Vending Machine Energy Efficiency Laura Schaffer, Taylor McEldowney, Lindsey Hoyem, Nathan Lawlor Introduction Boston College (BC) possesses 146 operational vending machines located across its Main Campus, Brighton Campus, and Newton Campus. Of these 146 machines, 101 are beverage machines provided by Coca-­ Cola and 45 are snack machines provided by Next Generation. Vending machines are extremely energy intensive appliances that often function throughout the day, generating large electric bills for their users. %&¶V 146 vending machines cost $15,529.52 and emit 119.41 tons of carbon dioxide annually. Vending machine energy usage at BC represents a significant portion of the 8QLYHUVLW\¶V energy expenses, thus identifying strategies to reduce energy output provides valuable insight. In order to determine all possible methods to reduce energy usage, our team documented all of the vending machines across campus, measured the energy use of multiple models, researched the available alternatives and results of implementing these changes, and created a cost-­benefit analysis to quantify our findings. We examined retrofitting options including adding compressor controllers, de-­lamping the machines, and utilizing energy conservation devices. Results and Calculations Analysis Table 1: Pros and Cons of Retrofitting Options Pros Cons 140.00 120.00 119.41 119.10 100.00 87.95 77.42 80.00 88.59 Next Generation Coke 60.00 40.00 Free to BC Brighter lights 2nd best cost and C02 savings Lengthens life of machine3 x May increase sales3 x x x x 20.00 0.00 Base Case NextGen/LED Vending Miser Delamping Compressor Control Figure 3: Total carbon dioxide emissions (in tons) annually for the base case and each retrofitting option. A $18,000 $16,000 Figure 1: (A) Map of the distribution of Coca-­Cola vending PDFKLQHVRQ%&¶V0DLQ&DPSXV(B) Map showing the locations of the Next Generation snack vending machines. $15,529 $15,490 $14,000 $11,526 $11,420 $12,000 Next Generation $10,069 $10,000 Coke $8,000 $6,000 Methods Research Researched external documents which described studies involving vending machine energy efficiency Data collection Personally measured the energy output of drink and snack vending machines Collected information regarding vending machine models and best practices from BC, Next Generation and Coca Cola representatives Documented the model number, location, ENERGY STAR certification, and lighting in all machines Analysis Created a cost benefit analysis of the data to find the best economic and environmental solutions Graphically represented data to more clearly understand the findings Contacted BC, Next Generation, and Coca Cola representatives to understand the feasibility of solutions LED Lights x x Vending/ x Snack Miser x $4,000 $2,000 $0 Base Case NextGen/LED Vending Miser Delamping Compressor Control B $150.00 $132.12 $132.12 $95.87 $100.00 $85.88 $92.49 Coke Next Generation $50.00 $47.50 $47.50 $46.65 $37.76 $30.32 De-­lamping x Best annual cost and x C02 savings x x Reduces maintenance costs3 x x No extra equipment Compressor x 3rd best cost and x Control C02 savings x Extend machine life2 x x Reduces maintenance costs2 Takes time and labor Costly ± 5.64 year payback period Hard to install Extra labor costs1 Cannot use with current card readers May reduce profits3 May incur additional labor costs Management may not support it Costly ± 3.15 year payback period Sometimes hard to install and can incur extra labor costs2 Recommendations We recommend installing LED lights into the Next Generation machines and compressor controls into the Coke machines. Installing LED lights has almost no downsides. Although it provides modest savings of just $39, there are minimal downsides. In addition, we recommend installing compressor controls. Though the payback period for this option is three years, it is the best option in terms of cost savings and feasibility. The two options combined provide cost savings of $4,043 and carbon dioxide savings of 31 tons annually. The BC Administration should also look into shutting down some machines in high volume vending areas to even further reduce energy costs. References 1 ³9HQGLQJ0LVHUV´Office of Sustainability. Tufts University, 2001. $0.00 Figure 2: Images of the Next Generation snack vending machine (left) and Coca-­Cola beverage vending machine (right). 2 Morton-HQQLH³:D\VWR*UHHQ<RXU9HQGLQJ0DFKLQHV´Buildings Smarter Base Case NextGen/LED Vending Miser Delamping Compressor Control Figure 4: (A) The total energy costs of the vending machines in the base case and retrofitting options. (B) Total energy costs per vending machine in the base case and retrofitting options. Facility Management. Stamats Communications, Inc., 18 Oct. 2012. 3 ³9HQGLQJMiser Frequently Asked Questions´Energy Misers. Sanders and Associates, LLC. 4³&RFD-­&ROD/RJR´[Online Image] The Coca-­Cola Company Web. 27 Apr. 2014. 5³1H[WGeneration Vending, LLC. Logo" [Online Image] Next Generation Vending, LLC.Web. 27 Apr. 2014.