University of South Alabama Department of Radiologic Sciences Bi-Semester Clinical Evaluation of Professional Development and Growth Student Student Name: ____________________________________ #in IHf format Student to maintain record, clinical instructor to verify Clinical Site: _______________________________________ Dates Make up Date Tardy Absent Early departure Evaluator should circle or check the box that most accurately describes the student's performance during this assignment, giving consideration to the length of time student has been part of the educational process. Clinical Performance Equipment & Accessory Manipulation Excellent equipment & accessory manipulation skill; Operates without difficulty. Minimal difficulty manipulating equipment & accessories. Lacks skill to consistently operate equipment & accessories without assistance. Skills need improvement; Frequently needs assistance and/or reminders. Technical Skill and Knowledge Demonstrates excellent technical skill and knowledge; The level of help needed is appropriate for this point ·in the educational process. Good technical skill and knowledge; The level of help needed is only occasionally beyond that which is appropriate for this point in the educational process. Demonstrates some difficulty; Needs more help than should be necessary considering the point in the educational process. Lacks basic skills and/or knowledge typical for this point in the educational process. Needs much assistance and guidance. Patient Care and Compassion Excellent; Consistently demonstrates commitment to patient dignity, esteem, understanding, and compassion; smiling, helpful, respectful, and courteous; Focused on the patient. Good; Typically demonstrates commitment to patient dignity, esteem, understanding, and compassion; Treats the patient with respect. Occasionally fails to attend to the concerns of the patient; Needs to be more attentive to the patient. Not consistent in providing compassionate care. Improvement is needed. Interest In Learning Student frequently asks questions and demonstrates an interest in learning; Applies what has been learned in the classroom to the clinical setting. Demonstrates an acceptable level of interest in learning; Occasionally asks questions and/or applies what has been learned in the classroom to the clinical setting. Only occasionally asks questions or demonstrates interest in learning; Does not easily apply what has been learned in the classroom to the clinic. Does not demonstrate an interest in learning in the clinical setting; Rarely asks questions or shows interest; Appears satisfied with unsatisfactory effort. Work Habits and Efficiency Effective at anticipating and prioritizing tasks so that work is accomplished in an efficient manner. Anticipates needs. Learns routine of the area of assignment and prioritizes tasks to fit into that routine. Occasionally anticipates needs. Occasionally disorganized and in need of assistance to prioritize tasks so that work is accomplished in an efficient manner. Regularly needs guidance. Poor work habits. Disorganized and inefficient. Communication Skills Excellent communication skills. Messages are consistently clear and professional. Good communication skills. Communicates clearly. Fair verbal and nonverbal communication skills. Does not consistently communicate clearly. Poor verbal and nonverbal communication skills. Student Name: ____________________________________ Attention to Detail and Accuracy Can be depended upon to verify details before proceeding. Excellent attention to detail and accuracy. Level of attention to details and accuracy is good. Errors are uncommon. Occasional errors due to lack of attention. Although accuracy is a goal, performance is not consistent. Careless and/or inattentive to details; Inattention leads to poor outcomes. Record Keeping Excellent; Consistently attentive to accurate, timely, and detailed record keeping. Good; Record keeping/chart notations are usually neat, accurate, timely and adequately detailed. Fair; Needs to improve record keeping skills. Poor record keeping skills; Avoids responsibility and/or fails to provide neat, accurate, and detailed records. Speed Considering point in educational process, able to work at a fast pace without negative impact on accuracy. Considering point in educational process, is able to work at a fairly fast pace with only minimal impact on accuracy. Improvement in speed is needed. Need to find ways to work more efficiently so speed does not negatively impact accuracy. Works too slowly to maintain required productivity or too fast to achieve desired accuracy. Improvement is needed. Consistency Tends to demonstrate a continuous acquisition of knowledge; Retains knowledge so that skills demonstrated today are consistently replicated later. Fairly consistent; Only occasional reminders are needed regarding desired steps or processes. Occasionally requires reminders of information already covered. Performance not consistent. Must be reminded regularly of information already covered. Does not appear to retain knowledge: Improvement is needed. Problem Solving and Critical Thinking Skills Excellent; Consistently evaluates all aspects of an issue before making a decision; Considers the consequences of taking a course of action; Makes wise decisions. Good problem solving and critical thinking skills; Only occasionally fails to evaluate an aspect of an issue before making a decision. Fair; Occasionally makes a decision without thinking through the consequences; Does not always consider all of the elements and/or consequences. Relies on others to help ·make a decision; Unable or unwilling to assess the issues, consider the consequences, and act to make a decision. Safe Health Practices Identifies potential hazards; Consistently monitors patient during tx, washes hands frequently; Practices universal precautions; Attentive to safety and safe operation of equipment. Maintains a safe environment; Failures to watch patient during tx, wash hands, practice universal precautions, or operate equipment in a safe manner are unusual. Occasional failures to watch patient during tx, wash hands, practice universal precautions, . or operate equipment in a safe manner. Occasionally careless. Corrective action is needed. Use of Time Excellent; Uses time wisely; Seeks out opportunities to gain clinical experiences; Focused on clinical education when in clinic. Good; Typically uses time wisely; Typically focused on clinical education when in clinic. Occasionally misses opportunities to gain clinical experiences; Needs to use spare time to expand clinical skills. Professional· Growth The student is making excellent progress; On track for this point of the educational process. ·Encourage student to continue on present course. The student is making good progress; On track for this point of the Only minimal areas where student needs improvement (as noted). The student may be behind in some areas for this point of the educational process. With continued attention and effort, however, student should be able to gain skills and knowledge currently lacking. When spare time exists, student must be .prompted to stay busy or attend a clinical .activity in area. Needs to take responsibility for wise use of time. The student is behind what is expected for this point of the educational process. Student needs to focus attention on corrective measures. Student Name: ____________________________________ Personal and Professional Behaviors Attendance (score based on poorest performance in ill:!Y. category i.e. 0 absences but 5 tardies = Poor) Excellent 0 tardies 0 absences 0 early departures Always reports in/out Good 1 tardies 1 incidence absence 1 early departures . Rarely fails to report in/out Fair 2- 3 tardies 2 incidence absence 2 - 3 early departures Not consistent about r porting in/out Regularly fails to report in/out Appearance Excellent appearance. Professional at all times. Attentive to appearance; Neat and clean. Needs improvement; Occasionally demonstrates neglect or lack of attention. Personal appearance is poor; Regularly demonstrates neglect or lack of attention. Initiative Self-starter; Stays busy, looks for things to do; Aggressively seeks out learning opportunities; Needs no reminders. Typically stays busy; Level of initiative is good; Need for prompting or reminder is unusual. Occasionally needs prompting or reminders about things that need to be done or ways to contribute. Demonstrates little or no initiative; Satisfied with unsatisfactory effort. Accountability and · Responsibility Consistently holds self accountable; Takes responsibility for actions and responds to take corrective actions that may be needed. Takes responsibility for actions; Only occasionally demonstrates hesitancy in accountability or taking responsibility. Occasionally fails to accept responsibility; Is occasionally tempted to point finger in another direction. Avoids responsibilities; Satisfied with unsatisfactory effort. Attitude Toward Coaching and Feedback Seeks constructive criticism, coaching and feedback, then changes behavior as a result of what is learned. Uses feedback for its intended purpose. Accepts constructive criticism, coaching and feedback and usually responds and adapts. Student accepts constructive criticism, coaching and feedback, but demonstrates little change in behavior as a result of the feedback. Ignores or is defensive or hostile when confronted with constructive criticism, coaching, or feedback. Needs to better accept feedback as an opportunity to learn. Teamwork and Cooperation Has a positive influence on the work environment; Consistently cooperative; Looks for ways to contribute; Focused on positive outcomes. Cooperative and supportive of team efforts; Typically works with others to accomplish goals. Occasionally lacks interest in team efforts; Contented to do own thing. Needs to be more attentive to needs of the team. Unless prompted, contributes little to the team's effort. Poor > 3 tardies > 2 incidence absence > 3 early departures Student Name: ____________________________________ Please identify strengths and opportunities for improvement noted during this assignment: (use reverse side of form if additional space is needed) Comments:(optional) _ To be completed by Faculty Member Poss Points Min Points Earned Points Clinical Performance (14 X 5) 70 48 _______ Per and Prof Behaviors (6 X5) 30 20 _______ *Student must earn the minimum required points on both Section 1 and Section 2 AND a minimum total score of 70% to earn a passing score. Score ___________________ Signature of Evaluator* Date: Signature of Student Date: Signature of Faculty Member _ Initials _______________________ Date: (Your signature on this form does not imply agreement with the evaluation, but indicates that you have read it, are aware of its content, and understand that this will become part of your permanent file.)