Agenda Item 8(v) Board of Directors Meeting 30th April 2014 SOUTH ESSEX PARTNERSHIP UNIVERSITY NHS FOUNDATION TRUST How to ensure the right people, with the right skills, are in the right place at the right time. A guide to nursing, midwifery and care staffing capacity and capability report. 1.0 PURPOSE OF REPORT The purpose of this report is to provide the Board of Directors with a further update on progress in respect of Safer Staffing. As the first public paper, this update is a summary of actions taken since the project commenced to provide an overview of progress, work underway and planned. 2.0 UPDATE Previous reports outlined the 10 expectations set by the National Quality Board (NQB) around delivering safer staffing and this report provides further update on the work being undertaken to deliver the 9 provider expectations. The Task and Finish Group, led by the Executive Director of Clinical Governance and Quality / Executive Nurse, continues to meet weekly to monitor and progress the project. An overview of work in each area is summarised below:1. Boards take full responsibility for the quality of care provided to patients, and as a key determinant of quality, take full and collective responsibility for nursing, midwifery and care staffing capacity and capability: i. A presentation to introduce the project was delivered at a Board development session. ii. Meetings have been held with the Chair and Non-Executive Directors to discuss progress on the project plan and triangulating staffing information with nurse sensitive outcome measures in future Board reports. iii. The Trust has actively engaged with other NHS provider organisations in order to share learning and practice. iv. Contact has been made and sustained with the Mental Health and Learning Disability Forum pilot group to ensure work remains aligned to national developments. 2. Processes are in place to enable staffing establishments to be met shift-by-shift: i. The shift-by-shift reporting system in place in Beds and Luton Mental Health Services has been replicated and implemented across all inpatient areas. Reporting has been live since 1st April 2014. ii. Operational teams continue to be supported by the Clinical Governance and Quality Directorate; mechanisms such as a centralised safer staffing email account have been put in place to facilitate reporting and collation. iii. Work has been taken forward to further refine the data collection tool to capture actions being taken to address staffing issues. It should be acknowledged that planned staffing levels not being met is not necessarily a clinical risk on a shift-byshift basis as local leads will take appropriate actions according to the dependency of the ward and the number of inpatients to ensure potential risks are minimised and appropriate staffing support is available. iv. Widening the use of e-rostering to deliver this information going forward is planned to take place once the system incorporates bank staffing. This is not expected until late summer and the current system will continue until then. 3. Evidence-based tools are used to inform nursing, midwifery and care staffing capacity and capability: i. Nationally developed evidence-based tools have been applied across all inpatient units in both community and mental health services. Data collection took place over 1-4 weeks for each unit in accordance to service type and focussed on local dependency and acuity to provide recommendations based on best-practice. ii. Meetings are progressing in each area with the Executive Nurse and Lead Nurses to triangulate the recommendations from the tools with professional judgement. A full report detailing the outcomes and requesting Board agreement for establishments will be produced in May. 4. Clinical and managerial leaders foster a culture of professionalism and responsiveness, where staff feel able to raise concerns: i. A trust-wide whistleblowing policy is in place. ii. Staff can raise anonymous concerns via the ‘I’m worried about’ section on the intranet. iii. Datix allows any staff member to formally report staffing issues. iv. Work on the staff intranet site is being undertaken by HR and Communication leads to develop clearer communication to staff on how to raise a concern. v. The Nursing Strategy has been disseminated amongst all teams across the Trust to further reinforce the 6 C’s. vi. Local escalation plans are being reviewed by operational teams and a set of centralised guidelines are currently being developed. 5. A multi-professional approach is taken when setting nursing, midwifery and care staffing establishments: i. Work to review establishment records was undertaken with the involvement of the project manager, finance and workforce. ii. As outlined above, meetings between the Executive Nurse and Lead Nurses to review the establishments are presently being arranged. iii. Discussions have been undertaken across SMTs to update on work in progress and gain wider involvement of the multi-disciplinary team. 6. Nurses, midwives and care staff have sufficient time to fulfil responsibilities that are additional to their direct caring duties: i. Recommendations on this will be provided to the Board in May following the full establishment review for each area. 7. Boards receive monthly updates on workforce information, and staffing capacity and capability is discussed at a public Board meeting at least every six months on the basis of a full nursing and midwifery establishment review: i. Monthly updates have been submitted to the Executive Team and Board. Going forward monthly updates will include information on the percentage of shifts being covered, actions taken to address staffing issues, significant trends/hotspots and relevant nurse sensitive outcome metrics. The first monthly report in this format will be provided in June following full establishment review. ii. The results of the full nursing establishment reviews across all SEPT inpatient areas will be presented to the Board in May. 8. NHS providers clearly display information about the nurses, midwives and care staff present on each ward, clinical setting, department or service on each shift: i. Boards containing information on staffing each shift, the registered nurse in charge of shift and the uniforms worn by clinical staff are being rolled out across all inpatient areas. ii. Inpatient information packs are being reviewed with local teams to raise awareness of the wider MDT by providing details on the roles of all staff working on the unit. . 9. Providers of NHS services take an active role in securing staff in line with their workforce requirements. i. Robust workforce plans are in place. ii. The Trust has a representative at workforce partnership groups which feed into the regional LETBs. The Task and Finish Group will continue its oversight of workstreams. It is proposed that community services are included as a second stage of the project in line with work being taken forward nationally. 3.0 FURTHER ACTIONS 1. Complete the full establishment review by the use of professional judgement in order to triangulate establishment figures and recommendations from evidence-based tools. 2. Present the first 6 month report to the Board of Directors in May which will include the results of the full establishment review, recommendations on safer staffing levels and the potential financial implications for these. Monthly reporting will commence following this in June. 3. Further refine the data collection tool to ensure we capture detailed qualitative information in relation to causes, mitigating factors and actions being taken to address staffing levels. 4. Develop a strategy for communicating with service users, carers, internal stakeholder and the public. 5. Finalise escalation guidance. 4.0 RECOMMENDATIONS It is recommended that the Board: 1. Note the contents of this report 2. Review and agree actions 3. Identify any further work required to be taken forward. 5.0 ACTION REQUIRED The Board is asked to: 1. Note the contents of this report 2. Review and agree actions 3. Identify any further work required to be taken forward. Report prepared by Sharan Johal, Project Manager On behalf of Andy Brogan Executive Director of Clinical Governance and Quality/Executive Nurse