House" when he finds the scarlet letter, a supposedly authentic relic. Similarly, The Red Badge of Courage is set during the American civil War and is supposed to present a realistic picture war, as well a8 present the story of Henry Fleming. The thematic structure of the two novels also reveals interesting and important similarity. Both novels deal with a fall from the ideal and the course of action taken in response to this fall. They examine human nature--both its strengths and weaknesses, and reveal tc the reader various flaws in both human morality and human societies. From this, both novels prop08e that several truths exist in society which man must confront. Through this confrontation, as revealed in the characterizations of the protagonists, the reader is able to gain a deeper understanding of the qualities of human nature. Thro~gh this reflection on the nature of human capabilities, Crane and Hawthorne present a similar situation but interpret this conflict in divergent manners. Both authors present differing views of the capabilities of mankind. 3 According to Hawthorne, man is able to transcend and actualize a higher order through fall and redemption. Crane, on the other hand, views man as an imperfect being incapable of transcending limitations. The differences of perspective of the two novels corresponds to ideas associated with Romanticism and Realism, and through the characterization of the ~rotagonists and the imagery associated with it, each author presents his own perspective on the situation of mankind. In an attempt to come to a better understanding cf this difference of perspective, I will analyze four specific qualities of each novel: each navel; (1) narrative, a brief account of the story of (2) psychological examination of the protagonists, an analysis of their fall and their response to this fall; (3) imagery, the images used to shed light on the protagonists' journeys; and (4) philosophy, the relation of the protagonists' outcomes to an overall view of mankind, focusing mainly on their parallels with Romanticism and Realism. 4 I. Chapter One: The Scarlet Letter Hawthorne's imaginative romance is one of inner conflict and human transcendence. A human, but very tragic sin, changes the entire life of a woman in both the eyes of society and the eyes of hersel f. The stage fnr the novel is set in the introduction, "The custom House," where Hav"thorne discusses the union of the real and the imaginary as the transcendence into a higher existence. He talks of the floor of his study where he created this novel as being "a neutral territory, somewhere between the real world and fairy-land, where the Actual and the Imaginary meet, and each imbue itself \-,li th the nature of the:)ther." (35) ... ~ 1* l .c:"j "1 ~"I _ .... .......... - - - ... +- 1_ ..; -. 1.., -, ... _ ~ A~. - - .. ...:...J - • ,-,,--) ... . "';,:, . ~ ".::! • +- .. r ~-i -_~ 3 =- -.' (' ... "..... n":;'l" ~,.::.~ ,J.- - ~ ...... - - t" .-; ,. , ... - - 1 '. .J... " '-"1.-!1, :; ~. ~ ~ . 1 -.:: B : c ~::..: 1:'2 ':.. J..:: :-~ '~: 7' 1 93 ':':. 1-7 ~ :":, ·t~ ~ r.:. ~. e ~3 ',! S ~_rl ::-:l :.. l.::<'" :: 4 ~ :: -, ~ : ~ lL' ~ \" i:= e t. :l.~ .:::: ~-:~ d:~" -t- -7~_ !- ," .1\. -+ ,---:-11 Cl·:. - .... ~. - '-- Narl"e,ti ve ~ .; '··f t' c, .. ,. 1 :: t "~ 1 .:0. ;- t '? 1-' It 1"1 :-. ~''l (-r -':;) >. ,,'. ; 1 .-'l f ."J.. ...... ',-' ~, 1 J 2 :J " .: i-. '; -1 .- -:-t +-1. _ .. !- :::1'':' , .•" L !" 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IT) ~ rT' ':.11 '1. "1 .. ,; ~ .. ~ (, r(1 '0 4. ,..'.::.~ (], III rTl '1.i ,.:.:.~ ,-j ..-, JI .j..' -:-1 rl .j...) r: ~~ rlj ~j• .-1 :•• j f::: i'n " , . ,., ,L! ~ ({j '.1.) +\ .1--' '~~ "j! ,..:~ ); «i' VI '1' 8 ~ j 'h G.I P. ,..' ')J ,j..l t: j C) <]1 'iJ '1, r • l :- '.1' :",,4 'i' n.• 'J, <1, TI iJ} ·.11 ill ·rl ~, .... ~, , .j..' t} ~ c' .)( ~ L .j.' (]J U"I (], '-, (. .;.. ~. ; .j.J f-: ',-) 11· . ..:~ cr, '1, .J I ':i r~ ? ~ .. I r, 1], <]' ..c~ ..-J fT1 '1' C" ,.'i ,...j .I' ,..' ~~ ,.41 ,J. ' fr .c-: ..-; :-'1 ~.{ I), nj ,'"1 .p .., , ~ "~', ~. ,..., ...·.Ii. ~ E: ~ ...ITI' +-, , I Hi 4-1 III. Chapt<;:>r T\>lO: _~hc'lra[-" ~:,n~"'I~7'+'~-i........ - - - . t elth,:" P-=.;: :.:f-...:.r .. - - . ~ -- -~ ~ "- .- - - deJ;<:::n5s 3 p,:".:: r- ~ f~ t!l c. t r- --, '- . .- . ... • " " ;::;; ~_ , ~ -:,,__, . -, ~.:: -: . .l _ 11." ·1 -;'T:~' -- •• ... • ' . ' ..i. ;copi:'::!. -::·:.all~" ?!~ .:1. Ie ~,_d.::- A. :.~- ~, ; +- ... .;:. t- . L ". N3.rrative t-. _." ' ... _"-, ....l 1 t .. --. 1 , .: L, C-: ..... ..:.... ~- ..f= ,- ~ --~-- ....1 - rr:.. ~ :. +- ' • ...:.' ~ ,,\:'.1:1. :. .. :1 I c; :C', " f t ") 'I ,.,.\- ~', f· . 1 '. 3. t-= 'c- .:.:. 1 ." rj ~ .~ ~!~ 1_, ___ ... - - ~ o 1~::. : ....: ~ ~ ..; .... ~. t·' ,... __ \ -- -. -:::. "- ~:,. "1.--. ,. c.... , ,. .: :c ,.-1 -~ "I -~ .... ~ c.:. - ..L-.; £.' . '" , ~:. J: .' r~··r;~lrrl~ ... ... 1 ... ". ,- +- ~.;;_. t::a t , ...':! ...... ..L_l._ ~ -, f " ,-, :lati :::, fc:!..- ::.L3'-': ::'<11::- fir.::" 3.n ':n: 3.'~ f:, i:: natu:-e. t-1-,"':' ~.,;,1.-,,~-1.-. l_ 2"-- Lim. flghtL1:] . ] i:-.1 "' -- , ~ ~'; .': 1"':..J....i.. .L ~i +-_ ; _.::1 +- .- :=tcp .3. .- •. +- :cmr3.Ce. ",,7;..:J' 1 \ I _ _ _ ....... a:d B. ,- f 1-.. .; Psychological Examinat i on _ 0.f.J:Ienr~ battle. c :_ ir.::-:-~~iatle e.ppet:t'O-' E-! e j (~ i!l S t 11 e f::..rst "~-' ·~:p:.~er~;e !: i E1 . of I! , ...."-.:."l - .. ':.... - :... CJ,~ - If ( ? -, ~ i ~ 7 , s:'€:el.":3~) T ~. .... __ . -, t-. _ e.;:rr.::. c~ c 1: i c l~ ~ 11 flight trls.l fighting; . n .: 3? C' l·3.n~c·r: ~ Id3.;o .... .:::.. P -ic.- ,--- the li:tle pieces survi'lej, ::::8 l '"...... - of c, ,- --" ......... He ccnclude~ ~hat he ic but an ordinary squirrel ,. .~ ,-. ;'.i ....... >-- :~mrade~ will be wten he 1: i~ 3 he can~~t red badge be like then. '.::: "" :_-:: i " ten . Y 1113. d e ~eel He feels sc muc~ shame that ~e ___,.r: Thi::: badge nn i:: t a. i. r: hi::: re2~ 3.nj ~elf-per~ept:o~s. 3.11 can?" (8 =, : t__' -·). Ct '" t· ~._ .. :--f - r,~t-t--:w .. - . '. -- -' .• " - ~~ ~ ..... ; r (0-"'; \ \ ~ .- becomes the leader of the re3.1i::ed. ~har;~ and tje carrier of the flag. He ;~ spe,:t'-=y:,~ rj"f)~Jrji:-l;; -:~f :n~ln,':'l-~" P :~f ~1:-::- tc· t.irc. "::ar::~ 1.-':?IJ::' '::',3.-:11 ~3t:'e:.-~d Tl~;.el-e 301clie~---1:'? lOI)med. tl':e ~'71-.·.~'1. J{:\r~c: bulle!2 and faint for tiood, had fretted ~occer~inz ::"ll13.;J iil':? d ,AJ) '.::-d i r: 311 0 -: 11 -::T ; he l'ltt:' L 3d 2 ,) ,11", S ,<. ,; : 133t of strength and intellect for th~ tall soldier; ~~ 3.:-, "~"l~ ~..\1~:'(' de~Ert~d be able t~ see ; ":Alltl: t~e h~mself ':,,7e:lrj_r1.eSf field, :=ll:'~"~, l~ad" thiE way. , . ", J..lg .. t_ C. ~~":"ll (124) his Imager:y, ViEU31izati~n2 JO far beyond ~ere impress~onism, :'bj "::ct lev-:?ls. 31 hnw~vel t\-·"" th~ fir::t r~j tadg~ of ccur3ge, 2.ll '-1:::. ien t: t-1-, w i:. me :'.n:: n11.:o1: T)l-e. in tte di3mi3E hiE s~ame rather :t}D confront it. £3:e3 hlS shanE. but knows 4=1 " r'h tIli s ............. .......... ':.; , fire~ ~ta: he will be a~d o~ He:l. Gaini~g vie~ed the ~adge 22 a :oward by calm to Henry: " • "1: ' I.• 1 . .~ ,..., , .... ". h·; - • .1 -,,. -- • , :.J thei!: 3.r!T!~· 211. t :~' littlE· T 'I' ~ ...... ; .-.., .... "....";.:, ...Lt ...... a:ld him tc pass. 11 (47) T- ILstead, lee see::; 3.:: either S l:lful . the :arr~er (f the flag, he becomes a p3r! of both t1:e T..!nl)n Army. -... +-.... -;" 1...C- - 1" .~.: ~ "- by 3. parti:ular a.::pe:t of " - 1 1 '/ .! ·-1·', ,--ig1:1: . tho _ 11 _ the sa~e t::. .: t"l"l:)t:gh; fear that Henry t 11-? i~ feeli~g. fi~Jht " iC.eal " ! C,f") \ . , ,.,., :t . ~ 1~.:--; ~.r~ ... - ~.... .....l~ -.:: .- {-. .... ,0_" -', += il11 "'-;--- r.. . . ,~1. 1 ~ J.,- ..4.- - A .... ~ 1L __ ,.~! -:_____ +-1- ,=,f beth Henry's ~ an(~ but s'.,dde:l::'y r ..-, -' D. 11'0: ..... , ' -, ,:..~ ~ ~ ~ PhilosophX R~ma~~i~:sm a~d Real:sm, P '" .=> lif~ r3the~ :. i :=: ,1' than tinge ... " --+ C' ':: r:. t a r as t ~3,rt ~ :': ..""".l It, His idea~ ,~ 1, -, .• __:l." ideal. ."~ ':":1.:!: 1 i hi::: • .1.\, 1... ,':.J'''' "- "' ~" - ' because n~ t~~ ...... :::. ::' till .1.. ~l ~hame -:' ~ lies "':1 ':, . tl- -', 'k f t~ be ~ T."J. 'JS rea~ity ?"T"I1-, f~~ever. ..; ....... ....L:' TJ'::1ng I!l - -', ::;tates " (~: +- ,-. ' :eel ,. great ".! 37 i +-1 ~ tl: i" '- IV. Conclusion :O:'lra ;r~. ::L('J,t they br:th evolve around ::he ~iety'~ ridicule f (', 1- :. ;~) a~ ~:O!lflict well. t, Afte~- FCT Daki~] thi::: the =onflictE ~eem mere life-li~E 32 C/):"'.t~'tr1~lct.3 lS q:.:it~ c=-ffel~el-~t ,v. i ' tc sttain C()ll::' .j.... tan t -"'-" . +- ,-, real: ty :Je1L.lie' :1:' -, ~_..--1 '-, j. ~ ':.-'.1.:. _ _ ... ..L .... ,-'. 1-' _ l ' ,"'",.:. , " ' :' ',·.Jl rr'1" ~-r··' l ' (1"'- .......... • ... ,-, ":J \! ...... __ ::1 G .... 1 'J l~ 3~ QP~)sit~ manner. ":1 '. : ,_ .':~.l ; 3.::: e l-~(} t ,-, ;,'L i c:; T,-. h-· j-" '~ . ,-1 , .• \....!. +- ", ,-' L 3. 1:: '.l r J,1. <-' '-L _3.:- !oJ "' ~- :j 1:: j -F 1:: _.:~ J I ~,-,-. ... 1. . t- .-. (.~ , , -.i " ,- +- .-_ ."'l 41 .~. " ~ ~-' +. Work8 cited Ir: te :.'" t~<~}·'l i c 1~ a 91: (~~·e ':' 1- g ·?c1i -:iOl"l. e- N~~!.' --. it- =-:. TJ..:'~ ~ .~"".. .:~ 1 r-:: g:/ .~ ~ an.l'':le r ~~.::-: a:: +- ~ <~ Y~F~--T12.(~1~ i ~ 1 a:l p~.~bl i s.l:. in-; '- -' • I