117. I'll be ••• he's not 50 feet from us! Cl<CCJiCifi: He sure i'sntt! Come here! -"1' .', "Joe, can't yeu brine trL)t man cioY/n 135 from his horse'1" " 'v l,..,,'..:."l.l:... ;.) JCL: JC~ .lHI~)r;j:) nI:~ I::U.31(~~'ll, ~etll ~ee, Lieutenant! BU':..' 'v~j:'i'll IT .. .L~:~ ~ C?F .5Y I'2::")J.'jLF ,,'l:\D ..6:,..IJ. ...-JC.iJ,~ :·1.:(}1l Ii-.j :~IH;I~ ~'~ITt. • ••• By Jupiter*' This bLJ.sted Went off by itself againl L3 0E" U.?E'IC~H ;l.~j 1'1..-.-:; T:ii~O!d3 7ill·i0D.LF' DC.\Tli cr'; ~~i',:CK OF' rtCR,~~~ ..:;'~lD 'Hl-il.t<L3 /~~\':... ~ :1.:' ~_~~ I~.G.'~]. ;,...i 1 JC.:...;;:; :r'I~~I::'~} ),'~iCL'_'= C~i)f~l,i.~ U:F ?I~tING. l.Jli<...:~ ::-,CUND: 1\~tt~ni31'L ~(,;.\'Ii _"-,) ,L-;01.2 LIN,~; LbGI1I::> FIRDiG. C~{QOK.~H: I knew they ,;h~)Uldn't have take:: our battery away! From here we ccu:d knock then out •.•• to ka~] ti5t batter fr0m getting put 186 t:-:'ere! ,~'he~re are they': T;wrc! (:PliIN'.L'S) Coming down the ravine! (TO ;':.:.:;N) Cover those skirmifihers! Cover them! CHOUi .. ':::d{: BT!J,l~~l': Lawrence, set over to Hascn':3 and tell that batt~ry to Get over here where they can see that Confederate battery. ~t least they'll know what they're shootin~ at! Lt. ja~dquarters L~~R~NC~: HOUIJr;;~:) ).,:~D ~UJi~3 'fOtiARfr, t,j),SON' S H.r:;,:,DQ.QAR'r l~it3 • .;nD.~;S DO;'iN Ji~"~D ;..'I' FULL GALLOP JU.3T IN TIJ.1E ':20 J'::~3 F,:1T RCD1'i,~Y HASON PUT T:i':::; JPUH,s '1'0 HI.:; iiOR:::: C , .. '.D iL:;\D FOI~ '.i'~f;:;:t:;,\R. COLCN::;L TIL.:.;:::;.s 13 THY ING 'ro lL.iLY THe; I-lc;N, BDT 'I'll . " nDU" L h~~~\w~ ,. ., 'rT"" ~L~-187 ... ' T . ~L ~ .'I"C' v. 1.,CPS l'C:L' HI:" B;d'Tj~RY. 185':;inschiml, .uyewitness:, p. 183. 186£g., I, X, i, 258. 187 Ga.tton, nallo'Ne<i }round, p. 137. Yes, Sir! 118. ~CLDIER: I doa't care who your orders are from; we're ~2tting G~t of here!! ,30LJJL::;H 'lHL... ; '['0 Ii;;"VE, Li\., i:"L:':;l'.~C~~ G.;.t:~( 133 ~il~) _~H}i L ,~\'j{...,l~C.f~: But you haven't even fired a :C:;LlOt! SOLDI1:;:;R: I don't give a damn! L\.',;~.s:NCE: ~Je need that battery! larder y ,. ~ I. • • 3.t:;TO.-iB H~ DAN FINISH '1' HI:':; B:l.'rT ::::RY IS ROlliNG TO.'iilRD l.'HL~ £;:E:,;:<. LA ..JRi;.XCE GCES AFl'hR IT, BU'l.' A ,::;1il'.;LL EXFLOD';:;3 AIJD HI:; lien;:::; H0.:t:,RS, 'I'llR0i,:rr~G ;rUT 'fl) c.:'~E 'nOUND. L5 OF NEi~ li;m R..J.I''l';~RI FLE.i:- JETS UP, .lHIJT:;..d.:;,:; ~.::.c:JViOur{TS J:l'U . 'l.RT. . Hl, 'IEfill!:i,T L8 OF A~D ~U\D..s JT~ R ;I'~~'L f3:~CK 1:;, TO NCIIC£6 FVi;-JKnn 188 0 LlldR;::;~iCE .-'PFHO). CEIHG I.'v{iE::-rCE: Col. Stuart! STU"R'l'. M.3 CF BOTa STUAHT: ~here'G lu'.iJlU;!~C~: 3TUA~T: the battery? I couldn't g{~t ~ct it! Couldn't Col. 3tu<::trt! it, Sir! ~hat ••• L·,.G::;~WS ::hr, tile 71st is 001H~--fled ,-lith Col. Masoa leadi~~ the ~ay--not ~ r0treat but a route! I tried to stop the battery, but I couldB't. Those men were GO scared they wouldn't li~ten to rea~on ••• the whole b~tte~y just left wit~uut firing u shot! And they took all their infantry with them! _,'1' HUI IN Damn! There if:' no vlCq on God's earth that we can hold thi~ camp without a battery! ~:::[,,~{T: L.il.dR.:';,C:::;: f1!~ct~ler t:Jii1':::, dir. vi~' re .hop les.sly ouiflanked. I don't see how we could hold here adywily •••••• S~'U:,b~S:: I sec ••••••• "lie cD.n't hold out :nuch loncer, 3ir. Vs ~re lOcling many m~~-­ mDny are dc~erting! lyLi.Uj:ki.G: Col • .~tU3.rt! 258. ll9. J!ru'~:._~~T: From Llu.; loo~';:E of t~-~ings we L.;.;,-vc only ab0~t 800 men left ••• ;'cnd L,;::y have at least two briGade::, ci:tva.lry a:J.cl be. ttcriec ••• big c~w.nce we have aGainst them with 800 green foot soldiprs! And tIUlt',2, with the 54th Ohio and 55th Illinois combined! CRCUK~a Rln~3 TC 3TU~HT: CI{GOKZR: we're holdinE; the encmy, ;)ir. ~e're L-'c.'IRl~~IC~;: dJ (IF C.-u·.p C:"V,~LHY holding them! 3irl Look behind us ••• cavalry!! filCVIl<G B.(!,:lIr;n GOiil~; to try to cut off our retreat! And t21e;r' re fl:wking us to t!W le ft! .3TU.UT: Thoy' re .-:>l'U-"'i.i."{f: Yes? K,,':;.:OL~U r~.;{: ile I u~ys support have a me~;3age fro::::! Gen. ]-',c,crtr ur. to hold your pOGi~ion and he'll yo~ on your right,Sir. STU.Rl: You tell him wu'll do that, but th~t ~e'd better hurry, becau~e we're not doine; too well riGht now. ~e hold our position and ~ait for reiuforcer:le::ts.. ..t leaGt we'll be de- I (39 3TUA~f: taining the enemy' '3 adv;ol:lce .. I kn<)1c.j our fi..lrC2 i:; inadequ2tte, 'out have no choice! Cover t:1O.~ c .s1;:iriili;3~er~j­ -they're almo~t back! Give t~8D caver! dTIJ;~;~;']: ,·.e liN IC~'J 3 f.11< :_: C~~ ,.:~lJ Cl': I~': :?/; I:'r n:Y '~.dYI~\ J. TO ~l.GT I--i :~ITU.r(:·J II'~G U;J lC,;\~ ',ili{C(.r<) 'I;-;ro icl~.-'L.~ '':''1'(Y12-,::} r:iG <ii.JT -.. -------------.-~- .. 120. \~ .. lC,,_~'~ :~-{: 1oQ,k D.t t:lr.::_D:..r '3cared ~x't:irc~3 ;.iOll'::' ••• 'l'ht'ytre vlitle:~[;. CROCK~3: I don't like it ••• ~o~ethin' sonna happen •• a~d it ain't zanna be "ood ••• '"' cO~',1~)any! ISl0 fr CHOC{:_~'~: T[lat' G too hard for ra,'! troo:p;J--they' 11 never 11,1_1::8 it! l'~.t_.J~·" i3.:.jGll~ jr(~ L"HJII 11(; .!.l;,-L ... t{.~ 'itt. ,jl'U"rtr Li Cj\[ EL, liU;:?'3~ 'iF~"'t;] ~tlLJ'/i t Jil.D J.i1..·~_~DJ 1'.U.iiVI CFF i3~.,'o.~'r­ DL;,li\G ilL.> .~':U:3~.rt. ;3TU·,.::d': (IN lJu\iEhFUL 3UOfIII\"G '/:1':;E) Halt! 191 Halt you cowards!!!! J I'L ,~·:.l~r.L l . ~ :LCC,}~l~'~\j ;.1. ~::".,;,:./~·LJ) 'r EI:~ll/:. Ul 'r 2~.~~1/l L; U iiR~i~ 11'r I'Ti~ .i:YJi:. i-liN ,YI:;}l, LCOK /1.1" 1111-'1 ..<)R A ;"ICH£::I.J'.f. ,l.i:i'!:t,ID c~~ iIIH 'Back to your positions! ~e'll have no hlasted cowards in this unit! Understood? Sack to your positions!!! ( '!I .J.,\, .... :.',1'>',') d ...... \..t.. • "In' ·"t .;;..l: ,-»" .. ( ... LiI.. thought the ?-1st 1,;lYi.': w<.\.,c:; JVO" l.A dOl'n"" I"'ere'.; .. .~::.> I gone'" They did, ,Sir, but I didn't, Dr,c r'"'it,cr eli;.! t~l·,Jy •••• ;3TlJ..,[\'1'; Good. can use you. 193 'ivhere t!JC sam hill L:, Nc~,r-:;hur--he should have been here by now! caCOK~R: Jir t we've emptied tje cartrid~e boxe::; of t~le d.,sad and. '1ICll.:lued. 1,'Je' r" just about out of amunition--one good Jeb charge and we're don~ for. -------.----------- ..~-.--------------- 190". i:.l.nsc h'1m 1 , 1!55th Ill. at ;')hiloh," I). 201. l q1 / 1-Ole.. . , 192-,. . ~lnschlml, ~ Eyewitnes~, 9. 164. ------------,--_.-"--- ._-_ ,._-------... "'._--".' 121. got to hold! This may the ••••• oh! ~dviBe Col. Smith and Col. Malmborg I ~ive the order to retreat! Go thrcu','ll the ravine and 1 ", ~.d reform on t'LC r"l.,:.·ht! 3TU~{r: ~etve be ""f ) )~ .... ,- , - ~ ,"-I ,,~. v.:..l,'",.::.-,~\: • .::..>lr, , , 'CilE~ ravine';' STUi.=tT: Captain! Do you see any 0 t~ler way out of this hell hole? We have no c~oice but to go do~n th3t ravine! l~ow convey my orders! C~:COOK;~.R KI1.J..~;3 DC-n'; fO L." J,K hITH 5Ml}H lfD MAlMBORG 3hCI· J0 C,l;;.i.JI...; T ;~;.( EXTR.I:;M...:;LY ;1-:;,\ VY • H.c.,;N B2GIN 'TO .c.LL R.:::Tl(.~;~~TI~l~:J C a.1vi~, U.~~ _~·}Il~C:.J·G Ii':C 1) 2GCKZ 3~,CK, L1 G,:~ V~'~~RY .. <J.li.J =-=IL~, ,·;..liY;'LI1'J,} lC;.:t '.;C)V,:.R. JCIN,~D 3Y .,-j)JU/r',.ll'~ iLliiT ;J<D HL', 18 i,;.r;N. .AND .~l_~t._.:;~~-J P;\'~~H IS dEDIj:G STUlRT: So theae are the ~en you bruuGht! ':Ie C3.. J 1 " C yuu. ~ :;hink ;'10';01 we ::fiuet CIH:':;LIl~'J. go back for ammunition. I·-_t:lliCII DC :'-';N B~CC1'~~L,~ '}:h.:~ L'::;~~) [·~C.iD, Fl:{I:'~G H~~hiV.!~Y. TIILLY£~: from HILLY.~R: Col. dtuart? I have ord0r3 for you G~neral Grunt. Captain Hillyer of t~8 General's staff. I've been on 1ehve. 3TUART: Yes, of cour3e. Hll.LY"..'d.: You are to t·;ai there a:d. hold i the Ge~er~l is seein~ tuat ammunition be brougilt forward to :,rOUe ~rU~RT: liIL.L: ~~l~ _~U _·:~I]_. _...~ .,:T?H ~nUjc; Very well. l.'l?F. Ur. \130 t d:Ld he van t? ,.<; 'lYS that Grant is sendinb' cH-'lmuni tion up to us; we'r0 to wait here till it STUrl:U' : He arrives • _---------_. ---------_._._-_._----_.._-----,,-- - - -- __-... . 194 Ibi ,1 .• , p. 258. -------------_ _--_._-,---.. .. 122. That's gre~t with all tje~' ckir~­ :la:12r:.; around. lk::tb.!r ::'ell t;h~ l:J.(~~1 to save what th.ey C3.J:l, ;ci:!.d not '.·.. ';:3te any. J~IrH: ~~. =:", i-{ 3rUlRT: It shouldn't be to long a wait. At le~j,,;t the men will cct an Ol!portunity to reate What wi--JT:" :..air S HUE DCUEL.L; cv~;\ ell ,:' l{;. ....)LiCULDf~:-i, n; ;~E; lL~LtItBC·jiG: .1\_l1_JJO Col. ,stuart! SMITH: Malmborg! What HALr130;iG: The Colonel happencd~ ~1a;j 2;';ITII: Let's se.,) ••• (LOOK3 not good, David. to the been shot! ~r ~e've .;~tJU""D) ThaG's eat to get you rc~~.;:.r •••• minute! .S!llit\, ~·:11.'V3 6ot:o':;.cu-re com:il3.nd ••• don't "lorry ..·Jith me right now ••• this unit will fall apart if it doesn't have leadership! OGcar her~ will help you •• rely cn him; he knows what he's tul~1ng about. :;':'U',('1'; \!ow wait SMIIH: All right. 0.. I talco COmif,a:1c!. ';:'greed? ;5TU:HT: Good. And I here-by relieve myself of that command turning it over to Col. h~lmborg here. SMI~H: GTU~R~: Col. Smith!! ;";NITE: You're in no B:liJ.p2 ~o a.rGae,Jith :;Ll./OW~. ~'IO·. ' 1i:.;1:;'211 a minute. You're much too valuable to th2 Uaion to ~et 10'-:i1; out her~ 'oler;d.in,~ to cL""th. .l..;1d whell I take JOu b::1ck, hopefully I c'::"} cor; 1) :c'·;: ',ri t-.h r ,Llfnrc c;,.W':ltS. 'l'hirdly, Malmborglaa mere trainin3 and experience than I eVer hoped to have and he' G the ma.n for the j ,) b. Col. Malmborg, assume comcrand at once. O~car ---------------_. -------. _._._-_._--_. 195 123. I'lJ bri:ng d(~m tru, )uvid. I ' l l brins Goat luck •••• :12m true JT~.~T: luc~ Good to you, Oscar ••••• !·i~iLr':;-.,CI<G I1GU:"j i.!3 l~IJ lIe ~t J'~ .:"im d.LD..:.;..; iLCE GU'~.' IKl'C TIL:; .;';,,:.1'='::,:, • Al'lhUNITICH HaG B i!:~!~ i-' \~) ~ ;~D J urr ~ . . :: D T Hb .d~D . .~.L..) d.H.w ·i'::r';;!-\CKII\I.G. __~;.1!, ANIwr;ITIOH. GROCK~R: Ye , Sir. ItA I".HBC KG: Goot. CRect(;':;R: r·la.y I iGT;.ire, Sir, ,-I:,;) t happe:.1cd to Col. ;::;tu3rt.:~e :_'aw him fall ••• h,lLH.3h~G: II2 i,s vounded. 8eriou::~ly. 3mi th if} LiU~L.CE: I,ooks lik:; a fe1tJ. CRCOK~R: Col. c:.uking £lim b:.lck to de IG.:".di,lS· Oh, at lea~t tiC Reb.; are lo.sine; 300 or ~O. (LAUGHS) 30, what do you think th&t leaves the odcts--about 4000 t0196 SOO? About 50 to 1, isn't it? CROCK~3: Yeah, and we're on tG~ wrong end. (G,nN;:;) ih surf; knovJ how to pick 'eLl, don"t:, we? i·l~=\i "'11j , ..JE~ ,...~ F' d()~I1. I·Uil;: ,;hcr 's Stuart?· ~hat's he doinr up here! Nbt that Swede!!!! ~DJ. H~~T: Coloae1, I don't ~can to be tellin t you your business, but I think you "c:tt ~r do ~omethint ~uick, or you're not ~oin' to have a cC~2and left! V.lU,BCiiG: You're rightl ;3quare! ! ! (,~,LG;j'';'IS) Form Hol.lo", --------------.----------------------------------------------------------------------6 19 .2:inshhiml, "55th Ill. a, 30i10h,1I .F· 2CO. 124. HDl; (j3~Y frIL~Il? ELi ~DL ,Jl{(.Ui'JD. I ",LY ",.\D 30L;.) 3:."J,:;l-li\: I feel like an idiot stanuin' out 11G~-':_~ l.il:e thi::3! II: Yeah, but look at those Johnnies over t'erc:"-th'3y don't know ~Jho.t c;; maicc of this! They ain't rushin' ri~ht i~ like they wa~ ••• JCLDI~il JOLDI~R I: ThsL'S true, all ri ,'ut t ,~ II: Now this is just my opinion, but I don't mind lookin' like a fool, if it will get us out of here in ODe piece! SOLDi~R That's a poiat. Old ~wede may know !llor,,'n \'i;~ gave him cr(:;dit for. ciOLDI~R~ CO~F~D. I: Hey! CC~FEn~ II: Yeah, what in tarnation do c'pose it is? Jeb, look at that will you! Hey, Capt'n! I,'hat are tiwm Yanks doing over ther,:,,? C;l,TT.,IN: I don't know ••• I've llCVer .se~'n a thing like that in all roy days. Neither has the Colonel. CONl~). I: Must be some Yankee -: rick! That would be my guess. ~he colonel wanted to charge, but I said to him, "No, you will get into a trap; no such little body of men could ever 6t~nd up and fight like th:"c Hi thout SLmething back of 197 them." CrlFT~IN: Ny CO~FED. G:!.V'(;~H~: [;U8i3S II: is hidden artillery! I'd recon it could be •••• Lven so t 1:Je t re proceeding ,·lith caution! COI'J:i'E.J; I: Glad to hear it, Captai'1. ile::ir it. ?;·.LH301?G: i"all back! •..• Form 3quare! 197.. h" ., "t ne3:-,:, p. 185. L~nGC, lID;, t,yew~ Fall back! Form Squarel Glad to ~ROOKER: Iou know, we could keep this up for quite a while ••••• Ljl;l~LNCI:,: >je s~re ~ouL·1. 'r:lo.3e l~ebl3, ar;nt!98 to enthuB18stlc any more, are tneyt CROCKER: I take back everything I ever naid about trlat Swede! By heaven, he does know what hets talking about! DI3;;C'LV.C:; Tu B;~.iELGdW e'f; 1-101:(.3 ~Jj3, ~ Gr~ 'J"i r'r1t ;:~r:'A.FR • •;£0 UT I~ NU,L; FRON UiHCN ,.., "T[ v'·"·I3.,~~.U31;G'~~:J: "ihat is th,:; DLa'cus here? eel,.: itle have complete control of the enemy c3mps, Sir. 1Icry good, very good. ';fuat are all these men doing here if the ca~p has been taken? B,;.-.J;:;;I~G~HD: eeL: Stragglers and. wounded, mostly, ::Jir. ~'liCf·IP~)o N: Ie'3, .3ir! Set the rese of the stuff busy gettin' t~oae stragSler~ back in the fight! And you get that ammunitiun wagon to a safe point immediately to 199 the rear of our lines. 3~IUR~G~2D: ~rhClji£: . ~C:l-I ~li;~ ~ :JGC.c;~D,.~ II'.! G~-~t~TI[iJG UN ION ,kG-Or:; H(; V &0 ILCK '110 L ::-L~ L I~'~ ~:;3 ~~~,~.D ~'.J(Yr I ~~ E~) 'rE ~ ~ .t;;';C;hY F-:.L~IN'J R ,CK. 1'C'CK ,,) GV .w~-L·~ I.; I,O/L)·3 're l~j.~C ~'r1.'t • i.<.t:.TUHl;;':' FaC!,i, TRIP ,;:; G1.~.3 ,iHCL"':: ~~L;/3I:t:,NT 1);l:,t"l~ Ur IN He L.:..o.'1 3:~;HII~D A Rli)GE: iiIIE3 i<ren' t you r:wn in ba::.tle '.lIhile everyone else is up there fi,~htini; and dying? Every inch of Ground is ~einG 'hotly conte6tcd! vlha t in the !laflle of heaven are you doing hereT 'l'FlCNPSON :.'lhy CAPl'i,IN: (t':;CHIN.:';' Felt/krill) Suh, we don't lavo any officers left. to do! :'~{~;l·1F.30:·J: 1111 L2:1 ;you put---ri;~t IIi: (:idn't :,;:,n,)w ',,rh:lt \\J}1~lt to '~lO! ,j~'co.:J her2! I'll go back to General Beauregard and Get you an officer. 8 19 C;i'1l:5cbiml. "55th Ill. at 3hiloh," p. 201. 199~, I , X,1, . 0 T) p. 401. ------ 126. Tllcr·':p,)c~·,~ IIiG 11~.L~l\~; .B::'J_.~iJ:~,:,G _"J.l;"D ~~IJ.";~", J3~~Cl'·_ ·~::-1C},'LF.~C~!":: .3ir! ~·\re've got a rCf::iLlcnt up t~lt~~·c behind that ridge that ~ays it can't fight because it doesn't have an officer. ~hat can we do, ~ir? 'laD B_C;_lUi1~;IG_~aD: T~~}:='-' ~ul. l~ustin bac~~ tl'lere to them. I need him on my ,:;taff, but ,.. 20.0 I imaging he's needed more on t~e f1eld. Austin! ! AUci~IK: Yes, Sir! TIIm~FSO.N·: \'ie're jus~ about there. Down this rise ••.•• •••..• Triey're gORe •••. Dl::;..:;CLIlS. L,') OF B::lICK;:::JU"rE IL~H. ZUOH ~";W J()i·:i~ :u·!'ro ATS~V.:..I;- DCO ct. j ..HH;~l·l OF BU':'::LL'S S':'LFF 3H"l'I;W ,iT ,~'·I.BL':::;. Il.lVIN.::;X: (HA3 JU3T A.i.UrJr";D) wha~ I don't kno','. exactly the condition i8--o..ll I know is what Buell told me. lie cacre riding up to my headquarters about 6 i.M saying that he was going to Pitlsburg and he'd send ordars. He said to be prepared to aid Fittsburg by ooat or by .swamp if he could find a way t'lrGugll it. '.::'hen;10 IJC;1t to the laiding. You haven't heard 20l yet I guess? A1Iil"L::N GO,:;", '.i:O STOVE }',ND POURS CUF cr COgFZE •..• :!ell, if you 8-entlemen don't mind, I'm going up stairs to visit Jmith. ~Jt;};~ON: ~\.HHE1'1: •~NHl.:,N GCi:;, , UI' ~T:\IR.')I.~.D IFtc iLLl. Ki~CCK,:) Ol~ DeCn il~;D VCICiE 1-l1:·':';;~;·i~.dS·. Go right ahead. Thank you, Sir • SIvIIT1I: Game in! SMITH: Jacob! SHITII: Aaahh! things. thouGh. Wbat a uurprise! Just an infected shin, of all .. 201~., p. 331. jit down! I must say it does hurt a bit ------_._----_._-------------_ _ __ _-_._200~. Gener~l He's an old friend. .. .. 127. One can't be too careful with infect", iOlt5, Bir. A1-"l'l~;N: 5rurH: Oh, I'll be careful! .l LITTLe.: ~vc l(dII:D, G~ili..:rG;~S 0JBJl:;CT. I VJant to~ep my leg! now tell me, how are you'] 'Jhat ara you doing 11,.;re': I'm with BuelPs advance guard AHNl:,n: une: er Ne1sQn.;~e get in last nisht. Gellcr:.;Ll, do you Llink. it' '; o3.d--itt Pittsburg? 3MlfH: Aell, an hour ago or ao, I told a brigadier that I thought I was just a bunc~ of pickets fooling arou~d--you ~now how ~rcen troops arc ••• Well the ruckus haa gotten louder instead of dying lJut, and I'd be apt to eat my \lIords mow, I r(~COll. The main army might 2CE be engaged at that! Al"i}i.E.I';: That's what everybody down st:.u-s 3Gc2!]S2Q3 to:;hink:. ORD...:.:HLY: &cu;:;e me, Bir. Gan,'ro.l Nelson \'1ould like to see Col. Ammen dowRstairs. SMITH: Of course, of course; we have a war to win. iJ.Jad Alt.Uvlj~l-J C'J Now you be careful, JacQb, me back to see me, if you can ••• : I'll do that, Sir. 3HITH: Oh, Jacob ••• 1I.JV'}IEN : Yes, Sir? .3MITH: You !lever did tell me how your family was ••• They're fine, Sir. Just fine. You take care of tnat leg, aow. Goodby, A}~~N: 3ir. SIHTH: Goodby, Jacob; take care. i~I"il';iE~\J 5I~11P;~ ;jil.LU'l';~.s ~~:!.l~Uti 1.:;. "~ND TO A'r~~!;TICN, .3Ml'rn R:;T1.J',:~U _."U IC1~LY n.?t) C;C..::.s OUT '='~~_= DOC'.d. FS OF $HI'rH ,mo LOCK.:.; LON:::l"Y d.li]) CCKC.t:;RNED, AIm SUDJ.sNLY VERY '.i IH.ED ..... CU'I' '20 j[·lHEN CCHn~G DC,~ N ...~1·1J:.£"I··i TTJ~qr\;.J 203Catton, Hallowed Ground, p. 137. 120. Hw'I' L; ".:1; ,j) . c ..• .) :;:.) l' .iLiU ~;3 ,;1'1';; ~; ~,L·~Cl;. OF ~ ICLi1:: ','if: look·::d evcryw~L'c· ••• 1 couldn't ;;;ee a1:Y' way through tho.t sW~.:;l) at all. l'It:ll, it's a:talO_~t 11oon. If we don't move quickly, wo won't be &ble to do anythinc at PittBbur~ i~ time to h2lp. ?\~L.:;Cll: Cl?ICiR II: 3ir, I couldti't find any boats. I think we hove to r~le out going by river. All the tron~port~ are occuppied tra:..;port~('2; a;Ttll1uni tion A neI c-;upplieG, ,:,and be:ddes, there aren't· Llat mar:.y of them. OFTIC;::B III: Sir, I ;lc,-,re a c ~ vilian here ~vho claims he kBOWS u path throug~ the swamp. N,:,;L;.:)ON : Oh, yes? B~r:;LL: Good! 'l'.SNNL33i!;il.N: Ye:'3, Suh! throu,th t;le ~Wimp! I l-':,nowG every l)ath I kin Git ya thrOlAGfl it, but it's too deep in mud and ~uch for wagon~ to ~it through. N~L~CN: BG~LL: ~~L~Ga: That means no artillery. Yes, that'G truc •••• Can we trust this man ••• I hav~ a reputation Cli::; a Union man, Suh. Ask any of the folks round here ••• l hate R;bs! ~nd I want to Bec 'em whipped so's We kin sit back to normal 'round h?:t'c! 1''':;:·L;:;S31~.JJ: n~L3GN: ~ell, I don't sec as we hav~ hlQch choice but to trust ~im, 3ir. cr':LL: .~n:l we 1 - ::'d1aJ.I. 20 /+ Ge:1alliL r-ielson, march through th, .. t s,va'p if boat3 do not arrive by noon. I'm g~ttinG on steamer and hoa~ing up the river. BU"~LL tW;j .~_~S CU1' i,:I'.::'IT Lhe~~~ c:.V:J .Lv.::J' DL.,;..:iVLV:,; • .lli1LL;.C;;; (L "J) ,~~ STON,SY LCNEJOH~". 3.,.kI' w~ .d;:o:t)RC ,.ClI'<::,3 CAXT~R: Gener~l ~allace? ------------------_.__._-'--_._. - . -_. .._204 0 1< •• , I, X. i, p33,2. 295 Ib l. d • 129. ') .;.I,L,·::; E: Ye ~: ': j ' .. KI'Q: I 3.1'1 Captain A.3. Baxter, quarterma,ster on Gen. Grant's st:'ff. I ;iG.V0 orders for you to advance immediately to Pittsburg and leave a detachment to gu~rd public property at the landing and march your divi~ion and form a junction with the ri~ht of the army at 206 the river. :.a l' 0 ar:..3 ;UD L;, 'i~3 , H:;TUdL·fJ~~:} TO TE_: TIJR2S.;; .8,~1 XT ;'L.c-ll..1JCr.",;: (l'~I'-lj~:3) B.~XT!~n: I'll inform the General • "J'o::";,;'\-;,~: Ver:l i:Jell. (1'0 .iL),·;) fJe'll rnovc at once. 1if~utenant, se:'1d two detachments back to t~e lan2in~ and prepare t~e rest 0; the division to march immediately. The [3CoUtS have C~lC:Cked but the road? LI:"UT: Ye., 3ir, they :wve--up to the }Joint wl:.ere you expect to meet Gen •.•• il. L. idllace. G..=<..:"-il'{r I:"~ ~r~.\':l Cf4' BL1'111"L1L-i~. hO'!' lOlL::; FOlt Hc,FfL:;H,)Cl': 1'0 CCNb 1'0 H HI AiD He :vL~Y ,\1:30. '1,,;0 HID":; ur TO lIIN GR.'l.l';T :v'le ' re fdllin,,;' !Jack toe fa.:;:;t and too much! de need ilallace! ;"/h,:;;re is 2:1e'~' HcPli.:;;:{.iON :,Je 've had no wold, Sir. I don' t know W:1ere he is. Baxter said tile General indicated he would leave immediately ••• r need llim here. on the riGht--now~! ~ I don't undersL:nd what's keeping ~im! If he doesn't get here so~n, we'll have to fall back to the landin",;! ',ihat time is it? G3:;'H'i': RO~LEY: Almo~t noon, Jir. G3.,,:J'i.': I don't sCe how we can hold much long- er. You go back and see if you can find him. HOiJI.,BY: Yes, .sir! 206,. ;1.' h ••• ila 11 ace, 1IL" ow '/.U.L~ 1 aCG ' s uarc --------------~------.--- rI p. 21 • 130. G1.t;;.~;l': :;:'L.L~l',jC .'i,-cVii.. ;~=<.i) •••• And Hurry! ! 207 G.,LLCP ","1. DL; _CUT":':. l'lc,e::t:";:LC;·J: I don't believe it! HO'i:;:"~Y: ',-{hat's the matter? McPII:,:!tJCN: I don't believe it! ~)r', "'I~-~" .l: U J.I, • ..... }-..... LOOK!!! ,.... -", ..u\,,),ii .\·I~C Fi,,':; IG3,mOL;:. DIVl3DN HlJ;j'l'IHG. Re i,'L'::';Y: Oh, broLler! k/ai t till Grant hears this! McPH~~~ON: What in the name of heaven are you doing restin:??? ~e're getting t~e worst e~d of the deal back ther and you' re :dJ~;~n'I:NG! 0 , HcPri::;_:,.OX: ::teneral, with all (Jue re:~r-cct, 1;>lhy are your liwn rc-,ting when tdey I re needed desperately on the field? ;:;O"il.""Y: ':Ie aren t t doinG' 30 well, Sir, and road has 1:;.:;..ke11 :,rO'ul furt:lcr a:,vay from the battle than you were at Crumps! thL~ 1~'J'.A.'-·'..~.,L;.. C~_;: l'·:~~y ~ord! Ju:. 1'J~: .::;co-'"~t2d -~'~i8 rC(ld~ It should take U.'3 to within 0. Gi10 of :·mL~'fallcets lines very shor:,ly. ~-IC,'iL':;;Y: Per:lu:ps \-Jhe:::'e ~'lallace used to be, Sir, but not where he is now. The w~ole ri:tt has turned and is being forced back toward PiLtsburg Landing. That is wty you're needed ttere rig~t now. Hi;1.d you take~l the river road, as it waG assumed you would, yeu ~Juld hJve be'"n to the aid of t>!0 arm~. hourc; aE,'o! l'lcPE_:~ILO;:;: ",L~,A.';;:'~: GIVIXG GHDE~,_ fC AIJ~S. PiLjfLiCN I'Uli.NS TC RO',iL:;Y D.L.;GUs'f 1'11 order a Gount er-marcl: illlCledia t ely. Mc~vlmH McPH~R::'Ol'i: This means we'll have to go all the way back to Crump's before we can pick up the river road. There's no oth,"'!r 20(r.R I~. , I, i, i, 250. 131. way except throuch for25:t and swamp a;'d lha t \<Iould t:"kc fcrevcr. I don't see any -:;ther way! ~i.(;·.fl.JY: J'i)cPE.::<,jOl'(: I gueSG we'll have to ::;0 OD.ck a.d report to Grant what happciled. ROdL.~Y: He':~ not ,~oin,,~ to be v;ry 11aIJPY, But bofore we go, let's rn~ke sure th~ng~ get started in the ri~ht direction here first, okay? ei~her. MePIi,,: ,ON: Good point! 208 GR~Nl lciT~~fLY B,,-i.l~l,S. 1:1:i ~ ~,,~ 1;}~ I~VCL~ED Mc:?lLCJ:~~;~;C"t~ 'l :,~. ~ ~ Ii": ,d~·';J I~ ~{~:,:~'L_~Y • EcPILJ~,3CN: (-t r " !".J J....l. ",.,-i..:.... G'2neral.. jOUN~: dH~LL 2U~~T ,]~~Li·a: Yeo 1 ',vllat did you find out? ~~".I ,Jilc:re is.Jallace? uL:',.::";~,J r·1c.Vrt"::'~ .UF :iJe ~~ound him, 01r, llGrching to\v~Y'd Purdy or jJc~~:':1--sOme\v[10rC over there to the right of the field •••• farther from the la~~in~ than when he started. J.e ','L.":Y: He ,cad hoped to meet ';\'allace to the: right of the fi~ld, ~ir, and had we not had to fall oack so far, he would have b0en::a.dnt:; the i3ilOrt"-lr route to chc b,). t t:1e. GIL., ,". (;~;;{j.ldiJ,j::LY ,LiGHY) 'l'h1., was not ','Ih(;r,,; I ordered him nor wher;, I I"anted him to go! I do ••• net see "'JI\Y any order wa:: nece.33ary further ~hun to diredt him to COQ8 to Pittsburg, wit'loUt specifyinG: by W;!C1t 209 route!! Gir.NI': 1'he im~')ortz;nt i:::;(.;ue is t;;"ct hie; is one of ti1.e three veteran divisions in the, battL ~e ne2d him! How lone before he ~ets jere? NcFJl.li·,CN: Late afte"'nool1, ;:)ir. 208 .1Ja ' 11 ce, '11 cw '/}u,ll:ice' ':;. 2 0 9'"::.r<>,"·'·1".., i...... ;"'j:r~mo;.- r ...... V.I../., 'e-. . t f. 174 • r~1arch ••• ,I' p• 23. 132. If I prc:.sume his GR,n:': La tc afternoon! idea was tc ccr;lf:; hI',"" Ul:·l on t:le flunk or rear of the enemy and thus perform an &ct of heroism that would reBound to 2l0 the credit of his COm~iCi::ld • • • • 1I It hasult worked out that way! G":{cl.i\£ H;:;'fD ~m3",TL ";;::'I' lCi'J TC B . TTL~. C'F:-",iLL.sC~S CUT 'Ie E.J ,i~ HE L;:;,-,J);J ,11.3 :,~:,:s 3cG;~ '1'0 C3tJE:C'3. E~~ U '{ -.:;[(y !:~ H ;:ED • .J10,3G~cVE. UNIuN C,u',li;, :H'tt.;;LW ],YU:G lE;- ~I U'.i~'~ ..~ 1'-1C ·v~.J . ~;.JIc_~,:!:'111,Y 70. d.AI~':'=';:·) r.:;."_j) ''::C LCCl~ .\ '.~ U:T). l.l~ d.t~'I'T:"';.~£'I~L]). l-~ IDO~UUS CCl'J3CICU~). r.2 _~E COlL~3 1~,jJ' ~:S~ijr. BCDIJ:~~ '_I"~J ~~·V.Lltyl\;l~~.::;U:~. iJ ..'.J_J.D ,,:\"i~ID ~I,._" U~·:!J_.'ID our I J 11 1" ~I.w ...~~ /j~ ;3 ']:; L{ j::TCLi.Ir:t~ • i.;'I . CIt ,,-)'il ~~'L . J.Ll 1 i~l~_~"~J. ~'1.;'; T:{I il~~ ~~.:.,) 're .~~UBJ Jl,:,3 STc:lvlACH, TLI.GI'~ L~'Ol(,~, DC '(i.N l\rr B_~l/r 3U Ci(~. ,~-­ CLL")P I,} D~s'r~D it:U CR Cl\E;D. 'i'U:,:ti·;3 IfC :t~IG?~ ur- .a:~Fl.~:. LJ G..T' Dc\_i"!~l1l...1~..:'I~Lu. =\0 Cl;.::~ rr C'V~~t LceIe;;.; FL~LJ3 ~l:=~[ DlH .·C~ICI": .•/f,,2'fS i,;j) T:,: He .s'rMG.,.:c;Y: v.l"'ll, noVJ, to be Baved by u belt buckle •••• now how about that? ••• Wender where my company is? l.~~al!: C~' If!;: HJ doesn't think: abollt tile injuri'=G ••• but Sl'C(;FJ B.:':3L)'::'; O;>;,~::(;HF. .nn D If U~t·~:.: UV..jr~ •.. .:i ~-i Il\~ ,;C:LDI ,:j Irc ;J? ·:n this ••• .sergeant NiCk •.• u~ed Lo call you John Bull •••• B~=il,Jl:~ _~~';..J A L11TLL ~'~l~C]~ ,\JD .':·. .,1 -' i~C_L HE ~~~~H.R C1J.~ CC:·J.r~D~~i11.r.I:i; ~H18H L :~.', ,j [iI~'~Y ·.=:-JJE . ..) :111,1 CV ~a-- ;~~, ;l::.~Y H~!'·l.~). CCH~3 1C .11. FIJ_~~ c£t' )i).~ s" DI. ,~"-' UI·~'I~'Cl,:IJ~. I:J ;~ I.;II>rG j'}ll~HY­ -,I.!.. ----, .__ Il'rhe comIJany that shot ~:3traic::ht ---~utobiozrQphy, t~cm must ~ave21l ._-- -"-- -.- - - - - ------------------- 2l0'b' , 1 lQ. 211'1 1 ,J"Qr, ey, oppo~;ed ••••• " p. 195. 133. Hi i.-lJ\;iC3 .'1-1 1 ~TC}J. ~-1.i'-~.D l;"~H,l-1,") BUT DCI,;,:jii":.r j~1l:i.'~f;l i GLf F,~G":: IN .riI.-) . ~·JC ',i~ .~'.;.l.:{·l-Ir.l ••• Ch, God! l~I.~_-:.t ...... ':=Le t~.li:-· .,illc·t d. i.>Ltt .::."i,~' ::..: !"hi:;: LI~y ',~.~. '.~ ... ,~. 1 . ~~~,1~ is a l'f"i::ld of gloryC;' LOCK3 .cBCLJI BCDl~S ~-iIH. ~~~:LY, l',",,~; 3~~ PI, -.CING BY IN ~O~ l'Rt:NCE ..:.lL:"{~i~.'J ~L~~\J, I).L~~:;L.,~ . j .iJ~ T~~ :t-l1~.,:' .i'e JIU';:. ~)'l'CR,;Y: i3'i:Ai;L~Y LOOK" UP J\~d) ,j '>VB:':; ,0 U-l' IX. _". ~ '.~ T 3NIL,. JO n;,,,; BTCRiY .3~IIIIJD ;, L:~G. Hey! He:1ry! lIe:1ry! STOREY; lienry dt nley, am I happy to see you! Thought yo~ wc~c dead! ::-JulIet ldt my belt buckle; ju,::;t knocked me out, that's all. SI'~i'JL~;Y: ;~T ,;T'Y; =:.;tll.i.l~·~·~~t: C:.1 .J': :l::':ped, NeHton. Nothing that can be helped. LOG AXD H:rC 3d. I 1~-,-t(;(;F'.J ?~J.Li\ J3;"~'CK .::'l,;~. _'.~'ilJ 0iHOH CC:.?':?~~i1- ~rrc~\.jy Take that you bloody :'Jhooppeeee! Yanks! i'10iIi'·jG EO.dJD 'l'IL-{'~·lJG;],·rcc D.3 1'(; O.i?FC:i~; F'\.L';X:aS3 ••••• You've got to watch it around ~lcr,;, ,Je' ve oeen havin' trouble vii th ~-:(~j1ry. ani'Ders. ;''fhy GeD :'r,_ 1 Eia10,-:la:'1 :nd ;lo':'"e "::'1Ot U:lt from unc1.er ;:;.iw beforo yeu came. Ki,.C: , ..t' ,',m, V,\ "!l. Mfi~,~ Hey a r:<7~lt Cap~ain! Sir? l"T (nOIN'I'I"v, ·'D") . 11 t E''ren t"lSS l " J mel·. 1: .'i~ ,u;:) ',~e i:c: ov,,,r in t;}:o-:;: \Voccl.:..;, and 1:1e' V~ :;ot to tr . / La Gc;J,: ~li::1 ()~J.t! ,:hat next .": t CJ That shouldn't be too hard--we've taken every position we've tried so far! 134. CAPT: This time we got to run acrO~3 a fi81d 200 yu.rd.d ·vli'~"_e. (;l.)·j~l :"'~:'-'-:'"~ '~'J (,n WIH'l ever the Yanks pick to shoot. LIEU'I': Sir! l.'::1e Yl:J.ll;;', ;l<;lVe ,'o'itlldrcc,!ll P':::'::;lt ::;he field to a rOE,a a fe yards bc!ck. It's t:;os~ly gro'wtll t~:r!,,:::ll th::'re with a littl,; ;:ield rig;1.t 1.1Y tlle read. l: : " of l-!le fry::" 12 t C.cl'l' 11.: Cut the fire! Ci~ r_'~IN' 7I~.J~u .L.L-J,:~.D\') ~'.I'lt~] ~'~2-':'; COL.• /tc:a~_; ::,:~ (31L'\.'!.iL~ ~:an cl.:1di~lto "ll.d~ :\L·.~J .L1J.=:~ 7Th iLBK·.. "~~i:; dIE LL:J· .• soeN .'c3 LL::.Y 8ZT I:;:::'C ~·~-CO:J3 Ti_.wY ::.lHG':;,', "H.":':LL a.~~~ .J~D L'.~, BO~'lJ3i\Ii)ED iHi~NL~ .,. ..LJ·i·" BillS. This ain t t no picnic 1 ! ! M,iC: Hey! 37. .,~ t' ';'.J.:._'!'::'-, I never expected it to be O~'let if JOu want the truth! The bullets are lyhlg thick! ~LJY: ?-tAC; I don t t long! Fu OF N~] ~CUNDED OR B~I .8 SHOT F.c,ILIXG ...'0 'rEB GRO lfJ'\D AHOUND STAN1.~Y ,',ND NAC. 13(:8 ~'lOW we can stay l,e r,.; v'ry Hen are dro]Jping like flies! C;I,i-'I'.·,IH: There's no way t;;., c:~arb'e t;lrou2;h this, ,sir. We're being cut ~o pieces!! C:.~iC'Ui') TO eeL. S~U\.VH;H) LIEUT: dirt Col. Dean h~G just been killedI 212 ".. 11 ri;ht! I 11ave no choice but to retire or have all my r:lO~l shot! ~;e~ll :3rL,'J';~~~: retire. Lieutenant, Cet to General Bragg and tell him \-l:l3,t :l::.t-:> happened aere. de also need more ammunition. 213 LIXUl'; Yes, 3:Lr! Li~~Ulr. .s'l'l·~~,ll.GY l<ID'::';I~ /I.T'~D \"FF. F3 CF CAFi. SMITH: 3·1C . i~Y 3T·\~n:;,Y: Fa]l Back!! Fall Bick!! You don't -sc:em ~1O hdP})y nOvl, what hap'l"en;~'d? I gUC3S I ain't never been in ~~ch a spot before. de've 3sen some roush fightin' today, but that wa: the worst I ever 3cen! ~rCR~Y: I, X, i, 575. ----------------- •.. ~-.'- ..... - 135 • .31'.,1\T ;;Y: I t;u::;.c;.~ it ,ill Jed'cnds on \\li10:t'e you're ~~a~din;, und w~o's 2~ooting 'oa.ek. J~C,.~Y: I .J rr i.l-i U ~ __.Ie DL)~)O~7L~ , .l ,. _ .i....l.... '" r~con, Iw.E: .IOU . but I don't min~ tcllin' out of my t ("~~th! :3:~ared ~.:'.~; ?, ~ 1;1, • I have order, from General Nelzon fur you to brin~ Jour men to the Bric~ hou;c:e, ,'IE" re 6oin,::;~o ;aareh thrcugh the swa,:lp. OFFIC~R: 3ergcant! C"lJ'l fi.le I~I i.J.~,,:{D Bl..(l·~K iiOUl.~~~. 'I'_1.:11~I·L',~G Tell t':12 ";en N~}-"I'.-:C:~ >1 11.L~ 11 T li_~ ;L~L,.)CN: Now you're ;;;;ure you c:;·n get us t.:roucll'. Yl~ .. , 3U-,I. I ein git you tl1rCJush all right without any trouble at all. T.:.::i~..:.:,}.-).>d·,I: 'i:hat is every thin ' fJuch. Il.sL";Ul~: [,j :111 ri,~;ht. out your '.'Ja::;unc. and hy ,;1 .. ;0=:: It i[s marlatory men arc r·.:;&dy to lJGlreh. t~l,~(t we rt:,aeh Pitts- burg as quiecly au posiblu. C3:J:,F(LY: :3ir, Col. ,~mmen is lleI' 1tr~th hi::; men. ,,),:';~MI HC.l'I()~'~·::; PC:;~'::L~ CF:'I:':;!i;:::?,~ .,i'D hl:JJ 1'C, E'C =-l;~:: if Hi • Ti:.':4Y i~ 1 ~)~~GII~ ~' 1(0 1,1 ~) .Glf':!~ :~L:. ~_ ~l.J..-'I:l .~li.~\ ..J ~ILCi~~G (L~ll-!·J. .l' l-;j ..:...l.J Y ,J~_. C i) .\~."~J.'J.; ~i.2;U J:f .) .~ (! ~l 3 :':IDGI~~ \ l~~( .-). V~ILI.l~,_~ Cl'-J :'\.D. Gl.?C 'r~:. S::'J . (l_ .. G;l • I don't JI":'c.tl1 to be:3tupid, out is w:at? I den't sed ~njthinG! ;id·;~,.:: L12I'C T "L~l'!J.L:':;_J'.J ~_ :.l'~: II1he b lac.~{. ,s\..;arl!.TJ ••• t ha tis wh ere we' r·:~ L ,:·adin' • -----------,---------_._-,,--- ' 156. .JC., .J,":; ~" 'r ;"1'1,]" j..~:;I,~' If~t l.J:C}~ s . .~l"~-J'CYI~:3 ..:;~·'J':..:'l}-' .'~)Tl1-:.·~·~t~1 131{I~G_..J j?UlJ_: I~\~i..10 i~llil) ~~~:-.l Llte~!J II .:'_.~j1 1·'iUD, -<.G,.~I,~'33 OL-l .. LOG· }3~~IJ,J·~. '~ifl:~LUG;j l . ;IT::i,J~ i\,'l·lJ.~ l-.'~{\,) ..J_·w ~~2 '1": ei ·Llr';. 3 .. G~: l' .4,,'_, ~.Jl,;~, :JJG") \. 'Tl) (;C Tl_ f.':C ~~AM~~N:(TO ~~1'00~) General, if t~erS'8 a road :lore,I can't fi:1d it. \~LJCi: I know •••• Thi8 Union ':',ll-i!l. If he ~an said he waD a trlcL~ to lc.s2 us ill these swamps, I'll Dee him hang! ;~M~N: You'll see him han~ if you ever ~et out! ,,:)er~on cuuli ,";0t lo::;~ L1 ~"r," forever. N3LJON: All I can Gay is thlt we'd better reach Pittsburg without any tricks or I'll guarra:·-:tee one of us "don' t,~t (;ut of thi'~ swamp!! :U'iH~fl: l'laybe all of us. ~ ~.Ll. ..)II T ~~.~(~~ U'} if -: :i...; :~10;1). erG iiIi'l~,":G{) J.~ftY MA~: Aaaaahhihihh!!! ;·L\i'l II: I don' t }~:1(n.r, 112 just ,,-'- rted holl'~rint:! G~"'~C'U-i'~J li~'~D .i.-'UlI, JI,.) 13C(_ 11 C:7.2 .;;.;.,'-' l.LY. ",!~ II D;jf·li3 I'i' U.c SI.J~ J~;: 't" J ,.!;,'l';::i< c.LD A. ~·:'~DIUl!l .jJZ~IJ >JIL_J:~= F;_JI, ':",lFl:. l>_ '. :tJ J~Jj"'".i.) .J_1 ~;K. .~:·tl~~:\T IJF~.~ ,'~<5 .31DE U.t~ :'J_~·i /i..:,j T.1~1'\.['·L~:_, ;,':'1.;.·~,l'~ ',f"Ll·KS t.:';~;=. j·,;~_H.:~·;""-)~.li:,~: It'G all rik.~llt! Ile's not l)oiso~:(Jus. Lc:t t!l-:':' critt'2r 1;;0. If he ail.'t dead by now of heart failure, he deserves to • livel --------,----_..• _------_ •.-.- .... '" 137 • . .1:;':1.:]';: You knc':i, Te' a point t'1.erc • ::.;cc', .;':nl.r; ..;ot L8 • • • . ;;..11 ri.l::ht! movinG_ 1<t~:\~ ·il\\l.L BA.GK 11\"1:0 T-1I~,~ _ J;JC, .:. i!::; : iC::~. :~ (; r< Let' n Get ,e'v2 sot a war to fight! ~ :<~) ,.;,j,~ ~~; d·'I>~.·2,j: ~'i. ~-;war~ll) snalc.e in some private's It's all right, though, it w.:lcn't poi~onous. Scared t:c tar out of that )rivc.te: ~:~()U~:;1. C,,!.U'lii.;) I shouldn't laJ.sh, but that ,itS a comic sight' boot. ~hat of funny at ..? ... __:1 G(".LUrln .3 .J:,tl':F;. l\~C\Tlr,rG CI'J TH~C :JI}}i •••• l' m going to tD.k,:, y,)ur SJ.ide ,,,-,H1 t'l-; c:.:,vJ.lry a:l,J. go on to the la:lding. "Hurry on; you can follow our train. 1I 100 hor::;emer. t!'21V ,-,li'l.,~; :jY tW)S ::3hould leave a tr~il you'll hav~ no trouble folloHi:lg. '~\]~ i:-t,L,3Gh- • ~·lG:i.!I()i'JS ·~C .. ~ i~) 1C' .2 ~~.~; GC"I.Dl'; Ti;}~ 3·/~'.;i~"lP. 1-,3 CF ;lTL.~ (:'i·\;I.-J.~-'_':::':[ ;";~~I\r l\<"\.JCEII:'~G DeL!':} 7:-1$-< Bl~_,T :C. dJlDY ,'eND A~:~'!':J r~·'f ~lr~iu."'.;.!c/iI':<) GOOD :~PIRIT,3. cc LJriI -~p _(1.,) ~,:~ "~I' .:,..- .~'.,:~, I.:~\; flCol. ;\nmel1, th,2 t~~-;r.era.l ~e HI) :ll~:j a.nd saye, to hurr:r up or all will be l03t; tho enemy is driving ,,' I·'H.,C{: COJ11.'lLj;l1ts our ::lcn." ,;:d\'II'L~N: "How far to the river?" "I':H:';:T: f'Heturn and tell the Gen0:ral ':,c a.re 214 cora;}.",: ~l;'; f'~~,-,t ~1.3 1)OS,3ible. n (lC S.r_~F'~~ uFJ~'.LCt.;!~) Lie·ut(~1.ClrJ.t, 60 to the front :.1nd:tJ03.?1.Y _'1,,.. _. cou,' iers if they come. vie mur;t llOt let SUC!l news reach the me". LLmT.: Y"s, Sir! LI.r.;UTBii:'J·lT RID23 UP f~S:; X·\D. i\.l'L~;r'T RT.:) I;~ ~ TC T~i I:; .~ 1.1) ~ 'fiG -----_._---- .--- -_ _. - --'.. 1.:;,2 • . ~'~ .. ,:~~:~: Jo ~rOtl ~;O:1 :hi . 1Je 00:/5 ,'~~!~C~1 cou.l(.5. _ny faat~r without getting too tired. You're needed at Lw front. "Oh, Ye:S, Colonel; "/e arc not tired. Do yo 11 think trw fii,';!1 t 'dill be over 3CLJl,~R: ;J(:';fore :3C.LDL":~: '1le You If \ce want to , ' .... ~,,' get t~lere?fI hi..cVU G ~,e:;n e (; him t:.te .::le;uant oft0:1;215 0 r:c (~, any how. " ", ': -' t • ~J 1".:.......JJ. 't Ko we1ve just got to ~et to the river soon as we can, that's all. ~elve got good men ~ere. AMM~N: as !!e'll 11lake it in ~~RCEI~3 :' ,c LI~~ .I.' (,~me, ~ir •••. CF y: 1' .......... :~!~'nl,:;N: ''!iGll t Indid.:1:~ t:1e 36th ~~ ',:d t::,lC 6 th to battle before, and they can't wait. One of t~em just ac;ked me if the fight 'would be over before they i!:ot th8rG--he was afraid he'd mis.s sOinetiinso lio look at the 24th Ohio. O~io h_7~ ~~v~r b~~a They're veterans. ~hey've been in b~ttle lhdor,) ;iyd t:wy 12.'6 not at all Cl."lxi,: :.l!~ to :0 azai~ ~nlcGs ~ts ~ecessary. They're jUGt as cheerful as t~e others, excited too, '-"<:'lybe, but cool. 'l'hey kJ~Chl w::o.t they I re in':'or. C:i.F'.r"i.I~~: badn't netic": ;)efore, but I Gee riGht. It ~a:e~ ~ hig differ8nce how you look a~ ~~r, o~ce you really k)'~o~r1 V;h.;i t i t is ••.. I ~o~lre s" Jl l"'l: J'tJii.C: Jo ~l, _1 -, ,_, C Yan~c.s '_~ ur Cl. a 1::' ,,-~ iJc out, ain' they? v You better beL,eve ::.t! Yank gen~r~l w~s, ,;.' 0 ur i rr :~; ',",;o'd ~awyer? Sd,"j' Ll~~t 1.59 • . ,dY:~~: t;1is Prentiss! 1'1idt'~; 'A::'i:it lCelrd ill'::',!' L i r, I • ;": ,c: /,'c11, he's a fi2'ht2r, I'll sa::/ t:wt fer :aim; ;30 Ii.,· J: arc Gonna c3.tch fire, if we're not c3reful. ;"t.I<: Those trc,;:'s ~AC: Well, I don't see a whole lot we can do about it Anyway! eeL. j:"",ll:"Y: ddvance! ~JCL. it.:l./l.h:i~~N: "Give 'erl} COSG, boys! 1hat's my brave first Tennesseel Give 'em Forward men! IIail Columbia!" r~C: It's Matt Martin! J J":ItColo:lel, wh~re are you ~,'ounded?\I (rrI3Sl-' B.'i.:;;.; V\:lC:~~) !IBy son, I LUll wounded in the arn, in the leg, in Lhe X.• lnD;: head, i:;, the body and in another place 216 w}lich I have a cle!licacy in m(;ntioning." CC I. l'i:: I-L~Y : .~'J;: For',vard!! 1 Goodb:r, Colonel! Good luck! Good luck tc you, boy! fir:;t Tennesf'ee! ;1.,H'I'h:: Ul:l'..2 "llrtu .GIl F I l:;),D • l3C D13:~ C F ,"'.L) Good luck, .:1"'1 J M .u1:'" 3~M: My Lord •••• what a mess •••• h.,C: ,;)0 we get to go out and ~lo.ve 0 Jr turn at it •••• <.J.a~: frhi~; i.a l;'!LJ.t "'!.(JY c311 "Pomp and Circum.::;l:;arIce." I al"'D.Ys thought it w~a l~Ul~I··ll.!\G . '1. C ~C.0,j iLL :t . T.Gc1:i(IBLJ~. '~Id::~ f glorious, but not this •••• not this ••• l~l,D. Gi:.;:{":;l~·H B ~::,,·.c:,.,.~ . ;C",=·;K~, FI:;,lLY F.-I.L:;:" ReCK. L-j~,y ::>,H: 216. . " ,Ja t'r:J..ns, ",0. ;\.;y t c h, p. 41. (BR~,'j:m_J~,3,) I ,:lin' "C nover been thr0u(;h anything like t'iat in my life! 140. J: G: If you l"l:::d a hUe:;]l:::l bz":,ket tlwt could c;)tch bulleb3, you could fill it with minnie ~alls in no tiL:0 ! went out with us? h;~G: ThlOY :;ot it really b,a ••• lo(Jks b!)ing wi trldrawn ••• l:L~c: t ljeyt,r-:J h,G: :1.11 rii;.ht! 'rltis t::"::le we're Gonna get them, Prenti::3s or no l~rentLo;; hea.rd. ~lmost mukec a man feel ~l? fhiG one's for Matt h~rtin!~ hClP~)Y ! l"~~ll CL~;:J~::~ Prt.G.f<iRl.~ 1 d.'i f.=\IJ:'.~ '~~lC CI(Jc:~L~ Cr':,,, dC} ~. :\':,] C .:~.D~_IR IS ;;,~H: It's gonna take :no,'o than ')ayo~l~ts and bullets to cet t:lem out of t~wt road! . . G: I .hope I don't; :Jtlve to go out t~l;::~() too ::lany rnore tiale:~. 1 ile o~jds ,~::r'e buildin' up acainst ~e co~in' b ck! .r'~-l~ 1 .~~\~rJYI"'J~~: y ~~}'"'... it'~: oaHl, ~.:O:l.!l:l_ t:'_:~':0 ,~,r~-l.:/,'~:rs and ~L~e! They've got ~o run out of ammuni tion soon,~"r or _~at_r. l'hey' 'le belt to. 3.11: e:ell I hope it' B PH~NfI~S: 500)1. Hold st2ady men! Ho:d steady! '"le've Got to hold t:,L: Jinc! L':::'. ,t- 'fha t la_; t l'WCi,'l \'Ia~; )ret ty bud, Sir. Too many men W2re ~illcd at the g' . . ns. IICC~-l": -': I lcno\'J; nli :s11 t b·~ a gco d ide D. to llavc t 1C. ~e s;un~~ pul12d b·.~:li!·ld ~'1~ Ii ~1 e:3 • fil ;.'J. ~::y :~;llo t tl(; nand t ~"; e L.IJr ;~", J , but they did"-l' t da.re COil!" t',rc'u ':1 thoe bUG~leG or cv,'::r L,at fe.lc;e. ·i ~~:··~;r I.~) j 3 _._-_. ... - - -- - ..-- ----_._--' 21?I} . , ~~., r i • - to move, thor·, e us ai~, In. ;':c v.~ '1t,,:., IN.f;cl;T_~Y ."~:,"'ILL;:a tl~';, :':;Ul1: be fcn'c: t :i(~J ru.~;' B;::IjIi,u JU;:2 , • .:; Li.'; ... .<~ll r i.s<:l t t nen; room for our C~~3! ·~~;:,~'ll l>-"J.:~: .C:·;; ~J , t c udy • l'i3..i--:e ; , ..... I dOl~lZ· W· .• E> .~ ••• ,':)I'~: I kLlO"', Gov'.,rnc)r, but 30!!letlri.nc larg0r. ~e ne~d more msn. fhc lact cl'w.rge we ;w,d here drove til/em b,oC~': to tL,L confounded 1',;;).(1; )-:!.'1.yv(; .•,J(~ can jri'\Te t:le1TI out the '~,1d~ne \'1~:1:l. 'I'hey'll be run~':i.n:': ;: !ort 0(' ,.\!'fl;;':J~lifci0;1 :'l~1:l .~_t '.JO.1'-!:- 0210;],:; 0::[·:)r.: ~,:,,;:"ll "JU cor1";:le~ely ou:: "lanked. ,vith bullet.:; a ,d .~hot coming from three or IouI' ~ideG, nobpdy can hold out for long! ..• That w~~ a clo"e one! H,FWIS: t'n.re ;!()U l-lour:ced? your foot 1" Did the 'u~dl touc~, 'PI o •• ,,21t; .1' JQlLiI'C:il: (J\ H.lrWIJ) Go back cL.d or((r Col. 'Jtat:lam to 1,111,:e1 hiG rcCi::lcut to t_ie 219 left, charGe and take tl,at battery! dA22I3: Yes, Sir. A;50UT 200 YAT-IDS A'f;1.Y. . ... co =-'. Statham! ------------------------"------------------_._?lO .,.II' . d ...!2.:!:.... • 142. iL';(\~L;';: (L;;c. John ,ton ord,:"r,: you to l.v~.eel your cO:-:lpany to L:l~' left, c.iwrgf.' o."d Ldce t2J),1; b:~ittC'ryl Lieu~entant! to wheel to the ~~t! i:L~;:,;'L": rlGeneral, your order i:3 d.'eli vered and Col • .3tathaJ:l is in 'notion •• " t"l' ..J.... ;. _, ".Ii, ~ J ~ t .. 1 .l.-.J\. T~~. ~1 "rei ~~ ,) i.~" ytl"., ~.{ l ." l_~U' ~~,_~ - ~ ,~ .JI..), ,~.lj:~ .•_.I'J . vt,>-,J • i~.L~ :,IC,N 1.i~.;J Ill-tL,: .lC-l.q".: :~:~.: lOC) YD~J J,3("-,·"!1~ Baylor! ," -, :{l." <-,"".) : .. ,..... .LJ.- .... '• ..!..LJ U.l.,lF' 1\. .:..: 11. ,j. .l. , 0. Drin 1" J.-, d,S ,1:.:,31',_ .,1,eLI a ,c:, i,' uF- • ..:.JI f) l ) :"'1 \( :', i \ .1-..1 ...) '." : -I.•J : ~·':l.i.\.;l-'~:: •••• -------,--------------------.-------,~---.--~.----- 220 Ibicl • 22l lbid • ---,- I vJas ..;G1:1C, ,_;.i.vin[: ail O~['i .. (.;r to Go 1. :~ ta ~ l"l,~; n~ ; ~ ~ l .1',-; r ,:"1,1 'l-./ (.t~_; alo ~1 (~ I dOll t t knc'tJ 'tJ~j t lla.."t)pcn,:::d. fl L':,~l , : ,_J'-'; l:ot hing! at illl! IJ 0 t.:] i Gr;i1,'raJ. ,]ohn;,;ton, ••• • il;_~' thi~; i·-; iilli::u:l, Jir •••.•.:-.)ir, do you recc.:gni;;;,:; me'? l/~)Cl'~~..i -J u1"" "L'l: ~L~.L:l..'-' " r~"_t\~~l-"": ~ -c'... JD i _l ~_) tl ;::,1. _1), UI',..; L~7 .l~;J--'.I'rCL~ l'ihat can ~!O\_~ 1,.10, know w::cere Lbc ~/ound • n lS; Gen0ral •••• GaG0ru~ ••• 1'~LJ ',l;C;l:,C,~"L .JlJ.~' TC ;~CI\f ,II. Plf_ston •••• ltt'-~ o"'/' . . ~,r •••• ., JCrr:·:"TCl'J ;:)1,;,':;. Y CJ-i-I J..' ... l 'd'j -10,·, it" 'J.:;. L(>'-,~._; c.a ~.,) U~J :..T J i..;..r~-~l:':;, :'C T.,:\ :'; '=";1':: not only one of t~0 fina~t Gen8r~13 0 f t h c; f i ~. Le ; t. :t; n 1 ~:: V I,~. r' h:., l"~; T;-J • • • • • Ch, God, w~a will we do without him7 He wa~ but C 71 C 'dhat ltlill ;i,,{:lL2: I 'i'~'{"~~._J: cdc.:, 2·-;.J: ...'1,----'; Rt~GING t',~ ""Ol<t~l ,·,'i.t;'l~~,t ,:;' Jor:'t .know •••• l don't idcl ••• leUD';I • • • • • • I;": ;j.,:':;tiGHOUI";J). 5 :00 1'i;. JLCL,,-n C'LT.G] l'lCC~-l.t; .~i.J~~.-) ~, U.J:' llICKl-;~'~Lcor ;~~: been here II=C~'~ ..'.J~;l,C:,-.:' -~: ('';''(, j'f;CCJ ;;) ;lUY can hold out? keep comir:.g 223 l-,n ~., I , x, i, HOh' lont:' haV(.;de anyway~ ~~(1.,~·~3 of :1,),·: "luch fhose l;).~·lc-,r Con:ed0r~tea ',-le ju~t Lcc~n;: I rlon't :ti:nO!d,Jut we're ,;cttinc 10'.' on i)Ii.1C'lunit:; on :.:. . lld ti::,:": l",en L~J.-'~:! •• • 1'h.,;y'v<:: cot don't 1-;:!1,)\"l jIC:'~ d.~·Jl·,-,\),~ ~,~<: U,3 IJicut. Bintmoore 'TAr a:__~ 11 e ? CR~t. out:tlnki~(1. l'io(jrc~, 1 arou~d; ..~xha'J:-,teG. :lo-v(;rl' ... ju.~t 1. t ~·~'~Jt;n he W&3n't hurt liC~O:I:;: llo, but }g,'~, been pretty c:ick l:tt:::l.I. ,,,' cC"Jjl;t:.:;l~r ;::11 .:n...;t :,:1, _.r: ~~. ;t:_ ~~ 3 ; L t hiLl fr()~.1 t ; fi~~~ld. Ii" ii( : Y.) , .clintmoore didn't \·iClnt to GO, but Fr!'ntiG.3 gcwc 11im a direct Gr:ier. ik",JC' didn't ["ave CJ. c;o.i.cc~! LCJ ~G'rc I cut:f Jhot! ~~~o: don't hove any core! !.nCK;i::!I,CCl;~a: th0 ju.~t ,'le1l, ,,1e'11 we c~n ••••• bos~ h.:we ;:;0 do iII C;CDN~CCk<:;~~: Lo.;)k ov 0:.: r L" ,} 1" ,~_ • • • t L,.)~; t r woi:1~' to cut off our 2-;:Lt route::li' esc t._)::':~. 'l'hcn it will b2 ;<Ll ov·:r •••• P.i·iTT,.};: You see them too, eh';' It' i3 teo late to wl_tn,;r·:lw t.W ir;fc):1try, sacl \'lE:'d nev~r ,,;t out i:-1 til,le any '.:tj ,l-,i.,t 1 ~.1UGt try to get t.lC gun,s ~ ute ~Jut, ~;.ir •• ft • .:.-,(·;:rI)~":,:~: f)c;~·:tt ~J.rguf~, nOh' tI1er(? i;~"':l't ti:TI-::;. You'r.) dll;,!Obt out of a~l;muni-cion ilUY'il2..Y. l'JO~'1 'or God' s ssb~, G,;t Oll t of ';(·re! =IlC}=:~~;jj)(;~-'.':':.~: ne~rd ._.~ p:\~,,'.L3: the '.' (,J IOU.;.',») :\.11 l'i-;ht, I'l':n, you Ge~cral! L L' ~n! FrL~~' '.• , 1: ! C~!tllJ';:L.C;) You and .;'vur : 225 Ibid • , Goe.,;uy, Jick::C!.~lvo r. ~':ie g;a.L:Lintly (;n";.:"~·v!.!d today. ;;0 1.,' do ycur:c;clf "-,'1(1 tl:,:J arm,Y ruv,·-)r by gl_ ttl·--::~: J l r tjU:--l;") 0}lOrrnc,:~~.:~ i:ll.1 out!!! ,:10'10 51'11 .il" DO"N.i'~l 1~0 ~ ..._,< CUT '1'e r'_.:~j n.:;s. iU h ,,3 Ut:;~' (; II Hl. c~m:"n.Y CJ[.W,:::~'{!.Y: :.;ir •• two regirnenL:; on our ri:.;::"t have 3lrr2;;dered. 1~ ~:(r,;r'~ j 1f'l; £L ~ Cl{ "rC ;'110 ~ i 1 JB.S L. -l. -',1') -.. '~~.1 11 ~:~ ~ I . R .-; ~ c:, C .,,;Ir~ ,,~~~ • J. ,~) • ••• Ed ! hy ;/'CC .;: I ' l l be iill rl ht, :.:i.:c·neriil. :"houlder . :L3: 1;(:: t rr: e ~:..i C~ .:~ • • • • 011, t i 1. at' 8 :10 t ~. 0 0 U l,lut ,'}'"jod ~t ull ••. Can JOu Gtill ~lt a 1-' ':~~.: ~il.E 227 her.,;.::?' I-:{jL~r;'~11: -: Very I.·:ell. • i.'~·etre [join{~.~ to ~alce Clttt.,'mpt to hol:~ thi~>9lac~. I'm dc,termit:cd to .:Jtack JOh:1 ten for onee. I'm ::;oin; to cL,"rge him \yith 0' l.;":~'; my e;lirc fcrce. But you hnv8 to ~2t no ".~1ing \ve c(~n do but harrl--:·Ss t-'--:~:'-:'i Ion;:!; ;c:; \'JC C;lil (Lid r·"b"rd h:'c.:3 t:rog:::,-~-~::: a" long a3 pos:dble. .,.1'0 jau '.villin,;'i ~)e ,L-; r),<.1:jil,!Tl,,~0: ·~,,,or.::;{~~ Goo{i. 1'he ~~'.=:n on t:l? fl':Jr...:::J ;;E:~t ~_~-:~ tr::~jl1 ---------_._-'- .- .--.-- - - - .. 227 --!!.:,., -r 0 ::) ..:..., ;' .1-.., ,- ..L, ")'70 c.. u. firil'l:-; -L it i::-.: ' " , ~ on Lbe - -- - .- front (~ven, '':';(c'l t:~: c:',rc·f!11. YOtl ,=:hould b(, ablc~ to g',;t t:1Y'ough Ii .::T~; :.t ~l::.",dful of m,":'} c~.:;ul.dn't. r,;uC',b: -4- ~.\. :;H -1,.1 I ' l l do my bc::;t, Ji1'. l_~ ~: ~~d ••• I don t.~ 1'(n C) ',.'.I::j L don c ':rL ; ou t yo U t() LC ~:'y ••• ••• Be c:-::.r,".::ful • .:\nd ~c~t tll0..t fixed. I"t £.'lCC:iL: Y!:;,__ , .,jir. to you, ~ll;'i. I i'l~ ~.7nd ·~~O. Good luck G\~"eral. l'~\;,,;Jic~lDC LL3~'E{.C:, 11' 1.. il',·: UG2:: ':" 1-.,,1.->. :-\' 'r .. l.~ . ..J .J. ..i 1. \~,' I __ G,iDi',]l,Y :::;ir, do you think • oul jJ,{ I'I.R.1.. ·\.JJ1, ·Gi~~ .:~l;J.~"~ u~'\Lil ':,;e r~·i."lforce;;l(,';:L; caY!. L010 i/,t ,(:1';:.'. ::1:,.'1:);): (:iI'L'H ,:.'1.;1.) (jL;),~;;) It 10;';;: .. like ',oJc' 1'8 ;3.;rroundc~c}. Lieu t ,c>na:lt! Get me Gencr:.tl ~~llace! ij:. A,.: , l,C',: I ~'. C! \.) ;{,) u ' thing I a:'1 ••• r:~ L::linki n ':~' t; J'~ ,;:X;:;-, I'v(~ :ont for rc,il1force'(!ent,.;, bu: if t:1er,,' are allY b:;\c}: '~,:er() ~o b:; :'cHI, I don't see :W1;I 1:;>"/ r d fig:'lt t ".;,l t' '.' Jy Fc(;,dll.:,. _~~~: l::;rnnti~>3, tl':"'d ~iOU l\;::~~)\", clivic;icns b,::ck to -~'1·:: l~ive ,'; o!:;:-wr u!lit:::; fa1~_f,~ i'i:;:,i. . },!' ;'1 ;: i3Y] (c.!.l'it~C}:~L;I·~) J"Jo ••• EO, 3rant told ;:J~.;' to 11oi.d. at :;tl:! twzardu. very important LiD-t Vi,? _.- -- .. .. -- ... --, ~) ~~: LL'-'11 . - ~.• , 9- 250. - - - . -, . -- .-.------....:...----, i "lid,; 't. po,;i t.iOl1 ~,!~.~._: (0 it ;;0. cuu':;t be ll·t'/ • not roalize h O\\f imfiorl: nt it TJJc.t:;, .... '/e're ~h(; enl,Y' 0:10:.; j:loldin"~; ~t~.:: front'; is it not? .' .j 1 :~;~ ; ',:H1 tile firin!~ on my CIV' lias been t cnibl:.:. ,>~,~ . ! v' :li,ld tce; Conft]d c' .',_. b:.-J ~ bay for nearly ~ix hour~ now, and l'~ hate to fuink ~1O\'l m,ny ch:)rgc::; t;ley'Vi;.· )::1Clde tryin[~: to Uti<e ~)ur :!loGitio:l:~. : tl'J~-l_~I~j ...~: (did H~Dven, t ':'.C~T 'dc~lllJ:n.· t. 11·:tV'.~ it 110\,/, O. if our flanks had beld up! ',-le haven't run! ;,.J.l1.IL>•. C~: ro \,\rc l.lavc-n't\l ... b'J.t to, I don't kno"'i,. .:;::,.~. c::J.n ':Jitlldr. l-J no':!, tiLJt I , :.. ,:C:::.~: r:or I; l,-;.?O~ :.i.,' t;-L~:'y dO C,l.n W0Y ',.:tel .,.!" :.'~:. can do i:: try t:) ;:eCD hollins a~d pray thdt w~ can s~vc thi3 position--or t~at reinforc~mant3 Hill come • all vIC .:i,Ll. -'::'::: ,.n.:1 mor,,' reaE;onably: I "::; \le cae, just hold them olf for anoth~r hour or 'JO • • • ",hol·;:novJ;:, IWj.y')~~ BLkl1 ~:ill u..rri'le! bo':.h , , I' j W~ all of it c~n c~t. ., ~ •.':' J.~1.,:.; L n~ed i J ". ".. __ ..'...; r ....... ..i.. u 1 If L.lU~: ,;~1fJ;iBJ..1.;;&, IcC [{;., T]\;; li ll.I 3 C, .F' 1;1' F'IJ ~~;.v ~'... _' ,: .~ Li.) • 1 1 _" , . PZ(:;:JTI;;;: .ic iluve no cnOlce. ·ro ~'i"'"c ""v 10 :1;0::' '..;0 uld b~ a c~~seles~ ~a3t~ 0f liv'2s. lind ::-~o(:lethtrlg ~~vt:.~ carl u~"~o c.:t:.3 (;.1. flag of ::;ur::·encler •••• 2200 f11en. ,;e11, at lCD~t 1 hepe t ,ey tr at t 'e WOU~i0~ ·,,'I.'cll ...... \.~ ... ()y I ... , . _l~· j ") , ~'L:'; ;~.L\...~-{iY . ,<J , JY~ Fll~l.l), .~T ::"~"":';;'<',;~.:." ]'~.~Cl~i 1.\, ,ll ,J.;), ,-~y _~~,J -=~.L,.I~_'-:' ( .i,','\) I don't ~; t i.ll ',1' ,2 'J '0': tI.'r:: ;t If I've 1. ... 'o;,tt!'r;/. It';: ';)r;~,<cl ~; r:lcd ft-:, t _ ~~:ic'.")rso t:1illion ~·\..r~~ ti:'d:. (~~·J.il)e~= it . (,.~:t Ii_~.J) I ,. .t,:·l~ ,1"' ',1;.1. "i(:;'lJ :~:(;tl': ',,t, "''1 ','] 1'i' ,'L oat "";1,;' 11 u it no';,<' C", I:. YL ~_.• ··;u: ~iO.LLC .~~~:.J ..I..';~j~~ ..L • .~ 1: ::;.:, I~·::~~ ;.·_ld.j.~:G, :..~..:'r"\_,-C-.JL{"'; l~:'~ '-"i'.i) l~.i .Jldl"·,CdJ_:.:. ; ; j ) . ,Jll"" . ~ _,.JL:0 .:, _, . ..J l.Li: YE}'~ _;~~S:lr~.~~ ..i-'C~.<,) ...I;I:~ I~~~;~ 'j;l=':~l ,11~.~3. r~;~J iiCH:':;_~3 ~~FLj_~.) (~r·:.>~~l*"tf~~·;).iit=~ D _~.j V.·~li. 11'.l~,_) r ~(I-~-r·~I~'iI,\~;111.Y. I':"iJ I in go! dCi\,:,.in,UU c' 2 :15 - .fi" ., :,.,~ 1. ' 'I .', ,1 L ,,'2l~ ~erf:~! J!_'~ ~ II r L Lin,:! up! : t, ~'L YGur W:2ncDQ Come yo,!. YarLs, let's 229 .~J U;:0. j!\CK~}i';: ILI. ,.:,Y .,C " j __~ , ~_ J_ I don't ;0,: J'~'1LJ}L·. oldi'1[; --------------------'-----------------------------------22 9.,. 1 ,:,~ns,:,11{1, , Eyewi t :less.: , .., ..... l.-' • 192. 150. ~now them •••• l don't about anybudy e1;0, but 11m jw:t 0.1,0 t muni i:ion J (Jut Gf ;;),;11- nut halbors Geems know what hots doinC •••• ~o (><C~.. K.:: Yu')! Yen Cdn t3ay thu~ a.gIin! ./,,'ve b,c,,:n :loin' thi:::: ~10L~o\v f;;p:;irc :3tuff for better t~an three hcurG now, and tho~e Reb;" s~:Lll 5.~.ll't ::;urc Wl1:1t ,'letr:: ,.F1 to. L~','U::;=;C3: hollo~" But s lU3J e or no--you c;til .. cun't :3t::.nd aroun:i ,,/iLh no lecd ir! .::(,ur p;uns. Look behind us •••• [Sul:;r y{~,U to do ~0m8t~ng Il-1.'.{':(2::C.l-~;: ever Do you rl~;:-i ;~aven' ti:'iC, ..Je f3D':,I • • • we'rc r0~11y t~e deepe~t t,;o~.:'rl.d :lDV-:: fast! li'3c' t ;',;': t in all t.i~1.f> t :,1et i:l. single or,';o.ni:~ed body of fed ara.l troops'? In al.-.'lo,;t thrc:e :lOur;3! l ! I ;;ues~3 t:u.:,t ,,;ould ecplain \'lhy \'Jc;:30 Cl<CCKi:::<: h~ventt lA~ ~~JCS: cotten any help! I don't:; know [or our-, but we've a 1 ·,TfnIly lOl:C tj_'lle • • • • and we're the only ones around •••• :leld 0 ':'1.' TLa t c;~c .K c~.'{: iHl must me cJ nth:L n=, ::>.l' ,:' n 't Co i;1:; too well in other placec, hnd we're tie only ones defcndin~ t~c loft! L\.\Jj:.~·:;:;::;: l'ha t c()ul(1 be! l'.jy Lord! l'ilat could be! I'<,',LY::::C{G: fall back! ,)ovJn to;ether! Fall back! 3.i.' bc"t yuu can! LIL'!lU3CJ: ])icl you r;ee >:;!-!.3.t artillery ;;;ovine; un on the sj.de L J -'; __ • _! __ ::.y '~l ·,.1 _'I~,I ~ ::>~.<y ~~[ 'l','~ ',: lY_)C,_;~r}l 'i1·~ . _} GCJ~~"~J- ------.."55Th Ill. a: 3hiloil," p. ,203. t~cr2? 151. q~" ;_ -, . _.Jl, "j .L L~"L'i'-J'a.~'Ic.s:(Lj~lrTll,JG ,:;,_<C~Cl:.,:j;' i3nCK 1.:\. 1"1_._,; ,~.~~{CU J) I never lho'.lE;ht He'd c;'c,t out of til,- "';! d.hat a nichtmi,re:: (::H'J<l[:U ;:1:; :L ,I) ,fell ',!e :31>rt,~(l dm·Jl1 th f> r,: vL!;:; '"~ii th 60c me n ••.• and it looks like we lli:nre about 1+00 nOI,/ • • • • Cl~,::',:.c'\;l{: T ~ ;.' ;.... • \J'R~ .;""~''-.(1v_Ll. 11, .. I·~; .. .!..:.-. -' :) - ,~.f. 2~51 Lo\.~'h::.! !,....)_lrc ... lo",~,..... r~n,)j:q i::>n' t ~)ur;::; ning! ! .l..J.J. ... _.I. i,_; )..J ~~... c~: -+:u "..L·-'~l_,'.~~ __ l~.: Il'...:'.'J. J2t more admuni~ioll •••• rost dere! ],rylB01(G: V~ On yeeor feet! Dose ~ebals are not far behind UG, and v~ haf noLlins to fi~ht dem wit •••••• L ~,L:G. j =..~) ~JC r~l~:.. , .~- , ,: .. j, r" . ~" ~,. .J L'l I,ook at all the retre;-;.'c:iE,: hundreds of tjem ••••• ,3::;,;C;~: C~CC1:~ _,~;.t: Y c:.3_l.l, r;)~L'l';;in'~ ;L'i.Il';;BC~~G: c...-\.;- d t:.Ci'l (;.~IJItT:3 !~ 1-1 '.~ 1"':;: 'B 0 ur J'".:.! -"' '::) ! ;']C:1 • • • • ...... '-' I·, ~-; up!! lj~t_i ~'(~' ~.,'11_~.:LL--;:"J) 'de }laf a nucl,:us of the 5'Hh 0:110 iJ'ld 5St:, Illinoi.s--or vnt Lc: l:~ ft u f t'l (::1. Plus ve h,_,f fcur Lc;vr,_ c:~;,.,,':';'"L'r;.,' i;l'Jt ',,,ere :"0nt on 'cipeciol "l':";ignHH'lt by ,:Stuart anct 15C stragc1erB from the 71st Ill. ;l,~!.f a ~ioot :.:ize force 11·.:re, u..,,'}<,':' it T \v ;:: v i l l :;":' t ,---=..s._., ... '?(""~. -- 23 1 Ib ; 1 ~- c ~~\~;. L~ ,~_. r ! y,.J U t '~,; 0 ,':'1 ~ " . OrCQnl~2 . con.ro 1 1't , ~na BO ve some l;oot for GerLr:;l Grant! CECC:\ ;;~?: (j·J:\JTjI/r~.~ r'L~J"i J~CU.;.~~) ~1iell, here Ve back to hel.) G'.~·nc'rill go again! F .LEi3\ ;(3)-,: Now ve Grs.nt? _~l_~_:Jj:':T~:~''J UP, Cl~(>.)~\ '.,~ 3RT ";,.) [,0 j~'i.\C. r-l , -LJ. ~ '.'" \ ",:{ .. ;, -...1 -' GROCK,:;R:C~flii.KIi::G .!:i," cD) 'Phat Swede not o::11y ha[-; nerv(~---lE' lex.G'.'1S what do to witi1 it! 1.:3 C? .:~=".-.J .,JI,u",:~ r·'~~'"ll:BI. :··~G :,~CLUr'1X ~:~:~J. l"~C1J2,~':~ ~~ . ~ ~ ,~~~~D L(I Dli:C.i i J::,\._~C}i.I:,~C· ';-:L'·"",.J) l7"c.;I~·RI3LY LJ'·,.' , ~~:C 1J 1JT 1 T:~ Y, 'I fj-L'":;- r~\J..~~. JJ'~~: Jol. Chctlund, arc you still ill': CE:.,'fL,d;j); I'm all ri.r;ht, Jir. I'm jllGt brinGing my re~imentt the 12th Illinois, cut of actiol~. G I'Ill ':;0i~·1.-~; to ....Jl:-l.c,-, .;',,11r r '0·~.,~~'_lt Ll ;3UpJ;lort of -;:~lL,.t b::L'"cry to tile left there. You sive th~t com~and to your second in con~and, and go back to the la:--;c1inc ;:ud "_ie dGwn. rryou ought ~,ot to lw.vc come OLl L today" feelin~ the way you do. ~~~ide3, til think tiley hav,::: done all LL:~' ~,J:'.: ;_~oing t.o do. ,Ie have fresh troo'ps 233 coming and tomorrow viC' 11 flni,::;:-1 t:H,r:1. II ,1:1\: 0l~.Al'·TT: I ~;:r~'at"j it no\·;, L~iiCJ back to the 1:J.r1c1 i'1f,' !_~~; ;:'nl I ' l l ':0 ------_ _-----_.._---_._._-_._---_.- .•_--_. .. 23 2---1:.-., Ib 'd p. 2"5 u. 233Catton, "Gr.;.\.nt i.<t .3hiloh,r, p. '13. an orf}8r--Go ,;,~;t :::('::: t~at, ,? r t. ~i.r. __ __ _------------. ..•. 153. l,'iallnc.; still i::;n''t 11'.'1'2 ;,/·,;t? •..• (M'WRY) l~owley and ilcPherson went back after him, didn't they? CHLl'~;:::: HILIJSR: Yes, Sir, they did ••• some time aco. GR.·.NT: I can't Ul:;dorGt3nd >lilat i;:; GO hard ubout following one ;simple order! There is no excu~e for this!!! And when we need him GO badly •••• HILr..YBR: ;3ir, the 11th. 10\",3. L3 b;;cck as-ain, and they I-Jallt to knovl what you .,ant them to do •••• G::/idiJ.': ,nlO I s coml:1<'l"::dinS? H,JOi,(: I am, Sir. Najor T.'Jilliam l'l. :i3elkna,. Gi1',;,'l': "Jell, f''iajor, I ::;UCG,,;:t yc·ur r'c]: f.lCV'~ for11.:trd <';'3';,;;,1.1. 'vai t •••• 13cl1Gl::tp, :jiJU .oay? 'ius not your fGl.ther "Gol. Belknap of t1:1e Old Army 'I II BELK;·Jld?: Ye,;, Sir, he was. GRAriT: I thought perhaps he was. You resemble him a great ~~al. ~e served together aG of~ic~rs in the Mexican 4 23 \'Iar. Fille man •••• Bj'::LKN/.P: Thank. you, :...>ir. I'll tell ,lim I }It.;iilT NOD:"'> _'.:mlIE ;:'lAJO:~ RID.L~3 \ir.J.'H hI.> UNIT. BU1~LL dID~.) UP F.101 I'L1E [':r,AR. Gii;i.,;T 'rUl{1'Li IG 3l~L HIH\PFTW;~.GU In;) RIlb:J TO H~L:~T B.IJv]. 'dhen I him djlO;,,~ lld~S GR~NT: Generul Buell. BU~LL: General Grant(3ALUT~~). G],~1: I ~ave to dispose of the for:n.:::llitie3 I need your at this point, GeJeral. troops im~ediately. It is my uJ:1der~,:;anding that they are on their way here at tJds moment. 1,re preparationG made for a retreat should one become necessary? B\j_~LL: -------------------------------,--_._._,---_ .... _- -.--23 4 lli1 . ---'------------._'----- l'A. GiL· NT : I have ev~ry c:Jn. ideace bat ..l. 1'0tr2"l t ,1ill :10 t. 0, aeCJSG'c1ry • ,Ie ar'; -.:;o:il.; to.Ii.·l L'ds oattle, Sir. But should borne u~foreseen calamity t~k0 plc:tcc, we are lwlding dll available 'oo;:~ ts ;'0 i~r<J lIS.tJ~)l~ ~ men across the riv,er to the fd!" sirl.e with artillery. ~j1d protect uur pOt;,i tiOD 235 BUELL: Vc:ry well. with your permiG.sio!'l., I'll go back to the landing and await my meR. N'L': Of course. G~iNr TUdNS HIS A;T~NTICN TO £HE B,c;.'r'I'L;o; "ND J3Ui~LL A;;D HI3 i.IDE :rUIN 'r'l:C: OPPO ~,I'lE ,',Y. ~IUE: Well, General, may I a~k if you were impresGed with Gen~l Grant': BUELL: You man. I waS not impresbed. impressed at all •. P;~3'l' TH.ii;Y HIDi': P]~.::.P1i...'UNG.L'O 'r1£. Kot C(j~. il. GHOUP OF r1;~;-'; GO BACK IlHO BAT- ~;IIClu'rHrG ORD,i:;'t~,:; TO HIS 'l'RCOPS "Fill your cantoellD. Game of you will be i . Hell before ni~ht, aad you'11236 COLONH:L: need the ,.,et t(~r! " ( BU~LL: BULLL i,iW ,dD" No, not impressed at all ••• RIDE DC,iN :'HE RO~cD. FJ CF G~1'A~';'l' INTEiH1Y PL,\CING i R00P,S l~,l~lJ JIH~Cl1Ij";G 'i'II:·; B,\TJ.'L~. tE IS T2:rtRIi:fLY DU,,'ry .• i';:U DLHEVi~;L":;D. [is 'rU~{;;3 .i)O .•'li 'l'aL RO,;[) :~<'D i1,.'",:::T:3 .3ii:GH1 !':,L;j • It' s be(~n pretty he:<vy around h~l'e. 30 bad that I couldn't bril'lg up t'l'-'O Iowa l"'gimcnts as rC'inforco:lf".t;,;. I dO~1' t til.ink Wi;' 11 be able to hold this position much longer, but we'll be able to fall buck in order and hold SIL·;I~i.L'IN: the Rebels. I hear 5th Ohio bDttery is on its 'J'hat will be a biC;::cclp. Don't worry about us, 3c~eral, we'll b; all riEht! t~e \oJo.y ~lcre. 235 _ 'd l_" Ib_ , 1;"" "" '/4. 23o ~., lb' , p. 73. 15.':5. G,~ ,ur: 1 : ('-}:·~~~·<.l·:.L. ~;) tboU;_~'~lt I bee,:] ,~! Kee:; _,p the [~oorl I De.1 t t 'er~el:clO:"lS :-;0. Yi_~l_'ve hel toe; ,y, HClrk. l .-: ...)~ . ~r lane ," ~~r 'Len.:;:.:; 11·; ~O~I':;~T ?Ci~ ., GIG. D~S;J~,l. !.~·,L"~;; IlL. h·.';C:;:::;;~; ,,;;~) .:,YllLi C=lcr I'll IFEl::; \;':1:' . D",uc "".0 ju:, t back, .sir. up t~l"re. ~~:lM:<;i'~: How long of lhis? anejt:, r courier r'ally b0 bnd ~ust It be:~ore we ri;D.ch the' ':,,!d vFfl.C::;L~: Just ar,;ncd t'le next bend. 'i'Le: we'll get into a field, just thic aide of tLc SOUND: ?l~LD. PC')L'l~ ~JV~ ~c Jle. IY: """-_{] a,~: :SJ_~~'·ll~ 11f;:). I ..) ~J/;, k)lDl~ 1,._) lC)O ?iJ:. CJ_ J~-').r~D .'!l.Tj eli FHI3iJi. S~OT 01" lTI'I'3BULtG C~~ rE.~;r·l ,~TEi\.N ;,j:d;3TL.t:;~, 237 :d(1·1S opLl;Dlj~G ;r-fLi~I~·~:: ;_DJ~ :i .~J SH0U'J:';3 CF DISCIERG1; LJ;'!...'.l<GE E'c;:)H 3\'irl.l',;p IN'rc riv~r. 11.~_.-.~ i-i1\~~ . ;~!,<;R c' r l1.:.f{ ~~::.,ID :::i< :;.C\/ .. ~·.":~l.;.';C;' 11.,1 : .l.J..':'~~ L; fUL', :.:cl" AHI"i~~lJ:;lell, at lij::-;t, "Jelre out of •••• ,:;CIJL;a: Ny word! Look at ctll tosc men O',f"r there! ::;CLDL;;:( II: Dirty ~'~i;r:,:;.: ~:tin'::.in' Let's [;0, met;,; CCHvarci:::;! we'rel~cded. ~!! ,c.I':iL~~]: eTC ;!·;L::;CN) I COL' t 'J.::,der.::; ::,.<lld \.(:y L.ler:o are :';0 many ',;8::1 at t:~e bOll1k. ~re thsy r2GCrvcs? .\.: .rL~:': :.!Jhy ------._------- -,- t.i:len '? ..-.,.--------~---------------,---- -;'~37 C 1-' -!.:.' I , X"', i, p. It '!l [:;Ol TIl':; () vcr un Lll. f ir::5 t boat 'ditl1::;L; 56tt I:1diawJ... You wai t;L~r and f),:.'·.,,' J"(I~Jr oriG'ade 0\/ er, a!lC fjee thut the other brigade Coi11:lu:ldcr c ; Get '-'~C, c;: their order:::; • . J ;, 25 [; :: y., ,:, :; ir ! Col. Cro!-.;e! 3e 3urc to leave gui~eu ut tile river so as to conduct all onr CO::l:an<1 to the: S,:;u,1C spot on Lwir cJrriv,ll by b,)at. i'J_Jl.,~Ul>~ "·\.h>.:~~,; "Ldl\I\TllJ~1 "."~~~i\j).J ",;'ll ll,~~":)l~~G:L~J C E'.?ICj~;~~j ~3 :.CE" .';'l·~~U Ju."t terrible. T .1 '" ,',/:,J) 1 • -l ·, .. :~CI.DL;;H): Look at tLat, Colo:lel. shoot the cow~rd6! ("I" v. .L •.::t t s ,:,CI.DI.r;\: Y,::ah [ <ihoc t t'J{J !.,.~' 11::.:; I :':Cl whut l:apP(3n:;; to cC",,;::\rd,,:;! You dirty yellow b~11ie3 ••.• ,T ,:N: l..asy, r.J.en. ,;cGY ••• i:i;olJOdy i,e; to 3hoot anyone but T r L~ }i I _dTJ.~j_~ lJJ ~i~·;jJ ~:." j ~) 1 I ~ , D<:; .n ,.jl..-)O~N .~; H.' , ~. ;'E ,.I.li ;:;Gi"~: ~o~els. , 1'.:-;;KI~JG: you like :Ole to pl'lc(; my c,n? ,~;:-;:" :~: 'l'llere iu a U;:..tt.;ry dO;~.'t ,/OU. t~:;.;C(~ t 3r~ 0:;'1 U.·~J th,:: _"il=-'. t·;1:.~r::3 to ,1:1:/ ;.:;ur- .-:ort it r; --------------- ~----- ,-,--_ .. - . -- - --------- --_.._-------- .. ,;-1"" l"ti vU,.J,L.;...lJ ),), li\'i;.jliL}, i)T~,L • Jtl!~~Y ,:.l'r,) I3~~:}I~"~ _i.·U \-vi th tIw ethers? _,~ID~~: ,dCULJ) . --, , : ,,'._ ,\. -...,' .-. ,..... - " .~ J\_~ '._ " ~ Hally ;;ou about tlwt. cGvJards! ~".) J rr;·l.e:y'rc ,-~.tr·:J_E;{~lerc,:~;ir. l;Je L.aver. . ft b':;l:l1 ;:,bl'; to i~-(Jt t:.CLl b,-,c:~ to the fi,~;' t. Capt<.1in! Lil1 in line! \.~_ ...1;'1 ~' d __ (l: 11: ~:.. OC [-.J 0 ,.I~~I C}~ i";:~ ,- , .1. ' l~ 'v, ,}:>.;'_d 1\: I1Hy r;simcnt iEi cut La picccs-in my COl.1~)a.ny ,-w;.:: kille-'!! eVt·ry llhlll ~\i '.L;CN: yc U 11Thc;11 h';IY -" ~, ;", .... d.dll:-;U B 0 ~Tle [,'0 V l.~ CC ~.l'J'aj.i~i'~ ·~d) Sj,.~.; i\'l~,~rLLJ ~.~:: L -.~ :':'-) li,~G • 1:l,J t).,,) .:,-i I.J ~.I ':1< ~ u(;li :r·~.i'J~" _. _ ,.J.:" /l~t'i~IJ,Y i f t~'le ,::~ e ]')U ~dll'2(~, " x-l~-' . -, I -I ,-," _. . lcIUf'~., ;J LJ ) (-" t,:,o, ,'" - J -'- ;1 ',1<: ' v _ traggle r~3 L0 :::~(.! t ~. . er s to tIle b,. ttlc! 'c .0 r ~_~l r1c~ ---. - 0 f! ,- , L' •. II'~ TUR:3 /1.>:) :.. 13 '.;Y.::; Ci-i,) _"Ic" j" Bl1.Rll. ..~'J.' i • ., 0 b:'cY;: ain't v".,' 0 :.-. 3. r"'-_I."C) ff ,--., . ,1 ~ DIS~l·jl~ .. ~~ l,~ CliAfLAIH: Come O1t,men, ('(;lIly and we lib] y"t be Gaved! Ch TIlly for God ~nd your country's sake! JaIly!" r < l'l:.l. L,J _) " ','7' 'vt~ .. ~r .1._ll~l.l' !-- ,.J... _, -, , V :~ • "r ,~.i o " _. \.i .... _, J. J ... .. . ..l.. d',.:J.': (E:l'"i~nlJ~TI,l::;' ."H.,_,:;]_,~·Lcll0 'r"::;hut - ~ld fool,· or I ' l l brC<lk 240 Get out of th~ w~y! you da':iJle(i your head! iJJL:iCH: Gen(,r ,1 Gr<F:t. I-iy Y:1en <.11'.::, COillln:::; up the 12~din5 now, 3ir. (1 J1~A.:0 Ih~~~IJ rEI'i) - 240 Catton, !1Grant at 3h:Doh," p. 75. -. - . - ---'. --_._-------- ';y-3taff offic·':!r, ,I.D. ,J..G,-~em1Jled all the artilll~:;r;:l he ca.n find--ut 1,) c:;t 50 ,,'r :l1::)r:; iJi::ce.;---OJl th~lt :,:U.l 'jv"r t:~::'-" . . -,,' 1~ 241 J. '~)u"{"~inc tl·-U~~ Gonfl.'doI'a t<;: ad vance. -.,~ ._. ~:-;(X:! _la"~ ';;"CG:_";t2r I I d like you to ,s;uj'port that b;:-ttery with your men. I'm expecting probably one more Confeder:cte atLi:J.ck bc:fore,I,-. ~ "I"L Oh, Gen. Nelson. The 31st Ohio haG been i!avini~: trouble with the concussion from t 1'l3.t battery. Have your ~;'1pn be careful how they poaition themciclves becauue one man \J-.:~, kn(jckc(~ ~u'.-;r;, ;".,J_ 0ro~ . :u his neck! ::;',11:'.\.': YeG, N~LJG~: ~ir! LJ OF l'ROC;:t}; HC'.fI1JG 11d'O POJITIO~, G~N~H (; :ttl .. G ;'J • J ~l tfU.:. "lll l~~J~-"V'y ,~,~~TILLL~~~~~Y L CIT.~OJ ~~AT i.{J.J-~.~;~JY }'1Hi~ ell T ~~~. };_" 'rr:Ll, ,jir ••• aren't tl1.LH£'S looki:l'"!: Jl",=tty dark for us? i-_J~:~'~?: 1 they can I t break our lines is too late. Tomorrow we s '1a11 ,''1 tt3.CK t:l(~m \Ii th fr,];ll troops and:;>._ · t'hem, 0 f courac. ._'1 .') d r~ve GRci:.:'l': IIOh no t to~iGht--it J.JG ... iD,;.,,:t S'l'IL1_,'I,;Ll,,:m ,',~I(;CH r; •. "c~'~I:G~r \ _,I m L. 'lD H:G. 1,,~.~:D.wH: I Im 6ick of falling oack ••• f<"11ii18 welve dare all day! ;::;0 That's all b~ckl tho:3e~~eb'£; have got of us today, I fear ••• snC:':;II: Yeah, L:~\;';'0 .• R: How far do you the landi:::Jg'? ~ :;J ->~: ·t ~~ ~l'._ C h , '.J ltn_ ~.; "chinl~ ..-. '.' f' t 1 t l. ..'3 t.~1C best we have till e :1~:1 t:1 '_~ ,-' . i~or?ll _IJ i < I V.A '_ . • t ') 1 ,~-::l c~r (.": iJ Ll t Robels in check till cross tree river." GIi; n J , 1 ~1 --------------_ .... p. 242Catton, W}l':nt ),t ;-::Lilo;-.:.," p. 88. '15. 243Ibid. 244Comr1ilser, "Blue and thf~ Gray,'1 p. 36 /+. ,--- 159. I gue:3s so ••• I don' t De(~ v,hat ';';,;,,'30 can do, seeing a8 how we hav~ been beaten S0 badly. L.:;,NDt~d: ,~ 1;h:,t ':tli:! d,:l.Y is lO.'itt ••• T:lat sure isn't what we intended. i'iAW::Ii 0~r; i"'~ ,i. Ln"I'L~ 'r ,ll~l; ?UHTIL.;H, Lr,ANDi::R: Enoch! troops':> 2J'd Tl«()OI;S Lookt "~ren't thof>e fre;:3h ENOCH: Sure lQloks like it--why treey got guns cartridge boxes, haversacks, cantcans, und 8v·::!n blan};:,ct rolls! They Got to b~ nee" troops. ':1~~Gll"~~~irJ' l-'.:.>.~.),~.j\.) 61~)T L.wAI'JD~J{ ()rL~ .1.CG~~s'r.; ur .3Gi.DIJ:.:R3 II)L. c:., :rHj~ TiL },"L3:HI'JG UIH';'. ye., LJNG S r'~R(;l;t.I'-rr i;Jl';:;'ivt,;R~; L;;,i~\]l:;H J'fCCD JU,::T 'rCOK .•• ; \'!~TCFlf'.:G "~, L~:"ND,:;R: "Lvhat regiment is this?'! S ~RG.c,;il.NT: "36th Indiana--adval1ce ,guard of 245 Buell'" army. " G,$P I{~m r;.'li.~~; ;:~~ ,~. IlL' . Y. 1,:'; Y':)'.1 :;:no'tJ,~nJctl, I c:rLLd hav,~ shouted for joy when he told me that, but I didn't want them to thi!1k me silly •••• :~r) ;1:~: ENCCH: You know, thing:, just may be a little different tomorrow •••• I bet they \/il1. ';ie'll give those Rebs a chance to fall back!! L'::;1~NDEH: DI0SG.uV~. -,)lbHI'"di "dW 3R,\NT Arm BUii;LL 11.RUUND A C 'cHPFII{~. LirT' E c;VENING GRANT: Sherman, I invited you up here to meet General Buell ••• BU.:::LL: General She; man. ;::;H,e;R;/~:U;: G~'~T: I General Buell. ~e~d to get around to all of my I've discll[~Ged day'c happeningG with Jher~an alrl~ady, and if ;you don't r:lilJd, ~}en.'~)46 L Buell, lill let Jherman brief you ••• i)rlE;<lck COlil,lalld,~j'w. th~ B1J!~III.I: -_._'.'-".' - rrh.3.t t ;3 (luitc all I"'iC;~-:' C}~ll~:~,_.. J.••• \.lll:J.t cV'"::!r JUu ~3ay., --,--- -. -- --" -'._._- ._--------------- 245., ~ l!.J.nsc h'~m 1 , ';:'je\~J.tncsE:, p. 192. 246 Grant, Memoirs, p. 181. 160. Gl""?·:;'l': (Ti~ ,.ol::,{;/.. \~'j) t,<-,t dll right ':lith 1.::; you? Gl.NT: Good. B~81l, General General JJeruan my fllO.,t v.,l;',.:.lble Cener .. l teda .• S:'),':1t very little timE; ','liE1 him, W,L3 I b~cau3e very little ;3 [J ;:;L=-, : ( .: 0'1 J.,oC, XII n r; ',~ rjl~~}l) .•~.L I ~1C ~im2 ~:~,;';,_,,;" D was .!,. neceG3~ry. 'I.': "~:,' I .J { \...• . / 2 • r-~: ,5her:iLn ~laG :lnd a bi t.:;f ~, tr,/i' C ,J.c(y-thr,c) :,or,:-;.,; Gho~ out f;:o,:: u~~:;c:r him. "., 2 -'( HOI';'::; the hand? ;j~i'';~-0,:~J: No t~Iing ;) ch e s a ::Ji'~ hi t i t . actually lily ,-"houlder e \\ih'.-J.c' C tJ~ :';" t "-:.,:) c·n t b ~~ 11 D,rlOUG, ·'.'.'C rs 3],1 ;;1': 'l'hey ,lre pai:1ful bruisc;'-'--v\..ry.i~ep. fell, I,~:~·t be ;;oing. I ' l l Si,,,,,Dk t:.> ycu gentle~~n lat~r Lhj~ evening. ,r'r'--,. .:"':"'0, :'>:J ':'~,G 31l)- (~"j'1:. l)"JSI.I, ,L,.~' Vi~RY ~) l' -;, ,i)C ~'~~ I _1-: ~,,~ J CO ~I) • I I :)lr;:;~~l'i II: Yeah, a id one of t~iei::--my Olt/1:1-was a beautiful sorrel mar,:;. I'd become rather attached to Jh"r. You knoj,v h~)";'J J'OU can 8't attached to all animal. Criginally r had CC11"1tured h,,"r from the enemy. She was wounded UL::] Lil',,)) killed. I ,,;ull !llis6 he:c; ,~Jh~ ltW,; ."J. 248 g'oo cl J.l0r:=~ e •••• If you ,3 nd your ,; tar f aT''; in ter:;stu' , l' 11 ;3how you h01,,! our :){)::;i tiow: :;dve clnu:f£ed ::3inc0 morning'. I ;:)ketch(~d t.'L: map 1",-t9 tilis afterc()on. Ef~IJ. • ••.:,10'." our right covers the bride,' 'Jvc::r Snake creek--we I rc C'xl'ec tiriG :all",_c,:~ 247 n .:i • lJe,Jolf IhJl::er, ;lom"-~l~tt..~ 2f Gcn",c·bl.3:i';:!:' Cllurlc';: .)cribn~r" .;0:18, 1)89), ;,.220. :,~tl (I;,,e,,,r Tcr};:: by L.;"t route. 1'.cC..:lci'D;;nd L: on rw 12ft, ~:...~,::. ~ l~')'['lbut i,r3 on hi~~--; l~~~.ft. 13U,,,L,L: I doc) I t un'l,,~~:jt,,- -,d •••• I rlid n.o i: :::;("e any of t;lese '."efl tii:e: afb::rnour, '.,'ten I carne U'9? ,)rL . . ~~l·'i/·l.~"~: ;':1htJ:' i;~: b':)cuu ~(~ y~ .. ll C-,·~~h~~ oy f:JCi-;f of th~ landing, 3ir. Due ~o t~e terroin and tbe foreGt, it is impossible to see 311 of uur troops from tLe po;:;ition you held. I ~lo.ve 5,000 good nen ~)till in line. llcGI8rn.:jDd. hac_ at :':ast t:l<J.t ::.any '!lore ,,·d.t~ ti:(}brJ.:;<lde;] of :,;.11.L. '{allCJ.ce Ol.nd L: c r '.: milL},] er l, f .2r ,j B t iss '~j -e; :,; .;!1culd ;1:nrp'J.rc u!'d 18,000 r.:ady; and fit for buttle. 13:IJ':'1.'J.: 1 [10 n' t "wl1 • like [;::1<:: 100k6 0:' thin!;"; v8ry .):;~~"'J~~; : I'd c;ay we ~lave about 10 ,OGO dead, wounded or pri:::oner, b-,Ii. 'cj:c Gon~',--,d,;:;r . --,-te 10;3')03 couldn't he r:lUch It's:; t;'OJ1 t1ut. !lUELL: !;ilith Nel'oon'e LcC,-)oi1E;, a::-:ci Critte den' E, di vL;ic>ns, 1. l1(lV,,; l,j, :JOO l;;'':).~ cro[';sinz t2.,c riv(;r t(jnL),t,,~d r(:~'1.:' fDr tL" ::'~xt di';:'Y'.-=> (nttl,o;. i- , •.J ;-L: f{J. '"'~ :iif~ 11, v:i t 11 t:, 0 ,c r; rein f () rc em;:: n t:;, we 1.,i',ould 6W,,"01.) the iif:ld. j3Ui~IJ. ,: I 110~)2 30. I can't r:eom to forg'(!t all of t:lO;;e cowardly T'1cn 0.t tili~ lD.Ecling. ,L,ll, ':"'11 ~J'::, '10n8;,t Hi'!.;!. you,~ir. I WH:-: afraid you wouldn't cro',;,) t:-H' river tfJni:r,ht for fear of b:;'oo:: Lll invo:v~d in J ~i;~8~or. J,i":;lL',,,~J: B~ZLL: ~el1, we're croH6i~g toni~ht--no Lo\-! !)iJ.dlJ thirlgc. lOCi. 1'm .~c::\Ti:l~~ d. -L~: ~~:i_c'Jl t~;- u~l~lcr~:; L~).nding tIle IjlY of the la ,d around there. Could 1 pOGGibly borrow t~i8 ~ap? :~::Itt:.',r ;::;.~L,,(,A,;: I Of cQur.:::e, IJ:.:t: it',:] i,j:-,or~:vx,t it back before mc.rning. L~':lt ;;~'.v: 13": '..1.1.:: Of C0 1Jrt--),;. !·iaji..;r ~iic~:l "r \:.[i11 llave it COpi8d wi-,hin hour;~;: and rot urn the origL1El 1 to you • ., , , ,I ~ :'~O, '}~;l,_=?::,,·ul '::;r2.!nt ~i.L~~ urd!.~r(:d LLe Tyler and ~~t2.3 c. ,,1' ,~:U;:1::'C;lt,:;, tc fire on t::e ConfedCTatn line:::; ,~t rc g ular 49 2 in~>;rvnls t::rouc;hout t.ile niGht. "fJ . . ry ~.~1..~.~J.J: '.\}(~ll. T;::·:t:l.~~ :I()lJ~ or your ::.1ap, Gen~nal. check my troops now • II: C f c (, ur ;::. .. ~L·· J ,.... Lli) 1.~ 1J '''~~!; • TC _.. l· . lL'I:'~. :~ .'i;~~.K~) 111 I , •• J , ..., C'1 ~ ,.J _ r.jr ::~i.~ I think I'll ".1:_.' :Ji-' J 1 111-. .B,:~GIL\;,,) '~ll:' ~\Hl.L:. ;"~l: You ;';;ve cCl:lpl,:)ted Lhe ord ,~,red to form'; liLic~ yeu 'dd'·: L.I,: Good. Have tile men lie dorm L1 their It'; not ::;Oi:1;'; to 'v·~),ll t1J;;l_ t C() '11 fo rLd,ll, c , out i t ' 3 :1 e C2:, ;j,ry • 'f~,vrt - em~ :-J-1&::-.,'-"" o'~ """I'·:::'l'r 'v'·,."-'O"· '. 1·,·~1 c"'- "-:: ':::l:!"", .• V<. .lC ~C'_'1:1 .. '·.·.!~50 po:,itiolli~. .4 .I. ~C' . ,,:·i:;~;: .;.., t·~F.:·ir "·.-):)~~"!(~':r .1. •. , ......... c3_ry • 3iI', do you Clink w.:: 'II win tomorI'lll"? EUEtJ: Ho tl;at ':ielr,~ ;',-,",:;, I don't I::r<;ee any pI'obL:;m,s. C;d ~4-"~:tIl'; ei JeCi: '1Ili.D. ~v ~ :~\ Y. i.li _J:'~~, ;.td.. I=.·~.G.:.. ,j,dY,';It: noy! I ' l l say this fur Yankee --t110y'rc bet trr than no thl;1' ! 249Shcrman, ? 5(';" 1 ~., i'lem02:.~, I, X, i, 1). ~ r~tionc­ - --- -'--'-'--p. 274. 3 'z;4. /' ; ·.lU Y: C n ~ guy in c 0 vcr L;' :c• .;:' C f Ci ~.lll d a hor.10tHade bananna cake in one os.' tile tents. It i(1.:' t .:.·t .~ ~>lC i)t~ll! (,.)}.(: :LY :;":(It~,3) It ,:::'ur~ \',:~:_.1 ,:.;00..1 L:10~:.,_:h ••• T ,-.lO rld,~ r -':].-:1) t ~ .....~ t ·c";., ~.1\ (~Z:: 1 :~,_ly ·:.Ir:~ ulc1 '\. ':, v.:: t ~ 1 ,.:::, t ,1. ~ h t :i:f'O .:";: ~.ll c 1/1 ~:l ~"l 0 \-J J ,J :~ ,._ t i Yl ' l1er cfu>:e? 11 P a ny D 0 -;;rob3.01y ei LJCr have h,,,,rt failure or wished s~e ha~ put poi~on "ii ,(3,:; T.,;l1 : L>he' d in it! .. Y-'- (~, t '" l.J.'1.tJ,..J.d (L,fJ:,j~lf:;}) '; ...,;; Y'::ah, I~ndy, mqy.)c ~;he didn't want that Yankee feller to come back!:! .J'~1111 .~: 1'0. :.::,ay Jc.l~.i;._ wac ~ ~.)rc'tt::;.,111 in 2tll ••• H;·,ie foeled arc Ii ().,jC ")<) , :cr Ii v'.' (Jr ~~i}: llCl1rr'·· 1 :,:orc vIe Got ;:"'1 S;:"" . .: c.i '!ankee, al thour;h the battle ,Do rat)lnc not more than half a mile from U3, but I tell you, they I;lade UG fi,:.ht c; ','illile~)51 before thoy Jet 11::; ,!.ult." - Ili t 'cho:::;·~ J1 bl.gu.i n--one mOL; time GO kick 'em back aero,:;;; Ya1.:\:3 maybc--enou~;h the river 0.,:6 t'len bury 9ur c12:1(l ~1;.(1 fir,i:,:L t.c;ki::-;' c:.l.r,:; 0 f i l l '~\.;;;,-~ bcaut-,252 iful _) 'J-': ·J.~.3.~T su:rpli,~s. This ,place i':~ J:l ~t full :)f <:.::tuff, at that!.!iq the negro ooys, w.'w u..rc,lith their lll:.l.> G.,·rs ,.1I·'~ :;0 :.;1' to ::!aJ.<::e 8. fortune! Greenbacks are floatin' around this place like crazy! .. ~~: ~'l.... ~ !l' t h¥ bE·.'ry s f(:e1in' it :.my .NJY: You mean you'd Ll1~ch. CGnw paa~ d.ud I have- to buy l'~.:i :t:~d a Mankee dollar bak home? :bE,;,}, ;;n: .Sure I would! The time .,dll c cuc dill too, if you've got t !:e:n •• • • even if we're \'ilinnin' \'ilrc " ';;1. I t ; ; vc. ;:,11 t':~lt .':lCl:::;l'l L;,";y :.\1 ';;1') .J1~1 tren,;ury. the: l - - - --,_.>------- ·?51, jrJU -"'- _ . _. . , ..... - - .......- - . Gatton, Terrible ]wift 3word, p. 233. ,~'f-l: You may h'3.ve a point t:~:'r , but 1'1] 2tick to my Confederat2 monay for now. GesidoH, I'll bet tho2e black I»'::'::; cl(;Ctned out every tent, lon<:!; befor::: we even got b3Ck her~! JC:E:;1',,,R: ..1. O~E "ILLS. LAR'n!': as, J:<.:NT~:d_) LUGU C."H~~YL:G I'd agrc::; ;,itll JOel t_,'1';;, bd.+;::'f 1:L~.::) r\!al i',dllL5tL-.ic:·q·s • • • • ~n..~"1 BILlY .,LL SORf:> UF IJ: II I XG.:, • CC:L,) 1'0 fHi:. l' l~E i,~;D ,) U .TS SC,,j;J TO ,1\,.Ji i~::'~ L .::)3. BILLY: Ei folkt>! .~"H: Billy! to you! "",, liJ8rCil't BlL Y: Oh, I'm all LGOKH:a ,"1' .JIL;,y ',3 iIL~ ,i.- .A.I~-{ ri,~;~lt, but 1''1(; beon (~ b'.l::,Y. Ci,' 3IL"Y: ',\ell t;':i:::; Y--,,',};:ee capti" h::trl ~:o much Gtuff in ti'[:;:t te~lt of hi::; , ;ycu JUGt '.'L'::=-';n't believe it! LHL:: i3.t tcu:, ••• L-:CT. PULl sure whaL h;'ppe'. :F'C0\r '1': " ~j Ol'S , lu;"' t. " .; ;{Q~'I " /\ Il;Y ••• -\. rW;'J p~lir of l)out~'--cL':: and rI(j~.J,~ 01-; GCtD ;.~.~~l:;f-: t;-:~_.E t,-'~~y fit tool •••• Ci\; I.!Or<J ~l_.;-' ~_,. ju., t :,,-,If ti:c stuff I fou cd. J~~'.: ___~·t[3, quilt8, on;,.ohes, f'.l.':1CY "mellin ' ; t l f f you put on y,:r f,'.<:c after you S.h.i ',: ••• :C;,',N: .3ure! and where you :l~innin' t,:1 fi:'ld any girls to wear it for around here? I aiflrt st!i.lyin' llere. we won Lli;:; battle--it's allover! I'm t2kin' my ~tuff and going oack to Corirth! K~l=('rnL: ,NDY: 'ronight? SAM: But isn't th~t deGerti~n~ l':".:,{.:.'n~: I don't Be:] h0101? Ev,::r'body',::; ~~onnu be gain' back there tomorrow anywuy ••• I'm juc:i; sort of helpin I to l,,::d tiLe; 'i,lay! I'd be:.:;t C;(:3t cc,in'. :;:~c you boy:' in Corinth! J~E: .,.Iey"Sa'l1! I' 'Ie: Got hac! Billy! a t (,~nt to Ui,' vOl:lc c,l-2e~) over fL're! in 16S. to!"liChl:;. _1.nd you ltJ'c~'ll t b'::i'~ve th8 ctuff th~t'3 in it--bacon, che~~e, coffee, t:~·at un.d some li\l-~lcr! sound's sood. "': :~~. /r SKY) l'lle;,";:; i.l (,cud id~:{, 1 bet it'c; Loil1L'; Lo r' L1 o,:;f~re luudl loug't)r ••• Q. t::;r t :'..Jill ,:i ~ ":lC ~' .. : t _:·~;1 handy, l'd S[j,Y. (LCCj~::!~} Jim. I ,DY: ~,':,: 30un~a good to me, too! ih:;lt a day! ;]o:/!. You better !"lot cclebr0to t •••• 39nea I Buell ~n2 ;.l.rrived, and t:Jc))"re ,,:hippin~' ;1i:; bri:~i:lde across tile river 2' t~Oli'. Prob,bly al: l:i"i~;Lt toe; • . jelr~ ~~O.aiL~:~> t;_~, ~-;.ave a fii.:;ht on our rW.llcls tomolOrO 'tl • too lon::': L:n:1 . . .... _J../-,.J....i.J, ,;,c,: '. - - J'l .. .1. ~r I L -,-, ti",~,t ;.r;~ all n1,::ht long ••• [;0 we can't ,o,:t uc~ly '31 :l:~) • • • • It' :c: :;;C;ilC;: to a a lOl~, ..; ;Ii ..:;llt •••• :;Y: I'h::y'll 'Tobalply i,>: "') I _ <.1- .,J.; "') i··tLC: t~-J.:::L! i20 fleck t-Jitll ,~)_ny',0~'J! from 1:;'1" '-'-b~"in. ,"JG LL".;ld .Jhcr.: I s ,~:~.j."~<~,' ... ,·Z: ~I~._i.:r drove YOll If:;tt~.; ~JL~tj c:..~leQr"~,t,.! ~~)ti~11~inc-; Y~~n:ks tO~'Cly--\n can jc: ic the liijuor'i' ~'oL ~ t.)-:)illt go! .J1>1: bOyD, L' d ;ik(~ to in tro,~uc'; COLl:)le of friendc; , u :0 0. of ',1in,; frem Lhc 6th Arkunsac •••• N wton Jtorcy ••• ..I..;.l '~'(,::: ;IiL.ii i,:; 0,,;;, B30oooo.,oiiii iiy'y~3 (;j . v,;,j) hie! _ _- ' -_ _ _ _ ,_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ • _ _ _. _ . _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ • _ _ • _ _ ' _ •• ,c _ _ _ ._ _ _ _ _ _ lI "" . ...I-J" • ut homr::-l ~'J,.l?YC: : I' 'J J.J... ) u f ::'onr," :101.1 '.J:; r:~ 100 :~i.l I f'or--.J:-' ;Ari:·,~r , w03h't that his nume? ..;!r ····I~Jil: Ye,~, ~).: LS () r nL .... l.~,:G ~'~J.'.:J L;CCN CUT" j !"~.~ I) ~l~T.[:~I~,~n, ~ic:.Vli';(} '-l~:[l '-·;,~.'L~ ~~ C)·OOD ~', ~I,~'ary - jr~:_c;r ••• ~lf)' rig:lt. ,~ll ... TJJ·'I~;. JI.~) .._:C~ 'l~. <:; .cD IN T',}rrr Ii ·l.l I ) : ('e "IDE) Eurry up ar:(l ::ie. if you can't get me ~o~ethins to c~t--I haven't had anything gIl ~ell, :~ .. \U~·~~:;(} .'·~D: Tj ....;:.. :J .. ~JoulJ it IS ~~t (3I'PilI~'J':"} ••• how do you think it .)~".'J.L" i.3:.'~~II~L) l'~. -i. .. ·.~)D.~ f-ll, l:t.) ~LC;~'"~';: ,i.Ju~~:l be \~elayed, but I Gee he haem It •... J , .. not ~oing J~' J~y .'~?) to be gOL1'::; to -0 cu~y :"C).,;y tor:lorrc\, at all. t:1;)1":, ;:m'l: ~J0 50 ,~:un,3 up t~-u::re. last c1wrge \·r:.,.; Cl,.t to ribboil:: can~iGter tr) ~.D.1:c:, ~~~ ~~1~] ~~ot th,?~r Our •••• h,I.V(> fr'~;3h ~:'~n, ~J.f~d our:,: :re cxhaui:;toc::. Be"d::".'j L:,:lt, Liey don't ~.~·;vc ().~-;.y i;-:.t<)lltion of letL,i!lL' ..:,.::t any :::lecp--·rloL VJi.t>l. t~~'l,j 0 c;un Ut)3 t~:; fir .1.11·~ ,.1 t.::' :; IH' -; d in t ,.: rv c'.l~:: ;)11 nig'ht long. lIS -T'? ,'In: :J01:'le do, but not l:1a.ny. Iio t b'.~}.i('v; :i. t. I :d.::!1 ll:~ '.!. ·c .! .. ":;. ~)O;llt ...t:, 167. crw:;I;oe] tOr:igtlt. J.j~leJ' 11 ~1.e,:.. r t.1: b;:C] ;:,c:".')f.; fir"t T,inC; in the ::lorning"5~r-' c_:; :J l.l..' Gi( " i L ; J:.'"' I _0 t ~i 12T ...L •.) t .~) l L .~.~ t 1 it will be in ','iilliar:1 '.;,1. :3!lCr;nUJ1' s ,,_.)5 0. . __ bed 1 DI:3,::'OLV3 : G~,i,;;'l' UriD~j' i'''lu~/I>J(i I\'il~i\ :3Y, .l,CGJ:~ :1';,:; T)L~,," l'r 3,',:-lJJ,;',J ~.Jj;..~',DI. 'I,--~. ~·~_".3:Y -LI,~/";D ~J.3 11(} ;JC,'~;:··}D~D. I ,~lq) ~~t:.I~<~. I)()l.:iN ti~_..• ,~"{=,­ ED. dIn; 1-~~. :.J5Tli r ~" iJJOZ.·~ ~;olo.L;l. vory :;;00<.1 job. You an~ your men did us a tre~endouB service. ,iithout. ,yo~J. our left 'vi~)U~~cl ',:J. ;"1': Good :iob. ", ;,['I3C~{G: 'rank you t 3ir. ;~; Ui' \~>{UC)l'~ ,.J.l.,t: ,,)o,i~,~;;'lO~,)1 1 ~l:-::v,;r thvu 'IO'11d e:id ••••• ~llt ,-''f Lc:;":;"C:":;: ,Jut it did, andwe'v8 done hlell. ,ie've been through Hell and come b,'ck, cut 1'o"C f Vf" toU3.Y. ;.' .. .J~~ \., c r t.J J.. _, ; •.. j ',~. U n """'", ..L ::i) I III ]}11 ~~.~ lC~";Z l:'I~1j); LYD,,,, j ·r IlIDDL~OU:; ~V ·,j:';Y,~Ii_~ r v -, v\...- ...... .J.',J.'·L 1..2;1..11 _'.1:.~ j21=;_~ .~:, ~ : l- . _, .. ' ..;.,~_~j/.,..)­ ,31(Y ..:~I':I) UIJ ,.~ ~'1;:~11 for -Jur >,::lv':-;f3 168. ~}R,·~IU: (r,~KD;G CUT ~~r •• :_c' ~~J: ~':Ill 'c....;.k riG.ht, I iirl'l)r<:s,~(~ tou ~ Lt. Go~QierGt f~:le 10dl,: CIG,,:O Good evenin~" L~O \-J1th 3uc:11'? liow did it ;3hermi;1.n. ••• h<;'~; ,t' il.h;:::r l'J-·~' 1-'0 l1e"r".0 11..Jt t" .. r1t .....'o"'l(.::-'_ tiJrr:Lbly co t:le mc:n at th,~~ lC ~1'~'--cd lLl.~1'iin~;. 11,'~,:d Got w I expl,Olin that mo,t of our new troop~ •••. I ±;n't know ,,:oaked in. G;1i,Ii'l': --/-211, ;ye'll d(",l 'tlith }juc]] t'" ~:.-,t u'~, i ',Ie I rc: not syi t a':J to01L": GO I 6~cSS uincc ~e ~oll't l,;:rt; ;,j" '3 1- J " .:; , ':Ii thJ.l1 tried to men were ho\v much ,_.:;u.(:~~_,~~ ~Jit_:_l :':<1'i·';.:.:. b~ttlc ~';i[;'1t :1l;W \i"":l ';'vc to win. Ye:~,Lt is a li-::tle. It',; pretty toni:.;ht. I thin~~ t~le r:lL, :nuGt have; SI,: ethi,\(~ to do with 't. I tho] ht maybe if I got it dry--out 0" Lie r';in, it \'JGuld"t hi1rt c-'o bell.!. I v-ie:1L U1J -;::0 the 10:;' LOW:::,,; on t.n:; b,;:J:l'_. ":.': swol~"n Y,.:-:., the ot' ~r -cru.il,_-~ing,·3 ':J_rt-~ .. it_'·~'Jr b:J.rnil:,j or u, <:cd f)r u.!:L'L,~,,~,tiol1 •••• 'llb, ":~r 'd b ~'; ~"!. br i ~~, ·i n '-: ~l en in t ~l C! .. ' \c.; :...i.~. J :';:Jlt .... t,he,~ t wa,J ll!Ur(; t: ii.i1 I C(: l<ld ,~t" nd--i t was 'no re "ill" '-'.:sJ U::;",i gl e t 1: (~nc,:_·u~·~t;.:~riYl"· th~ :~'l.~':Jnt' ;~~ fire, :.0 1 c~"!': b:;ck here.r! 'I'ltey f re ,,:oi:'1(',' the' be t they Cdl Ivi th i'll"::t t" y Lew:" but they have GO 1 Lt ::-le ::0 \'J"rk '", ith ••• JJ.l.l'l~: 1'-.' S;~.:J d ieN: It' :,.i b,:',.'n OJ. bloorly day, u:!l,rig"t •••• dome of the men m~ntioned that we uhould watch the water ~e drink •••. some of it haG hac . 0 )(!::).ny vJound(~d 0.-1id 25'1 dead men in it LDut it's piak! \,u.•• ,.i' ,x '_" i,1 I l' :3, Y ,\ l,i Y';: 11 I1f} 1:: CP,:1. ,;-;(..- () .:': ~(I u l'~~) U~ ---- ..-~------.---,--- 169. of our lih,ll')r':' out 0 . action a'I'; t d.r c d i . ;'t 'c' ,. 'rt ,c,ned • ~ do l' '-; :c; •••• fiGenc:r ,1 =}r.'.~nt, lL'lr_~'~r t 11:-- C(i;-~:liLion, of affairo, what do you prepo' to do'.' ;~"j"all I 1J.l.0.>;::(: 1.\repe.ration-_, rur r e tr'~ ,':t,t'~ If ~r{ ,-l';;': (.~:il.z)3) !f:{e~r(::;)~?, liet _ I ',roJ?>: ,;~5!) ut ,.~ayllL;I_~lt 'jCl(l );-lllJ t~"lI.-::lnl! ",1::;,1 C _~ i :--u111~{ arr i v ':-.~ cl l'! i t h ~"li ":: 500 :::L;11 an:' ~uel1 :Wi: 3rr.iv:,d "JLi:h,,?59 18,000. -/~rt:)tll v.L.llp tll,=~mt to .L.;tL,~_:..c~~. 1 :. "I.: r , ,-"' 0j.- T 'i'i '-/ ~ ~, '. ~ U'l·Ti,t. c ,; ::: '1.' ILLwn .. cl .2~I" ~~'", .. :: Ih'.::n I :'IOU ~\Jc.l;lt,'~:d for retr,:·t. If:; ~l'::;"~', 11.:) Cilia L.O'-·1 :/ :>u .L' 'o;ncmy c::"i.i.:'; to '/1;:,;. 'fpU'I~ 1 ca''! to arr'~.-i.~:l-~':''::-;:l(l~''lt:J bi:; t~"Jeen u .. .j.:;l<:' ~~1L.t!~_,: Cl'"C).f: t~.,~ 1d. tt;.lf :.~ I should not t:1ink 1,'0,,; l' uf rvtri:i.lt ••• .L G1 < J.J ~2: Y c U ~..J r 1: .~. ~ t; t .:' r (') ~L ,,-:; :-: 0 ~] ':: ,'_:.J f·:) r l'"tr'cat at this point • . l.b_olut..:ly nc ,IL.aILi';: 1I'>:el1, :}r,;:'it, '-,J,:;' Vi.' had Ol:r: d,.. y have:]' t '/Je'~'tI 3- _':~-'i 2'1'1:: "Y,.;"., i.He:: .. ! oJ...:. . _ :. -if) i 17? ..:' ) tomorrO'vJ t f'"'J: l .). 76-7'7. 26LJ3·r " .'......,' '.'.. ['0,';~, L:J: 1 :'louc~·h ..... fI y~ c ~~ (]f;vil' [; II \I 'J,.) t • • • • I i c 1-: 'am 170. t,T " r-)I' i.. .. (,. _...._.. -, .,,, • .., ,.. .., I:> ,-,nc.ca li'prl..L (), ,1. f" ....... .1.0 v,', • ~;:':e ·2,.·:,n,.·,,;,~,e':; .:l~<i. lost at least 7,000 ::,eu a 11(J. i t ',.fOu~,d sl(;c;p ',;ct, Gold, iJ.nd for t:k :).J:t .:'.lrt jL1E~:;ry tha L. ni,~;~-lt. But vJhc!1 rnorning ci .. :ne, Grc~ ;'It ~ll'l(i jllr; ara:-:I ;.\'()~ll_,:~ :~;.t t,. c'~ ~~ _ ~-, ~lr '.) _ rd', . ] i:l:kf,.:'Jt. The bJtLl\~ ·Jf ;.ihilob. ,,,rill i~0 ,,'V.-In in hi.::;.torj' a:; one of thr: [;10 t ii"Gi)ort:-J::Jt ·~'.::ttle.;-~ ;J r \a n t ';v'~:r t ~.-~ ~ ,~< t: ' : fO·.l~Tht,. t c~ ,)\-~'c~-.a'_.(! it './ i c ~ ~,'3 ; H l I\..; ? 1 O_pCi1Cd .j • • , • t t ril ':';o;lfc,dcrc,cy coui,d, not ':1 (i V e b (~ e n t ctk e :. :,t, t'~ I': J.. 1Ji::) ;.,or~r. CL:'tl. John l~reclcinr'id{;c J - ," ~nd~r Buchannan) ~ad run only tI"ro ~.(' ,r~] bt")fore ;:A," t:1C ,.:iout"er)', c:,loic f () r t·, '3 L r ' ide [l C Y . 0 f t b: J n :L t i ' .:; t ci I>' :=! • .:ry ',:c;r-i:J)l1 "~.mle,i \'lould go on to to explore the Hilt: River :J:id fi:,d L:_,-, 'T:'U.'c; Jr. },jvil.'¢on in t!"e hc,;:,rt of .. fr:Le~J. J':'l.ffi nov tC:l t ~ :30n V}~_ ~~\'o:_. . ~1\-1c(: ~.:.t. J~~:~_l'J:.~~ •••• But tl:,: t'.'IO mo,'~t 0ub:;t;:>L.din,,': :'l~')n ',';,0 _r",;i~cnt ~~;2rticii>.-,-tO(1 ~"J,;r' -t<·: ~·~l'~:J.';j t~'i;O ,.\": out ~ L'_ll·lC_iJ.l:~~ ,)·,~').·~..:r.J.l . .; in t~··(\ il5.-,tor:/ Gf t, ,~ t;":IL: n;' -tiun •••• Une lO~:3 t Ilis ~if(~ ••• n,lb,~~rt ~i,Jnt.-~y tj ohn tOll, 'dho ii: :cLL·,1 0;] ::ome tu b:: e ',[<; ,1 gl',,-,.tr 1 tn3..11 LeI.;. 1J.. hc oti.".i.,.:'r, TJl:)1".:j,-~0~~ J . ,}r'.1 t, T~';C~tl~:_:; :)":; "ur._·,-~,jt ~de\"~ b,)" co~:trovcr::~~y ane. ac eus ed 'Jf J",eg'lig'.-; ,1C C i.J. ;;0. ,'1 runk" de ,c ::; , nlo._~t c, .J '.c ~, "', J. f ; \.: '0'1:. ac - , '7 .--' ...... ' /lOl.ll( cU<-'~a t ()V'~TCO, ].0 n,::~ I; (, .L ~ ~_ " fals ehOOI:.D and ". r,S '<'1 J.. \.j !l.1:18 ~ol~f'~ict . .~l: .citt::01Jr\:3' ~andi~1C •••• 3hiloh, tht: 'oloodi C'f:t bd ttlo i:: ,!ur Li. " tory tlu:: IL-ld ;:rct bc-.:n ,['c'Ll'~:ht ••• i:l~!ort . lnt to i1aoyw, but even mo,,'o i!.1port<;nt to th e r~',:, _(~ ••• ' :hc t 1. 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