Safer Staffing Agenda Item 8i) Board of Directors Meeting Date: 28th May 2014 SOUTH ESSEX PARTNERSHIP UNIVERSITY NHS FOUNDATION TRUST How to ensure the right people, with the right skills, are in the right place at the right time. A guide to nursing, midwifery and care staffing capacity and capability report. 1.0 PURPOSE OF REPORT The purpose of this report is to update the Board of Directors on the work undertaken to review nursing establishments within all the inpatient areas as per the expectation within the Safer Staffing guidance. This update includes recommendations for each wards safer staffing establishment requiring agreement and sign off by the Board of Directors. 2.0 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY In November this year The National Quality Board, sponsored by Jane Cummings, Chief Nursing Officer in England published new guidance to support providers and commissioners in making the right decisions about nursing, midwifery and care staffing capacity and capability. Further to this, guidance has been published on the delivery of the ‘Hard Truths Commitments’ associated with publishing staffing data regarding nursing, midwifery and care staff. As part of this work, it was expected that a report describing the staffing capacity and capability, following an establishment review by the use of evidence based tools where possible, be presented to the Board every six months. It is expected that the report: Draws on expert professional opinion and insight into local clinical need and context; Makes recommendations to the Board which are considered and discussed; Is presented to and discussed at the public Board meeting; Prompts agreement of actions which are recorded and followed up on; Is posted on the Trust’s public website along with all the other public Board papers. The guidance clearly states expected content covering the following points: The difference between current establishment and recommendations following the use of evidence based tool(s); What allowance has been made in establishments for planned and unplanned leave; Demonstration of the use evidence based tool(s); Details of any element of supervisory allowance that is included in establishments for the lead sister / charge nurse or equivalent; Evidence of triangulation between the use of tools and professional judgement and scrutiny; The skill mix ratio before the review, and recommendations for after the review; Details of any plans to finance any additional staff required; The difference between the current staff in post and current establishment and details of how this gap is being covered and resourced; details of workforce metrics for example data on vacancies (short and long-term), sickness / absence, staff turnover, use of temporary staffing solutions (split by bank / agency / extra hours and over-time); and Information against key quality and outcome measures - for example, data on: safety thermometer or equivalent for non-acute settings, serious incidents, healthcare 1 Safer Staffing associated infections (HCAIs), complaints, patient experience / satisfaction and staff experience / satisfaction. The attached report details the process undertaken as part of the establishment review across all inpatient areas. Details of each ward area with current funded establishment and recommended staffing establishment are illustrated. As discussed within the guidance, the recommended safer staffing establishments are based on senior clinical staff utilising professional judgment and scrutiny to triangulate the results of the evidence based tools with their local knowledge of what is required to achieve better outcomes for their patients. 3.0 ASSURANCE CQC Registration Standards, Commissioning Contracts, Trust Annual Plan and Objectives The report supports registration and commissioning standards and Trust objectives around quality of care and workforce. NHS Constitution Safer Staffing supports key principle 3 of the NHS Constitution ‘The NHS aspires to the highest standards of excellence and professionalism’ Data Quality Staffing establishments are included within the paper. This includes the present funded establishment and recommended staffing establishments going forward. Involvement of Service Users /Links None known. Communication and consultation with stakeholders The Safer Staffing Task and Finish Group, led by The Executive Director of Clinical Governance and Quality/Executive Nurse and supported by the Lead Nurses has senior representation from across operational services, workforce, human resources, practice development and the E-Rostering Team. Service Impact/Health Improvement Gains There are established and evidenced links between patient care and having the right people with the right skills in the right place at the right time. Financial Implications There are financial implications with this paper to gain the funded establishments required for each ward area to meet safer staffing levels. Governance Implications There will be further strengthening of the Trust’s governance arrangements through informing the appropriate skill mix requirements and nursing establishment levels to meet the needs of patients across SEPT services. Patient Safety/Quality Patient safety and quality of care provision are the key drivers within the report to ensure quality of staffing. 4.0 RECOMMENDATION 2 Safer Staffing It is recommended that the Board of Directors: 1. Note the contents of this report 2. Review and agree recommendations outlined within the establishment reviews 3. Agree any further work required to be taken forward. 5.0 ACTION REQUIRED The Board of Directors is asked to: 1. Note the contents of this report 2. Review and agree recommendations outlined within the establishment reviews 3. Agree any further work required to be taken forward. Report prepared by Sarah Browne Associate Director Clinical Governance & Quality On behalf of Andy Brogan Executive Director of Clinical Governance and Quality 3 Sharan Johal Project Manager Safer Staffing Agenda Item 8i) Board of Directors Meeting Date: 28th May 2014 SOUTH ESSEX PARTNERSHIP UNIVERSITY NHS FOUNDATION TRUST How to ensure the right people, with the right skills, are in the right place at the right time. A guide to nursing, midwifery and care staffing capacity and capability report. 1.0 PURPOSE OF REPORT The purpose of this report is to update the Executive Team on the work undertaken to review nursing establishments within all the inpatient areas as per the expectations within the Safer Staffing guidance. This update includes recommendations for each wards establishment which requires agreement and sign off by the Board of Directors to ensure we provide safe staffing. 2.0 BACKGROUND In November this year The National Quality Board, sponsored by Jane Cummings, Chief Nursing Officer in England published new guidance to support providers and commissioners to make the right decisions about nursing, midwifery and care staffing capacity and capability. Further to this, guidance has been published on the delivery of the ‘Hard Truths Commitments’ associated with publishing staffing data regarding nursing, midwifery and care staff. As part of this work, it is expected that a Board report describing the staffing capacity and capability, following an establishment review, using evidence based tools where possible to be presented to the Board every six months. It is expected that the report: Draws on expert professional opinion and insight into local clinical need and context Makes recommendations to the Board which are considered and discussed Is presented to and discussed at the public Board meeting Prompts agreement of actions which are recorded and followed up on Is posted on the Trust’s public website along with all the other public Board papers 3.0 PROCESS As discussed within previous reports, a weekly task and finish group led by the Executive Director Clinical Governance and Quality / Executive Nurse has project managed the Safer Staffing work stream including the establishment review. A full establishment review has been undertaken of all the inpatient wards across the trust. This has compromised data collection, use of evidence based tools, triangulation of results of the tools with professional judgment and scrutiny including benchmarking ward areas across the trust. This work was followed by final agreement of recommended establishments by Lead Nurses and Executive Nurse. As nationally recommended, Hurst’s evidence based tools were utilised. For community health services inpatient areas, Hurst’s Nursing workforce planning software with dependency tool was utilised. This tool is based on acute services but on recommendation from Keith Hurst, elderly care criteria were used to input dependency data into. The community inpatient areas within SEPT cover a range of services including rehabilitation, 4 Safer Staffing sub-acute care and stroke services. This was taken into consideration when triangulating the results of the tools with professional judgment, scrutiny and use of senior clinical staff’s local knowledge of what is required as recommended within the guidance. For the mental health wards, Hurst’s Nursing mental health workforce planning software with mental health inpatient dependency tool was utilised. This is a new tool devised as part of the national safer staffing work and whilst there are different specialities within the tool to input, not all clinical teams are presently covered and some areas have only been piloted on a small number of ward areas. Again this was taken into consideration when triangulating the results of the tools with professional judgment, scrutiny and use of senior clinical staff’s local knowledge of what is required as recommended within the guidance. The evidence based tools are based on best practice and within the majority of areas, identified a higher qualified ratio to patients. The professional judgment meetings undertaken considered the tools and following criteria followed: Reviewing present establishment to the results of the tools Local knowledge and professional judgment of the dependency of the wards to agree safer staffing shift cover Ensuring any standalone units had 2 registered staff on every shift Identifying site manager support within sites which had more than one ward area Reviewing supervisory status of band 7s Within mental health units, the first “1:1 observation” to be managed within establishments 4.0 ESTABLISHMENT REVIEW The following tables detail the current safer establishment and recommendations following the use of evidence based tools and triangulation of data. Within the establishments 19% absence cover has been included to cover planned and unplanned leave. It is therefore not expected for wards to staff to full establishment to allow cover for all shifts required. The absence cover is presently being discussed nationally as to whether a national figure will be set and indicative figure that has been stated is 21%. The recommended establishments within the mental health wards only cover the first ‘1:1 observation’ and across the trust due to the increase in dependency of patients, we have seen an increase in the number of observations required on a shift-by-shift basis. The table covers the inpatients areas across mental health, learning disability and community health services. There are 3 further inpatients areas that at present have not been included in the table outlined below due to the integrated establishments aligned to the services: Biggleswade – integrated establishment covering community and inpatient areas, with flexing up of beds as required Coppice – integrated establishment covering inpatient and community teams Prison healthcare – integrated establishment covering healthcare beds, clinics, reception duties and medication support. 5 Safer Staffing Locality and Service Type Ward Name Current Funded Establishment Reg Bedfordshire and Luton Mental Health Services Bedfordshire Community Health Services Essex Mental Health Services Care Staff TOTAL Recommended Establishment As agreed by Executive Nurse / Lead Nurse / Senior Manager for the service Care Reg TOTAL Staff Lead Nurse Assurance Statement Cedar House Chaucer 10.59 9.29 10.26 11.36 20.85 20.65 9.75 9.47 8.75 11.31 Coral Crystal 15.22 9.77 15.22 10.89 30.44 20.66 15.36 9.95 14.16 10.83 B7 1.00 wte Supervisory * temporary agreed establishment, further review 29.52* being undertaken following results from tool 20.78 B7 1.00 wte Supervisory B7 1.00 wte Supervisory * temporary agreed establishment, further review being undertaken following results from tool B7 1.00 wte Supervisory B7 1.00 wte Supervisory B7 1.00 wte Supervisory B7 1.00 wte Supervisory B7 1.00 wte Supervisory B7 1.00 wte Supervisory Fountains Court Jade Keats Onyx 105 London Road MHAU Townsend 18.50 B7 1.00 wte Supervisory 20.78 B7 1.00 wte Supervisory 13.54 8.82 12.83 11.89 9.22 6.44 9.77 21.68 8.77 15.22 14.22 7.73 6.63 10.89 35.22 17.59 26.35 26.11 16.95 13.07 20.66 13.70 8.99 12.98 12.03 8.08 6.61 9.95 20.83 8.75 14.16 14.16 9.00 6.60 10.83 Whichellos 9.72 7.95 17.67 8.08 8.75 Archer Unit 12.32 16.32 28.64 12.33 17.99 30.32 SMU 11.00 12.44 23.44 10.62 12.04 22.66 Stand alone unit - B7 supervisory 0.40 wte Beech 9.62 16.92 26.54 11.14 16.10 27.24* 10.11 9.38 15.25 30.93 25.36 40.31 11.14 11.51 15.20 28.32 B7 supervisory 0.40 wte * temporary agreed establishment, further review 26.34* being undertaken following results from tool 39.83 B7 supervisory 0.40 wte Cedar ward Clifton 6 34.53* 17.74 27.14 26.19 17.08 13.21 20.78 16.83 B7 1.00 wte Supervisory Stand alone unit, works as integrated team across Biggleswade and Archer B7 covers both wards and supervisory B7 supervisory 0.40 wte * temporary agreed establishment, further review being undertaken following results from tool Safer Staffing Churchview Gloucester Locality and Ward Name Service Type 6.06 10.55 16.61 9.43 15.26 24.69 Current Funded Establishment Reg Essex Mental Health Services Essex CHS West Essex Community Health Services Trustwide Care Staff TOTAL 5.95 11.11 17.06 B7 supervisory 0.40 wte 11.99 12.77 24.76* B7 supervisory 0.40 wte Recommended Lead Nurse Assurance Statement Establishment As agreed by Executive Nurse / Lead Nurse / Senior Manager for the service Care Reg TOTAL Staff Grangewaters 10.56 13.59 24.15 10.80 11.11 21.91* B7 supervisory 0.40 wte * temporary agreed establishment, further review being undertaken following results from tool Hadleigh 11.06 17.57 28.63 13.02 11.60 24.62* B7 supervisory 0.40 wte * temporary agreed establishment, further review being undertaken following results from tool 16.10 20.23 B7 supervisory 0.40 wte * temporary agreed establishment, further review 27.24* being undertaken following results from tool 29.52 B7 supervisory 0.40 wte Maple Mayfield 9.62 9.62 16.92 19.19 26.54 28.81 11.14 9.29 * temporary agreed establishment, further review being undertaken following results from tool but 2nd qualified put onto night shift to cover Thurrock wards B7 supervisory 0.40 B7 supervisory 0.40 wte B8 supervisory 0.40 wte B7 supervisory 0.40 wte Meadowview MHAU Mountnessing Rawreth 9.39 13.30 12.26 10.81 19.36 12.96 15.62 29.85 28.75 26.26 27.88 40.66 11.51 14.21 11.51 11.51 15.80 12.77 16.10 28.32 27.31* 26.98 27.61 39.83 Westley 10.08 14.12 24.20 10.80 11.11 21.91* B7 supervisory 0.40 wte CICC Poplar Ward Beech Ward Plane Ward 9.00 10.80 9.05 10.40 16.26 19.73 16.43 19.85 25.26 30.53 25.48 30.25 9.17 11.28 9.17 9.17 17.55 17.55 19.66 19.66 26.72 28.83 28.83 28.83 Stand alone B7 supervisory 0.40 wte B7 supervisory 0.40 wte B7 supervisory 0.40 wte Avocet Ward 9.60 16.90 26.50 11.28 14.22 25.50 2nd Qualified for nights as stand alone unit B7 0.40 supervisory Bronte 0.00 6.56 6.56 1.00 8.89 9.89 7 Units work together, covering qualified support and management cover Safer Staffing Learning Disability Services Locality and Service Type Byron 8.12 12.97 21.09 5.95 14.44 20.39 Keats 6.05 8.02 14.07 3.33 7.78 11.11 Ward Name Current Funded Establishment Reg Forensic Services CAMHS Care Staff TOTAL Recommended Establishment As agreed by Executive Nurse / Lead Nurse / Senior Manager for the service Care Reg TOTAL Staff B7 supervisory 0.40 wte Lead Nurse Assurance Statement Alpine Aurora Causeway Dune Forest Fuji Lagoon Robin Pinto Unit 12.65 7.31 14.66 9.64 10.40 15.33 12.02 12.36 12.99 11.22 21.45 14.13 9.80 28.96 16.71 16.36 25.64 18.53 36.11 23.77 20.20 44.29 28.73 28.72 13.50 6.85 10.69 10.19 10.19 12.91 13.50 9.89 12.77 8.89 16.66 11.11 8.00 22.21 14.44 11.11 26.27 15.74 27.35 21.30 18.19 35.12 27.94 21.00 Woodlea Clinic 9.20 13.78 22.98 9.89 11.11 21.00 Band 7 supervisory 1.00 Poplar 9.65 12.35 22.00 9.29 14.44 23.73 B8a supervisory 0.40 wte 8 B7 supervisory 0.50 Band 8a supervisory 0.50 Band 7 supervisory 1.00 B7 supervisory 0.50 B7 supervisory 0.50 Band 7 supervisory 1.00 B7 supervisory 0.50 Band 7 supervisory 1.00 Safer Staffing 5.0 WORKFORCE METRICS Workforce metrics covering vacancies, sickness, staff turnover, mandatory training, supervision and appraisals are collated on a monthly basis. These are reported and reviewed through various local and corporate meetings including senior management teams, Executive team and Performance and Finance Scrutiny committee. 6.0 KEY QUALITY & OUTCOME MEASURES Key quality and outcome measures are collected on a monthly basis and reported within the performance report. This includes serious incidents, safeguarding, safety thermometer, healthcare associated infections (HCAIs), complaints and patient satisfaction surveys. 7.0 CONCLUSION The establishments identified within the report have been agreed to allow minimum safer staffing levels on each shift. This requires additional funding as some of ward areas were under established as identified through overspends within the operational budgets. It should also be acknowledged that whilst staffing levels have been reviewed and in most areas increased, the qualified ratio within the majority of ward areas still does not meet “best practice standards” of 1:8 ratio. Each of the ward areas have been reviewed by the Executive Director of Clinical Governance and Quality / Executive Nurse with the relevant lead nurse and senior clinical staff to utilise professional judgment and agree minimum safer staffing establishments. Ongoing review will be undertaken and further full establishment reviews undertaken in 6 months times as per guidance. 8.0 RECOMMENDATIONS It is recommended that the Board of Directors: 4. Note the contents of this report 5. Review and agree recommendations outlined within the establishment reviews 6. Agree any further work required to be taken forward. 9.0 ACTION REQUIRED The Board of Directors is asked to: 4. Note the contents of this report 5. Review and agree recommendations outlined within the establishment reviews 6. Agree any further work required to be taken forward. Report prepared by Sarah Browne Associate Director Clinical Governance & Quality On behalf of Andy Brogan Executive Director of Clinical Governance and Quality 9 Sharan Johal Project Manager