58. CROUK..:.:H: ;:!;nj oy it while you can! (v·j" VK,;) They better enjoy it •••• I've got a hunch it won't last long. JOLDliC..::I3{.J." C,I!'::': CRCOK..c:R 3.ii"..lL:.;'::' Y.L ] .:; .. D. L/vIRENCE: Could be, but have you been over to the Peach Ordhard? It's just beautiful, Lu, arl you can smell the blossoms for miles. This ?lace, the air--it's the scason ••• it's hard not to be happy. It's hard to immagine a war all around ycu--ecpecially if you've never been in one before. I know, I feel the Game way. But there is a war, a~d war means death to t:lOse '.-Ilio dOll' t r:!alize it'.5 there, wai tip..;.:; for you all the time. Oh, you laugh, sing, maybeT--have a good time, but you can never for~8t t~u~ 30~ewhere out there '.'Ii th a gun in his hand is a man vvai ting to kill you if you ~ive him the chance. I've never been in batLle before, but I've eat enough common sense to know that! CROOK~R: LAWH~~CS DG~3N'T S~Y ~~Y 1';,lING, JU:3r3c. ::G' C:;:<' LOOKS AT L:", GRUU::D: CROOK.; ·~I.EB .• '::D }'UTS llE GUN iiSIDE. hUCll G.i.J'il-' <... c'r 1 VITY Let's wander down by the creek a~d see how the boys are join3? JJl ":W,,I;CE: :30und3 like a good idea to me. You sure can tell the day's drill is over. i,.\.:JR~l~Ct:: CRCOK;~H: DO,'iN Yeah, but can you blametLiem'? dho' s this? :;TH~~;:o,'I' I kno'.", one 0 f those me:t ••• that t::. 92 Charles Horton of the 25th Missouri. •• mel:; him in a card ~ame in Paducah •••• L.l!"\VRdJCJ.~: CROOK~R: LAWRENC~: I hope you won. As a matter of fact, I didn't •• he did! OFFICER: (SHOUTING) Company! OFL"ICt:H .:tID.t.:S UP erG Halt! Dismissed! t'lhere will I find Gen. PreBtiss? CrtOOK~R A.bout a {lUarter of a mile up that way---can't miss it! CROC1{J~ri: 0F~IC~R RIU~S OFF -------_.---,._-----92~, h' 1 t Eyew~'t ness:, p. 173. ~~nsc ~m 59. LA\'JR~I;CE TltL~.s 70 G:~T : iUXl'O:P~; .Tl.' ~l';T ION ,',.'; HS 0 I, ):~IO 1] Wl',:; LAd.lii::NCE: Private Morton ••• GhCllrles ••• do you remember me? ~vhy, yes, ---Lt. Lawrence; Paducah wasn't it? We had a little •• game, you might say? MOi~TON: Yea, we did; you took me for a month's wages, if I rmember correctly. 1~WRENCE: MOH~roN: I don't seem ••• That' a no;-, l,,,hat I 'tlanted to speak to you about, if you're worrying about it. L.1;"a~~XCE: I--k:RTON: \'ie11, now that you mentioned it ..... L,1,/RiilCE: You just came frow. the front': MORTON: Yeah, sent out on picket dtJ(r last Wednesday. Well, I guess I can talk about it-nobody said not to. ~e had only gone about a mile and a half or so out when we saw the sky illuminated by crunpfires. By now there are even Dore. We were shocked by the number of them, and how close they ltlCre to camp. CROOK.sR: You're sure about this, Priv~te? HORTON: Ie,,;, cap lain. I ItJOuldn' t matee jokes about a thing like this. Our men who went to farm houses were warned that ~~ey ran great risk of captur~ and we had to be extzenely careful. GROOK..:,R: It looks like we may be in for trouble. of tiler:! who came back with us said they had nev~r been relieved, so I guess there is 110 ::!icy;.et b(~t'."1e'?n u;} and the enemy in some places. ~e've got plenty of cavalry, I don't understand why we don't use it to screen the enemy. Some thin'.s wron::; •••••• (3HitKEJ HI~) H-C.,~D). 93 LAij,.'R,-"i:CE: ;30mc CROOKER: I hope something get's done around here before those Rebs pay uf.Jvisit •••• 60. LAi:iH';;;NCE: I heard they carried off a picket last night aad gave Buckland aome trouble •• CROO;{ER: They did. Baybe i t ' l l be our side of the line tomight •••• HORTON: I've had enough of Coltfederates for awhile; I'd just as soon they stay they are. i .. here LAJR~NC~: I'd like our battery back, that's what I'd like. Thanks for the information, Charles. CROOK~R: Yes, thank you, Private. Try to set some rest. MORTON: I intend to, ~ir. I have a feeling I'm going to be needing it \-dtm.n the next few days. DIS,JOLVE. SHERIvld.IH S Hi:::,W ,DARTERS: HE IS GODJG OVSH 'l'RCOP FORMATIC~ ~ITll COL.S MC Dew- ELL t HILDEBHAND :rii YJ..(lR :.mr J~HS : ;~ND 3TU"\HT. T"~YLOR: Excuse me, 3ir. here to see you. General Grant is SHE!?HAN: Thank you, Lieutenant, I have been expecting him. ('ro OTIL:mS) I ti1ink: this is just about it. Oh t one otherfuing, lie very careful about your ".Jater .supply. tie don't want everybody down sick. Good day. (\Tlz,.'nn.(,1:TUTT>.TG) v .l.....!.lJ:\.0. ,':lr'\..J.J ..Ll'i Genera..1 •••• SHE~~HAN TUl1:n:.; :L;\D IE:. V_:S G.!.(';}rT J L:l 3 SA.T ;~D Hnl:;~-::Ll<' ON 1'. BENCH UNDEE~ 1\ TRK.': Nj~lUl BY. ;JHERH:\.N GOJ';S ero lilH. ;,LLu'r [~.s • :I'Hl:,; ~ENT. ;;Himh;\ N: General Grant ••• f''')·1'T'T'·(C''·Lu'r;:;,~) \.J" ..." • .L, l . v _-i. .....J • ..> iI"llo·,r t...)·'}le .... ·"'an '0/'1( have a seat. How are things going around here? ...~:.. .J.,. • ~1 , \~e' ve had the usual sniper fire. It all seem~ pretty 1uiet now, ex?ept for a few r~connaiG~ncc~ parties. SHERl'':AN: Pretty quiet, Sir. ----_.•.. __------------_._-----,_._----------.. 94Catton, "Grant at Shiloh," p. 68. 61. SOUND: FIRING IN Dl.s'rANCE GRtlNT: Good. I'll accept your apprai~3al then and concentrate my force;" e1:;e~here. I am still a bit conc~rned about CrumFs landing. You did receive my orders. 3 Il;QN;,N : Yes, Sir. carried out. if need arose. I did, and they huve been We could oOVe in a moment GR~NT: Good. His positio_--Wallace's--is an extremely inportant on~. lie's do'vvn river on the west bank. I don't intend to move him until absolutely neC~i:3',ary. :Iis position. mU2t be defended. Glad t095 hear you've taken proper precautions. ,s:ar.:;.:;t·'i.iN: Are YOU expecting trouble, .3ir? GRAHT: No, but as I GB.id, I feel flit is be::;t 96 to be prepared." '.,,'hen are ,-Ie to expect Buell, ·')r do you know yet, Sir? 2:.IEm·,,'-t.~~: GRANT: I rather expect him tomorrow. I had thought I'd ride out to meet him in the morning and save a 1:iitle time, tl1cn I 97 could come right b~ck here. It's rather inconvenient try'ng to keep headquarters at Savannah, so I can meet Buell and here so I can tend the army. SilERi"iAK: I beard about your accident last night, Sir. Does it bother you much? GRANT: Dh, it hurts all right, but not so much that I can't get around. Captain Rawlins make':,: me stay on this crutch, so I keep "lei.ght off my ankle, but I don't think it's Going to lact very long--thc crutch I m(:':an. That's why I'm oitting here. I Lave to stay off it as much as possible. 31:£ SR:, eN: :1e hadn't :teard ::1O\\' serio us your injury was, until my SurGeon retur:: ed, and l1e doesn't talk much. 95Bradford, Battles ~ I:eaders, p. 85. 96 £B., I, X, ii, 91. 97Catton, Hallowed Ground, p. 135. 62. GRANT: They're awfully green •••• IN TH~ ~UN. 30me of them don't even have weapons yet •••• I don't have th0m to give. GRANT: The rest of th~ supplies will be moving up here today. Those are ju~t new regiments that aren't armed, aren't they? SHEHMAR: Oh, yes, dire But some of them haven't even loaded a gun in their life--especially the kind we'll give them. If there's a fight here, before we can prepare thea8 men, it's going to be pathetic. I do hope I don't have to lead untrained ~en as they now ore ••• GRANT: I hope not, too. However, I don't think we have much to worry about. I will be glad wilen Buell arrives. 'rhen we can move, and get something done around here. You may have some green troops, 3herman, but you've got 30me veterans from )onelson too, and nothing teaches like example. They'll learn to fight quick enough wten they have to. Give them a little more drill, and get them used to the arY!lY, and th,y'll be excellent soldiers • • • • Iv14!.rk my words. I do undcrEj ,~a,1d yo ur apprehen~3ions. I feel I need to be here all the time, but with Duell coming, I just can't. If it were anyone elee, perhaps I could, bJt I have only been his senior in rank for a few weeks. Buell had bean a department commander while I had only a dh,trict. If I'm not careful, I could have a v~ry touchy3ituation on my hands. I feel 1 u00d to meet Buell in p2rson, and to do that I must be in Savannah w~en he 99 ar'::'ives. GL~A_:_i'J:': 99Bradford, Battles ---::,;. and Leader~ ..::. , p • 9rJ • I can understand, Sir. ,~nd I do agree \tJ.ith you tLd, \\e CLtn't l' ,clly expect an attack her~. The most we 100 have is Itreconnaisance in force." --A sOOne demon.:;tration to keep us 101 Ivorried. .3E~,IMAN: J{r'.,ILDI,;;; ~UJ ~~0 TC _ G~LI~'i' UP ·:'.lW •.;.IV.c:S ~NCTE Well, Sherman, it looks like you're to have to exduse me. Buell's advance guard hac just roached Savannah102 I neod to get down there right away. G~~N_: (}].dT R ::'.·,D.3 • goi~g GRdU' BL:;.t;d l,IW PUTS CRU'l'C[ U~~DJ£( HE ,~J<H, GL\XGINJ .','1' H,,,dLIN(; liuO ;-,D-lPI,Y Gln!':.3 B;,CK .:;.1' dIE GH ,NT: (tre SH;:;;mt;~x) Look at that smirk. I don't think a staff officer shou:i..d smirk~ ::m.c;m·'L:'N: his general's discomfort, do ~herman? you, (GRINS) (mHLING) No, ,Sir, not unle,33 the Gener~l would do the same. GRAr!T: (I,_"U.]}L3) Come on, Cla2:)t~lin, lot I.; ;';0. C+~\I':::;S rrO'.;.~RD iIOH.;, BUT lIUm~:5 B.lCK) I'll keep in touch. GR'.lH HCUi';T;: AND RIDi:;S CFF_ DID,;CLV1!;_ COL. J",-COB Ar'UTEN ':,1' ~NT AT S ,i. 'if AN i\ ;.H _ At'lill; r~N 1'; Sl'l'T IN G IN FRONT OF IT. CAfl'~IN 30rlLY APfRO~CH~~. AlliIHEN: yes •••• .i.(C·,{LEY: I am Captain Ro\dey of Grant' 8 .,t,.".ff. I have been ~5ked to iilform you that you will be .stayinc here ~J': nic;;lt :::l"ld1111 be ferried on to Pittsburg or CrumpsI03 Landing in the near futUre. Thank you, Cap lain ••• ,..,ould you like some coffee'? ANH.~N: RO;JLC:Y: YeH, __ ,~_ 0 __ ~_~ ___ ••• _." 0' __ Sir. . . . . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 100 Catton, " Grant at 3hiloh," p. 68. lOlFuller, Generals 2.:h:e. , p. 365. 102Catton, "Grant at 3hiloh," p. 68. 103Bradford, Battles and Leaders, p. Thank you, 3ir. 85. 64. ~MMEN: Lt. ~heelert will you pour the Captain Bome coffee? ."li,~.c;L:',:; ,tJOdR3 'rfL':: COF/ GIV.6,::; 1'1.' '1'0 RC·','L£Y .:.;~; AND RO ..;L';:;Y: Tlmk you. (TC ANNl:;N) I heard you and Gen. Grant are old friends? ,hrl":-;N: Yes, we are .~/e go back a long way. I heard tIle General -.tas inj urad la.; t night. Is he all right? DRI.NKS COF .'EE aOWLEY: Yes, tioLhing serious. His horse fell and his ankle \..;a5 twisted pretty badly, but he'll be all right. Hets supposed to be on crutches for a couple of days, but 'fle' 11 i1ave to Gee about that! AMJ.1EN: Nothing broken, then. Good. night was the worst I've seen. all we still got here t...;o days tirn~ • La~.:;t ~ll a~lead in of ~O.vllY: HO',J do you wean. ,ve've been lool\.ing for you any day, fur GOllle ti;i1'J. \-Ie 11 , I don't know about that, but Gen. Buell gave me marching orders an Hardh 31. He said to r"'<3.ch '::;uvannah about April 7, because He h'Ort',:1' t ,,,-,anted thore uny sooner. 105 "dvij·tc:U: Rm'jLEY: Tlta t 's s tra nge. AHN.EN: I t r'~ally wasn't a bad march •• a fe'." rough road, rain 1 but \'\le received a ;:;ood reception:,t'ivilians. 'l'ie di~:n't do any record-brea.king m~,rche:':, but VI~ did l06 quite \."el1, I thi.nk all tiing'" con:3i d::red. RO',.JLEY: '-'Jell, thanks for the coffee, Colonel. I'd better get back to headquarters. The General probably has a pile of thinGS for me to do by now, since your army is ar-rivinc. ~MMEN: ~<tJ'dL~!:Y: Come back for coffee any time. I just mie;ht. Thank you. RO,';L.i.::Y TURN::; TO 10)';, V~,;. Gi~'i.N!i' ON r ::Le,; AND Ni-.L30 }'~l':).3 ,3TH~,!.T. :HDJ~ HIN TO :u-n·L:;X: (S.i.LUTi:..:.)) General~ Good to :::;ee you. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ._ l04 0R ., I l05 • . , _ _ _ o .. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , X ,~, . Ib d , p. 330. ---2:.-., O 328. ~._• • • • ~ .. ,~._. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ GRiI:T B!:IlD,3 DC;,IN 'EU H.,fW.:.! :, rl:'H ,i..l'1J:;\,:N· ~)JLK:~ G~L~JT: Good to see you, Jacob. I c<.l.n' t get down to visit now, 1 have another engagement, but I did want to see how you were. AMHBN: Just fine, Sir. il.nd 50 are my .:Jen. we're not tired at all--I'm sure we could march on to Pittsburg tonight if you wanted. GR.NT: !lYou cannot march through the swamps; make tile troop.:; cOliort,,,,ble; I will selld boats for you Monday or Tuesday, or oometil1C c3.rly i'1 th.~ ",.,reek. II No. "There will be no fighting at Pittsburg Landing; we will have to go on to Corinth, where the Rebels are forti.f:la.J.. If t 1 ey do come to at t;~,ck us, \ie can whip them as I ;Elve twice as many troops as I had at Fort Donelson. lI 3RldJ ..': iHHi~~I: .... ,-Jill you have time to droy) by luter, ? .:Jl.r. :;70 t I don't think. so, but "be sure to call at the Erik Hou:::e on the river tomorrow ev,,"ninr;, as I have anotncr e!1r;ag107 ement this evening." GfL:'IT: AMH~N: G~'hl1'r I'J~,VE:3 GOODBY Ye;,,;, 3ir. I'll Gee you tomorrow then. ... ND RID.t;3 CFl". DIJ·20LV.i~. GRM;T' S Ot~'lCE. R.!II.ULS ; .. ND H()1'1 L:;Y • R;\~iLIH;:; FINIJLES i,T ::}:.:;:,;:K it;>:]) il;'.HD.3 J? lU:·)~.;l'{ '1'(\ HC ':'I LEY. Ri.,.ILL:::; 1..':;.V85 TL~ :(((1-1 ;U.J !-tC','iLi::Y ':;:\,',D3 ]cLOUD H~:~'''LwY .2l'r.~.:"T T;,Ll~.3EH.l:-'i1 DISSC::"'VE 107llis!. l08~., p. 89. RAWLI.:S: Here, Gener~l Gr~nt wanted you to .send thi.s to Halleck rii3'ht away. JOVv'lJ~Y: (T AI: i:;,' P/, r·;',,~~) .4.11 r i61: t • "To Halleck: I hbifC GC'=ireely the fvintc~~t idea 0 f an at,ack (gc'1eral aIH') bei:r:g made upon us, ~ut .,lill be ElrS'p,;; red lO:=J should ouch a thi:1t.:; take place. II 66. CONF.6Db;':-:j~T.E: CAMP. GPj:,N ,~L~C6 l1'H DIN lIh':;'; IN l'-11DDLE. J~Hl'bTUl'T RlIh,':; UP en CUT ~ IDE. (;Td:;~ GbN ~',~-L:,LJ .3T >!.Nj)l.:.\G }.RO [J?'~D 1'_'. LK Il..;G • (,:.'l~N ,~;31'LY) 'l'hese green troops are in little shape for a battle. BRAGG: I don't see how we have much choice in the matter--we're here aren't we. B~SCKINRIUG~: B~;.iUH;:.,G,,~{~: ller.~ :2CLK . I c, v...L ..l..A.J 31D~ TH.J c;': C,d'.P CI_~CI,S, YCc,! ;)ut we don't lwve to ST'lY • .3 TOo:r: , 0 UT- 1-iG: .. :J IH IIt\1>jD3. 109 POLK: Oh, really, noVl, you can't be sprioua. I 2E!. ;c,erious. 0l1r whole plGl.n hinged on surprising the ene~y! There is no way on God's earth tilat we can surprise n1m now. lie has to know we're here--he can't help but know it. I don't se0 any alternative but to turn around and go home. O:';"lUa~G.d-(D: Your e;re(;n troops v/ill ;lii',ce a better idea of what they're supposed to know about fishti~J a w~r! E.,,~UiL;G,·d;): For all I empha3i~c trainin~ and drilling, Llerc is no substitute for a bu-:tlc. :< .man may have marched for a montil; ;·lC )fJay know every drill formation in t11e book, but he's ~till green u~til he's seen anoti'1cr n:Jn i~ryin' to shat him ct:wn ••• until he's tried to SllOot that ot;l\"r !>Jan before he Gucceeds. No, General, I di~a5ree with you, we may be poorly eq~iped, bein' outd food an' all, but we've cot to tight--now or never! BJA3G: B;',i, UR,:,G,.HD: How CCl.:l you eXi) 8C t men W:l0 are so dense they don't realize you don't throwaway rations just becnu3~ they're heavy--how do you expect ~ to fight 10 9 ~nsc ~,.t h 1m ' 1 , Dyew~ ', . t ness:, p. 173 ----,------,-----~- (:';Cl.'i.'.) .::tnd '.dn B. l)(;lttl,,,, W"l2:1 the is sittin' there 1di,itin' f8r .,celU to E1.ttClCk? ~Iow? ,J!1en t!1ey didn't :.:,et llO into position until 4 this afternoon? 3 "VlLG ,JD: C::',C!!ly BH.t.:CKINEIJG':';; Sut \ve haven't r<'all;y 3,," ::: duch O~'" th'e ,~\r~1:1y. I'hcre could be a t:~at chance thi:lt he doeGn't know ALL of us are out ~ere ••.•• 13-" '. Ul;' ,~;G",.lW: That' G a UliCh t ,01 im c fJ 'i ;;c,~, 3ir • .Jlwt vJith 0ur :1]?rt firi"iLi off their \v::capons five mi~u~cs to see if their powder dry! fhey don't have to see us, ~lr, t:ley C':l.ll h2Dr us! ,~ll the noise and shouting e;oing on today waB enough to wake :::::~:ar:.;e,iashington , himself, let alone so~e fool Yar~ce! flBy now they will be entrenched to the III eyes! 11 Je don't have a choice. ~e don't have c'10ugh mEn; the South dcesn' t have enough men to run richt over there a!}d get ~~ot to ]icc09 by an army that knows '..Je're cornin'! ev~ry i~ JOH~~TON BIDE ST~~3 IN FROM OUT- 'rm; eIHeL'';:;. LILl'L\ T:Z::'::: CLU;':.K HL ,)ilJULD.~W). II.£:: l·L\::; A lC;G iYLFj~i) QV/.. J JOIEJ;TON: 111 hope to find the e:'Hn",y yetl12 unprepared •••• " General Beauregard, you drafted the battle plans~ and you should know w~~t is r2.uired to win a ba.ttle 'Jf .)Our own desig~. However, I feel that you are oVBrlooking Ole inportant factor. Our men are ready to fight. Th~ are in a temper for a b&ttle. rhey have high spirits and hiSh goals. If we turn around now, we' 11 .kil1 tnt spirit. and we'll kill one of the best armies I've ever seen. If they'rE hunGr~ they can get food from t~;,2 Yankee ca'!1ps we' 11113 ta~e tomorrow. 110 Roland, "Johnston and the 3hiloh Ga::1Ix\ ign, 11 p. 267. lll~. 112 Ibid • 113~" .l:!.1nsl:;: h"~m 1 t A1:yewitness:, p. 173 • 68. dir, everything is against us in If we pUr3UG it, it will l'lC~' ;:1!1 .~5-ll.iC id f~ f!..'1r t h·.) r}.:f' ~:ly •• It:.; 11 ~~·:.):.t -::;:u t : ,2 Y3nkees are entrenched! B~AUR~G~nD: thi~ ?ig~t. .F.:xcuse me, General, but my cavalry reports otherwiae. They're not entrenched at all. They're not even in a line of battle to speak of. It's as though they'rt' simply in camp waiting for ord~rs, j1nssibly--or Buell. FORRi.::Yl': JC;IIN;3TO.N: Thank you, Gen. Forrest. It seems then, that we have a perfect situation for an offensive on Pittsburg Lauding. If rations are low, our ~en will eat well enough 0'1 ca:;:>lrecl Fed~ 3.1 food. If they've thrown away equipment, they get what Gomeone else will throwaway tomorrow. Gentlemen, we have a responsibility to the pe0ple of the 30uth--I don't need to explcdn tilat to you. .1e Cimnot l8t Buell reach Grant. He will wit~in two or three days if we don't do something to ato? it. Gerlc'ral Beauregard, you. Gay we call't throwaway an D.rmy to "t waiting force, I L3ay the ,)dc~" eU'" better now than they will be when we are outnumbered almost two to one. ~e have to hit Grant before Buell arrives. We have no choice! BR:';CKINRIDG.t: ,~IJD J3H.lGG: I a.;rcc ••• l':e ·...rill )ry ;).~:'''';'L1 t~l~ '5::.ion army and the la~ding, forcing them into the open. Then t.ley' 11 be on poor eroutd, away from their gunboats and supplies. Surrender will be inevitable. I in~end to destroy3rtlnt' ,"; army aG an oper::.,ting l15 force. That can be our only coal. ~TCf;~':''::Cl~: POLK: Now that l.aukes Gense. I c';;ree! BR:.GG: !~nd with Gr:Lnt eLL of the ,-jay, Duell shouldn't be hard to ~ake. J·IJ ::S,;'rUN: Ji.:xac tly. 114CaLwn, Terrible 3wL."t .3worc: , p. 228. 115 DowdsLY, Land 'fhe;z:: FouGht ~2E.t p. 163. -------------------.------ I read you ~le communicJ tiun JOHN:,TON: (COJ;'l'.) from Fresident Davis. He insists th3.t \oJe strike before tile two columns unite. If this is w~at the President wants, by Heaven, I'~ going to do everything in my power to give iL to him! "I \'lould fiGht them if t.hey 1rJere a million t " 116 I·con.:;ider t:1C :3uoject clo[;ed. rille 117 s~lall attack at dayliGht tomorro.<I." JO DC l:.;:i JC l~:i"; l'U:. K'I.CK 'Ie .l.ld.::.;H. H I:; TURN::; flGel1tlemen, we ;,.hall e,leep in the 8 l1 enemy' Co camp tomorrow nic)'lt! 11 "::G.; lW S Hi,; LY :.';'J:' ;~::DS.i' .~,:,g~~ ~LGNi BY TH~ FIRE. D10 .::;0 l ..ll,~. 116 Catton, 1erriblo ;:iwift Sword, p. 228. 117 Ibid • 118 c.::t.ru:;Gn::t.m ,. .. 1 , Ezewitness:, p. 173. Arril 6, 1862. -..,., .L _ --; "1,"'1· , ). • L •... 70. i.?~U:;'" 6, 1862 ILL;L,G, 1.'.l1Y -",HIJY IE l'~C·~hI;;J. .d.,.,.. ':';C~·Jl·'L:.,DL~j'c:.'i' L~ 1., ~E;:. Illt<CC.r' . .~ Ij\UIiJDIG ," i"~I, .~T ~~: ,-~I-i~;3 a.,n. G,,~l~. C?7IG~R: Yen, 3ir, we're r,sdy to 8GVe at a rYlQme;lt's CE.Lil",_·~ l·UD];:;;.) CFF. PA';;T TvlO SOLD! bR':) c".J'\D h D 3LCPS ON TUSH. nutl.ce. .• Very good. l~T 30LDL~t(: (LOOKING DO,yN ,\'r 'ILl :3PAT'i'L.i.·u,D '",a.3 Ge!:er.11 Cilalm·.'lrs wat,n' t P,,,Nl',-n That it? 2ND ;J(!}L2)L"a: You bet it \;",as. 137 I ain't nev~r seen him before. Does he always look ~o grim? 3JLDI~R: ,;OL0I':;R: .• t 2 0 ' clock in tl::.e t)orninz, in this rain, getting r2bdy to go into a battle :J.t <1i:l'tll1, 1 'Noulcln't be any too happy myself, I don't recon. 118 131 ~CLu~~~: Me neither I gU€ss. all~ E'or" Dj~.:.·,.JJ. J~~~ /1,,3 .b.,..:~~ 'i.~·3 Ll~ING rH~ ~A~~O~ C :.~,: ~31~ aC~D ,·.1:0 Jr' .~:'''LD IN RV,V:..> EI'I'O I'~~l'; FC.lill,sl' ., ,lL':::CiifF,;;J) ;~ailI''::; rHc c .i?~-} , l.t..':"d.DY Tel J~1~\i-;:C!1 'iliu='~ ,~-,~\J.~ . {l~l). if ,RHd,TOIt : Gvcrythinc; .; t()od r,>:l.,j,J fur ons o.f t~e greatest battles of the Civil ~ar to commence. The order~ to march had been siven hnd. cOlntermanded due to tl~e 8xtmne darl\:l1css and rain t ;:md re r ts of Jo;~ 'l,~ ;,[), I ::;.Jr:n.y would ::: tancl in rr::adines'; for three mOre hours until conditionsl,c .Lj improved. IL::_1;. T lie l;'~-:J l: t' .-n·lI (;CC."t._JICi·L~l.. 1 ~' , L ~... ~ i~~ c; '\l'~' il=~ 'Ii j~;]:··:T\l , l~Ia.G. 1: ~ , PIC[,;T,~ In t it::: Union Cct_llp ..:; all ,L"c; !)i.jC,C C ful and ',-jib1 t;le exce~tion 01' a fe'ciiJicJ::et:c;, al}. rd"ted cO:Jlfortably • . -~. ~ ~ 118,>, I ~. t 11:11'";j~. d --• ·f ,A, • 1., .• ----, - - ..•--.. _----- -.•. ----- 71. (CC :\'.2 • ) ':),J U t 3 a,m..i0n .;ral f ron tLo.:; ,·,end,:, scouts out to :-:urvc'y t.lG r~orninG'::; situ;Jcion. :iho i.-iouldJavc: i:.;ucG;·,ed wi,at they ltloul:i find within two or threc 120 h,\I{.\i','l'C i;': Dr .~,O.Ll1 'l'C I: .... ·~:/r ~.. -L~: !;.;_l ~~ Jld..:.,~~Tj.)·~ 11\ __ ·-~':"(TJCir ~~~l 'jE.:~ I f,~ riC hour~l, :uI:.jSOi./'::; • JOhl:l.:;'fON, 1:·;'::,8G ~(lD'}~ !.,';)) :lLL.!.-J i"10UfJ'l1..:2J~), 'J;~Ft-'LY 'h':';C'l"~. I~ • 2d;:;ClGl\;\--:'Jf'-l~ (J()r"i~ Ii " Lrrrld~ 121 Tell General Hardee to begin his al":v;:n:ce, Cali":;)in. JOn~0rCN: JCi\J1CK: It's good that the rains have stopped. (3IG3J) ~ell, I don't ~no~ about the r~~t of :,.rou, but I intend to have ~:;omc breakfast before t~ic Lhing ~rogres~es m~ch further. 3R~GG: A good idea, Sir. Sereeunt! .fix up breakfa.st for us. On the dGuble! E;o;ne 3~?"3S: .,bout 4 o'clock, ,sir. JClii',,;l'ON: Then I ' l l GUE;iY-, we'll oe en6a~,,'~:1 by around 5, then. (TC ~:cJJ} ThiG is :~ome bit dif i':,rcnt t:'1i.n your ullgar plantation, isn't it BH~GG: (;LDi;a. ,.I:aU _~1Y LW GO ,,,Ll. Br~xton? FCRf1'S, I£CK3 (;()i:,~~S ,', '.'1 (" Y -:31--,::';;' ~:DJ=.~ 'L,~ :I1Y _:,Y:SBn~!:,'J3 .Y..C~K: .. ;,~ hI::) TE~11'c.C:~. BE.cGG:(CT~D"_~Y) Y::;-;, ':;i1:". it i" .•. 3ut I'm here co that I miCht keep that plantation, 3ir--aYlu 8VI2:C'jrtilij:l~; t~iat ,-_;O\~;<'~ '.IJith it! JOE:'.:;;'.L'CN: ---_._---- -- -'-"----'- --------12° ~., 1 , "d p • 277. ., '1 .i.e. "i'" '1 ~.,. (.>;I1.1.;:.;) The T"ei! think you're a w. 405. v, -.-------~-- 72. <Jc.,::;~'~'CI'~: (CU;_'.) ferocious old Goat ••• 1 can3e:') why! }3:UG.~: (.:EIL D13 F .. LII'~.Y) .Iell, I ,';U'>,: I EU.1. I'm tou~h 30 they'll be tough. If they're touGh we'll win thiG ~ar unl wa ~ll ca~ keep what's ours. I don't deny I'm ferocious ~ t timeG-J':3pecia l1y when rjY stoma~h'~~J~ting up; but I'm not re g ret123 ting l t , __ ,.tl ,r. OF1:;-' . ~"\3 i:;UJ: TO JUiL~~~l'(;N, T~l;~l; 're B3 ,~}G. BLCKIN.J\;~,l~. JC!HI'L;rON: "t last I've got this :--'~'l:ly all to- ge L:lCr a;ld moving as a unit! 3a;:,CKIl.UDG,~: It ha,;r:' t be, ,,"U an ea::.y task either, 3ir. But I have good officers and good men, and that makes all the difference. Why look, on one hand I ~lave a Louisiana sugar planter and on the ot~er a form0r Vice President of the United 3tates and a candidate in the last election for fresident of the United Jt~tes. ~~th such divar~ity of JOHN "i,'ON: No, it haD n:;t. talent, 1 can't lose! ~R~CKI~HIJGE: Oh~ I have my plantation too. I ju.L want to set ~ack to mine ~nd have :"hi;:c:; ','jar over. For ioor;e rcC1~;O:cJ it s:ems to be ta~inB loncor tjan we expected it would. BB~GG: I notic:.d L1C1t my<oelf! JUDt give me a litLls peace und quiet, good bourbon awi ::;OUtl llor;38s, aGel 00;1n Breck I2i+ inri(i.,~e is in comple;:;e hCl.ppine~'G. J,~.:;r;E;;nljGiJ: That doeSl1 I t ,::;e,;m like ::;0 L'1UC~1 to as';\: t~1e '{,'jIlkee:3 to let LlS have. Dut L 'J don't seem ~ll that inclined to do it. 'I'11<:,t t S I,,,hy if L:i::; :.mr la,:; t~3 for yc:.;.rs, we'll e"durc it I :)':C:;.UCf'> \'18 ~l:J.ve no oLler JCIL~,,'l'Cl'!: choice! -----~---------------.-- ... 1221~'00 t ~, :::ivil .i?..£, ----""""-....,---.--.--------- p. 128. 123 1b In · .• 1 124~ , L'OlV()<lY, FGr -' --.- ---- ' ... -. ... - _., ...-- - ~ - --- - . ~ - '73. That'::; 13.;.L,CKlt(~.nD(},';: t'l;:.' truth cf t ll: ,(,,,ttr! a~ a time ••••• battle--on~ Battle by GH.GJ: Thi3 one isn't being to be tou toviin. 5aiCKI~~=JG~: the? ;f, it sura isn't. Gr(~2n ;,:on, ~ith all \'i';iJ.'pon~, aLa Not ")b~,olete e~cly empty haversacks. JUEh·i'O;\: No, Gf'l1tlerl l l 'fl, out Be Gure of L.i..C.t! HA.,Dc'; jll.cGG l:'h~.l'l; 'l':~ J:JiL",TC;; ,(!' 11 .·rin it? ,c~':j) BR~GG: (TC B~GGXI~QID3~) Doesn't look li~e you fE't &'Cly. (;~HnL,) YOCl'd be '"LGO tend to you own plate, Braxton Jr~Sg while you can! Mine '11 be here! Ort,;;C:ICELUDG,: .) -.J·"f3 __ i:T: \i;~~l+~!'~11 • • • ::~"L-1GKI:\ .~I~')G:'~: ~l'U:~~l~{. you. did I tell you ': O?:'I'.>a: .c::;v',;ryoody up! GOlile on! ..)I}'lJ,,:,:r'I:i\G I-:i.::JN L2J JI' J--i c~ ~~,~~(j U:',:D l"JU ~)~} InG :1:1 ,-j.~ 1.'(;C J~::'S1.,Y lITIj HI..:; j(;(;l'. ,'~~~.ll}~f:) l-1.j\~OI:G i~C' ...l Everybody up t ~~OR~Y: That's the army for you!(JT.{~TCH~~) ", .,-- ..... IIp! P,'i.R1\.:m: ~vhut time is it? .:r':;CH:-..Y:That don 't ma.:-;:e no difference w~en Y01J.' re in the 1:irmy, iie1ry. ~'lO'd you .:-;i::.,_,uld :::10'.1 t:n t by now! fl~K~H: I just got to ale p! r;:; i:n t_"_:-~'~ I don't ei t h~?r? slt~~ 2pin I ~u~poae w~ 'on t::]<:? ...:r,.) .lnd a C'ld set a fire today all ... 74. ,:on't i!1;Ji1" ~;')d,"lJ ':lill be CJ.ny different from the l~, EO t t'.vo d~J " : . ' t li~ :I,'_~·t '."Fe ~·}()V;} r':::·~ ~~.Lon.s ••• :~;o~n'=': of t.~l? boys ~on't, you know. ,,/1' ::"LY: I Leak at i '; this way, J;enry, tonit~h t you cu.n coolt :.:111 the Y811ls:ec' r0.t~; cr~.·.. ~;'~)~~ :J:_~.:1t. You c ..-'.n C;V()!1 ~l:i\r:) d. bed to ~:11eep in . 0 0 there! 'foniC;:lt you'll think t',<!l) ,lay':ci eeld rc, tin:b ,-"l(l:ol';'c",,-,in' on the grcund W3U plenty worth it. ,~'l'G ~L;Y: F.\.i:(i;loR: I bet I ...Till-if I';u ::;till around to think about i:'. Looks like i t ' , going to be a fine fhe ~.;ky:.'ure is clc~tri:,~ o~f iuic~ly •• :,I',',~',:L ..;{: day. ~TCRj,y: It's fine with me if it don't rain again for a Ion;.'; ti"te •• 'Say at 10)-t :; month! 2_.'{;~,2:(:,,:JIL:G::,:r,'U'L:,j,Y your br:S':;:_~<:r",.,~)t, ilL; KN;'.l~.:;\C~~) l>:['c;'s ...Ll~nry. ~)1'0REY: This is confusin' --h;o Henry I : ir;. th8 so~e unit! I owear. Now 1 know all about Henry Parker he~et but ain't never had much chance to find out l:.uch ",bou t Henry ,3tanley. Hever know ••• this could b9 ~ny la::;t ell&:lce ••• (:.L{L~:;) ;3'£ IJ".;Y: (T/';" ',::: r;:,:~'';'IION) ~\ell, 19 years ago I waG born in'iales. r "RK"';';d: ~=",::J In England! Don't you know nothin'? :,>O:UNJ) "iell, it's near '::ngland, you m1::~ht stiy--on the ;",ame island U';:'OHLY :::;T ILL L(OK'::; 131,:iL) aCr03G th ".tlan tic Oc:~an ••• ov,,,r t:l,,,:rs \lith li'ra:lce and dpain and all those c0untries • .3T.'lI,!L'lY: Ye;:;, and my :-:tame waG John dowla',ds •••• STU IUY: Your name Wi;. '3 • • • • • 75. ST~NI~Y: John Rowl~nds. But I was adopted by -'l Louisiana merchant by the name of Henry Stanley, so I took his name. Jell, we got separated, and I finally got to Louisiana as a cubin boy and found Mr. Stanley. ~hon all this CBill8 up, I decided to join tie arm~ and I did'4?~ ahd ~TC.;~Y: here I am! -/ ',Jell, I'll be. We'd better <Juit talking and get our weapons ready. I got a feelin' 've' re gain' to be mavin' out of here real soon. PAHK:-':H: aTORLY: That's some story. You sure it's tru8~ 3'rl . . NL~i: I (T:,KHiG Ulj HI.:; GUS) can't imagine where they found such obsolete ~uns as these •••• Sure it's true! wHIL~ T IL~Y I "~L, l' ALKI NG, 'rdE i'iEN ,\..::{;:. LO"cDViG Th2;IR ,~·t"A.Pon3. FI1~.::;tl' TUOK ()UtI' c.L\£<'r.RIDGE P,P;Rd:D TC.h,:::" 1'1' :!l'l'H Til ;';If~ Ti<;I~'.rH d,{D CC>NT)<~NTS l:'(!JJ{.t:D INTO i-lJ .. N /JI'I'H Rr.;.3T OF POI'lDER HI'l'C.2.i.i}!, l·lUL,lr~L. RM4 IT IN tU~D .. Il,.Y'~~l!, :,{,:,DY TO GO. 3TOREY: These old flintlocks may b~ l. ,La.' fashioned--I think that's whst ycu r~12t:;.~'!t--­ but they ~(!10C:~((o1. off rcla:1Y a :rr~d skin wilere I come from. ::>1'"NL2Y: But tlloGe Indiana didn't to ,::;i}oot bac'<: vtiLl. Have t,;lms Hayc ;:wt, b~J.t they :nade up for it! I'll tell y.y.). th;lt! ;YI'O~-<~Y: 3TGR~Y: Let's get over there. .;'l',~NL.t:Y~ (FINI.3Hr.. D fLili·,DJG) Comin' Stanley? Yes, I'm comille. Cne haem' t enough time to do any more! anyt~li;1G THt;; jv;OVb '1'0 PARltDb GROUND WHL ,.6 'l'il;:.1[ f,LL I:N J..JIl'fE. J,ID.:.:. TO CC~E3 IN Drb3.~.c.D. 3~N,l:L~L HI1Wr!;r'li\.~·i ON ~ORJE, FANCILY C:U'1.c;H;, FOLLOl'l',':' lin'! AIDE: General Hindem~n has just received orders from General lJardf:'e to move out 1'0 CitPT UN ,;Hl'l'H. 125 Henry Steele Commager, (ed.), ~ Blue ~<! the ~r:a.L (New York: Bobbs-Merril: Co., Inc. 1950),9.352. 126.~)~r llenry hor t on ,:J'vu.ll ~ t- 1 ey, .....l£ 'r] ... ].' , f' . I:I eury Morton .'J.vOOLO,';.'-l.[J l.Y' ~ ~ Stanley, cd. Dorothy Stanley (New Y6rk: Haught Mifflin Co., 1909), p. 137. J . " ,. ---------_. 76. within Fie next few minutes. Prepdre and aw;;(:;' t order;3. your;'le~l CA.i'.. ~IDS: B.iI~,J ~'Il'~I~~~I~D. ,,3l".~l,l,.:~IY ",~~;J .so TC ~'~J 'fhe men art; ja,Jt abo'.lt ~~U.lH: Sir. ~e'll await further Very well. .-~.., ~1.·'1.:0\. .. ~::-1. l' '"ady, orcier~. 81' ,'4L.c.;I: (i'H~)_Jli':'?UL n How ole=: :-.lre you, nenry~) ~-N~LY: No ~articulsr rea iO,I; I W&6 just c'J.riou6. F.:~RK,~3: ;3eventee~1. hew old did YOLl sa.y y')U wer,,<' J~ .~LiY: Nineteen. EARh.~R: Pretty younC to die, isn't }p,::Kt..,R: You think about it much? it~ To tell the truth, I try not to, but one just can't help it sometimes. Nobody wants to die--least of all at 19-- STaNL~Y: or P~RK~R: 3T,dn·r~Y: 17 eabler! You scared? (THCUGliTFULLY NODVI :JG) Yes, ••• I am • .t.'.:"I-IL~I{: (LeOK;:) :JiJ !,'f 1;]1::.: SKY) iiin' t i t strange, He ry, today will be one uf the mOGt beautiful days the Lord ever na-:le, from the looks of tte s1-~y. 'i'~lat sun's gonna be up like it was the m_d~le of "ummer. The trees are comin' out, violet~ ar~ eve1' w£ierc- •••• ,')ee;:n",: to '~le that spring should be a time of ~ro~in~-­ of new life--not dyin'. ;:3T.-~ .. 1:.Y.: ;;irCCl!l1sL-L'1C~ play havock with nature Gometime3. It se(~m~~, st)ring doe._;n' t ru::.lize there'r: a \"!C',r on .... hCIICi:,~ CF :i!G 'v 1C1 .. ;£;, i.l~J l'ii:; C:LUlliJ d' ElL F~~T, 3NILc.:~ lIlt \-lOuld oc a Good ioea to put a few into my cap. Perhaps the Yanks won't ;:;i1oot me if the;)' so. me ,,!l\!arinc; such flowers, they'r0 U ~ign uf peace. 77. 3T,;{':';LY: rrCapi tal, LL.~ UJ H · ,,',) ,ji',cL'iLEY T;j::;,: III J-L ..X ,~_F·') l>f ~ .. l';D C.ld~::FU:Ll.Y TU:':::l~ T L"~ ,!ICL:;;r ,,; L:re, ;' ,l ,;; 13 c ::D I.~ J:i'~-tGi<f:':. l'Ej,Y:JC 1,(.(,,-:'3 .'- .31T FUliNY ."-' 'r ii~~Y ,5'J;ctiW ~JP "IT .t'UT CF PUR,PL"::; E:J~:CtL,0 d fD f' ~ ,U'l' TIL I' .~:\):1 Vh~L,,'l',:; L. li'LC'~i":;iW FLO 6) Hi G ,;;V D, IJ T HL I'.. ,; Y i',j UVI; • 31' You;-;:now, Ile;lry, if tlle enemy were not so near, we mi~ht be able to cheer these fellows up. ~NJ:!.,LY: JMI~H: (~HCU?J) Move out here! C '~i·i;;';_c.(l'- .::;:L:;j::,:..U,.3 ~n' ,~ 10 ru,,,;:y 1:':.:.L:; 6 llEt ) .. i{K~~NSi~::-; Me .E~) L> . I-{ ...11.":' :.i,_",J l'C 1.'.:1., D,i'l"l'LE. j) loS. CLV,j. JCjN,)Tcn-B~CK ".rrn ,3UrfLY ~'JaGC~:Z. JI:_ 11.~,J.~)"1lcn I;:; J·U._~T v 1 .lli!d:~UI1',~,:r ... ; J"( E.L~._; L'l ..·: ::L... ,U;,bG .;_~~~C~': CUi- G _ clrr ~C BL~.,UILG,'11]) 0_S1~­ HID,:::J UF. <:":'1\ ',r L':::' " • BH",GG ,~ :;.0 .<.:U-'.~:·; j ,~~iJ 'r~l~~ BR~CKI~RIDG~ lIe A~~ J ~~ Jl~I0~3 J5,l;.;'.UHt;Gc-iRD: GenerCil J6h n .. ton, Li;;'l~, I '~r:lplor,~ ,j'Ju--':'et UD turn ::.;,ruu'-:d ~nd return to Corinth while we still may. There are skirmjsh parties everyw~er9. T • ....J.l' ,.~.:... "'"T'" ~./- " i".,. ....... ".." .• ' • Jc.:r~:~·2C~·.: "T~l..:; :)~~tt10 ll'::'{_, it is too 12t2 to now. ()..!,.·I·~~acd, cia~ge Gener,~l ,jrags, yo. hav(~ the l)olk th~ center, Eardec the 3rec],:i:lriclt::e is i~. r::: '.';rve. llCRJE.) Gen. dragg, 9repare t;: C Cl,d vance imJnedia t ely. B.ct.d.GG ~{U3~i .. ~"- ;.?? I•.• ;~.~·L.; I:·J:~; Gen. CG lj~ L ~:;..:-~ 1' Bcaureg~rd, L::e :ClOve::,,:: t - - .. _- ---- .-- 127 I , . d p. ~., 128, Sill., .-- --- the rear. ' ----_._,-------- 133. I, X, p. 4c 3 • 129,:> "l,~ d 11.0;.L<1rl , II J 0 l'" : to rl of ~ou :c"tlc·J~::c<], our disposition1 2 8 left': right. (hUTL....';, III:':> your nc ~ for will co-ordinate '~~'~C,),_; ,,).;,::1. ~Llpplie,3 I'm rLnlng to tne front. frolU 129 '+ 73. '''fcnight \ole will tITatcr cur horses i:1 th,,,, Tenn;,,:"see!" JCifI'~ __ Tc.:?"l L,~l,V~S. :1IJ)~J i ... ?~? 5d~8~I~QID3i: 130 I'm joining my troops. 0,:.URGJ1W JUJ'':; FCR;;{U~L 1.l1.' =1 BLh.U~~G_LIW TE~;l; NGI"Il:;Nf, . GJ1) ()li' Xl''l'',-,'::':. ,T EhZ PC;: A 3,~l-l3l<;ANT: Coffee,3ir';: It's the 1a~;t eu}) ••• 1C<K.~ 3IL~i~TLY 'r0:{i~,s J": '. (1 _.:J~ DIiL} l' ",::1i I~' fJUZLJL::.:~'. 31!:H31:';j,N'r TURr~;3 TO Gu B,lGK 1'0 rtl"i_~GON, ,J",\lL~:':; ~ ,~.~.{J ..~J hE~~D • ~(i.: ~~1.j:lD DnI:NKS CC .F_i~~; '~TI~~~'3~~~LE\ D I':'30LVS TC ;.)3;:;R>L\~;'.2 3CCU'rEG jjAliTY. AL:L: ON rrOR.:3::;B t~K. J.~ .. , ,..I': Th-;rc"3 jU,3t ':00 mucn firLlg ~;oinD tjis morning to be just ~ieket fire. I knew I ouCht to sce for my3clf ••.. I..It. IIolid1.Y, i~ ~ppler'd r..::g'irlit.dlt U1Ld\~~r arms yet? o~ liOLID..:,Y: Ye;;, they are, Sir. I didn' t real~ think we t d get an all out at~ack hera, b~t now I'm not so sure. ~nyone heard yet what the :i'fERH"ii: Good. firinIT iR over by Prentis~'~ line~.? (,1=, ~ .c..:..::) .,'0' 11 hear soon ~Jlough, I suppoa; • But it':3 be:o;t to be ready fGr anytLin.:::;'. This firing is getting heavier ••• we should b(~ ab1..:; to find u~t ~::,;,1o~llirt(-; definite wi1hin the next few yClrCt~:;. Iou t\"O h;::cV(; a ~'ood ti"~e :[J iL ti~~''lt? neLII)· Y: dhat do yOll 111>c'an, Sir? :5H:DI-1.d,J: You and Taylor. You seemed a bit more L'lan just "happyll--was the party goed? HOLL)"y:I'd ,'sther :1ot di:::;eu.:i';'; that, Jir, ,'Jould you, John? ,~ll I can say if if L,;or,I~: I hOPG it's a juiet one. TLYI,ca: S.'-; .'"~ c.t,;: lio\-; long :Hlve you two b~'>l ij. battle, frienC:s anyway? HOLL).,Y: Off and on for ten J eare; .we u;::;ed to to livE in the> 130 Gatton, Hallowed ~und, p. 136. ;oaGe town-moved--met aGain 79. in college-then asain hera. T~YIOR: Old Holiday's the only ere who c~n tolerate my foolishne::k for any le!li:,th of time. JH~mj;.r;: 'dell l-ceep out of trouble and don't GO much noi~.:e t·, e next time you come it".. lIBattlc HY!"!lD of the l-lepublic" is a t;rec.t Gong, but not off pitch at make two in the morning! :WLI.J,Y: (GjUinnl·:G)Ye::; 1 Sir •••• Do you. tlt:Lnk 'tIe t 11 G.L,;ht the enemy, :Sir, I hope so, Tern. General--thc bushes--loohCLIl):CY FiLLJ 1j'1<01-1 H13 IlC':':t:3S \~0 ui.iD~:::D 3.JLY, -.iii ::';i:Uii/\'.N AND C.L'liDrt,::;r,.KL C:C'hH. 'l'lIl; B'IRll;G C.:;.;·;." F~Kfcl, ~~(. it Ul" Bnm;:.-;S IU.:.:;£; TILT G:cV::' '1\ L ti , GCV::::;H. Al~D O'L lLR.3 o:d~,; I ::X V.::.a III DIP ell 31D:2:. 3H.c;mLH: (g;~,.~)l,\!3 cv.::::a 110LI£.1) Thor'].:l::> , are you Elll right~: SJi::';:~;"l"U~ 1,'[ • J.t1Glll'Ll'i: CcI;::mY--::;1';l~';D;5 U.t:'.;UICKLY) (JliCu.L) Ja~n them!. He was a good man. Had a 300d ~e~~ on his shoulders for as young as ~e was •••• ;->c;" ;.:)~ '1.e i' h:l~ D.t HOLIDAY':; Hi;.T But they're all young •••••• OFFIC i'..R ::;;ir ! Look! UGlJ:~T~rO'N,~RJ .:tLY}c..:) All along that ridge, 3ir •••• T~is see. is soine to be a big Gcntle:nf:"n, a damn big one: ou .. +' o~ 0 rk , Let'~:3 et • nere._ ;:)HI'~RHAN Nom, TJ 111.3 HOH3.~ .1 ,,:;) HuLD ..) 1.': ...~ a..:.,INS TO HOLID, Y I,; IL L.l ~ ,.] 1', Yto l< ,H;) 0 T H i:RS PL~C~ fH~ O~D~RLY acao~~ Th£ ..)i'l-.JJ)L.: ,3;:;;':'1'1Y. 0Hi·:m.j~lN 13 C2VICUSl.Y ;;1CV':;0 ,~~;J) Ul'::.>s'r. HE 3.ll.1::J .fOH ;, HOl'-lLI;r'l' ~',T 'I'd;; YC :';1"~-~1 l'··~ _1'J t S ~:~CJY ~\.~dD T;; .;11 ~)f=T­ I.c~;G ~;I.~ J;L." , LC(.K~':; lEeK '1'0 ------_._----------- ------- -- - ._-...... - .... .............. . .- -------- ... -~~---~-.~-,-.,- .... " .... ..................~ -~ . .... ~.- ~ ... -~ ........ , [HUG", .i<'HC}j .l:.J:::N.:)I; T;l"i; FIi.n~·iG C.4.1JiE. Ill!; ;31: lLL ~: ,.3 !.iC II J 'y':; •• _.'1.' II; HI,S lL::D. T.'. . YIJ~ J: ~~::; ~·"'U.. '__· t:l'~ 0111.1 close fri,c:;nd I ever had--like a brcther. T~ey're ';Olll1a ;)a] for thi,s--I'm Gonoa StoC -, ',1 ~-,YtJ M~N h~~CriIN~: .i.IICe i' ,.~~i":J HIFL~~ r: ~ •••• CF:I~i2: de're :~CLC~ ,;~.;: £10\,1 read~ sir. P03- ..;a l):;;;;,'<; ,rX'03 ,,,j1.;) lo!~; ~:3.VC we been marching like this anyho'rT;' ~p.hcur and a half--mayue more. 3ure is a heck of a lot of woodn and swamp. ,3,c:;Y"lt: Since dayli.:;'ht--at lea3t ALL DuCK FC, COV:':';R. 132 ,2::·L:.n."~~: Out of t:le fryin I pan a:1d into tnt'; fire • ••...•• Boy what a ~C1DIi::.:R: Y~ah, Gight~ but look over there ••• (~CI~T3) 133 ,3j~,U(Li'I';".tl: "3y the left of compar.ie<.J, forward into line," double quick; march!!" l,:i.'. THON;:,> G. J~,i:::H C()N.F~NY FIL,~,) IH'ro 13 4 PLi~Gi::.: (L3) ;,N.Jl.'lL:N IhHCll.:::,) '£O:;ITEL lCO YLI"; CE' ~:;".,;'W 1,VL:;'::';. 0.;,,·JY.:c,R: well, this is it. (LOOKS ,,;,1' ;:iC.LlJL~H) " d 1 UCK 1 :,1 , " " -Joo ••• ( ,-, l. iJ ~U\J tc'C'1\.... ::.. ...\:) j ," -, - . ) ee2ceoecyyya~aahhhhhheeeeeeee!! F.3 ii.j GO INTr' BI"'r,j;J .L. rl ~. CIL-~~'13:: ';..~"J -----------------------------,--------~ 132,. ,. 1 "",lnSC111m , p. it !!!!!!,,: :~} .1~~l'L~. 544. 177. ..--"." 81. P3':';.L\TL.;) I C!d;P. 6 :30 ,\ i1ij 1 35 eeL. HOOi.(E iHD.e:0 li{l:C :; :.Jl~. He: I.,~ .Fe ,LO/"~;D BY lWNNING Il'Il",lN'fTty. HCC!(~c.:: Our pickets couldn I t hold them any longer, Sir. Re~els--full scale attack! Lt. Hoore! ,Jound the alarm! 3et t e men into line of battle im~ed­ iately! }lj\~;NTI";,,: NOORi<.: HUN3 DOAN LVI,~ Sl"~C LT L;:} TO Il;F:,l::::RY FO LLO ,./ ;::;D IiI Iv, Dj 'r~I:~~2 1100RS: Get those dead and wo l.nded back out of the ioJay! 30LIEH3: Ye,oj, Sir. 'p,Li'~'.L'L5,): C' 1':JU'l'S ':';:0 HOOH3) How Ion,; do you think we have? MOORE: I don't know ••• not long, Sir! cl~~plr:' . I:\~ Bi:::f'~lIVlOJ..:.~: l~O 'i'JS OF CmiF'.2:Dj~,<ATr~ SOLl)I'-::RS V13IljLC;. (OF' j~'i~_I~TII.'):J' J~~1. }\.') Jir! (POINTS TO RIDG~ OVDRHiAD.) ~ill we be raady in tic~, :",~':J~':'t 0ir? r=iJ~l'~'i'l~)_,~: tile'll be rc:ady. Capta.in DC~J.tmore, send a messenger to General Smith and General Hurlbut immediately. Inform tilem of our si~uation. Bl:,;l'JTHORt:: Yes, Sir. B,,;;~'~:rhC:.:: 3.ID;~,3 Run.:) 13,I.CK 'I'O OFF J~ [(i) W)~1'.c; Nooa.r:.;: P~~tSI'L::iS 'r,~;;T ~ie t re rdady, Sir •• PRENTISs: Good job, Col. Moore; at leant they didn't catch us in our te~~s. Can your men make up an advance force to give us a bit more time': MCO~E: ~e'll do the best we can, dir, but there's not a gr:2.t deal t:lat can :)~ rlone •• • • • my V:iE:llo,.:n"" '...;'.)rn O'clt. PRZlrr 13:::>: Do your best. GU:S INSIDE TENT TO GZT HI~; l' l:l.IN:;~:i; NOORE R~HO UNIDS nL EURjE AI";D =·UDi;S (lTJ'r TO p~llNrldS IHB FHGNT .•.. DI:30LV~. ______ ~ l35~, I, X, i, __ . _ _ ..... _ pp. • ..--~~ . . . ,_ . . _ _ _ _ , ' ___ 4 _ _ _ .... 279-280. .. ~ ~ _-_." ___ _ ~ _______ ._"_ ...........' - _ - - ."-- --_.- • 82. 61~T ILLINCIS, DIVLiCN. M~KING PRENTISS' Nos'r Cl<' C,iNl? STILL BR.~KF\ST. ~·{ccLL,::.C.E E;'i0CH is COMING our CF 'l't;i\T : Hey! ~:;tillwell, your brRkfa3 t r,~ady! 3'rILL'.1£LI, : Thanks ••• sm~~11s sood • .:iomm: C'\RDINiI.L :~H1GI~m LOUDLY Dr 'J:'L~ ':"l~:;_~ ;_3 Y T:iZ rf l~.;'JrII • ,';TILL:J..iLl..: (pon/TING }'(; Bll~D) 'l'hat bird did it again! L~ander, you W:. uldn' t weJi: that bird, as you call him, to break a lLClbi t !lOTtl would you? He wakes the whole resiment up~'I'-!ry ;:jornl!l,~ and JUu ~Cl')':J it! 30 don't act like it \"e'G some kind CI p~r"or.c,l offen'1,'! or;o~eLl ~'l~ • EiWCH: Now, .3'rIL~ . .'{:.-.LL: '~)ird I ·,11 I know is thc:t's ~.,,~r.' (lii ~,.<:tr! t18 Y!oi:j,,!:.• t loST SOLD1J!,R: (1?OL'HING COFF.::;;]:;) You ~12ar Wil.Cit they been scoying ciDut him lately? 3TILl.,,','ELL: Hard tellin'. (POUH~5 CO~' .j::;) 1ST ,,~;D ":;:1,;'1\.1'.,'; ,jL3 E!'~.:,D 30LDI~R: It's gettin' to be a sta~din' rem::Jrk around the camp that birJ L; a Union Redbird .::tnd he's enlisted i;1 0'l.r L . t as a mus~c~uan ,. t'0 soU'~,c.! reve~'1'\.LU 113 0 rC'G.l.me!1 ,)'I'ILLJi.!;LL: NOH I'Ve hC':trd ev'.::rythinG! .:Jut from the GOULd of hiG lungs, you miGht not be far off! JOU~:D: tH~<D SI1.G;:;; LOUDLY '·ND T ,~'::'N ,:/{'l)?J POP ? P OF 3"ii,lL i,Ri;J. ls~ SOLDI~2:Mu~t id:l(lt t~_~:le is be tu>ting powder il1~)~Jection uS~i~. to(iay, anyvrc:"J'? ~ti;l~CGH: CapLain :;.::tid i~'d b0::.ame ac~ Ci.hmYG ••• Nine 0' clock--ref;,llar Sunday inspection. 30L0~DH BeeT ~TICKS UP MUD-CAKED Is·r L'OLD.GR: Looke; like I sot some work ahead of me, before then, don't ya think', ~NOCH: Sort of looks that way. I.S'J:' ;:;0 l.ILn : (R~3E.s) I b~~s t Jee you boys later. 136" ""ll1SC h'lm 1 , EyevJi tncss. p. 175. ~;et bUGy til en. the same 1:;UJiCc,f ~, rOLI0~lI1:3 :l",::.J ~1 ... ~IL~':) idl~8.. ,3T;.{:,IG;:I'i'-'::~jEJ c,!.iJIPi~·L:;~'·~·l] 1 _:;~!:;. ~~oc~: Jure is a beautiful morning. Yup. If it c:;",ts very ",J,;irr:. t::L:; u:'ternoon, I m~sht go dO"m to t:'1e creek for :L :::;wim. '~anta. come? :)TJILL,;l';LL: JoundG like a go,_.,d idea. ~i~;~-lt on ':;UDD!~liLY ~n:) Fi!:Err LCCKUfG ,i.G}.!L ",:l "~1I:)'~ CU~ 11TC T ~1d ~)."l{,~~:J~ ,~':;9 . . . ~{~ T IL~: jC,': It;) I~\I.J ~'lI~) GO ~'fL ~ Cr7F. S1' I:L!i.'~·~~l: ,... '~l lli_:,; (I Ii.t L.:lat •••• c,;,r ,:.; I LXI' , r-.;,",N 11; l!;~!l:;ay rJo rhl.:.~·~~. J'='II,~. -;{'1l;:,t wa~:; t.'~ 1.1 t ;' battle! d. hU; ,:~G,J£I"~n -"'J'~RY:iili';'~":; • CLJ:'·:i!"L;~ lot:, DUCt;~~~~l-I~<'J BC'XE3, TRYIN::".2C 3.)r fLo ,;)Y TC i"lJ.lIT. CF7IC ..::R •\LL 13 Cii.i:~i'lnDG~: 1(1.02;"; LJi J • C?/ICi:;rt: "1-'1y God! yet? They've hour!,t :_~ljH-,'::; ·!'Jlll:.;J:;1S iLlci ~fY. i'~'::; 1,L" (lJ\D L':::;J~=m:::i~ I'~li.s b~~~ regiment not in line f lChti!l,_; for over an l{li)~.) Jdm ;~r:CCH l " ... L. • • • • Yeah, and a big one too, by t of thine"'. :':':~':C::::H: d~2~~1. CC.;·,.t,~ J.,D~.~~~ FC~~ I~ ~~I~)-J.) 137 :',e Lli~. E\.'~tl·~',\BD. COL. ·)_'1.Cc.:' ~<'T!: :'Lo~d a.t ',-!ill! Load! 11 .';cu~ld 13(' :;,.iUCH: Jon' t kno':1 0 f a.nylJO:ly ',,,ho )cf,,.; '-1 ,.~ bad t:le sense to do th.at yet! (:c:, .~iI ;L:ltLi,J (JOT C? T:i ... ElL'; CT ilL; 1\\( urrn) 137~~. 132 Ibid;. 84. 3'~' . . J.l;01~. TO -, J3~.:.'J I " J 1'! • L l~ L. .' _ "~')")--LC:;3J :~VY ,::'L.;jH ,~,,:r'::"c.i~; CJ!' 3tU GH 'r LIS:i'r. of :~unl5<:'lt La:)!::..: like g~ barrel~ .L :.-.:~J~a: Here they and r·i1. cti;l,'; off bayonct~ • co~~e. :.;.' :~<lJit, r'~\RC1:Il;G Ln~~E.i:' ,.3C Ul~D: 'I' .L;Rdl FIC .RuAH. 'll1.~~ J.lC.O.:':;. BlU'~ ~i<~~;1'~.D139 uF.L~_;. ';'[ :;::~.~ 'i'I,;",:.J. ceL. FRY: Fire at Corrll1and! ...... FIIL~!! . ! 'J~;~,L'::J .LH;.:; T,~K,:;;~ ,~IH .B'Irt3..: ..,MOK£ FILL:.; J .... ";!~:..I·r~~ ~1.11: GI(~~I,!ll"_ 6 : 30 ;·ll;. Jldi: l~ ,dLD:S IN il\lL Gf-LcNT .,,'d) SC~EErr OY~"ICE :;C,dTI,·.G E;"~'';: ~J:;. GR ',]'~'I': Good '1lOrnin t ;! A little early in the morning to be doing th::t, i:.,n't it';' Have you aihen'i GR~r: [.1:",/1.1:;;:: I've been a·.vake Glnc~) 3 o'clock this morninG. H:dl steamor CCl![O in from Cairo. '.'iell I c:Juldn't Gl)t b"ck to sleep, so I ~ot dresaed finally and came down here. Captain Hillyer just l40 50t back, did you kno •.; that';' G1LIH: Yc-,;:, I ,J["'" hit~ on cry way down }~ere • • . . JilL;·;; >OJ, I WEl..s exs:ectinJ;l lett c;r fro:'[ ~- -------..-.-~--,_..------ .. _._ ... _~_._, Jul.ia toc.;:.y. You' ~:c.J,-;~lt 3:S",l c,ne h~,v(~ you, John? ... - ....... -... '"' ............... --. - . - - - . - - - - - - - - ' ' . ,LI:<J: Y·'~'~-3, .3ir, I haV8. I ,,)ut it in your top debk dr0!w.'~r, ciO it I,",ouldn't c:ot lo[;t i~l, the '3huffl() of tili::~-,3. '!l-1:"~.;l': ,John'{al,,'lin~, ;~'ld'.! :",'r '·.d~ I VlOLl~):t by n:)\T 2:<lU I (1. i.:; to put anythirlt; It's (:;LlC': to get lCL-:t TC":, in t:.ct drawer! .~t in t;,3t mess! It's no~ t~Dt bad! }._A.r~T: IJ(." I don't ~--,Ur)1)05::'; it iG, but ::'rr: not much of a hcu~eke~per, a~ I? 1.. ..:.:1' l,;.a ,no,:1 eN TI,. p. lIIl.,LY'a-I.P9r.:_,.. L .tT DLG1{. iLrc i t - · C~2T. HIL~Y~~: rlrea~fa~t is roady, Jir. 0::\.1'J'i:': Good. I'm abou~ famL;hed. \'ie'vc sot a lone day ahe~d of us a~d you hJve to start it ,,-lith a good breakf3.c.·t! By t L ':'ay, ','!het tille is it?' ;~,;I;LL,S: ,;'bout 6 o'clock, Sir. (,}CLi3 ';"U i.'";lH,.c:; ,\ND Sl':.:".i'LlG) Good, vJe've l got time yet. I'm planning to move GJLT: headquarters to Pittsburg today. I'm going to leave moat of the details to you men, and I'm going to get up there as soon 88 I fini:3h my breakfa::::t. 1/1 ;~eb:-;ter, is the 'rigres[; rCCldy'? + 901. ;l~~BS(r~l-{: Yet3, ~)ir. Slle's under .:itoam and waitinc at the landinG, all r~aiy to Co. GL.NT: Good. John~ton'G cdvulry has been just too active i~ the lasw 3 or 4 day~. a~d I'm not going to t~kc any chances. I'll ride out to me~t Ge~2rul 3uell and that ;-;hould save con;Jider~'i.'ole tL:ie. It I;; LOG bad you have to take impor tEl.nt tiMc away from pra~3i~g natters to play pblitical parlor ~ames with other Generals. L'...h, bu t t :lat' slife i :3u.flpose. G~( :,ell , it' C' v,;ry h,n] to say for :;JUre, but cavalry activ~ty us~ally 9re~edes some kind of adv3nce, u!'ld I (0:,' t l;,I[j!'lt ~lT: ..--- -- --------------------------------------------.~ to be caught with ny headquart2rs down \lo.re 'dhcn I 110:::d t~ em -~..l.fJ hr.~re. ],:::'3i::e~::i that, it's too much confu~ion sp9n~i~; d;q,:; eJ.t ":;:l:iJoh ;).l'ld ni<~i: ts here. There t slLi2 no point to it • riillyer, y,)U haven't said anythinL' about your leave y!t ••• How wa~ it? . i..:..33T.':H: .I~3: Illinois is beautif~l tji~ ti~c 0f '.J' ·J.r. (},:: .:,';": It sure is. U':'LiY _~{: Did :rou get in any fii3hin I': llo •••• I didn It, Sir. ;_2':~'d:(LLU.~:i::II~,3) 'Hell, I didn't expect he'd do much fi~o:linc;, Sir. r:ot Lli,3 trip-cD. =lillyer? }iIIJLY,:~ ... { ·,.;C-;:C.1..t'.2r~ ~';";.J'~ {:=Li.~: Hey! That's riCht! :N01-.T if I r'3r,;.8 r tcb_r corr2ctly, Capt0in Hillyer had a purpoce for a~.;kin:,.)~ f\11'" ,.J. IG'-:lv~ ju,(3t \>,,r":·Lj:.;n ~:: c~j.~:., didn't '1(; J.D.': h ~"~.L ],;LD!3: 'rhat's t'll1at I thougr't. ;.ell, Lillyer'? :iILLY .li LO~,K,) DF FCa FI:~{;)T TIN:'~ HILLY~R: aILLWJ~Y -':~>:tl..LOv~ ,~,-C CF >'.'. ~ t.TU :.r ~O.F_\)~ .. :~ T_~·: .. ~.J Jell w1at? 1- CH(n·:.t~~ you two mind letting us in on this little joke"? R;'"lLIk;: Hot at 811, Colonel. You see, it's this '"relY. l>'r. ~Iiliy(~r 'i.;':s t;lis very pretty li~~le friend b~ck in Illinois •••• :'.:.::..::.: _:.::' __ 1: J~-rY~Tctt;:,: everY\'lh~re ••• ;Jc carries ncr picture • it'H.Ei3: And \-,roll, 'illO :l~d a, birthday camin I up ..• oh, • • la3~ :"J2;;~·;<: :):;"~10ti'·~}-:.;. _~Oi':l; to l;,;,inctecn--l;-m t tLha t ribllt 1 Hillyer? EIL.LY_J~ JU::~ _1 J0.:""j1,,;'T G('-'<iC~l·,;I~=.:~:1.~~ .J, \1" !l4-iYA::li~:-3:, :.;.) CI{ :Ilk) F·I- ~ . . . .. ..-~.- .. ,l •. ~ • _..._----_._------- -~.- --.- 0.7. :~~"~~~JJ: were ,-.;~ Jo::'n, eTc: NcPrL~;(J()N) if 1 n:~:;}~ you if l'S', ';J:~-~r:.:- t.i. !J.::rri~·. ,r}:~, /,lat would yo',; !Jay? I~o, ~o ,J , 1 '.'.L ':'; , " 1. k_~ L • "_1, ... , ' '....I _:..,.) ~ fa l'lcP;iJi.t~CN : Jell , I'd haVe; to so.y 19 Wi;<.S a 't,rct ty c::",rrLcu(j:J'blc ",ce. Yec;, I'd have ·~o EjUJ t~~C1.t • ~~.J.. .~ ". ,\.nd if you 1.--Jer.; Cl yOU:l~ l,-l~l:;l, l>-·i:l~; to be 19, and sC8in' how as that's 3uch a marriageable 3. i;e [;t;1cl all, ,,!riot \..;"ulcl ]J~_,I~·;,.): you want for Jour birthday? l~'IcPlr:.~~~~)C.N: (:',.\UG·~LJ) f:)~1., 2~ ~1iC8t de':li~~t;~r.l, ycunz army ..:taff offir;r;r to come all the WJY to Illinois just to ask ne to marry bim--l EU0sa. c;nl"'j,';OO'cl:3, '/;.,'::;, l' ;L{: .:(;11, thu.t, ·}entl~:n(;n, is what Captain lIil1J'"r 'Nas tl:inJdn' --ald t_:.J.t' c, why our local nice, dedicated, courageous, younG army ;,:taff c±,ficer too>: :'.;.'. l:j~,V; T~.! ~'~ ~~:: he did. con~ratul~~ions order fer l:Iis ,.~,R)T or co~dole :';_'~,ve ces are in young lTlan '.,LO trav211ed hundreds of 'iles his hea~ on t,.~ block? ju~t .>i: Now t.l)t all c.epend::; look at itl whic:, v!14Y Y') o:-~ to l&y c\,.r, ';';;.3: Can't you see Lle Gen.r,~l is "k,itinb' to heu.rdlat ~wppened? CUP t LeCKS UP, GRINS DILLY 3: Well, I hate to say this, but when I asked her--she said ••••• ye •• WEB3T~R: 3'=L2'rr IS DRINKJtG GCFY;:;~, --:; U,3P..':~~lD3 C Vi) Ii~ flIDiIR i:;~~ l·Jf."lT~ o U~ ,:) l.D.~.~. ~~'~~~1 ~.,:... -, :lnL~~"~I]IJY (~P.!.,.,ml..' ~_\ F···~l~l·l ALL 2IGliT! Ll" ':.>·"t"'n' ;:,. • ('PIY,'V ~,",' .... 8 () '...) ::_U'T ,L~: 0ir! I~~ . Go :l,,'rc.l 3rant! (13--:: . i.'H.l,.~·~ ) Be~s ~aVd at~acked, sir. Ko 3kirmish eitncr! f ..J....:.. .''T 17, ' '.J Ul -JR -.~\~'T : nGc ntle1"ilCn, l' tJ:e b.:..l1 i.::; y. .) !'lotion. 143 Lt's be off." *.i..C,T~: T 13.i·~ .J.Lr~:l=~ 15 J>III.'~U~~;~~~, <;T.iJ:l .F, C;rL~).~'~I..I;~:~-J, d j.J () 2·J Il' ~~ .;~ I ;.( ',; ,\.y 1.JF' ,_~ 'r -.~ .'. 'Lli:. j .. : 1 Captain ~i.a'.,!litE, I Leed you to take a note to GOc13r'al" Buell a 'et Helson. r:lE? rest of you get eY8ryt:1inS ·~,'~'·8 fte',,:cI ~lbo~rd aboard the 'I'iGr:~~. ah J ~~ ~."i.LI~·; 0 ;~U~~"<.Y L .. i.~rr 1'0 l..ilt' i" ,-... n(.r,;~·~ 1 ::; ~' v FC)I;.LC ~~'.v C'7.:._ '~;:(3 l....L..L :}ULFLm T:L.; _ T::'iL:LH];'3\~), '~21{~~1~\ '.~:~ GCF.rELJ f·~.; ~~8.L~~~1, J G_'~ .:2_~~I;~:} 'J' .\ .:' •. ..1. J.. ... ~ J .~~.'rr~: L.B • 3I',~':'L ..... Y: Jecrur; to '"1e li>:e clo~e ~..;:' ·,.L:':Y: '~~JE7'r~"! ....:,~ttiGf I)r tty to the trouble, doesn't it. .:'0 I r:: EC;;!LH P1l.~tK':::=<: r,1archi'1(; [[L:re-; uick1y too. (:~IL)Pi\;~.nTH •.;{E) "rI'hol:3e are bullets." ~J)_. L,..:,'h LTu ,'" l"Il::LD ~"...:; ~',.;~y ~:TJ'r (J ;3iiL.'.!:"1'~lay arc at it alm;dy. by, Ge ntlc',·"'::fl. [I 3: '.IIl:: ForwC)rc1 , \}en ~ . . l:~~·::...cn, •••• ( ('\ I,;e ',_, \.. • ..: ...... ...J Lake r~~ady - ------------------_._-----.. 1 . 3 ,,,, (' ~ c, t (,. ,., 1 2 .rr a n t 1 r"' .. t·, '1 0 h , f! :.J.' '-' '.'1l I) • 6 0'/ • ! 1·4-4 x:"., .) i?LIHG .~iII'·~ _2.._C,'.: .) .. :U .j·::'l-, '~: ..l " aLY .d.LCR0j~D IN 1·: j,;'.l' )0 • .L..) '-.A_( \.F __ COl"H"r.;D.~~"l.l'';:; )r __ ~ ~: T___ __ :.~~;.~ 1:' _)~-l, "ie:. 'fCT- 'r '1';-I.,Y LL:~...i, .)_-04 __1 ·~.,L·~l~: _:. l_Y 3MI?H: (.3HCU?S)Fix iLILL Y'::';Lj,: BRL"cK~ LS .~~~J UI\ 1.01; .LINe':; .\.~:.J .d.I_~;.3 .:.1:) . ). -) • J \ ... ~ • J_ ~ • "I'hey fly. bayo~ets! TIley fly!" 3. ( ,1\ l~T i.!() j''JLL _~u=~ ru.d..:, ';1:;3 '1'LL U:dGlf Fe r(8~,:; '2 tiRe LJ311r;; ~;l1-~ ~;".!"J.P3. L,~ I..,}"' J .·,GCi'~l) G.a.t,DI) lJ}' C 'ti"lI~S 'I .3MI?H: Lie down, ~en, and continue firing!! 90. hli<D ~'.. .F \.~ . _.~=\; ~f;G. eu 1,--)1 ;')T,iNLEy .... :",\li.iC.:Jrt: Sure ,~i.d! l:£O\·j ·:TIZJ.:1Y 0.1.' behind this log anyw~y? '~,iNlEY T ('.r- -,..-- .", 1-'_ . : __ a.re ther·? U:j :Lork:3 like aT",und h.lclvG. ..t 1_'~, t .J ~'_\'RI\'~.~]: YelJ.~l •••• ~lad :lcU can GC(~ W~-Ul.t'::3 baing on----almo:3t! :; r, )J,::, Y: of Hinnie bull:=' --_: tl'iJdn:.:; t:F:: 0:. :c':; rL,.i(.' l,).:;" t~d3 :,l',c,,!L:;Y: ]ey, old boy! .3~LL3rl'1U1L,!,,:; >L"l; IN F.;C.:.. u{u Cnl;;,jT. d,l', !:'ALL0 ,,1:1'H ::-iI;3 l"l\CE; TO TbJ ;3KY. r.,'.HJCi~],\y i"L:::L ST"NJ.,," Y ~ (SHe,D?;) Henry! ~)ay to your own business! ON '1'0.::" Vl'H~.i.i: ;)l.Jr'; ;, JlliINNII:; '~'rl·~ LUG j B;:'.L,L iUF,!:' im UII'ID..';it c, '", - ",i,c),! ,<':' PA.ltiC.:;':'~: ~<':'1.l~: Jeb! ':Jhere you hit! Leg ••••. ain't too 1)8.d ••• l:""dT II: (in}I~:G) It's gettin' too hot, boy! Come on you lilly-livered cowards! Let's----BiJLLKI' SKIH~) on;> 'fCF CF LOG ",ED .3l'S:I~~~:"; . II': Iii ~'~ :L:;_i.:;.~.J. HZ IJ .]rrc~Jj?~j) In 'r1-1";~ I'/lIDD11Ji: c,l" ,J. ·:Jl~Ji.i'J:.JiC8 d.Nj) FALj,,3 D":;AD. 3Ml'I'H: "Forward! Foward! on, boy.:;! it to 'em!" j-,tL:;CN: Heorne i'l;J C'.?it'"N,j,:;Y , j H,':; ,)1' ."ti' 3 '1\,.' len.,Ill') ~i'_~G:'lI'iL~ ::..,:.,.}. l'i,Jl\';U: II Forward! Let's e;ive "Oh, ,>top, PI,Ei,.,j.E; stop a oit. 111+5 have been hurt and I can't rnove!1I --------.----------------------p. 193. .-------~------ 91. F3 O.f. i .LJi"Ldl~l~l.~, 1110 lC~;~i' I.j ~1"~{\,..) .~~~~D ,:;'r,"I·:1.1;,Y IU":;'.;') l'C dIL J~ NI~Y: I've got to ~o, i8~~y .•.• You je all riJht? I'll come back for you ~he~ I can •••. ,.. Jo you hav~ wat~r. i:·;~i-ll\.,R:(E~ HUCH p"En No, mine cot ",h\lt 1:1ean through ••• SI'Nl,;cY: Tal-.:e Liis one then. ~):~1:UdH: Take care •• - J£\RD ()V~:? -:~ ,'':;L;T) (;;nCUrrli,;G '1'(; be: Good ltick, Henry! MW G_cN~,L:)l'~H FILL 'fiLS dH. STOm" iWIrS OUT nne oPc.:r·,;. F~. FDms 3HUElF TO L::I:: ,.;TCH:;Y: "'I~hy don't you cone on, boys? You bee t::>"~ri-' is no ~l;:;':ioer!:' l'C)~:;,[: "L~t":; '~1 3'i-"3 ::,lU'".:l r;t=~!lt ':'r r.-:'-T(·ry J~ll, :,)l)J3! •• -luS <-,J~'~lC!:' For iard! Don't gi v:: I em br(:athing time! II B~U~ LINi DcLBl,E D13,OLV~S JIG';'; FI'~D::.,:,.L;':') IXTO :L:.L~,T. Gii,~:".L-I ",I'm CC\- H1.m.1P·;:':;~::{ T:i:.E!i, 11TH JC'Y. 3TGd~Y: Give 'em t~eill :.L.:',.:"~I.::~~Y: :;1'JO rO tflH3 not had; 3':.',N!.~I"Y: - of canl'p~'3 at b3d at hey! Look at .;1100oppe run! i~l t,~·.Jo :'0 ! ! ! hours-- ~ll. l' m eX:1CJuc5t':.-d; New";;otc evc'n tire"; 146 1 D~ , .d• By solly! ~cll! blue-bellie~ fl8wton! aren' ~ Nc".·!-- you 92. ~'T_~l~~JL,Y ~) =_~~--'CK D" UBtd~;~ :_ '!.~::t" 31 ~ BlJT.J~"·";'\ *J'l'RU~~~ .Ii ']'~l 1:; 147 ~u Gi L.3 CF NH~G ~IK LYING UNCCK:CIOU3. CCnF;~D~liJ,TE l'HiKT'lfI 'TIL; Tl'(OUPS liUliFI~LD ·~1 ,.?'i.'.:H H",:;;:;,..;....;NGl,;R: (OUT ",.iT Bl~,.. ,.;:"J Col. 3tuart! "~ Col. 3tuart! ·V_ .... 1 . . . . 3J:'U.df.:' RL':;£;,:; Ii'HeN Cu~~' III .1. i:F). C;·.~.L{, 8CF- ElL.; ~ Gen. l:Jre ?1tisf) [3(::~1t. ~ne to tell you th~~ tle e'~,.emy if> attackinG' hi;. rr'':'~lt with forcG acd to pro~are for battlel ~·~~J,~~:'~13~~~: JTU ,~T: ~)TU,<~lf';": Understood. 1 I hav,:; ju.t reclhive word fro:n Gen. t~Ht Frentis:' ~i3 t~c ~cbels are attacking front with srJut force. £e are to expect them at any tiee now. Get the men in line of battle ~n~ SJn~ a me~_enJer to Gen. Mc~rth~r of Hurlbut'c divi~ion, in Cb.se they have It 0een allcrt~cl! l • Col. Jt LJ.art! Col. Lt? G.aCCL::~R: Cur pic};.et::! ll~e;;"'vc: ju:t rc,::<~rt,::d a large force of 3 e bels with artillery ~dv.:lnci r~t.; on 3Drlc .30ad ••• ·~ll ri:.;rlt: ,~~:,t ... -lj-~~lJ~ :'" rhey'rc gonna mean business. s'ru~;.r{T: Cl{Ol/~ :_,:] L ;.'. RU1'~ j L·~ -.:~ RJ.s~'18 u e,F l ,j ~iC l=··~D 1.3 .;:::,.J.ci:. Jj~.' I::,.~; :~ .::'.f :' I ~:~~} ,----- -.-.. ---_.- .• --" ...•._._- - _._------ 93. a~ we'll cvsr ·,.:.~~~,G~: ~~ •••. doll, you ,-;ere ri::;ht, all rir)lt. wi~hed you were wrcD3. Mow I'd ",~'. :~ ::3: Jtrai-;hten up that line there! Rebs could na· ch a whole tc~iill~.t tru it! c::'lLhten up! C;{QCl{~:,H: I :1on't L!\ill}C ::"11 eV:r 1).:: toler .te t':c.t LAv~~N~~: ::~bic' to -.1:::111 • • • • I ' l l oct we'll see if ~ll ~l_ and :3UCY talk will pull U~ out ~ell, brassin~ of this [:less! :~;~cc :.:.,:\.: 11 i:3 L .• I'/.i~;lt.i }~i~~h C0 ::)ay to I don't think we're ~oins to have a lot to 3ay about it •••.• Good lick, .t u.. . '1-~ •••• 143 ~ "~~: .'i.J.l1""lc0! 'There's trouble Zlt l)ittsbur[;! Confeder.:i;(:.c; arc i:t tac::il,; ,1:1 0 full c,c~,le! liold your divif;ion n;.:.;d.:' for further or,l·cr:3 • 'i:~c .'·,-Ll.l-'~C:. . ,':: :~~",? ~~n ./ J.:~ • }-~ 1_.; l~U~~:~.l ;~~~C~: ., d -LUCK, 1 Goo ;.~ r~ ~ c..l., ~Jrice face! l\l.tJ~t..~,.:"': ~L!-Jd.:Jli<G J:~·~:t­ DIJJGV£. ~IV~H. L (- I P:: ";;i.L'chiml, 1155'1:1 IlL cL 3hiloh," p. 191. . 94. F 1~ri_'~:3 C,) _~T ~ :~:(_';~':Y. :1.. ...t I.P~~ IGK r:~C;·,~GC ",1-'-"'"1 -.1 ..... ..,1. ..... .i"......J • : L (err :l~ , _. ~:, Gcr: c: r",~l? ~2~uregard to send stron D the left. 'i: ~'] r,~:';:ly is reinforce~Jlt t:1e:':; to in :..;rct150 force. J~:Hr!,;TCN: I've got two of BrecldnridC '5' ,e; bri- z;adc[) on t ::eir 1:I:lY u,;::< to Lick era€ on the ri,r:;ht, but we may :lriVC to ;,hj ft t '!ern tOll:;l ~ the left. JC'{0CN: Look 'I'HChPSCN: Gen(;-rc.l, arc you all ri:;ht? JCnl"'~':::'C;:: Y';s. Of course. C ',.13 EC1~'':;):,s.GY, e,3.:;~T • • • Th::ml;;: you, Jorc~o', • boy, JGdNcii0~ LCOK3 THGCG~TFUTlY .... _ l._ "........ ~ _ ""',,, . .J. ~.l~·"; :Lll- .II. di'.:.3TON: '.:.':: r.;- ':;" ,,"rs., I:::ci 3.11;:,t 1: '" a vy toward the cent er, don't ~1 .i,.' qut, G'l"_r l! J ..... /;(.rt\L_~·~~=l'~: '~2hat coin~ id to YUH '11D_~~e Ld,,-':.:? :~1i~10'~) ::1 bit more difficult ••• '.'11 CKE J.JI : .13rec :\.inri(l~c~ 1o_d L":"C~;~,_··':',,-, .... ~s i~'"; :-:~,~'vin~; ~ 2~;!ll ~-.: , ... _~', lr>; ordered, Sir. V·\·-.1'~ :...c( ci.. It lOlJ:':"5 J.!::: tllOUt:)l thillj:;C are Going fairly well. I don't think those Yankee lin83 are soing to ~old much longen•• Cv UK L ~rt ,~} F He~" Ci:L.::,:,; • CC~Jt-iL',,(: ,TO i-i~:: .J~'C I~: CChlL::(: t~e l500'~ ~, I, X, i, LtO 1. 3en·:'r;,l ,JO!Hl~ COYl ••• Ye3, ••• n,' ':::mi th Gent me with word that Bolling and Turner fords are not LD~ 95. occuppied, Sir. JOHr~ji'ON:(nCJj,n Ye:, say. thin~s 152 Thank you, Lie "t..:p.ant. ~re Goin~ Luit0 well, I'd JO !-l);..;'i'U: l' Ulab HI" fie ~L:·}~,N!) :JITH rlHmb:)jC~~ ~.~) JCRJC~. :)_~- ••..• Good work, men. Keep it up and'.'le 'II drive t}iem all tiel: way to the ri v'~r 1 30LDI~R: You bet we will, General! 30L~)I ,::R: Let' 6 hear it for the General! JAM: Seems to me we've been marching for hours now. Do you :sup900'3 we'll ever get to sit down ag.in. ~~C: I rather doubt it. "'-' _J..!_.l.'.~ • .0.1.3 ~O=-·1~. J,\.h '\_~i.'LClL.i'Im rjlan:G~inJG HI 1.3'r '1',;1;11. ;:;UPPOf~T OF 25TH .'Lc;.Jt4fLi ~Ll:;: I heard Gol. i-1an(;y t ,::11 .'; 0,1(.; h'/J c.-e ,·n.: ';')i:.' t,)[':Li)v::; 31:,j-L;n.' Q BriGade •••• There sure i~ a lot of firing up there, i0n't there'7' t,i,) L,~M: Jure is ••• Sure wish I could tell 1tlhat on a.rout1ci here •••• was goin' C.F?j>~~l-~:(.:J~=C.:.,;-~_.-~) Clo .~ e IIp ; 'd : ~yC8 rj~i;Lt! t~iiG e 11 t 1103. t 1) U t Guide lin t.)! 3 '1 '.? n d t o t hat ! ;U:DY: Sure .Jid. ~~G: I get so sick of officers Baouti~g orders in my ear! You'd think they didn't have anythinz better to do ••••• SH':::LL ~kP40 D2.~ rr ~i ~i'v'i TC. nIGaT Cd;' ANDY: Tha-~ was pret ty clo;;e ••• (,;EII _" u) i- - IJooks lil~'~ .i{jl_t'r2 ~~)'ll', ~~:;T, ··.;·.1 ;··'..r:~lj :-0 g(:t '1 them Blue Be-llies, Hac. ;6. :AC: You bet! C,C'~ ':;",,]v1: _. ...i,'2HLJ.-.c:.J) Hac, your nc,t ~,carCL: like tl)'~ r '. t us cc~mon mor~,18, n~~, of are yuu? GO •••• ......, .:...' FIlUi~8 .ILlY: Sam ••• ~I.I,JY 'l'O",~{j) FOLTS C.iL~{~~YIl~\} ~) "~) .?'~D Ll'l'.,'.:.:;n C,=J:;) "~:' Ul'J:)~;~J C~' /i' Til:. .i! IEi,D "NDY: Look ••• ,)}\.M: I ••. ST02J IK HI DL~ GF J~NTENCE ~~ L~ T~3 GC 3 DYITH D~AD ~i~LJ ••• recon we better hope they do do their job well •••• 01'1 IT ,~NDY: 31'~M: (VISBLY2 HO(,K) Ch, lJ,':r God~ ••• You'll make it, boy, if you t,,:::) head about you ••• you'll m~(e it. J~our ANDY: I rton't see tow nothins C~il ~elp you out of t:lere, .)(1((1. I j.>:t don' i:; ,::;,~'e ••• .s,~r1: f-;aybc not •••• l r~'con if it's your ti;;J'; it';3 .four tii;le .\'~a.'{(;C all I,'le can do is a,sk the LorJ ;~.o.t: He C,:; r:;J..c..y cornes and ••• f~c e .i 'L, lilc<~ ;;t :0.~1. ~L~J..' dr ... ~l~D ~5Y, ~ . 1CI~ J-tCl\:i !~lAi~ll \;~'l.:::n it _.. :;1) ~i\1~1" ~C}CiC) J . d~.L~lJ 'rc;.) _l~; l-J~ ~::.~ Y• Gl..Ji.D DE}T hIJ) '10 h'lJM_~i'_.~ __ ':;~. /~T~~l_,_-i, r:ri:J ]ID~~:; I fCl~,\~L.J ~l .. :~;J l?J.~{C)\~. ~IHIl'·:G ..Jc~\!1..w~~. J.L. tJY ",I J".J; F'3 :;; ,';""m :';iJ.tkiD:~, York: Colli, r i~ll ri';'h t men, thi.; is it. GooJ 1uck, Lt':,] fc110w 8rds-rs. Dou.le quick .53 1 and preDare to fire at CO:.! ... 0.:lcJ.• l"b:;TL~Y: 'Jl~ Joc'.~s, corn_an,*tch-~ 19t)2 t p. ------,--------...-...--- ... Side 1. ,.~---,"-"-,--~----~-- ......... ---,.-.,~.~ ..... '.'.~. of the Bict Show (H-2W 97. ~lNj) ell B~C(..l"·~;:~ OF riU~i 3~'~1~, l;C~)T IlJ 'il,l_.lJ ?lHIc:J. r~:h-l.L·JI ~\.N)Y B.~TTI... ~~~. I.,·~"T() (;'1'1i Nlr3J.';~]lD'IED.;.ill"! _'~3 I J.~.~) ~j_l:I:'::Y gUI:- ;1.l\J HIS i"EG n1;~N l' 'I' It urrr '.1:' lbi"j • M.3 Oli' rJLe ;thD JIHHY :J.i:;B.,~r EH HUNNEW ;ir~;) FIHING. ,SNOi<..E IS Ji~"(':;L;, Fl.RIKC CONTD'OD"3,. '/~S OFt UI';IC'N :'IJJL~~ F' ~L~;Ii\i\-; .3rJ,CK. BI.:Ul~ llII\f3<3 CF Slv)-.c)K~ ,~ND d(),1·L.: eli' ,)~ir:h,l'I:,LJ1.'''';. CCNtt"::~D,;~_L,.~·~r~~JJ ~:{~~LC'_!.D .\l',JD Ci .. !·lHG.J,:;. l~])V .•i:';CD fltvl'[ Bi!;:avw Bid.':;:'; (F }i"y' G1.\D;)!~;1~'S HOfL.:E R.:.AH,j ". C >""C'I"" ." "'r"l' " 'rp] (0])' ~(~ :~0, ~, ri.l.~~ .~: i·~. ~.t..~ _ ~~ .Jv. Il:.t~· 154 11,;, i .t' lL.lJ';;1 Jl, V'" .. : , ubJ'.,~D D.:::. .. JJ. LOll DlhG (WI;, LOOKS UP 'ro J J!,":; ;, 31\ IF:;:;l,' it.:::.,:.DY 1'0 S ~-{cr.t·HIJ.1, ;;;U0U:!;NLY' AIM.ES , I'Ld, FALLS F.'llLC D ~;'l.D E;::;Foa,~ IE C,U~ FI Rf;. TU~li-i3 ••• B. F. 3;'.4Yi';R HCLi)HiC <;5 l ::)~ .. H ~UfL':;. ./ 0C' ..."'1'1. l • "'hv .'f " • • • • • Jvou' r" I.. . . . . . :3 ,,':IY.GR: Yeah • .3 A.,~Y;:;H: Nothin'. ANDY: C'CINIING rl'O'~'~l~D GLADJ)~I\',.:) BODY)iJ3.Sn't tha t Gen. Glad·:en';' SAM: Looked like it--thp.re's noLhiD' for him--c'mon! ,;~e Qan do ,!lit/YSI?: Boy t!.1em Yanks is sneaky, ain't they'? S;d";: ':lh8re' d you come from'? SA~Y~R: 24Th Alabama, t3at'~ who you all came up to i3u1JPort! S:"H: I wantc-:. tMnk you again ••• ::;:',vY",R: Ain't notb,in '--you keep your eye on me, and It 11 kel!:p a look-out for you, and both of U6 ought to C03e out of t~iE meas in one piece--with a little luckf SAK: Ain't your unit tha~runl1in~ 3cured back there? SA~YER: Well ~aybe they are, bu~ -------_..-- -------------------------- I ain't! S~M: Anybody know who we're fighting? J~~Y~R: I heard some one--G1adden, I think-cay it WiiS so:ne Union GenerD1 named Prentiss. I'll remember ttat __ PrcntissI 156 ,;.NDY: Sam, you okay? :)/\.'dY~H: Yeah, thanks to J.awyer, ANDY: ITey! :':A',>lYER: he~'e ••• Ire •••• Yeah! Lea,rn your R0be1 yell, Kid? iU~DY: 1-- SA~y~a:(MOTICNING TL T2~M) losing o~r unit! Come on, weir: de got a war to fight! ~E';;;i:;l';.i.:;'.. YYY .\I.;~":,,~HHHH cii:;~~d;:;! ANDY LOGKL-) AT S,~l'!; .~lND GRniE) BurH RlJN .c'.FTEB .3.h;YEH LS ()F 'ri!RB..:"; C~\:;:CllING UP dlTH l'U00i-'5 A,iW CONFED.i::.:R""fr£.3 cn:.sING UNION .dl';iY. DLioCL12. 15 RIDING ALONG ilI~ ?RONT ~ND .3T01'3 TO 'i.'AIJK ',HTH G~N. HINDLI'~'i.t,; • L1'. !,LJU~r JUDEJ UP TO 'I H."':; Gi::'::IEit~L. IL:;:r:rO:'1 .3TO HEY RUNS P"STiJl':::~1 'I'll:: Fl..;,G. Excuse me, Sir, but we I ve taken the second row of camps, Sir. ~ few casualties, but not many. IU.~OI~: InNDE~'li~N: Very good, Lieutenant. HAGON RIJi::0 eIFF. lfARD£.c RID:'::';':; DO,'jHl'~:~:; L~~;;;, HJ:'.AVY FIGll'rVrG,;,~ao'I', CJ,NIUS l' j~rt, i3C DL::S II';- T II':; ,n:!:LD, Kl'C. COB"':;":> UP TC JOHNSTON Tli~ BATTL3 BIXJ3LF. Dlrt~CTING You men t r h e enemy's shaken! Get out of that ravine and go after him! For~'iard!!! FOr'.-l<",rd!! JCHN;YrON: All right! v- LJ OF HGN ;,WhlHI"G OUI' 01' ~:;"..:.. IN£; _~~m UP HiLLl'O!,f"ii:ID Y,~NK2::~ C,.,;'-lP. JCH~'L:,TOiJ 155 1 , . d -2.:!:.-' t Tucms TO HARD.;:;",:. P• 15611°d --2.L-, p. Well, how iG the center holding up, Genral? 99. Hindeman's BriGade is doing quite well--taey've taken the sEcond row of camps already. General -.iood charGe-~ iJ. batte~on a hill--the one that was causing so much trouble & while ago. :I~ c1:l2turcd :::;:Lx 3:UUG with t~l:} 211.d <.lnd 27th Te!ll1C3 j(=e a'~ld t;w 16th "laoa:'la. HARJ~E: : Good. That Ghould m:lli.e our 'lay a little easier. What about casualties? JO~nl::.\)}; HARD~E: dell, the 6th Mississippi lost more than 300 men killed and wounded in tlle first charge. They only had 425 ~o begin with, accordinG to the their commander, Col. Thorton. Col. Bate of that 157 unit was seriously wounded. JOHNSTON: Brave men ••••. Col. Christopher dilliams of the 27th Alabama \·/.:.,:.s killed. Gen. viodd has been thrown from his horse and semporarily disabled. His surgeons say he should be able to ride by this afternoon. Col. Pat terson ha;o:; taJ:;:en over hiG command. H~RDE~: And how in Gladden's brigade and Cleburne? JOHN~TOH: ~oing-­ H",HDI.!;;:;: Last I knew Cleburne had t~"le 2nd Tennessee and the 15th Arkansas with skirmishes in the field tryinc to outflank the e::.emy. but ti:ey v/(:rc~ unchr h;~'.:lvy fir'~. That waD about a half hour ago. Gladden is hitti~~ Prentiss w~th some success, 158 but gettlng he~vy resl3tence. JOHN,;;'I'ON: I'vell, it seema the Yanks ar", puttin,'i up ','l. con!3iderable fL:;ht t'::li;3 moning, but wetre win~ing, aren't we, Hardee? We surely are! .H. 'Ie...;, ;)ir, the ,::;uri;ly "r3! '~gJJ.:;c.:,: 'dC.y thinGS lool:, '",'e J03NjTON: And just bctweell. you and me, Gen. Hardee, we're going to win this whole blasted war! (:'IOD,S HI': DETERNI.i~"TICH) Sec you at the Tennessee! JOHN:..TOI>;" HID::;;:} FO'::·Licf.~D DO~m TO 'l'H2.: liEN TIL.; ~}ULLY 157~,. , p. 568. 158,lli2,. t p. 567. 159 Ibid • , p. 1+04. Forward, men! Forwardl .Aim low! 159 100. DIS~OLV~ T0 FllTSBURG L~~DING: TIGRE;;)3 PULLS IN AND DOCKS, STR;tGGI,i~R3dHC BEGINN ING TO .l.~D IIILLYl.G DISCU~SlNG H::cVE Gj~.J:H r~H O~l K~N Rm, il..;AY ON TiE'; DECK OF TIGR:::S~) ~T 3ANK. Hillyer: Those men ••.• what are they? ~,I.ILIN3: rrhey-' ve run away-. They've run away! HILLY~R: The cOl>1a.rds! It must be pretty bad •••• SOUND: TERHIFIC BOOM OJ!' i1.a'rILU~~Y. R·:,,·JLINS: (NODDING ;\.l~D LOOKING IC,i).. ;{D THL ,suUXD) Yea, it sounds that wuy ••.••• TIGi:(';;':';,) DOGKS**LS OF GR.{N'r A3 HE NOVE,::' ON D3CK LEIDY TO GE'1' OFF ,.\.;;) 300N ii.3 R:~,i.CH LllmING. DOCK ••• 1}i::tiI.WrrO L.:rDHm GHi...\J'r: Col. McPherSOlll., you and Captain Howleyget to worl{ and get this ammu_i tion to the front. You t re going to "aVe to watch it closely- and find out which unit~ have vl~lich kinds o:f ·.... e.'.'lpons and how mixed up they- are. One day maybe we'll have Gt3.udardized weapons, but until then •••• You've 60 1 got a job ahead of you. McPHERSON: Yes, Sir. GRlI.NI': (SHOUT;:;) CapLain Baxter! G.L~"N'r: Get on the Tigr':O:.:3f: and So back to Crump's and t ~ll llfallace to march into Pittsburg by the road ao~re~t t~c river! L~Rding BAXT~H: GWI.NT: Yes, Sir! (INDIC;~,;.'nIG 'I'rie l1EGIMi~i..j'I'~ ,~AII'rr~G ,:;1' TOP OF 13i"NK) R~jLIN3: Who a.re those men? Two Iowa regiments, Sir. orders and ammunition. ,Ji(OUGH'l' J:'J BIN ,{NDHDiS Ul' ''::0 'l\Lil~ TvQ .2.c;GII"li.Jl'l''::;. GRi_NI': ~aiting (TO 3()LDL~H3) dho ir, in command here? JANE;) T. ::Ur;D: (.3I'.KPS J!'on'~A._'m) I am, 3ir. 6 160 Gatton, f'Grant at Shiloh," p. 70. 161Harrold Lew ,lallace, "Lew >lallace' D :March to <';niloh'bvi.sii;ecl, Indi::;.oa Hagazine ~ Histor,;[, LIX (March, 1963), pp. 122-123. 'I 101. GR.\l')'l': As soon as you're g;ivel1 ammunition form your regiments across the road <lind the landillg a.nd halt all the fugitives that come this way. Kea9 l~' ready lor furtll(~r orlicro. 'J:ln ':l!'c-;to;:.ld '? 0,,OFFIC~R H~1D •••• 1 am General Grant! I,OCK3 AT HHIt BL,~:~[LY SNaPS TO ATT~NTICN ~ND REID: Yes, Sir! GR.:lNT IMMEDL.'.l£LY TUrtNS AND IUD.;:;.s TOdAIW TH~; FRONT FOLLOI'hi':D BY rv...'lLINS 2U,,:n HILLYER. DISSOV1.c: fro B,iT1'Lr,; SCENE:lUH t~.H.L. '!ALL'cCE: Hold ~~J!1.LI../tCE. :~teady, I,tea! Lieutenant! Tighten up that line over there! L3 OF R.:::B8L CHAl<GE. DRIVEN BaCK. \'l.1LL\CB HOLDS r,L:N ,~'23i)Y .eUDING UP ANi) DOc'iN Tlii LEm. LS OF GH.NT ;;'1;]) S'I'.l.FF APPH(:",CiIlNG. HS A,3 GI:c.:~NT RIDES UP 're ,,,',1:l,L",GE. FIRING d:C:'\ VY AS GLL:dH ;3Pc;,\.1(3 'tlI'I'IlI:,I_LrlCE. WALLAC~, AND GH.LNTS i:.LU'::''::; :i.IW GRi~N1' rHD3,) OF? TO lIUHLJ3UT. GRJ~f;T L3il.r,;~~RING HB S,JCRD "dm A.ND A BUF'}' .3,.Slium OLE IOi'!,i 30LD1LR SAID "(HE) dOlE AN .AJ';Xlom) LOOK YET HOR,S NC lWIDiNC:,:; OF E.tCCI'.rEHl2i:~T OF T;.~ZP­ IJAT Ion. It ,'iNCTlir.;H S.'> ID H::; }f~::; SHOKING .-1. GIGiiR !l3S:~l'1nm ,L5 c.cCL ;.....3 I F irE ':i;;;:~!:" ~'L\.KIHG do ROUT IN~ IN 3P'j;CTION" AND ji'l~LT I'HB M.t:N S&'::;l-lED FL:'l\,_;~:;ua.sD BY 163 HL:> :r-RibENCE. SOLDII~R: (TO ]\1,1.N NEXT TO HIH) He sure does look ca.lm, doesn't he? :30Ljn~R II: lSup, he Gure this JOL~I\]: ~OLDIER wa~ a routirre dOOG. You'd think in~pection ~r ~om~~hinf. I wish to heck it was! II: It caR't be too uad, or he'd be actin' different! JCLJILm: I recOR •••• SHl:;LL -----_._-_._--_._-_._._--_._--_ _-- .. EXPLOD.~ 30 Di'iD : .•.. 163 Fuller t Genrc,ralship, p. 72. '----------_._- . i'EAR BY DOCK. ,-.~---------------- 102. LS OF GH,diT lUDFJG '-'IT. G.F' :,,~~.! D1J~OLVE TL SHOT GE(:~l'lri' 1'lCi;j .-LPi:]() ~_CHI?;':_T ~3H.~:;::i- CH~~R }1_:,,1':. DU~-,T HIM. ,~.:.jIl~.~{~:l·l.~l _-~~L) ~il I~ I~I_!,,"_J ()~;V~:;~::?'~llj ,,;l~~~: I;,) .:'...i'J _:1) COOl, :.._":D A'r ::":A..iE. G:ldJT:(Si"LU;:rSG) Sher::~an, hOi'; goe" it? 3H31M~N: ~e're holding--for Dow--l can't Gay how much longer. 'de f re putting up a damn geod fight, I ' l l Gay that! GRc~NT: It looks tiu~t way! ~ll in all the 6ituatioD is not too bad, Sir. SHSill,AN: G.2:UJT: Good. You rea.saure me. Ammunition is 01111 tJ.1C way up. I'm goin,~' to see Prentiss now,; you're doing a Geod job, 3herman--a good job. GR,NT ~nDE3 OE'E"il'.I'H S'l' ,...FF '1'0 A CI.,~;.i.Ui;"';. COMPLET i:::LY OPr.:N SFj.CE ;,ND TIL:. FIRING IJ~XTRj~hELY d,:>\VY. GRANT DC.;.:;3 NOr Sl:;i.~H TO HOi.'ICb:. HILl'Y;',R ;\.l·W R· ::I,HIS .;C ;{RI.2:D. (rrO HA,-J1,HiJ) I never pretended to be a hero, but (3:BLi. EAPLCD;:;S 'ro dIGHT) ••• this iSn't any too safe! HILLY :·;It: .iLvJLLSS: (B"LL srl'RIKl~3 TJE::': B,;;,,] IUJi': En!, HOd'D i<.,·.RS) None too safe at all! In fact ills plain suicide to st~y here! !LLLLY~R: C,;JC T:w.c{ 3~{()r .c;XPl.OD.c:S) I'm scared to death, I don't mind tellin' you! My Lord! ,L ..rLL:S: "'Nell, go t ell the old ?'lan to lc,OJ.ve 1 64 here, for God' a a,ike!" HILLY ER: (;:u.:ucn;u HL~ l,iLl'lD) "'l'ell him yourself. He'll think me afraid, and so I am, but 165 he snal'1't tllia.l.c solf' R\"'LINS: (ANG'.L'HLR ;::;H;:;LL l~XPLCD;;;S, 'r . "-,,) :;: J.h.~ CLC.s.;:;;,-{ l"i .. ~j i ' 11:. L,-.:;rf) Yeah! and a lot of gooJ that will do your little friend back in Illinois! What will she do with a deud i0ro--tell me ~hat! HILLY ..R: (GUU<; .;JLICii-ll'lY, 3U'l' 3r"_AKj~;3 iILc·,D) don't c~,re what you"ay, Jokn. I'm not I -------------------------.. ----_._----_._---164 ~ Catton, fGrant at Shiloh," p. 165 Ibid • 72. 103. going to ~ell HIM what to do! want to move--you tell him! If you ~,/ILIK.3: (TlUr;n:G i:iI5:::Cl~;:.m) All ri.;htl I'll do juct that! I'm not goinG to set killed over such foolishnesci or his absentmindediles:31 "Ge!leral, \ve !:1U:.;;t leave t.'.iG plac~. It ian't secesaary to Gt~y here. If we do lrJe shall be dead C::L~LL ':;;X} J l,CD':S) in 166 five minutes!" :1'''' f-' D.,_ .... ,..L. ....z.l..L ('IU'~"l;"]" ,"~) "I V~)'U" .-": l"..... , ......\ ..) llILl.Y:;R:(HI.J~:::; '..-,,:1!-) +'1'.1" + ,." 'Av ,~. "-' ': 0 • '.F 1,167 '1'(: Rc,n,r.,:.;) You know, it'& almost as though he enjoyed it--the danger I mean. a;l\"iLn~.0: You kno\v something, I think he does •••• 50'i II RIDb C' .."fi'O .F'C!bLO,(\' GRJ.wr ••• DL,;3ClVE. 1 LLL. -d.:!"cDY 1\, l~,;'rR'::;:\'J:' j;';C Gll ,{;';J) L~.':'-l~D j"~ F_~LLIXG b"CK.JLIGHT::"Y .,c]),LTUiWHlG CC~';F,~D;:;,~.,':r.r; J!'Hli 6L:>'r i:NCCh: Leander! I,ei)nd'~r! can hold much loncer! L.::>,;,D:::.d: !vIe neither! I don't think we 'fie sLi:i>.y here much lonC;t,'r and we'll be d2ad for surel COL. FRY: Fall back! Fall back! ~l'~C\,;H ;!-l.~';j)_ Ll~ :':.t';D~l~~ 1'\,11 oacle! Keep firing! .:~XCH.l~d'JiJ.P~ (jlJ'";J,!': C :'::8 d,'L.l\~,~) r aOC~£~D 110 F" TA." iL.CK. it::;B~ K':::;;:;I·'; DVdiCIXG. ;'::::C;[: Look !;ve' re out f~;;~nked on th'= ri,::),t! No wonder L~A~D~R: i~ got so hot up there! I was too busy loadin' and firin' to pc<J :nuch attention •••• '''hew! ,:;;;OCH ::lell don't stop now!!!! l Kl:.'s.F .V.LTj';:Ui,,;n;J Ul:1'l'IL H,,/\.Cfi SUhNl'I' CF " G..;;,ii'I'Lj ~~IDGj;; I'l' IS GOV;";;REu ;'II'rH 3:::.,L1 BRUjH. lIe 1D .GN:CUND HEl~E. L,MW-'.':d: How long do ,you think we' 11 be able to hold them? ------------- -_._------. l66 " Ib lG.• l67 lbid • 104. l;NCGI1: I don't know! L:j 01" Tli'l~\,~~;') F ~.Ll,n:;,::; But th8r:" arc "Clre vuou.;h of us--( IImI~~3~::J L~F'r:,,;U ~u.OHr) B,CK ~& DI LIJc far as you can cce--lines of blue! CGLeN::':l., dL:);:;;.j UF ON GlUY RC FL.: 1:; JdW LU.i),:,:,::; L3 C'F T.d::; C nr::c L~" 3lJ.rf.reS. ,.D,:;]: nere come's Col. Fry! CClh~"'~Di:~~\:.:tr.ilL3 ,>T. SNOCH: Look at that! Just look at will you! There are enough of too, I'd f3<J.Y. _~ut, the~ .... LE'~~,;),-:.11: I see it. L6.'~::'I~R: Look at that "gaudy" thing, if you I'll bet that's the Rebel flag ••• I'urns my ,storna.ch, you want to know the truth. l.L F.s CF ~~l.~;Dc;:a ;i.ND ':::I\,CCH .>.3 '-,-'lEYi.'i'CH Gi~IGi'SDr~H:d'~3. crr OF L~;'..~:D.i::a .~s a~:; 3FO'I'E; .l. l';,',N will~ li':.:i CF l":L.:..G IK Bil'l'TL;:':. ;::;MCKE ;:;c TIllCK rl'!L'~T C.cl'.;''l' 3l~;.; l'li~ HA1'J c.~aJYn:G L.', BUT JU~~;l' '1'".::; B;l~N~R ~LAINLY MOVING IN A ?.v'r Jl~.aKY HO ['ION LIKL:; :'iE 168 3, ,L~d .1;'~:.J IN ;~ DOUBLS ,uICK. ENOCH: I don't Gee any other •••• lain' t Geen a Rebel fl:l~ b2for,'~, ;::;noc11.. I don't .uit(~ knuN .1:1-:/, but the sight of it sort of chills my blood. LS;·,~lD.:.;}?: .2;I'IOCII: I kn01.... what you mean! Look at them Reba come. n stoppin' fer nothin'! .sUDD,:;NLY ~V,·;UYBC.JY Gl~.r.3 UP XiW itU.) lUS 'j.'O'i'lRD ?H'J R':':'R. anywh~re (FIR.t,,,-, ClUJ;) They ain't Hey! Jhat'a happenin'! L2.:A::D:;,~: I thiJak it's a new kind of order of rQtreat--I'get out of here <;1.3 as you can! ~iuick 'I BGI'H GS.i.' UP .,1Ll) ai:.:-':"R.,~\T .Hl'f.:! O'l'tL.",h';') 1)0'1:-1 T'lE :;Of.i:i'J.JH S'fRs::..:r QCCASIONALLY TU~NIN3 ING ,iT THE: 1:;Ni::;NY. LilRGJ.', 1-'1':':":;.,) T l~:".f'I'. ~ND ~1UN F FIR\.~T :;-... :;;Almr~i{: ,al I just thoucsilt! hy knap~;,;:.ck! letter.::; ;~ror:l home! Ny pictures! I just caa't leave them alll ~~GCH: i~noch! my Don't be a fool! L~.".iiDi~R:"I'm Going hiiCk ;,cfter tllc;!'l! "a'Ie my knapsack a!lyhow! /I S-I'_ .. -,~:Ir.s TO L~iil'..;'Di;H .t11) c '~'.il'':}1~~3 3~'tlRI'1 LING CJli 1 TH~ ,.~ r r J.·l. ~~c·n'£t"\~Dr.: .. (::~·l~":';.3 ~TRE£T, TU8Ncl ~lH~ FIL\~D -------.------------.---~--------------- 1 6 9 1 ,O~. d _, 169 G \j<} TE~i: Crl.J~~'JC~~ I \v.Lll p. 366. ------- 105. l.!:NuCH: I .::;IWCH Gx1INS ;\3 ~'li.,y [WII .l,.CRC.JJ TE.':; _'L:L~) thought •••• ,j)JU'r,~IJT Cl~.:.";:;;a: (TO COL. FRY) "Dose are de troops of General Hurlbut. He is forming 3. ne',1 line derc in de bUGh." OF BLUE. L~~~j)~R ~~~ CIti:..t·j.i:;ri ,:;':;'.;0 GNOCH LOOK Al ,mac HE I S PO I?\,;.' DiCl • There sure are enouSh of tieru! "Bully for Ge;:,,:ral Hurlbut und the new line im the bu::;h! ilaybe we'll whiP170 L~~ND~H: 'em .3.':;~.ilJD ri.i.;.£)T3 rRI~":'; BR':;.::'TB ~r;OCH F~OM Flf[NG· i~lI' 'Ie C.:'CH CONFi-::J~ ~~iTl~;3 B~HINDrR~~ y<::t!1f •.• I don't see how L i.s could have happened Enoch! ,~ZiCCL: He neit.her. But it BUTf,; did, didn't it! I know 'Ih'; lldVe co fall 'J[;tck--t:,xt _::.y ,-;r'!_,II,mt.I'l t ;ill ~~l2:Y 3ay ",bout all this back home', Wnat will they say? :l.,_c.,~~lL.a: It's a disgrace, that's what it is! ••• a pure disgrace •••• '::';IELL.S HU.RS'T V~RY CLO;~E ~NOCH: Burn l':lwN 1:,K-". OFF HU?LING ACRC3~) frIL~; FL~LD •• DISSCLVE. 2:NGCH :i~~D L,.~;amr,.l< wALKING l'O.~id:ID 'l'II';:; ;:<E>~ R ;rJl'I'1l l' HEIR UNIT. Let's get out of here! at l,.::ast we ain't rUD:1in' no more. thought my side was gOiloa burst, it hurt so bad from runnin'! ;mOCH:,~'ell I I t mif' take, "'<;noch, we may be wS.J.kin' but the battle's b~ck there, and we're L':;" ':D1:':,: Don goin' t.,)e oppo3ite direction. In plai:-l language, we're runnin' away! I gues~ you1re rl;ht, but we ain't got anythiR' to say abo.lt '",hich way we're ~NCCH: goia' ••••• Li:.ASDElt: Just W'ai t till the folks b<~ck home hear we ran half a mile and let thc~e Reb,s tak~ur cwnp! You jUfit wait. liot-J are thc~~e folks gonna hold their h'!Sl.ds up? How are we gonna hold our heads up? ----------------------------------------------------------------------._-----------.----0 17 r- . 1 ~., p. 362. ._-_._._------ 106. It's a diG~race, that's what it is, and I can't help it, it don't;et well with me at all ••• It wouldn! t set any bcttE:r, I don't suppose, r you wa3 dead, would it? £I1CCIi;:' .L;';AND.:.;.i~(LCOK: Hlf'ii S"u.:dE EJ 1',1.:, ;;Y'::;) So:nctimes it's better to be dead--so long as you're not shot 'wi th your tuil to the cmemy that's 3hootin' you1 I'm gonna see if I can't find some water ••• wan"a corne? 2N0CE: No, you go on. Two of UB might get caught. I ain't thirs,y anyhow ••• and if I get that way, I got wuter here. L:;,'dr~E~1: SLO:;::; CDI' OF '::':H..::: ~:t~i{t\'~ ,~iI'~D C.'d\:l:~;N,:.~ :fCLLO',NT3 T~-l"~r~'l Dc,:j~l TJi..:. ~(C ,~D A BIT. LE.i.Lu~:H G0'~;,:l 'l'IIi~CUGH BU3I·l;:::S I1iTO A Lli'I'L~ l-lCLLC.; LCCKn:3 FC,P ;,1.i..tl.~~1:( • E'E;"Ll,Y iI~':j) " LIl'TLZ POCL; All right ••• see you la~::r ••• IJ";;;;'.i:~J[;l( Tl:fnCi~'J EIII/:3J~L~' C~~ GL~C'lJ;:rJ ])HINKS. CCNC6N'J'R;illh'i.l Of{ DRINKIHG ~N]) 'l'e DC~JNtT l~H(j].CHII~,-±. lUD.t;!i: ,)l;.~ HC;R0.~ BOG v.::;,:; SGU;,[D: IE .. VY _d'l'ILL,iY _\3 11>1 i'~·~:2T. ;<'1,('" :·30U;:';.:)·.~ 3;)T }(,,~.~~Ili :;I( l~(J'r .,"" ~L' VY ti:.,r:.·~Y. 1\.(,;.0 3E~ LO:':,K~ ur 13":;,':"j.D~'. fUN. CRA11: .~H: No need of dat, sooier! ;lDJUl',:liH' Ll~;,,\;;1L,a CjL,i·:_~;:t ON fK;]1""o if IJl.3~Y .-;SLI...:VL::D. L':;,UTD.:;1: You G~ve ;l1C a :::;trt, .::'djutant! CRj,f;sa: I co:.;t 'ave ~jULOt a::.; eJ :i.ly been d Rebel and you vculd be det by now ••• FRe;·l ,peeL. L:,;,'\;m'::::R: I know. I )-:now ••• 1Ii~djutant, "'ihat does t L, mean o,.tr having to run LhiG 17l '.:ay? ,'>in t t "le ',-lhipped '?" CRAM~~ BLOj,3 THE HI,S hU:,1'.,Cll.c; .:,~m ~~T~R FHOM -';';':;,', ;~~{3 -------,,_._-_._--,---,--. ---'-'-----------------171-, 'd 7.63 • ~., p.:; 10'1. no; dat is all right. ~e yoost fell back to form on t:te r . "; crv!!. 3hencrol Buell waG cro63ing der river mit 50,000 men unrl vil1 be here poaty quick; and 3hent~ral Lew VallaCe 1::; coming <l}) f::-CLl Grumps m~t 15,000 more. Ve vips 'em; 172 'Ie vip8 'em. Go to your gompany •••••• " GJ:i:,'..N.::.rt NO~JT;~l;::, .' .. I'}) ,nTS~, CFF. ,3U),!LY 1.")IGK3 Ul" HI} H:. .'l' .. L\D d':' .·"lt'i'3 J3 c.GK UP I'lL::: ~ 1'" ., "'D .0"0."11;', 'Jil"";.'1"-' :'j(.; '[I" j' ,C) hr,0, Ll~A::D.;:,h: "T"' CHdL.:..=~ LOOK.::; AT 3L1Lb'S HI~3 l-1.\'T iI.Gc'l.l'L~ r L.:~;Jc,iDJ.;;.R Hl~ RIDING UP HI="L JI~E IN DISPAR~ ~RD 1 .:"c.';;;[Jti:",' . "~,"-' (l'UT~' I"-rl.:ga t e L canter 'I . 't'11we 11 •• L::"l~"It''') .'''..:1 ;)'~ •• • 61st Illinois, 2nd BriGade, 6th Dividon General Prentiss commandinG ••• 1 wond~r what the papera will have to say a~cu: u3----they ran a mile and a half ••.. ••..•• How can lIe knoww'!'ll whip tr,ern<; How can he know? Gen. B. M. Prentiss, I sure hop"; you knov~ \!~1at yo·c.'rc-; {1oii1~; ••• I sure hope you know, 'cause I sure aD hell don't ••••• 013- GUST AId) B.i-::UN:3 TO CLIHB 'flE HILI.••••• DL'JOl.V:'~ ,3,CKfC mnT. ENOCH M~~llI~G ~ITH REw~ OF CCWNN. LL~~W.L::R \;;iTCE.::';,; lJF. ~NCCtl: Did you get your drink? COL. ih0L;CN r-lILL::;T-1 ~~L)":;5 w~)cUICKLY fUm };ULL~) UF r:;ITCCH: Hey, W;lat's Col. Nillc:r doing in such a hurry? 'falking to Col. Fry about something. He'c the brigade command,;)r, ;:;0 it :nu."it ba importa:lt. l,,:::,,:;r,~;~: ~ILL~. LIN~ RID~S J,~CK DC~N TH~ AND F3Y COM~ CV~R TG FRY: ,ie'vc been detu ched from Prentis,s, men. ~e'r2 ordered t~ support a battery on the .1<\::,/1 Lwi,D3 ',L':.E li;~ Y ~:,: r D F;'.;"L Il~ n.";EIN') ~rDI. ri~ht. Let'a go • 1",' , ' , l'j~;' •.• It's on the top of thLj Glope, so keep your heudo down. ~'il~l~' C:"',rIJiB i:HL .";LC"<Z, BULLL'J:.S 130.6.6 C Vj~R~J.>;). ;2;C}C;:: He,]" t!le Col. \'/;:U::; ri,;ht! If you ;1U'-; :~;lG hill, you can 1.,hoot at tne Rebs down tl1ere, but their miRnie balls go right over your 172 Ibid • --------------_•..._.. :1'~8d! 103. ,~ell, don't let your i1<':3.d ;set too big, or .:;mme Johnny 'II ;:::;hoot if off ~_;,,-,~m;~H: fer ya! ~NCCH: Oooooh! Ain't you the pleasant onel L;:;,c,iWJ.C,R: (:F'(;l~;fING UVc,l< r(: CLUMi1 Vi!' 'rRL".3) J:;noch! Look! Ain't that Gen:,mJ.. Ur<:l.nt: iNOCEi: By golly, it sure loobj like him! G1Ll.rI' IJ HI I'.iIc.: CL~:.;n.L;G ClJUC:2;I;TJ:hT IhG ON THI: B,~Tl'L~. E'IiL"LLY iL~',~,""nL) G~)-.:;.~ c2Ci :lIN .i.ND POLiT.,) ':W S/.F ":':l( i'e< lIleD " :.: JE~?'r ~)? I~L:~Y".rT'~ Blc"nHG173 Ol'F1l1~ 'r'Jr~) l.JJ! l.i.t;-CL':;;. He's gonna Get him;:;elf killed if he stays there! L:;;~UD •.2: I don't know haw a ma.n c::n haVe (:',Qu[';h ;sense to run an army, if he don't even know to get out of t:-1C \"ay of ;::;hell and shot! T1at's plain crazy! ~NOCH: Dut look! He doean't 3eem to noLice it--complete indifference!!t One of his st~ff i~ aettin' him out of tierc ••• L£l~D~R: that IS <jood. GR;:;'r JL'W ;::J' Jni'~~lD-, R',CK INTO T::.: _,.CODS, DLiilPl:' t;1? SHCI' Bua3'r ov;:;mL;,D, 'r:dY G~~i, UND, Tho~e're ~ebels down there, and if we don't get dOevn to bLl.:ii~(:;.;;"" He're .;onl'l.a have a mess on 0~~ ~a~dG! ~aOCH: HUG L:,;LTD,:d: LS OF CCNI",::Ui"R,I.T:':3 rl'HYI:~G TG T.,K";; I'll,'; B,d'I'r;RY AND H3 OF ..::~i'IC:CH .c\:,;D _/,i~lr~ _t3 LJw;;'_j·ro~;·~ FI~1:'J3 ,"'l~~ ':rlJ~;Y C:~I"I. DL;; (:j 'r! ,';. eeL. ~-~7I~LI '·;l"~ ".'~ IC}(I,IF"/_~ J',~)~~~.: ~-,·~~C~·~ .I ~ ~C, _:"4 I Hl.;,j-TOr.:, C;'.l'T'. "D .:1.J., ..B4.·~~.rll .;. ln~,~.~Y <.:.J.:: _,.RVI_>3 :3! )1 . ! C 'id;..-, ~----.- ...• ') :~50 --- ._1~' i,,~ ,-'~\C:l-'- ~-Jd. ~-"-"""'" - --_... 173~_. -------------.. ----------~-. Enoch, I believe you're rig-ht! 109. RV,;S Ci" diilL:: I'~;.i'i"".=j, Ii'~ 1{) JCH=,~.;'~'OI~' ~~ ;(1:; lIOG1C:~;11·.L ~,~ u~ 0li:L'l~ ?L,U C_ .. ~:~J.). -,TC:,:. ).)~'. ),.31C:\. 1_\ Je. J.'~ ,JG~r?L).iO;:~:v/hi:it lA~~8.~·~.sr~'r: L~ it, Capt. Lucl,;:ett'l 'l'he 1-_:leE~~r i ,~.-;tron,~l:/ .L)O~=:.t,,~r.~ 01l :~'-~~~ ;::5 r, JrL:;t :..J ~Tt)l{ L'l·;-) .ct.;(. The,/ are givin' us quite 2 bit of trouble ••• l·~.ft, ~ICKLIFi~t Preston! RiJe back and order Brecki;',ridge to move to the left! JGH~31C~: TH05~ T~C GOVt:RHC~ HI~~ H.:"lU13 CfF. lED;~3 !jl TO JCHj'lSTOl:' • Jcm;·" ?CN = Not right now, Governor ••• H:lat a mC[js! JOHK3ro~: HHh'l\;, TO.,; dW Look at that! B'L'L.~. I can't believe t:le confusion! Bragg'r; lin"", hac:; advcmce throu.,,;'ll Hardee';:, until the two are completely inter~:lin6lcd! Now how do you keep an order 0f command in a situation like that? flow? Comuand arr;;< g'ements are completely d~i_;:,:olvedf I don't under"tand it, yet we're Hinning! No one c~n deny th~t •••• it's costing a terri~le price, but we're winning! I've got to check the36 lin0s. The left should be doing better now ••• I may not need Brackinridge's forcos over there after all •••• 17 4 nw- LH•. :, SL..:"KIiIG ',iT2H 'l'H:~ IVIDUd, CFFICj~r~;;; ,:;D) C: L',\XD- JCHN.~0N: It looke now like the left ic doing all.riGht t but the riGht i~, stopped completely. ------------,------------------------------------------------------174Catton, Terrible Swift Sword, ~. 232. 110. ILL·UL5: I agree, 3ir. G~almer5 l'ho ri;;ht is ba"). and Jackson arc havinc a bad tim::: or it. right! We're coin~ to Bake thc.it t~lC focal point of Lhe battle! Pre,;ton! Go b~ck an] get Breckinridge and t:;;ll him we need him--more of his troop:::: on the right! ..ilD.w,:; CFF JCliN~~ON: Here comes a rCGervo unit now; I'll movo theJ7l into 'position my::::elf ••• You wai t Lel'''~ Harris for any new inform3tio~1. I'll be righL back. "I" few more char,;es and t;le day ie, ours." 175 JCH~~~OK TU~N6 .~IiJ HId HORJE lUD;:;:..; B, Ctc '1'0 I'II1~ .,,t:- Come JChf'~"", 1"0i'~ l~r,DEG HID~3 P:'~~:;T F'l--{C:~':2 3 j~..j ~t;!.~ C(;, Ul<;lG.~r~:! ~l";'J: II iii.;:.Y L0t'S go get those Yankees! HA:'-{~{I~ TiL £h,GHLc;ST TC;'; l'}L~, o~Men! FL~,Jl)OIJD I~.s:-;. D I ,~~') TO LY . DL.:',.3C.L V1:•• FRJ::.N'l*US 'JIVI,JI l'{ ]T;L.liiIli3 J"CK. eeL. II;[~DL)Ofi I'iILL"::R MIL~~R: ~he 61st Illinois ism it~ way. Col. Jacob Fry is taking llwm OVCT to the battery right now. I'm going to lwte to lo"e;~;.u.t unit •• Col. Fry ••• For an untra~ned group t4ey fou,)ct extremely ViGIl. ri.hh, but they were needed elsewhere. If that 176 battery doesn't hold •••• h~l~~'Lrr,",:: a~d MILL~R: LJ Yes, Sir. ~.F U1HCN THCC'P0 F/d.I.ING lLCt., BUT ?L<H:G ,,)T.LLI •• Do you have any idea to ~ake rJHLN'rIJ~): :I.S w~en 300n as we find an adequate place ••• 1'l5ltolla;,d, IIJohns ton and the Shiloh Campaign, II :p. 376. 1762-f~'t I ,t X J., . 279 . . • we'r0 Goins a stand, 5ir? Ill. 11" 'T :~.J /~ ..., .. ..... \... :,,'). .J: 1\ ~, " .L .:'1 i'. J...:..I .t ~. ~,'::-l- ,)J. ..... .J,.";' '. .l.) ..) I-IUC.::!.;:.: ;jir, I've found ;-' plsc8 • we cc::n hold_ t PR~iTI~~: Good, c::~ wher~ I ·chillk ,)1 f! i~ itf HeCRE: Abou l; a qUdrLor of <... i1il·, furtUd' back. A road--lllore lw a cow path actually, but itt:" sunken, ju:::t enough to offer good cov~r I think, and tnerets a rail f~nce on t~c Conf0Jer~te side, and a largu field they'll have to cross. P~-{61;TL:; ..!: And behind it? MOO]~: Fore~t, 3ir; it's pretty thick, but it will offer ~ore cover if we n0cd it ••• 1, ',: :,i'·;TL-;,j: Good . de '11 rccr"up at the Sunken Road. Get the urtillery ba.ck t~ler .. to cover our troops 3S t~cy creiS t~ut field! MOOi"::'::: Y8,;, Sid 'l1B..:::; FIFTH ClitlO R,'l'T;my ... Ca~tain Hickenloopcr! Get your battery back there to the road and prepar,~ to cover! l-ilGlC::;ljLCG~)i~J: Y~2, J:i.r! ('iTLL.) 1'0 i:, ..:3) iJieu- tC'W.'lt! F_:LN'I'Ii33: ',;.Ii.L.·,allace i8 over to our rL:','ht t we should ,;;et f3U 1;l)crt from him, and from the looks of thing"" Hurlbut could malce a stand down the road on the left. B~CK. MOORE: Looks that wuy, Sir. HIGj-·~.~:;Jj:CP;C:~,-{: The batte:ry is ne::l1~f in pl.s_c~, 3ir. ~~£~TISS: Very good • .... _Here come the sen! Give them cover! IVi_;\..~.:J.i~ -.3 C F' l'·i_~~\J II~ "81.) U L~ CC l~i~ l-C"lJi{EJG ,1CHC3;) TIL~ ?I.I:;LD Ed.THE:r O::JLY 1'C TUEI·; !cND F'Il-tj~. .JS ur' l{~'::_~. .9 J.i'ID r\:J'.i~:~j·~ AS l!~ToJ ~t.: _Li:; ()\T~~R TII~ I-i.'\.II, F~HJE rrCj ?II'I~) CC\V=I~. .. HC(,'·h: (pCI!'ri:'E~3 :El: Sir! L:.,~'T Hurlbut and .• JJ -11.",1') ~allace! Look! 1 _, ? .L~ • F3 CF iIIC.i<.,·;:iIJ)CPl;;H _-iT B,TTJ~iiY • .-cRT ILL';:;i~Y IN.:.;or;,i l' r~.'r U,; ,,;. ('rc J.idi j\'::;;Cl' TO :UE) Look at Pren tiGs! I nev·;r ;:,;- W iJUCl1 r8;3tls'ss ellersy!{e';:; a man ~vho takes iLs job GClTl1est1y, I'll tell you tllat! ~-lICK.j;lLCC1ER: ~Ho'r _,~~'~D O~"J OF Pit!c:N:::Il:);:; i'IO-r::NG UP Tiii; L,IT;,~, G~~II\'i LOOK iT '.:-, C"::, CC NC ~l\I'..:~ ~illi\4G. DG/~11 j'1 I~~ l'l,4.1·J: He's got eut-:, I say thot for him! gumption! i-{ec:l FS A3 COL. NADIJON lJilJLi';R 1.3 ORDLc:H:; ru ''.u~N, FLi~CD;G IN P.ROPLR. IDC~TI(N~'17Q Gi\fL~G Ti~M HE l~ COOL, C~IM. LF ~d ~HOL~ .l.'::':~lCD IIJ~.GN ell"~ LI~~ iL:=",·.i.'IV":':UI;:>;1'. IN tiC ',D, 3u~;v ~ .. GHC31 C}iJ ;:.:TO:i ~CHS R.:::: ..JY ,,~~'rEL,r:l 1 BLFC~<-':; 179 iti. ..:Avl. ;;ILLEH: The men are r'2ady ,.sir. P·.ii:2,TI:3S: jell, thut's good, for tie "~ebels should be comin' out of tllo e woods juc-;t any time no"". r·1C:01U: Look, Sir! L3 OF ,JOOl) , I. Hb;) CJ' LJ·'L:.. ~~G~:' ~;;LO,;IJY :rJ::"'N",Ji)~;..:.NI.Y ;~ Her they come! G.;~JlY F20N 'rlL.:.: TJL-~Y fCO:)':;. B:L",K I::iTC ~d~J.l.{G.~. F J l,F dI0K.r.:r;u:cp ;·;rt ,"..::' a 'c'fT ,;:;RY ,.ND i!.L:':" GUN..; FIRING In.VLF ID SUCCK;SION! L3 CF FIBLD, bJC1LC;)ING :~ rtC ~.'. CCI'./I~D~],~:;1.i3 F~,LL B'LCK UICKLY. F0 0.H' U;'!I01~ I'1~OOi:<~ Cll.f~~JL~II'J0. i;jJ CIj1 iilCl~~.;1'~~0C~ ,:;l{, J:~1"lILS.2, "".'l..TIJi'I:'.D '.iIT." ',,·Oi.~C PR~NTIJ3: 178~, I, X, i, 279. 179 ~inGchiml, :~Y0wi,tne~q,,:, p. 187. Get ready, men; tley'll be back! 113. BE.JJ ;;i:'rlL~ TJ~ NEXT ,;~·Jj),\AIT DC;iN Cfu~RGE. 'F'OR r:~ 180 ,If':"I,::;,; : (jn::L:': i L ' , : . L ;;: j'l,UT?":;::7.) Good job, Captcin, Seo jo~! Ye,c:., I know. I could 8 L,nd a noise ri,,::ht now, I think. b.elp ease the tension. .p.i{~;;n'LL;: li'~tle L;:i (:li' FE;LD .•• BOL'I~i) IN :nLL GH"..:iJ HICKZ;UGOP,:.\ LOOKS ;"CaCS3 ~ICK~NLCOP~R: ••• u~:.; yeah ••••• 'rhe:{' re (3;oins to ~'jUVP out cf h'"-)Y'<-!, ~ j.:i~2-~ . . J~. It _)<';';':1.3'): You bet they will. tro1.1blt~ 'v~elve 1~:c.ocki2:?; Got to hold this position ••• I'm sick of running if you want to know the truth of the matter! HICKHNI,OOl-' lC;f/: (i.;;ULUG) You said it, General! ~e're all with you, om,hundred per cent! MOO~~':::: LS OE' FI~LD, Here they come again! R'::::BEL GII/.RG':':;. TJIS TIM':':; .FiGHT LONGr;](. ARTILL~HY, TH~Y ,",'3 C1 l"L:;;;'J AT ROleD BRING .tlS F:.!.31 _r1.~; I'()~,)<_:IBL;~·~. GEI'{~ . .~.hL 3_'iTri.l:L~ SC_::;:·~E. KILLSR: (TO MOORE) Those Reba don't give up e:Clsy, do they: UOO~B: Eo, tncy don't--but neither do we! iii:;,j 'rROGP3 A.PPl1'(I;,CH F:.tCH R~Ai{. COLONEL HBPO"ctTS 're FR=.;NTrsS. TIND eLL: 23rd I-iissouri t reporting;, Sir. Col. Tindall commanding. Pt?ENTIB3: Good. Glad ttl llave you, rrindall. I'm Gen. Prentiss. Take your company to t'''1,2 left; :";aptain Dictmoor(; of l.1y ~taff TIND~LL: l- 2i~jJTl;::;3: will show you. 181 Yes, Sir. (;3H.O'G L\;) I:3i:ltmore! i Capt. Bintmore! --"-------------------------------180 Ib · " ~. l8l~, I, X, i, pp. 278-230. 114. Pi{d~'i'L;,~: Captai~1, t3k,~ C,11. 'l'L:tdall il'!rt ;~1d tJe 23rd 1'1i3'J:::JUri to ;;It; .1.:.::c't .in~l ,'iL;" in that "Teak spot over t:, 8re! BINTH08G: Ye,:3, Sir. way, Sir. ('rUl"WS TO THID;',LL) This Th;:;Y MOV.~ '1'8 i:rIi~, LEFT ,Uin PHi,NTI",.) FGC1)SED HIS ':l.TTi-~~n.'­ J.C'~'; 'ro l'.=:t.i.-i: lI.;;LD 1iG,~ n;. F~ElrrI,,;: (TL':U:J 'I'C S.~E: G:=(I'T Tbank you, Lieu b,nant. G~~NT: You've got a good ~pot 'l}~i']C,CIEI';G) here, BrentiE~. Ye3, oir, :JUt thc;3e Confcdel·,~t':;G aren't giving us much peace. You C0n 3ee all of my men from here. The 5th Ohio Battery is doinG a fine job for us. Hurlbut is 0;;, the left, a:Hi ~'iallace is on the ribLt. P~LN'J:'L:l): GH Yes, I see. I like your ~lacc~snt hero, Prenti2:~. It's very good. N~: I could u:::;e sane here,Sir. PR~~~J'l'L.i.3: rei;lforcen,,~: >Jhy don't you Bc;k '.~allClce. could spare you a regiment. G~UUT: F~<LlrI'lJ:J: L:; I thi:1k he Thank yuu, Sir. Very well then. I must tell you one thing though, Gen~ral Prentiss, you must maintain thi.C3 po::;;ition at all hazard">! GR~NT: Understood? PJ~~rI33: Yec, Sir. At all hazards. 3ir. G~.NT: Good! on the G~-t'4NT j~l'~D l:~UC J~~l~ il.'~IIK.3 Our whole position is depending y.:>u '.lake here! sta~,d ..:)'.L'".Fli' RID.i~ C~Fl. 11'C E.IC1<~~~~~.JC~,:'r -'_~~ E.CDii":;: I wonder \"hut Grant ,.;anted': ill CK~~,l;LCvF:::;~~: I don I t know, pro ba oly j Uf.i t checking on us--rrwke ~3ure I,:e don't run any further •••• ~oo~~: lie neudn't worry. anoth·"r foot 1 ! ~e're not running ._------_. _._-_._,,_. EIJ:GK,,:,ll,UC:Fc,]: Did you nof:ice tL0,t ~;tranG'':; sound durins the fight? Buzzing ~ort of •• I could hear it even over th0 cannon, and that's sayin' :~:omethi '1t;! HIC;K~iUOOPJ.:;J: Yes! I h ~:ard. MCCR~: 'l':lat'r; it! i L~ That'" '.11lat "~'Iha twas Minnie bullo whippin' throuGh th8~e trees! They hit 'em, ric6chet off tiem, that's the noise. Th °,A: COlf,o;der."te;" wer0 firing ~o fust you didn't h~ur ju~t OlW sound, but GO many it ijounued like hornets! 3ICKHNL()UP~·,R: (;HI'-I.K_~.;) lllJ iii.:;.j)) 'I'her·.:: !";light not be much left of t{l(3,t for·C):::;t by Lile time we all are done with it. I don't reccn there will be. Some of tho:;;e trees already nave U:eir tops blown off from 3~Ot and shellE ••• parts arc caught on fire. If ,'Ie .9..£ have to retreat, try to keep the men from cutting MOCRE: through tillt m::..y. UH~y If tIley get 'Nounded, might burn to just (;c~,;;h in tl1'~re before anybody could set to tl:cm. I can think of better ways to meet my maker. RIC1(t:;I:::;:,CC:?"j~: Me too. sound like :iTornets •••• it ~"ure did horn~ts! ~he men do>m the line are beto cull this place the Hornet's Nest •. Goed naille, huh? i',COIL: 30me of ginnin~ ,-Jell, it fi1.;;;;! will i3tick'+' IUCKLULCm)'~JH: I wonder if it Probably. ~very place has to have a 8 l name, a~d that'~ as ~ood aG any, I guess. 2 ~GOdE: C(.~\lF~'~J .j. ~ti._='~:) Ili.;c; .i"I.:.:;LD. rtUS:1 ~i.C~~~Oi}~·:; ;n.":;(;:;I;I,GO:P::..H: ,{ell, here they cor.:1e again .... I wish they would gp s0~ewhere else! 116. Gl:L.1.1~·ll: Llj>~,~.~.,_) UP .J.:\~'} j)~)ilr.. ~ ,('1 ~_; H 3 r;.~ : ~'.;? l"~0·ll~·J!.3 T ~ i..i:~~';jJ T._~..'.: it;\.:LH;3: Gen:l"u.l 3her:'1un, ;~ir. He'::.; IE,d to f,,"ll bLck. T\tw ret';irn""nt of lIil,:;·~br'-'-nds briCsd€ :~ll ~)art and wi~~ ~upt~i~ Jeter W~G killed hi5 whole batter fled in terror. They abandoned five ~un2, Sir! --without firing a ~,'lOt! Hilde1rond' s rc'eirnel.::t is cone, ::.n.1t he t st~~>.lil1[£' ~ . .Jitll ;.: McDowell and Buckland--they're still113 organized but falling back. U G~LNT: Thank yo',], John.·;e' d best get up and see how the si~aation looks. t~ere TUlN TG dID~ 8FF, DI~~O~VE. fHCGP3 OF 55th ILLINOIS LIJED .'---:-' •. )\. ,,J' ~..I- ". 3~ . .L·;~(. G'~-L. 3TU,'iR1' o;~ DLi..l::CTDG lLTl'Lb. LOONI:): Ye' , S:;:'U:"~~T: -,' I v~r. 'I'ell Hurlbut to advance im::lediately! left i~ turning u~d We ~c~d ~rentis2' hie :nen! LOGMI5: Yes, Jir! LOGhlS :aID':;;:.;; Ui"f. L3 C? ;'~i~lJ II~ LL-:::; ,'i_d'l'ING _?CR H:-::.; .\;3~).b.el/~. l001'1 Ir\~ en L:·,,·r·~_~;~·)C~~ J.l . .~~~;J1.i,L";CI~: 'I'!1at was sOf;~<:~tl·~in,.:, :; urni:1(; t ~il .3.'tl runnin.; t 1 .",) .• :,) 'L~:)::;13 li:~\~t; ·~:t ! Don't build your hopes up--tbey were probably new men too. They're not about to give up yet! C;QOK~U: CRCOK~d: __ • 18 30 -, -=!., I ,A,~, 134,_. . " r.;~nscluml, . __ 0- _ ., ___ - __ • _ _ - They'll b~ back! _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 249-250. liThe 55th Illinois at Shiloh," p. 200.