,.~ )JT ;', ~.\'i~TV1i~ :~;(P' ll-t~r~1·i~T~ - l:r\-rl'"~.C·~ G: . riT' ~- T,·;,F(}T.r ..'~.crri~ C' d. s cr:-:;8tj~irc; ~.8 n"'('oj()ct 05"' u;t8 r'>~1.lj_rer;lcn.L..8 )3al=i. S11bmi t·~(~r!. in 0·:-' t,1'~C: :(3t.~~.te ··.~:,rtiD. l -~o:Q(r!'~s 1;r~~L'F·----J. . 3it~T ',"8ril J l3, 1',12 ::·\11~!-':~.111: ():n-:~ Pror;·r:.~T:1 of I (\ Ai';:';, , ... ~~ Thj:3 crc;,:J,t:i.iFa nroject has been acce:ot:::;cl in fulfi2JTIsnt of -~he reoui::'Gl':ents of '.D. ~;Gnior Eonors ?-~oject. ,J (,(;, a erGative Daner. for:ri tin:: n8~; Dr unusual :~ay. i :~ssent~ally, l c"'.ne to t.I1C :i c sa. o~' a. llallol discc;ss"on thrnu:,,:h acc8·tacle ·'.:10as. Thot (It 'm3 "1 ""~r1 -" 1. an" , ~ '1) '1" C ,l ' ~'_''''J'~ _':"', 11'"'lo'D""O( ..1':' _ _' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' - ' ' _ , T cre".t~.vo, but thc;n c:o:nsLclered mak:ino: U1') T felt it srJUl1ded a letter, SUt)1)oE3cdb bcr o:n : ssu-=s inv()lved in the tpClch'.nrr, of creative ,,·rri tin"'. matconj to let ::1. r The r~st of letter (or lettc:-rs \ serve :L1(Jir0ctlv, J."'o.thnr than to :ii lTustification I cent.on( that '~h8::"O j_s value -in teaching -oractice and can On a 11:',';--:.1:1 en,lc'rable eJ0;eri8nce ror students. aids stc:d:;nts in tl-1e dev(~lenment of their t11in1r~n;; :It also abilj_ties, in that it t9aches ther:; to look at a nrobler; in many "Javs and to leel free'. to tr:.T Sol'Iin0~ the Jilemma A teacher faces some veT"t real 'I]robl'9CTls ,-Then d2aJ n'~ hi th tlw sub- ject of cn;;Jtive \JI,'itin.::'. into the alr2aclv-cro~Tded curriculum? 112 eval'p.te 1--:.:Ls stuc.-)rmts! e:or:.:? creath'e ~-,rrjtjng i;O~'T can he :Lnterest T deci,ded to do research h~_s the area of jJ'-- to aerta-os clear un sane of these;'!'ob1c;ms students fU2~ myself as a prosnective teacher. There eire those that ;;0 harc'-2i1d- f 'ast rules for the teachinc~ of crc,ative -v:rit- ,feel have ITLc;ri t anc] cl.re ('forth some cens' deration teacher Mel his clRSs m2.: C not '\Jor'-: for a nllmber of aJtern.atives to ~'a(':l a'!ot~l.er, orobJem. iii -1- b~f elernen- have trjed to :;resent Consecuentlv , ",1E:n 1 berjn J11,'l.t T su.b- f1J11crtcan l'~ducat'ion :na~:ac',l,ne nresents th:'~s nubJicat:i,on j,n res,onse to mmer01J.'?," r'e'(J1ir::sts from e18nentar.' teachers ;lcross the cOl.mtr~,r to 'C'TClv:i.ci.e tc,en 1rn,t~ a 1'lr8.ctic3.1 and concise classroom "11:i.cJe for the te:;C!lj,ne; of cre2.t:i,ve ;rd, t"n~. To serve this end, ,Je h?ve enli.stF;d the aid of four cl.edicatecl elemf"'ntctry t,nacn:-:rs "Iho have ver-,' definite idea.s about the subject ane have recordrcd thioir resr'ons':;s to a nur'bc;r of relovant questions. Th~')se t"Bchers '-TnrF; selected on ti-e D2S:S of a nrsl'i ninClT;,r l'rr:i, tte'l eJ ir::ination. 'H1 e:1tT-10s -.Terr, jlJc1:1'cd lJ7 tLe ~5t3.ff of our maf'azine. ~;Je ldsh to thank all oj' the te!'Ch('TS ,·.;ho toO': the time and 8fi'o~"t to suDrrj.t 'J-Y)J:~ cations to tl',:i ,])ro,jc~t. -Ie on1:! ]lOpC thilt '[);T ',re',yar~n;:t th,s 'yv i)1j.CC:lti on:'e have in sor,'e;;)7 aicled those tc;,qcb:rs "ico ~lav2 lr·oked to us for assistance. --The Bditor 1 Contributin~ TC2chers stephen A. Thompson :3ur'inr; V:3Jley;;lenenta:r;,T School Hills boro'J"h, -:;alLfornia C,::;.rol E.~lltch",nson Geor::;e ;}ashjncr,ton!~lementar, ~-Jas:ljnc:ton, iJ. C. Jul1,e'i,oborts Un'Jrence P. Kir~c l-i;nerson Elew;!1t,~.r',c Sdwol Denver, Colo';·o.do ~'adison 'i:lement,~rv Ti'l~,nt, Yic'--:.:i",::lIl .3chool 2 'tCreatilrCnC);3S is the birthri~:ht of' chilciTen, flo"~cr dlld matur2 'Jith the ',mars lln.lcss st'.1.1ntecl b~l unj+r(la,(;~tl1ati"'ve t8a81-_-.~_11~~. ~r 1 and i t ":Ul 3 -:1: :·ihat is YCl1.lr clefinitcm of crC)ati.ve h'I'iting? Creative '.-rr:i_ tj_ngs are reflections of individuals. :is, the cl'sativc 1T.c-iter Ll1lJTlCrS8S himself ,Ln his "JY:itin~~s, utilizj_n':; his un:L'lue !)ersunal c}:oericn~es, 1:noHledg8, perceDtions, and emoti,ms as ',:orkinr; TIo.ter:1.als.,'he main concern of creative uri tinr; is the transmission of on individual l s thou",hts and feelinc;s for ~L,he:'-r O1m sake or for l,he entertainrnent of otners, as oDDosed to those forns of 1';;ri tin:: Ikich are conccrnf"d sclely ',Tith the transmission of information. " NJ.• ':"EO~?SO~: OriGinalj tv or novelty is Generally considered an essential char;:cteris-Lic of creative \·rri tin:;;. This criterion is not !_imi ted to the use of orirrj nal ideas, ho-.:e'181', but more to the extent that =_deas arc used :in ne,; 0:' unusual ,;a~rs. I accomT;lish th:i.s myself by select:i.lY! unusual fo::-ms for PI"" ;;riting--such as hv hTTi tiner, a book revie,v in tEle form of a nCHsY)aD')r hUTI::.m-inte::-est sto17 or rm 8lillOUncement in the form of a poem--, but ori:::inal eff8cts can be achieved QS ~~c;ll by the vra;r :in 1:Thich Lhe ma,tcri2.1 is o::-ganizec1, by the sDecif~c vlords that are selected, and by the use of'iorsonal Dr;rsrx,:ctive !'lnd 'jnsic:ht in viel;:inz a si tU2.tion or nhenomenon. HISS :i.OB!-;;RT~;: Crepti'1e l:Tr:L ting may very \;Tell be purposeful and utili tarFor 8xa.m:Jle, l1a lpttsr ma::,.- b:-; so "ri.ttcn that the ~_m::L;:Lnation is used, tho scmses 3Te stimulated, and an ClTtist=,c uorcl-p:i_cturc :i_sclainted for the reader. This :~s croativ:; ty; it j.s also Dract:;cD_:l. anci. cl1J:Lto 81'1'eCt;'ve co:m:mun'.cabon. li 3 ~Lan. v~.. vJOllld say that "if thf-~ lJri tinE~; ~l truly the :3, if it 3hm -s Q flash of s(:motbj_nr; be:rond the comr,lon)L,ce, it ~_s crcc1t:.L'\ro. f1 !~L KT'li': indi7i~lnal' ~)ThV:U"larj.ly , : c~r ",'TC': t:, i nr, one ho')es that ci'iloren "rill ([87e101' c01or f 'uJ" vi.v' cl, cmd 1'1O"inr: 12ll::u"'r~e anrJ. ani ncrc·ased boaubr in r:'merCl,l. on 3.'l!;l'Ccia t::_on :'or to sensj,tj,v:it~.T ":\1rj_t~_n~ 111~.CT Ser"\TC as a constrllc-t.i\Te 1'ia~r for chj Jdren rc;l('ase the'r or:1otions. :rt r~2'r also f,;jV8 Q child ,) senso o""orsonal ~'TOrt:: :f'or himse·If ,'}nd j" s cont~ibutions. :pT;'~. 1[r"TC Tr Y·'t)O?.T: :'0 the tc;o,c;'1p.r f:irst se8:~s to interest his stud:mts :;::-1 e:oressin" thc;nsolvcs thro:vl1 '.,'Jriti;v,: CL'1.d th8n, tc llelD each stucient deV'3lcil) a suita';)je nersonal st'Tle ~n ,:hich to cio cit. e:·0ros:::j_on.Snpcifjcall~J', 'T'Hi TT'K; 01: : A lOY'<''1-rnn:;e ob,4 active of croati ve uri tin:; is to hel~l students dc;'relo,- the sk',lls and vocabulary to faci1iL?te Hr:it'n'~ e.G a ,C=,?. forTi,!. 0.'-:' CC)f.TI'11lU1ic?t-: OI:. ?ss:~nt :_~11:,', t~e teac~~cr a natur,'}l, (\mctional n}'ocpssf'or his stvd:,'nts. 1 :-ants to n:.al:-e lan:~u_::l.~e Q: docs the tpo.chcr n12_'T in holo:i.n,,: chj_ldTcn learn to annrecicltc H'.ci tim'? ~'hat -Ijar~ Child:cen c:~mnot dev8Jon a deep annrr;cia;:,:i_on fo::.~ '"rLt:i.nf~ tl1G-""r 1~8co~"n: 7lC a ler;i t~Lr1att: reason for < t. :l'nus, if \·.r~~·~Lt.-.~.rl:'; is to be rc::'"rci<;d as a '!alun_'ole nCMS for cOITI~":':lm·:_c:J.tion, i-e, must be used to conmTl:.n::_cate Fith--:'_et AjrS r'Jst be, nailed; nlays rlust be tyC) eo_ UlJ 3..'ld distributed, read aloud, andl or tcroe-r~3corded; stories must be rc;ad aloud" dj.s~;layed =_n the '~li.lssY"com, o:,:~)ublished in a class ne"Tdspaf'er; etc. :; E:r:SS p.o~F:<;~t"S: llYlJ~~SS ~:I£L ;<Tn:: A positive attitude tova::d ~'Tj_tinc: on thc; liart of the teacher is critical to t:18 develoDfr1.Cnt of an appreciati,;n for ".Tri ting amonr: his s~ud3nts. The teaCl1r3r can uenonstrate h::.s enthusj_asm for ~'Jri tinr; by rC3adin:: aloud a variet:.' of 1Tr',_ t:Ln~s that he cnjo~'s to the class. He may even ,·lisc to share 1fri tin; he hn.s done for il"_S o"·;n enjoyment ,Ii th tile cIa.s8. "f 3. teacher is genuinol,.r enthusia.stic auout Hritiw:, ;'lis enthus:iJ'_sm LS oOlmd to be conta~~ious. As eill additional benef::.t, if c~l.;'ld.ron "Te e:x-~)osed tl) a l~oe variety of languaGe, they can best (eVelOD a standard)f 1'8'- erence by Hhich to reco~~nize auality l,:ri tin?,. ~limself One thinr: a teacher must do i.n order to helD his students to develon an 3.Dpreciation for- vITi tine is to 2ccect the 1;Tri ting of his students. ~i;ach child includes a part of himself in his cre<ltions; conseClucmtlj, if the cI'eat:i.on is accented, the child feels acce:)ted as 1iOlJ.• f) r:;: Hoc; much ~)reparation j.s necessary before children oxe able to begin a "Tri tinr; as si '3'runen t? }illS. :IUTCEI1JSOE: It is :;mportan t for e;r01,rth to-;'rard vITi ting in ~);cneral that children experience numerous oral lanr':ua;~e activi tics, eSl-ieciiLly ::n the Drimar~r ::;rades. ~, ••• Hhethcr j_ t (languClge) is ri c111;'/ lJcrsona:L 0 r atro ll hieo. and :,;821: de~en(is on t,11e fcrmative lan;o;uc;!}~e eJ-..':1)erienccs.!t b TI'or exam~)le, children ShCYclld be encc,urap;ed to tell thec.r mill stor:i.es and stol':Les they have heare' from oth?rs, to ta:'~e nart :'n class cii.scussj_ons, GO talk about exoeriences they have had, to give ~)upjet 2;lcl=,S and dra.r;,atizati.ons, etc. c:uch ccc,,:'.vitj.es not only nI'ov::.de va.Luable :J:ractice in '~'-SjX1G lan~~uar:e for self-expression but also can give a child a sense of Ldenc:;i t,· Cl..YJ.cI. ~}eY'sonal ~:orl:.h. lJ8uendinr; l.:.i)(Jll tIle att:itudc: of the teacher, the ch'ld has tile 0:)por,1m:Lty to real=_ze that HhatrlC kno-;;s, T'JI:at he has e}~llcr:icnced, 1,That he lil::-es ~md disl:J(es, anci Hh~tt l~c ,;on::3.. jrs about arc imno:L'tcJl;.t to someone else bes:ides himself. liThe child .hose C)~eri.ence has built in hiD a sense of adeQuacy and of [v:rsona1 "Tort~l :,;-:i 11 :c;ror;rcss faster, rec;i'Tdless of' intcllj.:::enc(~, ti'lan Hill the ch:.l6 ",be th:'.nk:3 1ress >e11 o{' >,j.r;:self and ~is ccnaci t~J to contribute someth:i.nr: elf 'Hcrth.!! 7 HR. T'IOI:?SOlT: A lJrerecm:'.sj. te to '·;ri tinG is havinG something to say. Not all childrRn are abl-? to rGsY)ond adecmatel=r to a proposal to 1I"Tite about Myt:1; ni'" you Hant H • Teacher :;uidance is necessary to hel,~ students st:'.r un a varict',T of ideas for ',.'Y';tin:: from ~lh:i.ch the studG'.1ts may them select. The teacher may accompl:Lsh this objecT,i.ve in man.j Heys. For ezatlljlc, he nay present a stimulus--by readinv a selection from a book, by nlayins; ,'1 tane or a record, or by .:.~ho";i;,g a LU.n or ·':l::.cturo, etc.--to the c1':.3s and then ask for the-i.r react: onE,. In acicli tion, an exoeri.ence ,)f a nCcl"ticD.1ar student, DJ1 e:;':l;()l':iJ;DCG of the class aco a -,)hol0, 0:::' even a Question brol:r;ht un by t'l, stucic:;nt may form the oas~_s of em oral discussion--and hence, becone a sujtab18 subject for ;';1'1 ~~inr'. T'Jr~ -t:,in" idea::, C.LJ.'2.\Jl1 ..... i."om all area~j of the currj. culum may--ancJ shculd--b'~ util i.7,ed as . :(':11. The stirrine u~J of i(:eas should ir1I;'8di;;:tE-"'!~1_~r T)reCOGC 82.cl~ ",":1'"':1 til1r~ ")21')~ o'l, al tb.011~:b. the tir"':c S:,)tll1t j_n c].~~_scuss~·_on_ ~~.il1 'lar~,T de-~)Gnc~j.ll·~ n:?011 tIle st,u.c~E~r:ts 3.l1d t118 Sl.lbj8Ct rn.2-vtor u~8d. .~,one !)1oJ1_ni11r" for time shcu1(1 bi'; allotV:d students fnr thi.nkinr; and as fer "iri t~L!lC. Tl-::.erefo.Y's, the tirne Dcriod set asiclo neecls to l~c flexible::, (~"iJ(mcFn~ en the -t:,eacher's jU('i7'lont. c~s ~·.'ell ~"!ritin~~ 7 0: ::r~at stc3J'1Clards should be uscd:"or evaluating student 1'Jr;_t~nc? I He determine the Durljosc of creative 'iritinf~ to be sclf-8x')ress: i_on, :)"0 shouId bo interested in analyzin rr the value of tree ~:ritinp: in relation to the chilcL. ThC't is, Dcrsonal ~;r:i t; nc: s[,ould be re,,:arded ;is 1'Jelrdone-rf-1Jie-CFlITd feels he l1as sa:_cl Hhat he lTCmted to say as 'Crell as he could. The child deEni tPly should be included in the evCl '_lW V on process. J HISS 110B}<:n,TS: ' T!T{3. lIU'l'C;UH'3Q1.:: I arTeo tho.t the crm::hasts of evaluation shou~_d be -tJlac0d en the; chil'i. liThe real valup.s in creo.t:ive ~,r~_t-:nc; l:Le j_n -,That -'_s 11alJ1Jenin.~ to the Child, not :in -:-,118 story, :'loerr" or:;lay he has 1:TOduced. If the c!lildi_s n:rolTin c" :;31 de:)th of thinldn[;, in im2.r;ina.tive crr;ation, in resYlect for the lJOrth of h~_s 01-m ideas, and -j_11 ab:l-i tv to 1)8 hinsclf(~ then the ,;01'1= is-:oocJ rer:a:::'dless of the GuaJjt-r e)f ~';hat is ·:'ritten.1I 0 nl. ';'>njl-;(3C;T' ;\11 stud8:rts should be :c'c~'ard8::t as :ootentiall;r cr:,:ltive to V2:t:'·ious dO:--Tces. Th8=~efore, T be1-j eve t:1Qt \1ri t511' (~xeTcises should be; cles~_':'n8cl D() t}~G_t c11il -lrp.D aT':; 8ncJ!u::"'a~~ed t8 c::~'')cr_:.n~er.Lt h~:Lth j_d~~~~s G....Ylc1 lan?·u2,~:~8. Irl t~'_is C,"130, I recnmrnenc1. eval"Lll'lt~:_on ()-!' ~i_r".~l~?:in~tt=~_--;!e "rrit:in- str:'_ctJy on the oo.sis of c:c'cnt:i_v=_t-r or ori;'-i nal' tv. Yo-;-' exa.m1)18, ju_ciprn8nt of ori~:~~ nal-: t"',r '-'OT st()r>-i_c~s ril-~_i:~ht b(; (ietr;l"Tr~~i."l1e(l fron1 suel'l l cl1ar'act"','r~·.3t/ unl.~ 31..;0.1 n:'.'- c.s (lS 1:"88 ;, ~ Or:' l""~_r~; na: 1CS fo-'~ clc;"-\r5.cr,s Fl.~i ~'1\4~~c ,j::' (\1" V "','""iv"; ~ -):T()rC~;-; chal~a8t(-;r:::; ~~ll't o_:~ , ':-=->~8 O~ crc~~tiCJi1 oJ' !1.e-•..J 1'TG~"d0, 1.:U:j8 oi' of Q: The nrl":.?ssure of c:radj n:'"":': ser;rn.s to stifle: S:Jr:8 o£' tho cntllusiasr:~ t11at cr1ilcJrcr. 11r;.ve for \iTiti11~~. :10~'T rni~J:t a tcacllcr alle~l.riate ·Lll~.S Droblem? i:JSS ~rilrl~n.T~,: If evallJ.aticn ~.n t~~lC form at a :~}:r;J.de is necccsary· -' as it -:.3 in r10st:, :: Cllools -' j.t is poss:~bl'2 s01ely· -to U.sc practical "'JTr~_ t..].n~ ex1)<:?rienc'3s aE a basis of ,jud[';r1ent. Ima(~inativ0 Hl~itint" may be consider(~d satisf:lctOr-' 'i~hen it, :is sat:isfact'.ir'T to th0 ch'JJi all.cJ. can be utilj:wd to he 1') c)::L1c;.r:::n decfelo:; the lan:';'Elr~'; slcills nccc'.8cl in tllejr ~Tact~cal ;,:ri t}in:~ • Lt. iTTli':: The) involvemer"t of students in the evaluation process, uhich al10,[S studE::nts to disc(:ver and ;malY2c: their o~m errors, should elj.n:inate sone oT tly~ f1'ustrat i onJT0:L. ch can result from reci-mar~<:8d par)ers r8turIlcd to students ,;l. th l:;.ttle or no ex:lanation f1'cm the teacher. If students do not h2.VS a Cl';lT :i.dea oj' t:1C r(;aSOn3 theil' ",n"i tin~;s are :i..n error, they have no '::a'T of kno\-Tjn;'~.jrnt 1'J88.knc3ses to ';or~: on :'.n crdc:r to :i.m~Jrove -GllC~~ r I. ;.ij_ tiYL':":'~ :j_.ll 2\eneral. r~lhn~l in8"TJ~~_ tabl~l f f: sl h.clril(~ S s 811c1 rna~,r e"vcn :;i"'fIe ll~ tr~,rin.r~ te, el0 -rJctt/;r ~l·"'':):-('l:= ~:!11en thc~t >2.'l8 n~ control ove"'::.~ c~:;Jn:7:J_ll t11eJr :~rrtd<; s. Th·: stlJder1 t te11js to ~)ror.l.uce bett~r ·~,-C)r>~ 1r11cD lJJ .1<; :·;~.'O-1. -t:)i~g about someth:; l1f~ ':Thi.ch i,S mean:in-; ,'u1 to ~lim rather than abcw.t SOY:le i:-L; ns c:hi eh :l.s not r,Y~c?J1~:"n,~~'1~1. Lil(ckrLso, ~Le ShOllJJ~ ~Jl"OCLllC:~: bett'~T' . ~oy.'>= -.:-1"1. n h.e ~as l1au a hand in ,"1l;:1.1'"z:;.n"" 11:s 0'-'11 nista::es an6 ::i.n c.OG:' (15n," ho": he mi:~ht irr,cJl'ove Hilat he has' T:i. tten than :'.::' j'r; is totaUc d:i.vorc'3d from the evaluation T Dr'()Cr;ss. _V:,]~~~j·J~r:'3: -i- lla~lC ~~o··lnd tr~"~ L c~-LLJdrc;·.-1 ,'-lye:; :lIsa c(:ncl.blc~ of e··\T2,J_"U:lti11r: one 2_not118r effectj:~tc;l~/", ~r:."'o\Jidc(i tl1J?rr:; ~l. s an at~~os ,ii, ;r8 0:- acceptance in tl-:e claE3s a~Llci th.D.t c11ilc1~~;e:n I s ,Jl1~'i_fJTH3nts (l~'8 r'~_;s-';ecteu. }:n 112j_n;"~ t~Lis "),~:;.rttcl110,r m8t··.lO(~. of e·\"o.l1)_at~! en'!.., ~_ 2-S 'TLSC~ to ,g:vo" d C~l:~ ~::h8.si~~=i_11C r~=~_nor .£·J_a~'':3 ~ in:J-~/;D.d, c0i!.csnt:::-'~J.te on. -GJ1C; nos' -C.~~_\J(j. :.,lor eJ(alT~)l(:~, as-:: -G{}e stu.dents, If~)hat did ~rQU lik3 abcut Jim's stor:',"?li. 11 ~V~~~). in. ;<' y. :r'1.cljy:~_(ua~; --'cs 1 1:n()\j of s t: ; s: studcnt-tpach'2r conj":;renC/3s ,:lrc one of the; b! st c,tu·',:;nts ~Tl the eva1uat:on~roc(~ss. L.-r:'o- ::"Jol~.rjnc; -,hen I thel1 I feeJ_ ~~_s t[~.c~ [Jest C(El::,act0'!rist~~._c o.=·~ '~')~-~3 l:;~;;.t-l_lli~:; Cl11Cl . ; ~:ar;.~ :)[1J_5 on_ a ss""-'n.rat:~ sheet of )Cl!JCr', alOl1,~: -, ...·~_th an~r lTI3jor errors ~-~(-rve nO~0~'_. ~ln18:-l i.t i~) cOll\r'J:l_.~ erlt, -= dra,l.! stLlc:.erlts as~i (ie 5_ncJ":~-\T=;.cLual1~{ for bric" cc,ni'nr8nc:;s. r b8:~':'n Celcb conference by cor~,:-:l;J;entin;:: the stud8nt on tbc; cI:ar'1Gt-;rist i c T h~l!':' de8med 'Clest. abou·:~ his',T~itjnr:. ,. an ~l()nest abc1.rt t11is, l.Jut ~f o'31ic"':jfJ ttl.at Cae!l stllde!1t 118r:ds to f'oel A. certai.n arrJJ"0'J':.t ,)~, (')1:_CC~~.S;3.) '~1:1np ~~~ 11Q"';/8 t1"lC st.llcier.t ~~_~Cl6 114.S -;,")3._ er 31011:'~ -e.o H1C i.n c'et/~;rT:~_r1(~ ~:T}'.;Jt :}1J_er~ 11C"i.G fi11isl1Cd -Lo sa~l all, re~).ltL11~~, 1 r:3..0~·~ 10 lLi.rJ ~i. __ ;~ lL: tbe fG8ls [18 11~lS said ~Jll2t l1e rLf~ i~> tlt(:Ye is a~~r !·fa~.r he u:i cI1an:~~e lr:_s ~JapE;r to make 5.t mG~,'E~ e;'f2ct~ive. Tjecause the student has read rLi s pap,!r nloud, he :.s more Ii, "to have not~ced such 'Jrrors as om' ssj.ons, fl'aJ~n:(~nts, and incorrect:~lmctuation than he Hould have nct·:ccd ;;n'" s:Ll,c:nt)Toc:frca(i:Lnf~ he did ·~)p.f:)rG ha.n(:j_ll·~ "0L-J8 ·~<l·~'f:)r J.11. p~s a rc~sl~J t, DC f::a::r bc: TIle ro illc1=":_neCl to note such 8Tr,rs =_n [,is fUC,UTC; ',JY'j.GJnZ. In c:;,;!dit:Lon, by 11:J,\Tin'; the E3 -t"Llde11-L r::~ad ~'-l~_S O~In ~.'12.V-:81~ .3.~d b~r tal:'~in~{ to [lirn clirectl~/·, j,~~(~ ';,;t a better idea o.i':;x~· ct>r ,,}:::;.t th(~ studfmt ,,'as try.'.n'; to Uf cnlLcsc, t'':."~.S r.1st :O{_: o~ 8\l2~~ltltiC'11 j S :~l"'(~:atl:l t~_.t'/~~-COrlS"llrr~~~_r:::~, but tlle bene.f:.ts cler~: "i·,roc]. frnr~ trl!~ (Jne-tr-=:'-·CYle CO~1tc~.C t bet·,·reen -Llie st.:,ldGJ1.t arl..(; tr: ~{cll~~~' ana fl'C)T~ t~lC; o\}nortl:tn~~_ty' fOT the s~l.l·ud_e~t to hnve a 11:::l11Ci =~n. e~.ralu.a.ti_~l..:.. , ~_~Ls Oid11 ~,J'orl: and tu 5"eJ some Sl.ccess at Hr' t:Lnc: "J::.11 i,lOrc:) tlla~, Ela~:e i.,:~e ei'fOJ·,t 1'T()rt[n~r~Y:. JJ;. l? st:Jdent 1J,'J,S tr:r'; ~i: In Hh;e,t Hay can V-,e tc,achcr inoividuali r -:; :i_ns-c.ruction ::n crE);lti'.-e ':JY'~_t:i_n7? J have just n8nt-i on 'cl, 'i l~c;e:: foldors contain:i.n::; sa'(~')les of each cYild t S 1-Tr'ting ':h:i.ch J analvze Dcr; odic:'_11;T for such t'r:j,n0;s as c)ers".stc;,t orrors as T·jell as for Sl, >:liS of :in:,roven1'nt i n e~0!ression and tecDniJ'iUe. It l"c3 )10t ale-rays cossil:Jl' ti n13-I,ris r --" bout ',' try to crenfer I.f, to-, ti-'e ch:i,lcl aftcr'::-~-"ds about my fj~n_~lirl~s • lr").• KT)':-~;3i(le from th() ind:Lv:i,c1l1;:Cl. ~tud(mt-t8acher com"erenc8s I, too, kc~e (j trac' of th.e r"..o st COf!rnon crrr'rs 1-Jhi ch a!"r_~ 1"l?cle in P1~T stl_~.clc:.n.tst ~:r:~t~_n'~s. ljl:r'onl tiTlc-to-t·!Yn.e, OYl tlv:~ bai.)~·i_s of tn.if; ~Jl.for­ m<3"G'on, -; O'''r'81' direct instruction ~,o the class "bout ;:c sn8cifi :-::t~:in(; of error. Ther8 is no neRd to H.J.ste t:~T(:8 ';oinr-; ov:1' anc' o'ter rlcct'3rial ,'Tith ::l:.:icb stllc1ents a.1'(' Drofi ~5ent. The teach-c:r must rer,emi)2T that co.-,h class :is U;--",:l.'e <3,,(l h.".~l lJTI', lJe TT"blcms an: n·c;cds. rrr~;f.(.~ ~{O~-;~·~ ~,~j:.:~~ : c IC)~~. 'lY"CTii:\}l',T: '.chis kind 07~ "aftsr-ths-':'act" :instruction can result as cc.l-:iJ 3.1'.;'.178-1,s of error;., children na.,:e on occasio:lal Drooc'r~-"c'ci.-in: or sf?lf -ediVw' 1)r?.ctic~ act, vi t",:-:;s. ~'T811 ~,-'rcn iI'.1.. TFClITDSm:: I attPfI!Dt to inciiv'du8.1:Lze instruction b'r I:la_inta:Lnjne: flexible (Ten'yen" A.nc;n~; my stUdents. Thnt ~s, I U roL1.D c:-::\11[1'8':'1 occasionalJ."T accorc'in," to tl:";ir nc;eds, intcn;sts, or ai;:iJ,;t~,2S tc ;',,1' one anotrler. ~ (\2'..'8 _~nUJ1() t.[~.8_t ~. 7":·"'-PD_ C:/1~~. J ~ r·'ln ~_'!n ~:-,k a·s a ~·~rC)l:~J) on "\J~_rt5. Clll,rn ~ }_.~n~1J..~ ~ '8 s~~ -' J.1s, t)hr:"" " -cJen(~ to 128 F(L C!. 're (:.~) ~~nl frorrl 01.1.0] D~'-\ ntl~e:.:) a~.; 1'T(;1~1_ ~~.~3 ~.~o a -,~)l=;r ~'J:I_ ..---:t J\"'/h'~'-J 0:'-V(_~ } c;-;r~nn(~_ -l_o t,~1.::: r flJ.tn--·(:~ 1·}T-~ t~;_nr::. 11 cnrr i c1:1u;,,;; lesson, -;:~)=-'"Ir:.8r OD·:; ':~r;2cllcr )r(~sid8~rlt~3 T at ''::D'~ t~lf; ;'cT 1 0rican r;utl:ic ;l'cout r;,:'searc~~ s~·~i_113 r ~J_[~~"~ed h(~l' Un~~_t':"_-:d S~")JJ_(~nts ~o c_~)stlI'1.C t}-~c r:Jlcs of ,:.".,:,t,";0 c.)Jlcl tc ',-r_~_t:::; l(3tt~~~r>s to ti~e an incumbent. ,<th :c'~:sn8ct. '~)h~is activity recnlired* tllc; ll32 of a ~rnat !.:e;-:J.:i. o? t: _ _ ~i.nj·~-~_11~~, ~Jlann~i_n,-', ancl U13 nrol)1'·~r"3C'o.cin;:: to tori.a:,?", s trol1blcsor18 t-l_r\~s.13 iTIJ.r:-in2_-~·-~.Qn. as "'.'~ell ~s Tb_c !)ossib-Lli-:.-J~:_es other S1.1bjr;ct ar(~a0 ir :t8 dOr::3 nnt cl;l.ss i~J tr·~8. l':ri ti11;~ are re3tr~:_ct i~111cre ~'lhi18 th~; rest j. .~~·or i:nt(~;-:ratinp: :;rL~.ct-1_<:2.11"'T crcat~_-\rc . ;rj~ "Cjin~~ ~Jncl endless. "Jri tiJ1r': onl~r to those t-Lmes l"Jhen t11c entire s nc r~?as(~n 1:.Jh~l a feltl stu~d8nt3 can110t be 0 ~ the class is EI:':~r;F~;\j:~01T: ~Joi"'k-Ln~ 011 ~omct[1in[~ else. The tL1C :0cr:'r:d sot rts=-de for cJritinr; needs to be Tf soncthin;:: 'Jo.rticularly unusual ho.ppens durin": tno cla' or j f sm:e unfon?sf.Ocn ()"(),ol~tunit~r i:'or '.!r:itj,n?; should arise, then it s0.ou16 be to.1:on ac;vanta(;'~ of as :'_l~ occurs in o}'der no'l, to loso ·~:-le stjJnul;:,t::,OIl ,mit (,~:CitCY:1;Tt of t:LC nOY1ont. !'Teacher's Hll,) ',;o.nt thc'r chj_1c5_ren. to ~-Trj_t~~ 8..1T.::l7rs rnan,~-l~~e to fj 11.(} some I·,~a'·r;- to mtl~/~e t~_rle for it.IT 1:3'. .flcx~~blu. I? r.!. J)o :,inlJ h~.-I:; 2:~~i- ,~,-~1c1:·.tl.tJ~1;::'.J. ~',Jrit:j~r:c:' l'Tr~ich [~ll'-:"·,::;i/;:'~'~S 1'Jere not covcrecl 0-1 ,-;11T abC1J.t 7.18rlC l}n" Cr(~~1tj-:rc cruGstions? of creo.t -l.. v"'c T'JTi tin:~-- sl<i ts, plCl~rs, es, letters., nnr~TY-'S, ,'.:nd ~-):~l()rt stor~~cs. Don't J-=iT;:' t c}<ldren' S 'Tri t'i )1'- to ,~l:~)t one form--S<l;i, s~"ort stcr~~~s--jlJ.:;t be C,8JJ.S c; ~yCU :Cc81 more cornfortable tnacl1inc. it. \'':ritinr: ShClUJ.di.'17()lv(~ Gf')crimr:mtaU,cn on t~e ,)art () the Jceachsr ac; ,,],,11 <lS cn th-3 nart of' the stucJc;nts. }-/'-1. T:ro~· ~D~}C"\T : T~ler8 arE SD r;1~.rl~T t~~)8S ri'Jkcs D::-l(::_ T=~clo~cs, fables and f:1~~T~!l.S, (:,~iari co FilS. l-'TT~'r,~l;()r;ll: Be Sl}r,"o, to let stud"nts be th8~sclves :'~n thc~1 crritin[T. Tn (' f'-"c ::t, t8JJ~ s tuden teo to "nut ; t:~:1 VOlT oc:n ';orci,s 1', ;:meL mccm ':rhat you sa":r. ]J::m, , t encc·,)ra"'" si:udcn ts onl~' to ;'iV8 :Jack Hin t ''C'~l l;,'lrit>,'Q to hear. !I~"l18n ~,~~:i tin'" is exaT!incd for 0ua1i t'T, ncrc;ona,' Fr:i,t:i:c' :1 s \~X'- 8rience ~mcJ m:lt:i.va t-",'::! of the c~lildin such a S2.. tlnt:; on t~1at ~ s Y:l0~-"e Dl:?as~_r~(-' ..,. s:~_nc8r8, st~.:-~_e, ")csscsS:;~:; l:~~'):'C and l)tiJ:i~~~!cs lTIOr r 1,; 2 J bid. , ; . 211. 3 "etty ,lnd :jo'nn, .i~i t-i D0' -~ ~ , :.:::..- -.~-..:.' ',-. " , )1:.""). aml 1 OTbic --., ,-. D i .' i I_ l . ) . erc3ci.:L·c.h; ").") ',;1. 221. 1LLDc++-r anc" "~c-"~ ;;. 12. E- _,VU, 1_ ,_ J].".c.!...L, l1f ELl ocr HA.PHY AClpler~ate, l'~auree. IIAfter i.ll, Ers. Furnhy--II, '(,,}hen Children ::Jrite. Association for Ch::ldhooo T~~ucation Intnrnational: \'Jashinct,on, D.C., =-95;. liauree. ;~as: in '''-, '1. , :~n~J..~sn .• :1Clrner Annlep:ate, Hauree. Helping Children \-J'rite. I1lino';,s, 1)5h.---- - - - -- -.- - - - ROlif, Peterson: E;.[a.l'1ston, CTu;thcs, Ear:_e F. "-;'c1atiol1shiy, of Eaturation to'-Jri t~i.l1r;, 11 -:·Ihen Ch~ldr(m 'Jri teo Association for Childhood T~dl]Cation Inte'rnationai:---q8~s1iIno:tor:., D.C., 19';5. niederer, Y,. and J.<.aim. nJ'Jlcoura}';Gr:lent for the Young'.lrit8r,1I 21..c:n:~n.t,C:~";:',S_~hoo,1~_o,\lrn,.::'11, J 2l1u:lry, 1971. 1"':2.58, Don. ?r~ss, Crcative ,\lri tiner, in I"nc~ •:--~rT~~r .-;-rsTtSJ !-.-- ')ott~r, "Talter F. and I·Tar'.' BOlTOn. Slithery Sn<1kos and Qti18r' Aids to Chilch"en I s-Jrit';m'. Horclli th~1brisl-irn'::' Com;j-an;,;::JX.y .-;1-9~)1'.- Robertson, ',Janda. nCrec:bn~: a. Good Rnviromrrcnt for ;fri t::,n:~, 11 ;'Jnen Cl::Llclren '\'!rite. {\.SSOC"8tjon for Ch;,ldilOod f~ducation Tnterri2~': li"onal":- ·'1,·J;isllln rt tor, D. C., IS'S). ST'lith, ii;. ?rooks, Kenneth S. C1ooo.man.., and Robert IJcredith. IJ:nc;ua-;e and ;1'h:_::11:~n~; in the Blementarv School. Holt, T?l,nehart< ':}insJcon, -fnc.-!~ rt~-;r;; 1~i7-0-.---- ~ Smith, J,,:,me~3\. .. - .--.-..~ Creative 'leaching of the 1~~t:P.Y2=:S~h2.0~-~ L~m(~UD(~e ;\:rt~; i.n th8r~le- -AlbTi 'and 'B:;:Co'il:' 'Boston,--19"6?' .---.. , .. ' , .-- Stric}:13.nd, lluth G. 'rhe Lon['l.l.ae:e Arts in thp P;1ementar'/ Schoo1. D. C. Heath ond C'o'r:~:'J-nn;);: Lexinf'to'n~ l-f3~<3i:;~-,' 19E~.- ' ,-, , - Tid;lmPTI, \,-"Ii11ard 1"., Cll3.1'"'1'2J:1C ;tI • .sr1j.t11, C1..:nd 1(Qr5:11er~:_te n"lll-~t':Jr-~~ield_. ·~\_rts. IICCrra1!-lI~; ll, ~!_nc.: J"I. '.~. ~ IS TC::1C1L~] r,::' "t,::;t18 I,ant~lJ.;:H·~e Z~_rb(-;s, 1,~?'u.j~2.. Ch 'lc;:;oot' tc, n :'p~?n l1:cal:. i.(,:, Tn';;cl>n'':'S":; !i':ih"r.~ -;Jr~ ~,: J~11il~,~re11 .T~~t-:~8. O1~rJ-::-S;;\lj,n::j:on, _<ss()c-~_atiol1 jj. C., l~/;:;. for